Madras2000 PDF
Madras2000 PDF
Madras2000 PDF
u ueiTt
Delft University of Technology
Jointly organised by
Jointly organised by
Ocean Engineering Centre
L L T. Madras, INDIA
Faculty of Civil Engineering
and Geosciences,
T.U. Delft, The Netherlands
Prof. V. Sundar (I.I.T. Madras)
Prof. K.d' Angremond (T.U. Delft)
The Coordinators wish to thank the speakers Mr. S. Gopalan, Port Development
Advisor, Ministry of Surface Transport, New Delhi for his lecture on "Breakwater in India -
An Overview", Mr. L.A.Meyboom, Mr. S.Pearson and Mr.R.Haggie from Haskoning,
Chennai for their lectures on "The details of the Ennore Satellite Port Project" and Mr.
Om Prakash, Director, CICEF, Bangalore for his lecture on 'T)evelopment of Fishing
Harbours in India". The Coordinators also wish to record their thanks to all the co-
sponsors. Research Organisations, State and Central Government Agencies and Consulting
Companies for having sponsored their Officers to the Workshop. It is earnestly hoped that
the deliberations of this workshop will be extremely usefiil to the delegates.
Prof d'Angremond
Prof V. Sundar
ib Delft
(6-10 MARCH, 2000)
List of Speakers
From I I T Madras
Mani, J.S.
Neelamani, S.
Sundar, V.
d'Angremond, K.
Page No.
Inter Institutional Workshop On BREAKWATERS ^ /
(Jointly Organised By I I T Madras And T.U. Delft) "fU Delft
March 9 - 10, 2000
Delft University of Tecfinology
Kees d'Angremond
Delft University of Technology
Email: [email protected]
Breakwaters can fulfil a variety of functions, of which the most important ones
• Protection against waves. This can be subdivided in firstly, protection of ports
and shipping and secondly, shore protection.
• Guiding of Currents
• Protection against shoaling
• Provision of dock or quay facilities
Vessels at berth
The protection fimction against wave action must be split into some sub-
categories. The best-known protection fimction relates to navigation. Over the years,
breakwaters are connected with ports. It makes a large difference, however, what is
the status ofthe vessels or installations that are to be protected. In other words, one
shall have an idea how vulnerable the protected area is to decide what degree of
protection shall be provided.
In general, the most vulnerable condition for any vessel is when it is moored
alongside a rigid structure as a quaywall or a jetty, or alongside another vessel. The
acceptable wave height is related to the size ofthe vessel on one side and the height,
period and direction of the waves on the other side. Thoresen [1988] gives
suggestions for ships at berth in head seas. These values are slightly modified in
Table 1 according to the experience ofthe authors. The acceptabihty of the conditions
refers to both, damage to the vessel and damage to the structure.
At bcath (head sea) ' -
Pleasure craft 0.15-0.25
Fishing vessels 0.40
Dredges and dredge barges 0.80-1.00
General cargo (<30,000 dwt) 1.00-1.25
Dry Bulk cargo (<30,000 dwt) 1.00-1.25
Dry Bulk cargo (up to 100,000 1.50
Oil tankers (<30,000 dwt) 1.00-1.25
Oil tankers (100,000 to 200,000 1.50-2.50
Oil tankers (200,000 to 300,000 2.50-3.00
Passenger vessels 0.70
Table 1
Loading and unloading operations may impose extra restrictions. It will be clear
that (un) loading liquid bulk cargo via a flexible hose allows larger ship movements
than placing containers in a slot. Velsink and Thoresen approach this question ft-om a
different angle. Thoresen gives values for acceptable ship movements; Velsink [1987]
gives limiting wave heights for different directions. The approach of Velsink relates
more directly to the functional requirements ofthe breakwater. Therefore, his data are
given in Table 2, Maximum Wave Heights for Loading and Unloading Operations. A
comprehensive review of the problem o f ship movements is given in PIANC report I I -
24 [1995].
How often exceedance of these limits is accepted is not indicated in the above
figures. In other words, it is not indicated during which percentage of time loading
and unloading operations may be interrupted, or how often certain berths must be left
by the vessels to find a safer place to ride out a storm. This question shall be answered
on the basis of a thorough economic analysis, including the risk of negative publicity
for the port. Such studies are beyond the scope of this book. The answer must be
known, however when the design of the actual breakwater is started. It is stressed here
that these considerations will lead to the definition of service limit states (SLS) that
are generally different from the Uhimate Limit State (ULS) that deals with the
survival of the structure under extreme conditions.
Fig. 1 shows the layout of a harbour where the breakwater typically protects the
harbour basin, including berths for loading and unloading.
Sailing vessels
So far, we considered the protection required by vessels at berth. Free sailing vessels
are fortunately a lot less vulnerable.
National regulatory bodies like the (Netherlands) shipping inspectorate strictly control
the operation and the design of ocean going vessels. The work of those national
organisations is co-ordinated by the international Maritime Organisation, IMO. Apart
from those Government related regulatory bodies, there are also private regulatoiy
bodies that check the design of vessels, often on behalf of the insurers. Such private
bodies are Bureau Veritas, Det Norske Veritas, Lloyds, etc. These bodies issue
certificates of seaworthiness with or without certain restrictions.
In this way, ocean going vessels with an unrestricted certificate are designed to cope
with the highest waves. In severe conditions they may adapt course and speed to the
prevailing wind and wave direction, but modem vessels with an unrestricted
certificate can in principle survive the most severe conditions at sea. The situation
changes when a free choice of course and speed becomes impossible, for instance
because of the proximity of land, the need to sail in a specific (dredged) fairway, or
the wish to come to a hah at a mooring or anchorage. The more confined the
conditions, the stricter will be the limits with respect to wind, waves and currents.
What apphes for vessels designed to sail non-restricted at the high seas does not apply
to all categories of vessels. Some vessels have a certificate that limits their operations
to certain areas (coastal Vk^aters, sheltered waters, and inland waters) or to certain
periods in relation to certain areas (North Atlantic summer). Such restrictions refer not
only to the structural aspects ofthe vessel, but also to skill and number of crew.
What does all this mean for the operation of a port, and for the functional
requirements of its breakwater? Can any vessel enter the port under any
circumstances? This is certainly not true, but we have concluded already that a sailing
vessel is less vulnerable than a moored vessel. The fimctional requirements for a
breakwater that protects an entrance channel only are thus much less than those for a
breakwater that protects a harbour basin. Still, the actual situation will change from
place to place. In case ships need tugboat assistance during the stopping operation and
the subsequent turning or mooring, the waves shall be attenuated to a level that makes
tugboat operation feasible. In general, one can assume that a significant wave height
of 2 to 2.5 m is acceptable for tugboats and their crews working on deck. I f only
tugboats with an inland waters certificate are available, working of those tugboats
may be restricted to significant wave heights of 1 to 1.5 m. Exceeding the limits
imposed by the certificate often means that insurers will not cover the cost of
Combining the slower speed of the vessel and the potentially stronger cross
currents at the harbour entrances poses problems for the manoeuvrability. In the lee of
the breakwater tugboats can assist the vessel, but it takes some time (about 15
minutes) before the tugboats have made a connection with the vessel, and in the mean
time, the vessel continues to sail without external assistance. Assuming a speed of 4
knots, the vessel travels a distance of about 1 nautical mile (1850 m), before the
tugboats can control the course of the vessel. Only then, the remaining stopping
procedure can be completed. The vessel gives full power astern, and it will stop
within 1 to 1.5 times the length of the vessel.
OPP. DRIJVERS ( S N H H E I D S S C H A A L I t m ü S O f W O
Another challenge for entrance channels into a port is the existence of the
longshore current along sandy shores. Under the influence of oblique waves, a
longshore current develops in the breaker zone. Due to the high turbulence level in the
breaker zone, a lot of sand is brought in suspension.
This material is carried away, along with the longshore current. It will be
deposited at places where the velocity is less, i.e. where the water depth is larger
because of the presence of the shipping channel. Thus a dredged or even a natural
channel may be blocked after a storm of short duration and high waves or after a long
period of moderate waves from one direction. To avoid this, a breakwater can be
constructed. For a proper fiinctioning, the head of the breakwater shall extend beyond
the breaker zone. I n that case, sand will be deposited on the "upstream" side of the
breakwater, whereas erosion will take place at the downstream side. This is the
classical example in coastal engineering for erosion problems due to interruption of
the longshore transport. A good example is shown in Fig. 7, which shows the actual
situation in IJmuiden (the Netherlands).
Fig. 5 Entrance to the Port of Abidjan
and passes around it's head. Dredging is difficuh in such case because of the
proximity of the breakwater. An example o f a breakwater that is too short is the
breakwater of Paradip (India), shown in Figure 8.
Siltation of
In this case, it must be ascertained that the conditions on or direct behind the
crest of the breakwater are safe. Again a distinction can be made between operational
conditions (Service Limit State or SLS) and extreme conditions like survival of the
installations (Ultimate Limit State or ULS).
It must be noted that the transmission coefficient can never be smaller than 0
or larger than 1. In practice, limits of about 0.1 and 0.9 are found in practice (Fig. 10).
-2 -1.5 -1 -.5 O .5 1 1.5 2
Eventually, Daemen (1991) (See also Van der Meer and d'Angremond [ 1991 ])
in his MSc thesis has been able to produce an acceptable formula that relates the
transmission coefficient to a number of structural parameters of the breakwater. To
account for the effect of permeability, Daemen has decided to make the freeboard R,
of the breakwater dimensionless dividing it by the armour stone diameter. This
eliminates a lot of the scatter that was present in previous approaches. The Daemen
formula reads (for tradkional low crested breakwaters) as follows:
a = 0.031^^-0.24
b=-5.42sop+ 0.0323 ^—0.0017 + 0.51
Dn50 Dn50
in which:
Use of the Daemen formula is complicated in case it is decided to use a solid crown
block, or to grout armour stones with asphalt into a solid mass. Therefore, another
MSc student, R.J. de Jong (1996), reanalyzed the data and came up with a different
expression. He choose to make the freeboard dimensionless in relation to the
incoming wave height:
« = 0.4, and
The factor 0.64 is valid for permeable structures; it changes into 0.8 for
impermeable structures.
7. R E F E R E N C E S
Angremond, K.d', Meer, J.W. van der, and Jong, R,J, de, "Wave transmission at low-
crested structures" Proc. 25th ICCE, Orlando, ASCE, New York, USA.
Angremond, K. d' et al. (1998) "Introduction to Coastal Engineering", Lecture notes
Delft University of Technology, Facuhy of Civil Engineering and Geosciences.
Browder, A.E., Dean, R.G. and Chen, R. (1996) "Performance of a submerged
breakwater for shore protection", Proc. 25yh ICCE, Florida, ASCE New York, USA.
Daemen, I.F.R. (1991) "Wave transmission at low crested breakwaters" MSc thesis.
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Jong, R.J. de (1996) "Wave transmission at low crested structures" MSc thesis. Delft
University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands
PIANC (1995), "Criteria for movements of moored ships in harbours" Report of
working group 11-24, PIANC, Brussels, Belgium.
Thoresen, C A . (1988) "Port Design, Guidelines and recommendations". Tapir
Publishers, Trondheim, Norway.
Velsink, H. (1987) "Principles of integrated port planning", PIANC Bulletin no. 56,
Brussels, Belgium. ^^
Inter Institutional Workshop on B R E A K W A T E R S
(Jointly organised by I I T Madras and T.U.Delft)
Madras 9 - 10,2000 • ^
Delft Univetsity ot Technology
K. Omprakash
Central Institute of Coastal Engineering for Fishery
Ministry of Agriculture, Bangalore
Email: [email protected]
Fisheries play an important role in the economy of India in augmenting food supply,
generating employment, raising nutritional levels and earning foreign exchange. In order
to increase production and productivity in fisheries, the Fisheries Division of the
Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of
India have been undertaking various production-oriented schemes, input supply
programmes, infrastructure development projects, etc., either directly or through
States/Union Territories. A number of Institutions have been established for development
of fisheries. According to estimates prepared by the Central Statistical Organisation, the
contribution of fisheries sector to the Net Domestic Product has shown more than six and
half rimes increase from Rs. 14790 million in 1984-85 (base year for Seventh Plan) to
Rs.98260 million in 1994-95 at current prices.
India has a long coastline of 8041 kms covering the east and west coasts of the
peninsula as well as the Andamans, Nicobar and Lakshadweep group of islands with a
continental shelf area of about 0.5 million The coastline of India gives an
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) covering an area of 2.02 million The explohable
marine fishery resources in the EEZ have been estimated at 3.9 million tonnes. India has a
long tradition in fishing with fish constituting the main supply of animal protein as weh as
an important source of foreign exchange earnings.
Fisheries is a very important sector with tremendous potential for income and
employment generation, poverty alleviation and foreign exchange earnings. Continuous
efforts have been made to increase fish production, both for domestic consumption and
export. The total fish production from both inland and marine sector has increased from
2.8 million tonnes in 1984-85 to 5.4 million tonnes during 1997-98, out of which about
2.95 million tonnes have been exploited from the marine resources. India is now sixth
largest producer of fish in the World.
1.2 Fish Production and Exports
There are about 3726 fishing villages all along the Indian Coastline and fish are
being landed in 2337 landing centres. The total fishermen population of India has been
estimated at 6.0 million which include 2.4 million full-time fishermen, 1.5 million
part-time fishermen and 2.1 million occasional fishermen. Out of the total exploitable
marine fishery resources of about 3,9 million tonnes, the Country currently produces
about 2.95 million tonnes leaving a scope for exploiting an additional one million
tonnes of fish.- The State-wise marine fish production during 1997-98 is given at Table¬
There has been tremendous growth in the export of marine products. The
export of marine products has increased from 86,187 tonnes valued at Rs.3843 million
in 1984-85 to 3,85,818 tonnes valued at Rs.46975 million during 1997-98, There are
about 47,000 mechanised fishing vessels (MFVs) and 1,91,200 traditional craft
(including about 32,000 motorised craft) in operation in the country. A statement
showing the fishing crafts in the Maritime States/UTs as in 1994-95 is enclosed at Table
The main thrust has been to harvest the available fishery potential through
efficient and sustainable exploitation of the EEZ by promoting operation of fishing
vessels. To meet this objective, landing and berthing facilities by way of fishery
harbours with ice plants, chilled storage, workshop, repair facilities, auction hall, net
mending sheds, etc., are the essential infrastructure facilities required by the marine
fishing industry.
At the end of First Five Year Plan, there were 863 mechanised fishing vessels
operating along the Indian coast. By the end of Sixth Plan, this has increased to about
24,000 mechanised boats and at the end of Seventh Plan, the country had about 34,000
mechanised boats and 26,000 motorised craft. During beginning of the Ninth Plan
there are about 47,000 mechanised boats and 32,000 motorised craft operating in the
country. There are over 170 deep-sea fishing vessels having length of 23 m. and
During the Second Five Year Plan, Government of India began to give technical
and financial assistance to State Governments for establishment of fishery harbours and
sought assistance from Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) , for survey and
preparation of feasibility reports for estabUshment of fishery harbours. During the
period from 1955 to 1961, FAO experts identified about 40 sites for development of
fishery harbours and fish landing centres and prepared feasibility reports . During the
Fourth Plan, Government of India with the assistance of FAO/UNDP established the
erstwhile Pre-Investment Survey of Fishing Harbours at Bangalore for pre- investment
survey, preparation of teclino-economic feasibility reports and related work in the
fishery harbour construction and development. During the Second, Third and
Fourth Five Year Plans, emphasis was given mainly for construction of minor fishery
harbours and fish landing centres. During the Fifth Plan, construction of major fishery
harbours at Sassoon Dock, Cochin, Chennai, Visaldiapatnam (Vizag) and Roychowk
were sanctioned. The development of fishery harbours and landing centres continued
under the schemes subsequently in the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Five Year
During the Seventh Five Year Plan, an allocation of Rs. 170 million under the
CS and Rs. 180 million under the CSS totaUing to Rs. 350 million was made for the
development of fishery harbours and the funds were utilised in full. In view of the
increased demand from the State Governments/UTs and the fact that large number of
fishery harbours were under construction, besides need for development of more
number of fishery harbours the allocation of funds was considerably increased to Rs.
540 million during the Eighth Five Year Plan in respect of CS and Rs. 470 million for
CSS. Out of the total allocation of Rs. 1010 million, Rs. 950 million were utilised
during the Plan period.
Since inception ofthe Scheme in 1964, under the Central Sector Plan Scheme,
100 % financial assistance is provided as grant for the development of major fishery
harbour at Major Ports by the Govt, of India. Till date, the Govt, of India have
sanctioned six major fishery harbours at Cochin Stage I and I I in Kerala, Sassoon Dock
in Maharashtra, Chennai Stage I and I I in Tamil Nadu, Vizag Stage I , I I and I I I in
Andhra Pradesh, Paradip in Orissa and Roychowk in West Bengal. All the five major
fishery harbours except Sassoon Dock have been commissioned. The fishery harbour at
Sassoon Dock is almost complete and expected to be put in operation very soon. The
fishery harbour at Chennai Stage I I is under construction.
The landing and berthing facilities are presently available for 1/4* of the total
fishing fleet only. Therefore, there is an imperative need to develop more number of
fishery harbours and landing centres to meet the requirements of fishing fleet operating
in the Country. Keeping the above in view, the outlay for the Ninth Plan has been
increased to Rs. 1400 million against the allocation of Rs. 1010 million during the
Eighth Plan period.
The total Plan outlays and expenditure incurred for the development of major
and minor fishery harbours besides fish landing centres upto the end of Eighth Five
Year Plan may be seen at Annexure IV. It may be noted that the outlays earmarked
and the expenditure incurred for the Schemes have increased from Rs. 1.7 million
during the Third Plan to Rs. 950 million during Eighth Plan. During the Ninth Five
Year Plan, the two schemes are proposed to be combined as a Centrally Sponsored
Scheme with a pattern of assistance of 50:50 share for State Government and 100% for
Port Trusts and UTs. An outlay of Rs. 1400 milllion will be provided in the Ninth Five
Year Plan for both the Schemes. The break up of total outlay and year-wise phasing is
given at Annexure V.
This Master Plan was prepared based on knowledge of fishery resources, the size and
draft requirement of fishing vessels operating then, The State-wise details of the sites
identified during 1978 to 1981 together with the fishery harbour facilities
available/under construction are given at Annexure V I , As a step forward in this
direction, the CICEF has reviewed and updated the above Master Plan by identifying
more number of fishery harbour sites in Maritime States/UTs, The Institute has
prepared Master Plan reports for the fishery harbour sites reconnoitred in various
Maritime States/UTs, The potential sites identified by CICEF for development of
fishery harbours and fish landing centres State-wise are furnished at Annexure VII, The
sites found suitable for development of fishery harbours/fish landing centers are
furnished at Annexure VIII, Based on the priorities of the Central and State
Governments, the potential sites identified by CICEF form the basis for taking up
detailed engineering and economic investigations by the Institute during the Ninth Five-
Year Plan and beyond,
in January 1968 by the Government of India, in collaboration with FAO ofthe United
Nations with a primary objective to carry out reconnaissance surveys/pre-feasibility
studies to identify potential sites for development of fishery harbours and follow it up
by engineering and economic investigations besides preparation of techno-economic
feasibility reports. The Institute has been entrusted with the task of monitoring the
progress of construction of on going fishery harbours sanctioned under the Schemes and
provide technical advice on the engineering and economic aspects to the State
Governments/UTs. The Institute till the end of January 2000 had carried out
investigations at 64 sites and prepared project reports for 56 sites.
Based on the request from Maritime States/UTs and on approval from the Govt,
of India, CICEF carries out pre-feasibility studies, detailed engineering and economic
investigations and prepares techno- economic feasibility reports in consuhation with the
concerned State Govts. The project reports are sent to Govt, of India for according
Administrative Approval and Expenditure Sanction. The Ministry of Agriculture, on
receipt of the project reports from CICEF/States, scrutinises the reports. An Appraisal
note is prepared and sent to all concerned Ministries namely Ministry of Finance,
Ministry of Environment and Forest, Ministry of Surface Transport, Planning
Commission, and other related Ministries for their comments and approval. Based on
the suggestions/comments received from the concerned Ministries, a final note is
prepared and discussed in the meeting for approval of the project. Depending on the
cost of the project, under the delegated financial powers, the Ministries/Departments
expedite investment decisions and approval. Once the project is sanctioned, the
Ministry of Agriculture, accords Administrative Approval and releases funds to the
State Govts./UTs/Port Trusts depending upon the progress achieved for taking up
construction. Further, funds are released to the States on the basis of the physical and
financial progress achieved during construction period.
Wave height(breaking) 7m
Period 10 sees
Armour Unit Head dolos 11.141
Trunk dolos 5.57 t and 2.23 t
The Fishery harbour is situated in open coast in Calicut District of Kerala State.
It is linked to the National Highway No. 17. It is at about 4 kms from Calicut Town.
The breakwater is designed in 1983 with following parameters.
Wave height (breaking) 3.5m.
Armour: Head stones 3 to 51
Trunk stones 1 to 2 t
The Fishery harbour is situated in the open coast at a distance of 16 kms south
of Trivandrum in Kerala on the west coast of India. The extension of sea ward
breakwaters have been designed for the following parameters in the year 1976.
Wave height: 4.8 m
Period: 9 sees
Armour Units: Head tetrapods 8t
The leeward breakwater is designed for the distracted wave.
Wave height: 2m
Armour : quarry stones 2 to 3.5 t
The project is formulated in 1997. The project site is situated 2 kms South-east
of Fisheries Jetty in Rameswaram. The site is also at a distance of 60 kms east of
Ramanathapuram, the District headquarters.
Main brealcwater:
Wave height(breaking) 2.9 m
Period 5.21 sees
Armour Units Head dolos 1.5 t
Trunk dolos 1.5 t
Stones 2to4t
The fishery harbour projects sanctioned by the Govt, of India, are stipulated
with a definite time period for completion. In order to complete the projects on time,
State Govts, and Port Trusts are required to plan the time schedule of the project by
utilisation of Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path
Method (CPM). In certain cases, the projects are delayed due to reasons beyond the
control of the Executing Agency. Some of the reasons attributed to these inordinate
delays in completion of the project on time are land acquisition problems, delay in
getting clearance from the environmental angle, public litigation and multiplicity of
agencies involved in the execution of the project. Most of the projects have resulted in
time and cost over run due to the above reasons. Availability of the right type of
equipment, labour, material, selection of experienced contractor executing marine
projects and timely availability of funds are the basic requirements in completing the
project on time. In many cases, poor approach road, non-availability of electricity,
water supply and natural calamities like cyclones, storms, etc., also contribute to delay
in construction of the projects resulting in cost/time over run. The cost escalation
arises due to:
Most of the fishery harbours are not properly maintained due to lack of
management and revenue collection. On completion of construction and
commissioning of fishery harbours, the responsibility of maintenance and management
vest with the user agencies. Only in a few fishery harbours, revenue is being collected
regularly. The revenue collected at some of the harbours is so meagre which makes it
difficult to manage and maintain. In some harbours, revenue has not been collected at
all, thereby resulting in poor maintenance. The availability of adequate funds and
collection of revenue for maintenance of these facilities in general and dredging in
particular is essential. This has significant bearing on the availability of facilities for
productive purposes.
Most of the State Governments and Port Trusts are approaching the Govt, of
India, for extending financial assistance in the management and maintenance of fishery
harbours. No arrangement for extending such financial assistance to the State
Governments in respect of minor fishery harbours and landing centres exists. Harbours
which are more than a decade old need to be rehabilitated. The approach towards
development of new fishery harbours requires specialised engineering designs and need
to be reviewed to meet the requirements of the Quality of Systems such as HACCP and
ISO 9000.
• Selection of proper site which has a direct access with existing internal
communication systems such as roads, railways availability of construction
materials in close proximity, free from location of very high tidal range,
tidal bore, high current velocity and cyclone prone areas as well as the
locations free from places involving huge capital dredging.
® Collection of adequate field information by way of engineering'
investigations such as topo-hydrographic survey, sub-soil investigations,
Meteoroligical data, Ocenographic data and finally the economic
• Adequate fishing activities in selected site to justify the investment on the
project in order to ensure viable returns.
• Need of the testing proposals on model wherever breakwater/training walls
are proposed in order to check the stability, to gather information on
hydraulic performance of the structures, siltation pattern and protection of
shore morphology in the areas adjacent to the project site.
the requirements of International Standards laid down by HACCP and ISO 9000 in
order to ensure effective maintenance of the harbour after construction.
i Suitable design approaches for construction of modern auction halls and allied
facilities for hygienic handling offish.
• Adopting effective strategies for rehabilitation of the existing fishery harbours and
development of new fishery harbours at economic cost.
• Maintenance of facilities created in the harbour by periodical maintenance dredging
to ensure uninterrupted vessel traffic in and out ofthe harbours and to enable speedy
landing, handling and disposal of fish catch to markets.
t Collection of appropriate and workable user charges from the user groups using the
facilities is necessary for mobilisation of funds required for keeping the
establishment as a self-sustainable element, and
Finally, it is needless to mention that i f all the points highlighted above are given
proper emphasis and brought into practice in site selection, investigation, planning,
designing, construction and maintenance of the harbour, the fish quality and quantity
can be ensured which in turn contribute to the augmentation of the earnings in the trade.
Table 1
(In Tonnes)
1. Kerala 526342
2. Karnataka 189859
3. Goa 88809
4. Maharashtra 453000
5. Gujarat 745706
8. Orissa 156081
9. West.Bengal 164000
Total 2950444
Annexure I
C Fish Landing Centres
1 Kerala Kasaragod Dliannadon Punnappra
Ponnani New Malie Quilandy
Cannanore South Paravoor Mojdali
Beliapatnam Vella5dl Beach Kaddappuram
Neeleswaram Vallikunu Kattoor PoUathai
Thottappally Vizhinjam South
Miinakkadavu Vizhinjam North
Chemvathur Chettuvai
Beypore Arthugai
Palacode Clialil Gopalpettah
6 • Tamil Nadu Cuddalore Muttom
Nagapattinam Poompuhar
Rameswaram Vallapallam
Palk Bay Kodimunai
Kottaipatanm Vallavillai
10 Pondicherry Mahe
11 Lakshadweep KaravattI
C a t e g o r y of H a r b o u r s Commissioned Under Total
Major F i s h e r y 5 1 6
Minor F i s h e r y 29 16 45
Fish Landing Centres 120 33 153
mmmm m-
mmmm. (c)
TSfifCt (Cl
( Million)
Plan Period M a j o r Harbours Minor Harbours
Outlay Expenditure Outlay Expenditure
Third Plan 0.5 1.2 - -
Annual Plans
(i) 1978-79 50 30.8 60 39.4
(ii) 1979-80 55 20.6 - 0.1
Sixth Plan 170 132 190 179.5
Seventh Plan 170 168.4 190 216.9
Annual Plans
(i) 1990-91 49.2 49.2 43.2 43.2
(ii) 1991-92 50 54.5 60 60
Eighth Plan
(i) 1992-93 80 127.9 60 60.1
(ii) 1993-94 140 120 70 67.5
(iii) 1994-95 100 100 110 111
(iv) 1995-96 110 75.1 112.5 116.7
(v) 1996-97 91.3 34.5 115 135
1997-1998 190.3
1998-1999 200.0
1999-2000 300.0
2000-2001 300.0
2001-2002 409.7
Total 1400.0
1. Gujarat 4 3
2. Maliaraslitra 4 -
3. Goa 2 -
4. Karnatalca 7 4
5. Kerala 5 -
6. Tamil Nadu 11 4
7. Andhra Pradesh 1 -
8. Orissa 3 -
9. West Bengal 1 1
11. Pondicherry 1 -
Total 41 25
State/ Proposed
Union Territories
Fishery Harbours Fish Landing Centres
1. Gujarat Rupen Madhavpur
Mangrol Bara Sutrapada
Dholai * Dhamlej
2. Maharashtra Deogad *
Agardanda *
3. Karnataka Karwar ** Gangavali
Belambar Belekeri**
Alvekodi * Koderi
Mangalore Stage I I ** Shiroor
GangoUi *
4. Goa Chicalim
Malim **
5. Kerala Ponnani
6. Tamil Nadu Cuddalore Stage I I Portonovo
Pazhayar Stage I I * Tirumullaivasal
Mallipatnam Stage I I Periyatalai
Tuticorin Stage I I Ovari
Poompuhar *
Veerapandiyanpattinam *
7. Andhra Pradesh Krishnapatnam *
8, Orissa Dhamra Stage I I **
9. West Bengal Harwood Point Diamond Harbour
10. U.T. of Daman Nani Daman Ghoghla *
& Diu Vanalcabara *
11. U.T.of Pondicherry Karaikal *
12. A & N Islands Junglighat
New wandoor
Havelock Island
Neill Island
Uttara jetty
Rangat Bay
Maya bunder
Inter Institutional Workshop on B R E A K W A T E R S
When discussing non-rubble breakwaters, one opens the mind for a wide variety
of solutions: all except the breakwaters composed of quarry stone. This is already an
indication for the popularity of rubble mound breakwaters. And such world-wide
popularity must reflect the advantages of that type of design, and so it does.
Of course, there are other types of breakwaters. The best known type is the
monolithic structure, often consisting of a caisson to form the body of the structure. This
type will mainly be discussed in this contribution. Other types of breakwaters that one
finds occasionally described in literature are the floating breakwater and the
pneumatic/hydraulic breakwater. These two types will not be discussed extensively
because of their limited performance. Although it is possible to damp waves by using a
floating object, and although it is possible to damp waves by blowing water or air fi-oin
a submerged perforated pipe, these methods fail to provide adequate protection, in
particular when one attempts to damp long-periodic waves. Study of these types of
breakwaters is in my opinion rather an academic than a practical exercise.
Last but not least, attention will be paid to the economic optimisation of
breakwaters. We know a lot of formulae to assess breakwater stability, but all these
formulae introduce the wave height as decisive load parameter. Non of the formulae,
however guide us in the selection of the numerical value of the design wave height. This
aspect will cover the second part of this contribution.
The problem of the stability of monolithic breakwaters has not been solved in a
satisfactory and generally accepted way yet. Research efforts are under way, but have
not resulted in a generally applicable theory or formula. Nevertheless, monolithic
breakwaters are being buih, and designers do use practical formulae. In this chapter, we
will discuss a theoretical approach and a practical method developed in Japan. As the
stability is a joint effect of wave load and subsoil resistance, some soil mechanics will
be discussed as well.
3. W A V E F O R C E S AND T H E I R E F F E C T S
In the linear wave theory, there is a formula for the pressure distribution under a
On the basis of this formula, Sainflou [1928]developed a method to calculate
pressures on a vertical wall by non-breaking waves. Rundgren [1958] carried out a
series of model experiments and concluded that Sainflou's method overestimates the
wave force for steep waves. Rundgren then used and modified the higher order
approach as proposed by Miche [1944]. This Miche-Rundgren method gives
satisfactory resuhs for steep waves, whereas the original Sainflou-method is best suited
for long and less steep waves.
C r e s t of C f o p o t i s Qt W o l l T r o u q h of C i o p o i i j ü i Wuii
In this figure, wd and pi are given by:
\ ^ J cosh
The Shore Protection Manual gives design graphs for the calculation of ho as a
function of wave steepness, relative wave height (H/h) and reflection coefficient. It also
gives graphs to calculate integrated pressures and resuhing turning moments for crest
and trough of the wave.
This leads to a relatively simple load diagram (Figure 2), in which the horizontal
hydrostatic forces on the front and rear wall have been omitted because they eliminate
each other. For stability, one must consider the resistance against translation and the
resistance against rotation. It is stressed here that the resistance against rotation can not
be taken simply as the sum of the moments around point A. Long before the structure
starts rotating, the pressure under point A has reached a value that leads to failure ofthe
sübsoil or failure of the corner of the structure.
Since these formulae have been derived for regular monochromatic waves, it is
necessary to combine them with spectral theory and arrive at a statistical distribution of
wave forces and overturning moments. It can then be* decided what frequency of
exceedance is accepted during the lifetime of the structure. In this way, the design loads
can be established.
The loads defined so far are called quasi-static forces, because they fluctuate
with the wave périod of several seconds and do not cause any (direct) dynamic effects.
Inertia effects need not be taken into account.
Many researchers have studied the phenomenon in the laboratory, and none have
come with a satisfactory explanation that can predict the occurrence and the magnitude
of a wave impact as a function of external parameters. Bagnold [1939] was the first of
those researchers. He found that the impact pressure occurs at the moment that the
vertical front face ofthe breaking wave hits the wall, and mainly when a plunging wave
entraps a cushion of air against the wall.
Apparently, the deceleration of the mass of water in the wave crest, combined with
the magnifying effect ofthe air cushion, causes the high pressures. Two models can be
used to describe and calculate this effect-.
• The continuous water jet hitting a plane yields a pressure:
p - j i pu^ (u is tlie water velocity in the jet)
• The water hammer effect, resulting in:
p = puc
in which:
u = the water velocity in the conduct
c = the celerity of sound in water (1 543 m/s)
The water velocity in the crest of the breaking wave is equal to the wave celerity (in
shallow water: Vgh)
In reality, we know that the impact pressures reach values between 50 and 150
Minikin [1955 and 1963] has given a method to calculate wave impact
pressures, but his method overestimates impact pressures and does not lead to
satisfactory results.
From all experiments it has become clear, however, that the duration of the wave
impact is short, and the area where the impact takes place at the same time is small.
This means that the wave impact forces can not be used for a static equilibrium
calculation. The dynamic effects must be taken into account, inclusive mass and
acceleration of the breakwater in conjunction with its elastic foundation and the added
mass of water and soil around it. Preliminary analysis has shown that it is specifically
the momentum connected with the breaking wave that determines the stability or loss of
stability of the breakwater. Care must also been taken of potential resonance
phenomena, when the loading frequency coincides with the resonance frequency ofthe
structure as a whole or for some individual members of the structure.
The most important lesson that can be learned from this paragraph is the
uncertainty that is connected with wave impact forces as such and their effect on the
stability of monolithic breakwaters. It is therefore good engineering practice to try and
avoid exposure of monolithic breakwaters to breaking waves. In this context it is good
to point at the fact that even i f no breaking waves are expected at the location of the
breakwater, the breakwater cross section may induce them itself, specifically when the
monolith is place on a high mound of stone (Figure 4).
It can fiirther be concluded that the risk of local impact pressures increases for
structural elements that entrap breaking waves. I f water can escape sideways from the
impact area, the pressures remain low (compare free jet). I f water can not escape, the
local pressures may become quite high (compare water hammer). In -this way, certain
details of monolithic breakwaters are relatively vulnerable (Figure 5).
Where the uncertainties around the design of vertical breakwaters have reduced
the number of such breakwaters in Europe and the USA, in Japan, construction
continued with varying satisfaction. Goda analysed many of the successfiil and
unsuccessfiil structures and came up with a practical formula that can be used to analyse
the stability of a monolithic breakwater. From a theoretical point of view, one can object
that Goda is not consistent in his definition of design load and risk. In practice, the
safety factors he proposes are apparently adequate, as long as one realises that
condhions with breaking waves should be avoided as much as possible. I f this is not
possible, extensive model investigations are to be carried out, followed by a dynamic
analysis of structure and foundation. In that case, one must take into account all inertia
Goda [1992] has summarised his work in an article published in 1992 at the
short course on design and reliability of coastal structures. Pending further theoretically
based developments, the Goda formula can help to establish a first idea about stability
of a monolithic breakwater.
It has been shown that the quasi-static forces and the dynamic forces have a
trend to translate and rotate the structure, resuhing in displacement of the structure
and/or damage to the foundation and the bottom comers.
The effect of the external forces can be reduced by changing the direction of the
horizontal force, or by spreading the force in space and in time.
The first effect can easily be understood i f one reahses that the water pressure is
always acting along the normal on a plane. When the front wall of the monolith is tihed,
it means that the wave force is no longer horizontal, but dhected towards the
foundation. This reduces the horizontal component and strengthens the vertical
component of the force. Altogether, the likelihood of sliding reduces and the
overturning moment is also reduced, (figure 6).
5*£ 1 CP* ,
- -®;-()3-~.:<0-j j
—/)r.q)i„__— 59'-
Fig. 9 Possible Cross-section of semi-circular Caisson Breakwater for extremely
high Breakers
The hydrauhc forces exerted on the caisson plus the weight determine what will
be the local pressures in the interface between the caisson and the foundation. It will be
clear that these pressures must not lead to (soil mechanical) failure. Because the
foundation is flexible to a certain extent, it must be verified whether the mass-spring
system formed by caisson (mass) and foundation (spring) gives rise to resonance
phenomena. Depending on the outcome of that investigation, one may decide that a
static stability analysis is sufficient (as is often the case). Soil-mechanical failure is
nevertheless one of the most likely failure modes.
a = p + a'
Because of the cyclic character of the load, it is possible that drainage of excess
water is not complete when the next loading cycle starts. In this way, the water pressure
may gradually increase due to rocking of the caisson. Eventually, this will lead to a
condition that the effective stress a' becomes very low or even zero. A low eflfective
stress will greatly reduce the resistance against sliding; an effective stress equal to zero
leads to liquefaction or the formation of quick-sand. This is the main reason that care is
recommended when designing monolithic breakwaters in areas that are sensitive for
liquefaction: soil consisting of fine, loosely packed sand as in the SW part of the
Because of the possibility that high ground water pressures occur under the
corners of the monolith, also large vertical gradients are likely. It is therefore necessary
to cover a (fine) grained subsoil with an adequate fiher. Because of the large gradients,
h is recommended that the fiher be designed as a geometrically impervious fiher. Fiher
rules have been treated extensively by Terzaghi.
To create a perfect and homogenous contact plane between the foundation and
the structure, sometimes a grout mortar is injected. This technique has been developed
in the offshore industry for the foundation of gravity platforms, but the use has spread to
regular coastal engineering projects as well. To avoid loss of grout, a skirt is provided
along the circumference of the bottom of the caisson. This skirt (mostly a steel sheet)
penetrates into the foundation and creates a chamber that can be filled with the grout
The optimisation process is equally valid for rubble and monoUthc breakwaters.
In the present paper example are given for a rubble breakwater.
This can be compared whh designing a frame. It is then attempted to select the
members such that all are exposed to a stress level close to the maximum admissible
stress. In the same way, it can be attempted that all elements in a breakwater are close to
(partial) failure when exposed to the design load.
In a probabilistic design process, it means that one should avoid a very large
contribution to overall failure by a single partial failure mechanism while other
mechanisms do not at all contribute to the probability of failure. It is wise to distribute
the contribution to overall failure over a number of failure mechanisms. In fact, one
should base this distribution on considerations of marginal cost. I f a construction
element is relatively cheap it is not so much of a problem i f it is over-designed. I f it is
relatively expensive, over-designing in comparison whh other elements leads to too
high cost.
It means that the designer shall attempt to make a balanced design. This can
easily be explained when considering the cross section of a rubble mound breakwater. I f
the crest level is designed so high that no overtopping occurs even under severe
condhions, it makes no sense to protect the inner slope whh heavy armour stone. For a
low crested breakwater on the other hand it is essential to carefiiUy protect the inner
The method was developed by Paape and Van de Kreeke [1964] for rubble
mound breakwaters as early as 1964. The method is discussed in the following, and a
sample calculation is given in an Annex. References to Tables and Figures refer to that
The method starts whh the assumption that there is a direct relation between one
load parameter (the no damage wave height, FI„d) and a strength parameter (the weight
of the armour units, W). It is further assumed that the wave climate is known and
available in the form of a long-term distribution of wave heights (Table A-1). The
interaction between load and strength is determined on the basis of laboratory
experiments, which indicate that damage starts when a threshold value (Hnd) is
exceeded. The damage to the armour layer increases with increasing wave height until
the armour layer is severely damaged and the core of the breakwater is exposed. This
occurs at an actual wave height H = 1.45 Hnd. It is assumed that damage is then so far
extended that no repair is possible, and that the structure must be rebuih completely. For
intermediate wave heights, a gradual increase of damage is assumed, expressed in a
percentage of the number of armour units to be replaced (Table A-2).
The breakwater is then designed for a number of design wave heights, where a higher
design wave causes a heavier and more costly armour layer, whereas the core remains
unchanged. The cost of construction is I . The cost of rebuilding the breakwater is
assumed to be equal to the estimated construction cost, the cost of repairing damage to
double the unit price of the armour units. It is then possible to hst the construction cost
and the anticipated cost of repair, still split over the three categories of damage (4%, 8%
and collapse). Adding up the three categories of damage for a particular design wave
height yields the average annual risk anticipated for that design i f all damage is repaired
in the year the damage took place. I f it is decided not to repair the breakwater except in
case of collapse, the risk is just the risk caused by the category collapse.
Since the risk is still expressed in a value per annum, h must be ascertained what
amount of money shall be reserved at the moment of construction to be able to pay the
average annual repair cost during the lifetime of the structure. Although money is
regularly spent from this repair fund, it still accrues interest at a rate of 5% per annum.
I f the annual expense is s, the interest rate 5%, and the lifetime of the structure
T, it can easily be derived that the fimd to be reserved (S) is:
design wave lieigiit, it appears ttiat there is an optimum design wave height or an
optimum strength of the structure.
Similar calculations can be made for monolithic breakwaters. The difference is
that the failure behaviour of monohthic breakwaters is more "brittle": the range between
start of damage and complete failure is smaller. That means that in general for
monolithic breakwaters a lower probability of failure is accepted, merely because of
economic considerations.
6. R E F E R E N C E S
Bagnold, R.A. (1939) "Interim report on wave impact research" Journal of the
Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol 12, London, UK
Goda, Y. (1992) "The design of upright breakwaters" Proc. Short course on design and
reliability of coastal structures, Venice, Instituto di Idraulica Universka di Bologna,
Jarlan, G.L.E. (1961) "A perforated wall breakwater" The Dock and Harbour Authority
41 no. 486, London, UK
Minikin, R.R. (1955) "Breaking waves; a comment on the Genoa breakwater" Dock and
Harbour Authority, London UK.
Minikin, R.R. (1963) "Winds, waves and marhime structures: Studies in harbor making
and the protection of coasts" rev. ed., Griffm, London, UK.
Kreeke, J. van de and Paape, A. (1964) "On optimum breakwater design" Proc. 9th
ICCE, ASCE, New York, USA.
Rundgren L. (1958) "Water wave forces" Bulletin no. 54, Royal Institute of
Technology, Division of Hydraulics, Stockholm, Sweden.
For design wave heights of 4, 5, 5.5 and 6 m this resuhs in inhial construction cost
per Table A 3 .
H„d 1 < H < 1.3H„d 1.3 Hid < H < 1.45 H„d H > 1.45H,d
n = 4% damage n = 8% damage Collapse
Ap Aw Ap.A Ap Aw Ap.A Ap Aw Ap.A
w w w
(m) (1/yea ($) ($/yea (1/yea ($) ($/yea (1/yea ($) ($/yea
r) r) r) r) r) r)
4 1.02 42 430 4.6 860 40 3.8 13900 530
0 10-^ 10-^
5 1.5 53 80 4.7 1060 5 2.6 15220 40
10-' 0 10-' 10-'
5.5 7.4 58 40 2.2 1160 - 8 lO-'* 15900 10
10-^ 0 10-'
6 2.4 63 15 7.5 1260 - 1.5 16540 3
10"^ 0 10-" 10-"
Table A- 4, Annual risk for various values of H,„i per category of damage level
Ap - p, - pi+i probability of occurrence of the wave height in the indicated
pi = probabilhy of exceedance of the wave height at the lower limit of the
pi+i = probabilhy of exceedance ofthe wave height at the upper limh ofthe
Aw = cost of repah ofthe armour layer (2*n*A) respectively cost of replacement
This leads to the values of average annual risk s = E(Ap.Aw) as shown in Table A-5.
H.vd s = S(Ap.Aw)
Full repair of Only repair of No repair of partial
partial damage serious damage
(m) ($ per year) ($ per year) ($ per year)
4 1000 570 530
5 125 45 40
5.5 50 10 10
6 18 3 3
Table A- 5, Average annual maintenance cost for various maintenance strategies
Capitalised risk S
Full repair of Only repair of No repair of partial
partial damage serious damage
(m) ($) ($) ($)
4 30000 17100 15900
5 3750 1350 1200
5.5 1500 300 300
6 540 90 90
Table 6, Capitalised maintenance cost for various maintenance strategies
It is now a simple exercise to add the initial cost I and the caphalised maintenance cost S as
in Table A-7.
Inter Institutional Workshop On B R E A K W A T E R S
(Jointly organised by I I TMadras and T.U.Delft) TU Dölft
March 9 - 10, 2000 Delft Univetsity of Technologv
S. Neelamani
Ocean engineering centre
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Email: [email protected]
Rubble mound type is the common breakwater used around the world to provide
tranquilhy condhion for the harbours. Arrays of concrete caissons are used as breakwater
in countries (ex: Japan, Italy), when h is viable & cost effective. These caissons can be
modified to provide a system by which the wave energy acting on this caisson can be
converted into usable forms of energy (like electric power). When a part ofthe incident
wave energy on the caisson is converted into electric power, there is ample scope in
reducing the wave load on the caisson. There exists many technically challenging
problems in the conversion of wave power into electric power. Research and
developments worldwide should continue in a fast phase in order to make such non-
conventional energy cost compethive. This paper describes some aspects of the wave
power research & development in India.
Wave energy is one of the promising forms of renewable source of energy which
has received considerable attention. Sponsored by the Department of Ocean
Development, Government of India, a pilot plant to generate electrichy from Ocean
waves has been buih off Trivandrum coast by the Ocean Engineering Centre, I I T ,
Madras. The system consists of (a) Concrete caisson (b) Power module mounted on the
top, comprising of a butterfly valve, an ah turbine and an induction generator: Fig. 1(a)
shows the cross section of the system, 1(b) the plan of caisson, 1(c) the location plan and
1(d) the cross section showing the system and the approach bridge connecting to the
The Oscillating Water Column (OWC) concept, chosen for absorption of energy
from waves, consists of a chamber exposed to wave action through an entrance in the
front. Under the wave action, air inside the chamber gets compressed and rarified. The
bi - directional air movement is used to drive a special type air turbine known as Wells
turbine (Fig. 1(a)). (Also see Fig. 1(e) for better description of the principle)
-The system Power availabilhy: From the analysis of wave data collected at several
places along the India's coastline, h was found that wave power along Trivandrum coast
is promising whh an annual average wave power of about 11 kW per meter length of
-Extreme Wave Condhions: The OWC caisson must be designed to whhstand the
extreme waves likely to occur at the particular she. The maximum wave recorded for
Trivandrum coast was 6 m between 1983 and 1987 and the design wave is chosen as 7m.
On the other hand, waves upto 9m have been measured on the east coast. It is also known
that during the last 100 years no cyclone crossed the west coast near Trivandrum.
-Constructions faciUties: The finishing harbour at Vizhinjam near Trivandrum offered the
required infrastructural facilhies for the construction and installation ofthe caisson.
-Sea Bed: The sea bed at chosen location consists of dense medium to coarse sand,
densely packed, offering a good base for supporting the gravity structure.
The wave energy caisson comprises of a bottom raft 23.2 m x 17.0 m x3.0 m high,
supporting a 12.0 m high chamber with a lip wall in front and guide walls on either sides
to facihtate wave entry (Fig. la & b). Over the oscillating chamber is a double cubic
curve concrete dome 10 m x 7.75 m at bottom, reducing to 2.0 m diameter circle at top
and 3.0 m high to support the power module. The caisson top is at +5.00 m with respect
to still water level (SWL).
Operating condition
The system is expected to deliver a peak power of 150 K W at a significant wave
height of 1.52 m and design wave period of 10 seconds.
The theoretical estimation of wave forces on such non conventional type of
structures are in general cumbersome. Unlike circular cylinders, the incident wave
direction also has a significant influence on flow pattern around the structure. As the
OWC caisson has an opening on one side, the estimation of wave forces becomes
uncertain because of the complicated fluid flow and wave oscillations inside h.
The author is of the opinion that none of these idealization are closer to reahty.
Hence, finally to be safe, the structure has been designed for a non-breaking wave force
For breaking wave force estimation, the empirical methods proposed by Hiroi
(1919), Minikin (1963) and Goda (1974) are used. Hiroi assumed a uniform pressure
distribution from sea bed till a height of 1.5 times the incident wave height above SWL.
A controversy exists in using Goda's method and Minikin's method. Minikin's method
yields more pressure intenshy than Goda's method for a higher relative water depth
(d/L), whereas, Goda's method yields a higher pressure intensity than Minikin's method
for a smaller relative water depth ratio (Yen-his chu, 1989). Goda's method is widely
used in Japan and is recommended for the design of semi-rigid type structures. Since the
present structure is in the intermediate water condhion, a conservative approach given by
Minikin is used. The breaking pressure intensity and the total breaking wave forces are-
given below:
The front lip waU is a critical part of the caisson, since h is expected to be exposed
to direct wave attack. The conservative breaking pressure at SWL obtained according to
Minikin (1963) was chosen and the lip was designed for this. The total magnhude of
breaking wave force is about 33000 kN. Elaborate measurements from the prototype
structure and scale model studies in the laboratory are requhed to estimate the wave
forces accurately. The wave pressure due to breaking on the lip wall and on the innerside
of the OWC Chamber (back wall) are given in Fig.2a. The idealised wave pressure
when the wave is acting whh an inclination of 15° to the longitudinal axis ofthe caisson
is given in Fig. 2b.
The general arrangement of the caisson is shown in Fig. 1(a) and 1(b). This
consists of a bottom raft of size 23.2 m x 17.0 m x 3.0 m which supports two waUs on
ehher side and one wah in the rear. The outer plan dimension of the chamber is
20.0m X 14.0 m and the height ofthe walls is 12.3 m. The lip is connected to the side
walls. The thickness ofthe guide walls and lip wall was selected based on hydrodynamic
studies for maximum efficiency of wave power absorption. The curvatures at the entry
point on the guide walls and lip wall were provided for smooth entry of waves and to
minimise energy losses due to vortex shedding. After considering several possible
ahematives, cellular construction was chosen for the walls, lip and bottom raft. The
cellular structure was adapted to minimise the weight because of the floating mode of
construction and towing and also to minimise the construction cost. The caisson structure
was analysed using finhe element method for global and local forces. M30 concrete and
high yield strength deformed bars of grade 415 were adopted.
The caisson walls and lip were analysed using thin quadrilateral (flat) shell
elements with 30 degrees of freedom. They are assumed to be fixed on the raft and
consequently all the degrees of freedom at the bottom are arrested. As the wall is
assumed to be thin plate, it is rigid in hs own plane and hence all the degrees of freedom
(rotational) perpendicular to hs own plane are arrested. The wave force distribution on
the structure shoAvn in Fig. 2 is converted into equivalent rectangular pressure blocks
acting normal to the element. The lip was considered free at top and bottom and
connected to the side walls. The maximum bending moments and dimensions ofthe back
walls, side wall and lip are given Table 3.
The raft is also analysed using thin plate elements and is assumed to be resting on
equivalent soil springs. The reaction from the bottom most elements ofthe wall (due to
wave forces) are also taken as part of the load on the raft apart from the submerged
weight of walls. The maximum bending moments along the length and width of the
bottom raft and hs dimensions are shown in Table 4.
The raft was checked for the stresses during the various stages of construction of
the caisson floating mode.
The dome consists of two cubic parabolas meeting at mid height, the height ofthe
dome being 3.0 m. Thickness ofthe dome is 250 mm. The sectional profile of the dome
varies from place to place and it has a quadrantal symmetry. Finhe element analysis was
carried out using thin plate and shell element
ofthe SAP I V finhe element library. The dome has been designed for the following load
-Internal pressure of 1 bar + self weight of dome+ weight of power module.
-Internal pressure of-0.5 bar + self weight of dome + weight of power module.
The maximum meridinal membrane force and moment in the meridinal direction
considered for the design are 500 kN/m and 58 KN-m/m respectively. The percentage of
steel is about 1.5% ofthe cross sectional area ofthe dome in the meridional direction.
The caisson should be stable against overturning and sliding at hs final location.
Stabilhy is ensured during various stages of construction and towing.
The structure has adequate factor of safety (F.S. > 1.5) both against horizontal
sliding and overturning for the design non - breaking wave forces. The author is of the
opinion tliat tlie breaking wave force need not be considered for overall structural
stability. However, even for this condhion the F.S. is greater than 1.
Some of the approximate quanthies of the materials used for the construction are
Concrete - 1020 cubic mts.
Reinforcing - 1450 K N
Structural steel -1100 K N
Stones for Sea bed
Foundation - 6200 K N
Stones for scour
Protection around caisson - 8000 K N
-The bottom 3 m height concrete box was constructed in a ph 5 m deep, on the beach
inside the harbour. The water table was held down below the construction level by well
point dewatering system.
-The bottom box was made to float by allowing the water table to rise. Subsequently, the
sand bund between the ph and the harbour basin was breached by dredging.
-The box was then towed to deep water are,a near a jetty inside the harbour, where fiirther
construction of walls and other portions was continued in floating mode. Climbing forms
were used for the construction of walls to achieve accurate alignment and speed of
construction. As the construction proceeds, the draught of this asymmetric structure
increases and hence to ensure floating, a temporary steel gate was erected in stages to
close the front opening. The gate has overall dimensions of 10 m x 10 m x 1 m and was
held in poshion by a lock channel arrangement. The horizontal level ofthe structure was
kept by ballasting the different chambers of the bottom box with sand/water.
Wooden joints were cut to lines and levels to form the basic shape ofthe dome on
which plywood shuttering were fixed. The form work for the dome started from the
bottom box slab which is 15 m below. Because of the special shape of the dome, the
shuttering work was expensive and labour intensive.
Scour Protection model studies on circular and square cross sections conducted at
the Ocean Engineering Centre show that scour is predominant in the front of the structure
and the maximum scour occurs at points 45° to the flow direction. Superposhion of
waves on current resuhs in an increase of scour depth by 20% to 62% . The current
velochy was found to be low in magnitude at the location of the caisson. The sea bed
foundation was designed and prepared carefiilly for proper seating of the caisson and for
preventing scour around the base of the structure due to wave action (Fig. 4.). An area of
about 30 m X 23 m was marked on the sea bed and stones of 20 mm to 40 mm size were
neatly packed to lines and levels to form an even horizontal bed. The original plan was to
lay geo-fabric material on the sea bed below the stones. But due to non-availabilhy of
material to meet project schedule, the geo-fabric layer was left out. Stones were dumped
from a pontoon and leveled by divers. The level of the prepared foundation was checked
by depth soundings and taking levels using a mast resting on the bed and projecting above
the water surface. Underwater photographs provided a fairly good indication of the
evenness of the bed.
The towing and seating operation of the caisson was a very crhical one. The
scope of the work was to tow the completed caisson from temporary jetty she (see to the final location outside the harbour and install h on the prepared sea bed.
Inclination test was carried out to assess the metacentric height, G M and controhed sand
ballasting was carried out in order to make the G M greater than 5% of the draught of the
structure. Subsequently the caisson was towed at high tide (tidal height of 1.25 m) with a
drought of 9.9 m and G M of 0.55 m . The caisson was towed out of the harbour to the
final location using powerful tugs at the aft, stem and abreast. Finishing trawlers also
assisted in the operation. The caisson was brought over the prepared sea bed during ebb
tide. Using three transit poles on land, the caisson was aligned and brought in correct
poshion and ballasted continuously to seat h over the sea bed. The exact poshioning was
done by controlling winches on board the caisson connected to bollards on the shore and
anchors on the sea bed.
Subsequently, a steel bridge (45 m long) was erected to span the caisson and
breakwater for the transport of the power module and access to caisson top (Fig. 3d).
Power module
The power module mounted on top of the dome consists of an air turbine of 2 m
diameter coupled to an induction generator of 150 kW rating. The induction generator
system has been selected because it is cheaper and does not require rectification and
inversion normally associated with a variable speed alternator. The induction generator
will always be connected to grid, drawing power from mains when the turbine speed is
below synchronous speed and pumping power to the grid when the speed of turbine
increases above the synchronous speed. When the grid fails, or when the wave heights
are higher than the capachy of the turbine, a butterfly valve provided between the turbine
and the caisson automatically closes the passage of air flow to the turbine.
The turbine has been designed to match the bi-dhectional air flow from the OWC,
based on detailed model studies carried out by the project group (refer Ravindran et al.
a) Wave induced pressures on the caisson in various sea states (changing over the
various seasons).
b) Scour around the caisson and tih, i f any, of the caisson at various points of
c) Monitoring the behaviour ofthe materials used (concrete and steel).
The pressure measurements are being done on the lip and backwalls at different
levels by means of transducers, fixed on the caisson. The tilts are being measured by
means of an inclinometer. The scour was observed by taking bed levels around the
structure by means of a dead weight - chain system.
The power module was mounted on the structure and the system commissioned
for trial runs by end October 1991. The performance of the system with regard to the
hydrodynamic behaviours, turbine performance and power generation was encouraging.
During the period November to February, the wave intensity at location was low, the peak
being during May to September . The system will be continuously monitored and
evaluated during the next nine months (till end of December 1992).
the commercial production of wave power. This had led to the first sea trial with a 150
kW capacity plant. The following are the lessons learned:-
a. It is poshively possible to convert wave power into electric power.
b. Efficiency of convention is very low (to the order of 5 to 20%). Hence further
research must be done to improves the efficiency.
c. Since corrosion is the major problem, the mechanical components must be
designed using materials which are prone for less corrosion.
d. The wave power varies with time and hence a flexible power converting
system should be designed, etc.
The average annual wave power potential around our country varies from 5 to 20
kW/m (Fig.5). This average is less when compared to countries closer to northern latitude
countries. Hence aiming for only wave power conversion may not be cost effective for us.
This has led to proposal for Muhipuipose wave energy caisson system, which consists of
a number of caissons placed one adjacent to others (Fig. 6) to form a part of breakwater.
The advantages in this system are
a. The cost of rubble mound breakwater over the stretch of placement of caisson
can be saved.
b. The rear side ofthe caisson can be used for berthing of vessels. (Fig. 7)
c. A part of the incident wave power can be converted into electric power, hence
the wave looses hs vigor and induces less forces on the caisson.
This type of Muhiple oscillating water column (MOWC) systems can be used in
India, whenever a new harbour is proposed to be buih as shown in Figure 11, which was
proposed for Thangassery Fishery harbour in Kerala during 1995.
It is always better i f the wave forces on the caisson is reduced by some means.
Wave energy caisson offers a chance for implementing this proposal. I f the ah: pressure
buih into the caisson is released to the atmosphere effectively during severe wave
climate, then the wave force can be reduced significantly. The wave force on the wave
energy caisson array and the wave force on a vertical wall type caisson breakwaters was
studied using physical models. Force reduction to the extend of atleast 20 to 30% was
possible i f an air pressure relief system is provided whh the caisson. It should be
designed such that i f the ah pressure inside the OWC Chamber exceeds a prespecified
value (Threshold pressure), h should open up and release the air pressure automatically
(Fig. 12). This is similar to the pressure relief valve used in the pressure cookers for
cooking purposes in our homes.
The design, construction and installation aspects of the concrete caisson of overall
size 23.2 m x 17.0 m x 18.3 m for the wave power plant instahed off the South-West coast
of India have been presented. The caisson structure consists of a bottom raft, two side
walls, a back wall, a lip and a dome. It was buih , partly on land and partly in floating
mode in a harbour basin and installed in open sea on a prepared sea bed. The estimation
of wave forces on the structure was quhe uncertain owing to the complex fluid flow and
oscillations inside h. Several known methods for the estimation of wave forces have
been attempted. However being a pilot plant, conservative approaches have been chosen.
The structural analysis was carried out using Finhe Element Method. Because of the
asymmetric shape of the structure, the construction and towing of the caisson was quhe
difficuh and involved meticulous planning. As of now the caisson has whhstood wave
actions for the past one decade. Field observations show that the device is performing
according to predictions. An extensive performance monitoring was being carried out by
NIOT to understand the behaviour of the structure and the power device.
It is'possible to reduce the wave loads on the oscillating water column type wave
energy caissons, by providing proper air pressure relief systems.
The materials presented here is a part of the work done under a Project sponsored
by the Department of Ocean Development, Govt, of India and implemented by Indian
Institute of Technology, Madras. The author was a part of the project team. Many
colleagues, project officers within IIT and many organisations from outside assisted in the
project implementation. The Harbour Engineering Department of the Kerala Government
was responsible for the local infrastructure and construction. The caisson was buih by L
& T - ECC Construction Group. The assistance of all the above is gratefüUy
Goda,Y. (1974). "New Wave pressure formula for composhe breakwaters", Proceedings
of the 14* conference on Coastal Engineering.
Hiroi, I (1919). " On a method of estimating the force on waves". Bulletin of Engg.
Dept^ Tokyo Imperial Univershy, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 19
MacCamy, R.G and Fuchs, R.A. (1954). "Wave Forces on phes: A Diffraction
theory"U.S. Army Beach Erosion Board, Technical Memorandum No.69,17 pages
Minikin,R.R. (1963). "Wind, Waves and maritime structures". Studies in the harbour
making and protection of coasts, 2"** edition. Griffin, London.
Morison, J.R., O'.Brien, M.P., Johnson, J.W. and Schadf, S.A 91950). :"The forces
Exerted by surface waves on piles" Petroleum transactions, AMIE, Vol. 189,
pp. 149-154
Ravindran, M . , Swaminathan, G , and Koola, P.M. (1989). 'Model Studies for the Sea
Trial of a 150 K W Wave Energy System" Proc. Eighth OMAE (ASME) Conf^
The Hague, Mar. pp. 19-23.
Sainflou, G. (1928) "Essai Sur les diques marhimes verticales" Annales des ponts et
Chausses, Vol.98, No. 1, pp. 5-48
Sea Trial of a 150 K W wave energy device off Trivandrum coast. Project report
submitted to DOD by the Wave Energy Group, Ocean Engineering Centre, Indian
Institute of Technology, Madras, 1987.
7-7|^,,—Generator Side wall
Oscillating Dome
water column -Lip Wave d i r e c t i o n
- Back wall
-Sand tilling
2 3 200
50q2S00 77S0
g horbour
12.37 t / n i 2
z <?
ExisHng G l -j Temporary
Sand bogs Sea
|M5l O.OOl
V, i Catsjon raff ; ,
r-. A froma
Rubble proUtHon
r m m
FIG.4. B E D P R E P A R A T I O N F O R W A V E
3 S § gs
200 200
250 M.S.Plate S.S.Shaft- e m b e d d e d
info concrete
Dome top
400 >
Air pre s s u r e
IMil C i r c u l a r arc t y p e
end f o r ease of
Rubber beedings r o t a t ion
a l l a r o u n d to a b s o r b (Feasible lubrication
shocks s y s t e m to be designed )
^Rubber beedinh
Inter Institutional Workshop on B R E A K W A T E R S ^
(Jointly organised by I I T Madras and T.U.Delft) X I J H p If f
March 9 - 10, 2000 L/CII I
Delft University of Tectinologv
J.S. Mani
Ocean Engineering Centre
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Email: [email protected]
Numerous facilities along the coast worldwide such as recreational harbors, marinas,
bays and fishing harbors are threatened by massive waves, resuhing in the loss of human life
and permanent structures. For recreational harbors, coastal swimmers and surfers prefer to
have acceptable wave condhions to suh their sporting activhies and for fishing harbors,
creation of still water conditions is not a necessity. In such cases, expensive rubble-mound
breakwaters may not be the right choice, as they are meant for providing very calm waters.
As the cost of a closely spaced pUe breakwater is directly related to the number of
piles needed for breakwater construction, an attempt is made to develop a partially
suspended porous wall breakwater that is cost-effective, easy to instaU, and capable of
reducing the incident-wave height by 50%. Resuhs of the experimental tests conducted for
the partiaUy suspended porous wah breakwater are discussed in this paper.
3. E X P E R I M E N T A L R E S U L T S
Figure 2 shows the variation of transmission coefficient whh b/d and y/h ratios for
four typical values of Hj/gT^, that is to say, 0.0016, 0.0034, 0.0061 and 0.016. The values
of transmission coefficient K^^ shown in the figure correspond to an average value obtained
after several test repetitions. From the figure it is possible to infer the following :
1. Comparison of K|- values for b/d = 1.00 and 0.44 indicates that by restricting the b/d
value to 0.44, an appreciable reduction (ofthe order of 26%) in transmission coefficient
can be obtained (especially for steep waves). However, i f the b/d ratio is restricted to
0.22 and 0.11, the reduction in K^, would be of the order of 33% and 35%, respectively.
2. For the given range of b/d ratio, increase in y/h from 0.46 to 0.56 has less influence on
transmission coefficient compared to the values for 0.36 to 0.46.
These resuhs imply that further reduction in the b/d ratio and increase in the y/h ratio
may not significantly influence the transmission coefficients. Thus h is concluded that the
optimum values for b/d and y/h should be equal to 0.22 and 0.46 respectively.
3.2 Variation of Transmission Coefficient
Figure 3 sliows tlie variation of transmission coefficients with Hj/gT^ and b/d
for y/h = 0.46. The trend curves suggest that for the given range of b/d, the transmission
coefficient decreases for an increase m Hj/gT^. From the resuhs h is evident that
1. By maintaming a b/d ratio of 0.22, the breakwater is capable of reducing the magnitude of
incident-wave height by 50% for a wide range of wave steepness (0.05 < HiL < 0.106).
2. For 0.22 < b/d < 0.66, 40% reduction in incident-wave height is predicted; this is also true
for a narrow range of wave steepness.
3. For 0.66 < b/d < 1.0, incident-wave height is reduced by 20%o only.
3.3 Analysis
The resuhs imply that the following benefits can be derived by adopting the present
type of breakwaters rather than a phe breakwater.
1. As the number of piles needed for construction in drastically reduced, the system assures
a net savings in the cost of material, fabrication, and erection. Cost comparison for a 20-
m length of suspended pipe breakwater whh a similar length of pile breakwater is given
here. (Note that cost estimate was made based on the rates quoted by an Indian
Company engaged in pile driving operations in open sea.)
* Pipe breakwater :
Cost of support piles (1.6-m dia)
= No. of phes X cost per phe
= 2 x $ 12,000 = $24,000
Cost of suspended pipes made of high-density polyethylene pipes (40-cm dia)
= No. of pipes X cost per pipe
= 34 X $1,300 = $44,200
Total cost of suspended pipe breakwater
= $68,200
* PUe breakwater
Cost of pile breakwater (1.6-m dia)
= No. of piles X cost per pile
= 10 X $12,000 = $ 120,000
* Comparison
Reduction in the total cost by using the partially suspended porous wall breakwater
= 43%
2. Time required for instaUation is effectively reduced.
3. Easy replacement of pipes in case of damage or loss to a certain stretch of breakwaters
(which is not possible in case of phe breakwater).
4. As the partiaUy suspended porous wall brealcwater blocks only 48% of the vertical sheet
of water, versus 84%) by the conventional pile breakwater, the breakwater would help in
maintaining adequate flow exchange between the partially enclosed water body and the open
5. As the vertical area blocked by the pipe breakwater is only 48%, the structure would
experience slightly less total hydrodynamic force compared to a conventional pile
Studies conducted further on partially submerged porous wall breakwater filled with suhable
porous material (instead of pipes) yield promising resuhs. This type of breakwater has been
instahed to protect a jetty on the west coast of India in the year 1997 and the structure has
whnessed two monsoons seasons including a severe cyclone. The performance of the
breakwater is shown in figure 4.
(1) Partially suspended porous wall breakwater (with a row of pipes) is an economical and
promising substitute for a pile breakwater and is as efiicient as a pUe breakwater in
attenuating incident waves,
(2) A gap to diameter ratio b/d of 0.22 and draft to water depth ratio y/h of 0.46 are
recommended for suspended pipes to achieve a transmission coefficient of 0.5.
(3) For Hj/gT^ > 0.008, the present breakwater can attenuate incident waves by 50%.
However, for 0.005 < Hi/gT2 < 0.008, incident waves are reduced by 40%.
(4) Partially suspended porous wah breakwater (with suitable hght weight porous material)
whh 30% submergence, can restrict wave transmission between 10 and 67% for Hj/gT^ >
0.003. In practical range of H;/gT2 (0.006 < Hi/gT^ < 0.020), maximum value of Kt is
(5) Wave force estimated based on average pressure distribution over partially suspended
porous waU breakwater (with suhable light weight porous material) indicates force reduction
of the order of 50% compared to an equivalent impermeable breakwater.
5. R E F E R E N C E S
Grune, J., and Kohlhase, S. (1974). "Wave transmission through vertical slotted walls", 14th
Coast. Engrg. Conf., ASCE, New York, N.Y., Vol.III, 1906 - 1923.
Hayashi, T., Hattori, M . , and Shirai, M . (1968). "Closely spaced pile breakwater as a
protection structure against beach erosion, "Coast. Engrg, in Japan, 11, 149 - 156.
Hayashi, T., and Kano, T. (1966). "Hydrauhc research on the closely spaced phe
breakwater, "10th Coast. Engrg. Conf., ASCE, New York, N.Y., 873-884.
Khader, M.H.A., and Rai, S.P. (1981). "Wave attenuation due to closely spaced circular
cylinders, "Int. Assoc. for Hydr. Res., X I X Congrg. New Delhi, India, 95-102.
Mani, J.S. (1989), "Wave damping characteristics of pile breakwaters." Proc. Third Nat.
Conf. on Dock and Harb. Engrg., Dept. of Appl. Mech. KREC, India, 181-188.
Wiegel, R.L. (1960). "Transmission of waves past a rigid vertical thin barrier." J.Wtrwy. and
Harb. Div., ASCE, 86(1), 1-12.
Frame f o r f i x i n g pipe
Suspended pipes
r, /u
0-20 o r. ?..;?
« 11 .!.:•
c- ^1
! . -J 3
0 0
0-0 o.aos o-oio 0.020
For p?pc ö a r r i e r
& 39 % oorosih
Ü.ÜO ^ s — P - ™ ^ — ^ — ^ — J
Inter Institutional Workshop on B R E A K W A T E R S
(Jointly organised by I I T Madras and T.U.Delft) T i l D g I f t
March 9-10,2000
Delft Univetsity of Technologv
The design of cross section of a rubble mound breakwater is quhe weU known.
The size ofthe individual armour block is arrived using the Hudson's formula.
Where W is Weight of individual armour block in ton, y is mass denshy of armour block
in ton/m^ H is design wave height in m, K d is Stability coefficient, Sr == y/y„ , Yw is mass
density o f sea water in ton/m'', and 9 is slope of breakwater.
2.0 E X P E R I M E N T A L F A C I L I T I E S
Most ofthe tests are carried out in a 72.5m long, 2m wide and 2.7m deep wave
flume. A wave maker is installed at one end of the flume and other end of flume is
provided whh an absorber which is a combination of a parabolic perforated sheet and a
rubble mound below it for deep water waves and shallow water waves respectively. In
this flume, water depth can be varied from 0.5m to 2.0m. The details of the wave flume is
shown in Fig. 1. Whhin the mechanical, geometric and hydrodynamic limhations of the
system the wave generating system is capable of generating regular waves or random
waves of any pre-defined spectral characteristics. The wave maker can operate in two
different modes: (a) in piston mode for generation of shallow water waves, or (b) in
hinged mode for generation of deep water waves.
The maximum water depth in the flume must never be exceeded less than or equal
to 1.0m and less than or equal to 2.0m for the piston mode and hinged mode operations
respectively. Wave generator generates waves through a servo actuator with remote
control system. One personal computer to servo actuator is used to give input wave signal
to the wave generator and the same computer is used for data acquishion.
The testing procedure was followed as discussed by Owen and Allsop(1983). The
damage to the breakwater will be in terms of the number of armour unhs, which have
been totally dislodged from the armour layer. This number may be expressed as a
percentage of the total number of units on the armour face.
The movement of the armour unhs can assess the damage and four categories of
armour unit movements are given below:
5.1 Breakwater section for proposed port at Ganeshgule, India
The stabihty tests on breakwater (both trunk and round head portion) proposed to
be constructed along the coast of Maharastra at Ganeshgule was carried out. The layout
of the harbour is shown in Fig.2. As per the stability analysis, the core layer of both
southern and northern breakwaters consists of stones varying from 0 to 80 kg . The
secondary layer consists of 1.0 to 2.0 ton stones having a thickness of 1.5 m on the sea
side, the primary armour layer consist of 12ton tetrapods of thickness 2.5m, whereas, the
armour layer of the round head section is formed by placing 18ton tetrapod of thickness
4.0m. The cross section was designed for a design wave height of 4.5m and wave period
of lOsec. The cross-sections of the trunk and head portions to be tested for hs stabilhy are
shown in Fig.3 and Fig.4 respectively.
A model scale of 1:17 and 1:20 was adopted for the trunk and round head section
respectively. According to the model scale, the core layer of the trunk section consists of
stones varying from 0 to 120gm. The secondary layer consists of 0.192 to 0.383kg stones
having a thickness of 90mm on the seaside. The crown plate (L shaped) has been
fabricated whh mild steel channel sections and plates. The primary armour layer consists
of 2.3kg tetrapods of thickness 144mm, whereas, the armour layer of the round head
section is proposed by 2.3 Tetrapod of thickness 200mm.
The tests were carried out for three water depths i.e.. Highest High Water Level
(HHWL, Prototype: +3.05m and model: 0.90m), Mean Higher High Water (MHHW,
Prototype: +2.30m and model: 0.85m) and Mean Sea Level (MSL, Prototype: +1.50m
and model: 0.81m). The experiments were carried out by increasing the wave heights
from 50% to 120% of design wave height in steps of 25%. For each wave height, the test
was carried out for 500 waves.
In the case of head section, h was observed that the maximum damage to the
round head section is of about 1% when h is subjected to design wave height of 0.30m in
a water depth of 0.86m(IIHWL). The observation made in the flume is shown in Fig.6.
Based on the hydrodynamic tests, it was concluded that both the trunk and head section
for the proposed breakwater at Ganeshgule are safe, since, the damage to the trunk and
head sections are well whh in the permissible damage level o f 5%. Similar model studies
were carried out for other proposed breakwaters along the coast of Maharastra at Redi,
Jaigad and Vijaydurg.
5.2 Stability of horizontal composite breakwater at Mormugao port, India
Mormugao Port situated on the west coast of India in the state of Goa has been
serving as a major port for the last 100 years. The layout of the Mormugao port is shown
in Fig.7. The harbour works consists of breakwater of length of about 550m. The caisson
wall is constructed with 8ton laterhe concrete blocks sitting on the rubble mound at low
water level. On the sea side of the caisson wall, two types of wave breakers that is,
laterhe blocks of 12ton and ISton are placed over on the rubble mound in order to protect
the caisson against the severe attack of waves. The bed level is at an elevation o f - 9 . 0 m
to the chart datum. The top ofthe breakwater is at +4.5m. The wave height and period for
the design of breakwater adopted are 5.7m and 10 sec respectively. The elevation of
Highest High Water Level (HHWL), Mean Sea Level (MSL) and Low Water Level
(LWL) are +2.3m, +1.3m and +0.0m respectively. The cross section of the existing
breakwater is shown in Fig.8(a). The port authorities reported that, a few wave breaker
blocks overtopped and thrown onto the leeside and few of them rolled towards the
seaside during the monsoon period. This necesshated examining the means of
strengthening the armour layer.
The breakwater is considered as a caisson and has been fabricated with mild steel
plates and angle sections, which is equivalent to the weight of the caisson for 2m length.
A model scale of 1:16 was adopted for the physical model studies. The laterhe blocks of
Bton adopted for the rubble mound below the caisson and wave breaker blocks of 12ton
and ISton have been fabricated according to the model scale corresponding to 2.04kg,
3.07kg and 4.60kg blocks respectively. The damage to the existing section after being
subjected to the waves is shown in Fig.8(b). Since the breakwater could not withstand the
wave attack and a damage of about 20% was observed for the existing section, h was
necessary to revise the design.
1. Flattening the seaward slope to 1:2 providing a berm of 3.0m at HHWL (+2.3m) with
armour layer formed by 9ton tetrapods of thickness 3.0m. The details of the cross
section of the composhe breakwater strengthen with tetrapods is shown in Fig.9. A
model scale of 1:16 was adopted for the model study.
2. Since h was feh that the Mormugao port has gained considerable expertise in
handling laterite cubes, this modification was suggested. This encompasses usage of
ISton concrete cube blocks. A berm width of about 4m is provided at HHWL (+2.3m)
whh a slope of 1:2. The concrete cubes of weight 15ton are used for the primary layer
of thickness 3.6m. The details of the cross section of the composhe breakwater
strengthened with concrete cubes is shown in Fig. 10. A model scale of 1:16 was
adopted for the model study.
3. While planning for these tests, representative of SOGREAH, France suggested the
usage of accropods for improving the stabilhy of the existing breakwater. The cross
section was suggested by SOGREAH, France. The details of the cross section of the
composhe breakwater strengthen whh accropods is shown in Fig. 11. For the testing
an accropod alternative, a model scale of 1:29 has been adopted to suh the accropod
unh (395gm) which was air lifted from France.
The tests were carried out with wave height of 50% ofthe design wave height and
increased gradually in steps of 25% upto the design wave height. The duration ofthe test
is for 500 waves, that is, twenty one minutes for the model and one hour twenty four
minutes for the prototype.
The observations made in the 2m wide flume on the existing section, existing section
strengthened whh tetrapods, concrete cubes and accropods are shown in Fig. 12. Based
on the hydrodynamic model tests carried out on the existing breakwater section and that
strengthened whh three different armour blocks, that is, tetrapods, concrete cubes and
accropods, the following conclusions are drawn:
1. Damage of about 20% was observed for the existing breakwater section.
2. Tetrapods and concrete cubes are found to be stable in protecting the existing
breakwater. Damage in both the cases is less than 3%, which is well whh in the
permissible damage level of 5%.
3. Accropods are more ^able in protecting the existing breakwater section whh 0%
damage and a significant overtopping is observed continuously.
The average slope of the existing breakwater after damage by carrying out a
survey as on January 31,1999 was found to be 1:1.1 as against a slope of 1:2.5. The
details o f t h e cross section is shown in Fig. 14. Physical model tests were carried out
initially to check the stabilhy of the cross section as per design when h is subjected to a
significant wave height of 3.75m occurring during the monsoons as reported by the
harbour authorities. The stabilhy tests were carried out for the two most frequently
occurring wave periods of 8 and 10 sec. A model scale of 1:9 was adopted for the
physical model study. The damage of the section was found to be more than the
permissible level to the extent of 6.15% for 8 sec wave and 17.4% for 10 sec wave. The
tests were followed up with suggestive measures of strengthening the armour layer. This
consisted of provision of a berm at mean high water level of width of 4m by adopting the
same size of rubble stones of 3ton to 5ton. The details of the existing cross section
strengthened whh 3ton to 5ton rubble stones is shown in Fig. 15. The tests were repeated
and the damage to the modified cross section was found to be less than 2% which is less
than permissible damage level of 5%. The section was found to be stable. The tests were
also carried out for the trunk section beyond 9.0m water depth and head section, both the
trunk section and head section are formed with 8ton tetrapods as primary layer. The trunk
and head section were found to be stable since the damage is less than 2% which is well
whh in the permissible damage level of 5%. The details of the trunk section beyond
1685m chainage (that is beyond 9.0m water depth) is shown in Fig. 16 and that of head
section is shown in Fig. 17. Observations made on the breakwater cross sections after
being subjected to waves is shown in Fig. 18.
submerged semicircular breakwater was fabricated and a detailed experimental study was
carried out in a wave flume in Ocean Engineering Centre, Indian Institute of Technology,
Madras. The details ofthe SBW model is shown in Fig. 19.
The semichcular breakwater model was subjected to the action of regular waves
of heights ranging from 0.03m to 0.21m at intervals of 0.03m with e^ch of the wave
height having wave periods ranging from O.Ssec to 2.2 sec at intervals of 0.2 sec. The
horizontal, vertical forces, hydrodynamic pressures and the runup and rundown on the
model alongwith the variations of wave elevation in front of the model at the three
different locations as stated eariier were acquired simuhaneously through the same
personal computer that is used to drive the wave maker. The tests have been carried out
for the six different water depths based on hw/ht ratios, that is, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2 and
1.4 where hw is the water depth and ht is the total height ofthe model, to study the effect
of water depth keeping hs/hr ratio constant. The definhion of the variables is given in
eariier figure. The tests were also carried out for three different hs/hr ratios that is 4.6, 2.5
and 1.67 to study the effect of height of the rubble keeping hw/ht ratio constant, where hr
is the height of the rubble and hs is the height ofthe caisson.
Exposed SBW
• For the SBW protruding above the free surface for hs/hr = 4.6 and for hw/ht = 0.6, 0.7
and 0.8, the reflection coefficient varies from about 0.5 to about 0.9 for the scattering
parameter ranging from 0.7 to 3.2. As hw/ht increases the reflection coefficient
® The transmission coefficient is negligible, this is due to fact that for waves generated
in lesser water depths, a significant amount of incident wave energy is reflected by
the caissson and part of the energy is spent in the wave running over the curved
surface facing the seaside. i
• The dimensionless pressure, {(Pc)max/YH} [where, (Pc)max is peak shoreward pressure, y
is mass density of water and H is the incident wave height] decreases with increase in
scattering parameter for a constant hs/hr of 4.6 for different hw/ht = 0.6, 0.7 and 0.8.
Similar trend is seen for different hs/hr = 4.6, 2.5 and 1.67 for constant hw/ht = 0.8.
® The variation of the horizontal dimensionless force {(FH)max/(ya^H/2)} [Here (FHVBX
is total horizontal force] and dimensionless vertical force {(Fv)max/(ya^H/2)} [where,
(Fv)max is total vertical force]decreases with increase in scattering parameter for
different hw/ht = 0.6, 0.7 and 0.8 for constant hs/hr = 4.6. The resuhs indicates that
higher hs/hr resuhs in larger vertical forces and lesser horizontal forces. The effect of
hs/hr is found to be greater for higher values of scattering parameter.
Submerged SBW
For the submerged SBW, for hs/hr = 4.6 and for hw/ht = 1 . 0 , 1.2 and 1.4, the
reflection coefficient varies from about 0.15 to about 0.25 for the scattering parameter, ka
(ka=27ca/L) ranging from 0.7 to 3.2. As hw/ht increases the reflection coefficient
® The transmission coefficient is found to be ranging from about 0.3 to 0.95. As hw/ht
increases the transmission coefficient increases.
• The loss coefficient is found to be decrease whh increase in scattering parameter.
• The dimensionless pressure, {(Po)max/YH} decreases whh increase in scattering
parameter for a constant hs/hr of 4.6 for different hw/ht = 1.0, 1.2 and 1.4.
• The variation of the horizontal dimensionless force {(FH)max/(Ya^H^2)} and
dimensionless vertical force {(Fv)max/(Ya^H/2)} decreases with increase in scattering
parameter for different hw/ht = 1.0, 1.2 and 1.4 for constant hs/hr = 4.6.
A new type of structure pile supported front face breakwater was formulated by
Ocean Engineering centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, a detailed
experimental study was carried out in a wave flume in Ocean Engineering Centre, Indian
Institute of Technology, Madras. The details of the cross section is shown in Fig.20. The
quadrant front face of radius of 500mm supported on piles of height 550mm and diameter
59mm were subjected to both regular and random waves in three different water depths
of 0.8m,0.9m and 1.0m. The effect of spacing between the piles was also studied. The
wave period was varied from 1 to 2.4sec in intervals of 0.2sec. For each wave period,
atleast five wave heights were tested. The wave steepness ranged from about 0.004 to
0.12m and a relative water depths ranged from 0.15 to 0.4m. The reflection, transmission
and loss coefficient were computed and reported as a function of wave steepness for
different relative water depth values. In addition, the wave elevation on the quadrant front
face was measured and the dimensionless runup and rundown were also computed and
reported as a function of wave steepness for different relative water depth values.
Hydrodynamic pressures and forces were also measured. The salient results based on the
hydrodynamic model tests analysed till now are represented below.
For Regular waves
® The reflection coefficient decreases slightly whh increases in wave steepness and is
found to vary from about 0.2 to 0.5. The reflection coefficient decreases with increase
in h/d where h is the height of the pile and d is the water depth.
® The transmission coefficient decreases whh increase in wave steepness and varies
from about 0.2 to 0.4. The transmission coefficient increases whh increase in h/d.
® The loss coefficient increase whh increases in h/d and increase whh increase in wave
steepness and ranges from about 0.8 to 0.9.
® For lesser relative water depths, the dimensionless runup (runup/wave height) is
found to be also greater than 1 and varies from about 0.3 to 1.1. The dimensionless
rundown (rundown/wave height) varies from 0.1 to 0.6.
® The dimensionless force ( F H O F v /yr^) in the vertical and horizontal direction increases
with increase in wave steepness, where F H or v is force in horizontal or vertical
direction, y is the unit of water and r is the radius ofthe quadrant face.
7. R E F E R E N C E S
Model scale 1:17
S 1-
Model scale 1:20
Fig, 7 Layout of the Mormugao port
Lee side
9150 Sea side
H H Wl. «7 30
Wave \ ^TWS.S.T • QOCl.
All dimensions are in nun
SECXID(i_ 1^- ^ 1
1:1 11 1:1
0 E
w 153
g. 8 (b) Damage due to the existing cross section after being sübjected to waves
HHWL t2.3ni
^1 r-,_ I
Fig.lO Cross section ofthe caisson breakwater strengthened with concrete cubes
model scale:-1:16
20-, Severe overtopping
Overtopping Overtopping
model scale:-1:16
/ — _
model scale:-1:29
signiflcant overtopping Significant overtopping
Signiflcant overtopping
G) A r n o u r layer - 3 i o 5 ton stones
1. All dimensions a r e In M e t r
0 Secondary layer - 300 t o 500 Kg s t o n e s
Q) Proposed renedlal measure ( 3 - 5 ton stones)
(5 A r n o u r l a y e r - 8T T e t r a p o d s
^ on.^i?"'^'^'"^ ^'^y^'^ ~ To leooKn " " ' " e " s l ° n s a r e In n e t r e '
(5 300Kg To 500Kg s t o n e s "
& 3T TO 5T s t o n e s
0 A r n o u r l a y e r - 8T T e t r a p o d s
(5 S e c o n d a r y l a y e r - 800 To ISDOKg s t o n e s
0 3T To 5T s t o n e s
O 300 To 500 Kg s - t o n e s All dimensions a r e In metres
d = 0,78m d = 1.0ni
18 Severe Severe
Overtopping Overtopping
N = 374 stones, H = 0.416m and Number of waves = 500 (Model Scale 1:9)
(a) Breakwater cross section at 1620ni chainage
d = 1.0m
d = 0.78m yr
3 Occasionally Occasionally
sUght severe
Overtopping Overtopping
0.2S l.S
T=3.7 sec T=2.7 sec T=3.7 sec
N = 654 stones, H = 0.416m and Number of waves = 500 (Model Scale 1:9)
T=2.0 sec T=2.8 sec T=2.0 sec T=2.8 sec
d = 0.63m d = 0.73m
N = 326 tetrapods, H = 0.3m and Number of waves = 500 (Model Scale 1:15)
(c) Breakwater cross section at 9m water depth
Occasionally Occasionally
sUght slight
Overtopping Ovei-topping
T=2.0 sec T=2.8 sec
N = 561 tetrapods, d = 0.73m, H = OJm and Number of waves = 500 (Model Scale 1:15)
Stm\vaier level
GI pipes 39 nn dia
H U c/c
QI pipes 59njn
2D c/c — 413 nn— . ~(13 „ n -
S n f lune wall ^
23 na_|
ISHC lOOnnxSQnn -
Inter Institutional Workshop on BREAKWATERS
(Jointly organised by I I T M a d r a s and T.U.Delft) T I J H p I f t
March 9 - 10, 2000 • %^ L / C 11 I
Delft University of Technologv
The requirements of the new Ennore Port have been formulated in a feasibility
study performed by HASKOMNG - RITES in 1988 - 1990 and subsequent reviews
performed by the Government of India, Asian Development Bank and Madras Port Trust.
The New Port will initially serve incoming coal transportation in bulk carriers up to
Panamax size (65,000 DWT) for the benefit ofthe Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB).
The design capacity for incoming coal is 16 million tonnes per year. To meet this capacity
requirement two fiilly utilized berths are foreseen at the Southern end of the new outer
port. The movements of ships and the coal unloading of coal from the ships at the berth
shall in principle be a round the clock activity during all seasons. The Port and its coal
handling facilities shall be operable round the clock and all year, except for some odd
hours or days per year, when extreme conditions occur.
During HASKONING's Feasibility Study a port layout has been developed with an
entrance from East to West. A Northern and a Southern breakwater of about equal length
were designed to give the harbour the necessary protection. A dredged entrance channel
outside the breakwaters would provide a straight access by ships heading Westwards.
Drawbacks of this layout were identified within the present Consultancy work and
therefore alternative layouts have been formulated, studied and compared.
Apart from the feasibility layout with an Eastern entrance there seems to be only
two other options feasible on the basis of relevant criteria.
One alternative layout has an approach route with a compass angle of initially 250°
and before entry 225°; consequently the harbour mouth is towards the Northeast. The sea
entry of this port layout is close to the Ennore shoals. This is the so called layout with
North-East entrance (Fig. 1).
The other alternative layout has a straight approach route with a compass angle of
345° and a harbour mouth between South and SSE. This is the so called layout with
Southern entrance (Fig. 2).
In order to arrive at a conclusion for the nautical safety of the two alternative
layouts, the following observations are made in addition to the fast time simulation
results, for the layout with a NE-entrance:
The last stretch ofthe approach route before entering the mouth is straight allowing
for easy entry of the critical passage through the narrow harbour mouth.
The last stretch of the approach route before entering through the mouth is very
close to the Ennore shoals. The danger of grounding by a ship with slight
manoeuvring problems is real, but the occurrence of manoeuvring problems is only
very small. To reduce this risk the entrance channel has been widened to 250 m. I f
however one ship is lost on the shoals once in ten years it is at a cost which can not
be ignored.
The last stretch of the approach route is parallel to the depth contour lines, which
Mariners dislike and Port planners try to avoid.
The following observations are made in addition to the fast time simulation results,
for the layout with a Southern entrance:
A straight entrance is projected from deep sea in to the outer harbour along an
initially 180 m wide channel, widening to 250 m near the head of the Eastern
breakwater and into the outer port. This will facilitate a safe entry, while the
shiphandler can conveniently adjust his course for local changes in current, wind
and wave effects.
The straight approach channel outside the breakwaters makes a convenient angle of
30° with the prevailing depth contour Hnes. This is a good port planning practice
and Mariners will appreciate this when approaching Ennore. The chatmel is
consequently shorter than for the other alternative.
The stopping manoeuvre of single screw vessels with right hand turning propulsion
tend to deviate to starboard. Allowance has been made for this deviation just after
the passage of the harbour mouth and consequently the Eastern breakwater
alignment has been bowed seawards.
It is concluded that the criteria for safe navigation are met in both the layouts,
however the Southern entrance is still preferred because of
a straight and shorter entrance channel, which has convenient potential for
expansion to allow safe negotiation by larger ships in the fliture,
the presence of a shoal adjacent to the last stretch of the NE-entrance channel,
which might be a threat to Mariners in very exceptional cases.
•2 Breakwater
- construction 150.33 50.11 174.18 58.06
- allowance for soil 30.00 10.00 30.00 10.00
S Entrance NE Entrance
3 Dredging works 120.60 40.20 153.90 51.30
6 Onshore facilities:
- priority works 18.28 6.09 18.28 6.09
- other works 17.48 5.83 17.48 5.83
7 Tugs and other craft 79,50 26.50 79.50 26.50
Exchange rate ; 1 US $ = 30 Rs
Inter Institutional Workshop on BREAKWATERS
(Jointly organised by I I T Madras and T.U.Delft) T I J H p I f f
March 9 - 10, 2000 • V L / C 11 I
Delft University of Technologv
R, Haggie
Email: [email protected]
The site is bordered to the south by the North Madras Thermal Power Station
(NMTPS). A cooling water outlet of the power station marks the Southeast corner of the
Port site. On the West side, the Buckingham Canal borders the Port area and the NMTPS.
A number of salt pans are located to the west of the Buckingham Canal which vary in
size, have an average bottom depth of + 0.0 m CD and at present are not in use.
South ofthe NMTPS, the Ennore Creek (outlet ofthe river Kortaliyar) discharges
into the Bay of Bengal. To the Northeast of the Port site are the Ennore Shoals. The
distance between the Ennore Shoals and the Ennore Creek is approximately 5 km. The
coastline between the Eimore shoals and the Ennore Creek is orientated in a North-
northeast (NNE) direction. The general Port layout is shown in Figure 1.
' protection of the Entrance Channel and Port Basin against waves and current and thus
providing safe manoeuvring and berthing conditions for vessels;
• providing safe and/or operational berthing conditions for ships;
" providing land access to berths;
= providing visual guidance (enhanced by navigation beacons) for ship traffic.
The breakwaters of the Ennore Port will have to fiilfil all these functions except
for the safe berthing conditions during heavy cyclone conditions, since the Port will not
be designed as a survival port for these conditions.
A breakwater should fulfil its flinctions during a certain pre-set period of time,
called the lifetime of the structure. This lifetime is normally set at 50 or 100 years. The
longer the design lifetime of a breakwater the higher the probability it will be subject to
extreme wave conditions and consequently the stronger the structure has to be. The 1/100-
years conditions have been selected as design conditions for the breakwater, being in-line
with the practice in India. The difference between the 1/50 and 1/100-years event for the
wave conditions is very small due to the fact that the waves are depth limited. The
expected fliture level of maintenance is a functional requirement and also a design
The preferred design for the breakwaters has been defined as the design that fulfils
the above functional requirements for the lowest cost. During the Preliminary Design a
cost comparison was executed for the following four alternative designs of the primary
armour of a rubble mound breakwater:
be the most promising solution. This alternative was subsequently developed on a
Preliminary Design level.
After the model test, the Preliminary Design was altered, as found necessary based
on the test resuhs, leading to the Final Design of the breakwaters. The Final Design is and
the design process, as presented hereafter, is not only based on breakwater requirements
(functional/stability) but also on feasible construction techniques.
The southern part of India experiences two monsoon seasons separated by transi-
tional periods of calm weather:
The impact of the Northeast monsoon is more pronounced than that of the
Southwest monsoon. Tropical depressions and cyclones are a recurrent phenomena,
usually occurring in the months of October through to November. The location of the
future Port of Ennore is aflfected by cyclonic activity every year. Cyclonic disturbances
originating in the Bay of Bengal track westwards towards the Indian coastline. Wave
heights associated with these cyclones can be as high as 5 to 8 m.
The tides experienced at the Port of Chennai are semi-diurnal with mean spring
tide ranges of 1.0 m and mean neap tide ranges of 0.4 m (MHWS is + 1.10 m CD and
MLWS + 0.10 m CD). The coast is sandy and the coast gradient is gentle; it is exposed to
a continuous moderate surf.
From Figure 2 it can be seen that a significant wave height, Hs, of 1.0 m will be
exceeded 10% of the time per year. For exceedence percentages of 1% and 0.1% the
significant wave height becomes 1.60 m and 2.15 m respectively. The once per year
wave height (= 1/1-year return period) can also be determined from Figure 2. I f one
assumes a storm duration of 6 hours the exceedence percentage becomes 6 hours/(365
days X 24 hours) x 100% = 0.0685% which corresponds with a significant wave height
of 2.25 m.
Extreme wave conditions for the location of the Eimore Port have been derived
from a Cyclone Hindcast Study [15] and involved the statistical evaluation and
extrapolation of cyclonic storm records along the east coast of India within the Bay of
Bengal. The deep water wave conditions were established at 18 grid points near to
Ennore and the average significant wave height and the standard deviation for different
return periods were calculated (see Figure 2).
As a check on the results of the extrapolation, the Cyclone Hindcast Study also
hindcasted two very severe cyclones along a shifted track approaching the Ennore site.
At the peak of these storms a maximum significant wave height of 12 m was calculated.
Comparison of these two very severe events with the hindcasted resuhs, in
combination with an evaluation of the return frequency of very severe events occurring
at the Ennore site, gives the final estimation of the extreme wave conditions at deep
water. The resuhs are slightly higher than those based on hindcast heights only.
The 1/1-year wave height was based on the normal wave conditions and
amounts to 2.25 m. Normal wave conditions give a gentle sloping line up to and slightly
beyond the 1/1-year wave height. For larger return periods the line steepens sharply as
these conditions are generated by cyclones.
b) Shallow water
Before any accurate determination could be made of inshore wave heights, the
water levels at various points along the alignment of the breakwater were determined
within the Cyclone Hindcast Study. These levels can be summarized as follows:
proven by the CIRIA/CUR-Manual [1] where graphs are given to establish the
maximum significant wave heights on uniform sloping beaches.
The maximum significant wave height at various bottom levels was calculated
for the 1/100-year event. The breaker index and corresponding wave height (Hs max)
varied from 0.64 and 3.1 m at - 3 m CD to 0.50 and 6.6 m at - 11.5 m CD. The wave
conditions at -11.5 m CD are shown in Figure 2.
These maximum significant wave heights at various bed levels were used to
determine the required primary armour unit weights for the breakwaters at various water
depths. However, before these wave heights could be used they needed to be adjusted to
allow for modifications in the wave height distribution during breaking.
When waves break on a beach the highest waves break first, thus changing the wave
height distribution, which is a so-called Rayleigh distribution at deep water. The
stability of structures, and particularly breakwater armour layers, is determined by the
highest waves in a sea state. The significant wave height represents the sea state at deep
water fairly well however, it does not represent the highest waves. For stability
calculations of armour layers the H20/0 is a better wave height to use. The ratio of Hao/^/Hs
is 1.40 for deep water. For severe wave breaking this ratio can decrease to 1.1 to 1.2.
The reduction of the ratio H2o/</Hs has been established for a 1:100 slope by
physical model tests and can be described by:
For a water depth of 13 m and a depth limited wave height of 6.6 m the
reduction coefficient becomes yh = 0.88. The significant wave height can be reduced by
this factor for stability calculations of armour layers. The corresponding H2o/yHs ratio
becomes 0.88 x 1.40 = 1.23. For armour weight calculations a minimum ratio of H2»/„/Hs
= 1.25 has been adopted.
The borings showed a soil profile with an upper layer of coarse dense sand
decreasing in depth in a seaward direction. The bottom level of this layer varies between
- 6 and -8 m CD which coincides with the seabed level at a distance of 500 to 1000 m
from the shoreline. Underlying this sand layer is a loose to very loose silty sand layer
with a thickness of approximately 5 m. The loose sihy sand layer is exposed on the
seabed seaward of the - 6 m to - 8 m CD seabed level.
Soft clay layers of 3 to 5 m thick are present between the shoreline and the - 6 to
-8 m CD seabed-level under the loose sihy sand layer. Stiff clay and dense cemented
sand layer is encountered under these soft layers, with a top level between - 15 and - 20
3.1 Alternatives
During the feasibility stage of the project the rubble mound breakwater was
selected as the most economically and technically sound option for construction of
breakwater at Ennore. The main reasons leading to this choice were the wide and
relatively cheap availability of rock, the ease of construction and need for the structure
to be flexible to account for settlements and consoUdation of the poor subsoil
Quarry investigations [7 & 8] were initiated during the prehminary design phase
in order to establish the quarry yield and the maximum size of rock feasible. However,
because the results of quarry investigations and the economics of producing large rocks
were unknown at the time of the Preliminary Design, it was necessary to consider the
use of concrete armour units for the deep water section of the breakwater (seabed level
- 9.5 m CD and deeper). The following three concrete armour units were considered:
^ Cubes;
• Tetrapods;
^ Accropodes.
Cubes are considered to be strong and massive units, which are easy to construct.
The stability of the units of the same weight is slightly lower for cubes when compared to
Tetrapods. Tetrapods are more slender but have better interlocking, resulting in higher
stability compared to Cubes. Both units are placed in a double layer on the outer face of
the breakwater. The Accropode is a single layer system developed in the early eighties.
The units have good interlocking capabilities and have to be placed on a steep slope of
1:1.33; steeper than that used for Cubes and Tetrapods.
The program BREAKWAT [2], which was developed on the basis of the resuhs
of many physical tests, was used during the Preliminary Design to determine the
required mass of the primary armour layer using the design formulae of van der Meer for
armour layers with concrete units [12].
The required mass of each type of concrete armour unit was established for the
wave conditions occurring at the head of the northern breakwater at a seabed level of CD
- 11.5 m (see Figure 3). Based on the 1/100-year design significant wave height (Hs) of
6.6 m (depth limited) associated with a mean wave period of 9.6 seconds, a structure
slope of 1:1.5 and a damage level of Nod of 0.5, the required mass of each armour unit is:
• 20 tonne for the Cubes;
• 15 tonne for the Tetrapods;
• 15 tonne for the Accropodes.
For shallower water (less than - 1 1 . 5 m CD) the unit weights can be reduced. A
reduction in the maximum significant wave height gives a similar reduction in the
nominal diameter Dn. The weight of 15 tonne can be reduced to 10 tonne at a seabed level
of -9.5 m CD.
Based on a cost comparison of each concrete armour unit, in which two different
seabed levels (-11.5 and - 9.5 m CD) were considered, the Accropode alternative required
the lowest quantity of rock and proved to be the most economical solution. The
Accropode ahernative was consequently recommended for further study in next design
It should be appreciated that all the ahernatives considered are of an equal degree
of stabihty and from a technical point of view there was no overruling argument to select
another ahernative.
The program BREAKWAT was also used to design the rock primary armour for
the sections ofthe breakwater with seabed levels shallower than - 9.5 m CD. The input
for the calculations consists of maximum wave heights at a certain water depth and the
corresponding mean wave period for the 1/100 year return period. The input required to
perform the calculations and to represent the resuhs graphically, by means of damage
curves for rock armour is very similar to that presented in Figure 3. The formulae of Van
der Meer [12] for establishing the rock armour size in shallow water conditions are:
- H 2 ^ = 8.7p0i«
A D „ ,
H2 ' s ^
= 1.4p •0.13 Vcotan(a)^;^
^„1 surf similarity parameter, ^ [-]
It was finally recommended to adopt the conventional design for armour layers
in the next stage of the design because it required the least amount of rock and was
more economical when compared to the S-shaped berm.
The crest height has been established + 5.0 m CD, resuhing in crest freeboards of
Rc = 3.0 and 3.5 m (with a water level elevation of + 1.5 m). The required crest height
was determined using the program BREAKWAT which can calculate the wave
transmission for low rock structures with an armour layer of rock on seaside, crest and
rear [12]. The wave transmission application of BREAKWAT is based on many physical
tests executed at Delft Hydraulics. Calculations were made with 15 tonne rock (the same
nominal diameter as Tetrapods and Accropode units) and with a crest width of 12 m.
requirement for the maintenance road on the breakwater at + 4 m CD was 9 m and this
resuhed in a core width at + 3 m CD in the order of some 6 - 8 m which would facihtate
2-way access on the core for cranes and trucks during construction.
The secondary armour layers are designed as 1/10 to 1/15 of the mass of the
primary armour layer [3]. A further consideration given to the required rock size was the
normal wave conditions to be expected during construction because the secondary armour
layers would be exposed for some time before being covered by the primary armour. The
layer thickness was determined by applying a 2 x D50 thickness and a reduction factor of
3.3.4 Toe berm
The toe berm is the lower support for the armour rock. The stability of the toe
berm has been checked for different design storm water levels because the crest ofthe toe
will be ehher submerged or above the water level.
For conditions where the toe is above the design water level the rock stability has
been determined using BREAKWAT for a statically stable struchire whh non-
overtopping. A reduction factor is then applied for overtopping considering a low crested
For conditions where the toe is submerged in relation to the design water level,
rock stability has been assessed using the resuhs of recent research of Delfl Hydraulics
[ 12] and the Danish Hydraulic Institute:
AxDnso h
The selected rock grading for the toe varies from 0.3 - 1.0 tonne from the
shoreline to a bed-levels of - 4 m CD, 0.5 - 2.5 tonne between - 5 and - 7 m CD and 1.0
- 5 . 0 tonne from the - 7 m CD to the head ofthe breakwater for the northern breakwater.
3.3.5 Filter
The granular fiher under the toe berm of the breakwaters on the seaside and under
the primary/secondary armour on the portside of both breakwater was designed as a 1.5 m
thick layer of well graded material, e.g. 25 % of 2 -10 kg and 75 % of 10 - 50 kg.
3.3.6 Head
The design of the head requires special attention as the sphericity of the head
leads to a reduced interlocking of the rock/armour unhs. The detailing of the head ofthe
breakwater was carried out at the beginning of the Final Design.
The geotechnical stabihty of the brbakwater was analysed during the Preliminary
Design Phase and was based on the limhed offshore soil information collected in the
framework of the FeasibiUty Study. The poor subsoil conditions led the Designers to
concluding that special attention would be required whh respect to the stabihty,
settlements and erosion of the loose sandy soil in front of and beneath the breakwater.
3.4.1 Stability
Slip circle calculations showed that stabihty of the subsoil against slope failure
was less than is normally acceptable for this type of structure. Considering the poor
strength of the subsoil it was decided to identify soil improvement measures that could be
taken to improve the soil conditions;
1) Remove the loose and soft material and replace by better material;
2) Vertical drains;
3) Apply a very strong geotextile on the seabed;
4) Design a breakwater whh flatter slopes;
5) Raise the breakwater in stages.
3.4.2 Settlement
The subsoil conditions at Ennore indicated areas of loose sand and soft clay
which, i f not removed, would result in settlement of the breakwater during and after
construction. Based on the information available at this stage of the project the total
settlement was estimated to be between 0.45 and 0.75 m. An addhional quantity of rock
for compensating for this settlement was estimated to be in the region of 100,000 m"*.
Erosion of subsoil material from beneath the breakwater and ultimately settlement
of the breakwater might happen i f the fiher properties of the base material of the
breakwater are unable to prevent the loose underlying sand from washing out under wave
and current action. In addition, erosion in front of the breakwater ( often termed scouring
[17] ) can undercut the toe berm, which could resuh in a slip failure of the toe berm or
much worse a flow slide of any loose sand encountered adjacent to this area.
It was finally decided to adopt one granular filter ( 1 - 5 0 kg) under the breakwater
to provide a fiher between the core material of the breal<water (1 - 1000 kg) and the
underlying sand, in addhion, the length of the filter was extended seawards of the
breakwater in order to keep scouring away from the toe berm.
The 3-D physical model test [9] was carried out in September and October 1995
in the laboratories of Delft Hydraulics, located in the Voorst, the Netherlands. The head
and an adjacent section of the trunk of the breakwater were tested with a model built at
a scale of 1:35. The basin is equipment equipped whh a wave generator that can
produce random distributions of waves following a specified energy-density spectrum.
The test was executed in two series, the first (Series A) with the model constructed
according to the Preliminary Design and the second (Series B) whh some .adaptations to
the model, established on the basis of results of the Series A (see Photographs 1 and 2).
The objective of the test was to confirm the apphed design philosophy and
verify the validity of the design formulae used in the Prehminary Design [6] with
respect to wave transmission/overtopping and the stability of the primary armour and
toe berm. The resuhs of the test confirmed that the Preliminary Design concept with
Accropodes was a suhable solution and that the results could be used to finalize the
The near shore wave height study and the wave penetration study were carried
out by Delft Hydraulic using their mathematical models HISWA-2D and PHAROS [4]
respectively. Both studies provided detailed information of the wave heights to be
expected on the sea and port sides of the breakwaters. The results of these tests
indicated that the design criteria for determining the primary rock armour on the head
and trunk of the southern breakwater could be better defined.
4.1.3 Offshore soil investigation
o The first fiher layer under the seaside toe was reduced from a thickness of 1.5 m to
1.0 m. The second fiher layer was too thin for practical construction purposes and as
a resuh hs thickness was increased from 0.5 m to 1.0 m. The total thickness of both
fiher layers remained 2 m. The grading of the first filter layer was changed to
between 10 cm and 100 kg. The second layer was changed to 100-500 kg and
provides an improved fit to the grading of the overlying toe. The toe hself remained
unchanged because it proved to be stable for all tested condhions.
• On the basis of engineering judgement, the layer thickness coefficient of 0.8 that
was adopted in the Preliminary Design was increased to 0.9 in order to facilitate
construction. As a resuh all rock layers in the breakwater which were 2 x Dn thick,
were increased in thickness.
• The model tests whh the toe elevated by 1 m showed that the toe (and the rest of the
breakwater) remained stable. Consequently, elevating the toe by 1 m above the
original seabed by backfilling with sand was acceptable but had to be limited to a 1
m thick layer at the location ofthe seaside toe.
" The first fiher layer under the head of the breakwater was extended to prevent
erosion of the bed material near to the head of the breakwater. On the head of the
northern breakwater, the fiher layer was extended an addhional 10 m outside the
profile whh a thickness of 0.5 m. On the head of the southern breakwater, the
extension was 5 m with a layer thickness of 0.5 m.
• Accropode armour unhs of 15 tonne are acceptable for the head of the northern
breakwater provided an increased head radius of 20 m is adopted.
' Accropode armour unhs with a mass of 12 tonne (layer thickness 2.20 m) will be
stable at the deepest part of the breakwater. The mass of the Accropode could also
be reduced to 9.6 tonne (layer thickness 2.05 m) as from the transhion of the strait
section, almost parallel to the entrance channel, to the curved section.
• Raising of the crest at the head from an elevation of + 5.40 m CD to + 7.40 m CD
(as proposed and tested) was not been adopted in the Final Design because h was
believed that the increase in the radius has by far the largest poshive effect on the
stabilhy. Lower breakwaters are in principle not less stable than higher ones, mainly
the rear side is more heavily attacked however, Accropodes are placed all around the
head. Raising of the head will decrease overtopping and wave transmission, but as
only the Entrance Channel, and not the Basin would benefit from a higher crest, this
was not incorporated into the Final Design.
• The southern breakwater is protected from easterly wave directions by the northern
breakwater. The most critical directions for the design conditions are from a bearing
of 110° to 150°. The near shore wave height study [4] showed these directions
changed at the structure to 114° to 131° due to refraction. The head of the southern
breakwater is more protected from these directions than the section from the head to
- 8 m CD seabed level.
• Based on the wave penetration studies [4] it was concluded that the head of the
southern breakwater hself could be designed with a wave height, which is 60% of
that at the head of the northern breakwater. It was also concluded that a section of
the trunk between 200-300 m from the head of the southern breakwater could be
designed with 75% of the design wave height at the head of the northern breakwater.
' For the sections of the breakwaters where the direction of the design waves are very
oblique to the structure a different approach was adopted. Recent research has shown
that rock stabihty increases when waves become more oblique (> 45- 60 degrees) to
the structure. This means that calculations using the formula of Van der Meer for parts
of the rock structure subjected to oblique waves are conservative as they consider
perpendicular wave attack. Based on research work carried out in the framework of
MAST, fiinded by the European Community [11] the following formulae was adopted
for determining the required weight of rock for the sections of the breakwater
subjected to oblique waves:
Dn50 ^*i20*2
Hs = significant wave height [m]
A = relative buoyant density of material [-]
1.20 = ratio H2"/yHs [-]
2.00 = stabihty number [-]
In addition to the effects of oblique waves, one should also consider the effects of
wave overtopping on the required rock weight. When the crest of the trunk is
relatively low a part of the wave energy will pass over the top of the structure. In these
situations the required armour mass can be reduced in accordance whh the amount of
wave overtopping. The reduction factor [12] is a function of the wave steepness and
the relative crest height Rc/Hs. The reduction factor for low crested structures has been
calculated whh BREAKWAT.
Based on the detailed subsoil data which was obtained during this phase of the
Project, the Designers identified two ahernative solutions to improve the soil strength
and hence the stability of the brealcwater:
The addhional subsoil information which was collected during the major offshore
soil investigation [5] in the first half of 1995 led to the recommendation that soil
improvement was only required over the deeper part of both breakwaters.
A suhable borrow area for sand backfill was inhially identified whhin the Port
Basin which comprised fine sand. Based on this type of sand h was decided that
compaction of the backfill material would be required by means of vibro-flotation or
dynamic compaction and this would be controlled by static cone penetration tests.
During the latter stages of the Final Design a more suhable borrow area was
identified some 10 km south of the Project area in a water depth of 20 m. The sand
originating from this new location was relatively coarse (D50 = 850 microns) and free
of fines. As a resuh of the improved characteristics of the sand backfill the compaction
requirements were revised and compaction was not required.
With the aim of economising on the quanthy of rock required for the breakwater
construction and counteracting soil settlements, , the designers studied the possibility of
depositing addhional sand back-fill in order to raise the seabed level along the
alignment of the soil improvement.
During the 3-dimensional physical model test the stabilhy of the toe was
checked against the raising of the seabed level. It was concluded that the maximum
level by which the seabed could be raised would be 1.0 m. Based on the foregoing, h
was decided to place back-fill to a height of 0.5 m above the original seabed level plus a
variable addhional height based on the settlement expected to occur during construction.
Settlement of the sand fill and consolidation of the sub-soil were analysed for
various cross-sections of both the northern and southern brealcwaters. The results of the
analyses provided essential information about the level to which the brealcwaters needed
to be constructed in order to compensate for short and long term settlements.
The results of these analyses showed that settlements under the crest and toe
berm would be in the order of 0.60 - 1.00 m and 0.25 - 0.45 m respectively for the
northern breakwater and 0.20 - 0.30 m and 0.45 - 0.70 m for the southern brealcwater.
Construction and post construction settlements were estimated to be 40% and 60% of
the total settlement respectively.
It is interesting to note that due to the soil improvement recommended above the
settlements of the brealcwaters were reduced to 40 to 50% ofthe values predicted for the
situation without improvement.
Manual for the use of rock in coastal and shoreline engineering', CIRIA Special
publication 83 / CUR Report 154, 1991.
'Ennore Coal Port Project - Report on PHAROS and HISWA-2D calculations'. Delft
HydrauHcs, December 1995
'Ennore Coal Port Project - Offshore Soil investigations - Final Report (Field investigation
and laboratoiy test)'. Hydro Soil Services, September 1995
'Ennore Coal Port Project - Preliminary Design Report', HASKONING Royal Dutch
Consulting Engineers and Archhects, April 1995
'Ennore Coal Port Project - Rock for Brealcwater Construction, Rock Quahty and Quarry
Yield Analysis - Kariklcal Quarry', HASKONING Royal Dutch Consuhing Engineers and
Archhects, October 1995
'Ennore Coal Port Project - Breakwater Model Investigation, Three Dimensional Model
Tests', Delft Hydrauhcs, January 1996
'Rubble mound breakwater stability under oblique wave attack', J.C. Galland (EDF,
France), MAST G6-S Coastal Structures, Proceedings of final workshop, Lisbon,
November 1992
'Ennore Coal Port Project, Risk Analysis and Probabilistic Modelling, Final Report', Delft
University of Technology, December 1995.
'Ennore Coal Port Project, Global Hindcast Study', Delft Hydrauhcs, December 1994.
'Ennore Coal Port Project, Cyclone Hindcast Shidy', Delft Hydraulics, February 1995.
'On the comparison between the threshold of sediment motion under waves and
unidirectional currents with a discussion of the practical evaluation of the threshold',
P.D. Komar and M.C. Miller,Journal Sedimentary Petrol, 1975
'Scour around the head of a vertical wall breakwater', T. Gokce, B.M. Sumer and J.
Fredsoe, HydroPort '94, International Conference on Hydro-Technical Engineering for
Port and Harbor Construction, 1994.
'Wave Runup and Overtopping at Dikes', J.W. van der Meer and J.P.F.M. Janssen,
included in ASCE publication 'Wave Forces on Inchned and Vertical Wall Structures',
edhed by N. Kobayashi and Z. Demirbilek, 1995.
Cyclones (est.
I 1.5
ë 1
'c 1/1 year wave height,
C/3 based on 6 hours duration
.D) 7
c 4
yX "
u 3
D) 2
10 100 1000
Return period (years)
Damage c u r v e s c o n c r e t e u n i t s
3. 5
0 tetrapod
1 2.0
/ / acc3]nopode
j / safety f a c t o r 1.5
I) 1.5
tn /
' ,/
/ design
.5 4 - ^ accropode
I 1
I I l i t
.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 10.0 12.0
Wave l i e i g l i t Us (tn)
For H j , ; / H , = 1 . 2 5
Input :
mass o f u n i t M = 2 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 (kg)
mass d e n s i t y of unit rho-a = 2400 (kg/m3)
mass densi'ty of water rho-w = 1 0 2 5 (kg/in3)
wave s t e e p n e s s sm = . 0 4 0 (-)
number o f waves N = 2 5 0 0 (-)
Chennai P o r t T r u s t
Ennore Coal Port Project
Consulting Ejiglnaere
'I'n QBiociatton wHh
mm Projaet-No 80tOJa5M.Il
of indio DRtSO. No
and Archfl«cta
Fig, 3
J.OO 4.00 ,, PEFIH 1 no 7,50 4.00 .. 5.00 ,. i.OQ 2.00. 4.00 2.00.
10.50 1 3-00
3-03 . VARIES WriVI OEPm . 4.00 .. 4.00 ,. 4.00 2.00, 4.00 J.OO
Photograph 2 Breakwater m o d e l , series A. before test
Inter Institutional Workshop on BREAKWATERS
(Jointly organised by 11 T Madras and T.U.Delft) " T | I H o l f t
March 9 - 10, 2000 " ^ '' ^
Delft Univetsity of Technologv
S. Pearson
Email: [email protected]
The quarry, of Gneissic Granite, was located 120 km west of Ennore. The quarry
Contractor, produced 3 million tonnes of various grades of rocks from September 1996
to November 1999, as below.
The rock was loaded into skips which for the first 20 km were trucked to a rail-
head at Melpakkam. The skips were then loaded by gantry onto rakes of wagons, and
taken by rail, for a further 100 km, to the Ennore Site, where the rocks were stockpiled.
Fig. 1 shows the layout of breakwaters and rock stockpile for Ennore coal port project.
Over parts of each breakwater where the sea bed material was deemed to be
unsuitable it was dredged out and deposited off shore. The resultant trench was
backfilled to just above original seabed level with suitable sand dredged from a source
on the seabed S.E. of Ennore. Fig. 2 shows the location of areas to be dredged and
2 94
1 54
0.500 10
0.250 2.5
0.125 1.0
0.063 0
0.020 0
Dredging and backfill was carried out by 2 trailer suction dredgers "Volvox
Hansa" (bottom doors), capacity 8000t, and "Orwell"(split), capacity 2500t, from 16
March 1998 fo 23 August 1998 and involved the dredging of approx. 2.5 million cu
metres to excavate the trenches and a similar amount to refill them.
The dredgers positions during operations were controlled by D.G.P.S.
(Differential Global Positioning Systems).
Sea bed surveys were carried out before, during, and after operations by
"Kamal" the survey vessel, also with D.G.P.S. and Atlas Deso 15 echo-sounder.
i n . Rock Placement
a) By marine operations from 4 July 1998 to 20 April 1999, using the side stone dump
vessel "Frans", capacity lOOOt, to place the rock from seabed up to - 4 CD level:
approx. 1,200,000 tonnes. Fig. 3 shows S.S.D.V. "Frans" for diagram of vessel.
Surveys before during and after rock placement by the "Frans" were carried out
by the "Kamal" survey vessel with D.G.P.S and echo-sounder.
b) The rest ofthe rock, approx. 1,400,000 tonnes is placed by land based operations
using dump trucks, cranes, excavators etc, this started April 1998 and is still in progress.
Total (marine & land) rock placement is as Table below:
A 5 57,000
B 2.5 to 7.0t 76,000
C 1.0 to 5.0t 130,000
D 0.5 to 2.51 110,000
E 300 to 1000 kg 147,000
F 100 to 500 kg 145,000
G 1.0 to 50 kg 298,000
H (Quarry Run) 1.0 to 1000 kg 1,569,000
IV. Accropodes
On the sea side of the North Breakwater for almost 2 km Accropodes of 4,5, and
6.3m'' are used as primary armour. Fig. 4 shows the view of stored accoropodes.
The Accropodes are of unreinforced concrete cast in special moulds, on site.
Concrete used is M25 with 50/50; GGBFS/OPC ratio and low w/c ratio.
4360 (4m^), 3200 (Sm'') and 610 (6.3m"') Accropodes are cast using 9 moulds for
3 3 3
the 4m , 6 moulds for the 5m and 2 moulds for the 6.3m . Casting started in June 1998
and is still in progress.
The Accropodes are placed using a lOOt crane with an "Ascorel" positioning
system. The crane operator is able to exactly position each Accropode with the
assistance of the computer controlled "Ascorel" system using the slew angle of the
crane and the angle of elevation of the boom, relative to the known position of the
The top of the rock breakwaters are capped off with either a lOOOmm
unreinforced slab, in deeper water, or a 250mm reinforced slab, in shallower water, with
a wave wall on the seaside.
The Concrete for thfse crest was M.30 using GGBFS/OPC at 66/34 ratio and a
low w/c ratio with a retarder platicizer addative. Concrete is batched on site and
transported in transit-mixers, quantities required as below.
After the construction of the concrete crest and wave wall the upper layers of rock armour
and Accropodes are placed, by crane, behind the wave wall.
Ennore Cool Port Project ROCK STOCKPILE
SCALE 1:20000
ConauHinq Engineers
in oHsociation with
mm Project No 9019A5528.21
DRWG. No • CSC4-A4Layout
and Architects of India
28-01-2000 jR.K.Reddyl \ Fig.l
Ennore Coal Port Project
SCALE 1:12500
Consulting Engineara
in asHOciotion with
mm Project No
ond Architects
Chennai P o r t T r u s t
Ennore Coal Port Project
dots drawn revision cheeked SCALE M-sita
^ HASKONING i„ o ^ c c i o n «lu, mm Project Ho 90^0^5525.21
Fig. 3 ,
Chennai Port Trust
Ennore Coal Port Project
P T ^ ^ Bo ^ l e j M m a i
^^^Mf and AreWissta of bwlia
02-oa-aKK) \ Fig. 4
i A unique
Port with 24
alongside berths
with facnities for han-
ding a l types of cargo. Highlights of -
i Chennai Pott was the ürsrto con- 1SSS-2000
stnict modern container terminals
• matching to intemalional standard. Han- (For the. period upto Sept. '99)
ding of csntalnar Is totally mechanised.
<!. TiK world dace container Ismiinal woila 24 hrs. An overall traffic of 18.48 Million Tonnes;
a day, even during recess time by introducing certain
incentives to the wbtMorcs at the temilnai, this has been
made successful.
J . Chennai Port was the flrst in India to Introduce the concept ol single
Container traffic handled -159770 TEUs
window dearanco and It Is functioning effectively.
X Providing safety and security to vessels qn arrival. "Customer care and iron Ore traffic handled - 2.86 million tonnes
Cargo caie" Is our motto. CHENNAI PORT On Website
J . 13 feeder Unas am operating dedicating feeder services to Singapore / Co- Containerised Cargo traffic handled -1.69 million tonnes
lombo / Port Kelang / Bangkok offering everyday aallinga. Providing an ex-
Ttia site contains infomiatton on Port lacilltles. son/Ices, tariff, developmenl projects, besides dally
cellent opportunity for exportois to avail and keep upto their committed de- updated berthing / sailing / waiting details of vessels. Railway traffic handled - 7.76 million tonnes
livaty schedule.
i Port of Chennai acts as the Gateway Port to ICDs, with excellent tadlltles
offered by way of intomiodal transportation. Rxed day dedicaled container
HanmrMsp hiaittime Map Pros RettBSe Record handling of 2831 tonnes of Steel on 21.04.1999
trains era nm between Chennai and Bangalore & Chennai and New Delhi. discharge from the vessel m.v. Golden Glint-in a single shift
J , Cabotage U w is relaxed lor Mother Container Ships as well as Lash Barge with a single gang
vessels to call at the Port.
X The Port has a deep hart}our basin which helps handle Panamaxand Suezmax Record tonnage of 15300 tonnes of Baiytes was lpaclsd -
into the vessel m.v. Asian Glory on 04.06.1999 s f f n ^ n g
.t. Dedicated terminals for Dry Bulk and Liquid Bulk.
ihe previous record of 12299-tonnes handled on 03.04,1938
i A Port committed for efficiency through innovation and continuous
Single day record tonnage of 201984 tonnes wes handled
,1. !=ort has hosted Wabsüe www.chennaiporttrustcom for access to Port
Usais' worldwide. on 22.06.1999 surpassing the previous recoitf of ,201914
j , T w o rail-mounted gsnliy cianes at Ihe temilnai can handle 4lh tonnes handled on 31.01.93
gensaHaipost Panamax conlainervessele of 140 feet beam width
and adequate 14m draft Is avallablo to handle these vessels. Monthly record performance pf 30382
.!. EDI connectivity has been established, pilot projects TEUs of containers were handled during.
succsesfully tested and message transfer has
been dona with 12 Mainline Operators. the month of August 1999 surpassing
.1. H i e Green Channel facility Is available the record of,2957?
inthoPortandCustomshave Iden- TEUs hafidl^d ., ^uiifig
tified certain Industries for ex-
July 1998.
tending'this facilities.
Rajaji Salai, Cheniiai - 600 001.
Phone: (044) 5362201-(044)5360151 Telex: 041-8331 Fax:044-5361228 Grams :'PORTRUST
Website : www.chennaiporttnJsLcom É-nnall: [email protected]
• To survey, plan and prepare the project proposal for integrated resource
management for all round development in an around the Lake.
• To co-operate and collaborate with other institutions of the state. National and
international institutions for all round development ofthe Lake.
n 9 '8
f « •
u r f f w r Gi0soiT€»T«»m uuSlprfl ^ « f l ^ ^ » ) .
' ' ''^ ' ' ' ^ ~ ^ O. ' Ctiruchy I
Phone: y ( Do20d3
: jX-O': 3 i-50C G-
i r r i g a t i o n m a n a g e m e n t
t r a i n i n g i E s t i t m t e - t a m i l n a d u
(Sponsored by the Government of Tamil Nadu)
ö FOR]
Number One Port Among the Eleven Major Ports Of India with huge Traffic
(Formerly Trafalgar House construction Limited)
Specialist works such as Drilling & Grouting, Pipe/Box Jacking, Diaphragm Walling, Piling, Soil
Stabilization, Vibroflotation, Rehabilitation & Anchoring including Tunnelling and Mine Development.
: 7 ' \ ; l ; j ; ] ! n f l i ^ K ) ; ] i f f l M »
With 1700 topflight engineers, a network of 30 offices spread over the country,
experience in handling over 2300 consultancy assignments and EPC contracts
worth Rs. 20 billion, an annual turnover of Rs. 2500 million and registration
with WB, ADB. EBRD, MECON is one of the frontline design, engineering,
consultancy and contracting organisations.
Engineering, Consultancy,
Supply & Turnkey/EPC Execution
• Power Projects • Continuous Casting Plants
• Oil & Gas, LPG/LNG • Gas Cleaning Plants
• Water Treatment & Supply • Refractories
• Roads & Highways • Non-ferrous Metals
• General Engineering • Environmental Engineering
• IT, Industrial Automation • Ocean Engineering
• Computer Applications • Architecture & Town Planning
• Materials Handling/Ports & Harbours
• Mining, Mineral Beneficiation
• Ferrous Metallurgy
• Coke Oven Batteries
• Blast Furnace
• Rolling Mills & Processing Lines
(A Government of India Enterprise)
Ranchi - 834 002, Bihar. India
Phone : 065 J-501002. 501216 Fax : 0651-502214, 502189
E.Mail: [email protected]
Ëxpanitiiig Capa€itles>
Modernising FaeÜities
It has been a particularly satisfying year for tonnes achieved in 1997-98, registering a
t h e M o r m u g a o P o r t T r u s t . Satisfying growth of 70 %.
because, despite a slump in t h e iron ore
• • ***
markets of Japan and South East Asia - the CONTAINERISED C A R G O TOUCHES
largest importers of iron ore — that affected NEW FIGURE
t h e t h r o u g h p u t o f t h e p o r t , t h e (VIPT 114 Despite t h e s l u m p , t h e M P T h a n d l e d
m a n a g e d to n o t o n l y p r e s e n t a g o o d Y E A R S OF containerised traffic o f 36,022 tonnes, a
performance but also create n e w efficiency record level, the previous high being 33,223
records. In addition, it also proceeded with tonnes reached in 1996-97.
determination to complete the many
developmental projects with a view to transforming MOHP C R E A T E S NEW P E R F O R M A N C E
the MPT from a mono-commodity to a multi- LEVEL
commodity port. Even the Mechanical Ore Handling plant (MOHP)
set a new record o n January 15 this
L I C E N C E A G R E E M E N T ON B O O T BASIS year by loading a quantity of 1,13,361 tonnes of
On April 11 this year, the MPT entered into a path- iron on a single day. It also unloaded a record
breaking agreement w i t h an Indian private sector figure o f 53,054 tonnes o n a single day on
firm for construction and operation of t w o berths January 14 this year.
on build, o w n , operate and transfer basis. The
Rs 224 crore project is the second of its kind to EFFICIENCY PARAMETERS HIGHER
be undertaken by any major port in the country. A v e r a g e p r e - berthing/waiting time (days) down
According t o t h e a g r e e m e n t , t h e private to 1.40 from 1.87; average
sector firm, ABG Goa Pvt Ltd will build the turn-round time (days)
t w o berths in 30 m o n t h s ' t i m e and d o w n f r o m 5.80 t o 4.81;
operate it for a period of 30 years and average o u t p u t per berth
thereafter t h e assets will be day (tonnes) u p to 11,076
transferred to the MPT free of cost. from 10,446.
H E N A T I O N • S P R I D E
HEADLAND SADA, GOA 403 804 INDIA PH.: 0834-512911-16 FAX: 0834-513065
Advertisina Associates
4'^ 7)\
4'^ 7,N ^'il
7 ( S •(S
. i ' i i ' i . i ' i . i ' i I s ' i . i ' i i ' i i ' i i ' i i ' i i ' i i ' i i ' i i ' i i ' i i ' i i ' i v'i
7)^ 7(^ 7(^ 7(^ 7(^ 7(^ 7(^ 7(^ 7(^ 7)^ 7('r 7(^ 7(^ 7)^ 7)^ 7)N 7(V 7(^ 7(^ 7(\- 7,N 7|S
v(x v|y x|y
'i it>f.
x(/l D e s i g n 85 C o n s t r u c t i o n o f :
B o r e d Piles ( 3 0 0 m m 0 t o 2 0 0 0 m m 0 ) 7(x
Well Foundations ^'^
Soil D e n s i f i c a t i o n Worlts y)y
• D r i l l i n g 85 G r o u t i n g i j i
1/ • Rock Anchors 7|€
M a r i n e W o r k s : J e t t i e s , W h a r v e s , Piers, Sea W a t e r I n t a k e S y s t e m s , etc. ^[^
4 8 - 9 - 1 7 , D w a r a k a n a g a r , V i s a k h a p a t n a m - 5 3 0 0 1 6 (A.P). \U
Fax: + 9 1 - 8 9 1 - 5 4 7 3 6 2 / 5 7 4 0 5 6 ^[^
E-mail: [email protected] ^[
*************************** *
Marine and Dredging
Manno and Dredging conlraoior Van Oord ACZ have evolved, in half a Cenlun- of Head oflicc
existence, trom the individual companies to a fully integrated organisation. Having Ihe Ni'llieilands
worked from Arctic lo the tropics, the company is renowned around the world VaiiOiiidAC/B.V.
for its know-how, specialised services and versatile equipments. Ian Blankenwnq 2
They offer design, engineering and execution of work for private and public sector I'DJiox-triB '
in three areas of expertise. 4200 Al CORINCIII.M
I'hoir i3118:iG.i™
Capiliil Diedging Polls & I larbniifs f'ipe lino iiitoiviüHion
t-itiail voac/("'v(iac/,i:nin
Miiiiilen;iMi;fi Dtcdging Break walec Sea Pi(.'pariilioi) 1. DP Riiykï Area Managei • Ian /wail • Area Repiesenlalive
Pioswiioping Oiillalls Pipelines / Ciililns Pinleclinn
Biiiicli Noiirishmonis Shoie Approaclies PliiKnrni Slaliili/alioii India Ollice
Land Rotliiiiialion SInpi! / Bollom I'loloclion tlplioiival Btitkiiig I'K.'WMiliii flal No, M-l, 2iid Floni,
Trench Bni:k Hlliiiy Riviii Tiitiiiiiig Ballnslicof Sliiicliiie
Arlilidal Islands Amiiai;hal Biiililiiifi,
Dykes/I nibiiiikiiiiinls Pipellni! / Ifislallnlinii
OK('.\) Siui Pledging Oiiaywalls/Concrcle Woik 1 fondling
Haiakliaiiiha Road,
New Delhi 110(101
Van Ourd A C / takes piiilii inllieii coHpi'ialive ,ippi(indi lowaids rlieiits, liiiiding lii a lei, : 11 xibimoim
desiiwl iiivolvwiienl and moie iicoiminical soliilkiiis. lax; 11 •ahim
Service nic pwloimwl on a Migle '.('ivio^ aiiili.ii:!, luiiiki.'v, lumpsum in ,illiaiii:i.' r mail: vaiiiiord("'Mda.vsiil,ii iiii
basis and may liiclwky priijucl Imaiiciiig A. f. Siivaslava Din'i:liii
List of Participants for the Inter Institutional Course on Coastal Engineering and
Workshop on Breakwaters, 6-10 March, 2000, I I T Madras
Balasubramanian, T. Dhinakaran, G.
Manager Research Scholar
Elcane Survey (Pvt.) Ltd. IIT Madras
D-222/30 T.T.C. Industrial Area Chennai.
New Mumbai - 400 706
Ph: 7632348 Dhillip Ku. Nayak,
Junior Engineer,
Cliilk;) i i(;vok)pment Authority,
Bas Van Dijk BJ 'i.'s !5Jii Nagar,
Department of Civil Engineering and Bhub;\iicf;war-751 014,
Geo Sciences, Orissa.
T.U.Delft, Ph : 434044/435374
The Netherlands. Fax: 434485
Ph: 2785754
Fax: 2785124 Dhiraj Gondane,
Van Oord ACZ India,
Bhattacharjaya, P. Delhi.
Kvaemer Cementation India Ltd, Ph: 91 11 33 57980/981/982
Anar chamber, Fax: 91 11 33 57982
5, Chowringhee Approach,
Calcutta -700 072 Geeta Arya,
Engineer (P & H),
Water and Power Consultancy services
Bhaskar Rao, (India) limited.
Haskoning Consulting Engineers No. 9, Community Centre,
and Architects, Saket, New Delhi - 110 017.
NCTPS Post, Ph :6852025, 6560103
Post Box No. 3, Fax: 6867930
Chennai 600 120.
Ph: (04119) 69858 / 69859 / 69834 James, S.
98400-76900 Mormugao Port Trust,
Fax: 98400-65901 Administrative Building,
Headland sada, Goa - 403 804
Email: Prem-goa(a)
Josanto, V. Murthy, D.V.S.
Scientist E-II, Engineer (P&H),
National Institute of Oceanography, Water and Power Consultancy services
Vidyanikethan Annene Building, (India) limited.
Provience Road, No. 9, Community Centre, Saket,
Emalailam, Cochin 682 018. NewDelhi- 110 017.
Email: [email protected].
Nagaraj, C.
Krishnamoorthy, M.R. Hochtief (India) Pvt. Ltd.,
Senior Design Engineer (civil), No. 30, Khadar Nawaz Khan Road,
Fichtner Consulting Engineers 3 rd floor, Chennai.
(hidia)Pvt. Ltd., Ganesh Chambers,
143, Eldams Road, Chennai - 600 018. Nagaraju, K.
Ph : 4359158 Project Associate Gr.l,
Fax : 4344579 Ocean Engineering Centre,
Email: [email protected] smdO 1. vsnl .net. in IIT Madras,
Madhusudhan, ch.
Research Scholar, Nanda, S.K.
Ocean Engineering Centre, Chilka Development Authority,
IIT. Madras, Chennai. BJ-45, BJB Nagar,
Bhubaneswar-751 014,
Mani, P.R. Orissa.
Executive Engineer (Civü) Ph : 434044/435374
Tuticorin Port Trust, Tuticorin - 628 004. Fax: 434485
Ph : 0461 - 352290
Fax : 0461 -352301 Natarajan, J.
Email: [email protected] RITES, Ennore Coal Port Project
NCTPS Post P.O Box 3
Martokm Van Rijsewijk Chennai 600 120
Department of Civil Engineering and Email: [email protected]
Geo Sciences,
T.U.Delft, The Netherlands. Patel, C.N.
Ph: 2785754 Dy. Executive Engineer,
Fax: 2785124 Gujarat Maritime Board,
Office ofthe Dy. Ex. Engineer (C),
Mehta A.K. Fisheries Harbour Project Sub-Division,
Assistant Engineer(Civii), Porbandar Port,
Gujarat Maritime Board, Porbandar-360 575.
Sector 10-A, Gandhi Nagar,
Gujarat-382 043 Pati, L.K.
Ph : 02712-38346-47-48 Civil Engineer,
Fax : 02712-34703 Darti dredging limited,
Email: gmb@adl 3''' floor, Khaleeli Centre,
149, Montieth Road. Chennai - 600 008.
Mehta, V.K. Ph: 8553040/8553042
Engineers India Limited, Fax: 8553655
1, Bhikaji Cama Place
New Delhi 110 066. Phani Kumar,
Ph : 331143 Water and Power Consultancy services
Fax : 320774/331134 (India) limited, Pune.
Email: [email protected] Fax: 020-4392004
Prasad, P.S.R. Rao, M.V.
Navayuga Engineering Company Ltd. Dredging Corporation India Ltd.,
48-9-17, Dwarakanagar nagar, Dredge House, Port Area,
Visakhapatnam - 530 016. Visakhapatnam - 530 035.
Ph: 554602/547335 Fax: 44-2350509
Fax: 547362/574056
Ravi Kumar, B.
Prema Kumar, J, Civil Engineer,
Assistant Executive Engineer, Dharti Dredging and Construction Limited,
Mourmagoa Port Trust, Admn. Building, 3"* floor, KhaleeH Centre,
Headland Sada, Goa -403 804. 149, Montieth Road,
Ph : 512911-16 Chennai - 600 008.
Fax: 513065,512721
Roopsekhar, K.A.
Purushotham. S, Project Associate Gr. I
Research Scholar i Ocean Engineering Centre,
Ocean Engineering Centre, nT Madras,
IIT Madras, Chennai. Chennai.
Venkatachar, M.B.
Central Institute of Coastal
Engineering For Fishery,
64, Palace Road
Ph : 2267841
Fax : 080 2258945
Email: [email protected]
Venkatesh Prasad, N.
Central Institute of Coastal
Engineering For Fishery,
64, Palace Road
Ph : 2267841
Fax : 080 2258945
Email: [email protected]