SDRT Coastal Activity FINAL
SDRT Coastal Activity FINAL
SDRT Coastal Activity FINAL
Prepared by CoastNet
March 2007
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
Executive summary
1 Background
1.1 Purpose of the report
1.2 What is ICZM?
1.2.1 How is ICZM implemented in England?
1.3 Coastal Issues in the East of England
1.3.1 General context
1.3.2 Character of Eastern Region Coast
6 Next steps
7 Disclaimer
About CoastNet
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
Executive Summary
This situation is bound to lead to confusion at all levels, poor integration of policy
and management activity, and poor decision-making. The achievement of good
sustainable development outcomes must be compromised.
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
1 Background
The preparation of a Marine Act in the UK, of a Maritime Policy for the EU, and of a
national strategy for integrated coastal zone management for England are focussing
more attention on coastal zones.
The Sustainable Development Round Table for the East of England (SDRT-East)
was established in 1998, as a "champion body" working to promote Sustainable
Development principles throughout the East of England region. It works with regional
policy makers to provide influence and support, and it commissions’ research and
provides conferences, education and information about specific issues which affect
the East of England, and neighbourhoods beyond. It also acts as a "critical friend" to
regional and local government bodies - a similar relationship to that which the
Sustainable Development Commission has with central government.
The SDRT East work programme identifies the need to investigate coastal activity. In
this context CoastNet have been commissioned to undertake a scoping study.
• CoastNet brings together policy, practice, and the public, through conferences
and events
• CoastNet provides news and information, through publications and the web
‘Scoping study to gather information about current coastal activity and gain
understanding of the national ICZM programme and implications for East of
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
In order to communicate more clearly the objectives of the study it is necessary to
consider some definitions. Thus:
Scoping report: to gather together information and so define the nature and scale of
coastal activity in the region, and the key drivers that give rise to it.
Coastal activity: activity that is generated in large part by the presence of the coast
and sea. This is a more open and flexible definition than applying a zoning approach.
It is necessary because some drivers of coastal activity are initiated well outside the
coastal zone. For example, agricultural practices well inland can have an influence on
coastal water quality and sediment fluxes. Similarly, watersports enthusiasts may live
a long way from the coast and to engage them may necessitate activity in their home
‘Gain an understanding…’ (of and the implications for East of England): to know
which initiatives are relevant to the coast in the Region and why.
What this report will not do – undertake a stocktake/analysis of regional policy, data
and information.
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
A plethora of plans
One of the driving forces behind the development of integrated coastal management
is the proliferation of plans and strategies on the coast. Typically, any section of
coast will have:
1. Local Plan or Local Development Framework (and related Structure Plan and
RSS), and related development strategies which may have more than just the
spatial dimension (Economic, Leisure, Health etc)
2. Catchment management plan
3. Shoreline management plan
A partnership approach
In the UK, a wide range of partnership models have evolved in relation to
management of the coast.
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
Others to mention:
• National Park – the Broads National park falls within the coastal zone, but it
is a single authority rather than a partnership. However, its functions overlap
with those of the relevant Districts and there is cross-representation.
All these types of partnership may be engaged in the integrated management of the
coast. However, many have a sectoral purpose, such as nature conservation, or
coast protection. Only Coastal Fora and Estuary Partnerships (now generically
referred to as Coastal Partnerships) have a specific purpose to implement ICZM.
However, this purpose is not statutory, nor even clearly defined nationally.
As a result of the lack of a clear framework for coastal partnerships, their fortunes
wax and wane, and most in the region have been ‘mothballed’ from time to time.
Currently, those in Essex are suffering from recent budget cuts and have greatly
diminished capacity. Apart from the local impact on integration, there is also a
regional impact. Thus the approach to ICZM within the region (as in other regions) is
ad hoc, and thus inconsistent and lacking in coherence in its application.
The East of England Regional Assembly have this to say about the region:
• Bedfordshire
• Cambridgeshire
• Essex
• Hertfordshire
• Norfolk
• Suffolk
The unitary local authorities of Luton, Peterborough, Southend and Thurrock are also
within the region.
The East of England is one of the largest of the English regions at just over 19,000
square kilometres. It extends from the fringes of London in the south to the North
Norfolk coast. It is mainly low-lying with parts at or below sea level.
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
Nearly 5½ million people live in the East of England. There are no major
conurbations but the region has many historic towns and cities, and centres
of academic and cultural heritage as well as a network of county and market towns
and villages. About a quarter of England's market towns are located in the East of
The largest urban areas are Southend and Castle Point, with a population of 250,000
and Luton/Dunstable/Houghton Regis with a population of 230,000.
The majority of the region's larger towns (over 25,000 population) are located along
the region's southern fringes in Hertfordshire and South Essex. By contrast the more
rural and coastal areas are more sparsely populated and a pattern of small towns,
villages and hamlets predominates. There are more than 1,800 Parishes across the
region and 43% of people live in rural areas.
London, a city of global importance, is to the south of the region and the South East
and East Midlands regions to the west. There are strong relationships with these
regions, especially London, and the region provides a major link between the UK and
the rest of the world through the ports of Felixstowe, Harwich and Tilbury,
international airports at Stansted and Luton and regional airports at Norwich and
The importance of the coast to the region is emphasised in the location of many of
the key settlements, and the importance of ports. What is overlooked in this
perspective is the marine part of the coast. The East of England has a shallow,
sedimentary marine environment. This once gave access to abundant fish stocks.
Though much diminished, fishing is still important, but new economic sectors are
emerging or already important: offshore wind power generation (and with prospects
of tidal and wave power in the future), gas extraction (and in the future, CO2 storage),
aggregate extraction, and related marine services.
All we can do is to visually scan the maps and to make some subjective judgements.
Given this caveat, the maps in Annex 1 have been selected for two reasons:
1. Their subject matter illustrates the range of issues that CoastNet believes
should be of interest to the Region, and
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
2. They appear to indicate that the coast is different. This is in relation to:
• landscape designation
• wildlife designations
• pattern of settlement
• economy
• demography
• environmental risk.
The EU Interreg funded ICZM project ‘SAIL’ undertook a study to define and
calculate sustainable development indicators for the coast of the southern North Sea,
which included Essex. The results can be viewed at
(note: the interactive maps require you to have an SVG viewer installed on your
computer. Follow the link in the panel to the right of the screen – the software only
takes a minute to download).
Regional bodies
Go-East Government Offices are part of the Department for Communities and Local
Government, which covers regional and urban policy, local government,
planning, housing and regeneration. The Government Office network
website is now available at
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
GO also work closely with the public health teams from the Department of
Health (DH).
The project is particularly driven by the recognition that the need for growth,
in its broadest sense, extends beyond areas destined for major housing
development to include our peripheral rural and coastal communities.
The full Assembly has 105 members in 2006/7 and meets approximately
twice a year. In addition, there are a number of specialist Panels that meet
more frequently to look at issues of regional strategic importance such as
planning and housing.
The suite of strategies for which the Assembly is the ‘author’ pays varying
regard to coastal issues – Integrated Regional Strategy; East of England
Plan; Regional Social Strategy; Regional Environment Strategy.
The ‘proposed changes’ East of England Plan is the most pertinent. Policy
SS9 specifically addresses coastal issues and proposes an integrated
Within this approach local planning authorities and other agencies should seek,
through their plans and management strategies, to achieve:
• the regeneration of coastal towns and communities, reinforcing their local
economic and social roles and importance to the wider region; and
• the conservation of the coastal environment and coastal waters, particularly
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
Other policies deal with coastal issues by proposing ways of dealing with
sub-regional matters and regeneration.
The Assembly will continue, after the publication of the Plan in July 2007, to
prepare and produce an Annual Monitoring Report regarding the
implementation of the Plan.
East of England EEDA works at a regional level, using a budget of £140 million to focus on
Development Agency three key roles:
• Setting and shaping the direction of economic development in the
East of England
• Persuading and influencing others to bring resources together to
find innovative ways to solve challenging economic issues
• Investing in imaginative projects that challenge the norm and will
have a significant impact on economic development in the East of
Of particular note are the Thames Gateway South Essex and Haven
Gateway partnerships. They are noteworthy in the context of this report for
two reasons: they are in clearly coastal locations and have a strong
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
relationship to the coast, and they will be the focus for the delivery of large-
scale infrastructure and will thus have a very concentrated and visible
EEDA also work very closely with the East of England Regional Assembly
(EERA). You can find out how EERA and EEDA work together here.
• Renaissance Southend
• Thurrock Urban Development Company
• 1st East (Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft)
EEDA also has partnerships with other regional organisations - from region-
wide organisations such as Government Office for the East of England
(GO-East) and the East of England Regional Assembly (EERA).
Environment Agency Regulate and manage fresh water, estuarine and coastal (out to 1 mile)
water resources, and air pollution on land
Strategic overview of coastal flood management and coast protection works,
and implementation of flood management works
Management of migratory fish, and general recreation management role
where its assets are concerned
Natural England, Natural England was launched in October 2006, bringing together English
Nature, the landscape, access and recreation elements of the Countryside
Agency, and the environmental land management functions of the Rural
Development Service.
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
East of England The East of England Observatory is a dedicated interactive web site
Observatory maintained by the Policy Unit of the East of England Development Agency
(EEDA) for the benefit of the agency and its partner organisations. The site
seeks to collect, analyse and disseminate key regional information in order
to present an accurate and continuously updated picture of the socio-
economic and environmental structure of the East of England.
The Marine Fisheries The Marine Fisheries Agency was established as an Executive Agency of
Agency Defra on 1 October 2005. This was part of the Fisheries Directorate
Restructuring Programme, which was initiated in response to a number of
change initiatives within Defra and across Government.
Anglian Coastal The Anglian Coastal Authorities Group (ACAG) was founded in May 1987. It
Authorities Group is now one of eighteen similar groups covering 98% of the coastline of
England and Wales, which are concerned with the management of coastal
protection and flood management works.
Initially, the Group was based upon East Anglia from the Wash to the River
Thames. It was extended in 1989 to cover the whole of the Environment
Agency Anglia Region coastline which extends 450 km from the River
Humber to the River Thames.
In 1998 the northern boundary was changed from the River Humber to
Gibraltar Point following discussion with the Humber Estuaries Coastal
Authorities Group and reconsideration of the coastal processes.
Primary Objective:
To influence and support members to manage the coast for the benefit of
the Anglian Region.
Secondary Objectives:
1. To develop compatible management policies within the cell or sub-cells.
2. To work with other Regional Coastal Groups to the benefit of the Nation,
the Group and its individual members.
3. To secure the necessary data to enable the Group to meet its primary
4. To ensure that individual members have access to national, regional and
local information.
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
East of England East of England Tourism came into being on 1st January 2007. It covers the
Tourism counties of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk and is responsible for promoting sustainable tourism in partnership
with the East of England Development Agency, local authorities and the
tourism industry.
Given the likely regional importance of tourism to the economy of the region,
a strong partnership with EEDA should be expected to evolve.
Sea Fisheries Responsible for management of inshore fishing activity out to the 6 mile
Committees: limit. Mostly through byelaw making and enforcement, in contrast to MFA
Eastern, powers to licence boats and to set and allocate catch quotas.
Kent and Essex
Sub-regional bodies
Harbours Harbour Authorities generally perform a range of statutory functions, as well
In this region: as commercial operations. Individual Harbours are established by a specific
1 Port of London Act of Parliament, with specific provisions (such as powers to consent
2 Crouch Harbour works) made in the Act. General provisions made through other legislation
Authority apply. Principally these are concerning Pilotage; Local Lighthouse functions
3 Brightlingsea Harbour (navigational aids within Harbour jurisdiction). Additional responsibilities may
Commissioners be made through general regulations, for example with regard to port waste,
4 Maldon Harbour or nature conservation.
5 Harwich Haven Harbour Authorities may be Municipal, in Trust, or Corporate.
6 Ipswich Port Authority
7 Lowestoft Port
8 Great Yarmouth Port
9 Kings Lynn
Conservancy Board
Local Authorities – Specific local authority coastal responsibilities comprise: spatial planning,
1. County (3) environmental health (port health, beach management, shellfish hygiene,
2. Coastal District (i.e. boat licencing, pleasure boat speed limits), Harbour functions (in the case of
having some tidal Municipal Harbours), fisheries management (direct management is mainly in
shoreline) (14 – relation to shellfish, but there are other examples, and indirect through Sea
includes Ipswich Fisheries Committees). All other functions of Local Authorities are relevant.
Borough, Chelmsford
Borough and
Brentwood District,
which have estuaries
or tidal creeks
extending into their
3. Unitary (2)
Local access forums advising upon strategic access and recreation issues and act as a statutory
Norfolk advisor to the local highway authority
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
2.2 Initiatives
There are a range of initiatives underway in the region that are concerned with
coastal activity. They do to some extent reflect the issues prevalent in the region, and
are usually additional to normal statutory functions.
SDRT Climate change topic group. Has produced a range of reports concerning
adaptation to climate change to inform activities in the Region.
EMS management schemes. The European Marine Sites in the region will have
Management Groups and action plans to work to, for the nature conservation benefit
of the sites. There is a considerable concentration of nature designations on the
London Array An important offshore wind energy scheme in the Greater Thames
Estuary. Possibly a model of the future?
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
technologies. This means businesses in the East of England are ideally situated to
benefit from the growing supply chain and service opportunities presented by wind,
wave and tidal technologies. Orbis Energy is designed to provide an energy efficient
landmark building to stimulate the development of the offshore renewable energy
sector for Lowestoft and the East of England.
Basildon Renaissance
Greater Essex Prosperity Forum (GEPF)
Shaping Norfolk's Future
Suffolk Development Agency
Thames Gateway South Essex Partnership
Haven Gateway Partnership
Coastal Tourism
Conspicuous by its absence is any clear information on coastal tourism at the
regional level. Rather, targeted interventions in areas of need (e.g. Great Yarmouth,
Southend-on-sea) provide a fragmented approach to what must be an important
economic sector. Again the need to disaggregate coastal information from that for the
whole region is evident so as to provide a strategic focus on the coast.
2.3 Designations
Statutory designations provide a picture of policy activity and of underlying issues.
The principle designations relevant to the coast are listed here, with web links to
sources of further information.
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
Strategic issues
In order to understand the origin and nature of regional issues for the coast, it is
important to recognise that the coast is not isolated from the wider strategic issues in
our society, such as:
1. Climate and environmental change
2. Global economic change
3. Migration (both internal and external)
4. Demographic change
5. Social change
6. Development pressure
7. Technological development
8. Governance.
4. Demographic change
• Demographics and deprivation, equality and diversity –
a) more deprivation on the coast - how is this manifest in Housing,
Employment, Health, Education, Poverty, and between urban and
rural areas?
b) Community – migration (in and out), loss of services (connected
with periferality), ability to engage with strategic policy
development, loss of traditional industries (fishing/shellfish,
boat/ship-building, ports and shipping, resort tourism)
5. Social change
• See above
• Lifestyle – attraction of the coast for leisure activity and holidays
6. Development pressure
• Port development
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
• Housing demand
• Tourism infrastructure
7. Technological development
• Renewable energy and carbon capture and storage
8. Governance
• Inconsistent and ad hoc approach. Without a strategic framework for
ICZM there is unlikely to be consistency and coherence across the region
in management of coastal activity.
• Not understanding, and therefore not recognising, the different nature of
the coast across the full range of societal issues.
• Engagement of a numerous and diverse range of stakeholders.
The introduction of a spatial planning system for the sea, and the likely trend of more
targeted spending on flood and coastal defence works (leaving some areas
unprotected) is likely to expose the tensions with society at particular hotspots.
Ongoing reform of the planning system, and the introduction of measures under the
water framework directive will add further layers of potential conflict.
These hotspots are most likely to be areas suffering high rates of erosion or at high
risk of coastal flooding, where private property is at risk. Lesser localised tensions will
be seen in relation to watersport management (particularly in conflicts between
powered water craft users and others), and individual developments. Large
developments in particular will cause tension: ports and coastal and offshore wind
farms. If a new generation of nuclear power stations go ahead, they are likely to be
proposed for existing sites (Sizewell and Bradwell in this region).
3.1 National
It is fair to say that all national policy initiatives are relevant to the coast, coastal
regions representing just another subset of society. However, that does not mean
that coastal regions are the same as everywhere else. There is of course one
fundamental difference – the sea and the tide – which profoundly affects life there.
The following paragraphs aim to highlight those government policy initiatives which
are either particularly important for the coast, or where the coast represents a special
Spatial planning
• PPS 25 requires strategic flood risk assessments. These are particularly relevant
to development in low-lying coastal areas.
• PPG20 (Coastal Planning) is outdated. The national ICZM strategy may initiate
its revision as PPS20
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
Marine Bill The White Paper addresses four aspects of management of the sea for
which new legislation is believed necessary: the establishment of a Marine
Management Organisation, Marine Spatial Planning, marine consents, marine nature
conservation. The Bill is necessary in order to establish a sound sustainable
development framework for the coastal and offshore areas, but there are some key
weaknesses. These are particularly pertinent in the coastal zone, where the
interaction between land and sea uses and management instruments will be
complex. The Marine Strategy Statement that will underpin the spatial plans will be
particularly important.
click here for CoastNet workshop report
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
can have a significant impact. In other coastal communities, such as coastal resorts,
their character and the visual quality of the place may be particularly sensitive to
change brought about by increasing housing density.
To manage the risks from flooding and coastal erosion by employing an integrated
portfolio of approaches which reflect both national and local priorities, so as:
To secure efficient and reliable funding mechanisms that deliver the levels of
investment required to achieve the vision of this strategy.
Ports policy
The region has nationally important ports infrastructure.
• Felixstowe Port is the biggest container port in UK. Harwich provides freight
and passenger ferry services to the continent, and the proposed Bathside Bay
development will create a significant new container terminal.
• Plans for Great Yarmouth Outer Harbour project is projected to “create
around 1,000 jobs, bring over 120,000 extra visitors a year to the region and
bring further significant private sector investment to an area earmarked for
• London Gateway development will create a second major new container
terminal, on Canvey Island. Like Bathside Bay, this will be of national
• Tilbury Docks are an important gateway for bulk and container goods to
London and the SE
• A number of small ports survive in the region, providing a sustainable
transport option for bulk goods, and servicing the growing marine recreation
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
Local Government White Paper. How will coastal issues feature in the priorities for
LSPs and Local Area Agreements? If this link is not made, it will become increasingly
difficult to sustain the non-statutory initiatives that support ICZM as local government
activity becomes more and more focussed on funding priorities, such as housing,
employment, education and so on.
Its impacts will most likely come in stricter standards for waterwater treatment and for
water management generally, and through its indirect impacts on spatial policy.
Maritime Policy proposals. Only at the Green Paper stage at the moment, so too
early to say what form proposals will take. However, a Directive requiring integration
between all maritime sectors, for the benefit of growth and jobs, and sustainable
development could have important ramifications for regions.
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
The audit of stakeholders and activity has highlighted some key issues, which are summarised in the table below. Remedial actions are
proposed, and potential benefits highlighted.
Definitions in Confusion regarding Better define scope and terms of SDRT East (Coastal Clarity regarding the role of the group,
the brief (s1.1) the purpose of the reference of the group Group) for the group and for others
‘Coastal Group’
‘Plethora of Poor integration of Explore potential regional solutions, for EERA and Go East A clear regional perspective on ICZM to
plans’ (s1.2.1) policy and action and example through the RSS and LDFs inform decisions of regional, sub-
user confusion regional and local bodies
ICZM Inconsistency in SDRT East influence government, and SDRT East (Coastal Clarity as to role of ICZM initiatives,
partnerships coastal management regional and local bodies, to provide Group) such as Coastal partnerships, in relation
and activity consistent and long-term support for to regional, subregional and local policy
implementation ICZM and to clarify its role in relation to and activity
(s1.2.1) coastal activity
Information Poor information leads SDRT East to call upon EERA, EEDA SDRT East (Coastal Improved and more holistic
(s1.3.2) to poor decisions and others to fund a coastal indicators Group) understanding of the issues and trends
research and monitoring programme apparent at the coast to inform decision-
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
confusion and poor share experience and exchange secretariat, or third party) sectors, leading to better sustainable
integration knowledge (networking) development outcomes
Designations The profusion of Undertake research to better understand EERA/Go East Provide evidence-based input to
(s2.3) designations causes the potential conflicts between government policy reviews, and to
confusion and can lead overlapping and contiguous designations regional policy development and review
to conflicts in policy
and management
Regional issues Sectoral approaches Develop an inclusive vision for the coast High level working group, An integrating tool to provide a common
(s2.4) can lead to conflict, of the East of England, and promote it comprising Go-East, policy goal for all authorities
and poor sustainable widely EEDA, EERA,
development outcomes Environment Agency,
Consider whether any strategic initiatives Natural England, other Recommend to EEDA, EERA and/or
are required to better integrate regional key stakeholders Go-East, appropriate initiatives
activity (e.g. in tourism, coastal access) SDRT East (Coastal
Consider the future of coastal flood and SDRT East (Coastal Understand the potential implications of
erosion management, for which the Group) government funding decisions, and take
Making Space for Water review may action accordingly
have profound implications for the
Consider how coastal needs may be SDRT East (Coastal Achieve a better reflection of coastal
reflected in Community Strategies and Group) needs within local government (and
Local Area Agreements, and how these other bodies) funding priorities
might deliver the regional vision
Identify hotspots of activity/conflict within SDRT East (Coastal Clearly identify priorities for local action,
the region’s coastal areas Group) within a regional perspective
National Sectoral approaches SDRT East to call upon government, and SDRT East An integrating tool to provide a common
initiatives (s3.1) can lead to conflict, to lobby other regional authorities to do policy goal for all English Regions
and poor sustainable the same, to develop an inclusive vision
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
SDRT East to raise awareness regarding SDRT East (Coastal Enable regional bodies to plan for and
the potential conflicts in the Group) to integrate the implementation of these
implementation of Water Framework instruments better
Directive, Marine Spatial Planning
system and the ongoing reform of the
[terrestrial] planning system
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
This report has shown that there are a very broad range of issues concerned with the
coast in the Region, and the task of the group will be to develop priorities appropriate
to its nature and role. Proposals as to what these priorities might be are set out in s4.
Recommended approach
Regarding the form of the group, there are at least three options:
The task force would be a small group of experts with a good knowledge of the
region, and from a broad range of disciplines, who would work together to set and
implement a work programme. (Example: SDRT East Climate Change Group).
Alternative approach 1
An alternative way to approach the brief would be to focus on coastal activity rather
than ICZM. At the highest level are statutory programmes, comprising the RSS (and
District and Unitary development frameworks), the Water Framework Directive action
plans for the Anglian River Basin District (to come in the future), and marine spatial
plans. However, this statutory framework is not yet fully in place. Further, its
achievement will probably require a considerable amount of development work, as
the process of integration and continued dialogue between these three components
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
Alternative approach 2
A third option, would be to take a more ‘organic’ approach, whereby information
regarding coastal activity is disseminated widely and activities and tools are put in
place to enable stakeholders to interact, should they wish to. Clearly, this lacks a
strategic approach.
6 Next steps
The brief states that this report is intended to inform the following activities for
A regional workshop: It is suggested that such an event consider the three options
presented above (s5) for monitoring and shaping coastal activity in the Region, so as
to provide a clear recommendation for regional institutions that has a wide base of
support. The workshop should also consider the wider proposals contained in section
4 of this report, to consider their relative merits and means of implementation.
Coastal Group: This could initially be a steering group of key officers from the
region, to guide the planning and delivery of the workshop as an initial
communication and strategic activity. Its’ longer term role would be dependant on the
outcome of the workshop.
Dissemination event: This objective would be served by the workshop and the
dissemination through existing networks of its outputs.
Anticipating it taking two months to make a decision, it is unreasonable to expect a
workshop before late July in this case, and a delay until September may be
advisable. If a decision to proceed can be made within a month, then a July
workshop would be feasible.
7 Disclaimer
This report was produced to a very specific brief and within a limited timescale. It
does not purport to present a comprehensive picture of coastal activity in the region.
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
Annex 1
Energy UK map – showing diversity and concentration on coast for East of England
click here
Crown Estate offshore sites – note concentration in East of England click here
Climate change spatial response regions – includes coast (p9) and Thames Gateway
click here and here
Tourism/second homes
click here and go to page 29, Fig 14
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
Annex 2
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
SDRT-East Coastal Activity CoastNet
About CoastNet
OUR VISION - CoastNet’s vision is one of a thriving coast across the world that continues to
support the many communities of people and wildlife that depend upon it without degrading
the very coastal systems needed to maintain this vital resource.
MISSION STATEMENT – Our mission is to safeguard the world’s coast and those communities of
people and wildlife that depend upon it for their future. To do this we work with all coastal
interests to promote the exchange of ideas, information and expertise to find long term
solutions to coastal issues.
For specific details about CoastNet and our publications visit
For the Coastal Portal visit
CoastNet, The Gatehouse, Rowhedge Wharf, High Street, Rowhedge, Essex CO5 7ET
Ph./fax 01206 728644 email, [email protected]
Charity no. 1055763. Company limited by guarantee no. 3204452