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The document discusses how CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA uses XRF (extended recovery facility) to handle failures and improve availability.

CICS with XRF can handle CICS outages, VTAM outages, VSE outages, CPC outages, and planned takeovers.

XRF works by having an active and standby CICS system. If the active fails, the standby takes over transactions with minimal disruption to users. It uses signaling, syncpointing, and tracking to maintain transaction integrity.

CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA IBM

XRF Guide
Release 1

CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA IBM
XRF Guide
Release 1


Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Notices” on page 93.

First Edition (June 1999)

This edition applies to Release 1 of CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA, program number 5648-054, and to all subsequent
versions, releases, and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. Make sure you are using the correct edition for the
level of the product.

The CICS for VSE/ESA Version 2.3 edition remains applicable and current for users of CICS for VSE/ESA Version 2.3.

Order publications through your IBM representative or the IBM branch office serving your locality.

At the back of this publication is a page entitled “Sending your comments to IBM”. If you want to make any comments, please use
one of the methods described there.

 Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1988, 1999. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Notes on terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Determining if a publication is current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
Road map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii

Chapter 1. An overview of XRF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

XRF environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
A brief description of XRF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Chapter 2. Types of outage handled by CICS with XRF . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

CICS outage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
VTAM outage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
VSE outage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
CPC outage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Planned takeover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Chapter 3. How XRF works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

An XRF sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Operations and management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Chapter 4. XRF configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Multi-VSE, single-region XRF configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Multi-VSE, MRO XRF configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Single-VSE image, single-region XRF configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Single-VSE image, MRO XRF configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Further configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Chapter 5. The terminal network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

VTAM and NCP considerations for active and alternate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Levels of terminal support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Defining the recovery process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Specific session types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
XRF SNA flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Chapter 6. Defining CICS for XRF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

System initialization parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Command list table (CLT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
User exit for VTAM failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
The overseer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Supplied transactions for controlling the alternate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Sharing data sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Storage protection considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Chapter 7. XRF and other products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

DB2 for VSE/ESA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
DL/I VSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
NetView . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
VM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 1999 iii

Appendix A. Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Appendix B. Sample XRF implementations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Single CICS implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
MRO CICS implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Books from VSE/ESA 2.5 base program libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Books from VSE/ESA 2.5 optional program libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Trademarks and service marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

iv CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide


What this book is about

This book is intended to help you to understand the extended recovery facility
(XRF) function. It contains guidance about planning, setting up, and running a
CICS system with XRF configuration.

If you need to know where programming interface information is described, or about

the definitions of the different types of information in the CICS library, you should
read the CICS Resource Definition Guide.

Who this book is for

This book is for system designers and system programmers.

What you need to know to understand this book

You need a good understanding of CICS, and of the level of system availability that
your users need.

How to use this book

Chapters 1 through 3 introduce the XRF concept and explain how CICS with XRF
works. Chapter 4 suggests possible configurations. Chapters 5 and 6 give more
detailed guidance to help you set up XRF. How XRF relates to other products is
discussed in Chapter 7.

The appendixes provide a checklist of what you do to create an XRF complex, and
also a sample implementation with suitable definitions.

Additional task-specific information about XRF is given in other CICS books, and
this book provides references to those books.

Notes on terminology
There is a glossary of terms of particular relevance to XRF on page /GLOSSY/.
There is a general glossary of CICS terms in the CICS Glossary GC33-1649.

New terms are explained when they first occur.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 1999 v

Notes on terminology
The terms listed in Table 1 are commonly used in the CICS Transaction Server for
VSE/ESA Release 1 library. See the CICS Glossary for a comprehensive definition
of terminology.

Table 1 (Page 1 of 2). Commonly used words and abbreviations

Term Definition (and abbreviation if
$(the dollar symbol) In the character sets and programming
examples given in this book, the dollar
symbol ($) is used as a national currency
symbol and is assumed to be assigned
the EBCDIC code point X'5B'. In some
countries a different currency symbol, for
example the pound symbol (£), or the yen
symbol (¥), is assigned the same EBCDIC
code point. In these countries, the
appropriate currency symbol should be
used instead of the dollar symbol.
BSM BSM is used to indicate the basic security
management supplied as part of the
VSE/ESA product. It is
RACROUTE-compliant, and provides the
following functions:
 Signon security
 Transaction attach security
C The C programming language
CICSplex A CICSplex consists of two or more
regions that are linked using CICS
intercommunication facilities. Typically, a
CICSplex has at least one
terminal-owning region (TOR), more than
one application-owning region (AOR), and
may have one or more regions that own
the resources accessed by the AORs
CICS Data Management Facility The new facility to which all statistics and
monitoring data is written, generally
referred to as “DMF”
CICS/VSE The CICS product running under the
VSE/ESA operating system, frequently
referred to as simply “CICS”
COBOL The COBOL programming language
DB2 for VSE/ESA Database 2 for VSE/ESA which was
previously known as “SQL/DS”.

vi CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

Table 1 (Page 2 of 2). Commonly used words and abbreviations
Term Definition (and abbreviation if
ESM ESM is used to indicate a
RACROUTE-compliant external security
manager that supports some or all of the
following functions:
 Signon security
 Transaction attach security
 Resource security
 Command security
 Non-terminal security
 Surrogate user security
 MRO/ISC security (MRO, LU6.1 or
 FEPI security.
FOR (file-owning region)—also known as A CICS region whose primary purpose is
a DOR (data-owning region) to manage VSAM and DAM files, and
VSAM data tables, through function
provided by the CICS file control program.
IBM C for VSE/ESA The Language Environment-conforming
version of the C programming language
compiler. Generally referred to as
IBM COBOL for VSE/ESA The Language Environment-conforming
version of the COBOL programming
language compiler. Generally referred to
IBM PL/I for VSE/ESA The Language Environment-conforming
version of the PL/I programming language
compiler. Generally referred to as “PL/I
IBM Language Environment for VSE/ESA The common runtime interface for all
LE-conforming languages. Generally
referred to as “LE/VSE”.
PL/I The PL/I programming language
VSE/POWER Priority Output Writers Execution
processors and input Readers. The
VSE/ESA spooling subsystem which is
exploited by the report controller.
VSE/ESA System Authorization Facility The new VSE facility which enables the
new security mechanisms in CICS,
generally referred to as “SAF”
VSE/ESA Central Functions component The new name for the VSE Advanced
Function (AF) component

Preface vii
Determining if a publication is current
IBM regularly updates its publications with new and changed information. When
first published, both the printed hardcopy and the BookManager softcopy versions
of a publication are in step, but subsequent updates are normally made available in
softcopy before they appear in hardcopy.

For CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA Release 1 books, softcopy updates
appear regularly on the Transaction Processing and Data Collection Kit CD-ROM,
SK2T-0730-xx and on the VSE/ESA Collection Kit CD-ROM, SK2T-0060-xx. Each
reissue of the collection kit is indicated by an updated order number suffix (the -xx
part). For example, collection kit SK2T-0730-20 is more up-to-date than
SK2T-0730-19. The collection kit is also clearly dated on the front cover.

For individual books, the suffix number is incremented each time it is updated, so a
publication with order number SC33-0667-02 is more recent than one with order
number SC33-0667-01. Updates in the softcopy are clearly marked by revision
codes (usually a “#” character) to the left of the changes.

Note that book suffix numbers are updated as a product moves from release to
release, as well as for updates within a given release. Also, the date in the edition
notice is not changed until the hardcopy is reissued.

Road map
Table 2. Getting started road map
If you want to... Refer to...

viii CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

Chapter 1. An overview of XRF
CICS offers an Extended recovery facility, XRF environment that runs with any
IBM processor operating in Virtual Storage Extended (VSE) mode to give your
CICS systems improved recovery performance and improved availability to the end

The XRF approach to improved availability builds on two assumptions:

1. Many installations must minimize both planned and unplanned system outages.
These installations are willing to devote extra resources to improve the service
to their end users.
2. A defect that causes a failure in one environment does not necessarily cause a
failure in a different environment.

By coding XRF=YES as a system initialization parameter, you obtain XRF support;

by coding XRF=NO, you have a CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA system
without XRF support. This book is for users who intend to run a system with

XRF does not eliminate outages. It minimizes the duration of certain kinds of
outage. Even if all unplanned failures, caused by both hardware and software
failures, could be eliminated, there would still be planned downtime for
maintenance, configuration changes, or migration. XRF reduces the impact of both
unplanned and planned outages on the end user, and thus provides a higher level
of availability than a non-XRF CICS system.

CICS with XRF is based on the use of an active CICS system, which supports the
processing requests from the end user, in combination with an alternate CICS
system, which can take over from the active if the active fails or if it is taken out of

The active and alternate systems must be at the same level. For example, you
cannot match a CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA Release 1 active system
with a CICS/VSE 2.3 alternate. Also, if the active and alternate CICS systems
are running on separate VSE operating systems, it is advisable to use the same
level of VSE for both.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 1999 1

XRF environments
An XRF complex is made up of:
 The active and alternate CICS systems.
 The associated software, including the operating system (each copy of which
may be called a VSE image) with POWER and VTAM.
 One or more IBM 3745/3725/3720 communication controllers or terminal
switching units.
 The network control program (NCP).
 The terminal network.
 Shared DASD.
 The processing systems. In this book, when referring to the whole of a
physical machine, or a physical partition of that machine, the term “CPC” is
used. CPC is short for “central processing complex”. The term is not used to
refer to logical partitions of such a machine.

In addition, an XRF complex might include the Processor Resource/Systems

Manager feature (PR/SM), which provides flexible partitioning of a processing
system into a number of logical partitions.

CICS with XRF provides different levels of enhanced availability in different

 Coverage against CICS failures is provided by active and alternate CICS
systems running in the same image
 Improved availability when VTAM and CICS outages occur is provided by:
– Placing the active and alternate CICS systems in separate logical partitions,
made possible by the Processor Resource/Systems Manager (PR/SM)
feature. Each of these partitions supports its own image and VTAM,
resulting in a multi-VSE environment.
– Placing the active and alternate CICS systems in separate physical
partitions within the same processing system (each partition operating as a
processing system in its own right).
Such a configuration can also provide protection against partial processor
failures, if one physical partition fails and the other continues to run.
 Enhanced availability against a complete processing system failure requires two
completely separate processing systems. The active and alternate CICS
systems must run on physically separate CPCs as shown in Figure 1 on
page 3.

2 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

Active Boundary Alternate
CICS Network Node CICS


Multi-VSE XRF complex

Figure 1. An XRF complex

Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between the various components of an XRF

system - VSE, CICS and VTAM, each in a separate CPC, with shared DASD and
the NCP connecting them.

A brief description of XRF

Everything mentioned here is described more fully in the sections that follow.

CICS in XRF mode is a system approach to increased availability. It uses alternate

resources to overcome hardware and software outages—both planned and

When CICS is running with XRF, there is a pair of CICS systems:

1. The active system running the CICS workload
2. The partially initialized alternate system, standing by in case of failure.

This partially initialized alternate CICS system lets you provide greater availability to
your end users. It can do this by reacting automatically to problems that cause
interruptions in service. Through the CICS availability manager (CAVM), the
active constantly communicates with the alternate, so that the alternate can record
changes in terminal usage—tracking—and monitor the well-being of the active
system—surveillance. Surveillance and tracking information is passed through the
CAVM data sets—the message data set and the control data set. These data
sets are on shared DASD, accessible to both active and alternate CICS systems.
When the alternate CICS system concludes that the active has failed, or when it is
instructed to act, it has access to all the necessary information and resources to
take over from the active system and reestablish service with the minimum of

Chapter 1. An overview of XRF 3

XRF can help the operator by taking away some of the operator’s decision-making.
The alternate can react to a failure more quickly than the operator can. When XRF
has identified a failure, it can help reduce operator reaction and decision time,
because it can do most of the work for the operator. With certain configurations
and types of failure, XRF can do all of the work to recover and restart from a

There is an optional overseer function, in the form of a sample program, that

provides status information to the operator about the active and alternate systems.
The overseer is particularly useful when you are running many active and alternate
systems, perhaps linked by multiregion operation (MRO), because it gives the
operator an overview of the systems that are running. The overseer can also be
used to automate some operator tasks.

When the alternate takes over the running of the CICS system, it performs an
emergency restart similar to an emergency restart after the failure of a non-XRF
CICS system. Resources are recovered in the same way as they are in an
emergency restart. However, with XRF, the whole emergency restart process is
faster. This is because:
 The alternate is already partially initialized.
 The restart is initiated sooner because of the surveillance activity.

Most of your existing emergency restart procedures remain valid for XRF, because
XRF builds on the existing CICS emergency restart facilities.

The alternate CICS is only partially initialized. It cannot complete its initialization
until its active partner has terminated. It cannot do any normal processing until it
has taken over and become the new active system. The alternate takes up very
little resource, so, if you are using two VSE images, the second is largely available
for other work.

Terminal capability
Although XRF is made up of active and alternate CICS systems, it presents a
single-system image to the end user at a VTAM terminal. A terminal only has a
working session with an active CICS system.

When VTAM terminals log on, the alternate tracks them, and after a takeover it
tries to reestablish their sessions.

In a multi-VSE environment, terminals that do not have a path established to the

alternate might need manual intervention to effect reconnection to the alternate

After a takeover, end users do not normally have to sign on to CICS, because
signon security may be passed from the active to the alternate CICS system. If this
facility is not implemented, end users have to follow their normal procedures for
emergency restart. If there is a task in flight at the time of takeover, that task must
be reentered.

More detailed information about different types of terminals and their XRF
capabilities is given in Chapter 5, “The terminal network” on page 37.

4 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

The takeover
A takeover might occur because of:
 CPC outage
 VSE outage
 VTAM outage
 CICS outage.

“Outage” refers both to a failure, and to planned downtime for maintenance or


In a system running VSE/ESA under VM, a VM outage may be regarded as a

CPC or VSE outage. VM outages are not discussed separately in this book.

In either case, XRF offers end users increased system availability. There is more
information about the causes of a takeover in Chapter 2, “Types of outage handled
by CICS with XRF” on page 7.

When a failure has occurred and the alternate has become the active system, you
should initialize another alternate, and thus maintain the extended recovery facility.
To make changes to your CICS system, you can initiate a takeover to an alternate
CICS system that has already had software maintenance or its configuration
changed. That alternate becomes the new active, which can then be backed up
with a new alternate.

This book describes the decisions you make about XRF. You decide under which
conditions a takeover occurs, whether to restart failed active systems rather than
have a takeover, whether the operator has to authorize a takeover, and how much
involvement the operator has in the takeover.

Failures outside the scope of XRF

XRF cannot handle all failures at a CICS installation. It does not address those
outages caused by the failure of system elements that are not duplicated. For
example, XRF does not deal with:
 Failures in the telecommunication network, such as the communication
controller, network control program (NCP), lines, and terminals
 Loss of, or damage to, the shared DASD for CICS system data sets such as
the system log and similar resources, and also for user databases (however,
note the write I/O error support provided for DL/I databases)
 Loss of, or damage to, essential system data sets, such as VSAM catalogs, or
the POWER job queue.
 An environmental failure, such as a power or air-conditioning failure, that
affects both active and alternate CICS systems
 Some software failures that recur after takeover
 Some operator errors, such as the corruption of a database because it was
restored from the wrong backup tape.

Your installation might already have procedures for dealing with some of these
other types of failure—an uninterruptible power supply, perhaps, or strict
programming standards to avoid the risk of recurrent software failures.

Chapter 1. An overview of XRF 5

6 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide
Chapter 2. Types of outage handled by CICS with XRF
In this chapter, the types of outage that can be handled by CICS with XRF, already
outlined in the last chapter, are discussed in more detail.

The figures in this chapter show a multi-VSE environment. This environment could
be provided by a single CEC or by two separate CPCs. The single CPC may be
partitioned, logically (using the PR/SM feature) or physically, into a multi-VSE
environment. This environment provides cover against VSE, VTAM, and CICS
failures, as described in “XRF environments” on page 2. To guard against a CPC
failure, you require two separate CPCs. XRF running in one VSE image normally
covers only against failures in the CICS address space, and against outages that
would routinely be caused by CICS planned maintenance.

The way a takeover works is described in Chapter 3, “How XRF works” on

page 11.

CICS outage
Figure 2 illustrates an XRF system in which the active CICS fails, resulting in the
loss of terminal sessions and the breakdown of information sent to the alternate via
shared DASD.



Active Alternate
Shared CICS
CICS information

Boundary Network

VTAM Active Network VTAM

session Control Session
Program to be

End user

Figure 2. CICS outage

XRF provides a rapid restart after the failure of the active CICS.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 1999 7

You do not need two VSE images to handle CICS outages. You can run XRF on a
single VSE to give increased availability during outages in the CICS address space.
For the benefits that can be gained from running XRF in this way, see “Single-VSE
image, single-region XRF configuration” on page 32.

If an application program causes CICS to fail, and there is a takeover, it is possible

that the same application could cause another failure on the new active.

VTAM outage
Figure 3 illustrates an XRF system in which the VTAM serving the active system
fails, resulting in the loss of terminal sessions and the breakdown of information
sent to the alternate via shared DASD.



Active Alternate

Boundary Network

VTA M Network VTA M

Program Session to
be acquired

End user

Figure 3. VTAM outage

A VTAM failure may result in a takeover, or you may restart VTAM and leave the
active running. If VTAM on the active’s side fails, it drives the TPEND exit for the
active CICS, which can then decide whether a takeover is the appropriate action.
You may select beforehand the situations where a takeover is necessary, by coding
a global user exit program for the XXRSTAT exit, or adding code to the overseer
program to cause the takeover or other action. For more information about
XXRSTAT and other global user exits, see the CICS Customization Guide.

If a takeover is not selected (the CICS default action), the active continues, in
degraded mode.

8 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

In a multi-VSE environment, if the VTAM supporting the alternate fails, the active
continues normally. Here, the alternate terminates, a new alternate can be started
when VTAM has been restarted.

See “Multi-VSE, single-region XRF configuration” on page 25 and “User exit for
VTAM failure” on page 62 for more information.

VSE outage
Figure 4 illustrates an XRF system in which the VSE serving the active system
fails, resulting in the loss of terminal sessions and the breakdown of information
sent to the alternate via shared DASD.
Note: XRF cannot guarantee recovery for any type of VSE outage.



Active Alternate
Shared CICS
CICS information

Boundary Network

VTA M Active Network VTA M

session Control
Program Session to
be acquired

End user

Figure 4. VSE outage

If you have two VSE images, you can run the active CICS on one VSE, and have
the alternate CICS partially initialized on the other VSE. VTAM terminals that you
want to switch automatically from the active to the alternate, without having to log
on to VTAM again, are connected to both CICS systems through a 3745/3725/3720
communication controller.

Without XRF, a VSE (or hardware) failure means that CICS could be unavailable
for a long time. With XRF, when the active can no longer function properly, either
because of a VSE or hardware failure, the alternate is notified, through the CAVM,
of the active’s failure and initiates a takeover.

Chapter 2. Types of outage handled by CICS with XRF 9

For a VSE failure, the alternate cannot always determine the state of its active
counterpart. In this case the operator confirms to the alternate that the active has
failed due to VSE failure, and that a takeover can proceed. For more information,
see “Checking for termination of the active” on page 19.

CPC outage
To cope with the failure of a CPC, and the other failures detailed previously, the
alternate CICS has to run in a separate CPC. The second CPC could be either in
a physical partition in the same processing system as the active, or in a physically
separate processing system. Running the active and alternate in different 3090s,
for example, provides XRF cover against a failure of the active’s 3090.

For a CPC failure, like a VSE failure, the alternate cannot always be certain of what
has happened to its active counterpart. The operator has to confirm to the
alternate that its active counterpart has failed because of a CPC failure and that a
takeover can go ahead. For more information, see “Checking for termination of the
active” on page 19.

Planned takeover
CICS with XRF gives you improved availability if a failure occurs. It also allows you
to shut down the active system and instruct the alternate to take over to do CICS
software maintenance, or to introduce changes into your CICS system more easily.
In a multi-VSE or two-CPC environment, XRF also helps you to take care of the
maintenance of the CPCs or of other software.

There are some maintenance activities that must be performed concurrently to both
the active and the alternate systems, and so upgrading through a takeover is
impossible. Operation in a single VSE image is also more restrictive, because
some changes cannot be made without an IPL of VSE. This applies, for example,
to maintenance of any CICS software that must reside in the SVA (shared virtual

For more information about the use of XRF takeovers as a maintenance aid, see
Chapter 7, “XRF and other products” on page 67.

XRF gives you the flexibility, through a planned takeover, to choose when you carry
out maintenance. You probably would not want to perform a takeover during a
peak period, while there are many end users on the system, unless there is a good
reason for it. But you might choose to make changes more frequently, to tables for
which RDO is not available, or to parameters, or to apply PTFs, for example.

To initiate a takeover, your operator can use the CEBT transaction, or an extension
to the CEMT transaction, both described in “Supplied transactions for controlling the
alternate” on page 63.

10 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

Chapter 3. How XRF works
Before CICS/VSE Version 2, a CICS failure meant that you needed to restart your
system, probably using an emergency restart. An XRF takeover, which is simply
an enhanced emergency restart, provides the same integrity as an emergency
restart in a non-XRF system. To the end user, the takeover has a similar
appearance to an emergency restart. Most of your existing emergency restart
procedures will remain valid for XRF. However, an XRF takeover does not allow
you to delay the restart to allow (for example) postprocessing or preprocessing job

An XRF sequence
Figure 5 on page 12 shows a possible XRF sequence. The stages in the
sequence are described in the following five sections:
“1. Initialization” on page 13.
“2. Synchronization” on page 15.
“3. Surveillance and tracking” on page 15.
“4. Takeover” on page 16.
“5. After takeover” on page 21.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 1999 11

Active Alternate
system system


and Tracking

Failure Alternate takes over Active

and becomes

restarted as Alternate No cover by


and Tracking

No cover by
applied to
CICS1 and
restarted as Alternate


and Tracking

Alternate takes over initiated
Active resources to become takeover
an active with a
CICS higher level of
system maintenance

Figure 5. An XRF sequence

12 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

1. Initialization
Figure 6 illustrates the activities of the active and alternate CICS systems.

Network Node


Active No path to
session Communication
Controller yet

Control access to
data set control
Active CAVM CAVM Alternate
CICS data set CICS
processing starting

Messages Access after

sent after Message initialization
alternate's data set
These paths
only opened
at takeover

System log

data sets

Figure 6. Initialization of alternate after active has started processing

Figure 6 shows that you need a pair of CICS systems to use XRF, the active and
the alternate running in a shared POWER environment. You start the active and
the alternate separately, and you can start them concurrently, or in either order.
The startup job streams for active and alternate must be very similar except for
some of the system initialization parameters (probably overrides), and certain data
set definitions.

The active and alternate systems have their own local catalog, dump, and auxiliary
trace data sets. They either share or have their own extrapartition transient data
data sets. The alternate has its own transient data destination, CXRF, which is
dynamically defined and is available to the alternate before takeover. For guidance
information about how to use CXRF, see the description of the DFHCXRF data set
in the CICS System Definition Guide. Apart from such minor differences, the active
and alternate must be compatible, with the same recoverable resource definitions.

Chapter 3. How XRF works 13

This ensures that, after a takeover, the new active provides the same service as

The active and alternate sign on to the CICS availability manager (CAVM) at the
start of initialization. The CAVM is the mechanism that allows actives and
alternates to coordinate their processing. The CAVM uses a shared pair of data
sets: a control data set and a message data set. Each active and each alternate
has its own CAVM (in the CICS partition), and the active and alternate pair share
the CAVM data sets.

This pair of data sets is logically a single entity which contains:

 State data whose main purpose is to ensure that one of the CICS jobs sharing
that particular pair of data sets is allowed to perform the active role at any time
 Primary and secondary surveillance signals of actives and alternates, so that
each system can tell whether its partner is working correctly
 Messages about the state of some resources in use on the active, which are
written by the active, and read and processed by the alternate.

CAVM rejects a request from a CICS job to sign on as the active if the control data
set shows that an active is already present, or that a takeover is in progress. This
ensures that the integrity of files and databases cannot be lost because of
uncontrolled concurrent updating by two or more actives. When an active or
alternate signs on, it starts to write its own surveillance signals, and to look for its
partner’s surveillance signals.

The control data set is used:

 To record the presence or absence, identities, and current state of active and
alternate CICS jobs
 For the primary surveillance signals of the active and alternate.

The message data set is used:

 Principally to pass messages about the current state of certain resources from
the active to the alternate
 For the secondary surveillance signals of the active and alternate systems,
when the control data set is unavailable for this purpose, either because the
last write has not completed or because of I/O errors.

Once a pair of CAVM data sets has been used by the active and alternate systems
that share a generic applid, those data sets may not subsequently be used by
another active or alternate with a different generic applid.

For more guidance information about the CAVM data sets, see the CICS System
Definition Guide.

The active completes its initialization normally. It then begins to provide a service
to its end users.

The alternate cannot be fully initialized because, until it takes over from its active
counterpart, it does not own the resources that can be used by only one system at
a time, such as the system log and user data sets. The alternate is initialized only
to the point at which it can monitor the active. VTAM must be running before the

14 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

alternate can complete its initialization. Only one alternate at a time is allowed to
sign on to the CAVM. If the alternate is started first, it waits, watching for its active
partner’s surveillance signals to start when it signs on to the CAVM.

The alternate cannot perform any active CICS function, for example, users cannot
log on to it, and it takes up very little resource. The only means of external
communication with the alternate is through the VSE console communication
interface or the overseer. The VSE console communication interface command is
limited to a small set of CEBT commands, described in “Supplied transactions for
controlling the alternate” on page 63. The overseer is described in “The overseer”
on page 62. The alternate carries out surveillance and tracking, writing its own
surveillance signals, reading the active’s surveillance signals, and reading
messages describing the status of terminals in the active.

Running the active by itself

The active can run by itself without a matching alternate. This is shown in Figure 5
on page 12. You may start an active and not start a matching alternate, or you
might choose to take down the alternate at periods of low activity.

2. Synchronization
When the active is initialized, and it detects that the alternate has signed on to
CAVM, they are both at the synchronization stage. The active uses CAVM
message services to send a stream of messages describing the current state of all
its VTAM terminals via the message data set to the alternate. This is called the
catch-up process, which allows the alternate to build a complete picture of the
active’s terminal resources and the status of those terminals. In this way, the
alternate is aware of the existing terminal network, and can track any VTAM

If the alternate stops for any reason, and the active runs by itself for some time
before another alternate is started, the same catch-up process is used for the new

Then the active and alternate enter the surveillance and tracking stage.

3. Surveillance and tracking

Most of the time, CICS with XRF is in the third stage: surveillance and tracking, as
shown in Figure 7 on page 16.

The active sends out surveillance signals to the alternate, and the alternate
monitors them, checking for any sign of failure in the active. If the active itself
detects a failure that prevents it from continuing to provide a service, it signs off
abnormally from the CAVM to inform the alternate of its failure. A CPC, VSE, or
serious CICS failure causes the active’s surveillance signals to stop.

While running normally, the active uses CAVM message services to inform the
alternate about changes made to the terminals installed in the system. The active
also informs the alternate of changes to the installed, logged-on, and logged-off
state of all VTAM terminals and sessions as they are acquired or released. In this
way, the alternate tracks the installed, logged-on and logged-off state of all VTAM

Chapter 3. How XRF works 15

The emphasis in surveillance is that the alternate monitors the state of the active.
But, at the same time, the active continually checks the status of the alternate and
its surveillance signals, to ensure that an alternate exists to receive the messages it
is sending. If the alternate’s surveillance signal disappears, or it signs off
abnormally from the CAVM, the active warns the system operator. Loss of the
alternate does not affect the running of the active. When another alternate is
started, synchronization begins again.

data set


Sent at state Surveillance
surveillance Sent at
signal startup
Active Alternate Alternate
system Surveillance system

Surveillance Sending
data set

Messages Tracking
Sending of messages

Sending Secondary Surveillance

Surveillance Sending

Figure 7. Use of the CAVM data sets for surveillance and tracking

4. Takeover
A takeover can be started by several events:
 The alternate detects that the active has signed off abnormally from the CAVM.
 The alternate detects the disappearance of the active’s surveillance signal.
 The operator or an MRO-connected partition that is taking over sends the
alternate a CEBT PERFORM TAKEOVER command.
PERFORM SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE command to the active.

The type of event and the TAKEOVR system initialization parameter determine
whether a takeover occurs and also the level of operator involvement in that

16 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

takeover. The system initialization TAKEOVR parameters—AUTO, MANUAL, and
COMMAND—are described in “Starting the alternate” on page 51.

Active signs off abnormally from the CAVM: If the active signs off abnormally
from the CAVM, for whatever reason, and TAKEOVR=COMMAND is not specified,
the alternate starts a takeover.

Alternate detects the disappearance of the surveillance signal: If the alternate

detects that the active’s surveillance signals have disappeared, the action taken by
the alternate is dependent on its current takeover operand, as follows:

The alternate initiates a takeover automatically, when the alternate delay
interval (ADI) has elapsed.

The alternate does not initiate a takeover.

After the ADI interval has elapsed, the alternate sends a message asking the
operator whether it should try to takeover, or ignore the apparent failure of the
active. If the operator can repair the active, the alternate can be told to ignore
the loss of the surveillance signal. If the active recovers, the alternate detects
the reappearance of its surveillance signal, cancels the message to the
operator, and continues with its standby role. If the operator cannot repair the
active, the alternate should be told to begin takeover.

CEBT PERFORM TAKEOVER: This command may be issued to the alternate by

the operator, by another alternate taking over in a multi-VSE MRO configuration, or
by the overseer. On receipt of this command, the alternate starts taking over,
without reference to the operator, regardless of the takeover operand.


TAKEOVER command can be used to start a takeover by telling the active to shut
down and sign off abnormally from the CAVM. However, a takeover only occurs if
TAKEOVR=AUTO or TAKEOVR=MANUAL has been defined in the system
initialization parameter for the alternate.

Chapter 3. How XRF works 17

Network Node


Discontinued Backup session

active session becomes
active session

discontinued Control Takeover
data set
Active CAVM CAVM Alternate
closing down taking over

data set
Access to Alternate accesses
data sets data sets to enable
discontinued takeover and
continued running

System log

data sets

Figure 8. Takeover

Takeover begins
Once it has been decided that the alternate will try to take over from the active, a
takeover request is passed to the CAVM, as shown in Figure 8. In most cases this
request will be accepted, but may be rejected for any of the following reasons:
 The active has already signed off normally.
 The active is not the same active as the one that the alternate had been
tracking. The CAVM detects that it is a new active, probably because of a
restart-in-place. Here, the alternate cannot continue its role, and a new
alternate should be started.
 The active and alternate are on different VSE images, and the alternate has not
been monitoring the active’s surveillance signals long enough to assess the
difference between the time-of-day clocks on the two VSE images.

18 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

When the CAVM has accepted the takeover request from the alternate, an attempt
by another CICS to sign on to the CAVM as an active will be rejected. The
alternate next issues the command:
F NET,USERVAR,ID=generic-applid,VALUE=specific-applid
to redefine the CICS application name.

During takeover, the alternate uses two different mechanisms to try to force the
termination of the active CICS job, as follows:
1. If the active is still signed on to the CAVM, the alternate uses the surveillance
mechanism to try to pass a “takeover-requested” message to the active,
including a “dump” or “no-dump” indicator. If the active receives the message,
it responds by issuing an abend (Abend Code 0206) and eventually signs off
abnormally from the CAVM.
2. If the active job is still executing, the alternate also issues a CANCEL command
(prefixed by a POWER routing command in a multi-VSE configuration). The
CANCEL command is issued if the active is unable to respond to the
alternate’s request to take over.

Next, the alternate starts to process the command list table (CLT). You build your
CLT to describe what will happen at takeover. It provides the authorization to
cancel the active system, and can also contain routing information, VSE system
commands, and messages to the operator. For more information, see “Command
list table (CLT)” on page 54.

Checking for termination of the active

The alternate asks POWER periodically about the status of the active. Job
termination ensures that all I/O activity has been completed (or will subsequently be
backed out), and thus ensures data integrity. If POWER replies that the job has
terminated, the next phase, “Completing the takeover” on page 20, can start

If POWER replies that the job is still executing, the alternate continues to check the
status until the interval defined by the XRFTODI system initialization parameter
expires. After that interval, the alternate prompts the operator (with message
DFHXA6561 or DFHXA6562) to investigate why the job has not stopped. There
might be a POWER problem, or an authorization problem in the CLT. The
alternate also offers this prompt if POWER is not running, or does not respond.

When active and alternate are running in different VSE images, POWER might
continue to tell the alternate that the active job is still running even though the
active’s VSE or CPC has failed. Here, the alternate cannot complete its takeover
without operator intervention. Another possibility is that the active job is still
running, and either never received the CANCEL command, or received it but could
not terminate because a system error necessitating a PCANCEL command has

If the active’s VSE has not failed, the operator must ensure that the active job really
has terminated before informing the alternate that the active job has ended.

If the active’s VSE has failed, and the operator decides that an IPL is required, the
operator should stop the processors of the failed VSE and IPL the system, after

Chapter 3. How XRF works 19

which the operator can reply to the alternate’s question, notifying it that the CPC
has failed.

Here, an internal record is kept that the VSE image, identified by its POWER
SYSID and time and date of IPL, has failed. Other alternates examine this record
while they are taking over, to try to avoid operator intervention.

The alternate cannot complete takeover until the operator replies to its question,
unless either of the following occurs:
 The alternate receives a late reply from POWER that the active job has
 A previous reply to another alternate’s message has already confirmed CPC or
VSE failure.

In either case, the operator does not have to reply, and takeover continues.

Completing the takeover

When CAVM has received confirmation that the active CICS job has terminated, it
notifies the alternate that it may now assume the fully active role, and updates the
CAVM control data set to this effect.

Takeover resumes. In a multi-VSE environment, if the time-of-day clock of the

new active’s VSE is slow compared with the time-of-day clock of the old active’s,
the takeover is delayed until the new active’s time-of-day clock has reached the
value of the old active’s clock at the time of job termination. This is because
recovery processing depends on time-of-day clock readings to establish the correct
sequence of events. Then the alternate completes its takeover, becomes the
active, and reestablishes sessions for VTAM terminals.

If the clock on the new active is fast compared to that of the new active, takeover
resumes without waiting.

Logging and archiving

Because the aim is to provide a rapid recovery from a failure, your system log must
be on two disk data sets. To avoid any archiving delay, and consequent
unnecessary takeover delay, you are advised to use automatic journal archiving,
specified by the JOUROPT=AUTOARCH operand of the DFHJCT macro. For
further guidance about automatic journal archiving, see the CICS Operations and
Utilities Guide.

If you submit the archiving job for execution on the active’s VSE, and that VSE fails
while an archiving job is running, the job has to be resubmitted, and takeover might
be delayed until it finishes. This problem could be avoided by making a practice of
submitting the archiving job for execution on the other VSE.

Failure analysis
Diagnostic information about the failure of the active is provided by the termination
VSE SDUMPS. Taking a dump is a part of the CICS job, and the alternate cannot
complete its takeover until the active job has taken its dump and terminated.

CICS provides an offline dump analyzer, DFHPD410, to interpret and format the
VSE SDUMP, and thereby simplify the task of problem determination. You are
recommended to specify (via the JCL OPTION statement) SYSDUMP as the

20 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

termination dump, both to provide adequate diagnostics, and to ensure that the
active closes down as quickly as possible. For more information about how quickly
the active closes down, see the ADI operand in Chapter 6, “Defining CICS for
XRF” on page 49.

If the active is running normally and it is being taken over because of a command
from the operator or from another CICS partition, no dump is taken, unless
requested by the command.

5. After takeover
In a multi-VSE environment, after the takeover, the operator manually switches any
devices that need to be physically connected to the new active: perhaps local
VTAM terminals, or other software outside the control of CICS.

Depending on the options you set, end users of VTAM terminals do not normally
have to sign on again after their terminals have been switched to the new active.

As in an emergency restart, an end user might have to reenter the last transaction,
if that transaction was in flight when the active failed.

Initiating network changes

To allow additional end users to log on after a takeover, VTAM must change the
application name (specific applid) in its USERVAR table. The alternate issues the
F NET,USERVAR,ID=generic-applid,VALUE=specific-applid
to change the entry of the local USERVAR. USERVAR values in remote VTAMs
communicating with the local VTAM are changed by VTAM. See Chapter 5, “The
terminal network” on page 37 for more information about USERVARs and applids.

Reestablishing the system

When the old alternate has become the new active, there is a period when it runs
without an alternate as its partner. You should plan to start an alternate as quickly
as possible to restore the protection of XRF to your users. You can use the old
active job’s JCL for the new alternate job, ensuring that the correct value for the
START system initialization override is coded, or you can use different JCL. The
job to start a new alternate may begin execution when you know that the old
alternate has become the new active. This will probably be before the new active
has finished the takeover.

Operations and management

For operations staff, the XRF environment brings new tasks. For example, there is
the CEBT transaction for controlling the alternate, described on page 63. The
overseer, described on page 31, also has an operator command interface. To play
their part in a rapid takeover, operators must understand what they have to do
during a takeover, and this in turn depends on the sort of takeover.

In a large installation, it might be worthwhile to rearrange system consoles, so that

operators can easily communicate, or to simplify operator control of an XRF
complex after a takeover. A second master terminal for each active, permanently
available, is a useful addition.

Chapter 3. How XRF works 21

Your existing CICS application programs and user exits should execute unchanged
in an XRF environment. You might have to make changes to programs running in
an ISC environment; see “LUTYPE6 ISC application-to-application sessions” on
page 47.

In a multi-VSE environment, you must ensure that databases and other shared
information, like the system log, are placed on shared DASD. (Some shared
information, such as user journals, may be on tape.) Data specific to the active or
to the alternate does not have to be on shared DASD. If you want to collect data
across a takeover, you might have to modify utilities to read unique data from the
old active and from the new active.

Clearly, XRF involves new and changed procedures for your installation. By careful
planning and organization, you can minimize this overhead.

The CICS Performance Guide contains further information about XRF performance.
This section contains some general points.

Takeover performance
Takeover performance may be considered as the time it takes to close down the
active, establish the alternate as the running system, and switch the terminal
network. This performance depends on many factors, including the:
 Number of CPCs
 Model and characteristics of the CPCs
 Use of logical or physical partitioning
 Number of related partitions to be taken over
 Number of open databases or files
 Number of recoverable inflight transactions
 Number of active terminals, lines, and NCPs
 Recovery mode chosen for terminals
 Frequency of activity keypointing
 Type of dump, if any, taken by the active
 Setting of the alternate delay interval (ADI) parameter
 Communication management configuration in use
 Time difference between the two time-of-day clocks in a multi-VSE environment

XRF improves recovery times by detecting the failures automatically, and by

automating the recovery and restart process (fully or partially, depending on your
configuration and the work, if any, that you want to leave to an operator). The
benefits are particularly evident in a multi-VSE, large network environment.

22 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

Performance during normal running
During normal running, the working of the CAVM is the main difference, in
performance terms, between an active XRF system and a non-XRF system. The
additional overhead of the surveillance mechanism of the CAVM on the active and
alternate operations is small, as it normally involves only the reading and writing of
the surveillance signals in the CAVM data sets. Greatest use is most likely to
occur during synchronization, when the active is sending the catchup messages to
the alternate. If a system performs adequately in non-XRF mode, moving to XRF
should not introduce a performance problem.

The alternate is potentially the active, so you should normally assign to it the same
priority and performance group that you assign to the active. You should also
consider the real storage isolation of the CICS system.

Workload on a second VSE image

This section is concerned with multi-VSE configurations. The second VSE (where
the alternate is running) does not have to be used entirely for processing the
alternate, which incurs only a small overhead. It can be used for other processing,
perhaps batch work, or as “the active’s VSE” for another pair of CICS systems, or
for a non-XRF CICS system used to test and debug application programs.

Both the single and the multiple-CPC environments described above do not guard
you against CICS failures. If CICS fails in either environment the CICS XRF
takeover might also fail. (The backup VSE image may not be of sufficient size.)
Restart in place of failing CICS partitions should be performed using the
(TAKEOVR=COMMAND) system initialization parameter, but this can be automated
using the overseer. See “The overseer” on page 62.

After a takeover, the new active provides the same service as the old. In a
two-CPC environment, if the new active is in a CPC that is already running near
capacity, you should make arrangements to suspend some of the work. This could
be a particular concern if the alternate’s CPC is smaller than the active’s CPC.
You might, for example, have to suspend some batch jobs temporarily.

If there are other subsystems running in the alternate’s CPC, such as SQL/DS,
and they continue to run after takeover, performance will be degraded because the
new active takes up more of the CPC’s resources. A lot depends on how the VSE
tuning parameters have been set. Refer to the VSE/ESA Operation manual, and
the VSE/POWER Administration and Operation manual.

Chapter 3. How XRF works 23

24 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide
Chapter 4. XRF configurations
There are many ways in which you can set up CICS systems for XRF. This
chapter describes some example configurations:
 “Multi-VSE, single-region XRF configuration”
 “Multi-VSE, MRO XRF configuration” on page 27
 “Single-VSE image, single-region XRF configuration” on page 32
 “Single-VSE image, MRO XRF configuration” on page 33
 “Further configurations” on page 35.

With each configuration diagram, there is a short explanation of the availability

enhancements that each configuration provides. This chapter does not tell you how
to set up CICS with XRF, nor how to control the takeover, restart in place, or
hierarchy of regions. That information is in Chapter 6, “Defining CICS for XRF” on
page 49.

A single 3090, logically or physically partitioned, can run multi-VSE images, making
possible a CICS with XRF system providing cover against VSE, VTAM, and CICS

A single-VSE configuration provides protection against outages of the CICS

partition. But, if you want to reduce the downtime caused by CICS failures, or if
you are interested in applying CICS maintenance with less impact on your system,
such a configuration might be a suitable choice.

You need a two-CPC configuration if you want to provide protection against

outages of the CPC, VSE, VTAM, and CICS.

The examples that follow begin with multi-VSE configurations. Even if you are not
concerned with multi-VSE configurations, it is best to read them first, because the
information builds up through the examples.

Multi-VSE, single-region XRF configuration

The multi-VSE, single-region XRF configuration, shown in Figure 9 on page 26,
offers increased protection against outages of VTAM, and CICS, and, in a two-CPC
configuration, of the CPC. The active and alternate must be in the same
equipment complex, so that they can share DASD, and they must be coupled by
POWER. If a CPC or CICS failure occurs, the CAVM surveillance mechanism of
the alternate recognizes the failing state of the active. The alternate can take over,
and resume the workload of the failed system.

VTAM is a special case. When VTAM fails, you can initiate a takeover, but you
might gain better availability by allowing other, unaffected users to continue to work
without the interruption of a takeover. There are two ways that you can select your
course of action:
1. The XXRSTAT global user exit allows you to decide what to do if VTAM fails.
The exit allows you to abend CICS, which could lead to a takeover, or you
could do nothing and wait for VTAM to restart. For more information about the
XXRSTAT global user exit, see the CICS Customization Guide.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 1999 25


Network Node



Active Alternate


Figure 9. Multi-VSE, single-region XRF configuration

2. The overseer program, introduced more fully on page 31, can be customized to
allow you to initiate a takeover, or to wait for VTAM to recover and then act
More information about the exit and the overseer is given in Chapter 6, “Defining
CICS for XRF” on page 49. In this configuration, a simple exit program is probably
a more suitable tool for deciding whether to take over, rather than the more
complex overseer program.

If you are using XRF primarily to protect against non-CICS failures, for a CICS
failure you might prefer to try to restart the failing CICS region (restart in place)
before taking over, to try to minimize the disruption to the end user. You might
choose to restart in place if many terminals need manual switching, or if (in a
two-CPC configuration) the alternate CPC is heavily loaded at the time of the CICS
failure, or if the time taken by a restart in place compares well with the time taken
by a takeover. There is a further discussion of restarting in place, in an MRO
environment, on page 30.

The end users of most VTAM terminals do not have to log on to VTAM again, and,
depending on the options set, they do not have to sign on to CICS again, because
signon security may be passed from the active to the alternate. A user who is in
the middle of a transaction when the system goes down will have to go through the
same procedures as in a non-XRF emergency restart. You can provide your own
message to tell end users what to do. XRF will certainly shorten the length of the

26 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

Other terminals, such as local VTAM terminals, or remote non-SNA VTAM
terminals—could also have faster recovery because of the quicker restart that XRF

Multi-VSE, MRO XRF configuration

The multi-VSE MRO configuration offers increased availability against outages of
VSE, VTAM, and CICS, and (in a two-CPC environment) of the CPC. The CICS
system is divided into several MRO-connected active regions, each with its own
alternate. Figure 10 on page 28 shows active and alternate CICS regions for
terminals, applications, and databases. There could be, for example, several active
terminal regions, each backed up by an alternate region, or several application
regions or database regions. However, the division into regions could also be
along different functional lines from the ones suggested here. Note that there is no
communication between the alternate regions before takeover.

In this multiregion configuration, there are more things to consider about a takeover
than in a single-region configuration. The takeover is across VSE images. If one
alternate region takes over, all the related alternate regions must take over,
because interregion communication does not operate across VSE images. A CPC
or VSE failure clearly should result in a takeover of all the regions.

Chapter 4. XRF configurations 27


Network Node



Terminal- Terminal-
owning CAVM CAVM owning
region region

Application- Application-
owning CAVM CAVM owning
region region

Data-base- Data-base-
owning CAVM CAVM owning
region region

Active Alternate
system system


Figure 10. Multi-VSE, MRO XRF configuration

VTAM failures are a special case, as discussed in the previous section.

If a terminal-owning region experiences a CICS failure, you might want a takeover

by the alternate, because some or all of your most important end users would have

28 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

lost their sessions with CICS. The takeover of that region would require the
takeover of all the other regions in that MRO complex. However, if you have
several terminal-owning regions, and only one of them fails, you might decide not to
have a takeover, but to retain maximum availability for all other users at the
expense of users of the failed region.

In an MRO configuration, you decide how important each region is, and whether
there should be a takeover if a region fails. The alternative to a takeover is to
restart a region in place, rather than involving all the related regions in a takeover.

Hierarchy of regions
To help understand a takeover strategy that handles regions of varying importance,
you might find it useful to think of your regions as forming a hierarchy. A typical
arrangement is shown in Figure 11.

alternate - specified with

master system initialization parameter

At takeover,
commands sent to alternates

alternate alternate
dependent dependent - specified with
region region system iniitialization

Figure 11. Hierarchy of one master and two dependent regions

Each region in an MRO complex may be considered as a master, dependent, or

coordinator region. A region that instructs other connected regions to take over, in
the event of its own takeover, may be regarded as a master or coordinator region.
A region that does not initiate the takeover of other connected regions in the event
of its own failure may be regarded as a dependent region.

A dependent region differs from a master or coordinator region in that its takeover
system initialization parameter is TAKEOVR=COMMAND. This means that the
failure of a dependent region does not result in its own takeover, nor does it force a
takeover of the entire complex of regions. Instead, the system operator (or perhaps
the XRF overseer) tries a restart in place using existing emergency restart

The failure of an active master region results in its takeover by its alternate region.
That alternate master region initiates its own takeover, and issues:
commands in its command list table (CLT) to all the other alternate regions,
instructing them to take over from their active counterparts. These other regions
are the dependent regions, probably application-owning or database-owning

If there is more than one master region, one of them may be made the coordinator
region. If a master region or the coordinator region fails, then only the alternate

Chapter 4. XRF configurations 29

coordinator region issues commands to all the other alternate regions, instructing
each alternate to take over from its active counterpart. By using a coordinator, you
avoid having several master alternate regions all instructing the other alternate
regions to take over. Any region may be nominated as dependent, master, or

In this way, the coordinator is responsible for the takeover of all its MRO-connected
regions. If an alternate coordinator region is called on to start a general takeover,
and that alternate coordinator is not running for some reason, an automatic
takeover is impossible, and the operator must intervene.

There is no specific definition of a region as dependent, master, or coordinator. A

region is related to its connected regions by the contents of the CLT, one for each
alternate, and by the TAKEOVR system initialization parameter. You code your
own CLTs to suit the structure of your system. If you prefer, you can write one
CLT for a set of MRO-connected alternate regions, with a separate section for each
region. The CLT, the system initialization parameter, and the CEBT transaction are
described in Chapter 6, “Defining CICS for XRF” on page 49.

Restarting regions in place

Usually, a master region may be regarded as one that causes a takeover if it fails.
That takeover involves all the related regions in their own takeovers. A dependent
region is one that does not cause a takeover (its own or that of any other region) if
it fails. When a dependent region fails, it is normal to try to restart that region in
place. A restart in place of one region could cause less disruption to your end
users than a takeover of all the related regions.

A restart in place might be particularly appropriate for an application-owning region.

These regions are usually quick to restart. Then, if you could not restart that region
in the active CICS complex, and the region was necessary to your operation, you
could force a takeover of all the related regions to the other VSE image. When the
active is restarted in place, the alternate closes down automatically, because the
old alternate cannot provide support to the new active. To continue XRF support,
you start up the alternate again.

An important consideration is the restart time for a particular region. An

application-owning region is usually quick to restart. Terminal-owning regions
usually take longer to restart, because of the overhead of establishing the VTAM
sessions. Even for a vital region, you might try a restart in place before calling for
a takeover of all regions, because the restart even of a vital region might still cause
less disruption than a takeover.

You must work out in advance the strategy for each situation. For a speedy restart,
your operations should be automated wherever possible. Operators must
understand clearly what to do when any type of failure occurs. They must also
know what is happening automatically, so that they can take the speediest path to

30 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

Using the overseer
The overseer program can help you to restart regions in place. You can use it to
do some of the work that would otherwise have to be done by the operator.

The XRF overseer is supplied as a sample program and associated CICS

functions, including an operator interface and macros for identifying CICS systems
to it. The overseer runs in its own address space, and can operate only on CICS
systems defined with XRF, because it obtains its status information from the CAVM
data sets. You can extend the sample program if it does not meet your needs.

The sample overseer can:

 Monitor the status of active and alternate XRF regions, to help the operator to
keep track of your systems. You determine how often the overseer checks the
status of each system, and the operator can request a display of the
information that the overseer collects.
 Restart a failed active region in place. This region would probably be a
dependent region, or a single CICS system. Compared with an
operator-controlled restart, using the overseer has the advantage that you can
automate, and so accelerate, the restart process.
 Restart an alternate region in place, after it has failed, or after the restart in
place of its active partner. When an active restarts, it is necessary to start a
new alternate to reestablish XRF protection.

In a multi-VSE environment, where you want to restart actives and alternates in

place, there must be two overseers, one for each VSE.

The overseer can be particularly useful in a large installation, where you might have
many XRF regions that are connected by MRO, with a hierarchy of coordinator,
master, and dependent regions.

There is further discussion of the overseer on page 62.

Chapter 4. XRF configurations 31

Single-VSE image, single-region XRF configuration
Figure 12 shows that, for CICS outages only, you can increase availability by using
XRF in a single-VSE environment. Even if you have more than one VSE image
available, you might choose a single-VSE configuration. This might be because of
terminal-switching considerations, lack of capacity on the second VSE, or shared
DASD limitations.

If you usually run XRF on two VSE images, but one is temporarily unavailable
because of maintenance or because it has other work to do, you might choose a
single-VSE configuration to provide cover against CICS failures during that period.

With this configuration, you are able to cover yourself against CICS outages,
whether they are scheduled, for service or maintenance, or unscheduled, perhaps
because of a program error. There is no protection against outages of the CPC,
VSE, or VTAM, because these parts of the system are not duplicated. But there
are two paths from the network control program through VTAM: one to the active
CICS system, and one to the alternate. If the active fails, or if you require a
planned takeover, the alternate takes over.


Network Node



Active Alternate

Figure 12. Single-VSE image, single-region XRF configuration

32 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

Single-VSE image, MRO XRF configuration
Like the single-VSE image, single-region XRF system, the single-VSE, MRO XRF
configuration also improves availability for CICS failures.

For each active region shown in Figure 13 on page 34—terminal, application, and
database—there is a corresponding alternate region. Each active-alternate pair has
its own CAVM and associated data sets.

Whichever active region fails, its alternate takes over and becomes the new active.
The other active regions are unchanged, and the new active reestablishes MRO
links with them. The effect observed by the end user depends on which region
fails. In this example, failure of the terminal-owning region would result in the
effects already described in “Multi-VSE, MRO XRF configuration” on page 27 (and
more fully in Chapter 5, “The terminal network” on page 37). Failure of other
regions is observable at the terminal only if the user is running a transaction that
uses the failing region. Such an end user would suffer a transaction failure, but
would not lose the session to CICS, nor have to sign on again.

In this sort of configuration, there is no need for the restart in place suggested for
multi-VSE configurations.

Chapter 4. XRF configurations 33


Network Node


Terminal- Terminal-
owning CAVM CAVM owning
region region

Application- Application-
owning CAVM CAVM owning
region region

Data-base- Data-base-
owning CAVM CAVM owning
region region

Active Alternate
system system

Figure 13. Single-VSE image, multiregion operation XRF configuration

34 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

Further configurations
This chapter has examined some XRF configurations. Clearly, there are other
ways to configure a system. When you are running many systems with XRF, the
overseer, described on page 31, can give the operator an overview of the active
and alternate CICS systems in the XRF complex.

The examples are divided into single- and multi-VSE configurations, but even if you
are able to run XRF on two VSE images, there might be some systems that you
would prefer to run with the active and alternate in the same VSE.

If you have three VSE images available, you could use the third for a new alternate
CICS, if the failure of the first meant that it would be unavailable for an
unacceptably long time.

The examples also make a division into MRO and single regions, but you might find
that you want to use a combination of MRO and non-MRO XRF regions. You can
also have non-XRF regions running with XRF regions in the same VSE image.

In multi-VSE operation, you can place actives and alternates from different CICS
systems in the same VSE image.

If you have applications or databases that are rarely used, or applications that
rarely fail, they could be placed in non-XRF regions. This non-XRF region could be
a CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA system defined with XRF=NO as a system
initialization parameter. A failure in a non-XRF region would then be handled by an
emergency restart.

Multiregion operation links can be maintained between the non-XRF region and the
active XRF regions. In a single-VSE operation, if a takeover occurs in one of the
XRF regions, the MRO link between the new active and the non-XRF region is
reestablished. To that non-XRF region, the takeover looks like an emergency

Chapter 4. XRF configurations 35

36 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide
Chapter 5. The terminal network
When you implement XRF, there are implications for your existing terminal network.
The information that follows is to help you organize your terminals in an XRF

Any terminal that you currently use with CICS can be used in an XRF environment.
XRF offers benefits to all terminals, because they may experience a faster restart.
This is because the alternate can recognize failure earlier, and because it tracks
the installed, logged-on, or logged-off state of other VTAM terminals and attempts
to reestablish sessions after takeover.

Each terminal can have a working session with only one CICS system. However,
the active CICS system notifies its alternate of all its sessions (except those defined

Transactions that are in flight at the point of takeover are backed out by CICS and
must be reentered by the end user (or by your normal restart practices). However,
depending on the signon options set, end users do not normally have to sign on to
CICS again.

Before specific terminal types and levels of service are discussed, note that there
are many factors that can affect the performance of a terminal at takeover, as
 The type of terminal and its access method
 The total number of terminals connected
 What the end user is doing at the time of takeover
 Whether the terminal has signon security
 The signon options set
 The type of failure of the active CICS system
 Whether the terminal has to be physically switched to a second VSE image
 How the terminal is defined by the systems programmer.

VTAM and NCP considerations for active and alternate

Users are unaware of being attached to the active side of an XRF pair. They have
an image of a single system processing the workload. So it should be irrelevant to
them which system is the active.

The active and alternate share a common generic applid. In addition, each active
and alternate has a unique specific applid to identify itself to VTAM. The end user
is only aware of the generic applid used at logon. For existing systems that you
convert to XRF, you could retain the applid that is familiar to the end user as the
generic applid, and have two new names, probably based on the generic applid, as
the specific applids.

For more VTAM information, you should consult the VTAM Network Implementation
Guide and the VTAM Operation manual. This is particularly important if you are not
accustomed to multi-VSE network environments.

The generic applid is known in VTAM terms as the USERVAR; the specific applid is
the VTAM application id. The generic applid is used by CICS for many purposes:

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 1999 37

for example, it indicates the active-alternate pairing to the CAVM; it is also used for
interregion communication (IRC).

Defining the applids

The active and alternate are defined as specific applids to VTAM by VTAM APPL
definition statements; for example:

The first part of the APPL statement defines to VTAM the specific applids (known to
VTAM as the application ids).

The generic and specific applids have to be defined to CICS using the APPLID
system initialization parameter. See page 49 for more information.

Controlling the use of the applids by USERVAR

To control these generic and specific applids, XRF makes use of the VTAM
USERVAR facility. VTAM maintains a USERVAR table which records the
relationship between the generic and specific applids. The entries in the
USERVAR table are built dynamically by VTAM. The generic and specific applids
are added to the table by VTAM when the first F NET,USERVAR command is
issued from the first active CICS. The specific applid may subsequently be
changed dynamically at a takeover.

When a terminal logs on, the “logon message”, which refers to the generic applid,
is interpreted as a logon request to the application whose specific applid is
contained in the USERVAR. In this way, the USERVAR table relates the generic
applid (which does not change) to the specific applid of the current active, and
VTAM can identify the CICS system to which the terminal’s active session should
be connected.

Figure 14 on page 40 shows a set of definitions, with CICS1 as the active system
and VTAM1 as the network owner. At startup, the active uses the:
F NET,USERVAR,ID=generic-applid,VALUE=specific-applid
command to set its specific applid (CICS1 in the Figure 14 in the VTAM USERVAR
table. The USERVAR table contains an entry like this:
which ensures that logons are directed to the current active. The TYPE=DYNAMIC
parameter (the default) specifies that this USERVAR entry is for an XRF system
that is likely to change its specific applid periodically.

The user’s logon message “CICS” is associated with the correct specific applid by
VTAM’s USERVAR processing.

At the start of a takeover, the alternate changes the setting of the USERVAR to its
own specific applid, so that logons to a failing active are stopped as soon as

38 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

It issues a second command:
F NET,USERVAR,ID=generic-applid,VALUE=specific-applid
when it issues the:
command, which tells VTAM that the new CICS system is ready to accept logons.

USERVAR propagation to remote VTAMs

The USERVAR modified by a VTAM F NET USERVAR command issued by an
active is known as a user-managed USERVAR. USERVARs in remote VTAMs that
communicate with the VTAM that is local to the XRF system can be modified by
VTAM with no involvement by CICS. VTAM does this in response to a change in
the user-managed USERVAR. These remote USERVARs are known as automatic

Unless you have other, non-XRF, uses for USERVARs that conflict with such
USERVAR processing, you are recommended to allow VTAM to manage this
propagation of USERVARs. If you leave the operator to propagate the USERVAR,
and there is a delay before the operator issues the command, some new users
cannot log on to CICS during that delay.

There are no XRF-specific changes for the SNA unformatted system services
(USS) tables.

Transferring a terminal session to the active

You can transfer a terminal session to an active using the generic applid in the
VTAM CLSDST PASS command, as follows:
EXEC CICS ISSUE PASS LUNAME(generic applid) .........
You do not need code to establish the specific applid of the active. An application
that already contains such code continues to work unchanged.

Ownership of the network

In an XRF environment, terminals may be owned by a VTAM in a different VSE
image from that of the active CICS system. Because of this, terminals must be
defined to be cross-domain, which means that:
 Terminals may log on to the active (CICS1 in Figure 14 on page 40)
 CICS1 may acquire terminals
 After takeover, CICS2 may acquire terminals
 New terminals may log on to CICS2.

In the example in Figure 15 on page 41, there are the following considerations:
 The ownership of the network by the VTAM in VSE1
 The cross-domain definitions of the network to VSE2
 The local definition of application CICS1 in VSE1
 The cross-domain definition of application CICS1 in VSE2
 The local definition of application CICS2 in VSE2
 The cross-domain definition of application CICS2 in VSE1.

Chapter 5. The terminal network 39









name LINE...



Figure 14. Logging on to the active

40 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide





VTAM network VTAM



Figure 15. VTAM network ownership

The following partial NCP definition defines VSE1 as the network owner, and the
terminals in that network:
TE1 LU...
TE2 LU...
TE3 LU...
The following partial definition defines CICS1 on VSE1, with a cross-domain
definition for CICS2:


(“CDRSC” is the cross-domain resource, and “CDRM” is the cross-domain resource

Here is a cross-domain definition in VSE2 for the terminals:

The following partial definition defines CICS2 to run on VSE2, with a cross-domain
definition for CICS1:

Chapter 5. The terminal network 41



For terminals owned by VTAMs other than the VTAM for the active, the use of the
automatic USERVAR for USERVAR propagation is described in “USERVAR
propagation to remote VTAMs” on page 39.

Levels of terminal support

A typical CICS installation may have a wide range of terminal connections in its
network, including VTAM and non-VTAM, local, and remote devices. The full list of
IBM terminals and devices that can be used with CICS is in the CICS Release

Table 3 describes the two classes of terminals in an XRF environment, how XRF
supports them, and what the user can expect at a takeover.

Table 3. Terminal support

Terminal class How XRF How XRF How takeover
supports supports affects terminal
terminals at terminals at user
logon takeover
Tracked (class 2) No change to Alternate tries to Brief delay in
normal CICS reestablish service while
support. session. alternate acquires
Untracked (class No change to No change to User loses service.
3) normal CICS normal CICS Operator must
support. emergency restart reestablish
procedures. session.

Note: VTAM under VSE/ESA does not support Class 1 terminals.

In this table, the word “terminal” does not just describe a simple terminal device,
but also describes a component of a terminal system, including a programmable
controller and its attached operator terminals, printers, and remote subsystems.

The RECOVOPTION terminal definition keyword and the signon options modify the
service that CICS gives to each terminal, but initially the default values of these
keywords are assumed. The defaults give each terminal the best service that its
characteristics allow. The effects of using alternative settings of the terminal
definition keywords, and of signon security, are discussed under “Defining the
recovery process” on page 44.

Tracked (Class 2) terminals

A Class 2 terminal is:
 A remote VTAM terminal that is not connected through a BNN communication
controller and its NCP, or through the appropriate level of VTAM.
 A locally attached VTAM terminal or a VTAM non-SNA terminal, including a
BSC 3270 terminal. In a multi-VSE environment, locally attached VTAM

42 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

terminals qualify as class 2 if they are definable as cross-domain resources to
both active and alternate, and able to connect to the alternate after takeover.
For local terminals, see note 1 at the end of this section.
 A BSC 3270 terminal attached to a BNN communication controller.
 A terminal supported by the network terminal option (NTO) or network routing
facility (NRF).
 A VTAM terminal using session-level cryptography.
 An LU6.1 or APPC ISC system.

Class 2 terminals benefit from an XRF environment, through the tracking

procedure. The alternate tracks the installed, logged-on, or logged-off status of all
VTAM terminals and sessions as they are acquired or released. Terminals that are
already logged on and active on the active CICS when the alternate is started are
catered for by the catchup process. If RECOVOPTION(NONE) has been specified
for a terminal, that terminal is not tracked, and it becomes a class 3 terminal.

After a takeover, the new active tries to establish new sessions for terminals that it
tracked when they were in session with the old active. This reconnection may not
succeed immediately because you may need to transfer the connection of some of
these terminals manually from one to the other. So CICS tries again at intervals of
1, 2, 4, and 8 minutes after the first attempt. The timing of the first attempt
depends on the value set by the AUTCONN system initialization parameter.

After the reconnection transaction has finished, you either use operator intervention
to reacquire remaining sessions, or the users themselves log on again. This
situation could arise if the VTAM that owns the network has failed, and it takes
more than 8 minutes to restart it. In that case, all terminals that are normally
reconnected will require some sort of intervention.

If the network owner has not failed, end users might experience a short interruption
in service, and the takeover has the appearance of an emergency restart. If the
session is successfully reestablished, end users of such terminals do not have to
log on again, nor, depending on the options set, do they have to sign on to CICS
again. The “good morning” message is displayed. The end user must be aware
that logon or signon might not be necessary. For more information about the
options that control signon, see “Signon after takeover” on page 45.

You must consider how your operations staff will transfer class 2 terminals from
one VSE to another in a multi-VSE environment. In a single-VSE system, this is
not a problem, but you might still need procedures for connecting class 2 terminals
to a new active after a takeover.

1. There is a technique that allows local terminals to be reconnected to the new
active, but it involves you in additional programming. If local terminals are
attached to an IBM 3814 communication controller and a multisystem
configuration manager (MSCM), you can write a program to provide the
physical transfer from the active to the alternate. If you add to the program an
operator interface that could be driven from the CLT, the operator is not
involved in the physical switching. If you already have terminals attached
through a 3814 and MSCM, you might be interested in this form of switching.

Chapter 5. The terminal network 43

For more information about MSCM, see the Multisystem Configuration Manager
Programming manual.
2. It is possible that class 2 terminals will not be reacquired after a takeover if you
have the combination of (1) long-running tasks updating recoverable resources
without syncpointing, and (2) a high value in the AKPFREQ system initialization
parameter. With this combination, a terminal or session that is installed,
subsequently reinstalled, and then acquired, might not be reacquired after a
takeover. If this happens, you should ensure that long-running tasks take
regular syncpoints, and you should set a lower AKPFREQ value.
3. A takeover initiated by CEMT PERFORM SHUTDOWN TAKEOVER is different
from other forms of takeover, and might affect the recovery of class 2 terminals
on subsequent takeovers. For more information, see page 64.

Untracked (Class 3) terminals

A class 3 terminal is a terminal that is not tracked, because it is a VTAM terminal
with the recovery option suppressed; for this class of terminal, the installed,
logged-on or logged-off state is not tracked. The end user has to log on again
when service is reestablished.

In a multi-VSE environment, after a takeover, end users of class 3 terminals can

communicate with the new active only after the operator has created a physical
path to it.

To the end user of a class 3 terminal, a takeover has the appearance of an

emergency restart.

Defining the recovery process

You can use RDO to define the recovery process for each terminal by the
RECOVOPTION keyword on the RDO TYPETERM resource definition. For
reference information about this keyword, see the CICS Resource Definition Guide
manual. The options that control whether or not an end user has to sign on again
after a takeover are described in “Signon after takeover” on page 45.

Using the RECOVOPTION keyword

The RECOVOPTION keyword gives you control over the way the alternate system
tracks and recovers the session state of a terminal. The default action is to allow
CICS to determine the most efficient way of recovering the session after takeover,
based on the particular type of terminal and its activity at takeover.

By specifying either CLEARCONV or RELEASESESS for the RECOVOPTION

keyword, you can force CICS to use a more drastic way of recovering sessions that
are busy at takeover. This could be desirable if you have specialist knowledge of a
terminal, and believe that it will not respond correctly to receiving an unpredictable
flow that the alternate CICS might send to recover it. However, if the option is not
suitable for a particular terminal, CICS will override it.

Coding RECOVOPTION(CLEARCONV) prevents CICS from sending just an

end-bracket indicator to terminate the current bracket for a terminal that is active at
takeover. For terminals with session characteristics that support the VTAM
SESSIONC CONTROL=CLEAR command, the alternate system will issue the
CLEAR command under these circumstances. If the session characteristics show

44 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

that the terminal cannot support a clear command, then CICS will unbind and
simlogon the session.

RECOVOPTION(RELEASESESS) restricts the alternate to using the unbind and

simlogon option to recover active sessions at takeover.

RECOVOPTION(UNCONDREL) is a very drastic form of recovery at takeover. It

forces the alternate to unbind and simlogon the terminal after takeover regardless
of the state of the session. It differs from the RELEASESESS option, because that
option is invoked only if the terminal is found to be active at takeover. It would be
useful in cases where the terminal needs to know which CICS system it is
connected to, so that a transparent takeover would be unacceptable.

1. For both UNCONDREL (which means that any session is unbound) and
RELEASESESS (which means that only active sessions are unbound) the
RECOVNOTIFY message or transaction is not run. The “good morning”
message (if defined) is sent instead.
2. If the VTAM network owner fails, any session that is to be unbound and then
rebound will only be unbound. It cannot be rebound until VTAM network
ownership is reestablished.

RECOVOPTION(NONE) may be used to prevent the alternate system from tracking

the installed, logged-on or logged-off status of the terminal in the active system. It
may be used for any class of terminal. After takeover, the end user or the operator
will have to initiate the session.

Signon after takeover

Users of tracked terminals do not normally have to sign on after a takeover has
switched the terminal session to a new active. This is made possible by the
transfer of signon security information from the active to the alternate through the
message data set.

There is a hierarchy to control whether or not particular terminals, or sets of

terminals, or all terminals, have to be signed on again. It is also possible to sign off
terminals if the takeover takes more than a specified time.

The three ways are:

XRFSOFF=FORCE|NOFORCE system initialization parameter

If you specify FORCE, all end users have to sign on again after a takeover.
FORCE always takes precedence over the same operand specified in an RDO
TYPETERM resource definition, or in the external security manager (ESM)
CICS segment for the signed on user.
If you specify NOFORCE, a specification of FORCE on an RDO TYPETERM
definition or in the ESM CICS segment can be used to make smaller groups of
terminals sign on again. The system initialization parameters are described
further in “System initialization parameters” on page 49.


You use this transaction to define the signon characteristics of a set of
terminals. You might choose to force the sign off of a set of terminals if they
are located in a security-sensitive area. An ESM entry set to NOFORCE for an

Chapter 5. The terminal network 45

individual terminal has no effect if the TYPETERM definition for the terminal is
set to FORCE, but if you opt for a TYPETERM definition of NOFORCE, you
can then use the ESM entry to force a terminal or group of terminals to be
signed off.

External security manager CICS segment, XRFSOFF=FORCE|NOFORCE

The lowest level at which you can force a terminal to be signed off is in the
associated users ESM CICS segment. One ESM CICS segment could apply to
a number of terminals. For more information, see the CICS Security Guide.

So, to summarize, there are three levels at which terminals may be forced to sign
off at takeover and end users have to sign on again. This is shown in Figure 16.




single terminal

set of terminals

all terminals

Figure 16. Signoff levels

In addition to these signon options, there is also the XRFSTME=decimal-value|5

system initialization time-out parameter, which enables you to sign off users if the
takeover takes more than the specified time in minutes: For this parameter,
takeover time is defined as the time between the initiation of the takeover to the
time a user is able to input data again. So, if takeover takes 4 minutes, and the
default is set, end users are still signed on. If the takeover takes 6 minutes, end
users are signed off. Note that this option applies only to those terminals that have
the ESM CICS segment TIMEOUT option set. Without that option, the end user
may still be signed on after a takeover that takes longer than the period set by the
XRFSTME option.

You must consider the effect of the system initialization AUTCONN parameter.
AUTCONN delays the reconnection of terminals (see “Starting the alternate” on
page 51), so you might choose to extend the XRFSTME value to allow these
terminals to be reconnected and remain signed on.
Note: When a CEMT PERFORM SECURITY (REBUILD) command is issued to
the active CICS, it uses the message data set to tell the alternate that the ESM
resource profiles have been rebuilt. ESM definitions must be the same for the
active and alternate. If the active fails at the time of the rebuild, a message warns
the operator if the rebuild has not been successful.

46 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

Specific session types
Generally, the way in which sessions are acquired and taken over in an XRF
environment is transparent to the terminal. However, you might find the information
in the following sections helpful when considering the settings of system

LUTYPE6 ISC application-to-application sessions

VTAM USERVAR support extends to subsystems that communicate with an active
through LUTYPE6.1 or APPC ISC links. Application programs can initiate the
session to the active using the generic applid. The INQUIRE USERVAR command,
if used, returns the name given as input.

If you have an earlier level of VTAM, the subsystems must first determine which of
the two CICS systems is the active by issuing the INQUIRE USERVAR command
to VTAM. This returns the specific applid that has been set in that user variable.

CICS-to-CICS communication
An active can communicate, using ISC, with:
 A CICS/VSE Version 2 system
 A CICS/ESA Version 3 system
 A CICS/ESA Version 4 system
 A CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Version 1 system
 A CICS OS/2 Version 2 system
 A CICS for OS/2 Version 2.0.1 system
 A CICS/VM system
 A CICS 400 system
 A CICS/6000 Version 1.0 system
 A CICS for Windows NT system
 CICS on Open Systems:
– CICS/6000 Version 1.2
– CICS for HP 9000.

Bind format
The format of the bind that the active sends to the terminal or secondary logical
unit (SLU) contains the normal primary logical unit (PLU) name field. The contents
of this name field depend on whether the PLU or the SLU initiated the session; that
is, whether the terminal user logged on to CICS, or CICS acquired the terminal.
 If the PLU initiated the session, the field contains the PLU name. This will be
the specific applid of the CICS system.
 If the SLU issued the INITSELF, the name field contains the uninterpreted
name as carried in that RU. This is the generic applid of the CICS system.

This is no different from what happens in the normal SNA environment, but in an
XRF environment it may become significant if the SLU examines this name field. If
the SLU relies on the host to initiate the session (using the RDO attribute
AUTOCONNECT(YES), for example), the contents of this name field vary according
to which system is the active.

APPC architecture has defined the structure of the bind user data fields. One of
these user data fields is reserved for the PLU name, and CICS uses this field to

Chapter 5. The terminal network 47

pass its generic name. The APPC terminal should examine this user data PLU
name field to determine the name of the LU requesting the session. Thus APPC
terminals will find a common PLU name regardless of which CICS is the active
system, and so these terminals can connect directly to CICS.

Programmable terminals
You may have programmable, or “intelligent”, LU0 terminals that examine the bind
parameters they receive from CICS. As discussed above, if such terminals
examine the PLU name in the bind, their programs might need modification to
accept a bind from both the active and the alternate.

XRF SNA flows

Figure 17 shows a representative sequence of SNA flows for:
 A tracked terminal logging on to the active
 The session being established
 The alternate taking over after a failure of the active.

Active Alternate
(VSE1) (VSE1) (VSE2) (VSE2) BNN Terminal



BIND (XRF Active)

Transaction data




BIND (XRF alternate)

Transaction data

Figure 17. Abbreviated XRF SNA flows

48 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

Chapter 6. Defining CICS for XRF
This chapter gives you the information you need to define an active and alternate
pair and the takeover appropriate for them. To create a system (which could be
made up of MRO-connected regions), you combine the functions described in the
following sections:
 “System initialization parameters”
 “Command list table (CLT)” on page 54
 “User exit for VTAM failure” on page 62
 “The overseer” on page 62
 “Supplied transactions for controlling the alternate” on page 63
 “Sharing data sets” on page 65
 “Storage protection considerations” on page 65.

For reference information for tables, see the CICS Resource Definition Guide
manual. For system initialization, see the CICS System Definition Guide. Two
specific sample implementations are given in Appendix B, “Sample XRF
implementations” on page 75.

Advice about terminal operands that can influence the takeover characteristics for
individual terminals is given in Chapter 5, “The terminal network” on page 37.

System initialization parameters

You start your active and alternate CICS systems in the same way as you start a
non-XRF CICS system. You are recommended to use the same SIT for active and
alternate, and define the system you are starting as either the active or the
alternate by system initialization overrides. However, you can have separate SITs
for active and alternate.

Most of the system initialization parameters operands are the same as for a system
specified with XRF=NO. When an active is started, operands that are only for an
alternate do not take effect. If that system is subsequently started as an alternate,
those operands then apply. Similarly, when an alternate is started, operands for
actives only take effect if it takes over and becomes the new active. Only operands
affecting XRF are described in this section.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 1999 49

Starting the active
The following parameters apply to actives:

This gives you a normal cold, warm, or emergency restart.

The system signs on to CAVM because XRF support is required.

The generic applid is the applid of this matching active and alternate pair. It is
the applid by which the system is known to the end user. It is also used in
interregion communication.
The specific applid is the applid for the active. It is used by CICS when CICS
opens the VTAM ACB. See “VTAM and NCP considerations for active and
alternate” on page 37 for more information.

decimal-value is the interval (in seconds) before the active tells the operator
that it cannot detect the alternate’s surveillance signal. This value is not
critical. The default value is 30 seconds. No other action is taken; the active
continues to operate as if the alternate were still present.

hhmmss is the restart delay (in hours, minutes, and seconds) that will elapse
after a takeover before autoinstalled terminal entries are deleted if they are not
in session. The default value is 700, that is, 7 minutes. A zero value means
that the TCTTE of an autoinstalled terminal is not written to the catalog. You
might choose a zero value to improve normal emergency restart times or your
autoinstall performance. For XRF systems, a zero value means that you might
lose some autoinstalled terminal entries if there is a takeover during the
catchup process. This is because the information about an autoinstalled
terminal might not have been passed to the alternate through the message
data set, and the alternate cannot learn about that terminal from the catalog.
The end user of that terminal has to log on again. You should set the same
restart delay value for both the active and the alternate, to maintain the
takeover characteristics for autoinstalled terminals over several takeovers.

This operand is used by the active to determine whether it should send signon
information to the alternate.
FORCE specifies that the active ensures that the alternate does not have any
terminals signed on after a takeover.
NOFORCE (the default) allows you to be more selective about the terminals
that are signed off, by using the RDO TYPETERM definition or the ESM CICS
For more information, see “Signon after takeover” on page 45.

50 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

XSWITCH defines a programmable terminal switching unit, that can be used
with midrange 2-CPC XRF systems, instead of using a communication
controller. The program specified on this parameter instructs the unit to switch
terminal lines to the active's CPC at startup and to the alternate's CPC during
The number in the range 0-254 specifies the logical unit to which the switch is
progname identifies the user-written program that will issue commands to the
switching unit.
A/B identifies the CPC to which the terminal lines are to be directed.
For more information about switching units, contact your IBM technical support

Starting the alternate

You use the following parameters to start the alternate:

Specifies that the system you are starting is an alternate.

generic-applid must be the same as that in the SIT of its matching active, but
the alternate has a different specific applid.

Specifies the command list table to be used if a takeover occurs. xx specifies
that table DFHCLTxx is to be used. The CLT applies only to the alternate.
The CLT is described in “Command list table (CLT)” on page 54.

AUTO specifies that the takeover is to be automatic, requiring no intervention
by the operator. The alternate requests help from the operator only if it needs
confirmation that the takeover can proceed safely. Possible causes of a
request to the operator are described in “Supplied transactions for controlling
the alternate” on page 63. The operator can always issue a takeover
command to an alternate, whatever takeover system initialization parameter is
specified. So, if you define a system with TAKEOVR=AUTO, you retain the
right to order a takeover. You can also change the takeover operand
dynamically. “Supplied transactions for controlling the alternate” on page 63
tells you about issuing operator commands to the alternate.
COMMAND is the most restrictive type of takeover, whereby the alternate
sends a message to the operator and takes over only when it receives a
command to do so. This command could come from the operator (or the

Chapter 6. Defining CICS for XRF 51

overseer), or, if the region is a dependent region in an MRO complex, from a
master or coordinator region. If the alternate has noted the failure of the active,
but has not received a command, it continues to run as an alternate.
MANUAL ensures that the operator must approve a takeover if the alternate
cannot determine that the active has failed. This could occur if the active has
stopped sending surveillance signals, but has not signaled a definite failure by
signing off abnormally from the CAVM. The MANUAL operand is useful if you
particularly want to avoid unnecessary takeovers. In a multi-VSE environment,
it could also be useful if activity on the active CICS VSE (perhaps only for brief
periods) prevents the active from sending a regular surveillance signal. With
the MANUAL operand, operators can make decisions based on their knowledge
of the other activity in the system. If the alternate receives a specific takeover
command, or the active signs off abnormally from the CAVM, the takeover is
Table 4 summarizes the TAKEOVR operands and the types of takeover
associated with each operand. An unconditional takeover involves no request
to the operator for permission to take over. In a conditional takeover, a
message to the operator asks for permission to start the takeover.

Table 4. Types of takeover

Operator or Unconditional Unconditional Unconditional
program issues takeover takeover takeover
CEBT transaction
Signoff abnormal Unconditional Unconditional No takeover
takeover takeover
Missing Unconditional Conditional No takeover
surveillance signal takeover takeover
Operator issues a Unconditional Unconditional No takeover
CEMT transaction takeover takeover

Note: If the active CICS VSE image fails, the operator must confirm to the
alternate that takeover may proceed.

Defines the delay (in seconds) before the alternate takes action after it has
noted the disappearance of the active’s surveillance signal. If you have coded
TAKEOVR=AUTO, the alternate initiates a takeover. The ADI value here has
to be a compromise, as follows:

 A low ADI value means that the alternate does not wait long before it starts
its takeover process. So, a low value could mean a more rapid takeover
after the active fails.
 A high ADI value reduces the risk of unnecessary takeovers, which might
otherwise happen, when the active system has not failed, but has been
temporarily prevented from transmitting its surveillance signals.


smaller, because the takeover is subject to intervention anyway.
An unnecessary takeover is not a serious error. It is more of an inconvenience;
you have to try to determine the level of inconvenience when you set the ADI

52 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

value. But you can prevent unnecessary takeovers in some predictable
situations. The CEBT SET SURVEILLANCE command, described on page 64,
can prevent the alternate from reacting to the disappearance of the active’s
surveillance signal while, for example, the VSE image of the active CICS is
Unpredictable, temporary stoppages of the active CICS can occur (for example,
when an unrelated address space in its VSE image issues an SDUMP). You
should take this into account when choosing your ADI value.
You should also consider how to avoid some of the causes of unnecessary

Delays the reconnection, after a takeover, of tracked terminals in session at the
time of failure. The default is zero.
You might set a delay to allow the operator to do some manual switching of
AUTCONN also applies to an active start. If you specify a long delay, terminals
at normal start will be affected, unless you specify AUTCONN as an override.

This operand has already been described on page 46. It gives a time limit for
signed-on terminals. When a takeover has not completed by the expiry of the
time limit, terminals that would normally be in a signed-on state after a takeover
are signed off.

This option, described more fully in “Starting the active” on page 50, defines a
programmable terminal switching unit. The unit may be operated, using the
program defined in this option, to switch terminal lines to the alternate's CPC
during takeover.

Defines the interval (in seconds) between takeover initiation and the point at
which the alternate first prompts the system operator to investigate why the
alternate cannot proceed. The alternate asks for this help if POWER is unable
to inform the alternate that the active has stopped. The XRFTODI value might
have to be a compromise, as follows:

 A low XRFTODI value might avoid delaying the completion of a takeover,

because the alternate system does not wait a long time before requesting
operator assistance.
 A high value might avoid some unnecessary operator involvement. By
waiting, the alternate allows the active more time to terminate, and then the
alternate can continue the takeover by itself.

VSE or CPC failure is a typical case in which operator action is necessary.

This is because neither POWER nor the alternate CICS is able to determine
that the other VSE or CPC has failed. A high XRFTODI value would delay the
completion of the takeover here.
A CICS failure, on the other hand, can usually be handled automatically if the
POWER systems can access the shared spool. A low XRFTODI value would
result in requests for operator action even though VSE is probably about to
terminate the active CICS, and thus start a takeover sequence.

Chapter 6. Defining CICS for XRF 53

Even after the alternate requests the operator to confirm that the active job has
terminated (with message DFHXA6561 or DFHXA6562) the alternate continues
to ask POWER for the status of the active job. If it discovers from POWER that
the active has terminated, it cancels the request for an operator reply.
The operator can reply either that a CICS region has failed, or that the VSE or
CPC has failed. If the operator replies “CPC” to the first alternate system that
takes over, any other alternates taking over from actives that have failed on
that VSE image do not have to ask for operator intervention, and their
takeovers proceed without interruption.

Command list table (CLT)

Before you start to look at how the CLT works, you need to consider the role of the
CAVM and its relationship to the CLT.


When the alternate takes over from the active, it cannot safely start to use
resources such as files, databases, and the system log until it is certain that the old
active has stopped using them. The CAVM ensures this integrity by making the
alternate wait until the active job has terminated before allowing the use of those
resources. The CAVM tries to minimize the wait time by issuing an VSE CANCEL
command to remove the active CICS job. If the active and alternate are running in
different VSE images, the CAVM uses POWER facilities to send the CANCEL
command to the destination VSE.

If an alternate in one VSE takes over from an active that is one of a set of
MRO-connected regions running in a second VSE, the remaining alternates must
be forced to take over, so that the MRO communication can continue. The CAVM
can achieve this by issuing VSE system commands, which are coded in the CLT,
causing each of the related alternates to take over.

The CLT—background information

The CLT applies only to XRF. It is used only by the alternate; every alternate must
have a CLT. The authenticity of the information in the CLT must be guaranteed
because the integrity and security of the entire VSE system might be compromised
if an alternate could be made to use data supplied by an unauthorized person.

This information is therefore placed in the CLT. Unlike other CICS tables, the CLT
is not loaded permanently when the alternate is initialized. It is loaded temporarily
during initialization of the alternate, and when the alternate detects that an active
job has signed on to the CAVM. This temporary loading is only for validity
checking, after which it is discarded until takeover. (The validity check gives an
opportunity to correct any problems, before the CLT is needed at takeover.)
Loading only at takeover time means that you do not have to stop and
subsequently restart an alternate to provide it with a changed CLT. During
takeover, CICS loads the CLT, and deletes it again after the CAVM has processed
the information.

A CLT can contain the following information:

 Authorizations to cancel named jobs. Every CLT must contain the name of the
active job that is to be cancelled.

54 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

 Routing information needed to send CANCEL commands to the appropriate
target VSE system (in a multi-VSE environment). You do not need this
information in a single-VSE environment.
 VSE system commands and messages to the operator, to be issued during
takeover. Typically, the function of these commands might be to tell other
alternates to take over from actives in the same MRO-connected configuration.
There could also be commands to handle non-XRF subsystems, such as DB2
for VSE/ESA. A master region would have such system commands.
Messages to the operator might be instructions to perform some operator tasks
to help the takeover.

Usually, each alternate needs a different CLT, but you may combine several of
these CLTs in a single CLT load module. The specific applid of the alternate is
used to select the relevant part of the single CLT when that alternate takes over.
Using a single CLT might make it easier for you to manage your CLTs, especially
in a large installation with many interconnected CICS systems.

There are examples of CLTs in Appendix B, “Sample XRF implementations” on

page 75. For reference information about the CLT, see the CICS Resource
Definition Guide.

The CLT in a single CICS configuration

Figure 18 on page 56 shows you the relationship between the system initialization
parameters and the way the CLT uses them.

If CICS2 is running as the alternate and it is told of a failure in the active (CICS1),
or the operator instructs CICS2 to take over, DFHCLT02 is used. The FORALT
operand of the DFHCLT macro allows CICS2 to cancel JOB1.





Putting together the macros described in the CICS Resource Definition Guide
manual, the sample CLT following the figure defines the CICS2 system illustrated in
Figure 18 on page 56.

Chapter 6. Defining CICS for XRF 55

Generic as specified in the system
applid Initialization parameters (SIT)

Active Alternate

POWER Specific applid= Specific applid= POWER




Specific applid=

to cancel JOB1

Messages to

Figure 18. System initialization parameters and CLT working together

56 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

The CLT in a multi-VSE, MRO configuration
In an MRO configuration, each alternate needs a CLT, which can be loaded at
takeover. As with the single CICS configuration, the CLTs are used only by the

In a multi-VSE, MRO configuration, when there is a takeover of one region to the

second VSE, all the alternates must take over from their active counterparts to
retain communication between the regions. This is because MRO does not operate
across VSE images.

The system initialization parameters and the CLT determine the takeover policy for
each active-alternate pair, and for groups where the actives are connected by
MRO. In a hierarchy of communicating XRF regions, you use the CLT and the
TAKEOVR system initialization parameter to structure the regions into dependent,
master, and coordinator regions. The effect of a takeover of each type of region is
as follows:
 The failure of an active dependent region does not automatically cause a
takeover. Such a takeover is always initiated by a command from the operator
or from another region. An alternate dependent region does not command
other alternate regions to takeover.
 The takeover of a failing master region forces the takeover of all
communicating regions to the alternates in the second VSE image.
 If there is more than one master region, one of them may be used as a
coordinator to organize the takeovers.

There is no need for such a hierarchy in a single-VSE MRO environment, because

regions can be taken over from active to alternate (which becomes the new active
region), and reestablish MRO links to all the regions with which the previous active

In the next example, shown in Figure 19 on page 58, there are two active regions,
connected by MRO, in a multi-VSE configuration. The master region has
TAKEOVR=AUTO as its system initialization parameter. Its dependent region has
the TAKEOVR=COMMAND system initialization parameter. The alternate master
region’s CLT authorizes the cancellation of the active master job, and the alternate
dependent region’s CLT authorizes the cancellation of the active dependent job.

Chapter 6. Defining CICS for XRF 57

applid as specified in the system
Initialization parameters (SIT)

Active Alternate



Specific applid=M1 For: M2 Specific applid=M2


to cancel JOBM1.


JOBD1 Authorization JOBD2
SIT: to cancel JOBD1 SIT:
Specific applid=D1 Specific applid=D2


(CLT=01) CLT=01


Figure 19. System initialization parameters and CLT in an MRO configuration

Figure 19 illustrates the relationship between the relevant system initialization

parameters and the CLT.

In this hierarchy, if the alternate master region takes over from its failing active
counterpart, it sends a command to the alternate dependent region telling it to take
over from the active dependent region; the
command for the dependent region is coded in the CLT of the master region, and is
shown in the figure. On receipt of this command, the dependent alternate region
initiates a takeover. The CEBT transaction is described in “Supplied transactions
for controlling the alternate” on page 63.

If the dependent region fails, its alternate does not take over because of the
TAKEOVR=COMMAND system initialization parameter. It takes over only on
receipt of a command, and not automatically. Instead, the alternate sends a
message to the operator stating that the active’s surveillance signal is missing or
that the active has signed off abnormally. The operator, or the overseer, might
decide to try to restart the failed region in VSE1. This would avoid the disruption in
the service provided by the master region that would occur on a takeover to VSE2.
If the restart failed, it might be necessary to effect a takeover of both regions by
issuing a CEBT PERFORM TAKEOVER command to the master alternate region.
For restart in place, see “Restarting regions in place” on page 30.

58 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

This is relevant to individual CICS failures. If the CEC or VSE failed, all regions
would have to be taken over to the other VSE. A VTAM failure is a special case,
and you use the XXRSTAT exit or the overseer to determine appropriate action.

With an MRO configuration, you can code a single CLT for all the regions involved.
So, in the configuration discussed here, it could be for both master regions and
both dependents. The FORALT operand indicates the section for a particular
region. In the example CLT following the figure, only the entries for the current
alternates (M2 and D2) are shown, for clarity.

Chapter 6. Defining CICS for XRF 59












You can extend the usefulness of the CLT by adding other commands to the CEBT
commands shown here. The CLT can be used to issue any VSE commands that
are needed to complete the takeover, for example, VTAM VARY NET commands.
In this way, you can reduce the need for the operator to be involved.

Use of the coordinator

In a large multi-VSE, MRO configuration, you might have more than one master
region and any number of dependent regions. Figure 20 on page 61 shows that
you might find it convenient to nominate one master region as the coordinator. You
do not have to do this, but you might find that it reduces the number of redundant
commands that would otherwise be issued during a takeover of many regions (if,
for example, three master regions all give takeover commands to several
dependent regions).

60 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

Active master

Alternate master

2 4


Other alternate
masters and

Figure 20. Flow of control and the coordinator region

See the following notes that apply to Figure 20.

1. When the active master region fails, it triggers the alternate master region.
2. The alternate master region issues a CLT command to the alternate
coordinator region to initiate a takeover.
3. The alternate coordinator region issues CLT commands to alternate dependent
regions to initiate takeovers.
4. The alternate coordinator region sends a redundant command back to the
alternate master region to initiate a takeover. If the coordinator active region
had failed, rather than the master, this command would not be redundant.

If a coordinator region fails, its alternate uses the CLT to issue CEBT PERFORM
TAKEOVER commands to all other alternate regions, master and dependent. If a
master region fails, its alternate will initiate a takeover, and issue a command to the
alternate coordinator region to take over. Then the coordinator will issue its own
commands to all regions, in the way that a single master region would.

There is an example of a CLT with a coordinator region in Appendix B, “Sample

XRF implementations” on page 75.

Chapter 6. Defining CICS for XRF 61

User exit for VTAM failure
For XRF, the global user exit, XXRSTAT, allows you to code a decision after a
VTAM failure. It runs in the active system only. For definitive product-sensitive
programming interface information about exits, see the CICS Customization Guide.

User exit XXRSTAT is called after CICS has been told of a VTAM failure by the
TPEND exit. This occurs just before the update of status information that will
become available to the alternate through the CAVM data sets. In the exit you can
choose what to do following a VTAM failure. You can tell CICS to take any of the
following actions:
 Abend CICS and thus force a takeover, or whatever action you have specified
if that region abends. You may specify a dump with the abend. The status
information is not written to the control data set. If you do require a takeover,
you need the TAKEOVR=AUTO or TAKEOVR=MANUAL system initialization
 Allow the CICS region to continue, after updating the status information to tell
the overseer that VTAM has failed. The overseer then performs the action that
you have specified for this particular combination of circumstances, as
described in the next section.
 Suppress the update of the status information, and allow the CICS region to
continue, on the assumption that the VTAM region will be restarted. In this
way, the overseer, if present in the system, is not made aware of the VTAM
failure and does not go through its VTAM failure procedure.

The alternate terminates by itself if its VTAM fails. In a multi-VSE environment, if

the active’s VTAM fails, and you choose to restart VTAM, you must manually take
down the alternate.

In some configurations, you might prefer to handle VTAM failures in the exit
program (by initiating a takeover or tolerating the VTAM failure) instead of in the
overseer. The exit program is probably quicker and relatively simple to implement.
The overseer is more complex, and could be slower. However, the overseer allows
you to use more complicated logic to deal with the situation.

The overseer
The overseer was introduced on page 31. The IBM-supplied sample overseer can
perform two functions. It can display the status of XRF regions, and it can restart a
failed region in place. The overseer sample source is named DFH$AXRO, and is
supplied in the VSE/ESA sublibrary PRD1.BASE. There is also a pregenerated
version ready to use. See the CICS Customization Guide for guidance information
about using the overseer, and for definitive product-sensitive programming
information about the interface for defining actives and alternates to the overseer.

You can write your own overseer program to extend its capabilities. The overseer
can perform non-CICS functions. Here are some examples of what the overseer
can do:
 Display its status information in a suitable format at regular intervals.
 Examine information about VTAM failure passed by the user exit, and act
accordingly. Information is available to the overseer about the last eight

62 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

failures detected by the active CICS. Make sure that the overseer and user
exit actions are consistent. The overseer could make its own enquiries into the
state of VTAM. Its action could depend on many things: the length of the
VTAM outage, the number of times VTAM has failed, the number of end users
affected, or the time of day. Its most likely action would be to initiate a
takeover by issuing a CEBT PERFORM TAKEOVER command.
 Make decisions beyond the capability of the CLT, if the system initialization
parameters and CLT definitions do not provide the required flexibility. The
overseer can provide additional control, and thus take actions that would
otherwise have to be taken by the operator. For example, you could put logic
in the overseer so that it could make decisions based on the time of day. If a
region failed during a period when you knew it was lightly used, you might
prefer not to initiate a takeover, involving many regions, but to restart the failed
region in place. At other times, the overseer could initiate a takeover, by
issuing a CEBT PERFORM TAKEOVER command.
 Issue commands during takeover, not only to CICS regions. You might choose
to put a command in the overseer rather than in the CLT, because the overseer
can handle variables in the commands, and the CLT cannot.
 Detect the possibility of a looping or waiting active. The sample overseer can
do this after minor changes and reassembly.
 Operate on CICS Version 2.3 systems running in XRF mode in the same VSE
images as a CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF system.

The sample overseer carries out basic functions, which will be adequate for some
installations. Other installations will accept the added complexity and significant
programmer effort involved, and extend the scope of the overseer.

Supplied transactions for controlling the alternate

Because the alternate is only partially initialized, the usual transactions for a CICS
system do not apply to it. There is a system console transaction specifically for the
alternate—the CEBT transaction. The CEMT transaction may be used to initiate a
takeover. For reference information about CEBT and CEMT, see the
CICS-Supplied Transactions manual.

The CEBT transaction

The CEBT transaction can be issued from a master or coordinator region to a
dependent region, when it is normally used to start a takeover. The operator, too,
can issue CEBT transactions, from the system console.

The CEBT transaction is usable from the time when the alternate is initialized to the
time after takeover when CEMT becomes usable. The operator can use CEBT to
do the following:
 Request the alternate CICS to take over.
This is relevant for a failed dependent region, which is taken over only when its
alternate receives specific instructions. The failure of a dependent region
results in a message to the operator, and the operator can then decide what to
do. The first thing to do would probably be to try to restart the failed region;
you can use the overseer to automate that process. If it is impossible to restart
the region, the operator might initiate a general takeover to the other VSE

Chapter 6. Defining CICS for XRF 63

image, by issuing a CEBT PERFORM TAKEOVER command to a master or
coordinator region.
The operator can use a CEBT PERFORM TAKEOVER command to cause a
takeover when the alternate has not recognized that the active is not working
For planned maintenance, you use this command to request a takeover. You
also use it to return the CICS workload to the preferred VSE image, when it
has been recovered after a failure. If you want to move a set of MRO regions
from one VSE image to another, you need to issue this command only to the
alternate coordinator region, which then issues its own commands to the other
A CEBT PERFORM TAKEOVER command is not governed by the takeover
type specified at system initialization. If the TAKEOVR=AUTO system
initialization parameter is specified, the operator is still able to initiate a
 Change the takeover type specified at system initialization.
In this way, you can change the takeover operand without shutting down the
alternate. (The takeover types are described under “System initialization
parameters” on page 49.) Using CEBT you could, for example, change the
automatic takeover operand to the manual takeover operand.
You might find this command useful for altering the takeover characteristics of
a region during a particular working period, at the end of the working day, or if
the level of operator coverage is changing, for example.
 Shut down the alternate CICS.
 Make the alternate ignore the active surveillance signals, thereby removing its
capability to take over. CEBT can also restore surveillance of the active’s
For example, by switching off surveillance, you are able to stop the active’s
VSE image, and not cause a takeover. When the VSE is restarted, the active
starts work again. Then surveillance can be switched on again. However,
tracking continues normally while surveillance is switched off.
 Manage dump data sets, and request a dump.
 Manage auxiliary trace data sets, and switch trace on and off.

The CEMT transaction

Another way to control the alternate is to issue a CEMT PERFORM SHUTDOWN
active, which causes a takeover by the alternate. If you specify TAKEOVER rather
than IMMEDIATE, normal shutdown processing is carried out before the takeover
starts. This is unlike takeovers initiated in any other way. In particular, a warm
keypoint, which includes the current TCT state, is written to the catalog. When the
catchup process uses the catalog, it will use the information written at the warm
keypoint. If IMMEDIATE is specified, a warm keypoint is not written and therefore
the catalog information is unchanged. If either IMMEDIATE or TAKEOVER is
specified, all sessions are terminated immediately.

64 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

Sharing data sets
There are three ways data sets can be shared between the active and the
alternate, as follows:
1. Actively shared, like the CAVM data sets.
2. Passively shared, meaning that only one system at a time accesses a data set,
normally the active, or the alternate when it begins its takeover processing.
The system log and user data sets are examples.
3. Unique to active or alternate. For example, the active and alternate each has
its own auxiliary trace data sets and dump data sets.

Data sets that are shared, passively or actively, such as user VSAM data or DL/I
data sets, must be placed on shared volumes or VSAM spaces. For more
information about data sets, see the CICS System Definition Guide.

Storage protection considerations

CICS with XRF is fully supported by the storage protection facility. Either the active
or the alternate system can operate without storage protection even though its
partner does. This is necessary, for example, in circumstances where the alternate
is running on a processing system, or under a level of VSE, that does not support
the storage override facility. In this situation you should specify one system
initialization table for use on both the active and alternate CICS regions, and modify
it as appropriate for either the active or alternate by providing system initialization
override parameters at run-time.

CICS does not save any of the storage-related system initialization parameters in
the global catalog, including the values for DSALIM and EDSALIM.

Chapter 6. Defining CICS for XRF 65

66 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide
Chapter 7. XRF and other products
This chapter describes briefly some of the other products that work with CICS in an
XRF environment.
 “DB2 for VSE/ESA”
 “VM” on page 69


CICS with XRF supports the use of DB2 for VSE/ESA databases.

This support is not described in this book. For guidance information about DB2 for
VSE/ESA, see the DB2 for VSE/ESA library.

Note that after a takeover you can automatically initiate the CIRB transaction
(required for the DB2 for VSE/ESA online resource manager), by using CICS
sequential device support. Sequential device support is described in the CICS
Resource Definition Guide, and the CICS Application Programming Guide.

CICS with XRF supports DL/I VSE

This support is not described in this book. For guidance information about the DL/I
DOS/VS interface, see the DL/I VSE Release Guide.

You can use the network management product NetView to add function to XRF.
One possible use of NetView is to propagate changes in the USERVAR value to
remote VTAMs that are in communication with the local VTAM of the XRF complex.
However, you are recommended to leave this propagation to the VTAM automatic
USERVAR facility, described in “VTAM and NCP considerations for active and
alternate” on page 37

Restarting a 37xx or the NCP

You can use NetView to obtain rapid notification of a failed 3705, 3720, 3725, or
3745 Communication Controller, and its network control program (NCP). You may
also use NetView to restart them. This adds to the restart capability of XRF.
Figure 21 on page 68 shows the way NetView can do this.

In this section, we give you an overview. For further reading, see the Network
Program Products Planning manual.

When a 37xx or its NCP fails, VTAM issues an error message. You can pass this
message to NetView, which compares the message with its message table. If
there is a match, NetView initiates a CLIST that corresponds to that message.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 1999 67

You code CLISTs yourself, and you can choose the sequence of recovery actions.
You can refresh the message table, thereby changing your recovery procedure,
without stopping NetView.

If you prefer not to automate such a procedure, you can send messages to the
operator, requesting intervention. Alternatively, the CLIST can attempt to reload the
37xx communication controller. If the 37xx communication controller cannot be
reloaded, you can use a further CLIST to prompt the operator to switch to another,
if one is available. You can then use a CLIST to acquire resources from the failed
37xx and activate them for the new one.

Figure 21 illustrates the sequence of events from the failure of the NCP, through
VTAM, NCCF, the message table and a CLIST, to the sending of a message to the






Message table


Message to operator
No match

Recovery action

Figure 21. Automating 37xx recovery with NetView

68 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

CICS with XRF will work under VM/ESA. Such usage is not recommended for
production purposes, because there is no cover against VM failures. Running
CICS with XRF under VM is suitable for test environments.

Chapter 7. XRF and other products 69

70 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide
Appendix A. Checklist
To help you organize your work for XRF, this alphabetic checklist contains
XRF-related activities for the systems programmer. Much of the information
summarized here is in the appropriate CICS books, whose titles are given.
Long-term planning items, such as setting up the correct XRF environment, and
selecting the configurations you need, are not included here. For guidance
information about the early stages of planning, see the CICS/VSE Version 2.
Release 3 Facilities and Planning Guide.

Application programs
Ensure that your existing application programs run in an XRF environment.
You should look at those programs that depend on the specific applid, or that
have unsupported interfaces into CICS code.

CPC-dead-data anchor block

The module DFHCDDAN must be loaded into the SVA in a dual-CPC
environment. For more information about loading modules into the SVA, see
the CICS System Definition Guide.

Ensure that table definitions, shared DASD, and system logging are suitable for
DL/I VSE databases. For more information, see The DL/I VSE Release Guide.

Determine if you need a dump of a failing active.
Make sure that you initialize CICS, with an appropriate system initialization ADI
value to avoid unnecessary takeovers. See page 53.

Define NCP for XRF.

Node error program

The CICS Customization Guide contains definitive product-sensitive
programming interface information about the node error program.

Operator instructions
Prepare operator instructions, so that the operators understand the CEBT
transaction, the way an XRF takeover works, and any extra tasks they might
have to perform. There is information about operating XRF throughout this
book. For further guidance information, see the CICS Operations and Utilities

Overseer (if required)

Define the active and alternate CICS systems to the overseer. Create your
own overseer program, if required. The CICS Customization Guide contains
the definitive product-sensitive programming interface information, and further
guidance, about the overseer.

POWER jobnames
The POWER jobnames must be unique when running XRF.

Programmable terminals
Ensure that your terminals have any extra code they need to enable them to
connect to whichever system is the active.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 1999 71

Programs run at shutdown
Review programs run in the PLTSD phase and post-execution batch runs.
Evaluate the need for the data they extract, and whether the data is needed by
the alternate, because these programs only run when a takeover occurs after
an orderly shutdown of the active, initiated by a CEMT PERFORM SHUT
TAKEOVER command. For definitive product-sensitive programming interface
information about PLTSD programs, see the CICS Customization Guide.

Recoverable resources (in a multi-VSE environment)

Ensure that all recoverable resources and their dependencies are accessible
from both VSE images.

Shared DASD
Many data sets for XRF must be on shared DASD, in particular the CAVM data
sets. The CICS System Definition Guide. gives advice about the
characteristics of each data set.

Signon options
Ensure that each terminal has the correct characteristics for signon after a
takeover. See “Signon after takeover” on page 45 for more information.

System initialization programs

Check that any user programs that run at initialization perform as expected in
an XRF environment.

System logging
System logging must be on two disk extents.
Consider using automatic archiving for journal archiving. The CICS Operations
and Utilities Guide describes automatic archiving.

System naming conventions

Review the need for changes or additions to system naming conventions.

Table definitions
You need to consider the definitions for the:

 SIT and system initialization overrides

 RDO TYPETERM options.

There is some guidance about definitions in this book. For more details, see
the CICS Resource Definition Guide

Takeover message
Code a message, or write a transaction, to provide information to terminal users
after takeover, if required.

Time-of-day clock
The setting of the clocks in a multi-VSE environment must be as close as
possible at IPL. If the alternate clock is running later than the active clock
there is a delay at takeover.

User exits
Ensure that the current user exit programs run in an XRF environment. You
should check the function, timing, and use of data of each exit program.

72 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

You must define one generic and two specific applids for each active-alternate
In multi-VSE operations, you need cross domain definitions for CICS systems
and logical units. These enable LUs owned by either VSE to log on to CICS.
They also enable CICS to acquire logical units after takeover.
For VTAM information, see “VTAM and NCP considerations for active and
alternate” on page 37.

Workload on second VSE image

Consider the effects of the workload on the second VSE after a takeover. For
more information, see “Workload on a second VSE image” on page 23.

Create a user exit program for the XXRSTAT exit, if required. For more
information, see “User exit for VTAM failure” on page 62. For the definitive
product-sensitive programming interface information about global user exits,
see CICS Customization Guide

Appendix A. Checklist 73
74 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide
Appendix B. Sample XRF implementations
In this appendix there are two sample implementations:
1. A single CICS region with an alternate in a second VSE image
2. An MRO configuration, with a dependent region, a master region, and a
coordinator region, with actives and alternates in separate VSE images.

This appendix gives an overview of the SIT and SIT system initialization overrides,
and CLT definitions. If you need more information about the SIT and CLT, see
Chapter 6, “Defining CICS for XRF” on page 49. The CICS System Definition
Guide contains a sample startup job stream.

In the following examples it is assumed that SIT overrides are entered using
SYSIPT and not the CONSOLE.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 1999 75

Single CICS implementation
In this example, the operator is requested to confirm takeover when the
surveillance signal is lost. If a takeover occurs because the active CICS issues
“signoff abnormal”, or if a CEBT PERFORM TAKEOVER command is issued, the
alternate tries to take over automatically. This is done by specifying
TAKEOVR=MANUAL in the system initialization table (SIT).

In this example, CICS1 is started as the active and CICS2 as the alternate.

SIT and SIT overrides for a single CICS system

The SIT (DFHSITAA) and SIT overrides (CICS jobs JOB1 and JOB2) are as

DFHSIT .....
,START=STANDBY /@ (May be altered by override)
,APPLID=(CICS,CICS1) /@ (May be altered by override)
,ADI=4/ /@ (Alternate only)
,PDI=4/ /@ (Active only)
,TAKEOVR=MANUAL /@ (Alternate only)
,CLT=/1 /@ (Alternate only)
,XRFTODI=35 /@ (Alternate only)
,AIRDELAY=7// /@ (Active only)
,XRFSOFF=NOFORCE /@ (Active only)
,XRFSTME=5 /@ (Alternate only)

CICS job JOB1: The SIT overrides in JOB1 required to initialize CICS1 as the
active on VSE1 are as follows. SIT parameters for an alternate are ignored during
an active startup. If you want to start CICS1 as an alternate, remove the
START=AUTO override from the SYSIPT data set, because START=STANDBY
has been coded in the SIT table AA.
,START=AUTO /@ (Could be COLD or EMER)
,APPLID=(CICS,CICS1) /@ (Not strictly necessary, but
,..... /@ (compatible with the job for
,..... /@ (specific applid CICS2)

76 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

CICS job JOB2: This job initializes CICS2 as an alternate. When the alternate
starts up, it ignores SIT operands for an active until it takes over and becomes an
active itself. Then the SIT parameters for an active apply to it.



Generic applid




VSE1, running the VSE2, running the

active CICS alternate CICS

Figure 22. Sample single CICS implementation

Appendix B. Sample XRF implementations 77

CLT for a single CICS system
The sample CLT shown below is intended for use by either JOB1 or JOB2 running
as an alternate. The CLT is processed by an alternate only at takeover time.

Each alternate uses the CLT entries that apply to its specific applid. The FORALT
option indicates that the entries that follow it are for the systems with the specific
applids shown in the FORALT option. Each system using this CLT will have been
initialized with the START=STANDBY and CLT=01 parameters.

The sample CLT demonstrates that a single CLT, with one sequence of commands
and messages, can be used for both CICS jobs. This is possible here because
both jobs execute the same set of commands and messages. If you wanted to
issue different commands or send messages that depend on which job is taking
over, you could still use a single CLT, but you would have a separate LISTSTART
and LISTEND for each of the specific applids.

The sample CLT for a single CICS system is as follows:

SUFFIX=/1 CLT suffix
FORALT=((CICS1,JOB2), Alternate system applid
(CICS2,JOB1)) Name of job it is allowed
@ to cancel
DFHCLT TYPE=WTO, Put out a console message

78 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

MRO CICS implementation
In this example, shown in Figure 23 on page 80, there are three MRO-connected
regions: dependent, master, and coordinator. If either the master or coordinator
region fails, there is an automatic takeover. If the dependent region fails by itself, it
is restarted in place by an operator or by the overseer.

The operator can initiate a takeover of all the regions by issuing a CEBT
PERFORM TAKEOVER command to the coordinator region. By doing this, all
regions are taken over by their alternates. A CEBT PERFORM TAKEOVER
command issued to a dependent region does not cause a takeover of all the
regions. To allow this would require additional entries for the dependent portions of
the CLT. There would be no benefit in having extra entries, because the
advantage of issuing the CEBT command to the coordinating region is that doing
so minimizes the flow of commands from the CLTs.
Note: For this example, only three regions are shown, one of each kind. Adding
more dependent regions to the example would not illustrate anything new, because
the entries for each of them would be basically the same. However, in a real
system with only three regions, you probably would not want the added complexity
of a coordinator because it saves very few CLT commands.
Note: POWER1 and POWER2 share the spool and DASD.

SIT and SIT overrides for MRO-connected regions

Each active-alternate pair has its own SIT. As with the SIT for the single-region
CICS system, system initialization overrides are used to tailor the SIT.

CICS region C—the coordinator region

DFHSIT .....

Appendix B. Sample XRF implementations 79



Generic applid



C1 C2

M1 M2

D1 D2

VSE1, running the VSE2, running the

active CICS regions alternate CICS regions

Figure 23. Sample MRO CICS implementation

80 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

CICS job JOBC1: The following SIT overrides are required to initialize the active
coordinator region on VSE1.



If you want to start JOBC1 as an alternate, you should remove the START=AUTO
override. This applies to all of the jobs that follow that are initially started with
START=AUTO because START=STANDBY is coded in each SIT.



CICS region M—the master region

DFHSIT .....



Appendix B. Sample XRF implementations 81


CICS region D—the dependent region

DFHSIT .....





82 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

CLT for MRO-connected regions
This sample CLT, shown in Figure 24 on page 84, is for use by all six jobs in the
MRO group when they run as alternates.

If the alternate coordinator region is taking over, it uses CEBT to force the other
regions to take over. If the master region fails and is being taken over by its
alternate, that alternate forces the alternate coordinator to take over, and the
coordinator instructs the other regions to take over. In this example, the command
to the alternate master region is redundant, because it has already begun its
takeover processing. But in a larger MRO complex, where the addition of a
coordinator is more worthwhile, the number of redundant commands would not
increase with the extra regions.

However, you might not want the added complexity of a coordinator. If there were
no coordinator, each master region would contain two CEBT commands to the
other regions in the complex.

Appendix B. Sample XRF implementations 83

@Composite CLT for use with all six regions in this
MRO-connected group
SUFFIX=/2 CLT suffix (CLT/2 for both VSEs
@The following CLT entries govern a takeover of the MRO group
@from C1, M1, D1 running on one VSE to C2, M2, D2 running on the
@other VSE
FORALT=((C2,JOBC1)) Alternate system applid
@ Name of job it is allowed
@ to cancel
DFHCLT TYPE=COMMAND, M2 takeover from M1 @
DFHCLT TYPE=COMMAND, D2 takeover from D1
DFHCLT TYPE=COMMAND, Insert a user command @
@ for any job running under VSE
DFHCLT TYPE=WTO, Put out a console message @
FORALT=((M2,JOBM1)) Alternate system applid
@ Name of job it is allowed
@ to cancel
DFHCLT TYPE=COMMAND, C2 take over the complex @
FORALT=((D2,JOBD1)) Alternate system applid
@ Name of job it is allowed
@ to cancel
Figure 24 (Part 1 of 2). Sample CLT

84 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

@The following CLT entries govern a takeover of the MRO group
@from C2, M2, D2 running on one VSE to C1, M1, D1 running on the
@other VSE
FORALT=((C1,JOBC2) Alternate system applid
@ Name of job it is allowed
@ to cancel
DFHCLT TYPE=COMMAND, M1 takeover from M2
DFHCLT TYPE=COMMAND, D1 takeover from D2
DFHCLT TYPE=COMMAND, Insert a user command
@ for any job running under VSE
DFHCLT TYPE=WTO, Put out a console message


FORALT=((M1,JOBM2)) Alternate system applid
@ Name of job it is allowed
@ to cancel
DFHCLT TYPE=COMMAND, C1 take over the complex @
FORALT=((D1,JOBD2)) Alternate system applid
@ Name of job it is allowed
@ to cancel
Figure 24 (Part 2 of 2). Sample CLT

Appendix B. Sample XRF implementations 85

86 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide
CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA Release 1 library
Evaluation and planning
Release Guide GC33-1645
Migration Guide GC33-1646
Report Controller Planning Guide SC33-1941

Master Index SC33-1648
Trace Entries SX33-6108
User’s Handbook SX33-6101
Glossary (softcopy only) GC33-1649

System Definition Guide SC33-1651
Customization Guide SC33-1652
Resource Definition Guide SC33-1653
Operations and Utilities Guide SC33-1654
CICS-Supplied Transactions SC33-1655

Application Programming Guide SC33-1657
Application Programming Reference SC33-1658
Sample Applications Guide SC33-1713
Application Migration Aid Guide SC33-1943
System Programming Reference SC33-1659
Distributed Transaction Programming Guide SC33-1661
Front End Programming Interface User’s Guide SC33-1662

Problem Determination Guide GC33-1663
Messages and Codes Vol 3 (softcopy only) SC33-6799
Diagnosis Reference LY33-6085
Data Areas LY33-6086
Supplementary Data Areas LY33-6087

Intercommunication Guide SC33-1665
CICS Family: Interproduct Communication SC33-0824
CICS Family: Communicating from CICS on System/390 SC33-1697

Special topics
Recovery and Restart Guide SC33-1666
Performance Guide SC33-1667
Shared Data Tables Guide SC33-1668
Security Guide SC33-1942
External Interfaces Guide SC33-1669
XRF Guide SC33-1671
Report Controller User’s Guide SC34-5688

CICS Clients
CICS Clients: Administration SC33-1792
CICS Universal Clients Version 3 for OS/2: Administration SC34-5450
CICS Universal Clients Version 3 for Windows: Administration SC34-5449
CICS Universal Clients Version 3 for AIX: Administration SC34-5348
CICS Universal Clients Version 3 for Solaris: Administration SC34-5451
CICS Family: OO programming in C++ for CICS Clients SC33-1923
CICS Family: OO programming in BASIC for CICS Clients SC33-1671
CICS Family: Client/Server Programming SC33-1435
CICS Transaction Gateway Version 3: Administration SC34-5448

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 1999 87

Books from VSE/ESA 2.5 base program libraries

VSE/ESA Version 2 Release 5

Book title Order number

Administration SC33-6705
Diagnosis Tools SC33-6614
Extended Addressability SC33-6621
Guide for Solving Problems SC33-6710
Guide to System Functions SC33-6711
Installation SC33-6704
Licensed Program Specification GC33-6700
Messages and Codes Volume 1 SC33-6796
Messages and Codes Volume 2 SC33-6798
Messages and Codes Volume 3 SC33-6799
Networking Support SC33-6708
Operation SC33-6706
Planning SC33-6703
Programming and Workstation Guide SC33-6709
System Control Statements SC33-6713
System Macro Reference SC33-6716
System Macro User’s Guide SC33-6715
System Upgrade and Service SC33-6702
System Utilities SC33-6717
TCP/IP User's Guide SC33-6601
Turbo Dispatcher Guide and Reference SC33-6797
Unattended Node Support SC33-6712

High-Level Assembler Language (HLASM)

Book title Order number

General Information GC26-8261
Installation and Customization Guide SC26-8263
Language Reference SC26-8265
Programmer’s Guide SC26-8264

88 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

Language Environment for VSE/ESA (LE/VSE)

Book title Order number

C Run-Time Library Reference SC33-6689
C Run-Time Programming Guide SC33-6688
Concepts Guide GC33-6680
Debug Tool for VSE/ESA Fact Sheet GC26-8925
Debug Tool for VSE/ESA Installation and Customization Guide SC26-8798
Debug Tool for VSE/ESA User’s Guide and Reference SC26-8797
Debugging Guide and Run-Time Messages SC33-6681
Diagnosis Guide SC26-8060
Fact Sheet GC33-6679
Installation and Customization Guide SC33-6682
LE/VSE Enhancements SC33-6778
Licensed Program Specification GC33-6683
Programming Guide SC33-6684
Programming Reference SC33-6685
Run-Time Migration Guide SC33-6687
Writing Interlanguage Communication Applications SC33-6686


Book title Order number

Adminstration and Operations SC33-6738
User’s Guide SC33-6739


Book title Order number

Administration and Operation SC33-6733
Application Programming SC33-6736
Networking Guide SC33-6735
Remote Job Entry User’s Guide SC33-6734


Book title Order number

Commands SC33-6731
User’s Guide and Application Programming SC33-6732

Bibliography 89

Book title Order number

Customization LY43-0063
Diagnosis LY43-0065
Data Areas LY43-0104
Messages and Codes SC31-6493
Migration Guide GC31-8072
Network Implementation Guide SC31-6494
Operation SC31-6495
Overview GC31-8114
Programming SC31-6496
Programming for LU6.2 SC31-6497
Release Guide GC31-8090
Resource Definition Reference SC31-6498

Books from VSE/ESA 2.5 optional program libraries


Book title Order number

C Run-Time Library Reference SC33-6689
C Run-Time Programming Guide SC33-6688
Diagnosis Guide GC09-2426
Installation and Customization Guide GC09-2422
Language Reference SC09-2425
Licensed Program Specification GC09-2421
Migration Guide SC09-2423
User’s Guide SC09-2424


Book title Order number

Debug Tool for VSE/ESA Fact Sheet GC26-8925
Debug Tool for VSE/ESA Installation and Customization Guide SC26-8798
Debug Tool for VSE/ESA User’s Guide and Reference SC26-8797
Diagnosis Guide SC26-8528
General Information GC26-8068
Installation and Customization Guide SC26-8071
Language Reference SC26-8073
Licensed Program Specifications GC26-8069
Migration Guide GC26-8070
Migrating VSE Applications To Advanced COBOL GC26-8349
Programming Guide SC26-8072

90 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

DB2 Server for VSE

Book title Order number

Application Programming SC09-2393
Database Administration GC09-2389
Installation GC09-2391
Interactive SQL Guide and Reference SC09-2410
Operation SC09-2401
Overview GC08-2386
System Administration GC09-2406


Book title Order number

Application and Database Design SH24-5022
Application Programming: CALL and RQDLI Interface SH12-5411
Application Programming: High-Level Programming Interface SH24-5009
Database Administration SH24-5011
Diagnostic Guide SH24-5002
General Information GH20-1246
Guide for New Users SH24-5001
Interactive Resource Definition and Utilities SH24-5029
Library Guide and Master Index GH24-5008
Licensed Program Specifications GH24-5031
Low-level Code and Continuity Check Feature SH20-9046
Library Guide and Master Index GH24-5008
Messages and Codes SH12-5414
Recovery and Restart Guide SH24-5030
Reference Summary: CALL Program Interface SX24-5103
Reference Summary: System Programming SX24-5104
Reference Summary: HLPI Interface SX24-5120
Release Guide SC33-6211


Book title Order number

Compile Time Messages and Codes SC26-8059
Debug Tool For VSE/ESA User’s Guide and Reference SC26-8797
Diagnosis Guide SC26-8058
Installation and Customization Guide SC26-8057
Language Reference SC26-8054
Licensed Program Specifications GC26-8055
Migration Guide SC26-8056
Programming Guide SC26-8053
Reference Summary SX26-3836

Bibliography 91
Screen Definition Facility II (SDF II)

Book title Order number

VSE Administrator's Guide SH12-6311
VSE General Introduction SH12-6315
VSE Primer for CICS/BMS Programs SH12-6313
VSE Run-Time Services SH12-6312

92 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

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94 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

CAVM (CICS availability manager)
Numerics and the CLT 54
3720 communication controller 2, 37 control data set 14
3725 communication controller 2, 37 description 3, 14
3745 communication controller 2, 37 message data set 14
37xx NetView for recovery 67 surveillance and tracking 15
3814 communication controller 43 CEBT transaction 63
controlling the alternate 63
in the CLT 57
abnormal signoff of active 17
CEMT transaction
see VTAM
active system
running by itself 15
starting 50
central electronic complex
ADI, system initialization parameter 52
see CPC
air-conditioning failures 5
checklist of system programmer activities 71
AIRDELAY, system initialization parameter 50
CICS availability manager
AKPFREQ, system initialization parameter 44
see CAVM
alternate shutdown 64
CICS failure of active system 7
alternate system, starting 51
CICS failures repeated in the alternate 5
alternate workload 23
CICS planned outage 10
analyzing failures 20
CICS-to-CICS communication 47
APF-authorized library 54
CICS330.SDFHSAMP sample library 62
APPL, VTAM definitions 38
class 2 terminals 42
application programs in an XRF environment 22
class 3 terminals 44
application-to-application sessions 47
APPLID, system initialization parameter 50
clock values 20
applid, use by VTAM 37
CLT (command list table)
archiving journals 20
contents of 54
AUTCONN, system initialization parameter 43, 53
description of 54
AUTOARCH operand of DFHJCT 20
in MRO XRF configuration 57
AUTOCONNECT(YES) attribute, RDO 47
introduction to 30
autoinstalled terminals
link-edit 54
restart delay value 50
loading, temporary 54
automatic archiving 20
sample for MRO CICS 83
automatic takeover 51
sample for single-CICS system 78
automatic USERVARs 39
single-CICS configuration 55
system initialization parameter 51
B validity check 54
CLT, system initialization parameter 51
backup sessions 37
bind format 47 command list table
boundary network node (BNN) 37 see CLT
BSC 3270 terminal 42 communication failures 5
complex, XRF, definition of 2
C further 35
CANCEL command issued by CAVM 54 multi-VSE, MRO XRF 27
CANCEL command to failing active 19 multi-VSE, single-region XRF 25
catch-up process 15 one or two CPCs 25
single-VSE image, MRO XRF 33

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 1999 95

configurations (continued) environment 2
single-VSE image, single-region XRF 32 environmental failures 5
your existing installation 25 ESM
control data set 14 resource profile rebuild 46
controlling the alternate 63 exit for VTAM failures 62
coordinator regions 29, 57 exits in XRF 22
description of use 60
CPC (central processing complex)
definition 2 F
internal record of failure 20 failure analysis 20
outage 10 failure situations 5
performance overhead on second CPC 23 failures outside the scope of XRF 5
cross-domain, definition 39 FORALT operand of DFHCLT 55
Cross-System Coupling Facility FORCE parameter 45
see XCF
cryptography, session-level 43
CXRF transient data destination 13
generic applid
defining 50
D use with VTAM 37
DASD (direct access storage device) global user exit, XXRSTAT 62
failures 5
shared 22, 65
data integrity at takeover 11
hierarchy of regions 29, 57
data sets
control data set 14
dump 64
message data set 14
initialization of XRF 13
shared 65 INQUIRE USERVAR command 47
sharing 65 integrity at takeover 11
trace 64 interactive problem control system (IPCS) 20
DB2 for VSE/ESA 67 interregion communication (IRC)
defining CICS for XRF 49 see MRO
delay intervals 17 intervention by operator 19, 43
dependent regions 29, 57 IPCS (interactive problem control system) 20
DFH$AXRO IBM-supplied sample overseer 62 ISC links 47
DFHCLT macro 54 ISSUE PASS LUNAME command 39
DFHJCT macro 20
DFHSIT macro 45, 49
DFHSNT macro 46 L
DFHXRA module 62 link-editing the CLT 54
direct access storage device local catalog 13
see DASD locally-attached VTAM terminals 42
disk system logging 20 logging 20
DL/I VSE 67, 71 logical partitioning and XRF 2
dumps logical unit
after active failure 20 primary 47
managing data sets 64 secondary 47
logical unit of work (LUW) 21
LU0 terminals 48
E LUTYPE6 ISC application-to-application sessions 47
emergency restart, existing procedures 4, 11
end users
after a takeover 21, 26 M
see a single-system image 37 master regions 29, 57

96 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

message data set 14 physical partitioning and XRF 2
MODIFY USERVAR command 19, 21, 38 planned outage 1
monitoring status of regions 31 planned takeover 10, 64
MRO (multiregion operation) PLTSD programs 72
between XRF and non-XRF regions 35 PLU (primary logical unit) 47
CICS implementation 79 POWER
in a multi-VSE XRF configuration 27 for routing CANCEL command to active 19
in a single-CPC XRF configuration 33 returns false information about active state 19
MSCM (multisystem configuration manager) 43 use of, to determine active’s status 19
multiregion operation (MRO) power failures 5
see MRO PR/SM (Processor Resource/Systems Manager) 2
multisystem configuration manager (MSCM) 43 pregenerated sample overseer 62
primary logical unit (PLU) 47
primary surveillance signal 14
N Processor Resource/Systems Manager (PR/SM)
NCP (network control program) 2, 37 see PR/SM
using NetView for recovery of 67 programmable terminals 48
network changes 21 propagating USERVARs 39
network control program (NCP)
see NCP
network ownership 39 Q
network routing facility (NRF) 43 QUIESCE=YES|NO system operand 53
network terminal option (NTO) 43
NOFORCE parameter 45
non-XRF region R
MRO to an XRF region 35 RDO (resource definition online) 54
NRF (network routing facility) 43 RDO TYPETERM 45
NTO (network terminal option) 43 reconnecting terminals 43
recovery of resources 4
recovery option 43
O RECOVOPTION keyword 44
operating system outage 9 regions, hierarchy of 29, 57
operator RELEASESESS option of RECOVOPTION 44
action by, after takeover 21 resource definition online (RDO) 54
errors 5 restart delay value for autoinstalled terminals 50
general considerations for 21 restarting 37xx or NCP 67
intervention in takeover 19, 43 restarting regions in place 30, 31
using CEBT 63 running the active by itself 15
outages that cause a takeover 7
overhead on the alternate CPC 23
overrides for defining systems 49 S
overseer 4 sample implementations 75
description 4 sample startup job stream 49
extending its function 62 SDUMP macro 20, 53
functions of the sample 31 secondary logical unit (SLU) 47
IBM-supplied sample, DFH$AXRO 62 secondary surveillance signal 14
pregenerated sample 62 security of terminals after takeover 26
writing your own 62 security of VSE system 54
overview of XRF 1 sequence of XRF activity 11
ownership of the network 39 session-level cryptography 43
shared DASD 22, 65
shared data sets 22, 65
P shut down the alternate. 64
PDI, system initialization parameter 50 shutdown phase programs 72
performance 22 SID (SMF system identification) 20

Index 97
signed-on state 14 takeover (continued)
signing on to CICS, options for defining 45 defining type of 49
signing on to the CAVM 14 description of 16
signon security 26 failures that do not cause a 5
single-system image 37 performance 22
SIT (system initialization table) 49 planned 10
MRO CICS sample 79 starting the 16
naming active and alternate 50 strategies for multi-VSE environments 27
overrides 76, 81 system initialization parameters 16, 51
single-CICS sample 76 unnecessary 53
SLU (secondary logical unit) 47 TAKEOVR, system initialization parameter 16, 51
SMF system identification (SID) 20 telecommunication network failures 5
SNA (Systems Network Architecture) terminals
SNA flows 48 autoinstalled 50
USS tables 39 BSC 3270 42
software failures recurring after takeover 5 class 2 42
specific applid 21 class 3 44
defining 50 establishing new sessions after takeover 43
use with VTAM 37 factors that affect service 37
START, system initialization parameter 50 general information 37
starting the active 50 levels of support 42
starting the alternate 51 LU0 48
startup job streams 13 nonswitchable 43
state information in CAVM data sets 14 overview 4
storage protection and XRF 65 programmable 48
sublibrary PRD1.BASE 62 service in an XRF environment 37
surveillance switching local 43
definition 3 tracking 15, 43
signal disappears 17 terminology v
signal in the control data set 14 time-of-day clock values 18, 20
stage in XRF 15 TPEND exit 62
turning off by CEBT 64 trace data sets 64
synchronization phase of XRF 15 tracking terminals 3, 15, 43
syncpointing, for class 2 terminals 44 transient data destination, CXRF 13
SYSIPT overrides 79
system console transaction 63
system data set failure 5 U
system initialization UNCONDREL option of RECOVOPTION 45
TAKEOVR parameter 16 unformatted system services (USS) tables 39
system initialization table (SIT) unique data 22
see SIT unnecessary takeovers 53
system log unplanned outage 1
archiving 20 user exit for VTAM failures 62
failure 5 user exits, executing in XRF 22
requirement for disk 20 USERVAR
system resources manager, VSE 23 automatic 39
Systems Network Architecture (SNA) 48 propagation 39
see SNA table 21, 37
user-managed 39
USS tables 39
after takeover 21 V
automatic 51 validity check of CLT 54
causes of 5, 7 VM/XA and VM/ESA and XRF 69
changing the takeover operand 64

98 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA XRF Guide

internal record of failure 20
outage 9
system commands 54
system resources manager 23
alternate issues MODIFY USERVAR 19
APPL definitions 38
applids 37
informs CICS of failure 8
locally-attached terminals 42
modifying the USERVAR table 21
non-SNA terminals 42
outage 8
ownership of the network 39
takeover considerations 25
use of the overseer after failure 62
user exit 62
USERVAR information 37
USERVAR propagation 39
XDOMAIN definitions 39

workload on second VSE image 23

XDOMAIN definitions 39
XRF, system initialization parameter 50
XRFSIGNOFF attribute 45
XRFSOFF operand of DFHSNT 46
XRFSOFF, system initialization parameter 45, 50
XRFSTME, system initialization parameter 53
XRFTODI system initialization parameter 53
XSWITCH system initialization parameter 53
XSWITCH, system initialization parameter 51
XXRSTAT, global user exit 62

Index 99
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XRF Guide


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