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Specification No. MP.

(Revision - 00)

August’ 2016

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LUCKNOW - 226 011
Specification for Up-gradation of HHP Locomotives


1. Introduction
DLW has produced approximately 1300 Nos. of HHP locomotives
(WDG4/WDP4/WDP4B/WDP4D/WDG4D) since 1998 and these locomotives are being
manufactured with AC-AC traction equipment and control system along with features provided by
M/s EMD under ToT during 1995-96.
In the last 15-20 years, lot of new engineering concepts evolved by the world leaders like M/s GE
and M/s EMD in the high horse power low speed diesel engine locomotives. All the latest
generation locomotives in the world are built with new features like Inverter driven Auxiliaries,
separate After cooling, low lube oil consumption power assemblies, Modular integrated control
cabinet system (E-locker), Electronic Fuel Injection (EUI) etc.
There is need to bridge the gap between the HHP locomotives currently built in DLW and the state
of art locomotive produced by leading Diesel loco builders of the world to achieve better fuel
economy and improved reliability.
2. Proposed up-gradation of the HHP locomotive & benefits for the IR
RDSO studied the latest new engine technology and proven out concepts available worldwide and
had deliberations with M/s EMD, the original ToT partner of HHP locomotives to evolve the up
gradation of the HHP locomotives built at DLW. Accordingly, a proposal for adapting advance and
upgraded features as given below for achieving fuel economy, emissions & energy management
for traction application.

New technological advancement Benefits for Indian Railways

proposal for adoption

¾ TA17-CA9 combination along with 1. Inverters driven Auxiliaries will reduce the
E-locker with DIALS parasitic load and help in improve the Traction
Specific Fuel consumption. This will improve the
• Auxiliary Power Converter(APC)
fuel economy of the locomotive by 2%
• Inverter Driven Blowers & approx.(dependent on duty cycle and
cooling Fans maintenance)
2. The E-Locker will replace the complex Five
(ECC1, 2, 3 and 2-TCCs) cabinet system of
current Dual Cab locomotive. This creates more
space and will save manufacturing/Integration
work of DLW.
3. The number of components will be reduced,
which will improve the reliability and availability of
the locomotive.
4. The APC will increase the capacity of the
Auxiliary systems by 80% approx. which provides
capacity for additional auxiliary equipment (for

¾ Engine Improvements: 1. The combustion of EUI and separate after

cooling will improve the fuel economy by 2%
• Electronic Fuel Injector (EUI)
approx.(dependent on duty cycle and

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Specification for Up-gradation of HHP Locomotives

• Separate After Cooling maintenance)

• Low Lube Oil consuming Power 2. The Emission level of Tier-1 can achieve easily
assemblies with optimum fuel economy.
• High efficiency Hybrid air 3. The Emission level up to Tier-3 can be
filtration achievable with minor fuel penalty.
4. Lube oil Consumption will reduce by 50% approx.
5. Compliance for desert and mines application.

¾ CAB As per 49 CFR to comply future noise norms of India

• NVH standard

¾ Condition Monitoring System for Provision of on board condition monitoring and fault
improving reliability (RAMS) diagnostics system with Video recording in CAB to
help investigation and ensuring system health.

This specification intends to specify the requirements for adapting advance and upgraded features
as mentioned above will enable HHP locomotive (WDG4D/WDP4D) more fuel economy, emissions
& energy management for traction application.
3. Design and details of modifications
Existing design of WDP4D/ WDG4D locomotive shall be suitably modified to accommodate items
of up-gradation kit with a new General Arrangement, duly incorporating the proposed changes.

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Specification for Up-gradation of HHP Locomotives


Sl.No. Items
1. General / Design Data
The general
The general
arrangement and
arrangement and
equipment layout of the
equipment layout of the
locomotive shall be
locomotive shall be
General arrangement and jointly worked out by
jointly worked out by
Equipment layout RDSO, DLW and the firm
RDSO, DLW and the
firm based on the
based on the envelope of
envelope of the
the additional equipment
additional equipment
4500 HP DLW/EMD 16 4500 HP DLW/EMD 16
Diesel Engine (Data as per UIC 623)
cylinder 710G3B cylinder 710G3B
Installed power/ input to traction
4500/4000 HP 4500/4000 HP
under site conditions
Fabricated hybrid bogies Fabricated hybrid bogies
similar to WDG5 similar to WDG5
Gauge 1676 mm 1676 mm
Axle-load & arrangement 20.5 T/ Co-Co 21.7 T/ Co-Co
Weight in working order 123 T 130.2 T
Sharpest curve to be negotiated
174m radius and 1 in 8½ 174m radius and 1 in 8½
Single unit without buffer turnout in either direction. turnout in either direction.
Double unit with buffer
Locomotive Speed
130/22.5 kmph 105/22.5 kmph
Wheel diameter: New/Condemning 1092/1016 mm 1092/1016 mm
26 AC coaches in 1:37 As per load chart
Load to be hauled
470C (Occasionally 550C) 470C (Occasionally 550C)
Ambient temperature & Max. RH
Up to 100% Up to 100%
Traction performance at full power
2. As per annexure-I As per annexure-II
at site conditions
3. Electrical Transmission
Main/ Companion Alternator Model GM TA-17/CA-9 GM TA-17/CA-9
Rated Voltage/Current 2600 V DC/1250 A DC 2600 V DC/1250 A DC
SIEMENS ITB-2622/2525- SIEMENS ITB-2622/2525-
Traction Motor:Make&Type
0TB02 0TB02
Auxiliary Generator/APC APC shall be used APC shall be used
IGBT based AC-AC traction IGBT based AC-AC traction
system shall be as per system shall be as per
RDSO spec no. MP- RDSO spec no. MP-
0.2400.67(Latest Revision) 0.2400.67(Latest Revision)
Battery : Type Similar to existing WDP4D Similar to existing WDG4D
Dynamic Brake tower type DB grids tower type DB grids
4. Operation control and regulation Similar to existing WDP4D Similar to existing WDG4D
5. Brake system Similar to existing WDP4D Similar to existing WDG4D
6. Air Dryer Similar to existing WDP4D Similar to existing WDG4D
Compressor of required Compressor of required
7. Compressor: Model/Type capacity shall be motor capacity shall be motor
driven with a 3-phase driven with a 3-phase
inverter based motor drive inverter based motor drive

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Specification for Up-gradation of HHP Locomotives

arrangement. The motor arrangement. The motor

shall be suitably designed shall be suitably designed
for working with variable for working with variable
frequency ranging from 20 frequency ranging from 20
Hz to 140 Hz should be Hz to 140 Hz should be
selected. selected.
8. Sanding Similar to existing WDP4D Similar to existing WDG4D
9. Horns Similar to existing WDP4D Similar to existing WDG4D
10. Main reservoir capacity Similar to existing WDP4D Similar to existing WDG4D
11. Piping Similar to existing WDP4D Similar to existing WDG4D
12. Journal Bearings Similar to existing WDP4D Similar to existing WDG4D
13. Fire Extinguisher Similar to existing WDP4D Similar to existing WDG4D
Inverter driven blowers Inverter driven blowers
14. Blowers for TA & TM Cooling shall be used as per shall be used as per
specification no. specification no.
Optional features for improvement to be incorporated in
Existing WDP4D/WDG4D Locomotives.
Inverter, Chopper & Contactor Unit N.A
(a) Similar to existing WDP4D
for Hotel Load
Remote Control Equipment with N.A
(b) Similar to existing WDP4D
antenna (DPC)
Remote Monitoring and Management N.A
of Locomotives and Trains with
(c) Similar to existing WDP4D
APU Shall be provided as
per RDSO spec no.
MP.0.2400.64 with latest
16. Driver’s Cab Similar to existing WDP4D Similar to existing WDG4D
Semi monocoque bonnet Semi monocoque bonnet
type super-structure, type super-structure,
removable roof and removable roof and
17. Superstructure
hatches shall be provided hatches shall be provided
for effortless maintenance for effortless maintenance
of top deck equipments. of top deck equipments.
Coupler&Draft gear assembly/Side
18. Similar to existing WDP4D Similar to existing WDG4D
19. Cattle guard Similar to existing WDP4D Similar to existing WDG4D
It is proposed to use air It is proposed to use air
reservoir, air intake grills (in reservoir, air intake grills (in
radiator assembly) made of radiator assembly) made of
Use of lightweight material for weight
20. aluminium alloy and identify aluminium alloy and identify
some other areas where some other areas where
FRP can be used to reduce FRP can be used to reduce
the weight. the weight.
A detachable type Fuel A detachable type Fuel
21. Fuel Tank Tank of 5000 litre capacity Tank of 6000 litre capacity
shall be provided. shall be provided.

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Specification for Up-gradation of HHP Locomotives


Mechanical Design
3.1 General arrangement and Equipment layout
The general arrangement and equipment layout of the locomotive shall be jointly worked out by
RDSO, DLW and the firm based on the envelope of the additional equipment offered.
3.2 Underframe
Design of under frame shall be suitably modified to suit the new Equipment layout.
3.3 Bogie
HTSC Fabricated hybrid bogies similar to WDG5 shall be used with fabricated hybrid bogie
frame with TBU.
3.4 Driver’s cab
3.4.1 The locomotive shall be provided with two full width cabs.
3.4.2 Each cab shall be provided with one driver’s control desk (with a single unified Master Controller
for both diesel and electric traction).
3.4.3 Left hand drive shall be used.
3.5 Superstructure
Semi monocoque bonnet type superstructure shall be used; removable roof and hatches shall be
provided to enable easy maintenance of top deck equipments. The superstructure shall be made
of stainless steel to achieve weight reduction.
3.6 Fuel tank
A detachable type Fuel Tank of same capacity of existing WDP4D/WDG4D locomotive.
3.7 Coupler, Draft gear & Side buffers
3.7.1 The locomotive shall be fitted with AAR approved H-type centre buffer coupler and draft gear
assembly to EMD drawing no. 10661374 and coupler parts should conform to AAR specification no
M201, 901E, 901G.
3.7.2 The locomotive shall be fitted with side buffers to RDSO drawing no. SKDL- 4561 or SKDL-4748.
3.8 Cattle guard
Cattle guard design as per existing WDP4D/WDG4D locomotive.
3.9 Brakes
3.9.1 Locomotive will be equipped with CCB 2.0 (computer controlled air brake) system to RDSO
Specification No.MP. (Rev.01) January 2010.
3.9.2 Suitable and proven design of air dryer shall be provided for the supply of dry and good quality air
to brake system and other systems / sub-systems using compressed air.
3.9.3 Spring-actuated air release type parking brake shall be provided for use on stabled locomotive and
for holding a locomotive on grade in emergency.

3.10 Compressor
Compressor of required capacity shall be motor driven with a 3-phase inverter based motor drive
arrangement. The motor shall be suitably designed for working with variable frequency ranging
from 20 Hz to 140 Hz should be selected.

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Specification for Up-gradation of HHP Locomotives

3.11 Piping
"Bundy weld" copper brazed steel will be used on the piping of 5/8" nominal diameter and less. In
other cases, Wrought Steel shall be used. This shall be pickled and oiled for pipes of 3/4" nominal
diameter and above in the air system.
Existing piping arrangement with suitable modification shall be adapted. Heavy-duty seamless
pipes to IS: 1239 shall be used for pneumatic brake system.
3.12 Sanding
Automatic sanding during wheel slip shall be provided. Eight No’s side sill mounted sand boxes
shall be provided with 0.4 cubic meter sand capacity.
3.13 Horns
Locomotive will be provided with Dual tone horns air horns on both cab end with Provision for
operating horns for either of the directions from both control stands.
The two horns shall have different tones but shall be in harmony with each other when blown
together. Push buttons will be provided for operation of both of the horns at any time by the driver
or his assistant. (Total of four buttons - two per cab)
3.14 Journal Bearings
Locomotive shall be equipped with cartridge type grease lubricated journal bearings.
3.15 Fire Extinguisher
Two Dry Chemical Powder type fire extinguishers (Gas Cartridge type) of 5 kg capacity approx. of
well-known make shall be provided one in each cab. The fire extinguisher shall conform to IS:
2171 – 1985 and gas cartridge shall conform to IS: 4947-1985.
3.16 Use of lightweight material for weight reduction.
It is proposed to use air reservoir, air intake grills in radiator assembly made of aluminium alloy and
identify some other areas where FRP can be used to reduce the weight.

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Specification for Up-gradation of HHP Locomotives


Power Equipment
Diesel Traction

4.1 Detail of Diesel Engine

Model 710G3B
Turbo charged two-stroke
Number of cylinder 16
Full speed at 8 notch - 954 RPM
Idle Speed Normal - 269 RPM
Idle Speed Low - 200 RPM
Notchwise engine rpm vs BHP (for guidance purpose)
Notch Engine Speed (RPM) BHP
Low Idle 200 ---
1 270 259
2 354 607
3 486 1148
4 572 1573
5 675 1916
6 764 2960
7 863 3822
8 954 4500

4.2 Supplies/Capacities
1 Lube oil system capacity 950 Litres (TBD)
2 Cooling System Capacity 1045 Litres (TBD)
3 Fuel oil capacity 3000 Litres
4.2.1 Mechanically bonded, enhanced capacity radiator for 3000 kW heat load to be used.
4.2.2 Stream lined lube oil and water piping network.
4.2.3 Insulated exhaust gas manifold.

4.4 Controls
4.4.1 The locomotive shall be provided with microprocessor based locomotive control system (LCC, i.e.
similar to EM 2000 of EMD), which will be suitably configured to meet the provision of six traction
motors, and modified TE versus Speed performance to work successfully on both modes of
4.5 Cables
4.5.1 Electron-beam irradiation cross-linked type Power and Control cables of standard metric sizes shall
be provided as per specification no. EDPS – 304 and EDPS – 179 respectively.

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Specification for Up-gradation of HHP Locomotives


Control system, Electrical Equipment & Power Supply System

5.1 General
All electrical machines and control equipment shall generally conform to relevant IEC standards
and shall be tested as per RDSO approved test program. The temperature rise limits of the IEC
standards shall be reduced by 20°C for traction motor and by 30°C for Traction Alternator and
Companion Alternator to account for higher ambient temperatures in India.
5.2 AC-AC Traction Control System
5.2.1 Functional Requirement of Locomotive Control System:
All applicable requirements such as Traction control, Brake Blending, Event Recorder, VCD,
User settable parameter, not specifically mentioned in this specification shall be adhered as
per existing WDP4D, RDSO Specification No.MP.0.2400.43 (Rev.05/latest).
5.2.2 Functional requirements of Traction Converter
i) Individual axle control shall be provided (one inverter driving one motor). If each inverter
cannot be individually isolated, physical isolation device (contactor, isolation switch) can be
provided at bogie level. However motor cut-out through software should be possible at each
motor level. (or) As an alternative method Truck control similar to the S3/EMD HHP Diesel
Electric loco is also acceptable.
ii) Suitable redundancy shall be provided so that locomotive failure, degradation in performance
and disabling the train is minimized in the event of their failure.
iii) Traction Converter shall use either forced air cooling or water cooling.

5.2.3 The following audio-visual signals or indication(s) shall be provided in both the cabs for single and
multiple operation of the locomotives as per RDSO specification No. MP.0.0400.10 (Latest).
1. Sanding
2. Wheel slip
3. Auto-flasher
4. TE limit
5. Alerter
6. PCS Open
7. Brake Warning
5.2.4 All special purpose cables other than regular control cables shall also be in the scope of supply of
the supplier of TCC.

5.2.5 Prototype test standard:

The prototype of the equipment or sub assembly shall be tested as per following test standard.
1. Inverters (Traction Inverter, Auxiliary IEC 61287-1
Inverter, Line Converter, etc.)
2. Electronics and Control System IEC 60571
5.3 Traction Alternator - Rectifier for diesel traction
5.3.1 Alternator Data:

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Specification for Up-gradation of HHP Locomotives

Make and Type TA 17-CA9

Continuous Rating 2600 VDC
1250 Amp
Temperature rise limit IEC – 60349-2

Insulation Class H

Ventilation Forced / Self-ventilated Excitation

Excitation control Microprocessor control

5.4 Traction Motors

Parameter WDP4D WDG4D
Model 1TB2622 - OTB02 1TB2525- OTA02
Gear Ratio 17 : 77 17:90
Airflow Req 1.2 m³/sec
Weight 2120 Kg
Stall Torque 8320 Nm
Nominal Torque 5949 Nm
Maximum speed 3776 RPM
Nominal speed 1024 RPM
Maximum Power 765 KW (1025 HP)
Nominal Power 638 KW (855 HP)
DC link Power 689 KW (924 HP)
5.5 Storage Battery
150 AH Ni - Cd battery shall be used with following details.
Specification MP. (Rev. 2/Latest)
Arrangement 2 battery units of 16 cells connected in series
Total quantity of cells 32
Total potential of Batteries 64 Volts
Specific Gravity of Electrolyte 1.250
5.6 Dynamic braking grids
Dynamic braking grids suitable for dissipation of full load power (4500 GHP) for self load testing
shall be provided.

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Specification for Up-gradation of HHP Locomotives


Dimensions, Clearances and Track Geometry


6.1 Dimensions, Clearances and Track Geometry

6.1.1 Overall Carbody Dimensions
Locomotives dimensions and profile shall within or fully conform to IR SOD 1D-clearance diagram
(EDO T-2202) latest revision.
6.1.2 Climatic and environmental conditions
1. Maximum Under sun 70ºC
Temperature In shade 50ºC
(Atmospheric) Temperature inside locomotive may reach 60 ºC at turbocharger
2. Humidity 100% saturation during rainy season
3. Reference site (i) Ambient Temp. 47ºC
conditions (ii) Humidity 60%
(iii) Altitude 600 m
4. Rainfall Very heavy in certain areas.
The locomotive shall be designed to permit its running at 10 km/h
in a flood water level of 102 mm above rail level.
5. Atmosphere during Extremely dusty and desert terrain in certain areas. (Air filtration
hot weather system of engine to be designed accordingly)
6. Coastal area Locomotive and equipment shall be designed to work in coastal
areas in humid and salt laden atmosphere.
7. Vibration The equipment, sub-system and their mounting arrangement shall
be designed to withstand satisfactorily the vibration and shocks
encountered in railway traction, unless otherwise prescribed or
specifically defined in the manufacturer’s design criterion.

6.1.3 Track Geometry

1 Gauge Broad Gauge (BG) 1676 mm (nominal)
2 Track structure The track is to a standard of 60 kg, 90 UTS rails on Pre-
stressed concrete sleepers of 1660 per km 300 mm depth of
ballast cushion below the sleepers
Or 52 kg. 90 UTS rails on Pre-stressed concrete sleepers of
1540 per km 250 mm depth of ballast cushion below the
3 Sharpest curve and turn out 174 m radius. The locomotive shall also be checked for
to be negotiated passage in both directions over standard BG 1 in 8-1/2
turnouts. Vogel’s layout or its internationally-accepted
equivalent for negotiability, throw over at head stock and
coupler movement with details of clearances shall be

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Specification for Up-gradation of HHP Locomotives

Maximum Super elevation 185 mm

Maximum cant deficiency 100 mm
4 Schedule of dimensions Indian Railways ‘Schedule of Dimensions’
for Broad Gauge (1676 mm), 2004
5 Overall moving dimensions The locomotive with new wheels and in empty condition
shall be within the dimensions shown in IR MMD as per
diagram EDO/T-2202.
6 Clearance above the rail The locomotive shall be so designed that no component
level shall infringe minimum clearance of 102 mm above rail level
with the locomotive fully loaded and wheels in fully worn
7 Permissible track tolerances: BG Main Line BG High Speed Route
(C&M 1 Vol 1)
Unevenness (3.6 m base) < 15 mm < 10 mm
Twist (3.6 m base) < 2.78 mm/meter < 2.08 mm/meter
Gauge variation <± 6 mm <± 3 mm
Alignment (versine on 7.2 m < 5 mm < 5 mm
Gauge widening:
On curves of > 350m radius -5mm to +3mm
On curves of < 350m radius Up to +10mm

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Specification for Up-gradation of HHP Locomotives



7.1 Tentative list of additional items for upgraded WDP4D/WDG4D loco

Tentative list of additional items for upgraded WDP4D/WDG4D loco is given at Annexure-IV.
7.2 Development and Design clearance
The upgradation kit for design details of additional and uncommon items along with weight and
envelope size required for building upgraded loco on WDP4D platform shall be furnished for design
clearance of DLW/RDSO before the successful tenderer start manufacturing of the items. These
items shall be designed/manufactured and supplied as upgradation kit. The upgradation kit shall
consist of all the uncommon and additional item irrespective whether indicated in the specification
or not. The firm shall work jointly for development of GA and other changes required in consultation
with DLW/RDSO.
7.3 Maker's test certificate, MI etc.
One copy of each of test certificate, Maintenance Instructions, Equipment data, Spare Parts Lists
of the locomotives shall be supplied to the consignee Railway.
7.4 Inspection
Inspection at various stages of locomotive manufacture including final inspection shall be done by
DLW. The following inspection data shall be furnished to locomotive user and RDSO:

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Specification for Up-gradation of HHP Locomotives

Tentative Weight Reduction / Additional in the proposed upgraded WDP4D locomotive to keep the axle
load within 20.5 T

Sl. Item Description Likely Likely Weight Net

Weight Reduction Effect
Addition (kg) (Kg)
1. Auxiliary Generator and Blower
2. Electrically Driven TM Blower
3. Electrically Driven Compressor
4. Engine Driven Compressor
5. Optimised Weight of Superstr and CABs
with use of SS in place of Steel
6. Weight Reduction in Cattle Guard,Al
reservoirs , Al grills,other misc savings
7. Use of fabricated hybrid bogies
8. Modified Equipment Rack
9. Dynamic Braking Grid
Total increase in Weight (kg)
Net increase in Axle Load (t)
Existing WDP4D Axle Load 20.50
Expected Loco Axle Load(t)

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Specification for Up-gradation of HHP Locomotives

Tentative Weight Reduction / Additional in the proposed upgraded WDG4D locomotive to keep the axle
load within 21.7 T

Sl. Item Description Likely Likely Weight Net

Weight Reduction Effect
Addition (kg) (Kg)
10. Auxiliary Generator and Blower
11. Electrically Driven TM Blower
12. Electrically Driven Compressor
13. Engine Driven Compressor
14. Weight Optimi of Superstr and CABs with
use SS in place of Steel
15. Weight Reduction in Cattle Guard,Al
reservoirs , Al grills,other misc savings
16. Use of fabricated hybrid bogies
17. Modified Equipment Rack
18. Dynamic Braking Grid
Total increase in Weight (kg)
Net increase in Axle Load (t)
Existing WDG4D Axle Load 21.70
Expected Loco Axle Load(t)

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Specification for Up-gradation of HHP Locomotives


Major uncommon items w.r.t. existing WDP4D/WDG4D

1. AC-AC System with Traction Converter

2. Electrically driven compressor

3. Traction Motor Blower

4. Traction Alternator Blower

5. Dynamic Brake

DLW shall finally decide on the scope of supplies of upgradation kit.

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Specification for Up-gradation of HHP Locomotives


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Specification for Up-gradation of HHP Locomotives


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Specification for Up-gradation of HHP Locomotives


Tentative General Arrangement of Proposed Upgraded WDP4D/WDG4D Locomotive


1362 2083 2134

2134 2083 1362

641 3048 15604 BETWEEN PIVOT CENTERS 3048 641

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Specification for Up-gradation of HHP Locomotives


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Specification for Up-gradation of HHP Locomotives


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Specification for Up-gradation of HHP Locomotives


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Specification for Up-gradation of HHP Locomotives



LOCO:- WDP4D (4500 HP) Track condition: Dry Rail WT OF LOCO : 123 t
Trailing load in tonnes at Km/h on tangent track, ICF stock ( With 0.005m/sec² acceleration reserve)
GRADE 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
LEVEL 28695 24915 10480 7535 5550 4270 3305 2610 2100 1715 1400 1150
500 13015 12170 5425 4115 3175 2545 2045 1665 1375 1145 960 805
400 11440 10780 4835 3690 2865 2310 1860 1520 1265 1060 890 745
200 7110 6845 3110 2415 1905 1555 1270 1055 885 750 635 535
150 5660 5490 2500 1950 1545 1270 1040 865 730 620 525 440
100 4010 3920 1785 1395 1110 915 750 625 525 450 380 320
50 2100 2075 925 720 565 465 375 310 255 215 175 145
¾ Values of trailing tonnages given in the chart are the maximum permissible values. Values are applicable for straight track
only. On a curved section actual permissible load will be less than the values specified above. Actual permissible loads should be
fixed based on load trial.
¾ Trailing loads fixed by load trail should be confirmed by load factor trial also and the loads recommended should be such
that the load factor does not exceed 60%.

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