US ARMY Series 60a 26-1-2 Japanese Explosive Ordnance

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For Official Use Only

ARMY TM 60A-26-1-2

Revision 0
14 June 1946




(OP 1667, VOL II DTD 14 JUN 46)--(TM 9-1985-5)

Published under authority of the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force.
(Prepared by the Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division, 2008 Stump
Neck Road, Indian Head, MD 20640-5070)


For Official Use Only
For Official Use Only
(U) This manual is issued for the information and guidance of EOD personnel. It has
been prepared by the Department of the Navy in carrying out its responsibilities per
Joint Service Regulation AR 75-14/OPNAVINST 8027.1/AFR 136-8/MCO 8027.1
(U) Distribution of this document shall normally be limited to organizations assigned
graduates of the U.S. Naval School, Explosive Ordnance Disposal. Foreign release of
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International Programs Office (IPO-11A), Arlington, VA 22202-1111, with an information
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civil authorities or individuals for release of this document should be forwarded to
Commanding Officer, Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division (Code
60), 2008 Stump Neck Road, Indian Head, MD 20640-5070.
(U) Errors in the EODB or recommendations for its improvement by Navy units shall be
submitted in accordance with NAVEODFLTLAU Publication Note 1-99.
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be submitted to the Officer-In-Charge, Marine Corps Detachment, 2008 Stump Neck
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(U) Published under authority of the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force.
Prepared by the Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division, 2008 Stump
Neck Road, Indian Head, MD 20640-5070.

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Table of Contents

Chapter 4. Army Ammunition

Section 1. Army Projectiles

Section 2. Army Rockets

Section 3. Army Mortars

Section 4. Army Projectile Fuzes

Chapter 5. Navy Ammunition

Section 1. Navy Projectiles

Section 2. Navy Rockets

Section 3. Navy Mortars

Section 4. Navy Projectile Fuzes


Japanese Weapons
1. The bore diameter of Japanese Army weapons measures an even number of
millimeter (metric system). However, the guns are designated by their nominal size,
usually to the nearest even centimeter.
2. The bore diameter of Japanese Navy weapons quite often measures to an even inch
in keeping with the English system, though some common Navy guns are designed with
a bore diameter in an even number of millimeters. The Navy also designates its guns by
nominal sizes, usually to the nearest even centimeter.
3. To avoid confusion, ammunition is classified in this book by the nominal bore
size of the weapon according to the Japanese nomenclature with the actual size given
in parenthesis. In Navy ammunition above 5-centimeter the actual size is given in
both metric and English measurement.
4. Both services designate the size of guns under 5-cm by the actual size in
millimeters, e.g. 47-mm, 40-mm, 30-mm, 20-mm.

Classification of Projectiles.
1. Army Projectiles.
The Japanese nomenclature for projectiles is followed as far as practicable. The
Japanese Army terminology is self-explanatory and conforms fairly well with U.S.
custom. Needing some explanation are the terms A.P. and A.P.-H.E.
A.P. indicates a projectile intended for piercing heavy armor, for example, armor
plate of thickness equal to or greater than the caliber of the projectile. These
projectiles have an H.E. bursting charge. A.P.-H.E. indicates a solid-nosed projectile in
general similar to the A.P. but designed for much lighter penetration. These carry an

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H.E. charge approaching that of a standard H.E. projectile. Hence, the term A.P.-H.E. is
intended to indicate its intermediate status between an H.E. projectile and a heavy
armor-piercing projectile. A.P.-H.E. projectiles are painted like H.E. projectiles but
obviously they may be differentiated by their form.
2. Navy Projectiles.
The classification and designation of Navy projectiles by the Japanese is highly
irregular and cumbersome. Complete and accurate identification of a projectile
requires identification of the gun, descriptive nomenclature of the projectile, and
mark (or type) and modification number.
Example: 14 cm/50 Ordinary (Gun) (General type of projectile) Type 0 (Design number)
For this reason an arbitrary system of nomenclature is used in this book. Japanese
Navy nomenclature is given as a subtitle where known.
In Japanese Navy nomenclature all projectiles with a relatively high explosive charge
(including light armor-piercing types) are designated TSUJODAN, which may be
translated either "Ordinary Projectile" or "Common Projectile." Since this is a
composite group including standard high explosive projectiles as well as light
penetrating types, the translation "Ordinary" is used in this book for Japanese
designations and the term "Common" is reserved for specific use as a descriptive
title for light penetrating types of projectile (solid nose, base-fuzed) in
accordance with the U.S. meaning of "Common." Projectiles having a point detonating
fuze are designated "High Explosive" to conform with U.S. terminology.

The following abbreviations will be used in this section:
A.A.M.G. Antiaircraft Machine Gun.
A.C. Aircraft Cannon.
A.C.M.G. Aircraft Machine Gun.
A.P. Armor-Piercing.
A.P.I Armor-Piercing Incendiary.
A.P.T Armor-Piercing Tracer.
A.TK Antitank.
H.E. High-Explosive.
H.E.A.T. High-Explosive Antitank (Hollow Charge).
H.E.I. High-Explosive Incendiary.
H.E.I.T. High-Explosive Incendiary Tracer.
H.E.T. High-Explosive Tracer.
H.M.G. Heavy Machine Gun.
I. Incendiary.
I.T. Incendiary Tracer.
L.M.G. Light Machine Gun.
MK Mark.
MOD Modification.
S.D. Self-Destroying.
TK Tank.
W.P .White Phosphorus.

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Japanese Army weapons are generally copies of German or French designs or are
developed following their customs. In comparison with weapons used by other
countries in the past few years, the Japanese weapons appear to be outmoded and
ineffective. This is particularly true in considering small arms for if the Japanese ever
made any serious attempt to standardize small arms and small arm ammunitionthere is
little evidence of it in the many different calibers and types in use by them. The standard
weapon prior to 1903 was 6.5 mm, but shortly thereafter this was superseded by 7.7
mm weapons. However, this change was never complete and 6.5-mm weapons were
used extensively in the last war. The foreign influence is apparent particularly after
1939 when aircraft machine guns of German and Italian design were copied.
The earlier aircraft machine guns and aircraft cannon were either modification of
Japanese ground mounts or copies of foreign guns. In more recent years, however, the
Japanese designed aircraft cannon as large as 120 mm, but nothing larger than 57 mm
was ever put in service use. Most Japanese artillery weapons were characterized by
their immobility as very few of them were designed for rapid motor transport. Although
105 mm and 150 mm weapons were frequently encountered, the standard field piece
was 75 mm. One outstanding characteristic of Japanese Army ammunition is the large
variety of types and sizes of mortars which were in use. Mortars were used not only as
infantry support weapons but also as artillery pieces. They ranged in size from the 50-
mm Grenade Discharger to the 320-mm Spigot Mortar. The standard Antiaircraft Gun
was a 75-mm gun but there was also an 88-mm Antiaircraft Gun which was one of their
most effective artillery pieces and a 105-mm A.A. gun. The Japanese has designed a
150-mm Antiaircraft Gun for the defense of the home islands but this was used only in
the last few months of the war. The newest trend in research and development in
ammunition was along the line of rockets. Very few types of Japanese rockets were
used during the war but there were many experimental models of antitank and artillery
rockets in development, ranging in size from 75 mm to 60 cm. Research was also being
conducted on smoothbore and recoilless weapons but this was a relatively new program
and none of these weapons was ever developed beyond the experimental stage.


Common Explosive Types.
Japanese characters giving the type number of the projectile (painted on projectile)
and type number of the gun (painted on the case) appear only when there is chance of
confusion with similar projectiles or cases. See figure A. Chemical (Gas or Liquid Filled)
Projectiles. See figure B.
Special-Purpose Projectiles.
Projectiles designed for special purposes are painted black over all and are identified by
a special symbol stenciled near the middle of the body. For a list of these projectiles and
symbols, refer to the new color system.
Weight Variation Marking.
The variation of individual projectiles from standard weight is important in the ballistics
problem and can be corrected for insetting sights. The variation is therefore indicated by
plus or minus sign painted on the projectile.
Figure 452

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The new system is based on the old system, but is designed as a simplification in
which fewer color bands are used. Body color of projectiles distinguishes broad
groups. Color bands designate more specific features. The use of accessory markings
such as type numbers, weight marks, dates, and arsenal symbols is the same in both
systems. See figure C.
Common Explosive Types.
Hollow charge ammunition is distinguished from other types in the H.E. high grade
steel (yellow band) group by the presence of the symbol FIG 453
Chemical (Gas or Liquid Filled) Projectiles. See figure D
Special-Purpose Projectiles.
Projectiles designed for special purposes as listed below are identified by the
overall body color and by a special symbol stenciled near the middle of the body.
Figure 454

Chapter 4 - Section 1 ARMY PROJECTILES

Type 38 6.5-Millimeter Ammunition. See figure 201

Type Ball Training Wooden
Over-all length........ 3 inches........ 2 1/2 inches...... 2 31/32 inches.
Length of case......... 2 inches........ 2 inches.......... 2 inches.
Length of projectile... 1 1/4 inches.... 1/4 inch.......... 1 19/64 inches.
Weight of projectile... 138 grams....... 34 grams.......... 5 grams.
Type Projectile Jacket Projectile Core
Ball........................ CuNi or steel...................... Lead.
Tracer...................... CuNi............................... Lead.
Blank....................... Projectile of wood.
Blank....................... Projectile of paper.
Practice ball (snub nosed).. Copper............................. Lead.
Weapons in which used:
Rifle L.M.G. A.A.M.G
Type 38 rifle............... Type 11 yr. L.M.G........... Type 3 yr. A.A.M.G.
Type 38 Snipers rifle....... Type 91 Vehicle L.M.G....... Type 38 A.A.M.G.
Type E rifle................ Type 96 L.M.G.
Type 38 carbine.
Type 44 carbine.
Color and markings:
Type Bands
Ball............................. Pink.
Tracer........................... Green.
Blank............................ Wood.
Blank............................ Paper (purple).
Practice ball.................... Pink.
Remarks: Ammunition when used in rifles and light machine guns will be found in clips
of 5 rounds each. When used in the heavy machine guns it will be found in feeder
strips of 30 rounds each. The wooden bullet round is used with the rifle to launch

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the rifle grenades. The paper bullet round is used to launch rifle grandes. The
propelling powder used in the blank rounds is nitro-cellulose while in the other
rounds it is graphite-coated nitro-cellulose.

Type 99 (Rimless) 7.7-mm Ammunition. See figure 202

Type Ball A.P.(inch) Tacer(inch) Wooden
Over-all length........ 3 9/64 inches... 3 9/64... 3 9/64... 3 9/64 inches.
Length of case......... 2 1/4 inches.... 2 1/4.... 2 1/4.... 2 1/4 inches.
Length of projectile... 2 17/64 inches.. 2 17/64.. 2 17/64.. 2 17/64 inches.
Weight of projectile... 181 grams....... ......... ......... 5 grams.
Type Projectile Jacket Projectile Core
Ball................... CuNi...................... Lead.
Tracer................. CuNi...................... Lead.
A.P.................... CuNi...................... Hard steel.
Blank.................. Projectile of wood.
Blank.................. Projectile of paper.
Weapons in which used:
Rifle L.M.G. H.M.G.
Type 99 rifle.......... Type 99 L.M.G............. Type 92 H.M.G.
Type 99 modified rifle. Type 97 TK.M.G............ Type 1 H.M.G.
Type 2 rifle.
Color and markings:
Type Bands
Ball..................................... Pink.
Tracer................................... Green.
A.P...................................... Black.
Blank.................................... Wood.
Blank.................................... Paper (purple).
Remarks: The heavy machine guns use feed strips of 30 rounds. When used in
lightmachine guns and the rifle, this ammunition is packed in 5-round clips. In
addition to the usual brass cartridge cases, ammunition with a steel case has been

Type 92 (Semi-rimmed) 7.7-mm, Ammunition. See figure 203

Type Ball A.P. Tracer Incendiary H.E.
Over-all length........inch.. 3 9/64 3 9/64 3 9/64 3 9/64 3 9/64
Length of case.........inch.. 2 1/4 2 1/4 2 1/4 2 1/4 2 1/4
Length of projectile...inch.. 1 25/64 1 29/64 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2
Weight of projectile...inch.. 203 162 155 162 162
Ball......................... CuNi................ Lead.
Tracer....................... CuNi................ Lead.
A.P.......................... CuNi................ Hard steel.
Incendiary................... CuNi................ W.P. and lead.
H.E. ........................ CuNi................ P.E.T.N. and lead.
Weapons in which used:
Type 89 Flexible A.C.M.G.

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Type 89 Flexible A.C.M.G. (special).
Type 89 Fixed A.C.M.G.
Type 92 H.M.G.
Color and markings:
Type Bands
Ball........................................... Pink.
Tracer......................................... Green.
A.P. .......................................... Black.
Incendiary..................................... Magenta.
H.E. .......................................... Purple.
Remarks: The type 92 heavy machine gun uses feed strips of 30 rounds. When used for
aircraft flexible machine guns, this ammunition is packed in 5-round clips in a
manner corresponding to the packing of rimless, rifle ammunition, but the the clip is
of larger size to accommodate the larger bore of the semirimmed type.
The P.E.T.N. in the H.E. round is set off by the heat of impact.

Type 7.92-mm Aircraft Machine Gun Ammunition. See figure 204.

Type Ball A.P. Incendiary H.E.
Over-all length (inch).. 3 5/32... 3 5/32... 3 5/32... 3 9/64...
Length of 2 7/32... 2 7/32... 2 7/32... 2 7/32...
Length of 1 7/16... 1 29/64.. 1 29/64..
Weight of projectile (grams) 180...... 182...... 182......
Type Projectile jacket Projectile core
Ball.......... Gilding metal.... Lead.
A.P. ......... CuNi............. Hard steel.
Incendiary.... CuNi............. W.P. and lead.
H.E. ......... CuNi............. P.E.T.N. and lead.
Weapons in which used:
Bren type L.M.G.
Type 98 flexible A.C.M.G.
Type 100 flexible A.C.M.G.
Color and markings:
Type Bands
A.P. ........ Black
Incendiary... Magenta
H.E. ........ White
Remarks: The Bren type L.M.G. uses a box-type magazine similar to the U.S.B.A.R.
The type 98 and type 100 A.C.M.G. use a saddle type magazine.

8-mm Pistol Ammunition. See figure 205.

Over-all length: 1 1/4 inches.
Length of case: 13/16 inch.
Length of projectile: 19/32 inch.
Weight of projectile: 102 grams.
Type: Ball.
Projectile jacket: CuNi.
Projectile core: Lead.

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Weapons in which used:
Nambu pistol.
Type 14 pistol.
Type 94 pistol.
"Solothurn" submachine gun.
"Bren Type" submachine gun.
Type 100 submachine gun.
Remarks: The propelling case is rimless and made of brass. There is a tear-gas
round, but specifications indicate that this is a relatively large missile and it is
probably launched from the pistol somewhat in the manner of launching grenades from
a rifle.

9-mm Pistol Ammunition. See figure 206.

Over-all length: 1 1/4 inches.
Length of case: 27/32 inch.
Length of projectile: 3/4 inch.
Weight of projectile: 150 grams.
Type: Ball.
Projectile jacket: CuNi.
Projectile core: Lead.
Weapons in which used:
Type 26 revolver (Webley type).
Smith and Wesson pistol.
Remarks: The propelling case is rimless and made of brass. There is a tear-gas
round, similar to that mentioned for the 8-mm pistol.

12.7-mm Aircraft Cannon Ammunution. See figure 207.

A.P.T. A.P. H.E.I. H.E.I. H.E.I.
(Italian) (Italian) (fuseless)
Over-all length.......(inches).. 4 7/32.. 4 1/2.. 4 7/32.. 4 5/32.. 4 5/32
Length of case........(inches).. 3 3/16.. 3 3/16. 3 3/16.. 3 3/16.. 3 3/16
Length of projectile..(inches).. 1 3/4... 2 15/64 2....... 1 7/8... 2.....
Weight of projectile..(inches).. 1.25.... 1.35... 1.35.... 1.21.... 1.16..
Type Projectile jacket Projectile core
Ball...................... CuNi............. Lead.
A.P.T. ................... Brass............ Steel.
H.E.I. (fuzed Japanese)... Brass............ P.E.T.N. incendiary and steel.
H.E.I. (fuzed Italian).... Brass............ P.E.T.N. incendiary and steel.
H.E.I. (fuzeless)......... Brass............ P.E.T.N. incendiary and steel.
Tracer.................... CuNi............. Steel.
A.P. (Italian)............ Gilding metal.... Lead tip, steel core. Weapons in which
used: HO 193 A.C.M.G.
Color and markings:
Type Color Bands
Ball........................................ Red.
A.P.T. ..................................... Black or green and white.
H.E.I. fuzed................................ White.

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H.E.I. fuzeless............................. Purple.
H.E.I. fuzed (Italian)...................... Red, blue, or green body.
Tracer...................................... Green.
A.P. (Italian).............................. Black tip on nose. Fuzing: Italian 12.7
mm fuze or Japanese 12.7-mm fuze.
Remarks: This ammunition was copied by the Japanese from the Italians. Of the two
H.E.I. fuzed rounds, one is Italian and the other is a Japanese copy of it. The
Japanese H.E.I. fuzed differs from the Italian round in that the fuze used is of
two-piece construction instead of one. This ammunition is packed in 10-round
cartons and is reloaded into metal link belts for use.

Type 97 and Type 98 20-mm Ammunition. See figure 208.

There are four Army 20-mm guns using similar projectiles and three of these guns use
the same cartridge case. The guns using the small size cartridge case are the type
97 antitank gun, the Ho 1 (flexible) and Ho 3 (fixed) aircraft guns. The type 98
antiaircraft/antitank gun uses the large size cartridge case.
Case: Small Large
Length - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4.89 5.58
Diameter of base - - - - - - - - - 1.12 1.12
Weight (empty) (grams) - - - - - - 129.9 208.3
Both cases are made of drawn brass and are of the rimless type. The case is crimped
and sealed by a clear lacquer.
Propellant: The propellant is graphited smokeless powder made in single perforated
cylindrical grains approximately 1 1/2 millimeters in diameter and 3 millimeters in
length. The weight of the propellant in the small case is 35.8 grams and, in the
large case, 58.9 grams.

20-mm High-Explosive Tracer Projectile. See figure 209.

Over-all length: 8 3/16 inches.
Length of projectile: 3 13/64 inches.
Weight of projectile: 4.54 ounces.
Filling: Cyclonite, tracer composition.
Color and markings: Black body with yellow band just aft of bourrelet and white band
forward of rotating band.
Fuzing: Type 93 small instantaneous fuze.
Weapons in which used: Type 98 antiaircraft/antitank gun.
Remarks: This projectile is made of steel with two cavities separated by a septum.
The round is characterized by a sharp bourrelet.

Type 98 20-mm High-Explosive Tracer Projectile. See figure 210.

Over-all length: 7 29/64 inches.
Length of projectile: 2 13/32 inches.
Filling: Cyclonite, tracer composition.
Fuzing: Type 93 small instantaneous fuze.
Color and markings: Black body with red band just aft of bourrelet,
green, and yellow bands forward of rotating band. figure 455
(Type 98) is stenciled on the body.
Weapons in which used: Type 97 antitank gun.
Remarks: This projectile is made of steel, with two cavities separated by a septum.

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Type 100 20-mm H.E.T. (Self-Destroying) Projectile. See figure 211.
Type 97 A/TK Type 98 AA/A/TK
Over-all length........ 7 3/8 inches... 8 13/64 inches.
Length of projectile... 3 15/64 inches. 3 15/64 inches.
Weight of projectile... 4.7 grams...... 4.7 grams.
Filling: Cyclonite, tracer composition.
Fuzing: Type 100 experimental projectile used type 93 small instantaneous fuze;
other two projectiles use type 100 small instantaneous fuze.
Color and markings: Black body with red band just aft of bourrelet, green and yellow
bands forward of rotating band. Type 100 has figure 456 stenciled on body, type 100
experimental has figure 457 stenciled on body, and type 100 Mod 1 has figure 458
stenciled on body.
Weapons in which used: Type 97 antitank gun.
Type 98 antiaircraft/Antitank gun. Remarks: The projectile is made of steel with two
cavities separated by a septum. Leading through the septum and into the explosive
cavity is black powder lead-in. When the tracer has burned out it will ignite the
lead-in which will detonante the explosive filling.
There is an earlier model of this projectile, designated type 100 Experimental which
does not have a self-destroying feature. There is also a type 100 Mod 1 which differs
from this projectile in that it is filled with black powder instead of cyclonite.

20-mm High Explosive Incendiary Projectile. See figure 212.

Over-all length: 7 19/32 inches.
Length of case: 4 7/8 inches.
Length of projectile: 3 5/16 inches.
Weight of projectile: 4.48 ounces.
Filling: Cyclonite, incendiary composition.
Fuzing: Type 93 small instantaneous fuze. Color and markings: Black body with red
band just abaft bourrelet, yellow band forward of rotating band. The characters
figure 459 (fixed or flexible machine cannon) are stenciled down the body.
Weapons in which used: Ho-1 (flexible) and Ho-3 (fixed) aircraft cannon. Remarks:
The projectile is made of steel. It contains two pellets, the forward one,
surrounding the fuze gaine, is cyclonite while the after pellet is an incendiary

20-mm High-Explosive Incendiary (Ma 201) Projectile. See figure 213

Over-all length: 7 19/32 inches.
Length of case: 4 7/8 inches.
Length of projectile: 3 19/64 inches.
Weight of projectile: 3.85 ounces.
Filling: P.E.T.N., incendiary composition.
Fuzing: Fuzeless. Color and markings: Black body with red band abaft bourrelet.
Characters figure 460 (201) are stenciled on the body. Weapons in which used: Ho-1
(flexible) and Ho-3 (fixed) aircraft cannon.
Remarks: The projectile is made of steel. A brass nose piece filled with P.E.T.N.
threads into the incendiary filled projectile. Detonation of the projectile is
accomplished by the crushing action of the P.E.T.N. filled nose piece.

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20-mm High-Explosive Incendiary Tracer Projectile. See figure 214.
Over-All length: 7 11/16 inches.
Length of projectile: 4 23/32 inches.
Length of case: 4 7/8 inches.
Filling: Cyclonite, incendiary composition, tracer composition.
Fuzing: Type 100 small instantaneous fuze.
Color and Markings: Black body with red band just abaft bourrelet, green and yellow
bands before rotating band. Characters figure 459 (flexible or fixed machine
cannon) stenciled on body. Weapons in which used: Ho-1 (flexible) and Ho-3 (fixed)
aircraft cannon.
Remarks: The projectile is made of steel and has two cavities, a main charge cavity and
a tracer cavity, separated by a septum. The main charge cavity contains two pellets,
the forward one, fitting around the fuze gaine, is cyclonite while the after one is
an incendiary mixture.

Type 100 Mod 2 20-MM I.T. (Self-Destroying) Projectile. See figure 215.
Over-All length: 8 13/64 inches.
Length of projectile: 3 15/64 inches.
Filling: Incendiary composition, tracer composition.
Fuzing: Type 100 small instantaneous fuze. Color and markings: Black body with red
band just abaft bourrelet, green and yellow bands before rotating band. Characters
Figure 461 (type 100 Mod 2) are stenciled on body.
Weapons in which used: Type 98 antiaircraft/antitank gun.
Remarks: This is the same projectile as the type 100 and type 100 Mod 1 H.E.T., but
there is no high explosive other than that used in the gaine.

20-mm Armor-Piercing Tracer Projectile. See figure 216.

Type 97 A/TK Ho-1 and Ho-3
Over-all length.......... 7 5/8 inches... 7 5/8 inches.
Length of case........... 4 7/8 inches... 4 7/8 inches.
Length of projectile..... 3 5/22 inches.. 3 5/22 inches.
Weight of projectile..... 5.5 ounces..... 5.5 ounces.
Type 98 A.A. A/TK
Over-all length............... 8 1/4 inches.
Length of case................ 5 1/2 inches.
Length of projectile.......... 3 5/32 inches.
Weight of projectile.......... 5.5 ounces.
Filling: Tracer composition.
Color and marking: Hard round (type 100): black body, green and white bands before
rotating band medium round (type 97): has Figure 461 (type 100) stenciled on the body,
black body, green band before rotating band soft round (type 97 substitute): black over-
Weapons in which used: Type 97 antitank gun, H0-1 (flexible) and Ho-3 (fixed)
aircraft canon, type 98 antiaircraft/antitank gun.
Remarks: This projectile is a solid steel shot with a tracer cavity drilled into the
base. This projectile, with different colored tracers and markings is used in three
guns. There are three types of rounds differing in grades of hardness of steel.

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Ho-5 20-mm Ammunition. See figure 217.
The latest Army 20-millimeter gun developed is the Ho-5 aircraft gun which is of
excellent design and represents a considerable improvement over previous Army
20-millimeter aircraft machine guns.
Case: Length: 3 11/16 inches.
Diameter of base: 31/32 inches.
Material: Brass.
Weight (empty): 113.5 grams. The case is of the rimless type and has a slight taper
toward the neck.
Propellant: The propellant is 21.4 grams of graphited smokeless powder in fine
cylindrical grains.

Type 2 and Type 2 Modified 20-mm High-Explosive Incendiary Projectile. See figure
Over-all length: 5 3/4 inches.
Length of projectile: 2 9/16 inches (fuzed).
Weight of projectile: 77.4 grams (fuzed).
Weight of filling:
Cyclonite, type 2 modified: 3.4 grams.
Cyclonite, type 2: 0.4 grams.
Incendiary composition: 3.7 grams.
Filling: Cyclonite and incendiary composition.
Fuzing: Type 2: Type 2 Small Instantaneous or type 2 small instantaneous modified
Type 2 Modified: Type 4 super-detonating fuze.
Color and markings: The type 2 projectile is painted black over all and in some cases
has a yellow band around body.
Remarks: The difference between the type 2 and the type 2 modified is in the fuze.
The type 2 projectile uses a fuze that has an external gaine and thus has less
explosive filling than the type 2 modified projectile which uses a fuze with the
gaine built into the fuze body.

Type 4 20-mm H.E.T. (Ma 202) Projectile. See figure 219.

Over-all length: 5 3/4 inches.
Length of projectile: 2 9/16 inches.
Weight of projectile: 78.2 grams (fuzed).
Weight of filling: P.E.T.N.: 3.2 grams.
Incendiary composition: 8.7 grams.
Filling: P.E.T.N. and incendiary composition (barium nitrate, aluminum powder,
magnesium powder, and wax).
Fuzing: Fuzeless. Color and markings: Black over all with characters figure 462
(202) stenciled on the body.
Remarks: The projectile is made of steel with a brass nose piece threaded to it. The
nose piece is filled with P.E.T.N. and is designed to explode by the crushing action
of impact. An incendiary mixture contained in the steel body is separated from the
high explosive by a felt pad and a threaded brass disc. This disc has two lead-in

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Type 2 20-mm Armor-Piercing Tracer Projectile. See figure 220.
Over-all length: 5 3/4 inches.
Length of projectile: 2 1/2 inches.
Weight of projectile:
Soft round: 112.7 grams.
Medium round: 116.7 grams.
Hard round: 119.5 grams.
Weight of filling 7.0 grams.
Filling: Tracer composition. Color and markings:
Soft round: black over-all.
Medium round: black with green band around body.
Hard round: Black with a green and a white band around body. Characters figure 463
(type 2) are stenciled on the body.
Remarks: There are three different models of this projectile differing in the grades
of hardness of the steel. This difference is indicated by the color markings.

20-mm Practice Projectile. See figure 221.

Over-All length: 5 3/4 inches.
Length of projectile: 2 9/16 inches.
Weight of projectile: 81.0 grams.
Filling: None.
Color and markings: Black over-all.
Remarks: The projectile approximates the shape of the type 2 H.E.I. projectile. It
is unfilled and closed at the base of a threaded plug.

37-mm High-Explosive Incendiary Projectile. See figure 222 and figure 223.
Over-all length of projectile: 89 mm (3 1/2 inches) without fuze.
Length of complete round: 197 mm (7 3/4 inches) fuzed.
Diameter at bourrelet: 37 mm (+/- tol.).
Width of rotating band: 10 mm (25/64 inch).
Weight of projectile filled: 436.2 grams.
Filling: Cyclonite and incendiary mixture.
Weapons in which used: Ho-203 aircraft cannon.
Case: Length: 111.5 mm.
Diameter at base: 47.0 mm.
Weight (empty): 226.5 grams. The case is comparatively short, made of brass, and is
slightly necked.
Propellant: Graphited smokeless powder in fat 4-millimeter squares poured loosely
into the case and sealed in with a cardboard disc. The weight of the propellant is
59.8 grams.
Color and markings: Black body, red nose band, yellow body band. Characters figure
464 (Ho 203) are stenciled in the body.
Fuzing: Type 100 small instantaneous fuze.
Remarks: This projectile is constructed in two pieces. It has a nearly
straight-sided main body and an ogival-shaped nose piece which threads into the main
body. The main charge is cyclonite and an incendiary mixture. The incendiary
mixture is pressed into the base of the cavity, with the cyclonite filling the
remainder of the cavity and the nosepiece.
There is also an empty practice projectile similar in appearance to the H.E.I. but

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having the nosepiece and dummy fuze constructed in one piece. The projectile is
painted black overall and has figure 464 (Ho 203) and figure 465 (Ma 438) stenciled
on the body.

37-mm High Explosive Incendiary Projectile. See figure 222 and figure 223.
Over-all length of projectile: .89 mm (3 1/2 inches) without fuze.
Length of complete round: 246 mm (9 25/32 inches) fuzed.
Diameter at bourrelet: 37 mm (+/- tol.)
Width of rotating band: 10 mm.
Weight of projectile empty: 398.3 grams.
Filling: Mixture of cyclonite and wax and incendiary composition.
Weapons in which used: Ho 204 aircraft cannon.
Case: Length: 144.0 mm
Diameter at base: 43.5 mm.
Weight (empty): 381.2 grams. The case is of the rimless type and is slightly
necked. Propellant: Graphited smokeless powder in flat 4 mm squares poured loosely
into the case and sealed in with a cardboard disk. The weight of the propellant is
75.1 grams.
Color and markings: Black body, red nose tip, yellow body band. Characters figure
466 (Ho 204) stenciled on the body. Fuzing: Type 4 super-detonating fuze.
Remarks: The ammunition for the Ho 204 uses the same projectiles as the Ho 203
ammunition, but the case is longer.
The projectile is constructed in two pieces: a straight sided main body and an
ogival-shaped nose which screws in the main body. There is only one cavity into
which both the incendiary and high-explosive filling are pressed.

37-mm Practice Projectile. See figure 224.

Over-all length of projectile: 124 mm (4 7/8 inches).
Length of case: 144 mm (5 21/32 inches).
Length of complete round: 247 mm (9 13/16 inches).
Diameter at bourrelet: 37 mm (+/- tol.).
Width of rotating band: 8 mm.
Filling: Sawdust.
Weapons in which used: Ho 204 aircraft cannon.
Color and markings: Black over-all.
Fuzing: None.
Remarks: This projectile has the appearance of an A.P. projectile. It is sawdust
filled and has the cavity closed by a base plug.

37-mm Ammunition. See figure 225.

There are eight 37-mm antitank and tank guns, all sizes of which use the same
projectiles but have different cartridge cases. Presented below is information on
the cases and the propellant. See table 1.
Propellant: Type 11th year infantry gun: 1.85 ounce of graphited smokeless powder in
the form of flakes poured into the case and sealed with a cardboard closing disc.Type
94 tank gun: 2.7 ounce of graphited smokeless powder in the form of rectangular flakes.
Type 94 antitank gun, type 98 gun, and type 100 tank gun: 4.3 ounces of graphited
smokeless powder in the form of unitubular grains contained in a silk bag.
Type 97 antitank gun: 5.0 ounces of graphited smokeless powder in the form of short,

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cylindrical grains contained in a silk bag.

Type 94 37-mm High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 226.

Type Type Type Type 1 TK Type 11th
97 A/TK 94 A/TK 94 TK Type 1 TK Yr. Inf.
Over-all length of projectile.. 125 mm 125 mm 125 mm 125 mm 125 mm
w/o fuze w/o fuze w/o fuze w/o fuze w/o fuze
Length of complete round....... 349 mm 266 mm 223 mm 349 mm 221 mm
fuzed. fuzed. fuzed. fuzed. fuzed.
Diameter at bourrelet........... 37 mm.. 37 mm.. 37 mm.. 37 mm.. 37 mm..
Width of rotating band......... 8 mm... 8 mm... 8 mm... 8 mm... 8 mm...
Weight of projectile filled: 595.1 grams.
Filling: Picric acid and TNT.
Weapons in which used: All 37-mm guns.
Color and markings: Black body, red nose band, yellow body band (some rounds may
have white body band added).
Fuzing: Type 93 small instantaneous fuze.
Remarks: This steel projectile is filled with TNT and picric acid. The after
two-thirds of the projectile cavity is filled with high grade cast TNT. The forward
one-third of the projectile cavity is filled with picric acid. The entire bursting
charge is enclosed in a heavy waxed paper casing with a double thickness between the
TNT and picric acid charge.

Type 94 37-mm Armor-Piercing High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 227.

Type 94 TK Type 94 Type 97 Type 11th A/TK A/TK Yr. Inf.
Over-all length of projectile.... 114 mm 114 mm 114 mm 114 mm
w/o fuze. w/o fuze. w/o fuze. w/o fuze.
Length of complete round......... 228 mm 262 mm 345 mm 218 mm
fuzed. fuzed. fuzed. fuzed.
Diameter at bourrelet............ 37 mm... 37 mm... 37 mm... 37 mm.
Width of rotating band........... 9.5 mm... 9.5 mm... 9.5 mm... 9.5 mm...
Weight of projectile filled: 1 pound 1/4 ounce.
Filling: Picric acid.
Weapons in which used:
Type 11th year Infantry gun.
Type 94 TK gun.
Type 94 antitank gun.
Type 97 antitank gun.
Type 98 TK gun.
Type 100 TK gun.
Color and markings: Black body, red nose band, white body band
Fuzing: Type 94 small-delay base fuze.
Remarks: This projectile is made of high grade steel. The main charge cavity
contains a small wooden plug in the forward portion and a paper covered picric acid
charge aft of the wooden nose plug. The Type 94 small delay base fuze screws into
the base of the projectile, also acting as a base plug.

Type 1 37-mm High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 228.

Type 94 Type 1 A/TK A/TK

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Over-all length of projectile... 104 mm 104 mm w/o fuze. w/o fuze.
Length of complete round........ 250-mm 333-mm fuzed. fuzed.
Diameter at bourrelet........... 37 mm.... 37 mm.
Width of rotating band.......... 11 mm.... 11 mm.
Weight of projectile: 1 pound 6 ounces without explosive.
Filling: Picric acid.
Weapons in which used: Type 1 tank gun.
Type 1 antitank gun.
Type 94 antitank gun.
Color and markings: Black body, red nose tip, white body band.
Fuzing: Small Mk 1 base fuze.
Remarks: This projectile is constructed of high grade steel. It has no sharply
defined bourrelet. It uses a small Mk 1 base fuze which also acts as a base plug.

40-mm Ho-301 High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 229.

Projectile Dimensions: Length of projectile (fuzed): 129 mm (5 3/32 inches) fuzed.
Length of projectile (without fuze): 108 mm (4 1/4 inches).
Distance base to rotating band (lower edge): 15 mm (19/32 inch).
Width of rotating band: 8 mm (5/16 inch).
Diameter of rotating band: 41 mm (1 5/8 inches).
Diameter of body: 39 mm (1 17/32 inches).
Diameter of bourrelet: 39.5 mm (1 9/16 inches).
Width of bourrelet: 6 mm (1/4 inch).
Distance base to bourrelet (lower edge): 91 mm (3 19/32 inches).
Wall thickness (propellant chamber): 5 mm (13/64 inch).
Wall thickness (H.E. chamber): 4 mm (9/64 inch).
Weights: Complete round fuzed: 1 pound, 4.7 ounces.
H.E. charge: 2 ounces.
Propellant: 0.4 ounce (10 grams).
Primer: 0.1 ounce.
Fuze, with gaine: 2.1 ounces
Gaine: 0.2 ounce.
Primer Dimensions:
Length: 9 mm (11/32 inch).
Diameter (threads): 12 mm (16/32 inch).
T.P.I.: 34 L. H
Weapon in which used: (Ho 301 40-mm aircraft cannon): This is an unusual weapon
similar in design to an Oerlikon blow-back operated cannon, but with the head of the
bolt machined as a piston which closes the breech at the forwardend of its stroke.
Filling: The filling consists of TNT with a forward pellet of picric acid or TNT.
Propellant: The propellant consists of small, greenish-gray, square flakes of
smokeless powder (approximately 1 millimeter square) enclosed in a silk bag which is
inserted in the after cavity of the projectile. A sealing cup of thin aluminum fits
around the after end of the propellant bag and the charge and cup are held in by a
perforated base plate which screws (L.H.) into the base of the cavity. The base
plate has an outer ring of twelve 3/16-inch holes and a central hole threaded (L.H.)
to receive the small flush primer. The aluminum sealing cup is perforated by a

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single hole in the center to permit the flash from the primer to reach the propellant. The
force of the propellant gases blows through the aluminum cup to open the main series
of the holes.
Fuze: This is a simple direct-acting nose fuze with a central axial striker held in
the unarmed condition by a slotted safety block which in turn is held by two
spring-loaded detents.
Remarks: There is also a practice projectile which has the same dimensions and
appearance as the H.E. projectile. It is painted black over all and has a nose plug
instead of a fuze.

Type 1 47-mm High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 230.

Weight of complete round: 2.44 kilograms (5.4 pounds).
Weight of projectile (without fuze): 1.15 kilograms (2.5 pounds)
Weight of filling: 0.087 kilograms (0.2 pound)
Filling: Two preformed paper-wrapped blocks taped together and waxed. The forward
block consists of two pellets of picric acid--a ring pellet around the gaine and a solid
pellet beneath the gaine. The after block is one piece of cast TNT.
Diameter at bourrelet: 47 mm (minus tol.).
Length of projectile (without fuze): 140 mm (5 1/2 inches)
Length of propellant case: 283 mm (11 1/8 inches).
Length of assembled round (without fuze): 389 mm (15 5/16 inches).
Diameter of base of case: 72 mm (2 13/16 inches).
Weapons in which used:
Type 1 antitank gun.
Type 1 tank gun
Fuzing: Type 88 Inst. Nose fuze (gun type), type 88 short-delay nose fuze (gun
Weight of propellant: 0.398 kg. (0.9 pound).
Propellant: Single perforated cylindrical grains (7/16 inch long, 5/32 inch
diameter) of a graphited double-base powder of the following composition:
Nitrocellulose: 60.0 percent.
Nitroglycerine: 34.5 percent.
Ethyl centralite: 3.0 percent.
Diphenyl formamide: 2.5 percent.

Type 1 47-mm Armor-Piercing Projectile. See figure 231.

Weight of complete round: 2.75 kg. (6.1 pounds).
Weight of projectile, fuzed: 1.38 kg. (3.0 pounds).
Weight of projectile (without fuze): 1.27 kg. (2.8 pounds).
Weight of filling: 0.018 kg. (0.04 pound).
Filling: RDX, 90 percent; paraffin, 10 percent.
Diameter at bourrelet: 47 mm (minus tol.).
Length of projectile (without fuze): 143 mm (5 3/8 inches).
Length of propellant case: 283 mm (11 1/8 inches).
Length of assembled round: 398 mm (15 5/8 inches).
Diameter of base of case: 72 mm (2 13/16 inches).
Width of rotating band: 12 mm.
Weapons in which used: Type 1 antitank gun, type 1 tank gun.
Fuzing: Small Mk 2 base fuze (short-delay).

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Tracer: Yellow, 5 grams.
Weight of propellant: 0.398 kg. (0.9 pound).
Propellant: Single perforated cylindrical grains (7/16 inch long, 5/32 inch in
diameter) of a graphited double-base powder of the following composition:
Nitrocellulose: 60.0 percent.
Nitroglycerine: 34.5 percent.
Ethyl centralite: 3.0 percent.
Diphenyl formamide: 2.5 percent.

Type 90 5.7 cm (57-mm) High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 232.

Weight of complete round: 2.91 kg. (6.40 pounds).
Weight of projectile, filled (fuzed): 2.36 kg. (5.18 pounds).
Weight of filling: 0.25 kg.
Filling: TNT.
Diameter at bourrelet: 57 mm (minus tol.).
Length of projectile (without fuze): 181 mm (7 1/8 inches).
Length of propellant case: 121 mm (4 3/4 inches).
Length of assembled round (without fuze and adapter): 280 mm (11 inches).
Width of rotating band: 9.5 mm.
Weapons in which used: Type 90 tank gun, type 97 tank gun.
Fuzing: Type 88 short-delay fuze.
Propellant: Mk 1 square grain (med.), 113 grams.

Type 90 5.7-cm (57-mm) Substitute Projectile. See figure 233.

Weight of complete round: 3.04 kg. (6.70 pounds).
Weight of projectile filled: 2.23 kg. (4.91 pounds).
Weight of filling: 0.07 kg.
Filling: Black powder.
Diameter at bourrelet: 57 mm (2 1/4 inches).
Length of projectile (without fuze): 183 mm (7 13/64 inches).
Length of propellant case: 121 mm (4 3/4 inches).
Length of assembled round (without fuze): 272 mm (10 11/16 inches).
Width of rotating band: 9.5 mm.
Weapons in which used: Type 90 tank gun, type 97 tank gun.
Fuzing: Type SS short-delay fuze.
Propellant: Mk 1 sq. grain (med.), 113 grams.
Remarks: This projectile is made of cast iron and has very thick walls.

Type 92 5.7-cm (57-mm) Armor-Piercing Projectile. See figure 234.

Weight of complete round: 3.13 kg. (6.89 pounds).
Weight of projectile, filled (fuzed): 2.58 kg. (5.68 pounds).
Weight of filling: 0.10 kg.
Filling: Two sections of explosive, individually wrapped in paper: Upper section,
pressed picric acid and wax; lower section, case TNT.
Diameter at bourrelet: 57 mm (minus tol.).
Length of projectile (without fuze adapter): 181 mm (7 1/4 inches).
Length of propellant case: 121 mm 4 3/4 inches).
Length of assembled round: 280 mm (11 1/16 inches).
Width of rotating band: 10 mm.

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Weapons in which used: Type 90 tank gun, type 97 tank gun.
Fuzing: Type 92 small base fuze.
Propellant: Mk 1 sq. grain (med.), 113 grams.

57-mm Ho-401 High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 235.

Weight of complete round: 2.15 kg. (4.75 pounds).
Weight of projectile, filled (fuzed): 2.58 kg. (3.25 pounds).
Weight of filling: No data.
Filling: No data.
Diameter at bourrelet: 57 mm (2 1/4 inches).
Length of projectile (without fuze): 163 mm (6 27/64 inches).
Length of propellant case: 121 mm (4 3/4 inches).
Length of assembled round: 270 mm (10 5/8 inches).
Width of rotating band: 11 mm.
Weapons in which used: Ho-401 aircraft cannon.
Fuzing: No data.
Propellant: No data.

Type 92-mm 7-cm (70-mm) High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 236.

Weight of complete round: 4.48 kg. (9.90 ppounds).
Weight of projectile fuzed: 3.81 kg. (8.38 pounds).
Weight of filling: 0.59 kg.
Filling: Standard, cast TNT.
Alternate, pressed mixture of RDX and ammonium nitrate.
Diameter at bourrelet: 70 mm (minus tol.).
Length of projectile (without fuze): 234 (9 1/4 inches).
Length of propellant case: 101 mm (4 inches).
Length of assembled round (without fuze): 306 mm (12 1/16 inches).
Diameter of base of case: 81 mm (3 3/16 inches).
Width of rotating band: 10 mm.
Weapons in which used: Type 92 infantry gun (howitzer).
Fuzing: Type 88 instantaneous nose fuze (howitzer, mortar type).
Type 88 short-delay nose fuze (howitzer, mortar type).
Propellant: 50 grams of smokeless powder in 0.5 mm square flakes. This powder is
contained in four pads made by sewing portions of the powder between two dark blue
silk discs. The discs are not of uniform size, holding 5.4, 8.9, 16.8, and 18.7
grams of powder each. A fifth disc, light blue in color,contains a 3.1 gram black
powder ignition charge. The propellant cases are of two designs. The newer type,
designated "B" (OTSU) by the Japanese, is one piece and slips off of the projectile
to change the propellant charge. An older design, presumably "A" has a threaded base
which may be unscrewed to vary the charge.
Remarks: This projectile is the same as the high-explosive, type 92, used in the type
94 tank gun.

Type 92 7-cm (70-mm) Substitute Projectile. See figure 237.

Weight of complete round: No data.
Weight of projectile fuzed: No data.
Weight of filling: No data.
Filling: Black powder.

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Diameter at bourrelet: 70 mm (minus tol.).
Length of projectile (without fuze): 187 mm (7 3/8 inches).
Length of propellant case: 101 mm (4 inches).
Length of assembled round (without fuze): 259 mm (10 3/16 inches).
Diameter of base of case: 81 mm (3 3/16 inches).
Width of rotating band: 10 mm.
Weapons in which used: Type 92 infantry gun (Howitzer).
Fuzing: Type 88 instantaneous nose fuze (howitzer, mortar type).
Type 88 short-delay nose fuze (howitzer, mortar type).
Propellant: Refer to the type 92 high-explosive projectile.

Type 37-cm (70-mm) Hollow-Charge Projectile. See figure 238.

Weight of complete round: No data.
Weight of projectile (without fuze): (2.80 kg.) 6 pounds, 4.75 ounces.
Weight of filling: (0.99 kg.) 1 pound.
Filling: A cast mixture of TNT and Cyclonite (RDX) wrapped in varnished paper.
Diameter at bourrelet: 69.5 mm (2 51/64 inches).
Length overall (without fuze): 229 mm (9 inches).
Length protruding from case: 186 mm (7 19/64 inches).
Length of projectile body without nose cap: 170 mm (6 45/64 inches).
Width of rotating band: 10 mm.
Weapons in which used: Type 92 infantry gun (howitzer).
Fuzing: Type 88 instantaneous fuze (howitzer, mortar type).
Operation and Employment: This round is used principally as an anti-tank weapon.
Remarks: The use of a white band above a yellow band to identify hollow charge
projectiles is assumed to be a combination of the use of white band for
armor-piercing and yellow band for high explosive in the new color system. Both bands
are near the middle of the projectile. This arrangement is not to be confused with
the combination of yellow band above white band to dentify high explosive
projectiles in the old color system, in which case the yellow band is at the
bourrelet and the white band just above the rotating band.

Type 95 7-cm (70-mm) Illuminating Projectile. See figure 239.

Weight of complete round: 4.20 kg. (9.24 pounds).
Weight of projectile, fuzed: 3.50 kg. (7.70 pounds).
Weight of filling: No data.
Filling: Ejection charge: Black powder.
Illuminating composition: Not known. It is probably a mixture of magnesium,
aluminum, and barium nitrate which is used commonly by the Japanese for
illuminating charges.
Diameter at bourrelet: 70 mm (minus tol.).
Length of projectile (without fuze): No data.
Length of propellant case: 101 mm (4 inches).
Length of assembled round (without fuze): 292 mm (11 1/2 inches).
Diameter of base of case: 81 mm (3 3/16 inches).
Width of rotating band: No data.
Weapons in which used: Type 92 infantry gun (howitzer).
Fuzing: Type 89 small time fuze.
Propellant: 0.6-mm square flakes (50 grams). Either of the propellant cases

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discussed for the H.E. round may be used for this round.
Remarks: The illuminating charge burns for approximately 20 seconds with an intensity
of about 90,000 candlepower.

Type 92 7-cm (70-mm) High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 240.

Weight of complete round: 4.42 kg. (9.72 pounds).
Weight of projectile fuzed: 3.81 kg. (8.38 pounds).
Weight of filling: 0.590 kg.
Filling: Standard, cast TNT; alternate, pressed mixture of R.D.X. and ammonium
Diameter at bourrelet: 70 mm (minus tol.).
Length of projectile (without fuze): 234 mm (9 1/4 inches).
Length of propellant case: 101 mm (4 inches).
Length of assembled round (without fuze): 306 mm (12 1/16 inches).
Diameter of base of case: 81 mm (3 3/16 inches).
Width of rotating band: 10 mm.
Weapons in which used: Type 94 tank gun.
Fuzing: Type 88 short-delay nose fuze (gun type).
Propellant: 138 grams of 5-mm square grain (medium) smokeless powder.
Remarks: The projectile is the same as the type 92 H.E. projectile used in the Type
92 Infantry Howitzer.

Type 95 7-cm (70-mm) Armor-Piercing Projectile. See figure 241.

Weight of complete round: 5.04 kg (11.10 pounds).
Weight of projectile, fuzed: 4.45 kg (9.80 pounds).
Weight of filling: 0.170 kg.
Filling: Preformed, paper-wrapped filling: Forward portion, OSHIYAKU" (Picric Acid,
90 percent; paraffin, 10 percent: after portion, TNT).
Diameter at bourrelet: 70 mm (minus tol.).
Length of propellant case: 101 mm (4 inches).
Length of assembled round: 307 mm (12 1/16 inches).
Diameter of base on case: 81 mm (3 1/16 inches).
Width of rotating band: 10 mm.
Weapons in which used: Type 94 tank gun.
Fuzing: Type 95 small A.P. base fuze.
Propellant: 5-mm square grain (medium) 120 grams.


There were ten or more 75-millimeter guns in use in the Japanese Army. Though the
weapons vary considerably in design, length of bore, and employment, the bore
diameter (75 mm) is held constant and in large part the projectiles are designed to
be interchangeable for numerous guns. In this way, identical projectiles may be
assembled with different sizes of case and propellant charge to fit the various
weapons For this reason the cases and propellant charges for the different weapons will
be treated separately and the projectiles will be presented as a group of designs which
are potentially interchangeable for all Army 75-millimeter guns. The specific
purpose of a given projectile or a given gun will limit the occurrence of many of the
possible combinations. See figure 242, figure 243, figure 244, figure 245 and figure

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246. Ammunition for Japanese Navy guns designated "8 cm" is comparable in size to
Army 7-cm, but the Navy guns have a bore diameter of three inches (76.2 mm) and
Army and Navy projectiles and ammunition are not interchangeable. Navy guns as well
as Army guns are found commonly in shore defenses, but the identity of the
installations, weapons, and ammunition remains distinctly Army or Navy. See table 2
and table 3. 7-cm (75-mm) H.E.-A.A. Projectile. See figure 247.
The drawing given here is based on a Japanese drawing labelled only "Circular-layered
projectile." The projectile is of apparent 75-mm size and the the body appears to be
made up of numerous steel rings bolted together with several bolts which are grooved
at intervals to produce better fragmentation.
This projectile is believed to be the same referred to in other documents as
"H.E.-A.A. Projectile" for the type 11th-year field A.A. gun.
The following applies only if this presumption is correct. Weight of projectile,
filled (fuzed): 6.60 kg (14.52 pounds). Filling: "ONA," a mixture of picric acid and
dinitronaphthalene. Fuzing: Type 10-year A.A. powder time fuze. Weapons in which
used: Type 11-year field A.A. gun.

Type 90 7-cm (75-mm) H.E.-A.A. Long-Pointed Projectile. See figure 248.

Weight of projectile, filled (TNT): 6.53 kg (14.37 pounds).
Weight of filling: 0.385 kg (0.85 pound).
Filling: Standard, TNT cast directly into lacquered cavity (recovered); alternate,
picric acid (documentary evidence).
Diameter at bourrelet: 75-mm (minus tol.).
Length overall (without fuze): 257 mm (10 1/5 inches).
Length projecting from case: 202 mm (7 15/16 inches).
Width of forward rotating band: 9.5 mm.
Width of after rotating band: 9.5 mm.
Width of space between rotating bands: 6.5 mm.
Width of copper bourrelet: 14 mm.
Distance from base to after edge of bourrelet: 140 mm.
Fuzing: Type 89 long-pointed powder time fuze in nose. An auxiliary fuze armed by
setback and centrifugal force is used immediately below the time fuze.
Weapons in which used:
Type 11th-year 7.5-cm field A.A. gun.
Type 88 7-cm field A.A. gun, case, 19 9/16 inches.
Type 88 7-cm field A.A. gun, (special), case 19 9/16 inches.

Type 90 7-cm (75-mm) H.E. Long-Pointed Projectile. See figure 249.

Weight of Projectile, Filled (without fuze) (TNT): 6.17 kg. (13.62 pounds).
Weight of filling: 0.49 kg. (1.08 pounds).
Filling: Standard, TNT cast directly into a lacquered cavity (documentary).
Alternate, "HEINEI" trinitrophenetole (recovered).
Indicated by figure 467 painted on body.
Diameter at bourrelet: 75.0 mm (minus tol.).
Length over all (without fuze): 317.5 mm (12 1/2 inches).
Length protruding from case: 267.0 mm (10 1/2 inches).
Width of rotating bands:
Upper: 10.6 mm.

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Lower: 9.6 mm.
Fuzing: Type 88 instantaneous (gun).
Type 88 delay (gun). Operation and employment: It is believed this projectile was
designed primarily to adapt the type 88, 75 mm, high velocity A.A. gun to a
dual-purpose field gun (i.e. for air and ground targets). The ballistic form of this
projectile approximates that of the type 90 long-pointed A.A. projectile, when the
A.A. time fuze is installed. The projectile is also used for other weapons, as shown
Weapons in which used: Type 88 field A. A. (special), case, 19 9/16 inches.
Type 38 field gun group (four weapons), case, 11 9/16 inches
Type 90 field gun, case, 16 11/16 inches.
Type 94 mountain gun.
Remarks: When this projectile is cased for use in the type 88 field A.A. gun
(special), a reduced propelling charge is used. This reduced charge is indicated by
a Roman numeral II stenciled on the case.

Type 94 7-cm (75-mm) High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 250.

Weight of projectile, filled (TNT): 6.02 kg. (13.24 pounds).
Weight of filling: 0.81 kg. (1.78 pounds).
Filling: Standard, TNT cast directly into lacquered cavity.
Alternate, (1) "ANGA" (ammonium nitrate, RDX). Figure 468
Alternate, (2) "HEINEI" (trinitophenetole). Figure 469
Diameter at bourrelet: 75 mm (minus tol.).
Length over-all (without fuze): 303 mm (11 15/16 inches).
Length protruding from case: 264 mm (10 3/8 inches).
Width of rotating band: 10 mm.
Fuzing: Type 88 instantaneous nose fuze (gun type); type 88 short-delay nose fuze
(gun type).
Weapons in which used: Type 41 mountain gun (regimental gun): Case, 7 1/8 inches.
Type 94 mountain gun: Case 11 9/16 inches.
Type 38 field gun group: Case 11 9/16 inches.
Type 88 field A.A. gun: Case, 19 9/16 inches.
Type 88 field A.A. (special) gun: Case 19 9/16 inches.
Type 90 field gun: Case, 16 11/16 inches.
Remarks: Two other designs essentially the same as the type 94 are known:
1. H.E., type 10 year.
2. H.E., type 90.
These have the same overall length as the type 94, and have the same external form
and general construction except for the following features:
1. The explosive cavity does not taper in the base as in the type 94, but is
2. The slight boat-tail present on the type 94 is absent in the other designs.
3. Below the rotating band in the type 10-year design only, there is an annular
groove into which the case is crimped.

7-cm (75-mm) Design "A" High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 251.

Weight of projectile, filled: 6.46 kg. (14.2 pounds).
Weight of filling: 0.625 kg. (1.38 pound).
Filling: "ONA", a mixture of picric acid and dinitronaphthalene, in two preformed

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Diameter at bourrelet: 75 mm (minus tol.).
Length over all (without fuze): No data.
Length protruding from case: No data.
Width of rotating band: No data.
Fuzing: Type 3d-year combination time and impact fuze.
Weapons in which used:
Type 41 mountain gun (regimental gun):
Case, 7 1/4 inches.
Type 94 mountain gun: Case, 11 9/16 inches.
Type 38 field gun group: Case, 11 9/16 inches.
Remarks: This is an old projectile and is now obsolete.

7-cm (75-mm) Design "B" High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 252.

Weight of projectile filled: 6.61 kg. (14.5 pounds).
Weight of filling: 1.24 pounds.
Filling: "ONA", a mixture of picric acid and dinitronaphthalene in two preformed
blocks wrapped as a single unit.
Diameter at bourrelet: 75 mm (minus tol.).
Length over all (with fuze): 12 3/8 inches).
Length protruding from case (without fuze): 10 7/8 inches.
Width of rotating band: No data.
Fuzing: Type 88, instantaneous nose fuze (gun type); type 88, short-delay nose fuze
(gun type).
Weapons in which used: Type 41 mountain gun (regimental gun):
Case, 7 1/4 inches.
Type 94 mountain gun: Case, 11 9/16 inches.
Type 38 field gun group: Case, 11 9/16 inches.
Remarks: This is an old projectile and is now obsolete.

Type 98 Modified 7-cm (75-mm) High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 253.

Weight of projectile filled: 4.5 kg. (9.9 pounds).
Weight of filling: 0.95 kg. (2.1 pounds).
Filling: TNT cast directly into lacquered cavity.
Diameter at bourrelet: 75 mm (minus tol.).
Length over all (without fuze): 279 mm (11 inches).
Length protruding from case: 240 mm (9 1/2 inches).
Width of rotating band: 10 mm.
Fuzing: Type 88 instantaneous nose fuze (gun type); type 88 short-delay nose fuze
(gun type).
Weapons in which used: Type 41 mountain gun (regimental gun):
Case, 7 1/4 inches.
Type 38 field gun group: Case, 11 9/16 inches. Remarks: The body of this projectile
was designed for use as a shrapnel projectile employing a large combination fuze. In
the converted form, the projectile is filled with TNT instead of shrapnel filling of
lead balls, and a large ogival adapter permits the use of standard point-detonating
fuzes and a standard H.E. booster. Distinctive marking for this projectile is

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attained by painting the large adapter white.

Type 90 7-cm (75-mm) High-Explosive Semisteel Projectile. See figure 254.

Weight of projectile, filled: 6.18 kg (13.7 pounds).
Weight of filling: 0.42 kg (0.92 pound).
Filling: Cast TNT.
Diameter at bourrelet: 75-mm (minus tol.).
Length overall (without fuze): No data.
Length protruding from case (without fuze): 253 mm (9 15/16 inches).
Width of rotating band: 10 mm.
Fuzing: Type 88 instantaneous nose fuze (gun type); type 88 short-delay nose fuze
(gun type).
Weapons in which used: Type 41 mountain gun (regimental gun): Case, 7 1/4 inches.
Type 94 mountain gun: Case, 11 9/16 inches.
Type 38 field gun group: Case, 11 9/16 inches.
Type 90 field gun: Case, 16 11/16 inches.

Type 97 7-cm (75-mm) H.E. Semisteel Projectile. See figure 255.

Weight of projectile, filled: 5.5 kg (12.1 pounds).
Weight of filling: 0.45 kg (0.99 pound).
Filling: TNT cast directly into lacquered cavity.
Diameter at bourrelet: 75-mm (minus tol.).
Length over all (without fuze): 302 mm (11 7/8 inches).
Length of protruding from case (without fuze): No data.
Width of rotating band: 10 mm.
Fuzing: Type 88 instantaneous nose fuze (gun type); Type 88 short-delay nose fuze
(gun type).
Weapons in which used: Type 41 mountain gun: Case, 7 1/4 inches.
Remarks: Because of the low tensile strength of the steel employed, the base must be
extremely thick to withstand the forces in the gun.

Type 90 "A" 7-cm (75-mm) Substitute Projectile. See figure 256.

Weight of projectile, filled: 6.92 kg (15.25 pounds).
Weight of filling: 0.10 kg
Filling: Black powder.
Diameter at bourrelet: 75-mm (minus tol.).
Length over all (without fuze): 256 mm (10 1/16 inches).
Length protruding from case (without fuze): 218 mm (8 9/16 inches).
Width of rotating band: 10 mm.
Fuzing: Type 88 instantaneous nose fuze (gun type); Type 88 short-delay nose fuze
(gun type).
Weapons in which used: Type 41 mountain gun (regimental gun): Case, 7 1/4 inches.
Type 94 mountain gun: Case 11 9/16 inches.
Type 38 field gun group: Case 11 9/16 inches.
Type 90 field gun: Case 16 11/16 inches.
Remarks: This projectile is made of cast iron and has very thick walls.

Type 2 7-cm (75-mm) Hollow-Charge Projectile. See figure 257.

Weight of projectile, filled (without fuze): 3.56 kg (7.81 pounds).

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Weight of filling: 0.50 kg (1.11 pounds).
Filling: A cast mixture of 60 percent TNT and 40 percent cyclonite (RDX) wrapped in
varnished paper.
Diameter at bourrelet: 75.0 mm (minus tol.).
Length over all (without fuze): 240.0 mm (9 1/2 inches).
Length protruding from case: 210 mm (8 1/4 inches).
Length projectile body (without nose cap): 183.0 mm (7 3/16 inches).
Width of rotating band: 10.0 mm.
Fuzing: Type 88 instantaneous (gun type).
Operation and Employment: This round is used principally as an antitank weapon. In
firing tests it penetrated 3 inches of Navy hull plate (Headquarters USAFISPA. Office
of the A.C. of S., G-2 Ordnance Intelligence Unit Report No. 41, entitled "Firing
Tests of Japanese Antitank Weapons").
Weapons in which used: Type 94 mountain gun: Case, 11 9/16 inches.
Type 41 mountain gun: Case 7 1/4 inches.
1. There is a marked similarity between this projectile and German hollow-charge
rounds, both in projectile design and in explosive filling.
2. The symbol TA stenciled on this projectile is employed in other Japanese
munitions to indicate hollow-charge design.
3. In the earliest rounds found, the projectiles were marked by a yellow band around
the middle of the body, indicating "High-Explosive" according to the new color
system. Later recoveries indicate the adoption of the combination of white band,
used to indicate "Armor-Piercing," together with the yellow band. Both bands appear
near the middle of the body. This arrangement is not to be confused with the use, in
the old color system, of a yellow band above a white band for marking "High-
Explosive" projectiles.

Type 95 7-cm (75-mm) Armor-Piercing High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 258.

Weight of projectile, filled (Fuzed): 6.21 kg (13.66 pounds).
Weight of filling: 0.46 kg (1.01 pounds).
Filling: "ONA" mixture of picric acid and dinitronaphthalene.
Diameter at bourrelet: 75.0 mm (minus tol.).
Length over all (without fuze): No data.
Length protruding from case: 265.5 mm (10 7/16 inches).
Width of rotating band: No data.
Fuzing: Type 95 small base fuze.
Weapons in which used:
Type 41 mountain gun: (regimental gun): Case, 7 1/4 inches.
Type 38 field gun group: Case 11 9/16 inches.
Type 90 field gun: Case 16 11/16 inches.
Type 94 mountain gun: Case, 11 9/16 inches.
Type 88 7 cm field A.A. gun (special): Case 19 9/16 inches. Penetrating power: When
used in the type 41 mountain gun this projectile is designed to penetrate 20
millimeters of steel plate at a maximum range of 3,000 meters.
Remarks: By design, this projectile is intended for a function intermediate between
that of H. E. projectiles and true armor-piercing types. For this reason the
Japanese designate it "A. P.-H. E." A.P.-H. E. projectiles are painted like the H.E.
rather than the A.P. class.

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Type 1 7-cm (75-mm) Armor-Piercing Projectile. See figure 259.
Weight of projectile, filled (fused): 6.56 kg. (14.4 pounds).
Weight of projectile, empty (without fuze and gaine): 6.14 kg. (13.5 pounds).
Weight of filling: 0.053 kg. (0.12 pounds).
Filling: A mixture of 90 percent cyclonite (RDX) and 10 percent paraflin, coated
with graphite and packed in an aluminum foil wrapper.
Diameter at bourrelet: 75.0 mm (minus tol.).
Length over all (without fuze): 240.0 mm (9 7/16 inches).
Length protruding from case: 200.0 mm (7 13/16 inches).
Width of rotating band: 10.0 mm.
Fuzing: Medium Mk 1 base fuze (short delay) with red tracer.
Operation and employment: This projectile was evidently developed to adapt the type
41 and type 94 guns for use as antitank weapons.
Weapons in which used: Type 94 mountain gun: Case, 11 9/16 inches.
Type 41 mountain or regimental gun: Case, 7 1/4 inches.
Type 90 field gun: Case, 16 11/16 inches.
Type 38 field gun group: Case, 11 9/16 inches.
Remarks: Identical projectiles, all with tracer, have been found marked with either a
single white band near the middle of the body or with white-and-green double band
(green in conjunction with another band indicates presence of tracer). It is
believed that this represents optional marking in the new system rather than the old
and new marking.

Type 38 7-cm (75-mm) Shrapnel Projectile. See figure 260.

Weight of projectile: 6.83 kg. (15.0 pounds).
Bursting charge: 0.10 kg. (0.22 pound). Black powder contained in the base of the
projectile and in a central brass tube.
Diameter at bourrelet: 75 mm (minus tol.).
Length over all (without fuze): 250 mm (9 3/4 inches).
Length protruding from case (without fuze): 188 mm (7 3/8 inches).
Width of rotating band: No data.
Fuzing: Type 3d year combination time and impact fuze.
Type 5th year combination time and impact fuze.
Weapons in which used: Type 41 mountain gun (regimental gun): Case, 7 1/4 inches.
Type 94 mountain gun: Case, 11 9/16 inches.
Type 38 field gun group: Case, 11 9/16 inches.
Type 90 field gun Case, 16 11/16 inches.
Remarks: All guns except type 90 field gun and type 94 mountain gun use the type 3d
year fuze in this projectile. Type 90 field gun uses type 5th year fuze only; type
94 mountain gun uses either fuzes.

Type 90 7-cm (75-mm) Shrapnel Projectile. See figure 261.

Weight of projectile, filled: 7.00 kg. (15.4 pounds). Bursting charge: 0.100 kg.
(0.22 pound). Black powder contained in base of the projectile and in a central
brass tube.
Shrapnel filling: Approximately 272 lead balls (10.5 grams each) packed in a rosin
matrix. The balls are separated from the bursting charge in the base by a steel disk
which rests on a shoulder in the projectile cavity.

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Diameter at bourrelet: 75 mm (minus tol.).
Length over all (without fuze): 235 mm (9 1/4 inches).
Length protruding from case (without fuze): 197 mm (7 3/4 inches).
Width of rotating band: 10 mm.
Fuzing: Type 5th year combination time and impact fuze.
Weapons in which used: Type 41 mountain gun (regimental gun):
Case, 7 1/4 inches.
Type 94 mountain gun: Case, 11 9/16 inches.
Type 38 field gun group: Case, 11 9/16 inches.
Type 90 field gun: Case, 16 9/16 inches.

7-cm (75-mm) Smoke (W.P.) Projectile. See figure 262.

Weight of projectile, filled: No data.
Weight of bursting charge: No data.
Bursting charges: Black powder in base of projectile. Filling of central exploder
tube is probably also black powder.
Chemical agent: White phosphorus in a sealed can which slips into the cavity of the
projectile and through which passes the exploder tube.
Diameter at bourrelet: 75 mm (minus tol.).
Length over all (without fuze): No data.
Length protruding from case (without fuze): No data.
Width of rotating band: No data.
Fuzing: Type 3d year combination time and impact fuze.
Remarks: This projectile appears to be converted type 90 shrapnel projectile.

Type 90 7-cm (75-mm) Smoke (W.P.) Projectile. See figure 263.

Weight of projectile, filled: 5.72 kg. (12.60 pounds).
Bursting charge: 0.10 kg. (0.22 pound). "ONA", a 50-50 mixture of picric acid and
dinitronaphthalene in a preformed, paper-wrapped block.
Chemical agent: 700 grams. White phosphorus sealed in a soldered brass can which
fits into the lacquered cavity below the bursting charge.
Diameter at bourrelet: 75 mm (minus tol.).
Length over all (without fuze): 292 mm 11 1/2 inches).
Length projecting from case (without fuze): 253 mm (10 inches).
Width of rotating band: 10 mm.
Fuzing: Type 88 instantaneous nose fuze (gun type).
Weapons in which used: Type 41 mountain gun (regimental gun):
Case, 7 1/4 inches.
Type 94 mountain gun: Case, 11 9/16 inches.
Type 38 field gun group: Case, 11 9/16 inches.
Type 90 field gun: Case, 16 11/16 inches.
Screening capacity (Japanese figures): Figure 470
Height, 20 meters.
Width, 20 meters.
Duration, 1 to 2 minutes.

Type 90 7-cm (75-mm) Incendiary Projectile. See figure 264.

Weight of projectile, filled with (with fuze): 6.94 kg. (15.3 pounds).
Weight of expelling charge: 20 grams.

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Weight of incendiary composition: 530 grams.
Expelling charge: Black powder.
Icendiary composition: Not determined.
Diameter at bourrelet: 75 mm (minus tol.).
Length of projectile (without fuze): No data.
Length protruding from case (without fuze): 213 mm (8 3/8 inches).
Width of rotating band: No data.
Fuzing: Type 5th year modified combination fuze (gun).
Weapons in which used:Type 41 mountain gun: Case, 7 1/4 inches.
Type 94 mountain gun: Case, 11 9/16 inches.
Type 38 field gun group: Case, 16 11/16 inches.
Type 90 field gun: Case, 16 11/16 inches.
Operation: After a preset time or on impact, the combination fuze fires the expelling
charge. This forces the incendiary unit out the base of the projectile and at the
same time ignites it. Information pertaining to the incendiary unit is lacking, but
the burning compound is apparently a dry composition.
Remarks: According to the new marking system, this projectile is painted as follows:
Yellow body with the symbol Figure 471 stenciled near the middle.

Type 90 7-cm (75-mm) Illuminating Projectile. See figure 265.

Weight of projectile, filled (fuzed): 5.05 kg. (12.44 pounds).
Weight of illuminating compound: 0.25 kg. (0.55 pounds).
Filling: Expelling charge, black powder.
Illuminating compound, not known. (A common illuminating compound used by the
Japanese is a mixture of barium nitrate, magnesium and aluminum).
Diameter at bourrelet: 75.0 mm (minus tol.).
Length over all (without fuze): No data.
Length protruding from case: 210.0 mm (8 1/4 inches).
Width of rotating band: No data.
Fuzing: Type 5th year combination fuze.
Weapons in which used: Type 41 mountain gun: Case, 7 1/4 inches.
Type 38 field gun group: Case, 11 9/16 inches.
Type 90 field gun: Case, 16 11/16 inches.
Type 94 mountain gun: Case, 11 9/16 inches.
1. Japanese figures state that this illuminating charge burns with an intensity of
approximately 90,000 candlepower, for a period of 20 seconds.
2. According to the new marking system, this projectile is painted as follows: Red
body with the symbol figure 472 stenciled near the middle. Under the old marking
system, it was painted black over all with the same symbol stenciled on the body.

Type 11 Year 7-cm (75-mm) Target Projectile. See figure 266.

Weight of projectile, filled (fuzed): 5.04 kg. (11.10 pounds). Filling: Folded
parachute and shrouds in cardboard cylinder. Diameter at bourrelet: 75.0 mm (minus
tol.). Length over-all (without fuze): 271 mm (10 11/16 inches). Length protruding
from case: No data. Width of rotating band: 10 mm. Fuzing: Type 10th year A.A. time
Weapons in which used: Type 11-year field A.A. gun: Case length not known.
Type 88 field A.A. gun: Case, 19 9/16 inches.

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Remarks: Projectiles designated "Target" in Japanese Army nomenclature are believed
to be actual parachute-suspended aerial targets for antiaircraft practice. The
drawing and the data given here are from captured documents. Though operation was
not described, it is presumed that the time fuze ejects the parachute at the desired
altitude and that the projectile body remains attached as a weight. The descending
parachute then serves as a target for A.A. fire. No ejection charge other than the
magazine charge in the fuze is indicated in the document, and the fuze is designated
as "weak." It is assumed that this arrangement is intended to decrease the force of
explosion to the minimum necessary to eject the parachute.
Color marking: Black body, no color bands, the symbol figure 473 stenciled near the
middle of the body.

7-cm (75-mm) Liquid Incendiary Projectile. See figure 267.

Weight of projectile, filled (fuzed): 5.36 kg. (11.75 pounds).
Bursting charge: A standard 40-gram booster (fine granular picric acid in paper
container) serves as the only bursting charge.
Incendiary filling: A solution of white phosphorus (W.P.) and rubber pellets in
carbon disulphide (CS2).
Liquid: 0.30 kg. (0.66 pound).
Rubber pellets: 0.32 kg. (0.70 pound).
Diameter at bourrelet: 75 mm (minus tol.).
Length over-all without fuze and adapter: 300 mm (11 13/16 inches).
Length protruding from case: 242 mm (9 1/2 inches).
Width of rotating band: 10 mm.
Fuzing: Type 88 instantaneous fuze (gun type).
Weapons in which used:
Type 41 mountain gun or regimental gun: Case, 7 1/4 inches.
Type 94 mountain gun: Case, 11 9/16 inches.
Type 38 field gun group: Case, 11 9/16 inches.
Type 90 field gun: Case, 16 11/16 inches.
Remarks: Because of the danger of leaking phosphorus solution, these projectiles are
shipped with a bag of clay-like, diatomaceous earth tied around the nose end. It is
presumed that this is intended as an absorbent should leakage occur.

7-cm (75-mm) Vomit-Gas Projectile. See figure 268.

Weight of projectile, filled (without fuze): 6.00 kg. (13.25 pounds).
Bursting charge. A mixture of 70 percent trinitrotoluene and 30 percent
naphthalene. (Naphthalene is probably used to decrease sensitivity of TNT): 0.46 kg.
(1.02 lbs.).
Liquid filling: Crude diphenyleyanarsine. 0.17 kg. (0.37 pound).
Diameter at bourrelet: 75.0 mm (minus tol.).
Length over all (without fuze): 305.0 mm (12 inches).
Length protruding from case: 265.0 mm (10 7/16 inches).
Width of rotating band: 9.0 mm (3/8 inch).
Fuzing: Type 88 instantaneous fuze.
Weapon in which used: Type 41 regimental or mountain gun: Case, 7 1/4 inch.

Type 100 8-cm (88-mm) High-Explosive-A.A. Long-Pointed Projectile. See figure 269.
Weight of complete round: Not available.

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Weight of complete projectile (with fuze): 19.6 pounds (approximate).
Weight of empty projectile (with auxiliary fuze): 7.4 kg. (16.3 pounds).
Weight of filling: 0.9 kg. (2 pounds).
Filling: TNT.
Diameter at bourrelet: 88 mm (minus tol.).
Length of projectile (without fuze): 298 mm 11 11/16 inches).
Length of propellant case: 570 mm (22 3/8 inches).
Length of assembled round (without fuze): 804 mm (31 9/16 inches).
Diameter of base of case: 100 mm (4 inches).
Width of rotating band:
Forward: 8 mm (5/16 inch).
Distance between rotating bands: 6 mm (1/4 inch).
Fuzing: Type 100 mechanical time fuze (combination time and impact) with an
auxiliary detonating fuze. The auxiliary fuze is the same as that used in the 7-cm
(75-mm) H.E.-A.A. projectile type 90.
Weapons in which used: Type 99 8-cm A.A. gun. This is a gun modeled after one of
the German 88 mm guns.
Case: Length: 567 mm (22 3/8 inches).
Diameter at base: 137 mm (4 3/8 inches). The case is made of drawn brass and is
machined for about 2 3/4 inches above the rim. It is a rimmed case with a slight
taper and a bottleneck.
Propellant: No. 16 cylindrical, 2,330 grams (5.1 pounds).

9-cm (90-mm) High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 270.

Weight of projectile, filled: 7.79 kg. (17.13 pounds).
Weight of filling: 0.59 kg. (1.3 pounds).
Filling: Crude TNT.
Diameter at bourrelet: 90 mm (3 17/32 inches).
Length over all (without fuze): 265.1 mm (10 7/16 inches).
Length of projectile body (without nose piece): 209.6 mm (8 1/4 inches).
Length protruding from case (without fuze): 246.1 mm (9 11/16 inches).
Width of Rotating Band: No data.
Fuzing: Type 88 instantaneous nose fuze (howitzer-mortar type).
Type 88 short-delay nose fuze (howitzer-mortar type).
Weapons in which used: This is an antiquated weapon classified as a mortar by the
Japanese by virtue of length of tube, muzzle velocity, etc., but bearing only a
remote resemblance to other Japanese mortars. It is breech-loading, using an
interrupted thread breechlock, and employs projectiles embodying the conventional
features of design of common breech-loading artillery pieces.
Remarks: The body of this projectile is painted black overall. There is a shallow
groove immediately below the bourrelet which may be painted yellow or green.

9-cm (90-mm) High-Explosive Semisteel Projectile. See figure 271.

Weight of projectile, filled: 7.86 kg. (17.3 pounds).
Weight of filling: 0.65 kg. (1.42 pounds).
Filling: TNT.
Diameter at bourrelet: 90 mm (3 17/32 inches).
Length over all (without fuze): 263.5 mm (10 3/8 inches).
Length protruding from case (without fuze): 246.1 mm (9 11/16 inches).

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Width of rotating band: 15.9 mm (5/8 inch).
Fuzing: Type 88 instantaneous nose fuze (howitzer-mortar type).
Type 88 short delay nose fuze (howitzer-mortar type).
Weapon in which used: This is an antiquated weapon classified as a mortar by the
Japanese by virtue of length of tube, muzzle velocity, etc., but bearing only a
remote resemblance to other Japanese mortars. It is breech-loading, using an
interrupted thread breechlock, and employing projectiles embodying the conventional
features of design of common breech-loading artillery pieces.
Remarks: The projectile is painted black overall with a 1/2 inch green or yellow band
before the rotating band. The fuze adapter is painted red.

10-cm (105-mm) Ammunition. See figure 272.

There are three 105-mm howitzers and four 105-mm guns in use by the Japanese
Army.These guns are designated 10-cm by the Japanese but have an actual bore
diameter of 105 mm. The projectiles are in most cases interchangeable for use in all
these weapons and are assembled with different size cases for use in the different
weapons. Only one weapon, the type 14-year A.A. gun uses fixed ammunition, all the
other weapons using semifixed ammunition. In this section the cases and projectiles will
be treated separately as was done with 75-mm ammunition. See table 4. See figure
273, figure 274, figure 275 and figure 276.

Type 91 10-cm (105-mm) High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 277.

Weight of projectile, filled (without fuze): 15.9 kg. (35.06 pounds).
Weight of filling: 2.3 kg. (5 pounds).
Filling: Cast TNT.
Diameter at bourrelet: 104 mm (4 3/32 inches).
Length over all (without fuze): 427 mm (16 13/16 inches).
Length protruding from case (without fuze): 389.7 mm (15 11/32 inches).
Width of rotating band: 22.2 mm (7/8 inch).
Fuzing: Type 88 instantaneous nose fuze.
Type 88 short-delay nose fuze.
Weapons in which used: Type 91 howitzer: Case, 9 1/2 inches.
Type 38 field gun: Case, 11 1/2 inches.
Type 92 field gun: Case, 29 inches.
Type 14-year field gun: Case, 18 1/4 inches.

Type 91 10-cm (105-mm) High-Explosive Long-Pointed Projectile. See figure 278.

Weight of projectile, filled (without fuze): 15.7 kg. (34.5 pounds).
Weight of filling (white composition): 2.3 kg. (5.2 pounds).
1. Cast TNT.
2. White composition of ammonium nitrate, cyclonite, and guanidine nitrate.
Diameter at copper bourrelet: 104.2 mm (4 1/8 inches).
Length over all (without fuze): 501.7 mm (19 3/4 inches).
Length protruding from case (without fuze): 423.9 mm (16 11/16 inches).
Width of rotating band: 22.2 mm (7/8 inch).

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Width of copper bourrelet: 20.6 mm (13/16 inch).
Fuzing: Type 88 instantaneous nose fuze.
Type 88 short delay nose fuze.
Weapons in which used: Type 91 howitzer: Case, 9 1/2 inches.
Type 38 field gun: Case, 11 1/8 inches.
Type 14-year field gun: Case, 18 1/8 inches.
Type 92 field gun: Case, 29 inches.
Type 14-year A.A. gun (fixed ammunition): Case, 22 1/4 inches.
Remarks: This projectile has been recovered with either a copper or a machined

12-cm (120-mm) Shrapnel Projectile. See figure 279.

Weight of projectile, filled (without fuze): 19.88 kg. (43.75 pounds).
Ejecting charge: Black powder contained in the base of the projectile and in a
central barss tube.
Shrapnel filling: 539 lead balls (12.5 grams each) packed in a rosin matrix. The
balls are separated from the ejection charge by a steel disc which rests on a
shoulder in the projectile cavity.
Diameter at bourrelet: 119 mm (4 11/16 inches).
Length over-all (without fuze): 314.3 mm (12 3/8 inches).
Length protruding from case (without fuze): 293.1 mm (10 3/4 inches).
Width of rotating band: 9.5 mm (3/4 inches).
Fuzing: Type 88 35-second combination fuze.
Weapons in which used: Type 38 howitzer.
Case: Length: 83 mm (3 1/4 inches).
Diameter of base: 128 mm (5 1/8 inches).
Weight (empty): 3 pounds 4 5/8 ounces.
The brass case is straight sided and of the rimmed type. Propellant: The propellant
is in two increments, each encased in a silk bag with a small ignition charge sewed
to the bottom of each bag. The first increment is nitrocellulose in 5/16 inch square
flakes and the second increment is nitrocellulose in 1/16 inch square flakes.
Weight of propellant: 1st increment: 11 ounces.
2d increment: 6 3/8 ounces.

12-cm (120-mm) Armor Piercing-High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 280.

Weight of projectile, filled (fuzed): 20 kg. (44 pounds).
Weight of filling: 1.3 kg. (2.9 pounds).
Filling: Picric acid.
Diameter at bourrelet: 119 mm (4 11/16 inches).
Length over-all: 379.4 mm (14 15/16 inches).
Length protruding from case: 339.7 mm (13 3/8 inches).
Width of rotating band: 11.1 mm (7/16 inch).
Fuzing: Type 88 small base fuze (howitzer, mortar type).
Case: Refer to the shrapnel projectile.
Propellant: Refer to the shrapnel projectile.
Weapons in which used: Type 38 howitzer.
15-cm (150-mm) Ammunition.
There are three 150-mm howitzers and four 150-mm guns in use by the Japanese
Army. These weapons vary greatly in design from a very short-range howitzer to long-

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range field guns. The projectiles for 150-mm ammunition are not as interchangeable as
in the 75-mm ammunition or 105-mm sizes. Usually there is one type of projectile
designed for use in the howitzer and another type designed for use in the guns. Even
when the same projectile is used in both howitzers and guns, it will differ in that it will
have a single rotating band when it is used in a howitzer, but when used in a gun it will
have a double rotating band. All the weapons with the exception of the type 89 gun,
which uses a bag charge, use semifixed ammunition. The cases and projectiles will be
treated separately, as was done with 75-mm and 105-mmunition. See table 5. See
figure 281, figure 282, figure 283, figure 284 and figure 285.

Type 92 15-cm (150-mm) High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 286.

Weight of projectile complete: 36 kg. (79.2 pounds).
Weight of filling: No data.
Filling: Angoyaku (RDX and ammonium nitrate).
Diameter at bourrelet: 149 mm (5 7/8 inches).
Lenght over all (without fuze): 563.6 mm (22 3/16 inches).
Length protruding from case (without fuze): 506.4 mm (19 15/16 inches).
Width of rotating band: 20 mm (25/32 inch).
Fuzing: Type 88 instantaneous nose fuze.
Type 88 short-delay nose fuze.
Weapons in which used:
Type 4-year howitzer, case A, 10 3/16 inches; case B, 8 7/8 inches.
Type 96 howitzer, case 12 5/8 inches.
Type 38 howitzer, case 4 1/4 inches.

Type 93 15-cm (150-mm) High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 287.

Weight of projectile, filled (without fuze): 40.29 kg. (88.8 pounds).
Weight of filling: No data.
Filling: Cast TNT.
Diameter at copper bourrelet: 149.3 mm (5 7/8 inches).
Length over all (without fuze): 593.7 mm (23 3/8 inches).
Length protruding from case (without fuze): 544 mm (21 7/8 inches).
Width of rotating band:
Forward: 25.4 mm.
Aft: 19.1 mm.
Width of copper bourrelet: 31.75 mm.
Fuzing: Type 90 instantaneous short-delay fuze.
Weapons in which used: Type 89 gun.
Type 45 gun: Case, 48 1/32 inches.
Type 7 year gun: Case, 48 1/32 inches.
Type 90 gun: Case, 48 1/32 inches.

Type 92 15-cm (150-mm) High-Explosive Long-Pointed Projectile. See figure 288.

Weight of projectile, filled (without fuze): 30.9 kg. (68 pounds).
Weight of filling: 5.0 kg. (11 pounds).
Filling: Cast TNT.
Diameter at bourrelet: 148 mm (5 27/32 inches).
Length over all (without fuze): 581 mm (22 7/8 inches).
Length protruding from case: 492.1 mm (19 3/8 inches).

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Width of rotating band: 14.28 mm (9/16 inch).
Width of copper bourrelet: 19.1 mm (3/4 inch).
Fuzing: Type 88 instantaneous nose fuze.
Type 88 short delay nose fuze.
Weapons in which used: Type 4-year howitzer: Case A, 10 3/16 inches; case B, 8 7/8
Type 96 howitzer: Case 12 5/8 inches.
Type 38 howitzer: Case, 4 1/4 inches.

Type 93 15-cm (150-mm) High-Explosive Long-Pointed Projectile. See figure 289.

Weight of projectile, filled (without fuze): 40.23 kg. (88.5 pounds).
Weight of filling: No data.
Filling: Cast TNT.
Diameter of copper bourrelet: 149.2 mm (5 3/8 inches).
Length over all (without fuze): 620.2 mm (24 7/16 inches).
Length protruding from case (without fuze): 516 mm (20 5/16 inches).
Width of rotating band:
Forward: 25.4 mm (1 inch).
Aft: 19.1 mm (3/4 inch).
Width of copper bourrelet: 31.8 mm (1 1/4 inches).
Fuzing: Type 90 instantaneous short-delay fuze.
Weapons in which used: Type 89 gun.
Type 45 gun; Case, 48 1/32 inches.
Type 7-year gun: Case, 48 1/32 inches.
Type 90 gun: Case, 48 1/32 inches.

Type 95 15-cm (150-mm) Armor-Piercing High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 290.

Weight of projectile, filled (fuzed): 36.1 kg. (79.5 pounds).
Weight of filling: 2.3 kg. (5 pounds).
Filling: Two preformed blocks of high grade TNT.
Diameter at bourrelet: 150 mm (5 15/16 inches).
Length of projectile (without fuze): 449.3 mm (17 11/16 inches).
Length of protruding from case: 406.4 mm (16 inches).
Width of rotating band: 20.6 mm (13/16 inch).
Fuzing: Type 95 medium howitzer-mortar base fuze.
Weapons in which used: Type 4-year howitzer: Case A, 10 3/16 inches; case B, 8 7/8
Type 38 howitzer: Case, 4 1/4 inches.
Type 96 howitzer: Case, 12 5/8 inches.
Type 45 gun: Case, 48 1/32 inches.
Type 7-year gun: Case, 48 1/32 inches.
Type 90 gun: Case, 48 1/32 inches.
Type 89 gun: Bag charge.
Remarks: When this projectile is used in a howitzer, it has a single rotating band,
but when it is used in guns it has a double rotating band.

15-cm (150-mm) Armor-Piercing High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 291.

Weight of projectile, filled: 44.54 kg. (98 pounds).
Weight of filling: 5.2 kg. (11.5 pounds).

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Filling: Picric acid in two performed, paper-wrapped blocks.
Diameter at copper bourrelet: 149.2 mm (5 7/8 inches).
Length over all: 584.2 mm (23 inches).
Length protruding from case (without fuze): 544.5 mm (21 7/16 inches).
Width of rotating bands:
Forward: 25.4 mm (1 inch).
Aft: 19.1 mm (3/4 inch).
Fuzing: Type 88 small base fuze.
Weapons in which used:
Type 89 gun.
Type 45 gun: Case, 48 1/32 inches.
Type 7-year gun: Case, 48 1/32 inches.
Type 90 gun: Case, 48 1/32 inches.
Type 4-year howitzer: Case A, 10 3/16 inches; case B, 8 7/8 inches.
Type 38-howitzer: Case, 4 1/4 inches.
Type 96 howitzer: Case 12 5/8 inches.
Remarks: When this projectile is used in a howitzer, it has a single rotating band,
but when it is used in guns it has a double rotating band.

Type 13-Year Smoke (W.P.) Projectile. See figure 292.

Weight of projectile, filled (without fuze): 33.63 kg. (74.25 pounds).
Bursting charge (cast picric acid): 1 kg. (2.2 pounds).
Chemical agent: 3.62 kg. (8 pounds).
W.P. is contained in a brass cylinder fitted below the bursting charge. To
prevent movement within the projectile, the container is surrounded by wax.
Diameter at bourrelet: 149.2 mm (5 7/8 inches).
Length over all (without fuze): 487.4 mm (19 3/16 inches).
Length protruding from case (without fuze): 471.5 mm (18 9/16 inches).
Width of rotating band: 15.0 mm (18/32 inch).
Fuzing: Type 88 instantaneous nose fuze (howitzer, mortar).
Weapons in which used: 4th-year type howitzer: Case A, 10 3/16 inches; case B, 8 7/8
Type 96 howitzer: Case 12 5/8 inches.
Type 38 howitzer: Case 4 1/4 inches.

30-cm (305-mm) Armor-Piercing High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 293.

Weight of projectile: No data.
Weight of filling: No data.
Filling: No data.
Diameter at bourrelet: 305 mm (12 inches).
Length over all: 1,071 mm (42 11/64 inches).
Length protruding from case: 1,027 mm (40 7/16 inches).
Width of rotating band: 53 mm (2 1/16 inches).
Fuzing: Type 95 Large Mk 2 Model 2 base fuze.
Weapons in which used: Type 7-year 30-cm howitzer.

30-cm (305-mm) Armor-Piercing High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 294.

Weight of projectile (approximately): 680 pounds.
Weight of filling: No data.

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Filling: No data.
Diameter at bourrelet: 305 mm (12 inches).
Length over all: 1,240 mm (48 13/16 inches).
Length protruding from case: 1,198 mm (47 11/66 inches).
Width of rotating band: 53 mm (2 1/16 inches).
Fuzing: Type 95 large Mk 2 Model 2 base fuze.
Weapons in which used: Type 7-year 30-cm howitzer.

Chapter 4 - Section 2 ARMY ROCKETS

20-cm H.E. Spin-Stabilized Rocket. See figure 295.

Assembled round: Weight of complete round: 186.31 pounds (84.51 kg.).
Length of complete round (with fuze): 38.58 inches.
Head: Weight of filled head (without fuze): 86.42 pounds.
Weight of filling (cast TNT): 35.71 pounds (16.2 kg.).
Length of head (without fuze): 17.52 inches.
Diameter of head: 7.87 inches (20 cm).
Filling: Cast TNT, 35.71 pounds (16.2 kg.).
Fuzing: Army type 100 mortar fuze: Selective instantaneous, short delay.
Motor: Weight of filled motor: 99.89 pounds.
Weight of propellant: 20.99 pounds (9.52 kg).
Weight of filled motor: 19.06 inches.
Diameter of bearing surface: 7.99 inches (20.3 cm).
Propellant: Type: Smokeless powder B.
Weight: 20.99 pounds (9.52 kg.).
Number of sticks: 6 long, 2 short.
Smokeless powder B by analysis is a mixture of 27.71 percent N.G., 63.50 percent
nitrocellulose, 0.45 percent graphite, 0.34 percent ash, 3.81 percent ethlcentralite,
3.68 percent diphenyl formamide, and 1.30 percent volatiles. Six long sticks (34.0
cm. by 5.8 cm. by 1.05 cm perf.) and two short sticks same diameter and perforation
and 1/2 length. In some cases, one or both of the short grains have been omitted in
Ignition mechanism: Igniter: Pull friction igniter.
Ignition charge (B.P. in two blue lacquered silk bags).
Weight of ignition charge: 0.09 pound (0.04 kg.). Color and markings: Black over
all. Head carries single yellow band at its junction with rocket motor. Weight of
head and motor stenciled on each component. Launcher: The only launcher recovered
for use with this round is a single barrel-type launcher.
Remarks: A newer model of this round has been recovered, similar to the first but
with the rocket motor wall diametrically reduced to 18.9 centimeters (7.44 inches),
giving a bourrelet effect at each end of the motor. The motor weight is
correspondingly reduced to 42.43 kilograms. Neither the head nor the motor is
interchangeable with its respective component in the older round.

Chapter 4--Section 3 ARMY MORTARS

Type 89 58-mm H.E. Mortar. See figure 296.

Weight complete round: 1.6 pound.
Weight main charge: 5.4 ounces.

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Explosive components: Main charge: TNT.
Propellant: Nitrocellulose diphenylamine flaked powder.
Over all length (without fuze): 4.33 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1.97 inches (50 mm).
1. Black over all with red band at nose, and
a. Yellow band below the bourrelet and white band forward of rotating band,
b. Or, yellow band midway on the shell.
2. Maroon color over all for Navy use.
3. Green nose, black body with yellow and white bands.
Fuzing: Type 88 small instantaneous fuze.
Weapon in which used: Type 89 grenade discharger. Description: The body of this
shell is made of three parts. The propellant base housing houses the propellant
container and the percussion primer. The main shell base cover is threaded to the
top section on one end and to the propellant housing on the other. The top section
has an opening in the top to receive the fuze. On firing, the gases generated blow
through the ports in the base housing, expanding the copper rotating band into the
rifling of the discharger giving a gas seal and imparting rotation to the shell.
Remarks: The Navy version of this shell is exactly the same in construction as the
Army version; the only variation being in the color scheme. Two minor variations of
construction have been found.
1. The nose portion screws on (LH) the body directly below the bourrelet. The base
is solid instead of being closed with a base plate.
2. Similar to the first variation except the threads are right hand.

Type 95 50-mm Smoke Mortar. See figure 297.

Weight complete round: 1.9 pounds.
Weight smoke filling: 3.7 ounces.
Filler: Smoke compound: Hexachlorethane smoke mixture.
Propellant: Nitrocellulose diphenylamine flaked powder.
Over all length (without fuze): 4.33 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1.97 inches (50 mm).
Color: Black over all with a red band at the nose and two white bands, one
immediately below the bourrelet and the other before the rotating band.
Fuzing: Type 89 small time fuze.
Weapons in which used: Type 89 grenade discharger.
Description: The projectile casing is of forged steel. The nose screws onto the main
body at a point just behind the bourrelet. The main body is joined to the base with
a press-fit held by four screw shear pins. The propellant base housing which screws
onto the shell base is similar in construction and operation to that of the H.E.
shell. The smoke mixture is held in a brass can inside the main body and has
attached to it by a short cord a steel retarder cup to slow its descent.
Operation: When the fuze gaine fires, it ruptures the thin plate in the base of the
gaine, ignites the smoke mixture, and expels the smoke candle from the shell casing.

Type 89 50-mm Incendiary Mortar. See figure 298.

Weight complete round: 1.25 pounds.
Weight incendiary mixture: 10.7 ounce.
Filling: Incendiary mixture:

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Potassium nitrate: 47.7 percent.
Aluminum: 21.7 percent.
Sulphur: 19.9 percent.
Antimony trisulphide: 6.1 percent.
Wax: 2.8 percent.
Propellant: Nitrocellulose powder.
Over all length: 6.25 inches.
Length propellant containers 1.25 inches.
Diameter propellant container: 1.02 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1.97 inches (50 mm).
Color: Natural brass body with black propellant container.
Fuzing: Powder delay train.
Weapon in which used: Type 89 grenade discharger.
Description: The shell is a cylindrical sheet-metal tube with a hemispherical nose
and is covered with clear lacquer. Around the side of the casing are four
silver-foil disks, each disc covering seven ports in the shell casing. The casing is
crimped over the base, which contains two black-powder delay trains and is threaded
to receive the propellant housing. The propellant housing is of steel, with six
gas-escape ports in the sides and a percussion cap set in the screwed-in base. The
propellant is contained in a copper cup inside the propellant housing.
Operation: The flash from the propellant ignites the delay trains in the base of the
shell, which in turn ignite the incendiary filling.
Remarks: Another incendiary shell, the type 10-year, is similar in appearance and
operation to the type 89 shell. It is 5 7/8 inches in length; the color of the body
is natural brass; and the propellant assembly is black. There are eight sets of
perforations covered with silver-foil disks. The type 10-year shell is fired from
the type-10 year grenade discharger, an obsolete weapon that was the forerunner of
the type 89 grenade discharger.

50-mm Finned Bangalore Torpedo. See figure 299.

Weight complete round: 17.89 pounds.
Weight main charge: 6.34 pounds.
Main charge: Picric.
Over-all length (without fuze): 78.37 inches.
Base, section length: 33.25 inches.
Length from after end of base to forward bearing surface of base section: 12.75
Maximum diameter of explosion tube: 1.97 inches (50 mm).
Fins: Length: 14.75 inches.
Maximum width: 3.5 inches.
Minimum width: 2.5 inches. Color: Fins and bangalore section are painted tan with a
red band at the top of each section. The modified portion of the base section is
painted black. Fuzing: Instantaneous delay fuze for bangalore mortar.
Weapon in which used: Type 98 discharger.
Description: The projectile is constructed in two sections. The nose section is a
standard bangalore length, while the base section is a bangalore length cut off and
modified to fit into the barrel of the discharger. This section also has three
spot-welded brackets to which the sheet metal fins are bolted. A cap, having two
circumferential grooves cut into it to divide the surface into three after bearing

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surfaces, is welded around the after end of the base section. A length of 50-mm
tubing is welded to the base section and serves as a forward bearing surface for the
projectile. A plate is welded to the bangalore base section to prevent the bangalore
from sliding too far down into the launcher tube.

50-mm Stick Charges. See figure 300.

Small Large Weight complete round....... 15.62 pounds........... 17 pounds.
Weight main charge.......... 7.0 pounds............. 10 pounds.
Explosive components:
Main charge............. Picric................. Picric.
Propellant.............. Black powder........... Black powder.
Over-all length............. 27.35 inches........... 25.5 inches.
Length explosive container.. 6.75 inches............ 4.5 inches.
Width explosive container... 4.5 inches............. 6.25 inches.
Height explosive container.. 4.5 inches............. 6.25 inches.
Wall thickness.............. 0.05 inch.............. 0.25 inch.
Diameter of stick........... 1.97 inches (50 mm).... 1.97 inches (50 mm).
Color: The metal explosive container is painted black, while the wooden "stick" is
left unpainted. The large model has a white stripe fore and aft around the explosive
Weapon in which used: Type 88 discharger.
Fuzing: Two pull igniters.
Description: The projectile consists of a cast-iron box containing blocks of picric
acid mounted on a wooden pole 50 millimeters in diameter. Two pull igniters are
inserted in the bursting charge and are tied to metal loops on each side of the
launcher tube collar. When the projectile is fired these pull igniters are initiated
and will in turn set off the bursting charge after a short delay. The black powder
propellant in silk bags is placed in the launcher tube below and independently of the
projectile. The propellant is fired by a pull igniter inserted in the ignition
aperture in the side of the launcher tube.

Type 11-Year 70-mm High-Explosive Mortar. See figure 301.

Weight complete round: 4.28 pounds.
Weight main charge: 15.2 ounces.
Weight booster: 1.6 ounces.
Explosive components:
Main charge: TNT.
Booster: Picric.
Propellant: Nitrocellulose diphenylamine flaked powder.
Over-all length (without fuze): 7.12 inches.
Maximum diameter: 2.75 inches (69.8 mm).
Color: Black over-all with a red band around the nose. A yellow band is painted
below the bourrelet and a white band forward of the rotating band.
Fuzing: Type 93 instantaneous short delay mortar fuze.
Weapon in which used: Type 11-year 70-mm rifled mortar.
Description. This projectile is similar in construction and operation to the type 89
50-mm H.E. mortar shell.

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70-mm High-Explosive-Antiaircraft Barrage Mortar. See figure 302.
Weight complete round: 5.19 pounds.
Weight main charge (H.E. cylinders): 12.84 grams.
Explosive components:
Main charge: RDX.
Booster: Lead azide.
Over-all length of shell: 11.38 inches.
Maximum diameter of shell: 2.76 inches (70 mm).
Length of canisters: 6.5 inches.
Diameter of canisters: 0.75 inch.
Length of H.E. cylinders: 3.12 inches.
Diameter of H.E cylinders: 0.69 inches.
Color: Shell, black over-all with a 5/8 inch red band at nose. Canisters, zinc
coated (grey).
H.E. cylinders: Black over-all with a 3/16 inch red band at forward end.
Weapon in which used: 70-mm A.A. barrage mortar. Description. This mortar shell
consists of an outer shell containing seven canisters in each of which is an H.E.
cylinder and parachute. A turned steel base is welded to the outer shell and
provision is made for reception of a delay train holder, a shell propellant
container, and an end cover. The delay train leads to a black-powder charge which
ejects the canisters from the shell. The end cover is fitted over the propellant
container and is sealed against moisture and held in position by adhesive tape. A
wooden plug in a pressed steel cap closes the forward end of the shell.
The canisters contain a wooden plug in the base bored to receive a delay element and
a small black powder charge to eject the H.E. cylinder from the canister. The steel
H.E. cylinders are closed at the base and threaded at the forward end to receive a
plug which is screwed a friction cap. The explosive content is in three blocks, each
wrapped in a waterproof paper carton. Parachutes are attached to the outer shell,
nose cap, and each of the seven canisters and H.E. cylinders. The length of the
parachute cords varies from 19 inches (canisters) to 66 inches (cylinders). The H.E.
cylinder parachute lines are attached to a friction cord which passes through the
friction cap. Thus, this shell, when fired, puts sixteen separate objects suspended
by parachutes in the way of low-flying aircraft, seven of which will explode if hit.
Operation: The delay train to the first ejection charge is ignited by the shell
propellant charge, and the first charge in turn ignites the delay trains to the
second ejection charges in each of the canisters. The parachutes attached to the
nosecap, outer shell, and canisters all open when the canisters are ejected and the
H.E. cylinder parachutes open when they are ejected from the canisters. A plane
hitting the parachute cord of any of the H.E. cylinders would cause the friction wire
to be pulled through the friction cap initiating the explosive train.

Type 97 81-mm High-Explosive Mortar. See figure 303.

Weight complete round: 7.35 pounds.
Weight main charge: 1.19 pounds.
Explosive components: Main charge: TNT.
Booster: Picric.
Propellant: Nitrocellulose and graphite: 58.0 percent.
Nitroglycerine: 7.1 percent.
Dinitrotoluene: 25.7 percent.

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Diphenylamine: 0.5 percent.
Potassium nitrate: 8.7 percent.
Over-all length (without fuze): 11.5 inches.
Length fin assembly: 3.19 inches.
Maximum diameter at bourrelet: 3.19 inches (81 mm).
Maximum diameter tail fins: 3.19 inches.
Color: Black over-all with a red tip. A yellow band is painted before the bourrelet.
Fuzing: Type 93 instantaneous short delay mortar fuze.
Weapons in which used: Type 97 81-mm mortar.
Type 99 81-mm mortar. Description: The body is of one-piece streamlined
construction having a threaded opening in the nose to receive the fuze-adapter ring.
A steel booster cup screws (L.H.) into the lower end of the adapter ring. The booster
cup is closed by a shaped aluminum container which receives the gaine of the fuze.
The bourrelet is well machined and has four grooves cut in it. The fin assembly screws
into a female threaded (R.H.) opening in the base of the body. It consists of a male plug
welded to a cylinderical steel tube. Welded to this tube are six fins shaped to receive the
six silk bags containing the propellant increments. Between each set of fins are three
gas escape ports for the propellant gases from the cartridge which fits inside the tube.
The cartridge is held in place by a countersunk ring screwed into the end of the tube.
The cartridge resembles a shotgun shell.

Type 100 81-mm High-Explosive Mortar. See figure 304.

Weight complete round: 7.52 pounds.
Weight main charge: 1.18 pounds.
Explosive components: Main charge: TNT.
Booster: Picric.
Propellant: Nitrocellulose and graphite: 58.0 percent.
Nitroglycerine: 7.1 percent.
Dinitrotoluene: 25.7 percent.
Diphenylamine: 0.5 percent.
Potassium Nitrate: 8.7 percent.
Over-all length (without fuze): 11.78 inches.
Length fin assembly: 3.31 inches.
Maximum diameter at bourrelet: 3.19 inches (81 mm).
Maximum diameter tail fins: 3.19 inches.
Color: Black over all with a red tip. A yellow band is painted before the bourrelet.
Fuzing: Type 100 instantaneous short-delay mortar fuze.
Weapons in which used: Type 97: 81-mm mortar.
Type 99: 81-mm mortar.
Description: Except for minor details, this shell is similar to the Type 97 81-mm
H.E. The cup to receive the fuze gaine is held in place in the booster cup by being
fitted into a brass ring which screws into the fuze adapter ring above the booster
cup. There is no retaining ring to hold the cartridge in the tail fin section.
Instead, the cartridge is held by a friction fit.

81-mm Parachute H.E. Mortar. See figure 305.

Weight complete round: 3.87 pounds.
Weight main charge: 4 ounces.
Explosive components: Main charge: RDX (1 block). TNT (2 blocks).

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Over-all length: 21.25 inches.
Length of shell (less propellant container and nose plug): 18.5 inches.
Diameter of shell body: 1.5 inches.
Diameter of fins: 3.19 inches (81 mm).
Diameter of H.E. cylinder: 1.37 inches.
Length of H.E. cylinder: 7.0 inches.
Color: Black over all with an unpainted wooden plug in the nose.
Weapon in which used: Standard 81-mm smooth-bore mortars.
Description: This mortar shell is a black steel tube with an ogival wooden block
sealing the forward end. Six fins which give the shell an 81 mm diameter are spot
welded along the after part of the tube. A steel disc drilled through the center for
the delay lead-in is welded to the tube 1/2 inch from the base. Forward of the disk
is a 5-inch wooden block through the center of which runs the 12-second black powder
delay element. The forward end of the wooden block contains the ejection charge.
The H.E. cylinder and parachutes are located forward of the ejection charge. The
cylinder consists of a steel case, a central tube containing the 45-second
self-destruction delay train, a friction igniter, and three cylindrical explosive
blocks fitted around the central tube. The booster fits in the forward block. The
parachute which supports the cylinder is secured to a small fixed U-bolt on the cylinder
by nine short (13-inch) shrouds. A second parachute above the first is secured to the
friction igniter by a line 32 feet 4 inches long. This line leads through a central hole in
the lower parachute. The tinned steel propellant container is 81 millimeter in diameter
and 1 inch deep. A neck on the container cover fits into the base of the mortar shell and
is secured by three small screws passing through the sides of the shell and the neck of
the cover.
Operation: When the shell is fired, the flash from the black powder primer ignites
the propellant and the 12-second delay train. Setback shears the small screws
securing the propellant container to the shell, and when the force of the propellant
is expended the container falls free. Twelve seconds after firing, the delay train
ignites the ejection charge forcing the H.E. cylinder and parachutes out the forward
end of the shell. The 45-second self-destroying delay train is also ignited by the
ejection charge. Planes striking the 32 foot parachute cord which is attached to the
igniter will cause it to explode the H.E. cylinder. After 45 seconds, the
self-destroying element detonates the cylinder.

81-mm Parachute H.E. Smoke Mortar. See figure 306.

Weight complete round: No data.
Weight main charge: No data.
Explosive components: Main charge: Tetryl.
Over-all length: 21.87 inches.
Length of shell (less propellant container and nose plug): 19.1 inches.
Diameter of shell body: 1.5 inches.
Diameter of fins: 3.19 inches (8.1 mm).
Color: Unpainted galvanized iron with a yellow wooden nose and a green band around
the body. Description: This shell is similar to the H.E. round except that there is a
smoke pellet in the bottom of the suspended cylinder. Above the smoke pellet are two
pellets of tetryl with a black powder delay train running through the middle. As
with the H.E. round, the line to the upper parachute is attached to a pull igniter
and, if pulled before the self-destroying feature operates, will detonate the charge.

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Operation: The operation is similar to the H.E. round except that the expelling
charge ignites the smoke-flare pellet, which burns about 53 seconds and which then
ignites the short delay train which burns seven seconds before the self-destroying
element functions.

81-mm Parachute-Flare Mortar. See figure 307.

Weight complete round: 4.87 pounds.
Weight flare composition: 409 grams.
Explosive components: Flare composition: No data.
Over-all length: 22.25 inches.
Length of shell (less propellant container and nose plug): 18.75 inches.
Diameter of shell body: 1.75 inches.
Diameter of fins: 3.19 inches (81 mm).
Diameter of flare cylinder: 1.37 inches.
Length of flare cylinder: 7.75 inches.
Color: Unpainted galvanized steel body with a red wooden plug in the nose.
Weapon in which used: Standard 81-mm smooth-bore mortars.
Description: This mortar shell resembles in construction the 81-mm H.E. parachute
mortar shell; the only differences being in dimensions. A thin sheet-metal tube
containing the flare composition is located before the ejection charge. Two
parachutes are packed in an inner sleeve 5.5 inches long made in two longitudinal
half sections and are attached by means of 14-inch and 15-foot 3-inch cords,
respectively, to an eyebolt threaded into the forward end of the metallic flare
composition. The wooden nose plug is secured to the outer shell by two small nails.
Operation: The operation of this shell is the same as the 81-millimeter H.E.
parachute mortar shell. The ejection charge ignites the flare composition as it
ejects the flare cylinder from the shell.

Type 94 90-mm High-Explosive Mortar. See figure 308.

Weight complete round: 11.8 pounds.
Weight main charge: 2.35 pounds.
Explosive components: Main charge: TNT.
Booster: Picric (presumed).
Over-all length (without fuze): 15.83 inches.
Length fin assembly: 4.02 inches.
Maximum diameter at bourrelet: 3.54 inches (90 mm).
Maximum diameter tail fins: 3.54 inches.
Color: Black over all with a red tip and a yellow band before the bourrelet.
Fuzing: Type 93 instantaneous short-delay mortar fuze.
Weapons in which used: Type 94: 90-mm mortar.
Type 97: 90-mm mortar.
Description: This shell is similar in construction to the type 97 81-mm mortar shell.

Type 94 90-mm Semisteel H.E. Mortar. See figure 309.

Weight complete round: 11.5 pounds.
Weight main charge: No data.
Explosive components: Main Charge: TNT.
Booster: No data.
Propellant: No data.

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Over-all length (without fuze): 14.25 inches.
Length fin assembly: 4.0 inches.
Maximum diameter at bourrelet: 3.54 inches.
Color: Black over all with a red tip and a green band before the bourrelet.
Fuzing: Type 93 instantaneous short-delay mortar fuze.
Weapons in which used: Type 94: 90-mm mortar.
Type 97: 90-mm mortar.
Description: This shell is similar in design to the type 94 90-mm H.E. shell, except
that it is made of low-grade or semisteel instead of high-grade steel.

Type 94 90-mm Incendiary Mortar. See figure 310.

Weight complete round: 11.6 pounds.
Weight incendiary mixture: 2.2 pounds.
Weight burster charge: 2.75 ounces.
Explosive components:
Burster Charge: No data.
Propellant: No data.
Incendiary filling: Phosphorus, carbon disulphide, and cylindrical rubber pellets.
Over-all length (without fuze): 15.9 inches.
Length fin assembly: 4.0 inches.
Maximum diameter at bourrelet: 3.54 inches (90-mm).
Maximum diameter of tail fins: 3.54 inches.
Color: Black body with blue bands around the nose, a yellow band half way between
the bourrelet and tail and white band at junction of body and tail.
Fuzing: Type 93 instantaneous short-delay mortar fuze (presumed).
Weapons in which used:
Type 94: 90 mm mortar.
Type 97: 90 mm mortar.
Description: This shell is similar in design to the type 94 90-mm H.E. mortar shell,
with the following exceptions:
1. An enlarged booster cup threads into the nose of the projectile. It contains a
well for the lower fuze body and detonator, a burster charge, and a wooden block.
2. A fuze adapter threads into the forward end of the booster cup.
Remarks: A shell of similar construction, weight, and measurements contains a filling
of diphenylcyanarsine (DC). The shell is painted black over-all and has a red band
around the nose with a blue band adjacent to it. There is a yellow band aft of the
bourrelet and a red band half way between the bourrelet and the tail. There is a
white band at the junction of the shell body and tail.

Type 2 120-mm High-Explosive Mortar. See figure 311.

Weight complete round: 26.5 pounds.
Weight main charge: 6.0 pounds.
Explosive components: Main charge: TNT.
Booster: RDX and wax.
Over-all length (without fuze): 22.5 inches.
Length fin assembly: 6.2 inches.
Maximum diameter at bourrelet: 4.7 inches. (120 mm).
Maximum diameter of tail fins: 4.7 inches.
Color: Black over all with a red tip and a yellow band forward of the bourrelet.

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Fuzing: Type 100 instantaneous short delay mortar fuze.
Weapons in which used: Type 2, 120-mm mortar.
Description: The body section of this shell is similar to that of the standard Army
finned mortar types but the tail fin section resembles that of the Navy 81-mm H.E.
The 12 fins are welded to the propellant tube which is welded to the base of the
body. The forward end of the tube has 42 escape ports arranged in 6 rows to allow
the flash to pass from the primary cartridge to the propellant increments. The
initial charge is contained in a cardboard case which fits inside the propellant tube
and is held in place by a steel plug fitted with the primer cap. The main propelling
charge is contained in 6 doughnut shaped silk bags which are split so that they can
be slipped around the propellant tube above the tail fins and over the flash ports.
Remarks: A variation of this shell has been found with the tail section threaded into
the body and secured by a pin instead of being welded to the body.

Type 96 150-mm High-Explosive Mortar. See figure 312.

Weight complete round: 58.06 pounds.
Weight main charge: 12.9 pounds.
Explosive components: Main charge: TNT.
Booster: Picric.
Propellant: Nitrocellulose and graphite: 58.0 percent.
Nitroglycerine: 7.1 percent.
Dinitrotoluene: 25.7 percent.
Diphenylamine: 0.5 percent.
Potassium nitrate: 8.7 percent.
Over-all length (without fuze): 28.75 inches.
Length fin assembly: 7.81 inches.
Maximum diameter at bourrelet: 5.9 inches (150 mm).
Maximum diameter of tail fins: 5.87 inches.
Color: Black over all with a red tip, a yellow band below the bourrelet, and a white
band before the tail-fin assembly.
Fuzing: Type 93 instantaneous short-delay mortar fuze.
Weapon in which used: Type 96 150-mm smooth-bore mortar.
Description: The construction of this shell is similar to that of the type 97 81-mm
H.E. mortar shell.

Type 97 150-mm High-Explosive Mortar. See figure 313.

Weight complete round: 43.5 pounds.
Weight main charge: 8.98 pounds.
Explosive components: Main charge: TNT.
Booster: RDX and wax.
Propellant: Nitrocellulose and graphite: 58.0 percent.
Nitroglycerine: 7.1 percent.
Dinitrotoluene: 25.7 percent.
Diphenylamine: 0.5 percent.
Potassium nitrate: 8.7 percent.
Over-all length (without fuze): 23.7 inches.
Length fin assembly: 6.7 inches.
Maximum diameter at bourrelet: 5.9 inches (150 mm).
Maximum diameter tail fins: 5.87 inches.

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Color: Black over all with a red nose tip and a yellow band before the bourrelet.
Fuzing: Type 100 instantaneous short-delay mortar fuze.
Weapon in which used: Type 97 150-mm smooth-bore mortar.
Description: Except for its shorter size, this projectile is similar in construction
to the type 96 H.E. long round.

32-cm Spigot-Type Mortar. See figure 314.

Weight complete round: 737 pounds.
Weight nose section loaded: 172 pounds.
Weight center section loaded: 215 pounds.
Weight tail section loaded: 350 pounds.
Weight main charge: 103 pounds.
Explosive components: Main charge: Picric.
Booster: P.E.T.N.
Propellant: Black powder and nitrocellulose.
Over-all length (without fuze): 61 inches.
Length nose section (less threaded portion): 13.75 inches.
Length center section (less threaded portion): 10.92 inches.
Length tail section: 36.31 inches.
Body diameter: 12.62 inches (320 mm).
Inside diameter of tail section: 10.12 inches.
Maximum diameter of tail fins: 25.25 inches.
Length tail fins: 21.4 inches.
Color: The projectile is painted black over-all with a red nose tip and a yellow
band around the rear of the nose section.
Fuzing: Type 98 Interior Fuze.
Weapons in which used: Special sigot-type projector.
Description: The projectile, which resembles a bomb, is made in three parts. The
nose section, ogival in shape, is externally threaded at its base to screw into the
center section and is internally threaded to receive a steel base plate. It has a
booster cup fitted with a fuze adapter screwed into the nose. The center section is a
short cylinder, solid on the base and threaded externally to screw into the tail section. It
is closed at the forward end, with a steel plate having a fuze-adapter ring, fitted with a
booster cup, welded in its center. The tail section screws onto the center section and
has a gradual taper toward the rear from a point 14.5 inches below the forward end. It is
hollowed out to fit over the projector tube. Four sheet-steel tail fins, each braced by two
stabilizing wires, are welded to the tail section. For convenience in handling and
assembling, steel bands, each fitted with two double handles, are provided. Before the
firing of the projectile, the carrying bands are removed. The propellant charge is placed
in a brass pot which fits into the recessed portion of the projector tube. The charge is
contained in a cardboard container having a brass flash tube passing through its vertical
axis, through the brass pot, and being screwed into the spigot. There is a drilled and
tapped hole near the forward end of the tail section of the projectile into which the igniter
tube screws. When in position, the end of the igniter tube is in close proximity to the end
of the brass flash tube which leads into the propellant charge.

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Chapter 4--Section 4. ARMY PROJECTILE FUZES.

Type 93 Small Instantaenous Fuze. See figure 315.

Use: Ammunition for 20-mm aircraft, antitank, and antiaircraft guns; 37-mm tank and
antitank guns.
Over-all length (with gaine): 1 15/16 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 1 7/16 inches.
Maximum diameter: 3/4 inch.
Threaded length: 1/4 inch.
Number of threads: 5, right-hand.
Construction: The fuze is of two-piece brass construction with an aluminum striker
head. The lower piece houses a centrifugal detent, a primer, and a flash-hole
shutter. The gaine threads into the lower piece.
Operation: The centrifugal detent, which supports the striker is held in place by the
striker and detent spring until the projectile decelerates. Then the striker creeps
forward and centrifugal force causes the detent to move out. The flash shutter is
also moved out by centrifugal force and the fuze is armed. On impact the striker is
driven into the primer.

Type 100 Small Instantaenous Fuze. See figure 316.

Use: Ammunition for 20-mm aircraft, antiaircraft and antitank cannon, and 37-mm
tank, antitank, and aircraft guns.
Over-all length (with gaine): 1 9/16 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 1 inch.
Maximum diameter: 3/4 inch.
Threaded length: 1/4 inch.
Number of threads: 5, right-hand.
Construction: The fuze is made of brass in one piece. A centrifugal detent supports
the striker. Above the striker there is a wooden striker head. The fuze is threaded
internally (L.H.) to take the gaine.
Operation: The centrifugal detent, supporting the striker is held in place by the
striker and detent spring until the projectile decelerates. Then the striker creeps
forward and centrifugal force causes the detent to move out, arming the fuze. On
impact the striker is driven into the primer.

Type 2 Small Instantaenous Fuze. See figure 317.

Use: Ho-5 20-mm H.E.I. projectiles.
Over-all length with gaine..... 59/64 inch.
Threaded length............... 1/4 inch.
Number of threads............. 6
Construction: This fuze is identical to the type 100 small instantaneous fuze except
that the body of the type 100 is brass and the body of this fuze is of light metal
alloy. A modification of this fuze has the detent hole secured with a staked plug
rather than a screw.
Operation: The operation is the same as the type 100 small instantaneous fuze.

Type 2 Modified Small Instantaneous Fuze. See figure 318.

Use: 20-mm H.E.I. projectile.
Description: Over-all length with gaine: 59/64 inch.

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Threaded length 1/4 inch.
Number of threads: 6.
Construction: This is an air-column fuze with a one-piece metal alloy body. Threaded
into the base of the fuze is a gaine above which is an air column sealed at the top
by a closing disk.
Operation: There are no arming features in this fuze. On impact, the closing disk is
crushed inward, compressing the air in the column and firing the gaine.

Type 4 Super Detonating Fuze. See figure 319.

Use: Ho-5 20-mm H.E.I. projectiles.
Description: Over-all length with gaine: 59/64 inch.
Threaded length: 1/4 inch.
Number of threads: 6.
Construction: This is an air-column fuze with the gaine enclosed in the fuze body.
The fuze is of two-piece construction, with the upper part containing the air column
and primer and the lower part containing the gaine. The inclusion of the gaine in
the fuze body leaves space for more explosive in the projectile.
Operation: There are no arming features in this fuze. On impact, the closing disk is
crushed inward, compressing the air in the column and firing the gaine.

Ho 301 Impact Fuze. See figure 320.

Use: 40-mm projectiles for the Ho 301 aircraft cannon.
Description: Over-all length (with gaine): 1 5/8 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 1 1/8 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1 1/2 inches.
Threaded length: 1/4 inch.
Number of threads: 6.
Construction: The fuze body is made of one piece. The striker is supported by a
centrifugal detent which is held under a shoulder of the striker by two locking
centifugal detents. The gaine threads into the bottom of the fuze.
Operation: Centrifugal force causes the locking detents to move out, thus freeing the
striker detent which moves out arming the fuze. On impact the striker is driven into
the primer.

Type 88 Small Instantaneous Fuze. See figure 321.

Use: H.E. projectiles for the 50-mm grenade discharger.
Description: Over-all length (with gaine): 2 3/8 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 1 5/8 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1 inch.
Threaded length: 5/16 inch.
Number of threads: 5, right-hand.
Construction: The fuze body is of two-piece brass construction. The upper part is
threaded (R.H.) into the lower part, with the striker head protruding from the upper
fuze body. The striker assembly is supported by steel wedges which rest beneath the
striker sleeve and two coiled springs. The steel wedges are held in position by the
lower portion of a circumferential latch spring which is fitted around the striker
sleeve. An arming collar surrounds a portion of the striker assembly and the upper
portion of the latch spring. This collar is supported by the lower of two striker
supporting coiled springs and the latch spring.

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Operation: When the projectile is fired, setback forces the arming collar down until
the notch on the inner side of the collar engages the latch springs. As the
projectile decelerates, the lower spring forces the arming collar up, thus pulling
the latch spring collar free of the wedges. Centrifugal force moves the wedges out,
leaving the striker supported only by the coiled springs. On impact, the striker is
driven down into the primer.
Remarks: Both brass and steel bodies have been recovered.

Type 88 Short-Delay (Gun and Howitzer Mortar) Fuze. See figure 322.
Use: Gun type: H.E. projectiles for the 57-mm tank guns, 70-mm tank guns, 75-mm gun,
and 105-mm guns.
Howitzer-mortar type: H.E. projectiles for 70-mm, 120-mm, and 150-mm howitzers.
Description: Over-all length (with gaine): 3 1/16 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 2 3/8 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1 1/4 inches.
Threaded length: 1/2 inch.
Number of threads: 6, right-hand.
Construction: The brass fuze body is made of two major parts, threaded (L.H.)
together, with an aluminum striker head. The external striker is supported by a
spring and four steel wedges. A setback collar which surrounds the wedges is held in
position by the latch springs. The latch springs are fastened around the
circumference of a movable primer-delay carrier.
The howitzer-mortar type fuze differs from the gun type fuze in that only the striker
can move, the primer carrier being threaded to the body. The howitzer-mortar fuze
also has weaker latch springs, allowing the fuze to function on a smaller amount of
Operation: Set-back causes the set-back collar to move down until it is engaged by
the latch springs. The wedges are held in place by the striker until deceleration
sets in. At this point they move out, impelled by centrifugal force, arming the
fuze. On impact (in the gun fuze only) both the striker and the primer-delay carrier
are free to move. This is to minimize the possibility of an unexploded projectile
due to a very low angle of impact.

Type 88 Instantaneous (Gun and Howitzer Mortar) Fuze. See figure 323.
Use: Gun type fuze: H.E. projectiles for the 47-mm antitank gun, 57-mm tank gun,
75-mm guns, and 105-mm guns. This fuze is also used in incendiary and smoke
projectiles for 75-mm guns.
Howitzer-mortar type fuze: Used in H.E. projectiles for 70-mm howitzer, 105-mm guns
and howitzers, 120-mm howitzer, and 150-mm howitzers. It is also used in a smoke
projectile for the 150-mm howitzer.
Description: Over-all length (with gaine): 3 9/16 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 2 7/8 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1 inch.
Threaded length: 0.5 inch.
Number of threads: 5, right-hand.
Construction: The fuze body, of either black steel or brass, is made into two parts
fitted together with threads (L.H.). The head of the aluminum striker protrudes from
the fuze and is held in the unarmed position by four wedges which rest on a raised
collar of the lower fuze body and are held in place by an arming collar. The arming

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collar is supported by latch springs. The striker in the armed position is held from
the primer by a coiled spring.
Operation: Set-back causes the set-back or arming collar to move down until the notch
on the inner side of the collar is engaged and held down by the latch springs.
Centrifugal force moves the wedges out, arming the fuze. On impact the striker is
forced down, overcoming the spring tension, to strike the primer.
Remarks: The howitzer-mortar and the gun type fuze are identical in construction
except that the howitzer-mortar fuze has a weaker latch spring, which allows for
arming with a smaller amount of set-back force.

Type 90 Instantaneous--Short-Delay Fuze. See figure 324.

Use: Long pointed 15-cm projectile.
Description: Over-all length (with gaine): 4 3/8 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 3 7/8 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1 5/8 inches.
Threaded length: 5/16 inch.
Number of threads: 4, right-hand.
Construction: The fuze resembles in appearance a large-sized type 88 short-delay
fuze. It has an aluminum striker head, a brass three-piece body, and a brass gaine.
It has the following safety features: a heavy creep spring, hourglass shaped
centrifugal detents under the striker, a centrifugal shutter, which is held in place
until after set-back by an arming collar-latch spring arrangement, and a safety
fork, which also prevents the arming collar from moving down until the fork has been
removed. Settings of instantaneous or short delay are accomplished by means of a
sliding delay carrier, which has both an open channel and a powder delay channel. This
delay carrier can be moved horizontally in its housing, so that either the instantaneous
or short-delay channel is aligned with the firing train, by pushing on the proper
setting pin with any sharp instrument. The delay carrier is held in place by
friction and by centrifugal force after the projectile has been fired.
Operation: Set-back forces the striker down on the hourglass detents, holding them in
place, and also forces the arming collar down, compressing its spring, so that the
latch springs are engaged. As set-back decreases, the striker is forced up by its
spring, releasing the detents, which move out against their springs because of
centrifugal force. The arming collar spring also forces the arming collar up,
carrying the latch springs with it. This allows centrifugal force to move the
shutter out, thus clearing the flash channel. On impact, the striker is driven into
the primer, which flashes either into the delay element or into the instantaneous
channel, depending on the setting, and from there to the detonator. The detonator
initiates the gaine.

Type 93 Instantaneous-Short-Delay Fuze. See figure 325.

Use: H.E. projectiles for the 81-mm, 90-mm, and 150-mm mortars and incendiary
projectiles for the 90-mm mortar.
Description: Over-all length (with gaine): 3 13/16 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 2 13/16 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1 1/4 inches.
Threaded length: 1/2 inch.
Number of threads: 5, left-hand.
Construction: The brass fuze body is made in two major parts joined together by

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(right-hand) threads. A housing, containing the firing pin and a movable primer, is
press-fitted into a recess in the upper fuze body and supported by a shear-pin. The
firing pin and movable primer are separated by a coiled spring. The primer is held
from the firing pin by a metal washer with two ears 180 degrees apart. These ears
fit into longitudinal slots in the lower part of the firing pin housing and rest
against the under side of a shoulder in the upper fuze body. The gaine threads
(left-hand) into the lower fuze body.
Operation: On impact the shear wire is broken and the lower part of the firing pin
housing is driven down into a recess in the upper fuze body, thus freeing the primer
to move forward onto the firing pin. The choice of instantaneous or short delay is
made by unscrewing the upper body and inserting or removing a delay pellet.

Type 100 Instantaneous--Short-Delay Fuzes. See figure 326.

Use: H.E. projectiles for 81-mm, 90-mm, and 150-mm mortars.
Description: Over-all length (with gaine): 3 3/16 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 2 3/32 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1 1/4 inches.
Threaded length: 9/16 inch.
Number of threads: 6, left-hand.
Construction: The fuze body is of two-piece brass construction, with the upper part
threading (right-hand) into the lower. A housing, containing the firing pin and a
movable primer, is press-fitted into a recess in the upper fuze body and supported by
a shear pin. The firing pin and movable primer are separated by a coiled spring.
The primer is held from the firing pin by a metal washer containing two ears 180
degrees removed. These ears fit into longitudinal slots in the lower part of the
firing pin housing and rest against the underside of a shoulder in the upper fuze
body. A selector for short delay or instantaneous action is located and extends
across the lower fuze body. This selector consists of a solid brass cylinder, one
end of which is slotted for external control. Passing through the cylinder is a
hollow flash channel for instantaneous action. Ninety degrees removed and in the
same vertical plane is a delay channel which intercepts the instantaneous channel.
The gaine threads (left-hand) into the lower fuze body.
Operation: On impact the shear wire is broken and the lower part of the firing pin
housing is driven down into a recess in the upper fuze body, thus freeing the primer
to move forward onto the firing pin. The primer flashes through the selector switch
to the explosive train.

Finned Bangalore Torpedo Fuze. See figure 327.

Use: 50-mm finned bangalore torpedo.
Description: Over-all length (with gaine): 3 15/16 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1 5/8 inches.
Threaded length: 1/4 inch.
Number of threads: 6.
Construction: The fuze consists of a brass vane cap and vanes, black steel two-piece
body, brass keyed striker, steel creep spring, brass selector delay, container, and
brass gaine. Either an instantaneous or a short delay setting may be made by
inserting a screwdriver into the slotted end of the cylinder and rotating the
cylinder in the selector delay container so the instantaneous flash channel is either
open for instantaneous burst, or closed for a short delay burst. The delay powder

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train is ignited in either case. A set-back pin prevents the vanes from rotating
until the projectile is fired.
Operation: The arming fork is removed when the finned bangalore is ready to be fired.
When it is fired, the set-back forces the set-back pin down, allowing the vanes to
rotate up and off, leaving the striker exposed and supported only by its creep
spring. On impact, the striker compresses the creep spring and is driven into the
primer. The flash from the primer ignites the delay train and, if the instantaneous
channel is open, also flashes directly into the gaine.

Type 98 Interior Fuze. See figure 328.

Use: 32-cm spigot mortar.
Description: Over-all length (with gaine): 3 15/16 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1 15/64 inches.
Threaded length: 3/4 inch.
Number of threads: 8.
Construction: The fuze consists of two sections housed in a one-piece body. The two
sections are separated by a fuzed striker housing. The upper section consists of a
flash cap and a set-back striker and striker block separated by a safety spring and
upper safety fork. Below the flash cap is a hard block of black powder. The safety
plunger is spring-loaded upward against the block by the safety plunger spring, which
also bears against the fixed striker housing. Two safety plungers which are fixed to
the safety plunger holder protrude through holes in the fixed firing pin. The fixed
firing pin and inertia primer housing are separated by an anti-creep spring and lower
safety fork.
Operation: The upper safety fork is removed from the fuze in the nose section, the
other forks having been removed during assembly of the round. Upon setback the
setback striker hits the flash cap. The flash from the cap burns the black powder
plug and allows the safety plunger holder to move forward. This raises the two
safety plungers, exposing the fixed striker to the detonator carrier. On impact the
detonator carrier moves forward against the anticreep spring and hits the fixed
firing pin.

Type 89 Small Time Fuze. See figure 329.

Use: Smoke projectiles for the 50-mm grenade discharger and illuminating projectiles
for the 70-mm mortar and 70-mm howitzer.
Description: Over-all length: 1 3/4 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1 7/16 inches.
Threaded length: 1/4 inch.
Number of threads: 4, left-hand.
Construction: The fuze is made of brass, consisting of the main body and a nose cap
fitted together by L.H. threads. There are two brass time rings, one being fixed and
the other movable. The primer is located in the lower part of the fuze and separated
from the striker by a spring. The striker is also supported by a safety wire which
passes through the nose of the fuze.
Operation: The safety wire holding the striker is removed before the projectile is
fired. On setback the striker moves down against the spring to hit the primer. The
flash from this ignites the powder train, which burns through the two time rings into
the magazine at the base of the fuze.
Remarks: This fuze has a time setting of 0 to 20 seconds in increments of 1/2 second.

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Type 89 Powder Time Fuze. See figure 330.
Use: H.E. projectiles for the 75-mm and 105-mm antiaircraft guns.
Description: Over-all length: 3 7/8 inches.
Maximum diameter: 2 1/8 inches.
Threaded length 3/8 inch.
Number of threads: 4, right-hand.
Construction: This fuze is made of brass and consists of a nose cap, a central
spindle, and four powder time rings. Of the four powder rings surrounding the
spindle, the first and third are fixed. The second and fourth rings are movable and
keyed so that they move as one unit. Housed in the base of the central spindle is a
firing pin which is separated from the movable primer by a small coiled spring. The
base plate contains a flash charge of black powder.
Operation: This fuze may be set for anytime between 0 and 30 seconds in increments of
1/5 second. On setback the primer moves down onto the fixed firing pin, sending a
flash up through the central spindle to the upper time ring. As the last powder time
ring burns, the flash is transmitted to a black-powder magazine and thence to an
auxiliary detonating fuze which is used in conjuction with this fuze and is threaded
into the fuze pocket separately.
Remarks: This fuze is also used in Navy 8-cm antiaircraft projectiles.

Auxiliary Detonating Fuze. See figure 331.

Use: In conjunction with the type 89 (powder time), type 2 powder time and impact
fuze and type 100 mechanical time and impact fuze.
Description: Over-all length: 1 13/16 inches.
Length (without gaine): 1 1/4 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1 1/2 inches.
Threaded length: 5/16 inch.
Number of threads: 7, right-hand.
Construction: This fuze is made of two brass sections. The top portion is threaded
(R.H.) externally to fit into the fuze pocket and internally to receive the base
portion. Centrally located in the top plate is a flash hole leading to a relay
charge and the gaine. The mechanism housed within the fuze consists of an arming
collar supported by a coiled spring and the ears of a circumferential latch spring.
In the unarmed position, a metal shutter, held in place by the lower portion of the
latch spring, closes a flash channel from the relay charge to the gaine. The gaine
threads into the lower portion.
Operation: On set-back the arming collar moves down, engaging the ears of the latch
spring. During deceleration, the coiled spring raises the arming collar and latch
spring, freeing the shutter, which moves out with centrifugal force and leaves the
flash channel open.

Type 3rd-Year Combination Powder Time and Impact Fuze. See figure 332.
Use: 75-mm shrapnel and old H.E. projectiles.
Description: Over-all length: 2 7/16 inches.
Maximum diameter: 2 5/8 inches.
Threaded length: 1/2 inch.
Number of threads: 4, right-hand.
Construction: This fuze is made of brass. A central spindle and base section are

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made in one piece. Two powder time rings (the upper fixed, the lower movable) are
fitted around the spindle and held in place by a nose cap, which threads onto the top
of the spindle. The time-ring primer is housed in the nose cap and before firing is
supported by a safety pin which passes through it and the nose cap. The primer is
also supported by an arming sleeve. A partition in the hollow spindle has a firing
pin on both sides. A second movable primer (impact primer) is housed in the base of
the spindle. It is held in place by two centrifugal detents and separated from the
firing pin by a coiled spring. A baseplate threads into the base section and
contains a black-powder magazine. The movable time ring graduated from 0 to 22
seconds in increments of 1/5 second.
Operation: Before firing, the safety pin is removed and the time ring set. On
setback the time ring primer moves down onto the firing pin. The flash from the
primer passes through a flash channel to the upper time ring. The powder train leads
through the time rings down to the black powder magazine.
Centrifugal force causes the detents to move out, freeing the impact primer, and, if
the projectile hits before the time setting has elapsed, the primer carrier moves
against the spring onto the firing pin. The flash from the primer sets off the
black-powder magazine.

Type 5th-Year Combination Powder Time and Impact Fuze. See figure 333.
Use: 75-mm shrapnel, incendiary, and illuminating projectiles, 105-mm shrapnel and
incendiary projectiles, and 150-mm shrapnel and illuminating projectiles.
Description: Over-all length: 2 13/16 inches.
Maximum diameter: 2 5/8 inches.
Threaded length: 1/2 inch.
Number of threads: 3, right-hand.
Construction: This fuze is made of brass. A central spindle and base section are
made in one piece. Three powder time rings are fitted over the spindle and held in
place by a nose cap which threads onto the top of the spindle. Housed in the nose
cap is an aerial-burst primer carrier seated in a metal cup. The base of this cup
has one centrally located hole. The top of the sides are flanged and rest on a
shoulder of the central spindle. A safety pin is fitted through the nose cap and the
primer carrier. A partition in the hollow spindle contains a firing pin pointed on
either end. Housed in the base of the spindle is a detent-held, movable impact
primer carrier which is separated from the firing pin by a coiled spring. A base
plate threads into the base section and contains a black-powder magazine. The top
and lower powder time rings are keyed together and movable; the center ring is
stationary. The rings are graduated from 0 to 36.6 seconds in increments of 1/5
Operation: Before firing, the safety pin is removed and the time rings set. On
setback the aerial burst primer moves down onto the stationary firing pin, and the
resulting flash ignites, through a flash channel, the upper time ring. The powder
train leads through the time rings down to the black-powder magazine in the base of
the fuse. Centrifugal force causes the detents to move out, freeing the impact primer,
and, if the projectile hits before the time setting has elapsed, the primer carrier moves
against the spring onto the firing pin. The flash from the primer sets off the
black-powder magazine.

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Type 100 Mechanical Time and Impact Fuze. See figure 334.
Use: Antiaircraft ammunition for type 14-year 105-mm A.A. gun and type 99 88-mm A.A.
Description: Over-all length: 4 7/8 inches.
Maximum diameter: 2 3/8 inches.
Threaded length: 9/16 inch.
Number of threads: No data.
Construction: This is a 50-second combination mechanical time and impact projectile
fuze. The clockwork mechanism is essentially the same as that found in the Navy type
91 fuze. The aluminum alloy windshield adds form to the fuze and houses the upper
end of the setback hammer. The time setting ring, assembly ring, and lower fuze body
are made of aluminum alloy. The clockwork mechanism is housed in the time-setting
ring and assembly ring. The time firing assembly consists of a primer cap under
which is a black-powder flash channel leading to a small black-powder magazine in the
base plug. The impact firing assembly consists of a stationary firing pin separated
from a movable primer carrier by a spring. Two spring-loaded detents are engaged in
the slot of the primer carrier until projectile is rotating in flight.
Operation: Time: See Navy type 91.
Impact: Centrifugal force moves the detents from the slot in the primer carrier and
the primer carrier is then free to overcome the spring and hit the fixed firing pin
upon impact. A small black powder charge flashes to the base magazine which in turn
fires the auxiliary detonating fuze. The Army auxiliary detonating fuze is used in
conjunction with the type 100.

Type 2 Combination Powder Time and Impact Fuze. See figure 335.
Use: H.E. projectiles for the 75-mm and 105-mm antiaircraft guns.
Description: Over-all length: 2 3/32 inches.
Maximum diameter: 3 1/8 inches.
Threaded length: 3/8 inch.
Number of threads: 4, right-hand.
Construction: This fuze is constructed of brass and aluminum. The fuze body, time
rings, vent positioning sleeve, and vent locking ring are made of brass, while the
vent cap, nosepiece, and base plug are of aluminum. The striker extension is wood.
The movable time train has setting markings from 1 to 44 seconds, in half-second
intervals. The vent positioning sleeve separates the time rings from the central fuze
body, and vertical grooves in this sleeve allow the gases from the burning time rings to
pass off. A key prevents the sleeve from turning, and the upper time ring is also held
stationary by a key which threads into the central fuze body. The vent locking ring
threads on the central fuze body and secures the time rings and the sleeve. It is held off
the upper ring by belleville springs. The ring is further secured by a grub screw.
The vent cap threads onto the upper time ring and contains holes for the escape of
gases. Contained in the nose cap is the complete impact firing mechanism, consisting
of a wooden striker extension, striker, centrifugal detent, detent spring, and primer cap.
The fuze body has two longitudinal flash channels through its central part toallow
the flash from the impact primer to ignite the black-powder magazine in the base.
The time firing-pin safety spring, and time primer cap are also housed in the central
fuze body. A transverse hole in the body between the time firing mechanism and the
upper time ring allows the flash of the primer cap to ignite the upper time ring.
The fuze is stored with a protective cap screwed on the fuze body just below the

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lower time ring.
Operation: Time: Set-back initiates the time striker. Because of four longitudinal
grooves in the striker, the flash escapes to and through the transverse opening to
the upper powder ring. From the lower powder ring a black powder flash channel
ignites the black-powder magazine in the base.
Impact: The detent moves from under the striker with centrifugal force. On impact
the nose is crushed, driving the striker onto the primer cap. The flash passes
through the flash channel in the central fuze body to the black-powder magazine in
the base.

Type 94 Small-Delay Base Fuze. See figure 336.

Use: A.P.-H.E. projectiles for the 37-mm tank and antitank guns.
Description: Over-all length: No data.
Maximum diameter: 1 7/32 inches.
Threaded length: 1/2 inch.
Number of threads: 8, right-hand.
Construction: The fuze is made of one piece of black steel which houses the base
plate, striker, arming sleeve, creep spring, and firing train. The after end of the
striker fits into a recess in the base plate and has an enlarged shoulder to engage
the arming sleeve. A creep spring is housed in the arming sleeve resting between the
primer housing and in inner shoulder of the arming sleeve. The striker is held from
the primer by a shearwire which passes through the arming sleeve and the striker.
Operation: On set-back the shear wire is broken. The arming sleeve moves back and is
wedged on the after end of the striker, exposing the forward end of the striker
beyond the forward end of the arming sleeve. On impact the striker and arming
sleeve, which now act as one piece, move down against the creep spring with the
striker, piercing the primer.

Type 92 Small Short-Delay Base Fuze. See figure 337.

Use: A.P. projectiles for 57-mm tank guns.
Description: Over-all length: 2 9/16 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1 1/4 inches.
Threaded length: 25/32 inch.
Number of threads: 9.
Construction: Threaded onto the base of the fuze body is a metal cap which serves
only as a cover for the centrifugal detents. Threaded into the forward section is
the explosive train carrier. The fuze body houses two centrifugal detents, a striker
and a creep spring. The detents, fitting into a circular groove, hold the striker
from the primer.
Operation: With centrifugal force the spring-loaded detents move out, leaving the
striker free to move onto the primer on impact.

Small Mk 2 Base Detonating Fuze. See figure 338.

Use: A.P. projectiles for 47-mm antitank gun.
Description: Over-all length (with gaine): 2 1/8 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 1 9/16 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1 3/16 inches.
Threaded length: 5/8 inch.
Number of threads: 9 right-hand.

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Construction: This fuze is made of black steel in one piece. The rear end is drilled
out to take the tracer. Housed in the forward part of the fuze and separated by a
coiled spring, are a movable primer and a fixed firing pin. The firing pin contains
a flash channel which leads to the explosive train. The gaine is threaded (R.H.)
into the front of the fuze.
Operation: There are no arming features in this fuze. On impact, the primer moves
down onto the firing pin. The resulting flash passes through a small hole beside the
firing pin into the gaine.

Small Mk 1 Base Detonating Fuze. See figure 339.

Use: Type 1 37-mm A.P. projectiles.
Description: Over-all length (with gaine): 2 1/16 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1 3/32 inches.
Threaded length: 7/16 inch.
Number of threads: 7.
Construction: This fuze is identical to the small Mk 2 except for size.
Operation: The operation is the same as for the small Mk 2 fuze.

Medium Mk 1 Impact Base Fuze. See figure 340.

Use: 75-mm A.P-H.E. projectiles for the type 41 and 94 mountain guns and the type 90
field gun.
Description: Over-all length (with gaine): No data.
Over-all length (without gaine): 2 inches.
Maximum diameter: 2 1/16 inches.
Threaded length: 15/16 inch.
Number of threads: 11.
Construction: This fuze is made of black steel into two separate parts, which are
threaded separately into the base of the projectile. The rear part contains a tracer
element which is separated from the working mechanism of the fuze by a steel
partition. The working mechanism consists of two spring-loaded detents which fit
into a circumferential recess in the metal primer carrier and when in the unarmed
position hold the primer carrier from the firing pin. There is a small coiled spring
located between the firing pin and the primer carrier. The firing pin has two small
flash channels leading down to the explosive gaine. The gaine threads into the fuze
pocket with threads of the same diameter as the fuze proper.
Operation: Centrifugal force moves the detents out from the primer carrier, which is
then separated from the stationary firing pin by the spring only. On impact, the
primer moves down upon firing pin, flashing through the flash channels to the gaine.

Type 88 Small (Howitzer-Mortar) Base Fuze. See figure 341.

Use: 12-cm A.P. projectile type 38 (howitzer) and A.P. projectile for 150-mm
Description: Over-all length: 5 1/2 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1 3/8 inches.
Threaded length: 9/16 inch, right-hand.
Construction: This fuze consists of an after section which houses the striker,
centrifugal detents, and delay train, and a forward section housing the gaine. The
base of the after section is threaded externally to thread into the base fuze
carrier. The brass striker contains a circumferential groove into which two

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centrifugal detents are fitted. In flight a creep spring separates the striker from
the primer. Resting between the base of the fuze and the after end of the striker is
a lead disc, the purpose of which is to prevent freezing of the striker to the fuze
body on setback. Housed in the center portion of the fuze are the primer, delay
pellet, and detonator.
Operation: With centrifugal force the detents move out, freeing the striker, which
moves down against the creep spring on impact.

Type 88 Small (Gun) Base Fuze. See figure 342.

Use: A.P.-H.E. for 15-centimeter guns.
Description: Over-all length: 6 21/32 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1 3/8 inches.
Threaded length: 7/8 inch.
Number of threads: 6.
Construction: This fuze has the same internal construction as the type 88 small base
fuze (howitzer-mortar type). It differs externally in that it is slightly longer
than the howitzer-mortar type and has a square top instead of a conical top.
Operation: The operation is the same as for the howitzer-mortar type fuze.

Type 95 Large Mk 2 Mod 1 Base Fuze. See figure 343.

Use: A.P.-H.E. for 7th year type 30-centimeter howitzer.
Description: Over-all length: 8 inches.
Length (without gaine): 5 7/8 inches.
Maximum diameter: 2 11/16 inches.
Threaded length: 2 inches.
Number of threads: 12, right-hand.
Construction: The fuze body is threaded externally to fit into the base plate and
internally to receive the setting-dial piece in the base and the gaine in the forward
end. Within the fuze body are housed the striker sleeve, centrifugal detents,
striker, creep spring, primer, delay train, and shutter. The striker sleeve is operated
externally from the base of the fuze by the setting dial and controls the position of a
powder time ring which in turn determines the amount of delay. The striker rests on a
creep spring and has a circumferential groove into which the centrifugal detents fit. The
shutter housing is held in the fuze body by the gaine. The shutter slide is held in place
(thus interrupting the firing train) by two horizontal spring-loaded pins, one end of which
is threaded to the shutter slide and the other end anchored to the shutter housing.
There is a spring-loaded set-back pin housed in the shutter proper to provide bore
Operation: When the projectile is fired, the set-back pin housed in the shutter moves
down against its spring into the shutter housing locking the shutter to the housing.
As deceleration begins, the setback pin moves into the shutter and frees it to move
out. With centrifugal force, the shutter slide moves out, compressing the springs of
the two horizontal pins, and presents a flash hole which opens the firing train. As
creep sets in, two vertical pins move forward to lock the shutter slide pins in place
and hold the shutter slide in the open position. The centrifugal detents holding the
striker move out, freeing the striker, which moves down onto the primer on impact.
Remarks: The setting dial is graduated from 5 to 200, representing 0.05 to 2 seconds

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Type 95 Medium Base Fuze. See figure 344.
Use: Type 95, 15-centimeter A.P.-H.E.
Description: Over-all length: 5 35/64 inches.
Maximum diameter: 2 23/64 inches.
Threaded length: 25/32 inch.
Number of threads: 6.
Construction: The fuze is similar to the type 95 large Mk 2 Mod 1 base fuze, but it
is smaller in length and diameter. There is no threaded cap over the base as in the
large fuze, and the firing pin sleeve is of different construction. The firing pin, detents,
shutter, and setting dial are of similar construction in both fuzes.
Operation: The operation of the fuze is identical to that of the type 95 large Mk 2
Mod 1 fuze. The fuze is armed by setback and centrifugal force, and fires upon



The Navy system of marking projectiles for all sizes over 40-millimeter is relatively
simple and reasonably consistent. Some discrepancies exist between the standard
system and recovered specimens. The following system applies to projectiles of over
40-millimeter, but carries over in part into the marking of smaller-caliber ammunition.
See figure 345.
Body color: The main color of the projectile body indicates the basic type of shell.
Type of projectile Body color
Japanese "ordinary"* Maroon.
Armor-piercing White.
Illuminating (over 14-cm) Red.
Illuminating (under 14-cm) Blue.
Shrapnel Gray.
Target Green.
Smoke tracer Orange.
Practice Black.
Incendiary-shrapnel Red with identifying characters.
*Japanese classification "Ordinary" includes Common and capped Common projectiles
as well as various designs of H.E. projectiles.
Color of nose: Certain additional information is indicated by the painting of the
nose of the projectile as follows:
1. Green Nose. - Indicates "explosive-filled." Specific identity of explosive is not
made. Black powder as well as H.E. is marked in this way.
2. Red Tip on Green Nose. Indicates "base-fuzed," but is not used when ammunition is
of the fixed type.
3. Yellow Nose. - Indicates "practice use." This is applied to standard practice
projectiles, painted black, and may also be used to indicate projectiles converted
from service types. Projectiles converted for practice retain their original painting
except for the yellow nose.
The length of green or yellow tip is 100 millimeter for 12-centimeter gun and larger,
50 millimeters for 10- and 8-centermeter guns, 15 millimeter for 6 centimeters and
smaller. The length of the red tip is exactly half that of the green.

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Center of gravity: The center of gravity of larger projectiles is indicated by a
color band painted at the appropriate position near the middle of the body. The
color of this band is varied to contrast with the color of the projectile body.
Color of projectile Color of band Width of band body
Maroon or blue Yellow 50 mm for projectiles 20-cm and above.
White Red 20 mm for 15.5 (and under). Black
White 10 mm on all sizes.
The center of gravity is not required to be marked on projectiles of 15-centimeter
and under, but where projectiles of these sizes already bear the color band at the
point of balance (apparently from earlier requirements) repainting is not required.
Additional features of painting:
1. A black band painted on the lower edge of a projectile cap indicates a design of
cap designated "type 3-year cap."
2. Fuzes and rotating bands normally are not painted. The bourrelet is consistently
3. The portion of the body between the rotating band and the base is left unpainted
in projectiles of fixed ammunition, but is painted on projectiles of semi-fixed
4. Dummy plugs resembling fuzes have the tips painted with black lacquer to
distinguish them from fuzes.
Accessory markings: Type numbers or other characters are sometimes stenciled on the
ogival portion of the projectile as a further aid in identification. Some of these
markings are: Figure 474
Filling data: On Navy projectiles of the larger sizes (8-cm and above), the dates of
manufacture and filling are painted or stencilled around the body of the projectile
just above the rotating band, and again on the base of the projectile.
This marking usually consists of the following data in sequence as given (beginning
at the right of the widest space and reading around the projectile to the right).
Figure 475
e. An Arsenal Identification. This entry is not well standardized. Figure 476
Rotating band marking: Certain information pertaining to the manufacture of the
projectile body itself is stamped into the rotating band. A typical example follows:
Figure 477
a. "Modification One" applies to the projectile design but is not a complete
designation. This sometimes appears as Figure 478
b. 5/16 indicates 5th month, 16th year shown (May 1941), the date of manufacture of
the projecile body.
c. Figure 479 Symbol of the place of manufacture, in this case Kure. The form of
the anchor varies with each factory. The place name or its abbreviation (e.g.
Kure: or Sa for Sasebo) may also be included.
d. 18.500 is the weight of the empty projectile body in kilograms. This may also
be written 18 K 500.
Paper labels: Typically, but not without exception, there are two paper labels
appearing externally on Navy ammunition, an oval one giving projectile data, and a
square one giving propellant data. Both carry valuable information on the ammunition
components, and may be read at least partially without knowledge of Japanese. See
figure 345 2 and 3 of 6. In fixed ammunition both labels appear on the projectile. In
semi-fixed ammunition, the oval label appears on the projectile and the square
propellant label is glued to the metal disc in the top of the propellant case. In both types,

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the propellant label is duplicated by a cloth label sewed to the bag enclosing the powder
sticks. Occasionally the designation of the gun is included on the cloth label which is
sewed to the propellant bag or may appear on a separate small label sewed near the
propellant label. See figure 345 4 and 5 of 6.
Bursting charge label: The bursting charge of most Navy projectiles is cast in a
paper container and inserted in the projectile as a separate unit and is held in
place by paraffin. See figure 345 6 of 6.
A circular label on the bottom of the explosive charge carries the following data:
Figure 480


Certain features of marking of large-caliber projectiles carry over into the marking
of smaller sizes, but in general, sizes of 40-millimeter and under follow no single
standard identification system and are best considered as individual groups.
40-mm--Automatic antiaircraft weapon: This ammunition follows the large-caliber
system in general.
Maroon with green tip: High explosive.
White with green tip: Armor-piercing (H.E. filled).
Orange: Tracer (blind loaded).
30-mm--Aircraft cannon: This ammunition follows a system independent of the
large-caliber code, but common to 20-millimeter Navy ammunition which is likewise for
aircraft cannon. Color of projectile body indicates type of projectile.
Maroon: High explosive.
Red: H.E. tracer.
Yellow (greenish): H.E.I.(W.P.).
Black with red nose, fuzeless: Tracer.
White: Armor-piercing.
A new trend in the painting of 30-millimeter projectiles is to leave the body
unpainted except for an identifying color band immediately behind the nose fuze.
25-mm--Automatic antiaircraft weapon: This ammunition follows the large-caliber
system in part. Green tipping to indicate the presence of explosive filling was
followed in H.E. and H.E.-tracer projectiles of earlier manufacture, but apparently
has been abandoned in more recent lots.
Maroon (with or without green tip): High explosive.
Red (with or without green tip): H.E., tracer. Later lots only are self-destroying.
Orange (with or without green tip): H.E., tracer. Identical to red non-S.D. rounds.
Orange (with red paint around the case primer): H.E., tracer. Construction of tracer
differs from above.
Green: H.E.I. (W.P.).
White (with black under coat): A P.-T. Projectiles sometimes appear bluish-white,
white-tipped, or black due to loss of white paint.
20-mm--Aircraft cannon Mk 1 and Mk 2: Color of body indicates type of projectile.
White bands indicate modifications of basic design.
No bands: Unmodified design.
One band: Modification one.
Two bands: Modification two.
Three bands: Modification three.
One wide band: Modification four.
Brown: High explosive.

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Red (solid nose): Tracer.
Red (fuzed): H.E. tracer.
Yellow (greenish): H.E.I. (W.P.).
White: A.P.I. (dry filling).
Black: Practice, blind loaded.
13-mm--Type 2 aircraft machine gun (fuzed ammunition): Color of body indicates type
of projectile; follows aircraft cannon code.
Maroon (fuzed): High explosive.
Red (fuzed) brown band: H.E.T.
Red (fuzeless): Tracer.
Yellow (fuzed): H.E.I. (W.P.).
White (fuzeless): A.P.-T.
Black (fuzeless): Practice.
Small arms--7.7-mm, 7.9-mm, 13.2-mm: Identifying color is applied around the primer
in the base of the case.
Green:Incendiary Model 1 (W.P.).
Purple:Incendiary Model 2 (H.E.).

Chapter 5--Section 1 NAVY PROJECTILES

7.7-mm Aircraft Machine Gun Ammunition See figure 346.

Ball A.P. Incendiary
Over-all length........ 3 1/32 inches.. 3 5/64 inches... 3 3/64 inches...
Length of case......... 2 7/32 inches.. 2 7/32 inches... 2 7/32 inches...
Length of projectile... 1 9/32 inches.. 1 13/32 inches.. 1 13/32 inches..
Weight of projectile... 173.6 grams..................... 133.2 grams.....
Tracer H.E.
Over-all length........ 3 3/64 inches... 3 inches.
Length of case......... 2 7/32 inches... 2 7/32 inches.
Length of projectile... 1 13/32 inches.. 1 21/64 inches.
Weight of projectile... 130.4 grams.
Projectile Type jacket Projectile core Construction:
Ball.......... CuNi...... Lead.
A.P........... Brass..... Steel.
Tracer........ CuNi...... Lead.
Incendiary.... Brass..... W.P. and lead.
H. E. Copper.... PETN and lead. (blunt nose).
Weapons in which used:
Type 92 A.A.M.G. (Lewis design).
Type 92 flexible A.C.M.G. (Lewis design).
Type 97 fixed A.C.M.G. (Vickers design).
Color and markings:
Ball....................... Black.
A. P....................... White.
Tracer..................... Red.

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Incendiary................. Green.
H. E....................... Purple.
Remarks: This ammunition is used in Navy aircraft. There is no sequence of loading.
All the rounds are rimmed. They are interchangeable with British caliber 303.
The type 92 A.A.M.G. and A.C.M.G. uses a drum magazine, and the type 97 uses a link
belt feed.

13-mm Aircraft Machine Gun Ammunition. See figure 347.

Tracer A.E.T.
Over-all length....................... 4 1/8 inches..... 4 1/8 inches.....
Length of case........................ 2 1/2 inches..... 2 1/2 inches.....
Length of projectile (without fuze)... 1 37/64 inches... 1 37/64 inches...
Weight of projectile (empty).......... 27.2 grams....... 24.6 grams.......
Over-all length....................... 4 1/8 inches.
Length of case........................ 2 1/2 inches.
Length of projectile (without fuze)... 1 37/64 inches.
Weight of projectile (empty).......... 24.3 grams.
Projectile Projectile core Type jacket
Ball................ Copper..... Lead.
A.P.T............... Copper..... Steel.
Tracer (dummy fuze Copper..... Lead. plug).
Incnediary.......... Copper..... W.P. and lead.
H.E.T. (fuzed)...... Copper..... PETN and lead.
H. E. (fuzed)....... Copper..... PETN and lead.
Weapons in which used: Type 2 A.C.M.G. (copy of German 13-mm Rheinmetall-
Color and markings:
Ball........................... Black.
A.P.T.......................... White.
H.E.T.......................... Red with brown band.
H.E............................ Maroon (rust).
Remarks: This ammunition has a reduced-rim brass case with a shoulder above the
extractor groove. All rounds have a nose fuze or a dummy fuze plug. The body of the
projectiles are painted in distinctive colors after the system used in 20-mm aircraft
cannon ammunition.

13.2-mm Aircraft and Antiaircraft Machine Gun Ammunition. See figure 348.
Tracer A.P.
Over-all length................... 5 3/8 inches..... 5 3/8 inches.....
Length of case.................... 3 7/8 inches..... 3 7/8 inches.....
Weight of projectile (empty)...... 44.8 grams....... 51.8 grams.......
Over-all length................... 5 3/8 inches.
Length of case.................... 3 7/8 inches.
Weight of projectile (empty)...... 44.3 grams.

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Projectile type jacket Projectile core
Ball.......... Copper..... Lead.
Tracer........ Copper..... Lead.
A.P........... Copper..... Steel.
H.E.I......... Copper..... PETN and incendiary composition.
Weapons in which used:
Type 93: A.A.M.G.
Type 3: Fixed/flexible A.C.M.G.
Color and markings:
Type around primer
Ball.................... Black.
Tracer.................. Red.
A. P.................... White.
H. E. I................. Yellow.
Remarks: This ammunition has a rimless brass case. It is very similar in appearance
but not interchangeable with U.S. caliber .50. The standard Navy code for marking
small arms ammunition is used.

Type 99 20-mm Ammunition. See figure 349.

Naval 20-millimeter ammunition is divided into two classes: Type 99 Mk I and type 99
Mk II. The two are distinguished by the fact that the Mk I uses a small-size
cartridge case (3.79 inches), and the Mk II uses a large-size cartridge case 3.98
inches). Both sizes use the same projectiles and fuzes, but there are a greater number
of types and modifications of rounds in the smaller size. This ammunition is a Japanese
copy of the Swiss Oerlikon design. In addition to rounds of Japanese make, some of
Swiss origin have been used by the Japanese.
Case Mk I Mk II
Length................. 3.79 inches.... 3.98 inches.
Diameter at base....... 0.75 inch...... 0.75 inch.
Weight (empty)......... 57.0 grams..... 71.0 grams.
Material............... Brass.......... Brass.
The cases are of the reduced-rim type and are crimped to the projectiles by either
three or six crimps at the cannelure, and sealed with a clear lacquer.
Propellant: The propellant from the Japanese-manufactured rounds is graphited,
single-base, single perforated, cylindrical, nitrocellulose grains. The propellant
from the Swiss rounds is single-base, graphite-coated, nitrocellulose grains, in the
form of flakes. The Mk I case contains 13.6 grams of propellant and the Mk II case
contains 21.4 grams of propellant.
Projectiles: In the case of Japanese manufactured ammunition, the type of projectile
is indicated by painting the projectile body a solid color. Subsequent modifications
of the original type are indicated by one or more white bands around the projectile
body, thus:
Original type: No bands.
Modification 1: One 5-mm white band.
Modification 2: Two 5-mm white band.
Modification 3: Three 5-mm white band.
Modification 4: One 10-mm white band.

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All the Swiss projectiles are painted a solid color without bands. The following
dimensions are common to all projectiles:
Distance from rotating band to bourrelet, 1.29 inches.
Distance from rotating band to base, 0.36 inch.
Diameter of body, 0.77 inch.
Diameter at bourrelet, 0.79 inch.
Diameter at base, 0.75 inch.
Diameter at rotating band, 0.83 inch.

20-mm High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 350.

Fuzing: Japanese: Mod 2
Swiss: Mod 1
Weight of projectile (fuzed): 4.50 ounces.
Length of projectile (fuzed): 3.23 inches.
Length of complete round: Mk I, 5.66 inches, Mk II, 6.84 inches.
Filling: Pentolite (50 percent TNT, 50 percent PETN).
Weight of filling: 0.35 ounces.
Color and markings:
Japanese: Rust brown over-all (modifications indicated by white bands).
Swiss: 1. Yellow over-all. 2. Dark brown over-all.
Remarks: Ammunition of Swiss manufacture has been found to contain slightly more
explosive than the Japanese round.

20-mm High-Explosive Incendiary Projectile. See figure 351.

Fuzing: Basic projectile: Model 1.
Modification I: Model 1.
Modification II: Model 3.
Modification III: Model 2.
Modification IV: Model 3.
Weight of projectile (fuzed): 4.51 ounces.
Length of projectile (fuzed): 3.23 inches.
Length of complete round: Mk I, 5.66 inches, Mk II, 6.84 inches.
Filling: TNT: 0.18 ounces.
WP: 0.11 ounces
Incendiary mixture: 0.04 ounces.
Color and markings: Greenish-yellow over all, with one or more white bands to
indicate modifications.
Remarks: The body of all projectiles (basic and modifications) is of steel, with one
cavity. The base of the cavity contains TNT, above which is an aluminum canister
containing white phosphorus. The cannister is surrounded by a graphited, flake
nitrocellulose incendiary mixture. The Model 4 projectile eliminates the TNT and has
a longer white phosphorus cannister. Differences between the basic projectiles and
subsequent modifications are principally in the fuzes and slight changes in the shape of
the cavity.

20-mm High-Explosive Tracer Projectile. See figure 352.

Fuzing: Basic projectile: Model 1.
Modification I: Model 1.
Modification II: Model 1.

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Modification III: Model 2.
Modification IV: Model 3.
Modification V: Two-piece fuze. (Japanese designation unknown).
Weight of projectile (fuzed): 4.51 ounces.
Length of projectile (fuzed): 3.10 inches.
Length of complete round: Mk I, 5.70 inches*, Mk II, 6.88 inches. Filling:
Pentolite (50 percent TNT, 50 percent PETN).
Weight of filling: 0.18 ounces.
Color and markings: Red over all (modifications indicated by white bands).
Remarks: The body of all projectiles (basic and five modifications) contains two
cavities separated by a steel septum. The upper cavity contains the H.E. filling,
while the lower contains the tracer. The same H.E. filling and tracer mixture are
used in all instances. Differences between the basic projectile and subsequent
modifications are principally in the fuzes and weight of H.E. and tracer filling
used. *The No. Model and Model 1 projectiles are 0.16 inch shorter than the other

20-mm High-Explosive Tracer (Self-Destroying) Projectile. See figure 353.

Fuzing: Model 1 Weight of projectile (fuzed): 4.50 ounces.
Length of projectile (fuzed): 3.15 inches.
Length of complete round: Mk I, 5.58 inches, Mk II, 6.76 inches.
Filling: Pentolite (50 percent TNT, 50 percent PETN).
Weight of filling: 0.15 ounces.
Color and markings: Japanese, red over all; Swiss, black over all.
Remarks: The projectiles are similar to the H.E. tracer types except for their
self-destroying feature, which is accomplished by a hole drilled through the septum
of the projectile. A black-powder train leads from the tracer, through the hole in
the septum and the H.E. filling, to the base of the gaine.

20-mm Armor-Piercing Incendiary Projectile. See figure 354.

Fuzing: None.
Weight of projectile: 4.64 ounces.
Length of projectile: 3.15 inches.
Length of complete round: Mk I, 5.58 inches; Mk II, 6.76 inches.
Filling: Incendiary mixture.
1. Nitrocellulose: 77.5 percent.
2. Sodium nitrate: 11.3 percent.
3. Aluminum: 11.2 percent.
Weight of filling: 0.12 ounce.
Color and markings: White over-all.
Remarks: The projectile is unfuzed and has a pointed steel body and a soft copper cap
soldered to the nose. The incendiary filling loaded through the base is sealed with
a threaded base plug. Upon impact, the rear end of the projectile ruptures and the heat
generated ignites the incendiary filling. No Modifications or similar Swiss ammunition

20-mm Tracer Projectile. See figure 355.

Fuzing: None.
Weight of projectile: 4.44 ounces.

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Length of projectile: 3.23 inches.
Length of complete round: Mk I, 5.66 inches; Mk II, 6.84 inches.
Filling: Tracer mixture.
Weight of filling: 0.31 ounce.
Color and markings: Red over all (modifications indicated by white band).
Remarks: The projectile is unfuzed; has a blunt nose and a long cavity containing the
tracer element. It is loaded so as to be the first round fired to break the muzzle
cover. It is, therefore, often referred to as a "bag-buster." In addition to the basic
Japanese type, Modifications II and III exist, as well as a similar round of Swiss make.
The weight of tracer constitutes the difference in the Japanese modifications.

20-mm Practice Projectile. See figure 356.

Fuze: None.
Weight of projectile: 4.45 ounces.
Length of projectile: 3.23 inches.
Length of complete round: Mk I, 5.66 inches; Mk II, 6.84 inches.
Filling: None.
Color and markings: Black over all.
Remarks: The projectile is unfuzed and has a blunt nose. It has an empty cavity
which is closed at the base with a crimped steel plug. No modifications exist.
25-mm Ammunition. See figure 357. The only 25-mm gun in use by the Japanese was
the type 96 Model 2 antiaircraft/antitank gun. This is a multiple-barreled, air-cooled,
magazine-fed, automatic weapon.
Case: The case is rimless; has a slight taper and a pronounced neck, which is crimped
over the after rotating band of the projectiles.
Length: 6.46 inches.
Diameter of base: 1.65 inches.
Material: Brass.
Weight (empty): 333.5 grams.
Propellant: The propellant is single-perforated, graphited grains of nitrocellulose.
The grains are 2 millimeters in diameter and from 2.5 millimeters to 4.5 millimeters
in length. The propellant weight is 102 grams.
Projectiles: The type of projectile is indicted by painting the projectile body a
solid color.
The following dimensions are common to all projectiles:
Projectile diameter: 0.96 inch (24.5 mm).
Width of rotating bands:
Forward: 0.71 inch.
Aft: 0.24 inch.

25-mm High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 358.

Fuzing: Model 1 or Model 4.
Weight of projectile, filled (without fuze): 7.04 ounces.
Weight of projectile filling: 54 ounces.
Fillings: Standard: TNT, 66 percent; aluminum, 34 percent.
Alternates: 1. Cast TNT; 2. Tetryl.
Color and markings: Maroon over all.
Dimensions: Length of projectile (without fuze): 3.58 inches.
Length of assembled round: 8.27 inches.

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25-mm High-Explosive Incendiary Projectile. See figure 359.
Fuzing: Model 1 or Model 4
Weight of projectile, filled (without fuze): 7.17 ounces.
Length of projectile (without fuze): 3.58 inches.
Length of complete round: 8.27 inches.
Filling: TNT and aluminum: 0.20 ounce.
White phosphorus: 0.47 ounce.
Weight of projectile filling: 0.67 ounce.
Color and markings: Green over all.

25-mm High-Explosive Tracer Projectile. See figure 360.

Fuzing: Model 1 or Model 4.
Weight of projectile (approximately) filled (without fuze): 4.16 ounces.
Length of projectile (without fuze): 3.43 inches.
Length of assembled round: 8.24 inches.
Weight of projectile filling (including tracer): 0.72 ounce.
Fillings: H.E.T.
Standard: Three pellets of TNT and aluminum.
Alternates: 1. Three pellets of TNT. 2. Cast or pressed tetryl.
Color and markings: Orange or red over all.
Remarks: The only discernible difference between the orange and red rounds is a
slight disagreement in weight.

25-mm High-Explosive Tracer (Self-Destroying) Projectile. See figure 361.

Fuzing: Model 1 or Model 4.
Weight of projectile, filled (without fuze): 4.16 ounces.
Length of projectile (without fuze): 3.43 inches.
Length of complete round: 8.24 inches.
Filling: TNT and aluminum with a black powder core in the lower pellet.
Weight of projectile filling (including tracer): 0.72 ounce.
Color and markings: Red over all.
Remarks: There is no external marking to distinguish the self-destroying rounds from
those that are not self-destroying.
25-mm Armor-Piercing Projectile. See figure 362.
Fuzing: None.
Weight of projectile, filled: 8.88 ounces.
Length of projectile: 3.93 inches.
Length of assembled round: 8.74 inches.
Filling: Tracer: Sodium nitrate, magnesium and barium peroxide.
Inert material: Kieselguhr (chiefly dry clay).
Weight of projectile fillings: Inert material: 1.25 ounces 3.53 grams).
Tracer: 3.05 ounces (8.64 grams).
Color and markings: Black, white, or smoky blue over all.
Remarks: This projectile is listed in Japanese documents as armor-piercing although
the metal is softer than that used in smaller A.P. rounds.

30-mm Ammunition. See figure 363.

Two 30-millimeter aircraft cannon, the type 2 and the type 5, were in use by the

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Japanese. These guns are of Oerlikon design and use similar ammunition. The type 5
gun uses a longer case and a slightly heavier projectile than the type 2 gun.
Case: The case for the type 2 gun is of typical Oerlikon design. It is comparatively
short brass reduced-rim case slightly necked. The case for the type 5 gun is longer, has
a more pronounced neck, and is of the rimless type.
Type 2 Type 5 Length of case......... 3.58 inches 4.81 inches
Projectiles: Like the 20-mm ammunition, the type of projectile is indicated by
painting the projectile body a solid color. However, some of the type 5 projectiles
were unpainted except for a narrow band behind the nose fuze.
The following dimensions are common to all projectiles:
Type 2 Type 5 Diameter at bourrelet 1.18 inches 1.18 inches.
Width of rotating band 0.24 inch 0.31 inch.

30-mm Type 5 High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 364.

Fuzing: Rotor type fuze.
Length of projectile (without fuze): 3.53 inches.
Length of complete round: 8.31 inches.
Filling: Pentolite.
Color and markings: Maroon over all.
Remarks: The pentolite is in a precast block surrounded by cardboard.

30-mm Type 2 and Type 5 High-Exlosive Incendiary Projectiles. See figure 365.
Fuzing: Rotor type fuze.
Type 2 Type 5
Length of projectile (without fuze): 2.83 inches 3.53 inches.
Length of assembled round (fuzed): 6.57 inches 8.31 inches.
Weight of filling (type 2):
Pentolite: 3.56 grams.
White phosphorus: 19.94 grams.
Filling: Pentolite and white phosphorus.
Color and markings: Greenish-yellow over all. The type 5 projectile is sometimes
unpainted except for a greenish-yellow band at the nose.
Remarks: The one-piece projectile contains only one cavity. The H.E. is surrounded
by a cardboard below which is contained the W.P. in a metal canister.

Type 5 30-mm High-Exlosive Tracer Projectile. See figure 366.

Fuzing: Rotor type fuze.
Length of projectile (without fuze): 3.53 inches.
Length of complete round: 8.31 inches.
Filling: Pentolite.
Color and markings: Red over all or a red band at the nose.
Remarks: The body of the projectile contains two cavities separated by a steel
septum. The upper cavity contains the H.E. filling, while the lower contains the

Type 5 30-mm Tracer Projectile. See figure 367.

Fuzing: Nose plug.
Length of projectile (without fuze): 3.53 inches.
Length of complete round: 8.31 inches.

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Filling: None.
Color and markings: Red over all or a red band at the nose.

Type 2 and Type 5 30-mm Practice Projectiles. See figure 368.

Fuzing: Dummy fuze.
Type 2 Type 5 Length of projectile (without fuze).. 2.83 inches 3.53 inches.
Length of assembled round(fuzed)..... 6.57 inches 8.28 inches.
Filling: Blind loaded.
Color and markings: Type 2: Black over all with red dummy fuze.
Type 5: Not painted.
Remarks: The projectile body and case are the same in appearance as the H.E.I. round.
This is used as the first round in the magazine, clear the gun bore.

40-mm Armor-Piercing Projectile. See figure 369.

Weight of complete round (without fuze): 1.17 kg (2.57 pounds).
Weight of projectile, filled (without fuze): 0.78 kg (1.82 pounds).
Weight of filling: 0.023 kilograms.
Filling: Cast TNT.
Diameter at bourrelet: 1.57 inches.
Length of projectile (without fuze): 5.24 inches.
Length of assembled round: 10.33 inches.
Length of propellant case: 6.18 inches.
Width of rotating band: 0.63 inch.
Diameter of base of propellant case: 1.89 inches.
Fuzing: Small A/P base fuze.
Propellant: Cylindrical lengths of smokeless powder, 95.9 grams.
Color and markings: White, green tip.
Remarks: This round indicates use of the 40-mm Vickers-Armstrong as a dual-purpose

40-mm High-Explosive Antiaircraft Projectile. See figure 370.

Weight of complete round (without fuze): 1.18 kg (2.50 pounds).
Weight of projectile, filled (without fuze): 0.79 kg (1.74 pounds).
Weight of filling of projectile: 0.07 kg.
Filling: Cast TNT.
Diameter at bourrelet: 1.57 inches.
Length of projectile (without fuze): 5.01 inches.
Length of assembled round (without fuze): 10.40 inches.
Length of propellant case: 6.18 inches.
Width of rotating band: 0.63 inch.
Diameter of base of propellant case: 1.89 inches.
Fuzing: A.A. powder time fuze.
Propellant: Cylindrical lengths of smokeless powder, 95.9 grams.
Color and markings: Maroon with 12-mm green band around ogive.
Remarks: This round was evidently designed only for antiaircraft work, having no
impact or tracer element. It is used in the Navy's Vikers-Armstrong guns, which are
belt-fed with automatic fuze cutters attached.

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40-mm Tracer Projectile. See figure 371.
Weight of complete round (with nose cap): 1.28 kg.
Weight of projectile (with tracer and nose cap): 0.90 kg.
Weight of tracer with charge: 0.07 kg.
Filling: None.
Diameter at bourrelet: 1.57 inches.
Length of projectile (with nose cap): 6.61 inches.
Length of assembled round (with nose cap): 11.30 inches.
Length of propellant case: 6.18 inches.
Width of rotating band: 0.63 inch.
Diameter of base of propellant case: 1.89 inches.
Fuzing: None.
Propellant: Cylindrical lengths of smokeless powder, 95.9 grams.
Color and marking: Orange over all. Remarks: This round is similar in shape to the
A.A. type. The nose, of solid construction with two large wrench flats, screws into
the projectile body just before of the bourrelet with right-hand threads. The inside
is lacquered. The tracer element is screwed into the base with left-hand threads. It
is used in the Vickers-Armstrong guns.

5-cm (47-mm) Complete Round and Common Projectile. See figure 372.
Assembled round: Weight of complete round: 3.2 pounds.
Length of complete round: 9.25 pounds.
Projectile: Weight of filled projectile (with fuze): 2.4 pounds.
Weight of projectile (empty): 2.1 pounds.
Dimensions: Length of projectile (without fuze): 5.31 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 1.84 inches (46.7-mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 1.25 inches.
Width of rotating band: 1.69 inches.
Filling: Loose granular black powder: 1.8 ounces (50 grams)
Fuzing: Hotchkiss patent fuze, screwed (R.H.) into base; a simple setback arming
base fuze presumably of British manufacture. The base of the fuze is stamped
"Hotchkiss Patent DOC." Weight of fuze, 2 ounces.
Case: Length: 5.19 inches.
Diameter at base: 2.38 inches.
Material: Brass (recovered); steel (documentary).
Weight (empty): No data. The case is crimped into a groove in the base of the projectile
by several short crimps.
Propellant: 5 C2 (type 2-year propellant) 2.4 ounces (0.067 kg.).
Unperforated Cylindrical sticks, approximately 0.5 mm (1/64-1/32 inch) by 3 3/16
inches amber-colored double-base powder. The propellant sticks are enclosed in a
compartmented bag of heavy brownish silk.
Primer: Small flush type (designation unknown).
Weapon in which used: Short 5-cm gun. This gun, mounted on wooden-spoked wheels
as a field piece, corresponds to old U.S. "landing guns" and is probably a copy of an
obsolete British gun. The breech block is the vertical sliding type.

8-cm (76.2-mm) (3-Inch) Complete Round (Semifixed). See figure 373.

Case: Length: 15.06 inches.
Diameter at base: 4.13 inches.

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Material: Brass (recovered); steel (documentary).
Weight (empty): 4.97 pounds.
Propellant: 20 3C (type 89 propellant) 1.98 pounds (0.900 kg.).
Unperforated Cylindrical sticks, approximately 2-mm (1/16-3/32 inch) by
12.75 inches amber-colored double-base powder.
The propellant sticks are enclosed in a bag of heavy brownish silk.
Primer: Mk I case percussion primer, Model 4.
Weapon in which used: "AN" (Armstrong) type 8-cm/40 gun (low angle).
Except for minor changes, this is an exact copy of a British naval gun, and guns of
both British and Japanese manufacture have been found ashore in Japanese
emplacements for coastal defense. The gun is pedestal-mounted. The breech is closed
by a two-step interrupted-thread block.

8-cm (76.2-mm) (3-Inch) (Ordinary Mk 2 Mod 2) High-Explosive Projectile. See figure

Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 11.46 pounds.
Weight of projectile (empty): 10.75 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 4.860 kg (varies with individual projectiles).
Length of projectile (without fuze): 9.49 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 3.0 inches.
Distance from base to rotating band: 0.44 inch.
Width of rotating band: 1.0 inch.
Radius of ogive: 6 cal.
Filling: Cast picric acid (shimose): .71 pound.
The charge consists of a single block of explosive cast and sealed in a waxed paper
container, encased in a heavy cotton flannel bag and sealed in the projectile with
Fuzing: Type 5-year point detonating fuze.
Weapon in which used: "AN" (Armstrong) type 8-cm/40 gun (low angle).

8-cm (76.2-mm) (3-Inch) Shrapnel Projectile. See figure 375.

Assembled round: Weight of complete round (without fuze): 19 pounds.
Length of complete round (without fuze) 23.75 pounds.
Projectile: Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 10.8 pounds.
Weight of projectile (empty): No data.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 2.86 kg. (Varies with individual projectiles).
Dimensions: Length of projectile (without fuze): 8.38 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 2.97 inches (75.5-mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 0.75 inch.
Width of rotating band: 1.0 inch.
Radius of ogive: 4 cal.
Filling: Black powder and shrapnel balls.
Fuzing: 30-second time fuze.
Weapons in which used:
Type 3-year 8-cm/40 dual-purpose gun.
Type 88 8-cm/40 dual-purpose gun.
Type 98 8-cm/60 dual-purpose gun.

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8-cm (76.2-mm) (3-Inch) Complete Round (Fixed). See figure 376.
Case: Length: 16.06 inches.
Diameter of base: 4.13 inches.
Material: Brass.
Weight (empty): 6.25 pounds. The case is crimped tightly into a groove in the base
of the projectile by a single continuous crimp.
Propellant: 20 C3 (type 89 propellant): 2,039 pounds (0.927 kg.).
Unperforated Cylindrical sticks, approximately 2 mm (0.078 inch) by 12 3/4 inches,
amber-colored double-base powder. The propellant sticks are enclosed in a bag of
heavy brownish silk. Primer Mk 2 case percussion primer, Model 4.
Weapons in which used: Type 88 8-cm/40 dual-purpose gun; 8-cm/40 type 3-year
dual-purpose gun. The latter gun is a pedestal-mounted gun with a breech block sliding
diagonally down to the right. Although designed as a ship-board mount, it is commonly
found mounted in fixed emplacements ashore for antiaircraft and coastal defense.

8-cm (76.2-mm) (3-Inch) (Ordinary Mk 3 Mod 1) High-Explosive. See figure 377.

Assembled round: Weight of complete round: 19.25 pounds.
Length of complete round, with type 89 fuze: 28.25 inches.
Projectile: Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 9.5 pounds.
Weight, (empty): 8.6 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 4.865 kg. (Varies with individual projectiles).
Dimensions: Length of projectile (without fuze or adapter): 9.25 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 2.97 inches (75.5-mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 0.75 inch.
Width of rotating band: 1.0 inch.
Radius of ogive: 4 cal.
Filling: Cast picric acid (shimose): 0.9 pound.
The charge consists of a single block of explosive cast and sealed in a waxed paper
container, encased in a heavy cotton flannel bag and sealed in the projectile with
a. Army type 89 powder time fuze (30 seconds).
b. Type 5 year point detonating fuze (instantaneous) with adapter.
Weapon in which used:
Type 3-year, 8-cm/40 dual purpose gun.
Type 88 8-cm/40 dual purpose gun.

8-cm (76.2-mm) (3-Inch) (Armor-Piercing Type 1) Special Common. See figure 378.
Assembled round: Weight of complete round: 21.04 pounds.
Length of complete round: 25.31 inches.
Projectile: Weight of filled projectile (with fuze): 12.70 pounds.
Weight, (empty): 11.72 pounds.
Weight stamped on Rotating Band (sample): 5.31 kg. (varies with individual projectiles).
Dimensions: Length of projectile: 9.875 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 2.98 inches (76.0).
Distance from base to rotating band: 0.75 inch.
Width of rotating band: 1.0 inch.
Radius of ogive: 4 cal.
Filling: Trinitroanisole (type 91 explosive): 0.41 pound.

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The charge consists of a single block of explosive cast and sealed in a waxed paper
container, encased in a heavy cotton flannel bag and sealed in the projectile with
Fuzing: Type 1 fuze.
Weapon in which used: Type 3-year, 8-cm/40 dual-purpose gun.
Type 88 8-cm/40 dual-purpose gun.

8-cm (76.2-mm) (3-Inch) Time Practice Projectile. See figure 379.

Assembled round: Weight of complete round: No data.
Length of complete round: 28.06 inches.
Projectile: Weight of filled projectile: No data.
Weight of projectile, (empty): 12.30 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 5.200 kg. (varies with individual projectiles).
Dimensions: Length of projectile: 12.69 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 2.98 inches (76.0 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 0.69 inch.
Width of rotating band: 1.0 inch.
Radius of ogive: 4 cal.
Filling: No data. Possibly smoke compound or spotting dye.
Fuzing: Type 98 time fuze.
Weapon in which used:
Type 98 8-cm/60 dual-purpose gun.
8-cm short dual-purpose gun.

10-cm (100-mm) (3.9-Inch) Complete Round (Fixed). See figure 380.

Case: Length: 32.25 inches.
Diameter of base: 6.81 inches.
Material: Brass.
Weight (empty): No data.
The case is crimped tightly into a groove in the base of the projectile by a single
continuous crimp.
Propellant: 20 DL2 (type 93 Mk 2 propellant): 12.7 pounds (5.740 kg.).
Documentary evidence and relationship to other known propellants indicates that this
propellant is a double base powder in the form of flat strips.
Primer: Mk 2 case percussion primer, Model 4.
Weapon in which used: Type 98 10-cm/50 dual-purpose gun.
Type 98 10-cm/65 dual-purpose gun, twin.
The latter is a modern gun, paired in a twin power-driven mount designed especially
for antiaircraft aboard ships. It has been found ashore, unaltered in the
characteristic gun-house mount used aboard ship. Special features of this gun and
mount are horizontally opposed sliding breech blocks, full power drive, and automatic
fuze setting accomplished as the loading tray moves the round into position to be
rammed. The arrangement for loading and fuze setting, and the general plan of the
mount corresponds closely to that of the type 89 12.7-cm/40 twin mount.

10-cm (100-mm) (3.9-Inch) High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 381.

Assembled round: Weight of complete round: 62.75 pounds.
Length of complete round, with type 98 fuze: 46.0 inches.
Projectile: Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 28.19 pounds.

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Weight of projectile, empty: 25.06 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 10.880 kg. (varies with individual
Length of projectile (without fuze): 12.63 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 3.94 inches (99 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 2.69 inches.
Width of rotating band: 1.75 inches.
Radius of ogive: No data.
Filling: TNT (type 92 explosive): 3.13 pounds. The charge consists of a single
block of explosive cast and sealed in a waxed paper container, encased in a heavy
cotton flannel bag and sealed in the projectile with paraffin.
Fuzing: Type 98 mechanical time fuze (45 seconds).
Type 88 point detonating fuzes.
Weapon in which used: Type 98 10-cm/65 dual-purpose gun.
Type 98 10-cm/50 dual-purpose gun.

12-cm/Short (120-mm) (4.7-Inch) Complete Round (Fixed). See figure 382.

Case: Length: 11.19 inches.
Diameter of base: 5.81 inches.
Material: Brass or steel.
Weight (empty): No data. The case is crimped tightly into a groove in the base of
the projectile by a single continuous crimp.
Propellant: 9 C3 (type 89 propellant): 1.1 pound (0.5 kg.).
Unperforated cylindrical sticks, approximately 0.9 mm (1/32 inch) by 6-7 inches,
amber-colored double-base powder. The propellant sticks are enclosed in a
compartmented bag of heavy brownish silk.
Primer: Mk 1 case percussion primer, Model 4. Weapon in which used: Short 12 cm
gun. This is a short-barreled (12 caliber) gun of low muzzle velocity and light
construction on a pedestal mount designed originally for use on the light decks of
merchant ships. The purpose of this weapon is to deliver a relatively heavy
projectile at a limited range for antisubmarine attack and to throw up low level
antiaircraft barrage. This gun fires fixed ammunition; the breech block is of the
interrupted thread type. This gun is the lighter-caliber counterpart of the short 20-cm
gun, which has been found mounted ashore.

12-cm/Short (120-mm) (4.7-Inch) High-Explosive. See figure 383.

Assembled round: Weight of complete round: No data.
Length of complete round (with type 0 fuze): 24.8 inches.
Projectile: Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 26.0 pounds.
Weight of projectile, empty: 20.5 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 9.340 kg. (varies with individual
Dimensions: Length of projectile (without fuze): 12.6 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 4.7 inches (119.5 mm.).
Distance from base to rotating band: 1.5 inches.
Width of rotating band: 1.0 inches.
Radius of ogive: No data. Filling:
Trinitroanisole (type 91 explosive): 5.5 pounds.
The charge consists of a single block of explosive cast and sealed in a waxed paper

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container, encased in a heavy cotton flannel bag and sealed in the projectile with
Fuzing: Type 0 mechanical time fuze (red-nosed) for A.A. use.
Type 88 Model 4 point detonating fuzes.
Weapon in which used: Short 12 cm gun.
Remarks: The extremely thin wall of this projectile is possible only by virtue of the
low muzzle velocity of the howitzer-like weapon. The high charge/weight ratio is
intended for effectiveness in use as an under-water charge against submarines, though
the projectile may also be time-fuzed for antiaircraft use.

12-cm (120-mm) (4.7-Inch) Complete Round (Semifixed). See figure 384.

Case: Length: 21.63 inches.
Diameter of base: 6.38 inches.
Material: Brass.
Weight (empty): 11.13 pounds.
Propellant: 30 DC (type 13 propellant): 11.88 pounds (5.40 kg.).
Unperforated cylindrical sticks, approximately 3.0 mm (1/8 inch) by 19.4 inches,
(long sticks) or 6.4 inches (short sticks), amber-colored double-base powder.
The propellant sticks are enclosed in a bag of heavy brownish silk.
Primer: Mk 1 case percussion primer, Model 4.
Weapons in which used: Type 3-year 12-cm/45 gun (low angle).
This is a pedestal-mounted deck gun characterized by having three recoil cylinders,
all mounted below the tube. An interrupted thread breech block is hinged to swing
horizontally to the right. This gun has been found both with and without an attached
splinter shield.
British type 12-cm/40 gun (low angle).
This gun is characterized by having no recoil cylinders above the tube. An
interrupted thread breech block is hinged to swing horizontally to the right. Guns of
original British manufacture as well as Japanese-made copies have been found in
Japanese island defenses. The following gun is known to use semi-fixed ammunition
strongly resembling that for the two guns listed above, but exact size and description of
propellant case is not available.
Type 11-year 12-cm/45 gun (low angle). This gun is unique in having two recoil
cylinders above the tube and one below. The breech blocks is the horizontal sliding

12-cm (120-mm) (4.7-Inch) High-Explosive (Ordinary Mk 3). See figure 385.

Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 44.75 pounds.
Weight of projectile, empty: 41.14 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 18.520 kg. (varies with individual
Length of projectile (without fuze): 15.95 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 4.6 inches (119.0 mm.).
Distance from base to rotating band: 0.78 inches.
Width of rotating band: 1.95 inches.
Radius of ogive: 4 cal.
Filling: Cast picric acid (shimose): 3.61 pounds.
The charge consists of two blocks of explosive cast and sealed in a waxed paper
container, encased in a heavy cotton-flannel bag and sealed in the projectile with

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Fuzing: Type 5-year point detonating fuze.
Weapon in which used: British type 12-cm/40 gun (low angle).
Type 3-year 12-cm/45 gun (low angle).
Type 11-year 12-cm/45 gun (low angle).

12-cm (120-mm) (4.7-Inch) High-Explosive (Ordinary Mk 3 Mod 1). See figure 386.
Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 44.75 pounds.
Weight of projectile, empty: 41.14 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 18.520 kg. (varies with individual
Length of projectile (without fuze or adapter): 14.1 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 4.7 inches (119.5 mm.).
Distance from base to rotating band: 0.78 inches.
Width of rotating band: 1.95 inches.
Radius of ogive: 4 cal.
Filling: Cast picric acid (shimose): 3.61 pounds. The charge consists of two blocks
of explosive cast and sealed in a waxed paper container, encased in a heavy cotton
flannel bag and sealed in the projectile with paraffin.
a. With adapter: Type 5-year point detonating fuze.
b. Without adapter: Type 88 point detonating fuze. This projectile cannot be
fuzed with standard mechanical time fuzes for A.A. use because it will not
accommodate the auxiliary gaine used with these fuzes.
Weapons in which used:
British type 12-cm/40 gun (low angle).
Type 3-year 12-cm/45 gun (low angle).
Type 11-year 12-cm/45 gun (low angle).

12-cm (120-mm) (4.7-Inch) High-Explosive (Ordinary Mk 4). See figure 387.

Weight of projectile filled (without fuze): No data.
Weight of projectile, empty: 39.06 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 17.62 kg. (varies with individual
Length of projectile (without fuze): 13.94 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 4.7 inches (119.5 mm.).
Distance from base to rotating band: 1.19 inches.
Width of rotating band: 1.25 inches.
Radius of ogive: No data.
Filling: Picric acid (shimose): No data.
Fuzing: Type 91 mechanical time fuze.
Type 88 point detonating fuzes.
Weapon in which used:
British type 12-cm gun (low angle).
Type 3-year 12-cm/45 gun (low angle).

12-cm (120-mm) (4.7-Inch) Common Projectile. See figure 388.

Weight of filled projectile (with fuze): 45.12 pounds.
Weight of empty projectile: 40.56 pounds.

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Length of projectile: 16.39 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 4.7 inches (119.5 mm.).
Distance from base to rotating band: 1.19 inches.
Width of rotating band: 1.25 inches.
Radius of ogive: No data.
Filling: Picric acid (shimose): No data.
Fuzing: Type 3-year Mk 1 base fuze.
Weapons in which used:
British type 12-cm gun (low angle).
Type 3-year 12-cm/45 gun (low angle).
Type 11-year. 12-cm/45 gun (low angle).

12-cm (120-mm) (4.7-Inch) Illuminating Projectile. See figure 389.

Weight of filled projectile: 44 pounds.
Weight of empty projectile: No data.
Weight stamped on rotating band: No data.
Length of projectile (without fuze): 13 13/16 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 4 11/16 inches (119 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: No data.
Width of rotating band: 1 15/16 inches.
Radius of ogive: No data.
Filling: Expelling charge (black powder): 0.5 ounce.
Illuminant: These are 10 pyrotechnic cylinders arranged in two layers of 5 cylinders
each. A cylinder is formed of a tough waxed cardboard tube containing a silver
pyrotechnic mixture in the center and a reddish-brown pyrotechnic mixture in either
Weight (each cylinder): 5.4 ounces.
Analysis of illuminant: Barium nitrate: 35.6 percent.
Potassium nitrate: 10.4 percent.
Magnesium: 38.0 percent.
Wax: 13.9 percent.
Carbon: 0.8 percent.
Sulphur: 1.3 percent.
Analysis of first fire compound:
Potassium nitrate: 63.2 percent.
Iron oxide: 3.8 percent.
Aluminum oxide: 1.1 percent.
Sulphur: 8.2 percent.
Wax: 5.5 percent.
Glass: 6.1 percent.
Carbon: 12.1 percent.
Cylinder metal frame: This frame fills the cavity of the projectile and is
positioned by studs. There are three metal discs attached to a central spindle which
provides a method of functioning and serves to support the pyrotechnic increments.
Arranged about the circumference of this frame are two layers of five steel wedges
which position the pyrotechnic increments within the frame.
Fuzing: 30-second time fuze.
Weapons in which used: Type 11-year. 12-cm/45 gun.
Type 3-year. 12-cm/45 gun.

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Operation: When the fuze functions, the flash from the black powder magazine ignites
a small black powder charge in the nose of the projectile, which in turn ignites the
powder trains in the central spindle. The flash from this train ignites the powder
trains in the three discs and thus the ten increments and the ejecting charge. As
the cylinder is blown from the case, it shears the studs and forces the nose and body
of the projectile apart.

12-cm (120-mm) (4.7-Inch) Target Projectile. See figure 390.

Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 43.27 pounds.
Weight of empty projectile: No data.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 19.02 kg (varies with individual
Length of projectile (without fuze): 15.56 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 4.70 inches (119.5 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 1.56 inches.
Width of rotating band: 2.00 inches.
Radius of ogive: 4 cal.
Filling: No data.
Fuzing: 30-second time fuze.
Weapon in which used: Type 11-year. 12-cm/45 gun.
Type 3-year 12-cm/45 gun.

12-cm (120-mm) (4.7-Inch) Complete Round (Fixed). See figure 391.

Case: Length: 27.63 inches.
Diameter of base: 6.25 inches.
Material: Brass.
Weight (empty): 18.59 pounds.
The case is crimped tightly into a groove in the base of the projectile by a single
continuous crimp.
Propellant, 30 DC (type 13 propellant): 12.0 pound (5.50 kg).
Unperforated cylindrical sticks, approximately 3.0 mm (3/32-inch-1/8-inch) by 19.8
inches, graphited double-base powder. In the H.E. rounds recovered, the propellant
sticks are enclosed in a bag of heavy brownish silk. In the incendiary shrapnel round the
sticks of propellant were tied together and placed in the case without being enclosed in
the customary course silk bag. The latter arrangement may be a new trend not
necessarily limited to the round in which it was first found.
Primer: Mk 2 case percussion primer, Model 4.
Weapon in which used: Type 10th year 12-cm/45 dual-purpose gun. This weapon is a
pedestal-mounted gun designed for antiaircraft use aboard ship which has been found
ashore either with or without a distinctive gun-house type of shield. The gun is
manually controlled. The breech-block is the horizontal type, sliding to the right.
This has been one of the most common and most effective Japanese land-based A.A.

12-cm (120-mm) (4.7-Inch) High-Explosive (Ordinary Mod 1). See figure 392.
Assembled round: Weight of complete round: 74.03 pounds.
Length of complete round (with type 91 fuze): 41.75 inches (approximately).
Projectile: Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 43.34 pounds.
Weight of empty projectile: 39.38 pounds.

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Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 17.9 kg (varies with individual
Dimensions: Length of projectile (without fuze): 13.95 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet 4.6 inches (119.0 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 1.56 inches.
Width of rotating band: 1.9 inches.
Radius of ogive: 4 cal.
Filling: Trinitroanisole (type 91 explosive): 3.96 pounds.
The explosive is cast directly in the projectile body.
Fuzing: Type 91 mechanical time fuze.
Type 88 point detonating fuzes.
Weapon in which used: Type 10-year 12-cm/45 dual-purpose gun.
Remarks: The base of the projectile is slightly recessed to receive a steel plate
which is locked in by a steel ring. This arrangement is presumed to be a seal to
prevent the propellant gases entering possible flaws in the solid base of the
projectile. A similar feature is common in U.S. Army projectiles.

12-cm (120-mm) (4.7-Inch) High-Explosive (Ordinary Mod 2). See figure 393.
Assembled round: Weight of complete round: 72.53 pounds.
Length of complete round (with type 91 fuze): 41.75 inches (approximately).
Projectile: Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 41.84 pounds.
Weight of empty projectile: 38.41 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 17.46 kg (varies with individual
Dimensions: Length of projectile (without fuze): 13.95 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 4.6 inches (119 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 1.56 inches.
Width of rotating band: 1.9 inches.
Radius of ogive: 4 cal.
Filling: Cast picric acid (shimose): 3.43 pounds. The charge consists of a single
block of explosive cast and sealed in a heavy cotton-flannel bag and sealed in the
projectile with paraffin.
Fuzing: Type 91 mechanical time fuze.
Type 88 point detonating fuzes.
Weapon in which used: Type 10 year 12 cm/45 dual-purpose gun.

12-cm (120-mm) (4.7-Inch) Incendiary Shrapnel. See figure 394.

Assembled round: Weight of complete round: 75.66 pounds.
Length of complete round (with type 91 fuze): 41.15 inches (approximate).
Projectile: Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 44.97 pounds.
Weight of empty projectile: 33.13 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 15.06 kg (varies with individual
Dimensions: Length of projectile (without fuze): 13.95 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet 4.6 inches (119.0 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 1.56 inches.
Width of rotating band: 1.9 inches.
Radius of ogive: 4 cal.
Filling: Cast picric acid (shimose): 1.19 pounds.

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Incendiary charge (W.P. and 48 steel pellets): 8.55 pounds. The explosive charge
consists of a block of explosive cast and sealed in a waxed-paper container, encased
in a heavy cotton-flannel bag and sealed in the nose of the projectile with paraffin.
Fuzing: Type 91 mechanical time fuze.
Type 88 point detonating fuzes.
Weapon in which used: Type 10 year 12 cm/45 dual-purpose gun.

12.7-cm (127-mm) (5-Inch) Complete Round (Fixed). See figure 395.

Case: Length: 22.88 inches.
Diameter of base: 6.66 inches.
Material: Brass.
Weight (empty): 16.28 pounds.
The case is crimped tightly into a groove in the base of the projectile by a single
continuous crimp.
Propellant: 21 DC (type 13 propellant): 8.87 pounds (4.03 kg).
Unperforated cylindrical sticks, approximately 2.1 mm (.079 inches) by 15.75 inches,
graphited double-base powder. The propellant sticks are enclosed in a compartmented
bag of heavy brownish silk.
Primer: Mk 2 case percussion primer Model 4.
Weapons in which used: Type 88 12.7-cm/40 dual-purpose gun.
Type 88 12.7-cm/40 dual-purpose gun (twin).
This latter is a modern gun, paired in a twin power-driven mount designed especially
for antiaircraft aboard ships. It has been found ashore, unaltered, in the
characteristic gun-house mount used aboard ship. Special features of this gun and
mount are horizontal opposed sliding breech blocks, full power drive, and automatic
fuze-setting accomplished as the loading tray moves the round into position to be
rammed. The arrangement for loading and fuze-setting and the general plan of the
mount corresponds closely to that of the Type 88 10-cm/65 twin mount.

12.7-cm (127-mm) (5-Inch) High-Explosive. See figure 396.

Assembled round: Weight of complete round: 73.57 pounds.
Length of complete round (with type 91 fuze): 36.0 inches (approximately).
Projectile: Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 48.42 pounds.
Weight of empty projectile: 44.48 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 20.170 kg (varies with individual
Dimensions: Length of projectile (without fuze): 14.9 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet 4.96 inches (126.0 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 1.19 inches.
Width of rotating band: 1.95 inches.
Radius of ogive: 6 cal.
Filling: Cast picric acid (shimose): 3.94 pounds. The charge consists of a single block of
explosive case and sealed in a waxed-paper container, encased in a heavy
cotton-flannel bag and sealed in the projectile with paraffin.
Fuzing: Type 91 mechanical time fuze.
Type 88 point detonating fuze.
Weapon in which used: Type 89 12.7-cm/40 dual-purpose gun.
Type 88 12.7-cm/40 dual-purpose gun.

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(Type 3 Ordinary) 12.7-cm (127-mm) (5-Inch) Incendiary Shrapnel. See figure 397.
Assembled round: Weight of complete round: 78.36 pounds.
Length of complete round (without fuze): 36.43 inches.
Projectile: Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 53.21 pounds.
Weight of empty projectile: No data.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 17.17 kg (varies with individual
Dimensions: Length of projectile (without fuze): 14.8 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 4.97 inches (126.3 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 1.25 inches.
Width of rotating band: 2.0 inches.
Radius of ogive: 6 cal.
Filling: Cast picric acid (shimose): 162 grams.
Tetryl: 2.3 grams.
Lead Azide: 0.13 grams.
Black powder: 35 grams.
Incendiary charge (43 steel pellets 50 millimeters in length and 20 millimeters in
diameter filled with a dry incendiary mix of the following composition:
Magnesium: 54 percent.
Barium dioxide: 26 percent.
Rubber: 15 percent.
Iron oxide: 1.5 percent.
Sulphur: 3 percent.
Fuzing: Type 91 mechanical time fuze.
Weapon in which used: Type 89 12.7-cm/40 high-angle gun.
Remarks: The black powder charge in the nose ignites the incendiary pellets and
flashes down the central tube igniting relay disks and the expelling charge.
The expelling charge ejects the incendiary pellets and ignites a primer in the base
section which detontes the gaine and bursting charge.

12.7-cm (127-mm) (5-Inch) Practice. See figure 398.

Assembled round: Weight of complete round: 75.84 pounds.
Length of complete round: 40.20 inches.
Projectile: Weight of filled projectile: 50.69 pounds.
Weight of empty projectile: 48.10 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 21.80 kg (varies with individual
Dimensions: Length of projectile: 17.32 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 4.97 inches (126.3 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 1.61 inches.
Width of rotating band: 1.95 inches.
Radius of ogive: 6 cal.
Filling: Sand.
Fuzing: None.
Weapon in which used: Type 89 12.7-cm/40 dual-purpose gun.

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14-cm (140-mm) (5.5-Inch) Propellant and Tanks. See figure 399.
Powder tanks: For storage purposes, the propellant charges are sealed in waterproof
containers commonly known as "powder tanks." Two types of the tanks have been
recovered: one is a heavy tank (26.4 pounds) of cast steel and bronze; the other is
sheet steel and aluminum and weighs 15.4 pounds. Both are well lacquered inside and
have the same internal dimensions, 6.2 inches by 33.4 inches.
Propellant: 37 C: 24.51 pounds (11.14 kg.).
Unperforated cylidrical sticks approximtely 3.7 millimeters (0.15 inch) by 28
inches graphited double-base powder. The propellant sticks are enclosed in a bag of
heavy brownish silk. An ignition pad containing 17.2 grams of granular black powder is
laced onto the base of the charge.
Primer: Mk 2 lock percussion primer.
Weapon in which used: Type 3d year 14-cm/50 gun (low angle).
This is a pedestal-mounted deck gun employing bag ammunition. It is commonly found
in shore emplacements for coastal defense and limited antiaircraft use. Strongly
resembling the type 3d year 12-cm/45 gun in design, this weapon also has the three
recoil cylinders all mounted above the tube and an interrupted thread breech block
hinged on the right. This gun has been found both with a splinter shield attached,
and without.

14-cm (140-mm) (5.5-Inch) High-Explosive Projectile. See figure 400.

Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 82.7 pounds.
Weight of empty projectile: 74.43 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): No data (varies with individual
Length of projectile (without fuze, with adapter): 21.02 inches.
Length of projectile (without fuze or adapter): 19.75 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 5.49 inches (139.5 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 0.60 inch.
Width of rotating band: 1.60 inches.
Radius of ogive: 5 cal.
Filling: Cast picric acid (shimose): 7.9 pounds.
The charge consists of a single block of explosive cast and sealed in a waxed
container, encased in a heavy cotton-flannel bag and sealed in the projectile with
Fuzing: Type 5th year point detonating fuze.
Removal of the adapter does not permit alternate fuzing, because the lower threaded
portion of the adapter is larger than any known fuze.
Weapon in which used: Type 3d year 14-cm/50 gun (low angle).

(Type 0 Ordinary) 14-cm (140-mm) (5.5-Inch) High-Explosive Projectile. See figure

Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 88.22 pounds.
Weight of empty projectile: 81.62 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 34.100 kg (varies with individual
Length of projectile (without fuze): 21.55 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 5.49 inches (139.5 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 0.59 inch.

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Width of rotating band:
Forward: 1.11 inches.
Space: 0.38 inch.
Aft: 1.09 inches.
Radius of ogive: No data.
Filling: Cast picric acid (shimose): 6.60 pounds.
The charge consists of a single block of explosive cast and sealed in a waxed-paper
container, encased in a heavy cotton-flannel bag and sealed in the projectile with
Fuzing: Type 91 mechanical time fuze.
Type 88 point detonating fuze.
Weapon in which used: Type 3d year 14-cm/50 gun (low angle).
Remarks: This projectile permits the 14 cm/50 gun to be used for antiaircraft fire,
but the angle of elevation of the weapon definitely limits its effectiveness.

(Ordinary Mk 1) 14-cm (140-mm) (5.5-Inch) Common Projectile. See figure 402.

Weight of filled projectile (with fuze): 83.82 pounds.
Weight of empty projectile: 77.88 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 34.300 kg (varies with individual
Length of projectile: 21.70 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 5.49 inches (139.5 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 0.59 inch.
Width of rotating band:
Forward: 1.11 inches.
Space: 0.38 inch.
Aft: 1.09 inches.
Radius of ogive: No data.
Filling: Cast picric acid (shimose): 5.94 pounds.
The charge consists of two blocks of explosive cast and sealed in a waxed-paper
containers, encased in a heavy cotton-flannel bag and sealed in the projectile with
Fuzing: Type 13th year Mk 1 Mod 1 base fuze.
Weapon in which used: Type 3d year 14-cm/50 gun.

(Ordinary Mod 1) 14-cm (140-mm) (5.5-Inch) Common Capped. See figure 403.
Weight of filled projectile (with fuze): 84.94 pounds.
Weight of empty projectile: 80.14 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 35.800 kg (varies with individual
Length of projectile: 21.63 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 5.49 inches (139.5 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 0.593 inch.
Width of rotating band:
Forward: 1.11 inches.
Space: 0.38 inch.
Aft: 1.09 inches.
Radius of ogive: Not determined.
Filling: Cast picric acid (shimose): 4.80 pounds.

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The charge consists of a single block of explosive cast and sealed in a waxed-paper
container, encased in a heavy cotton-flannel bag and sealed in the projectile with
Fuzing: Type 13th year Mk 1 Mod 1 base detonating.
Weapon in which used: Type 3d year 14-cm/50 gun.

14-cm (140-mm) (5.5-Inch) Illuminating Projectile. See figure 404.

Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 87.5 pounds.
Weight of empty projectile: 67.46 pounds (approximate).
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): No data (varies with individual
Length of projectile (without fuze): 20.3 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 5.49 inches (139.5 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 0.59 inch.
Width of rotating band:
Forward: 1.11 inches.
Space: 0.38 inch.
Aft: 1.09 inches.
Radius of ogive: No data.
Filling: Primary ejection charge (black powder): 100 grams.
Secondary ejection charge (black powder): 41 grams.
Initiating pellet, relay train, and delay are black powder. The ignition compound
for the illuminant is a mixture of potassium nitrate, iron oxide, aluminum, sulphur,
and wax.
Weight: 31 pounds The illuminant is a mixture of barium nitrate, magnesium, and wax.:
Fuzing: Type 91 mechanical time fuze.
Weapon in which used: Type 3d year 14-cm/50 gun.
Operation: At the end of the time set, the mechanical time fuze fires the initiating
pellet. The relay train transmits the flash to the base of the primary ejection
charge container and ignites the charge. The primary ejection charge expels the
canister containing the illuminating charge and its parachute, and also ignites the
delay element. A short time after the canister is ejected from the projectile body,
the delay element fires the secondary ejection charge which expels the illuminating
charge and parachutes and ignites the illuminant. Two parachutes, a large one above a
small one, suspend the illuminating unit. Burning time, not determined.

14-cm (140-mm) (5.5-Inch) Smoke Projectile. See figure 405.

Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 68.80 pounds.
Weight of empty projectile: No data.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): No data (varies with individual
Length of projectile (without fuze): 20.63 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 5.49 inches (139.5 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 0.65 inch.
Width of rotating band: 1.56 inches.
Filling: Presumably white phosphorus.
Fuzing: Probably type 98 mechanical time fuze.
Weapon in which used: Type 3d year 14-cm/50 gun.

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14-cm (140-mm) (5.5-Inch) Cartridge Case (Semifixed). See figure 406.

Case: Length: 21.67 inches.
Diameter of base: 7.00 inches.
Material: Brass.
Weight (empty): 17.0 pounds.
Propellant: 30 DC (type 13 propellant): 6.860 kilograms.
Unperforated cylindrical sticks, approximately 3 mm (1/8 inch) by 501 mm (19 3/4
inch) of graphited double-base powder. The propellant sticks are enclosed in a bag of
heavy brownish silk.
Primer: No data.
Weapons in which used: Not known.

15-cm (152-mm) (6-Inch) Complete Round (Semifixed). See figure 407.

Case: Length: 29.25 inches.
Diameter of base: 6.69 inches.
Material: Brass.
Weight (empty): 27.0 pounds.
Propellant: 37 DC 18.94 pounds (8.140 kilograms).
Unperforated cylindrical sticks approximately 1/8 in. by 26 in. of graphited
double-base powder. The propellant sticks are enclosed in a bag of heavy brownish silk.
Primer: Mk 1 case percussion primer Model 4.
Weapons in which used: Type 41 (Meiji) 15 cm/40 gun (low angle).
This, like many other Japanese Navy guns, is a copy of a British design, and guns
manufactured by Armstrong-Whitworth have been found emplaced together with pieces
of Japanese manufacture. It is a pedestal-mounted deck gun, commonly found with a
partially enclosing splinter shield attached. The breech block is an interrupted
thread plug, mounted to swing to the right.

14-cm (152-mm) (6-Inch) Common (Ordinary Mod 1). See figure 408.
Weight of filled projectile: No data.
Weight of empty projectile: No data.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 39.62 kg (varies with individual
Length of projectile: (without fuze): 22.50 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 5.98 inches (152.0 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 0.66 inch.
Width of rotating band: 1.75 inches.
Radius of ogive: 2 cal.
Filling: Cast picric acid (shimose): No data. The charge consists of a block of explosive
cast and sealed in a waxed-paper container, encased in a heavy cotton-flannel bag and
sealed in the projectile with paraffin.
Fuzing: Type 13th-year Mk 1 base fuze.
Weapon in which used: Type 41 (Meiji) 15-cm/40 gun or the British prototype.

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(Ordinary Type 0) 15-cm (152-mm) (6-Inch) High-Explosive. See figure 409.
Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 97.59 pounds.
Weight of empty projectile: 90.82 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 41.28 kg (varies with individual
Length of projectile (without fuze): 20.0 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 6.0 inches (152 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 0.7 inch.
Width of rotating band:
Forward: 1.2 inches.
Space: No data.
Aft: 1.2 inches.
Radius of ogive: 4 cal.
Filling: Cast picric acid (shimose): 6.8 pounds.
The charge is made into a waxed-paper-wrapped preformed block with a well in the
nose to receive the gaine.
Fuzing: Type 88 nose fuzes.
Weapon in which used:
15 cm/40 gun (bag).
15 cm/45 gun (bag).
15 cm/50 gun (bag).

(Ordinary Mk 4) 15-cm (152-mm) (6-Inch) Common. See figure 410.

Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 97.8 pounds.
Weight of empty projectile: 91.9 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band: 41.78 kg (varies with individual projectiles).
Length of projectile: 22.5 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 6.0 inches (152 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 0.7 inch.
Width of rotating band: Forward: 1.2 inches.
Space: No data.
Aft: 1.2 inches.
Radius of ogive: 4 cal.
Filling: Cast picric acid (shimose): 5.9 pounds. The charge is made into two
waxed-paper-wrapped preformed block enclosed in a cotton-flannel bag.
Fuzing: Type 13 Mk 1 Mod 1 base fuze.
Weapon in which used: 15 cm/40 gun (bag).
15 cm/45 gun (bag).
15 cm/50 gun (bag).

15-cm (152-mm) (6-Inch) Incendiary-Shrapnel. See figure 411.

Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 98.75 pounds.
Weight of empty projectile: No data.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 41.32 kg (varies with individual
Length of projectile (without fuze): 21.00 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 6.00 inches (152 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 0.687 inch.

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Width of rotating band: 2.703 inches.
Fuzing: Type 91 mechanical time fuze.
Type 88 mechanical point detonating fuzes.
Filling: No data.
Weapon in which used: 15 cm/40 gun (bag).
15 cm/45 gun (bag).
15 cm/50 gun (bag).

15-cm (152-mm) (6-Inch) Practice Projectile. See figure 412.

Weight of empty projectile: No data.
Weight stamped on rotating band: 100 pounds (varies with individual projectiles).
Length of projectile: 22.47 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet 6.0 inches (152 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 0.7 inch.
Width of rotating band:
Forward: 1.2 inches.
Space: No data.
Aft: 1.2 inches.
Radius of ogive: 4 cal.
Filling: The projectile from which this information was obtained was recovered
empty. Japanese Navy practice rounds have been recovered filled with sand and iron
Weapon in which used: 15 cm/40 gun (bag).
15 cm/45 gun (bag).
15 cm/50 gun (bag). Remarks: This projectile has the same external appearance and
dimensions as the Mk 4 common projectile. It differs in that the cavity is smaller
and the walls are thicker.

(Ordinary Type 0) 15.5-cm (155-mm) (6.1-Inch) High-Explosive. See figure 413.

Weight of projectile (without fuze): 119.3 pounds.
Weight of empty projectile: 112.8 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 51.28 kg (varies with individual
Length of projectile (without fuze): 23.31 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 6.09 inches (154.5 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 2.36 inches.
Width of rotating band:
Forward: 1.26 inches.
Space: 0.24 inch.
Aft: 1.26 inches.
Radius of ogive: 4 cal.
Filling: Cast picric acid (shimose): 7.5 pounds. The charge consists of two waxed,
paper-wrapped preformed blocks with a well in the upper block to receive the gaine.
The two blocks are enclosed in a cotton-flannel bag.
Fuzing: Type 88 point detonating fuzes.
Weapon in which used: 15.5 cm. gun (bag).

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Type 91 15.5-cm (155-mm) (6.1-Inch) Armor-Piercing. See figure 414.
Weight of filled projectile: No data.
Weight of empty projectile: 115.92 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band: 52.69 kg (varies with individual projectiles).
Length of projectile: 27.09 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 6.08 inches (154.5 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 2.36 inches.
Width of rotating band:
Forward: 1.26 inches.
Space: No data.
Aft: 1.26 inches.
Radius of ogive: No data.
Filling: Trinitroanisole: 6.84 pounds.
The charge is made into one paper-wrapped preformed block with a well in the base to
receive the fuze gaine. The charge is surrounded by a 3/16 inch layer of cork-like
plastic material which serves as a shock absorber.
Fuzing: Type 13-year Mk 1 Mod 1.
Weapon in which used: 15.5-cm gun (bag).

15.5-cm (155-mm) (6.1-Inch) Illuminating. See figure 415.

Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): No data.
Weight of empty projectile: 111.19 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band: 111.19 pounds (varies with individual projectiles).
Length of projectile (without fuze): 25.29 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 6.08 inches (154.5 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 2.36 inches.
Width of rotating band:
Forward: 1.26 inches.
Space: No data.
Aft: 1.26 inches.
Radius of ogive: No data.
Filling: A flash charge, an ejection charge (80 grams) and a thin layer of igniting
composition are black powder. The illuminating element is presumed to be the typical
Japanese illuminant consisting of a mixture of barium nitrate, magnesium, and wax.
Fuzing: Type 91 mechanical time fuze.
Weapon in which used: 15.5-cm gun (bag).
Operation: The functioning of the projectile is as follows:
1. The time fuze functions, igniting the flash charge.
2. The flash charge, in turn, ignites the ejection charge, which expels from the
base of the projectile the upper and lower split canisters containing, respectively
the illuminating charge and the supporting parachute.
3. Simultaneously the ejection charge ignites the illuminating charge. The burning
time is 45 seconds.

20-cm/Short (202-mm) (8-Inch) Complete Round (Semifixed). See figure 416.

Case: Length: 11.0 inches.
Diameter of base: 9.56 inches.
Material: Brass.
Weight (empty): 18.49 pounds.

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Propellant: 10 C3 (type 89 propellant): 4.4 pounds (2.0 kilograms).
Unperforated cylindrical sticks, approximately 1 mm (1/32 inch) by 8 1/2-9 inches,
amber-colored double-base powder. The propellant sticks are enclosed in two
compartment bags of heavy brownish silk. The inner bag contains 0.960 kilograms (2.1
pounds) of propellant. The outer bag contains 1.040 kilograms (2.3 pounds) of
Primer: Mk 1 case percussion primer Model 4.
Weapon on which used: Short 20 cm gun.
This is a short-barreled (12 cal.) gun of low muzzle velocity and light
construction on a pedestal mount designed orignally for use on the light
decks of merchant ships. The purpose of this weapon is to deliver a relatively
heavy projectile at a limited range for antisubmarine attack and to throw up
low-level antiaircraft barrage. This gun fires semifixed ammunition; the breechblock is of
the interrupted-threadtype. It has been found mounted in shore emplacements.

(Ordinary Mk 1) 20-cm/Short (202-mm) (8-Inch) High-Explosive. See figure 417.

Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 111.0 pounds.
Weight of empty projectile: 72.50 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 32.42 kg (varies with individual
Length of projectile (without fuze): 21.94 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 7.94 inches (201.5 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 1.0 inch.
Width of rotating band: 1.0 inch.
Filling: Trinitroanisole (type 91 explosive): 28.50 pounds. The charge consists of three
blocks of explosive cast and sealed in a waxed paper container and sealed in the
projectile with paraffin.
Fuzing: Type 0 mechanical time fuze.
Type 88 Mod 4 point detonating fuze.

Type 91 20-cm (202-mm)(8-Inch) Armor-Piercing. See figure 418.

Weight of filled projectile: 276.76 pounds.
Weight of empty projectile: 259.6 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 118.8 kg (varies with individual
Length of projectile: 35.86 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 7.95 inches (202 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 3.11 inches.
Width of rotating band:
Forward: 1.14 inches.
Space: 0.26 inch.
Aft: 1.14 inches.
Radius of ogive: No data.
Filling: Trinitroanisole (type 91 explosive): 17.38 pounds. The charge consists of a
preformed block of Type 91 explosive (trinitroanisole) with a well in the base to
receive a gaine. The block is wrapped in waxed-paper, a 3/16-inch layer of fibrous
cushioning material, and a cotton-flannel bag.
Fuzing: Type 13-year Mk 4 base fuze.
Weapon in which used: Mk 2 20-cm/50 cal. dual-purpose gun.

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(Ordinary Type 0) 20-cm (202-mm) (8-inch) High-Explosive. See figure 419.

Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 383.14 pounds.
Weight of empty projectile: 261.8 pounds.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 119.0 kg. (varies with individual
Length of projectile (without fuze): 36.61 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 7.95 inches (202 mm).
Distance from base to rotating band: 3.11 inches.
Width of rotating band:
Forward: 1.14 inches.
Space: 0.26 inch.
Aft: 1.14 inches.
Radius of ogive: No data.
Filling: Trinitroanisole (type 91 explosive): 21.34 pounds.
The charge consists of two preformed blocks of Type 91 explosive (trinitroanisole)
enclosed in a cloth bag.
Fuzing: Type 91 mechanical time fuze.
Type 88 point detonating fuzes.
Weapon in which used: Mk 2 20-cm/50 cal. dual-purpose gun.

20-cm (202-mm)(8-inch) Cartridge Case (Semifixed). See figure 420.

Case: Length: 15.25 inches.
Diameter of base: 9.58 inches.
Material: Brass.
Weight (empty): 18.6 pounds.
Propellant: 10 C3 (type 89 propellant): 4.4 pounds (2.0 kg.)
Unperforated cylindrical sticks approximately 1 mm. 1/32 inch by 3 1/2 inches, 9
inches amber-colored bouble-base powder. The propellant sticks are enclosed in two
compartmented bags of heavy brownish silk. The inner bag contains 0.960 kg. (2.1
pounds) of propellant. The outer bag contains 1.040 kg. (2.3 pounds) of propellant.
Primer: Mk 1 case percussion primer, Mod 4.
Weapon in which used: 20-cm. type 38 coast defense gun.
36-cm (365-mm)(14-inch) Armor-Piercing. See figure 421.
Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): No data.
Weight of empty projectile: No data.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 656.00 kg. (varies with individual
Length of projectile (without fuze): 56.75 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 14.00 inches.
Distance from base to rotating band: 5.75 inches.
Width of rotating band:
Forward: 2.00 inches.
Aft: 1.56 inches.
Filling: Probably trinitroanisole (type 91 explosive).
Fuzing: Type 13-year Mk 4 Mod 1 base fuze.
Weapon in which used: 36-cm/45 gun (bag).

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40-cm (406-mm)(16-inch) Mk 5 Armor-Piercing. See figure 422.
Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): No data.
Weight of empty projectile: No data.
Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 975.00 kg. (varies with individual
Length of projectile (without fuze): 56.50 inches.
Diameter at bourrelet: 16.00 inches.
Distance from base to rotating band: 1.97 inches.
Width of rotating band:
Forward: 2.65 inches.
Aft: 2.65 inches.
Filling: Probably trinitroanisole (type 91 explosive).
Fuzing: Type 13-year Mk 3 base fuze.
Weapon in which used: 40-cm/45 gun (bag).

Chapter 5-Section 2 NAVY ROCKETS

At the end of the war, the Japanese Navy had in production and use three rockets, a
12-cm incendiary-shrapnel, a 20-cm H.E., and a 45-cm H.E. Drawings and data of these
three rockets are given in this section. There were several other rockets in the
experimental stage, and a chart listing the salient features of these rockets is also given.
See table 6.

12-cm Incendiary-Shrapnel Spin-Stabilized Rocket. See figure 423.

Assembled round: Weight of complete round: 51 pounds (23.18 kg.).
Length of complete round: 28 9/16 inches.
Head: Weight of filled head: 17 pounds 9 ounces.
Weight of filling: Picric burster charge, 4 3/4 ounces; incendiary cylinder filled, 10
pounds 11 3/4 ounces.
Length of head: 10 inches.
Length of incendiary cylinder: 7 7/16 inches.
Diameter of head: 4.7 inches (12 cm.).
Filling: Picric acid burster charge: 4 3/4 ounces.
Incendiary cylinder (W.P. pellets): 10 pounds 11 3/4 ounces.
Fuzing: Simple powder delay fuze: Powder delay train type ignited by flash from
primer in base of motor.
Motor: Weight of filled motor: 13 pounds 11 ounces.
Weight of propellant: 7 pounds 5 ounces. (3.3 kg.).
Length of motor: 17 5/16 inches.
Diameter: 4.7 inches (12 cm).
Six nozzles are offset 21 degrees to the longitudinal axis of the rocket.
Warhead--motor adapter:
Weight: 3 pounds 6 3/4 ounces.
Length: 2 13/16 inches.
Diameter: 4.7 inches (12 cm).
Propellant: 6 long and 1 short grains of 150 special DT6 (60 percent nitrocellulose,
29.3 percent nitroglycerine, 2.85 percent ethyl centralite and 6.14 percent

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mononitronaphthalene). Long grains are 14 inches by 1.345 inches (34 mm) single
perforation 3/16 inch in diameter. The short grain is identical to the long grains, but
shorter (10 1/2 inches).
Ignition mechanism: Igniter: Percussion primer.
Ignition charge: 1 ounce black powder in silk bag.
Color and markings: Black over all. Three and one-half inches aft of nose piece is a 1/2
inch yellow band. A second 1/2 inch yellow band is located aft of the flange on
the base plate. A label, carrying propellant data, is fixed in the motor.
Launcher: The rocket is launched from a wooden trough mounted one on each side of
the cockpit of the Jap suicide boat.
Remarks: The powder delay train type fuze used in the 12-cm rocket allows the rocket
to travel about 2,000 to 3,000 yards before the main charge is detonated.

20-cm (8-inch) High-Explosive Spin-Stabilized Rocket. See figure 424.

Assembled round: Weight of complete round (with fuze): 199.95 pounds (90.7 kg.).
Length of complete round (without fuze): 40.28 inches.
Head: Weight of filled head (without fuze): 110.01 pounds (49.9 kg.).
Weight empty (body): 57.32 pounds.
Length of head (without fuze): 23.15 inches.
Diameter of head: 17.99 inches (203.0 mm).
Filling: Cast type 91 explosive (trinitroanisole): 38.58 pounds (17.5 kg.).
Fuzing: Type 4 rocket fuze: 1.76 pounds.
Motor: Weight of filled motor: 88.18 pounds (40.0 kg.).
Weight empty (body): 43.21 pounds.
Length of motor: 17.21 inches.
Diameter at bearing surfaces: 7.99 inches (203.0 mm).
Six nozzles are offset at 25 degrees from the longitudinal axis of the motor.
Propellant: 7 grains (11.42- by 2.28- by 0.43-inches perforation) of double-base
smokeless powder, weighing a total of 18.30 pounds (8.3 kg.); code
designation, 240 special DT2. Documents state that 240 DT6 may also be
Ignition mechanism: Igniter: Percussion primer.
Ignition charge (black powder in silk pad): 50.6 grams.
Color and markings: Maroon over all, with the nose tipped with a 2.13-inch green band.
A 0.35-inch yellow band appears at the junction of the motor and projectile.
Labels are located on the body (date unknown), in the nose fuze pocket
(bearing explosive data), and on the forward end of the motor base plate
(bearing propellant data). A serial number is stamped on the motor base.
Launcher: Three signal-round launchers have been designed for this round. Two of
these are trough-type, while the third is a barrel-type launcher. In
addition a triple-mount trough-type launcher has been recovered.
Remarks: The head of this rocket consists of a slightly modified 20-cm projectile.
The rotating band is removed, and the round may be found with or without the
rotating band groove, depending on the method of conversion.

45-cm (17.75-Inch) High-Explosive Spin-Stabilized Rocket. See figure 425.

Assembled round: Weight of complete round (without fuze): 1,514 pounds (686.7 kg).
Length of complete round (without fuze): 67.5 inches.
Head: Weight of filled head (without fuze): 942.7 pounds (427.6 kg).

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Weight empty (with coupling): 443.5 pounds.
Length of head (without fuze): 40.5 inches.
Diameter of head: 17.75 inches (45 cm).
Filling: Type 98 explosive (picric acid): 401.0 pounds (181.9 kg).
Fuzing: Type 4 rocket fuze. Army type 100 selective instantaneous or delay mortar fuze,
with special adapter. When the latter fuze is employed, the Navy gaine well in the
charge is filled with a picric pellet, recessed for an Army gaine.
Motor: Weight of filled motor: 571.3 pounds.
Weight empty: 269.0 pounds.
Length of motor: 27.0 inches.
Diameter at bearing surfaces: 17.75 inches (45 cm).
Six tapered nozzles are offset 18.5 degrees from the longitudinal axis of
the motor.
Propellant: 39 grains (15.25- by 2.31- by 0.41-inch perforation) of a double-base
smokeless powder, weighing a total of 131.5 pounds and code 240 Special DT6.
The grains are green and red in color.
Ignition mechanism: Igniter: Percussion primer.
Ignition charge (black powder in silk pad): 83.0 grams.
Color and markings: Maroon over all, with a green nose.
An Arabic numeral is stenciled in white on the nose. A label, carrying
propellant data, is fixed to the base of the motor.
Launcher: A crudely manufactured, wooden, trough-type launcher has been recovered
for use with this ammunition.
Remarks: A variation of this round, incorporating modified coupling and base plug,
has been recovered. The nose of the modified round is threaded to receive the fuze
directly, whereas the nose of the original model carried an adapter welded into
place. Although the internal dimensions of the modified round are identical to the
first recovered specimen, the former weighs only 1,466 pounds.

Chapter 5--Section 3 NAVY MORTARS

Type 3 81-mm High-Explosive Mortar. See figure 426.

Weight complete round: 7.23 pounds.
Weight main charge: 1.1 pounds.
Explosive components: Main charge: Picric 57 percent. Alpha-nitronaphthalene 43
Over-all length (without fuze): 11.5 inches.
Length fin assembly: 3.25 inches.
Maximum diameter at bourrelet: 3.19 inches (81 mm).
Maximum diameter of tail fins: 3.18 inches.
Color and markings: Unpainted black steel body with a green band followed by a
maroon band below the fuze. This is a simulation of standard Navy marking of H.E.
projectiles which typically are painted maroon over all and tipped with green.
Fuzing: Type 3 combination fuze.
Weapon in which used: Navy type 3 8-cm mortar.
Description: The body of this shell is one-piece cast-steel streamlined construction
with a well machined bourrelet having five bearing surfaces. An adapter ring screws
(R.H.) into the nose, but there is no booster cup as in Army types.
Screwed into the base of the shell body is the tail-fin assembly consisting of a

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steel tube to house the propellant cartridge and having eighteen flash ports in six
rows to pass the flash from the primary cartridge to the main propelling charge.
Welded around the base of the tube are a series of twelve stabilizing tail fins. The
main propelling charge is contained in doughnut-shaped silk bags, which are split so
that they can be slipped around the propellant tube above the tail fins and over the
flash ports.

Chapter 5--Section 4 NAVY PROJECTILE FUZES

20-mm Model 1 Fuze. See figure 427.

Use: 20-mm projectiles.
Over-all length (with gaine): 1 9/32 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 3/4 inch.
Maximum diameter: 23/32 inch.
Threaded length: 3/16 inch.
Number of threads: 5.
Construction: The fuze is of one-piece construction. The striker extends from the
nose of the fuze into the lower fuze body and is supported by a safety fork which is
held in place by a setback pin. The gaine threads into the bottom of the fuze body.
Operation: On firing, the force of the set-back causes the set-back pin to move down
against its spring, thus releasing the safety fork. Centrifugal force causes the
safety fork to move outward, and, when the projectile clears the bore of the gun, the
safety fork is thrown clear of the projectile. This releases the striker which is
driven down into the gaine on impact.
Remarks: There is a smaller version of this fuze that was originally used in the
Swiss-made projectiles. It differs from the Model 1 fuze only in size.

20-mm Model 2 Impact Fuze. See figure 428.

Use: 20-mm projectiles.
Over-all length (with gaine): 1 3/32 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 3/4 inch.
Maximum diameter: 2 3/32 inches.
Threaded length: 3/16 inch.
Number of threads: 5.
Construction: This is a rotor type fuze that is unique in that the firing pin instead
of the detonator is housed in the rotor. The body is of two-piece construction. In
the upper part of the body is a firing-pin extension. The rotor containing the
firing pin is in the lower part of the body. The rotor is held in place by two
centrifugal detents.
Operation: After firing, centrifugal force moves the detents out and turns the rotor
until the firing pin is aligned with the firing-pin extension. The rotor is held in
this position by centrifugal force, and on impact the firing-pin extension drives the
firing pin into the gaine.

20-mm Model 3 Impact Fuze. See figure 429.

Use: 20-mm projectiles.
Over-all length (with gaine): 1 9/32 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 3/4 inch.
Maximum diameter: 23/32 inches.

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Threaded length: 3/16 inch.
Number of threads: 5.
Construction: There are two versions of this fuze, differing only in the fact that
one is of one-piece construction and the other is of two-piece construction having an
inner metal collar threaded to the body. Threaded into the base of the fuze is a
gaine, above which is an air column sealed at the top by a closing disc.
Operation: There are no arming features in this fuze. On impact, the closing disc is
crushed inward, compressing the air in the column and firing the gaine.

20-mm Two-Piece Fuze. See figure 430.

Use: 20-mm projectiles.
Over-all length (with gaine): 1 1/8 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 15/16 inch.
Maximum diameter: 23/32 inches.
Threaded length: 3/16 inch.
Number of threads: 5.
Construction: A black steel nose section threads onto the brass body. The top of the
air column is closed by a thin brass cap held between the nose section and the fuze
body. Two spanner holes are present in the fuze body.
Operation: The fuze has no safety or arming features. On impact, the nose is crushed
and the compression of the air in the air column detonates the gaine.

25-mm Model 1 Fuze. See figure 431.

Use: 25-mm H.E. projectiles.
Over-all length (with gaine): 1 15/16 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 1 7/16 inch.
Maximum diameter: 3/4 inch.
Threaded length: 3/16 inch.
Number of threads: 6 R.H.
Construction: The fuze is constructed of brass in two pieces, the upper or nosepiece
threading onto the main body. The striker extends from the nosepiece into the lower
fuze body and is supported by a centrifugal detent. A centrifugal flash-hole shutter
separates the primer from the gaine, and the shutter housing has a shoulder on which
the primer cap rests. The gaine threads into the bottom of the fuze and holds the
shutter housing in place.
Operation: After firing, centrifugal force moves the detent out and also causes the
flash-hole shutter to move, exposing the flash-hole. On impact, the striker is
driven into the primer, which flashes into the gaine.

25-mm Model 4 Fuze. See figure 432.

Use: 25-mm H.E. projectiles.
Over-all length (with gaine): No data.
Over-all length (without gaine): 1 3/16 inches.
Maximum diameter: 3/4 inch.
Threaded length: 3/16 inch.
Number of threads: 6 R.H.
Construction: The fuze is constructed of brass in two pieces, with the upper or
nosepiece threading onto the main body. In some cases the nosepiece has been found
to be made of steel. The striker extends from the nosepiece into the lower fuze body

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and is supported by a centrifugal detent. The gaine is threaded into the lower fuze
body, with its uppermost part just below the striker point. A lead azide pellet is
embedded directly below the primer in the gaine.
Operation: After firing, centrifugal force moves the detent out, arming the fuze. On
impact, the striker is driven into the gaine, causing the fuze to function.
Remarks: This fuze differs from the type 1 in that its nose is more sharply pointed,
the striker is longer, and the flash-hole shutter and housing are eliminated.
The type 4 fuze fits into a smaller cavity, and thus there is a larger amount of
filling in the new projectiles.

30-mm Fuze. See figure 433.

Use: 30-mm projectiles for aircraft cannon.
Over-all length (with gaine): 1 3/16 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 1 inch.
Maximum diameter: 1 1/32 inches.
Threaded length: 5/16 inch. R.H.
Number of threads: 4
Construction: The fuze consists of the main body which houses the hammer, striker,
rotor, and lower fuze body. The main body is made of aluminum, the lower fuze body
and gaine of brass; the remaining parts of aluminum-magnesium mixture. The striker
is carried in a rotor, which is held in the unarmed position by two centrifugal
detents. The lower fuze body threads (R.H.) in the main body and is threaded (R.H.)
internally to take the gaine.
Operation: Centrifugal force causes the arming detents to move out, freeing the
rotor, which then turns until the striker is in line with the hammer. On impact, the
hammer drives the striker into the primer, which sets off the explosive train.

Type 1 Short-Delay Impact Fuze. See figure 434.

Use: Type 1 A.P. projectiles for the 8-cm/40 Mk 2 gun
Over-all length 3 1/4 inches.
Length (without gaine): 1 3/4 inches.
Threaded length: 11/16 inch L.H.
Number of threads: 6
Construction: The forward end of the fuze is externally threaded to fit into the base
of the projectile nosepiece. The fixed firing pin threads into the firing pin
holder, which threads into the forward end of the fuze body. The primer carrier,
housed in the forward section of the fuze body, is held in the unarmed position by
five detents which engage a shoulder on the primer carrier and are surrounded by a
thin, flat spring. The detent holder threads into the fuze body from the after end.
A flash channel is cut, longitudinally, through the primer carrier and detent holder
leading to the delay pellet and explosive train. A gaine adapter, threading into the
base of the fuze body, contains the delay pellet, secondary primer, and sub-booster.
The explosive gaine threads onto the gaine adapter.
Operation: Centrifugal force causes the five detents to open against their spring,
much like a camera diaphragm, thus freeing the primer carrier to hit the fixed firing
pin on impact. The flash from the primer passes through the channel in the primer
carrier and detent holder to the delay pellet and explosive train.
Remarks: This fuze is installed in the forward end of the projectile at the junction

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of the nose piece and the projectile body, so that no part of the fuze is visible in
the assembled projectile.

Type 88 Nose Fuze. See figure 435.

Use: 12-cm ordinary projectiles (semifixed).
12-cm ordinary projectiles (fixed).
12-cm incendiary shrapnel projectiles (fixed).
12.7-cm ordinary projectiles (fixed).
12.7-cm incendiary shrapnel projectiles (semifixed).
14-cm ordinary projectiles (bag).
15-cm ordinary projectiles (bag).
15.5-cm ordinary projectiles (bag).
20-cm ordinary projectiles (semifixed).
Over-all length (with gaine): 3 1/8 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 5 1/2 inches.
Maximum diameter: 2 1/4 inches.
Threaded length: 7/16.
Number of threads: 6.
Construction: This brass fuze consists of a nose cap, fuze body, and base plug. The
base plug threads into the fuze body, forming a seat for the arming-cam carrier and
housing the setback plunger. The arming-cam carrier supports five arming cams,
which, in turn, rest under the shoulder and supports the striker. The setback
plunger is held in the forward position by a steel sleeve crimped on the after end.
The head of the plunger protrudes through and above the arming-cam carrier to prevent
the moving out of a master detent which locks in position the remaining detents.
The striker is a machined piece fitting into a channel in the base plug arming-cam
carrier, and fuze body. The upper end of the striker has a shoulder which rests on
the arming cams and is drilled longitudinally to receive the striker extension. The
inner surface of the nose cap and the top of the striker extension are beveled so as
to facilitate functioning on a low angle of impact. There is a groove for a ball
locking device located in the periphery of the threaded portion which threads into
the projectile proper. The gaine threads onto the after end of the base plug.
Operation: When the projectile is fired, the set-back plunger moves down into a
recess in the base plug, thus freeing the arming cams, which move out from under the
shoulders of the striker with centrifugal force. On impact, the nose cap is crushed,
driving the striker onto the primer.
Remarks: In the type 88 Mod 1 fuze there is a safetypin which fits into a groove at
the base of the set-back plunger, securing the plunger in the forward position.

Type 88 Model 2 Nose Fuze. See figure 436.

Use: 12-cm ordinary projectiles (semifixed).
12-cm ordinary projectiles (fixed).
12-cm incendiary shrapnel projectiles (fixed).
12.7-cm ordinary projectiles (fixed).
12.7-cm incendiary shrapnel projectiles (semifixed).
14-cm ordinary projectiles (bag).
15-cm ordinary projectiles (bag).
15.5-cm ordinary projectiles (bag).
20-cm ordinary projectiles (semifixed).

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Over-all length (with gaine): 3 1/8 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 5 1/2 inches.
Maximum diameter: 2 1/4 inches.
Threaded length: 7/16.
Number of threads: 6. Construction: This fuze differs from the type 88 and the type
88 modification 1 in the following respects:
1. The gaine is threaded externally to fit into the base of the fuze body.
2. There is no set-back plunger or safety pin.
3. A flat spring surrounds and holds in position the arming cams.
Operation: Centrifugal force causes the arming cams to move out against the pressure
of the flat spring from under the striker shoulder. The nose cap is crushed on
impact, and the striker driven against the gaine.

Type 88 Model 4 Instantaneous-Delay Fuze. See figure 437.

Use: Ordinary projectiles for 12-cm and 20-cm short guns.
Over-all length (with gaine): 6 1/8 inches.
Threaded length: 1/2 inch.
Number of threads: 6.
Construction: The fuze body is made in three sections and is fitted together with
threads. The upper section houses the head of the striker. The midsection houses
the remainder of the striker and the five centrifugal wedges, which rest under a
shoulder of the striker and prevent contact with the primer in the unarmed position.
These wedges are surrounded and held in position by a split steel band. The primer
is also housed in the midsection. The lower section contains the delay element and
the selector switch, which is externally controlled. The instantaneous flash channel
when the fuze is set for delay action is closed by a small steel plate (delay slide).
When set for instantaneous action, the selector switch presents a recess allowing the
delay slide, when centrifugal force sets in, to move out and free the instantaneous
flash channel.
Operation: After the projectile is fired and begins to decelerate, the wedges are
forced out by centrifugal force against a flat spring, thus freeing the striker. On
impact, the striker is forced into the primer. The flash from the primer sets off a
delay powder train, which in turn initiates the gaine. If the fuze is set for
instantaneous action, the delay slide moves out with centrifugal force, leaving a
flash channel to the gaine, which is initiated directly.
Remarks: The setting of 0 to 5 seconds allows the projectile to sink approximately 25
meters before detonation.

Type 4 Nose Fuze. See figure 438.

Use: 20-cm rocket.
Over-all length (with gaine): 5 3/16 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 2 7/8 inches.
Maximum diameter: 2 1/4 inches.
Threaded length: 7/16 inch.
Number of threads: 6.
Construction: The fuze is centrifugally armed point detonating fuze constructed in
two parts. The upper body contains a copper closing disk and threads onto the lower
body to form the head of the fuze. The lower body houses the striker and centrifugal
detents, and is threaded to take the gaine. The lower portion of the striker has a

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smaller diameter forming a shoulder to bear against the detents. The upper end is
hollowed to receive the striker head. The striker head has a disk on the upper end
to form the striking head, and a flange to prevent its being seated too deeply in the
hollowed end of the striker. The centrifugal detents are pivoted on a mounting which
threads into the base of the lower body above the gaine. A spring band holds them
under the striker shoulder. The detents are so arranged that they can only move out
in sequence to release the striker. The gaine threads into the lower fuze body.
Operation: Rotation of the rocket in flight causes the centrifugal detent to move out
against the detent spring so as to clear the shoulder of the striker. Impact crushes
the fuze head and drives the striker down into the gaine.

Type 5th-Year Nose Fuze. See figure 439.

Use: 8-cm ordinary projectiles (fixed and semifixed).
12-cm ordinary projectiles (semifixed).
14-cm ordinary projectiles (bag).
Over-all length (with gaine): 5 1/8 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 1 15/16 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1 3/4 inches.
Threaded length: 3/4 inch.
Number of threads: 9 R.H.
Construction: The fuze body is of two-piece brass construction, with the upper part,
or nose cap, threading (R.H.) onto the lower part. The lower portion is threaded
(L.H.) internally to take the gaine. The gaine is made of light steel. A heavy
striker fits against the interior top of the nosepiece, which is beveled to
facilitate functioning with a low angle of impact. The lower fuze body contains a
primary primer and a secondary striker.
Operation: On impact, the nose cap is sheared off or crushed, forcing the first
striker into the first primer. This explosion forces the secondary striker down,
shearing the shear pin and causing the gaine to function.

40-mm Powder Time Fuze. See figure 440.

Use: 40-mm A.A. projectiles.
Over-all length (with gaine): 3 5/8 inches
Over-all length (without gaine): 2 3/32 inches
Maximum diameter: 1 7/22 inches.
Threaded length: 3/4 inches.
Number of threads: 6 R.H.
Construction: The fuze body, gaine, magazine carrier, and nose cap are made of
aluminum. The two time rings are made of brass. A hollow spindle protrudes up from
the fuze body, over which are fitted the lower (movable) and upper (fixed) time
rings. The nose cap threads onto this extension and holds the upper time ring in
place. Housed within the hollow spindle are the striker, creep spring, and
initiating cap or primer. Halfway up the side of the hollow spindle is a flash port
leading to the upper time train. There is a tooth rack machined around the upper
edge of the lower time ring for automatic setting. The gaine threads into the lower
end of the fuze body.
Operation: As the round feeds into the gun, a rack engages the teeth of the lower
time ring, which is rotated about its axis by the meshing of these gears, setting the
fuze. When the gun is fired, the force of set-back causes the striker to pierce the

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primer. The flash from the primer passes to the upper time ring, and in turn, to the
lower. The flash from the lower time ring sets off the relay pellet and the black
powder, which flashes down to the gaine.

Type 3 Aerial-Burst--Impact Mortar Fuze. See figure 441.

Use: 8-cm mortar ammunition.
Over-all length (with gaine): 3 3/4 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 2 1/4 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1 11/32 inches.
Threaded length: 1/2 inch.
Number of threads: 7 R.H.
Construction: This fuze is made of a three-piece black steel or brass body.
Protruding from the nosepiece is the primary, or impact, striker which houses the
secondary or aerial-burst striker. A metal safety clip fits around and holds the
striker from the primary primer. The secondary striker within the shaft of the
primary striker is held from the aerial-burst primer by a small coiled spring.
Housed in the lower end of the primary striker is an aerial-burst primer and a short
delay train leading to a black-powder collar which fits around the lower
circumference of the primary striker. The explosive train from this collar leads
through ports in the midsection of the fuze to the powder time train housed in the
midsection. The midsection is movable and may be set for impact firing or aerial
burst (2 to 22 seconds). In the lower fuze section there is one explosive-filled channel,
the upper end of which contacts the powder time ring, and the lower end leads to the
explosive gaine.
Operation: For aerial-burst firing, the time ring is set and the safety clip removed.
On setback, the secondary striker initiates the aerial-burst primer, which in turn
burns through the powder time train to the explosive gaine. If impact occurs prior
to the lapse of the time set, the primary striker will be riven onto the primary
primer. The delay-arming (black) powder collar around the primary striker is
designed to allow firing the mortar from a concealed position through underbrush and
gives a definite bore safety.

30-Second Powder Time Fuze. See figure 442.

Use: 12-cm illuminating projectile.
Over-all length: 2 3/4 inches.
Maximum diameter: 2 5/8 inches.
Threaded length: 1/2 inch.
Number of threads: 3 R.H.
Construction: This fuze is built with a brass nosepiece, an aluminum midsection, a
fixed and movable powder ring, and a brass base section which houses a black-powder
magazine in the rear end and supports a central spindle which houses the fixed firing
pin. The spindle and base section are made in one piece. The nosepiece is a hollow
truncated cone containing four vent holes forward and threaded (R.H.) internally,
rear, to fit the forward end of the aluminum midsection. The aluminum midsection has
four vents forward and a threaded (R.H.) opening located centrally. At the rear of
the threaded opening, the aluminum piece has a longitudinal recess to take a small
coiled spring whose purpose is to prevent the freezing of the movable primer carrier,
which is partially housed in the aluminum midsection. A narrow lip around the base
circumference of the midsection fits into a groove on the upper surface of the fixed

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(upper) time ring and forms a seal. The rear end of the movable primer carrier is
housed in the forward end of the spindle. The primer carrier is made of a small
brass cylinder, into the top of which is threaded a small weight. The primer is carried in
the lower part of the carrier and rests on an internal lip. Surrounding the cylinder and
secured by a tight friction fit, is a split brass collar which rests upon an internal shoulder
in the upper end of the spindle. The movable (lower) time ring has the time settings (0 to
30 seconds) in increments of 1/5 second. A segmented brass friction washer is keyed to
the spindle and holds the fixed time ring in position.
Operation: Upon firing, set-back causes the primer carrier to move down out of the
split collar and onto the firing pin. The flash ignites the black-powder delay in
the upper time ring, and after the set delay period the black powder magazine is

Type 91 Mechanical Time Fuze. See figure 443 and figure 444.
Use: 12-cm ordinary projectiles (semifixed).
12-cm ordinary projectiles (fixed).
12-cm incendiary-shrapnel projectiles (fixed).
12.7-cm ordinary projectiles (fixed).
12.7-cm incendiary-shrapnel (fixed).
14-cm illuminating projectiles (bag).
15-cm illuminating projectiles (bag).
15.5-cm illuminating projectiles (bag).
Over-all length: 2 15/16 inches.
Maximum diameter: 2 9/32 inches.
Threaded length: 1/2 inches.
Number of threads: 6.
Construction: Type 91, the fuze body consists of an aluminum nose cap, and a
nickel-plated brass time-setting ring, locking ring, and base section. Housed in the
nose cap is a spring-supported set-back hammer. Immediately below the set-back
hammer is a spring-driven clock mechanism identical in construction to those in
Japanese bomb fuze D-2(a), D-2(b), and D-2(c). However, this fuze is started by
set-back and maintained in the armed position by centrifugal force. The time-setting ring
has a vertical opening on its top rim by which the clock may be wound with an
appropriate tool after the nose cap has been removed. There are two exterior setting
lugs. One is secured to the time ring and the other to the lower portion of the fuze body.
The time-setting ring is graduated in one-second intervals from 0 to 55 seconds.
Operation: Before firing the gun, the setting disk is connected to the time setting
ring of the fuze by the control arm. It is not connected to the clockwork, but is
free to rotate around the clockwork spindle when the time-setting ring of the fuze is
moved in the setting. Setting of the fuze varies the distance the setting disk must
be rotated by the clockwork before the striker release arm will fall into the slot in
the setting disk and release the striker. Until the gun is fired, the clockwork is held
immobile by the escapement release arm connected to a vertical shaft. A torsion spring
working on the shaft tends to rotate the escapement release arm away from the
clockwork gears. It is prevented from doing this by a projection on the upper end of the
vertical shaft which bears against a shoulder of the clock-starting plunger.
When the gun is fired, the set-back hammer is left behind with sufficient force to:
1. Bend the control arm out of engagement with the time setting ring.
2. Drive the clutch bar down into a slot in the upper end of the clock--thus

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spreading it sufficiently to clutch the setting disk to the clockwork spindle. At
the same time, the clock-starting plunger is left behind by setback and thereby
removes the shoulder from in front of the extension of the escapement release-arm
shaft, allowing the escapement release arm to be rotated free of the clockwork gears.
The clockwork is now free to run and starts to rotate the setting disk in a
counterclockwise direction. With centrifugal force, a centrifugal safety lock is
thrown out from below a shoulder of the striker, which is now free to be released.
When the clock-starting plunger moves downward, its upper end is removed from the
outer end of the striker release arm, which is now free to move outward under the
impulse of the striker release-arm spring, and its inner end then bears against the
setting disk. When the setting disk is rotated sufficiently to bring the notch into
alignment with the inner end of the striker release arm, the striker release arm
spring forces the outer end of the release arm out, thereby pivoting the inner end
into the slot of the setting disk. When this happens, the striker release arm moves
out of its notch in the striker, which is then driven downward onto the primer cap,
initiating the detonation of the projectile via the medium of the auxiliary fuze.
Remarks: There is a modified version of this fuze that has a gear ring for automatic
setting. This is used in the 12.7-cm ammunition for the 12.7-cm A.A. gun which has
an automatic time-setting device.

Type 0 Mechanical Time Fuze. See figure 445.

Use: Ordinary projectiles for the 12-cm and 20-cm short guns.
Over-all length: 2 15/16 inches.
Maximum diameter: 2 9/32 inches.
Threaded length: 1/2 inch.
Number of threads: 6.
Construction: This fuze is the same as the type 91 Mod 1, except that it has a weaker
set-back spring and has a flash shutter in the basal portion. It is distinguished
from the type 91 Mod 1 by a red nosepiece.
Operation: The operation is the same as the type 91 Mod 1, with the addition of the
centrifugal flash shutter in the base, which swings back under centrifugal force,
thus opening up the firing train.

Type 98 Mechanical Time Fuze. See figure 446.

Use: 10-cm ordinary (fixed).
Over-all length: 4 15/16 inches.
Maximum diameter: 2 15/16 inches.
Threaded length: 1/2 inch.
Construction: This fuze is similar to the type 91 Mod 1, but is longer in order to
conform to the ogive of the projectiles it is used in. It incorporates the automatic
gear setting ring and flash shutter in the basal portion that is found in the type 0
fuze. It is graduated from 0-45 seconds in increments of 1 second.
Operation: The operation is identical to the Type 0 fuze.

40-mm Base Fuze. See figure 447.

Use: 40-mm A.P.-H.E. projectiles.
Over-all length (with gaine): 2 5/32 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 1 1/2 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1 7/32 inches.

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Threaded length: 7/8 inch L.H.
Construction: A cylindrical steel piece is threaded externally and centrally drilled
to provide a recess to house and guide the striker, inertia weight, and creep spring.
It is threaded internally on the forward end to take the gaine. The striker is
housed in and secured to the inertia weight by a copper shear pin. The inertia
weight is a steel cylinder which closely fits the inner opening of the fuze body and
is held in the rear most position by a creep spring resting between the
explosive-train carrier and an annular groove in the forward end of the inertia
Operation: On firing, set-back causes the inertia weight to move downward, breaking
the shear wire and exposing the striker. Upon impact, the striker and collar move
against the creep spring and the firing pin pierces the primer.

5-cm Base Fuze. See figure 448.

Use: 5-cm. H.E. projectiles.
Over-all length: 1 9/16 inches.
Diameter of threaded portion: 13/32 inch.
Construction: The fuze consists of a steel cylinder externally threaded and drilled
internally to take a soft metal block in which the striker is friction-fitted. The
striker is a steel pin. The end of the fuze is closed by the primer holder.
Operation: Before firing, the striker rests against the base of the fuze and cannot
pierce the primer, since the striker block has a concave surface on the forward end.
On set-back, the striker block moves back and leaves the striker protruding. On
impact, both the striker and striker block move forward with the striker, hitting the

Type 3d-Year Mk 1 Base Impact Fuze. See figure 449.

Use: 12-cm. ordinary projectiles (semifixed).
Over-all length (with gaine): 5 5/16 inches.
Over-all length (without gaine): 3 1/2 inches.
Maximum diameter: 1 9/16 inch.
Threaded length: 1 5/16 inch.
Number of threads: 12.
Construction: Excepting the set-back plunger and gaine, this fuze is constructed
entirely of brass and made of two pieces. The base of the rear portion contains an
oblong slot into which the rear end of the threaded spindle and/or striker is fitted.
On the threads of the striker rides an inertia weight which is free to revolve about
the striker except for a set-back plunger which, in the unarmed position, rests
partially in a recess in the inertia weight and partially in a stationary collar in
the fuze body, thus preventing any revolution of the inertia weight. This inertia
weight prevents the striker from falling onto the primer of the gaine. The forward
end of the striker fits down through an inner collar, which is a part of the forward
section of the fuze. Immediately before the threaded portion of the striker is a
split collar which is wedged between the threads and the inner collar, affording an
additional safety feature.
Operation: On set-back, the flanged inertia plunger moves back into the recess of the
inertia weight. Since the striker is keyed to the fuze and thus spins with the fuze,
the inertia weight lags behind and moves back to the base of the fuze. The force of

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impact causes the striker to move forward, overcoming the split brass collar, onto
the primer.

Type 13th-Year Mk 1 Base Impact Fuze. See figure 450.

Use: 14 and 15 cm. common projectiles.
Over-all length (without fuze carrier): 5 7/16 inches.
Length of fuze body (without Gaine): 3 1/8 inches.
Maximum diameter (with fuze): 1 7/8 inches.
Threaded length: 1 7/16 inches.
Number of threads: 13.
Construction: This fuze is threaded externally on the forward end to fit the large
explosive gaine and externally on the after end to fit into the base-fuze carrier.
Both the gaine and the base fuze carrier are secured to the fuze by a grub screw.
The fuze is bored to two diameters longitudinally. The after and larger diameter
accomodates the arming mechanism and the head of the striker; the forward diameter
forms a friction fit with the main body of the striker. The arming mechanism is
housed in a metal block (fuze base) which threads into the after end of the fuze and
is secured by a lock bolt. On the forward end of this block is an arming cam carrier
supporting five interlocking arming cams, pivoted separately, which, in the unarmed
position, rest in a circumferential groove in the striker and hold the striker from
the primer. A set-back plunger rests in a recess in the fuze base and is supported
by the fingers of a metal sleeve. The forward end of the set-back plunger protrudes
through the arming-cam carrier to prevent the movement of the master arming cam with
which the remaining arming cams interlock. A safety pin holds the setback plunger in
the forward position before the fuze is installed into the projectile. The gaine contains
the primer, delay train, and booster. A thin cardboard disk is placed over the primer to
prevent the striker from prematurely piercing the primer as a result of creep.
Operation: On set-back, the set-back plunger moves back and is held by the fingers of
metal sleeve. The arming cams move out with centrifugal force, freeing the striker to
move down onto the primer on impact.

Type 13th-Year Mk 4 and Mk 4 Mod 1 Base Fuzes. See figure 451.

Use: Type 13th-year Mk 4 20-cm type 91 A.P.
Type 13th-year Mk 4 Mod 1 36-cm. A.P. Mk 4 Mk 4 Mod 1
Over-all length (with gaine). 6 3/8 inches-- 6 7/8 inches.
Threaded length: -------- 1 19/64 inches- 1 7/16 inches.
Number of threads-- 13 ------------- 13.
Construction: The design of these fuzes is almost identical to the type 13-year Mk 1
Mod 1 fuze, differing only in size and minor body features. The gaine, however, is
of different construction than that used in the Mk 1 fuze. It contains a primer
delay, relay, initiator, and booster.
Operation: The operation of this fuze is the same as the type 13-year Mk 1 Mod 1.

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