Application of Microsoft Translator
Application of Microsoft Translator
Application of Microsoft Translator
Written by:
(7777180021) Solida Firjatulloh
PBI-B / Semester II
A. Background
The mastery of foreign languages becomes a necessity at times. It is due to the language
as the most important instrument for communicating with people in worlwide and it can also
be called a tool for communication. For example in in work life, there are the requirements that
must be done such as mastering a foreign language, learning many foreign language books,
and understand the outside products with foreign-speaking countries. Indirectly, people are
required to speak foreign languages in order to be able to keep up with the progress of an
increasingly advanced era. So it can be concluded that mastering a foreign language is crucial
in this modern era to survive according to the times.
Every country has a different language, for example Japan uses Japanese, Korea uses
Korean or Hangul, Netherland uses Dutch, and etc. Therefore to overcome the language
differences in communication among countries, English language becomes an international
language. English has been used by several countries and is the language of communication
among nations. English is one of the paramount languages to master, because it is a tool for
communicate both oral and written. English is the language that can help us in all life aspects
such communication, trade, social culture, science, education, entertainment and technology.
Realizing the urgence of English for the future and adapting the development of times,
the Indonesian Government estalished the Government Regulation No.32 year 2013 to revise
the constitution of Government Regulation No.19 year 2005 about the National Standard of
Education. It says in Article 77I verse 1 (c),
3. Foreign languages, especially English is an international language and important use
in global association.”
Therefore, the English learning should be implemented in the schools intensively and
comprehensively, especially in the Senior High School 1 Serang (SMAN 1 Serang).
The English learning materials of Senior High School has been categorized and
systematized for the students nowadays. However, the Senor High School students still face
the speaking skill problem. Dwi (2009) says in her thesis, “Speaking activities do not work in
class students from speaking English with their friends. They are afraid of making mistakes,
of being laughed at by his or her friends and of having lack of confidence in their ability.”
The presence of gadgets in the digital era is utilized by the writer to overcome the
student’s problem of speaking English. The writer experience of using the Microsoft Translator
application brings him to emerge the new style of learning the English speaking with fun and
exciting. This mobile-based application would help students to improve their speaking skill.
B. Problem Questions
A. Microsoft Translator
Microsoft translators support the following languages: African, Arabic, Bangla,
Bosnian (Latin), Bulgarian, Cantonese (Traditional), Katala, Chinese (Simplified),
Chinese, Traditional, Omegle, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Fiji, Filipino ,
Finnish, French, German, Greek, Haitian Creole, Hebrew, Hindi, Hmong Daw,
renewal, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Swahili, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian,
Malagasy, Malaysian, Maltese, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Quer 'Etharo
Otomi, Romania, Russia, Serbia (Cyrillic), Serbia (Latin), Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Tahiti, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Urdu, Vietnam, Wales, and Yucatec Maya.
Microsoft translators are supported by the latest technology used by Office,
Bing, Skype, Internet Explorer, and also by partners such as Twitter, Yelp, eBay,
WeChat, and many more (Google Play : 2018).
B. Speaking
b. Managing conversation and interacting effectively to keep the conversation
C. Teaching Speaking
Based on explanation above teaching speaking is an activity to make students as second
language learner or foreign language learner to produce their speech so they can speak fluently
and confident in front of people or other students.
This study uses the qualtative research for presenting the data. Sugiyono (2012: 7)
quantitative methods are called traditional methods, because this method has been used for
a long time so that it has been traditionized as a method for research. This method is called
the positivistic method because it is based on the philosophy of positivism. This method is
called a scientific method because it has met scientific principles, namely concrete /
empirical, objective, measurable, rational, and systematic. This method is also called the
discovery method, because this method can be found and developed as a new science and
technology. This method is called a quantitative method because the research data is in the
form of numbers and the analysis uses statistics. Until today, the writer has not find yet the
research that use the Microsoft Translator to teach speaking. Therefore he think the
quantitave method fit this study.
The approach used in the study of this time is experimental quantitative method.
According to Creswell (2011), he says that some quantitative research intends to explain
the effect of particular variable toward another variable which only can be done by
explaining the relation between each variable. Meanwhile, the research design being used
in this study is quasi experimental design. Form this experimental design is the
development of a true experimental design, this design has the control group, but not able
to function fully to control external variables that affect the implementation of the
experiment. However this design is better than the pre-experimental design. Quasi-
experimental design, used since in fact difficult to obtain the control group used for the
study. In this study researchers used a type of design nonequivalent control group design.
This design is almost the same as the pretest-posttest control group design, only in this
design the experimental group or the control groups were not chosen at random (Sugiyono:
2011). Type of experiment of the research is quasi experiment. This design is represented
as follow:
R1 O1 X O2
R2 O1 O2
Where :
R1 : Experiment Group R2 : Controlled Group
O1 : Pretest O2 : Post-test
X : Treatment
In the first phase, experimental method haves required the two groups. The first group
is experimental group that is class XII A and next is control group that is class XII B. For the
group of experimental, the writer will apply the the Microsoft Translator in teaching speaking,
while for the control group the teacher does not use it.
Therefore, based on that statement, in this study the writer conducted the observation
twice : the observation which is done before the treatment called as pre-test and the observation
which is done after the treatment called post-test. The kind of treatment in this study is teaching
speaking using the “Microsoft Translator”.
2. Sample
The sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by the population. For
technique sampling, researcher use purposive sampling because its looked by the purpose the
research that need two classes for control class and treatment class.
In this research, the researcher take two classes as sample are class XII IPA A as a class
experiment with a number of 36 students and class XII IPA B as the control class with the
number of 36 students. Then, it can be seen that this sample amounted to 72 students.
D. Research Instrument
1. Lesson Plan
Lesson plan is used for treatment process. The purpose is to make systematical learning
process. The lesson plan can be seen in chapter IV.
2. Scoring Sheet
Scoring sheet is used to make the writer know about students’ ability especially in
speaking. After testing, the writer has to measure and score the result of the students’ testing
in order to analyze the test that was given by the writer:
Accent 0 1 2 2 3 4
Grammar 6 12 18 24 30 36
Vocabulary 4 8 12 16 20 24
Fluency 2 4 6 8 10 12
Comprehension 4 8 12 15 19 23
B 65-81 Good
C 50-64 Enough
D 33-49 Less
E 16-32 Low
The techniques of collecting data in this research are test and observation. In order to
get valid information that will support the researcher. She uses test and observation for knowing
result study of speaking before and after using chain pictures. The data collection process is
nothing other than a doubling of primary data for research purposes. The collection of data is
a systematic procedure and standard to obtain the necessary data. In accordance with the
necessary data in this study, the technique Data collection in this study include:
1. Test.
Test is an instrument or procedure designed to elicit performance from learners with
the purpose of measuring their attainment of specified criteria. The researcher tests for knowing
result study of writing skill before and after using chain pictures.
a. Pre-test
The writer use pre-test for knowing the skill of the students before use chain pictures,
the test is use some topics that students can choose one of the topics from four topics and make
dialogue from that topic which contain asking and giving advice, then students practice the
dialogue in front of the class. In this study, the test given for class XII A and XII B at the
SMAN 1 Serang.
b. Post-test
The writer use pre-test for knowing the skill of the students after use chain pictures, the
test is use some topics that students can choose one of the topics from three topics and students
make dialogue from that topic which contain asking and giving advice, then students practice
the dialogue in front of the class. In this study, the test given for class XII A and XII B at the
SMAN 1 Serang.
2. Documentation
Documentation method which collects data to see or noted a report that is available.
This method is done by see the official documents like the pictures.
The facility is the one that should be provided by the school for the students.
Smartphone and internet are the crucial things to run Microsoft Translator. The school
can facilitate each students alternately with anothers to save the budget. In the class or
the lesson time, each students hold the smart phone and have an attemp to master the
speaking skill.
To use the Microsoft Translator, it is better if both teacher and students have the
great digital literacy. Those who get used to utilize smartphone for browsing, social
media, blogging, using applications, and etc will get eased to use the Microsoft
Translator. However, the use of Microsoft Translator is easy as long as the people read
the instruction.
To teach the speaking by using the Microsoft Translator, the teacher can start
with blending the behaviorism theory to the lesson plan. Behaviorism is a learning theory
that only focuses on objectively observable behaviors and discounts any independent
activities of the mind. Behavior theorists define learning as nothing more than the
acquisition of new behavior based on environmental conditions (Funderstanding: 2011).
To use the Microsoft translator effectively, the real-time and true experience is required.
Accordingly, the behaviorism theory fits it.
The teacher can bring the English natives in the class to have a conversation with
the students or he / she can make a study tour to the nearest English-speaking country
such Singapore and conduct the real-time and true experience of speaking with English
speaker by using the Microsoft Translator.
The students can use the voice translation feature if there are a few unkonwn
English words in Indonesia and it will speak the meant English word. It also can translate
at that moment the words they don’t understand from the English speaker. Then the
conversation certainly goes well with the Microsoft Transator. They will learn to speak
correctly and fluencely, altogether with the pronounciation and listening. Before the
conversation goes along, the teacher had already given the theme of conversation so it
will not be going out of the theme.
Class / Semester: XI / 1
Skill: Speaking
KI. Live and practice the teachings of the religion he adheres to.
K2. Living and practicing honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual
cooperation, cooperation, tolerance, peace), courtesy, responsiveness and pro-active and
showing attitude as part of the solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the
social and natural environment and in positioning ourselves as a reflection of the nation in
world association.
K4. Processing, reasoning, and presenting in a concrete and abstract realm related to the
development of what is learned in school independently, and being able to use methods
according to scientific rules.
1.1.1 Express gratitude at all times to have the opportunity to learn English properly and be
1.2.1 Greeting teachers and friends politely in every learning interpersonal communication with
proper and acceptable
2.2.1 Saying a speech act expresses an opinion and asks for an opinion accompanied by its
response verbally by paying attention to social functions, text structure, and correct language
elements after being given an example.
2.2.2 Using speech acts to express opinions and ask for opinions accompanied by responses
verbally according to the context in everyday life with full confidence after being given an
Asking Giving
· What do you think of ... · In my opinion ...
· Is that right (true) that .. · I think ..
· Do you think it's going .. · I fell ..
· Why do they behave like that? · I believe ..
· Do you have any idea? · I personally believe ..
· How do you like that? · I personally think ..
· Please give me your opinion ... · To my mind ...
· In my case ...
· Well, personally ...
· It seems that ..
Abdul: Well, I believe that sad song will influence the baby to always cries.
Ghea: I see your point. I think the parents just want to introduce the various genre of song to
the baby as early as possible. That's all.
Media: The Microsft Translator, Smartphones, Relevant pictures, and the English Speakers.
Almost perfect 5
There are some errors but do not interfere with the
2 (Intonation) There are a number of errors and disturbing
Many mistakes and disturbing meanings 2
Too many mistakes and disturbing meaning 1
Very Fluent 5
Fluent 4
3 (Fluency) Fluent Enough 3
Less Fluent 2
Not Fluent 1
Very Accurate 5
Accurate 4
4 (Accuracy) Accurate Enough 3
Less Accurate 2
Not Accurate 1
Comptence Score
Knowledge Skill Attitude
A 4 4
A- 3.66 3.66
B+ 3.33 3.33
B 3 3 B
B- 2.66 2.66
C+ 2.33 2.33
C 2 2 C
C- 1.66 1.66
D+ 1.33 1.33
D- 1 1
Serang, 30-12-2018
.................................................. ..................................................
A. Conclusion
The Microsoft Translator is the a personal translator application, free for more than 60
languages, to translate text, sounds, conversations, as well as text in photos and camera
screenshots. People can even download various languages for offline translation for free to
use while on the go.
To use the Microsoft Translator in teaching speaking, the school must involve in the set
of the class, which is preparing the facilitation such as smartphone and internet. Without
the supported facilitation, it can not run well.
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