Teaching Speaking Using Direct Method
Teaching Speaking Using Direct Method
Teaching Speaking Using Direct Method
Lecturer :
Arranged by:
CHAPTER 1……………………………………………………………………………………….
C. Direct Method………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Plan………………………………………………………………………………………..
According to Gene and Bada (2005), speaking is an important and basic skill that
helps students learn English to become good readers and writers. Ellis (2003) has also
added that a person's main goal of learning English as a foreign language or second
language is to achieve personal goals in achieving success.
2) Grammar.
Lack of knowledge related to grammar can also affect learning speaking. Because,
there are many problems that occur in the process of learning speaking, especially
about grammar that is not mastered.
3) Nervous
Nervousness can also be a factor in making it difficult to learn speaking. Because
when we feel nervous, we become less focused, and make us even more afraid to
4) Vocabulary.
Vocabulary is a basic factor that we must know. When we do not master more
vocabulary, we will be confused and less confident, and will be more confused. And
that is very difficult.
2. External Factor
The viability of teaching speaking does not as it were come from the inner angles of the
students but is additionally affected by outside variables. The competence's understanding of
issues in teaching speaking should be known by the teacher. The Calculate is a regulation
setting that puts English as a second or foreign language in an idea. The setting in which the
language is learned is still considered important to the kind of English a notion will need and
ought to ponder, and the abilities they will have to be procured. The external problems are
the problems that come from the institutional context that puts English as a second or foreign
language in a nation, such as a classroom environment, material, and teacher’s strategy on
teaching speaking skills itself.
1) Supporting devices are not as expected
When learning to speak, we sometimes need a supporting media. Such as: text, images,
video, audio, etc. For example: the teacher has prepared a picture that will be distributed
to students, the teacher prepares a picture of a tourist spot near their area. The teacher
asks students to describe the place from the picture given to the students. And it turns out
that students do not know about the pictures of the places shown, such as students who
have never visited the place, and make these students less knowledgeable and difficult to
2) Students who attend are less attentive
Problems like this often occur, not only in the process of teaching and learning speaking.
Students who are less active and do not listen can be the main factor causing difficulties
in learning speaking. When students do not listen to what the teacher says, students will
become confused and find it difficult to practice speaking. Due to the lack of knowledge
that students can get.
3) The class atmosphere does not support the speaking learning process.
The classroom atmosphere can affect the process of learning to speak. For example, a
crowded classroom atmosphere can make students less focused.
C.Direct Method
The direct method in teaching a language is directly establishing an immediate and
audiovisual association between experience and expression, words and phrases, idioms and
meanings, rules and performances through the teachers' body and mental skills, without any
help of the learners' mother tongue.[3]
1. Direct method of teaching languages aims to build a direct way into the world of the
target language making a relation between experience and language, word and idea,
thought and expression rule and performance.
2. This method intends for students to learn how to communicate in the target language
3. This method is based on the assumption that the learner should experience the new
language in the same way as he/she experienced his/her mother tongue without
considering the existence of his/her mother tongue
Conversation :
Direct is one of an interesting method for teaching young learner because they directly
practice the command with the practice speaking with help of pictures on the paper. With this
method students will easily memorize and indirectly will be recorded in their memory, because
the direct method is about pronouncing syllables with pictures.
There are many methods of teaching English, in this case I use only one method in
teaching. if this method is combined with several other methods it will be more effective in
teaching and the results will be better than before. teaching will be maximized and the
understanding gained by students will also be more absorbed
H.douglas,brown.Teaching by principles second
Fahrurrozy M.A.,Ph.D. Teaching English As a foreign Language for teacher
Jack Richard,Richard,Theodore S Rodgers Approach.
Penny Ur, a course in language teaching
6. Teaching-Learning Procedure
Pre-Teaching (5 minutes)
The teacher gives apperception, that is the teacher briefly explains the lesson
about family members.
The teacher reads the vocabulary of family members repeated by the students.
The teacher explains the family tree.
The teacher takes one picture of family members and asks the students to guess
who is he or who is she.
The teacher chooses one of the students to read the descriptive text of family
members aloud.
The teacher asks the students to make a descriptive text about family members.
The teacher chooses one of the students to read their work aloud.