The Hobbit SBG Army Lists

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Rohan Army


Warband 1: Items Points: 146

Erkenbrand, Captain of Rohan Heavy Armour, Shield Horn of the Hammerhand (free) 65

Rohan Royal Guard (5) Heavy Armour, Shields (free) 50

(10pts/ model)

Warriors of Rohan (1) Banner (25pts/model) 31

(6pts/ model)

Warband 2: Items Points: 143

Grimbold of Grimslade Armour & Two Handed Weapon (free) 55

Warriors of Rohan (4) Shields (1pt/model) 32

(6pts/ model) Upgrade to Helmingas (1pt/ model)

Warriors of Rohan (8) Shields (1pt/model) 56

(6pts/ model)

Warband 3: Items Points: 111

Captain of Rohan Heavy Armour, Shield (10pts) 55

Warriors of Rohan (7) Bows (1pt/model) 56

(6pts/ model)

Model count: 28 Erkenbrand: 3M, 1W, 1F

Break Point: 14 Grimbold/Captain: 2M, 1W, 1F

Rohan Army (Helms Deep relief)


Warband 1: Items Points: 265

Eomer, Marshal of the Riddermark Horse (10pts) 85

Rohan Royal Guard (2) Heavy Armour, Shields, Throwing Spears (4pts) 36
(10pts/ model) Horses (6pts/ model)

Riders of Rohan (6) Armour, Shield, Horse, Bow (free) 78

(13pts/ model)

Sons of Eorl (3) Heavy Armour, Shield, Purebred Steed (free) 66

(22pts/ model)

Warband 2: Items Points: 235

Gandalf the White Glamdring, Staff of Power, Narya (free) 235
(220pts) Shadowfax (15pts)

Model count: 13 Eomer: 3M, 2W, 2F

Break Point: 7 Gandalf: 3M 6W* 3F

Rohan Army (Pelennor Fields)

Warband 1: Items Points: 246

Theoden, King of Rohan Armoured Horse, Heavy Armour, Shield (25pts) 90

Riders of Rohan (12) Armour, Shield, Horse, Bow (free) 156

(13pts/ model)

Warband 2: Items Points: 291

Eomer, Marshal of the Riddermark Horse (10pts) 95
(75pts) Throwing Spears, Shield (10pts)

Sons of Eorl (4) Heavy Armour, Shield, Purebred Steed (free) 88

(22pts/ model)

Rohan Royal Guard (6) Heavy Armour, Shields (free) 108

(10pts/ model) Horses (6pts/ model)
6 Throwing Spears (12pts)

Warband 3: Items Points: 51

Eowyn, Shield-maiden of Rohan Armour, Horse, Shield, Throwing Spears (21pts) 51

Model count: 25 Theoden: 2M, 0W, 2F

Break Point: 13 Eomer: 3M, 2W, 2F
Eowyn: 2M 2W 2F0

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