Grievance Notes

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 Grievance is any feeling of discontentment or dissatisfaction or distress or grief among
the workers
 Dissatisfaction when expressed becomes a complaint and when complaint is not
solved and employee feels that some injustice is being done it becomes grievance
 According to Dale S Beach, ‘grievance is any dissatisfaction or feeling of injustice in
connection with one’s employment situation that is brought to the attention of
 According to Richard P Calhoon, ‘ a grievance is anything that an employee thinks or
feels is wrong, generally accompanied by an activity disturbing feeling’
 According to Dale Yoder, ‘ grievance is a written complaint filed by an employee and
claiming unfair treatment’
 A grievance reflects dissatisfaction or discontent or feeling of injustice with any
aspect of organization
 The dissatisfaction must arise out of employment and not from personal or
family problems
 Dissatisfaction can arise out of real or imaginary reasons. Reasons may be
valid or invalid, legitimate or irrational, justifiable or ridiculous.
 It arises only when employee feels that injustice has been done to him
 Dissatisfaction may be expressed (verbally or in writing) or implied (behaviour)
 Results from perceived non fulfilment of one’s expectations from organization.
 Grievances if not redressed, lower the morale and productivity of employees.
Forms of grievance
 Factual grievance- when needs of employees remain unfulfilled, it gives rise to
factual grievance. Eg- promotion is promised but not given
 Imaginary Grievance- sometimes employee is aggrieved not because of any
valid or legitimate reason but because of a wrong perception, wrong attitude,
wrong information. Such situation gives rise to imaginary grievance.
Management is not at fault but still employee has to be satisfied.
 Disguised grievance- an employee may have dissatisfaction for reasons that
are not known to him and are not directly related to the organization. Eg-
employee may reach organization in bad mood because of some family
problem and views everything with a biased look. (new hire gets better work
table he may be dissatisfied.
Causes of grievance
 Grievance resulting from working condition- poor physical conditions of
workplace, mismatch of workers with the job, unplanned changes in schedules
or procedures, non availability of proper tools, machines and equipment's,
failure to maintain discipline, poor relation with immediate boss
 Grievance resulting from management policy- wage rates and methods of
wage payment, leave, overtime, transfers, promotion, demotion and discharge,
lack of opportunities for career growth, lack of role clarity, penalties imposed for
misconduct, hostility towards trade union
 Grievance resulting from personal maladjustments- over ambition,
excessive self esteem, impractical attitude to life, poor self esteem
 Grievance resulting from violations- collective bargaining agreement, central
and state laws, company rules and regulations
Effects of grievance

 Sense of frustration, disloyalty and non cooperation among workers.

 Loss of interest in work
 Bad effect on quality and quantity of output
 Indiscipline which may take form of absenteeism, work to rule, demonstrations,
violence and strikes
Steps in handling grievance
 Nature of grievance should be described and expressed clearly as early as
possible so that wrong complaint may not be handled
 After real issue is located, all relevant facts should be gathered about the issue.
Facts may be gathered by interview or by listening to employees. This helps in
analysing where the incidence took place and under what circumstances
 By gathering relevant facts, management gets real picture of grievance. They
should may a list of alternate solutions to solve grievance
 Management should gather additional information for checking tentative
solutions to find out the best one before announcing final decision
 Final decision is conveyed to employees in clear terms
 Follow up action to know whether the grievance has been handled satisfactorily
or not.
Model grievance procedure
labour conference in 1958
 An aggrieved employee shall present grievance in person to officer designated
by management for this purpose. Officer must give response in 48 hrs from
receipt of complaint. If worker is not satisfied or fails to receive answer in 48 hrs
then he will present his case to departmental head.
 Head of department must give his response in 3 days. If there is a delay then
reason for delay is recorded. If worker is dissatisfied with the decision of
departmental head, he may request the grievance to be forwarded to grievance
 Grievance committee must make its recommendations to managers within 7
days of workers request. In case of delay, reason for the same is recorded.
Decision by committee is implemented by management.
Model grievance procedure
labour conference in 1958
 If there is a difference of opinion among committee members, matter shall be
referred to manager along with views of members for final decision.
 Final decision of manager is communicated to employee within three days from
receipt of grievance committee recommendations.
 If worker is not satisfied he may appeal to manager for revision. Appeal can be
made along with union officials. Management must communicate the decision
within 7 days of receipt of petition
 If worker is still not satisfied the matter may be referred for voluntary arbitration.
Grievance handling procedure

Stage 1 •Complaint to sectional head

Stage 2 •Complaint to departmental head

Stage 3 •Complaint to divisional head

Stage 4 •Complaint to Union
Stage 1
 The aggrieved employee must submit his grievance in writing to sectional
head (nominated by management) in prescribed form. The sectional head study
the grievance with least possible delay. Aggrieved person may present his case
in person or may take help of co-worker or union representatives.
 A written reply should be given to worker before the end of fifth working day. If
reply is not given till fifth working day then sectional head should record the
reasons for delay
Stage 2
 If employee is not satisfied with the reply of sectional head or if officer fails to
reply within stipulated time, he may register his grievance in writing in
prescribed form to the departmental head (nominated by management).
Departmental head should study the case carefully. Aggrieved person may
present his case in person or may take help of co-worker or union
representatives at the time of personal hearing.
 The head of department must carefully analyse the grievance and give the reply
at the end of fifth working day from the day of receipt of such complaint
Stage 3
 If employee is not satisfied with the reply of departmental head or if officer fails
to reply within stipulated time, he may lodge an appeal in writing in prescribed
form to the divisional head or any other officer nominated by management for
this purpose. officer should study the case carefully. Aggrieved person may
present his case in person or may take help of co-worker or union
representatives at the time of personal hearing.
 The officer must carefully analyse the grievance and give the reply at the end of
tenth working day from the day of receipt of such complaint
Stage 4
 If employee are not satisfied with the divisional head, he can refer the case to
the employee union within 10 days
 The union may discuss the subject in periodical management union which will
be held within one month from the day such reference is made by union to
 If the grievance remains unsettled, it is referred to an outside arbitrator for
Disciplinary action- dismissal
 In dismissal or discharge, termination of employment is initiated by employer.
 it is a drastic step and should be taken after careful thought.
 Dismissal needs to be supported by sufficient and just reasons
 Following may lead to dismissal of employees
 i) excessive absenteeism
 ii) serious misconduct
 iii) False statement of qualification at the time of employment
 iv) theft of company’s property
 Retrenchment results in separation of employees from his/her employers. It
refers to termination of services because of replacement of labour by machine,
or closure of department due to continuing lack of demand for product
manufactured in that particular unit.
 It entitles an employee to compensation equivalent to 15 days of average pay.
 Here employee does not continue to be in the employment of organization.
Employee is sent home and his / her connections with company are severed
 Termination of services of various employees
 Forced on both employer and employees

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