Staff Grievance Redressal Policy

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1. Preface................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Coverage ............................................................................................................................................................................
3. Disqualification ..................................................................................................................................................................
4. Procedure for filing of Grievances .....................................................................................................................................
5. Process of Staff Grievance Redressal Mechanism/ Escalation process .............................................................................
6. Closure of Complaint .........................................................................................................................................................
7. Process Flow ......................................................................................................................................................................


1. Preface
1.1. Margdarshak believes in maintaining good relationship with the employees to maintain
and preserve the dignity of the employee. Good employer employee relationships go a
long way in preserving the employees for a longer tenure and in building their trust.
1.2. Any sort of dissatisfaction or discontent among the employees, if attended, makes the
employee feel a sense of lack of justice and fair play and the complaint then assumes a
status of grievance. A grievance needs to be redressed in order to bring about the smooth
functioning of the individual in the organisation. Accordingly, the Staff Grievance
Redressal Policy has been put in place which will offer an open communication channel
for the staff to discuss their grievances.
1.3. The policy aims at creating a healthy working environment for all the employees of

2. Coverage
Staff grievances can be filed in cases of employee dissatisfaction/complaint as described below:
2.1. Any discontent related to infrastructure which hinders the smooth functioning of the
activities of the employee or jeopardises health and safety of the employee. For example
these may include health, sanitation or safety related issues, or software and hardware
related problems.
2.2. Any discontent related to salary, incentive and employee loan.
2.3. Any discontent related to processing of bills eg travel and lodging, delay in receiving
stationery from Head Office, delay in joining formalities etc.
2.4. Proper training not received by staff or training not useful/adequate for the role.
2.5. Improper work sharing within the team, a particular person burdened with work, long
working hours etc.
2.6. Any discontent related to delay in appraisals and promotions or transfers.
2.7. Delay in receiving leaves and working on holidays.
2.8. Female employee facing sexual discrimination at workplace or workplace safety not
maintained for women.
2.9. Gaps in communication of policy changes, non availability of contact information of
senior staff.

The examples mentioned above are only indicative and not exhaustive. In case of any such
unsolved complaints, the employee can choose to use the staff grievance policy. Also, to seek
any long awaited information sought by the employee from any support department at Head
Office, the employee can route his/her grievance through the Staff Grievance Redressal Officer

3. Disqualification
3.1. All grievances related to fraud/suspected fraud or sexual harassment at workplace will
be covered under ‘The Whistle Blower Policy’ and ‘Sexual Harassment Policy’
respectively and is excluded from the purview of this policy.


3.2. Any grievance raised by more than one employee and is of collective nature. The Staff
Grievance Committee shall only entertain cases raised by individual employees.

4. Procedure for filing of Grievances

4.1. Phone Call: Employees can contact the Staff Grievance Redressal Officer at
4.2. Written Complaint: Employees can write to [email protected] or
post their written complaint to the registered address of the Head Office as mentioned

Staff Grievance Redressal Officer

Plot No. 118, Dayal Farms,
Ganeshpur - Rehmanpur,
Dewa Road, Lucknow- 226019

4.3. Walk ins: Employees can meet the Staff Grievance Redressal Officer in person at Head
Office and register their grievance

5. Process of Staff Grievance Redressal Mechanism/ Escalation process

5.1. The staff member must make all efforts to resolve the grievances at the immediate or
next supervisor level in Weekly Review Meetings (applicable for Operations Team).
5.2. If the staff member has communicated the issue but no solution is given within the
reasonable time or he/she is not satisfied with the solution provided he can contact the
next immediate supervisor or the Staff Grievance Redressal Officer at the Head Office in
case the immediate supervisor reports directly to the Head Office. The staff member can
also use the above channel if he/she has a grievance against his supervisor.
5.3. After passing through the above steps if the staff is not satisfied then he can escalate his
issue directly to the Staff Grievance Redressal Officer at Head Office. The employee can
choose to remain anonymous. Employees can give written complaint in closed envelope
marked in Private and Confidential and marked to Staff Grievance Redressal Officer.
5.4. At the head office, the Staff Grievance Redressal Officer has to maintain the log of
grievances in the “Staff Grievance excel sheet” and provide complaint reference number
to the complainant within 1 working day. He/she is required to maintain the details of
the open complaints, complaints in progress and the complaints closed.
5.5. The Staff Grievance Redressal Officer (SGRO) shall forward the complaint to the
relevant department within 1 day of receipt of the complaint.
5.6. The Department will in turn inform the SGRO about the closure of the employee
grievance. If the SGRO does not receive any feedback from the concerned department
within a period of 7 days, then the issue will be escalated to the Department Head. The
Staff Grievance Redressal Officer will ensure that the grievance is resolved within a
period of 14 days. The SGRO will hence communicate to the staff the resolution as
provided by the department.


5.7. In case the Grievance is baseless or cannot be resolved, the SGRO will communicate the
same to the complainant concerned over phone or by email.
5.8. If the staff is still unsatisfied with the resolution that is communicated by the SGRO then
he can contact the Staff Grievance Redressal Committee in the Head Office which is
constituted by the following members
Rahul Mittra (Chairman)
Santosh Kulshreshtha- Staff Grievance Redressal Officer
Gagandeep Sehgal-Member
Ram Shankar Mishra, Member
5.9. The aggrieved employee can also meet the member/s of the Staff Grievance Redressal
Committee personally and explain the issue.

6. Closure of Complaint
6.1. In any case all attempts will be made to close the complaint within 30 days.

7. Process Flow
<Staff Grievance Redressal Policy_Process Flow>
<within 7 days of receipt of formal complaint> <14 days> <30 days>

Staff reports his grievance to Staff makes a formal If the grievance falls under the

his immediate supervisor. If complaint to the Head- purview of Sexual Harassment or

complaint is against the HR (Staff Grievance fraud then the staff will be informed to
supervisor then escalate his Redressal Officer- submit a written complaint to the
grievance to his next SGRO) if not satisfied Internal Complaints Committee or
supervisor with the resolution Head of Internal Audit

SGRO will report the SGRO will cross check

grievance to the In case grievance is with the staff and note
SGRO records the
not closed by whether satisfied with

grievance in a excel sheet concerned department

Staff makes a head. Concerned Dept concerned dept, resolution. If not then fix
(google docs) and provide
complaint to the will close the complaint SGRO to give staff appointment with the
complaint number to the
SGRO within 7 days. SGRO in reminder and close Staff Grievance
staff within 1 day of receipt
turn will communicate the grievance within Committee
of grievance
through staff preferably 14 days
over email or phone call

If the grievance does not fall

under the purview of HRD HRD/Audit gives a
Committee takes a decision on
then the matter is taken to detail report to the
action to be taken
the committee. The Committee
committee conducts a detail
investigation through HRD/

Staff Grievance Redressal

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