National Mental Health Program - Creating Standards For The New World Order - Dennis L Cuddy - 2004-42p PDF
National Mental Health Program - Creating Standards For The New World Order - Dennis L Cuddy - 2004-42p PDF
National Mental Health Program - Creating Standards For The New World Order - Dennis L Cuddy - 2004-42p PDF
Mental Health
Creating Standards
for the New World Order
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Published by
Bible Belt Publishing
500 Beacon Dr. • Oklahoma City, OK 73127 • 405/789-1222 • 800/652-1144 m
planet. You tortured and murdered those men, and that makes you a disgrace
to your profession ."
Though not usually as extreme as the measures taken in Extreme Measures,
we've been moving down a slippery slope, and over the past several decades,
scientists, health professionals, educators and others have used mental health
and education to gain more and more social control over our lives, often with
the help of government and foundations . We, too, have often had little to say
in the matter, with some programs even being mandatory . This booklet por-
trays how some of this has occurred, and is occurring even today .
On April 29, 2002, President George W. Bush established the New
Freedom Commission on Mental Health (NFCMH), which developed a
number of recommendations, among which was mental health screening for
Americans, especially children . And lawyer Phyllis Schlafly in her Novem-
ber 24, 2004, article "No Child Left Unmedicated" wrote that "President
Bush has instructed 25 federal agencies to develop a plan to implement the
NFCMH's recommendations ." On September 7, 2004, the U.S . House of
Representatives introduced H .R . 5006, which was later rolled into the larger
H .R. 4818, which on December 8, 2004, became Public Law 108-447 . In
this law, Division F, Title II concerns "Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services," which provides funds for mental health "data collection and eval-
uation activities ." Since it was logical to assume this could include mental
health screening, U .S . Representative Ron Paul tried to amend the earlier
legislation (H .R. 5006) to exclude such screenings, but he was defeated . Lat-
er, he tried to amend legislation at least to require parental permission before
such screenings could occur . However, he was once again defeated. This has
logically resulted in the conclusion that Congress indeed does want to allow
funds from this public law to be used for mental health screening of children
perhaps even without parental permission. To try to overcome this, Repre-
sentative Paul is introducing H .R. 181 into the 109th Congress, and the leg-
islation is titled "To Prohibit the Use of Federal Funds for Any Universal or
Mandatory Mental Health Screening Program ." For more information on
this subject, see www.newswithviews .com/Cuddy/dennis20.htm.
Part I
Recent developments show that there is a predetermined connection between
mental health assessments and world citizenship . However, there is more to
the use of mental health by the power elite than world citizenship . In Mental
Health, vol . 1,
no. 4, October 1940, one finds a speech by John Rawlings Rees
(deputy director of the Tavistock Institute for Medical Psychology, begun in
1920) on June 18, 1940, in which he reveals :
We can therefore justifiably stress our particular point of view with regard
to the proper development of the human psyche, even though our knowl-
edge be incomplete . We must aim to make it permeate every educational
activity in our national life . . . . Public life, politics, and industry should
all of them be within our sphere of influence . . . . Especially since the last
world war we have done much to infiltrate the various social organizations
throughout the country . . . . Similarly we have made a useful attack upon a
number of professions .
The two easiest of them naturally are the teaching profession and the
church : the two most difficult are law and medicine . . . . If we are to infil-
trate the professional and social activities of other people, I think we must
imitate the Totalitarian and organize some kind of fifth column activity! If
better ideas on mental health are to progress and spread we, as the sales-
men, must lose our identity . . . . Let us all, therefore, very secretly be "fifth
columnists ." . . . We have often been too spasmodic in our work and I feel
we need a long-term plan of propaganda . . . . I doubt the wisdom of a di-
rect attack upon the existing state of affairs ; even though there is a war on,
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that would still raise opposition, whereas the more insidious approach of
suggesting that something better is needed-"why shouldn't we try so and
so"-is more likely to succeed . . . . Many people don't like to be "saved,"
"changed" or made healthy . I have a feeling, however, that "efficiency and
economy" would make rather a good appeal because there are very few peo-
ple who would not welcome these two suggestions .
cates of linking mental health and education to claim this was necessary to
promote social well-being . Thus, in the October 1954 edition of Mental Hy-
giene, one finds "Education for Mental Health" by George Stevenson, M .D .
It is a transcript of his April 2, 1954, radio broadcast, in which he remarked :
. . . it may be well to look into education for social action . If such education
is to be one part of a broader effort to reach a goal, certain steps may be
followed to make sure that mental health education has its proper place in
the total scheme . . . . The schools stand in an especially strategic position .
. . . They are in position to provide a good atmosphere within the school that
can counterbalance the reverse at home . . . . Education for mental health
. . . is everybody's business .
Americans today are being deluged with . . . propaganda . . . under the dis-
armingly innocent title of "The Mental Health Program ." . . . Its [robotry]
objectives . . . the ultimate destruction of the human individual as a person ;
the eradication of all the traditions, ideals and moral concepts which he has
learned from home, church, and school . . . and taught to deny and reject
responsibility for himself, and to transfer that responsibility to the group,
that is the state . The master plan . . . has been the result of . . . thousands
of individuals . . . who have not had the time. . . . or the ability to gain a
perspective of the ultimate aims of the plan which they have actively aided
in bringing to fruition . Summer sessions in group dynamics . . . under the
direction of . . . a subdivision of the National Education Association, with
. . . the fundamental objective to prepare those so trained in the subtle art
-8 -
Our schools are taking on the aura of a psychiatric clinic, without taxpayer
consent . . . . The school child is immersed in a psychological environment in
which he is cajoled, invited, seduced, even bludgeoned into seeking coun-
seling . . . . Almost all the [school psychology] personnel are actually lay-
men . The entire practice of school psychology may be seen as an intrusion
of bureaucracy into the family structure . Further school counseling may not
be legal. In most cases, school personnel may not practice psychotherapy
on children . By labeling it as "counseling" instead of "psychotherapy," they
that every child born therein shall be well housed, clothed, fed, and educated .
. . . But in order to the effecting this the Government must have an author-
ity over the people of which we now do not so much as dream ." According
to award-winning author Alan Axelrod, Ruskin was "reportedly a student of
the Illuminati."
Why of all the web servers in the U.S . did George W. Bush choose Il-
luminati Online for his presidential campaign in 2000? (Look under No-
vember 9, 1999, on .com/systemnews/19099/nov.html. ) This was after
the president of Illuminati Online (IOCOM), Steve Jackson, developed a
card game in 1994 called "Illuminati : New World Order" with a supplement
called "Assassins" (see .html) . One of the cards in the
card game shows one of the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New
York City being hit by a terrorist attack, and another card shows the Penta-
gon partly in flames from an attack .
Part II
The General Education Board (GEB), established by John D. Rockefeller,
Sr., was chartered in 1902 . And in Raymond Fosdick's memorial history of
the board, he indicated it was part of John D . Rockefeller, Jr.'s effort toward
the "goal of social control." The GEB was established the year after Social
Control (1901) was written by Edward Alsworth Ross (father of American
Sociology), and in this book, Ross revealed that social checks and stimuli "are
managed by a rather small knot of persons . . . the Elite . . . . Judgment may be
moulded as well as the will and the feelings ."
The word, "moulded" is instructive because in The World's Work (August
1912), one reads "The Country School of Tomorrow" by GEB chairman
Frederick Gates, declaring : "In our dreams, we have limitless resources, and
the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands ." Not
only was the GEB to be used for social control, but the Rockefeller Founda-
tion as well.
On April 11, 1933, its president, Max Mason, assured trustees that in
their program, "the Social Sciences will concern themselves with the ratio-
nalization of social control . . . the control of human behavior." And in July of
the very next year (1934), Willard Givens (executive secretary of the National
Education Association 1935-1952) declared : "A dying laissez-faire must be
completely destroyed and all of us, including the `owners,' must be subjected
to a large degree of social control. . . . An equitable distribution of income
will be sought."
If Givens' language sounds like Communism, that's because it is similar
to the economic philosophy being preached in the Soviet Union at the time .
And about the same time (before 1936) in the USSR, Lavrentia Berea (head
of Stalin's secret police) delivered an address to American students at Lenin
University, declaring :
A psychopolitician . . . must recruit and use all the agencies and facilities
of "mental healing ." He must labor to increase the personnel and facilities
of "mental healing" until at last the entire field of mental science is entirely
dominated by Communist principles and desires . . . . You must labor until
we have dominion over the minds and bodies of every important person in
your nation . . . . You will discover that everything will aid you in your cam-
paign to seize, control and use a "mental healing" to spread our doctrine
and rid us of our enemies within their own borders .
. . . The
school . . . has as its basic objective the development of intelligent and
competent world citizens ."
Further promoting "world citizenship" was Dr . Ewen Cameron who, on
May 5 of the year after Paths to Better Schools was published, delivered a speech
titled "The Building of the Coming World Order" in which he pronounced :
"What we call morals, are simply the customs, prohibitions and rules which
a society maintains at any given time . . . . The United Nations Organization
deserves the support of all who are concerned with the building of a New
World Order . . . . There can be only one education anywhere on the earth and
that is education for world citizenship ."
Seven years later, Dr. Cameron would become president of the American
Psychiatric Association, and in that same year (1953), Fabian Socialist Ber-
trand Russell's The Impact of Science Upon Society was published, in which he
explained :
Because "mental health" has become available as a lever to be used for pro-
moting political and ideological designs, a word on the subject is in order . . . .
People who are normal in every sense of the word but who hold unpopular
political ideas, such as opposition to world government and to the United
Nations, federal aid to education, and socialism, are now being branded by
their opponents as "lunatics," "nuts" and "idiots ." Some of the mental health
legislation which has been recently introduced on the state and federal lev-
els gives such wide latitude of interpretations to psychiatrists and politi-
cians . . . that it is conceivable that anyone who takes a stand for the sov-
ereignty of the United States, in favor of Congressional investigations . . .
and in favor of states' rights could be committed to an asylum in order to
silence opposition .
I presented this program to the school board and condemned the same with
all of the power at my command and successfully caused the program to be
dropped ."
While the use of drugs on school children encountered a setback, it was
only temporary (see Rep . Gallagher's quote in Part I) . In Zbigniew Brzezins-
ki's Between TwoAges:America's Role in the TechnetronicEra (1970), he referred
to "the increasing availability of biochemical means of human control," and
said "human beings become increasingly manipulable and malleable ." After
reading this book, David Rockefeller named Brzezinski as the first director
of the Trilateral Commission, which was established in 1973.
As stated at the first of Part II of this booklet, the Rockefeller Foun-
dation had "social control" as a primary goal . And in Holly Sklar's edited
volume, Trilateralism : The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World
Management (1980), she related that
Connecting this desire for social control to education, in the same year Brzez-
inski's Between Two Ages appeared, the NEA's ASCD published To Nurture
Humaneness : Commitmentfor the '70s. The NEA included a disclaimer regard-
ing the writers' opinions in the book . Nevertheless, the NEA did choose the
writers and published their views . In the book, Dan Dodson (professor of
educational sociology at New York University) wrote : "Social controls cannot
be left to blind chance and unplanned change-usually attributed to God ."
John Loughary (chairman of the Department of Counseling at the Univer-
sity of Oregon) commented : "Many daily decisions and value judgments now
made by the individual will soon be made for him ." And Raymond Houghton
(professor of secondary education at Rhode Island College and member of
the ASCD 1970 Yearbook Committee) proclaimed : "There are those who
are, on an increasingly sophisticated level, coming to know how behavior is
changed . . . . Absolute behavior control is imminent . . . . The critical point of
behavior control, in effect, is sneaking up on mankind without his self-con-
scious realization that a crisis is at hand . Man will not ever know that it is
about to happen . He will never self-consciously know that it has happened ."
One means of controlling behavior is "sensitivity training" (mentioned in
Part I of this booklet and developed by the National Training Laboratories,
now called the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science), a primary
technique used at places like Esalen where workshops such as "Advanced
Training in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing" have been held . One of
Esalen's directors was Virginia Satir, who was president of the Association
for Humanistic Psychology, which is an international network supporting a
humanistic vision of the person, fostering research and education which en-
courage others to share this view, and showing how this vision can be realized
in the life and work of all .
Satir was also president of the "International Congress on Family Thera-
py" (Prague, May 1987) sponsored by the World Federation of Mental Health
(WFMH), the only non-governmental organization in mental health at the
time with consultative status to the United Nations and all of its relevant
agencies . WFMH members influence government policies around the world
and have urged the expansion of "health" to include a concern for mental and
emotional development .
Part III
Goodbye Parental Consent
In 2003, Illinois passed the Children's Mental Health Act requiring mental
health screening for all Illinois children through age eighteen and all preg-
nant women (this links with the current federal New Freedom Initiative) .
The Illinois law requires the Illinois Children's Mental Health Partnership
to work with the State Board of Education in "drafting social and emotional
development standards for incorporation into the Illinois Learning Standards
. . . and developing assessments to measure children's progress against social
and emotional development standards ." This requirement is to meet federal
"No Child Left Behind" (NCLB) standards, especially in the latter's "Safe
and Drug Free Schools" section (see "Mental Health Merged With NCLB
Standards/Tests in Illinois" by Karen R . Effrem, M .D ., who is on the Ed-
Watch Board of Directors) .
And in case you think parents will be informed about all that transpires,
in Dr. Effrem's paper mentioned above, one reads : "The report that serves as
the foundation for the Illinois law recommends on page 33 to `change the
state mental health code to increase to twelve the number of times adoles-
cents ages 12-18 years can receive mental health services without parental
This idea of doing things to children without parental consent is not new .
The 1970 White House Conference on Children and Youth resolved that "so-
ciety has the ultimate responsibility for the well-being and optimum develop-
ment of all children . . . . The time has come to re-examine such fundamental
issues as the extent to which a child is entitled to seek medical and psychiatric
part of what we call `good teaching' is the teacher's ability to attain affec-
tive objectives through challenging the students' fixed beliefs ." Teachers no
longer tell students they must never do something because it violates God's
laws . Rather, via Socratic questioning, teachers try to lead students to see that
lying, cheating, stealing, etc ., are wrong, but ultimately it is each student's
decision (e .g., teachers will never say it is always wrong to lie) . At least one
state, Alabama, tried to change this somewhat by enacting a 1992 law titled
"To Require Public Schools to Emphasize Responsible Sexual Behavior and
Prevention of Illegal Drug Use ." See especially Acts 1992, No . 92-590, p.
1216, Section 4, which stated that actions "shall not be encouraged or pro-
posed to public school children in such a manner as to indicate that they have
a legitimate right to decide or choose illegal conduct ."
-2 0 -
protect children who are at risk of abuse or neglect. . . . Critics claimed that
it amounted to intrusive, Big Brother-style authoritarianism and would be
an invasion of civil liberties .
In case you think government officials wouldn't think of keeping extensive data
on people in the U .S ., a front page article, "Uncle Sam Has All Your Num-
bers," in the Washington Post (June 27, 1999) quoted attorney Robert Gellman
as warning: "All of a sudden, we're on the verge of creating . . . a central file
on every American ." And a few months later, an Investor's Daily Business edi-
torial, "Are Your Medical Records Safe?" (February 17, 2000), stated : "We
move one step closer today to that Orwellian world where Big Brother knows
everything about you-in this case, all of your personal medical informa-
tion ." The editorial was referring to the Clinton administration's proposed
"unique health identifier . . . that would let the government identify and track
everyone's personal medical records ." And where would the government get a
lot of the data for their files? Most people don't know it, but for decades, the
National Center for Health Statistics has maintained a database that includes
all health statistics for the U.S . and territories, including birth, death, mar-
riage, divorce, use of contraceptives, sterilizations, causes of death, etc .
At this point, you might say, "Well, the government might keep general
statistics on use of contraceptives, but they don't know if I, personally, am
using any." That is all about to change . Currently, products have a UPC or
bar code that is scanned at a store and simply identifies the product's price .
However, that is soon to be replaced with RFID (Radio Frequency Identifi-
cation), which will be able to identify a specific item (a specific packet of con-
traceptives) and link it to the person buying it with a store card or credit card
purchase . For more information on this technology, see
There may be some of you who would say, "Well, at least the government
would keep all of my medical records confidential ." However, Health Freedom
Watch (November/December 2004) reported that on November 15, 2004,
the U.S . Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) called for public
comments on its plans for a National Health Information Network (NHIN) .
-2 2 -
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A few years later (1999), Walter Cronkite would win the same WFA
award as did Strobe Talbott, and in Cronkite's book, A Reporter's Life, he
wrote that we need a system of "world government" and that "the proud na-
tions someday will . . . yield up their precious sovereignty ." This time, Hillary
Clinton congratulated Cronkite, saying : "Tonight we honor you for fighting
for the way it could be . With your continuing leadership, we can sail across
these unnavigated seas into the 21st century. And there's no better captain I
can imagine, than you . Thank you, my friend ."
Should the foregoing evidence be considered paranoia? I don't think so!
-2 4-
Mind Change: The New Age Revolution in the Way We Think, one finds quoted
from the San Francisco Chronicle : "There never has been a more lucid interpre-
tation of New Age consciousness and what it promises for the future than the
works of Willis Harman ."
Whereas the people of the Nation should be concerned with research into
disorders and disabilities that affect the brain, and should recognize pre-
vention and treatment of such disorders and disabilities as a health priority ;
and Whereas the declaration of the Decade of the Brain will focus needed
government attention on research, treatment, and rehabilitation in this
area : Now therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and the House of Repre-
sentatives of the United States ofAmerica in Congress assembled, That the
decade ofJanuary 1, 1990, hereby is designated the "Decade of the Brain,"
and the President of the United States is authorized and requested to issue
a proclamation calling upon all public officials and the people of the United
States to observe such decade with appropriate programs and activities .
At the end of the decade, George W. Bush was elected president in Novem-
ber 2000, and not very long thereafter work began on the New Freedom
Initiative . Recently, U.S . Representative Ron Paul offered an amendment to
the Labor, HHS and Education Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2005 that
would have removed the New Freedom Initiative mental health screening
program for all children and eventually all Americans . However, by a vote
Link "health for all" with the 1990 World Conference on Education for All
(sponsored by UNESCO and others, and whose goals are almost identical
to the U .S . National Education Goals), and one begins to see the Grand
Design .
-2 6 -
- 2 7-
ceived transmission from "ascended masters" calling for a "new world order"
with "points of light" connected to "service") .
Marianne Williamson, mentioned above, introduced another leading
New Ager, Jean Houston, to the Clintons at Camp David . Houston helped
Hillary Clinton write It Takes a Village, and she allegedly conducts dialogues
with the goddess Athena on her computer. She also has run seminars for the
federal Departments of Commerce and Energy as well as other federal agen-
cies, and has worked in thirty-six countries under the auspices of UNESCO
(at the front of the U .N . is a large statue of the pagan deity, Zeus, the god of
war) .
Clearly, the foregoing offers factual evidence of many-at various lev-
els of society-networking to change our Nation from traditionally Judeo-
Christian to a New Age New World Order . Pray for America .
Part IV
The New Freedom Initiative mental health screening, referred to earlier in
this booklet, initially will focus upon youth . However, Senator Hillary Clin-
ton on June 24, 2004, sponsored S .2572, "The Positive Aging Act," which
will provide mental health screening and treatment services for older Ameri-
cans, and will be "coordinated and integrated with the services of social ser-
vice, mental health, and health care providers in an area ."
This legislation sponsored by Senator Clinton uses the same key terms
as did the New Transatlantic Agenda (NTA) during the Clinton presidency .
On May 18, 1998, the White House released a statement indicating that
"through the NTA, created in 1995, the United States and the European
Union have focused on addressing the challenges and opportunities of global
integration ."
The NTA began with a December 21, 1995, agreement between the
U.S . and the European Community calling for "improving the quality of
human resource development . . . . Transatlantic student mobility . . . and
thus portability of academic credits ." This was followed by an NTA 1997
conference where it was stated that in an information-based global economy,
"governments too are obliged to adapt their economic, training and social
welfare programs ." The final report from the conference mentioned positively
ACHIEVE, which measures and reports each state's annual progress in es-
tablishing internationally competitive standards . The president of ACHIEVE
is Michael Cohen, who oversaw the implementation of the 1994 reauthoriza-
tion of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and who also wrote
"Goals 2000" for the Clinton administration .
-3 0 -
ity to track each American herself or himself, but that may soon be pos-
sible as on July 27, 2004, the FDA issued a ruling beginning a final review
process regarding whether hospitals can use the VeriChip company's RFID
(Radio Frequency Identification) tags implanted in patients . RFID's radio
waves can travel through solid objects and therefore can be read even through
walls, thereby destroying any concept of privacy . VeriChip is also working
on an implant that will use GPS (Global Positioning System) technology . At
a global conference on RFIDs, September 28-30, 2004, in Baltimore, Pat
Rizzotto, vice-president of global customer initiatives for Johnson &Johnson
(which manufactures medication for mental illness), said RFID chips will be
` on everything from diapers to surgical instruments . There will be tags and
readers everywhere ."
The global monitoring and tracking of objects and people will be neces-
sary for the coming world government . The key to implementing this is to get
key people in key positions of power, or as I repeatedly heard when I was with
the federal government, "Personnel is policy." In terms of the power elite, this
follows Cecil Rhodes' plan "to take the government of the whole world" by
getting Rhodes Scholars like Bill Clinton and others in such key positions
of power.
Other examples of how this works will also be instructive at this time .
For example, when a young Wayne Peterson was near the end of his graduat-
ing year at the University of Wisconsin, he was on his way to lunch when he
was stopped by David Rockefeller, who asked, "Wouldn't you be interested
in joining the Peace Corps?" To make a long story short, toward the end of
his Peace Corps stint, Peterson was supported by Congressman Melvin Laird
(who would become President Nixon's Secretary of Defense) for a diplomatic
post with the U.S . Information Agency (1967-1997), during which time Pe-
terson began to promote "Lord Maitreya" (including on "The Merv Griffin
Show" on television) . Peterson has revealed : "Gorbachev was one of the first
to work with Maitreya . Gorbachev doesn't mind his name used publicly with
Maitreya's emergence-seeing Him as the reappeared Christ ." Maitreya as
the reappeared Christ is, of course, a New Age concept . And as I explained in
a previous part of this booklet, it is a New Age New World Order that is the
power elite's goal . In an update to my earlier mention of the removal of the
Ten Commandments from public property while the pagan goddess Themis
remains, the ACLU in May 2004 demanded that a tiny cross on Los Angeles
County's official seal be removed, while not objecting to the large figure of
the pagan goddess Pomona on the same seal .
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new generations of children who aren't stunted or handicapped in some way ."
As also mentioned in my "Mental Health and World Citizenship" article,
Hunt would later become chairman of the National Advisory Board for the
Robert Wood Johnson Mental Health Services for Youth program . When
the CHP was completed, Hunt's wife presented a copy of it to U .S . Ambas-
sador to the U.N . Andrew Young's wife (who headed the International Year
of the Child in the U .S .), and shortly thereafter, the IYC National Commis-
sion in Washington, DC, requested fifty copies of the CHP to distribute to
its people in all fifty states .
After Hunt's CHP was exposed by this writer and others, he turned his
attention to linking education and the economy . In April 1984, he wrote
in Phi Delta Kappan, "Education for Economic Growth : A Critical Invest-
ment ." He approached David Hamburg, head of the Carnegie Corporation
in New York, with this idea, and in 1985, the Carnegie Forum on Education
and the Economy was formed . In 1988, the National Center on Education
and the Economy (NCEE), and the modern school-to-work movement was
begun . Hunt was vice-chairman of NCEE, which included Hillary Clinton
among its board members .
Among Hunt's other activities, he has been founding chairman of the
National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, and chairman of
the following : (1) National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (brain-
child of the Carnegie Forum), (2) Education Commission of the States, (3)
National Education Goals Panel, (4) Southern Regional Education Board,
(5) National Commission on Teaching and America's Future, (6) National
Task Force on Education for Economic Growth, and (7) National Gover-
nors Association Task Force on Technological Innovation . He has also been
co-chairman of the National Governors Association Education Leadership
Team, and the National Commission on Asia in the Schools . In addition, he
helped organize ACHIEVE mentioned earlier .
During his second eight years as governor (1993-2001), Hunt's primary
initiative concerning children and health was called "Smart Start" (the name
the Kellogg Company would later choose for a cereal) . In a March 31, 1993,
-33 -
announcement regarding Smart Start (SS), Hunt said, "too many children
come to school . . . struggling to overcome a family life of . . . neglect ." SS
also mentions "infant tracking" and "in-home visitations."
A week later, the Christian Science Monitor on June 14 reported that a school
psychologist told New York mother Patricia Weathers to put her child on
Ritalin . However, when she took her child off the drug because he was ex-
hibiting psychotic effects, the school reported her for child abuse to state
child protective services . It should be remembered here (from Part III) that
the New York Times on September 14, 2004, indicated that top FDA officials
acknowledged that antidepressants appeared to lead some children and teen-
agers to become suicidal .
Dramatic changes in the way we will raise our children in the year 2000 are
indicated, particularly in terms of schooling . . . . We will need to recognize
that the so-called "basic skills," which currently represent nearly the total
effort in elementary schools, will be taught in one-quarter of the present
school day. . . . When this happens-and it's near-the teacher can rise to
his true calling. More than a dispenser of information, the teacher will be a
conveyor of values, a philosopher. . . . We will be agents of change .
-3 6 -
but were being hidden so that the population wouldn't increase ; a hard-to-
detect means had been developed of inducing heart attacks (assassinations) ;
drug addiction would be promoted (including at school) so the unfit would
die ; euthanasia would be more accepted as the cost of medical care would
intentionally be made burdensomely high ; divorce would be made easier; I .D.
badges would become more prevalent (eventually implanted under skin, and
perhaps a transmitter in dental fillings) ; all salary payments and purchases
would be conducted electronically by computer in one banking system ; major
world religions (especially Christianity) would have to change into a new
world religion, and the churches will help bring it about ; more airplanes and
rail accidents, as well as building and bridge collapses, would occur to create
an atmosphere of instability ; terrorism would be used to make people demand
international controls ; and economic interdependence would help lessen na-
tional sovereignty, as people would become citizens of the world .
Note especially that Dr . Day had said the plan was to make us "citizens
of the world." That is the exact term U .S . Secretary of Education Rod Paige
used on October 3, 2003, in his speech declaring for the Bush administration
that the U .S . was pleased to rejoin UNESCO where we could develop com-
mon strategies to prepare our children to become "citizens of the world ."
net Reno, which identified "hate mongers" as those who "blame the federal
government (and others) for most of this country's problems . Some groups
include apocalyptic Christianity in their ideology and believe we are in, or
approaching, a period of violence and social turmoil which will precede the
Second Coming of Christ ."
According to the UNESCO news item, Senator Clinton's legislation
indicated that "funding will be contingent on countries developing strong
national plans to get all children in school that include clear performance
targets, systems of monitoring and accountability . . . . [And the legisla-
tion] establishes process for developing a comprehensive global strategy that
strengthens and builds upon the Education for All Fast Track Initiative, an
initiative developed in April 2002 that creates a set of benchmarks to monitor
the efficiency and quality of national primary education plans . . . ." This all
sounds like the federal "No Child Left Behind Act" gone global!
It should be remembered here that the 1990 World Conference on Edu-
cation for All was sponsored by UNESCO, UNICEF, the U .N . Development
Program, and the World Bank . And First Lady Barbara Bush was honorary
chair for the first annual conference of the United States Coalition for Educa-
tion for All in 1991 . This latter conference sent out an invitation to participate
brochure that made it clear that this initiative was not just about education,
but also about "child health, nutrition, cognitive skills, and psycho-social de-
velopment ." And when one looks at the conference report, one reads that
"schools are at the center of the current social and economic transformation .
. . . Education will have to instill the qualities of . . . global thinking in its
learners ." But don't count on these global leaders properly to educate your
child, because in the first sentence of the postscript to this conference report,
they spell the word "convened" incorrectly as "covened ."
In addition to using education and mental health to prepare Americans
and others to accept the New Age New World Order (see my book Now Is the
Dawning of the New Age New World Order), the power elite also uses events to
cause people to accept that which they otherwise would not accept . For exam-
ple, near the end of my book The Globalists : The Power Elite Exposed, published
two months before the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, I wrote : "At
the national level, this conditioning of the public might be brought about via
certain crises, such as a terrorist attack . . . . For the sake of peace and security,
people may be willing to give up certain of their freedoms to some extent ."
Sure enough, the very afternoon of the 9/11 attacks, ABC News announced
that their poll results showed two-thirds of Americans "say they would sac-
rifice some personal liberties in support of anti-terrorism efforts ." Amazingly
fast after the 9/11 attacks, the Bush administration produced "Homeland
Security" legislation (sounds somewhat like the February 28, 1933 "Decree
for the Protection of the People and the State" signed by German president
Paul von Hindenburg after the Reichstag fire, and after which Hitler ruled by
what amounted to executive orders), which has eroded our freedoms .
More recently in terms of psychologically manipulating people to accept
what they otherwise would not tolerate under other conditions, the U .S . had
consistently rejected allowing American troops to face international pros-
ecution for war crimes . However, after the photos of Iraqi detainees at Abu
Ghraib prison surprisingly became public, Edith Lederer of the Associated
Press began her article from the U .N . stating that on June 23, 2004, "the U . S .
dropped its attempt to shield American troops from international prosecution
of war crimes ." This is just one more step toward bringing the U .S . under the
authority of the U.N . and the New Age New World Order world socialist
government planned for the future .
-3 9 -
it's physically possible . . . . I can turn him from a Christian into a communist
and vice versa . . . . Look, we can do these things . We can control behavior ."
The Second Humanist Manifesto was written in 1973, and one of its
signers was the infamous sexologist Sol Gordon, who referred to himself
as "polymorphous perverse ." Gordon has been on the board of directors of
SIECUS (Sex Information and Education Council of the United States), has
been affiliated with Ortho Pharmaceuticals (a subsidiary of Johnson & John-
son, which is connected with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation), has
produced the infamous Zing Sex Comix, and has called many of those dis-
agreeing with him "Bible Bigots ." And in case you think this represents only
an isolated extreme example of humanistic attitudes about people who believe
in the Holy Bible, look at the following quote from a prize-winning essay by
John Dunphy in The Humanist (January-February 1983) :
The battle for humankind's future must be waged and won in the public
school classroom . . . between the rotting corpse of Christianity . . . and the
new faith of humanism . . . . Humanism will emerge triumphant .
And in case you think that conservative Christians who believe in religious
dogmas will not be affected by the New Freedom Initiative, you need to look
at who some leaders in the field of mental health consider to have mental
problems . In B . K. Eakman's "What? Are You Crazy? The Screening of
America" (Chronicles, October 2004), she revealed that
Continue to pray for Americans wherever they may be, and keep all children
and their future in special prayer . We should remember the words of Briga-
dier General U.S . Army (Ret .) Andrew J . Gatsis (awarded the Distinguished
Service Cross, the Distinguished Service Medal, two Silver Stars, and other
commendations) : "We Americans have fought in many wars to preserve free-
dom . We did not sacrifice blood and treasure to see our liberty abridged by
Federal intrusion into and control of education . This assault on domestic sov-
ereignty is a different kind of war, but make no mistake, it is a war, one which
we must not lose ."
God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be
thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in
the minds of the people that these liberties are the Gift of God? That they
are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country
when I reflect that God is just ; that His justice cannot sleep forever .
Americans must unite and organize in this great cause to return to our moral
foundations, for as Psalm 11 :3 warns : "If the foundations be destroyed, what
can the righteous do?" We should once again "be as a City on a Hill," in the
words of John Winthrop on June 11, 1630 . Otherwise, as Winthrop next
proclaimed : "If we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have un-
dertaken and cause Him to withdraw his present help from us, we shall be
made a story and a by-word throughout the world ."
About the Author
Dennis Laurence Cuddy, historian and political analyst, received a Ph .D . from the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (major in American History, minor in
Political Science) . Dr. Cuddy has taught at the university level, has been a political
and economic risk analyst for an international consulting firm, and has been a senior
associate with the U .S. Department of Education .
Dr. Cuddy has also testified before members of Congress on behalf of the U .S . De-
partment of Justice . He has authored or edited twenty books and booklets, and has
written hundreds of articles appearing in newspapers around the nation, including
the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, Philadelphia
Daily News, St . Louis Post-Dispatch, Detroit News, Dallas Morning News, Houston
Chronicle, Atlanta Journal Constitution, Seattle Times, and Daily Oklahoman . Dr. Cud-
dy has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows in various parts of the country,
such as ABC Radio in New York City, and he has also been a guest on the national
television programs USA Today and CBS's Nightwatch .
Radio or television program producers who would like to have Dr. Cuddy on their
show should telephone Southwest Radio Church Ministries at 800-652-1144 or send
an e-mail to i nfo@swrc .co m .
Published by :
Bible Belt Publishers
PO. Box 100 Bethany, OK 73008
(405) 789-1222 ∎ 1-800-652-1144 www.swrc .com
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