Greek Gods Lesson Plan
Greek Gods Lesson Plan
Greek Gods Lesson Plan
Powerpoint/Prezi: Needs to be about 10 minutes. Should include pictures of the Gods the
student chose.
Creative Writing: Paper should be about 3-4 pages. Should include all three Gods they
chose in class and how a Common Greek would pray/worship to them and why they
would pray/worship to them.
Poem: Could be three different poems or just one big poem. Should be in the tense of a
common Greek
Create a wiki page about each God.
Poster/Hand written presentation tools:Should have enough detail that studnets could
present for ten minutes
Students can come up with other ideas, if teacher agrees with them.
All of the projects should include these requirements:
Greek Bio: what does the God reign over? When did it come to be? Man?
Women? Story behind the God
Similarites to any modern Gods: Christian God, Allah, etc
What real life questions does the God answer? (ex. Zeus= exsistense of people)
Compare Gods to other Greek Gods: powerful? Influencial?
Students present: Which Gods they did? One Interesting Fact. Compare and Contrast
(20 minutes)
Group Discussion
Why do you think Greek Gods came to be?
Why were they so influencial in society?
Are the Greek Gods similar to modern day Gods?
Exit slip will be a text message
Question is: Describe how one Greek God come to be
Independent Practice
Students will read pages that are about Greek Gods
How influential were Ancient Greek Gods in society?
Laptop and notebook
90 minutes