Lanxess Fact Book 2022
Lanxess Fact Book 2022
Lanxess Fact Book 2022
The information included in this presentation is being provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to
sell, or a solicitation of an offer to purchase, securities of LANXESS AG. No public market exists for the securities of LANXESS AG in
the United States.
This presentation contains certain forward-looking statements, including assumptions, opinions, expectations and views of the com-
pany or cited from third party sources. Various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors could cause the actual re-
sults, financial position, development or performance of LANXESS AG to differ materially from the estimations expressed or implied
herein. LANXESS AG does not guarantee that the assumptions underlying such forward-looking statements are free from errors nor
does it accept any responsibility for the future accuracy of the opinions expressed in this presentation or the actual occurrence of
the forecast developments. No representation or warranty (expressed or implied) is made as to, and no reliance should be placed
on, any information, estimates, targets and opinions, contained herein, and no liability whatsoever is accepted as to any errors,
omissions or misstatements contained herein, and accordingly, no representative of LANXESS AG or any of its affiliated companies
or any of such person‘s officers, directors or employees accept any liability whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from the use of
this document.
02 Business Segments
55 Consumer Protection
59 Material Protection Products
99 Advanced Intermediates
103 Advanced Industrial Intermediates
64 Flavors & Fragrances 108 Inorganic Pigments
69 Saltigo
74 Liquid Purification Technologies
79 Specialty Additives
83 Polymer Additives
89 Lubricant Additives Business
95 Rhein Chemie
03 Financials
114 Financing
121 Share in Polymer Joint Venture
124 History
130 Appendix
Investor Relations
November 2022
LANXESS has substantially changed its characteristics as a What you can expect from us:
corporation and as an investment over the last years. We built a
Full commitment based on a culture that fosters performance and
strong business platform which now enables us to accelerate resilient
open feedback every day
growth and profitability.
Increasing cashflows, as exceptional cash outs for integration and
We have not only proven our new stability through the global
IT projects phase out in the next years
pandemic, we have also started to expand our already strong footing
in Consumer Protection products, which comprises various types of Continued implementation of measures on our roadmap to reduce
disinfectants, preservatives and biocides for globally growing CO2 emissions and remain a frontrunner in sustainability
applications in attractive sectors such as Animal Health, Beverage and management and workforce with “skin in the game” when it comes
Personal Care, just to name a few. to investments in our own shares
Business Segment
In terms of sustainability, we have not only defined a clear path
towards climate neutrality earlier than the European trajectory, but also
Active and transparent communications through real and virtual
channels by top management
set clear targets for aspects such as water use and diversity. Therefore, we are thrilled to implement our plans for the next years to
Going forward, we will continuously shape our portfolio to deliver expand what LANXESS stands for to a broader, more powerful base.
higher returns and attractive growth with a clear focus on cash My fellow colleagues and I myself are committed to generating
generation, while maintaining our financial stability and remaining excellent returns for our investors – and are looking forward to
committed to generating value. continue our personal dialogue.
This Fact Book will provide you with the most transparent and Sincerely,
comprehensive information on our strategy, businesses, ESG related
focus and financials, in order for you to make the most educated
investment decision.
We want to become an attractive target on everyone’s radar who is
looking for broad international exposure with German quality chemical Matthias Zachert
roots. You are invited to join our journey. Chairman of the Board of Management
Energizing Chemistry
5 Overview Consumer Protection I Specialty Additives I Advanced Intermediates
9 Strategy
39 Sustainability
xx xx
Germany Chemical
Americas industry
23% Asia-Pacific Energy, natural
51% 17%
22% resources
31% 6%
EMEA w/o applications
Germany Construc-
30% 20%
1 LTM Sep 2022; restated, excluding HPM business shown under discontinued operations from 2022 onwards; 2 Excluding HPM business and including contribution of newly acquired IFF-MC business;
3 Organic and inorganic investments since 2017 by region
Secular growth
Asset light
~€4.2 bn Less cyclical
* HPM: High performance materials business (Polyamid); to be transfered to JV with Advent, transaction still subject to the approval of responsible authorities; closing expected in H1 2023
~€5 bn
Strengthened Americas
Portfolio transformation
asset footprint
81% Chemtura IFF MC
EKC Bolt-ons
German exposure
further reduced
* Growth CAPEX spending and M&A activity in %; incl. HPM and pro forma IFF
Construction Higher portion of
Chemical inudstry end-consumer
Agriculture & animal focused markets
2020 2022
* Pro forma sales split including IFF contribution and excluding HPM business
~90 HPM
~90 HPM
a) Specialty character improved – portfolio now mainly based on specialty chemical value chains
EBITDA pre in €m
1. Balanced end-
market splits
-~35% 1223 -~40% -~6%*
1019 Reduced
~950 2.
~90 HPM automotive
722 735 exposure
3. Better positioned
for challenges
2008 2009 2012 2013 2019 2020
4. Improving geo-
graphical footprint
Exit from rubber
* Covid impact incl. HPM was ~14% of EBITDA decline; without HPM it would have been only ~6%
Get through
the crisis
a) Complexity reduced; Consumer Protection will stand for ~40% of EBITDA pre
* Pro forma split including IFF contribution and excluding HPM business
1 2 3
1. top 3 players in players
the biocide
created! Microbial
Product portfolio
Active market
transformation B
reduced number of
big players
Integrated industrial biocides (illustrative)
LANXESS formed top player in transformed market with strong underlying growth
A leading global
Strong position supplier:
1. in niche markets
F&F Quality
+ Strongly
integrated value-
A B C D E all A B C D E all
chains and global
others others production set-up
Landscape: Field of F&F molecules*
* Illustrative and simplified, segment positioning in terms of revenue, approximate figures based on IHS, Markets & Markets custom report, LANXESS own research
Kalama (US)
Widnes (UK)
1. in niche markets BU
F&F Botlek (NL)
New global
champion Nagda (IN)
Production Site
2. Strong secular
growth driven by
underlying trends
~5% avg.
Market growth in Consumer Protection end-markets
Strong position in BU BU PLA
1. ICL Western players better positioned to
niche markets PLA (example)
Albemarle cope with high regulatory standards
Flame retardants market (simplified)
Polyols &
Leading Inorganic oxidation
metallics majority of businesses
1. BU AII network acids products Sole local supplier in Western
World e.g., for majority of
market share >30% >20% >15% aromatic network products
IPG with strong position
#1 around the world, above
40% market share in Europe
IPG market share
30-40% >40%
Current energy downside:
predominantly Germany based
Focus on
Underlying cash-in and
profitability deleveraging
expected while
to grow driving value
significantly upsidefrom
– support andeasing
of simplicity!
Financing guaranteed by Western global banks
Large number of merger clearances already received (e.g., US, Chinese
& process
and Brazilian authorities)
Focus on cash-in and deleveraging while driving synergies and value upside!
H1 H2
2023 2023
Pilot plant with sufficient purity Formulation in Saltigo plant Platform grows exponentially
levels in operation since 12/2020 initiated
Monetization products launched
Additional optimization ongoing Project teams in joint discussion
In case of successful
FEED* study underway, results ↯ China lockdowns slow progress
monetization CheMondis will
expected H1 2023, investment open for external shareholders
decision to follow afterwards end of 2023 / beginning of 2024
All projects with good progress: potential additional upside for LANXESS
Growth investment cycle
Maintenance CAPEX
1 €250-300 m new level
in €m
~500 (without HPM)
480 507
479 Previously €300-350 m
376 ~450
2 Total CAPEX
2 ~€400 m as normalized level
1 In 2023 no major growth projects
initiated yet
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 incl. 2022 excl. 2023e
W/C in €m
Increase of ~920
~€0.9 bn
1,891 -~200 ~600 1 ~70% price = ~€400 m
1,766 -~130
2 ~30% volume = ~€200 m
Development of W/C KPIs reflect inflationary environment Drivers for cash relief
30 Price:
Raw materials costs declining
25 since September 2022
20 Energy costs in Germany falling in
October to 2021 levels but still
15 volatile
5 Logistic constraints expected to
ease in 2023
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Q3 2022 Normalized
Seasonal effect in Q4
W/C ratio
Δ Illustrative CF levers1
FCF building blocks Δ Illustrative CF levers*
- Taxes
EBITDA Less Less tax Δ NWC Less FCF
- Changes in Working Capital improvement exceptionals CAPEX improvement
= Free Cash Flow
Higher Reduce Tax rate Sustainable CAPEX level
EBITDA exceptionals reduction W/C ratio of reduced to
to ~€30 m p.a. to ~26% ~20% ~€400 m
* Illustrative and all things equal One-time effect from relief in W/C once inflationary environment eases
Societal needs which we can and want to fulfill, e.g., Energy-efficient production: Cost saving potential by
determination in addressing areas of sustainability risks
Need for clean drinking water for an increasing world
population Acceptance and reputation: Strategic investment
decisions by shifting into “tomorrow‘s markets” with
Disinfection to prevent the spread of diseases growth and innovation potentials
Contribute to the shift towards eMobility Better, integrated decision-making: Position
ourselves with a foresighted business strategy and
thereby secure our financial base
Higher employee retention and lower recruiting
cost: Healthier and happier workforce
… and we offer transparency on where we stand complying with standards and regulations
ESG Data Factsheet
1Figure includes full year emissions from acquisition of Emerald Kalama Chemical (EKC). Figure for only 4 months of EKC amounted to approximately 2,591 kt; 2 Targets adjusted after communication of joint venture of
Business Unit HPM; 3 Climate-neutral: Less than 300,000 tons of CO2 equivalents (e) per year. These will be reduced through compensation measures; 4 Estimation based on AGORA Energiewende
Offer low-carbon and climate-neutral products
Brand “Scopeblue” for low-carbon / circular products
Net Zero* Transparency by certified carbon footprints
Emissions related to Scope 3. | 2030 target will be adjusted after HPM deconsolidation in 2023.
* “Net Zero” may include emission compensation measures
* Water stress refers to the (lack of the) ability to meet human and ecological demand for freshwater. It also takes the quality and accessibility of water into account;
** Sites located in Nagda and Jhagadia (both India), Latina (Italy) and Qingdao (China)
2021 sales:
3% 12% 58% 27%
* Not considered as chemical end-products are chemical intermediates sold to chemical-industry customers.
Figures do not include figures from discontinued operations (Business Unit High Performance Materials).
We are on track with achieving our targets and plan to further foster diversity and inclusion
Commitment to ILO** convention and its principles for work
Initiatives fostering occupational health and safety, e.g., platform in place with
various offers around health and prevention measures
Fair compensation and comprehensive benefits, e.g., offers beyond legal
1.0 0.9 1.0 requirements for (child-)care, maternity / paternity leave, pension, transition
into retirement and for different insurances
Comprehensive concepts for employee qualification, e.g., reflected in high
ratio of apprentices hired after completing the training
2014 … 2019 2020 2021 … 2025 Close and regular collaboration with workers’ councils and labor unions
leading to avoidance of conflicts and strikes
LTIFR*: Accident rate per million hours worked
* LTIFR = lost time injury frequency rate, known as MAQ in Germany. Accident rate per million hours worked resulting in one workday or more lost following the day of the accident, calculated for all employees (including
temporary workers) at all sites; ** ILO = International Labour Organization
Sustainability Committee
Matthias Zachert (CEO)
Convincing climate strategy Prime status Climate leader Top 10% in DJSI World
Ongoing improvement: water Top 8% Top 5% (11th year)
stress and chemical safety DJSI Europe (5th year)
We are rewarded for our efforts on sustainability that go beyond the must-haves
As of the first reporting year, only eligibility with regard to the first two objectives (“climate change
mitigation” and “climate change adaptation”) has to be determined
without M&A
Taxonomy focuses on sectors responsible for over 93% of European Scope 1 CO2e emissions 4%
All other activities that do not have material CO2e emissions currently labeled as
Positive signal: LANXESS only with minor share of taxonomy-eligible product portfolio Taxonomy-eligible
* In addition, minimum safeguards for occupational health and safety and human rights must be guaranteed for each activity.
Figures do not include figures from discontinued operations (Business Unit High Performance Materials).
Consumer Specialty
Protection Additives
Consumer Protection I Specialty Additives I Advanced Intermediates
59 Material Protection Products
64 Flavors & Fragrances
69 Saltigo
74 Liquid Purification Technologies
Business Segment
Consumer Protection:
Segment of champions in niche markets
Consumer Protection:
Portfolio of true specialty chemicals businesses driving growth
Material Protection Liquid
Flavors & Fragrances Saltigo
Products Purification Technologies
A global leader in biocides A leading manufacturer of a A leading supplier in the field One of the leading
for biosecurity and industrial wide range of flavors, of custom synthesis, global suppliers for the
consumer protection fragrances and preservatives providing state-of-the-art treatment and purification
Used in a broad range of used in home and personal technologies and services of water and other liquids
care, food and feed
applications such as paints End-markets in the
Advanced technology Manufacturer of ion
and coating, construction, agrochemicals,
platform guaranteeing exchange resins, adsorbers
animal disinfection, water pharmaceutical and
highest-quality solutions for and functional polymers
treatment, textile, personal specialty chemicals
care and energy our customers industries
Consumer Protection:
Secular growth in asset light business
Contribution to Group performance 20211 Sales by BU
* Key facts include the acquisitions of Theseo, Intace and IFF Microbial Control
Fully integrated
Increased hygiene player from actives
requirements driving to customer
demand for solutions
disinfectants Registration
Global virus spreads competency with
and trend to use leading regulatory
less antibiotics in team
animal farming IP rich studies and
Growing population, registrations
urbanization Global footprint and
customer proximity
Jhagadia (IN)
Global and local experts Singapore (SG)
Jarinu (BR)
for regulatory affairs
Descalvado (BR)
Local sales offices with dedicated
MPP staff and carefully selected Barueri (BR)
Own data /
Formulation registration Regulatory support
active registration
* Normalized FY 2021
Highest purity
Upcoming middle standards and full
class willing to pay spectrum of aroma
premium for fragrances
upmarket products
Broad portfolio of
Preference for sustainable
“healthy”, natural solutions
ingredients and
sustainable products Top-notch technical
and regulatory
Tightening product expertise
safety and
environmental Global footprint and
customer proximity
Vancouver, WA (US)
Krefeld-Uerdingen (DE)
Advanced technology Widnes (UK)
Cologne (DE)
platform guaranteeing Botlek (NL)
highest quality and purity
Rotterdam (NL)
Paris (FR)
Brands: Purolan® Brands: SOLBROL®
Spicy / Cinnamon
Cypriol – sweet, balsamic-floral, oriental Cinnamic alcohol – spicy, honey
Cyprinal – warm, cinnamon, balsamic Cinnamic aldehyde – cinnamon bark, sweet spice, oriental
3 Phenyl propanol – balsamic, spicy, honey, lilac, hyacinth
Osyrol® – sandalwood, floral
Vetimoss® – forest, damp wood, vegetation
Azuril – powerful, citrus, ozone, linen C-8 Aldehyde – orange peel, aldehyde
C-12 Lauric aldehyde – citrus, floral, soap C-10 Aldehyde – citrus, orange peel, fatty
C-6 Aldehyde – citrus, apple, fresh, grassy Peach lactone – sweet, peachy, apricot, creamy
Benzyl benzoate – nearly odorless fixative in gum / Benzyl alcohol – fragrance fixative for chewing gum /
confectionary confectionary
Benzaldehyde – almond, cherry Methyl benzoate – wintergreen, camphoraceous, phenolic
molecules are
becoming more Multi-step syntheses
complex with challenging
chemistry is core
Products with low competence
toxicity profile gaining
importance Broad expertise in
process development
Increasing outsourcing and analytics
quota to custom
manufacturers Versatile technology
base located in
Less arable land integrated chemical
(climate change) – parks
higher efficiency
Global reach
Majority of products is sold to blue 0%
Direct End-
chips sales use
Top part of the value chain Customer innovation Value for customers
Saltigo focus
Market Actives
approach Advanced molecules
competencies Chemical expertise + Technology platform + Customer focus
eMobility +
Li-ion batteries Cooperation with one of the Formulation of high-purity
global market leaders Tinci electrolytes
* Nobel-prize winning chemistry (2005), advanced technology for the stereoselective synthesis of olefines
Production: 3 sites
Research: 6 Technical Competence Centers globally
Employees: ~500 Sales by region 2021
Market position: Among global top 3 players in overall ion Americas 22%
exchange resins business
Competitors: DuPont, Purolite and Mitsubishi Chemicals,
inter alia
EMEA 51%
Business: Ion exchange resins, adsorbers and
Asia-Pacific 27%
functional polymers
Competence in
Growing population, water treatment,
urbanization and liquid purification
water scarcity and recycling
Increasing consumer Global sales
awareness for water footprint and
quality customer proximity
Increasingly stricter Innovation and
regulations for service labs
drinking and providing tailored
industrial wastewater products and
LPT with strong global presence for ion exchange resins and
A reliable partner for our
customers – worldwide
Bitterfeld (DE)
Global presence via production
network, innovation laboratories, Cologne (DE)
warehouses and sales force Birmingham, NJ (US) Toyohashi (JP)
Leverkusen (DE)
Three state-of-the-art production
sites in Germany and India with
unique manufacturing Jhagadia (IN)
technologies for high-end
Worldwide sales offices and
strong global distribution network
Innovation and service labs to
provide tailored products and
Headquarter Production Site
Competence Center
service providers
Ion exchange resins
Raw material suppliers
End-users / applications
Business Segment
Specialty Additives:
A leading additives player in niche markets
Specialty Additives:
World-class player in several highly attractive additives niches
Polymer Additives Lubricant Additives Business Rhein Chemie
Polymer Additives offers a broad Leading lubricants additives player World’s largest rubber additive
portfolio of brominated, as well as with strong industrial focus and provider offering chemicals,
phosphorus flame retardants, highly specialized and balanced specialty chemicals and
plasticizers, colorants and other portfolio to serve growing end- processing aids for the rubber
additives and intermediates markets industry
Specialty Additives:
Balanced portfolio of leading additives businesses
Contribution to Group performance 2021* Sales by BU 2021*
Tightening regulations
and increasing Unique backward
sensitivity regarding integration into
toxicity and elemental bromine
Strategic focus on
Flame retardant market developing modern
moving towards longer flame retardants
chain polymeric and
reactive compounds Sustainable, phthalate-
free plasticizer
Increasing demand for
flame retardancy in Stabilizers extending
battery and eMobility prolonged product-life
Polymer Additives –
a truly global player with close customer proximity
Headquarter: Cologne, Germany
Botlek (NL)
Krefeld-Uerdingen (DE)
Global production footprint:
9 production sites in 5 countries Trafford Park (UK) Leverkusen (DE)
Safety solutions for sustainable, Phthalate-free plasticizer solutions that LANXESS’ stabilizers extend the
climate-efficient construction are safe in human contact or food lifespan of products by up to three fold
products and materials Phthalate-free plasticizer solutions for – allowing the use of these materials
Safety solutions for eMobility adhesives and sealants for in critical applications
construction, packaging and Prolonged use phase contributes to
light-weight manufacturing enhanced life-cycle performances of
Bromine derivatives –
extracting value from bromine by pursuing the whole value chain
Bromine reserves Elemental bromine Bromine derivatives End-use
Construction E&E
Bromine well,
El Dorado, Arkansas, USA Chlorine
Reserves for >70 years
Flame retardants
and steam
Elemental bromine
production El Dorado,
Arkansas, USA Oil Mercury
drilling control
fluids Sodium- / calcium
Merchant sales*
HBr** / alkyl bromides
intermediates and
lithium salts* as key
Electrolytes materials for LiPF6
Flame retardants for
ePowertrain and safer electrolytes
Flame retardants for
polymers in automotive
Polymer components and E&E applications
Orange dye / pigment
for HV components
* In cooperation with Standard Lithium (SLI), subject to proof of concept | Pictures: Adobe Stock
Innovation projects
Under development
Production: 14 sites
Research: 5 Technical Competence Centers
Sales by region 2021
Employees: ~1,000
Market position: A leading market position Asia-Pacific 29%
in main businesses
Competitors: Sennics, Sunsine, SI Group
EMEA 40%
Business: Solution provider for additives
in rubber
Americas 31%
Headquarter Production Site
Competence Center
Broad portfolio of rubber additives for all steps in value chain and
critical product properties
Process value chain synthetic rubber products
Synthetic rubber
Processing promoters
Release agents and marking paints
Antioxidants and
Functional additives
Business Segment
Advanced Intermediates:
LANXESS is an important manufacturer of intermediates
Advanced Industrial Intermediates Inorganic Pigments
One of the world’s leading manufacturers of A leading global manufacturer of inorganic iron and
high-quality industrial intermediates such as chromium oxide pigments for the coloring of
benzene- and toluene-derivatives, amines, construction materials, coatings, plastics and for
polyols, inorganics and organometallics technical applications
Competitiveness through an integrated Pigments available in red, yellow, green, brown, black
production network with resilient business and many shades in-between
in the agro and chemicals industries
Advanced Intermediates:
Financials demonstrate considerable business resilience
Contribution to Group performance 2021* Sales by BU 2021*
32% of Sales 41% of EBITDA
Customers: ~1,600
Products: ~110 Mobility 14% Agriculture and
animal care 22%
Production: 7 sites in 3 countries Food, healthcare and
consumer goods 15%
Employees: ~1,700
Market position: Strong positions in various Sales by region 2021
intermediates markets Asia-Pacific 17%
Competitors: Yangnong, Aarti, Honshu, Deepak,
Tsaker and Panoli, inter alia
Business: One of the world’s leading Americas 18% EMEA 65%
manufacturers of high-quality
industrial intermediates
Headquarter Production Site
Sales Office
Main intermediates
Chlorobenzenes, Chlorotoluenes, Hexanediol, Trimethylolpropane, Aluminiumalkyl co-Catalyst
Amines, Hydrofluoric acid, Thionyl
Cresols, d / l-Menthol, Adipic acid, Maleic anhydride, components, Aluminoxane
Chloride, Hydrazine hydrate
Nitrotoluenes, Toluidines, Phthalic anhydride, Calcium Activators, Silane Stereomodifiers,
Monoisocyanates formate Magnesiumalkyl
metallics Fluorspar
Aromatic Inorganic
Polyols and
network acids
Chemicals market
Globally leading
Population growth standards as
and urbanization / competitive edge
Supplier into lithium economies of scale
iron phosphate (LFP) with German
batteries production
Broad end- backbone
application range of
Outstanding light
inorganic pigments
and heat stability
Wide range of colors
(black, white, red, blue, Earth tones: red, yellow, black and blends
green, etc.) with more Green
natural color shades
Effect pigments Inorganic
Source: internal analysis; split estimation based on market values; * Including only carbon black for pigmentary applications (~93% used for rubber-applications)
Technical applications
Consumer Protection I Specialty Additives I Advanced Intermediates 114 Financing
121 Share in Polymer
Joint Venture
124 History
Our active risk management aims at the reduction of financial and operational volatilities
+5% Dividend policy
[€ m] 1.6x 1.8x 1.8x 3.4x 2.9x 2.5x 1.2x 3.6x 2.1x 2.5x 2.2x 2.8x
5,000 5
4,000 3,350 4
3,000 2,870 3
2,517 2,383 1,098 1,865
2,223 2,206 2,110 625
786 812
2,000 581 740 2
1,435 1,047
995 1,226 729
522 2,252 2,245
1,000 1,515
1,483 1,731 1,742 1
1,225 1,336 1,211 957 1,381
1,146 925 1,010
913 918 995 986 1,019 1,012 862
735 808 885
0 0
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Net Fin Debt + pensions - pension assets - def. tax assets Net financial debt EBITDA pre Total net debt* / EBITDA pre
* All references to EBITDA are pre exceptionals, 2017 restated ARLANXEO as discontinued operation, 2018 restated BU LEA as discontinued operation; all references to debt = financial debt – cash + pensions
Long-term financing secured Liquidity and maturity profile as per September 2022
* Hybrid Bond with contractual maturity date in 2076 has a first optional call date in 2023
BBB-/ stable BBB/ stable BBB/ stable BBB/ stable BBB/ stable BBB/ negative
July 2017 October 2018 September 2019 July 2020 August 2021 September 2022
Baa3/ stable Baa2/ stable Baa2/ stable Baa2/ stable Baa2/ stable Baa2/ stable
October 2017 August 2018 August 2019 August 2020 August 2021 July 2022
BBB+/ stable BBB+/ stable BBB+/ stable BBB+/ stable BBB+/ stable
August 2018 July 2019 September 2020 August 2021 July 2022
EBITDA pre 735 808 885 995 925 986 1,019 862 1,010
Net financial debt 1,731 1,336 1,211 269 2,252 1,381 1,742 1,012 2,245
Gearing [%] 91 62 52 7 66 50 66 34 60
EPS pre [€]1 1.73 2.22 2.03 2.69 3.84 4.48 4.73 3.50 4.83
Dividend [€] 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05
1 Change in EPS definition: EPS pre exceptional items and amortization of intangible assets: earnings per share disregarding exceptional charges and income, amortization of intangible assets and attributable tax effects
as well as (only in 2017) non-recurring earnings effects of the U.S. tax reform, from 2017 onwards continuing operations only;
Restated ARLANXEO as discontinued operation; 3 Restated BU Leather as discontinued operation
~€510 m
EBITDA pre ~€210 m ~€300 m plus synergies
Production sites 10 8 18
R&D centers 7 7 14
LANXESS to own ≤40% in joint venture with combined EBITDA: ~€510 m plus synergies
Portfolio combinations
Complementary HPM/DEM specialty business
(procurement, compounding)
Optimization of PA6 Polymerization in EMEA
Se p 30, De c 31, De c 31, De c 31, De c 31, De c 31, De c 31, De c 31, De c 31, De c 31,
Balance sheet – LANXESS (€ m) 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
Intangible assets 3,591 2,531 1,647 1,765 1,764 1,769 494 300 320 323
Property, plant and equipment 2,835 3,148 2,674 2,724 2,577 4,059 3,519 3,447 3,333 2,903
Investment accounted for using the equity method 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
Investments in other affiliated companies 30 56 2 1 2 9 12 12 13 13
Non-current derivative assets 12 28 4 1 0 7 1 1 5 20
Other non-current financial assets 57 62 41 29 25 20 19 21 11 11
Deferred taxes 77 192 326 324 287 442 442 361 380 254
Other non-current assets 131 112 129 221 131 133 32 38 39 56
Non-current assets 6 , 812 6 , 129 4 , 823 5 , 065 4 , 786 6 , 439 4 , 519 4 , 180 4 , 101 3 , 592
Inventories 2,090 1,633 1,070 1,195 1,347 1,680 1,429 1,349 1,384 1,299
Trade receivables 1,056 1,050 745 769 903 1,316 1,088 956 1,015 1,070
Near cash assets 219 491 1,523 0 0 50 40 100 100 106
Cash and cash equivalents 315 643 271 296 797 538 355 366 418 427
Current derivative assets 10 34 19 5 4 45 65 14 14 58
Other current financial assets 165 249 65 864 598 7 2,130 4 5 6
Other current assets 321 289 246 296 252 321 251 250 213 253
Assets from discontinued operations 1,277 0 118 205 - - - - - -
Current assets 5 , 453 4 , 389 4 , 057 3 , 630 3 , 901 3 , 957 5 , 358 3 , 039 3 , 149 3 , 219
Total assets 12,265 10,518 8 , 880 8 , 695 8 , 687 10,396 9 , 877 7 , 219 7 , 250 6 , 811
Capital stock and capital reserves 1,317 1,317 1,317 1,317 1,317 1,317 1,317 1,317 1,317 889
Other reserves 2,951 2,401 1,359 1,429 1,391 1,381 1,257 1,313 1,253 1,690
Net income 271 267 885 205 431 87 192 165 47 -159
Other equity components 321 -229 -560 -282 -359 -498 -214 -485 -458 -525
Equity attributable to non-controlling interests 6 6 -2 -22 -7 1,126 1,176 13 2 5
Stockholders equity 4 , 866 3 , 762 2 , 999 2 , 647 2 , 773 3 , 413 3 , 728 2 , 323 2 , 161 1 , 900
Provisions for pensions and other post-employment benefits 363 877 1,205 1,178 1,083 1,490 1,249 1,215 1,290 943
Other non-current provisions 386 360 349 338 337 460 319 271 275 258
Non-current derivative liabilities 9 1 1 2 3 2 7 19 20 12
Other non-current financial liabilities 3,424 2,829 2,265 2,777 2,686 2,242 2,734 1,258 1,698 1,649
Non-current income tax liabilities 39 37 75 95 117 119 31 19 25 49
Other non-current liabilities 38 50 51 67 80 99 93 108 118 89
Deferred taxes 300 223 113 109 89 113 83 46 21 29
Non-current liabilities 4 , 559 4 , 377 4 , 059 4 , 566 4 , 395 4 , 525 4 , 516 2 , 936 3 , 447 3 , 029
Other current provision 460 492 332 409 465 525 406 411 350 355
Current derivative liabilities 85 21 15 17 25 12 42 100 101 22
Other current financial liabilities 893 675 566 66 59 633 78 443 182 668
Trade payables 871 1,008 681 656 795 1,048 889 779 799 690
Current income tax liabilities 43 25 24 122 44 61 44 85 44 21
Other current liabilities 140 157 129 111 131 179 174 142 166 126
Liabilities from discontinued operations 348 1 75 101 - - - - - -
Current liabilities 2 , 840 2 , 379 1 , 822 1 , 482 1 , 519 2 , 458 1 , 633 1 , 960 1 , 642 1 , 882
Total equity and liabilities 12,265 10,518 8 , 880 8 , 695 8 , 687 10,396 9 , 877 7 , 219 7 , 250 6 , 811
P&L statement – LANXESS (€ m) 9M 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
Net sales 6 , 115 7 , 557 6 , 104 6 , 802 6 , 824 6 , 530 7 , 699 7 , 902 8 , 006 8 , 300
Cost of goods sold -4,632 -5,712 -4,548 -5,043 -5,086 -4,796 -5,945 -6,154 -6,418 -6,752
Gross Profit 1 , 483 1 , 845 1 , 556 1 , 759 1 , 738 1 , 734 1 , 754 1 , 748 1 , 588 1 , 548
Gross Margin 24.3% 24.4% 25.5% 25.9% 25.5% 26.6% 22.8% 22.1% 19.8% 18.7%
Selling expenses -773 -951 -773 -812 -759 -761 -781 -759 -742 -755
R&D expenses -76 -115 -108 -114 -109 -103 -131 -130 -160 -186
G&A expenses -219 -304 -267 -274 -295 -326 -303 -284 -278 -301
Other operating income 20 79 77 95 114 164 147 207 118 128
Other operating expenses -159 -204 -232 -247 -198 -409 -222 -367 -308 -527
Other operating income – net -139 -125 -155 -152 -84 -245 -75 -160 -190 -399
Operating Result (EBIT) 276 350 253 407 491 299 464 415 218 -93
Income/expense from investments in affiliated companies –
net 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
Interest expense – net -50 -51 -56 -54 -69 -80 -63 -66 -69 -106
Other financial result – net 52 4 877 -7 -41 0 -62 -61 -71 -40
Financial result 2 -47 821 -61 - 1 10 -80 - 1 25 - 1 27 - 1 38 - 1 46
Earnings before taxes (EBT) 278 303 1 , 074 346 381 219 339 288 80 - 2 39
Income taxes -79 -84 -165 -105 -99 -159 -144 -121 -36 71
Earnings after taxes from continued operations 199 219 909 241 282 60 195 167 44 - 1 68
Earnings after taxes from discontinued operations 73 48 -7 -50 241 64 0 0 0 0
Earnings after taxes total 272 267 902 191 523 124 195 167 44 - 1 68
Minorities 1 0 17 -14 92 37 3 2 -3 -9
Net income (loss) 271 267 885 205 431 87 192 165 47 - 1 59
EPS 3.14 3.09 10.22 2.32 4.71 0.95 2.10 1.80 0.53 -1.91
EPS pre (continued) 3.28 4.83 3.50 4.73 4.48 3.84 2.69 2.03 2.22 1.73
E B IT 276 350 253 407 491 299 464 415 218 -93
EBITDA 673 863 757 910 906 709 945 833 644 624
Exceptionals 85 150 143 150 90 259 50 7 184 381
D&A in exceptionals 3 3 38 41 10 43 0 -45 20 270
EBITDA pre exceptionals 755 1 , 010 862 1 , 019 986 925 995 885 808 735
Cash flow statement – LANXESS (€ m) 9M 2022 F Y 2021 F Y 2020 F Y 2019 F Y 2018 F Y 2017 F Y 2016 F Y 2015 F Y 2014 F Y 2013
Income before income taxes 278 303 1 , 074 346 381 219 339 288 80 - 2 39
Depreciation and amortization 397 513 504 503 415 410 481 418 426 717
Gains from the disposal of intangible assets and property,
plant and equipment 3 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 0 -42 -1 -2
Financial losses (gains) -17 30 -840 34 63 35 56 66 75 111
Income taxes paid 37 -10 -215 -193 -154 -139 -184 -98 -31 -41
Working Capital changes -597 -413 106 68 -179 -66 -47 93 147 110
Others -6 17 -34 -123 -84 108 44 -33 101 -15
Operating cash flow – continued operations 95 439 594 634 441 568 689 692 797 641
Operating cash flow – discontinued operations -104 -32 -9 9 145 300 - - - -
Operating cash flow – total -9 407 585 643 586 868 689 692 797 641
~ thereof CAPEX - 2 49 - 4 79 - 4 56 - 5 08 - 4 82 - 3 97 - 4 39 - 4 34 - 6 14 - 6 24
Free Cash Flow - 2 58 -72 129 135 104 471 250 258 183 17
Consumer Protection 9M 2022 2021 2020 2019 Specialty Additives 9M 2022 2021 2020 2019
– –
Key Figures (€ m) restated restated Key Figures (€ m) restated
(2021) (2020) (2021)
Sales 1 , 726 1 , 515 1 , 243 1 , 050 Sales 2 , 286 2 , 295 1 , 965 1 , 965
E B IT 152 155 160 116 E B IT 250 134 69 179
Depreciation & Amortization 121 107 106 82 Depreciation & Amortization 140 172 192 158
EBITDA 273 262 266 198 EBITDA 390 306 261 337
Exceptionals (EBIT relevant) 13 13 17 0 Exceptionals (EBIT relevant) 1 18 32 18
D&A in exceptionals 0 0 17 0 D&A in exceptionals 0 1 15 2
EBITDA pre exceptionals 286 275 266 198 EBITDA pre exceptionals 391 323 278 353
Advanced 9M 2022 2021 2020 2019 All Other Segments 9M 2022 2021 2020 2019
Intermediates – –
Key Figures (€ m) restated restated Key Figures (€ m)
(2021) (2020)
Sales 1 , 842 1 , 949 1 , 629 2 , 251 Sales 261 90 77 86
E B IT 140 212 203 198 E B IT - 2 66 - 3 19 - 2 62 - 2 58
Depreciation & Amortization 86 115 108 170 Depreciation & Amortization 50 47 31 27
EBITDA 226 327 311 368 EBITDA - 2 16 - 2 72 - 2 31 - 2 31
Exceptionals (EBIT relevant) 0 6 1 50 Exceptionals (EBIT relevant) 71 112 92 82
D&A in exceptionals 0 0 3 45 D&A in exceptionals 3 2 3 4
EBITDA pre exceptionals 226 333 309 383 EBITDA pre exceptionals - 1 48 - 1 62 - 1 42 - 1 53
Urethane Systems
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