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renewable energy world
How solar thermal process heat is A wide-reaching off-grid initiative
shaping up as a promising new segment brings renewable power to the remote
of Germany’s solar market mountains in India
PV market
Assessing the Health of the
Global Solar PV Industry
𰀃UL 1741* listed 1000 VDC with
an DC disconnection
integrated AC and
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freedom 1 or 3 MPP
fo shade tolerance
tracker option for
Nearly 98% CE
𰀃 CEC efficiency with
ran of 200-800
DC operation range
The solution
for commercial PV systems. *
For more information, enter 3 at
100 megawatts
of CSP in the
United Arab
Emirates 46
Debating Solar’s CSP Manufacturers The State of the US
Health Solar industry Focus on the Desert Wind Power Market
veterans offer their opinions New markets, storage Which wind markets are
on what needs to happen in solutions and applications opening up across the
order to set the global solar of concentrating solar are country? Jim Montgomery
industry on sure footing. breathing new life into the
Vince Font solar power technology.
Jennifer Runyon
Protecting Wind
Turbines in Extreme
SOLAR Temps Weather ups
Doing Good by Doing and downs must be
Solar A glimpse of solar considered when selecting
power's humanitarian side. technology for wind farms.
Elisa Wood Michael A. Stout
Doctor holding a PV
panel-covered globe
32 courtesy of Shutterstock.
Welcome to our Hydrovision International
“Renewed” Magazine Hits Denver
91 Te 2013 Directory
12 Regional News
News from the Global of Suppliers
Renewable Energy Industry
Geothermal & Natural Gas
Fracking: One and the Same? 29 Te Big Question
Do Domestic Content Rules
Energy experts break down the two
Help or Hurt Renewables?
earth-splitting technologies. Meg Cichon
46 Project Profle
UAE’s Shams 1 CSP Plant
54 Data Points 136 Calendar
UK Renewable Energy
Use on the Rise 136 Advertisers index
Financing India’s Small Hydro
Capacity India wants more small
hydro but who will fund it? David Appleyard
Beer, Cigarettes and Bioenergy provides daily news and
information to help you stay on your toes.
Alcohol and tobacco are rebranding
themselves as potential new sources of
Visit us on the web to:
bioenergy. Bruce Dorminey • Comment on a hot news item.
• Nominate an outstanding woman for our Power-Gen
Woman of the Year Award.
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The Case for Distributed Energy • Enter your favorite project to win our Project of the Year Award.
Storage If costs come down enough, • Start blogging.
energy storage could significantly alter • Register to receive our award-winning e-newsletters.
the grid as we know it. Jim Montgomery
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Renewa ble Fina nce
Emissions Lowest center in Hamina, Finland with wind energy from Sweden. The
company has signed a 10-year power purchase agreement (PPA)
Since 1990 with Swedish developer O2 for the energy from O2’s planned
72-MW wind farm at Maevaara, in the Övertorneå and Paja-
In its 2013 inventory report, the
la municipality in northern Sweden, which is slated to feature 24
European Environmental Agency
Nordex 3-MW wind
(EEA) found that greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions fell by 3.3 percent
O2 has secured
in the EU in 2011 (latest available
100 percent financ-
data), leading to the lowest emis-
ing for the project’s
sions level since 1990.
construction from
The EU’s total GHG emissions
the investment arm
in 2011 were 18.4 percent below
of German insur-
1990 levels, according to the report.
ance company Alli-
The UK, France and Germany
anz, which plans to
accounted for almost two-thirds
assume ownership
of the reduction, while the largest
when the wind farm
increases came from Romania, Bul-
becomes operational in early 2015.
garia and Spain.
The agreement takes advantage of Europe’s increasingly inte-
The 2011 emissions drop was
grated electricity market, in particular Scandinavia’s shared elec-
due largely to a milder winter
tricity market and grid system, Nord Pool. Under this system
compared to 2010, which led to
Google can buy the wind farm’s electricity output in Sweden and
a lower demand for heating, said
consume the same amount of power, with Guarantee of Origin sta-
EEA executive director Jacqueline
tus, at its data center in Finland.
McGlade. “Nonetheless,” she said,
“Google’s decision to purchase the full output of the Maevaara
“the EU is making clear progress
wind farm for its Finnish data center was a key element in our deci-
towards its emission targets.”
sion to invest in the project,” said David Jones, head of renewable
However, she cautioned, “there
energy at Allianz Capital Partners. “Maevaara is our first renewable
was an increase in consumption of
energy investment in Sweden, and the PPA implemented for this
more carbon-intensive fuels such
project offers an interesting model for further wind farm develop-
as coal, while [hydro] production
ment in this market.”
and gas consumption decreased. If
Google said it has spent more than $1 billion over the last four
Europe is to achieve the transition
years on renewable energy projects in the U.S., Germany and South
towards a low-carbon society, it
Africa. The Hamina data center is already carbon-neutral, the
will need sustained investment in
company said. ○
technology and innovation.” ○
Compressors–Turbo & Recip / Steam Turbines / Gas Turbines / Engines / Control Systems / Expanders »
from Japan on India’s REC
Renewable Energy Market Crashes
Development India’s Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) trading fell by 87 percent
in May, according to the Indian Energy Exchange (IEX), with sellers
The Japan International Coop- outnumbering buyers for the first time. Total trading volume fell to
eration Agency (JICA) is work- 19,212 compared to 153,130 in May 2012, IEX said in a statement.
ing to bring more power that The crash is due to a supply glut that is expected to contin-
includes renewable energy and ue as the number of RECs injected into the market keeps pace
better transmission to the people with or outpaces the number purchased. And in a new develop-
of Kenya. JICA’s program aims ment, the solar renewable ener-
to strengthen the power supply gy credit (SREC) market, which
capacity of Kenya through sup- has hitherto been more resil-
port of power plants and domes- ient than the wider REC mar-
tic transmission lines. It also ket, hit its lowest price to date,
intends to strengthen interna- said an analysis by RESolve
tional transmission lines to real- Energy Consultants in Chennai.
ize the Power Pooling Initiative in RESolve noted that buy bids for
East Africa. SRECs fell 76 percent from the
According to a Nikkei news- previous month.
paper report, JICA plans to offer Hari Manoharan, an analyst
technical assistance beginning in with RESolve’s solar and wind energy division, expects the SREC sup-
September to help Kenya reach ply to increase due to numerous REC-based power projects coming
its goal of installing 5 GW of geo- up in Rajasthan, and suggests that unless counter-measures are rap-
thermal capacity by 2020. The idly taken, the SREC market could suffer the same collapse as the
country currently has 200 MW of wider market.
installed geothermal capacity. Under the nation’s renewable energy purchase obligation (RPO),
The JICA website indicates Indian power distribution companies are required to buy 5-10 per-
that the country is assisting cent of their electricity from renewable sources or purchase RECs in
Kenya on several other projects: lieu. Project developers are granted one REC for every 1 MWh gen-
The geothermal Olkaria I Unit erated from renewable sources.
4&5; the Sondu/Miriu hydro- The Economic Times newspaper called the poor market showing
power project; and the Olkaria- “a reflection of dwindling interest” in RECs, reporting that develop-
Lessos-Kisumu power line. ers have accumulated over 21 lakh (2100,000) RECs while barely 2
In addition, JICA is work- percent of this amount was sold in May. The IEX said: “Distribution
ing with Kenya officials on the companies and captive power generators did not participate in the
establishment of a rural electri- market despite the fact that many of these entities are yet to fulfill
fication model that uses renew- a large share of their obligation.” [ cont >]
able energy. ○
[ Massachusetts cont. from p21 ] commercial entities are compliance payments’ to the state. These market
looking for other options, and renewable heating corrections will ultimately reduce costs to elec-
and cooling has become a logical choice. tricity ratepayers.”
As renewable systems are on the rise, consum- Supporters of the bill include the Massachu-
ers aren’t the only ones who will benefit, said setts Forest Alliance, Solar Energy Industries
bill supporters. “Utilities will have more sourc- Association, Biomass Thermal Energy Council,
es from which to purchase their alternative ener- and GeoExchange. Legislative action is expected
gy supplies, increasing price competition, and will to take place this summer. For continuing cover-
avoid the need to make expensive ‘alternative age, visit ○
The Ontario ruling has sparked a debate within the renewable energy industry: Are these domestic content
requirements fair? Find out what industry insiders had to say in "The Big Question" on page 29.
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Where Does
the Global Sol
Industry Stand
VINCE FONT, Contributing Editor
that question, as well as to news — as are the negative operating margins of the top 10 solar
discuss and debate the major PV manufacturers of 2012, which range from -3 percent to -33
challenges faced by what is percent. (See table below showing the Top 10 Manufacturers by
arguably the most embattled Operating Margin)
energy generation technology “In 2012, there was a signifcant drop in revenues over 2011,”
on the planet. Mints said, pointing to a 38 percent decrease in the course of
12 months. “That’s not good news if you’re selling technology.”
Of Bankruptcies and According to Mints’ global data, the average selling price (ASP) of
Falling Margins solar technology also plummeted 48 percent from 2011 to 2012.
According to Paula Mints, Minh Le, Director of the Solar Energy Technologies Offce for
Founder and Chief Market the U.S. Department of Energy, displayed a slightly more optimis-
Research Analyst for SPV tic view of the global solar industry, despite the kind of data that
Market Research, with a could cause consumers to think twice about installing solar pan-
20-year history studying the els on their roofs – or potential investors from putting money into
solar industry, the spate of what many fear could be a risky proposition. “I’m actually fairly
bankruptcies along the solar bullish in the long run for solar,” Le said, citing some $93 billion
manufacturing chain is bad of global PV product trade in 2011. He points out that in compari-
son, the global trade of integrated circuits is approximately $300
billion per year, adding that there exists “tremendous opportuni-
TABLE 1 ty for continued growth” in the
Top Ten Manufacturers Operating Margin % 2012 global solar sector.
2012 Ranked by (based on Cell/Module Shipments Jigar Shah, CEO of Jigar Shah
Operating Margin Revenues) MWp Consulting and founder of SunE-
dison, shares Le’s optimism in
First Solar -3% 1875.4 that regard. “Now that the cost
Canadian Solar -11% 1543.0 of solar has come down tremen-
dously in 2012, it’s disrupted
GinTech -12% 1059.0 the industry,” Shah said. “We’re
now at a point where a lot of
Trina Solar -20% 1590.0
mainstream players see solar
Sharp Solar -20% 1058.0 as cost effective, so the amount
of money being spent on deploy-
JA Solar -22% 1700.0
ment is a lot higher today than it
Yingli -23% 2297.1 was two years ago.”
Shah also downplayed the
Suntech -25% 1750.0 concern over bankruptcies,
Motech -31% 1274.0 indicating that such hiccups are
to be expected. “There will be
NeoSolar -33% 910.0 manufacturers that go bankrupt
and manufacturers that don’t,”
Weighted Average -17%
Shah said. “There will be a lot of
Table Courtesy Paula Mints, SVP Market Research. folks who go out of business, but
there’ll be other folks to step in and take their place.” either not running at full utili-
Shah points to various world governments who, over the zation or there are many that
course of the last decade-and-a-half, have attempted to “buy are idle or shuttered. We’re
their way into market share” as evidence that lasting success in still in a very signifcant over-
the solar industry will not be artifcially manufactured, but will supply situation in the cell
emerge organically. “The Japanese decided to buy their way into and module manufacturing
market share back in 2000,” Shah said. “In 2003, the Germans. sector, and best projections
By 2007, the Chinese decided to buy their way to market share. from analysts continue to sug-
And now, the Koreans are stepping in. I think you’ll see the Kore- gest that there will be contin-
ans over the next fve years try to lose as much money as possi- ued oversupply for years to
ble trying to fgure out how to dominate the industry. The real come.”
question is: are we getting the stability point?” According to Le, low ASPs
and negative operating
Innovation and Investment: Two Keys to Solar’s Survival margins might scare away
All three experts agree on one thing: innovation is crucial to potential investors. This has
the survival of the solar industry. But what are some of the fac- the potential to result in lost
tors that have the potential to threaten innovation? Mints and Le opportunities with respect
argued that one of the key issues that can and will play heavily to the development of cut-
into the equation is the one of global overcapacity — or a lopsid- ting edge technologies that
ed ratio of demand versus actual solar product supply. could drive production costs
“Current global manufacturing capacity is signifcantly higher down while improving qual-
than global demand,” Le said. “That means a lot of factories are ity. “The challenge is, when
Shah is convinced that this fact alone is what has been driving vertically integrated such as
“thousands of non-solar electricity experts to enter our industry First Solar or SunPower, but
in 60-70 countries around the world,” he said. “They represent he doesn’t want to guess when
the ‘barbarians at the gate’ and will fuel continued 20 percent total system health will return
annual global MW growth for the solar industry through 2020.” to the solar industry. “I’ll
leave that to the fnancial ana-
Tat Old Supply/Demand Problem lysts,” he said. ◑
Will supply and demand ever be in balance so that all players
from manufacturers to installers are happily making a proft and
solar panels are slowly but steadily blanketing the earth? Shah
isn’t convinced that manufacturers need to be “hugely proftable” Missed the
but said that if panel prices were to remain fat for the next couple live debate?
of years, by the 2015 or 2016 timeframe, he thinks module manu-
facturers will have positive gross margins. Mints is more reticent,
Click here to listen to
saying that she’d like to see prices stabilize before she’d be ready the archived version of
to go out on a limb and predict when balance will be achieved.
“There’s just no visibility on that yet,” she said. Le thinks balance
Te Great solar Debate.
will happen more readily for the module manufacturers that are
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By the end of 2013, the largest solar power plants in the world
will be generating power from the sun and they won’t be using
photovoltaic (PV) technology. Brightsource’s 277-MW Ivanpah
in California, Areva’s 250-MW project in Rajasthan, India and
many others are all set to come online by the end of the year.
The 100-MW Shams 1 project commenced operation in Abu
Dhabi in March. “The outlook for CSP has never been brighter,”
said Alison Mason, Director of Marketing at SkyFuel.
CSP technology captures solar energy through troughs
or mirrors (also called heliostats), which are set on track-
ers and concentrate the sunlight to generate power. Mainly
used in utility-scale power generation projects, the technolo-
gy also holds promise for other applications, including pro-
cess heat and enhanced oil recovery operations (see sidebar
on page 44). To date, however, the technology has struggled
to gain ground. Back in 2010, thousands of megawatts of
CSP projects were in the works, but that number was slowly targeting “all markets with
pared down as developers of large utility-scale solar projects incentives for CSP” and
switched their technology from CSP to PV because of drop- named Italy, Turkey, the Unit-
ping PV panel prices. Nonetheless, today there are almost 12 ed States, India, China, Saudi
GW of CSP projects in some form of development all over the Arabia, Qatar, South Africa,
globe and 2.7 GW of operating plants worldwide. and Chile” as good examples
of such markets.
Worldwide Geographical Markets and Applications Areva Solar is also target-
CSP companies are targeting sun-drenched countries that ing the MENA (Middle East-
have solar incentives on the books, said Mason. She said tra- ern and North Africa) coun-
ditional oil-producing countries are “investing heavily in CSP tries. According to Jayesh
to free up their oil for sale.” In addition, she said SkyFuel is Goyal, Global Vice President
at Areva Solar, India will play a big role in CSP adoption, as well. Combined Cycle (ISCC) proj-
“Like Saudi Arabia and other progressive energy markets, India ects in major markets.” The
is a global leader in its commitment to the advancement of the technology allows a power
solar energy industry, including CSP,” he said. India’s National plant to generate solar power
Solar Mission calls for the country to install 20 GW of solar ener- when the sun is shining but
gy by 2020. In addition to Areva’s 250-MW plant, Goyal said that switch over to natural gas
there are “two more RFP’s in India expected this year for a total or coal when solar power
of 300 MW of new capacity.” can’t be produced. “Interest
“We have our eye on a number of promising markets,” said for the ISCC technology has
John Van Scoter, President and CEO at eSolar. With GE as a part- been strong from Saudi Ara-
ner, eSolar has muscle behind its technology, and Van Scoter said bia, Kuwait, UAE, Turkey and
that the company has been “active in promoting Integrated Solar Australia,” he said. Hybrid
Concentrating Solar
Power in a Greenhouse
or “Trough in a Box”
“I’m not a big believer in
CSP for power,” said Rod
MacGregor, President and
CEO of GlassPoint Solar.
GlassPoint, a start-up with
just two projects under its
belt, uses CSP technology
in an entirely different way.
Instead of capturing the sun’s BTU, solar EOR from GlassPoint enclosed, the troughs are lighter
heat to create power, it creates is a less expensive option. In and hang from the ceiling,
steam for use in Enhanced Oil the Middle East, where the so capital costs are reduced.
Recovery (EOR). MacGregor company just completed a Operations and maintenance
explained that as oil wells 7-MW EOR with Petroleum costs are also reduced
are depleted the oil becomes Development Oman, LNG sells because the greenhouses
thicker and more expensive for around $18 per million BTU, are automatically cleaned
to bring to the surface. When according to MacGregor. with windshield-washer type
wells are abandoned, he said, The technology is based technology. Greenhouses have
about 70 percent of the resource on the same principles as a 100-year history and as such
is still there. EOR technology traditional CSP but is optimized have beneftted from years of
pumps steam into the earth for use in oil felds. Because technological improvements,
around the well in order to heat troughs are enclosed in a said MacGregor.
the oil, which makes it more greenhouse-type structure, MacGregor believes that,
viscous and therefore easier the steel and concrete that is at least for power generation,
(and cheaper) to pump. used in CSP for power plants PV technology is winning
MacGregor said that the is reduced signifcantly. “The over CSP — for now. But, he
economics of solar EOR simply biggest cost driver for CSP is doesn’t think that means CSP
make it the cheapest game in wind,” MacGregor explained, technology isn’t viable at all.
town. Traditional EOR uses adding that large troughs are Keep your eye out for more
liquid natural gas (LNG) to essentially huge sails that need innovative applications of CSP
create the steam that is pumped lots of steel and concrete to be technology in the next few
into the ground. Once the LNG frmly attached to the ground. years. GlassPoint is certainly an
price goes over $5.00 per million Because GlassPoint’s trough is application to watch. ◑
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Department of Alternative
Energy Development and Effciency
the project Profling Stand-out
Renewable Energy
Projects Worldwide
Number of
Fields the
Project Covers
Number of Households
Powered by the Project
of the
A 13.5-kW array at
the headquarters of
Rebuilding Together
Peninsula is expected
to save the non-
profit $100,000 in
energy costs. Credit:
Everybody Solar.
But it is not only the developing world that benefts from the aid a planet in need. But more
idea of doing good by doing solar. The concept also is gaining and more, solar is showing
traction in the U.S. itself as a way to aid people
San Francisco-based Everybody Solar helps non-profts install in need. Solar, it turns out,
solar panels at a low cost, so that they can cut back on their is not just an environmen-
energy bills and channel the savings to their mission. Every- talist, but also a humanitar-
body Solar recently raised $34,000 through crowd funding for its ian. This is an argument for
frst project, a 13.5-kW array for the headquarters of Rebuilding solar that even environmental
Together Peninsula (RTP), which does home retroft projects for naysayers can embrace, and
low-income families. The solar panels are expected to save RTP it’s one that might beneft the
$100,000 in energy costs. Everybody Solar hopes its approach industry as renewable ener-
will be used as a model for non-profts throughout the U.S. gy becomes increasingly polit-
The work of SELF, NRG Energy, ENERSA, Everybody Solar and icized. We can expect to hear
others may point out a new direction for the solar industry. For more about how solar is doing
years, the industry has been growing by leaps and bounds as good in the coming months
modern societies increasingly embraced the technology a way to and years. ◑
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UK electricity
2011 2012
Offshore wind
Onshore wind
· Landfill gas
· Sewage gas
· Biodegradable
municipal solid waste
· Plant biomass
· Animal biomass
· Anaerobic
· Digestion and
compared with
compared with
compared with
2011 2011 2011
US Wind Power:
The State of the
Halfway through 2013, we’re taking a look at the U.S. wind
power market and where (and if) executives from major turbine
manufacturers expect to see progress this year and beyond. Opportunities
for growth do exist, but the market needs certainty to flourish.
business domestically, agreed mandates and which have the highest electricity prices. That
that U.S. wind energy “has a casts a pretty wide net around some familiar territory: Texas, the
bright future” and is “a long- Southwest Power Pool (SPP, i.e. all of Kansas and Oklahoma, plus
term sustainable business.” parts of New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, and
Nebraska), the Northeast, and states in the Midwest such as Ohio
Where Is the US Wind and Michigan.
Market Growing? Andy Lubershane, senior analyst for IHS’ Emerging Energy
So where are the hotspot Research unit, points to “some very low wind prices, in the $30/
growth opportunities in the MWh range on a levelized basis, in several regions” including
U.S. for wind energy? Judg- just about all of the SPP, plus Eastern Colorado, Texas, and the
ing by the execs and indus- Upper Midwest.
try watchers we’ve been talk- “The Texas market is still very strong,” as is the market in Indi-
ing with and listening to, ana, Michigan, certain parts of Michigan, and Colorado, acknowl-
it’s a combination of where edged Vestas’ Brown. Ilya Hartmann, CEO of Acciona Energy
the wind resources are best, North America, likewise invoked California and the Northeast.
which states have the most Iowa is another prime target. MidAmerican Energy has
aggressive renewable energy invested around $4 billion in the state, and this spring pledged to
spend another $1.9 billion for 1 GW of additional capac-
ity there. The rate-regulated utility expects to own and
operate more than 3.3 GW of wind generation capacity
in Iowa by January 2016, and could generate more than
a third of its power through wind, according to a com-
pany spokesperson.
“New England has some challenges,” offered Dave
Wilby, First Wind’s VP of state policy, speaking in a
panel discussion at the AWEA Windpower conference in
Chicago in early May. “Siting is tough [and] the resources
are not close to the load.” Nevertheless, looking several
years out, he foresees the potential for a handful of very
large wind PPAs across the Northeastern states.
Another market trend is in projects that seek to tap
slower wind speeds, with newer turbine technologies
built specifically to take advantage of them. While this
opens up new development areas, eventually these will
require acceptance of a different price point, Brown
pointed out. “We have to think where we can make the
most money, and think through the highest possible out-
The Eco Grove wind comes given where we are,” he said. “Large turbines
farm in Stephenson
don’t have the luxury of picking their markets. It’s more
County, Illinois.
of a demand constraint than a supply constraint.”
Credit: Acciona
In nine western states there’s another emerging win-
North America.
dow of opportunity for wind energy, thanks to more
than 4.2 GW of announced coal power retirements over the next of energy supplies instead of
six years, pointed out Sarah Cottrell Propst, executive director a single fuel or energy source
with the Interwest Energy Alliance, in the aforementioned AWEA on a plant site — from wind
Windpower panel discussion. Wind energy will have to prove to solar to natural gas, and
itself against natural gas and get utility buy-in for replacement increasingly energy storage
and future regulatory costs, and existing transmission must be — to give them more flexibil-
able to be repurposed for clean energy, she explained. ity and control in selling elec-
tricity, Girard added. “This
Life After the PTC approach truly represents a
With the one-year extension of the PTC now set to expire at the rethinking of what constitutes
end of 2013, everyone agrees that for the industry to flourish, it a generating plant,” he said.
must break away from the start-stop nature of a tax credit that Alstom’s Geissbuehler like-
is granted and then taken away. But the question remains: what wise thinks that OEMs, devel-
is the endgame scenario? Is there hope to break out of that opers and utilities need to
cyclicality? maintain “a healthy portfolio
“At the moment the industry is in a very operational of various sources of energy,”
mode,” said Andy Geissbuehler, general manager and head of both within renewables and
Alstom’s North American Wind business. “Everyone is con- those who have business in
sumed by having capacity available to ful-
fill safe-harbor requirements” by April
2014. “Once all the safe-harbor require-
ments are met, then they’ll sit back and say,
‘what do we do next?’”
Brown agrees. “Right now nobody’s look-
ing at the next wave of wind farm installa-
tions,” he said, and “how to capture the larg-
est percentage of the current market.”
Other stakeholders believe there is grow-
ing momentum to look beyond the current
PTC’s lifetime. “Wind plant developers are
taking a step back and reevaluating how
they build wind energy plants,” with an eye
toward making them more competitive with
other energy sources such as natural gas-
fired generation, noted Dan Girard, direc-
tor of renewable energy and energy storage
at S&C Electric Company. “Finding ways to
redesign and re-engineer plants in order to
reduce engineering, design, and construc-
tion costs — as well as the overall plant
lead time — is a priority.” Macho Springs wind farm in
Developers also will begin including a mix New Mexico. Credit: Vestas.
Wind speed
coal or gas. “The portfolio [offtaker], or [the developers] won’t have a project,” he said. One
approach is the most success- out of four developers jostling for a company’s RFP will get cho-
ful way to deal with knowns, sen; “those others won’t be done.”
and unknowns.” Acciona’s Hartmann predicts “a very active acquisition mar-
As wind projects move for- ket” over the next 18 months with investors from equity, infra-
ward with PTC compliance structure, and pension funds shopping for operating projects as
and enter the offtaking stage, long-term investments to hedge against potentially rising natu-
some developers may encoun- ral gas and wholesale electricity prices. At the same time, devel-
ter an environment with lim- opers frustrated with federal policy uncertainty will likely sell
ited opportunities favor- projects, or entire portfolios, to investors willing to bet on an
ing those who can absorb upswing in electricity prices in the longer term, he said.
low power-purchase agree- As always, that policy uncertainty continues to hold the U.S.
ments (PPAs). Unfortunate- wind industry back. “It’s time to step back and really determine
ly, the days of developing a the long-term viability of the [domestic] wind industry,” Brown
project and later securing an said. Growth will continue, at least for the foreseeable future,
offtaker are gone, said Ves- but developers, utilities and OEMs will remain challenged by tax
tas’ Brown. By the end of this credits that come and go. Amidst all the optimism for U.S. wind
year, many projects in devel- energy, Brown urges a healthy dose of realism: “Let’s not con-
opment “will have a home fuse activity with progress.” ◑
also result. A power backup system is necessary to assure these to survive in a high humidity
vital control systems remain viable in the event of the loss of environment is suspect. Bat-
the primary utility power source. teries in these standard sys-
To achieve the full functionality of the wind turbine and tems are typically not rated
ensure the safe, reliable generation of power, a large number for the higher temperatures
of electrical and electronic equipment elements are required. that are often encountered. At
These include: these high temperatures, bat-
• Main control computer, I/O modules, relays and components tery life can be reduced by as
for monitoring and control of the wind turbine. much as 90 percent.
• Equipment dedicated to the continuous remote monitoring of
wind turbine operation.
• The Hub computer to control pitching of blades.
• Frequency converter, yaw motor protection systems.
• Power converter (full or dual-fed), flters, phase
compensation electronics.
• UL-listed, wide-temperature range online
uninterruptible power supplies (UPS).
• Communications computer, network and SCADA-
monitoring and control equipment.
• High-voltage, medium-voltage and low-voltage
distribution control equipment.
As stated earlier, a wind turbine’s location can make it
subjectable to extreme temperatures swings, typically from
-30ºC (-22 ºF) to 55ºC (131ºF). All of the electronic equipment
and circuits installed in the turbine must be designed to
operate reliably over the entire temperature range. A
source of backup power is essential, so the online UPS
designed into the system must be rated for these harsh
Figure 2. Falcon’s UL, cUL
temperature environments. Further, due to its key func-
and CE-listed SSG Series
tion, it must have been specifcally designed to provide
UPS in a NEMA enclosure.
years of operation while operating over the entire tem-
perature range. As the UPS is located in the nacelle
at the top of the turbine tower with the rest of the equipment, The majority of UPS prod-
humidity and condensation can be another factor affecting reli- ucts rated under 10 kVA use
ability. Conformal coating of circuit boards is required to protect valve regulated lead-acid
circuitry on the board from becoming shorted out by moisture (VRLA) batteries to provide
condensing on the board. These environmental factors demand backup energy. Due to iden-
the use of a special UPS. tical battery chemistries and
like construction, most bat-
Batteries – Te Weakest Link tery manufacturers’ specif-
A standard off-the-shelf UPS is designed for 0°C to 40°C offce or cations are very similar. Bat-
computer room environments; therefore its reliability and ability tery manufacturers rate their
projected battery service life with the battery operating in a 25°C associated project engineer-
environment. ing and installation costs.
However, newer technology VRLA batteries can now yield a
four-year life at 50°C and up to 12 years at a 25°C room tempera- Word to the Wise Wind
ture per the battery manufacturers stated service life projections. Farm Developer
Higher temperatures cause the acid-based battery chemis- Never use a UPS that is not
try to become more active, accelerating destructive factors inside rated for the temperatures
each battery cell. However, very low temperatures slow down the to be encountered in the
chemical reactions and impair the batteries’ ability to deliver installed environment. If you
current. This results in a substantially shortened UPS battery require a UPS that will be
runtime when compared with the stated battery runtimes, which used in an extreme operat-
are typically stated with the UPS operating at 25°C. ing temperature environment
To meet the demand for wide-temperature range UPS and and are confused by some
power conversion products, a few manufacturers are design- manufacturer’s specifcations,
ing products that not only survive in these diffcult environ- verify the UPS has a UL list-
ments, but offer superior performance. For these new products, ing stating the wide temper-
the cost of ownership is reduced through robust design and by ature range desired. Using
reducing the number of battery replacements over the UPS’s typ- a UPS outside the stated UL-
ical 12-15 year service life. Robust industrial-grade, wider-tem- listed temperature range can
perature range products may be found in standalone UPS units invalidate the UL listing sta-
or in prepackaged turnkey NEMA rated enclosure systems (see tus. This can lead to reliabil-
Figure 2). Direct from the manufacturer, these systems are ity, code enforcement and
ready for immediate installation and operation, reducing the product liability problems. ◑
learn more...
tel: 229.346.3545
Finland Looks to
the Future of Bioenergy
Supported by The nation’s once-powerful forest industry has fallen on
abundant forest hard times, noted Leskelä. Although Finland has tradition-
ally supported a thriving paper and pulp industry, demand
resources, Finnish
for paper products has dropped, leading to factory closures.
bioenergy companies This is good news for the bioenergy sector; wood that was
don’t have to look far for already slated for harvesting is now available for other uses.
feedstock. But in a move The nation offers impressive support for bioenergy: a
to defne its low-carbon grant for 30 percent of investment in anaerobic digestion
plants and 28 percent for compressors, an electricity tar-
future, the nation’s
iff (which varies based on market price) plus €0.50/MWh
energy companies are if the project reuses the
undertaking ambitious heat it generates. There is
research programs to also a government target
develop future biofuels. to replace 10 percent of
the country’s natural gas
TILDY BAYAR, Associate Editor with biogas by 2025.
Leskelä admits that
Finland is, above all, a land of “renewable” in Finland
abundant, and growing, for- means bioenergy, and
ests. “We produce 100 cubic indeed wood-based bio-
meters of wood per year, while mass underpins over
50 cubic meters per year is har- 75 percent of the nation’s
vested. We have more forest than planned activities to meet
we can use,” said Jukka Leskelä, its 2020 climate targets.
director of power generation for But Finland is also a high-
trade body Energiateollisuus, or tech economy and, in
Finnish Energy Industries. So it’s addition to an impressive
no surprise that, given an almost 9 GW of planned wind
complete lack of indigenous fos- capacity by 2020 (albe-
sil fuel resources, high per-capita it no solar and no poli-
energy consumption, and a long- cy support for it), there is
running forest management pro-
gram already in place, Finland is 30 percent of customers
investing in biomass and biofuels at Gasum’s filling stations
in a big way as it looks to defne choose the biogas option.
its future energy mix. Credit: Tildy Bayar.
Renewable Biodiesel The central focus of Neste’s R&D platform is developing new
Neste Oil, another Finnish feedstocks and refning existing ones, said Lehmus. Last autumn
company with a focus on the company launched its ProDiesel, containing a minimum of
bionenergy, was originally 15 percent of what the company calls renewable diesel (to distin
a traditional oil refner that guish it from biodiesel).
branched out into LNG. In Renewable diesel can be used as a dropin fuel, Lehmus said,
2007, the company started and is targeted at the aviation market, with a number of fuel
looking at developing bio solutions currently being tested by aviation partners. While
fuels. In Q1 2013, Neste made Neste’s biodiesel is composed of vegetable oil that reacts with
its frst proft from renewable methanol to produce esters, renewable diesel removes the oxy
fuels: in that period Neste gen from vegetable oil to create aromaticfree diesel fuel. You can
said it made €26 million only mix up to 7 percent of traditional biodiesel with gasoline,
in revenue from its renew said Lehmus, but Neste says it can mix unlimited amounts of
ables alone. “There are better renewable diesel because it is so pure.
margins on the renewables “We are following feedstock issues very carefully in relation
side,” said Petri Lehmus, vice to different markets,” said Lehmus. Among the feedstocks Neste
president of research and uses or is testing are familiar substances such as palm oil, jat
technology. ropha oil, camelina and rapeseed oil, but also experimental
AltaRock’s Newberry EGS Demonstration site during stimulation. The pool holds fresh cold groundwater that
was pumped down the 10,000 ft well during stimulation. Credit: AltaRock.
more damage each year. National Labs to prevent major seismic events — the only pro-
“It’s easy to generate a lot tocol in place for any sub-surface energy industry, accord-
of fear. You can scare people ing to Doug Hollet, director of the DOE geothermal energy
about things without provid- program.
ing much solid information,” The DOE has been working on several EGS projects, includ-
said David Stowe, communi- ing AltaRock’s innovative Newberry project in Bend, Oregon.
cations director at AltaRock. To ensure that the Newberry project does not cause signif-
“The Basel story is dredged cant seismic events, AltaRock has implemented rigorous proto-
up over and over again — cols and created an advanced microseismic network system of
but we have learned from it, about 20 seismometers that surrounds the project both on the
and it is pretty easy to put surface and in wells 1,000 feet below the earth. The seismom-
safeguards in place that will eters pick up the sounds that fractures make when they grow,
severely minimize risk.” triangulate and then displays the location of the fracture zone
Since its cancelation, on a computer screen — AltaRock has its own modeling soft-
many have pointed to the ware for this, said Stowe.
Basel project as a reason to “We have engineers outside monitoring pumps, two or three
avoid EGS altogether. How- geologists on the command trail monitoring computer screens,
ever, the U.S. Department and additional monitoring equipment,” explained Stowe. “It’s an
of Energy (DOE) remained intricate operation.”
undeterred, and developed In natural gas, seismic activity is not the major concern when
geothermal-induced seis- it comes to the fracking process. According to Stowe, the rein-
micity protocol and further jection of the spent working fuid causes the most problems. “It
stringent safety measures creates a huge bulge when you re-inject all this water; pressure
with Lawrence Berkley builds and the earth moves to compensate for that, which can
cause a seismic event,” said Stowe — adding, however, that this of sand and chemicals), at a
isn’t a common occurrence. very high pressure of around
According to Andrew Place, interim director and president of 9,000 psi or more, which
the Center for Sustainable Shale Development, seismicity is more breaks though the rock and
of a concern for EGS due to the ongoing nature of the technology, holds the cracks open; other-
whereas natural gas enters a site, fracks for the resource and wise they would close when
moves on. “[For natural gas] the strong concern is for disposal the fuid stops fowing.
wells, and if you don’t site them carefully and drill in a close EGS, however, uses water,
proximity to an existing fault that is highly stressed, you could and sometimes acid, to shear
set off a substantial seismic event,” he said. This can be avoided the rock and cause a “slip.”
with pre-drill modeling to ensure the avoidance of fracture net- “You’re trying to make two
works and monitoring for seismic events — similar to the pre- rock faces slide past each
cautions already being taken at the Newberry project site. other slightly, which creates a
little bit more space between
Fracking vs Slipping them,” said Lauren Boyd, EGS
According to Hollett, the fundamental difference between nat- program manager at the DOE.
ural gas fracking and EGS fracking is the injection process. This is where fractures or
The oil and gas industry injects water and a proppant (a mix weaknesses in the rock likely
able o
n www
w vsy
AltaRock’s EGS process creates several zones in a single well. Credit: AltaRock.
existed already and were fracking has caused numerous surface spills including several
plugged by mineral depos- projects that have contaminated groundwater.
its over time. Boyd compared AltaRock plans to combat these problems at the Newberry
the process to putting an ice project by using a multizone stimulation process. Water is inject-
cube in a glass of hot liq- ed into a single well at a pressure of about 2,000 psi to stimu-
uid: “cracks will form where late cracks in the rock, which eventually spider out to create a
there are existing deformities “zone.” Once a zone is complete, pressure is dropped to 1,000 psi
in the ice, which is similar to and a diverter made of biodegradable plastic (similar to plastic
what happens in the subsur- developed that allows water bottles to biodegrade in landflls) is
face with closed fractures,” injected into the well to “gum up” the cracks, according to Stowe.
she said. Pressure is then increased to 2,000 psi to start a new fracture
As for long-term effects, zone, and then a new batch of diverter is made to plug up holes
“we are talking about very at hotter temperatures. The process repeats until all zones are
small fractures very deep in created, and water fow is then stopped to allow the well to heat
the earth — there is really up. It takes about one week for the diverter to break down into
little or negligible long-term water and CO2, which is eventually used to generate power once
impact there,” said Hollett. the plant is built, said Stowe.
According to several experts, many of the issues related to
Contamination Concerns natural gas fracking can be prevented with the same type of
Since many believe EGS tech- proper protocol and procedures in use at the Newberry proj-
nology to be similar to nat- ect. For example, in 2011 Chesapeake Energy reportedly lost
ural gas fracking, the same control of a well in Pennsylvania. The well cracked, spilled
concerns about leakage, and contaminated a nearby stream — this could have been
spills and resulting ground- prevented by using stronger cement and casings to ensure an
water and soil contamination impermeable seal.
exist for both technologies. The natural gas industry is slowly realizing that it needs
After all, according to Pop- to reduce these issues to gain public confdence, said Stowe,
ular Mechanics, in the past so it is working with state regulators to create some of the
two years alone, natural gas same regulations that exist for geothermal. Texas became the
28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy
Conference and Exhibition
© Thorsten Schmitt
Financing India’s
Small Hydro
Project investment in India is facing a number of challenges,
not least of which are prohibitively high interest rates. However,
there are opportunities to develop successful small hydropower
projects based on cash fow, a detailed due diligence and realistic
expectations from both developers and their backers.
and as a result a good deal of play a critical role in improving the overall energy scenario of
attention has been focused the country and in particular for remote and inaccessible areas,
on the development of small the Ministry aims to harness at least half of the potential in the
hydropower capacity, deemed country over the next decade to bring the installed capacity of
projects with a nameplate small hydro to about 7 GW by the end of 12th Plan in 2017. In
output of 25 MW or less. August 2012, the Minister of New and Renewable Energy, Dr.
Authorities report that Farooq Abdullah, said that during the 11th Plan, a capacity of
there is signifcant potential 1,419 MW of small hydro was added compared to 536 MW dur-
for hydropower development ing the 10th Plan.
on this scale. Figures from Some 967 small hydro projects with an aggregate capacity of
the responsible agency, the 3,632 MW have been installed in India to the end of April 2013,
Ministry of New and Renew- with 24 states announcing a policy to invite private sector bod-
able Energy (MNRE), estimate ies to set up projects. In addition, 281 small hydro projects with
the potential for power gen- an aggregate capacity of 1,061 MW are also under construction
eration in the country from in various states.
such plants at over 15 GW. MNRE said it is providing Central Financial Assistance to
Recognizing that small set up small/micro hydro projects both in the public and pri-
hydropower projects can vate sectors while fnancial support is also given to the state
governments for the identif- projections and adequate contingencies within the project plan.
cation of new potential sites, However, the cost of debt and the interest rate on capital is a
including surveys and the major infuence, and Gupta said that even though the company
preparation of detailed proj- is an equity investor, it maintains focus on capital rates rather
ect reports, and renovation than equity returns. This, he says, is the most pressing issue
and modernization of old for renewable energy and infrastructure development in India.
projects. In 2012-2013 some “With a larger operating portfolio we can go out and get
Rs.1.6 billion [US $28 mil- much cheaper debt, but until then the focus is on projects which
lion] of funding was released are proftable with adequate cash fow, considering the risks
under the Small Hydro Power involved,” he explained.
(SHP) Program. He presented a typical example of a project deal with a debt-
to-equity ratio of 70:30, a typical interest rate of 14 percent and a
Driving Private Investment repayment period of eight years. In this case “around 22 percent
Given the vast potential and of total project cost in the frst year is outfow to service debt.
obvious drivers for demand, Most projects are not generating that kind of cash fow in the frst
why has India been so hesi- few years,” he said. “That is one of the most pressing issues for
tant when it comes to execu- renewable energy in India.”
tion? While some would point He added that a realistic assessment of revenue is critical.
to the strength of country’s “One of the challenges [is that] projects are more often than not
coal lobby, a more pertinent over-advertised with under-estimation of revenue project costs
point is the key to all energy and over-estimations of energy production potential. We have a
development: economics. benchmark for a 30 percent haircut and so far we been spot on.
Shedding light on this You could say that Indian developers are consistently inconsis-
theme, the recent HydroVision tent in over-estimating generation potential.”
India Conference and Exhibi-
tion heard from Anchit Gupta, Valuing Projects
director of business develop- Aside from the cost of debt, Gupta also points out that proj-
ment at Focal Energy, a global ect valuations can be an issue in the small hydropower sector.
investment group specializ- “The other challenge we face is the valuation expectations by
ing in small hydro and solar developers. They expect they’re going to get the same valuations
installations with more than as projects they may hear about in the market,” he said. Focal
300 MW of projects in its Energy, he added, “focuses on a very thorough and aggressive
pipeline. Gupta said the com- due diligence process. For example, developers may say, ‘the
pany is primarily looking at a tariff is going to be increased in two months’ — well, we can
steady cash fow from income wait for two months and see what happens. Whatever is there
generating assets. and can be supported is what we rely on.”
When considering investing Giving further insights into the company’s due-diligence pro-
in a hydropower development, cess, Gupta explained that they keep an eye on projects that they
Gupta explained that a good didn’t invest in “to give us a benchmark for evaluating the oppor-
partner with honesty and tunity we have come across,” he said. “We also know that there
integrity is the most impor- are enough projects available for us to invest in, and if we walk
tant element, together with away we don’t sweat it.”
Gupta explained how to matter what, but there is a need to overcome the family business
create a win-win situation in approach, accepting that experts can come in and that standards
developing small hydropower. need to change with a different perception of the risks involved,
“We do spend a lot of time on which comes from experience.
the ground in order to fully “Most [developers] plan so that everything is going to be per-
understand the developer fect, but we say ‘not everything will be perfect you need to plan
and local issues,” he said, for contingencies,’” Gupta said. “Working with a long-term part-
adding that key issues are a ner some say, ‘initially it was very hard for us, but now we see
strict adherence to budgets the value on this approach.’”
and timelines, reliable cash In terms of attracting foreign investment to small hydro-
fow and accurate project val- power projects in India, Gupta said that a fundamental issue
uations. He also addressed is the regulatory environment that “keeps changing from
the changing nature of small time to time.” But he also said that there are potentially big
hydro developers, saying gains for companies who can take the risk. “There is a big
that there are very good and need for foreign capital looking for credible income generat-
hard-working entrepreneurs ing assets. And there are huge capital needs for infrastruc-
in India who are prepared to ture projects in India; I believe there is the groundwork for
stand behind agreements no creating win-wins.” ◑
The aim is to engineer existing tobacco plants for more eff- ethanol, tobacco has never
cient carbon uptake so that photosynthesis will trigger the cre- been a food crop.
ation of these much sought-after hydrocarbon oils. With tobacco, Lemaux says,
“We have produced these oils in tobacco,” said Lemaux. “But there will never be a dilemma
we are still not at the levels that we need to be able to compete over whether to use it for food
with ethanol. But we know that can [happen].” or for fuel, as has been the
Historically grown in wide neat rows to ensure the highest case with corn. She even pre-
quality product not the most quantity, farmers who wanted to dicts that within in 20 years,
grow tobacco for biofuels would fip that model. tobacco grown for dipping,
“We could produce quite a bit of tonnage per acre if we didn’t chewing or smoking could be
plant it in [the] wide rows of today,” said Michael Moore, a tobac- supplanted by tobacco grown
co extension agronomist at the University of Georgia’s Agricul- solely as a biofuel source.
tural Extension Service, who notes this year the state will har-
vest 11,000 acres of tobacco. “We’re harvesting only the leaves Alcohol and Bioenergy
with a statewide average of 2,400 pounds per acre. But we could Where there’s tobacco, there
vary our plant population from the current 7,000 plants per acre is also usually beer. In this
to 200,000 per acre easily enough.” instance, however, the brew-
Tobacco farmers are already very supportive of this project, ing industry is further ahead
says Lemaux, who adds that with the exception of China, con- in creating new sources of
ventional tobacco markets are diminishing. She says tobacco bioenergy.
also offers growers more fexibility in planting than switch- Magic Hat Brewing Com-
grass or miscanthus, noting that from year to year, tobacco pany is a case in point.
farmers can switch out tobacco for another crop. This South Burling-
“The farmer will get the [new] seeds from the University ton, Vt. brewery, which
of Kentucky,” said Lemaux. “Planting may be a little clos- makes about 200,000
er than normal, but the harvesting will be similar. We will barrels of beer per
extract [oil] from green biomass, so we won’t be drying it.” year, is now using a
Even so, tobacco’s future as a biofuel is not just wheth- large part of its spent
er it can compete with ethanol, but also whether it can waste to create bio-
compete with growers who are already growing and har- gas. Although the
vesting their crops for conventional tobacco companies. average brewery gen-
Lemaux says that one reason ARPA-E chose tobacco erates fve parts of
for a project is precisely because, unlike corn grown for waste for every one
Dear Colleagues,
As hydropower gains momentum in the global pursuit
of clean, renewable energy alternatives, opportunities for
Stream Power
development are on the rise. More and more countries are WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 2013
placing hydro at the forefront of their future energy plans. SESSION 1D - All About
How can we continue on this path to growth among the Wave, Tidal and In-Stream
other renewable choices? Perhaps more importantly, how Hydrokinetics
SESSION 2D - The Pathway to a
can renewables work together to achieve growth?
Mature Marine Hydrokinetics
Hydropower, as a clean, renewable and reliable option, Industry
can lead the way.
I invite you to join me — along with thousands of other
SESSION 3D - Coastal Grid
hydro professionals — in Denver, Colorado, USA, for a week
Connection: Challenges for
of informative hydropower-focused meetings, workshops, Marine Projects?
technical tours, an extensive conference program and the SESSION 4D - Technology and
world’s largest exhibition of hydro products and services Project Status: Tidal and
at the largest gathering of your colleagues this year:
SESSION 5D - Wave Energy
HydroVision International 2013. Please join us the week of Technology and Project Status
July 22, 2013 for HydroVision International. I look forward to
seeing you. FRIDAY, JULY 26, 2013
SESSION 6D - Opportunities
and Constraints for Small and
Rural Applications
Marla Barnes SESSION 7D - All Things
Publisher and Chief Editor, Hydro Group Environmental: Review,
PennWell Corporation Compliance and Resources
• Black start
Centralized Distributed
Energy storage’s value increases as approaches the edge of the grid and the customer’s load, with economic
benefits accruing to both the utility and the end-user. Credit: Demand Energy, inspired by KEMA’s locational
value of energy storage perspective.
other 22 hours it would be equalized; there are different costs for utilities to put in large cen-
overkill. And utilities dislike tralized energy storage facilities, compared with putting lots of
underutilized investments. batteries in smaller installations further out on the grid.
Enter energy storage. “In Thus, the key to energy storage, many argue, is putting it
theory, to provide stability, at the very edge of the grid where it can optimize generation,
you put energy storage where transmission, and distribution, from integration of renewable
the instability is,” said Rick energy generation to demand response programs, and can better
Luebbe, CEO of Energ2. Steve respond as grid back-up power in the event of storms and disas-
Minnihan, senior analyst ters. “The highest economic value [of energy storage] is not at
at Lux Research, agrees; all the substation but at the edge, improving distribution losses and
things being equal in terms performance in the supply chain,” explained Doug Staker, VP of
of $/kWh costs and architec- business development for Demand Energy.
tures, “the most value is put-
ting [energy storage] where A Home Everywhere
you have the highest volatil- Energy storage can solve many problems all along the energy
ity.” Of course the reality is supply chain: T&D deferral, demand response, power quali-
that costs (and prices) are not ty & reliability, frequency control, and mitigation of solar and
wind energy intermittency. will be even more important with growing adoption of electric
Because of this, the desired vehicles and residential renewable energy installations.
end goal infuences where an “Right now utilities aren’t well equipped to meet the sud-
energy storage technology is den increase in power demand associated with charging elec-
best placed. tric vehicles, nor do utilities have a way to address the effects of
“In some cases there are distributed resources, such as unpredictable increases in elec-
transmission constraints that tric demand if the output of these resources suddenly drops,”
could beneft from energy explained Dan Girard, S&C’s director of renewable energy and
storage, and in some cases it energy storage. “Where energy storage is closer to the load, it
makes sense for the energy can be particularly effective at managing the effects of distribut-
storage to be sited near the ed renewable energy resources, and thus protect power quality
system load” to reduce sys- and grid stability.” Deploying distributed energy storage in a
tem losses, explained Frank building-block approach “may be particularly valuable as the
Novachek, director of corpo- industry gains more experience in applying and operating
rate planning for Xcel Energy. energy storage systems,” he added.
The utility holding company
has been involved with a A Classic Example
number of energy storage Applications for energy storage are “dizzying,” acknowledged
demonstration projects, from Steve Hellman, president of Eos Energy Storage. “You can make
a wind energy/battery instal- a case for centralized storage at the point of generation,” he said,
lation in Minnesota to the but “we’re of the opinion that there’s a strong and compelling
Solar Technology Acceleration case on a distributed basis.” Eos Energy Storage is undertaking
Center (SolarTAC) in Colorado. a “sub-utility-scale” pilot project with ConEdison, starting with a
He also emphasizes the need study of how its batteries could be used to reduce peak load or
to view and operate energy manage voltage regulation, and all of the integration touchpoints
storage as a resource that needed in a real-world environment: wrapping the DC battery
supports the grid system, and system with an inverter, all power conversion systems, commu-
not solely to support renew- nications platforms and controls, etc.
able generation. “What we’re evaluating most is distribution upgrade defer-
Much of S&C Electric Com- ral,” he said, installing energy storage for “pretty standard
pany’s 150-MWh of energy peak shaving.” Deploying that energy storage in the load cen-
storage worldwide is at the ter, he explained, “allows you to effectively debottleneck all
substation level and used for that upstream transmission infrastructure” — monetizing the
peak shaving, backup power value of that battery, the energy arbitrator, and the infrastruc-
supply, in microgrids, and for ture investment. ConEd is also exploring energy storage as
capital deferral. The company voltage regulation at the end of the distribution line, leveling
also is a big proponent of out variability.
“community energy storage” The project is part of a broader go-to-market strategy, dubbed
(CES) at the edge of the grid “Genesis,” where Eos hopes to work closely with six or seven
where it can best manage the major utilities to understand their energy needs and incorporate
effects of distributed renew- those requirements into its product development processes.
able energy resources, and While NRG, for example, sees energy storage as a merchant
asset on the grid in a more It’s not easy to increase the size of the conduit feeder system
centralized power plant running underground into the city, and running kilometers
application, ConEd is a “per- of transmission is ineffcient and impractical due to line loss.
fect partner” for distribut- Utilities analyze the peak load on the distribution feeder and
ed energy storage because determine when it’s more effcient to move up to the next size
it operates one of the most of conductor — they‘re already incentivized to utilize the capi-
complex distribution sys- tal employed in generation and transmission capabilities. But
tems in the country, Hellman if they can timeshift energy into the system, and cash it in on
said: the vast majority of it is the edge of the grid and use it locally, “that can be a better opti-
underground, and costs soar mization method,” Staker explained. And aggregating points of
to $1 million per city block to storage across an entire city — 30-40 buildings in Manhattan,
upgrade it — assuming it’s say, controlled and managed to beneft the building owners as
even feasible to shut down an well as ConEd — “that is utility-scale.”
entire block and dig up and
replace everything. A Commodity Like Oil
New York City is a classic That terminology, “utility-scale” and “grid-scale,” illustrates
example of densifed energy another problem, suggested Erick Petersen, VP of marketing at
consumption and congestion Demand Energy — it “is deceiving” and represents “a classic util-
problems, agreed Staker. ity mindset” that frames the discussion as a centralized service
Demand Energy
Storage units in
the field. Credit:
Demand Energy.
and thus centralized control. and stored throughout its supply chain, he believes, as a buf-
“It assumes and creates the fer wherever there’s a change in scale (e.g., wholesale/bulk
persona that it’s 100 MWh to smaller volume) or in time (e.g., a day or a month to the
of storage in one big central next day or month). Typically such management is too expen-
location,” rather than recog- sive in an electricity supply chain that must instantaneous-
nizing how energy is used ly match supply and demand, but as storage technology costs
and where it is located, he come down “you can expect to see it in just about any instance
said. Storage on a distribut- where electricity is being transformed in time or space.” He
ed basis “can get to grid-scale compares it to, of all things, oil — it’s stored at the wells as
very quickly” and “is signif- crude, in bulk distribution centers at various points along its
icantly more robust” than supply chain during the refning process, and at the end of the
upstream centralized grid- line where demand needs it at gas stations and then inside
scale storage assets, he said. cars and homes and businesses.
Whether energy stor- But it’s on the customer side of the meter where Staker sees
age is defned as distribut- the real beneft of energy storage: reducing consumers’ energy
ed or grid-level is “kind of used during peak times, reducing demand charges for commer-
an artifcial differentiation,” cial customers, and a reduced load that benefts the grid, which
offered Eos’ Hellman. Like will ultimately help grid operators focus more on utilization
any other commodity, elec- and not asset capitalization. “It’s just another tool in the tool
tricity should be managed bag,” he said. ◑
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As Solar Costs Drop, Energy Storage
Solutions Take Center Stage
Energy storage has emerged as the will play a pivotal role in ensuring
next big opportunity for the solar the solar market’s continued growth.
industry. With significant improve- The more solar that is integrated
ments in PV technology and balance- into the grid, the greater the need
of-system innovations, the solar for energy storage solutions because
industry has dramatically reduced it improves the quality and reliabil-
both commercial and residential solar ity of the renewable energy solar sup-
system costs in the last year — lead- ply, and eases the grid integration of
ing to a substantial increase in the solar systems. Further, energy storage
amount of solar connected to the grid transforms PV plants into controllable
in the U.S. The U.S. solar industry power systems that can meet demand
Markus Elsässer is
the founder and CEO achieved impressive growth in 2012, at all times of the day. Recent technol-
of Solar Promotion, and there is no slowdown in sight. In ogy developments, coupled with favor-
an internationally 2013, EuPD Research projects that the able policies and support schemes, are
operating, private U.S. will add approximately 3.9 GW of accelerating the widespread adoption
trade fair company new solar capacity. of energy storage, which in the U.S.
with a focus on However, solar energy, as well as could reach 4 GW by 2016.
renewable energy wind energy, relies on an intermittent Energy storage innovations will
and energy energy source and output fluctuates be displayed this month at Intersolar
efficiency. Under based on the weather. This presents North America in a special exhibition
Markus’s leadership several challenges for utilities, inde- segment, and leaders will gather to
Solar Promotion pendent power producers and solar discuss incentive programs and the
International’s flagship
project developers alike. First, vari- market landscape during four confer-
event series, Intersolar,
able power generation limits the util- ence sessions dedicated to the topic.
has grown to more
ity applications of solar technology, For the solar industry to continue
than 3,500 exhibitors
and 120,000 visitors. since customers demand energy making gains globally, energy storage
access 24 hours a day — not merely solutions must continue to advance.
when the sun is shining. Second, Just as PV technology improvements
the U.S. power grid is not yet well led to a significant drop in total solar
equipped to handle surges or quick system costs and a dramatic jump in
declines in power supply or demand U.S. installations, further improve-
leaving many utilities unsure about ments in storage technologies will
solar power’s impact on the grid. open up opportunity for the solar
Commercialized energy storage industry to expand and meet more of
solutions solve these problems and our energy needs. ◑
Covering every aspect of the power generation industry, POWER-GEN International, NUCLEAR POWER International,
Renewable Energy World Conference & Expo North America and POWER-GEN Financial Forum converge in 2013 to
form POWER GENERATION WEEK. Beneft from fve days packed with pre-conference workshops, technical tours,
over 70 conference sessions, panel discussions, three exhibition days and multiple networking events. Like never
before, you’ll have access to nearly every facet of the market – all under one roof.
Services .................................104 Security fencing ...................... 106 Swimming pool systems ......... 110 Hybrid systems ....................... 112
Certification ............................ 104 Solar-powered boats ............... 106 Equipment ...........................110 Lighting .................................. 112
Construction ........................... 104 Solar-powered cars ................. 106 Marine ................................... 112
Absorber surfaces ................... 110
Consultancy ........................... 104 Space technology ................... 106 Offshore wind ........................ 112
Anti-corrosion additives .......... 110
Contract R&D ......................... 104 Stand-alone systems ............... 106 Other ..................................... 112
Collectors ............................... 110
Design .................................... 104 Telecommunications ............... 106 Pumping ................................. 113
Concentrators ......................... 110
Documentation ...................... 104 Vaccine and medical Seawater desalination ............. 113
Controllers .............................. 110
Equipment and component refrigeration ........................ 106 Stand-alone systems ............... 113
Heat exchangers ..................... 110
suppliers .............................. 104 Water pumping ...................... 106 Telecommunications ............... 113
Heat pipes .............................. 110
Feasibility studies .................... 104 Equipment ...........................106 Heat storage ........................... 110 Equipment ...........................113
Financial advice ...................... 104 Array support structures ......... 106 Heat transfer equipment ......... 110 Batteries ................................. 113
Installation .............................. 104 Arrays ..................................... 106 Heliostats ............................... 110 Blade protection ..................... 113
Maintenance .......................... 104 Batteries ................................. 106 Monitoring equipment ........... 110 Blades ..................................... 113
Monitoring ............................. 104 Cabling ................................... 107 Other ..................................... 110 Brakes .................................... 113
Other ..................................... 104 Cells ....................................... 107 Pumps .................................... 110 Cabling ................................... 113
Product sourcing..................... 104 Charge controllers .................. 107 Reflectors ............................... 110 Clutches ................................. 113
Project management............... 104 Coating equipment ................. 107 Selective absorber surfaces ..... 110 Controllers .............................. 113
Software ................................. 104 Concentrators ......................... 107 Solarimeters ............................ 110 Couplings ............................... 113
Testing.................................... 104 Data loggers ........................... 107 Solar radiation measuring ....... 110 Data loggers ........................... 113
Training .................................. 104 Electrolysers ............................ 107 Storage tanks ......................... 111 Direction and windspeed
Upgrading .............................. 104 Energy storage........................ 107 Temperature measuring sensors; anemometers ......... 113
Generator controllers .............. 107 equipment ........................... 111 Direction vanes ....................... 113
PASSIVE SOLAR ............ 104 Heliostats ............................... 107 Thermosiphoning systems ...... 111 Foundations ........................... 113
Applications ........................104 Ingots ..................................... 107 Thermostats ........................... 111 Gear units ............................... 113
Air conditioning ...................... 104 Inverters ................................. 107 Transparent insulation............. 111 Generators ............................. 113
Cooling .................................. 104 Low-voltage DC equipment ... 107 Valves ..................................... 111 Horizontal axis large
Daylighting ............................. 104 Modules ................................. 107 Services .................................111 turbines (>1 MW) ............... 113
Heating .................................. 104 Monitoring equipment ........... 107 Horizontal axis medium turbines
Certification ............................ 111
Other ..................................... 104 Mounting systems hardware... 107 (100 kW to 1 MW) ............. 113
Consultancy ........................... 111
Passive ventilation .................. 104 Other ..................................... 108 Horizontal axis other .............. 113
Contract R&D ......................... 111
Solar neighbourhood design ... 104 Pumps .................................... 108 Horizontal axis small
Design .................................... 111
Solar radiation measuring ....... 108 turbines (5 to 99 kW) .......... 113
Equipment ...........................104 Testing equipment .................. 108
Feasibility studies .................... 111
Horizontal axis very small
Curtain walling systems .......... 104 Financial advice ...................... 111
Tracking systems..................... 108 turbines (<5 kW) ................. 113
Heat storage ........................... 104 Installation .............................. 111
Wafers.................................... 108 Hubs ...................................... 113
Other ..................................... 104 Maintenance .......................... 111
Passive solar water heaters ..... 104 Services .................................108 Monitoring ............................. 111
Hydraulic systems ................... 113
Inverters ................................. 113
Solar air heating panels ........... 104 Certification ............................ 108 Other ..................................... 111
Masts ..................................... 113
Transparent insulation............. 104 Consultancy ........................... 108 Product sourcing..................... 111
Monitoring equipment ........... 114
Contract R&D ......................... 108 Project management............... 111
Services .................................104 Data logging .......................... 108 Repair ..................................... 111
Other ..................................... 114
Consultancy ........................... 104 Torque-limiting drives ............. 114
Design .................................... 108 Software ................................. 111
Design .................................... 105 Towers.................................... 114
Documentation ...................... 108 Suppliers of equipment
Feasibility studies .................... 105 Vertical axis small
Feasibility studies .................... 108 and components.................. 111
Financial advice ...................... 105 turbines (5 to 99 kW) .......... 114
Financial advice ...................... 108 Testing.................................... 111
Installation .............................. 105 Information ............................ 108 Training .................................. 111 Services .................................114
Monitoring ............................. 105 Installation .............................. 109 Certification ............................ 114
Other ..................................... 105 Maintenance .......................... 109 WAVE AND TIDAL Consultancy ........................... 114
Product sourcing..................... 105
Testing.................................... 105
Monitoring ............................. 109 ENERGY .......................... 111 Contract R&D ......................... 114
Other ..................................... 109 Data analysis .......................... 114
Training .................................. 105 Product sourcing..................... 109
Equipment ...........................111 Data logging .......................... 114
Project management............... 109 Generators ............................. 111 Design .................................... 114
PHOTOVOLTAICS ........ 105 Software ................................. 109 Offshore devices..................... 111 Distribution ............................ 114
Applications ........................105 Suppliers of systems and Other ..................................... 111 Documentation ...................... 114
components ........................ 109 Pumps .................................... 112 Environmental impact
Battery charging ..................... 105
Testing.................................... 109 Turbines.................................. 112 assessment .......................... 114
Battery charging (marine) ....... 105
Training .................................. 109 Valves ..................................... 112 Feasibility studies .................... 115
Building facades ..................... 105
Wave height gauges ............... 112 Financial advice ...................... 115
Building integration ................ 105
Cathodic protection ................ 105 SOLAR THERMAL ........ 109 Services .................................112 Information ............................ 115
Consumer products ................ 105 Applications ........................109 Computer modelling ............... 112 Installation .............................. 115
Cooling .................................. 105 Air conditioning ...................... 109 Consultancy ........................... 112 Insurance ................................ 115
Desalination ........................... 105 Combined systems ................. 109 Contract R&D ......................... 112 Monitoring ............................. 115
Energy storage........................ 105 Cooling systems ..................... 109 Design .................................... 112 Other ..................................... 115
Grid-connected systems ......... 105 Crop drying ............................ 109 Environmental monitoring ...... 112 Planning permission ................ 115
Hybrid systems ....................... 105 Desalination ........................... 110 Feasibility studies .................... 112 Product sourcing..................... 115
Irrigation ................................ 105 District heating ....................... 110 Financial advice ...................... 112 Project management............... 115
Lighting .................................. 105 Domestic hot water ................ 110 Installation .............................. 112 Repair ..................................... 115
Monitoring stations ................ 106 Energy storage........................ 110 Other ..................................... 112 Site evaluation ........................ 115
Navigational aids .................... 106 Industrial process heat ............ 110 Project management............... 112 Software ................................. 115
Other ..................................... 106 Large scale water heating ....... 110 Wave measurements .............. 112 Testing.................................... 115
PV cell/module manufacturing Other ..................................... 110 Training .................................. 115
equipment ........................... 106 Packaged systems ................... 110 WIND ENERGY ............. 112 Turbine design ........................ 115
PV-hydrogen applications ....... 106 Power generation ................... 110 Applications ........................112 Turbine testing........................ 115
Refrigeration .......................... 106 Self-assembly systems ............ 110 Upgrading .............................. 115
Battery charging ..................... 112
Roof tiles ................................ 106 Space heating ......................... 110 Wind farm development ......... 115
Energy storage........................ 112
Rural electrification ................. 106 Stoves .................................... 110 Wind tunnel analysis............... 115
Grid-connected systems ......... 112
Parsons Brinckerhoff (UK) Milestones Building and West Pomerenian University of Lapesa Grupo Empresarial SL -
Proplan Ltd (CY) Design (US) Technology (PL) LAPESA (ES)
Recovered Energy Inc (US) Pipal Ltd (KE) Rely (UK) Precision Castings (UK)
Progetto Energia Srl (IT) CONTROL GEAR Super Radiator Coils (US)
SOFTWARE Solar Turbines (US) DEIF (UK) Ltd (UK) UNEX Scambio Termico Srl (IT)
SimTech Simulation Southwest Research Institute (US) Turbine Controls Ltd (UK)
Technology (AT) Universidad Autonoma METERS
Metropolitana-Iztapalapa -
Clyde Bergemann Bachmann DEIF (UK) Ltd (UK)
Alpine Components (UK) Inc (US)
EC Power A/S (DK) MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH (DE) OTHER
TRAINING See ad page 67 AEGIS Bearing Protection
Freesen and Partner GmbH (DE) OTHER Spilling Energie Systeme Rings (US)
CH2M HILL (US) GmbH (DE) American Crane & Equipment
TURNKEY Clyde Bergemann Bachmann UT99 AG Oil Mist Corp (US)
CONTRACTORS Inc (US) Eliminators (CH) Baltimore Aircoil International NV
Aquatech International Corp (US) Golden Eagle Technologies Yanmar America (US) - BAC (BE)
Cambridge Project Development LLC (US) Clyde Bergemann Bachmann
Inc (US) SSS Clutch Co Inc (US) GAS COMPRESSORS Inc (US)
CH2M HILL (US) UT99 AG Oil Mist Atlas Copco Construction Mining Conax Technologies (US)
CPS Environmental (UK) Eliminators (CH) Technique USA LLC (US)
Craft Bearing Co Inc (US)
DEE Development Engineers Voith Turbo BHS Getriebe Dresser-Rand (US)
Deftec SPRL (BE)
Ltd (IN) GmbH (DE) Dresser-Rand Co Ltd (UK)
Electroswitch (US)
EMGroup BV (NL) See ad page 15
GenerPro AB (SE)
Gibraltar Chimney
EC Power A/S (DK)
Gas Compressors Ltd (UK)
John Crane (US)
International (US)
Glaunach GmbH (AT)
APPLICATIONS Golden Eagle Technologies MAN Diesel & Turbo SE (DE)
H&L Instruments LLC (US)
LLC (US) Neuman & Esser USA Inc (US)
Indiana Gratings Pvt Ltd (IN)
AGRICULTURE Schutte & Koerting (US)
Abou Walid Group (TN) STEAM GENERATION Vooner FloGard Corp (US)
International Chimney Corp (US)
BGF Europe SA (AR) ITH Engineering Inc (US)
Alturdyne (US)
CFE (MX) Detroit Stoker Co (US) GENERATORS Kingsbury Inc (US)
John Crane (US) Atlas Copco Construction Mining Neuman & Esser USA Inc (US)
Jonas Inc (US) Technique USA LLC (US) Rely (UK) Precision Castings (UK)
EC Power A/S (DK)
KARA Energy Systems BV (NL) Babcock Power Inc (US) Solectria Renewables LLC (US)
Milestones Building and
Design (US) Pipal Ltd (KE) BRUSH Turbogenerators Inc (US) UT99 AG Oil Mist
Spilling Energie Systeme CFE (MX) Eliminators (CH)
Pipal Ltd (KE)
GmbH (DE) Clyde Bergemann Bachmann
Seawater Greenhouse Ltd (UK) PACKAGED PLANTS
Voith Turbo BHS Getriebe UT99 AG Oil Mist Inc (US)
Alturdyne (US)
GmbH (DE) Eliminators (CH) DFME Sp zoo (PL)
Bowman Power Group Ltd (UK)
Eneco Systems Inc (CA)
Wavelength Electronics Inc (US)
ETW Energietechnik GmbH (DE)
Willett and Son Bristol Ltd (UK)
Hurst Boiler & Welding Co
BOILERS Green Orkney Tours (UK)
Inc (US)
COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS Biomass Briquette Systems Helmick Corp (US) See ad page 64
EC Power A/S (DK) LLC (US) International Generator Technical Project Risk Ltd (US)
Kyoto Energy Pte Ltd (SG) Bono Energia SpA (IT) Community (US)
Rely (UK) Precision Castings (UK)
Milestones Building and Bosch Industriekessel GmbH (DE) Leroy Somer (FR)
Design (US)
Cleaver-Brooks Engineered Boiler Lloyd Dynamowerke GmbH & Co PIPING
Power Panel Inc (US) Systems (US) KG (DE) Biomass Briquette Systems
Ebner Vyncke (US) Mersen France Amiens (FR) LLC (US)
HOSPITALS MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH (DE)
ERI (Energy Recovery Croll-Reynolds Engineering Co
Atilgan Danismanlik Energy (TR) See ad page 67
International) (US) Inc (US)
EC Power A/S (DK) National Electric Coil (US)
FlaktWoods (US)
Solar Turbines (US)
Helmick Corp (US) Power Panel Inc (US) SWITCHGEAR
E Van Wingen NV (BE) AMWEI Thermistor (CN)
HOTELS Indiana Gratings Pvt Ltd (IN)
Electroswitch (US)
NATCOM (CA) Yanmar America (US)
Solar Turbines (US)
Maven Power (US)
Outotec Energy Products (US)
INDUSTRIAL PLANTS Rely (UK) Precision Castings (UK)
HEAT EXCHANGERS Phoenix Electric Corp (US)
AMWEI Thermistor (CN)
CH2M HILL (US) Siempelkamp Maschinen-und
Babcock Power Inc (US) TURBINES
Clyde Bergemann Bachmann Anlagenbau GmbH & Co
Energy Recovery Solution (CA) ap+m (US)
Inc (US) KG (DE)
Heatec Inc (US) Bowman Power Group Ltd (UK)
Helmick Corp (US) Thorne International Boiler
Joseph Oat Corp (US) Burns & McDonnell (US)
Jonas Inc (US) Services Ltd (UK)
BWD Turbines Ltd (CA)
Clyde Bergemann Bachmann Darley & Associates (UK) FINANCIAL ADVICE Environmental Alternatives
Inc (US) E4tech (CH) Burns & McDonnell (US) Inc (US)
Continental Field Systems Inc (US) E4tech (UK) Energy4All Ltd (UK) Forecast International (US)
Deftec SPRL (BE) Electroswitch (US) Morrison & Kibbey Ltd (US) GenerPro AB (SE)
Dresser-Rand (US) Enertegic (US)
Dresser-Rand Co Ltd (UK) Environmental Alternatives
Vireo Energy Financial (US)
See ad page 15 Inc (US) INSTALLATION Everest Sciences Inc (US)
Eneco Systems Inc (CA) EscoVale Consultancy Burkhalter (US) Gas Compressors Ltd (UK)
Everest Sciences Inc (US) Services (UK) Century Elevators (US)
Green Orkney Tours (UK) Forecast International (US) Continental Field Systems Inc (US)
Aquatech International Corp (US)
HITEC Sensor Solutions Inc (US) Golden Eagle Technologies Dresser-Rand Co Ltd (UK)
Atilgan Danismanlik Energy (TR)
International Power Machinery LLC (US) See ad page 15
Boyle Energy Services &
Co (US) Integrated CHP Systems Ebner Vyncke (US)
Technology (US)
MAN Diesel & Turbo SE (DE) Corp (US) Hyundai Heavy Industries (KP)
Maven Power (US) Jonas Inc (US) Maven Power (US)
Hyundai Heavy Industries (KP)
Spilling Energie Systeme Metrologie et Gestion Phoenix Electric Corp (US)
d’Environnement - MGE (BE) Integrated CHP Systems
GmbH (DE) E Van Wingen NV (BE) Corp (US)
SSS Clutch Co Inc (US) Ramboll (DK)
Parsons Brinckerhoff (UK)
Stork Turbo Blading (US) RJM Associates (US) MAINTENANCE
UT99 AG Oil Mist Romanian Energy Regulatory ap+m (US) SOFTWARE
Eliminators (CH) Authority - ANRE (RO) BWD Turbines Ltd (CA) Fluke Corp (US)
West Pomerenian University of Valentin Software (Dr Valentin Century Elevators (US) SimTech Simulation
Technology (PL) EnergieSoftware GmbH) (DE) Clyde Bergemann Bachmann Technology (AT)
Vireo Energy Financial (US) Inc (US) Turbine Controls Ltd (UK)
VALVES Continental Field Systems Inc (US)
Clyde Bergemann Bachmann CONTRACT ENERGY Dresser-Rand (US)
Valentin Software (Dr Valentin
EnergieSoftware GmbH) (DE)
Inc (US) MANAGEMENT Dresser-Rand Co Ltd (UK)
Flowserve Corp (US) Atilgan Danismanlik Energy (TR)
Gibraltar Chimney TARIFF ANALYSIS
John Crane (US) PDR Associates (Renewable)
Rely (UK) Precision Castings (UK) CONTRACT R&D International (US)
International Generator Technical Inc (US)
Rotork Plc (UK) Forecast International (US)
Community (US)
Schutte & Koerting (US) Integrated CHP Systems
Corp (US) BWD Turbines Ltd (CA)
STEJASA Agregados Industriales NAES Corp (US)
SA (ES) Cressall Resistors (UK)
Fluke Corp (US)
SERVICES Aquatech International Corp (US) Square Two Lubrication Ltd/
SimTech Simulation
Babcock Power Inc (US) Memolub HPS Lubricators (UK)
Technology (AT)
CERTIFICATION Burns & McDonnell (US) Thorne International Boiler
Services Ltd (UK) TESEO SpA (IT)
Romanian Energy Regulatory CH2M HILL (US)
Authority - ANRE (RO) Turbine Controls Ltd (UK) Water Weights Inc (US)
Dresser-Rand Co Ltd (UK)
E Van Wingen NV (BE)
See ad page 15 TRAINING
Ebner Vyncke (US)
Burns & McDonnell (US)
Golden Eagle Technologies
MONITORING Global Training Solutions Inc (CA)
CH2M HILL (US) Alpine Components (UK) Industrial Training Consultants
LLC (US) Inc (US)
Dresser-Rand Co Ltd (UK) cmc Instruments GmbH (DE)
Harris Group Inc (US) Lithuanian Energy Institute -
See ad page 15 DEIF (UK) Ltd (UK)
Integrated CHP Systems LEI (LT)
Ebner Vyncke (US) Corp (US) EA Technology (Europe) Ltd (UK)
Gibraltar Chimney PDR Associates (Renewable) Golden Eagle Technologies TURNKEY
International (US) Inc (US) LLC (US)
Hyundai Heavy Industries (KP) Phoenix Electric Corp (US) Meggitt Sensing Systems (CH)
Mortenson Construction (US)
Milestones Building and Progetto Energia Srl (IT) Muis Controls Ltd (CA)
Design (US) SimTech Simulation
Spilling Energie Systeme VendorAZ (PK)
Niagara Worldwide (US) GmbH (DE) Technology (AT)
S&B Engineers and Turbine Controls Ltd (UK) SymCom Inc (US)
Constructors (US) Water Weights Inc (US) DISTRICT HEATING
PanGlobal Training Systems OPERATING AND
Advanced Engineering Srl (IT)
Atilgan Danismanlik Energy (TR)
Biomass Briquette Systems
Antares Group Inc (US) FEASIBILITY STUDIES Javno Podjetje Energetika
Bridgestone Associates Ltd (US) The Cool Solutions Co (US) Ljubljana doo (SI)
Bono Energia SpA (IT)
BSRIA Ltd (UK) CSD Ingenieure AG (CH)
Burns & McDonnell (US) Harris Group Inc (US) OTHER Bosch Industriekessel GmbH (DE)
Aquatech International Corp (US) Cleaver-Brooks Engineered Boiler
Continental Field Systems Inc (US) Integrated CHP Systems
Clyde Bergemann Bachmann Systems (US)
Conversion And Resource Corp (US)
Inc (US) Edwards Hot Water (AU)
Evaluation Ltd (UK) Maven Power (US)
MTS Sensor Technologie GmbH & CDM Smith (US) European Small Hydropower Seawater Greenhouse Ltd (UK)
Co KG (DE) Inset (RU) Association - ESHA (BE) University of Valladolid - UVA (ES)
Openchannelfow (US) MWH Global (US) Everglades University (US)
Tech Products Inc (US) Orbital2 Ltd (UK) See ad page 10 HEATING
WINDSL Ltd (IL) POSjoman Hydrotech GCube Insurance Services Inc (US) Breaux Consulting (US)
Consulting (CA) National Hydropower Suleyman Demirel
POWERHOUSES PXL Seals (FR) Association (US) Universitesi (TR)
Combustion Technologies Pvt Search Hydro Ltd (UK)
Weir American Hydro (US)
Deprofundis SARL (FR) POSjoman Hydrotech Acpsol Energia Solar SL (ES)
DOCUMENTATION Consulting (CA) Enertegic (US)
REMOTE MONITORING Inset (RU) PumpScout (US) International Solar Energy Society
Campbell Scientifc Ltd (UK) PROJECT MANAGEMENT SEADS Solar (US)
Write_on (UK)
Carlos Bertschi Srl (AR) Boyle Energy Services & Solar Illuminations (US)
Technology (US)
Comptus (US) EQUIPMENT AND White Design Associates Ltd (UK)
Inset (RU)
Eijkelkamp Agrisearch COMPONENT SUPPLIERS
Equipment (NL) Canyon Industries Inc (US)
Electroswitch (US) POSjoman Hydrotech Suleyman Demirel
Dependable Turbines Ltd (CA)
H&L Instruments LLC (US) Consulting (CA) Universitesi (TR)
Fish Guidance Systems Ltd (UK)
LUDECA Inc (US) Renewables for Development -
PT Gerbang Multindo
Meggitt Sensing Systems (CH) Nusantara (ID)
TESEO SpA (IT) Magnetic Div Global Equipment DESIGN
Wasserkraft Volk AG - WKV (DE) Mktg Inc (US) SOFTWARE BEAR Architecten BV (NL)
Weir American Hydro (US) Casco Systems LLC (US)
PumpScout (US)
Carlos Bertschi Srl (AR) FEASIBILITY STUDIES Solar Illuminations (US)
Openchannelfow (US) Inset (RU) TESTING EQUIPMENT
MWH Global (US)
SERVICES PDR Associates (Renewable)
Cressall Resistors (UK)
Inspecteam Hydro (UK)
Water Weights Inc (US) SYSTEMS
POSjoman Hydrotech PES UK Ltd (UK)
Romanian Energy Regulatory
Authority - ANRE (RO)
Consulting (CA) TRAINING
Search Hydro Ltd (UK) GSE Systems Inc (US) HEAT STORAGE
Water Weights Inc (US)
Water Recycle Group Australia Pty Industrial Training Consultants Near East University (TR)
POSjoman Hydrotech Mersen France Amiens (FR)
Consulting (CA)
FINANCIAL ADVICE Frako Capacitors (US)
Norconsult AS (NO)
The Black Emerald Group (UK) Hollaender Manufacturing (US)
Water Recycle Group Australia Pty
Ltd (AU)
Solar Illuminations (US)
Ampirical Solutions LLC (US)
Deprofundis SARL (FR)
Frako Capacitors (US)
Burkhalter (US)
Inset (RU)
Platypus Power (AU) Advanced Solar Voltaic Sdn
MWH Global (US) MWH Global (US)
POSjoman Hydrotech Bhd (MY)
Navigant (US) POSjoman Hydrotech
Consulting (CA) Integrated Solar LLC (US)
NIRAS A/S (DK) Consulting (CA)
Prudent Living Inc (US) Solairgen (US)
Norconsult AS (NO)
PXL Seals (FR) Sun King Inc (US)
POSjoman Hydrotech
Search Hydro Ltd (UK) PASSIVE SOLAR
RforD (DE)
Continental Field Systems Inc (US) ETS Energy Store LLC (US)
Inset (RU) Near East University (TR)
Structural Integrity Associates CFE (MX)
NAES Corp (US)
Inc (US)
National Electric Coil (US)
Pfannenberg Inc (US) TRANSPARENT
Tom Jardine (UK)
Water Recycle Group Australia Pty AI Technology Inc (US)
PLI LLC (US) Acpsol Energia Solar SL (ES)
Ltd (AU)
POSjoman Hydrotech ETS Energy Store LLC (US) SERVICES
CONTRACT R&D Consulting (CA) Pfannenberg Inc (US)
Deprofundis SARL (FR) Seawater Greenhouse Ltd (UK) CONSULTANCY
MONITORING Advanced Engineering Srl (IT)
Inset (RU) Suleyman Demirel
Meggitt Sensing Systems (CH)
Platypus Power (AU) Universitesi (TR) BEAR Architecten BV (NL)
Muis Controls Ltd (CA)
Breaux Consulting (US)
Canyon Industries Inc (US) Almeco Solar (DE)
InterEnergy Srl (IT)
Casco Systems LLC (US)
Aire Industrial (US)
Malaviya Solar Energy SolarOne Solutions Inc (US) DESALINATION Third Sun Solar and Wind Power
Consultancy (IN) Suleyman Demirel DWC DecRen Water Consult (DE) Ltd (US)
Michael Stavy Energy Universitesi (TR) Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias UL Underwriters
Economist (US) Sunrnr of Virginia Inc (US) - ITC (ES) Laboratories (US)
T4 Sustainability Ltd (UK) Tamura Corp (US) See ad page 27
Malaviya Solar Energy
US Battery (US) Consultancy (IN) Universidad Autonoma
DESIGN Metropolitana-Iztapalapa -
CEM Design Architects (US) (MARINE) University of Valladolid - UVA (ES)
Construire en Mélèze (FR) Advanced Solar Voltaic Sdn
PowerPod Corp (US) Bhd (MY) HYBRID SYSTEMS
Stellar Sun (US) BZ Products Inc (US) Centrosolar America Inc (US)
ETS Energy Store LLC (US) CFE (MX)
FEASIBILITY STUDIES SolarOne Solutions Inc (US) EaglePicher Technologies LLC (US)
Demand Energy (US)
North Energy Associates Ltd (UK) Superwind GmbH (DE) EV Solar Products Inc (US)
Techno Sun SLU (ES) Malaviya Solar Energy
FINANCIAL ADVICE EaglePicher Technologies LLC (US)
Consultancy (IN)
US Battery (US)
Centrosolar AG (DE) The Solar BiZ (US)
INSTALLATION Atlantis Energy Systems Inc (US)
Esdec (ClickFit) (NL) Burnham & Sun (US) Solar Design Associates LLC (US)
Acpsol Energia Solar SL (ES)
GB-Sol Ltd (UK) Centrosolar AG (DE) Solartronic SA de CV (MX)
MONITORING Hocking County Community Centrosolar America Inc (US) Stellar Sun (US)
Muis Controls Ltd (CA) Improvement Corp (US) Day4 Energy Inc (CA) Studer Innotec SA (CH)
OAI (US) InterPhases Solar Inc (US) Dynatex SA (CH) Superwind GmbH (DE)
JENOPTIK I Lasers & Material Enviro - Energy Technologies Techno Sun SLU (ES)
OTHER Processing (DE) Inc (CA) VendorAZ (PK)
GET ENERGY Gerhard Brandel M & Architects Consulting Fronius Canada Ltd (CA)
MA (DE) Environment (MX) Geospec Enterprises (IN) IRRIGATION
International Solar Energy Society Multi-Contact AG (CH) Going Solar (AU) Near East University (TR)
- ISES (DE) See ad page 19 Hocking County Community Solar Water Technologies (US)
Solar Illuminations (US) Improvement Corp (US)
Ing-Buero fuer Alternative
GmbH (DE) Atlantis Energy Systems Inc (US) Acpsol Energia Solar SL (ES)
Antriebe und Erneuerbare
See ad page 43 BEAR Architecten BV (NL) Energien (DE) Agni Solar Systems Pvt Ltd (IN)
Centrosolar AG (DE) InterPhases Solar Inc (US) BC Renewable Innovations
PRODUCT SOURCING Energy Environmental Technical LLC (US)
Kyocera Solar Pty Ltd (AU)
ETS Energy Store LLC (US) Services Ltd - EETS (UK) Blue Sky Energy (US)
Lake Michigan Wind & Sun Ltd -
GB-Sol Ltd (UK) Currin Corp (US)
TESTING Mobasolar USA (US)
Diamond Flashlights Inc (US)
OAI (US) Multi-Contact AG (CH)
SEADS Solar (US) See ad page 19 Energies Services - ENERSER (MR)
TRAINING Solar Design Associates LLC (US) Murphy International Enviro - Energy Technologies
Solarexpo (IT) Development LLC (US) Inc (CA)
Rich Hessler Business
Development (US) Third Sun Solar and Wind Power Orion Solar Racking (US) Geospec Enterprises (IN)
Ltd (US) Parker Hannifn (US) PT Gerbang Multindo
WIP-Munich (DE) Nusantara (ID)
PHOTOVOLTAICS See ad page 73
Positive Energy Solar (US)
APPLICATIONS CATHODIC PROTECTION Quanta Power Generation (US) Kaushal Solar Equipments (P)
Ltd (IN)
Renewable Energy Technology
BZ Products Inc (US)
BATTERY CHARGING Group Ltd (US) Patriot Solar Group (US)
Suleyman Demirel PT Sundaya Indonesia (ID)
Abraham Solar Equipment (US)
Universitesi (TR) Solar Electric Power Co -
Atlantis Energy Systems Inc (US)
Auroville Energy Products (IN) CONSUMER PRODUCTS Solaris Energy Systems (IE)
BC Renewable Innovations Agni Solar Systems Pvt Ltd (IN)
LLC (US) SolarOne Solutions Inc (US)
Esdec (ClickFit) (NL)
Blue Sky Energy (US) SolarShop (UK)
INPRO Solar Systems (DE) Shoals Technologies Group (US)
BZ Products Inc (US) Solartronic SA de CV (MX)
InterPhases Solar Inc (US)
Clean Energies (MA) SMA America LLC (US) Sol Inc (US)
Solar Energy Advocacy (UG)
CPL Energy Systems (UK) Solairgen (US) Suleyman Demirel
Solaris Energy Systems (IE)
Diamond Flashlights Inc (US) Solarexpo (IT) Universitesi (TR)
SolarOne Solutions Inc (US)
EFACEC Sistemas de Electrónica SolarShop (UK) TWR Lighting Inc (US)
SolarShop (UK)
SA (PT) Solera Sustainable Energies Co WIP-Munich (DE)
See ad page 73
Energies Services - ENERSER (MR) COOLING Ltd (CA)
Kaushal Solar Equipments (P) Sunera Distribution Pte Ltd (SG) Z-LASER Optoelektronik
AI Technology Inc (US)
Ltd (IN) GmbH (DE)
Near East University (TR) SunPower-Tenesol (FR)
R&G Energy Systems (NZ)
The Solar BiZ (US) Global Wedge Inc (US) Patriot Solar Group (US) Slovak University of Technology
Solar Bob Ltd (CI) Science Applications International Phoenix Solar AG (DE) Bratislava (SK)
Trojan Battery Co (US) Corp (US) Power-One Inc (US) Solabat SL (ES)
Titan Tracker (ES) See ad page 1 Solar Bob Ltd (CI)
CABLING ReneSola (US) Solar Pro Mexico (MX)
American Wire Group (US) DATA LOGGERS SMA America LLC (US) SolarShop (UK)
Centrosolar AG (DE) Campbell Scientifc Ltd (UK) Solabat SL (ES) Solar Systems Australia (AU)
Conergy Inc (US) Centrosolar AG (DE) Solairgen (US) Solera Sustainable Energies Co
K-Sun Corp (US) Draker (US) The Solar BiZ (US) Ltd (CA)
Multi-Contact AG (CH) Fronius Canada Ltd (CA) Solaredge Technologies (US) Sunera Distribution Pte Ltd (SG)
See ad page 19 HIOKI EE Corp (JP) Solar Electric Specialists Ltd (NZ)
Shoals Technologies Group (US) Optosolar GmbH (DE) Solar Pro Mexico (MX)
SOURIAU (US) Shoals Technologies Group (US) Solar Systems Australia (AU)
Stellar Sun (US) Symmetron Electronic Advanced Energy (US)
Solar Tracking by SolaRichard (US)
Venture Mfg Co (US) Applications (GR) See ad page 6
Solartronic SA de CV (MX)
WIP-Munich (DE) Bonfglioli USA (US)
Solera Sustainable Energies Co
CELLS See ad page 73 Dark Field Technologies Inc (US)
Ltd (CA)
AIXTRON Inc (US) Delta Ohm (IT)
Canadian Solar USA Inc (US) ELECTROLYSERS Sputnik Engineering AG
Draker (US)
(SolarMax) (CH)
CVD Equipment Corp (US) Para-Coat Technologies Inc (US) EFACEC Sistemas de Electrónica
See ad page 89
Day4 Energy Inc (CA) SA (PT)
Elettrorava SpA (IT) Studer Innotec SA (CH) Eko Instruments Co Ltd (JP)
EaglePicher Technologies LLC (US)
EMCORE Corp (US) Techno Sun SLU (ES) Fronius Canada Ltd (CA)
ReneSola (US)
Solaredge Technologies (US)
ETS Energy Store LLC (US) LOW-VOLTAGE DC Ingenieria de Equipos de Control
Mersen France Amiens (FR) CONTROLLERS BC Renewable Innovations KACO new energy GmbH (DE)
Motech Industries Inc (TW) LLC (US) See ad page 2
DEIF (UK) Ltd (UK)
Para-Coat Technologies Inc (US) Diamond Flashlights Inc (US) KACO new energy Inc (US)
PV Insider (UK) HELIOSTATS Electronic Drives & Controls (US) MKS Instruments Inc (US)
ReneSola (US) SOURIAU (US) Kepco Inc (US) Power-One Inc (US)
Schools and Homes Energy Titan Tracker (ES) Kolektor Magma doo (SI) See ad page 1
Education Project/Solar- PT Sundaya Indonesia (ID) PV Measurements Inc (US)
Active (UK) INGOTS Shoals Technologies Group (US) PV-plan (DE)
Slovak University of Technology Targray Technology International Solaris Energy Systems (IE) Raytek Corp (US)
Bratislava (SK) Inc (CA)
Solar Systems Australia (AU)
Solabat SL (ES)
INVERTERS Tamura Corp (US)
SolData Instruments (DK)
Advanced Energy (US)
Atlantis Energy Systems Inc (US)
Auroville Energy Products (IN) ASP AG (CH)
Canadian Solar USA Inc (US) Shoals Technologies Group (US)
BC Renewable Innovations Auroville Energy Products (IN)
Centrosolar AG (DE)
LLC (US) Auxin Solar LLC (US)
Centrosolar America Inc (US) Solaredge Technologies (US)
Blue Sky Energy (US) Bonfglioli USA (US)
Clean Energies (MA) Tamura Corp (US)
BZ Products Inc (US) Burnham & Sun (US)
Conergy Inc (US) University of Valladolid - UVA (ES)
Enviro - Energy Technologies Centrosolar AG (DE)
CRTSE - Semiconductor
Inc (CA) Conergy Inc (US)
Technology for Energetic (DZ) MOUNTING SYSTEMS
Ingenieria de Equipos de Control EFACEC Sistemas de Electrónica
Day4 Energy Inc (CA) HARDWARE
SL - INDECON (ES) SA (PT) AET - Applied Energy
Morningstar Corp (US) Electronic Drives & Controls (US) Technologies (US)
Empire Clean Energy Supply (US)
OPAL-RT Technologies (CA) Empire Clean Energy Supply (US) BURNDY (US)
Energy Environmental Technical
Solar Systems Australia (AU) Fronius Canada Ltd (CA) Cantsink Manufacturing (US)
Services Ltd - EETS (UK)
Solartronic SA de CV (MX) KACO new energy GmbH (DE) EcoFasten Solar (US)
Enviro - Energy Technologies
Studer Innotec SA (CH) See ad page 2 Empire Clean Energy Supply (US)
Inc (CA)
Suleyman Demirel KACO new energy Inc (US) EXOSUN (US)
Universitesi (TR) Kemery Co (US) Ideematec Deutschland
Esdec (ClickFit) (NL)
Kolektor Magma doo (SI) GmbH (DE)
GB-Sol Ltd (UK)
COATING EQUIPMENT Kyocera Solar Pty Ltd (AU) Kemery Co (US)
Global Wedge Inc (US)
AIXTRON Inc (US) Mobasolar (FR) Legrand (US)
Kemery Co (US)
CRTSE - Semiconductor Morningstar Corp (US) LINAK US Inc (US)
Technology for Energetic (DZ) Kyocera Solar Pty Ltd (AU)
Motech Industries Inc (TW) PanelClaw Inc (US)
Elettrorava SpA (IT) Mobasolar (FR)
Nova Electric (US) Quick Mount PV (US)
IK4-Tekniker Research Centre (ES) Motech Industries Inc (TW)
OPAL-RT Technologies (CA) Shoals Technologies Group (US)
Phoenix Solar AG (DE)
Orion Solar Racking (US)
CONCENTRATORS Power Panel Inc (US) Solabat SL (ES)
Parker Hannifn (US) Solar Clam-P (US)
EMCORE Corp (US) ReneSola (US)
SolarDock (US) Slovak University of Technology Minder Energy Consulting (CH) Patriot Solar Group (US)
Unirac Inc (US) Bratislava (SK) Mobasolar USA (US) PV-plan (DE)
See ad page CV2 Wavelength Electronics Inc (US) Navigant (US) PVsyst SA (CH)
Venture Mfg Co (US) Novator Advanced Technology See ad page 71
TRACKING SYSTEMS Consulting (DK) SAGE Energy Inc (CA)
OTHER Ideematec Deutschland Parsons Brinckerhoff (UK) Savco Solar Energy (CY)
BZ Products Inc (US) GmbH (DE)
Phoenix Solar AG (DE) Silk Road Solar Africa (US)
Comdel Inc (US) Unirac Inc (US)
PRé Consultants BV (NL) Solar Consultants Ltd (UK)
Dark Field Technologies Inc (US) See ad page CV2
PV Insider (UK) Solar Electric Power Co -
Day4 Energy Inc (CA)
WAFERS PV Measurements Inc (US) SEPCO (US)
DEHN Inc (US) PV-plan (DE) Solar Electric Specialists Ltd (NZ)
Canadian Solar USA Inc (US)
FLEXcon (US) SEADS Solar (US) Solar Systems Australia (AU)
Frako Capacitors (US) Solar Consultants Ltd (UK) Solar UK Ltd (UK)
Para-Coat Technologies Inc (US)
Hollaender Manufacturing (US) Solar UK Ltd (UK) SOLON (US)
ReneSola (US)
LumaSense Technologies Inc (US) Michael Stavy Energy Sundance Solar Designs (US)
Targray Technology International
MTS Sensor Technologie GmbH & Economist (US) Third Sun Solar and Wind Power
Inc (CA)
Co KG (DE) Sunera Distribution Pte Ltd (SG) Ltd (US)
Process Technology (US) SERVICES Virtus Energy Research Unirac Inc (US)
Saint-Gobain Ltd (UK) Associates (US) See ad page CV2
Solar Pathfnder (US) CERTIFICATION University of Valladolid - UVA (ES)
Venture Mfg Co (US) Auxin Solar LLC (US) CONTRACT R&D Valentin Software Inc (US)
CRTSE - Semiconductor BEAR Architecten BV (NL) WIP-Munich (DE)
PUMPS Technology for Energetic (DZ) Elettrorava SpA (IT) See ad page 73
The Solar BiZ (US) ImagineSolar (US) HWP-hullmann Willkomm &
Solar Systems Australia (AU) Midwest Renewable Energy Partner - GbR (DE) DOCUMENTATION
Solar Water Technologies (US) Association - MREA (US) INPRO Solar Systems (DE) Write_on (UK)
Stichting Bakens Verzet (NL) North American Board of Novator Advanced Technology
Sulzer Pumps Ltd (CH) Certifed Energy Practitioners - Consulting (DK) FEASIBILITY STUDIES
Terrasol (NA) NABCEP (US) SEADS Solar (US) Clarke Energy Associates (BB)
UL Underwriters Solar Tracking by SolaRichard (US) Clean Energies (MA)
Tanzania Renewable Energy EXOSUN (US)
MEASURING See ad page 27
Association - TAREA (TZ) Harris Group Inc (US)
Campbell Scientifc Ltd (UK) Ing-Buero fuer Alternative
Comptus (US)
CONSULTANCY DATA LOGGING Antriebe und Erneuerbare
3E (BE) Energien (DE)
Delta Ohm (IT)
Advanced Engineering Srl (IT) Minder Energy Consulting (CH)
Eko Instruments Co Ltd (JP)
Antares Group Inc (US) PowerPod Corp (US)
GB-Sol Ltd (UK)
APT Consulting Group Co Science Applications International
Optosolar GmbH (DE)
Ltd (TH) Corp (US)
PV Measurements Inc (US)
Atlantis Energy Systems Inc (US) Solar Consultants Ltd (UK)
Solar Consulting Services - Shoals Technologies Group (US)
Blackline Power (CA) Solar Consulting Services -
Bridgestone Associates Ltd (US) SCS (US)
Solar Pathfnder (US)
BSRIA Ltd (UK) DESIGN Virtus Energy Research
SolData Instruments (DK)
Currin Corp (US) Ampirical Solutions LLC (US) Associates (US)
Symmetron Electronic
Dynatex SA (CH) Auxin Solar LLC (US)
Applications (GR)
E4tech (CH) Blackline Power (CA) FINANCIAL ADVICE
University of Valladolid - UVA (ES)
E4tech (UK) CEM Design Architects (US) Conergy Inc (US)
WIP-Munich (DE)
EA Technology (Europe) Ltd (UK) Conergy Inc (US) Greenpower Capital (US)
See ad page 73
EcofnConcept GmbH (DE) Currin Corp (US) Morrison & Kibbey Ltd (US)
TESTING EQUIPMENT Elettrorava SpA (IT) Enviro - Energy Technologies PV Insider (UK)
Atlas Material Testing EscoVale Consultancy Inc (CA) Solar Consultants Ltd (UK)
Technology (US) Services (UK) ETA Florence Renewable WIP-Munich (DE)
CRTSE - Semiconductor EV Solar Products Inc (US) Energies (IT) See ad page 73
Technology for Energetic (DZ) Gl Garrad Hassan North EXOSUN (US)
Dark Field Technologies Inc (US) America (CA) groSolar (US)
Atlantis Energy Systems Inc (US)
Delta Ohm (IT) Going Solar (AU) Harris Group Inc (US)
Clean Energies (MA)
Energy Environmental Technical HWP-hullmann Willkomm & Ingenieria de Equipos de Control
Services Ltd - EETS (UK) Partner - GbR (DE) SL - INDECON (ES) Elettrorava SpA (IT)
HIOKI EE Corp (JP) ImagineSolar (US) Instituto de Energías Renovables EV Solar Products Inc (US)
Kepco Inc (US) Ing-Buero fuer Alternative UNAM (MX) International Solar Energy Society
Antriebe und Erneuerbare InterEnergy Srl (IT) - ISES (DE)
MKS Instruments Inc (US)
Energien (DE) Kemery Co (US) ISES Norway - Norsk
Juwi Holding AG (DE) solenergiforening (NO)
OPAL-RT Technologies (CA) Lotus Energy Inc (US)
Lotus Energy Inc (US) JENOPTIK I Lasers & Material
Optosolar GmbH (DE) M & Architects Consulting
Processing (DE)
PV Measurements Inc (US) M & Architects Consulting Environment (MX)
Environment (MX) Mobasolar (FR)
MONITORING SSB Wind Systems GmbH & Co InterEnergy Srl (IT) DATA LOGGING
EQUIPMENT KG (DE) Juwi Holding AG (DE) L&R Ingenieria (AR)
Campbell Scientifc Ltd (UK) Tamura Corp (US) Malaviya Solar Energy Meggitt Sensing Systems (US)
cmc Instruments GmbH (DE) Technidea Corp (US) Consultancy (IN) Met Offce (UK)
Comptus (US) Tech Products Inc (US) Manitoba HVDC Research WA Vachon & Associates Inc (US)
Tensar International Ltd (UK) Centre (CA)
ERLPhase Power
Technologies (CA) TUF TUG Products (US) Met Offce (UK) DESIGN
H&L Instruments LLC (US) Navigant (US) Airfoils Inc (US)
TORQUE-LIMITING Navigant’s BTM Consult (DK) Ampirical Solutions LLC (US)
DRIVES Nextwind (US) Aquastructures (NO)
HYDAC Technology Corp (US)
Voith Turbo GmbH & Co KG (DE) NIRAS A/S (DK) BGB Engineering Ltd (UK)
L&R Ingenieria (AR)
Novator Advanced Technology
LUDECA Inc (US) TOWERS Consulting (DK)
Casco Systems LLC (US)
Meggitt Sensing Systems (US) GustoMSC (NL)
Orbital2 Ltd (UK) HYDAC Technology Corp (US)
Meggitt Sensing Systems (CH) TWR Lighting Inc (US)
Parsons Brinckerhoff (UK) IMS Ingenieurgesellschaft
Nortek UK (UK)
OPAL-RT Technologies (CA) VERTICAL AXIS SMALL PennEnergy Research (US) GmbH (DE)
Puleo Electronics Inc (US) TURBINES (5 TO 99 KW) PitchWind Systems AB (SE) Instituto de Energías Renovables
CFE (MX) Prowind Energy Ltd (NZ) UNAM (MX)
Siemens Wind Power A/S (DK)
Collinson Plc (UK) Ramboll (DK) Nextwind (US)
Walter Stauffenberg GmbH & Co
KG (DE) UL Underwriters Renewables for Development - Orbital2 Ltd (UK)
Laboratories (US) RforD (DE) Orbital AS (DK)
See ad page 27 Sander + Partner (DE) PDR Associates (Renewable)
Wavelength Electronics Inc (US)
Sargent & Lundy LLC (US) Inc (US)
Investments GmbH & Co Ramboll (DK)
AEGIS Bearing Protection KG (DE) RES Americas (US)
Midwest Renewable Energy Michael Stavy Energy
Rings (US) Savco Solar Energy (CY)
Association - MREA (US) Economist (US)
Akzo Nobel Performance Coatings Siemens Wind Power A/S (DK)
Romanian Energy Regulatory Structural Integrity Associates
Co Ltd (CN) Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd (UK)
Authority - ANRE (RO) Inc (US)
American Crane & Equipment Walter Stauffenberg GmbH & Co
WindGuard North America TechnoCentre éolien (CA)
Corp (US) KG (DE)
Inc (US)
BGB Engineering Ltd (UK) TUF TUG Products (US) Wind Prospect Ltd (UK)
ContiTech AG (DE) CONSULTANCY Vestas Wind Systems A/S (DK) Windurance (US)
Cressall Resistors (UK) 3E (BE) Virtus Energy Research
DEHN Inc (US) Airfoils Inc (US)
ERLPhase Power WA Vachon & Associates Inc (US) AC Tool Supply (US)
Ansys UK Ltd (UK)
Technologies (CA) WindGuard North America British Green Ltd (UK)
Antares Group Inc (US)
ExxonMobil (BE) Inc (US) Energies Services - ENERSER (MR)
Aquastructures (NO)
Wind Prospect Ltd (UK)
Bosch Rexroth Monitoring
Systems GmbH (DE) CONTRACT R&D
Bridgestone Associates Ltd (US) Airfoils Inc (US)
Bureau Veritas North America DEWI GmbH - a UL Co (DE)
HITEC Sensor Solutions Inc (US)
DEWI GmbH - a UL Co (DE)
Novator Advanced Technology Renewable Energy Corp Ltd (UK)
IMO Group of Cos (DE) Disgen Holdings (US) Consulting (DK)
International Paint Ltd (UK) DUWET Danish University Wind SSB Wind Systems GmbH & Co
Sahara Wind Inc (MA) KG (DE)
ITH Engineering Inc (US) Energy Training (DK)
Sander + Partner (DE) Walter Stauffenberg GmbH & Co
LAP GmbH Laser EA Technology (Europe) Ltd (UK)
TechnoCentre éolien (CA) KG (DE)
Applikationen (DE) EcofnConcept GmbH (DE)
GmbH (DE) Energy4All Ltd (UK) 3E (BE) Write_on (UK)
LINK Tools International (USA) Eologica (NL) Bosch Rexroth Monitoring
Inc (US)
EscoVale Consultancy Systems GmbH (DE) ENVIRONMENTAL
MTS Sensor Technologie GmbH & Services (UK) Eologica (NL) IMPACT ASSESSMENT
Co KG (DE)
ESS Ecology (UK) FLiDAR (BE) CDM Smith (US)
Parker Precision Cooling
Fundashon Antiyano Pa Energia - Fundashon Antiyano Pa Energia - Community Windpower Ltd (UK)
Systems (US)
FAPE (CC) FAPE (CC) ESS Ecology (UK)
Gl Garrad Hassan North Met Offce (UK) Gl Garrad Hassan North
Power Conversion (DE) America (CA) Osiris Hydrographic and America (CA)
Powernet Oy (FI) Global Wind Power A/S (DK) Geophysical Projects Ltd (UK)
RUD Chain Inc (US) IMS Ingenieurgesellschaft Sander + Partner (DE)
SPX Bolting Systems (US) GmbH (DE)
EV Solar Products Inc Fullriver Battery USA Global Wind Power A/S
Chino Valley, AZ, USA, Camarillo, CA, USA, Thisted, Denmark,
South San Francisco, CA, USA, Fundashon Antiyano Pa Energia - GlobVision Inc FAPE St Laurent, QC, Canada,
Willemstad, Curaçao, 599-9-8696970
Machelen, Belgium, FWT LLC Going Solar
Ft Worth, TX, USA, Carlton, VIC, Australia,
FCC Environment
Northampton, Northamptonshire, UK, Gaia Human Capital Consultants New York, NY, USA, Golden Eagle Technologies LLC Golden, CO, USA,
F-Chart Software
Madison, WI, USA, Gas Compressors Ltd
Tonbridge, Kent, UK, GO Topeka Economic Development
Fisher Tank Co Topeka, KS, USA,
Leesville, SC, USA,
GB-Sol Ltd The Green Electrician Group
Fish Guidance Systems Ltd Cardiff, Wales, UK, Nantwich, Cheshire, UK,
Hampshire, UK,
GCube Insurance Services Inc
FlaktWoods Newport Beach, CA, USA, Green Orkney Tours
Niles, MI, USA, Stromness, UK,
Fronius Canada Ltd Global Training Solutions Inc Harris Group Inc
Mississauga, ON, Canada, Mississauga, ON, Canada, Denver, CO, USA,
Fuchs Lubritech The Hartford Financial Services Group
Harvey, IL, USA, 1-913-441-7143 Global Wedge Inc Inc
Tustin, CA, USA, Hartford, CT, USA,
Fujian Morstar New-Energy Tec LLC
Fuzhou, Fujian, China, HAWE Hydraulik SE
Muenchen, Germany,
ISES Norway - Norsk solenergiforening KARA Energy Systems BV LEINE LINDE SYSTEMS GmbH
Skjetten, Norway, Almelo, The Netherlands, Hamburg, Germany,
ITH Engineering Inc Leroy Somer
McHenry, IL, USA, Kaushal Solar Equipments (P) Ltd Angouleme, France,
Pune, India,
ITT Industrial Process LFG Consult
Seneca Falls, NY, USA, KCF Technologies Viborg, Denmark, State College, PA, USA,
Lightning Eliminators & Consultants
James Troop and Co Ltd KEITH Manufacturing Co Inc
Runcorn, Cheshire, UK, Madras, OR, USA, Boulder, CO, USA,
Onsite hv Solutions Americas Inc PanGlobal Training Systems Ltd Pfannenberg Inc
Gormley, ON, Canada, Calgary, AB, Canada, Lancaster, NY, USA,
Para-Coat Technologies Inc PHG Energy
OPAL-RT Technologies Johnstown, PA, USA, Antioch, TN, USA,
Montreal, QC, Canada,
Phoenix Electric Corp
OpCon Technologies Inc Parker Hannifn Boston, MA, USA,
San Francisco, CA, USA, Charlotte, NC, USA, Phoenix Solar AG
Sulzemoos, Germany,
Boise, ID, USA,
Pipal Ltd
Opsis AB Nairobi, Kenya,
Furulund, Sweden,
Parker Precision Cooling Systems PitchWind Systems AB
Optosolar GmbH 10801 Rose Ave, New Haven, IN 46774 Askim Gothenburg, Sweden,
Merdingen, Germany, USA, TEL: 1-509-552-5112,
[email protected],
ORBIS Corp Platypus Power
Oconomowoc, WI, USA, Specialises in advanced two-phase evapora- Smithfeld, QLD, Australia, tive liquid cooling thermal solutions to
enable high-powered wind turbine systems
Orbital2 Ltd and solar inverters and related energy stor- PLI LLC
Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, UK, age power conversion cooling solutions for Racine, WI, USA, renewables.
Positive Energy Solar
Orbital AS Santa Fe, NM, USA,
Skjern, Denmark, Parsons Brinckerhoff
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK,
Orengine International POSjoman Hydrotech Consulting
Lavagna, (GE), Italy, Burnaby, BC, Canada, 1-604-219-1732
Patriot Solar Group
Organics Asia Co Ltd Albion, MI, USA, Pöttinger Entsorgungstechnik GmbH
Patum Thani, Thailand, & Co KG
Grieskirchen, Austria,
Orion Solar Racking PDR Associates (Renewable) Inc
Commerce, CA, USA, East Brunswick, NJ, USA, Power Conversion
Berlin, Germany,
Osiris Hydrographic and Geophysical
Projects Ltd
Wirral, UK, Powernet Oy
Vantaa, Finland, www.powernet.f
Outotec Energy Products
Coeur d’Alene, ID, USA, PennEnergy Research Power-One Inc Phoenix, AZ, USA,
1421 S Sheridan Rd, Tulsa, OK 74112 USA,
Provides high-effciency “green” power
TEL: 1-800-345-4618,
P2 [email protected],
solutions, including renewable energy.
Yorba Linda, CA, USA, See ad page 1 Offers new and improved research options
Power Panel Inc
for energy professionals. Combines research
P4Q from well-known brands. The premiere Detroit, MI, USA,
Santa Fe, NM, USA, industry source for actionable data and in-
formation, custom research and consulting.
PowerPod Corp
PA Consulting Group Olathe, CO, USA,
Denver, CO, USA,
Penn-Union Corp PPC Solar
Pallmann Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Edinboro, PA, USA, Taos, NM, USA,
Zweibrücken, Germany, Perpetual Energy Systems Pratt & Whitney Power Systems
Woodland Hills, CA, USA, East Hartford, CT, USA,
PanelClaw Inc
North Andover, MA, USA, Precision Combustion Inc PES UK Ltd North Haven, CT, USA,
Leicestershire, UK,
Romanian Energy Regulatory Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Siemens Wind Power A/S
Authority - ANRE Inc Brande, Denmark,
Bucharest, Sect 2, Romania, Pullman, WA, USA,
Symmetron Electronic Applications Third Sun Solar and Wind Power Ltd University of Valladolid - UVA
Gerakas, Attiki, Greece, Athens, OH, USA, Valladolid, Spain,
Saint-Gobain Ltd EOPLLY USA Inc Forecast International Sargent & Lundy LLC
Saxlund International Ltd EXOSUN The Hartford Financial Services Michael Stavy Energy Economist
Schenck Process Free Hot Water Group Inc UL Underwriters Laboratories
Schools and Homes Energy Fullriver Battery USA Henkel Corp
Education Project/Solar-Active GCube Insurance Services Inc Kugler of America Ltd
Parker Precision Cooling Systems
Search Hydro Ltd Global Wedge Inc Murphy International Development
Seawater Greenhouse Ltd Greenpower Capital LLC Iowa
Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd Heliodyne Inc National Conveyors Co Inc Airoflex Equipment
Solar Consultants Ltd INNOTRONIKS OFS Compressor Controls Corp - CCC
Solar Supplies UK Ltd International Association of Pratt & Whitney Power Systems Crystal Group Inc
Solar UK Ltd Plumbing and Mechanical Officials Precision Combustion Inc RUD Chain Inc
SolarShop InterPhases Solar Inc S-Products Inc
Sonnergy Ltd KACO new energy Inc Kansas
Square Two Lubrication Ltd/ LumaSense Technologies Inc
Delaware CST Industries
SolarDock GO Topeka Economic Development
Memolub HPS Lubricators Mobasolar USA
SSS Clutch Co Inc M-E-C Co
T4 Sustainability Ltd Moisttech
Tank Connection Affiliate Group
Taylor Keogh Communications OAI District of Columbia
Tensar International Ltd OpCon Technologies Inc American Wind Energy Association Kentucky
The Black Emerald Group Orion Solar Racking Interdevelopment Inc Bonfiglioli USA
The European Marine Energy Centre P2 National Hydropower Association LINAK US Inc
(EMEC) Ltd Perpetual Energy Systems Navigant Ronan Measurments
The Green Electrician Group Quality Two-Way Radios
The Solar Design Co Quick Mount PV Florida Louisiana
The Solar Energy Society - UK-ISES Raytek Corp American Wire Group Ampirical Solutions LLC
Thorne International Boiler Services ReneSola ap+m DIS-TRAN Steel LLC
Ltd Rich Hessler Business Development Cambridge Project Development Inc DIS-TRAN Wood Products LLC
Tom Jardine Ronan Engineering Co DEHN Inc
DeTect Inc Maine
Turbine Controls Ltd Science Applications International AEGIS Bearing Protection Rings
University of Central Lancashire Corp Everglades University
LUDECA Inc Casco Systems LLC
Veolia Environmental Services Plc SMA America LLC Clyde Bergemann Bachmann Inc
White Design Associates Ltd Solaredge Technologies Magnetic Div Global Equipment
Mktg Inc SEADS Solar
Willett and Son Bristol Ltd SolarInsure Inc
Wind Prospect Ltd Nextwind Maryland
Write_on Solar Turbines ONE Sothebys International Realty Antares Group Inc
Solmetric Corp Siemens Energy, Power Generation Aurora Energy Inc
United States Structural Integrity Associates Inc Solar Electric Power Co - SEPCO CEM Design Architects
Tamura Corp Solar Illuminations FOSS NIRSystems Inc
Alabama Sol Inc
Technidea Corp GSE Systems Inc
Industrial Training Consultants Inc Steritool Inc
Trojan Battery Co Jonas Inc
Process Equipment - Barron Thermafin Manufacturing
US Battery Meggitt Sensing Systems
Vireo Energy Financial Georgia The Westex Group
Arizona Warren & Baerg Manufacturing Inc Cantsink Manufacturing
AC Tool Supply
Water Weights Inc CH2M HILL A123 Systems
Canyonwest Cases LLC Continental Field Systems Inc
Centrosolar America Inc Colorado Ameresco Inc
Abraham Solar Equipment Hurst Boiler & Welding Co Inc Babcock Power Inc
EV Solar Products Inc IMERYS
Atlas Copco Construction Mining Battic Door Energy Conservation
Integrated Solar LLC Solairgen
Technique USA LLC Products
Power-One Inc Yanmar America
Burnham & Sun CDM Smith
Conergy Inc Hawaii Ceres Technology Advisors Inc
Arkansas Disgen Holdings Sun King Inc Clean Harbors
Lee Enterprises Alternative & Golden Eagle Technologies LLC Comdel Inc
Renewable Fuels Consulting Inc Harris Group Inc Idaho Electroswitch
PRM Energy Systems Inc - PRME Hi-Tech Controls Aire Industrial FLEXcon
Stellar Sun Lightning Eliminators & Consultants Openchannelflow HITEC Sensor Solutions Inc
Inc Outotec Energy Products MKS Instruments Inc
California Recovered Energy Inc Munters Corp
MWH Global
Advanced Energy
PA Consulting Group PanelClaw Inc
AIXTRON Inc Illinois
PowerPod Corp Phoenix Electric Corp
Alturdyne Atlas Material Testing Technology
PV Measurements Inc Psychsoftpc
Auxin Solar LLC Connexion
Quanta Power Generation Solar Design Associates LLC
Biomass Briquette Systems LLC The Cool Solutions Co
RES Americas
Blue Sky Energy Duraflex Inc
Sealcon SolarOne Solutions Inc
Bravo Communications Inc Dust Control Technology
Sundance Solar Designs Solectria Renewables LLC
Bureau Veritas North America Inc Fuchs Lubritech
Vaisala WA Vachon & Associates Inc
CalRecovery Inc Global Energy Solutions Inc
Canadian Solar USA Inc Connecticut ITH Engineering Inc Michigan
Chint Power Systems America Croll-Reynolds Engineering Co Inc John Crane AET - Applied Energy Technologies
CivicSolar Dark Field Technologies Inc Legrand BC Renewable Innovations LLC
Energy Technology Advisors Elan Technical Corp LINK Tools International (USA) Inc Currin Corp
Envect Inc Enertegic Nord-Lock Inc Detroit Stoker Co
Clean Energy Expo China HydroVision The Renewable Energy Electric, Power & Renewable
(CEEC) International 2013 Storage Symposium Energy Indonesia 2013
Beijing, China Denver, CO, USA San Diego, CA, USA Jakarta, Indonesia
July 3-5, 2013 July 23-26, 2013 July 31-August 2, 2013 September 4-7, 2013
Koelnmesse China Co. Ltd. Pennwell Corporation Active Communications PT Pamerindo Indonesia
P. +86/10/6590-7766 P. +1 918 831 9160 or International P. +62 21 3162001
E. [email protected] 888 299 8016 (US Only) P. +1 (312) 780-0700 E. [email protected]
W. E. [email protected] W. W.
W. com/aci/conferences/us-ges1-
Intersolar North America energy-storage.asp Biomass Pellets
San Francisco, CA, USA Trade and Power
July 8-11, 2013 The 2013 Pellet Fuels Seoul, South Korea
Solar Promotion Institute Annual Conference ICOLD 2013 September 9-10, 2013
International GMBH Ashville, NC, USA Seattle, WA, USA Center for Management
P. +49 7231 58598-22 July 28-30, 2013 August 12-16, 2013 Technology
W. Pellet Fuels Institute United States Society on Dams P. +65 6346 9218
P. 703 522 6778 P. 303-628-5430 E. [email protected]
GeoPower Africa E. [email protected] W. W.
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania W. aboutevent.aspx?ev=130929&
July 16-17, 2013 events/pfi-annual-conference/ GulfSol 2013
GreenPower Conferences Dubai, UAE
P. +44 (0)20 7099 0600 September 3 - 5, 2013
E. samantha.coleman@ Gattaca Communications P. + 44 (0) 203 239 6759
W. E. [email protected] W.:
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