Shear Friction
Shear Friction
Shear Friction
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Title No. 111-S11
The “shear-friction theory” is currently adopted in all
major design codes of concrete structures, such as ACI 318,1
Eurocode 2,2 and fib Model Code 2010,3 among others, to
predict the longitudinal shear strength between concrete
layers cast at different times. It is most adequate for designing
precast members with cast-in-place parts as well as existing
concrete members—for example, bridge decks strengthened
with a concrete overlay. Fig. 2—Load transfer mechanisms.
This theory was initially proposed by Birkeland and
Birkeland4 to predict the shear strength of new-to-old between concrete layers cast at different times. An overview
concrete interfaces. Currently, the following four parameters of the shear-friction theory is made. The provisions of ACI
are considered: 1) the compressive strength of the weakest 3181 are discussed and compared with those in Eurocode 2.2
concrete; 2) the normal stress at the interface; 3) the shear Finally, the authors propose an alternative design approach
reinforcement crossing the interface; and 4) the roughness for concrete-to-concrete interfaces that can be incorporated
of the substrate surface. The design philosophy assumes in future revisions of ACI 3181 and Eurocode 2.2
that, due to relative slippage between old and new concrete
layers, the interface crack width increases, leading to shear RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
reinforcement yielding in tension, thus compressing the The load transfer mechanism of shear forces between
interface, and the shear forces are transferred by friction. concrete parts cast at different times (Fig. 2) results from the
A “saw-tooth model” is usually adopted to exemplify this combination of three components: cohesion, friction, and
concept (Fig. 1). dowel action. While cohesion is considered by some design
Because composite concrete structures are the main field codes, dowel action is usually neglected. Friction is the only
of application of the shear-friction theory, parameters such as component present in all shear-friction design provisions.
the differential shrinkage and the differential stiffness should
be considered in design. Nevertheless, current design codes
neglect these two parameters and, therefore, the proposed ACI Structural Journal, V. 111, No. 1, January-February 2014.
design expressions cannot be as accurate as desired. MS No. S-2012-034.R1, doi:10.14359.51686543, was received on January 18,
2013, and reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2014, American
This paper presents the second part of a large experimental Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless
permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including
study conducted to assess the longitudinal shear strength author’s closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the
discussion is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
Several researchers5 suggested modifications to this Tsoukantas and Tassios9 were the first researchers to refer
design expression to increase its accuracy and to include to and study the contribution of the dowel action mechanism
other parameters, such as cohesion of the interface (corre- to the total shear strength of the interface. Later, Randl10
sponding to adhesion and aggregate interlock); the weakest proposed a design expression (Eq. (11)) that explicitly
concrete strength; and the dowel action due to the deforma- includes the contribution of the three load transfer mecha-
tion (by shear, bending, and tension) of reinforcing bars. nisms11: 1) cohesion, due to the contribution of adhesion and
The most significant contributions are presented in the aggregate interlocking; 2) friction, due to the longitudinal
following paragraphs. relative slip between concrete layers and thus influenced
Mattock and Hawkins6 proposed the design expression by the surface roughness and the normal stress at the shear
(Eq. (2) and (3)) usually known as the “modified shear-fric- interface; and 3) dowel action, due to the contribution of the
tion theory.” The first term explicitly gives the contribu- flexural resistance of the shear reinforcement crossing the
tion of the cohesion of the interface, assumed constant and interface.
equal to 1.38 MPa (200 psi), while the second term is due to
clamping stresses. The coefficient of friction is considered
constant and equal to 0.8. (
vu = cfc1 3 + µ ρkf y + σ n + αρ f y fc ≤ βνfc
friction dowel action
vu = 1.38 + 0.8(ρfy + σn) (MPa) (2)
The parameters of the design expression proposed by
Randl10 are presented in Table 1. Randl10 also proposed
vu = 200 + 0.8(ρfy + σn) (psi) (3) that surface roughness should be evaluated using ASTM
E965(2001)12 by means of the Sand Patch Test.
Loov7 proposed the first design expression (Eq. (4)) to
explicitly include the concrete strength. The constant k was DESIGN EXPRESSIONS FROM CODES
considered equal to 0.5 for initially uncracked interfaces. ACI 3181 considers that a crack across a given plane can
The proposed design expression can also be used with any occur due to an existing or potential crack, an interface
consistent system of units (SI or U.S. Customary). between different materials, or an interface between two
concretes cast at different times. The ultimate longitudinal
shear stress at the concrete-to-concrete interface is given by
vu = k fc ρf y + σ n ) (4) the contribution of friction (Eq. (12)). Cohesion and dowel
action are not explicitly considered.
Walraven et al.8 proposed an expression using an inno-
vative approach known as the “sphere model” to take into vu = ρfy(μsinα + cosα) (12)
account the interaction between the aggregates, the binding
paste, and the interface zone. The resulting nonlinear design Four surface conditions are considered: 1) concrete
expression (Eq. (5) to (10)) was calibrated using the results placed against hardened concrete with the surface clean but
of a large experimental study conducted using push-off not intentionally roughened (μ = 0.6λ); 2) concrete placed
specimens with initially cracked interfaces against hardened concrete with the surface clean and inten-
tionally roughened to a full amplitude of 6.35 mm (0.25 in.)
c= (15) 1.70 Rvm 0.15
fctm cd = (18)
γ coh
Then, using the computed coefficients of cohesion and
considering the average shear and normal stresses at the
interface of the slant shear specimens, the coefficient of fric- 1.37 Rvm 0.04
µd = (19)
tion (Table 5) was determined for each specimen series and γ fr
surface preparation method by
vu − cfctm
µ= (16) 1.56 Rvm 0.04
σn µd = (20)
γ fr
Adjusting a power function (Fig. 7) to the experimental
Considering the uncertainty existing on both coefficients,
values from Tables 4 and 5, considering the average of each
influenced by the surface preparation method and by the
set of five specimens, it is possible to predict the coefficients
concrete properties (namely, the hardness of the aggregates
of cohesion (Eq. (17) and (18)) and the coefficients of fric-
and binding paste), a partial safety factor γ is applied in
tion (Eq. (19) and (20)) by measuring the surface texture
accordance with the philosophy employed in the Eurocodes.
and computing the corresponding Rvm. The adopted function
The partial safety factors were determined for the ultimate
was the one that ensures the best coefficient of correlation
limit state (ULS), according to the Eurocode 0,25 adopting