GT2005-68014 Axial Compressor Maintenance PDF
GT2005-68014 Axial Compressor Maintenance PDF
GT2005-68014 Axial Compressor Maintenance PDF
ASME Turbo Expo 2005: Power for Land, Sea and Air
June 6-9, 2005, Reno-Tahoe, Nevada, USA
Methods of compressor performance maintenance for large air angle
utility combustion turbines continue to evolve. On-line water δ film thickness
wash systems used to recover performance loss due to fouling ω pressure loss coefficient
are evolving that use less water. This paper derives a water µ viscosity
wash model based on a thin film of water covering the airfoil ρ density
surfaces. shear stress
The economic potential for recovering “unrecoverable” Subscripts:
losses due to increased roughness and erosion is evaluated. As a air
an outage is needed to remove the compressor cover and w water
perform the maintenance, the approach is to identify the most o reference conditions
beneficial maintenance actions and an optimal maintenance 1 inlet condition
interval. 2 outlet condition
Keywords: Axial Compressors, Water Wash, Combustion
Compressor performance maintenance is recognized as
NOMENCLATURE paramount to achieving the full capability of a combustion
C chord turbine and/or combined cycle. Daily on-line water washing is
D drag effective in recovering compressor aerodynamic efficiency due
ES spark spread to fouling. It is not the intent to review all the relevant design
H blade height features of a water wash system, but rather to investigate the
HR heat rate rationale for an adequate water flow rate impinging on the
Ks sand roughness airfoil surfaces. The water flow rate is important due to the
OC outage cost potential for consequential erosion on some compressors and to
P power limit de-mineralized water consumption. A water wash model
Ra roughness average based on a water film covering the airfoil surface is
RC repair cost hypothesized to estimate the minimum water requirements and
S blade spacing to define the important related compressor and operating
SF scale factor parameters.
U water velocity at edge of film Blade restoration is addressed to recover what is
W water flow rate considered the “non-recoverable losses” due to roughness,
g gravitational constant erosion and corrosion. An economic model is shown to indicate
u local film velocity the potential for an optimum outage interval to repair the
compressor based on loss model and economic parameters.
Relative Loss
from nearby cooling towers.
Advances in the design of inlet filters have resulted in high 0.6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Stage Number
τ = shear stress = µ / g (du / dy) Eq. (2) The thickness of the film (on both sides of each blade)
should be larger than the anticipated size of the particles that
where (µ) is the viscosity of water and du/dy is the gradient of form the deposits (see Fig.1), but limited so as to minimize
the water velocity normal to the surface. Note that u = 0 at the water consumption. An example case of δ =1 mil, (25 microns)
surface under the condition of no slip, and since the shear is and a 1st stage rotor is given to illustrate the calculations. The
transferred to the surface, it is assumed constant so that du/dy = velocity at the edge of the film is calculated for the following
U/δ where U is the velocity at the edge of the film and δ is the conditions: ω =.01, ρa = 0.07 lbs/ft3 (1.1 kg/m3), V = 800 fps
film thickness. The shear stress in the water film becomes: (243.8 mps), δ = 0.001/12 ft (25 microns), µ = 0.0006 lb/ft-sec
(0.0009 kg/m-sec), S/C = 0.7, αm = 40 deg. resulting in τ = 1.7
τ = µU / (gδ) Eq. (3) lbs/ft2 (8.3 kg/m2) and U = 7.7 fps (2.35 mps).
The water flow required for the above film parameters on a
The shear stresses due to the air flow vary around an airfoil rotor, wet on both sides, and the blade height is H = 1 ft (0.305
due to the initial laminar flow, transition to turbulent flow, m) and N = 30 blades in the blade row is:
roughness, airfoil shape and velocity distribution. As an initial
step to simplify the model derivation an average shear stress is W = ρw Uδ H N= σw τ δ2g/µ H N = 1.2 lbs/sec Eq. (6)
estimated based on the measured pressure loss coefficient. The
pressure loss coefficient is defined as the ratio of the total (8.6 gpm (33 lpm), or 0.2% of the air flow)
pressure difference for the airfoil due to the aerodynamic losses
divided by the dynamic pressure of the air flow relative to the The estimates above correspond approximately to the pitch
airfoil. radius for to a CT such as a GE 7E CT and an air/water ratio of
The relationship between the drag force and the total 500.
pressure loss coefficient is shown in Fig. 4.
and the air flow temperature decrease is smaller, but the inlet
guide vanes may still experience saturated air flow with water
droplets without any injected water. Whereas the saturated 600
Air/Water Ratio
travel with the streamlines around the airfoils. The droplet size 400
film only
film + evaporation
resulting from condensation is likely to be dependent on the
concentration of contaminates in the air that serve as nuclei for 300
injected water is decreased. Therefore, the injected water flow 0 50 100 150
CT Power, MW
200 250 300
Erosion Phenomena
The use of foggers, evaporative coolers and inter-stage
cooling raises concerns of impingement of droplets on the
airfoils. Droplets may cause erosion in highly stressed blade
Figure 5. Air-Fluid Ratio for Different Compressor
sections such as the root of the 1st rotor. The total water
Washing Systems (Mund and Pilidis [9])
ingested into the compressor is the sum of the carry-over of
unevaporated droplets from foggers, evaporative coolers and
the injected water from a water wash system. As a precaution,
the airfoils should be inspected in accord with OEM
Airfoil Roughness Phenomena recommendations.
Airfoil roughness is caused by particle impingements and Leading edge erosion also causes a loss in compressor
corrosion. The aerodynamic effects on roughness are often efficiency due to sharp corners resulting from increased
tested by simulating the roughness with sand paper bluntness. When water droplets entering the compressor are
characterized by a sand roughness height, Ks. These tests have anticipated due to evaporative cooling, fogging, or on-line
shown that there is a roughness height that corresponds to a washing, a corrosion and erosion resistant coating should be
condition of hydraulic smoothness where there are no effects of considered, at least to the first several stages depending on
roughness. The condition for smoothness is that the roughness experience with similar CTs and the OEM’s recommendations.
Reynolds number is less than 90, e.g., see Koch [11], so that: If blunting of the leading edge of a blade occurs as shown
in Fig. 7, it results in changes in smoothness of the air flow
Sand Roughness Reynolds Number = around the leading edge [12]. Leading edge blunting may
V × Ks × density / viscosity <= 90 introduce a rapid change in curvature (possibly a sharp corner)
as shown in Fig. 8 such that the flow velocity increases rapidly
To make use of the test data using sand roughness when and then is unable to stay attached to the surface downstream of
performing average roughness (Ra) measurements using a the leading edge resulting in a flow separation, a pressure loss
contact surface tester stylus that is dragged over the surface, it and an efficiency loss. This loss gets worse as blunting
is estimated that Ks = 6.2 × Ra. Therefore, the critical condition continues. If the leading edge is restored then new material
for smoothness is an average roughness (Ra) Reynolds number should be added to the leading edge so the original contour is
of approximately 15. On a 1st stage vane, the critical value of re-captured.
Ra may be as much as 70 micro-inches (1.778 microns).
Because of the high relative air flow speed on the 1st stage
rotor, the critical roughness could be as low as 25 micro-inches
(0.635 microns). Test results by Bammert and Milsch [5] on
airfoils with sand roughness are shown in Fig. 6.
Optimum Interval
An economic model based on the concept of spark spread 2
Profit, Millions $$
Gas Turbine Fired Hours
have marked peaks during a year, so a detailed site-related -1
strategic analysis is desirable. The calculations can include the Too Small Maintenance Interval Too Large
∆MW-hrs = ∫ (P0 - P(t)) dt Eq. (7)
Figure 12. Effect of Compressor Maintenance Interval
where P0 - P(t) = P0 × SF × pplf(t) / 100 Eq. (8) on Profit Over a 48,000 Hour Major Overhaul Interval
(SF = 0.8, RC = 0.1, ES = 20)
SF = loss scale factor due to repairs that lower the rate of the
pplf(t) = percent power loss from Fig. 11 The concept of a water wash film provides insights to the
optimization of water use for containing the compressor losses
Using the approach where the spark spread is the net due to fouling. The rationale for very high air/water ratios
difference in the power sales price and the cost of fuel, then the appears to rely on efficient filters and frequent washes. Nozzles
loss in net revenue (NR) during each major overhaul interval that provide large droplets are essential to delay evaporation so
(MOI) is calculated as: that cleaning is effective for one or more stages.
Compressor and CT performance monitoring is essential to
∆NR = ES × ∆MW-hrs - (OC + RC) × (MOI / MCI - 1) Eq. (9) optimize the water wash system flow rate, injection duration
and injection frequency.
where ES is the spark spread in dollars/MW-hrs, OC is the A strategy to contain the compressor losses due to erosion,
outage cost, RC is the repair cost at each outage, MCI is the and roughness requires monitoring the compressor and CT
compressor maintenance interval. performance and the development of an outage plan that
The calculation was done for various intervals of includes repair and profitability scenarios. The optimization
compressor maintenance to search for an optimum. The overall concept presented suggests that an annual outage for
net loss without any added maintenance inspections is also compressor repair may be profitable.
calculated based on 48,000 hours between major overhauls.
Say, for example, there are inspections at 8000 hours, or 5
added inspections between overhauls as shown in Fig. 11. The REFERENCES
total net revenue loss over a maintenance overhaul interval
would be 5 times that calculated for each compressor inspection 1. Sawyer, J. W., Sawyer’s Turbomachinery Maintenance
interval. The benefit is then the difference between the net Handbook, Vol. 1, Gas Turbines/Turbocompressors,
revenue lost due to lower power without any compressor