Reed-Grade 11
Reed-Grade 11
Reed-Grade 11
The learner will be able to Learner will actively take Doctrine Contemplation
know and understand that part in upholding the Explains the on the beauty of Holy Bible
1.1 Christ Christ is at the center of integrity of creation by centrality of Christ in creation Catechism of the
Redemptive creation, the one who protecting everything creation as part of Catholic Church
work in Creation bears authority over that has life and the redeeming plan Gratitude to Catechism for
creation. Christ is the one personally commit for by God. Jesus Filipino Catholics
who carries out the action the healing of the Explores biblical Social Teachings
of God in both the order of wounded Mother Earth. evidences on the Live in harmony of the Church
creation and redemption. redeeming work of with creation Documents of the
Jesus in creation Second Vatican
through His praxis Restoration for Council
and preaching. the groaning Laudato Si
Morals creation The Light that
Lives in full harmony Dims the Star
with creation and
with humanity.
Manifests concern
for creation by one’s
commitment for the
healing of the
groaning creation.
Praises Jesus ways
of relating with
creation through
Biblical reflection.
1. 2.1 Jesus, the The learner will be able to The learner will love Doctrine
fullness of all know and understand that Jesus the Word Engages in research Faith in God Holy Bible
Revelation Christ, the Son of God Incarnate who lives activity that will give Love for Jesus Catechism of the
made man is the goal, the among us by following sufficient evidences Love and respect Catholic church
content and the fullness of His way of life and about Jesus as the for God’s word Catechism for
all revelation. Jesus is teachings. fullness of God’s Filipino Catholics
God’s perfect revelation of revelation. Youth Catechism
which God opens himself Discusses the Acts and Decrees
and shows us the full reasons about Jesus of the Second
depth of His love. as the fullness of Plenary Council of
God’s revelation. the Philippines.
Demonstrates love
for Jesus as the
perfect fulfillment of
God’s revelation.
Strives to follow the
way of life of Jesus
and His words in
one’s daily life.
Pray reflectively the
Gospel of John !: 1-
Thank God for
sending His Son
Grade 11
1.3 Catholic Church and The learner will be able to The learner will respect Doctrine Unity Holy Bible
Ecumenism understand the primary and appreciate the Discusses the Universal Catechism of the
aim of the Catholic efforts made by the primary aims of the brotherhood and Catholic church
1.3.1 Inter-faith Church efforts for different religious Catholic Church sisterhood Catechism for
Dialogue Interfaith dialogue. leaders on the area of efforts for Interfaith Communion Filipino Catholics
Different religions can interfaith dialogue dialogue. Acceptance of Social Teachings
work together for a especially in their Gathers Church Diversity of the Church
common cause and for common concern and documents related to Love of neighbor Documents of the
the benefit of the whole aspiration for her teaching and Second Vatican
human community. reconciliation, peace guidelines on Council
and justice. interfaith dialogue
Supports the efforts
of religious leaders in
their common work
for peace,
reconciliation and
Prays the prayer for
Interfaith Unity
2. Christian Faith The learner will The learner will put into Doctrine Faith Holy Bible
demonstrate concrete deeds their Explains the Catechism of the
2.1 Faith in Jesus who understanding that having faith on Jesus by importance of having Hope Catholic church
saves. believing in His words faith in Jesus for one
faith in Jesus will lead one Catechism for the
and witnessing His to be saved.
to salvation. Filipino Catholics
teachings in one’s life. Discusses the Charity Social Teachings
Biblical accounts of of the Church
the people in Jesus’ Document of the
time who have faith Love Second Vatican
in him. Council
Grade 11
Witnesses their faith
in concrete acts of
mercy and
compassion for faith
without action is
Prays the Act of Faith
2.2. Faith and the Trinity The learner will The learner accepts Doctrine Holy Bible
2.2.1 Jesus, the Second understand the nature of wholeheartedly and Finds and discusses Love for Jesus Catechism of the
Person in the without doubt Jesus as Biblical accounts that Gratitude to God Catholic Church
Jesus, the Son of God
Trinity the Son of God, the show concrete Humility Catechism for the
and the second person of second person of the evidences of Jesus Filipino Catholics
the Holy Trinity. He is the Trinity who is both as the Son of God PCP 11
savior who will liberate the human and Divine. and the second
people from sin. person of the Trinity.
Appreciates God’s
love for giving us
Jesus, the second
person of the Trinity.
Praises God for the
love He has shown
through the gift of His
beloved Son Jesus.
B. Specific Aspects
Grade 11
1. God the Father The learner will be able to The learner will love Doctrine Love Holy Bible
demonstrate God the Father for Describes God’s Stewardship CCC
1.1 The compassionate understanding that the revealing Himself in the revelation of Himself Prayerfulness CFC
Father revealed in compassionate God life and mission of His in the life and Creativity Other Doctrinal
Jesus’ person, life, reveals Himself in the Son Jesus. Show mission of Jesus. Sources
mission and person, life, mission and gratitude to God for Explains the
Paschal Mystery Paschal mystery of Jesus. communicating His gift purpose of God’s
of salvation through the revelation of Himself
preaching and mission in Jesus.
of His beloved Son. Morals
Responds to God’s
revelation by
cultivating a loving
relationship with
oneself and with
others like what
Jesus did.
Thanks God in
prayer for the gift of
revealing Himself in
the life and mission
of Jesus.
2. God the Son The learner will The learner will show Doctrine Commitment to Holy BiBle
demonstrate determination to listen to Finds and discusses the gospel CCC
2.1 Jesus announces understanding that the the word of Jesus and Biblical sources on values CFC
the Reign of God in whole life of Jesus, His do whatever He tells Christ’s announcing Fidelity to Jesus PCP 11
His words and words and deeds are him/her when confronted of the Kingdom of Prayerfulness
deeds manifestations of the reign with situation that needs God through His Mercy and
of the Kingdom of God immediate response. words and deeds compassion
power. Morals Love of service
Listens attentively to
Grade 11
the message of
Jesus wherever it is
preached and
spread the Good
news to others
through concrete
deeds of
Offers prayer to
Jesus for His life-
giving words and
wondrous deeds.
3. God the Holy Spirit The learner will The learner will develop Doctrine Life-giving spirit Holy Bible
demonstrate character traits that are Describes the Unity CCC
3.1 Holy Spirit, gift of understanding that Jesus life-giving that would unique role of the Witnessing truth CFC
the Risen Lord, sends the Holy Spirit on help build unity among Holy Spirit as Giver PCP 11
Giver of Life, unites His disciples to give them believers and inspire of Life and source of Documents of the
us to Christ life, to bear witness to the others to be drawn unity for all Vatican Council
truth and to unite the closer to Christ. believers.
people to Himself. Moral
Practicing the gifts
and fruits of the Holy
Spirit in one’s daily
Pray and reflect a
video song on the
Holy Spirit.
4 Mary The learner will be able to The learner will live out Doctrine
Grade 11
know and understand one concrete act of Describes the role of Obedience Holy Bible
4.1 Mary Mother of God of the important titles and obedience to God’s will Mary as the mother Humility CCC
Dogmas of Mary as the as one obeys the of God and her Cooperation CFC
Mother of God of which command of their participation in the Faith Social Teaching of
she plays a very parents or persons in saving mission of Love the Church
significant role in God’s authority like what Mary Jesus. hope PCP 11
plan for salvation and did when she said ”may Morals Documents of the
sharing in the saving it happen to me as you Seeks the loving Vatican Council
mission of Jesus. have said” Luke1:28 intercession of Mary
for one to be faithful
and obedient to God
day by day.
Makes a card of
gratitude to his/her
Composes a
thanksgiving prayer
for the gift of the
motherhood of Mary
5.The Church The learner will be able to The learner will actively Doctrine
demonstrate participate in the Gathers solid
5.1 The Church as the understanding on the different activities of the foundational sources Communion Encyclicals
Body of Christ Church as the Body of Christian communities both in Scriptures Solidarity with Internet Sources
Christ, as He called where one belongs so to and the teachings of
people to follow him and make alive their being
the poor Documents of the
the Church about Service Vatican Council
be his disciples to share a Church- the Body of the Church a the
in His mission and made Christ. compassion
Body of Christ.
them his own body- the
Participates actively
Grade 11
in the different
activities in the
Christian community
where one belongs.
Takes pride of
belonging to the
Church- the Body of
meaningfully the
different prayers of
the Church.
Offers prayer of
thanksgiving to God.
Grade 11
MORALS The learner will be able to The learner will express Doctrine Moral Acts Holy Bible
demonstrate gratitude to Jesus for Cites and explain Human Dignity CCC
A. Foundational understanding that the His redeeming love, the the ways of which CFC
Aspects human person is total giving of His life for the human person is Social Teachings
1. Human Person redeemed by Christ. It is humanity to experience being redeemed by of the Church
1.1 Human Person in Christ and through His the gift of salvation. Jesus Christ. Documents of the
as redeemed by blood that we have been Morals Second Vatican
Jesus Christ redeemed and freed from Participates in Christ
the slavery of sin. redeeming mission
by joining activities
that promote and
uphold the dignity of
the human person.
(ex. Walk for life)
Offers prayer for the
victims of human
rights violations,
abused children and
sanctity of life will be
Prays the ecological
prayer with the class
community. .
B. Specific Aspects
1. Jesus the New The learner will be able to The learners will put unity Holy Bible
Covenant know and understand that one’s confidence Doctrine renewal of self CCC
Jesus is the New completely in Jesus. Explains with and society CFC
covenant. In Himself, He One will accept the biblical evidences faithfulness to Social Teachings
enables us to be united challenge of renewing about Jesus as the promise of the Church
with God. In Jesus Christ, one’s life in order to be New covenant Pope Encyclicals
God has given us a new in harmony with God Morals on Peace and
way of relating with Him. and with one another. Strives to establish Justice
close relationship
with Jesus and with
one another.
Prays for the unity
and harmony among
Christian believers.
Holy Bible
compassion CCC
1.1 Commitment to the The learner will The learner will witness Doctrine love CFC
values lived by Jesus demonstrate the values of Jesus in Identifies and mercy
understanding on the one’s life, in one’s Social Teachings
explain the values of forgiveness of the Church
different values lived by family and in the society. Jesus as reflected in service
Jesus . the Bible. simplicity
Witnesses the
Grade 11
values lives by
Jesus I one’s daily
Prays to God for the
strength to witness
the values of Jesus
in one’s life. .
The Holy Bible
courage CCC
1.2 Prophetic witness to The learner will discover The learner will Doctrine determination CFC
the Gospel values. the values of the gospel courageously witness Describes the strong faith Books on Prayer
that Jesus preached. the gospel values in gospel values
one’s life. inherent in the
preaching and
ministry of Jesus.
Initiates activities
that will reinforce
one’s prophetic
witness to the
gospel values.
Praying for God’s
help in one’s
prophetic witness of
the Gospel values .
Holy Bible
Respect for CCC
Human dignity CFC
2. Human Dignity The learner will The learner will strive to Doctrine Protection for the Other internet
Grade 11
the issues of: demonstrate accept one’s gift of Biblical foundations Contentment Social Teachings
Cosmetic/aesthetic understanding on the beauty and sexuality on essence of true Simplicity of the Church
enhancements teachings of the church on without undergoing beauty. Net Sources
cosmetic/aesthetic surgical operations to Cites advantages of Other doctrinal
enhancement. And one enhance one’s enhancing natural references
must take care of one’s personality and and inner beauty.
inner beauty and not to sexuality. Morals
conform to the worldly Develops attitude of
standards of beauty. not judging person’s
worth and dignity
through appearance.
Offers prayer of
gratitude to God for
the gift of one’s
physical beauty and
well- being.
Sets aside time daily The Holy Bible
for personal and CCC
centering prayer. CFC
Preparedness Teachings of the
Joyful Church
Doctrine Expectation Documents of the
Explains the Hope
2 The Liturgy of the The learner will be able to The learner will be Second Vatican
historical context
Hours demonstrate encouraged to pray at and significance of Council
understanding that the any time of the day for the liturgy of the
liturgy of the hours is the the sanctification of the hours in the life of
official prayers of the self, of others and of the the Church.
Church at various times of whole Church. Learns the liturgical
the day which is gestures and
commonly prayed by the postures in praying
clergy, religious and some the liturgy of the
devote lay people. hours
Morals The Holy Bible
Motivates oneself to CCC
be more prayerful
for the sanctification
Other Doctrinal
of self, others and
the world.
Prays with the other
members of the
class/community the
liturgy of the hour
once in a week.
Newness of life
Belonging to
Grade 11
Doctrine community
Identifies and Sharing of Divine
The Church’s Renewed The learner will The learner will be describes the true life
teaching on Baptism demonstrate faithful in living one’s meaning of Baptism
understanding that baptismal vows as New life in Christ,
Baptism means: New Life manifested by a deeper Incorporation into The Holy Bible
in life through the commitment to the life of the Christian CCC
cleansing power of water Christian discipleship. community. CFC
and the Holy Spirit. It is Morals Other Doctrinal
also the Incorporation into Participates actively Sources
the Christian community.. in the activities of Religious
the Church as magazines/articles
Baptized Christians on Jesus
and followers of
Celebrates the
Doctrine Love for Christ
Explains the Love for others
The learner will be able to religious significance
5. Popular Religiosity on know and understand the The learner of the Popular
Jesus significance of the Popular demonstrates proper Religiosity
Religiosity as true attitude in the Morals
Sto. Nino expressions of faith and observance of the Observes the
must always be centered different popular appropriate way of
Christ the King
on Christ and must expressing these
religiosity and to
Santo Intiero
empower Christians to do popular religious
compassion and justice. observe the centrality of
Christ in these popular Worship
religious practices. Prays with gratitude
to God for the gift of
these religious
practices in the life
of the Church.