Ateneo de Zamboanga University Junior High School
Ateneo de Zamboanga University Junior High School
Ateneo de Zamboanga University Junior High School
JHS Values
END RESULT: JHS DEPARTMENTAL DESIRED OUTCOMES: After going through four years of Jesuit education in the ADZU JHS, a student, regardless of one’s religion and culture, is one who
is equipped with the knowledge, understanding and appreciation of faith, able to express it in worship, discern and respond to the needs of the community and society.
Christian Morality and Making Moral Values of Family and Life Living out Chastity, Truth, and
the Human Person in Moral Living Justice
GRADE 9 Decisions
The learner is able to The learner is able to show The learner is able to promote the
respond to the call to live The learner is able to make virtues of chastity, truthfulness and
appreciation for the gift of
PERFORMANCE a moral life. moral decisions using justice in living a moral life.
family and life by an act of
The learner demonstrates a deeper conscience, moral norms,
understanding of how he is called to gratitude and love.
making moral judgment and
live a moral life. As a human person, the other elements.
he discovers his dignity as God’s gift
to him. This guides him to choose
wisely the actions to take in
responding to the call to be fully Christian Morality and Making Moral Values of Family and Life Living out Chastity, Truth, and
human amidst the challenges of the the Human Person in Moral Living Justice
world where he lives in. Decisions
The learner will The learner will demonstrate The learner will demonstrate
demonstrate The learner will demonstrate understanding of what a understanding of the virtues of
understanding of the understanding of conscience, family is from a Christian chastity, truthfulness and justice as
context of Christian moral norm, judging a moral perspective, and the value of virtues that needed in living a
morality and the notion of act and the elements in human life. harmonious relationship with others
“Being Human”. making moral decisions. in the community and society.
2 Week 1: Schola
1 Lesson 1: Christian come up with an act that responds
Morality and the to the call to live a moral life as a
Human Person human person based on the life
and teachings of Jesus Christ.
A.1 Short response A.1 Reading of the Ask students about their
Specific Topic: A1 Describe a moral life / m/gzkz5uzc6h
Christian Morality Christian morality A.1 Multiple-choice Lesson content knowledge of morality:
(Summative) What comes to your mind
Pre- Assessment when you hear the word
Introduction to
Agree or Disagree
M.1 Describe what morality (in M.1 Story analysis M.1 Story Analysis: M.1 Analysis of the story Video: You Are
2 general) entails. M.1 True or False Compare and of Punchinello (using Special
(Summative) Contrast “You Are edpuzzle:
Special” and “The Compassion
Rich Young Man” a/60c84bfb4e5ed0418e2a The Rich Young Man Cura Personalis
cc9c and The Rich Young (Matthew 19:16-22)
T1 Propose ways to follow Jesus’ T1 Attaining Power T1 Do the Attaining T1 Process Attaining The Good Samaritan. Compassion
moral teachings and example Standard Power Power Standard: nos. 5-8 The Sunday Web
(SC) Standard: nos. 5-8 Site at Saint Louis Cura Personalis
2 T1 Summative Test T1 Discuss the
Parable of the Good University
Essay- short response Samaritan Performance Task
1 Lesson 2: The A1 Describe the Christian A 1 Multiple Choice A1. Watch the A1. Process the activity Video: Being Human
Human Person perspective of the human person (Summative Test) video: Being Human (video: Being Human) by Catholic Central
especially on human dignity. by the Catholic Character
Specific Topic: Edpuzzle c/o Mayit
(SC) Central or read its Compassion
Human Dignity and transcript using this GY
the Human A1. Discuss human
link dignity through ppt Culture
Person in the
Christian A1. Do an analysis FA: Feelings Chart
Perspective of the video (using
edpuzzle) or text
Being Human. Link
care of Ma’am
3 M1 Discuss and relate to real-life M1 Activity 2:The M1 Activity 2: The M1 Activity 2: The Human
the relationship between the Human Person Human Person Person through padlet
Christian perspective of the human M1. Multiple Choice
person to moral life Essay (Summative) Read the Lesson c/o Marco
Content: Human
M1 Reflection Person M1 Discuss the Lesson
Content through ppt
M1 Synthesis M1 Do the
Reflection FA: 3-2-1
M1 Answer the