4 As Lesson Plan

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K to-12 Basic Education Curriculum

Senior High School-Academic Track

Social Science-Grade 11
Instructional Plan

Name: Jouie C. Narag Grade Level Grade 11

Learning Area: Social Science Quarter 1st

Subject Matter: Understanding Socio-Cultural Change and
Education for Sustainable Development
Competency: Describe how human societies adapt to new challenges in the physical, social, and
cultural environment.
IPlan No. 1 Date Duration 1 hour
Learning Objectives Knowledge Differentiate Social Change from Cultural Change.
Understanding Judge Social Change whether it is beneficial or not.
Identify socio-cultural changes observed in the locality.
Skills Construct own ways of sustainable development based on the 17 SD
Goals of United Nations.
Attitude Appreciate the value of cultural preservation.
Resources Needed Macionis, John J., (1997), Sociology, (6th. ed.), Prentice Hall: New
PDF:Cultural Preservation and Protection by Elizabeth Hoffman
PDF: Education for Sustainable Development by UNESCO, 2017

Materials LCD projector, Manila papers, markers, illustration boards

Elements of the Plan Process Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Preparation Preliminaries  Greetings

 Set the class atmosphere
into a conducive one
 ask them to group
themselves into 5
Motivation There is one question often ask in Possible answers
Beauty pageants:  I will not change any
“If you were given a chance to part of my body
change one part of your body, what because I am
would it be and why?” contented of myself
Very familiar to you right? Any and I am proud of
answer? who I am.
 My classmates
In order to win the question, the always say that my
candidate must not change anything legs are short, so if I
on his/her body. However, in reality, have a chance, I want
we as humans welcome change like a them to be longer.
new friend. Many people would die
for operations just to make
themselves beautiful right? We
accept change even if we do not
know what it would bring us.
Presentation Let us talk more about change! Stay
Activity Activity in your group, as I let you watch a
short video clip and try to get the
main message of it. Later on, let’s
have an activity about it.

Play video Technology and Social While watching, students

Change may take down important
You have just watched a very
informational video entitled
Technology and Social Change.
Now, in your group, brainstorm and
answer these two questions:
1. What are the technological
advancements that you are
now experiencing today?
2. Give reasons why Social
Media is the most Through brainstorming, the
influential Technological group leader will list all
advancement this century. his/her member’s ideas,
3. Describe a world without organize it then write them
social media. on the manila paper.

Group leaders will collect ideas After collecting the

from their members and present it to members’ opinions, the
the class. I will provide manila group leader/presenter shall
papers and markers to each group. present it to the class.

Analysis Analysis Let’s start listening to your voices of Reporter present their group
change! Lets begin with the first output
Possible output:
(After all presentations, the teacher
will give feedback on each group. 1. What are some
The teacher will elaborate some of technological
their answers then look for their advancements we are
common answers and highlight experiencing today?
them.)  Access to different
forms of social media
and Internet.
 Use of multimedia
platforms in
 More advance
technical features for
cellphones and other
 Computerized access
to records goods and

2.Give reasons why Social

Media is the most
influential technological
advancement this
 It improved
among people
throughout the world.
 It became the source
of instant
 It is a medium of
social movement.

3. Describe the world

without social
 Quite “boring”
 People tend to socialize
 Some will become
unaware of updates
about world news, and
social events.
Teacher’s Guide Questions: Possible Answers:
1. How did you came up with
 We solicit each other’s
your ideas?
opinions according to
2. What are your bases in
our own observations
coming up with your
in our homes and in our
 We based our answers
in our own experiences,
in news reports,
reading materials and
in some documentaries
on T.V that features
changes in the society
in this modern days.
Abstraction Abstraction Good to know that you are all aware
of some dramatic changes in our
society most especially how
Technology transformed the lives of
many of us. Remember, technology
is just one of the many drive factors
of social change. Now, let us
enlighten ourselves about what is
Social Change, its connection to
Culture and how do we deal with it.

(the teacher will present the PPT

presentation:Understanding Socio-
Cultural Change and Education for
Sustainable Development)

First, these are social issues that we

need to understand because these are
also important products of socio-
cultural change:
 Social Structure
 Social Mobility
 Social Stratification
 Social Inequality

Now, I want you to prove that these

social issues are really happening
these days. Can you cite some Possible answers
examples?  One example of social
stratification is
It is really important for us to educate marginalizing
ourselves with regard of these issues indigenous groups
in our society. Of course, everyone  We can see social
must be equipped of knowledge inequality in local
about rights and also responsibilities farmers having no
to authority and law. benefits in tilling lands
while land owners are
Many are still confused of these two becoming wealthier.
terms: Social change and cultural
Is Social Change and Cultural
Change the same? Let’s see.

Social change refers to the alteration

of social structure of a group or
Cultural change refers to changes
made in cultural elements in both
material and non-material.
(The teacher will expand the
differences of Social Change and
Cultural Change)

Okay class, let’s try this short quiz:

Determine the given examples Students will try to
whether it is a social or cultural determine the given
change: examples whether they fall
to social or cultural change.
 Implementation of Gender
Equality through Gender and
 Use of LCD projectors in
 A Filipina wearing Gucci
 Kalinga province expected to
be industrialized by 2040
 Shift of government to
 Accepting LGBT members
in military services

Now that it is clear to us the

difference between social change
and cultural change, let us find out
why these changes occurs. What
drives them?
History gave us lens about the
evolution of societies since the early
centuries and we learned some of the
important factors why these societies
became superior and why the others
became inferior and disappeared. We
can directly say it is all because of the
Causes of Social Change

The teacher shall discuss the causes

of Social Change
 Cultural change and its
 Demographic change
 Social Movement
 Consumerism
 Conflict
 Environmental factors
 Idealistic factors

Possible answers
With all these factors that drives  Yes sir. Change
social change, do you believe that allows us to move on
socio-cultural change beneficial to us and welcome new
and to other cultures? Why? things that will make
us stronger, more
No matter what socio-cultural change advance in way of
may bring us, we still have to living, and it can
consider how it affects our behavior even open more
and our relationships. Another opportunities.
important thing to consider is, the  No Sir. If we look to
protection and preservation of many our society now,
cultures amidst socio-cultural change there are a lot of
like global modernization. problems happening.
We are also
Cultural preservation is one of the forgetting that we are
important responsibilities of the Filipinos and we are
United Nations. Why? losing our identity.
(The teacher elaborates to class the
definition and highlights of culture
preservation and why it is significant
these days.)

Cultural preservation is also

anchored in the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals.
As youth, as millennials, we are
given responsibility to be catalyst of
good will as the government and the
world is doing its best for us to
participate and learn about
sustainable development.

What is Sustainable Development?

-according to World Commission on
Environment and Development, it is
an economic development that would
meet the needs of the present without
compromising the future generation
to meet their own needs.

Let’s see some of the features of

Sustainable Development:
 Education for Sustainable
 Core Characteristics of SD
 17 Goals of Sustainable

Socio-cultural change really affects

us all and the society we are living.
Through our discussion, we are able
to educate ourselves on the roots of
this social issue. Furthermore, we are
also equipped with information on
Sustainable Development,
considering it as a responsibility in
protecting the environment and
human diversity as we adapt to these
challenges of this modern world.

Practice Application (for 5 mins) For groups 1 and 2

1. List some of the socio- After the activity, group
cultural changes you observe reporters will discuss their
in your locality. Cite outputs.
examples from your own For poster, the reporter will
culture (as Ibanag, Ilokano, give interpretation about the
Malaueg, etc). symbols drawn.

For groups 3 and 4

2. Using 1/8 Illustration board,
make 2 slogans about:
importance of culture

3. For group 5
Make a poster on how to
achieve the 17 SD goals.

Assessment Evaluation Essay

In a 1 whole sheet of paper:
 Pick one causes of Social
Change and relate to it to
your experiences in your
 Choose one of the Goals of
Sustainable Development
and state how to achieve it.

Criteria: in each item:

Content- 10 pts
Organization of thought– 5 pts
Overall Total- 30 pts

Agreement Follow up:

Collect and cut 2 news reports or
features in magazines, journals, or
newspapers that highlights
Sustainable Development and give
3-5 sentences reaction in each. Put it
in a long bond paper.
Familiarize yourselves on
contemporary issues about:
 Environment
 Society
 Politics

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