4 As Lesson Plan
4 As Lesson Plan
4 As Lesson Plan
Analysis Analysis Let’s start listening to your voices of Reporter present their group
change! Lets begin with the first output
Possible output:
(After all presentations, the teacher
will give feedback on each group. 1. What are some
The teacher will elaborate some of technological
their answers then look for their advancements we are
common answers and highlight experiencing today?
them.) Access to different
forms of social media
and Internet.
Use of multimedia
platforms in
More advance
technical features for
cellphones and other
Computerized access
to records goods and
Possible answers
With all these factors that drives Yes sir. Change
social change, do you believe that allows us to move on
socio-cultural change beneficial to us and welcome new
and to other cultures? Why? things that will make
us stronger, more
No matter what socio-cultural change advance in way of
may bring us, we still have to living, and it can
consider how it affects our behavior even open more
and our relationships. Another opportunities.
important thing to consider is, the No Sir. If we look to
protection and preservation of many our society now,
cultures amidst socio-cultural change there are a lot of
like global modernization. problems happening.
We are also
Cultural preservation is one of the forgetting that we are
important responsibilities of the Filipinos and we are
United Nations. Why? losing our identity.
(The teacher elaborates to class the
definition and highlights of culture
preservation and why it is significant
these days.)
3. For group 5
Make a poster on how to
achieve the 17 SD goals.