WHLP m1 w1& Trends Network For Printing

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V- Bicol
Camarines Norte
Basud District


S.Y. 2021-2022
Grade/Section: GRADE 12 Date: Sept. 13, 2021
Quarter: First Week: 1
Day Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
& Area Competency
6:30 – Wake up, make up your bed, eat breakfast and get ready for an awesome day!
7:00 – Have a short exercise/meditation/bonding with family.
SDAY Trends 1. Differentiat Directions: Please read and follow the direction carefully for each
Network e a trend of the following tasks:  Parents/Guar
8:00 - and from fad  Pre-Test dians that live
10:00 Critical (HUMSS_M Read the direction written in the module. Write your answer in with in the
Thinking CT12- Ia-b- the journal. vicinity of the
in the 21st 3) school can go to
Century  Activity 1: A story, before everything else! their
2. Explain the Read the story on page 5-6 and answer the processing son’s/daughter’s
process on questions. Write the answer in your journal. adviser/teacher
how to spot  Activity 2: Can You Guess? in the school to
a trend get their
Identify the following pictures on page 7. Write your answer
(HUMSS_M modules.
in a journal if it is Trends or Fads, followed by the processing
CT12- Ia-b-
question to be written in the intermediate pad.
2)  As for the
 Activity 3: Crossword Puzzle
retrieval of the
3. Point out Complete the crossword puzzle on pg. 8. Write your answers modules, the
the in your journal and answer the processing questions to be students will
elements written in the intermediate pad. place it in the
that make transparent
up a trend  Practice Task 1: Picture Analysis folder with the
(HUMSS_M name written on
Examine the pictures on page 11-13, identify what kind of
CT12- Ia-b- the upper right
trends it is. Briefly explain the process on how to spot a trend
4) corner of it,
and answer the processing questions. Write it in
together with
intermediate pad.
the intermediate
 Practice Task 2: Fill Me In pad which serves
Identify the 10 most popular social media platforms on pg. as their answer
14-15. Briefly discuss the graphical analysis and sheet/output.
interpretations presented. Identify also the percentage of Then, hand-in by
users of social networking sites. Use the table given on pg. 15 the parent to the
for your answers. Write it in the intermediate pad and answer teacher in
the processing question as well. school.
 Practice Task 3: Collage Making
Make a collage showing the concept or your perception of  Send modules
each element of trend. You will need: magazine (even old and outputs to
magazine in your house), paste, pair of scissors, and an extra Google
bond paper as your output in this activity. Answer your Classroom/FB
answer in the processing question at the back of the bond Messenger
paper. account
 Post Test provided by the
Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the answer in teacher or any
your journal. other platform
 Assignment/Additional Activities recommended
In order to see the changes throughout the decades, you are by the school.
going to compile pictures presenting a year starting from 2010 to
2020. You are tasked to collect a pictures a fads and trends as shown
on TV, clothing and fashion, toys, music, movies, etc, as long as the
presentation shows at most. Presentation is through a photo collage
or a brochure. Submit your output upon the retrieval of the module.
 Identification (Not included in the module)
Direction: From the pool of words below, choose appropriate
answer to the following descriptions. Write your answer in the
intermediate pad (2pts. on each correct answer).

Broad Application Consistent

Easy Fad
Governments Megatrends
International Transaction Trend
Trend spotter Sustainable

1. It is a features of trends which are smooth and precise to follow.

2. This person notices and reports the new fashion, ideas and act
ivies that becoming popular.
3. It is the features of trends that are regular and dependable.
4. It is called a feature of trends that maintained and sustained for a
long period of time.
5. One of the four factors of trends that holds the fiscal and
monetary policy that have an effect on financial market place.
6. One of the major factors that affect trends is the impact of the
country’s economy and its currency, the flow of funds between
7. It is only a short lived and trivial variation of things or patterns of
behavior or activities.
8. It is a continues and have much longer lifespan to be fashionable
for years and even decades.
9. An example of this is the health, and population growth which
serves as the driving force that define the world today and
10. One of the features of trends that uses by a large number of

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Subject Teacher Master Teacher II/AP Head Teacher III/AP Principal II


S.Y. 2021-2022
Grade/Section: GRADE 12 Date: Sept 13, 2021
Quarter: First Week: 2
Day & Learning Area Learning Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Time Competency
6:30 – Wake up, make up your bed, eat breakfast and get ready for an awesome day!
7:00 – Have a short exercise/meditation/bonding with family.
DAY Trends 4. Differentiate Directions: Please read and follow the direction
8:00 - Network and a trend from carefully for each of the following tasks:  Parents/Guardia
10:00 Critical fad  Pre-Test ns that live with in
Thinking in (HUMSS_MCT1 Read the direction written in the module. Write the vicinity of the
the 21st 2- Ia-b-3) your answer in the journal. school can go to
Century  Activity 1: Four Pics One Word their
5. Explain the Identify what is asked in the given item. Write you son’s/daughter’s
process on how answer in the journal. adviser/teacher in
to spot a trend *Answer in the processing question that will be the school to get
(HUMSS_MCT1 written in intermediate pad. their modules.
2- Ia-b-2)  Activity 2: Quote Analysis
 As for the retrieval
Answer what is asked in this activity. Write it in
6. Point out the of the modules,
the intermediate pad.
elements that the students will
 Activity 3: The Space-Time Element
make up a place it in the
trend Follow the instruction carefully, paste your work transparent folder
(HUMSS_MCT1 in a bond paper. Answer the processing question with the name
2- Ia-b-4) at the back of your output. written on the
 Practice Task 1: Fishbone Diagram upper right corner
of it, together
Read and follow the instruction on this activity.
with the
Copy and answer the diagram in your journal.
intermediate pad
*Processing question will be written and answer
and bond paper
in the intermediate pad.
which serves as
 Practice Task 2: Collage Making their answer
Read the instruction carefully. Place your output sheet/output.
in a bond paper and answer the process question Then, hand-in by
to be written at the back of the paper. the parent to the
 Practice Task 3: 100 Word Essay teacher in school.
Your tasked is to write or compose a 100-word
essay of your idea on trends using the guided  Send modules and
questions written on page 13-14. Write your outputs to Google
answer in the intermediate pad. Classroom/FB
 Post Test Messenger
A. TRUE or False. Write the answer in your account provided
journal. by the teacher or
B. Slogan Making. Write your work in a bond any other platform
paper. recommended by
 Assignment/Additional Activities the school.
Write a one-page essay about the
advertisement that caught your attention from
TV, radio, billboards, online promotions, and print
ads. Guided by answering the processing
questions. Submit your output upon the retrieval
of the module.
 Identification (Not included in the module)
Direction: From the pool of words below, choose
appropriate answer to the following descriptions.
Write your answer in the intermediate pad (2pts. on
each correct answer).
BRIC Cause
Effect Generation
gap Human Needs
Intangible Mainstream
Tangible Mobile age
Technology race Usual
1. It is the active essential variables in the
development that always precedes the effect.
2. These are the four countries that become the
central engine of world economic growth for
3. These essential variable is the consequences in the
4. These trends and fads are those that can be felt by
the five senses.
5. These trends and fads are those that cannot be felt
by the five senses but form part of the behavior and
attitude of the people.
6. These refers to the drivers of the human’s action
and subject behind person’s behavior.
7. This refers to the conventional or dominant trend in
the ideas, attitudes and activities.
8. Competition between a number of parties that
brings solution in the world’s compelling problem of
when the solution will arrived and who will deliver
9. Differences in generational ambitions, attitudes and
technology skills and ethics. Generation gap
10. It is common and mobility these days or present
age/era like resources, products, services and so on.

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Subject Teacher Master Teacher II/AP Head Teacher III/AP Principal II

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