Example of Design FMEA Worksheet
Example of Design FMEA Worksheet
Example of Design FMEA Worksheet
Action Results
Potential Design
New Occ
New Sev
New Det
S Potential c D R Responsibility &
Potential Failure Potential Effect(s) Cause(s) of Current Design Recommended
Item / Function e Mechanism(s) of c e P Target Completion Actions Taken
Mode(s) of Failure Failure Controls Action(s)
v Failure u t N Date
0 0
Radiator endplate External Leaks Water loss 8 Insufficient O- 4 Incorrect seal Calculations and 6 192 Statistical Des Engr & BB Seal 8 3 4 96
static O-rings: leading to engine Ring seal and sealing design review. tolerance analysis, Compression
Contains water over temp compression. surfaces accelerated life Statistical
flow leading to engine geometry and/or test and field test. Analysis and
derate and/or tolerances Accel cycling
shutdown leading specified. Test.
to locomotive
Identify each feature shutdown
(item) and its function. Response Plans and Tracking. Beginning with
Identify the most critical RPN's and severities (CTQ's), define
current design 0 recommended actions, responsibilities and target 0
Identify each failure mode. dates. As a result of the completed actions taken,
controls. 0 0
re-rate severity, occurrence and detection based on
0 0
any changes to the end effect, likelihood of
Identify each potential 0 occurrrence, and the likelihood of the actions taken + 0
consequence(s) (local, next and Identify the potential design 0 design controls to detect the failure mechanism. 0
end) of that failure. cause(s) of the failure 0 0
0 0
Severity - On a scale of 1-10, rate 0 0
Risk Priority Number - The combined weighting of Severity,
the Severity of the end effect. See 0
Occurrence, and Detection. RPN = Sev X Occ X Det 0
Occurrence - On a scale of 1-10, rate
Severity sheet for full definition. 0 0
the likelihood of Occurrence of the
0 0
failure mechanism and subsequent Detection - On a scale of 1-10, rate the Detection. (The likelihood that
failure mode. See Occurrence sheet for 0 0
Identify the potential failure the current design controls will detect the design cause and failure
mechanism(s). full definition. 0
mechanism). See Detection sheet for full definition. 0
0 0
System FMEA Number
Subsystem Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Prepared By
Component (Design FMEA) FMEA Date
Design Lead Revision Date
Core Team
Action Results
New Occ
New Sev
New Det
Potential S Potential c Potential (Design) D R Responsibility &
Potential Effect(s) Current Design Recommended Actions
Item / Function Failure e Mechanism(s) of c Cause(s) of Failure e P Tar t Completion
of Failure Controls Action(s) Taken
Mode(s) v Failure u Mechanism t N Date
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Occurrence knowledge).
Low Low chance the design control will detect potential design 30% - 50% 6 The 2nd Detection ranking may be
cause and subsequent failure mechanism. less than the first as it considers both
the design control AND the
Moderate Moderate chance the design control will detect potential design 50% - 75% 5 completed recommended action's
cause and subsequent failure mechanism. likelihood of detecting the
failure/design cause and subsequent
Moderately Moderately high chance the design control will detect potential 75% - 85% 4 failure mechanism.
High design cause and subsequent failure mechanism.
High High chance the design control will detect potential design 85% - 93% 3
cause and subsequent failure mechanism.
Very High Very high chance the design control will detect potential design 93% - 99% 2
cause and subsequent failure mechanism.
Almost Design control will detect potential design cause and >99 % 1
Certain subsequent failure mechanism.