Tkis Ammonia
Tkis Ammonia
Tkis Ammonia
Industrial Solutions
04 ThyssenKrupp Industrial
Solutions’ ammonia experience
07 The Uhde ammonia process
08 - Steam reforming
10 - CO2 removal
11 - Ammonia synthesis
12 - Steam system
13 - Concept variants
14 - The Uhde Dual-Pressure Process
16 Proprietary Uhde equipment designs
17 - The Uhde primary reformer with
a cold outlet manifold system
20 - The Uhde secondary reformer
21 - Process gas cooling train downstream
of the Uhde secondary reformer
22 - Uhde ammonia converter and
waste heat recovery
25 - Production and consumption figures
26 Services for our customers
27 Recent references
Engineering Excellence3 –
Think globally, act locally
Having erected several thousand plants, ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions is one of the
world's leading engineering companies. Our Business Unit Process Technologies supplies
chemical plants, refineries and coking plants on the basis of tried-and-tested technologies
made by Uhde, while the portfolio of the Business Unit Resource Technologies comprises
complete cement plants and grinding systems of the Polysius brand, as well as machines,
plants and systems for mining, extraction, preparation, processing or transshipment of
With many years of experience in the EPC business, we offer our customers concepts,
market studies, plant layouts, design engineering, supplies, manufacturing services,
erection and commissioning – all from a single source. Our employees on all continents
use their knowledge and engineering competence to create innovative solutions and to
look for ways to conserve natural resources.
Our comprehensive service concepts take the entire life cycle of a plant into account.
We offer OEM spare parts service and complete maintenance management, as well
as servicing, modernisation projects and conversions.
The first ammonia plant to use an Uhde proprietary have had to be focused on reducing power consump-
process went on-stream at the site of the Mont-Cenis tion, improving process heat recovery, minimising stack
coal mine at Herne-Sodingen, Germany, as far back losses and cutting energy consumption for CO2 removal.
as 1928. The plant had an output of 100 t/day of
ammonia and comprised four reactors with a capacity The company's objective of making a substantial
of 25 t/day each, the loop operating at a pressure of improvement in energy efficiency has relied heavily on
100 bar. experience and involved a broad spectrum of technical
expertise including a technical review of process design,
The fact that the first Uhde-engineered ammonia reac- engineering design, research and development and the
tors were equipped with an internal heat exchanger and evaluation of operating data. Equally important has
a synthesis loop with an integrated two-stage refrigera- been the enhancement of plant operability and reliability.
tion unit deserves a special mention. Unfortunately, this Hence, much attention has been paid to past successful
efficient system was soon considered outdated, and it experience and proven energy-saving features.
was not until the seventies that these design principles
were taken up again. In 1998, Uhde joined forces with Synetix, now Johnson
Matthey Catalysts (JMCatalysts), to further improve the
Rising energy prices have posed an increasing challenge Uhde ammonia process. This partnership builds on the
for ammonia plant designers since this period. As early traditional strengths of the two companies and takes
as 1968, Uhde took up the challenge and engineered a advantage of JM Catalysts' know-how in catalysis, am-
plant with an energy consumption of only 7.8 Gcal per monia plant operation and support services together
tonne of ammonia. with the experience in design, engineering and project
execution that ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions can
This natural gas-based plant with a capacity of 880 t/day offer. The partnership allows strong collaboration
incorporated the following essential elements for reduc- between JM Catalysts and ThyssenKrupp Industrial
ing energy consumption: Solutions' engineers so that the Uhde ammonia process
can be further optimised to take best advantage of the
• Maximum heat recovery from the primary reformer latest high-performance catalysts from JM Catalysts,
flue gas by cooling it to 135°C at the stack inlet. thus improving efficiency and lowering cost.
• Preheating of the combustion air for the primary The most recent successful implementations of the
reformer. Uhde ammonia process include a plant in Turkmenistan
with a capacity of 600 t/day, a 2,000 t/day plant for
• Generation of 125 bar steam from process waste Qatar Fertiliser Co. (QAFCO) in Mesaieed, Qatar, seven
heat downstream of the secondary reformer and in 1,200 t/day plants in Egypt, a 2,000 t/day plant in the
the ammonia synthesis unit. UAE (FERTIL 2) and a 2,200 t/day plant in Iowa, US,
which is under construction.
• High-pressure steam superheating with waste
process heat downstream of the secondary reformer. A new milestone in ammonia technology was achieved
with the plant built for Saudi Arabian Fertilizer Company
• Three-bed ammonia reactor with heat exchangers (SAFCO) in Al Jubail, Saudi Arabia. It was the first plant
between catalyst beds. to be based on the "Uhde Dual-Pressure Process" and,
with a single-train capacity of 3,300 t/day, it was and
All subsequent ammonia plants designed by still is one of the world's largest ammonia plant. Built in
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions have incorporated 2006, it has since been marginally topped by an Uhde
most of these low-energy features. Dual-Pressure plant built in Saudi Arabia (MAADEN I).
Two other plants of this type and capacity are currently
In recent years, ammonia plant technology has under- under construction, one in Saudi Arabia (MAADEN II)
gone radical developments in terms of both design and and the other in Louisiana, US.
equipment. In order to improve plant efficiency, efforts
The block diagram of an Uhde ammonia The following process areas have under-
plant found below shows the conventional gone major modifications in order to achieve
sequence of process steps that form the these figures:
basis of most present-day ammonia pro-
cesses. However, ammonia processes • Steam reforming section including
cannot be judged solely on the basis of a its waste heat recovery system.
block diagram. A more detailed scrutiny • Steam system.
of the facts and figures shows that what
• Optional gas turbine drive for
appears to be a conventional set-up is in
the process air compressor.
fact a state-of-the-art ammonia plant
concept. • CO2 removal unit.
• Ammonia synthesis unit.
The total consumption figure (feed + fuel +
electric power) per metric ton of ammonia Assuming the reader to be familiar with the
produced is in the range of 6.4 to 7.2 Gcal basics of ammonia technology, attention in
(26.8 - 30.1 GJ), depending on local con- the following sections has been restricted
ditions (e.g. cooling water temperature) and to those aspects specific to the Uhde low-
project-specific requirements (such as the energy concept.
natural gas price, etc.).
Fuel Process steam
Primary reformer
Process air
Secondary reformer
HP steam
CO shift
CO2 removal
Syngas compressor
HP steam to
Refrigeration NH3 synthesis
Block diagram
of an Uhde ammonia plant
Primary and secondary The following modifications to conventional plant • Increase in the feed / steam mixture preheat tem-
reformer of the AFC designs have contributed to improvements in overall perature. This reduces the firing requirements in the
ammonia plant in Egypt.
efficiency: primary reformer by shifting the heat transfer duty
from the radiant section to the convection section.
• Shift of part of the reforming reaction from the
primary to the secondary reformer as a result of the • Decrease in the steam-to-carbon ratio to 3.0. This
following measure: includes an adequate safety margin against the
formation of carbon deposits on the primary refor-
Installation of a purge gas recovery unit, by means mer catalyst. Reducing the admixture of steam to
of which hydrogen is recycled to the suction side of the feed results in less heat being absorbed in the
the syngas compressor, thereby allowing operation primary reformer radiant section and therefore lower
of the secondary reformer with excess air while the fuel consumption. Nevertheless, the steam-to-gas
hydrogen-to-nitrogen ratio of the make-up gas is ratio is high enough to minimise by-product forma-
kept close to 3:1. tion in the HT shift through the use of commercially
proven catalysts.
• Preheating of the process air for the secondary
reformer to a higher temperature of up to 600°C. The process data of the reforming section are
Shifting part of the reaction to the secondary summarised below:
reformer leads to lower operating temperatures in
the primary reformer and therefore to fuel savings. Steam / carbon ratio 3.0
Feed / steam, primary reformer inlet °C 530 - 580
• Optimum use of the reduced primary reformer load
is achieved by increasing the reformer pressure to Pressure, primary reformer exit bar 39 - 43
about 44 bar whilst maintaining the estimated life- Methane, primary reformer exit vol.% 10 - 13
time of the reformer tubes at 100,000 hours. This
Methane, secondary reformer exit vol.% 0.3 - 0.6
step entails a reduction in overall energy consump-
tion as the aggregate power required for the syn- Process air temperature °C 520 - 600
thesis gas compressor is reduced. Combustion air temperature °C 250 - 440
125 bar steam, superheated °C 530 - 540
Stack temperature °C 120 - 180
Special mention should be made of an essential item A superheater of this type was installed by what was
of equipment in the steam reforming section: the steam then Uhde for the first time in the Gewerkschaft Victor
superheater, located in the process train downstream of plant, which went on stream in 1970. This same design
the secondary reformer. configuration was also used for the CIL plant in Canada
(on-stream since 1985) and is now the superheater of
In a low-energy plant, the objective is to recover as choice in all of the ammonia plants recently built by
much heat as possible from the convection section for ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions. Firstly this arrange-
direct process use, thereby reducing the fuel require- ment provides the necessary flexibility to adapt the plant
ment. This reduces the heat available in the convection to any given set of process requirements, and secondly,
section for superheating HP steam. The balance of the it enables the steam system to operate safely under any
energy required for this purpose is therefore recovered normal, or abnormal, operating conditions.
in the superheater downstream of the secondary re-
former. The duty of this superheater is in the range An internal bypass in the evaporation section permits
of 15 to 40% of the heat available between the second- the shifting of heat transfer duty between the evapora-
ary reformer exit and HT shift inlet, depending on the tor and the steam superheater. In normal operation, the
process parameters selected. internal bypass remains partially open. By closing it, the
gas temperature at the superheater inlet can be re-
The lower the fuel consumption figure, the more process duced, thus increasing steam generation. This is impor-
gas heat is utilised to superheat the HP steam, whereas tant in overcoming partial plant failures, e.g. in the case
the total HP steam generated is reduced. In other words: of a loss of steam production in the ammonia synthesis
fuel savings also reduce the net energy export. section.
Steam reforming
Fuel HP steam and CO shift
Steam drum
Reformer HP steam
Desulphurisation superheater
➀➁ ➂ ➃ ➄
gas cooler
HP steam
MP steam
LT shift HT shift
Process air
Combustion air
Various chemical and physical absorption systems are The design selected incorporates a two-stage absorber.
available for the removal of CO2, e.g. aMDEA®, Benfield, Most of the CO2 is removed in the lower part using a
Amine Guard and Selexol. ThyssenKrupp Industrial semi-lean solution that has been regenerated in a two-
Solutions has used all these processes in the past and stage flash loop without any need for stripping energy.
has the experience of many years of commercial opera- Final purification to the ppm range then takes place in
tion. The lowest energy consumption is achieved using the upper part of the absorber with a relatively small por-
the OASE WHITE® process licensed by BASF. The key to tion of the total circulating solvent. It is only this portion
these energy savings is that the solution is primarily re- that has to be thermally regenerated by a stripping pro-
generated by flashing rather than steam stripping. cess in a reboiling column. This process scheme permits
a reduction in the specific energy consumption of the
The activated OASE WHITE® process uses a solution of CO2 recovery system to 1,340 kJ / Nm3 of CO2 (13,000
N-methyldiethanolamine and water with a special activ- BTU / lb mole of CO2).
removal system
Process gas
ator as the solvent. As the activated MDEA solution In addition, the process offers the following advantages:
isotherms for CO2 are between those of a typical
chemical solvent and a physical solvent, this process • High CO2 recovery rate (> 96%) and CO2 purity
combines the benefits of both chemical and physical (> 99% by volume).
CO2 removal processes.
• No need for corrosion inhibitors as the solution is
not corrosive to carbon steel.
Minimisation of solution losses because activated
MDEA has a low vapour pressure and does not
degrade during operation. No reclaiming of the
solution is required.
• No toxic solvents.
• No crystallisation problems.
The most fundamental improvements to earlier designs therefore uses only well-proven magnetite-based cata-
have been effected in the ammonia synthesis unit. lysts in all three beds. The first of the three beds will
typically be filled with prereduced catalyst to accelerate
The main feature of this unit is its high conversion rate the initial start-up.
which is achieved by a large catalyst volume. In order to
minimise reactor size and cost while keeping the pres- Depending on the site-specific and project-specific con-
sure drop low, the large catalyst volume requires: ditions, the three catalyst beds are arranged in either
one or two ammonia reactors.
• Use of small grain-size catalyst.
Designs with one ammonia reactor and one waste heat
• Application of the radial-flow concept in the boiler cannot optimally exploit the reaction heat for the
ammonia reactor. generation of high-pressure steam. However, optimum
heat recovery can be achieved if an additional waste heat
HP steam boiler is introduced between the second and third bed.
BFW (liquid)
Make-up gas Syngas compressor
Ammonia synthesis
Uhde has always advocated three-bed reactors with high it permits a higher boiler feed water temperature at the
ammonia conversion rates per pass. Therefore, the Uhde boiler inlet, which means that the preheating of the boiler
ammonia synthesis unit is based on a three-bed reactor feed water can be enhanced by using the low-level heat
system, each bed with a radial flow. A high-conversion available in other plant sections, for example downstream
synthesis loop offers considerable advantages since the of the LT shift.
recycle gas quantity is considerably reduced and, conse-
quently, power requirements for the circulator are lower The effect of a two-boiler system on high-pressure steam
and heat exchanger surfaces smaller. Refrigeration re- generation is significant: it is increased from 1.1 to 1.5
quirements also decrease overproportionately because t / t of ammonia. The process parameters of the
most of the ammonia produced is condensed upstream synthesis loop design are shown below:
of the loop chiller.
H2 / N2 ratio, methanation exit 2.95
Studies on innovative high-activity precious metal-based Synthesis loop pressure bar 140 - 210
catalysts have revealed that no economic advantage can
be gained through their use in view of the uncertainty of NH3 reactor inlet vol.% 3 - 5
future prices for the precious metals required. Further- NH3 reactor outlet vol.% 20 - 25
more, due to the different physical properties operational
HP steam generation t / t NH3 1.1 - 1.5
problems can be expected. For maximum reliability and
cost-effectiveness ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions Number of reactors 1 or 2
HP steam header
112 bar, 530 °C
Turbine syngas compressor
Steam drum
125 bar
Process gas
Process gas synthesis Process gas
LP steam header
The diagram shows the heat management system un- The superheated steam is expanded in the high-pres-
derlying the Uhde low-energy ammonia plant concept, sure part of the syngas compressor turbine and fed to
the essence of which is the optimum utilisation of the medium-pressure system.
process waste heat for the generation of superheated
high-pressure steam. Medium-pressure steam at 49 bar, 415°C, is used as
process steam or for the following equipment:
High-pressure boiler feed water is heated in a first step
downstream of the LT shift; the stream is then split into • Condensing turbine that drives the syngas
two, one part-stream going to the ammonia synthesis compressor.
unit and the other to the HT shift for further preheating.
• Condensing turbine that drives the process air
compressor / alternator.
High-pressure steam is only generated from process
waste heat at two locations: • Back-pressure turbine driving the boiler feed
water pump.
• Downstream of the secondary reformer.
Depending on the plant requirements, the process air
• In the ammonia synthesis unit.
compressor turbine or the refrigeration compressor
turbine can be fed with HP steam. All other machines
Superheating of high-pressure steam takes place
are driven by electric motors.
downstream of the secondary reformer and in the
primary reformer convection bank.
Further reduction of the overall energy consumption is
achieved by application of a gas turbine drive combined
with a heat recovery system.
Chemical plant capacities have for a long time been lower temperature than in the conventional ammmo-
taking on ever greater dimensions. The reason for this nia process. The high synthesis loop pressure is
is the reduction of the specific production costs through achieved through a combination of the chilled second
economies of scale. More than ever before, the plant casing of the syngas compressor and a slightly
construction sector is facing the challenge of exploiting elevated front-end pressure. In this conventional am-
this advantage while at the same time continuing to monia synthesis loop the remaining two thirds of the
employ proven technologies and equipment. total ammonia is produced.
1. The once-through ammonia synthesis involves • The process design is extremely flexible with a large
compression of the make-up gas in a two-stage number of process parameters available to optimise
intercooled compressor. This is the low-pressure the use of catalyst and machinery.
(LP) casing of the syngas compressor. The pressure
at the discharge of the compressor is about 110 bar. • It is now possible to achieve a synthesis capacity of
At this pressure the three-bed, intercooled, once- about 3,300 t/day of ammonia using conventional
through converter produces approximately one third equipment and catalysts that have proved to be reliable
of the total ammonia output. The syngas-ammonia and efficient in existing plants.
mixture leaving this converter is cooled and 85% of
the ammonia produced is separated from the gas as • There are no major deviations from proven process
liquid. conditions.
converter PGR unit
LP HP Once-through Ammonia
casing casing ammonia converters from
Note: Molecular HP loop
sieves (dryers) CW
not shown
NH3 NH3 chiller
H 2O
Make-up gas from front-end NH3 chiller Ammonia from once-through conversion NH3
A good process alone is not sufficient. • Primary reformer with a cold outlet manifold system.
Secondary reformer
Process air
Catalyst bed
Gas outlet
The Uhde primary reformer is a furnace in which • Small number of burners (in comparison with a
a multiplicity of tubes filled with catalyst are heated by side-fired reformer).
burning fuel. The process gas temperature required
at the outlet of the catalyst-filled tubes is about 800°C • Internally insulated cold outlet manifold system made
at a pressure of approximately 45 bar. Inevitably, the from carbon steel and located externally under the
service life of components such as the reformer tubes reformer bottom.
is limited. Material deterioration occurs through the
combined effects of creep, alternating thermal and • Internally insulated reformer tube-to-manifold con-
mechanical stresses, external and internal oxidation nection which operates at moderate temperatures.
and carburisation.
• Each tube row is connected to a separate outlet
Consequently, the furnace designer is faced manifold.
with two main tasks:
Advantages of the Uhde reformer:
Firstly, to minimise the number of components
subject to wear and tear due to the combined effects • No high-alloy outlet pigtails and / or outlet manifolds
of high temperatures and pressures. or risers which work at creep conditions.
• Secondly, to allow as smooth and safe an operation • Minimum number of components exposed to the
as possible. severe process conditions.
Furnace arch The following main features show our approach to • Uniform temperature profile over the entire length
fulfilling the above requirements: of the reformer tube with the lowest possible peak
Reformer tube temperature, resulting in optimum utilisation of the
Fire box
• Top-firing for an optimum uniformity of the tube skin reformer tube material.
temperature profile.
• No thermal expansion problems with the outlet mani-
fold system. The slight remaining thermal expansions
do not have to be compensated by materials exposed
to the severe process conditions. The design of very
large single-box reformers is possible.
Furnace bottom
• The process gas outlet temperature is monitored for
Catalyst grid each tube row and is adjustable during operation for
Skin temperature optimum reformer performance and temperature
Bellow uniformity.
• The burners.
Water jacket •
A refractory-lined transfer line between the primary
and secondary reformer, which is only short as it is
connected to the process gas inlet nozzle of the
secondary reformer. Once in the secondary reformer,
Catalyst the gas passes through an central internal riser into
the combustion chamber. This design facilitates
Refractory ducting and eliminates thermal stress between the
transfer line and the secondary reformer.
Features of the Uhde process gas cooling train Advantages of the horizontal fire-tube boiler:
• Tube inlets protected by ferrules to limit the head flux • No heated dead ends on water side where debris
at the tube inlet. can settle.
• Double layer refractory lining for the inlet and, if • Low metal temperatures at and near tubesheets due
necessary for the outlet chamber with high-duty bricks to efficient insulation and ferrules.
on the hot surface.
• Simple and reliable process gas temperature control.
• Internal gas bypass for temperature control with
steam-cooled damper blades. • Easy access for inspection and maintenance.
• Steam drum mounted on top of the boiler and • Low erection costs due to shop assembly of boiler
supported by downcomers and risers. and drum.
• Process gas inlet and outlet at the bottom. • Coil designed for high mechanical flexibility.
• Preferably vertical arrangement of the super- • Thermal expansions compensated for within the coil.
heating coil.
• Safe metal temperatures maintained by efficient
• Pressure shell in contact with the cooled process bypass control.
gas only.
• Temperature of the pressure-bearing shell governed
• Internal bypass for temperature control. by cooled outlet gas.
Fertiliser complex of The demand for energy-efficient Features of the Uhde Features of the Uhde
EFC in Ain Shukna ammonia production dictates the single-converter design: two-converter design:
(near Suez), Egypt.
following criteria for the design
Capacities: of the ammonia synthesis unit: • Heat exchanger between • Location of the first two
1,200 t/day of ammonia catalyst beds for indirect catalyst beds in the first
1,925 t/day of urea • High conversion rates and cooling of synthesis gas; converter vessel and of the
2,000 t/day granulation unit therefore large catalyst consequently, highly efficient third bed in the second
volume. temperature control. converter vessel.
• Maximum utilisation of • Radial flow from outside to • Radial flow from outside to
reaction heat for the genera- inside through all catalyst inside through all catalyst
tion of high-pressure steam. beds. beds.
• Low pressure drop in the • Design adaptable to full-bore • Simple U-tube heat ex-
loop. or drawn-in top closure of changer between first and
converter, depending on pro- second catalyst beds for
Such criteria, in turn, ject constraints. indirect cooling of the
call for the: synthesis gas.
• Heat exchangers extractable
• Use of fine-particle without removal of cartridge. • Design adaptable to full-bore
catalyst. or drawn-in top closure of
• An externally arranged BFW converter, depending on
• Application of the radial-flow preheater / HP steam boiler project constraints.
principle. downstream of the third bed.
Second bed
Second bed
Third bed
Three-bed ammonia
converter, radial flow
Ammonia converter I, radial flow,
catalyst beds 1 and 2
blow down
Third bed
BFW inlet
Ammonia converter II ,
radial flow, catalyst bed 3 Gas Gas outlet HP Steam boiler
2,000 t/day of ammonia
3,200 t/day of urea
3,500 t/day granulation unit
Cooling water ( T = 10 K) ............... 120 260
Demineralised water (net cons.) ................... 0.65 0.75
Treated process condensate(3) ................... 0.85 ..... 1.15
Product Quality
Ammonia content ...................................% by wt. ........ 99.8
Water content .......................................% by wt. ........ 0.0 0.2
Oil content.............................................ppm by wt. ...............max. ... 5
expressed as lower heating value of natural gas per metric ton of ammonia
electric power and steam export converted into fuel equivalents
routed back to the demineralisation unit for re-use
All consumption figures are per metric ton of liquid ammonia and serve as general information only.
Local climatic conditions and gas composition may have a considerable influence on the performance figures.
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions is dedicated to pro- We like to cultivate our business relationships and learn
viding its customers with a wide range of services and more about the future goals of our customers. Our after-
to supporting them in their efforts to succeed in their sales services include regular consultancy visits which
line of business. keep the owner informed about the latest developments
or revamping options.
With our worldwide network of local organisations and
experienced local representatives, as well as first-class Our policy is to ensure utmost quality in the implemen-
backing from our head office, we have the ideal qualifi- tation of our projects. We work worldwide to the same
cations to achieve this goal. quality standard, certified according to:
Whenever we can, we give potential customers the op- By organising and supporting technical symposia, we
portunity to visit operating plants and to personally eval- promote active communication between customers,
uate such matters as process operability, maintenance licensors, partners, operators and our specialists. This
and on-stream time. We aim to build our future busi- enables our customers to benefit from the development
ness on the confidence our customers place in us. of new technologies and the exchange of experience
as well as troubleshooting information.
We provide the entire spectrum of services associated
with an EPC contractor, from the initial feasibility study, ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions stands for tailor-
through financing concepts and project management made concepts and international competence.
right up to the commissioning of units and grassroots
plants. For more information contact one of the ThyssenKrupp
Industrial Solutions offices near you or visit our website:
Our impressive portfolio of services includes:
• Feasibility studies / technology selection.
• Project management.
• Arrangement of financing schemes.
• Financial guidance based on an intimate
knowledge of local laws, regulations and
tax procedures.
• Environmental studies.
• Licensing incl. basic / detail engineering.
• Utilities / offsites / infrastructure.
• Procurement / inspection / transportation services.
• Civil works and erection.
• Commissioning.
• Training of operating personnel using operator
training simulator.
• Plant operation support / plant maintenance.
• Remote Performance Management (Teleservice).
Recent references
E Engineering
P Procurement
C Construction