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GE Oil & Gas Carlo del Vescovo, GE Oil & Gas

Pasquale Manicone, GE Oil & Gas

Lorenzo Bergamini, GE Oil & Gas


Centrifugal pumps
for upstream oil and
gas applications
Abstract The scope of supply consisted of four pumps operating in series
and installed on two separate skids. Each skid has one motor
with double shaft-ends, driving two pumps. The selection of
Upstream oil and gas applications present pumps in series directly coupled with the driver was due to the
technical challenges to OEMs in terms of small mass flow rate required. Each skid has a dedicated seal
materials, pressure, flow rate, installation, system that serves 53B triple mechanical seals buffered with
integration and general constraints. This ISO VG5 oil. The suction pressure of the first pump is 30 MPa
(4350 psi), whereas the last pump has a rated discharge pressure
article describes, from a deep technical of 54 MPa (7830 psi). The design pressure of the barrel casing
perspective, the main experiences of GE is 67 MPa (API 10000 rating class). The pumps increase the
Oil & Gas with upstream applications such pressure of process fluid after the initial stream compression
as CO2 re-injection, BB3 pump-produced and liquefaction.
water re-injection, and BB5 pumping for The main features that distinguish CO2 pump design from
treated sea water re-injection. conventional centrifugal pumps for incompressible flows are
summarized in the following paragraphs, each related to a main
design topic:

Introduction Impeller design

For 50 years, GE Oil & Gas has manufactured a wide range of The impeller was designed to accommodate the variation of
API 610/ISO13709-compliant centrifugal pumps for hydrocarbon the volumetric flow rate through the pump caused by the dense
processing, refineries, water injection and pipeline services, with phase compressibility so that the stream could be elaborated
almost 20,000 pump units installed worldwide. In the last 20 with only one identical impeller. (CFD results are shown in Figure
years, by leveraging our vast experience with R&P pumps and 2.) The design of the new impeller family has a more streamlined
the research and design practices applied to high-pressure pattern flow with subsequently higher stall tolerance.
sour gas centrifugal compressors, GE Oil & Gas has executed
centrifugal pump projects in upstream applications whose Rotor dynamics
complexity was particularly related to the adoption of special The low density of warm supercritical CO2 implies low
materials like superduplex/nickel alloys, discharge pressure damping and stiffening effects of internal wear ring leakages.
beyond 500 bar, and a composite balance of plant integration. Therefore, rotordynamic assessment is a critical aspect of the
design process. It’s especially important to assess the residual
imbalance derived from the balancing capability of a slender
CO2 Pump Re-Injection for shaft that is experiencing the actual damping and stiffening
Tupi Pilot effect of the low density, low-viscosity supercritical CO2.

The BB5-type multistage barrel pump was selected for very high Performance predictions
pressure CO2 re-injection by floating, production, storage and The selection of the pump – like that of a centrifugal compressor
offloading (FPSO) systems in the Tupi pilot field. The opposed – must always account for the high compressibility of
impeller back-to-back rotor configuration provides good supercritical CO2. Therefore, the polytropic head is the
overall efficiency compared to the inline rotor configuration. correct parameter expressing the work per unit of mass
This is because the central balancing bushing has a smaller provided by the pump. Moreover, the polytropic efficiency
diameter when compared to a balancing drum, thus reducing also is preferred for compressors.
the internal leakages that become a significant source of power
Validating the equation of state, as it’s tailored to stream
losses, especially when dealing with low-viscosity fluids. The
components and related percentage, becomes vital to providing
configuration also provides improved rotordynamic damping,
the most accurate performance prediction. While this is normal
even in worn clearance conditions, for pumps with such high
for compressors, machinery manufacturers have never had to
deltaP and flexible rotors.
handle a supercritical mixture in dense phase that contains a

FIGURE 1 Cross section of the CO2 injection pump for the Tupi pilot project FIGURE 2 CFD of old and new impeller

Centrifugal pumps for upstream oil and gas applications 2

high amount of.contaminants. The Tupi pilot re-injection stream
had a very high percentage of contaminants at pressures and
CO2 Pumping Testing
temperatures never experienced by compressor applications. The CO2 test campaign conducted at GE’s Bari site had three
Therefore, a research institute was commissioned to perform main phases:
density and heat capacity tests that reproduced the same main
• A low speed (3,580 rpm) campaign with the same Tupi pilot
conditions of the stream in terms of contaminants percentage,
mechanical seals and seal system, using a mixture containing
pressure and temperature. The identified discrepancies between
83 percent CO2 and 17 percent N2. Suction conditions were
the mathematical prediction based on mixed rules and the
the same on all four installed pumps.
test results enabled the fine tuning of the polytropic head and
performances. Figure 3 illustrates a rough operative envelope • A high speed (up to 7,600 rpm) campaign with dry gas seals,
of the CO2 pump. The pump adoption also depends on the pure CO2, and a suction pressure and temperature of 10 MPa
density variation predicted. and 15°C, respectively.
• A high speed (up to 7,600 rpm) campaign with dry gas seals,
pure CO2, and a suction pressure and temperature of 10 MPa
and 40°C, respectively.
GE was able to validate the integration of the pump with the
mechanical seals and seal system during the first phase of
the testing campaign. The mechanical running was completed
successfully with no signals out of the allowable range.
Temperature/pressure rise and pump efficiency were validated
in the four suction conditions, which were reproduced through
subsequent venting, filling, heating and cooling. From the inlet
pressure of 30 MPa, to the final outlet pressure of 54 MPa, the
gas temperature rose from 40°C to 76°C.
The test was instrumental in adjusting the impeller trimming
laws, based on the politropic head required.
The same pump, retrofitted with dry gas seals, also was
tested with pure CO2 at the full design speed of 7,600 rpm.
With this configuration, the differential pressure reached
FIGURE 3 Operating envelope of CO2 pumps 45 MPa (6,525 psi) and the flow rate was 35 kg/s. The stability
of the rotor would have allowed the speed to be increased if
there had been no limitations on the driver.
Pressure boundary and materials
The structural design and material selection criteria were
derived from the proven experience of CO2 compressors.
For example, the mechanical seals assembly with pump
case was made with special shear rings that GE designed
to withstand almost 1,000 kN of axial thrust produced by
a barrier fluid pressure equal to 550 bara. Given the negligible
viscosity of supercritical CO2, the wear rings were built with
self-lubricating composite materials. All outer barrel flanged
connections were designed to meet an API 6A standard
10000 rating.

Mechanical seals
The selected seals, which were specifically engineered,
were triple seals coupled to the pump case with shear rings,
in accordance with the 53B API 682 plan, and a barrier fluid
pressurized at 550 bara. The barrier pressure is segmented
with an additional seal toward the atmospheric side so that
the barrier pressure could be halved in an additional level.
In this way, the seal faces design was safer and more robust,
with a deltaP on each seal of approximately 275 bar. The
mechanical seals were qualified at the supplier’s workshop
and later tested with the pump on GE’s CO2 test bench.

FIGURE 4 CO2 pump testing at GE facility

Centrifugal pumps for upstream oil and gas applications 3

Figure 5 shows graphs of the measured discharge pressure
and total efficiency. The pump was operated at 7,600 rpm
BB3 CO2 pump
with 10 MPa (1,450 psi) suction pressure, whereas the suction GE’s BB3 pump (Figure 7) design has been upgraded to provide
temperature was varied between 15°C and 40°C – the typical a competitive product fit for low-pressure CO2 re-injection
seasonal range of water-cooled CO2. It’s clear that the same (<200 bara) applications. The main upgrade, involving the
suction pressure yields different discharge pressures at different mechanical seal chamber, was done to avoid large protruding
average inlet densities. The performance chart shows that the mechanical seals when there are double or engineered seals,
values and the shape of the Q-H and efficiency curves vary. and to guarantee a safe sealing of the gaskets at the outer
Increasing the suction temperature progressively decreased diameter, which was accomplished by assembling a one-piece
the efficiency. sleeve in the seal chamber together with a robust axial gasket
As expected, the two high-speed test phases confirmed that it at the end of the chamber. The arrangement, which was tested
was possible to regulate the discharge pressure acting on the and validated, is shown in Figures 7 and 8.
water cooling flow rate of the cooler installed upstream from
the pump. Even though speed regulation was confirmed as the
most efficient and rapid way to regulate, suction temperature BB3 pump for produced
regulation is a competitive way to regulate discharge pressure
if there are no requirements for system time response.
water re-injection
One of the most important results of the test is the data on If the total injection flow rate is split into more than two or
the behavior of dry gas seals with liquid CO2. The assessment three injection lines, the required impeller diameter allows
referred to the need to heat the CO2 bled by the pump discharge the selection of a BB3 pump instead of a BB5 pump – a choice
and used as buffer fluid so that the primary seal of the tandem that improves competitiveness and shortens maintenance
arrangement wouldn’t freeze. This assessment is shown in lead time. Even though API 610 suggests that BB3 pumps
Figure 6, which reports the thermodynamic scheme of a only be used in applications with design pressure lower than
tandem dry gas seal. 100 bara, GE’s BB3 pump can operate with a 10-inch impeller
diameter to withstand pressures that are typical of well
re-injection applications (>200 bara). In remote areas with
Discharge pressure and overall efficiency natural gas-rich oil fields but poor electrification, high-pressure
(suction pressure 100 bar, 15°C) re-injection pumps can be driven by reciprocating gas engines.
In the North Rumaila field in Iraq, GE provided a full package
of 10 trains comprised of a gas engine, air starting system,
jet-pulse air intake filters, station fuel treatment systems,
air coolers, high-pressure BB3 pumps and 10 produced
water booster pumps.

Discharge pressure and overall efficiency

(suction pressure 100 bar, 40°C)

FIGURE 5 Experimental test results FIGURE 6 CO2 dry gas seal thermodynamic scheme

Centrifugal pumps for upstream oil and gas applications 4

The main challenge for such a train is ensuring robust and
reliable torsional behavior under all operating conditions.
Building and simulating such a complex rotor scheme requires
significant effort and joint responsibility between pump and
engine OEMs, all of whom were within GE for this project
(see Figure 10).
Total fluctuating torque, generated by gas pressure and the
inertia of engine cylinders, was modeled in stationary and
transient conditions. Particular care was taken to address the
possibility of misfire combustion in the 16-cylinder engine,
a condition in which major harmonic orders could undermine
rotor and visco-elastic coupling stability (see Figure 11).
The complete train was string tested successfully during four
FIGURE 7 BB3 pump features
hours of mechanical running. GE’s comprehensive expertise
and products simplified the significant integration effort on
the package. That said, the produced water re-injection pump
itself (Figure 12) certainly presents the greatest technical
challenges. The main pump features are summarized in the
following table:

Pump model 3x9 MSN10stgs

Speed 5725 rpm
Rated power 2.2 MW
FIGURE 8 BB3 seal chamber re-styling
Design pressure 350 bar
Max flow rate 320m3/h
Hydro-test pressure 530 bar
Efficiency 74.2 percent
Water with H2S and very high
Process fluid
percentage of chlorides
Materials Super duplex/nickel alloys

FIGURE 9 Produced water re-injection train with main components Full NACE compliance

FIGURE 10 Complete rotor torsional model FIGURE 12 Produced water re-injection BB3 pumps

Misfire combustion engine torque Rotor stresses


Centrifugal pumps for upstream oil and gas applications 5

Because of the moderate H2S content of the produced water, This test helped define two important conditions: the function
the required pump material class was D2 in accordance with law that correlates preload and torque with a specific lubrication
API 610 and compliant with NACE. In addition, because of the configuration on the threads of nut and bolt and the washer
hardness limit, the NACE compliance excluded ASTM A276 contact area, and the max torque that’s possible without any
S32760 in strain-hardened conditions for bolts and nuts potential damage to the threads of casted super-duplex.
(considered as wetted parts). On the other hand, ASTM A276 Figure 15 illustrates one example of function law of strain
S32760 in annealed conditions doesn’t have mechanical and preload versus tightening torque.
properties compatible with design pressure of 350 bara (hydro This pre-assessment also made it possible for the tightening
test pressure 530 bara). Therefore, these conditions induced procedure to successfully conduct a hydro test at 530 bara
the adoption of bolts in Inconel 718 instead of Annealed Super without any leakage between the mating surfaces of the
Duplex ASTM A276 S32760. Because of the big difference two pump halves.
between yield strengths of casted super duplex and Inconel
718 (σInconel ≈ 2σsuper-duplex), and because of the predicted
torque applied to the bolts based on ~90 percent of yield of
Inconel 718 yield strength, a tightening test was performed
to validate the design of threaded joining and the actual axial
preload provided by the torque wrench to isolate the torque
friction component.

FIGURE 15 Strain and preload versus tightening torque

FIGURE 13 Sample - bolts with strain gauges

A M80 bolt sample in Inconel 718 was strain-gauged and High-power BB5 pump for
assembled with a part in casted super-duplex that reproduced
the threaded joining. treated sea water injection
The test was made with three lubrication configurations – In 2009, GE Oil & Gas supported increased oil production from
Molikote paste, Molikote spray, and no lubrication – with all the M’Boundi field in Congo Brazzaville by supplying a complete
possible combinations between nuts and bolts. package for sea water injection, including intake transfer, booster
and main pumps. All the pumps were in the API 610 D2 material
class. The M’Boundi field is 80 km from the coast, where the
installed intake and export pumps feed the sea water pipeline
up to the injection pumping system that mainly is comprised of
a booster pump and main injection pump. Figure 16 summarizes
the features of the main injection pump:

Pump model 6x15 DDHF/6stgs

Speed 4200 rpm
Rated power 6.3 MW
Design pressure 255 bara
Max flow rate re-injection 800m3/h
Hydro-test pressure 380 bar
Efficiency 78.5 percent
Process fluid Treated sea water
Materials API 610 D2 material class

FIGURE 14 Bolting assembly test

Centrifugal pumps for upstream oil and gas applications 6

The BB5 pump was tested successfully, with vibrations widely Even though the main pump represents the core of the
within API 610 limits (see the spectra in Figure 17). project scope, the project’s complexity and balance-of-plant
integration make it unique. The project scope was the widest
ever performed by GE as a pumping system manufacturer,
since only civil works, piping connection, and cable routing
weren’t covered by it. The scope architecture is displayed
in the following single-line scheme:

FIGURE16 M’Boundi main treated sea water injection pump

FIGURE 18 Architecture for the M’Boundi re-injection plant

Here is a list of the main items of balance-of-plant:

• VSDS unit
• Transformers
• Monitoring system and programmable logic
1x 6x 12x • Switch gears
70Hz 420Hz 840Hz • VSDS chilling units
• HV motor control centers
FIGURE 17 Horizontal DE probe vibrations spectra
• LV motor control centers
The overall vibration measured by the Horizontal DE probe
was 1.8mm/sec versus the API limit of 4.5mm/sec. The low
synchronous (and multiple) vibration level indicates very good
rotor balancing and assembly in general. A low vibration level In the coming decades, upstream oil and gas production certainly
at vane passing frequencies (and multiple vibrations) indicates is one area where OEMs will have their technology and project
that the hydraulic design of the impeller was effective, since it management skills put to the test. The essential flexibility
was compatible with the pump power/stage ratio. demanded by the diverse features of the plant, combined with
the nature of the well, give OEMs an unprecedented chance
Spectra measured by the remaining probes raise analogue
to promote technology solutions that transcend their existing
rotor dynamic and hydraulic considerations. Prior to June 2013,
design comfort zone. (High power subsea installation is the best
the main re-injection pump accumulated almost 19,000 hours,
example of this challenge.) Since OEMs in the upstream market
with just one interruption for mechanical seals (API 682 plan 11)
have a huge learning curve to travel, only the ones who invest
substitution due to unexpected sand content.
in new, safer, and more reliable technology will form closer
partnerships with oil field operators.

Centrifugal pumps for upstream oil and gas applications 7

Imagination at work

GE Oil & Gas - Global Headquarters

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T +44 207 302 6000
[email protected]

Nuovo Pignone S.p.A. - Nuovo Pignone S.r.l

Via Felice Matteucci, 2 - 50127 Florence, Italy
T +39 055 423 211
F +39 055 423 2800

Downstream Technology Solutions

4424 West Sam Houston Parkway North - Houston, TX 77041-8200, US

Reciprocating compressor cylinder’s cooling: a numerical approach using computational fluid dynamics with conjugate heat transfer
By Carlo del Vescovo, GE Oil & Gas, Pasquale Manicone, GE Oil & Gas, Lorenzo Bergamini, GE Oil & Gas
© 2013 General Electric Company

GEA32032 (09/2015)

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