SSP 994628AG Audi Virtual Cockpit
SSP 994628AG Audi Virtual Cockpit
SSP 994628AG Audi Virtual Cockpit
Service Training
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As regards operation, "joy of use" plays an important role for Audi: On the one hand, the driver can operate the Audi virtual cockpit
the Audi virtual cockpit therefore comes onto the market with a using the advanced MMI; on the other, he/she can issue commands
new, intelligent MMI operating concept. using the multifunction steering wheel.
The Self Study Programme teaches a basic understanding of the design and mode of operation of new
models, new automotive components or new technologies.
It is not a Repair Manual! Figures are given for explanatory purposes only and refer to the data valid at the
time of preparation of the SSP. Reference
This content is not updated.
For further information on maintenance and repair work, always refer to the current technical literature.
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1. In North America temperatures are measured and displayed in 2. There are differences between the fuel tank gauges for the
the physical unit of degrees Fahrenheit. As a result, the coolant North American Region and other markets.
temperature display scale for the North American Region looks
different to that in other markets where temperature is 3. Some warning symbols used in the North American Region
measured in degrees Celsius. Since the coolant temperature differ from the warning symbols used in other markets. Since
gauge is not displayed on the freely programmable instrument the warning symbols appear in a separate display bar above the
cluster display, but rather in a separate area with fixed text, the instrument cluster, the instrument clusters also differ for this
instrument clusters for the North American Region are reason.
different to those of other markets.
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Coolant temperature gauge for North American Region Coolant temperature gauge for other markets
Bar with warning symbols for North American Region
Bar with warning symbols for other markets
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The classic view is based heavily on the design of previous instru- similar to the design of conventional instrument clusters.
ment clusters. The layout and size of display content are very
In the progressive view the central display area between the two The larger display panel offers new possibilties for the display of
gauges is noticeably larger because the gauges are shown smaller. infotainment and vehicle information.
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• The entry version as standard equipment • The high version as optional equipment
Multifunction steering wheel (entry version)
Multifunction steering wheel (high version)
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Main functions
The content and functions of the Audi virtual cockpit are subdivided LVDS line to the control unit in dash panel J J285 and then output
into so-called main functions. Some of the main functions are a in the Audi virtual cockpit.
component part of the software in the dash panel insert control unit
J285, while the others are integrated in the software of the informa- At launch in 2014, up to ten main functions will be available in the
tion electronics control unit 1 J794. However, the displays all appear Audi TT. The actual number of main functions depends, among
in the Audi virtual cockpit because there is no separate MMI display other things, on the individual vehicle's specification.
in the Audi TT. Displays of main functions implemented in the
information electronics control unit 1 – J794 are transmitted via an
These are:
• Message • Navigation
• Tone • Map
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Some main functions can be invoked directly using both switches The main function to which this applies depends on the specific
on the MMI control panel. control panel.
basic control panel
The following main functions can be invoked using the toggle switch
on the MMI touch control panel:
MM touch control panel
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After pressing the MENU button, the main menu opens in the Audi After a main function has been selected, the main menu
virtual cockpit. It always appears in the progressive view. disappears from the central display area and the selected main
All available main functions can be selected in the main menu. function is indicated.
Display of the main menu in the progressive view
When the main menu is displayed in the progressive view, the user selected here due to space constraints. If the user tries to select a
can change over to the classic view using the VIEW button. The main function, the Audi virtual cockpit returns automatically to the
main menu is shown in this display, but main functions cannot be progressive view.
Display of the main menu in the classic view
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Tab bar
Left side display Tab bar Extended central display area Right side display
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Warning lamp for indicating fault in airbag or seat belt pretensioner system
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Tab bar
The tab bar is a display bar comprising various tabs on the instru- The tabs in the instrument cluster display on the Audi TT allow
ment panel display. The term "tab" originates from the projecting customers to select various main functions.
section of filing cards used for better sorting.
Up to six tabs can be displayed in the tab bar. There are one or The first five tabs in the tab bar are assigned one or more main
more main functions concealed behind every tab. They are repre- functions. The sixth tab denotes one of the remaining three main
sented in the central display area after selecting the relevant tab. functions.
Flexible tab (6th tab) Main function "Tone", "Audi connect" or "MMI Setup"
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The flexible tab appears in the tab bar for the first time after one Status information is also displayed in some tabs.
of the three main functions assigned to it has been selected via the
main menu. It stays displayed in the tab bar until the ignition has Examples of this are:
been turned off. If another of the three main functions is activated
in the meantime, the symbol displayed in the tab changes accord- • Remaining range is displayed in the car tab
• A mute symbol is displayed in the audio tab if Audio output has
The main function currently selected from the flexible tab is been deactivated
indicated by the symbol of the relevant main function in this tab.
• A scored-out telephone symbol is displayed in the telephone tab
if no telephone is available
1. The main function "Car" is currently selected and the vehicle 5. The chequered flag in the navigation tab indicates that the
has a remaining range of 550 km. main function "Navigation" was previously used. Selecting this
tab opens the destination entry field. Alternatively, the map
2. There is at leats one message regarding the vehicle because symbol can also appear in this tab. This would be the case if the
the message tab is displayed. main function "Map" was previously used.
3. The CD player is currently selected as the audio source. 6. The main function "Audi connect" was previously used by the
three main functions "Tone", "Audi connect" and "Setup MMI".
4. A telephone is currently operational and the reception field
strength is sufficient.
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3. Current and average fuel consumption 6. Distance covered since start of trip
The left side display can be represented both in the classic view and appears above the reduced-size rev counter. Display of average
in the progressive view. In the classic view, the left side display speed is currently set. This is 47 mph.
appears in the middle of the rev counter. In the progressive view, it
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Left side display in the classic view Left side display in the progressive view
In the classic view, the selected onboard computer information is In the progressive view, on the other hand, the left side display
always displayed, regardless of what main function is currently containing onboard computer information is shown only if the
active in the central display area. main function "Car" is currently active in the central display area.
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If the vehicle electronics determine that a vehicle door or lid is appears, the onboard computer information and rev counter
currently open, the relevant display has priority and overrides the disappear temporarily from the display.
onboard computer information on the left side display. As soon as the Audi parking system is deactivated, the rev counter
and the set onboard computer information reappear. The same
An active Audi parking system also has display priority over applies to the Audi park assist system.
onboard computer information. As soon as the Audi parking
system is activated and the Optical Parking System graphic
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Display of an Audi TT with open driver and front passenger door Display of the Optical Parking System when reversing
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1. Navigation
The left side display can also be used by the navigation system. In Having made this selection, the Hauptbahnhof Ingolstadt is shown
the example given here, the Navigation tab is activated and the in map form in the left side display. This display is, however, only
available destination addresses are displayed. The destination available in the progressive view.
address "Hauptbahnhof Ingolstadt" is currently selected.
2. Telephone
The left side display can also be used by the main function "Tel- if available in the MMI. However, this function is only available in
ephone". If the "Telephone" tab is activated and an entry is the progressive view.
selected from the directory, a photo of the selected person appears
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… in the classic view … in the progressive view
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Selection menu
A selection menu offers the customer various selection options Each main function can have a selection menu, but there are also
relating to a main function. Each selection menu is clearly assigned main functions which do not have their own options menu. These
to a main function. include, for example, the main function "Message".
The selection menu of the main function "Car" offers various function which he/she wants to have displayed or configure.
vehicle functions. In this selection menu, the driver selects the
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If the driver selects, say, the onboard computer function from this selection menu, the following will be displayed:
On the left edge of this display there is a bracket containing an icon onboard computer. Press the corresponding button to return to the
denoting the function currently displayed. In this case, it is the selection menu of the main function "Car".
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The left control button on the high version of the multifunction The bracket containing the function symbol on the left edge of the
steering wheel or on the MMI control panel can be used to return display is only shown in the progressive view. It is not shown in the
to the selection menu. It is also possible to use the joystick func- classic view due to space constraints. However, the selection menu
tion of the turn-push button by pushing the latter anti-clockwise. can also be opened in the classic view using the same buttons.
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Options menu
The options menu offers the customer context-related options for As is the case with the selection menu, the options menu can be
a selected list element as well as general settings for the main opened using the right control button on the multifunction steer-
function. ing wheel (high version) or via the MMI control panel. It is also
possible to open the options menu using the joystick function of
For space reasons, an option menu can only be displayed in the the turn-push button by pushing the latter clockwise.
progressive view.
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The availability of an options menu is indicated in the progressive However, the driver can, after pressing the right control button,
view by the bracket containing the + sign at the right edge of the see whether an options menu is available in the classic view or not.
display. The bracket is not shown in the classic view due to space
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Pushing the right control button opens the following options menu:
• Additional display: select onboard computer information to be • Reset values: reset the onboard computer values
shown in the left side display
If the customer selects the first option, the following display appears:
In thi smen, the driver can determine which onboard computer information is to be shown in the left side display.
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The selection menu of the main function "Media" was initially The "1" next to the yellow SD card symbol means that the SD card
activated and the cursor was moved to the source "SD card". is in SD card slot 1.
After the source "SD card" is selected, a further selection menu is In this specific case, the criterion "album" was chosen. The album
displayed. In this menu, the user selects the criteria according to "2 Hearts beat as one" by the group "2 Hearts" was selected from
which the tracks are to be sorted. Tracks can be sorted, among the albums offered. The album track list was subsequently dis-
other things, by artist, album, genre and playback list. played. The track "For this time" was selected from the track list,
and is currently playing.
A bracket containing a + sign appears on the right edge of the list is available for the list element.
element "For this Time". The + sign indicates that an options menu
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If the options menu is now opened with the right control button, the following display appears.
The options available appear in the right side menu. There are There are also options which have overriding priority and are not
content-dependent options which apply directly to the track or dependent on the track or album currently playing.
album currently playing.
These include the following options:
These include the following options:
• Sound settings
• Store as favourite
• Play entire medium
• Change play position
• Media settings
• Repeat track (this item cannot be seen in the graphic shown here
because the display area is limited to six rows)
• Random playback
The vertical white line at the right edge of the options menu The options currently still concealed can be displayed by scrolling
indicates that there are more options available than are currently through the options menu with the left roller or the turn-push
displayed. button.
This Self Study Programm (SSP 628, "Audi virtual cockpit") explains how infotainment content is displayed and how the
Audi virtual cockpit is operated using the MMI control panel.
You will find an overview of the topic of infotainment in the Audi TT in Self Study Programme 629.
This booklet gives a detailed description of the new, second-generation Modular Infotainment System (MIB) in the high
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Status bar
By default, the status bar comprises only one display bar. It con-
tains the following information:
In the case of following displays and events, the status bar The following information is also provided via the two-line status
has two lines: display:
1. For display of onboard computer content in the central display 1. Current total mileage (km)
2. Current trip mileage (km)
2. For the welcome and goodbye screens
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Settings menu for ambient lighting level
Representation of the system status of Audi active lane assist
Representation of the reversing camera image in the Audi virtual cockpit.
In the case of an Audi TT equipped with a reversing camera, the system always changes over to the progressive view in order
to display the reversing camera image.
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Popup display of a fault message in the classic view
Popup display of a fault message in the progressive view
Given the importance of fault messages, it must be possible for For this purpose, the customer must select the tab "Information"
the customer to retrieve fault messages at any time after they have in the tab bar or select the main function "Information" in the
been displayed for the first time. main menu.
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If there are multiple warnings for the driver, the driver can alter- The existence of multiple warnings is indicated by the scroll bar on
nately view these warnings using either the left roller on the the right margin of text messages.
multfunction steering wheel or the turn-push button of the MMI
control panel.
Fault message in the Information tab in the classic view
Fault message in the Information tab in the progressive view
In addition, existing warnings are alternately displayed in the status bar by means of appropriate symbols.
The existence of warnings is indicated by a warning triangle symbol in the Information tab. If a wrench symbol is
shown in this tab, this means that current service messages are available, but no warnings.
If neither warnings nor service messages are available, the Information tab does not appear in the tab bar.
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Carrier part
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Terminal 30 power supply
control unit
Ring break diagnostics
Convenience CAN High
MOST bus
Shielded line
10 A
Terminal 31
Fuel tank sender 1
Immobiliser coil
The Audi virtual cockpit (control unit in dash panel insert J285) is the master control unit of the immobiliser system in the
Audi TT. For more information about the immobiliser system, please refer to Self Study Programme 629 "Audi TT (Type FV)
Vehicle electrics, electronics and infotainment".
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• Line to the power supply with terminal 30, • One ground line
which is protected by a 10 ampere fuse
Bus lines:
• Two convenience CAN bus lines for communicating and • Two glass-fibre MOST bus lines; the MOST bus in the new Audi
exchanging data with other control units TT is exclusively used for flashing the control unit in the dash
panel insert J285. J285 is flashed via an SD card in the card slot
• Two MIB-CAN bus lines for communicating with the information of the information electronics control unit 1 - J794.
electronics control unit 1 - J794 and the multimedia system
control panel E380 • Ring break diagnostics line for diagnosis of MOST bus users
through the MOST bus master control unit, the information
• Two LVDS lines for receiving image data from the information electronics control unit 1 - J794
electronics control unit 1 - J794
• Two lines to fuel tank sender 1 • One line to control button for dash panel insert E493 (button
for resetting the trip counter)
• Two lines to fuel tank sender 2
• Two ground lines to information electronics control unit 1 -
• One ground line to both fuel tank senders J794
• Two lines to immobiliser coil D2 (required for emergency start- • One line for shielding the LVDS lines to information electronics
ing; for this purpose, the vehicle ignition key is held in a marked control unit 1 - J794
If necessary, the Audi virtual cockpit can be flashed in a service environment using an SD card available to order from Audi.
While flashing is in progress, the SD card must be inserted in the card slot of the information electronics control unit 1 -
J794. Flash programming is controlled via the diagnostic tester, but the data for flash programming is stored on the SD card.
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All of the following questions may have one or more correct answer.
Question 1: Which of the following statements regarding the Audi virtual cockpit is correct?
Question 2: How do you open the menu in the Audi virtual cockpit?
Question 3: Which main functions are available in the Audi virtual cockpit?
a) Media
b) TV
c) Tone
d) Setup MMI
Question 4: Which of the following statements regarding the tabs in the tab bar is correct?
a) The number of tabs displayed depends, among other things, on the individual vehicle's specification.
b) Not all available tabs are displayed in the Audi virtual cockpit.
c) Each tab is assigned to exactly one function.
d) At least three tabs are always displayed, regardless of the vehicle's specification.
Question 5: Which of the following statements regarding the circuit diagram of the Audi virtual cockpit is correct?
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Audi Vorsprung durch Technik
[email protected]
D-85045 Ingolstadt
Technical status 07/14
Printed in Germany