SSP 460 Audi A8 2010 Convenience Electronics and Audi Tracking Assist
SSP 460 Audi A8 2010 Convenience Electronics and Audi Tracking Assist
SSP 460 Audi A8 2010 Convenience Electronics and Audi Tracking Assist
Audi A8 ’10
convenience electronics and
Audi tracking assist
[email protected]
D-85045 Ingolstadt
Technical status: 10/09
The new dash panel insert is an innovation guaranteed to hold the The ambient lighting sets new standards when it comes to creat-
driver spellbound from the moment he enters the Audi A8 ’10. ing ambience in the vehicle interior. Multicoloured optical fibres
Its most striking feature is a 7-inch colour display designed to and LEDs inside the vehicle conjure up a wide variety of atmos-
show not only high-resolution navigation graphics and informa- pheres ranging from a formal feel to a feel-good ambience, cre-
tion from the on-board computer but also moving images from the ated by means of warm white light.
night vision system camera.
Another technical feature discussed in this Self-Study Programme
It also has an entirely new operating and display concept. The new is the Audi tracking assist, which aids in detecting the theft of a
taskbar at the top of the display allows content to be called up vehicle and in its subsequent recovery.
quickly on the colour display. It offers a clear structuring of con-
tent and straightforward layout. For this purpose, the tracking assist system has its own GPS unit
The display is controlled by buttons on the standard multifunction for determining the current position of the vehicle and a tele-
steering wheel. phone unit for communicating with a service centre. It allows rapid
detection of a theft and then quick recovery of the vehicle in co-
operation with the authorities .
Ambient lighting
Introduction________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 21
Tasks of Audi tracking assist______________________________________________________________________________________________ 21
The two versions of Audi tracking assist ________________________________________________________________________________ 22
Functions of both versions of Audi tracking assist _____________________________________________________________________ 23
Driver Card__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 24
Wiring diagram of Audi tracking assist__________________________________________________________________________________ 25
Wiring diagram of Audi tracking assist plus ____________________________________________________________________________ 26
Reporting a theft to the Service Operating Centre _____________________________________________________________________ 28
The Service and Transport mode of the tracking assist system _______________________________________________________ 29
System diagnostics ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 29
The Self-Study Programme teaches basics of the design and function of new models, automotive compo-
nents or technologies.
It is not a Repair Manual. Figures given are for guidance purposes only and refer to the software version
valid at the time of preparation of the SSP.
For further information about maintenance and repair work, always refer to the current technical literature. Reference
Topology of the Audi A8 ’10
The diagram shows the topology of a vehicle variant with an exten- Some of the listed control units are optional equipment or coun-
sive trim. try-specific optional equipment.
Tyre pressure Flap control ser- Analogue clock Y Multimed ia sys- Multimedia sys-
monitor vomotors 1-7 tem display unit 1 tem display unit 2
control unit Y22 Y23
TV tuner R78
Reversing camera
system control
unit Rear Climatronic
J772 operating and dis-
play unit
Parallel park Information elec-
assist control unit Control unit with tronics control
J791 display in dash unit 2
panel insert J829
Climatronic Radio R
control unit Auxiliary heater DVD changer
J255 control unit R161
Diagnostic port
Digital sound
Battery monitor
Airbag control Four-wheel-drive control unit
unit electronics J367
J234 control unit
3-phase AC
ABS control unit Headlight assist alternator C
Active steering
control unit J104 control unit
J792 J844
Sensor electron- Camera control stabiliser
Engine control
ics control unit unit J532
J623 J849 J852
Engine control ACC control unit Seatbelt preten- Cornering light and
unit 2 J428 sioner control unit, headlight range
J624 front left control unit
J854 J745
Steering angle ACC control unit 2 Seatbelt preten- Power module for Power module for
sensor J850 sioner control unit, left headlight right headlight
G85 front right J667 J668
Electronic park- Image processing Aud i side assist Night vision sys-
ing brake control control unit control unit tem control unit
unit J851 J769 J853
Control unit with display in dash panel insert J285
The dash panel insert on the Audi A8 ’10 is a new development A high-resolution 7-inch colour display in typical Audi layout is
which meets the increased demands on in-car displays and, in par- located directly within the drivers field of vision to provide the
ticular, the requirements of various driver assistance systems. driver with all the information he needs. It has a resolution of
800 x 480 pixels.
In addition to the round gauges, the displays for coolant tempera- The centre display in the dash panel insert offers superb contrast,
ture and tank capacity are arranged in a modern bargraph display brightness and colour accuracy. The homogeneous white scale and
for the first time. The round gauges and bargraph displays are red dial illumination create a remarkably precise display. The inten-
mounted in elegant chrome bezels, whose high-quality effect is sity of the combined lighting can be regulated manually and is
accentuated by a special light in the 3D dial face. adapted automatically to ambient brightness levels by a built-in
light sensor.
The round gauges still have LED rings for the separate indication of
the ACC set speed and of the rev counter's red zone. The round Warning lamps are also arranged in an ergonomically favourable
gauge dials rest in the six o'clock position. position below the display directly within the driver's field of
Analogue clock
An analogue clock is fitted as standard in the centre console of the If the ignition is "on", the analogue clock continuously receives
Audi A8 ’10. It communicates with the dash panel insert via a LIN time signals from the dash panel insert. After the ignition is
bus. turned off, the analogue clock continues to operate independently.
Clock time can be set manually at the MMI terminal. If the vehicle The dash panel insert can be configured to use either the manually
has a navigation system, the dash panel insert can also utilise the entered time or the navigation system time under the "Time man-
clock time from the navigation system, which acquires its time agement" menu option on the MMI terminal.
information from the GPS signal. The previous radio-controlled clock and accompanying radio
receiver have been deleted from the Audi A8 ’10.
Time 17:00
Date 18.03.2010
Operation and display structure of driver information system
An innovative operating and display philosophy has been adopted Taskbar
for the driver information system on the Audi A8 ’10. The com-
plete display area of the multifunctional display is subdivided into The taskbar can display up to six tabs, depending on trim level. The
three sections. The taskbar is located in the top section of the dis- tabs are assigned to the following content:
First tab: Vehicle functions
It is used to select which information is to be shown in the centre Second tab: Warning lamps and driver information
section of the display. The bottom section of the display contains Third tab: Night vision assist control unit
the status bar, which gives basic information, such as tempera- Fourth tab: Audio systems
ture, time, selected gear, trip mileage and total mileage. Fifth tab: Telephone
Sixth tab: Navigation
Centre section of
Status bar
The driver has special controls on the standard multifunction The rocker button can be used to go from one tab to the next. Push
steering wheel for operating the driver information system. the roller to select a tab.
Rocker button
The second tab is only shown if at least one warning lamp or one item of driver information is on display. Display of the
night vision assist tab depends on whether the system is on of off.
Terminal diagram of control unit with display in dash panel insert J285
Terminal 31
Optical fibre
Terminal 30
CAN High
LIN bus
the three tank senders
Terminal 58d
Terminal 30
To display high-resolution graphics of the navigation system in the The dash panel insert communicates with the analogue clock in the
dash panel insert, the control unit in dash panel insert J285 is con- centre console via the LIN bus.
nected to the MOST bus in the Audi A8 ’10. The higher bitrate of
the MOST bus makes it possible to display high-resolution images,
such as detailed intersection images. CAN lines
The dash panel insert communicates with other control units via
Optical fibre break diagnostics line the two lines of the display and operation CAN bus.
Since the dash panel insert is a MOST bus user on the A8 ’10, it
requires an optical fibre break diagnostics line for diagnosis pur-
Both analogue image transfer lines are required for the transfer of
images from night vision assist. These images are recorded by the
thermal imaging camera of the night vision assist and shown on
the centre display of the dash panel insert.
Convenience system control unit J393
The convenience system control unit J393 in the Audi A8 ’10 has
been adopted from the Audi A4 ’08.
The convenience system control unit J393 reads in signals from • „Terminal 1“ relay
the following sensors: • Rear window defroster relay
• Socket relay
• Touch sensor, door outer handle, front left
• Touch sensor, door outer handle, front right
• Touch sensor, door outer handle, rear left The convenience system control unit J393 activates the follow-
• Touch sensor, door outer handle, rear right ing motors and actuators:
The Audi A8 ’10 features a completely new interior lighting design. In the optional ambient lighting package, the light bands in the
The central interior light in the headliner has been replaced by sev- headliner come in two different colours and the ambient lighting
eral optical fibres and lights distributed throughout the vehicle. below the topshoulder in three different colours. Depending on
The interior lighting ranges from the purely functional to an emo- choice of light colour (polar white, ivory white or ruby red), differ-
tional interior and ambient lighting incorporating special light ent atmospheres are created inside the vehicle.
Overhead module with optical fibre
Seat up-light (reading lights)
Optical fibre between grab handles
Light scenarios of the ambient lighting
The following three colour profiles are available for the
ambient lighting:
The ambient light module
The LEDs are "warm-state" monitored by convenience system con- "Cold-state" monitoring is unsuitable for LED diagnostics, because
trol unit 2, i.e. they are diagnosed only when the ambient lighting the LEDs would light up briefly during the diagnostics process.
is "on".
• a selective actuator test for selected ambient lights The following diagnostic trouble codes can be stored in the fault
• a group actuator test for all ambient lights memory per control unit output:
Ambient lights connected to control unit J773
Optical fibre for ambient lighting of W74 LED cool white, warm 3x4 *
front centre console white and red
Optical fibre for ambient lighting of rear centre console W75 LED cool white, warm 3x2
(Note: only available in long wheelbase version of Audi A8 with white and red
rear comfort seats.)
Optical fibre for ambient lighting of door sill panel, front left W67 LED cool white 1
Optical fibre for ambient lighting of door sill panel, front right W68 LED cool white 1
Optical fibre for ambient lighting of door sill panel, rear left W69 LED cool white 1
Optical fibre for ambient lighting of door sill panel, rear right W70 LED cool white 1
Lamp for ambient lighting in driver's door L164 LED cool white, warm 3 **
Lamp for ambient lighting in front passenger door L165 LED cool white, warm 3
white and red
Lamp for ambient lighting in door, rear left L166 LED cool white, warm 3
white and red
Lamp for ambient lighting in door, rear right L167 LED cool white, warm 3
white and red
Lamp for door bin lighting, driver side L160 LED cool white and 2
warm white
Lamp for door bin lighting, front passenger side L161 LED cool white and 2
warm white
Lamp for door bin lighting, rear left L170 LED cool white and 2
warm white
Lamp for door bin lighting, rear right L171 LED cool white and 2
warm white
* ... three LEDs in different colours which feed light into the optical fibres in four different positions
Wiring diagram of ambient light module
Door, footwell and door Door, footwell and door Door, footwell and door
sill panel, front right sill panel, rear left sill panel, rear right
The roof electronics control unit J528
Further lights of the interior and ambient lighting system are con- Control unit J528 communicates with the convenience system con-
nected to the outputs of the roof electronics control unit J528. trol unit J393 via a LIN bus line.
If the optional ambient lighting package is installed in the vehicle,
the lights and light bands are multicoloured;otherwise, they are in
single colour.
Optical fibre for overhead module ambient lighting LED cool white 2
Optical fibre for overhead module ambient lighting LED cool white and 2x2
warm white
Optical fibre between grab handles, left LED cool white and 2
warm white
Optical fibre between grab handles, right LED cool white and 2
warm white
Reading light 2, rear left (long wheelbase version of Audi A8 only) LED cool white 1
Reading light 2, rear right (long wheelbase version of Audi A8 only) LED cool white 1
Wiring diagram of overhead module
Lights integrated in the overhead module
The front left and right reading lights are integrated in the over- The light band in the overhead module and the centre console up-
head module. In addition to the LED of the reading lighting, they light are also standard equipment. The light band for the ambient
have a button for switching the reading light on and off and a lighting is in two colours and the centre console up-light in three
locating light. The reading lights are standard equipment. colours. In the standard trim, both lights are in single colour.
Terminal 58s
Terminal 30
Terminal 31
view mirror
LIN bus
Roof electronics control unit
Both rear reading light modules are connected to the overhead white and ivory white). In the standard trim, the optical fibres are
module. The long wheelbase version of the Audi A8 has two addi- in polar white only.
tional reading lights for the rear passenger compartment. A discrete signal line runs from the overhead module to the auto
dimming rear view mirror. The signal indicating whether the inte-
There are a further two optical fibres between both grab handles rior light is currently switched on or off is sent via this line to the
on the left and right-hand sides. In combination with the ambient rear-view mirror. The rear-view mirror is not to dimmed as long as
lighting, they come in two colours (polar the interior light is switched on.
Door control units J386 – J389
Interior lights are also connected to the door control units. All The driver door and the driver side door control unit are used here
lights apart from the active door warning light are standard as examples.
The optical fibres and the door pocket lighting are located in the As part of the ambient lighting package, they are activated directly
driver's door, but are not activated by the driver door control unit by the ambient module (convenience system control unit 2 – J773).
Terminal 30
Terminal 31
warning light
handle light
Entry light
Operating the ambient lighting
The ambient lighting is switched on if the following conditions are
Ambient lighting On
Ambient brightness
Colour profile
Bayern 3
The brightness of the ambient lighting can be set to different lev- The "All zones" menu option allows the brightness level to be syn-
els in four in-car zones. These are as follows: chronised in all in-car zones.
• top front
• bottom front
• top rear
• bottom rear
Front Rear
Top Front Rear Top
Bottom zones Bottom
Bayern 3
After one of the in-car zones is selected, the following brightness adjustment menu appears:
Off Brighter
Bayern 3
There is a choice of three colour profiles: polar, ivory white and To ensure uniformity of appearance, the colour profile cannot be
ruby red. The selected colour profile applies to all zones. adjusted separately for each in-car zone.
ivory white
ruby red
Bayern 3
After turning off the ignition, the on-state and the current bright- ambient lighting are assigned to the ignition key in use and stored
ness and colour profile settings of the in convenience system control unit 2.
Audi tracking assist
The theft of a vehicle is not only a personal loss but usually also It also assists in subsequent recovery efforts by localising the stolen
involves a great deal of organisational effort. The theft of a vehi- vehicle. The tracking assist system is operated by Audi as a joint ven-
cle abroad is even more complicated because of the language bar- ture with external service provider Cobra.
rier. In such a situation, it is very helpful if the victim can report
the theft in his native tongue and be given professional assistance Cobra's experience has shown that the tracking assist system ena-
in recovering the vehicle. bles about 80 % of all stolen vehicles to be located in less than two
hours, anywhere in Europe. For this purpose, Audi tracking assist
To prevent theft, most modern-day vehicles are equipped with an determines the exact co-ordinates of the vehicle by GPS (Global
electronic immobiliser and an antitheft alarm system.To provide Positioning System) and sends them to the Service Operating Cen-
additional protection, Audi now offers an electronic tracking sys- tre (SOC). The tracking assist system has a separate communication
tem called Audi tracking assist. This is an electronic system that interface (GSM module) for communicating with the SOC.
helps to identify a theft in the least possible time.
The Service Operating Centre (SOC) The National Service Provider (NSP)
The Service Operating Centre is responsible for locating the stolen In addition to the Service Operating Centre, which primarily takes
vehicle, as well as for liaising with the appropriate authorities or action when a vehicle is stolen, there is also the National Service Pro-
locally with the police. Each country has its own Service Operating vider NSP. The NSP is responsible for administrative tasks, such as
Centre. The Service Operating Centres of the various countries customer management.
work hand in hand with each other. The customer always liaises
with the SOC of his home country, even if a theft occurs abroad.
SOCs are already in place throughout Europe and are operated
either directly by Cobra or by a security company contracted by
The customer is charged an annual fee for delivery and operation of the GSM module in Audi tracking assist.
The two versions of Audi tracking assist
Audi tracking assist is available in two different versions: The fundamental difference between both versions is that Audi
tracking assist, unlike the Plus variant, is not integrated in the
• Basic version: Audi tracking assist vehicle network, rather is a "standalone" solution. The Plus version
is networked so it can respond to in-car events, such as a tripped
and antitheft alarm. If a theft is detected, the Plus version can also
remotely disable the vehicle electronics to, for instance, prevent
• Plus version: Audi tracking assist plus the thief from driving the stolen vehicle any further.
Both versions are exclusively available as a retrofit solution through Audi Genuine Accessories. Even with new models, the
tracking assist system is available for retrofit only.
For information about the models for which Audi tracking assist and Audi tracking assist plus are currently available, refer
to the various information sources for Audi Genuine Accessories.
Functions of both versions of Audi tracking assist
Which events are reported to the SOC? How the restart inhibitor works
Audi tracking assist notifies the Service Operating Centre (SOC) in In the tracking assist plus version, it is also possible to inhibit
the following situations: restarting of the vehicle. For this purpose, the SOC sends a corre-
sponding message to the tracking assist system via the GSM unit.
• if the tracking assist system is no longer being supplied with bat- The GSM unit, in turn, intervenes in the vehicle electronics via the
tery power interface control unit and can disable restarting of the vehicle.
Before this function is activated, however, various requirements
or have to be met, and these are checked by the tracking assist sys-
• if tampering with the control unit or system components is
detected Use of this function is heavily dependent on national legislation. It
is unavailable in some countries due to legal restrictions.
Audi tracking assist plus also notifies the SOC if the following
events occur:
Driver Card
Functional principle
The Audi tracking assist plus comes with two Driver Cards. Track- vehicle's owner. To allow quick theft detection, the Driver Card
ing assist plus begins searching for a Driver Card in the vehicle must always be kept separate from the ignition key.
after the ignition is turned on. The driver must always make sure that he is carrying his Driver
An alarm will be sent to the SOC unless a Driver Card adapted to Card whenever driving the car. If the driver does not have this card
the tracking assist system is identified. Altogether, up to four with him, he must notify the SOC by telephone before setting off.
Driver Cards can be adapted to a tracking assist system. If the driver sets off without notifying the SOC, an alarm will be
sent to the SOC, which then contacts the customer. Since this cre-
If the vehicle is stolen, the following will happen if only the igni- ates unnecessary extra work for the SOC, the resulting costs are
tion key (i.e. no Driver Card) is stolen: the thief drives the stolen chargeable to the customer.
vehicle away, the tracking assist system fails to identify an author-
ised Driver Card in the vehicle and then sends an alarm to the SOC,
which immediately contacts the
Driver Card control 460_025 How the Driver Card looks when open 460_026
To communicate with the tracking assist system, each Driver Card To reactivate the Driver Card, the button need only be pressed for
requires a transmitter and a battery. The tracking assist system 3 seconds. After the Driver Card has been successfully activated,
detects when the battery power drops below a predetermined level the LED will again blink every 3 seconds.
and sends a text message alert to the customer's mobile phone.
Wiring diagram of Audi tracking assist
Terminal 15
Terminal 30
GPS antenna GSM antenna
Backup battery
Terminal 31
Audi tracking assist is supplied by a "terminal 15" line and by a The Audi tracking assist system has its own GSM unit and con-
"terminal 30" line. The "terminal 15" connection enables the track- nected GPS antenna, via which it communicates with the Service
ing assist system to determine the current status of the ignition at Operating Centre (SOC) or the National Service Provider (NSP). Like
any time. any mobile phone, the tracking assist system has a SIM card. By
having its own GSM unit, the tracking assist system is not depend-
ent on the installation of an in-car telephone.
Backup battery
To continue to send signals to the SOC even after the vehicle bat-
tery is disconnected, the tracking assist system has its own backup
battery. This battery is rated to supply backup power to the track-
ing assist system for a lengthy period of time.
Audi tracking assist has its own GPS unit and connected GPS
antenna, via which it receives GPS information used to locate the
vehicle in the event of a theft. The current vehicle position is sent
to the SOC every 30 seconds if a stolen vehicle is being tracked.
The tracking assist system has its own GPS unit and, therefore, is
independent of an in-car navigation system. 460_029
GSM antenna of the tracking assist system
Wiring diagram of Audi tracking assist plus
The Driver Card antenna enables the tracking assist system to the tracking assist system notifies the SOC, which then contacts
determine whether a Driver Card is present in the vehicle or not. If the customer. The SOC, in conversation with the customer, now
a vehicle equipped with Audi tracking assist plus is moved and no clarifies whether the vehicle has actually been stolen or whether
Driver Card is located inside the vehicle, the driver has forgotten his Driver Card.
Terminal 31
LIN bus
(derivative action)
Terminal 15
Restart inhibitor
Terminal 30
Backup battery
GPS unit GSM unit
Terminal 31
Audi tracking assist plus and connected antennas
Tracking assist system with SIM card slot
Reporting a theft to the Service Operating Centre
Basically, there are two ways to notify the SOC of a possible vehi-
cle theft:
If, after contact has been made between the SOC and the cus- activated, it sends the current position data of the vehicle to the
tomer, it is has to be assumed that the vehicle has been stolen, the SOC every 30 seconds. Using this data the SOC now assists the
SOC commences tracking the vehicle and liaises between the authorities in locating the stolen vehicle. The authorities them-
authorities and the police. selves have no access to this data.
Tracking is initiated by an activation message sent to the tracking
assist system by the SOC. After the tracking system has been
For reasons of data protection, only the SOC can access the position data of Audi tracking assist for tracking purposes. To
facilitate the securing of the vehicle, the SOC provides the police with actual data by telephone.
The Service and Transport mode of tracking assist system
If a vehicle transport is planned, the National Service Provider NSP Prior to servicing at an authorised service centre, the customer
must be notified of this by telephone. This notification is provided must also contact the National Service Provider NSP so the track-
by the tracking assist system, which sends a corresponding mes- ing assist system is set to Service mode. If the customer fails to
sage in Transport mode. inform the NSP, the alarm may be tripped unnecessarily.
This is necessary in the following cases for example: After the vehicle battery is disconnected, the tracking assist sys-
tem would, for example, send a message to the SOC even if it is
• the vehicle is located on a moving tow truck or on a car not in Service mode. The SOC would then contact the customer.
• travelling on a car ferry After servicing is completed at the service centre, the customer
• travelling on a motorrail train must contact the NSP once again to have the Service mode deacti-
vated and to restore the full range of functions of Audi tracking
If this is not reported in time and the tracking assist system is not assist.
set to Transport mode, the tracking assist system will signal
"Movement of vehicle with the ignition off". The SOC must assume In Service mode only tripping of the alarm by "Disconnecting the
that the vehicle has been stolen and contacts the customer. Since vehicle battery" is deactivated. All other functions of the tracking
this entails unnecessary additional work for the SOC, additional assist system are still available.
costs can be charged to the customer. Exact provisions are, how-
ever, market-specific and must be enquired about when the con-
tract is concluded.
After the vehicle has been transported to its destination, the cus-
tomer must contact the NSP once so the Transport mode is deacti-
vated and the tracking assist system is again fully functional.
System diagnostics
Diagnosis of vehicle tracking control unit J895
30 special function II (for A4 (B8), Q5, A6 (C7) and A8 (D4))
Test yourself:
One or more answers may be correct.
1. Which of the following statements regarding the dash panel insert are true?
a) The driver information system can be operated using the controls on the windscreen wiper stalk
b) The dash panel insert receives the image from night vision assist via MOST bus
c) The analogue clock is connected to the dash panel insert via a LIN bus line
d) The dash panel insert can use the time information in the GPS signal to set its clock time
(if the vehicle is fitted with a navigation system)
2. Which of the following statements regarding the ambient light module are true?
a) The ambient light module is equivalent to convenience system control unit 2 - J773
b) The ambient lighting is optional equipment in the Audi A8 ’10
c) The colour profile of the ambient lights can be adjusted separately for all 4 zones in the vehicle
d) The active door warning lights are integral to the ambient lighting
3. Which of the following statements regarding Audi tracking assist are true?
4. Which events result in notification of the Service Operating Centre by Audi tracking assist plus?
Other Self-Study Programmes on the Audi A8
• Bodyshell
• Passive safety
• Aktive Sicherheit
• Active safety
• Engine management
• Gearbox
• Suspension system
• Electrical system
• Service
• Power supply
• Networking
• FlexRay
• Seat ventilation
• Outside lights
• Service
Audi Vorsprung durch Technik Self-Study Programme 460
Audi A8 ’10
convenience electronics and
[email protected]
D-85045 Ingolstadt
Technical status: 10/09