25 Circuits-Ohm's Law

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Name: Period:

Circuits-Ohm's Law
1. Which graph best represents the relationship between the electrical power and the current in a resistor that
obeys Ohm’s Law?

2. A potential drop of 50 volts is measured across a 250- 6. An electric circuit contains a variable resistor con-
ohm resistor. What is the power developed in the nected to a source of constant voltage. As the resis-
resistor? tance of the variable resistor is increased, the power
1. 0.20 W dissipated in the circuit
2. 5.0 W 1. decreases
3. 10 W 2. increases
4. 50 W 3. remains the same

3. How much electrical energy is required to move a 7. An electric circuit contains a variable resistor con-
4.00-microcoulomb charge through a potential dif- nected to a source of constant potential difference.
ference of 36 volts? Which graph best represents the relationship be-
1. 9.00 × 106 J tween current and resistance in this circuit?
2. 144 J
3. 1.44 × 10-4 J
4. 1.11 × 10-7 J

4. A circuit consists of a resistor and a battery. Increas-

ing the voltage of the battery while keeping the tem-
perature of the circuit constant would result in an in-
crease in
1. current, only
2. resistance, only
3. both current and resistance
4. neither current nor resistance

5. A generator produces a 115-volt potential difference

and a maximum of 20 amperes of current. Calculate
the total electrical energy the generator produces op-
erating at maximum capacity for 60 seconds. [Show 8. In a simple electric circuit, a 24-ohm resistor is con-
all work, including the equation and substitution with nected across a 6-volt battery. What is the current in
units.] the circuit?
1. 1.0 A
2. 0.25 A
3. 140 A
4. 4.0 A

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Name: Period:

Circuits-Ohm's Law
9. Which graph best represents the relationship between the power expended by a resistor that obeys Ohm’s Law
and the potential difference applied to the resistor?

10. The current through a 10-ohm resistor is 1.2 amperes. 13. An immersion heater has a resistance of 5 ohms while
What is the potential difference across the resistor? drawing a current of 3 amperes. How much electrical
1. 8.3 V energy is delivered to the heater during 200 seconds
2. 12 V of operation?
3. 14 V 1. 3.0 × 103 J
4. 120 V 2. 6.0 × 103 J
3. 9.0 × 103 J
11. The graph below represents the relationship between 4. 1.5 × 104 J
the current in a metallic conductor and the potential
difference across the conductor at constant tempera- 14. An operating 100-watt lamp is connected to a 120-
ture. volt outlet. What is the total electrical energy used by
the lamp in 60 seconds?
1. 0.60 J
2. 1.7 J
3. 6.0 × 103 J
4. 7.2 × 103 J

15. A 150-watt lightbulb is brighter than a 60-watt light-

bulb when both are operating at a potential difference
of 110 volts. Compared to the resistance of and the
current drawn by the 150-watt lightbulb, the 60-watt
lightbulb has
1. less resistance and draws more current
2. less resistance and draws less current
3. more resistance and draws more current
The resistance of the conductor is 4. more resistance and draws less current
1. 1.0 ohms
2. 2.0 ohms 16. A light bulb attached to a 120-volt source of poten-
3. 0.5 ohms tial difference draws a current of 1.25 amperes for
4. 4.0 ohms 35 seconds. Calculate how much electrical energy
is used by the bulb. [Show all work, including the
12. A 330-ohm resistor is connected to a 5-volt battery. equation and substitution with units.]
The current through the resistor is
1. 0.152 mA
2. 15.2 mA
3. 335 mA
4. 1650 mA

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Name: Period:

Circuits-Ohm's Law
Base your answers to questions 17 through 20 on the information, circuit diagram, and data table below.

In a physics lab, a student used the circuit shown to measure the current through and the potential drop across a resistor
of unknown resistance, R. The instructor told the student to use the switch to operate the circuit only long enough to
take each reading. The student’s measurements are recorded in the data table.

Using the information in the data table, construct a graph

on the grid following the directions below.

17. Mark an appropriate scale on the axis labeled “Poten-

tial Drop (V).”

18. Plot the data points for potential drop versus current.

19. Draw the line or curve of best fit.

20. Calculate the slope of the line or curve of best fit.

[Show all work, including the equation and substitu-
tion with units.]

21. A 100-ohm resistor and an unknown resistor are con- 22. In a flashlight, a battery provides a total of 3 volts to a
nected in series to a 10-volt battery. If the potential bulb. If the flashlight bulb has an operating resistance
drop across the 100-ohm resistor is 4 volts, the resis- of 5 ohms, the current through the bulb is
tance of the unknown resistor is 1. 0.30 A
1. 50 ohms 2. 0.60 A
2. 100 ohms 3. 1.5 A
3. 150 ohms 4. 1.7 A
4. 200 ohms

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Name: Period:

Circuits-Ohm's Law
23. The graph at right shows the relationship between the potential difference across
a metallic conductor and the electric current through the conductor at constant
temperature T1.

Which graph below best represents the relationship between potential difference
and current for the same conductor maintained at a higher constant temperature,

24. A long copper wire was connected to a voltage source. 25. A constant potential difference is applied across a
The voltage was varied and the current through the variable resistor held at constant temperature. Which
wire measured, while temperature was held constant. graph best represents the relationship between the
The collected data are represented by the graph below. resistance of the variable resistor and the current
through it?

Using the graph, determine the resistance of the

copper wire.

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Name: Period:

Circuits-Ohm's Law
26. An electrical appliance draws 9.0 amperes of current 32. The graph below represents the relationship between
when connected to a 120-volt source of potential dif- the potential difference (V) across a resistor and the
ference. What is the total amount of power dissipated current (I) through the resistor.
by this appliance?
1. 13 W
2. 110 W
3. 130 W
4. 1100 W

27. In a simple electric circuit, a 110-volt electric heater

draws 2.0 amperes of current. The resistance of the Through which entire interval does the resistor obey
heater is Ohm’s law?
1. 0.018 ohms 1. AB
2. 28 ohms 2. BC
3. 55 ohms 3. CD
4. 220 ohms 4. AD

28. If the potential difference applied to a fixed resistance 33. The resistance of a 60-watt lightbulb operated at 120
is doubled, the power dissipated by that resistance volts is approximately
1. remains the same 1. 720 ohms
2. doubles 2. 240 ohms
3. halves 3. 120 ohms
4. quadruples 4. 60 ohms

29. A 4.50-volt personal stereo uses 1950 joules of elec- 34. An electric drill operating at 120 volts draws a current
trical energy in an hour. What is the electrical resis- of 3 amperes. What is the total amount of electrical
tance of the personal stereo? energy used by the drill during one minute of opera-
1. 433 ohms tion?
2. 96.3 ohms 1. 2.16 × 104 J
3. 37.4 ohms 2. 2.40 × 103 J
4. 0.623 ohms 3. 3.60 × 102 J
4. 4.00 × 101 J
30. If 20 joules of work is used to transfer 20 coulombs of
charge through a 20-ohm resistor, the potential dif- 35. An electric iron operating at 120 volts draws 10 am-
ference across the resistor is peres of current. How much heat energy is delivered
1. 1 V by the iron in 30 seconds?
2. 20 V 1. 3.0 × 102 J
3. 0.05 V 2. 1.2 × 103 J
4. 400 V 3. 3.6 × 103 J
4. 3.6 × 104 J
31. A 50-watt lightbulb and a 100-watt lightbulb are
each operated at 110 volts. Compared to the resis- 36. In a series circuit containing two lamps, the battery
tance of the 50-watt bulb, the resistance of the 100- supplies a potential difference of 1.5 volts. If the cur-
watt bulb is rent in the circuit is 0.10 ampere, at what rate does the
1. half as great circuit use energy?
2. twice as great 1. 0.015 W
3. one-fourth as great 2. 0.15 W
4. four times as great 3. 1.5 W
4. 15 W
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Name: Period:

Circuits-Ohm's Law
37. An electric circuit consists of a variable resistor con- 43. What is the current in a 100-ohm resistor connected
nected to a source of constant potential difference. If to a 0.40-volt source of potential difference?
the resistance of the resistor is doubled, the current 1. 250 mA
through the resistor is 2. 40 mA
1. halved 3. 2.5 mA
2. doubled 4. 4.0 mA
3. quartered
4. quadruples 44. How much total energy is dissipated in 10 seconds in
a 4-ohm resistor with a current of 0.50 ampere?
38. Which physical quantity is correctly paired with its 1. 2.5 J
unit? 2. 5.0 J
1. power and watt∙seconds 3. 10 J
2. energy and newton∙seconds 4. 20 J
3. electric current and amperes/coulomb
4. electrical potential difference and joules/coulomb 45. If a 1.5-volt cell is to be completely recharged, each
electron must be supplied with a minimum energy of
39. A 6-ohm resistor that obeys Ohm’s Law is connected 1. 1.5 eV
to a source of variable potential difference. When the 2. 1.5 J
applied voltage is decreased from 12 V to 6 V, the cur- 3. 9.5 × 1018 eV
rent passing through the resistor 4. 9.5 × 1018 J
1. remains the same
2. is doubled 46. As the potential difference across a given resistor
3. is halved is increased, the power expended in moving charge
4. is quadruples through the resistor
1. decreases
40. An electric heater operating at 120 volts draws 8 2. increases
amperes of current through its 15 ohms of resistance. 3. remains the same
The total amount of heat energy produced by the
heater in 60 seconds is 47. The heating element in an automobile window has
1. 7.20 × 103 J a resistance of 1.2 ohms when operated at 12 volts.
2. 5.76 × 104 J Calculate the power dissipated in the heating ele-
3. 8.64 × 104 J ment. [Show all work, including the equation and
4. 6.91 × 106 J substitution with units.]

41. A device operating at a potential difference of 1.5

volts draws a current of 0.20 ampere. How much
energy is used by the device in 60 seconds?
1. 4.5 J
2. 8.0 J
3. 12 J
4. 18 J

42. Calculate the resistance of a 900-watt toaster operat-

ing at 120 volts. [Show all work, including the equa-
tion and substitution with units.]

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Name: Period:

Circuits-Ohm's Law
48. The resistance of a circuit remains constant. Which 52. A radio operating at 3.0 volts and a constant tempera-
graph best represents the relationship between the ture draws a current of 1.8 × 10-4 ampere. What is the
current in the circuit and the potential difference pro- resistance of the radio circuit?
vided by the battery? 1. 1.7 × 104 Ω
2. 3.0 × 101 Ω
3. 5.4 × 10-4 Ω
4. 6.0 × 10-5 Ω

49. Moving 4.0 coulombs of charge through a circuit re-

quires 48 joules of electric energy. What is the poten-
tial difference across this circuit?
1. 190 V
2. 48 V
3. 12 V
4. 4.0 V

50. An electric dryer consumes 6.0 × 106 joules of electri-

cal energy when operating at 220 volts for 1.8 × 103
seconds. During operation, the dryer draws a current
1. 10 A
2. 15 A
3. 9.0 × 102 A
4. 3.3 × 103 A

51. The total amount of electrical energy used by a 315-

watt television during 30.0 minutes of operation is
1. 5.67 × 105 J
2. 9.45 × 103 J
3. 1.05 × 101 J
4. 1.75 × 10-1 J

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