XII Worksheet (Electricity) PDF

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GradeUp Education Institute


1. If the temperature of a good conductor decreases, how point shifts to 63.0 cm, what is the emf of the second
does the relaxation time of electrons in the conductor cell? {Ans: 2.25V}
change? 12. What happens to the resistance of the wire when its
2. If potential difference V applied across a conductor is length is increased to twice its original length?
increased to 2V, how will the drift velocity of the {Ans: R’=4R}
electron change? 13. Calculate the value of the resistance R in the circuit
3. Calculate the potential difference between the points B shown in figure, so that the current in the circuit is 0.2A.
and D. What would be the potential difference between points
A and B?

4. State one condition for maximum current to be drawn

from the cell ?
5. Draw the graph showing the variation of conductivity
with temperature for a metallic conductor? 14. Why do we prefer potentiometer to measure the emf of
6. If a wire is stretched to double of its length. What will cell than a voltmeter?
be its new resistivity? 15. Three identical cells, each of emf 2V and unknown
7. Two electric bulbs A and B are marked 220V, 40W and internal resistance are connected in parallel .This
220V, 60W respectively. Which one has a higher combination is connected to a 5 resister. If the
resistance? terminal voltage across the cell is 1.5V. What is the
8. A Carbon resistor has three strips of red colour and a internal resistance of each cell. {Ans: 50 }
gold strip. What is the value of resistor? What is its 16. Two wire one of copper and other of managing have
tolerance? same resistance and equal length. Which wire is
9. Two heated wires of same dimensions are first thicker?
connected in series and then it’sparallel to a source of 17. When does the terminal voltage of a cell become (i)
supply. What will be the ratio of heat produced in the greater than its emf (ii) less than its emf ?
two cases? {Ans: 1:4} 18. Apply Kirchhoff’s rules to loops ACBPA and ACBQA to
10. Calculate the equivalent resistance and current shown write the expressions for the currents I1, I2 and I3 in the
by the ammeter in the given circuit diagram. network.
{Ans: R=2 and I=5A}

11. In a potentiometer arrangement, a cell of emf 1.25V

19. A wire of resistance 8R is bent in the form of a circle.
gives a balance point at 35.0 cm length of the wire. If
What is the effective resistance between the ends of a
the cell is replaced by another cell and the balance
diameter AB ?
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20. Two cells having emf of 10 V and 8V, and internal
resistance of 1Ω(each) are connected as shown with an
external resistance of 8 Ω. Find the current flowing
through the circuit.
{Ans: I=1.06A}

21. A cylindrical metallic wire is stretched to increase its

length by 5%. Calculate the percentage change in its
22. In a metre bridge, the null point is found at a distance of
33.7 cm from A. If now a resistance of 12Ω is connected
in parallel with S, the null point occurs at 51.9 cm.
Determine the values of R and S.
23. Two cells of emf 2E and E and internal resistances 2r
and r respectively, are connected in parallel. Obtain the
expression for equivalent emf and the internal
resistance of the combination.
{Ans: 4E/3, 2r/3}
24. Calculate the value of current I in the section of

25. A part of a circuit in steady state along with current

flowing in the branches with value of each resistance is
shown in figure. Calculate the energy stored in the
capacitor C0.
{Ans: VAB=20V}

Contact Us : 584, Near Badwala Kuan, VPO Rajokari New Delhi-110038 || Mob. : 9971575719, 7678522877 (Sagar Yadav)

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