27 Magnetism
27 Magnetism
27 Magnetism
1. In order to produce a magnetic field, an electric 5. A student is given two pieces of iron and told to de-
charge must be termine if one or both of the pieces are magnets. First,
1. stationary the student touches an end of one piece to one end of
2. moving the other. The two pieces of iron attract. Next, the
3. positive student reverses one of the pieces and again touches
4. negative the ends together. The two pieces attract again. What
does the student definitely know about the initial
2. The diagram below shows a bar magnet. magnetic properties of the two pieces of iron?
What is the direction of a compass needle placed at 6. The diagram below represents a wire conductor, RS,
point A? positioned perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field
1. up directed into the page.
2. down
3. right
4. left
8. The diagram below shows a wire moving to the right 11. Moving a length of copper wire through a magnetic
at speed v through a uniform magnetic field that is field may cause the wire to have a
directed into the page. 1. potential difference across it
2. lower temperature
3. lower resistivity
4. higher resistance
12. The diagram below shows the magnetic field lines be-
tween two magnetic poles, A and B.
16. A small object is dropped through a loop of wire
connected to a sensitive ammeter on the edge of a
table, as shown in the diagram below.
18. The diagram below shows the north pole of one bar
magnet located near the south pole of another bar
magnet. On the diagram, draw three magnetic field
lines in the region between the magnets.