An Artificial Neural Ne To Transformer Fault I G o I
An Artificial Neural Ne To Transformer Fault I G o I
An Artificial Neural Ne To Transformer Fault I G o I
4, October 1996
In our study, five key gases H,, H,, C,H,, C,H6, C,H, are
chosen as input features. Both the cases with and without
“CO” as input features have been studies. The cases with and
without “normal” output node are also considered. In total
there are four combinations to be tested and compared. The
ANN is trained using the conventional back-propagation Comparing the accuracy, iteration number and network
method. Since the ANN topology has great impact on complexity, it is shown that the two-hidden layer ANN
classification accuracy and convergence time during training, topology is the optimal for all four cases. All ten-fold cross-
several network topologies are compared. Usually, one validations are referred to the two hidden layer ANNs. As can
hidden-layer ANN is enough for most nonlinear mapping. be seen, an input feature space without “CO increases the
However, ANNs with 1,2 and 3 hidden layers are trained and accuracy. Keeping “normal” as an output node also increases
compared. According to the number of training iterations the accuracy. The second ANN in Table(3) is the optimal one
and training error, the optimal is determined. The ten-fold (among the 12) that has 95% chance of success in classifying
cross-validation of this optimal ANN is computed to verify the three major fault types. This chosen ANN topology is
the accuracy. Forty sample sets from different transformers shown in Figure 2.
are used for training and testing of the ANNs. The training
Normal Overheating Corona Arcing (outputs) Cellulose Involved
I\ I\ I\ I\ I\
CH, C,H, C,H, C,H,
Hi CH, C,H, C;H, CiH, CO Cb,
Fig. 2 ANN for Major Fault Type Diagnosis Fig. 3 ANN for Cellulose Condition Detection
4.2 A.” for Cellulose Condition Detection The CO and CO, are generated from the breakdown of
cellulosic materials. The ratio of CO, to CO can be influenced
Another ANN is constructed with one output to test only the to some extent by leaks during sampling and testing as CO, is
cellulose condition. Output “1” means cellulose is involved in present in detectable quantities in the atmosphere. Under some
the faults while “0” represents no cellulose involved. conditions carbon oxides can be generate from the oil or
Although only CO and CO, contain the information of mineral oil containing paints. Therefore, the presence of other
cellulose condition, their ratios to the hydrocarbon gases are degradation products from the cellulosic materials such as
helpful information in cellulose condition detection. Together furanic compounds has been used as a confirmatory tool [9].
with CO and CO,, five hydrocarbon key gases are also used
as input features. As there is only one output, training focuses
on determining cellulose condition. Three topologies are 5. EXAMPLES OF DIAGNOSIS RESULTS
tested and compared. Twenty two sample sets are used in
training and testing. Two ANNs were constructed according to the above
evaluation. The weight matrices and biases were stored as
According to the results in Table(S), the two hidden layer files. Testing data were inputted from a data file, then the two
ANN is the optimal one and about 90.9% accuracy is obtained ANNs were used to detect the faults and ceAlulose condition.
for this ANN topology as shown in Figure 3. Ten new sample sets from different transformers were tested.
Nine of the cases were transformers where the results of the
Since the CO, to CO ratio is an indicator of the cellulose physical investigation were published. For case 6, the data is
condition, this ratio is used directly as one of the inputs in an average value for 200 transformers. The testing data and
addition to the actual ppm values of CO and CO, in the ANN the results are listed in Table(6) and Table(7) respectively.
training. It is found that the rate of convergence does
improve, while the overall diagnosis accuracy remains the The results between the actual inspection of the transformer
same for the samples tested. and ANN diagnosis match very well. There are two cases (2
and 4) where the ANN for major fault type diagnosis and the
Compared with one step ANN approaches in [2][3], the actual inspection disagree. These two cases where there is
training for the above two ANNs is fairly easy and the training arcing but the ANN indicates there is arcing and overheating.
convergence is reached without many iterations. It shows the The ANN can be trained with refined input data to distinguish
potential of this approach as large amounts of data becomes between these two as the arcing degradation products are the
available. same as the thermal degradation products but in different
relative composition. There are cases where there is
TabYe(5) Input: H,,CH,,C,H,,C,H,,C,H,; overheating which causes damage to the insulation which then
r 3 . Fault
1 : in;, ;;:;lel ~
results in electrical discharges. It is also quite possible to have
Training Training Error a condition which involves simultaneous overheating andl
Topology Iteration electrical discharges such as from an unintentional core.
7-30-20-20-1 0.008876 ground. However this does not appear to be true in these two
7-40-20- 1 0.008458
7-50-1 0.009502
Ten -Fold Cross-Validation: 90.9%
Table(6) Testing Data(ppm)
* ND -- Not detected
Table(7) Testing Results (0 - 1 range represents the different degree and certainty of a particular diagnosis)
In case 3 there is a large quantity of C,H, 16,000 ppm. A than the fault. This is one of the difficulties when there is no
Quick evaluation may suggest that there is arcing in the oil as previous data to show which gases are most actively being
many people are sensitive to the appearance of C,H,. generated. This is similar in case 8 where it is difficult to
However, the relative composition of the gases indicates that determine without any specific previous data whether the
the problem is thermal in nature in agreement with the ANN carbon oxides generated is from the incipient-fault location or
output and as confirmed by the internal investigation. In this from normal aging of the cellulosic materials. In case 8 the
case the amounts of carbon oxides is not high, however the investigation revealed loose connections resulting in hot metal
ratio of CO, to CO is quite high indicating the possibility of and therefore it seems likely that the majority of the carbon
the involvement of cellulosic materials in the arc as confirmed oxides was not from the incipient-fault areas but rather from
by inspection of the transformer. the aging of the winding insulation.
Yuwen Zhang is a Ph.D. student of Electrical Engineering at
A two-step neural-network classifier has been developed and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State [Jniversity. He
carefully tested for transformer fault diagnosis using dissolved received both his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Shanghai
gas-in-oil analysis. Several feature types have been evaluated Jiaotong University, China, in 1985, 1988 respectively. His
and several neural-net topologies have been considered. current research interests include electrical device fault
Patterns with different identification sensitivity are detected detection and diagnosis.
by different ANNs to obtain the highest accuracy for each
pattern. The two-step approach makes ANN easier to train Xiaoaun Ding is an Associate Professor of Electrical
and more accurate in detecting faults. Engineering at Ho Hai University. He received his B.S. degree
in Electrical Engineering from South East University,
Nanjing, China in 1982, and M.S. degree in 1989 from Ho
ACI(N0WLEDGMENTS Hai University, Nanjing, China. He joined the faculty of the
Department of Electrical Engineering at Ho Hai University in
This work is partially support by a Grant from The National March 1982. His research interests include artificial neural
Science Foundation. network application to electric devices fault diagnosis,
transient stability and reliability in power systems.