Title: Seismic Assessment of Steel Chemical Storage Tanks. Authors: Chun-Wei Chang (Presenter and Contact Person)

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Title: Seismic Assessment of Steel Chemical Storage Tanks.

Chun-Wei Chang (Presenter and Contact person)
Assistant Engineer, Technical Division of Taipei Water Department
131, ChangXing Street, Taipei 10672, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Phone: (886)2-8733-5698
Fax: (886)2-8733-5944
E-mail: [email protected]

Gee-Yu Liu (co-author)

Associate Researcher, Earthquake Disaster Simulation Division
National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE)
200, Sec.3, Xinhai Rd., Taipei 106, Taiwan
Phone: (886)2-6630-0835
Fax: (886)2-6630-0858
E-Mail: [email protected]
Seismic Assessment of Steel Chemical Storage Tanks.
Chun-Wei Chang1, Gee-Yu Liu2
Taipei Water Department, Taiwan
National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, Taiwan


Water supply is one the crucial lifeline systems. The seismic safety of critical water facilities is a
pivotal issue in urban earthquake hazard mitigation. This project conducts the seismic assessment of
two typical steel chemical storage tanks (one in Zhitan and one in Changxing water purification
plants) of Taipei Water Department. The assessment criteria follow Taiwan Building Seismic Design
Code (2011; design response spectra), JWWA Guideline to and Explanation of Seismic Construction
Method of Water Supply Facilities (2009; water pipe bridges) and API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for
Oil Storage (11th ed., 2012, Appendix E: Seismic Design of Storage Tanks; steel tanks). Major
findings include: Tank No. 2 of Zhitan and Tank No. 6 of Changxing do not have sufficient
anchorage; also, the later doesn’t have enough freeboard while at its highest content level.
Accordingly, measures to enhance their seismic integrity or secure their seismic safety have been

Keywords: Water facilities, Seismic assessment, Steel chemical storage tanks, API 650


The steel chemical storage tanks selected for study under this project are No. 2 tank of Zhitan
and No. 6 tank of Changxing water purification plant. They are the largest tanks of respective plant
with capacity of 300 Tons and the heights are 7.7 meters and 9.2 meters and for accommodating PAC
and NaOH respectively. The chemicals (liquid) posed remarkable weight, and any damage of the
tanks could result detrimental effects to the purification quality. A rational approach to assess the
seismic safety of such tanks is greatly needed..


For the design of these hazardous liquid storage tanks, “Appendix E: Seismic Design of Storage
Tanks” in API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage (API, 2007) is most applied. Theoretically, it
considers two response modes of a tank and its contents: impulsive and convective (Housner, 1963).
This procedure applies to anchored steel tanks, which are the most commonly used variety, and is of
high seismic concern in Taiwan. It is also incorporated with the ground motion specified in Taiwan
Building Seismic Design Code (Construction and Planning Agency Ministry of the Interior,R.O.C.,
API 650 classifies tanks into three Seismic User Groups (SUGs). SUG III tanks are those that
provide service to facilities essential to the life and health of the public, or those that contain
hazardous substances, to which it is greatly important to prevent public exposure. SUG II tanks are

those that provide direct services to major facilities, or which store materials that may pose a public
hazard and lack secondary controls. The rest belong to SUG I tanks.
In this study, a seismic assessment procedure for steel liquid storage tanks is given, as depicted in
Fig. 1.
Information of target tank

Location and site condition of target tank

Parameters of design spectral response acceleration

Calculate for impulsive and convective (sloshing) modes :

1. Natural periods Ti and Tc
2. Design spectral response acceleration coefficients Ai and Ac
3. Effective liquid weights Wi and Wc
4. Heights of center of action of various lateral seismic forces X
5. Total base shear V
6. Ringwall and slab overturning moments Mrw and Ms
7. Total combined hoop stress in the shell T

Determine total base shear for tank sliding failure assessment

Examine total combined hoop stress in the shell

for wall breaking assessment

Determine anchor load for anchor bolt and strap failure assessment

Determine maximum longitudinal shell compression stress

for wall buckling assessment

Examine overturning stability ratio for tank overturning assessment

Determine the height of sloshing wave for freeboard assessment

Fig. 1 Seismic assessment procedure for steel liquid storage tanks following API 650, App. E
1. Determine Ti (s) and Tc (s), the natural periods of vibration for impulsive and convective
(sloshing) modes of behavior of the liquid.
 
 
1  Ci H   D
Ti    Tc  2 
2000  t u  E  3.68H 
3.68g  tanh 
  
 D   D 
where the coefficient Ci is a function of H / D depicted in the following chart.

2. Determine Ai (g) and Ac (g), the impulsive and convective design spectral response
acceleration coefficients.
 I   I 
Ai   Ac  K  
  S aD (Ti )   S aD (Tc )
 Rwi   Rwc 
where I is set by Seismic User Group (SUG), and K  1.5 unless otherwise specified. The
values of force reduction coefficients Rwi and Rwc for the impulsive and convective modes using
allowable stress design methods are 4 and 2, respectively, for mechanically-anchored tanks.
3. Determine V (N), the total base shear, from Wi (N) and Wc (N), the effective impulsive and
convective portions of the liquid weight, respectively. Examine the possibility of tank
V  Vi  Vc
2 2

  D
 tanh  0.866 H 
   W D / H  1.333
Vi  Ai (Ws  Wr  W f  Wi )  D p D  3.67 H 
 Wi   0.866 Wc  0.230  tanh    Wp
Vc  AcWc  H H  D 
1.0  0.218 D   W D / H  1.333
 H
 p

The calculated value of V should not exceed the sliding resistance Vs (N) calculated by:
Vs   (Ws  Wr  W f  Wp )(1.0  0.4 Av )

4. Determine the ringwall overturning moment M rw (N-m) acting at the base of tank shell
perimeter and the slab overturning moment M s (N-m) used for slab and pile cap design.

M rw  Ai (Wi X i  Ws X s  Wr X r )2  Ac (Wc X c )2

Ms  Ai (Wi X is  Ws X s  Wr X r )2  Ac (Wc X cs )2
where X  and X  refer to the height from the bottom of the tank shell to the center of action of
various lateral seismic forces from liquid, tank shell and roof.

  3.67 H  
 0.375H D / H  1.333  cosh   1 
  D 
X i   0.5  0.094 D  H D / H  1.333 X c  1.0  H
   3.67 H  3.67 H  
 H  sinh 
  D  
 D
   D 
   0.866 
0.3751.0  1.333   3.67 H  
H  1.0  H D / H  1.333  cosh    1.937 
    D   D 
X is     tanh  0.866   X cs  1.0  H
    H   3.67 H  3.67 H  
  sinh 
  D  D  D 
  0.5  0.060  H D / H  1.333
  H

5. Determine  T , the total combined hoop stress in the shell (MPa).

N h  N i  N c  ( Av N h ) 2
2 2

 T () 
where the product hydrostatic membrane force N h (N/mm), and the impulsive and convective
hoop membrane forces N i (N/mm) and N c (N/mm) in tank shell, respectively, are calculated by:
9.81  GDY
Nh 
 Y Y  
 D
8.48 Ai GDH   0.5      tanh  0.866 
  H   
H  H  D / H  1.333

  Y  Y  

N i  5.22 Ai GD 2   0.5    
  0.75D  0.75D   D / H  1.333 and Y  0.75D

 2
2.6 Ai GD D / H  1.333 and Y  0.75D

 3.68( H  Y ) 
1.85 Ac GD 2  cosh  
Nc   D 
 3.68 H 
cosh  
 D 

6. Examine PAB , the anchor load (N).

 1.273M rw   D 
PAB    wt (1  0.4 Av )    
   nA 
The calculated value of PAB should not exceed 80% of the yield strength of anchor bolts.
7. Examine  c , the maximum longitudinal shell compression stress (MPa).
 1.273M rw  1
 c   wt (1  0.4 Av )  
  1000t s
The calculated value of  c should not exceed the allowable longitudinal shell-membrane
compression stress FC (MPa) calculated by:


 83  t s / D GHD 2 / t 2  44
FC  

83  t s /( 2.5D)  7.5 GH  Fty GHD 2 / t 2  44

8. Examine that the overturning stability ratio is 2.0 or greater.

0.5D  (W p  W f  WT  W fd  Wg )
 2.0

9. Determine  s , the height (mm) of sloshing wave above the product design height. Examine
the sufficiency of tank freeboard to accommodate the calculated value of  s .
 s  0.5DA f
 1  1
 KSD1 I    Tc  4  KSD1    Tc  TL
  Tc    Tc 
Af   Af  
 KS I   4  T  4  KS   TL  T  T
 D1  Tc 2  c  D1  Tc 2  c L
 

Av : vertical earthquake acceleration coefficient (g), taken TL : regional-dependent transition period for longer
as 0.14S DS or greater for the ASCE 7 method period ground motion (s)
D : nominal tank diameter (m) t : thickness of shell ring under consideration (mm)
E : elastic modulus of tank material (MPa) t s thickness of bottom shell (mm)
Fty : yield strength of shell (MPa) t u : equivalent uniform thickness of tank shell (mm)
G : product specific gravity W f : weight of the tank bottom (N)
g : acceleration due to gravity (m/sec2) W fd : total weight of tank foundation (N)
H : maximum design product level (m)
W : weight of soil over tank foundation footing (N)
I : importance factor coefficient; I = 1.0, 1.25 and 1.5 for g
SUG I, II and III, respectively W p : total weight of the tank contents (N)
K : coefficient for adjusting spectral acceleration (from 5 W : total weight of fixed tank roof (N)
to 0.5% damping)
Ws : total weight of tank shell and appurtenances (N)
n A : number of anchors around the tank circumference
W : total weight of tank shell, roof, framing, knuckles,
S aD (T ) : design earthquake spectral response acceleration T
product, bottom, attachments and appurtenances (N)
coefficient for structural period T
wt : tank and roof weight acting at base of shell (N/m)
S D1 : design (5% damped) spectral response acceleration
Y : distance from liquid surface to any point (positive
parameter at one second
down (m)
S DS : design (5% damped) spectral response acceleration  : friction coefficient for tank sliding (max. 0.4)
parameter at short periods (0.2s)  : density of fluid (kg/m3)


●Seismic Assessment Database of Tanks

The seismic assessment database of No. 2 Tank in Zhitan and No. 6 Tank in Changxing
purification plant are given below as Table 1:
Table 1 –Seismic Assessment Database of Tanks

Zhitan Purification Plant No. 2 Storage Changxing Purification Plant No. 6

N0. of Tank
Tank Storage Tank
No. 2, Zhitan Road, Xindian Dist. New No. 131, Changxing Street, Daan Dist.
Taipei City Taipei City
N 24.941647 N 25.014429
E 11.529174 E 121.549655
Type of NaOH solution, concentration 45%, Poly Aluminum Chloride solution,
Chemical Sp.G: 1.48 Sp.G 1.15

■Cylinder □Rectangular ■Cylinder □Rectangular

OD: 7.6 m Height : 7.665 m OD: 6.8 m Height: 9.16 m
Shape and Effluent height: 6.735 m(from bottom Effluent height: 8.66 m
Effluent height: 8.66 M(from bottom
dimensions of up)
tank body Shell thickness: 6 mm Shell thickness: 4.5-6 mm
Bottom plate thicknes: 6 mm Bottom plate thicknes: 6 mm
Capacity : 300 MT Capacity : 300 MT

■Steel ■Steel
material of
■W/inner lining:yes ( FRP) ■W/ Inner Lining:yes ( FRP)

■Elevated ■Ground
Height of bottom plate:2.80 m RC Base:yes
RC Base:yes Foundation pile: yes
Foundation pile: nil Anchored with bolts:yes
Anchored with bolts:yes Numbers of Anchoring Bolt::16
Numbers of Anchoring Bolt: 18 Spec. of bolt: M25
Spec. of bolt: M20
Location ■Outdoor ■Outdoor
placed ■W/O effluent pond/ channel ■W/O effluent pond

Year 2013 2007

completed ■No seismic resistance reinforcement ■No seismic resistance reinforcement

S SD  0.6 、 S1D  0.35 ; S DS  0.6 、 S D1  S DS  T0D  0.78 ;
N a( D ) =1.0、 N v( D ) =1.0; Av  0.14S DS  0.084 ;
Type 2 Crust, Fa( D )  1.1 、 T0D  1.30s ;
Fv( D )  1.4 ; S aD  0.6 ;
S DS  0.66 、 S D1  0.49 ; Steel elasticity modal E  207,000
Av  0.14S DS  0.0924 ; MPa ;
T0D  S D1 / S DS  0.74 ; g  9.81m/s 2 ;
Steel elasticity modal E  207,000 H / D  1.27 , C i  6.6 ;
MPa ; Ti  0.117s 、 Tc  2.727s ;
g  9.81m/s 2 ; (procedure 1);
H / D  0.887 , Ci  6.1 ; I  1.5 ;
Seismic Ti  0.0874s 、 Tc  2.887s K=1.5
Assessment (procedure 1); Rwi=4(mechanically-anchored)
Database I  1.5 ; Rwc=2(mechanically-anchored)
K=1.5 Ai=0.225、Ac=0.675(procedure 2);
Rwi=4(mechanically-anchored) ρS=7850Kg/m3
Rwc=2(mechanically-anchored) Ws=7.91104N ; Wr=1.35104N
4 6
Ai=0.187、Ac=0.297(procedure 2); Wf=1.6810 N ; Wp=3.5910 N
ρS=7850Kg/m3 Wi=2.98106N ; Wc=6.48105N
Ws=8.46104N ; Wr=2.24104N (procedure 3) ;
Wf=2.1104N ; Wp=4.43106N Mrw=3.95106N-m;Ms=4.46106N-m
Wi=3.34106N ; Wc=6.48105N (procedure 4) ;
(procedure 3) ;
(procedure 4) ;


●Results of Detail Seismic Resistance Assessment

Concluding the above database and analysis, the of No. 2 Tank in Zhitan and No. 6 Tank in
Changxing purification plant seismic assessment results are shown in Table 2 and Table 3.
Table 2 –Results of Detail Seismic Resistance Assessment- No. 2 Tank in Zhitan
Purification Plant

Item Results of Detail Seismic Resistance Assessment

The total base shear for tank sliding V=7.34105N
The possibility of tank
The sliding resistance VS=1.76106N
VS > V ……OK. (procedure 3)
σT(+)=70.84MPa(tension,at the bottom of the tank)
The total combined σT(-)=-7.807MPa(compression,at the liquid surface)
hoop stress in the shell SUS304 stainless steel fy=206 Mpa >σT(+) orσT(-)……OK.
(procedure 5)
The anchor load 80% of the yield strength of anchor
bolts=80%6.47104N=5.18104N< PAB……NG(procedure 6)
Anchor bolts do not have sufficient anchorage
The maximum longitudinal shell compression stressσc=10.4 Mpa
The maximum
The allowable longitudinal shell-membrane compression stress FC=49.87
longitudinal shell
compression stress
FC >σc ……OK. (procedure 7)
The stability against
The overturning stability ratio is 5.75 > 2.0……OK. (procedure 8).
The height of sloshing waveδS=0.97m
The height of sloshing The tank freeboard=7.665-6.735=0.93m≒δS……OK. (procedure 9).
wave The height of sloshing waveδS is slightly higher than the tank freeboard,
but is determined as acceptable.

Table 3 –Results of Detail Seismic Resistance Assessment- No. 6 Tank in Changxing

Purification Plant

Item Results of Detail Seismic Resistance Assessment

The total base shear for tank sliding V=8.21105N
The possibility of tank
The sliding resistance VS=1.43106N
VS > V ……OK. (procedure 3)
σT(+)=62.33MPa(tension,at the bottom of the tank)
The total combined σT(-)=-14.72MPa(compression,at the liquid surface)
hoop stress in the shell SUS304 stainless steel fy=206 Mpa >σT(+) orσT(-)……OK.
(procedure 5)

The anchor load 80% of the yield strength of anchor
bolts=80%1.01105N=0.81105N< PAB……NG(procedure 6)
Anchor bolts do not have sufficient anchorage
The maximum longitudinal shell compression stressσc=18.87 Mpa
The maximum
The allowable longitudinal shell-membrane compression stress FC=52.96
longitudinal shell
compression stress
FC >σc ……OK. (procedure 7)
The stability against
The overturning stability ratio is 3.64 > 2.0……OK. (procedure 8).
The height of sloshing waveδS=1.46m
The height of sloshing
The tank freeboard=9.16-8.66=0.5m<δS……NG. (procedure 9).
The height of sloshing waveδS is higher than the tank freeboard.


Basis “API650 ,Appendix E(API, 2007) “ and the basic data as well as site survey of the two
steel chemical storage tanks in water treatment, the resistance against anchor load of Zhitan No. 2
Tank and Changxing No. 6 Tank is shown as insufficient. Under design seismic conditions, damage
to anchoring position may be resulted. Taipei Water Department has established plan to reinforce
anchoring bolts, either to increase or to replace so that the anchoring force will be meeting the need of
design seismic resistance. Besides, the height of sloshing wave is higher than the freeboard of
Changxing No. 6 Tank about 1 meter. This may lead damage to the top plate due to sloshing wave of
fluid during earthquake. New requirement has been set that the liquid level operation height must be
1 meter or more lower than the sufficiency of tank freeboard.
The existing large capacity steel chemical storage tanks similar to Zhitan No. 2 Tank or
Changxing No. 6 Tank ,may be existed with insufficient anchoring capacity and insufficient
freeboard. This is probably a systematic issue and shall be inspected totally to avoid occurrence of
any unnecessary damage.


[1]API (American Petroleum Institute), 2007, “API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage,” 11-th Ed.
[2]Housner, G.W. 1963, “Dynamic Analysis of Fluids in Containers Subjected to Acceleration,” Nuclear Reactors
and Earthquakes, Appendix F, Report No. TID 7024, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington D.C.
[3]Gee-Yu Liu .2015,”Assessment of Steel Liquid Storage Tanks”, National Center for Research on Earthquake
Engineering (NCREE), Taiwan
[4]Construction and Planning Agency Ministry of the Interior,R.O.C.,2011,”Taiwan Building Seismic Design
[5]Taipei Water Department,2014,” Seismic Assessment of Water Pipe Bridges,Chemical Storage Tanks,and
Distribution reservoirs”,Taipei.

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