Verilog I: Dr. Paul D. Franzon

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Digital ASIC Design

3. Verilog I
Dr. Paul D. Franzon
Units within this module:
1. Introduction HDL-based Design with Verilog
2. A complete example: count.v
3. A complete example: count.v
Verification Synthesis
4. Further examples

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 1

Digital ASIC Design

3.1 Introduction to Design With Verilog

Dr. Paul D. Franzon
1. HDL-based Design Flow
2. Introduction to the Verilog Hardware Description Language
3. Main features used in synthesizable design

1. Quick Reference Guides
2. Ciletti, Ch. 4, Appendix I.
3. Smith & Franzon, Chapter 2-6
Attachments Required : Standard Synthesis Script (count.dc)
See Course Outline for further list of references

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 2

Digital ASIC Design

Course Mantras

One clock, one edge, Flip-flops only

Design BEFORE coding
Behavior implies function
Clearly separate control and datapath

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 3

Digital ASIC Design

Describe the THREE coding styles that make up RTL
Describe basic contrasts of VHDL to Verilog
Describe the basic structure of a Verilog Module

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 4

Digital ASIC Design

Starting to get into core of this course
How to design using HDLs
The complexity is NOT in the language but how to use it
Design before coding
Each design portion becomes a portion of code

Behavior implies function

Expected behavior of a piece of HDL must match behavior of
corresponding logic

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 5

Digital ASIC Design

Sutherland Quick Reference Guide
Sections 5.1 5.9 : Go into more detail than I do (for now)
Smith & Franzon:
Section 6.4 : teaches these basic constructs

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 6

Digital ASIC Design

Detailed Outline
1. Purpose of HDLs
2. Describing flip-flops
3. Structure of a Verilog Module
4. Verilog vs. VHDL
5. Describing combinational logic

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 7

Digital ASIC Design

Detailed Outline
1. Purpose of HDLs
2. Describing flip-flops
3. Structure of a Verilog Module
4. Verilog vs. VHDL
5. Describing combinational logic

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 8

Digital ASIC Design

Purpose of HDLs
Purpose of Hardware Description Languages:
Capture design in Register Transfer Language form
i.e. All registers specified

Use to simulate design so as to verify correctness

Pass through Synthesis tool to obtain reasonably optimal gate-level
design that meets timing
Design productivity
Automatic synthesis

Capture design as RTL instead of schematic

Reduces time to create gate level design by an order of magnitude

Basically, a Boolean Combinational Logic optimizer that is timing

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 9

Digital ASIC Design

Basic Verilog Constructs

For every positive edge of the clock Q changes to become equal to
Write behavior as code

always@(posedge clock)
Q <= D;

always@( )
Triggers execution of following code block
( ) called sensitivity list
Describes when execution triggered

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 10

Digital ASIC Design

Mantra #3
Behavior implies function
Determine the behavior described by the Verilog code
Choose the hardware with the matching behavior

always@(posedge clock)
Q <= D;

Code behavior:
Q re-evaluated every time there is a rising edge of the clock
Q remains unchanged between rising edges
This behavior describes the behavior of an edge-triggered
2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 11
Digital ASIC Design

Verilog example

What is the behavior and matching logic for this code


always@(clock or D)
if (clock) Q <=D;

Hint : always@(foo or bar) triggers execution whenever foo

or bar changes

Q assigned to D whenever clock or D changes and clock=1

Ie. Q tracks D while clock high
Level sensitive latch!

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 12

Digital ASIC Design

Every variable assigned in a block starting with

always@(posedge clock) or always@(negedge clock)

becomes the output of an edge-triggered flip-flop

This is the only way to build flip-flops

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 13

Digital ASIC Design

Sub-module Summary
Verilog is used to capture a design at the Register Transfer Level (RTL)
All variables assigned after an always@(posedge clock) statement
become the outputs of flip-flops
Why? Behavior Function

Please do sub-module quiz before proceeding to next sub-module

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 14

Digital ASIC Design

Detailed Outline
1. Purpose of HDLs
2. Describing flip-flops
3. Structure of a Verilog Module
4. Verilog vs. VHDL
5. Describing combinational logic

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 15

Digital ASIC Design

Verilog Module for Flip-flop

module flipflop (D, clock, Q);

input D, clock;
output Q; Module Name
reg Q; Connected Ports
always@(posedge clock) Port Declarations
begin Local Variable
Q <= D; Declarations
end Code Segments
endmodule endmodule

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 16

Digital ASIC Design

VHDL model for Flip-flop

entity flipflop is
port (clock, D:in bit; Q: out bit);
end flipflop;
architecture test of flipflop is
wait until clockevent and clock = `1;
Q <= D;
end process;
end test;

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 17

Digital ASIC Design

Verilog vs. VHDL

Based on C, originally Cadence proprietary, now an
IEEE Standard
Quicker to learn, read and design in than VHDL
Has more tools supporting its use than VHDL

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 18

Digital ASIC Design

Verilog vs. VHDL

VHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit) Hardware Description
Developed by the Department of Defense, based on ADA
An IEEE Standard
More formal than Verilog, e.g. Strong typing
Has more features than Verilog

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 19

Digital ASIC Design

Verilog vs. VHDL (contd)

In practice, there is little difference
How you design in an HDL is more important than how you code
Can shift from one to another in a few days

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 20

Digital ASIC Design

Detailed Outline
1. Purpose of HDLs
2. Describing flip-flops
3. Structure of a Verilog Module
4. Verilog vs. VHDL
5. Describing combinational logic

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 21

Digital ASIC Design

Verilog Combinational Logic

Combinational Logic Example
How would you describe the behavior of this function in

If a=1, then foo = b xor c,

else foo = b or c

And in Code?

always@(a or b or c) foo can change when any of

if (a) foo = b ^ c; a,b or c changes SO code must
else foo = b | c; be rerun wheneever any of these

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 22

Digital ASIC Design

Behavior Function

always@(a or b or c)
if (a) foo = b^c;
else foo = b | c;

All logical inputs in sensitivity list

If; else Multiplexor
Behavior = whenever input changes, foo =
mux of XOR or OR
Same behavior as combinational logic

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 23

Digital ASIC Design

Procedural Blocks
Statement block starting with an always@ statement is
called a procedural block
Statements in block are generally executed in sequence (i.e.

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 24

Digital ASIC Design

Alternative Coding Style for CL

Verilog has a short hand way to capture combinational logic
Called continuous assignment

assign foo = a ? b^c : b | c;

LHS re-evaluated whenever anything in RHS changes

f = a ? d : e; same as if (a) f=d else f=e;

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 25

Digital ASIC Design

Input Logic to Flip-Flops

Can include some combinational logic in FF procedural block

always@(posedge clock)
if (a) foo< = c;
else foo <= b;

Behavior function
foo is re-evaluated on every clock edge ouptut of FF
If;else MUX
Best to limit this practice to simple case statements and if-else
statements (will explain why in a later module)

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 26

Digital ASIC Design

RTL Coding Styles

Thats it!

Three coding styles

always@(???edge clock) FFs and input logic

always@(*) Combinational logic (CL) specified by its behavior

assign a = . Continuous Assignment CL specified as structure

The hard part is NOT coding but DESIGN

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 27

Digital ASIC Design

Summary Exercise
What does each piece of logic specify?

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 28

Digital ASIC Design

Three basic synthesizable VL styles
always@(posedge clock) Flip-flops
always@(*) Combinational logic specified as behavior
assign Combinational logic specified as structure

Please do the sub-module quiz before proceeding to the first Verilog 1.2

2013, Dr. Paul D. Franzon, 29

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