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FPGA design Flow :

1) Architecture design. This stage involves analysis of the project

requirements, problem decomposition and functional simulation (if
applicable). The output of this stage is a document which describes the
future device architecture, structural blocks, their functions and interfaces.
2) HDL design

entry. The device is described in a formal hardware

description language (HDL). The most common HDLs are VHDL and
3) Test environment

design. This stage involves writing of test

environments and behavioral models (when applicable). They are later
used to ensure that the HDL description of a device is correct.
4) Behavioral

simulation. This is an important stage that checks HDL

correctness by comparing outputs of the HDL model and the behavioral
model (being put in the same conditions).

5) Synthesis. This stage involves conversion of an HDL description to a

so-called netlist which is basically a formally written digital circuit

schematic. Synthesis is performed by a special software

called synthesizer.
For an HDL code that is correctly written and simulated, synthesis shouldn't
be any problem. However, synthesis can reveal some problems and
potential errors that can't be found using behavioral simulation, so, an
FPGA engineer should pay attention to warnings produced by the synthesizer.

6) Implementation. A synthesizer-generated netlist is mapped onto particular device's internal structure. The main
phase of the implementation

is place and route or layout, which allocates FPGA resources (such as logic cells
and connection wires). Then these configuration data are written to a special file by a program called bitstream
7) Timing analysis. During the timing analysis special software checks whether the implemented design satisfies
timing constraints (such as clock frequency) specified by the user.

Read more:

Xilinx ISE installation:

1 ) Register at xilinx website
2 ) Download a version that supports your operating system :

3) Obtain a licence, it will be sent to your email
4 ) Follow the document downloaded with the tool to install according to your operating system.
5) During installation select to install ISE:web pack ( because it licence is free)
6) when asked for the licence, point to your downloaded licence file
7) Set the environmental variables: this is best explained in this document:
More illustrative document (Follow the EE101 students path) :

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