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Steel Frame Design Manual

Eurocode 3-2005 with 8:2004

Eurocode 3-2005
with Eurocode 8:2004
Steel Frame Design Manual


ISO SAP091415M14 Rev. 0

Proudly developed in the United States of America September 2015

Copyright Computers and Structures, Inc., 1978-2015

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Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Units 1-2

1.2 Axes Notation 1-2

1.3 Symbols 1-2

Chapter 2 Assumptions and Limitations

2.1 Assumptions 2-1

2.1.1 General 2-1

2.1.2 Axial Force Check 2-2
2.1.3 Bending Moment Check 2-2
2.1.4 Shear Force Check 2-2
2.1.5 Combined Force Check 2-2

2.2 Limitations 2-4

2.2.1 General 2-4

2.2.2 Axial Force Check 2-4
2.2.3 Torsional Moment Check 2-5
2.2.4 Combined Force Check 2-5

Contents i
Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

Chapter 3 Design Flow Charts

Chapter 4 General Design Parameters

4.1 Partial Factors 4-1

4.2 Design Forces 4-1

4.3 Design Load Combinations 4-2

4.3.1 Ultimate Strength Combinations 4-2

4.3.2 Serviceability Combinations 4-4

4.4 Material Properties 4-4

4.5 Section Classification 4-5

Chapter 5 Design for Axial Forces

5.1 Axial Area 5-1

5.2 Tension Check 5-2

5.3 Compression Check 5-2

5.4 Axial Buckling Check 5-3

5.5 Member Unsupported Lengths 5-5

5.6 Effective Length Factor (K) 5-8

Chapter 6 Design for Bending Moment

6.1 Moment Check 6-1

Contents ii

6.2 Lateral-Torsional Buckling Check 6-4

Chapter 7 Design for Shear Force

7.1 Shear Area 7-1

7.2 Shear Check 7-1

7.3 Shear Buckling Check 7-2

Chapter 8 Design for Torsion

8.1 Analysis of Torsion Stresses 8-1

8.2 Shear Check in Presence of Torsion 8-2

8.3 Design for Combined Actions 8-3

Chapter 9 Design for Combined Forces

9.1 Design for Cross-Section Resistance 9-2

9.1.1 Bending, Axial Force, and Shear Check 9-2

9.1.2 Members Subjected to Shear Force 9-7

9.2 Design for Buckling Resistance of Members 9-8

9.2.1 Class 1, 2, and 3 Sections Under Flexure and

Axial Compression 9-8
9.2.2 Class 4 Sections Under Flexure and Axial
Compression 9-9
9.2.3 Class 1, 2, and 3 Sections Under Flexure and
Axial Tension 9-10
9.2.4 Class 4 Sections Under Flexure and Axial
Tension 9-10

Chapter 10 Special Seismic Provisions

10.1 Design Preferences 10-1

Contents iii
Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

10.2 Overwrites 10-2

10.3 Supported Framing Types 10-2

10.4 Member Design 10-3

10.4.1 Ductility Class High Moment-Resisting Frames
(DCH MRF) 10-4
10.4.2 Ductility Class Medium Moment-Resisting Frames
(DCM MRF) 10-6
10.4.3 Ductility Class Low Moment-Resisting Frames
(DCL MRF) 10-6
10.4.4 Ductility Class High Concentrically Braced
Frames (DCH CBF) 10-7
10.4.5 Ductility Class Medium Concentrically Braced
Frames (DCM CBF) 10-9
10.4.6 Ductility Class Low Concentrically Braced
Frames (DCL CBF) 10-9
10.4.7 Ductility Class High Eccentrically Braced
Frames (DCH EBF) 10-10
10.4.8 Ductility Class Medium Eccentrically Braced
Frames (DCM EBF) 10-13
10.4.9 Ductility Class Low Eccentrically Braced
Frames (DCL EBF) 10-14
10.4.10 Inverted Pendulum 10-14
10.4.11 Secondary 10-15

10.5 Design of Joints Components 10-15

10.5.1 Design of Continuity Plates 10-16

10.5.2 Design of Supplementary Web Plates 10-22
10.5.3 Weak Beam/Strong Column Measure 10-26
10.5.4 Evaluation of Beam Connection Shears 10-28
10.5.5 Evaluation of Brace Connection Forces 10-29

Appendix A Design Preferences

Appendix B Design Overwrites

Contents iv

Appendix C Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs)


Contents v
Chapter 1

This manual describes the steel frame design algorithms in the software for the
Eurocode 3-2005 [EN 1993-1-1] design code. The design algorithms in the
software for Eurocode 3 cover strength checks, as detailed in this manual.
Requirements of the code not documented in this manual should be considered
using other methods.

The default implementation in the software is the CEN version of the code.
Additional country specific National Annexes are also included. The Nationally
Determined Parameters are noted in this manual with [NDP]. Changing the
country in the Design Preferences will set the Nationally Determined
Parameters for the selected country as defined in Appendix C.

It is important to read this entire manual before using the design algorithms to
become familiar with any limitations of the algorithms or assumptions that have
been made.

For referring to pertinent sections of the corresponding code, a unique prefix is

assigned for each code.

Reference to the EN 1993-1-1:2005 code is identified with the prefix EC3.

Reference to the EN 1993-1-5:2006 code is identified with the prefix EN


Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

Reference to the ENV 1993-1-1:1992 code is identified with the prefix


Reference to the Eurocode 1990:2002 code is identified with the prefix


1.1 Units
The Eurocode 3 design code is based on Newton, millimeter, and second units
and, as such, so is this manual, unless noted otherwise. Any units, imperial,
metric, or MKS may be used in the software in conjunction with Eurocode 3

1.2 Axes Notation

The software analysis results refer to the member local axes system, which
consists of the 2-2 axis that runs parallel to the web and the 3-3 axis that runs
parallel to the flanges. Therefore, bending about the 2-2 axis would generate
minor axis moment, and bending about the 3-3 axis would generate major axis
moment. The Eurocode 3 design code refers to y-y and z-z axes, which are
equivalent to the software 3-3 and 2-2 axes, respectively. These notations may
be used interchangeably in the design algorithms, although every effort has
been made to use the design code convention where possible.

1.3 Symbols
The following table provides a list of the symbols used in this manual, along
with a short description. Where possible, the same symbol from the design code
is used in this manual.

a Torsional bending constant. It is given by

a= ( EI w ) ( GIT ) , where EI w represents the warping
stiffness and GIT is the St Venant torsional stiffness. It
generally expresses the rate at which the warping
torsional moment diminishes from a position where
warping is restrained, mm

1-2 Units
Chapter 1 Introduction

A Gross area of cross section, mm2

Anet Net area of cross section, mm2
Av Shear area, mm2
Aw Web area, mm2
b Width of the section, mm
C1 Moment diagram factor
E Modulus of elasticity, N/mm2
fu Steel ultimate strength, N/mm2
fy Steel yield strength, N/mm2
fyw Steel yield strength of the web, N/mm2
Fw,Ed Design shear force in the flange due to warping moment, N
G =
Shear modulus. It is given by G E 2 (1 + ) , where E is
the modulus of elasticity and is the Poissons ratio. For
structural steel E G = 2.6 and G 81,000 , N/mm2
h Depth of the section, mm
hw Web height, mm
I Moment of inertia, mm4
IF Moment of inertia of a flange of an I beam about its own
center of gravity or about the minor axis of bending of the
whole section, I F = t f b3f 12 , mm4
IT St. Venant torsional constant. It is the section property
relating St. Venant torsional moment to the first derivative of
rotation (twist per unit length). In many texts it is referred to
as J, mm4
Iw Warping constant. It is the section property relating the
warping torsional moment to the third derivative of rotation.
In many texts it is referred to as H or Cw, mm6
kyy, kzz, kyz, kzy Interaction factors
Lcr Buckling length, mm
Mb,Rd Design buckling resistance moment, N-mm
Mc,Rd Design bending resistance, N-mm

Symbols 1-3
Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

MEd Design bending moment, N-mm

Mel,Rd Elastic design bending resistance, N-mm
Mpl,Rd Plastic design bending resistance, N-mm
MRk Characteristic bending resistance, N-mm
Mw,Ed Warping moment. It is the bending moment in a flange
acting as a result of restraint of warping. The moment at the
two flanges are equal and of opposite sign, N-mm
My,V,Rd Reduced design bending resistance accounting for shear,
Mz,T,Ed Additional bending moment about the minor axis caused by
the rotation of the beam and torsion, N-mm
Nb,Rd Design buckling resistance, N
Ncr Elastic critical force, N
Nc,Rd Design compression resistance, N
NEd Design axial force, N
Npl,Rd Plastic design axial resistance, N
NRk Characteristic compression resistance, N
Nt,Rd Design tension resistance, N
Nu,Rd Design ultimate tension resistance, N
tf Flange thickness, mm
tw Web thickness, mm
TEd Design value of total torsional moment, N-mm
Tt,Ed Design value of internal St Venant torsional moment, N-mm
Tw.Ed Design value of internal warping torsional moment, N-mm
Vc,Rd Design shear resistance, N
Vb,Rd Design shear buckling resistance, N
Vbf,Rd Flange contribution of the design shear buckling resistance,
Vbw,Rd Web contribution of the design shear buckling resistance, N
VEd Design shear force, N

1-4 Symbols
Chapter 1 Introduction

Vpl,Rd Plastic design shear resistance, N

Vpl,T,Rd Reduced design plastic shear resistance making allowance
for the presence of a torsional moment, N
Wel,min Minimum elastic section modulus, mm3
Wpl Plastic section modulus, mm3
, LT Imperfection factor

Reduction factor for buckling

LT Reduction factor for lateral-torsional buckling

w Web shear buckling contribution factor

Coefficient dependent on fy , = 235 f y

The angle of rotation of a cross-section about the

longitudinal axis, rad
' The first derivative of the angle of rotation of a cross-section
about the longitudinal axis, ' = d dx , rad/mm
'' The second derivative of the angle of rotation of a cross-
section about the longitudinal axis, '' = d 2 dx 2 , rad/mm2
''' The third derivative of the angle of rotation of a cross-
section about the longitudinal axis, ''' = d 3 dx3 , rad/mm3
Value for calculating the reduction factor
LT Value for calculating the reduction factor LT
M0 Partial factor for resistance of cross-sections

M1 Partial factor for resistance of members to instability

M2 Partial factor for resistance of cross-sections in tension to

Factor for shear area
Non-dimensional slenderness

LT Non-dimensional slenderness for lateral-torsional buckling

LT ,0 Plateau length of the lateral-torsional buckling curves

Symbols 1-5
Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

w Slenderness parameter

Reduction factor accounting for shear forces

T Reduction factor for design plastic shear resistance making
allowance for the presence of a torsional moment. It is takes
as T =V pl ,T ,Rd V pl ,Rd .

Ed Design shear stress at a point in a section, N/mm2

t ,Ed Design shear stress due to St Venant torsion, N/mm2

w,Ed Design shear stress due to warping torsion, N/mm2

Ratio of moments in a segment

1-6 Symbols
Chapter 2
Assumptions and Limitations

This chapter describes the assumptions made and the limitations of the design
algorithm for the Eurocode 3-2005 steel frame design. All of the assumptions
and limitations should be reviewed before using the design algorithm.

2.1 Assumptions
The assumptions made in the design algorithm are listed in the following
sections, along with a description of how they may affect the design results.

2.1.1 General
The following assumptions apply generically to the design algorithm.

The analysis model geometry, properties, and loads adequately represent

the building structure for the limit states under consideration (EC3 5.1.1).

It is assumed that the steel grades used adhere to Eurocode 3-2005, Table
3.1 or an associated National Annex (EC3 3.1(2)). The acceptable use of
other materials shall be independently verified.

The automated load combinations are based on the STR ultimate limit
states and the characteristic serviceability limit states.

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

2.1.2 Axial Force Check

The following assumptions apply to the axial force check.

Hot rolled tubular sections are assumed to be hot finished for selecting the
appropriate buckling curve from EC3 Table 6.2. This is nonconservative if
cold formed sections are used.

For welded Box sections, if b t f < 30 and h tw < 30 , it is assumed that the
weld thickness is more than 0.5tf (EC3 Table 6.2).

2.1.3 Bending Moment Check

The following assumptions apply to the bending moment check.

The load is assumed to be applied at the shear center for the calculation of
the elastic critical moment. Any eccentric moment due to load applied at
other locations is not automatically accounted for.

2.1.4 Shear Force Check

The following assumptions apply to the shear force check.

Plastic design is assumed such that Vc,Rd is calculated in accordance with

EC3 6.2.6(2).

Transverse stiffeners exist only at the supports and create a non-rigid end
post for the shear buckling check. No intermediate stiffeners are

The contribution from the flanges is conservatively ignored for the shear
buckling capacity.

2.1.5 Torsional Moment Check

The following assumptions apply to the shear force check.

Total torsional moment is split into a St Venant torsion Tt ,Ed and a warping
torsion Tw,Ed .

2-2 Assumptions
Chapter 2 Assumptions and Limitations

The warping torsion, M w,Ed , contributes to the bending moment in the

flanges. This affects the interaction checks. It also increases the minor axis
bending moment by a small amount, M z ,T ,Ed . The interaction equations are
modified to accommodate the warping moment, M w,Ed and additional
minor axis bending moment, M z ,T ,Ed . The following equations are
modified: Eq. 6.2 of section EC3 6.2.1(7), Eq. 6.41 of section EC3, Eq. 6.44 of section EC3 One additional interaction
equation is checked which is given in Annex A of BS EN 1993-6.

The effect of combined shear force and torsional moment in the reduction
of section shear resistance is evaluated by using the section EC3 6.2.7(9).

The elastic verification using the yield criterion given in EC3 6.2.1(5) is
not used as this criterion is conservative. This criterion ignores the plastic
stress redistribution.

In doing torsional moment check the book Design of Steel Beams in Torsion
in Accordance with Eurocodes and UK National Annexes, the SCI Publication
P385, is taken as the guide (Hughes, Iles, and Malik, 2011).

2.1.6 Combined Forces Check

The following assumptions apply to the combined forces check.

The interaction of bending and axial force is checked for certain sections
(shapes) and for certain classes of sections, in accordance with EC3
6.2.1(7), which may be conservative compared to EC3 6.2.9, when no
special clause in EC3 6.2.9 is applicable to that shape and that class.

The warping torsion, M w,Ed , contributes to the bending moment in the

flanges. This affects the interaction checks. It also increases the minor axis
bending moment by a small amount, M z ,T ,Ed . The interaction equations are
modified to accommodate the warping moment, M w,Ed and additional
minor axis bending moment, M z ,T ,Ed . The following equations are
modified: Eq. 6.2 of section EC3 6.2.1(7), Eq. 6.41 of section EC3, Eq. 6.44 of section EC3 One additional interaction
equation is checked which is given in Annex A of BS EN 1993-6.

Assumptions 2-3
Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

2.2 Limitations
The limitations of the design algorithm are listed in the following sections,
along with a work around where possible.

2.2.1 General
The following limitations apply generically to the design algorithm.

Sections with a material thickness, t < 3 mm are not designed (EC3

1.1.2(1)). The special requirements in accordance with EN 1993-1-3 for
cold formed thin gauge members are not covered in this implementation
(EC3 1.1.2(1)).

The material yield is not adjusted based on the thickness of the section.
Different material properties should be defined for sections of different
thickness if the thickness affects the material yield value (EC3 3.2.1, Table

The effects of torsion are not considered in the design (EC3 6.2.7) and
should be considered using other methods.

The special requirements in accordance with Eurocode EN 1993-1-12 for

high-strength steels above S460 currently are not considered.

The special requirements in accordance with EN 1993-1-6 for Circular

Hollow (tube) sections with Class 4 cross-sections are not covered in this
implementation (EC3

2.2.2 Axial Force Check

The following limitations apply to the axial force check.

The net area is not determined automatically. This can be specified on a

member-by-member basis using the Net Area to Total Area Ratio

2-4 Limitations
Chapter 2 Assumptions and Limitations

2.2.3 Torsional Moment Check

The following limitations apply to the torsional moment check.

The torsion check is limited to the following open section: Doubly-

symmetric I-shapes. I-shapes with single symmetric sections are not
checked for torsion.

The torsion check is limited to the following closed sections: box and pipe

2.2.4 Combined Forces Check

The following limitations apply to the combined forces checks.

The code allows the engineers to design the cross-sections with Class 3
web and Class 1 or 2 flanges as a Class 2 cross-section with an effective
web area as specified in EC3 (EC3 5.5.2(11), EC3
However, the program does not take this advantage, which is conservative.

Limitations 2-5
Chapter 3
Design Flow Charts

The flow charts on the following pages provide a pictorial representation of the
design algorithm for Eurocode 3-2005 steel frame design. These flow charts
provide a summary of the steps taken and the associated code clauses used.
Additional detailed information defining the steps used in the algorithm is
provided in the chapters that follow.

The following flow charts are provided:

member design

design axial resistance

design axial buckling resistance

design bending resistance

design lateral-torsional buckling resistance

design shear resistance

The flowcharts given this this chapter, in general, assume that there is no
consideration for torsion. However, the program, can optionally do design
checks for certain sections (I, Box, and Pipes) considering torsion. In doing so,
the program uses modified versions of the interaction equations. This has been
discussed in the appropriate chapters in details.

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005


Table 5.2

Determine section class


Yes No Too Slender

Class 4
not designed

Check shear capacity See

VEd VRd Figure 3.6

Check bending capacity Figures
MEd min(MRd , Mb,Rd) 3.4 and

Check axial capacity Figures
NEd min(NRd , N b,Rd ) 3.2 and

Check force interaction criteria 6.3.3

Critical utilization
utilization ratio,
ratio, error
andand warning
warning messages
messages End

3-2 Member Design

Chapter 3 Design Flow Charts

Figure 3-1 Member Design


Tension or

6.2.3(2) 6.2.4(2)
Tension Compression

Calculate design tension Calculate design compression

resistance resistance
Nt,Rd = min(Npl,Rd , Nu,Rd ) Nc,Rd

Design Axial Resistance



Figure 3-2 Design Axial Resistance

Axial Resistance 3-3

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005


Calculate elastic critical force Ncr Critical force Ncr


Calculate non-dimensional Non-dimensional

slenderness slenderness

EC3 0.2 = 1.0

Table 6.1, No Yes
Table 6.2

Buckling curve
Determine buckling curve
and factors

Reduction factor
Calculate reduction factor

Calculate design axial buckling Design buckling resistance

resistance Nb,Rd N b,Rd


Figure 3-3: Design Axial Buckling Resistance

3-4 Axial Buckling Resistance

Chapter 3 Design Flow Charts

Table 5.2

Determine section class

Class 1 or 2

Yes No

Calculate design moment

resistance Mc,Rd = Mpl,Rd Class

Yes No

6.2.5(2) Calculate design moment
resistance Mc,Rd = M el,Rd or Too
M c ,Rd = weffmin f y mo not designed

Design Moment Resistance

Calculate Design
6.2.5(2) Design Moment
Moment Resistance
6.2.8(5) Mc,Rd

Calculate Reduced Design

6.2.5(2) Design Moment
Moment Resistance


Figure 3-4: Design Moment Resistance

Moment Resistance 3-5

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-1:2005

EC3 Start

Calculate critical buckling Critical buckling

moment Mcr moment Mcr


Calculate non-dimensional Non-dimensional

slenderness LT slenderness LT

Table 6.3
6.2.6(2) LT LT ,0 Ignore LTB
Table 6.4
No Yes

Buckling curve End

Determine buckling curve
and factors

Reduction factor
Calculate reduction factor LT LT

Calculate design buckling Design Buckling Resistance

resistance moment Mb,Rd Mb,Rd


Figure 3-5: Design Buckling Resistance

3-6 Buckling Resistance

Chapter 3 Design Flow Charts




EC3 EC3-1-5
6.2.6(2) 5.2(1),
No Yes 5.3(1)

Calculate design shear resistance Calculate shear buckling resistance

Vc,Rd = Vpl,Rd Vc,Rd = Vb,Rd

Design Shear Resistance



Figure 3-6: Design Shear Resistance

Shear Resistance 3-7

Chapter 4
General Design Parameters

This chapter provides a detailed description of the implementation of the

various parameters used in the design algorithm for the Eurocode 3-2005
steel frame design. These parameters are subsequently used in the following
chapters for the design of sections for the applied force actions.

4.1 Partial Factors

The following partial factors, M, are applied to the various characteristic
resistance values determined in the following chapters. The partial factor values
may be overwritten in the Design Preferences.

M 0 =
1.00 [NDP] (EC3 6.1(1))

M1 =
1.00 [NDP] (EC3 6.1(1))

M 2 =
1.25 [NDP] (EC3 6.1(1))

4.2 Design Forces

The following design force actions are considered in the design algorithm
covered in the following chapters. The force actions are determined using the

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

appropriate load combinations described in the following section.

Axial force (tension or compression), NEd

Shear force (major or minor axis), VEd

Bending moment (major or minor axis), MEd

Torsion, TEd

It should be noticed that the torsion check is only limited to doubly-symmetric

I-shapes, box shapes, and pipe shapes.

4.3 Design Load Combinations

The design load combinations are combinations of load cases for which the
structure is designed and checked. A default set of automated load combinations
is available in the software, as described in this section. These default
combinations can be modified or deleted. In addition, manually defined
combinations can be added should the default combinations not cover all
conditions required for the structure of interest.

The default load combinations considered by the software for Eurocode 3-

2005, are defined in the following sections and handle dead (D), live (L), wind
(W), and earthquake (E) loads. For other load types, combinations should be
manually generated.

The following two sections describe the automated load combinations

generated by the software for ultimate strength and serviceability, in accordance
with Eurocode 1990:2002 [EN 1990:2002].

4.3.1 Ultimate Strength Combinations

Eurocode 0:2002 allows load combinations to be defined based on EC0
equation 6.10 or the less favorable EC0 equations 6.10a and 6.10b [NDP].

j 1
G, j Gk , j + p P + Q ,1Qk ,1 +
i >1
Q ,i 0,i Qk ,i (EC0 Eq. 6.10)

4-2 Design Load Combinations

Chapter 4 General Design Parameters

j 1
G, j Gk , j + p P + Q ,1Q ,1Qk ,1 +
i >1
Q ,i 0,i Qk ,i (EC0 Eq. 6.10a)

j 1
j G, j Gk , j + p P + Q ,1Qk ,1 +
i >1
Q ,i 0,i Qk ,i (EC0 Eq. 6.10b)

Load combinations including earthquake effects are generated based on:

j 1
k, j + P + AEd +
i >1
2,i Qk ,i (EC0 Eq. 6.12b)

The following load combinations are considered if the option is set to generate
the combinations based on EC0 equation 6.10.

Gj,sup D (EC0 Eq. 6.10)

Gj,sup D + Q,1 L (EC0 Eq. 6.10)
Gj,inf D Q,1 W
(EC0 Eq. 6.10)
Gj,sup D Q,1 W
Gj,sup D + Q,1 L Q,i 0,i W
(EC0 Eq. 6.10)
Gj,sup D Q,1 W + Q,i 0,i L
D 1.0E
(EC0 Eq. 6.12b)
D 1.0E + 2,i L
The following load combinations are considered if the option is set to generate
the combinations based on the maximum of EC0 equations 6.10a and 6.10b.

Gj,sup D (EC0 Eq. 6.10a)

Gj,sup D (EC0 Eq. 6.10b)
Gj,sup D + Q,1 0,1 L (EC0 Eq. 6.10a)
Gj,sup D + Q,1 L (EC0 Eq. 6.10b)
Gj,inf D Q,1 0,1 W (EC0 Eq. 6.10a)
Gj,sup D Q,1 0,1 W
Gj,inf D Q,1 W
Gj,sup D Q,1 W (EC0 Eq. 6.10b)

Gj,sup D + Q,1 0,1 L Q,i 0,i W (EC0 Eq. 6.10a)

Design Load Combinations 4-3

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

Gj,sup D Q,1 0,1 W + Q,i 0,i L

Gj,sup D + Q,1 L Q,i 0,i W (EC0 Eq. 6.10b)
Gj,sup D Q,1 W + Q,i 0,i L
D 1.0E
(EC0 Eq. 6.12b)
D 1.0E + 2i L

The variable values and factors used in the load combinations are defined as:

Gj,sup = 1.35 [NDP] (EC0 Table A1.2(B))

Gj,inf = 1.00 [NDP] (EC0 Table A1.2(B))

Q,1 = 1.5 [NDP] (EC0 Table A1.2(B))

0.7 (live load, nots torage)

0,i =
[NDP] (EC0 Table A1.1)
0.6 (wind load)

= 0.85 [NDP] (EC0 Table A1.2(B))

2,i = 0.3 (assumed office/residential) [NDP] (EC0 Table A1.1)

4.3.2 Serviceability Combinations

The following characteristic load combinations are considered for the
deflection checks.

D (EC0 Eq. 6.10a)

D+L (EC0 Eq. 6.10a)

4.4 Material Properties

The nominal values of the yield strength fy and ultimate strength fu are used in
the design. The design assumes that the input material properties conform to the
steel grades listed in the code (EC3 Table 3.1) or have been verified using other
methods, to be adequate for use with Eurocode 3-2005.

The design values of material coefficients (EC3 3.2.6) are taken from the input
material properties, rather than directly from the code.

4-4 Material Properties

Chapter 4 General Design Parameters

4.5 Section Classification

Eurocode 3-2005 classifies sections into four different classes, which identify
the extent to which the resistance and rotation capacity is limited by local
buckling. The different classes are based on the width-to-thickness ratio of the
parts subject to compression and are defined as:

Class 1 section can form a plastic hinge with the rotation capacity required
from plastic analysis, without reduction of the resistance.

Class 2 section can develop its plastic moment capacity, but has limited
rotation capacity.

Class 3 section in which the stress in the extreme compression fiber of the
section, assuming an elastic distribution of stresses, can reach the yield
strength, but local buckling is likely to prevent the development of the plastic
moment capacity.

Class 4 section is subject to local buckling before reaching the yield stress
in one or more of the parts.

Too Slender section does not satisfy any of the criteria for Class 1, 2, 3, or
4. This happens when tf < 3 mm or tw < 3 mm. Too Slender sections are
beyond the scope of the code. They are not checked/designed.

The following three tables identify the limiting width-to-thickness ratios for
classifying the various parts of the cross-section, subject to bending only,
compression only, or combined bending and compression.

The various parameters used in calculating the width-to-thickness ratio limits

are defined as:

= 235 f y (EC3 Table 5.2)

= 1 + 2 Ed , 3.0 < 1.0 (EC3 5.5.2, Table 5.2)
Af y

for I-sections, Channels:

1 h 1 N Ed
( t f r ) , 1 1 (EC3 5.5.2, Table 5.2)
c 2 2 tw f y
Section Classification 4-5
Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

for Boxes and Double Channel sections

1 h 1 N Ed
( t f + r ) , 1 1 (EC3 5.5.2, Table 5.2)
c 2 4 tw f y

Table 4-1: Width-To-Thickness Ratios - Bending Only

Shape Part Ratio Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
I-sections, Channels Web c/t 72 83 124
Web c/t If tip is in If tip is
comp. in comp. 21 k
9 / 10 /
If tip is in If tip is
tension, in
9 tension,

Flange c/t 9 10 14
Boxes Web, flange c/t 72 83 124
Tubes/Pipes Wall d/t 502 702 902
Solid Bars Bar N/A Assumed to be Class 2
General, Section Designer Section N/A Assumed to be Class 3

4-6 Section Classification

Chapter 4 General Design Parameters

Table 4-2: Width-To-Thickness Ratios - Compression Only

Shape Part Ratio Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
Web c/t 33 38 42
I-sections, Channels
Flange c/t 9 10 14
Tees Web, flange c/t 9 10 14
h/t and 15 and
Angles, Double Angles Legs N/A N/A
(b+h)/2t 11.5
Boxes Web, flange c/t 33 38 42
Tubes/Pipes Wall d/t 502 702 902
Solid Bars Bar N/A Assumed to be Class 2
General, Section Designer Section N/A Assumed to be Class 3

Section Classification 4-7

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

Table 4-3: Width-To-Thickness Ratios Combined Bending And Compression

Shape Part Ratio Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
Web c/t 396 /(13 1) 456 /(13 1) 42 /(0.67 + 0.33)
when > 0.5; when > 0.5; when > 1;
36 / when 41.5 / when 62 (1) when
0.5 0.5
I-sections, 1
Channels Flange c/t 9 / 10 /
(tip in comp.)
21 k
Flange c/t 9 /( ) 10 /( )
(tip in tens.)
Web c/t If tip is in comp. If tip is in comp.
21 k
9 / 10 /
If tip is in tension, If tip is in tension,
Tees 9 10

Flange c/t 9 10 14
Boxes Web, flange c/t 396 /(13 1) 456 /(13 1) 42 /(0.67 + 0.33)
when > 0.5; when > 0.5; when > 1;
36 / when 41.5 / when 62 (1)
0.5 0.5
when 1
Tubes/Pipes Wall d/t 502 702 902
Solid Bars Bar N/A Assumed to be Class 2
Section Section N/A Assumed to be Class 3

4-8 Section Classification

Chapter 5
Design for Axial Force

This chapter provides a detailed description of the design algorithm for the
Eurocode 3-2005 steel frame design, with respect to designing for axial
forces. The following topics are covered:

calculation of axial area (EC3 6.2.2)

design for axial tension (EC3 6.2.3)

design for axial compression (EC3 6.2.4)

design for axial buckling (EC3 6.3.1)

5.1 Axial Area

The gross cross-section area, A, is based on nominal dimensions, ignoring
fastener holes and splice materials, and accounting for larger openings.

The net cross-section area, Anet, is defined as the gross cross-section area, A,
minus fastener holes and other openings. By default, Anet is taken equal to A.
This value can be overwritten on a member-by-member basis using the Net
Area to Total Area Ratio overwrite.

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

5.2 Tension Check

The axial tension check at each output station shall satisfy:

N Ed
1.0 (EC3 6.2.3(1))
N t , Rd

where the design tension resistance, Nt,Rd is taken as the smaller of:

the design plastic resistance, Npl,Rd of the gross cross-section

Af y
N pl , Rd = (EC3 6.2.3(2)a)
M 0

the design ultimate resistance, Nu,Rd of the net cross-section

0.9 Anet f u
N u , Rd = (EC3 6.2.3(2)b)
M 2

The values of A and Anet are defined in Section 5.1.

5.3 Compression Check

The axial compression check at each output station shall satisfy:

N Ed
1.0 (EC3 6.2.4(1))
N c, Rd

where the design compression resistance, Nc,Rd for Class 1, 2, 3, and 4 sections
is taken as:

Af y
N c , Rd = for Class 1, 2, or 3 cross-sections (EC3 6.2.4(2))
M 0

Aeff f y
N c , Rd = for Class 4 cross-sections (EC3 6.2.4(2))
M 0

5-2 Tension Check

Chapter 5 Design for Axial Force

The value of A is defined in Section 5.1 of this manual. Aeff is the effective area
of the cross-section when subjected to uniform compression. Aeff is based on the
effective widths of the compression parts (EC3, It is
determined based on the EN 1993-1-5 code (EN 1993-1-5 4.4(2), Table 4.1,
Table 4.2).

5.4 Axial Buckling Check

The axial buckling check at each output station shall satisfy:

N Ed
1.0 (EC3
N b, Rd

where the design compression resistance, Nb,Rd for Class 1, 2, 3, and 4 sections
is taken as:

Af y
N b , Rd = for Class 1, 2, and 3 cross-sections (EC3

Aeff f y
N b , Rd = for Class 4 cross-sections (EC3

The reduction factor, for the relevant buckling mode is taken as:

= 1.0 (EC3
+ 2

where the factor, and the non-dimensional slenderness, are taken as:

0.5 1 + ( 0.2 ) +
= (EC3

Af y L 1
= = cr , for Class 1, 2 and 3 cross-sections (EC3
N cr i 1

Aeff f y L Aeff A
= = cr , for Class 4 cross-sections (EC3
N cr i

Axial Buckling Check 5-3

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

1 = (EC3

The elastic critical force, Ncr is based on gross cross-section properties.

The value of A is defined in Section 5.1. The imperfection factor, is defined in

Table 5.1 based on the respective buckling curve, defined in Table 5.2 of this
manual. The value Lcr is the effective unbraced length and i is the radius of
gyration about the relevant axis. Lcr is taken as follows:

Lcr = KL

where K is the effective length factor for flexural buckling. It can assume two
values: K22 for buckling about the minor axis (z-z) and K33 for buckling about
the major axis (y-y). L is the unbraced length of the member. It also can assume
two values, L22 and L33, for buckling about minor axis (z-z) and major axis (y-
y), respectively. See Sections 5.5 and 5.6 of this manual for more details on L
and K.

For all sections except Single Angles, the principal radii of gyration i22 and i33
are used. For Single Angles, the minimum (principal) radius of gyration, iz , is
used instead of i22 and i33 , conservatively, in computing Lcr i . K 33 and K 22 are
two values of K 2 for the major and minor axes of bending. K 2 is the effective
length factor for actual (sway or nonsway) conditions.

The axial buckling check is not ignored if:

N Ed
0.2 or 0.04 (EC3
N cr

Table 5-1: Imperfection Factors (EC3, Table 6.1)

Buckling Curve ao a b c d
Imperfection Factor, 0.13 0.21 0.34 0.49 0.76

5-4 Axial Buckling Check

Chapter 5 Design for Axial Force

Table 5-2: Buckling Curves (EC3, Table 6.2)

Buckling Curve
S235, S275,
Section Shape Limits Axis S355, S420 S460
Major a a0
tf 40 mm
Minor b a0
h/b > 1.2
Major b a
40 < tf 100 mm
Minor c a
Rolled I-sections
Major b a
tf 100 mm
Minor c a
h/b 1.2
Major d c
tf > 100 mm
Minor d c
Major b b
tf 40 mm
Minor c c
Welded I-sections
Major c c
tf > 40 mm
Minor d d
Hollow Tube and Pipe
hot finished any a a0
b/tf > 30 or h/tw > 30 any b b
Welded Box
b/tf < 30 or h/tw < 30 any c c
Channel, Tee, Double
Channel, General, Solid
none any c c
Sections, Section
Angle and Double Angle
none any b b

5.5 Member Unsupported Lengths

The column unsupported lengths are required to account for column
slenderness effects for flexural buckling and for lateral-torsional buckling. The
program automatically determines the unsupported length rations, which are
specified as a fraction of the frame object length. Those ratios times the frame
object lengths give the unbraced lengths for the member. Those ratios also can
be overwritten by the user on a member-by-member basis, if desired, using the
design overwrite option.

Member Unsupported Lengths 5-5

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

Two unsupported lengths, L33 and L22, as shown in Figure 5-1 are to be
considered for flexural buckling. These are the lengths between support points
of the member in the corresponding directions. The length L33 corresponds to
instability about the 3-3 axis (major axis), and L22 corresponds to instability
about the 2-2 axis (minor axis). The length LLTB, not shown in the figure, is also
used for lateral-torsional buckling caused by major direction bending (i.e.,
about the 3-3 axis).

Figure 5-1 Unsupported lengths L33 and L22

In determining the values for L22 and L33 of the members, the program
recognizes various aspects of the structure that have an effect on these lengths,
such as member connectivity, diaphragm constraints, and support points. The
program automatically locates the member support points and evaluates the
corresponding unsupported length.

It is possible for the unsupported length of a frame object to be evaluated by the

program as greater than the corresponding member length. For example,
assume a column has a beam framing into it in one direction, but not the other,
at a floor level. In that case, the column is assumed to be supported in one
direction only at that story level, and its unsupported length in the other
direction will exceed the story height.

5-6 Member Unsupported Lengths

Chapter 5 Design for Axial Force

By default, the unsupported length for lateral-torsional buckling, LLTB, is taken

to be equal to the L22 factor. Similar to L22 and L33, LLTB can be overwritten.

The unsupported length for minor direction bending for lateral-torsional

buckling also can be defined more precisely by using precise bracing points
in the Lateral Bracing option, which is accessed using the Design > Lateral
Bracing command. This allows the user to define the lateral bracing of the top,
bottom, or both flanges. The bracing can be a point brace or continuous

The program calculates the unbraced length to determine axial capacity based
on the limit state of flexural buckling from this definition. Any bracing at the
top or bottom, or both, is considered enough for flexural buckling in the minor
direction. While checking moment capacity for the limit state of lateral-
torsional buckling (LTB) at a station, the program dynamically calculates the
bracing points on the compression flange at the left and at the right of the check
station considering the sign of moment diagram. This definition affects only the
unbraced lengths for minor direction bending (L22) and lateral-torsional
buckling (LLTB). This exact method of bracing definition does not allow the
user to define unbraced lengths for major direction bending (L33).

There are three sources of unbraced length ratio: (1) automatic calculation,
(2) precise bracing definition, (3) overwrites, with increasing priority in
considerations. Automatic calculation of the unbraced length is based on
member connectivity considering only the members that have been entered into
the model. This misses the tiny bracing members. However, such automatically
calculated bracing lengths are load combo (moment diagram) independent. This
can be reported easily. Similarly, the overwritten values are load combo
independent. This allows the program to report the overwritten unbraced length
easily. However, if the member has a precise bracing definition, the unbraced
length can be different at different stations of the member along the length. Also
it can be load combo dependent. Thus, when the unbraced length is reported in
the detailed design info, it is reported perfectly considering all three sources as
needed. However, when reporting unbraced length on the model shown in the
active window, the program-reported value comes from automatic calculation
or from the overwrites if the user has overwritten it.

Member Unsupported Lengths 5-7

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

5.6 Effective Length Factor (K)

The effective length method for calculating member axial compressive strength
has been used in various forms in several stability based design codes. The
method originates from calculating effective buckling lengths, KL, and is based
on elastic/inelastic stability theory. The effective buckling length is used to
calculate an axial compressive strength, Nb,Rd, through an empirical column
curve that accounts for geometric imperfections, distributed yielding, and
residual stresses present in the cross-section.

There are two types of K-factors in the Eurocode 3-2005 code. The first type
of K-factor is used for calculating the Euler axial capacity assuming that all of
the member joints are held in place, i.e., no lateral translation is allowed. The
resulting axial capacity is used in calculation of the k factors. This K-factor is
named as K1 in this document. This K1 factor is always less than 1 and is not
calculated. By default the program uses the value of 1 for K1. The program
allows the user to overwrite K1 on a member-by-member basis.

The other K-factor is used for calculating the Euler axial capacity assuming that
all the member joints are free to sway, i.e., lateral translation is allowed. The
resulting axial capacity is used in calculating Nb,Rd. This K-factor is named as K2
in this document. This K2 is always greater than 1 if the frame is a sway frame.
The program calculates the K2 factor automatically based on sway condition.
The program also allows the user to overwrite K2 factors on a member-by-
member basis. If the frame is not really a sway frame, the user should overwrite
the K2 factors.

Both K1 and K2 have two values: one for major direction and the other for
minor direction, K1minor, K1major, K2minor, K2major.

There is another K-factor. Kltb for lateral-torsional buckling. By default, Kltb is

taken as equal to K2minor. However the user can overwrite this on a member-by-
member basis.

The rest of this section is dedicated to the determination of K2 factors.

The K-factor algorithm has been developed for building-type structures, where
the columns are vertical and the beams are horizontal, and the behavior is
basically that of a moment-resisting frame for which the K-factor calculation is

5-8 Effective Length Factor (K)

Chapter 5 Design for Axial Force

relatively complex. For the purpose of calculating K-factors, the objects are
identified as columns, beams, and braces. All frame objects parallel to the Z-
axis are classified as columns. All objects parallel to the X-Y plane are classified
as beams. The remainders are considered to be braces.

The beams and braces are assigned K-factors of unity. In the calculation of the
K-factors for a column object, the program first makes the following four
stiffness summations for each joint in the structural model:

Scx = c c Sbx = b b
Lc x Lb x

Scy = c c Sb y = b b
Lc y Lb y

where the x and y subscripts correspond to the global X and Y directions

and the c and b subscripts refer to column and beam. The local 2-2 and
3-3 terms EI 22 L22 and EI 33 L33 are rotated to give components along
the global X and Y directions to form the ( EI L ) x and ( EI L ) y values.
Then for each column, the joint summations at END-I and the END-J of
the member are transformed back to the column local 1-2-3 coordinate
system, and the G-values for END-I and the END-J of the member are
calculated about the 2-2 and 3-3 directions as follows:
S I c 22 S J c 22
G I 22 = G J 22 =
S I b 22 S J b 22
S I c 33 S J c 33
G I 33 = G J 33 =
S I b 33 S J b 33

If a rotational release exists at a particular end (and direction) of an object, the

corresponding value of G is set to 10.0. If all degrees of freedom for a
particular joint are deleted, the G-values for all members connecting to that
joint will be set to 1.0 for the end of the member connecting to that joint.
Finally, if G I and G J are known for a particular direction, the column K-factor
for the corresponding direction is calculated by solving the following
relationship for :

Effective Length Factor (K) 5-9

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

2 G I G J 36
6(G + G )

from which K = /. This relationship is the mathematical formulation for the

evaluation of K-factors for moment-resisting frames assuming sidesway to be
uninhibited. For other structures, such as braced frame structures, the K-factors
for all members are usually unity and should be set so by the user. The
following are some important aspects associated with the column K-factor

An object that has a pin at the joint under consideration will not enter the
stiffness summations calculated previously. An object that has a pin at the
far end from the joint under consideration will contribute only 50% of the
calculated EI value. Also, beam members that have no column member at
the far end from the joint under consideration, such as cantilevers, will not
enter the stiffness summation.

If there are no beams framing into a particular direction of a column

member, the associated G-value will be infinity. If the G-value at any one
end of a column for a particular direction is infinity, the K-factor
corresponding to that direction is set equal to unity.

If rotational releases exist at both ends of an object for a particular

direction, the corresponding K-factor is set to unity.

The automated K-factor calculation procedure occasionally can generate

artificially high K-factors, specifically under circumstances involving
skewed beams, fixed support conditions, and under other conditions where
the program may have difficulty recognizing that the members are laterally
supported and K-factors of unity are to be used.

All K-factor produced by the program can be overwritten by the user.

These values should be reviewed and any unacceptable values should be

The beams and braces are assigned K-factors of unity.

5 - 10 Effective Length Factor (K)

Chapter 6
Design for Bending Moment

This chapter provides a detailed description of the design algorithm for the
Eurocode 3-2005 steel frame design when designing for bending moments.
The following topics are covered:

design for bending moment (EC3 6.2.5)

design for lateral-torsional buckling (EC3 6.3.2)

6.1 Moment Check

The moment check at each output station shall satisfy:

M Ed
1.0 (EC3 6.2.5(1))
M c, Rd

where the design moment resistance, Mc,Rd is taken as:

Class 1 or 2 sections

W pl f y
M =
M (EC3 6.2.5(2))
M 0
c , Rd pl , Rd

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

Class 3 sections

Wel ,min f y
M =
M (EC3 6.2.5(2))
M 0
c , Rd el . Rd

Class 4 sections:

Weff ,min f y
M c , Rd = (EC3 6.2.5(2))
M 0

The plastic and elastic section modulus values, Wpl and Wel,min are part of the
frame section definition.

Weff,min is the effective section modulus, corresponding to the fiber with the
maximum elastic stress, of the cross-section when subjected only to moment
about the relevant axis. Weff,min is based on the effective widths of the
compression parts (EC3, It is determined based on EN
1993-1-5 code (EN 1993-1-5 4.4(2), Table 4.1, Table 4.2).

The effect of high shear on the design moment resistance, Mc,Rd is considered if:

VEd 0.5Vpl , Rd (EC3 6.2.8(2))

To account for the effect of high shear in I-sections, Channels, Double

Channels, Rectangular Hollow Sections, Tee and Double Angle sections
subjected to major axis moment, the reduced design plastic resistance moment
is taken as:

W pl , y fy
=M y ,V , Rd 4tw
M y ,c , Rd (EC3 6.2.8(5))
M 0

where n, and Aw are taken as:

1 for I, Channel, and Tee sections

n = 2 for Double Channel, Hollow Rectangular, and (EC3 6.2.8(5))
Double Angle sections

6-2 Moment Check

Chapter 6 Design for Bending Moment

= Ed 1 (EC3 6.2.8(3))
pl , Rd

Aw = hw t w (EC3 6.2.8(5))

For all other sections, including Hollow Pipe, Solid Rectangular, Circular, and
Angle sections, the reduced design plastic resistance moment is taken as:

My,V,Rd = (1 ) Mc,Rd (EC3 6.2.8(3))

Similarly, for I, Channel, Double Channel, Rectangular Hollow, Tee and

Double Angle sections, if the minor direction shear is more than 0.5 times the
plastic shear resistance in the minor direction, the corresponding plastic
resistance moment is also reduced as follows:

W pl , z fy
4t f
=M z ,V , Rd M Z ,c , Rd (EC3 6.2.8(5))
M 0


1, for Tee sections,

for I, Channel, Double Angle,
n= (EC3 6.2.8(5))
Hollow Rectangular sections, and
4, for Double Channel sections.

2Vy , Ed
= 1 (EC3 6.2.8(3))
Vy , pl , Rd

Af = b f t f (EC3 6.2.8(5))

For all other sections, the reduced design plastic resistance moment is taken as:

M z ,V , Rd= (1 ) M z ,c , Rd (EC3 6.2.8(3))

Moment Check 6-3

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

6.2 Lateral-Torsional Buckling Check

The lateral-torsional buckling check at each output station shall satisfy:

M Ed
1.0 (EC3
M b, Rd

where the design buckling resistance moment, Mb,Rd is taken as:

M b , Rd = LT Wy (EC3

and the section modulus, Wy is defined based on the section classification:

Class 1 or 2 sections

Wy = Wpl , y (EC3

Class 3 sections

Wy = Wel , y (EC3

Class 4 sections

Wy = Weff , y (EC3

Wpl, Wel, and Weff have been described in the previous section.

The reduction factor LT is taken as:

= LT 1.0 (EC3
LT + 2LT 2LT

where the factor, , and the non-dimensional slenderness, LT are taken as:

= LT 0.5 1 + LT ( LT 0.2 ) + LT 2 (EC3

Wy f y
LT = (EC3
M cr

6-4 Lateral-Torsional Buckling Check

Chapter 6 Design for Bending Moment

The elastic critical moment, Mcr is based on gross cross-section properties and
taken as:
2 EI z I w L2cr GIT
=M cr C1 + 2 (EC3-1993 F1.1)
L2cr I z EI z

where Iz, Iw, and IT are the minor axis inertia, warping constant, and torsion
constant, respectively; Lcr is the effective unbraced length for the lateral-
torsional buckling mode, and C1 is defined as:

C1 1.88 1.40 + 0.52 2 2.7 (EC3-1993 F1.1(6))

where is the ratio of the smaller to the larger end moments. The value of C1 is
also taken as 1.0 if the unbraced length is overwritten. The value of C1 can be
overwritten on a member-by-member basis.

When determining the nominal flexural strength about the major principal axis
for any sections for the limit state of lateral-torsional buckling, it is common to
use the term C1, the lateral-torsional buckling modification factor for non-
uniform moment diagram. C1 is calculated as follows:
12.5M max
=C1 2.7
2.5M max + 3M A + 4 M B + 3M c
Mmax = absolute value of maximum moment in unbraced segment, N-mm.
MA = absolute value of moment at quarter point of the unbraced
segment, N-mm.
MB = absolute value of moment at centerline of the unbraced segment,
MC = absolute value of moment at three-quarter point of the unbraced
segment, N-mm.
C1 should be taken as 1.0 for cantilevers. However, the program is unable to
detect whether the member is a cantilever. The user should overwrite C1 for
cantilevers. The program also defaults C1 to 1.0 if the minor unbraced length,
l22, is redefined to be more than the length of the member by the user or the
program, i.e., if the unbraced length is longer than the member length. The
Overwrites can be used to change the value of C1 for any member.

Lateral-Torsional Buckling Check 6-5

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

Here, Lcr is the effective unbraced length for the lateral-torsional buckling


when KLTB is the effective length factor for the lateral-torsional buckling mode,
and LLTB is the unbraced length for the lateral-torsional buckling mode. For
more details on these two factors, please refer to Sections 5.5 and 5.6 in
Chapter 5 of this manual.

The imperfection factor, LT is defined in Table 6-1 based on the respective

buckling curve, defined in Table 6-2 (EC3

Table 6-1: Imperfection factors (EC3 Table 6.3,

Buckling Curve a b c d
Imperfection Factor, LT [NDP] 0.21 0.34 0.49 0.76

Table 6-2: Buckling curves (EC3 Table 6.4,

Section Shape Limits Buckling Curve
h/b 2 a
Rolled I-sections
h/b > 2 b
h/b 2 c
Welded I-sections
h/b > 2 d
Other sections - d

The lateral-torsional buckling resistance of Channels, Double Channels, Tees,

Angles, Double Angles, and I-sections is calculated as described previously.

Lateral-torsional buckling is not considered for Tubular, Box, or Solid sections.

For General or Section Designer sections, the lateral-torsional buckling
resistance is taken as the design elastic moment resistance.

6-6 Lateral-Torsional Buckling Check

Chapter 7
Design for Shear Force

This chapter provides a detailed description of the design algorithm for the
Eurocode 3-2005 steel frame design when designing for shear forces. The
following topics are covered:

calculation of shear area (EC3 6.2.6(3))

design for shear (EC3 6.2.6)

design for shear buckling (EC3 6.2.6(6))

7.1 Shear Area

The shear area, Av, for various section shapes is taken from the definition given
in the code (EC3 6.2.6(3)).

7.2 Shear Check

The shear check at each output station shall satisfy:

1.0 (EC3 6.2.6(1))
Vc, Rd

where the design shear resistance Vc,Rd is taken as:

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

V= V=
Av f y 3 ) (EC3 6.2.6(2))
M 0
c , Rd pl , Rd

For combined shear force and torsional moment, the plastic shear resistance is
reduced from V pl , Rd to V pl ,T .Rd accounting for the torsional effects. The shear
check at each output station shall satisfy:

1.0 , (EC3 6.2.7(9))
V pl .T , Rd

where V pl ,T .Rd is taken as follows:

1 t , Ed V pl , Rd (I-Shapes)
V pl ,T = (EC3 6.2.7(9))
1.25 f y 3 ( ) M 0
, Rd

1 t , Ed V pl , Rd (Hollow Shapes)
V pl ,T = (EC3 6.2.7(9))
f y 3 M 0 )
, Rd

The reduction factor T =V pl ,T ,Rd V pl ,Rd is given as follows:

1 t ,Ed , for Ishapes,

V pl ,T ,Rd
1.25 f y 3
( ) M 0

T =
V pl ,Rd
1 t ,Ed , for Boxes and Pipes,

f y 3 M 0
where t ,Ed is the St Venant torsion.

7.3 Shear Buckling Check

For webs of I-sections, Boxes, Channels, Double Channels, Tees, and Double
Angles without intermediate stiffeners, shear buckling is checked if:

7-2 Shear Buckling Check

Chapter 7 Design for Shear Force

> 72 (EC3 6.2.6(6))

where, is taken as:

= with fy in N/mm2 (EC3-1-5 5.1(2), EC3 Table 5.2)

The shear area factor, is taken as:

= 1.20 [NDP] for fy 460 N/mm2, and (EC3-1-5 5.1(2))

= 1.0 otherwise (EC3-1-5 5.1(2))

However for the UK, the NDP is taken as 1.

= 1.0 for UK NDP

The design shear resistance Vc,Rd is taken as:

f yw hwt
Vc , Rd =Vb, Rd =Vbw, Rd + Vbf , Rd (EC3-1-5 5.2(1))
3 MI

where, Vbw, Rd is the contribution from the web, taken as:

w f yw hwt
Vbw, Rd = (EC3-1-5 5.2(1))
3 MI

It is assumed that transverse stiffeners exist only at supports and therefore the
slenderness parameter, w is taken as:

w = w (EC3-1-5 5.3(3))

The transverse stiffeners at the supports are assumed to create only a non-rigid
end post, leading to the shear contribution factor being taken as:

Shear Buckling Check 7-3

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

if w < 0.83
w = (EC3-1-5 Table 5.1)
0.83 if w 0.83

The contribution from the flanges, Vbf,Rd, is conservatively ignored.

Vbf,Rd = 0

7-4 Shear Buckling Check

Chapter 8
Design for Torsion

This chapter provides a detailed description of the design algorithm for the
Eurocode 3-2005 steel frame design when designing for torsion. The
following topics are covered:

analysis of torsion related stresses (SCI Publication 385)

design for shear in presence of torsion (EC3 6.2.7)

design for combined actions (EC3 6.2.1(7),,, Annex A

of BS EN 1993-6)

8.1 Analysis of Torsion Stresses

In doing torsional stress check the book Design of Steel Beams in Torsion in
Accordance with Eurocodes and UK National Annexes, the SCI Publication
P385, is taken as the guide (Hughes, Iles, and Malik, 2011). Please consult the
book for the details.

The torsion check is limited to the following open section: doubly-symmetric I-

shapes and to the following closed sections: box and pipe shapes. I-shapes with
single symmetric sections are not checked for torsion.

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

The elastic verification using the yield criterion given in EC3 6.2.1(5) is not
used as this criterion is conservative. This criterion ignores the plastic stress

8.2 Shear Check in Presence of Torsion

In presence or absence of torsion, the program always performs the regular
shear check as described in section 7.2. For combined shear force and torsional
moment, the plastic shear resistance is reduced from V pl , Rd to V pl ,T .Rd
accounting for the torsional effects. The shear check at each output station shall

1.0 , (EC3 6.2.7(9))
V pl .T , Rd

where V pl ,T .Rd is taken as follows:

1 t , Ed V pl , Rd (I-Shapes)
V pl ,T = (EC3 6.2.7(9))
1.25 f y 3 ) M 0
, Rd

1 t , Ed V pl , Rd (Hollow Shapes)
V pl ,T = (EC3 6.2.7(9))
( )
f y 3 M 0
, Rd

The reduction factor T =V pl ,T ,Rd V pl ,Rd is given as follows:

1 t ,Ed , for Ishapes,

V pl ,T ,Rd
1.25 f y 3
( ) M 0

T =
V pl ,Rd
1 t ,Ed , for Boxes and Pipes,

f y 3 M 0
where t ,Ed is the St Venant torsion.

8-2 Shear Check in Presence of Torsion

Chapter 7 Design for Torsion

8.3 Design for Combined Actions

In absence of torsion, the combined actions axial force and bending moments
or axial force, shear forces, and bending moments are evaluated according to
the code clauses. The details have been summarized in Chapter 8.

In presence of torsion, the total torsional moment TEd is split into a St Venant
torsion Tt ,Ed and a warping torsion, Tw,Ed . The warping moment, M w,Ed
contributes to the bending moment in the flanges. This affects the interaction
checks. It also increases the minor axis bending moment by a small
amount, M z ,T ,Ed . The interaction equations are modified to accommodate the
warping moment, M w,Ed and additional minor axis bending moment, M z ,T ,Ed .
The following equations are modified: Eq. 6.2 of section EC3 6.2.1(7), Eq.
6.41 of section EC3, Eq. 6.44 of section EC3 One
additional interaction equation is checked which is given in Annex A of BS EN
1993-6. The details have been given in Chapter 8.

Design for Combined Actions 8-3

Chapter 9
Design for Combined Forces

This chapter provides a detailed description of the design algorithm for the
Eurocode 3:2005 steel frame design, with respect to designing for combined
forces. The following topics are covered:

Design for cross-section resistance:

design for bending and axial force (EC3 6.2.9)

design for bending, shear, and axial force (EC3 6.2.10)

design for shear (EC3 6.2.6)

Design for stability of members

prismatic members in bending and axial compression (EC3 6.3.3)

prismatic members in bending and axial tension (EC3 6.3.3)

For I, Box, and Pipe sections, if there is torsion present in the member and if
the user indicated in the preferences that torsion needs to be considered in the
design check, the interaction equations are modified to accommodate St Venant
torsion Tt ,Ed , warping torsion Tw,Ed ., associated extra minor axis bending
M z ,T ,Ed , and the warping moment M w,Ed . All those modifications are described
in the following sections as needed.

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

9.1 Design for Cross-Section Resistance

9.1.1 Bending, Axial Force, and Shear Check

The combined effect of axial force and bending moments is checked in the
same way whether the axial force is a tensile force or a compression force.
There are minor exceptions that are noted in the relevant sections. Class 1 and 2 Cross-Sections

For I and Rectangular Hollow sections, the combined axial force and bending
is checked by taking the following summation of the utilization ratios for each
force component as follows:

M y ,Ed M z ,Ed
M + M 1 (EC3
N ,y ,Rd N ,z ,Rd

and are taken as follows:


=2 (EC3

= 5n 1 (EC3

Rectangular Hollow sections

= = 6 , where (EC3
1 1.13n 2

N Ed
n= (EC3
N pl ,Rd

M N ,y ,Rd and M N ,z ,Rd are computed as follows:


M N ,y ,Rd and M N ,z ,Rd for I-sections are calculated as follows:

9-2 Design for Cross-Section Resistance

Chapter 9 Design for Combined Force

1 n
M N ,y ,Rd = M pl ,y ,Rd (EC3
1 0.5a

M pl ,z ,Rd , for n a,

M N ,z ,Rd = na 2 (EC3
M pl ,z ,Rd 1 , for n > a
1 a


N Ed
n= (EC3
N pl ,Rd

A 2b f t f
=a 0.5 (EC3

However, if the following two conditions are true,

N Ed 0.25 N pl ,Rd , (EC3

hw t w f y
N Ed 0.5 , (EC3

MN,y,Rd is taken as follows:

MN,y,Rd = Mpl,y,Rd (EC3

Similarly, if the following condition is true:

hw t w f y
N Ed (EC3

MN,z,Rd is taken as follows

MN,z,Rd = Mpl,z,Rd (EC3

Hollow Rectangular sections:

M N ,y ,Rd and M N ,z ,Rd are computed as follows:

Design for Cross-Section Resistance 9-3

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

1 n
=M N ,y ,Rd M pl ,y ,Rd M pl ,y ,Rd (EC3
1 0.5aw

1 n
=M N ,z ,Rd M pl ,z ,Rd M pl ,z ,Rd (EC3
1 0.5a f


A 2bt f
=aw 0.5 (EC3

A 2ht w
=af 0.5 (EC3

For I and Rectangular Hollow sections, if there is torsion present in the

member and if the user indicated in the preferences that torsion needs to be
considered in the design check, the interaction equation EC3 is
modified to accommodate effects of torsion: associated extra minor axis
bending M z ,T ,Ed , and the warping moment M w,Ed .

M y ,Ed M z ,Ed + M z ,T ,Ed M w,Ed
M + + M 1 (EC3
N ,y ,Rd M N ,z ,Rd N ,z ,Rd / 2

For Channel, Double Channel, Solid Rectangular, Double Angle, Angle,

General, and Section Designer sections, combined axial force and bending
is conservatively checked by taking a linear summation of the utilization
ratios for each force component as:

N Ed M y,Ed M z ,Ed
+ + 1.0 (EC3 6.2.1(7))
N Rd M y, Rd M z , Rd

The design axial resistance NRd is taken as Nt,Rd or Nc,Rd, as appropriate, as

defined in Section 5.2 and 5.3 of Chapter 5 of this manual. The values of
My,Rd and Mz,Rd are defined in Section 6.1 of Chapter 6 of this manual for
cases with both low and high shear.

For Circular and Pipe sections, an SRSS (Square Root of Sum of Squares)

9-4 Design for Cross-Section Resistance

Chapter 9 Design for Combined Force

combination is made first of the two bending components before adding

the axial load component, instead of the single algebraic addition as
implied by the interaction equations given by EC3 6.2.1(7). The resulting
interaction equation is given by the following:

2 2
N Ed M y,Ed M z ,Ed
+ + 1.0 (EC3 6.2.1(7))
N Rd M y, Rd M z , Rd

The philosophy behind the preceding modification is that the engineer has
the freedom to choose the principal axis. The engineer can easily choose
the principal axis to match with the resultant moment so that the design is
always based on the uniaxial bending with axial force. In that case, the
moment will be the resultant (SRSS) moment from the two components.
The resultant D/C ratio calculated using the preceding equations will match
the calculated D/C ratio from the pure resultant moment for the Pipe and
Circular sections. The reason is that MRd for Pipe and Solid Circular
sections is independent of the K and L factors.

For Tee sections, combined axial force and bending is conservatively

checked by taking a linear summation of the utilization ratios for each
force component as:

N Ed M y,Ed M z ,Ed
+ + 1.0 (EC3 6.2.1(7))
N Rd M y, Rd M z , Rd

However, for this case the maximum longitudinal stress at three extreme
points of the section are added with appropriate sign. That means that at the
two extreme points on the flange, all three terms are added algebraically,
whereas at the tip of the web, the minor axis bending term becomes zero. Class 3 Cross-Sections

For all shapes, with the exception noted in the following text, the combined
axial force and bending is conservatively checked by taking the linear
summation of the utilization ratios for each force component:

Design for Cross-Section Resistance 9-5

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

N Ed M y,Ed M z ,Ed
+ + 1.0 (EC3 6.2.1(7))
N Rd M y, Rd M z , Rd

For Doubly Symmetric sections, the preceding equation is a representation of

the code-specified equation given here:

x ,Ed (EC3
M 0

As an exception for Circular and Pipe sections, an SRSS (Square Root of Sum
of Squares) combination is made first of the two bending components before
adding the axial load component, instead of the single algebraic addition as
implied by the interaction equations given by EC3 6.2.1(7). The resulting
interaction equation is given by the following:

2 2
N Ed M y,Ed M z ,Ed
+ + 1.0 (EC3 6.2.1(7))
N Rd M y, Rd M z , Rd

As an exception, for Tee sections, the terms are algebraically added for three
extreme points of the section. See the previous Section of this manual for

For I and Rectangular Hollow sections, if there is torsion present in the

member and if the user indicated in the preferences that torsion needs to be
considered in the design check, the interaction equation EC3 6.2.1(7) is
modified to accommodate effects of torsion: associated extra minor axis
bending M z ,T ,Ed , and the warping moment M w,Ed .

N Ed M y , Ed M z , Ed + M z ,T , Ed M w, Ed
+ + + 1.0 (EC3 6.2.1(7))
N Rd M y , Rd M z , Rd M z , Rd / 2

9-6 Design for Cross-Section Resistance

Chapter 9 Design for Combined Force Class 4 Cross-Sections

For all shapes, with the exception noted in the following text, the combined
axial force and bending is conservatively checked by taking linear summation
of the utilization ratios for each force component:

N Ed M y,Ed M z ,Ed
+ + 1.0 (EC3 6.2.1(7))
N Rd M y, Rd M z , Rd

For Doubly Symmetric sections, the preceding equation is a representation of

the code-specified equation given here:

x ,Ed (EC3
M 0

As an exception, for Circular and Pipe sections, an SRSS (Square Root of Sum
of Squares) combination is made first of the two bending components before
adding the axial load component, instead of the single algebraic addition as
implied by the interaction equations given by EC3 6.2.1(7). The resulting
interaction equation is given by the following:

2 2
N Ed M y,Ed M z ,Ed
+ + 1.0 (EC3 6.2.1(7))
N Rd M y, Rd M z , Rd

As an exception, for Tee sections, the terms are algebraically added for three
extreme points of the section. See a previous Section of this manual for details.

For I and Rectangular Hollow sections, if there is torsion present in the

member and if the user indicated in the preferences that torsion needs to be
considered in the design check, the interaction equation EC3 6.2.1(7) is
modified to accommodate effects of torsion: associated extra minor axis
bending M z ,T ,Ed , and the warping moment M w,Ed .

N Ed M y , Ed M z , Ed + M z ,T , Ed M w, Ed
+ + + 1.0 (EC3 6.2.1(7))
N Rd M y , Rd M z , Rd M z , Rd / 2

Design for Cross-Section Resistance 9-7

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

In addition, Class 4 sections are checked for the following interaction equation:

N Ed M y ,Ed + N Ed eNy M + N Ed eNz

+ + z ,Ed 1.0 (EC3
Aeff f y M 0 Weff ,y ,min f y M 0 Weff ,z ,min f y M 0


Aeff is the effective area of the cross-section when subjected to uniform


Weff,min is the effective section modulus (corresponding to the fiber with

maximum elastic stress) of the cross-section when subjected only to
moment about the relevant axis,

eN is the shift of the relevant centroidal axis when the cross-section is

subjected to compression only. If the section is under tensile force, eN
is set to zero, and NEd is set to zero.

As an exception, for Circular and Pipe sections, an SRSS (Square Root of Sum
of Squares) combination is made first of the two bending components before
adding the axial load component, instead of the single algebraic addition as
implied by the interaction equations given previously (EC3

As an exception, for Tee sections, the terms are algebraically added for three
extreme points of the section. See the previous Section of this manual for

For I and Rectangular Hollow sections, if there is torsion present in the

member and if the user indicated in the preferences that torsion needs to be
considered in the design check, the interaction equation EC3 is
modified to accommodate effects of torsion: associated extra minor axis
bending M z ,T ,Ed , and the warping moment M w,Ed .

N Ed M y ,Ed + N Ed eNy M z ,Ed + M z ,T ,Ed + N Ed eNz 2 M w,Ed

+ + + 1.0
Aeff f y M 0 Weff ,y ,min f y M 0 Weff ,z ,min f y M 0 Weff ,z ,min f y M 0

9-8 Design for Cross-Section Resistance

Chapter 9 Design for Combined Force

9.1.2 Members Subjected to Shear Force

Similar to the normal stresses, shear capacity ratios for major and minor
directions are produced as follows;

Vy ,Ed
1.0 (EC3 6.2.6(1))
Vy ,c ,Rd

Vz ,Ed
1.0 (EC3 6.2.6(1))
Vz ,c ,RD

9.2 Design for Buckling Resistance of Members

The combined effect of axial compression and bending with special emphasis
to flexural and lateral-torsional buckling is checked using the section EC3
6.3.3(4). The combined effect of axial tension and bending is also checked
using the same section, with the exception that the axial term is ignored.

The program checks these equations assuming the section is prismatic. For
nonprismatic sections the same equations are used. However the cross-section
properties used are based on the section being checked. The user is advised to
check the appropriateness of this method.

For Class 1, 2, 3, and 4 sections, the same equations are checked. However, for
simplicity, the versions of equations used for different classes are reported
differently in this manual.

9.2.1 Class 1, 2 and 3 Sections Under Flexure and Axial

The combined effect of axial compression and bending with special emphasis
to flexural and lateral-torsional buckling is checked by calculating the
utilization ratios based on the following two interaction equations:

N Ed M y ,Ed M
+ k yy + k yz z ,Ed 1 (EC3 6.3.3(4))
y N Rk M y ,Rk M z ,Rk
M1 M1 M1

Design for Buckling Resistance of Members 9-9

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

N Ed M y ,Ed M
+ k zy + k zz z ,Ed 1 (EC3 6.3.3(4))
z N Rk M y ,Rk M z ,Rk
M1 M1 M1

The characteristic resistance values, NRk, My,Rk, and Mz,Rk are taken as the design
resistance values, NRd, My,Rd, and Mz,Rd, but omitting the M0 factor (EC3 Table
6.7, 6.2.5(2)). The reduction factors y and z are defined in Section 5.4 and LT
in Section 6.2 of this manual.

The interaction factors, kyy, kzz, kyz, and kzy, are determined based on one of two
methods that may be specified in the code. The values are determined in
accordance with EC3 Annex A or EC3 Annex B for Methods 1 and 2,
respectively. The method are not repeated in this manual. The method for
determining the interaction factors can be changed in the design preferences.

As an exception, for Circular and Pipe sections, an SRSS (Square Root of Sum
of Squares) combination is made first of the two bending components before
addition of the axial load component instead of simple algebraic addition as
implied by the equation given previously.

9.2.2 Class 4 Sections Under Flexure and Axial Compression

The combined effect of axial compression and bending with special emphasis
on flexural and lateral-torsional buckling is checked by calculating the
utilization ratios based on the following interaction equations:

N Ed M y ,Ed + N Ed eNy M + N Ed eNz

+ k yy + k yz z ,Ed 1 (EC3 6.3.3(4))
y N Rk M y ,Rk M z ,Rk
M1 M1 M1

N Ed M y ,Ed + N Ed eNy M + N Ed eNz

+ k zy + k zz z ,Ed 1 (EC3 6.3.3(4))
z N Rk M y ,Rk M z ,Rk
M1 M1 M1

The characteristic resistance values, NRk, My,Rk, and Mz,Rk, the reduction factors
y, z and LT, the interaction factors kyy, kzz, kyz, and kzy are described in
Section 8.2.1 of this manual (EC3 Table 6.7, 6.2.5(2),,,
6.3.3(5), Table A.1, Table B.1).
9 - 10 Design for Buckling Resistance of Members
Chapter 9 Design for Combined Force

The shifts of the relevant centroidal axis when a Class 4 section is subjected to
uniform compression, eNy and eNz, are described in Section of this
manual (EC3 6.3.3(4),

As an exception, for Circular and Pipe sections, an SRSS (Square Root of Sum
of Squares) combination is made first of the two bending components before
addition of the axial load component instead of simple algebraic addition as
implied by the equation given previously.

9.2.3 Class 1, 2, and 3 Sections Under Flexure and Axial

The combined effect of axial tension and bending with special emphasis to
flexural and lateral-torsional buckling is checked by calculating the utilization
ratios based on the following two interaction equations:

M y ,Ed M
k yy + k yz z ,Ed 1 (EC3 6.3.3(4))
M M z ,Rk
LT y ,Rk
M1 M1

M y ,Ed M
k zy + k zz z ,Ed 1 (EC3 6.3.3(4))
M y ,Rk M z ,Rk
M1 M1

The characteristic resistance values, NRk, My,Rk, and Mz,Rk, are taken as the
design resistance values, NRd, My,Rd, and Mz,Rd, but omitting the M0 factor (EC3
Table 6.7, 6.2.5(2)). The reduction factor LT is described in Section 6.2 of this

The interaction factors, kyy, kzz, kyz, and kzy, are determined based on one of two
methods that may be specified in the code. The values are determined in
accordance with EC3 Annex A or EC3 Annex B for Methods 1 and 2,
respectively. The method are not repeated in this manual. The method for
determining the interaction factors can be changed in the design preferences.

As an exception, for Circular and Pipe sections, an SRSS (Square Root of Sum
of Squares) combination is made first of the two bending components before

Design for Buckling Resistance of Members 9 - 11

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

addition of the axial load component instead of simple algebraic addition as

implied by the equation given previously.

9.2.4 Class 4 Sections Under Flexure and Axial Tension

The combined effect of axial tension and bending with special emphasis on
flexural and lateral-torsional buckling is checked by calculating the utilization
ratios based on the following interaction equations:

M y ,Ed + N Ed eNy M + N Ed eNz

k yy + k yz z ,Ed 1 (EC3 6.3.3(4))
M y ,Rk M z ,Rk
M1 M1

M y ,Ed + N Ed eNy M + N Ed eNz

k zy + k zz z ,Ed 1 (EC3 6.3.3(4))
M y ,Rk M z ,Rk
M1 M1

The characteristic resistance values, NRk, My,Rk, and Mz,Rk, the reduction factor
LT, the interaction factors kyy, kzz, kyz, and kzy are described in Section 8.2.1 of
this manual (EC3 Table 6.7, 6.2.5(2),,, 6.3.3(5), Table A.1,
Table B.1).

The shifts of the relevant centroidal axis when a Class 4 section is subjected to
uniform tension, eNy and eNz, and are described in Section of this manual
(EC3 6.3.3(4), For this case eNy and eNz are taken as zero.

As an exception, for Circular and Pipe sections, an SRSS (Square Root of Sum
of Squares) combination is made first of the two bending components before
addition of the axial load component instead of simple algebraic addition as
implied by the equation given previously.

9.2.5 Sections of Any Class Under Flexure and Torsion

For I and Rectangular Hollow sections, if there is torsion present in the
member and if the user indicated in the preferences that torsion needs to be
considered in the design check, the combined effect of bending and torsion
with or without the presence of any axial force with special emphasis on

9 - 12 Design for Buckling Resistance of Members

Chapter 9 Design for Combined Force

flexural and lateral-torsional buckling is checked by calculating the utilization

ratios based on the following interaction equations:

M y ,Ed M + M z ,T ,Ed M w,Ed

+ Cmz z ,Ed + k w k zw k 1 (EN 1993-6 Annex A)
M y ,Rk M z ,Rk M z ,Rk
M1 M1 2 M1


Cmz is the equivalent uniform moment factor for bending about z-axis
according to EC3 Table B.3 (For a simply supported beam with a parabolic
moment diagram due to uniformly distributed loading Cmz = 0.95 ; for a
triangular bending moment diagram die to single point load Cmz = 0.9 ),

M w,Ed is the warping moment caused by warping restraint and the torsion

M w,Ed
k= 0.7 0.2 ,
M z ,Rk M 1

M z ,Ed
k zw = 1 , and
M z ,Rk

k = .
M y ,Rk
M cr

Design for Buckling Resistance of Members 9 - 13

Chapter 10
Special Seismic Provisions

This chapter provides a detailed description of the algorithms related to seismic

provisions in the design/check of structures in accordance with the Eurocode
8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance, Part 1: General rules, seismic
actions and rules for buildings, December 2004 [EN 1998-1:2004]. The pro-
gram code option Eurocode 3-2005 covers these provisions. The implemen-
tation covers load combinations from Eurocode 3-2005, which is described
in the Section 4.3 Design Load Combination in Chapter 4. The loading based
on Eurocode 8-2005 has been described in a separate document entitled CSI
Lateral Load Manual [Eurocode 8-2004; CSI 2009].

For referring to pertinent sections of the corresponding code, a unique prefix is

assigned for each code.

Reference to the Eurocode 3:2005 code is identified with the prefix "EC3."

Reference to the Eurocode 8:2004 code is identified with the prefix "EC8."

10.1 Design Preferences

The steel frame design Preferences are basic assignments that apply to all of
the steel frame members. Table A.1 lists the steel frame design Preferences.

10 - 1
Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

The following steel frame design Preferences are relevant to the special seismic

Framing Type
Behavior Factor, q

System overstrength factor,

Ignore Seismic Code?

Ignore Special Seismic Load?
Is Doubler Plate Plug Welded?

10.2 Overwrites
The steel frame design Overwrites are basic assignments that apply only to
those elements to which they are assigned. Appendix B identifies the steel
frame design Overwrites. The following steel frame design overwrites are rele-
vant to the special seismic provisions.

Frame Type
Material overstrength factor, ov

System overstrength factor,

10.3 Supported Framing Types

The code recognizes the types of framing systems identified in the table on the
following page (EC8 6.3.1). The program has implemented specifications for
all of the types of framing systems listed.
By default in the program, the frame type is taken as Ductility Class High Mo-
ment-Resisting Frame (DCH MRF). However, the default frame type can be
changed in the Preferences for all frames or in the Overwrites on a member-by-
member basis. If a frame type Preference is revised in an existing model, the
revised frame type does not apply to frames that have already been assigned a
frame type through the Overwrites; the revised Preference applies only to new

10 - 2 Overwrites
Chapter 10 - Special Seismic Provisions

frame members added to the model after the Preference change and to the old
frame members that were not assigned a frame type though the Overwrites.

Framing Type References

DCH MRF (Ductility Class High Moment-Resisting Frame) EC8 6.6
DCM MRF (Ductility Class Medium Moment-Resisting Frame) EC8 6.6
DCL MRF (Ductility Class Low Moment-Resisting Frame) EC8 6.6
DCH CBF (Ductility Class High Concentrically Braced Frame) EC8 6.7
DCM CBF (Ductility Class Medium Concentrically Braced Frame) EC8 6.7
DCL CBF (Ductility Class Low Concentrically Braced Frame) EC8 6.7
DCH EBF (Ductility Class High Eccentrically Braced Frame) EC8 6.8
DCM EBF (Ductility Class Medium Eccentrically Braced Frame) EC8 6.8
DCL EBF (Ductility Class Low Eccentrically Braced Frame) EC8 6.8
Inverted Pendulum Structure EC8 6.9
Secondary EC8 4.2.2

10.4 Member Design

This section describes the special requirements for designing a member. The
section has been divided into subsections for each framing type.

The behavior factor q accounts for the energy dissipation capacity of the struc-
ture. For regular structural systems, the behavior factor q should be taken with
the upper limits referenced to the values given in EC8, Table 6.2.

Table 9.1 Upper Limits of Behavior Factor

Ductility Class Figure 6.1(a) to (c)
Structural Type DCM DCH u 1 for DCH
Moment resisting frames 4 5 u 1 1.1-1.3
Frames with concentric bracing
- Diagonal Bracing 4 4
- V-bracing 2 2.5
Frame with eccentric bracings 4 5 u 1 1.2
Inverted Pendulum 2 2 u 1 1.1

Member Design 10 - 3
Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

10.4.1 Ductility Class High Moment-Resisting Frames (DCH MRF)

The following additional requirements are checked or reported (EC8 6.6).

NOTE: The geometrical constraints and material requirements given in EC8 Section
6.2 should be independently checked by the user because the program does not perform
those checks. Beams
All beams are required to be Class 1 sections (EC8 6.5.3(2), Table 6.3).

To ensure that the full plastic moment of resistance and rotation capacity
are not decreased by compression or shear forces, the following conditions
are checked (EC8 6.6.2(2)):

M Ed
1.0 (EC8 Eq. 6.2)
M pl , Rd

N Ed
0.15 (EC8 Eq. 6.3)
N pl , Rd

0.5 (EC8 Eq. 6.4)
V pl , Rd


VEd VEd ,G + VEd , M (EC8 Eq. 6.5)

N Ed is the factored design axial force,

M Ed is the factored design bending moment,

VEd is the factored design shear,

VEd ,G is the design shear force due to non-seismic actions,

10 - 4 Member Design
Chapter 10 - Special Seismic Provisions

VEd , M is the design shear force due to plastic moments M pl , Rd , A and

M pl , Rd , B with opposite signs at the end of section A and B of the beam i.e.,
VEd , M (M pl , Rd , A + M pl , Rd , B ) / L

N pl , Rd , M pl , Rd , V pl , Rd are the design resistance factors in accordance with

section of EN 1993-1-1-2004. Columns
All columns are required to be Class 1 sections (EC8 6.5.3(2), Table 6.3).

The columns are checked by considering the most unfavorable combina-

tion of axial force and bending moments. In the design checks,
N Ed , M Ed , VEd are computed as follows (EC8 6.6.3(1)P):

N Ed = N Ed ,G + 1.1 ov N Ed , E (EC8 Eq. 6.6)

M Ed = M Ed ,G + 1.1 ov M Ed , E (EC8 Eq. 6.6)

VEd = VEd ,G + 1.1 ov VEd , E (EC8 Eq. 6.6)


N Ed ,G , M Ed ,G , VEd ,G are the compression force, bending moment and

shear force in the column, respectively, due to the nonseismic actions in-
cluded in the combination of actions for the seismic design situation.

N Ed , E , M Ed , E , VEd , E are the compression force, bending moment, and

shear force in the column, respectively, due to design seismic action.

ov is the material overstrength factor.

Member Design 10 - 5
Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

is the minimum value of i =M pl , Rd ,i M Ed ,i of all lateral beams;

M Ed ,i is the design bending moment in beam i in the seismic combination
and M pl , Rd ,i is the corresponding plastic moment.

NOTE: is not calculated automatically by the program. Rather, its value can be
overwritten by the user through design Preference and Overwrites.

The column shear force VEd resulting from analysis should satisfy the follow-
ing condition (EC8 6.6.3(4)):

0.5 (EC8 Eq. 6.7)
V pl , Rd

10.4.2 Ductility Class Medium Moment-Resisting Frames (DCM MRF)

The additional requirements for Ductility Class Medium Moment-Resisting
Frames (DCM MRF) are the same as the requirements for Ductility Class High
Moment-Resisting Frames (DCH MRF) with the exception of the followings
(EC8 6.6). Beams
All beams and column are required to be Class 1 or Class 2 sections for
2 < q 4 (EC8 6.5.3(2), Table 6.3) and Class 1, 2 or Class 3 sections for
1.5 < q 2 (EC8 6.5.3(2), Table 6.3).

10.4.3 Ductility Class Low Moment-Resisting Frames (DCL MRF)

The resistance of the members and connections are evaluated in accordance
with EN 1993 without any additional requirements (EC8 6.1.2(4)).

10 - 6 Member Design
Chapter 10 - Special Seismic Provisions

10.4.4 Ductility Class High Concentrically Braced Frames (DCH CBF)

The following additional requirements are checked or reported (EC8 6.7). Brace
All braces are required to be Class 1 sections (EC8 6.5.3(2), Table 6.3).

The slenderness ratio, , of X diagonal bracing members as defined in EN

1993-1-1:2004 is limited to the following (EC8 6.7.3(1)):

1.3 2.0. (EC8 6.7.3(1))

Af y
= (EC3
N cr
N cr N cr ,TF < N cr ,T (EC3
N cr ,TF is the elastic torsional-flexural buckling force, and
N cr ,T is the elastic torsional buckling force

For torsional or torsional-flexural buckling the appropriate buckling curve

is determined from EC3 Table 6.2 considering the one related to the z-axis.

The slenderness ratio, , of frames with diagonal bracings in which diago-

nals are not positioned as X diagonal bracing should be limited to (EC8

2.0. (EC8 6.7.3(2))

The slenderness ratio, , of frames with V bracings should be limited to

(EC8 6.7.3(3)):

2.0. (EC8 6.7.3(3))

The slenderness ratio, does not apply to structures up to two stories (EC8

Member Design 10 - 7
Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

The yield resistance N pl , Rd of the gross cross-section of the diagonal should

be (EC8 6.7.3(5)):

N Ed N pl , Rd (EC8 6.7.3(5))


Af y
N pl , Rd = (EC3 6.2.3(2))

To ensure a homogeneous dissipative behavior of the diagonals, the maxi-

mum system overstrength i defined in EC8 6.7.4(1) does not differ from
the minimum value of by more than 25%.

NOTE: is not calculated automatically by the program. Rather, its value can be
overwritten by the user through design Preference and Overwrites. Beams and Columns

All beams and columns are required to be Class 1 sections (EC8 6.5.3(2),
Table 6.3).

The beams and columns are checked by considering the most unfavorable
combination of axial force and bending moment. In design check the M Ed
and VEd are taken from the factored loads. However, the axial force N Ed is
modified as follows (EC8 6.7.4 (1)):

N Ed = N Ed ,G + 1.1 ov N Ed , E (EC8 Eq. 6.12)


N Ed ,G is the axial force in the beam or in the column due to nonseismic

actions included in the seismic load combinations,

N Ed ,E is the axial force in the beam or in the column due to design seismic

10 - 8 Member Design
Chapter 10 - Special Seismic Provisions

ov is the material overstrength factor,

is the minimum value of i =N pl , Rd ,i N Ed ,i over all the diagonals of

the braced frame system where; N pl , Rd ,i is the design resistance of diago-
nal i and N Ed ,i is the design axial force in the same diagonal i in the seis-
mic combination.

NOTE: is not calculated automatically by the program. Rather, its value can be
overwritten by the user through design Preference and Overwrites.

10.4.5 Ductility Class Medium Concentrically Braced Frames (DCM

The additional requirements for Ductility Class Medium Concentrically Braced
Frames (DCM CBF) are the same as the requirements for Ductility Class High
Concentrically Braced Frames (DCH CBF) with the exception of the follow-
ings (EC8 6.7). Brace
All braces are required to be Class 1 or Class 2 sections for 2 < q 4 (EC8
Table 6.3) and Class 1, 2 or Class 3 sections for 1.5 < q 2 (EC8 6.5.3(2),
Table 6.3). Beams and Columns

All beams and columns are required to be Class 1 or Class 2 sections for
2 < q 4 (EC8 6.5.3(2), Table 6.3) and Class 1, 2 or Class 3 sections for
1.5 < q 2 (EC8 6.5.3(2), Table 6.3).

10.4.6 Ductility Class Low Concentrically Braced Frames (DCL CBF)

The resistance of the members and connections are evaluated in accordance
with EN 1993 without any additional requirements (EC8 6.1.2(4)).

Member Design 10 - 9
Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

10.4.7 Ductility Class High Eccentrically Braced Frames (DCH EBF)

The following additional requirements are checked or reported (EC8 6.8).

For this framing system, the program looks for and recognizes the eccentrically
braced frame configurations shown in Figure 9-1. The other case that is de-
scribed in EC8 Figure 6.4 is not covered.

The following additional requirements are checked or reported for the beams,
columns, and braces associated with these configurations.
e e

e e
2 2


(a) (b) (c)

Figure 9-1. Eccentrically Braced Frame Configurations

All beams, columns and braces are required to be Class 1 (EC8 6.5.3(2),
Table 6.3).

The link beams are classified into three categories according to the type of
plastic mechanism developed (EC8 6.8.2(2)):

Short links (es), which dissipate energy by yielding essentially in shear;

Long links (eL), which dissipate energy by yielding essentially in bend-


Intermediate links (e), which plastic mechanism involves bending and


For I-sections, the design resistance is computed as follows (EC8 6.8.2(3)):

10 - 10 Member Design
Chapter 10 - Special Seismic Provisions

= (
M p,link f y bt f d t f ) (EC8 Eq. 6.13)

=Vp,link (f y ) (
3 tw d t f ) (EC8 Eq. 6.14)

When N Ed N pl , Rd 0.15, the design resistance of link should satisfy both

of the following criteria at both ends of link (EC8 6.8.2(4)):

VEd Vp,link (EC8 Eq. 6.15)

M Ed M p,link (EC8 Eq. 6.16)

where, N Ed , M Ed , VEd are the factored design axial forces, design bend-
ing moment and design shear, at both ends of the links.

When N Ed N pl , Rd > 0.15, the design resistance of link should satisfy both
of the following criteria at both ends of the link(EC8 6.8.2(5)):
VEd Vp,link 1 N Ed N pl , Rd )
(EC8 Eq. 6.17)

M Ed M p,link 1 N Ed N pl , Rd
) (EC8 Eq. 6.18)

When N Ed N pl , Rd > 0.15, the link length (e) should not exceed the follow-
ing limit (EC8 6.8.2(6)):

e 1.6 M p,link Vp,link when R < 0.3, or (EC8 Eq. 6.19)

e (1.15 0.5 R )1.6 M p,link Vp,link when R 0.3 (EC8 Eq. 6.20)


R N Ed tw d 2t f (VEd A ) ) (EC8 6.8.2(6))

The individual values of the ratios i defined in EC8 section do

not exceed the minimum value of resulting from EC8 section
by more than 25% of the minimum value (EC8 6.8.2.(7)).

Member Design 10 - 11
Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

NOTE: is not calculated automatically by the program. Rather, its value can be
overwritten by the user through design Preference and Overwrites.

The link length e is classified as follows. For I-sections, the categories are
(EC8 6.8.2.(8)):

Short links (es), e < es =

1.6 M p,link Vp,link (EC8 Eq. 6.21)

Long links (eL), e < es =

3.0 M p,link Vp,link (EC8 Eq. 6.22)

Intermediate links (e), e < es < eL (EC8 Eq. 6.23)

If the check is not satisfied, the program reports an error message.

The link beam rotation, , of the individual bay relative to the rest of the
beam is calculated as the story drift times bay length ( L ) divided by the
total lengths of link beams (e) in the bay.

The link rotation, , is checked as follows (EC8 6.6.4(3)):

= (EC8 Fig 6.14(a))

0.08 radian, for short link where e es

0.02 radian, for short link where e eL

valueinterpolated between 0.08 and 0.02 radian, for e < es < eL

is story drift

e is link length

L is beam span

The beams and columns are checked by considering the most unfavorable
combination of axial force and bending moment. In design check the M Ed
and VEd are taken from the factored loads. However, the axial force N Ed is
modified as follows (EC8 6.8.3 (1)):

N Ed = N Ed ,G + 1.1 ov N Ed , E (EC8 Eq. 6.30)

10 - 12 Member Design
Chapter 10 - Special Seismic Provisions


N Ed ,G is the axial force in the beam or in the column due to nonseismic

actions included in the seismic load combinations,

N Ed ,E is the axial force in the beam or in the column due to design seismic

ov is the material overstrength factor,

is a multiplicative factor, and the minimum of the following values:

(a) the minimum value of i =1.5 Vpl ,link,i VEd ,i among all short links,

(b) the minimum value of i =1.5 M pl ,link,i M Ed ,i among all intermediate

and long links. VEd ,i , M Ed ,i are the design values of the shear force and of
the bending moment in the link i in the seismic load combination.
Vp,link,i , M p,link,i are the shear and bending plastic design resistances of
link i as defined in EC8 6.8.2(3).

NOTE: is not calculated automatically by the program. Rather, its value can
be overwritten by the user through design Preference and Overwrites.

Note: Axial forces in the beams are included in checking the beams. The user is re-
minded that using a rigid diaphragm model will result in zero axial forces in the beams.
The user must disconnect some of the column lines from the diaphragm to allow beams
to carry axial loads. It is recommended that only one column line per eccentrically
braced frame be connected to the rigid diaphragm or that a flexible diaphragm model
be used.

10.4.8 Ductility Class Medium Eccentrically Braced Frames (DCM EBF)

The additional requirements for Ductility Class Medium Eccentrically Braced
Frames (DCM EBF) are same as the requirements for Ductility Class High
Eccentrically Braced Frames (DCH EBF) with the exception of the followings
(EC8 6.8).

Member Design 10 - 13
Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005 Brace
All braces are required to be Class 1 or Class 2 sections for 2 < q 4 (EC8
Table 6.3) and Class 1, 2 or Class 3 sections for 1.5 < q 2 (EC8 6.5.3(2),
Table 6.3). Beams and Columns

All beams and columns are required to be Class 1 or Class 2 sections for
2 < q 4 (EC8 6.5.3(2), Table 6.3) and Class 1, 2 or Class 3 sections for
1.5 < q 2 (EC8 6.5.3(2), Table 6.3).

10.4.9 Ductility Class Low Eccentrically Braced Frames (DCL EBF)

The resistance of the members and connections are evaluated in accordance
with EN 1993 without any additional requirements (EC8 6.1.2(4)).

10.4.10 Inverted Pendulum

For this framing system, the following additional requirements are checked or
reported (EC8 6.9).

This framing system is checked to be designed using axial compression by

considering the most unfavorable combination of axial force and bending
moments (EC8, 6.9(1)).

N Ed , M Ed , VEd are computed in accordance with EC8 section 6.6.3.

The limit to slenderness ratio for the columns, , should be limited to

1.5 (EC8 6.9(3)).

The interstory drift sensitivity coefficient, , as defined in EC8 section should be limited to 0.2 (EC8 6.9(4)). This clause has not been
implemented in the program. The user is required to check this clause in-

10 - 14 Member Design
Chapter 10 - Special Seismic Provisions

10.4.11 Secondary
The resistance of the members and connections are evaluated in accordance
with EN 1993 without any additional requirements.

10.5 Design of Joint Components

In a plan view of a beam-column connection, a steel beam can frame into a
column in the following ways.

The steel beam frames in a direction parallel to the column major direction,
i.e., the beam frames into the column flange.

The steel beam frames in a direction parallel to the column minor direc-
tion, i.e., the beam frames into the column web.

The steel beam frames in a direction that is at an angle to both of the prin-
cipal axes of the column, i.e., the beam frames partially into the column
web and partially into the column flange.

To achieve a proper beam-column moment connection strength, continuity

plates are usually placed on the column, in line with the top and bottom flanges
of the beam, to transfer the compression and tension flange forces of the beam
into the column. For connection conditions described by the first bullet, where
the beam frames into the flange of the column, the program investigates joint
component checks based on EC3-1-8 section to Columns of I-
or H sections connected with I-shaped beam sections only are investigated. The
joint components requirements are evaluated for medium and high ductile
moment frames (MRF DCM and MRF DCH) only. No check is made for
braced frames.

The program evaluate the following checks.

Check the requirement of continuity plate and determine of its area

Check the requirement of supplementary web plate and determine of its


Check the ratio of sum of beam flexural strength to sum of column flexural

Design of Joint Components 10 - 15

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

Report the beam connection shear

Report the brace connection force

10.5.1 Design of Continuity Plates

The program first evaluates the need for continuity plates. When the required
strength FEd exceeds the available resistance Fc ,wc , Rd , Ft , wc , Rd , or Ffc , Rd , as ap-
propriate, a continuity plate will be required. The program checks the follow-
ing limit states.

(a) Column Web in Transverse Compression

The design resistance of an unstiffened column web subjected to transverse
compression is given as follows (EC3-1-8

kwc beff ,c ,wc t wc f y ,wc kwc beff ,c ,wc t wc f y,wc

=Fc ,wc , Rd (EC3-1-8 Eq. 6.9)
M0 M1


is a reduction factor to allow for the possible effects of interac-

tion with shear in column web panel according to EC3-1-8 Ta-
ble 6.3. is a function of in EC8 Table 6.3. Approximate
values for the transformation parameter is also given in EC3-
1-8 Table 5.4. Conservatively, program uses =2 (EC3-1-8

beff ,c ,wc is the effective width of column web in compression. For a

welded connection,
beff ,c ,wc =t fb + 2 2 ab + 5 ( t fc + s ) , where ab , ac and rc are indi-
cated in EC3-1-8 Figure 6.6.

In computing beff ,c , wc , ab is taken as t fb 2 and ac is taken as

t fc 2 in the program.

For a rolled I or H section column: s = rc

10 - 16 Design of Joint Components

Chapter 10 - Special Seismic Provisions

For a welded I or H section column: s = 2 ac

is the reduction factor for plate buckling:

If p 0.72 : =1 (EC3-1-8 Eq. 6.13a)

( 0.2 ) p
If p > 0.72 :
= p (EC3-1-8 Eq. 6.13b)

p is the plate slenderness:

beff ,c , wc d wc f y , wc
p = 0.932 2
(EC3-1-8 Eq. 6.13c)
hc 2 ( t fc + rc )
For a rolled I or H section column: dwc =
For a welded I or H section column: dwc =
hc 2 t fc + 2 ac ( )
kwc is the reduction factor and is given in EC3-1-8

Where the maximum longitudinal compressive stress com, Ed due to axial force
and bending moment in the column exceed 0.7 fy,wc in the web (adjacent to the
root radius for a rolled section or the toe of the weld for a welded section), its
effect on the design resistance of the column web in compression is reduced
by kwc as follows:

when com , Ed 0.7 f y , wc ; kwc = 1 (EC3-1-8 Eq. 6.14)

when com , Ed > 0.7 f y , wc ; k=

wc 1.7 com , Ed f y , wc

conservatively, k wc is taken as 1.

(b) Column Web in Transverse Tension

The design resistance of an unstiffened column web subjected to transverse
tension is given as follows (EC3-1-8

beff ,t ,wc twc f y , wc

Ft , wc , Rd = , (EC3-1-8 Eq. 6.15)


Design of Joint Components 10 - 17

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

is a reduction factor to allow for the possible effects of interac-

tion with shear in column web panel in accordance with EC3-1-8
Table 6.3. is a function of in EC8 Table 6.3. Approximate
values for the transformation parameter is also given in EC3-1-
8 Table 5.4. Conservatively, program uses =2 (EC3-1-8

beff ,t , wc is the effective width of column web in tension. For a welded

beff ,t , wc =t fb + 2 2ab + 5 ( t fc + s ) , where ab , ac and rc are as
indicated in EC31-8 Figure 6.6.

For a rolled I or H section column: s = rc

For a welded I or H section column: s = 2ac

(c) Column flange in transverse bending

The design resistance of an unstiffened column flange, welded connection is
given as follows (EC3-1-8

beff ,b , fc t fb f y , fb
Ffc , Rd = (EC3-1-8 Eq. 6.20)


beff ,b , fc is the effective breath beff as defined in EC3-1-8 section 4.10(2)

where the beam flange is considered as plate.

beff ,b , fc = twc + 2 s + 7 kt fc (EC3-1-8 Eq. 4.6a)

=k (t f t p )( f y , f f y , p ) 1.0 (EC3-1-8 Eq. 4.6b)

f y , f is the yield strength of the flange of the I or H section,

f y , p is the yield strength of the plate of the I or H section.

10 - 18 Design of Joint Components

Chapter 10 - Special Seismic Provisions

The dimension s is obtained from the following expression:

For a rolled I or H section column: s = rc (EC3-1-8 Eq. 4.6c)

For a welded I or H section column: s = 2 ac (EC3-1-8 Eq. 4.6d)

The continuity plate is compute the following equations:

( FEd Fc , wc , Rd )

Fb , Rd

( FEd Ft , wc , Rd )
Acp = max (EC3-1-5 9.4.(2))
Fb , Rd

( FEd Ffc , Rd )
Fb , Rd

Continuity plates are designed for all moment resisting frame for factored load.
In this case FEd is taken as follows:

M Ed
FEd =
(d t f )
In addition, continuity plates are designed for DCH MRF and DCM MRF for
capacity moment. In this case FEd is taken as follows:

FEd = 1.1 0 v b fb t fb f yb (EC8 6.5.5(3), Eq. 6.1)

In the preceding expressions, Fb,Rd is the allowable design compression re-

sistance of the equivalent column related to the beam-column joint. Fb,Rd is tak-
en as follows:

Fb, Rd = (EC3, EC3-1-5 9.4(2))

The reduction factor, for the relevant buckling mode is taken as:

= 1.0 (EC3
+ 2

Design of Joint Components 10 - 19

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

where the factor, and the non-dimensional slenderness, are taken as:

0.5 1 + ( 0.2 ) +
= (EC3

Af y Lcr 1
= = (EC3
N cr i 1

1 = (EC3

= 0.49 (using buckling curve c) (EC3-1-5 9.4(2))

Lcr = Kl (EC3-1-5 9.4(2))

K = 0.75 (EC3-1-5 9.4(2))

l = dc 2tfc (EC3-1-5 9.4(2))

i = min{i33, i22} of the equivalent column (EC3-1-5 9.4(2))

The member properties of the equivalent column are taken as follows:

The cross-section is comprised of two stiffeners and a strip of the web having
a width of 25twc at the interior stiffener and 12twc at the ends of the column
(borrowed from AISC J10.8).

The effective length is taken as 0.75h, i.e., K = 0.75 and L = h = dc 2tfc

(EC3-1-5 9.4(2)).

is calculated based on the equivalent cross-section and equivalent length
stated here.

In addition to satisfying the preceding limit states, it is made sure that the
equivalent section, consisting of the stiffeners and part of the web plate, is able
to resist the compressive concentrated force (EC3-9-5 9.4(2)). This is similar to
a column capacity check. For this condition, the program calculates the re-
quired continuity plate area as follows:

10 - 20 Design of Joint Components

Chapter 10 - Special Seismic Provisions

Acp 25t wc
, if not at top story (EC3-1-5 9.4(2))
Fb, Rd

Acp 12t wc
, if at top story (EC3-1-5 9.4(2))
Fb, Rd

An iterative process is involved as Acp, r, and Fcr are interdependent. If Acp is

needed, iteration starts with the minimum thickness and minimum width of the
continuity plate. A maximum of three iterations is performed.

If Acp 0, no continuity plates are required. If continuity plates are required,

they must satisfy a minimum area specification defined as follows:

The minimum thickness of the stiffeners is taken as follows:

tcpmin = 0.5t fb (borrowed from AISC J10.8)

The minimum width of the continuity plate on each side plus 1/2 the thick-
ness of the column web shall not be less than 1/3 of the beam flange width,

b fp t wc
bcpmin 2 , (borrowed from AISC J10.8)
3 2

so that the minimum area is given by

Acpmin = tcpmin bcpmin . (borrowed from AISC J10.8)

Therefore, the continuity plate area provided by the program is zero or the
greater of Acp and Acpmin .

In the preceding equations,

Acp = Required continuity plate area

fy = Yield stress of the column and continuity plate material

Design of Joint Components 10 - 21

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

h = Clear distance between flanges of column less fillets for rolled


FEd = Beam flange force

Fc , wc , Rd = Resistance of column web

t fb = Beam flange thickness

t fc = Column flange thickness

t wc = Column web thickness

10.5.2 Design of Supplementary Web Plates

One aspect of the design of a steel framing system is an evaluation of the shear
forces that exist in the region of the beam-column intersection known as the
panel zone.

Shear stresses seldom control the design of a beam or column member. How-
ever, in a Moment-Resisting frame, the shear stress in the beam-column joint
can be critical, especially in framing systems when the column is subjected to
major direction bending and the joint shear forces are resisted by the web of
the column. In minor direction bending, the joint shear is carried by the column
flanges, in which case the shear stresses are seldom critical, and this condition
is therefore not investigated by the program.

Shear stresses in the panel zone, due to major direction bending in the column,
may require additional plates to be welded onto the column web, depending on
the loading and the geometry of the steel beams that frame into the column, ei-
ther along the column major direction or at an angle so that the beams have
components along the column major direction. The program investigates such
situations and reports the thickness of any required supplementary web plates.
Only columns with I-Shapes are investigated for supplementary web plate re-
quirements. Also supplementary web plate requirements are evaluated for mo-
ment frames only (MRF DCH and MRF DCM).

The program calculates the required thickness of supplementary web plates us-
ing the following algorithms. The shear force in the panel zone is given by:

10 - 22 Design of Joint Components

Chapter 10 - Special Seismic Provisions

=Vwp , Ed
(M b1, Ed cos b1 M b 2, Ed cos b 2 )

c1, Ed Vc 2, Ed )
z 2
(EC3-1-8, Eq. 5.3)

For DCH MRF and DCM MRF, M b1, Ed and M b 2, Ed are determined from capac-
ity design principal. In these cases, M b , Ed is taken as

M b , Ed = ovW pl f y (EC8 6.1.3(2))

The available resistance of the web panel zone for the limit state of shear yield-
ing resistance is determined as Vwp,Rd as appropriate (EC8 6.1.3(2)). Assuming
that the effect of panel zone deformation on frame stability has not been con-
sidered in analysis, the shear resistance, Vwp,Rd, is determined as follows (EC3-

When detailed in accordance with the following conditions:

i. When the supplementary web plate is Plug welded.

ii. The joint panel zone is designed to satisfy the width-to-thickness limit
of EC3-1-8 Clause i.e., d t w = 69 .

iii. The steel grade of the supplementary web plate should be equal to of
that of the column.

iv. The width bs should be such that the supplementary web plate extends
at least to the toe of the root radius or of the weld.

v. The length ls should be such that the supplementary web plate extends
throughout the effective width of the web in tension and compression.
See Figure 6.5 of EC 3-1-8.

vi. The thickness ts of the supplementary web plate should not be less than
the column web thickness twc.

vii. The welds between the supplementary web plate and profile should be
designed to resist the applied design forces.

viii. The width bs of a supplementary web plate should be less than 40 ts .

Design of Joint Components 10 - 23

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

ix. For a single-sided joint, or a double-sided joint in which the beam

depths are similar, the design plastic shear resistance Vwp,Rd of an un-
stiffened column web panel, subjected to design force Vwp,Ed, is ob-
tained using the following:

0.9 f y , wc Avc
Vwp , Rd = (EC3-1-8 Eq. 6.7)
3 M 0
By using Vwp,Rd = Vwp,Ed, the required column panel zone thickness tp
is found as follows.

Vwp , Ed 3 M 0
tp =
0.9 f y , wc h

The extra thickness or the required thickness of the supplementary

web plate, ts , is given as follows:

s t p twc ,

If the required supplementary web plate ts > tw , a failure condition is de-

clared (EC3-1-8,

If the required supplementary web plate is not plug welded,

if hwc twc > 69, a failure condition is declared.

if bs ts > 40, then web supplementary plate thickness is set as

=ts bs 40 ,

If the required supplementary web plate is plug welded, and if

hwc ( twc + ts ) > 69, a failure condition is declared. The web supplemen-
tary plate thickness is set as ts hwc 69 twc .


f y , wc = Column and supplementary web plate yield stress

z = lever arm, z= h t fb ; see EC3-1-8 section 6.2.7

10 - 24 Design of Joint Components

Chapter 10 - Special Seismic Provisions

tp = Required column panel zone thickness

t fb = Flange thickness of beam

ts = Required supplementary web plate thickness

t fc = Column flange thickness

twc = Column web thickness

Vwp , Rd = Required panel zone shear capacity

Vc1, Ed = Column shear in column below

Vc 2, Ed = Column shear in column above

h = Overall depth of beam connecting to column

b = Angle between beam and column major direction

hc = Overall depth of column

M b1, Ed = Factored beam moment from corresponding loading combina-

tion from beam 1 based on either factored forces or based on
capacity moment of beam 1

M b 2, Ed = Factored beam moment from corresponding loading combina-

tion from beam 2 based on either factored forces or based on
capacity moment of beam 2

Vwp , Rd = Shear resistance of the panel

The largest calculated value of ts, calculated for any of the load combi-
nations based on the factored beam moments and factored column axi-
al loads, is reported.

The supplementary web plate and the column web should satisfy the
slenderness criteria as stated in the preceding text. If the twc cannot sat-
isfy the criteria, then a failure condition is declared. If ts does not satis-

Design of Joint Components 10 - 25

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

fy this criterion, then its value is increased to meet the criteria. If the
check is not satisfied, it is noted in the output.

10.5.3 Weak Beam/Strong Column Measure

For Moment Resisting Frames Ductility Class High (MRF DCH) and Moment
Resisting Frames Ductility Class Medium (MRF DCM) frames with seismic
design only, the code requires that the sum of the column flexure strengths at a
joint should be more than the sum of the beam flexure strengths (EC8
The column flexure strength should reflect the presence of axial force in the
column. The beam flexural strength should reflect the potential increase in ca-
pacity for strain hardening. To facilitate the review of the strong column/weak
beam criterion, the program will report a beam-column plastic moment capaci-
ty ratio for every joint in the structure.

For the major direction of any column (top end), the beam-to-column-strength
ratio is obtained as
1.3 M Rbn cos n
Rmaj = n =1
. (EC8, Eq. 4.29)
M pl , RdA + M pl , RdB

For the minor direction of any column, the beam-to-column-strength ratio is

obtained as
1.3 M Rbn sin n
Rmin = n =1
. (EC8, Eq. 4.29)
M pl , RdA + M pl , RdB


Rmaj = Plastic moment capacity ratios, in the major directions of the


Rmin = Plastic moment capacity ratios, in the minor directions of the


M Rbn = Plastic moment capacity of n-th beam connecting to column

10 - 26 Design of Joint Components

Chapter 10 - Special Seismic Provisions

n = Angle between the n-th beam and the column major direc-

M pl , RdA = Major and minor plastic moment capacities, reduced for axial

force effects, of column above story level

M pl , RdB = Major and minor plastic moment capacities, reduced for axial

force effects, of column below story level

nb = Number of beams connecting to the column

The plastic moment capacities of the columns are reduced for axial force ef-
fects and are taken as


M N , Rd M pl , Rd 1 Ed (EC3 Eq. 6.32)
N pl , Rd

The plastic moment capacities of the beams are amplified for potential increase
in capacity for strain hardening as

M pl , Rd = ovW pl b Fyb (EC8 6.1.3(2))


W plb = Plastic modulus of beam

W pl = Plastic modulus of column

Fyb = Yield stress of beam material

Fyc = Yield stress of column material

N Ed = Axial compression force in the column for the given load combi-

Design of Joint Components 10 - 27

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

For the preceding calculations, the section of the column above is taken to be
the same as the section of the column below, assuming that the column splice
will be located some distance above the story level.

10.5.4 Evaluation of Beam Connection Shears

For each steel beam in the structure, the program will report the maximum ma-
jor shears at each end of the beam for the design of the beam shear connec-
tions. The beam connection shears reported are the maxima of the factored
shears obtained from the loading combinations.

For special seismic design, the beam connection shears are not taken less than
the following special values for different types of framing. The special seismic
requirements additionally checked by the program are dependent on the type of
framing used.

For DCH MRF and DCM MRF, the beam connection shear is taken as the
maximum of those from regular load combinations and those required for the
development of the full plastic moment capacity of the beam. The connection
shear for the development of the full plastic moment capacity of the beam is
as follows:

VEd VEd ,G + VEd , M (EC8 6.6.4(1), 6.6.2(2))

CM Ed , M
VEd , M = , (EC8 6.6.2(2))


V = Shear force corresponding to END I or END J of beam

C = 0 if beam ends are pinned, or for cantilever beam
= 1 if one end of the beam is pinned
= 2 if no ends of the beam are pinned

M Ed , M = Plastic moment capacity of beam = 1.1 0V W pl f y (EC8

6.6.4(1), 6.5.5(3), Eq. 6.1)
L = Clear length of the beam

10 - 28 Design of Joint Components

Chapter 10 - Special Seismic Provisions

VED ,G = Absolute maximum of the calculated beam shears at the cor-

responding beam ends from the factored gravity load only
For DCL MRF, the beam connection shear is taken as the maximum shear
from the load combinations.

For DCH CBF and DCM CBF, the beam connection shear is taken as the
maximum of those from regular load combinations and from the capacity de-
sign principal.

For DCL CBF, the beam connection shear is taken as the maximum shear
from the load combinations.

For DCH EBF and DCM EBF, the beam connection shear is taken as the
minimum of the two values: (a) maximum shear from the load combinations
and (b) maximum shear based on the link beam shear capacity.

The maximum beam connection shear based on the link beam shear capacity
is taken as the beam connection shear that can be developed when the first
link beam yields in shear. The load factor for the seismic component of the
load in the combination is calculated to achieve forces related to yielding of
the link beam.

If the beam-to-column connection is modeled with a pin by releasing the

beam end in the program, it automatically affects the beam connection shear.

For DCL EBF, the beam connection shear is taken as the maximum shear
from the load combinations.

10.5.5 Evaluation of Brace Connection Forces

For each steel brace in the structure, the program reports the maximum axial
force at each end of the brace for the design of the brace-to-beam connections.
The brace connection forces reported are the maxima of the factored brace axi-
al forces obtained from the loading combinations.

For seismic design, the brace connection forces are not taken less than the fol-
lowing special values for different types of framing. The seismic requirements
additionally checked by the program are dependent on the type of framing

Design of Joint Components 10 - 29

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

Brace axial forces for seismic designs are evaluated for braced frames only
(DCH CBF, DCM CBF, DCH EBF and DCM EBF). No special checks are
performed for moment frames (MRF DCH and MRF DCM).

For DCH CBF and DCM CBF, the bracing connection axial force is taken as
(6.5.5(3), 6.7.3(7)):

d 1.1 ov R fy (EC8 6.7.7(7), 6.5.5(3), Eq. 6.1)


Rd is the axial resistance of the connection in accordance with EC3;

Rfy is the plastic resistance of the connected dissipative member based on

the design Af y of the material as defined in EC3.

ov is the material overstrength factor.

For DCL CBF, the bracing connection force is taken from the factored
force with load combination factors.

For DCH EBF and DCM EBF, the required axial strength of the diagonal
brace connection at both ends of the brace is taken as follows:

Ed ,G + 1.1 ov Ed , E (EC8 6.8.4(1), Eq. 6.31)


Ed ,G is the action effect in the connection due to the non-seismic actions

included in the combination of actions for the seismic design situa-

Ed ,E is the action effect in the connection due to the design seismic ac-

ov is the material overstrength factor

is the system overstrength factor computed in accordance with

6.8.3(1) for the link.

10 - 30 Design of Joint Components

Chapter 10 - Special Seismic Provisions

NOTE: is not calculated automatically by the program. Rather, its value can
be overwritten by the user through design Overwrites.

For DCL EBF, the bracing connection force is taken from the load combi-

The maximum connection force from the load combinations is determined for
all of the regular load combinations.

Design of Joint Components 10 - 31

Appendix A Design Overwrites

Appendix A Design Preferences

The steel frame design preferences are general assignments that are applied to
all of the steel frame members. The design preferences should be reviewed and
any changes from the default values made prior to performing a design.

Table A-1: Steel Frame Design Preferences

Item Possible Values Default Value Description

Design Code Design codes AISC360-10/ The selected design code. Subsequent design is based
available in the IBC 2006 on this selected code.
current version

Multi-Response Case Envelopes, Envelopes Select to indicate how results for multivalued cases
Design Step-by-Step, Last (Time history, Nonlinear static or Multi-step static)
Step, Envelopes, are considered in the design. - Envelope - considers
All, Step-by-Step - enveloping values for Time History and Multi-step
All static and last step values for Nonlinear static. Step-
by-Step - considers step by step values for Time
History and Multi-step static and last step values for
Nonlinear static. Last Step - considers last values for
Time History, Multi-step static and Nonlinear static.
Envelope - All - considers enveloping values for
Time History, Multi-step static and Nonlinear static.
Step-by-Step - All - considers step by step values for
Time History, Multi-step static and Nonlinear static.
Step-by-Step and Step-by-Step - All default to the
corresponding Envelope if more then one
multivalued case is present in the combo.

A -1
Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

Table A-1: Steel Frame Design Preferences

Item Possible Values Default Value Description

Framing Type Type LD MRF, Type LD MRF This item is used for ductility considerations in the
Type MD MRF, design.
Type D MRF,
Type LD CBF(V),
Type LD CBF(TC),
Type LD CBF(TO),
Type LD CBF(OT),
Type MD CBF(V),
Type MD CBF(TC),
Type MD CBF(TO),
Type MD CBF(OT),
EBF, Cantilever,
Column, Conventional
MF, Conventional BF

Spectral Acceleration >0 0.35 This is Sa(T=0.2sec) multiplied by Ie and Fa. It can
Ratio, Ie*Fa*Sa(0.2) assume different values in two orthogonal directions.
The value specified here is solely used for design.
The program uses the same value for all directions.
See CSA S16-14 section 27.1.2, NBCC section, Table, Table, and Table for details.

Ductility Related >0 5 Overstrength-related force modification factor

Modification Factor, reflecting the capability of a structure to dissipate
Rd energy through inelastic behavior. This is a function
of Seismic Force Resisting System. It can assume
different values in two orthogonal directions. The
program uses the same value for all directions. The
value specified here is solely used for design. See
CSA S16-14 section 27.1.2, NBCC sections
and, and NBCC Table for details

Overstrength Related >0 1.5 This accounts for the dependable portion of reserve
Modification Factor strength in a structure. This is a function of Seismic
Force Resisting System. It can assume different
values in two orthogonal directions. The program
uses the same value for all directions. The value
specified here is solely used for design. See CSA
S16-14 section 27.1.2, NBCC sections and, and NBCC Table for details.

Phi (Bending) 1.0 0.9 Strength reduction factor.

Phi (Compression) 1.0 0.9 Strength reduction factor.
Phi (Tension) 1.0 0.9 Strength reduction factor.
Phi (Shear) 1.0 0.9 Strength reduction factor.
Slender Section Modify Geometry, Modify Select if the Class 4 sections should be handled by
Modification Modify Fy Geometry modifying the geometry or by modifying fy.

A -2
Appendix A Design Overwrites

Table A-1: Steel Frame Design Preferences

Item Possible Values Default Value Description

Ignore Seismic Code? Yes, No No Toggle to consider (No) or not consider (Yes) the
seismic part of the code in design.

Ignore Special Yes, No No Toggle to consider (No) or not consider (Yes) special
Seismic Load? seismic load combinations in design.

Is Doubler Plate Plug Yes, No Yes Toggle to indicate if the doubler-plate is plug welded
Welded? (Yes), or it is not plug welded (No).

Consider Yes, No Yes Toggle to consider the deflection limit (Yes) or to not
Deflection? consider the deflection limit (No).

DL Limit, L/ 0 120 Deflection limit for dead load. Inputting 120 means
that the limit is L/120. Inputting zero means no check
will be made of this item.

Super DL+LL Limit, L/ 0 120 Deflection limit for superimposed dead plus live
load. Inputting 120 means that the limit is L/120.
Inputting zero means no check will be made of this

Live Load Limit, L/ 0 360 Deflection limit for superimposed live load. Inputting
360 means that the limit is L/360. Inputting zero
means no check will be made of this item.

Total Limit, L/ 0 240 Deflection limit for total load. Inputting 240 means
that the limit is L/240. Inputting zero means no check
will be made of this item.

Total-Camber Limit, L/ 0 240 Limit for net deflection. Camber is subtracted from
the total load deflection to get net deflection.
Inputting 240 means that the limit is L/240. Inputting
zero means no check will be made of this item.

Pattern Live Load 1.0 0.75 The live load factor for automatic generation of load
Factor combinations involving pattern live loads and dead

Demand/Capacity 1.0 0.95 The demand/capacity ratio limit to be used for

Ratio Limit acceptability. D/C ratios that are less than or equal to
this value are considered acceptable.

A -3
Appendix B Design Overwrites

The steel frame design overwrites are assignments that are applied on a
member-by-member basis. The design overwrites should be reviewed and any
changes from the default values made prior to performing a design. The
following table lists the design overwrites that are specific to using Eurocode 3-
1:2005; the overwrites that are generic to all codes are not included in this

Table B-1: Design Overwrites

Overwrite Description
Framing Type This is "DCH-MRF", "DCM-MRF", "DCL-MRF", "DCH-CBF", "DCM-
"InvPendulum", "Secondary", or "NonSeismic". This item is used for
ductility considerations in the design.
Section Class Section class to be used. This can be "Class 1," "Class 2," "Class
3," or "Class 4." It determines the capacity of the sections and the
interaction equations to be used. If not overwritten, it is calculated
based on Table 5.2 of the EN 1993-1-1:2005 code.
Column Buckling Column buckling curve to be used for flexural buckling about major
Curve (y-y) axis. This can be a0, a, b, c, or d. It determines the
imperfection factors for buckling curve. If not overwritten, it is taken
from Table 6.2 of the EN 1993-1-1:2005 code.
Column Buckling Column buckling curve to be used for flexural buckling about minor
Curve (z-z) axis. This can be a0, a, b, c, or d. It determines the
imperfection factors for buckling curve. If not overwritten, it is taken
from Table 6.2 of the EN 1993-1-1:2005 code.

B -1
Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

Table B-1: Design Overwrites

Overwrite Description
Buckling Curve Buckling curve to be used for lateral-torsional buckling. This can be
for LTB a0, a, b, c, or d. The program gives one extra option "a0"
following flexural buckling mode. It determines the imperfection
factors for buckling curve. If not overwritten, it is taken from the
Table 6.4 of the EN 1993-1-1:2005 code.
System This is called the System Overstrength Factor. Omega factor is
Overstrength related to seismic factored member force and member capacity. It
Factor, Omega can assume different values in two orthogonal directions. The
Omega value specified here is solely used for design. The program
uses the same value for all directions. See EC8 sections 6.6.3(1),
6.7.4(1), 6.8.3(1), and 6.8.4(1) for details. Specifying 0 means the
value is program determined. Program determined value means it is
taken from the preferences.
Is Rolled Toggle to consider whether the design section has to be considered
Section? as "Rolled" or "Welded". It affects the selection of buckling curve
from Table Tables 6.2 and 6.4 of the code, "EN 1993-1-1:2005."
Material The ratio of the expected yield strength to the minimum specified
Overstrength yield strength. This ratio is used in capacity based design for
Factor, special seismic cases. See EC8 sections 6.1.3(2), 6.2(3), 6.5.5(3),
Gamma_ov 6.6.3(1), 6.7.4(1), 6.8.3(1), and 6.8.4(1) for details. Specifying 0
means the value is program determined.
Net Area to Total The ratio of the net area at the end joint to gross cross-sectional
Area Ratio area of the section. This ratio affects the design of axial tension
members. Specifying zero means the value is the program default,
which is 1.
Live Load The reducible live load is multiplied by this factor to obtain the
Reduction Factor reduced live load for the frame object. Specifying zero means the
value is program determined.
Unbraced Length Unbraced length factor for buckling about the frame object major
Ratio (Major) axis; specified as a fraction of the frame object length. This factor
times the frame object length gives the unbraced length for the
object. Specifying zero means the value is program determined.
Unbraced Length Unbraced length factor for buckling about the frame object minor
Ratio (Minor) axis; specified as a fraction of the frame object length. This factor
times the frame object length gives the unbraced length for the
object. Specifying zero means the value is program determined.
Unbraced Length Unbraced length factor for lateral-torsional buckling for the frame
Ratio (LTB) object; specified as a fraction of the frame object length. This factor
times the frame object length gives the unbraced length for the
object. Specifying zero means the value is program determined.

B -2
Appendix B Design Overwrites

Table B-1: Design Overwrites

Overwrite Description
Effective Length Effective length factor for buckling about the frame object major
Factor Braced axis; specified as a fraction of the frame object length. This factor
(K1 Major) times the frame object length gives the effective length for the
object. Specifying zero means the value is program determined.
For beam design, this factor is always taken as 1, regardless of any
other value specified in the Overwrites. This factor is used for the
calculation of k factors.
Effective Length Effective length factor for buckling about the frame object minor
Factor Braced axis; specified as a fraction of the frame object length. This factor
(K1 Minor) times the frame object length gives the effective length for the
object. Specifying zero means the value is program determined.
For beam design, this factor is always taken as 1, regardless of any
other value specified in the Overwrites. This factor is used for
calculation of the k factors.
Effective Length Effective length factor for buckling about the frame object major axis
Factor Sway (K2 assuming that the frame is braced at the joints against sidewsway;
Major) specified as a fraction of the frame object length. This factor times
the frame object length gives the effective length for the object.
Specifying zero means the value is program determined. The factor
is used for axial compression capacity.
Effective Length Effective length factor for buckling about the frame object minor axis
Factor Sway (K2 assuming that the frame is braced at the joints against sidewsway;
Minor) specified as a fraction of the frame object length. This factor times
the frame object length gives the effective length for the object.
Specifying zero means the value is program determined. The factor
is used for axial compression capacity.
Effective Length Effective length factor for lateral-torsional buckling; specified as a
Factor Sway fraction of the frame object length. This factor times the frame object
(LTB) length gives the effective length for the object. Specifying zero
means the value is program determined. For beam design, this
factor is taken as 1 by default. The values should be set by the user.
Bending Unitless factor; C1 is used in determining the interaction ratio.
Coefficient (C1) Inputting zero means the value is program determined.
D/C Ratio Limit The demand/capacity ratio limit to be used for acceptability. D/C
ratios that are less than or equal to this value are considered
acceptable. Specifying zero means the value is program
Moment Moment coefficient for major axis bending determined by Method 1
coefficient (kyy or Method 2 from Annex A or B of the code.

B -3
Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

Table B-1: Design Overwrites

Overwrite Description
Moment Moment coefficient for minor axis bending determined by Method 1
coefficient (kzz or Method 2 from Annex A or B of the code.
Moment Moment coefficient determined by Method 1 or Method 2 from
coefficient (kzy) Annex A or B of the code.
Moment Moment coefficient determined by Method 1 or Method 2 from
coefficient (kyz) Annex A or B of the code.

B -4
Appendix C Nationally Determined
Parameters (NDPs)

This appendix provides a listing of the Nationally Determined Parameters

(NDPs) used by default for the various country implementations. Several of
these parameters can be modified either through the design preferences or the
design overwrites.

C.1 CEN Default

Table C.1 lists the default NDPs for the CEN Default implementation.

Table C.1: CEN Default NDP Values

Code Clause NDP Default Value
EC3 6.1(1) M0 1.00
EC3 6.1(1) M1 1.00
EC3 6.1(1) M2 1.25
EC0 Combinations equation Eq. 6.10
EC3 6.3.3(5) Interaction factors method Method 2
EC0 Table A1.2(B) Gj,sup 1.35
EC0 Table A1.2(B) Gj,inf 1.00
EC0 Table A1.2(B) Q,1 1.5

C -1
Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

Table C.1: CEN Default NDP Values

Code Clause NDP Default Value
EC0 Table A1.1 0,i 0.7 (live load)
0.6 (wind load)
EC0 Table A1.2(B) 0.85
EC0 Table A1.1 2,i 0.3 (assumed office/residential)
EC3 LT 0.21 for buckling curve a
0.34 for buckling curve b
0.49 for buckling curve c
0.76 for buckling curve d
EC3 0.75

EC3-1-5 5.1(2) 1.20 for fy 460 N/mm2

1.00 for fy > 460 N/mm2

C.2 Bulgaria
Table C.2 lists the NDP values for the Bulgarian National Annex, where they
differ from the CEN Default values listed in Table C.1.

Table C.2: Bulgaria NDP Values

Code Clause NDP Default Value
EC3 6.1(1) M0 1.05
EC3 6.1(1) M1 1.05

C.3 Slovenia
The NDP values for the Slovenian National Annex, are the same as the CEN
Default values listed in Table C.1.

C -2
Appendix C - Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs)

C.4 United Kingdom

Table C.3 lists the NDP values for the United Kingdom National Annex, where
they differ from the CEN Default values listed in Table C.1.

Table C.3: United Kingdom NDP Values

Code Clause NDP Default Value
EC3 6.1(1) M2 1.10
EC0 Table A1.1 0,i 0.7 (live load)
0.5 (wind load)
EC0 Table A1.2(B) 0.925
EC3-1-5 5.1(2) 1.00

C.5 Norway
Table C.4 lists the NDP values for the Norwegian National Annex, where they
differ from the CEN Default values listed in Table C.1.

Table C.4: Norway NDP Values

Code Clause NDP Default Value
EC3 6.1(1) M0 1.05
EC3 6.1(1) M1 1.05
EC0 Table A1.2(B) 0.89

C -3
Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

C.6 Sweden
Table C.5 lists the NDP values for the Sweden National Annex, where they
differ from the CEN Default values listed in Table C.1.

Table C.5: Sweden NDP Values

Code Clause NDP Default Value
EC0 Combinations equation Eq. 6.10a/b
EC3 6.3.3(5) Interaction factors method Method 1
EC0 Table A1.2(B) d Class 1 = 0.83, Class 2 =
0.91, Class 3 = 1.0
EC0 Table A1.2(B) Gj,sup 1.35*d
EC0 Table A1.2(B) Q,1 1.5*d
EC0 Table A1.1 0,i 0.7 (live load)
0.3 (wind load)
EC0 Table A1.2(B) 0.89

C.7 Finland
Table C.6 lists the NDP values for the Finland National Annex, where they
differ from the CEN Default values listed in Table C.1.

Table C.6: Finland NDP Values

Code Clause NDP Default Value
EC0 Combinations equation Eq. 6.10a/b
EC0 Table A1.2(B) KFI Class 1 = 0.9, Class 2 = 1.0,
Class 3 = 1.1
EC0 Table A1.2(B) Gj,sup 1.35*KFI
EC0 Table A1.2(B) Gj,inf 0.9
EC0 Table A1.2(B) Q,1 1.5*KFI

C -4
Appendix C - Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs)

C.8 Denmark
Table C.7 lists the NDP values for the Denmark National Annex, where they
differ from the CEN Default values listed in Table C.1.

Table C.7: Denmark NDP Values

Code Clause NDP Default Value
EC3 6.1(1) M0 1.10
EC3 6.1(1) M1 1.20
EC3 6.1(1) M2 1.35
EC0 Combinations equation Eq. 6.10a/b
EC0 Table A1.2(B) KFI Class 1 = 0.9, Class 2 = 1.0,
Class 3 = 1.1
EC0 Table A1.2(B) Gj,sup 1.2 / 1.0 (Eq. 6.10a /
EC0 Table A1.2(B) Gj,inf 1.0 / 0.9 (Eq. 6.10a / 6.10b)
EC0 Table A1.2(B) Q,1 1.5*KFI
EC0 Table A1.1 0,i 0.6 (live load)
0.6 (wind load)
EC0 Table A1.2(B) 1.0
EC0 Table A1.1 2,i 0.2 (assumed

C.9 Portugal
Table C.8 lists the NDP values for the Portugal National Annex, where they
differ from the CEN Default values listed in Table C.1.

Table C.8: Portugal NDP Values

Code Clause NDP Default Value
EC3 LT ,0 0.2

EC3 1.0

C -5
Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

C.10 Germany
Table C.9 lists the NDP values for the German National Annex, where they
differ from the CEN Default values listed in Table C.1.

Table C.9: Germany NDP Values

Code Clause NDP Default Value
EC3 6.1(1) M1 1.1

C.11 Singapore
Table C.10 lists the NDP values for the Singapore National Annex, where they
differ from the CEN Default values listed in Table C.1.

Table C.10: Singapore NDP Values

Code Clause NDP Default Value
EC3 6.1(1) M2 1.1
EC3 Annex B Z for non-doubly (
max , T )
symmetric sections
EC3 Table B.1 and B.2 Where sections are not I, H, or hollow sections, kyy, kyz, kzy,
and kzz for Class 1 and 2 sections are calculated as if the
section is Class 3.

C.12 Poland
Table C.11 lists the NDP values for the Poland National Annex, where they
differ from the CEN Default values listed in Table C.1.

Table C.11: Poland NDP Values

Code Clause NDP Default Value
EC3 6.1(1) M2 1.1

C -6

EN 1990:2002. Eurocode 0 Basis of Structural Design (includes

Amendment A1:2005), European Committee for Standardization, rue de
Stassart, 36, B-1050 Brussels. 2002.

EN 1993-1-1:2005. Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures Part 1-1: General

Rules and Rules for Buildings, European Committee for Standardization,
rue de Stassart, 36, B-1050 Brussels. May 2005.

EN 1993-1-3:2006. Design of Steel Structures Part 1-3: General Rules and

Supplementary Rules for Cold-Formed Members and Sheeting, European
Committee for Standardization, rue de Stassart, 36, B-1050 Brussels.

EN 1993-1-5:2006. Eurocode 3 Design of Steel Structures Part 1-5: Plated

Structural Elements, European Committee for Standardization, rue de
Stassart, 36, B-1050 Brussels. October 2006.

EN 1993-1-6:2007. Eurocode 3 Design of Steel Structures Part 1-6:

Strength and Stability of Shell Structures, European Committee for
Standardization, rue de Stassart, 36, B-1050 Brussels.

EN 1993-1-8:2005. Eurocode 3 Design of Steel Structures Part 1-8:

Design of Joints, European Committee for Standardization, rue de
Stassart, 36, B-1050 Brussels. September 2006

EN 1993-1-12:2007. Eurocode 3 Design of Steel Structures Part 1-12:

Design of Joints, European Committee for Standardization, rue de
Stassart, 36, B-1050 Brussels.

Steel Frame Design Eurocode 3-2005

ENV 1993-1-1:1992. Eurocode 3. Design of Steel Structures. Part 1-1:

General Rules and Rules for Buildings. European Committee for
Standardization, rue de Stassart, 36, B-1050 Brussels.

EN 1998-1:2004. Eurocode 8 Design of structures for earthquake

resistance Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings
(EN 1998-1:2004), European Committee for Standardization, rue de
Stassart, 36, B-1050 Brussels.
Hughes, A. F., Iles, D. C., and Malik, A. S. Design of Steel Beams in Torsion in
Accordance with Eurocodes and UK National Annexes, SCI Publication
P385, SCI, Silwood Park, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 7QN, UK, ISBN
13:978-1-85942-200-7, 2011.

UK NA EC0:2002. UK National Annex for Eurocode 0 Basis of Structural

Design. British Standards Institute. December 2004.

UK NA EC3-1-1:2005. UK National Annex to Eurocode 3: Design of Steel

Structures Part 1-1: General Rules and Rules for Buildings. British
Standards Institute. December 2008.

UK NA EC3-1-5:2005. UK National Annex to Eurocode 3: Design of Steel

Structures Part 1-5: Plated Structural Elements. British Standards
Institute. May 2008.

Software Verification

EN 3-2005 Example 001


The frame object axial strengths are tested in this example considering in-plane
behavior only.

A continuous column is subjected to factored load N = 210 kN and My,Ed = 43

kN-m. This example was tested using the Eurocode 3-2005 steel frame design
code. The design capacities are compared with independent hand calculated




Section A-A

L = 3.5 m

Material Properties Loading Design Properties

E = 210x103 MPa N = 210 kN fy = 235 MPa
v = 0.3 My,Ed = 43 kN-m Section: IPE 200
G = 80770 MPa
Section compactness check (beam-column)
Member interaction capacities, D/C, Method 1

EN 3-2005 Example 001 - 1

Software Verification


Independent results are taken from hand calculations based on the CSI steel
design documentation contained in the file SFD-EC-3-2005.pdf, which is
available through the program Help menu. This example was taken from "New
design rules in EN 1993-1-1 for member stability," Worked example 1 in section
5.2.1, page 151.

Output Parameter SAP2000 Independent Difference

Compactness Class 1 Class 1 0.00%

D/CAxial 0.334 0.334 0.00%

D/CBending 0.649 0.646 0.46%


The results show an acceptable comparison with the independent results.

EN 3-2005 Example 001 - 2

Software Verification


Material: S235
fy = 235 MPa
E = 210,000 MPa
G = 80,770 MPa
Section: IPE 200
A = 2848 mm2
h = 200 mm, bf = 100 mm, tf = 8.5 mm, tw = 5.6 mm, r = 12 mm
hw = h 2t f = 200 2 85 = 183mm

b f tw 2r 100 5.6 2 12
=c = = 35.2 mm
2 2
Iyy = 19,430,000 mm4
Wel,y = 194,300 mm3
Wpl,y = 220,600 mm3
Lyy = Lzz = 3,500 mm (unbraced length)
M 0 =
M1 =
y = 0.21

N Ed = 210, 000 N
M Ed , y ,Left = 0 N-m

M Ed , y ,Right = 43000 N-m

EN 3-2005 Example 001 - 3

Software Verification

Section Compactness:
235 235
= = = 1
fy 235

1 N Ed
1 =
1 1
2 2htw f y
1 210, 000
1 = 0.6737
2 2 200 5.6 235

Localized Buckling for Flange:

For the tip in compression under combined bending and compression
9 9 1
cl .1 = = = 13.36
c 35.2
e = = = 4.14
tf 8.5

e 4.14 < =
cl .1 13.36
So Flange is Class 1 in combined bending and compression

Localized Buckling for Web:

> 0.5, so
396 396 1
= = = 51.05 for combined bending & compression
13 1 13 0.6737 1
cl .1

d 183
e = = = 28.39
tw 5.6
e 32.68 < =
cl .1 51.05
So Web is Class 1 in combined bending and compression

Since Flange and Web are Class 1, Section is Class 1.

EN 3-2005 Example 001 - 4

Software Verification

Section Compression Capacity:

N c , Rk = Af y = 2.848 103 235 106 = 669 kN

Member Compression Capacity:

2 EI 22 2 210000 106 19.43 106
N cr ,22 = = 3287 kN
L2 3.52

Section Bending Capacity:

M pl , y , Rk= W pl , y f y= 220.6 106 235 106= 51.8 kN-m

Interaction Capacities - Method 1:

Member Bending & Compression Capacity with Buckling
Compression Buckling Factors
Af y 2.858 103 235 106
y = = 0.451
N cr , y 3287 103

y 0.5 1 + y ( y 0.2 ) + =
= 2
0.5 1 + 0.21 ( 0.451 0.2 ) + 0.451
1 1
y = = 0.939 1
y y ( y ) (
+ 2 2 0.628 + 0.6282 0.4512
Auxiliary Terms
N Ed
1 1
N cr , y 3287
=y = = 0.996
N Ed 210
1 y 1 0.939
N cr , y 3287

W pl , y 220.6 106
wy = = 1.135 1.5
Wel , y 194.3 106

EN 3-2005 Example 001 - 5

Software Verification

Cmo Factor
M Ed , y ,right 0
y = = 0
M Ed , y ,left 43 103

0.79 + 0.21 y + 0.36 ( y 0.33)

N Ed
N cr , y
Cmy =
,0 0.79 + 0.21 0 + 0.36 ( 0 0.33) = 0.782
Cmy C=
my ,0 0.782 because no LTB is likely to occur.

Elastic-Plastic Bending Resistance

Because LTB is prevented, bLT = 0 so aLT = 0

1.6 N
1 + ( wy 1) 2
C yy = Cmy 2 22 Cmy 2 y 2 Ed bLT
wy wy N c , Rk


1.6 1.6 210 10
1 + (1.135 1) 2
C yy = 0.7822 0.451 0.7822 0.4512 0
1.135 669 10

Wel , y 194.3 106

C yy = 1.061 = = 0.881
W pl , y 220.6 106

N Ed 210 103
D / CAxial =
N c , Rk 669 103
y 0.939
M1 1

D / CAxial = 0.334

EN 3-2005 Example 001 - 6

Software Verification

Cmy M Ed , y ,right 0.782 43 10 3

D / CBending =
y =
210 10
51.8 10 3
1 N Ed C M pl , y , Rk 1 3
N cr , y yy M 1 3287 10 1

D / CBending = 0.646

D / CTotal = 0.980

EN 3-2005 Example 001 - 7

Software Verification

EN 3-2005 Example 002


The frame object axial strengths are tested in this example.

A beam is subjected to factored load N = 1050 kN. This example was tested
using the Eurocode 3-2005 steel frame design code. The design capacities are
compared with independent hand calculated results.



L/2 L/2 Section A-A

L = 1.4 m

Material Properties Loading Design Properties

E = 210x103 MPa N = 1050 kN fy = 275 MPa
v = 0.3 Section: 406x178x74 UB
G = 80770 MPa


Section compactness (beam)
Section shear capacity
Section bending capacity with shear reduction

EN 3-2005 Example 002 - 1

Software Verification


Independent results are taken from hand calculations based on the CSI steel
design documentation contained in the file SFD-EC-3-2005.pdf, which is
available through the program Help menu. Examples were taken from Example
6.5 on pp. 53-55 from the book Designers Guide to EN1993-1-1 by R.S.
Narayanan & A. Beeby.

Output Parameter SAP2000 Independent Difference

Compactness Class 1 Class 1 0.00%

Section Shear Resistance,
689.2 689.2 0.00%
Vpl,Rd (kN)
Section Bending Resistance,
412.8 412.8 0.00%
Mc,y,Rd (kN-m)
Section Shear-Reduced Bending
386.8 386.8 0.00%
Resistance, Mv,y,Rd (kN-m)


The results show an exact comparison with the independent results.

EN 3-2005 Example 002 - 2

Software Verification


Material: S275 Steel
fy = 275 MPa
E = 210000 MPa
Section: 406x178x74 UB
A = 9450 mm2
b = 179.5 mm, tf = 16 mm, h = 412.8 mm, tw = 9.5 mm, r = 10.2 mm
hw = h 2t f = 412.8 2 16 = 380.8 mm

d = h 2 ( t f + r ) = 412.8 2 (16 + 10.2 ) = 360.4 mm

b tw 2r 179.5 9.5 2 10.2

=c = = 74.8 mm
2 2
Wpl,y = 501,000 mm3
M 0 = 1.0
= 1.2

N Ed = 0 kN
N = 1050 kN @ mid-span
Results in the following internal forces:
VEd = 525 kN

M Ed = 367.5 kN-m

EN 3-2005 Example 002 - 3

Software Verification

Section Compactness:
235 235
= = = 0.924
fy 275

Localized Buckling for Flange:

cl .1 = 9 = 9 0.924 = 8.32 for pure compression
c 74.8
e = = = 4.68
tf 16

e 4.68 < =
cl .1 8.32
So Flange is Class 1 in pure compression

Localized Buckling for Web:

cl .1= 72= 72 0.924= 66.56 for pure bending
d 360.4
e = = = 37.94
tw 9.5
e 37.94 < =
cl .1 66.56
So Web is Class 1 in pure bending

Since Flange & Web are Class 1, Section is Class 1.

Section Shear Capacity

Av min = h wtw = 1.2 380.8 9.5 = 4341mm 2
Av = A 2bt f + (tw + 2r )t f = 9450 2 179.5 16 + ( 9.5 + 2 10.2 ) 16
=Av 4021.2 mm 2 < Av min

So Av = 4341mm 2

EN 3-2005 Example 002 - 4

Software Verification

Av f y 4341 275
= = = 689, 245 N
M 0 3 1.0 3
V pl , Rd

V pl , Rd = 689.2 kN

Section Bending Capacity

W pl , y f y 1501, 000 275
M = = 412, 775, 000 N-mm
c , y , Rd
M0 1

M c , y , Rd = 412.8 kN-m

With Shear Reduction:

2VEd 2 525 2
1= 1= 0.27
V pl , Rd 689.2

Aw = hwtw = 380.8 9.5 = 3617.6 mm 2

fy Aw 2 275 0.27 3617.62

M v , y , Rd W = 1,501, 000
M 0 pl , y 4tw 1.0 4 9.5

M v , y , Rd = 386,829, 246 N-mm

M v , y , Rd = 386.8 kN-m

EN 3-2005 Example 002 - 5

Software Verification

EN 3-2005 Example 003


The frame object axial strengths are tested in this example.

A continuous beam-column is subjected to factored axial load P = 1400 kN and

major-axis bending moment M = 200 kN-m. This example was tested using the
Eurocode 3-2005 steel frame design code. The design capacities are compared
with independent hand calculated results.



L Section A-A

L = 0.4 m

Material Properties Loading Design Properties

E = 210x103 MPa P = 1400 kN fy = 235 MPa
v = 0.3 M = 200 kN-m Section: 457x191x98 UB
G = 80769 MPa


Section compactness check (beam-column)
Section compression capacity
Section bending capacity with compression reduction

EN 3-2005 Example 003 - 1

Software Verification


Independent results are taken from hand calculations based on the CSI steel
design documentation contained in the file SFD-EC-3-2005.pdf, which is also
available through the program Help menu. Examples were taken from Example
6.6 on pp. 57-59 from the book Designers Guide to EN1993-1-1 by R.S.
Narayanan & A. Beeby.

Output Parameter SAP2000 Independent Difference

Compactness Class 2 Class 2 0.00%

Section Compression Resistance,
2937.5 2937.5 0.00%
Npl,Rd (kN)
Section Plastic Bending Resistance,
524.1 524.5 -0.08%
Mpl,y,Rd (kN-m)
Section Reduced Bending Resistance, -0.09%
341.9 342.2
Mn,y,Rd (kN-m)


The results show an acceptable comparison with the independent results.

EN 3-2005 Example 003 - 2

Software Verification


Material: S275 Steel
E = 210000 MPa
fy = 235 MPa
Section: 457x191x98 UB
A = 12,500 mm2
b = 192.8 mm, tf = 19.6 mm, h = 467.2 mm, tw = 11.4 mm, r = 10.2 mm
hw = h 2t f = 467.2 2 19.6 = 428 mm

d = h 2 ( t f + r ) = 467.2 2 (19.6 + 10.2 ) = 407.6 mm

b tw 2r 192.8 11.4 2 10.2

=c = = 80.5 mm
2 2
Wpl,y = 2,232,000 mm3
M 0 =

P = 1400 kN axial load
Results in the following internal forces:
N Ed = 1400 kN
M = 200 kN-m

Section Compactness:
235 235
= = = 1
fy 235

EN 3-2005 Example 003 - 3

Software Verification

1 N Ed
1 = 1 1
2 2htw f y
1 1, 400, 000
1 = 2.7818 > 1, so
2 2 467.2 11.4 235

Localized Buckling for Flange:

For the tip in compression under combined bending & compression
9 9 1
cl .1 = = = 9
c 80.5
e = = = 4.11
t f 19.6

e 4.11 < =
cl .1 9
So Flange is Class 1 in combined bending and compression

Localized Buckling for Web:

> 0.5, so
396 396 1
= = = 33.00 for combined bending & compression
13 1 13 1 1
cl .1

d 407.6
e = = = 35.75
tw 11.4
e 35.75 > =
cl .1 33.00
456 456 1
= = = 38.00
13 1 13 1 1
cl .2

e 35.75 <
= cl .2 38.00

So Web is Class 2 in combined bending & compression.

EN 3-2005 Example 003 - 4

Software Verification

Since Web is Class 2, Section is Class 2 in combined bending & compression.

Section Compression Capacity

Af y 12,500 235
N pl= =
M 0
, Rd

N pl , Rd = 2937.5 kN

Section Bending Capacity

W pl , y f y 2, 232, 000 235
M= =
M 0
pl , y , Rd
M pl , y , Rd = 524.5 kN-m

Axial Reduction
N Ed =
1400kN > 0.25 N pl , Rd =
0.25 2937.5 =
734.4 kN

hwtw f y 428 11.4 235

N Ed =
1400kN > 0.5 =
0.5 =
M 0 1
So moment resistance must be reduced.

N Ed 1400
=n = = 0.48
N pl , Rd 2937.5
A 2bt f 12,500 2 192.8 19.6
=a = = 0.40
A 12,500
1 n 1 0.48
M N= M pl , y , Rd = 524.5
1 0.5a 1 0.5 0.4
, y , Rd

M N , y , Rd = 342.2 kN-m

EN 3-2005 Example 003 - 5

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