Driving Dynamics: ZF Axle Drives For Cars
Driving Dynamics: ZF Axle Drives For Cars
Driving Dynamics: ZF Axle Drives For Cars
ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Division Powertrain Technology
Business Unit Axle Drives
94136 Thyrnau
Phone +49 851 494-4871
Fax +49 851 494-4854
[email protected]
ZF axle drives are robust, comfortable in terms of power transmission velopment and for seeking out further improvements.
and with innovative and future-oriented technology help to reduce ZFs ambition is to continuously improve the quality
and performance of the drivelines and to make a sig-
fuel consumption. With its progressive and innovative product con-
nicant contribution to conserving resources.
cepts, ZF is well equipped for tomorrows driveline systems.
Worldwide production with future
In order to continuously fulll the requirements, ZF
has built an excellent base of operations in the eld
Automatic climate control, parking provides quiet performance and ride comfort, also of axle drive systems with its production sites in
aids, navigation systems or sports making an active contribution to safety? Thyrnau, Gotha (Germany), Gainesville and Marys-
seats? The list of expectations set by We are pleased to say that car manufacturers are ville (USA), as well as Shenyang (China). In addition
todays drivers on their vehicles can increasingly coming up with one answer: An axle the ZF Group has access to an enormous knowledge
be almost unlimited. drive system from ZF. pool: decades of experience in the eld of driveline
But there are some questions which and chassis technology have contributed to the fact
even the most avid car freak is un- Reliable partner for content customers that ZF is today one of the worlds largest and most
likely to ask: Which powertrain en- The satisfaction of the end customer, which the au- capable automotive suppliers. ZF thinks today of to-
sures that the engine power can de- tomotive industry can notch up not least thanks to morrows technology, with innovations of great val-
velop effectively and economically ZF driveline technology conrms the quality of ZF ue. Innovations which represent added value to ZF
on the road? Which axle drive unit products. This is the motivation for an on-going de- customers and to the driver.
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Four wheels of intelligent
driveline technology
Axle drive systems for four-wheel plat-
forms in standard vehicle architecture
With this concept in vehicles in which the
engine is arranged in the longitudinal direc-
Different designs now make application in numerous types tion, the transfer box distributes the power rear axle drive unit
to the axle drives from where the power is
of vehicles possible. This is not just for practical reasons, transferred to the wheels. ZF supplies axle
e.g. optimum transfer of power to the road. Safety, driving drive systems consisting of the front and
rear axle drive units and, where required, prop-shaft
dynamics and comfort are also all improved by driving all the associated CV and prop-shafts.
Optionally, an electromechanically locked
four wheels. rear axle drive unit or the VECTOR DRIVE
can be employed.
transfer box
With modern vehicles in this category, the
axle drives must satisfy very high perfor-
mance and quality demands, whilst being
Rear axle drive unit optimised for weight and compact packag-
ing. These are the normal demands on a
tailor-made axle drive solution from ZF.
Axle drive systems for four-wheel plat-
forms with front transverse architecture
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ZF already has today the www.zf.com/pkw
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Axle drive systems for driving
pleasure at customers option
Sportily agile or comfortable and cosy. Differing demands are made the low imbalance levels and specially matched rub- using a special split-line concept and integral rubber
on the driveline depending on the style of driving. For different types ber mounts also ensure good acoustic properties. So, mounting bushes, gives an unequalled performance-
the powerful ZF axle drives ensure a low noise level. to-weight ratio. Thus, the problem of increasing
of vehicles and installation situations ZF has developed suitable units
weight of cars is solved. Through integration of
which are perfectly matched to the vehicle design irrespective of Saving but only on weight functions and deliberate material usage ZF makes
whether a sporty SUV or a luxury limousine is involved. In conjunction with consequent component dimen- axle drive units more lightweight. This lightweight
sioning in line with the stresses involved, the hous- construction rewards axle drives substantial advan-
ing, which is manufactured completely in aluminum tages in competition on the international market.
Perfect technology for each they are not only rugged, weight-optimized and
type of vehicle high-performance, they are also characterized by
As variable as vehicle concepts are, smooth running, a low noise level and vehicle-
RDU rear-axle drive unit RDU-EM rear-axle drive unit
as individually ZF axle axle drive optimized design.
with aluminium housing for use in passenger cars with with an electromechanically operated axle differential
units can be adapted to automakers permanent all-wheel drive. Due to the distribution of lock. A multidisc set is driven by the electric motor
requirements. All ZF axle drive Low noise level the torque between the front and rear axles, it was through a reduction transmission and a ball ramp,
possible to design the RDU in an appropriately small producing a continuously controllable differential
units have one thing in common: The precisely ground-nished bevel-gear teeth,
size, which in conjunction with the aluminium hous- torque, enabling an increase in performance to
ing and the welded crown wheel leads to a very low be achieved through improvements to the traction
weight. and driving dynamics.
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Quality in each vehicle class vehicles. The quality characteristics of ZF for axle cepts, the design of the housing to utilize the advan- Reliability
Research and development is the drive systems have to fulll sophisticated require- tages of economical die casting methods provides 100 percent noise and leakage testing of the fully
basis which leads to capability in ments. the prerequisites for a competitive position in the assembled units and lifetime lubrication with syn-
everyday use. Practical use high- market. This is emphasized by a broad market pres- thetic oil provide reliable drives which are mainte-
lights those who are capable of High efciency ence with central development and regional produc- nance-free over the vehicle lifetime. Durable and
holding their own at the top level The use of viscosity optimized synthetic oils and tion sites. Thus, ZF offers its customers the neces- rugged units are the result of our innovative devel-
of the car industry. The demands improved friction bearings in combination with sary exibility and capacity to be able to successfully opment work.
made of all modern vehicles are design provisions to reduce churning losses enables respond to market cycles.
very high, but are even more strin- minimized axle drive losses. This contributes to the
gent when cars in the top class are reduction of fuel consumption.
involved. ZF has proved that it can
FDU front axle drive unit for use in all-wheel drive pas- RDU rear axle drive unit for passenger cars with standard
respond to the manufacturers Competitiveness
senger cars. A small installation width is achieved due driveline. The RDU has an aluminium housing with trans-
strictest requirements both with In conjunction with the modular kit principle and to the longitudinal partition of the aluminium housing. verse split line which has been specially adapted to the
SUVs and middle to luxury class the optimized assembly and manufacturing con- The drive unit is mounted to the side on the internal environment in the installation space with integral mount-
combustion engine. ing brackets and rubber support. Apart from a range of
various axle transmission ratios for covering various engine
versions, as well as the open differential, the RDU can also
be fitted with a ZF multidisc self-locking differential.
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Consistent zero-defect strategy quality management is based on the zero-defect Specialist center for bevel gears aided production takes place either on highly auto-
Expertise in research and develop- strategy, removing the customers need to perform Since time immemorial axle drive mated machines or in manually loaded machining
ment, precision and quality in pro- incoming inspections and allowing for direct deliv- units from ZF have been character- centers depending on production volumes and num-
duction and assembly. The result is ery to the assembly line. ized by the excellent production ber of variants. With the know-how collected in
durable and rugged axle drives quality of the individual compo- Thyrnau, an additional bevel gear set manufacturing
which are admirably suited to mar- Fullling diverse demands at best nents particularly the bevel gear site has been established in Marysville (USA).
ket demands and represent efcien- The greatest challenge to axle drive systems is the sets. The site at Thyrnau has been
cy and reliability. wide spectrum of requirements which have to be systematically established as the Progressive technologies regarding production
Partners can depend on ZF. There- covered. On the one hand ride comfort, quiet perfor- specialist center for bevel gears State-of-the-art production technologies are employed
fore, on-going inspections are un- mance and smooth operation in everyday road traf- within ZF. Apart from the passen- for example, the dry milling of the bevel gear teeth,
dertaken and documented during c are demanded and on the other hand the drive- ger car segment, precision bevel the grinding of the tooth prole for the best smooth
volume production to guarantee line must be able to take the highest stresses over gears are produced for agricultural running and load-bearing properties or the integrated
constant production quality. ZF rough terrain. and construction machinery, rail- noise test to ensure the best acoustic values. Marking
way technology, bus axles as well as the components by means of laser labeling facilitates
for special applications. Computer component identication and tracing.
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Research and Development
to Secure Mobility Main ZF development
Schwbisch Gmnd
Northville near Detroit, USA
Pilsen, Czech Republic
Shanghai, China
Innovations are not a purpose in themselves for ZF; they must pay
off, for manufacturers, eet owners, and drivers, but also for the
environment and society. Each new development must prove itself
among the conicting priorities of these criteria.
The ZF Group benets from an international net- innovative products from ZF set the standards for Groundbreaking innovations very complex. The same goes for
work of development centers: The main development state-of-the-art technology again and again. Over the past years, this partnership has produced pure electric drives and lightweight
locations are Friedrichshafen, Dielingen, Passau, product innovations that have since become bench- design engineering. Currently, ZF
Schweinfurt, Schwbisch Gmnd, Northville near Development work at ZF is organized according to marks in the industry: Just some examples are engineers are conducting pioneer-
Detroit (USA), Pilsen (Czech Republic), and Shang- decentralized and central functions. The divisions 9-speed automatic transmissions for cars as well as ing work on alternative materials,
hai (China). Worldwide, more than 7,100 employees and business units focus on markets and product hybrid transmissions and hybrid management for broader approaches in design and
work in Research and Development. Corporate R&D expertise, ensuring customer-centered, competitive cars and commercial vehicles, or the transmission testing, and new production
coordinates and supports the activities at the devel- technological product development. Corporate R&D systems TraXon for CVs. Groundbreaking innova- processes.
opment center in Tokyo (Japan). Every year, ZF works with a strong emphasis on basic research tions from ZF are in use today not just in passenger
invests approximately ve percent of its sales in and theory and supports the functional development cars and commercial vehicles on the roa d, but also ZF axle drives at the
Research and Development. With success, because areas in the divisions. in all kinds of craft on the water and in the air. Thyrnau location
Supported by fundamental research
Whats more, the innovative power of ZF is set to in- at the groups own research and de-
crease in the future. Proof of this is already provided velopment center, the specialized
by the number of patents pending: development of ZF products is car-
A look at the statistics of the German Patent and ried out at our Thyrnau location. In
Trademark Register shows that ZF occupies 8th cooperation with the vehicle manu-
place among applicants for patents on a level with facturer, exact matching of our
many large automotive manufacturers. Each year, products to the vehicle characteris-
the research departments successfully complete tics and customer specications is
more than 10,000 projects, covering the full range assured. Continuous improvement
from basic research through to product applications. is thereby no owery phrase, but a
This high project volume is necessary to ensure mo- thousand fold approved reality.
bility in the future. The trend toward hybrid solu-
tions already shows that green drive technology is
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The ZF Group
Our enthusiasm for innovative products and processes and our uncompromising pursuit
of quality have made us a global leader in driveline and chassis technology. We are contrib-
uting towards a sustainable future by producing advanced technology solutions with the
goal of improving mobility, increasing the efciency of our products and systems, and
conserving resources.
Our customers in the automotive and industrial sectors welcome our determined focus
on products and services, which provide great customer value. Improvements in energy
efciency, cost-effectiveness, dynamics, safety, and comfort are key to our work. Simultane-
ously, we are aiming for continuous improvement in our business processes and the services
we provide. As a globally active company, we react quickly and exibly to changing regional
market demands with the goal of always providing a competitive price/performance ratio.
Our independence and nancial security form the basis of our long-term business success.
Our protability allows us to make the necessary investments in new products, technologies,
and markets, thus securing the future of our company on behalf of our customers, market
afliates, employees, and the owners of ZF.
Our tradition and values strengthen our managerial decisions. Together, they are both an
obligation and an incentive to maintain a reliable and respectful relationship with customers,
market afliates, and employees. Our worldwide compliance organization ensures that locally
applicable laws and regulations are adhered to. We accept our responsibility towards society
and will protect the environment at all of our locations.
Our employees worldwide recognize us as a fair employer, focusing on the future and offer-
ing attractive career prospects. We value the varied cultural backgrounds of our employees,
their competencies, and their diligence and motivation. Their goal-oriented dedication to
ZF, beyond the borders of their own eld of work and location, shapes our company culture
and is the key to our success.
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