TBSMHuman Resource Plan
TBSMHuman Resource Plan
TBSMHuman Resource Plan
[Agency Name]
[Project Name]
[Publish Date]
Human Resource Plan
[Project Name]
USING THIS TEMPLATE.....................................................................................................................1
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.........................................................................................................3
PROJECT TEAM ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.........................................................................................4
PROJECT STAKEHOLDERS ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES.............................................................................5
PROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL CHARTS................................................................................................6
STAFFING MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................................7
PROJECT TEAM TRAINING................................................................................................................9
Human Resource Plan
[Project Name]
Human Resource Plan
[Project Name]
Human Resource Plan
[Project Name]
Effective human resource management is a critical component of any project. The Human
Resource Plan explains how project processes will be used to make the most effective use of the
people assigned to the project.
This section of the Human Resource Plan should provide a general description of what the plan
includes and explains how the project manager and project team can use the plan to help manage
project resources effectively.
The purpose of the [Project Name] Human Resource Plan is to achieve project success by
ensuring the appropriate human resources with the necessary skills are acquired, resources are
trained if any gaps in skills are identified, team building strategies are clearly defined, and team
activities are effectively managed. If used effectively, this plan will serve as a tool to aid in the
management of human resource activities throughout the [Project Name] until closure.
For additional roles definitions, refer to the Project Roles document located on the Tennessee
Business Solutions Methodology (TBSM) intranet site.
Human Resource Plan
[Project Name]
Human Resource Plan
[Project Name]
Project Sponsor
Provides vision, direction, and policy leadership for the project
Assists in removing barriers and supports change management initiatives
Participates in the Steering Committee, and provides support to this group as needed
Has overall authority for the project
Responsible for ensuring that deliverables and functionality are achieved as defined in the
Project Charter and subsequent project plans
Steering Committee
Acts as the Project stakeholders group
Ensures that the deliverables and functionality of the project are achieved as defined in the
project initiation documents and subsequent project management plans
Provides high-level project direction, receives project status updates, and addresses and
resolves issues, risks, or change requests
Human Resource Plan
[Project Name]
The graphic below provides a representation of the reporting structure for [Project Name].
Senior Project
Organizational Chart Director
Operations Lead
Implementation Configuration
Quality Manager
Lead Lead
Test Lead Technical Lead
Support Lead
Human Resource Plan
[Project Name]
The following RACI chart shows the relationship between project tasks and team members. Any
proposed changes to project responsibilities must be reviewed and approved by the Project Manager.
Changes will be proposed in accordance with the projects change control process. As changes are
made, all project documents will be updated and redistributed accordingly.
R Responsible for completing the work
A Accountable for ensuring task completion/sign off
C Consulted before any decisions are made
I Informed of when an action/decision has been made
Staffing management relates to all of the reasons staffing is needed, timing of adding and releasing
staff as well as training and gap assessment of current staff. This section should contain samples of
the following: how human resources will be acquired; the timeline for resource additions and
releases; training solutions for any resources with identified skill gaps; how performance reviews
will be performed; rewards and recognition systems to be used. It is important to note that,
depending on the scope of the project, there may be other circumstances to consider such as
government and/or regulatory compliance issues, organizational health and safety, etc.
Day-to-day management of the project staff for [Project Name] is the responsibility of the Senior
Project Director and designated functional managers. Performance evaluations, performance
issues and recognition, promotions, and disciplinary actions are the responsibility of the state
staff respective organizational chain of command.
Human Resource Plan
[Project Name]
Staff Acquisition
The Senior Project Director, with support from the Executive Sponsor, will negotiate with
functional and department managers to identify and assign resources in accordance with the
project organizational structure approved in the project charter. This plan shall also identify
various external sourcing mechanisms to hire new project resources. All resources and their
anticipated project assignment timeframe must be approved by the appropriate
functional/department manager before the resource may begin any project work. The project
team must be co-located at the [Project Name] site.
Resource Calendars
The [Project Name] Project will last for {insert timeline}. The chart below provides an estimate
of the number of resources required per month for the project.
Though vendors are important and are used to implement project products, the State has
responsibility for overall review and approval for work produced by vendors. Additionally,
Human Resource Plan
[Project Name]
knowledge transfer of vendor expertise to State staff is required on all projects throughout the
project lifecycle, rather than waiting to transition information at the end of a project.
Staff Training
When new staff joins the project, the Senior Project Director (or delegated project staff) will
provide a project orientation. The orientation should include discussions related to the following
Background of the Project
Current Status of the Project
Specific Job Duties and Expectations
Introduction to the Staff and Consultants
Overview of the Facility and Infrastructure
Overview of the Project Processes, including time reporting, attendance, and status
Performance Reviews
The functional manager will review each team members assigned work activities at the onset of
the project and communicate all expectations of work to be performed. The functional manager
will then evaluate each team member throughout the project to evaluate their performance and
how effectively they are completing their assigned work. Prior to releasing project resources, the
project manager will meet with the appropriate functional manager and provide feedback on
employee project performance. The functional managers will then perform a formal performance
review on each team member.
Human Resource Plan
[Project Name]
(This section should be modified for best application to specific projects. Include all project team
members that should have some level of authority regarding document review and approval.)
Approved by:
___________________________________________ Date:____________________
<Approvers Name>
[Project Name] Executive Sponsor
___________________________________________ Date:____________________
<Approvers Name>
[Project Name] Business Sponsor
___________________________________________ Date:____________________
<Approvers Name>
[Project Name] Project Director/Manager
___________________________________________ Date:____________________
<Approvers Name>
[Project Name] Stakeholder