UGM TipsTricksforusingGlyphWorks Munson

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2013 nCode User Group Meeting - April 30, 2013

Tips and Tricks for Using nCode

Kurt Munson
HBM nCode Products
Where is That One Glyph?
Click on the glyph palette.
Type the first letter of the glyph youre
looking for.
Glyph is automatically highlighted.
Hit letter key again to cycle through all
glyphs that start with that letter.

Glyph Tool Tips
All glyphs have descriptions given as tool tips.
Hover the cursor over a glyph to see a description of what this glyph does.
Glyph Palette Search
The glyph palette includes search capability to find glyphs based on
keywords like rosette or vibration.
The glyph description is searched for this keyword not just the name
of the glyph.
Customizing the Glyph Palette
Create your own glyph palette with your own collections of glyphs.
Saving Glyphs
Any glyph can be saved to any glyph palette.
This enables user-configured glyphs like My
PSD to be saved for easy re-use.
Create your own glyphs and reuse or share!

Save your own glyph!

Adding and Connecting New Glyphs
Drag new glyph directly onto pad to get glyph and the connected pipe.
Watch for the yellow light to indicate that a connection can be made.

Inserting Glyphs
Drag and drop from the glyph palette, or.
Right click Insert Glyph

Connecting Glyphs
Right click on a pad and select Connect.
A list of possible connections is shown.
This makes it easier to connect glyphs that are far apart.

Pad Tooltips
Mouse over a glyphs pad to learn about its content.

Rename Glyphs
Rename glyphs as a reminder of their purpose.

User-defined Information on Glyphs
Describe a glyph in your own words.
Right click and select Info., then enter a description.
View this information by clicking on the Info button.

Keyboard Shortcuts
CTRL + A : select all glyphs
CTRL + C: copy
CTRL + X: cut
CTRL + V: paste
CTRL + Z: undo
CTRL + R: run process
CTRL + N: new process
CTRL + O: open process
CTRL + S: save process

Additional Windows

Property Editor: allows quick access to glyph properties

Diagnostics: reports run time messages

Matrix View of Available Data
Matrix view turns the Available Data window into a table of channels (in
rows) and tests (in columns)
Select channels and drag in to work on that data

nCode Viewer

Plot with nCode Viewer

Preferences for Displays
Save the configuration of displays as your preferred set-up.
Define how you want the display to look and then save it with right mouse
option Save configuration.
Includes separate configurations in XYDisplay for time series, histogram,
and multi-column data.
nCode Viewer: Launch from Windows Explorer

Double click on data file to

launch nCode Viewer

All channels in this file

Double Click on a Data File to View

Other file types can be associated with nCode

Viewer using FileAssociation.exe.
Free nCode Viewer

Download from:
Double Click on .FLO to Open nCode and the Process

2012 nCode Products User Group Meeting - Novi, MI

Process Save Options
Save Process saves all the glyphs, pipes, and
The process is saved as a .flo file.
The process is a template for processing more
data in the future.

Save Process With Data also saves the results

that flow through the process.
The process is saved as a .fdb file.
The process includes the current data filenames.

Package Process and Data saves the process and

all data files into a portable package.
The process and data are saved as a .zip file.
Makes it easy to share with a colleague.

Adding to the Available Data Window
To open files in multiple folders:
Select Open Data Files, then Recurse sub-folders

Channel Details
Quick statistics report:
Right click on a test or channel and select Details.

Export as CSV or Copy to other applications look for this on other glyphs too.
Save Available Data Window Content
Save to Test List File makes it easy to repopulate the Available Data
Window next time.

Saving Files in an Input Glyph
Use SaveTestList to keep track of input files.
This input glyph will now remember which input files it contains.
The process will now contain input files when reopened.

Select Sections to Analyze
Mark sections in the TimeSeriesInput glyph using CTRL + left click
Only highlighted data is passed downstream
Can have multiple sections, which are concatenated together
Sections can be moved with orange drag handles

Combining Multiple Tests
Concatenate multiple tests into a single test using TimeSeriesInputs
CombineAllTests = True

Collate Results in Metadata Display
Create a collated table of statistical results for all tests.

Refresh Button on MetadataDisplay
Update displayed metadata without rerunning the process.
Good debugging tool when a process wont run as expected.

Using Metadata in Glyph Properties

Metadata can be used as glyph properties.

Available metadata are shown by picklist.
Example: Arithmetic glyph can remove the mean from each channel by using
Channel references are not needed, but can be used.
#Mean# = mean of every channel separately
#Chan1.Mean# = mean of channel 1

Metadata set name (for example, Attributes) is not needed:

#Attributes.Mean# is the same as #Mean#

Metadata are case INSENSITIVE. 31

Using Metadata in the Test Splitter
TestSplitter glyph can use metadata to find channels
Example: any channel with units containing strain

Collating Data for Display
Select Collate Data to keep all displayed results if working with multiple
separate tests.

Results from all 3 tests

3 tests Pick which results are displayed with the
Channel Selection dialog
Disabling Data Flow
Individual pipes can be disabled to control data flow.
Example: Dont write out new time series until viewing before and
after displays.

Highlighted pipe indicates that

its been disabled.

Viewing the Workspace

Workspace zoom slider

Full screen button (or use F9)

Help on Property
All glyph properties are help-enabled.
Right click and select Help on property to learn more.

nCode Worked Examples

GlyphWorks includes 24 worked examples.

DesignLife includes 21 worked examples.
Each worked example includes sample data and step-by-step instructions.
Fatigue Theory Guides

The nCode install theory guides for both GlyphWorks and DesignLife.
Look under Manuals Contents.

nCode Training

Tech Support

nCode technical support

248 945 4366

[email protected]

Thank you!

Kurt Munson
Engineering Manager

(248) 945 4366
[email protected]

measure and predict with confidence

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