CV IavazzoRaffaele 01 2017

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First name and surname RAFFAELE IAVAZZO

Address via P.Borsellino n.8, 81030, Parete (CE)
Telephone number 081/5035785 cell. 344-20-27-739(recapito principale)
E-mail address [email protected]

Nationality Italiana

Date and place of birth January 22nd, 1985 - Villaricca (NA)


1. Dates (from to) From April 06th, 2016 - INTECS Solutions

Employers name SPA(in Naples)
and locality

Type of business Information technology

and sector

Main activities and SW Developer and RAMS Engineer.

Since April 2016: RAMS engineer at Ansaldo
STS(in Naples)


Testing and analysis: White-box testing,

system testing, non regression analysis;

Programming language: ansi C:

Tools: Ciro, beyond compare, source

insight, logiscope;


Testing and analysis: (White-box testing,

system testing, non regression analysis);

programming language: ansi C:

Tools: Ciro, beyond compare, source

insight, logiscope;
2. Dates (from to) From September 07th, 2015 to February 29th, 2016
Employers name Capgemini BST (in Naples)
and locality

Type of business Information technology

and sector

Main activities and Internship on computer programming ABAP/SAP,

responsibilities Monday - Friday , 9:00-18:00.



3. Dates (from to) From November 20th, 2004 to August 30th, 2011
Employers name
Call Center Western union, Via Vittorio Emanuele Parete (CE)
and locality Small Family Business Company

Type of business Services

and sector

Main activities and Full time Company Owner and Manager, Monday - Friday
responsibilities 8:00-18:00

1. Dates (from to) From April 2013 to July 2015

Education or training Seconda Universit degli Studi di Napoli Engineering University

Aversa (CE), at the Industrial and Information Engineering
Organisations name Department
and locality

Principal subjects Tecnichal subjects/Computer and Science subkjects: Ingegneria del software e
covered or skills sistemi informativi , Architettura dei calcolatori, Metodi di ottimizzaizone,
acquired Sistemi Distribuiti, Optoelettronica e Sensoristica, Tecnologie
elettromagnetiche e fotoniche per sistemi di trasmissione, Ingegnerie della
conoscenza e sistemi esperti, Trasmissione ed elaborazione numerica dei
segnali, Controlli automatici, Protocolli e sicurezza nei sistemi di rete,
elettonica dei sistemi digitali

IT Engineering Desk Degree Thesis (IT elaboration systems)

Thesis Content and Title : Safety Requisites Modeling for Complex
Software Systems
Rapporteur Professor: Prof. re Massimo Ficco
Computer Engineering Masters Degree (field: IT elaboration systems)
awarded Profile: Computer Engineer Final mark 110/110 cum laude

2. Dates (from to) From 2004 to 2013 (concomintantly with the working
experience previously described-- Call Center Western union)
Education or training
Organisations name Seconda Universit degli Studi di Napoli Engineering University
and locality
Aversa (CE), at the Industrial and Information Engineering

Principal subjects
covered or skills Tecnichal subjects/Computer and Science subkjects: Matematica e fisica 0,
acquired Matematica 1, Matematica 2, Matematica 3, Fisica 1, Fisica 2, Fisica tecnica,
Economia aziendale, Elettrotecnica 1,Elettrotecnica 2, Analisi dei sistemi,
Controlli automatici 1, Telecomunicazioni1, Telecomunicaizoni 2, Algoritmi
e strutture dati, Ingegneria del software, sistemi web e basi di dati, calcolatori
elettronici, reti di calcolatori, reti logiche ed interfacciamentodi sistemi a
microprocessore, Inglese, Programmazione ad oggetti(java), Sistemi
operativi, Elementi di programmazione(c/c++), Fondamenti di elettronica 1,
Fondamenti di elettronica 2, Campi elettromagnetici, Misure elettroniche,
Tecnologie dei sistemi di controllo, Microelettronica, Elettronica dei sistemi
IT Engineering Desk Degree Thesis (IT elaboration systems)
Thesis Content and Title Safety and Reliability of Wireless webs.
Rapporteur Professor: Francesco Palmieri
Computer Engineering Bachelors Degree (field: IT elaboration systems
Qualification Profile: Computer Engineering Bachelor Graduate
awarded Final mark: 96/110

3. Dates (from to) From September 1999 to July 2004

Education or
training Enrico Fermi High School - Aversa(CE)
Organisations name
and locality

Principal subjects Scientific studies: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Celestial

covered or skills Mechanics, Italian, Latin, History, Philosophy, English, Design e Art
acquired History, Religion, Gym.
Qualification Scientific High School Final mark: 84/100

EQF Level
High School


Dates (from to) From March 09th, 2015 to April 09th,2015 during my Masters Degree
Type of business
and sector Internship at the Engineering University in Aversa (CE) at the
Industrial and Information Engineering Department
Internship goals Analisys and Modeling of Safety in cloud fields

from September 2012 to January 2013- done during the Bachelors Degree
Dates (from to)

Type of business Internship at the Engineering University in Aversa (CE) at the

and sector Industrial and Information Engineering Department

Internship goals Analisys and Modeling of Safety in Wireless Systems


Dates (from to) From September 21th, 2016 to September 23th,2016 at Intecs Solutions

Type of course CENELEC EN50128,EN50126, EN50129

Other language ENGLISH
Reading GOOD
Writing GOOD
Speaking GOOD

Excellent knowledge of Programming Languages: C,C++, JAVA,
Good knowledge SQL
Good knowledge Office programmes(powerpoint/excel)
Good knowledge Operative systems Windows and linux
Good knowledge of problems and technologies concerning security
in Software Online systems.
Excellent knowledge of software design: UML
Excellent knowledge of conceptual design DB: schermi ER
Good knowledge of concepts and methodologies concerning test
and valdation of softwares, testing in particular

ORGANIZATIONAL/ Very good skills in team working, in cultural settings and in situations in
MANAGERIAL which every group member can usefully contribute to achieve good results. I
SKILLS have developed this skills during my work experiences and internships.

SKILLS Very good writing and reading skills

OTHER SKILLS Experiences developed in social fields


ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONS I am resourceful, dynamic and ambitious. I have remarkable organizational

skills and I am able to successfully work in team and under stress.

I authorise the handling of my personal data pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Code
Legislative Decree n. 196/2003.

Parete December 2016 RAFFAELE IAVAZZO

Pagina 4 - Curriculum vitae di
[Iavazzo Raffaele ]

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