Didactic Relation Model PDF
Didactic Relation Model PDF
Didactic Relation Model PDF
- What are you interested in learning today? Do you have any questions for
today? What is your prerequisites for learning today (did you have a good night
of sleep, do you have your own working desk, is the time frustrating you etc.)?
Children are 2 years one girls is from Iran, the other two from
Denmark normally not engaging in these activities (maybe not
interested, maybe they do not have any skills?)
- Documentation?
How far in the process of learning to throw and catch a ball are they? Where they
interested in this kind of play with balls
Video recording the activity, write the effects in the children’s file
27. april 2020
Important acknowledgements
The model is not designed to manage and control praxis
- If you want the children to do crafts, make it yourself and show the process.
- Record yourself explaining the activity, as if it was for the children