Zensei-Embedded, Multi-Electrode Bioimpedance Sensing For Implicit, Ubiquitous User Recognition
Zensei-Embedded, Multi-Electrode Bioimpedance Sensing For Implicit, Ubiquitous User Recognition
Zensei-Embedded, Multi-Electrode Bioimpedance Sensing For Implicit, Ubiquitous User Recognition
Figure 1. Zensei enables effortless and uninterrupted user identification and personalization with almost any object, such as a smartphone.
Figure 2. Three prototypes of Hand Pad, Chair, and Figure 3. Electrode demultiplexing and ground electrode rotation.
Smartphone, and their electrode arrangements.
To evaluate the overall performance of the system, we per-
Return Signal
formed a hold-one-day-out validation by training our classifier
on 21 days of data and testing on the remaining day for every
Microcontroller ADC Scaling
combination of days and averaging the results of all combina-
Commands Data
tions. As shown in Table 1, the more constrained arrangements
(hand pad) tend to outperform those with more user variabil-
Personal Computer
ity. Additionally, the chair showed lower performance likely
Data Storage Visualizer Classifier because of the strong influence of the subjects clothing in
the collected signal. Overall, the high accuracies and low
Figure 4. Zensei system block diagram. FAR prove promising considering the realistic long-term and
variable scenarios in which the data was collected.
sensing with somewhat variable touch behavior due to user
Table 1. Classification Accuracy
posture and changes in clothing (chair), and variable sens- Hand Pad Phone Chair !
ing with highly variable user touch behavior (smartphone) as Classification Accuracy (SD) 96.0% (2.41%) 88.5% (5.51%) 78.6% (7.71%) !
shown in Figures 1 and 2 as well as the Video Figure. FAR (SD) 0.37% (0.20%) 1.04% (0.51%) 2.05% (0.83%)
FRR (SD) 3.97% (2.41%) 11.47% (5.50%) 21.30% (7.88%)
To prepare the data for classification, the thirty vectors of 150
frequency response values were first smoothed using a moving DEMONSTRATION
average filter (n=5). It was empirically determined that good In this highly interactive demonstration, we will set up all three
performance was achieved by feeding just this smoothed data of our arrangements next to each other (hand pad, phone, and
into an SVM classifier with Polynomial Kernel (E = 1.0, C = chair) for training and real-time classification on an attached
1.0). We trained our classifier using SMO implementation in laptop computer as shown in the Video Figure, with a mini-
WEKA Toolkit. mum of three participants trained on any given arrangement.
We have presented a technique to augment objects to enable au-
Various applications can be realized with Zenseis versatile tomatic personalization through wide-spectrum bioimpedance
user recognition technology. Specifically, it is particularly sensing of the human body. We developed a multi-electrode
useful for casual biometrics. When an individual wants to sensing system and evaluated it with three form-factors with
gain access to a system such as an informational kiosk, they six electrodes each. We then proposed diverse interaction
just need to place a hand on a hand-shaped pad. As Zensei scenarios to highlight the capability of sensing technology
uses multiple embedded electrodes for sensing, users could along with a long-term evaluation with promising results. We
grab a doorknob in a certain way to unlock the door (Video hope Zensei will be a useful tool for designing more seamless
Figure). By doing this, we can create a powerful user-specific customized user interactions with a variety of objects.
key that is a combination of physiological and behavioral
features. Furthermore, users can generate multiple temporary REFERENCES
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impedance tomography). Annu. Rev. Biomed. Eng. 8
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on each arrangement) to evaluate their classification accuracies
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5. Sato, M., Poupyrev, I., and Harrison, C. Touche:
its circuit board had malfunctioned and had to be switched.
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and everyday objects. In Proc. CHI 12, 483492.
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