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Service Manual

Track excavator

Machine model 8003

Edition 2.0
Language English
Article number 1000132826

Description Order no.

Operator's Manual 1000125556

Service manual 1000132826

Spare parts list Up to serial no. AD07187 1000137282

From serial no. AH00611 1000181117

Copyright 2008 Wacker Neuson Linz GmbH, Linz-Leonding

Printed in Austria
All rights reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic
or mechanical including photocopying, recording, taping or information storage or retrieval systems without prior
permission in writing from the manufacturer.
The cover features the machine with possible optional equipment.

Wacker Neuson Linz GmbH

Haidfeldstr. 37
A-4060 Linz-Leonding
Document: SERV-HB 8003 EN
Order no.: 1000132826
Edition: 2.0
Table of contents
Table of contents

Table of contents
Important information on this service manual .......................................................... 1-1
Abbreviations/symbols ....................................................................................... 1-1
Identification of warnings and dangers .................................................................... 1-2
Designated use and exemption from liability ........................................................... 1-3
Type labels and component numbers ...................................................................... 1-4
Serial number .................................................................................................... 1-4
Cab number ....................................................................................................... 1-4
Engine number .................................................................................................. 1-4
Hydraulic pump number .................................................................................... 1-5
Control valve number ........................................................................................ 1-5
Travelling drive number ..................................................................................... 1-5
Swivel unit number ............................................................................................ 1-5
Machine overview .................................................................................................... 1-6
Cab overview ........................................................................................................... 1-7
Cab (legend) ............................................................................................................ 1-9
Instrument panel overview ..................................................................................... 1-10
Instrument panel (legend) ...................................................................................... 1-12
Engine compartment up to serial no. AD07187 (overview) ................................... 1-13
Engine compartment from serial no. AH00611 (overview) .................................... 1-14
Chassis overview ................................................................................................... 1-15
Tilting the cab ........................................................................................................ 1-16
Summer/winter operation ....................................................................................... 1-18
Turning the auxiliary hydraulics/boom swivel pedal around .................................. 1-19
Chassis .................................................................................................................... 2-1
Engine ...................................................................................................................... 2-1
Hydraulic system ..................................................................................................... 2-4
Undercarriage and swivel unit ................................................................................. 2-5
Stabiliser blade ........................................................................................................ 2-5
Electric system ......................................................................................................... 2-5
Noise levels ............................................................................................................. 2-7
Vibration ................................................................................................................... 2-7
Coolant compound table .......................................................................................... 2-8
Model-specific tightening torques ............................................................................ 2-8
General tightening torques ...................................................................................... 2-8
Dimensions model 8003 ........................................................................................ 2-13
Lift capacity table 8003 .......................................................................................... 2-14
Lift capacity table 8003 with long stick ................................................................... 2-15
Lift capacity table 8003 with counterweight ........................................................... 2-16
Lift capacity table 8003 with long stick and counterweight .................................... 2-17
Lift capacity table 8003 Vario (option) ................................................................... 2-18
Kinematics ............................................................................................................. 2-19
Fluids and lubricants ................................................................................................ 3-1
Maintenance label .................................................................................................... 3-3
Maintenance plan (overview) ................................................................................... 3-5
Service package ...................................................................................................... 3-9
Introduction .............................................................................................................. 3-9
Fuel system ........................................................................................................... 3-10
General ............................................................................................................ 3-11
Refuelling from barrels .................................................................................... 3-11
Engine lubrication system ...................................................................................... 3-14
Checking the oil level ....................................................................................... 3-14

SERV-HB 8003 EN - Edition 2.0 * I-1

Table of contents

Cooling system ...................................................................................................... 3-18

Checking the coolant level ............................................................................... 3-19
Filling up coolant .............................................................................................. 3-20
Air filter ................................................................................................................... 3-21
V-belt ...................................................................................................................... 3-24
Pressure check ...................................................................................................... 3-27
Test report .............................................................................................................. 3-32
Hydraulic system .................................................................................................... 3-35
Travelling drive ....................................................................................................... 3-40
Chains .................................................................................................................... 3-41
Lubrication work ..................................................................................................... 3-43
Electric system ....................................................................................................... 3-46
Cab ........................................................................................................................ 3-49
General maintenance work .................................................................................... 3-50
When using washing solvents ......................................................................... 3-50
When using compressed air ............................................................................ 3-50
When using a high-pressure cleaner or steam jet ........................................... 3-50
When using volatile and easily flammable anticorrosion agents and sprays: .. 3-50
Cleaning the seat belt: ..................................................................................... 3-51
Engine 4TNV98-VNS (up to serial no. AD07187 American Tier 2) .......................... 4-1
Fuel system .............................................................................................................. 4-3
Removing the valve cover ........................................................................................ 4-4
Checking and adjusting valve clearance .................................................................. 4-4
Tightening order for cylinder head bolts ................................................................... 4-6
Checking the injection nozzles ................................................................................. 4-7
Checking the nozzle jet ............................................................................................ 4-7
Injection time ............................................................................................................ 4-8
Adjusting engine revs ............................................................................................. 4-10
Compression .......................................................................................................... 4-10
Checking the coolant thermostat ........................................................................... 4-10
Checking the thermal switch .................................................................................. 4-11
Oil pressure switch ................................................................................................. 4-11
Checking the coolant circuit ................................................................................... 4-12
Engine 4TNV98-ZVNS from serial no. AH00611 .................................................. 4-13
Fuel system ............................................................................................................ 4-15
Removing the valve cover ...................................................................................... 4-16
Checking and adjusting valve clearance ................................................................ 4-16
Tightening order for cylinder head bolts ................................................................. 4-18
Checking the injection nozzles ............................................................................... 4-19
Checking the nozzle jet .......................................................................................... 4-19
Injection time .......................................................................................................... 4-20
Compression .......................................................................................................... 4-23
Checking the coolant thermostat ........................................................................... 4-23
Checking the thermal switch .................................................................................. 4-24
Oil pressure switch ................................................................................................. 4-24
Checking the coolant circuit ................................................................................... 4-24
Engine trouble ........................................................................................................ 4-25
Electronic engine control (E-ECU) ......................................................................... 4-27
Engine error codes ................................................................................................. 4-28
Error diagnosis ....................................................................................................... 4-32
Automatic revs setting ............................................................................................ 4-90
Automatic revs setting enabled ........................................................................ 4-90
Hydraulic system
Hydraulic pump AP2D36LV3RS6-874-P ................................................................. 5-1
Main valve block ...................................................................................................... 5-6

I-2 SERV-HB 8003 EN - Edition 2.0 *

Table of contents

Drive counterbalancing system .............................................................................. 5-13

Boom raise summation .......................................................................................... 5-15
Boom check valve (load retaining valve) ............................................................... 5-16
Stick ram summation ............................................................................................. 5-17
Stick check valve (load retaining valve) ................................................................. 5-18
Pilot valves ............................................................................................................. 5-19
Valves .................................................................................................................... 5-25
Pressure cutoff valve ............................................................................................. 5-27
Travelling drive up to serial no. AC 02956 ............................................................. 5-32
Auto2Speed drive from serial no. AC 02957 ......................................................... 5-34
Swivel unit .............................................................................................................. 5-37
Swivel joint ............................................................................................................. 5-43
Breather filter ......................................................................................................... 5-44
Troubleshooting in the hydraulic system ............................................................... 5-45
Hydraulics diagram A4 ........................................................................................... 5-46
Hydraulics diagram (legend) .................................................................................. 5-47
Hydraulics diagram ................................................................................................ 5-48
Options diagram 1 ................................................................................................. 5-49
Options diagram 2 ................................................................................................. 5-50
Main valve block diagram ...................................................................................... 5-51
Electric system
Ohm's Law (current, voltage, resistance); power ..................................................... 6-1
Measuring equipment, measuring methods ............................................................. 6-1
Cable colour coding ................................................................................................. 6-3
Relays ...................................................................................................................... 6-3
Electric units ............................................................................................................ 6-4
Fuse box on the instrument panel up to serial no. AD07187 ................................... 6-4
Main fuse box with relays up to serial no. AD07187 ................................................ 6-4
Relays up to serial no. AD07187 ............................................................................. 6-5
Fuse box on the instrument panel from serial no. AH00611 .................................... 6-5
Main fuse box with relays from serial no. AH00611 ................................................. 6-6
ECU from serial no. AH00611 ................................................................................. 6-7
Socket ...................................................................................................................... 6-7
Joystick tip switches ................................................................................................ 6-8
Instrument panel overview ....................................................................................... 6-9
Switches: overview ................................................................................................ 6-10
Alternator ............................................................................................................... 6-11
Starter .................................................................................................................... 6-11
Wiring diagram A4 up to serial no. AD07187 (legend) .......................................... 6-13
Wiring diagram A4 up to serial no. AD07187 ......................................................... 6-14
Wiring diagram A4 from serial no. AH00611 (legend) ........................................... 6-15
Wiring diagram A4 (1) from serial no. AH00611 ................................................... 6-16
Wiring diagram A4 (2) from serial no. AH00611 ................................................... 6-17
Engine chassis A4 wiring harness 1000116497 up to serial no. AD07187 (legend) ..
Engine chassis A4 wiring harness 1000116497 up to serial no. AD07187 ........ 6-19
Engine chassis A4 wiring harness 1000173970 from serial no. AH00611 (legend) ...
Engine chassis A4 wiring harness 1000173970 from serial no. AH00611 ......... 6-21
Wiring harness 1000125106 switches A4 (legend) ............................................... 6-22
Wiring harness 1000125106 switches A4 .............................................................. 6-23
Wiring harness 1000109629: cab roof ................................................................... 6-24
Wiring harness 1000109628: armrest .................................................................... 6-25
Wiring harness 1000116138: boom working light .................................................. 6-26
Wiring diagram A3 up to serial no. AD07187 (legend) .......................................... 6-29
Wiring diagram A3 up to serial no. AD07187 ......................................................... 6-30

SERV-HB 8003 EN - Edition 2.0 * I-3

Table of contents

Wiring diagram A4 from serial no. AH00611 (legend) ........................................... 6-31

Wiring diagram A4 (1) from serial no. AH00611 ................................................... 6-32
Wiring diagram A4 (2) from serial no. AH00611 ................................................... 6-33
Engine chassis A3 wiring harness 1000109624 up to serial no. AD07187 (legend) ..
Engine chassis A3 wiring harness 1000109624 up to serial no. AD07187 ......... 6-35
Engine chassis A3 wiring harness 1000173970 from serial no. AH00611 (legend) ...
Engine chassis A3 wiring harness 1000173970 from serial no. AH00611 ......... 6-37
Wiring harness 1000125106 switches A3 (legend) ................................................ 6-38
Wiring harness 1000125106 switches A3 .............................................................. 6-39
Wiring harness 1000109629: cab roof A3 .............................................................. 6-40
Wiring harness 1000109628: armrest A3 .............................................................. 6-41
Wiring harness 1000116138: boom working light A3 ............................................. 6-42
Air conditioning ........................................................................................................ 7-1
Air-suspension seat ................................................................................................. 7-9
Counterweight .......................................................................................................... 7-9
Long stick ................................................................................................................. 7-9
Control circuit (pipework) connections for grab ...................................................... 7-10
3rd control circuit connections ............................................................................... 7-10
Auxiliary hydraulics connections ............................................................................ 7-11
Neuson Vario ......................................................................................................... 7-13
Fuel-filling pump ..................................................................................................... 7-17
Refuel with the fuel-filling pump 11/A as follows: ............................................. 7-17
Refuel with the fuel-filling pump 14/A as follows: ............................................. 7-17
Central lubrication system ...................................................................................... 7-19
Service valve .......................................................................................................... 7-23
Safe load indicator D (safety valve for boom) ........................................................ 7-24
Safe load indicator F (safety valves for boom and stick) ....................................... 7-26
3rd control circuit .................................................................................................... 7-29
Triple articulation boom .......................................................................................... 7-30
Electric auxiliary hydraulics .................................................................................... 7-31
Auxiliary hydraulics shock cartridge ....................................................................... 7-32
3rd control circuit shock cartridge .......................................................................... 7-33
Drive interlock (antitheft protection) ....................................................................... 7-34
Quickhitch .............................................................................................................. 7-36
Proportional controls .............................................................................................. 7-37

I-4 SERV-HB 8003 EN - Edition 2.0 *



1 Operation
1.1 Important information on this service manual
This service manual contains important information on how to service your machine safely,
correctly and economically. Therefore, it aims not only at new operators, but it also serves
as a reference for experienced ones. Your knowledge and skills will help to avoid
dangerous situations and reduce repair costs and downtimes. Furthermore, the reliability
and the service life of the machine will be increased by following the instructions in the
service manual.
Careful and prudent working is the best way to avoid accidents!
Operational safety and readiness of the machine do not only depend on your skill, but also
on maintenance and servicing of the machine.
Insist on using original spare parts when carrying out maintenance and repair work. This
ensures operational safety and readiness of your machine, and maintains its value.
Your Wacker Neuson After-Sales Service will be pleased to answer any further questions
regarding the machine or the service manual.

This symbol stands for a list
Subdivision within lists or an activity. Follow the steps in the recommended sequence
This symbol requires you to carry out the activity described
Description of the effects or results of an activity
n. s. = not shown
Option = optional equipment
Stated whenever controls or other components of the machine are installed as an option.

A combination of digits, or a combination of digits and letters, e.g. 40/18 or 40/A used for
identifying the control elements, means:
Figure no. 40/control element no. 18 or position A in figure no. 40
Figures carry no numbers if they are placed to the left of the text.

1-1 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


1.2 Identification of warnings and dangers

Important indications regarding the safety of the staff and the machine are identified in this
Service Manual with the following terms and symbols:

Failure to observe the instructions identified by this symbol can result in
personal injury or death for the operator or other persons.
Measures for avoiding danger

Failure to observe the instructions identified by this symbol can result in
damage to the machine.
Measures for avoiding danger for the machine

This symbol identifies instructions for a more efficient and economical use of the

Failure to observe the instructions identified by this symbol can result in damage to the
environment. The environment is in danger if environmentally hazardous material (e.g.
waste oil) is not subject to proper use or disposal.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 1-2


1.3 Designated use and exemption from liability

The machine is intended for:
moving earth, gravel, coarse gravel or ballast and rubble as well as for
working with the attachments mentioned in chapter Fields of application
Every other application is regarded as not designated for the use of the machine.
Wacker Neuson Linz GmbH will not be liable for damage resulting from use other
than mentioned above. The user alone will bear the risk. Designated use also
includes observing the instructions set forth in the Operator's Manual and observing
the maintenance and service conditions.
The safety of the machine can be negatively affected by carrying out machine
modifications without proper authority and by using spare parts, equipment,
attachments and optional equipment which have not been checked and released by
Wacker Neuson Linz GmbH. Wacker Neuson Linz GmbH will not be liable for damage
resulting from this
Wacker Neuson Linz GmbH shall not be liable for personal injury and/or damage to
property caused by failure to observe the safety instructions and the Operator's
Manual, and by the negligence of the duty to exercise due care when:
servicing and carrying out maintenance work and
repairing the machine. This is also applicable in those cases in which special
attention has not been drawn to the duty to exercise due care, in the safety
instructions, the Operator's Manuals and maintenance manuals (machine/engine).
Read and understand the Operator's Manual before starting up, servicing or repairing
the machine. Observe the safety instructions!
The machine may not be used for transport jobs on public roads

1-3 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


1.4 Type labels and component numbers

Serial number
The serial number is stamped on the machine chassis under the hydraulic pump. It is also
located on the type label.
The type label is located at the front right on the machine chassis (at cab level).

Fig. 1: Type label: location

Type label information

Model: 8003
Year: 2004
PIN: AC 000000
Power: 42.5 kW (57 hp)
Mass: 7960 kg (17549 lb)
Load: ---------------
Max. gross mass: ---------------
Max. axle load: ---------------
Fig. 2: Type label Other information see Specifications on page 2-1

Cab number
The type label (arrow) is located in the cab, on the upper front left chassis member.

Fig. 3: Cab type label

Engine number
The type label (arrow) is located on the valve cover (engine).

Example: Yanmar 46557

Fig. 4: Diesel engine number

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 1-4


Hydraulic pump number

The type label (arrow) is located on the hydraulic pump housing.

Fig. 5: Hydraulic pump type label

Control valve number

The type label (arrow) is located on the control valve.

Fig. 6: Main valve block type label

Travelling drive number

The type label (arrow) is located on the travelling drive.

Fig. 7: Travelling drive type label

Swivel unit number

The type label (arrow) is located on the swivel unit.

Fig. 8: Swivel unit type label

1-5 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


1.5 Machine overview

1 Boom light 2
2 Boom
3 Stick
Rubber chains
Steel chains (option) 3
5 Undercarriage 1
6 Stabiliser blade
7 Cab 8
8 Engine cover

5 6

2 9 Handles
10 Tank filler inlet
11 Device for counterweight (option)
12 Exhaust pipe
10 12


9 4

Fig. 9: Machine outside views

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 1-6


1.6 Cab overview

Up to serial no.: AD07187

27 25 26 28 30 29

1 24

2 23





9 6


7 8


14 15


11 12

17 16

1-7 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


From serial no.: AH00611

27 25 26 28 30 29

1 31

2 24




9 6


7 8


14 15


11 12

17 16

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 1-8


1.7 Cab (legend)

Pos. Description
1 Cover for hammer pedal
2 Hammer pedal
3 Control lever (left)
4 Control lever (right)
5 Control lever base (left)
6 Control lever base (right)
7 Armrest (left)
8 Armrest (right)
9 Lever horizontal seat adjustment
10 Lever horizontal seat adjustment with control lever base
11 Air vent (rear window, on the left)
12 Air vent (rear window, on the right)
13 Radio (option)
14 Seat (backrest adjustment)
15 Seat belt (lock)
16 Cup holder
17 Bracket (storage box for documents)
18 Switch panel
19 Throttle
20 Fuse box
21 Preheating start switch
22 Cigarette lighter
23 Coolant temperature indicator
24 Round display element
25 Drive pedal (left)
26 Drive pedal (right)
27 Drive lever (left)
28 Drive lever (right)
29 Stabiliser blade pedal
30 Stabiliser blade lever
31 Vario warning light (option)

1-9 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


1.8 Instrument panel overview

Up to serial no.: AD07187

34 37




41 42

43 44 45 46 47 49 50 51 52

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 1-10


From serial no.: AH00611

37 38









P7 8


6 19

5 20
DP 1
DP2 DP23
DP1 DP24


43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

1-11 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


1.9 Instrument panel (legend)

Pos. Description
32 Air filter telltale (red)
33 Cold starter telltale (yellow)
34 Hydraulic oil filter telltale (red)
35 Telltale (red) hydraulic oil temperature
36 Telltale (red) alternator charge function
37 Engine oil pressure telltale (red)
38 Coolant temperature telltale (red)
39 Fuel level indicator
40 Safe load indicator telltale (red)
41 Hour meter
42 Coolant temperature indicator
43 High speed
44 Washer system
45 Working lights
46 Roof lights
47 Rotating beacon
48 Automatic revs setting
49 Ventilation
50 Air conditioning (option)
51 Safe load indicator (option)
52 Proportional controls (option)
53 Telltale (green) high speed enabled
54 Engine error telltale (red)

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 1-12


1.10 Engine compartment up to serial no. AD07187 (overview)

55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

Pos. Description For more information see page

55 Main valve block (underneath the cover) 5-6
56 Pressure cutoff valve 5-27
57 Hydraulic pump 5-1
58 Measurement ports 3-31
59 Water separator 3-12
60 Air filter 3-21
61 Oil dipstick 3-15
62 Engine 4-1
63 Expansion tank 3-19
64 Fan 4-1
65 Water/hydraulic oil radiator 3-18

1-13 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


1.11 Engine compartment from serial no. AH00611 (overview)

66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76

Pos. Description For more information see page

66 Pressure cutoff valve 5-27
67 Main valve block 5-6
68 Water separator 3-12
69 Hydraulic pump 5-1
70 Measurement ports 3-31
71 Air filter 3-21
72 Oil dipstick 3-15
73 Fuel filter (new) 3-13
74 Engine (American Tier III) 4-13
75 Expansion tank 3-19
76 Fan 4-1/4-13

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 1-14


1.12 Chassis overview



78 82




Pos. Description For more information see page

77 Position of main fuse box with relays 2-6
78 Battery 3-48
79 Main valve block 5-6
80 Gear motor 5-37
81 Pilot oil supply unit under the cover 5-1
82 Hydraulic oil tank with leak oil strip
83 Shuttle valve block 5-25
84 Fuel tank
85 Counterbalance valve 5-25

1-15 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


1.13 Tilting the cab

Careful when tilting the cab
Danger of accidents!
Always tighten screws A and C when driving and working with the machine.
Always close the door.
Stay clear from underneath the cab as you tilt it.
Switch off the engine.
Remove the ignition key.
Fold the control lever base (left) up.

Removing the screw

Unscrew the screw as follows:
Switch off the engine.
Remove the ignition key.
Fold the control lever base (left) up.
Raise floor mat B.
Unscrew screw A with a suitable tool.
A Screw A is located at the front right of the cab.
Unscrew screw C with a suitable tool.
B Screw C is located at the rear right of the cab.

Always close the door. Even if the door is secured in the open position with the
door arrester
Danger of accidents!
Always close the door before tilting the cab.
Should the door be open as you tilt the cab, do not actuate the door opener

Fig. 10: Cab floor screws

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 1-16


Tilting the cab

Proceed as follows:
E Insert tube D onto guide pin E and pump as far as it will go.
F (jack function)
The cab is raised as far as the pump will go.
Pull handle G until the cab is completely tilted beyond the centre of motion.
The cab is secured with safety cables H and I.
D Remove the split pin from bracket J.
Slide tilt rod K into guide L.
Secure tilt rod K with the split pin in guide L.
Tilting the cab down:
Remove the split pin from guide L.
Slide tilt rod K into bracket J.
H Secure tilt rod K with the split pin in bracket J.
Use handle G to lower the cab until it is back on the pump.
Insert tube D on pin F.
Slowly turn tube D counterclockwise (to the left).
The cab is lowered by its own weight.
The lift pump must be opened when driving with the machine (to prevent the
lift piston from touching the cab.)
Mount screws A (front) and C (rear) with suitable tools and the specific torque see
Tightening torques for high-resistance screw connections on page 2-11.

Check tilt rod K, the split pin and safety cables H and I at regular intervals for
cracks and cuts.
Replace defective parts immediately.


Fig. 11: Tilting the cab

1-17 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


1.14 Summer/winter operation

Adjust cab temperature as follows:

Position Function
A Summer operation Cools
B Winter operation Heating water circuit open
Open the engine compartment.
Turn the ball-type cock as described, to summer or winter operation.
Close the engine compartment.

Summer and winter operation does not depend on the season, adjust according to
your personal requirements.

Fig. 12: Heating adjustment

Preheated fresh air

Selection of cold or preheated fresh air in winter.

A deflector plate on the heater can be set to two different positions.

Fresh air: heater takes in air from outside the cab fig. 13.
Preheated fresh air: heater takes in air from the chassis fig. 14.

Fig. 13: Fresh air

Change from fresh air to preheated fresh air as follows:

Tilt the cab see Tilting the cab on page 1-16.
The deflector plate is located on the heater under the cab.
Slacken both fastening screws.
Reposition and fit the deflector plate back on again.
Tilt the cab back down again and secure it.

Fig. 14: Preheated fresh air

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 1-18


1.15 Turning the auxiliary hydraulics/boom swivel pedal around

The pedal for the auxiliary hydraulics/swivelling the boom can be rotated by 90.

Slacken 4 screws.
Rotate the pedal by 90.
Retighten the 4 screws.
The length of the hydraulic hoses is sufficient for easily rotating the pedal by 90.

Make sure the hydraulic hoses are not squeezed as you tilt the cab.

1-19 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *



2 Specifications
2.1 Chassis
Sturdy steel sheet chassis, rubber-mounted engine
2.2 Engine
Model 8003
European Tier 3A/
Engine American Tier 2
American Tier 3
(up to AD07187)
(from AH00611)
Product Yanmar diesel engine
Design Water-cooled 4 stroke diesel engine
No. of cylinders 4
Fuel injection system Direct injection
Aspiration Natural aspiration
Cooling system Water-cooled/aspirating fan
Lubrication system Force-feed lubrication with trochoidal pump
Displacement 3319 cm (202.5 cu in)
Nominal bore and stroke 98 x 110 mm (3.9 x 4.3)
42.5 kW at 2100 rpm 43.4 kW at 2100 rpm
(57 hp at 2100 rpm) (58.2 hp at 2100 rpm)
246.1 Nm at 1000 rpm 238.3 Nm at 1350 rpm
Max. torque
(181.5 ft. lbs. at 1000 rpm) (175.8 ft. lbs. at 1350 rpm)
Max. engine speed without 2290 25 rpm 2130 25 rpm
Idling speed 1100 25 rpm
Valve clearance (intake = 0.15 0.25 mm/0.006 0.01 (cold)
Compression 33.3 35.3 bar (483 512 psi) at 250 rpm
Engine oil pressure 2.9 3.9 bar (42.1 56.6 psi)
Pressure switch
0.5 0.1 bar (7.25 1.45 psi)
Engine oil pump
69.5 72.5 C (157.1 162.5 F)
Opening temperature
Thermal switch 107 113 C (224.6 235.4 F)
Firing order 1342
Direction of rotation
(as seen from the flywheel)
Sheathed-element heater
Glow plug
Starting aid plugs
(preheating time 15 s) (preheating time 15 s)

2-1 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Max. inclined position 25 in all directions 30 in all directions

Hill climbing ability Hill climbing ability
(engine no longer
(30/58 %) (30/58 %)
supplied with oil): of the machine! of the machine!
8.7 l/h/2.30 gph 8.0 l/h/2.11 gph
(without air conditioning)1 (without air conditioning)1
Fuel consumption
8.8 l/h/2.32 gph 8.5 l/h/2.25 gph
(with air conditioning)1 (with air conditioning)1
Specific fuel consumption 246 g/kWh/0.404 lb/hph 232 g/kWh/0.381 lb/hph
97/68/EC European Tier 2 97/68/EC European Tier 3A
Exhaust values according to
EPA Tier 2 EPA Tier 3
1. Values based on an average 70 % load of the excavator and a diesel fuel density of 0.83 kg/dm and cannot be used for comparison with
competitors. Specific fuel consumption should be used for this. The air conditioning system has been taken into account with 100 % operating
As a rule, the actual consumption in everyday work will be below the values indicated above.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 2-2


Fuel injection pump

Type American Tier 2 (up to European Tier 3A/American Tier
AD07187) 3 (from AH00611)
Design Single piston distributor injection pump
Injection pressure 216 226 bar (3133 3278 psi)
Revs control Mechanical Electronic
Lubrication system Engine oil lubrication

Model 8003
Capacities American Tier 2 (up to European Tier 3A/American
AD07187) Tier 3 (from AH00611)
Fuel tank 93 l (24.568 gal)
9.4 l/4.4 l 10.2 l/4.5 l
Engine oil (max./effect.)
(2.48/1.16 gal) (2.69/1.19 gal)
Coolant (without radiator) 4.2 l (1.11 gal)
Radiator 12 l (3.17 gal)
Expansion tank 1.5 l (0.40 gal)

Tightening torques

Tightening torques (Nm) Nm/ft. lbs.

Cylinder-head bolt 103.1 112.9/76.04 83.27 (M11x1.25)
Connecting rod bearing screw 53.9 58.8/39.75 43.37 (M10x1)
Main bearing screw 108.1 117.9/79.73 86.96 (M11x1.25)
Flywheel screw 186.2 205.8/137.33 151.79 (M14x1.5)

2-3 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


2.3 Hydraulic system

Hydraulics 8003
Double variable displacement pump + twin gear pump
American Tier 2
2 x 36 + 2 x 16 cm3 (2 x 2.2 + 2 x 1.0 cu in)
AP2D36LV3RS6-874-P (variable displacement pump)
(up to AD07187)
GSP2H-BOF16A16AR-A0-A627-0 (gear pump)
Pump European Tier Double variable displacement pump + twin gear pump
3A/American Tier
2 x 36 + 2 x 16.2 cm3 (2 x 2.2 + 2 x 1.0 cu in)
AP2D36LV3RS6-874-P (variable displacement pump)
(from AH00611)
GSP2H-BOF16A16AR-A0-A627-0 (gear pump)
American Tier 2 2 x 82.4 + 2 x 36.6 l/min
(up to AD07187) (2 x 22 + 2 x 10 gal/min) bei 2290 rpm
European Tier
Flow rate
3A/American Tier 2 x 76.7 + 2 x 34.5 l/min
(from AH00611) (2 x 20 + 2 x 9 gal/min) bei 2130 rpm
Control valve 12 sections/13 sections (3rd control circuit)
Max. service pressure 3005 bar (435173 psi)
Main pressure limiting valve for pumps 3003 bar (435144 psi)
P1, P2
Main pressure limiting valve for pumps 245-0/+3 bar (3553-0/+44 psi)
P3, P4
Secondary pressure limiting valve for 350 bar (5076 psi) at 20 l/min (5.3 gal/min)
main valve block (stabiliser blade 300 bar/4351 psi)
Main pressure limiting valve for pilot 32.5-0/+4 bar (471-0/+58 psi)
control pressure
Swivel unit main pressure limiting 2153 bar/311844 psi (at idling speed)
Pressure cutoff 145 bar (2103 psi)
Hydraulic oil cooler Standard
Hydraulic tank capacity 99 l (26 gal)
2nd speed shift pressure 180 bar (2611 psi)
Gear motor braking deceleration time 5-1.5/+1.5 s at 50 C/122 F oil temperature
European Tier 3A/
American Tier 2
American Tier 3
Circulation pressure P1 (max. revs) 12.0 bar (174 psi) 11.5 bar (167 psi)
Circulation pressure P2 (max. revs) 17.5 bar (254 psi) 17.0 bar (247 psi)
Circulation pressure P3 (max. revs) 21.5 bar (312 psi) 21.0 bar (305 psi)
Circulation pressure P4 (max. revs) 21.5 bar (312 psi) 21.0 bar (305 psi)

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 2-4


Auxiliary hydraulics oil flow*

Pressure European Tier 3A/Ameri-
American Tier 2
can Tier 3
bar (psi) l/min (gal/min) l/min (gal/min)
20 (290) 79 (20.9) 74 (19.5)
40 (580) 78 (20.6) 73 (19.3)
60 (870) 76.9 (20.3) 72 (19.0)
90 (1305) 76.1 (20.1) 71 (18.8)
120 (1740) 74.4 (19.7) 70 (18.5)
150 (2176) 73.7 (19.5) 69 (18.2)
180 (2611) 72.8 (19.2) 68 (18.0)
210 (3046) 68 (18.0) 64 (16.9)
240 (3481) 61.6 (16.3) 57 (15.09)
270 (3916) 55.9 (14.8) 52 (13.7)
300 (4351) 43.3 (11.4) 39 (10.3)
* Output indications for auxiliary hydraulics with unpressurised reflux line

Screwable hose burst valve

Location Thread Gap dimension

Stabiliser blade 1/2 2.4 mm (0.09)
see chapter 5.17 Hydraulics diagram A4 on page 5-46 item 23

2.4 Undercarriage and swivel unit

Undercarriage/swivel unit Model 8003
2 speed ranges 3.2/5.0 kph (1.99/3.11 mph)
Climbing ability 30/58 %
Chain width 450 mm (17.72)
No. of track rollers on either side 5
Ground clearance 375 mm (14.76)
Ground pressure 0.36 kg/cm (5.1 psi)
Upper carriage swivel speed 9.0 rpm

2.5 Stabiliser blade

Stabiliser blade Model 8003
Width/height 2300/500 mm (90.55/19.68)
Max. lift over/under subgrade 450/520 mm (17.72/20.47)

2.6 Electric system

Electric system
Alternator 12 V 55 A
Starter 12 V 2.3 kW (3.1 hp)
Battery 12 V 88 Ah
Socket E.g. for cigarette lighter; 15 A max.

2-5 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Fuse box in instrument panel

Fuse no. Rated current (A) Protected circuit

F3 10 A Indicators, engine relay, E-ECU
F4 10 A Boom light
F5 15 A Roof lights
F6 10 A Valves, horn
F7 15 A Heating, air conditioning
F8 10 A Wiper, interior light
F9 10 A Rotating beacon, radio
F10 15 A Socket, cigarette lighter
F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10

Fig. 1: Fuse box

Main fuse box with relays up to serial no. AD07187

The main fuse box is located under the cab.
K9 K5 F1 Relays up to serial no. AD07187

Rated current
Fuse no. Protected circuit
F1 40 A Start, preheat, cutoff solenoid
F2 50 A Fuel-filling pump, main fuse, ignition lock
Relay no. Protected circuit
Fig. 2: Relay box under the cab
K9 Cutoff solenoid switching relay
K5 Preheating high current relay

The relays are located in the relay box under the cab.

Switching relay no. Protected circuit

K7 K6 Preheating timer
K7 Starting relay
K8 Cutoff solenoid timer
V1 Cutoff solenoid recovery diode


Fig. 3: Relays

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 2-6


Main fuse box with relays from serial no. AH00611

Main fuse box X is located under the cab at the front right.

Fuse no. Rated current (A) Protected circuit

F1 40 A Start, preheat
F2 50 A Fuel-filling pump, main fuse, ignition lock
F11 10 A E-ECU, engine relay

Relay no.

Fig. 4: Main fuse box under the cab K1 Engine electronics main relay
K2 Fuel-filling pump relay
K2 K5 K7
K5 Preheating high current relay
K7 Start high current relay
F11 K42 Fuel injection pump relay
K1 V1 Blocking diode

2.7 Noise levels

Sound power level Model 8003
Sound power level (LWA) 101 dB (A)
Sound pressure level (LPA) 78 dB (A)

Measurement of sound power level according to EC Directive 2000/14 EC. Noise
level at the driver's ear measured according to EC Directives 84/532/EEC, 89/514/
EEC and 95/27/EEC. Measurements carried out on asphalted surface.

2.8 Vibration

Effective acceleration value for the upper < Trigger value
extremities of the body *
Effective acceleration value for the body * < Trigger value

* Measurements as per 2002/44/EC (excavating, driving and hammering with a Wacker Neuson hammer). Machine and attachment
operation and maintenance as per Operator's Manual.

2-7 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


2.9 Coolant compound table

Outside tempera- Coolant: Halvoline XLC (based on ethylene glycol)
ture Water Anticorrosion agent Antifreeze agent
% by cm/l
Up to C (F) % by volume % by volume
volume (in3/gal)
4 (39) 99
-10 (14) 79 20
-20 (-4) 65 10 (2.6) 1 34
-25 (-13) 59 40
-30 (-22) 55 44

2.10 Model-specific tightening torques

8003 Nm (ft. lbs.)

Live ring M14 10.9 180 (133)*
Track roller M16 10.9 275 (203)*
Drive pinion M14 10.9 180 (133)*
Travelling drive M14 10.9 180 (133)*
Gear motor M16 10.9 275 (203)*
Angled engine bracket M10 8.8 45 (33)
Engine bearing M10 8.8 45 (33)
Pump base M10 8.8 50 (37)
Pump M12 10.9 79 (58)
Swivel joint M10 10.9 64 (47)*
Counterweight/extra weight M20 8.8 290 (214)*
*) All connections with an * must be glued with Loctite S2420 or VaryBond 12-43.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 2-8


2.11 General tightening torques

Tightening torques for hydraulic screw connections (dry assembly)

Metric hose fittings for hydraulic applications (light execution, DKOL)

Nominal Outer Thread Wrench size torque
Nm (ft. lbs.)
05 6L M12X1.5 WS 14 15 (11)
06 8L M14X1.5 WS 17 20 (15)
08 10L M16X1.5 WS 19 40 (30)
10 12L M18X1.5 WS 22 50 (37)
12 15L M22X1.5 WS 27 75 (55)
16 18L M26X1.5 WS 32 85 (63)
20 22L M30X2 WS 36 100 (74)
25 28L M36X2 WS 41 180 (133)
32 35L M45X2 WS 55 220 (162)
Galvanised and dry surface (O-ring slightly oiled). Torque tolerance: -10 %
Values determined empirically and to be applied as approximate figures.

Metric hose fittings for hydraulic applications (heavy execution, DKOL)

Nominal Outer Thread Wrench size torque
Nm (ft. lbs.)
05 8S M16X1.5 WS 19 40 (30)
06 10S M18X1.5 WS 22 50 (37)
08 12S M20X1.5 WS 24 60 (44)
10 14S M22X1.5 WS 27 75 (55)
12 16S M24X1.5 WS 30 90 (66)
16 20S M30X2 WS 36 100 (74)
20 25S M36X2 WS 41 180 (133)
25 30S M42X2 WS 50 270 (199)
32 38S M52X2 WS 60 400 (295)
Galvanised and dry surface (O-ring slightly oiled). Torque tolerance: -10 %
Values determined empirically and to be applied as approximate figures.

2-9 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Screw connections with various seals for hydraulic applications

Light execution
Straight pipe fitting with thread and Non-return
screwed plug valve with
Thread Sealing elastic elastic aid
washer Seal Seal outside
Nm (ft. lbs.) Nm (ft. lbs.) Nm (ft. lbs.) Nm (ft. lbs.) mm ()
M10X1.0 9 (7) 18 (13) 15 (11) 18 (13) 10 (0.4)
M12X1.5 20 (15) 25 (18) 25 (18) 25 (18) 12 (0.5)
M14X1.5 35 (26) 45 (33) 35 (26) 35 (26) 14 (0.6)
M16X1.5 45 (33) 55 (41) 40 (30) 50 (37) 16 (0.6)
M18X1.5 55 (41) 70 (52) 45 (33) 70 (52) 18 (0.7)
M22X1.5 65 (48) 125 (92) 60 (44) 125 (92) 22 (0.9)
M27X2.0 90 (66) 180 (133) 100 (74) 145 (107) 27 (1.0)
M33X2.0 150 (111) 310 (229) 160 (118) 210 (155) 33 (1.3)
M42X2.0 240 (177) 450 (332) 210 (155) 360 (266) 42 (1.7)
M48X2.0 290 (214) 540 (398) 260 (192) 540 (398) 48 (1.9)
G1/8A 9 (7) 18 (13) 15 (11) 18 (13) 9.73 (0.4)
G1/4A 35 (26) 35 (26) 30 (22) 35 (26) 13.16 (0.5)
G3/8A 45 (33) 70 (52) 45 (33) 50 (37) 16.66 (0.7)
G1/2A 65 (48) 90 (66) 55 (41) 65 (48) 20.96 (0.8)
G3/4A 90 (66) 180 (133) 100 (74) 140 (103) 26.44 (1.0)
G1A 150 (111) 310 (229) 160 (118) 190 (140) 33.25 (1.3)
G1 1/4A 240 (177) 450 (332) 210 (155) 360 (266) 41.91 (1.6)
G1 1/2A 290 (214) 540 (398) 360 (266) 540 (398) 47.80 (1.9)
Torque tolerance: 10 %; countermaterial: steel/aluminium

Screw connections with various seals for hydraulic applications

Heavy execution
Straight pipe fitting with thread and Non-return
screwed plug valve with
Thread Sealing elastic elastic aid
washer Seal Seal outside
Nm (ft. lbs.) Nm (ft. lbs.) Nm (ft. lbs.) Nm (ft. lbs.) mm ()
M12X1.5 20 (15) 35 (26) 35 (26) 35 (26) 12 (0.5)
M14X1.5 35 (26) 55 (41) 45 (33) 45 (33) 14 (0.6)
M16X1.5 45 (33) 70 (52) 55 (41) 55 (41) 16 (0.6)
M18X1.5 55 (41) 90 (66) 70 (52) 70 (52) 18 (0.7)
M20X1.5 55 (41) 125 (92) 80 (59) 100 (74) 22 (0.8)
M22X1.5 65 (48) 135 (100) 100 (74) 125 (92) 27 (1.0)
M27X2.0 90 (66) 180 (133) 170 (125) 135 (100) 12 (0.5)

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 2-10


Screw connections with various seals for hydraulic applications

Heavy execution
M33X2.0 150 (111) 310 (229) 310 (229) 210 (155) 33 (1.3)
M42X2.0 240 (177) 450 (332) 330 (243) 360 (266) 42 (1.7)
M48X2.0 290 (214) 540 (398) 420 (310) 540 (398) 48 (1.9)
G1/8A 35 (26) 55 (41) 45 (33) 45 (33) 13.16 (0.5)
G1/4A 45 (33) 80 (59) 60 (44) 60 (44) 16.66 (0.7)
G3/8A 65 (48) 115 (85) 75 (55) 100 (74) 20.96 (0.8)
G1/2A 90 (66) 180 (133) 170 (125) 145 (107) 26.44 (1.0)
G3/4A 150 (111) 310 (229) 310 (229) 260 (192) 33.25 (1.3)
G1A 240 (177) 450 (332) 330 (243) 360 (266) 41.91 (1.6)
G1 1/4A 290 (214) 540 (398) 420 (310) 540 (398) 47.80 (1.9)
Torque tolerance: 10 %; countermaterial: steel/aluminium

Tightening torques for high-resistance screw connections

With coarse-pitch thread

Screws according to DIN 912, DIN
Screws according to
Thread DIN 933 etc. DIN 7984
8.8 10.9 12.9 8.8 10.9
Nm (ft. lbs.) Nm (ft. lbs.) Nm (ft. lbs.) Nm (ft. lbs.) Nm (ft. lbs.)
M5 5.5 (4) 8 (6) 10 (7) 5 (4) 7 (5)
M6 10 (7) 14 (10) 17 (13) 8.5 (6) 12 (9)
M8 25 (18) 35 (26) 42 (31) 20 (15) 30 (22)
M10 45 (33) 65 (48) 80 (59) 40 (30) 59 (44)
M12 87 (64) 110 (81) 147 (108) 69 (51) 100 (74)
M14 135 (100) 180 (133) 230 (170) 110 (81) 160 (118)
M16 210 (155) 275 (203) 350 (258) 170 (125) 250 (184)
M18 280 (207) 410 (302) 480 (354) 245 (181) 345 (254)
M20 410 (302) 570 (420) 690 (509) 340 (251) 490 (361)
M22 550 (406) 780 (575) 930 (686) 460 (339) 660 (487)
M24 710 (524) 1000 (738) 1190 (878) 590 (435) 840 (620)
M27 1040 (767) 1480 (1092) 1770 (1305) 870 (642) 1250 (922)
M30 1420 (1047) 2010 (1482) 2400 (1770) 1200 (885) 1700 (1254)
DIN 912 hexagon socket head cap screw; DIN 931/DIN 933 hexagon head screw with/without shaft;
DIN 7984 hexagon socket head cap screw with short head
All values subject to a friction coefficient of = 0.12 and are to be used as approximate figures.

With fine-pitch thread

Screws according to DIN 912, DIN
Screws according to
Thread DIN 933 etc. DIN 7984
8.8 10.9 12.9 8.8 10.9
Nm (ft. lbs.) Nm (ft. lbs.) Nm (ft. lbs.) Nm (ft. lbs.) Nm (ft. lbs.)
M8X1.0 25 (18) 37 (28) 43 (32) 22 (16) 32 (24)
M10X1.0 50 (37) 75 (55) 88 (65) 43 (32) 65 (48)
M10X1.25 49 (36) 71 (52) 83 (61) 42 (31) 62 (46)

2-11 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


With fine-pitch thread

M12X1.25 87 (64) 130 (96) 150 (111) 75 (55) 110 (81)
M12X1.5 83 (61) 125 (92) 145 (107) 72 (53) 105 (77)
M14X1.5 135 (100) 200 (148) 235 (173) 120 (89) 175 (129)
M16X1.5 210 (155) 310 (229) 360 (266) 180 (133) 265 (195)
M18X1.5 315 (232) 450 (332) 530 (391) 270 (1991) 385 (284)
M20X1.5 440 (325) 630 (465) 730 (538) 375 (277) 530 (391)
M22X1.5 590 (435) 840 (620) 980 (723) 500 (369) 710 (524)
M24X2.0 740 (546) 1070 (789) 1250 (922) 630 (465) 900 (664)
M27X2.0 1100 (811) 1550 (1143) 1800 (1328) 920 (679) 1300 (959)
M30X2.0 1500 (1106) 2150 (1586) 2500 (1844) 1300 (959) 1850 (1364)
DIN 912 hexagon socket head cap screw; DIN 931/DIN 933 hexagon head screw with/without shaft;
DIN 7984 hexagon socket head cap screw with short head
All values subject to a friction coefficient of = 0.12 and are to be used as approximate figures.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 2-12


2.12 Dimensions model 8003





3610 1400

6420 2300

Fig. 5: Machine dimensions (model 8003)

Main data Model 8003 Vario

Service weight 7960 kg (17549 lb) 8245 kg (18177 lb)
550 720 2710 mm (8'11) 2864 mm (9'5)
Width 2300 mm (7'7) 2300 mm (7'7)
Transport length 6420 mm (21'1) 6570 mm (21'7)
Max. digging depth 4290 mm (14'1) 4162 mm (13'8)
67 Stick length (standard) 1850 mm (6'1) 1850 mm (6'1)
Stick length (long version) 2150 mm (7'1) 2150 mm (7'1)
Max. digging depth for long stick (+ 4580 mm (15'0) 4462 mm (14'8)
300 mm/+ 11.8)
Max. vertical digging depth 3670 mm (12'0) 3516 mm (11'6)
Max. vertical digging depth (long stick) 3970 mm (13'0) 3814 mm (12'6)
Max. digging height 6980 mm (22'11) 7128 mm (23'5)
Max. digging height (long stick) 7170 mm (23'6) 7317 mm (24'0)
Max. dump height 4840 mm (15'11) 5000 mm (16'5)
Max. dump height (long stick) 5030 mm (16'6) 5190 mm (17'0)
Max. digging radius 7170 mm (23'6) 6290/7420 mm (20'8/24'4)
Max. digging radius (long stick) 7440 mm (24'5) 7190/7690 mm (23'7/25'3)
15 Max. reach at ground level 7020 mm (23'0) 6770/7270 mm (22'3/23'10)
Max. reach at ground level (long stick) 7300 mm (23'11) 7050/7550 mm (23'2/24'9)
Max. breakout force at bucket tooth 52.30 kN (11758 lbf) 52.30 kN (11758 lbf)
Max. tearout force (standard stick) 38.70 kN (8700 lbf) 38.70 kN (8700 lbf)
Max. tearout force (long stick) 35.10 kN (7891 lbf) 35.10 kN (7891 lbf)
Min. tail end slewing radius 1550 mm (5'1) 1550 mm (5'1)
Max. tail end lateral projection over 400 mm (1'4) 150/650 mm (5.9/2'2)
Max. boom displacement to bucket 720 mm (2'4) 970 mm (3'2)
centre (right-hand side)
Max. boom displacement to bucket 550 mm (1'10) 800 mm (2'7)
centre (left-hand side)

2-13 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


2.13 Lift capacity table 8003

All table indications in kg (lb) and horizontal position on firm ground without bucket.

A 5.0 m (16'5) 4.0 m (13'1) 3.0 m (9'10) 2.0 m (6'7)

5.0 m 2000* 1510 1955* 1950

(16'5) (4409*) (3329) (4310*) (4299)
4.0 m 1920* 1165 1915* 1330 2010* 1930
(13'1) (4233) (2568) (4222*) (2932) (4431*) (4255)
3.0 m 1895* 985 2020* 1300 2315* 1845 2925* 2920
(9'10) (4178*) (2172) (4453*) (2866) (5104*) (4068) (6449*) (6437)
2.0 m 1905* 920 2205* 1245 2750* 1730 4070* 2620
(6'7) (4200*) (2028) (4861*) (2745) (6063*) (3814) (8973*) (5776)
1.0 m 1930* 890 2380* 1185 3120* 1620 4770* 2400
(3'3) (4255*) (1962) (5247*) (2612) (6878*) (3571) (10516*) (5291)
Fig. 6: Lift capacity table (model 8003)
0.0 m 1960* 910 2455* 1145 3260* 1550 4750* 2335
(0'0) (4321*) (2006) (5412*) (2524) (7187*) (3417) (10472*) (5148)
-1.0 m 1975* 990 2345* 1130 3135* 1530 4375* 2330 6305 4830
(-3'3) (4354*) (2183) (5170*) (2491) (6911*) (3373) (9645*) (5137) (13900) (10648)
-2.0 m 1940* 1180 2690* 1545 3675* 2365 5230* 4900
(-6'7) (4277*) (2601) (5930*) (3406) (8102*) (5214) (11530*) (10803)
-3.0 m 1700* 1700* 2385* 2385*
(-9'10) (3748*) (3748*) (5258*) (5258*)

max Admissible load on extended stick

A Reach from live ring centre
B Load hook height
* Lift capacity limited by hydraulics

With the stabiliser blade in driving direction

Without the stabiliser blade, 90 to driving direction

If equipped with a bucket or other attachments, lift capacity or tilt load is reduced by bucket
or attachment dead weight.

Calculation basis: according to ISO 10567

The track excavator's lift capacity is restricted by the settings of the pressure limiting
valves and the hydraulic system's stabilising features.
Neither 75 % of the static tilt load nor 87 % of the hydraulic lift capacity is exceeded.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 2-14


2.14 Lift capacity table 8003 with long stick

All table indications in kg (lb) and horizontal position on firm ground without bucket.

A 5.0 m (16'5) 4.0 m (13'1) 3.0 m (9'10) 2.0 m (6'7)


5.0 m 1825* 1320 1730* 1730*

(16'5) (4023*) (2910) (3814*) (3814*)
4.0 m 1770* 1050 1760* 1345 1805* 1805*
(13'1) (3902*) (2315) (3880*) (2965) (3979*) (3979*)
3.0 m 1755* 915 1885* 1305 2115* 1865 2550* 2550*
(9'10) (3869*) (2017) (4156*) (2877) (4663*) (4112) (5622*) (5622*)
2.0 m 1765* 845 2090* 1245 2575* 1740 3690* 2685
(6'7) (3891*) (1863) (4607*) (2745) (5677*) (3836) (8135*) (5919)
1.0 m 1790* 815 2295* 1180 2995* 1620 4580* 2425
(3'3) (3946*) (1797) (5060*) (2601) (6603*) (3571) (10097*) (5346)
Fig. 7: Lift capacity table counterweight (model 8003)
0.0 m 1820* 830 2415* 1130 3210* 1540 4775* 2320
(0'0) (4012*) (1830) (5324*) (2491) (7077*) (3395) (10527*) (5115)
-1.0 m 1840* 895 2375* 1110 3165* 1505 4530* 2295 7150* 4730
(-3'3) (4057*) (1973) (5236*) (2447) (6978*) (3318) (9987*) (5060) (15763*) (10428)
-2.0 m 1830* 1040 2835* 1510 3935* 2320 6000* 4800
(-6'7) (4034*) (2293) (6250*) (3329) (8675*) (5115) (13228*) (10582)
-3.0 m 1705* 1415 2855* 2390
(-9'10) (3759*) (3120) (6294*) (5269)

max Admissible load on extended stick

A Reach from live ring centre
B Load hook height
* Lift capacity limited by hydraulics

With the stabiliser blade in driving direction

Without the stabiliser blade, 90 to driving direction

If equipped with a bucket or other attachments, lift capacity or tilt load is reduced by bucket
or attachment dead weight.

Calculation basis: according to ISO 10567

The track excavator's lift capacity is restricted by the settings of the pressure limiting
valves and the hydraulic system's stabilising features.
Neither 75 % of the static tilt load nor 87 % of the hydraulic lift capacity is exceeded.

2-15 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


2.15 Lift capacity table 8003 with counterweight

All table indications in kg (lb) and horizontal position on firm ground without bucket.

A 5.0 m (16'5) 4.0 m (13'1) 3.0 m (9'10) 2.0 m (6'7)


5.0 m 2000* 1715 1955* 1955*

(16'5) (4409*) (3781) (4310*) (4310*)
4.0 m 1920* 1335 1915* 1515 2010* 2010*
(13'1) (4233*) (2943) (4222*) (3340) (4431*) (4431*)
3.0 m 1895* 1140 2020* 1485 2315* 2095 2925* 2925*
(9'10) (4178*) (2513) (4453*) (3274) (5104*) (4619) (6449*) (6449*)
2.0 m 1905* 1070 2205* 1430 2750* 1975 4070* 2985
(6'7) (4200*) (2359) (4861*) (3153) (6063*) (4354) (8973*) (6581)
1.0 m 1930* 1035 2380* 1370 3120* 1865 4770* 2765
Fig. 8: Lift capacity table counterweight (model 8003) (3'3) (4255*) (2282) (5247*) (3020) (6878*) (4112) (10516*) (6096)
0.0 m 1960* 1060 2455* 1330 3260* 1800 4750* 2700
(0'0) (4321*) (2337) (5413*) (2932) (7187*) (3968) (10472*) (5952)
-1.0 m 1975* 1150 2345* 1315 3135* 1775 4375* 2700 6305 5560
(-3'3) (4354*) (2535) (5170*) (2900) (6911*) (3913) (9645*) (5952) (13900) (12258)
-2.0 m 1940* 1370 2690* 1750 3675* 2735 5230* 5230*
(-6'7) (4277*) (3020) (5930*) (3858) (8102*) (6030) (11530*) (11530*)
-3.0 m 1700* 1700* 2385* 2385*
(-9'10) (3748*) (3748*) (5258*) (5258*)

max Admissible load on extended stick

A Reach from live ring centre
B Load hook height
* Lift capacity limited by hydraulics

With the stabiliser blade in driving direction

Without the stabiliser blade, 90 to driving direction

If equipped with a bucket or other attachments, lift capacity or tilt load is reduced by bucket
or attachment dead weight.

Calculation basis: according to ISO 10567

The track excavator's lift capacity is restricted by the settings of the pressure limiting
valves and the hydraulic system's stabilising features.
Neither 75 % of the static tilt load nor 87 % of the hydraulic lift capacity is exceeded.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 2-16


2.16 Lift capacity table 8003 with long stick and counterweight
All table indications in kg (lb) and horizontal position on firm ground without bucket.

A 5.0 m (16'5) 4.0 m (13'1) 3.0 m (9'10) 2.0 m (6'7)


5.0 m 1825* 1495 1730* 1730*

(16'5) (4023*) (3296) (3814*) (3814*)
4.0 m 1770* 1200 1760* 1520 1805* 1805*
(13'1) (3902*) (2646) (3880*) (3351) (3979*) (3979*)
3.0 m 1755* 1050 1885* 1480 2115* 2100 2550* 2550*
(9'10) (3869*) (2315) (4156*) (3263) (4663*) (4630) (5622*) (5622*)
2.0 m 1765* 975 2090* 1420 2575* 1975 3690* 3035
(6'7) (3891*) (2150) (4608*) (3131) (5677*) (4354) (8135*) (6691)
1.0 m 1790* 950 2295* 1355 2995* 1855 4580* 2775
(3'3) (3946*) (2094) (5060*) (2987) (6603*) (4090) (10097*) (6118)
Fig. 9: Lift capacity table counterweight (model 8003)
0.0 m 1820* 965 2415* 1310 3210* 1775 4775* 2670
(0'0) (4012*) (2127) (5324*) (2888) (7077*) (3913) (10527*) (5886)
-1.0 m 1840* 1040 2375* 1285 3165* 1740 4530* 2645 7150* 5425
(-3'3) (4057*) (2293) (5236*) (2833) (6978*) (3836) (9987*) (5831) (15763*) (11960)
-2.0 m 1830* 1205 2835* 1745 3935* 2670 6000* 5495
(-6'7) (4034*) (2657) (6250*) (3847) (8675*) (5886) (13228*) (12114)
-3.0 m 1705* 1630 2855* 2740
(-9'10) (3759*) (3594) (6294*) (6041)

max Admissible load on extended stick

A Reach from live ring centre
B Load hook height
* Lift capacity limited by hydraulics

With the stabiliser blade in driving direction

Without the stabiliser blade, 90 to driving direction

If equipped with a bucket or other attachments, lift capacity or tilt load is reduced by bucket
or attachment dead weight.

Calculation basis: according to ISO 10567

The track excavator's lift capacity is restricted by the settings of the pressure limiting
valves and the hydraulic system's stabilising features.
Neither 75 % of the static tilt load nor 87 % of the hydraulic lift capacity is exceeded.

2-17 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


2.17 Lift capacity table 8003 Vario (option)

A 5.0 m (16'5) 4.0 m (13'1) 3.0 m (9'10) 2.0 m (6'7)



5.0 m 2000* 1950 1040 1955* 1955* 1345

(16'5) (4409*) (4299) (2293) (4310*) (4310*) (2965)
4.0 m 1920* 1505 805 1915* 1715 920 2010* 2010* 1330
(13'1) (4233*) (3318) (1775) (4222*) (3781) (2028) (4431*) (4431*) (2932)
3.0 m 1895* 1270 680 2020* 1675 895 2315* 2315* 1275 2925* 2925* 2015
(9'10) (4178*) (2800) (1500) (4453*) (3693) (1973) (5104*) (5104*) (2811) (6449*) (6449*) (4442)
2.0 m 1905* 1185 635 2205* 1605 860 2750* 2230 1195 4070* 3380 1805
(6'7) (4200*) (2612) (1400) (4861*) (3538) (1896) (6063*) (4916) (2635) (8973*) (7452) (3979)
1.0 m 1930* 1150 615 2380* 1530 820 3120* 2090 1120 4770* 3095 1655
(3'3) (4255*) (2535) (1356) (5247*) (3373) (1808) (6878*) (4608) (2469) (10516*) (6823) (3649)
0.0 m 1960* 1175 630 2455* 1475 790 3260* 2000 1070 4750* 3010 1610
(0'0) (4321*) (2590) (1389) (5412*) (3252) (1742) (7187*) (4409) (2359) (10472*) (6636) (3549)
-1.0 m 1975* 1275 685 2345* 1460 780 3135* 1975 1055 4375* 3005 1605 6305* 6230 3335
(-3'3) (4354*) (2811) (1510) (5170*) (3219) (1720) (6911*) (4354) (2326) (9645*) (6625) (3538) (13900*) (13735) (7352)
-2.0 m 1940* 1520 5230*
815 2690* 1995 1065 3675* 3050 1630 5230* 3380
(-6'7) (4277*) (3351) (1797) (5930*) (4398) (2348) (8102) (6724) (3594) (11530*)
-3.0 m 1700* 1700* 1175 2385* 2385* 1645
(-9'10) (3748*) (3748*) (2590) (5258*) (5258*) (3627)

max Admissible load on extended stick

A Reach from live ring centre
B Load hook height
C Vario position
* Lift capacity limited by hydraulics

All table indications in kg (lb) and horizontal position on firm ground without bucket.

With the stabiliser blade in driving direction

Without the stabiliser blade 90 in driving direction Upper carriage shifted to

the rear with Vario option

Without the stabiliser blade 90 in driving direction Upper carriage shifted to

the front with Vario option
Rear Vario
If equipped with a bucket or other attachments, lift capacity or tilt load is reduced by bucket
or attachment dead weight.
Front Vario
Calculation basis: according to ISO 10567
Fig. 10: Lift capacity table Vario (model 8003) The track excavator's lift capacity is restricted by the settings of the pressure limiting
valves and the hydraulic system's stabilising features.
Neither 75 % of the static tilt load nor 87 % of the hydraulic lift capacity is exceeded.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 2-18


2.18 Kinematics

E Pin diameter 55 mm (2.16)

F Stick width 170 mm (6.69)
L Pin distance to bucket mount 300 mm (11.81)

Bucket Stick


2-19 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *



3 Maintenance
3.1 Fluids and lubricants
Component/ Season/
Engine/machine fluid Specification Capacities1
application temperature
SAE10W-40 2; API: CF, CF-4, CI-4
-20 C (-4 F)
Diesel engine Engine oil ACEA: E3, E4, E5 10.2 l (2.7 gal)
+40 C (104 F)
Q8 T 55, SAE 85W-904
About 1.3 l (0.3 gal)
Travelling drive Gearbox oil3 Q8 T 55, SAE 80W-905 Year-round
Hydraulic oil HVLP466
Hydraulic oil tank Year-round 99 l (26 gal)
Biodegradable oil
Roller and friction bearings 8 Year-round As required
Grease (live ring ball bearing race) FINA Energrease L21M
Open gear (live ring gears) BP Energrease MP-MG29 Year-round As required
Grease nipples Multipurpose grease FINA Energrease L21 M10 Year-round As required
Battery terminals Acid-proof grease11 FINA Marson L2 Year-round As required
2-D ASTM D975 94 (USA)
1-D ASTM D975 94 (USA)
EN 590 : 96 (EU)
Fuel tank Diesel fuel ISO 8217 DMX (International) 78 l (21 gal)
BS 2869 A1 (GB) Summer or winter
diesel depending
BS 2869 A2 (GB) on outside
Soft water + antifreeze ASTM D4985
Radiator Coolant Distilled water + antifreeze ASTM Year-round 11.8 l (3 gal)
Refrigerating agent R134a12 Year-round ~ 1000 g (2.2 lb)
Air conditioning 122 cm (7.4 in3)
Compressor oil Sanden SP10 Year-round
from AD04603
Washer system Cleaning agent Water + antifreeze Year-round 1.2 l (0.32 gal)
1. The capacities indicated are approximative values; the oil level check alone is relevant for the correct oil level
2. According to DIN 51502
3. Hypoid gearbox oil based on basic mineral oil (SAE85W-90 according to DIN 51502), (API GL-4, GL5)
4. The Q8 T55 SAE 85W-90 gearbox oil is no longer produced
5. The Q8 T55 SAE 80W-90 gearbox oil is used from 10/2006 onwards. Do not mix both gearbox oils!
6. According to DIN 51524 section 3
7. Hydraulic ester oils (HEES)
8. KF2K-25 according to DIN 51502 multipurpose lithium grease with MoS additive
9. KP2N-20 according to DIN 51502 EP multipurpose calcium sulphonate complex grease
10. KF2K-25 according to DIN 51502 multipurpose lithium grease with MoS additive
11. Standard acid-proof grease
12. According to DIN 8960

3-1 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Oil grades for the diesel engine, depending on temperature

Engine oil grade Ambient temperature (C)
C -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40



SAE 10W-30

API CF, CF-4,CI-4 SAE 15W-40

ACEA: E3, E4, E5

SAE 30

SAE 40

F -4 5 14 23 32 41 50 59 68 77 86 95 104

Additional oil change and filter replacement (hydraulics)

An additional oil change and filter replacement can be required depending on
how the machine is used. Failure to observe these replacement intervals can
cause damage to hydraulic components.
Observe the following intervals

Application Hydraulic oil Hydraulic oil filter insert

Normal work (excavation work) Every 1000 s/h Replace the first time after 50 s/h, then every 500 s/h
20 % Every 800 s/h
300 s/h
40 % Every 400 s/h
Percentage of hammer work
60 % Every 300 s/h
100 s/h
Over 80 % Every 200 s/h

Please refer to the maintenance plan on page 3-5 for additional maintenance work.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 3-2


3.2 Maintenance label

Explanation of symbols on the maintenance label

Symbol Assembly Explanation

General Visual check

General Grease instructions

Fuel system Drain condensation water

Fuel system Replace the fuel filter, clean the fuel prefilter

Radiator Check the coolant level

Radiator Drain and fill in new coolant

Engine Check valve clearance. Adjust if necessary

Engine Check the engine oil level

Engine Change engine oil

Engine Replace the oil filter

Engine Check V-belt tension

Travelling drive Change oil

Travelling drive Check oil

Undercarriage Check chain tension

Hydraulic system Check oil level

Hydraulic system Change hydraulic oil

Hydraulic system Replace the hydraulic oil filter, replace the breather filter

3-3 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Symbol Assembly Explanation

Radiator fins Clean

Heating, air
Change cab air filter

KF K -

KF K - KP - 0

KF K -

KF K - KF K -

KF K -

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 3-4




Maintenance plan/service hours (s/h)
3.3 Maintenance plan (overview)

Maintenance work

Every 1000 s/h

Every 1500 s/h

Every 500 s/h
(once a day)

Every 50 s/h

once a year
Work description

For service and maintenance work on the attachment, please refer to the operation and maintenance manual
of the attachment manufacturer as well.

Fluid and filter changes ( ):

Carry out the following oil and filter changes (check oil levels after test run):
Engine oil1
Engine oil filter2
Fuel filter3
Air filter element as indicated by telltale
Hydraulic oil filter insert 4
Hydraulic oil
Hydraulic oil tank breather
Gearbox oil5,6
Inspection work ( ):
Check the following material. Refill if necessary:
Engine oil
Engine coolant
Hydraulic oil
Gearbox oil
Clean water ducts 7
Check engine/hydraulic oil radiator and air conditioning for contamination. Clean if necessary
Check cooling systems, heating and hoses for leaks and pressure (visual check)
SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Check the joystick/drive valve pilot control filter for dirt, clean it if necessary
Replace cab filter for heating and air conditioning
Air filter (damage)
Prefilter with water separator: drain water
Check V-belt condition and tension
Check exhaust system for damage and condition
SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Maintenance plan/service hours (s/h)

3.3 Maintenance plan (overview)

Maintenance work

Every 1000 s/h

Every 1500 s/h

Every 500 s/h
(once a day)

Every 50 s/h

once a year
Work description

For service and maintenance work on the attachment, please refer to the operation and maintenance manual
of the attachment manufacturer as well.

Check valve clearance. Adjust if necessary

Clean and adjust the fuel injection pump
Check and adjust the injection pressure of the injection nozzles, clean the injection needles/nozzles

Check and adjust injection time 10

Empty diesel fuel tank
Check battery electrolyte. Fill up with distilled water if necessary
Check alternator, starter and electric connections, bearing play and function
Check preheating system and electric connections
Check correct function of air filter contamination gauge
Pressure check of primary pressure limiting valves
Check chains for cracks and cuts
Check chain tension. Retighten if necessary
Check bearing play of tread rollers, track carrier rollers, front idlers
Check piston rods for damage
Check screws for tightness
Check pin lock
Check line fixtures
Check telltales for correct function
Check cab tilt lock, cables and cable holders for damage and correct function
Couplings, dirt pile-up on hydraulic system dust caps
Check insulating mats in the engine compartment for damage/condition
Ensure grease supply of central lubrication system (option)

Check labels and Operator's Manual for completeness and condition
Check function of engine cover gas strut

Lubrication service ( ):
Lubricate the following assemblies/components see Lubrication work on page 3-43:

Maintenance plan/service hours (s/h)
3.3 Maintenance plan (overview)

Maintenance work

Every 1000 s/h

Every 1500 s/h

Every 500 s/h
(once a day)

Every 50 s/h

once a year
Work description

For service and maintenance work on the attachment, please refer to the operation and maintenance manual
of the attachment manufacturer as well.

Stabiliser blade
Swivelling console
Grease strip on chassis see Lubrication strip on page 3-45
Air conditioning ( ):
Carry out the following maintenance and inspection work:
Air conditioning function
Replace cab filter
Check dehumidifier for corrosion, condensation and air bubbles
Replace dehumidifier
Compressor oil
Checking the coolant level

Functional check ( ):
Check the function of the following assemblies/components. Rectify if necessary:
Lights, signalling system, acoustic warning system
Heating function12

Leakage check ( ):
Check for tightness, leaks and chafing: pipes, flexible lines and screw connections of the following assemblies and components. Rectify if necessary:
SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Visual check
Engine and hydraulic system
Cooling and heating circuit
Travelling drive
1. Drain engine oil the first time after 50 s/h, then every 500 s/h
2. Replace the engine oil filter the first time after 50 s/h, then every 500 s/h
3. Replace the fuel filter the first time after 50 s/h, then every 500 s/h
4. Replace the hydraulic oil filter insert the first time after 50 s/h, then every 500 s/h
5. Drain the gearbox oil the first time after 50 s/h, then every 1000 s/h
6. The Q8 T55 SAE 85W-90 gearbox oil is no longer produced. The Q8 T55 SAE 80W-90 gearbox oil is used from 10/2006 onwards. Do not mix both gearbox oils!
7. Clean the water ducts every other 1000 s/h servicing
SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

8. Coarse dirt causes malfunctions and can even destroy the filter screen!
9. Clean and adjust the fuel injection pump every other 1000 s/h servicing
10. Check and adjust injection time every other 1000 s/h servicing
11. Replace the compressor oil every other 1500 s/h servicing or every 2 years
12. Check the first time after 50 s/h, then every 500 s/h



3.4 Service package

Up to serial no. AD07187
1000127022 1 Service package 8003 (American Tier 2)
1000125571 1 Engine oil filter
1000106891 1 Fuel filter
1000106892 1 Water separator element
1000069998 1 Seal for diesel fuel filter housing
1000064543 1 O-ring
1000012360 1 O-ring for oil drain plug
1000012847 1 Hydraulic reflux filter insert
1000066727 1 Vent filter
1000022075 1 Air filter insert (inside)
1000022076 1 Air filter insert (outside)
1000115808 1 Cab filter
1000125682 1 Valve cover gasket
1000003894 3 O-ring

From serial no. AH00611

1000178852 1 Service package 8003 (American Tier 3A)
1000018587 1 Engine oil filter
1000172001 1 Fuel filter
1000106892 1 Water separator element
1000069998 1 Seal for diesel fuel filter housing
1000064543 1 O-ring
1000012360 1 O-ring for oil drain plug
1000126919 1 Hydraulic reflux filter insert
1000109215 1 Vent filter
1000113384 1 Air filter insert (inside)
1000113383 1 Air filter insert (outside)
1000115808 1 Cab filter
1000125682 1 Valve cover gasket
1000003894 3 O-ring

3.5 Introduction
Operational readiness and the service life of machines are heavily dependent on
Before carrying out service and maintenance work, always read, understand and follow
the instructions given in:
Chapter 2 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS in the Operator's Manual
The Operator's Manuals of the attachments.
Daily service and maintenance work, and maintenance according to maintenance plan
A must be carried out by a specifically trained driver. All other maintenance work must
be carried out by trained and qualified staff only.
The maintenance plans indicate when the maintenance work mentioned below must be
carried out ( see Maintenance plan (overview) on page 3-5).

3-9 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


3.6 Fuel system

Specific safety instructions Extreme caution is essential when handling fuel high risk of fire.
Never carry out work on the fuel system in the vicinity of naked flames or sparks.
Do not smoke when working on the fuel system or when refuelling.
Before refuelling, switch off the engine and remove the ignition key.
Do not refuel in closed rooms.
Wipe away fuel spills immediately.
Keep the machine clean to reduce the risk of fire.

Filler inlet A for the fuel tank is located behind the cab, on the left in driving direction. Lock
B on the filler inlet can be opened with the key of the machine. Use handle C to climb onto
the chain and as a safe hold during refuelling.

All work involving fuel carries an increased
Danger of fire and poisoning!
Do not refuel in closed rooms.
Never carry out work on the fuel system in the vicinity of naked flames or

Use a suitable container to collect the fuel as it drains and dispose of it in an
environmentally friendly manner.

Do not run the fuel tank completely dry. Otherwise, air is drawn into the fuel
system. This requires bleeding the fuel system see Bleeding the fuel system on
page 3-11.
Fig. 1: Fuel filler inlet

Fill up the tank with the correct fuel type at the end of each working day to prevent
the formation of condensation water in the fuel tank (condensation water damages
the injection pump). Do not fill the tank completely but leave some space for the
fuel to expand.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 3-10


Stationary fuel pumps General

Only refuel from stationary fuel pumps. Fuel from barrels or cans is usually dirty.
Even the smallest particles of dirt can cause:
Increased engine wear
Malfunctions in the fuel system and
Reduced effectiveness of the fuel filters
Refuelling from barrels
If refuelling from barrels cannot be avoided, note the following points (see fig. 2):
Barrels must neither be rolled nor tilted before refuelling.
Protect the suction pipe opening of the barrel pump with a fine-mesh strainer.
right Immerse it down to a max. 15 cm (6) above the floor of the barrel.
Only fill the tank using refuelling aids (funnels or filler pipes) with integral microfilter.
Fig. 2: Refuelling from a barrel Keep all refuelling containers clean at all times.

Diesel fuel specification Use only high-grade fuels.

Grade Use
2-D ASTM D975 94
1-D ASTM D975 94
EN 590: 96 EU
ISO 8217 DMX International
BS 2869 A1
BS 2869 A2
Bleeding the fuel system
If the fuel, as it drains, comes into contact with hot engine parts or the exhaust
system, there is an increased
Danger of burns!
Never bleed the fuel system if the engine is hot.

Bleed the fuel system in the following cases:

After removing and fitting the fuel filter, prefilter or the fuel lines back on again
After running the fuel tank empty
After running the engine again, after it has been out of service for a longer period of
Bleed the fuel system as follows:
Fill up the fuel tank.
Turn the ignition key to the first position.
Wait about 5 minutes while the fuel system bleeds itself automatically.
Start the engine.
If the engine runs smoothly for a while, and then stops; or if it does not run smoothly:
Switch off the engine.
Bleed the fuel system again as described above.
Have this checked by authorised staff if necessary.

3-11 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Emptying the fuel tank

If the fuel, as it drains, comes into contact with hot engine parts or the exhaust
A system, there is an increased
Danger of burns!
Never bleed the fuel system if the engine is hot.

Due to dirt deposits and condensation water in the fuel tank, empty the fuel tank every 500
service hours as follows:

Fig. 3: Fuel drain plug Place a container with sufficient capacity underneath the drain plug A/fig.3 in the
Open the drain plug to drain the fuel.
Check the fuel tank for contamination and clean if necessary.
Replace the filter according to the maintenance specifications.
Screw the drain plug back in correctly.
Fill up the fuel tank.
Bleed the fuel system see chapter Bleeding the fuel system on page 3-11.

Fuel prefilter with water separator

Check the fuel prefilter as follows:
On If the red indicator ring rises to position C,
unscrew thread A.
Off The water drains.
Wait until the indicator ring returns to the bottom of the water separator.
Screw thread A back on again.
Interrupt fuel supply as follows:
Turn ball-type cock B to the OFF mark.
Fuel supply is interrupted.
Turn ball-type cock B to the ON mark.
C Fuel supply is open again.
Fig. 4: Fuel prefilter Thread A is fitted with a hose. Collect the water as it drains with a suitable container and
dispose of it in an environmentally friendly manner.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 3-12


Replacing the fuel filter

Old engine type (up to serial number AD07187):

B Danger!
If the fuel, as it drains, comes into contact with hot engine parts or the exhaust
system, there is an increased
Danger of burns!
Never change the fuel filter if the engine is hot.

Fig. 5: Fuel filter position

Use a suitable container to collect the fuel as it drains and dispose of it in an
environmentally friendly manner.

New engine type (from serial number AH00611):

Change fuel filter 5/A as follows:

Close the fuel feed line with the stop cock on the fuel prefilter.
Thoroughly clean the outside surfaces of fuel filter 5/A.
Place a suitable container under the filter.
Slacken and unscrew fuel filter cartridge using a commercially available tool.
Collect the fuel as it drains.

Fig. 6: Unscrewing the fuel filter

Clean the sealing surface of the filter carrier if it is dirty.

Lightly oil the rubber gasket of the new filter cartridge or apply a thin coat of clean diesel
fuel to it.
Screw on the cartridge by hand until the gasket makes contact.

Fig. 7: Cleaning the sealing surface and oiling the gasket

Tighten the fuel filter cartridge by turning it a further half revolution.

Open the stop cock on the water separator again.
Bleed the fuel system see Bleeding the fuel system on page 3-11.
Make a test run and check for tightness.
Dispose of the old fuel filter cartridge by an ecologically safe method.

Fig. 8: Tightening the fuel filter

3-13 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


3.7 Engine lubrication system

If the engine oil level is too low or if an oil change is overdue, this can cause
Engine damage or loss of output!
Have the oil changed by an authorised workshop see Maintenance plan
(overview) on page 3-5

Checking the oil level

Check the oil level once a day. We recommend checking it before starting the
engine. After switching off a warm engine, wait at least 5 minutes before checking.

Checking the oil level

Proceed as follows:
Park the machine on level ground.
A Switch off the engine.
Fold the control lever base up.
Let the engine cool down.
Open the engine cover.
Clean the area around the oil dipstick with a lint-free cloth.
Pull out oil dipstick A.
Wipe it with a lint-free cloth.
Push oil dipstick A back in as far as possible.
Withdraw it and read off the oil level.
However if necessary, fill up oil at the latest when the oil reaches the MIN mark on the
Fig. 9: Checking the oil level
oil dipstick A.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 3-14


Filling up engine oil

Too much or incorrect engine oil can result in engine damage. For this reason:
Do not add engine oil above the MAX mark of oil dipstick 10/A.
Use only the specified engine oil.
Use engine oils of the same brand and grade => never mix different oils.

Use a suitable container to collect the engine oil as it drains and dispose of it in an
environmentally friendly manner.

Proceed as follows:
Clean the area around oil filler cap B with a lint-free cloth.
B Open filler cap B.
Raise oil dipstick A slightly to allow any trapped air to escape.
A Fill in engine oil.
Wait about 3 minutes until all the oil has run into the oil sump.
Check the oil level see Checking the oil level on page 3-14.
Fill up if necessary and check the oil level again.
Close filler cap B.
Push oil dipstick A back in as far as possible.
Completely remove all oil spills from the engine.
Fig. 10: Oil dipstick and oil filler cap

3-15 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Changing engine oil

Caution when draining hot engine oil
Danger of burns!
+ 80 C
+176 F Wear protective gloves.
Use suitable tools.

Fig. 11: Optimum engine oil temperature
Use a suitable container to collect the engine oil as it drains and dispose of it in an
environmentally friendly manner.

Change the engine oil as follows:

Park the machine on level ground.
Let the engine run until it reaches its operating temperature (oil temperature about 80
C/176 F).
Switch off the engine.
Place a container under the opening to collect the oil as it drains.
Unscrew the oil drain plug.
Completely drain the oil.
Screw the oil drain plug back on again.
Fill in engine oil see chapter Filling up engine oil on page 3-15.
Check the oil level.
Completely remove all oil spills from the engine.
Start the engine and let it run briefly at low revs.
Switch off the engine.
Wait a moment until all the oil has run into the oil sump.
Check the oil level again.
Fill up if necessary and check again.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 3-16


Replacing the engine oil filter car-


Caution when draining hot engine oil
Danger of burns!
Wear protective gloves

Fig. 12: Engine oil filter position

Collect the drained engine oil in a suitable container. Dispose of used oil and filters in an
environmentally friendly manner.

Change the filter as follows:

Switch off the engine.
Place a suitable container underneath the oil filter to collect the oil as it drains.
Slowly slacken oil filter cartridge A using a commercially available tool.
A Let the oil drain into the container.
Remove the filter cartridge once the oil is completely drained.
Make sure the thread adapter is correctly placed in the filter head.

Fig. 13: Unscrewing the engine oil filter

Clean the inside of the filter head.

Apply a thin coat of fresh engine oil to rubber seal B of the new oil filter cartridge.
Tighten the new filter cartridge by hand until the gasket makes contact.

Fig. 14: Cleaning the filter head and oiling the gasket

Tighten oil filter cartridge A with a commercially available tool by about a further half
A Make sure the oil level is correct.
Completely remove all oil spills from the engine.
Let the engine run briefly.
Switch off the engine.
Check the seal of oil filter cartridge A and retighten by hand.
Check the oil level and fill in engine oil if necessary.
Fig. 15: Tightening the filter cartridge
Dispose of the used oil filter in an environmentally friendly manner.

3-17 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


3.8 Cooling system

The oil and water cooler is located in the engine compartment, on the right side of the
The expansion tank for the coolant is also located in the engine compartment, in front of
the oil cooler see chapter 1.10 Engine compartment up to serial no. AD07187 (overview)
on page 1-13.

Specific safety instructions Dirt on the radiator fins reduces the cooler's heat dissipation capacity. To avoid this:
Clean the outside of the radiator at regular intervals. Use oil-free compressed air (2
bar/29 psi max.) to clean. Maintain a certain distance to the radiator to avoid damage
to the radiator fins. Clean the radiator from the outside to the inside. Refer to the
maintenance plans in the appendix for the cleaning intervals.
In dusty or dirty work conditions, clean more frequently than indicated in the
maintenance plans.
An insufficient coolant level reduces the heat dissipation capacity as well and can lead
to engine damage. Therefore:
Check the coolant level at regular intervals. Refer to the maintenance plans in the
appendix for the intervals.
If coolant must be added frequently, check the cooling system for leaks and/or
contact your dealer.
Never fill in cold water/coolant if the engine is warm.
After filling the expansion tank, make a test run with the engine and check the coolant
level again after switching off the engine.
The use of the wrong coolant can destroy the engine and the cooler. Therefore:
Add enough antifreeze compound to the coolant but never more than 50 %. If
possible use brand-name antifreeze compounds with anticorrosion additives.
Observe the coolant compound table see chapter 2.9 Coolant compound table on
page 2-8.
Do not use cooler cleaning compounds if an antifreeze compound has been added to
the coolant otherwise this causes sludge to form, which can damage the engine.
Once you have filled the expansion tank:
Test run the engine.
Switch off the engine.
Let the engine cool down.
Check the coolant level again.

Use a suitable container to collect the coolant as it drains and dispose of it in an
environmentally friendly manner.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 3-18


Checking/filling up coolant

Never open the coolant tank and never drain coolant if the engine is warm
since the cooling system is under high pressure
Danger of burns!
Wait at least 15 minutes after switching off the engine.
Wear protective gloves and clothing.
Open filler cap B to the first notch and release the pressure.
Make sure the coolant temperature is sufficiently low so you can touch the
radiator plug with your hands.

Antifreeze is flammable and poisonous
Danger of accidents!
Keep away from flames.
Avoid eye contact with antifreeze.
If antifreeze comes into contact with the eyes,
immediately rinse with clean water and seek medical assistance.

Checking the coolant level

Proceed as follows:
A Park the machine on level ground.
Switch off the engine.
Fold the control lever base up.
Remove the key and carry it with you.
Let the engine and the coolant cool down.
Open the engine cover.
Check the coolant level on the transparent coolant tank A and on the radiator B.
If the coolant level is below the LOW seam or if there is no coolant at the radiator's
FULL filler inlet:
Fill up coolant (use only coolants of the same brand and grade => do not mix different
Fig. 16: Expansion tank for coolant coolants).

Check the coolant level once a day. We recommend checking it before starting the

3-19 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Filling up coolant
After the engine has cooled down:
B Release overpressure in the radiator.
Carefully open the cap to the first notch and fully release the pressure.
Open filler cap B.
Fill up coolant up to the lower edge of the filler inlet (radiator) and of the expansion tank
(use coolants of the same brand and grade => never mix different coolants).
Close filler cap B.
Start the engine and let it warm up for about 5 10 minutes
Switch off the engine.
Fig. 17: Radiator filler cap
Remove the key and carry it with you.
Let the engine cool down.
Check the coolant level again.
The coolant level must be between the LOW and FULL tank seams.
If necessary, fill up coolant and repeat the procedure until the coolant level remains

Check the antifreeze every year before the cold season sets in.

Draining coolant
Never open the coolant tank and never drain coolant if the engine is warm
since the cooling system is under high pressure
Danger of burns!
Wait at least 10 minutes after switching off the engine.
Wear protective gloves and clothing.
Open filler cap 17/B to the first notch and release the pressure.

After the engine has cooled down:

Release overpressure in the radiator.
Open the cap to the first notch and fully release the pressure.
Open filler cap 17/B.
Open the drain plug of the radiator and drain the coolant.
Close the drain plug again.
Fill up the radiator with suitable coolant see Fluids and lubricants on page 3-1.
Check the coolant level see Checking the coolant level on page 3-19.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 3-20


3.9 Air filter

The filter cartridge is damaged if it is washed or brushed out.
Bear in mind the following to avoid premature engine wear:
Do not clean the filter cartridge.
Replace the filter cartridge when the telltale comes on.
Never reuse a damaged filter cartridge.
Ensure cleanliness when replacing the filter cartridge.

X Telltale X in the round display element monitors the filter cartridge.

Replace outside filter B and inside filter C:
If telltale X in the round display element comes on.
According to the maintenance plan.

For applications in especially dusty environment, the air filter is fitted with an
extra inside filter C. Do not clean inside filter C.

C Filter cartridges degrade prematurely when in service in acidic air for longer
periods of time. This risk is present for example in acid production facilities,
steel and aluminium mills, chemical plants and other nonferrous-metal plants.
Replace outside filter B and inside filter C at the latest after 50 service

Fig. 18: Air filter up to serial no. AD07187 General instructions for air filter maintenance:
from serial no. AH00611
Store filters in their original packaging and in a dry place.
Do not knock the filter against other objects as you install it.
Check air filter attachments, air intake hoses and air filters for damage, and
immediately repair or replace if necessary.
Check the screws at the induction manifold and the clamps for tightness.
Check the function of the dust valve, replace if necessary.

3-21 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Replacing the filter

Replace outside filter 20/B as follows:
D Switch off the engine.
Remove the key and carry it with you.
Let the engine cool down.
E Open the engine cover.
Remove dirt and dust from the air filter and the area around the air filter.
Fold both bow clips 19/D on lower housing section 19/E to the outside.
Remove lower housing section E.
Fig. 19: Removing the lower housing section Carefully remove outside filter B with slightly turning movements.
Make sure all dirt (dust) inside the upper and lower housing sections, including the dust
valve, has been removed.
B Clean the parts with a clean lint-free cloth, do not use compressed air.
Check the air filter cartridges for damage, only install intact filters.
Carefully insert new outside filter B in the upper housing section.
Position lower housing section E (make sure it is properly seated).
Close both bow clips D.
Fig. 20: Removing the filter element

Replace inside filter 21/C as follows:

F Switch off the engine.
Remove the key and carry it with you.
Let the engine cool down.
Open the engine cover.
Remove dirt and dust from the air filter and the area around the air filter.
C Fold both bow clips D on lower housing section E to the outside.
Remove lower housing section E.
Fig. 21: Replacing the inside filter up to serial no. Carefully remove outside filter B with slightly turning movements.
Carefully remove inside filter C.
Cover the air supply at the end of the filter with a clean lint-free cloth to prevent dust
F from entering the engine.
Make sure all dirt (dust) inside the upper and lower housing sections 21/F, including
dust valve 22/G, has been removed.
Clean the parts with a clean lint-free cloth, do not use compressed air.
Remove the cloth from the air supply.
Check the air filter cartridges for damage, only install intact filters.
C Carefully insert the new inside filter C in the inside housing section F.
Carefully insert outside filter B in the upper housing section.
Position lower housing section E (make sure it is properly seated).
Close bow clips D.

D Important!
Make sure dust valve G shows downwards once it is installed.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 3-22


Functional check once a week of the dust valve

The air filter is located in the engine compartment, on the right-hand side of the machine.
Proceed as follows:
Switch off the engine.
Apply the parking brake.
Squeeze the discharge slot of dust valve 22/G.
Remove hardened dust by squeezing the upper area of the valve.
Clean the discharge slot if necessary.

Fig. 22: Air filter dust valve

3-23 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


3.10 V-belt

Only check or retighten/replace the V-belt when the engine is switched off
Danger of personal injury!
Switch off the engine before carrying out inspection work in the engine
Disconnect the battery or the battery master switch.
Let the engine cool down.

Cracked and stretched V-belts cause engine damage.
Have the V-belt replaced by an authorised workshop.

Check the V-belt once a day, and retighten if necessary!

Retighten new V-belts after about 15 minutes of running time.

Checking V-belt tension

Check as follows:
Switch off the engine.
Fold the control lever base up.
Remove the key and carry it with you.
Disconnect the battery or the battery master switch.
Let the engine cool down.
Open the engine cover.
Carefully check V-belt 23/1 for damage, cracks or cuts.
Replace the V-belt if it touches the base of the V-belt groove or the discs of the
Fig. 23: Checking V-belt tension If the V-belt is damaged:
Have the V-belt replaced by authorised staff.
Press with your thumb to check the deflection of the V-belt between the crankshaft
disc and the fan wheel position 23/C. A new V-belt should have a deflection of 6 to 8
mm (0.2 0.3), a used V-belt (after about 5 minutes running time) should have a
deflection of 7 to 9 mm (0.3 0.35)
Retighten the V-belt if necessary.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 3-24


Retightening the V-belt

Overtightening the V-belt can damage the V-belt, the V-belt guide and the
water pump bearing. Avoid contact of oil, grease or similar substances with the
Check V-belt tension see Checking V-belt tension on page 3-24.

Retighten as follows:
Switch off the engine.
5 Fold the control lever base up.
Remove the key and carry it with you.
Tilt the cab.
Disconnect the battery or the battery master switch.
Let the engine cool down.
Unscrew cover 24/5.
Slacken fastening screws 24/3 of alternator 24/4.
Use a suitable tool to push the alternator in the direction of arrow A until reaching the
correct V-belt tension (fig. 24).
Keep the alternator in this position, and at the same time retighten fastening
screws 3.
Check V-belt tension again and adjust it if necessary.
3 Screw on cover 5.
Connect the battery or the battery master switch.
Tilt down the cab.

Fig. 24: Retightening the V-belt

3-25 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Checking the V-belt of the air

conditioning system
Excessive or insufficient tension of the V-belt can cause damage to the V-belt
or to the compressor of the air conditioning system.
Always make sure the V-belt has the correct tension.
Replace V-belts with damage, cracks, cuts etc.
Avoid contact of oil, grease or similar substances with the V-belt.

Check as follows:
2 Switch off the engine.
Fold the control lever base up.
Remove the key and carry it with you.
About 9 mm
Disconnect the battery or the battery master switch.
Let the engine cool down.
Open the engine cover.
Carefully check V-belt 25/1 for damage, cracks or cuts.
Replace the V-belt if it touches the base of the V-belt groove or the discs of the
Fig. 25: Checking the V-belt tension of the air conditioning
system If the V-belt is damaged:
Have the V-belt replaced by authorised staff.
Press with your thumb to check the deflection of the V-belt. A new V-belt should have
a deflection of 7 to 9 mm (0.3 0.35), a used V-belt (after about 5 minutes running
time) should have a deflection of 9 to 11 mm (0.35 0.4).
Retighten the V-belt if necessary.

Tightening the V-belt of the air

conditioning system
Retighten as follows:
4 Switch off the engine.
Fold the control lever base up.
Remove the key and carry it with you.
Disconnect the battery or the battery master switch.
A Let the engine cool down.
Open the engine cover.
Slacken fastening screws 26/3 and 26/4 of alternator 5.
Use a suitable tool to push the compressor in the direction of arrow A until reaching
Fig. 26: Retightening the V-belt of the air conditioning sys-
the correct V-belt tension (fig. 26).
tem Keep the compressor in this position, and at the same time retighten fastening
screws 3 and 4.
Check V-belt tension again and adjust it if necessary.
Connect the battery or the battery master switch.
Close the engine cover.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 3-26


3.11 Pressure check

General Run the machine warm before checking the pressure. The hydraulic oil should have a
minimum temperature of 50 C/122 F (operating temperature).
Pressure drop is checked under constant load.
Set the primary pressure limiting valves (PPLV) at maximum engine revs.
See chapter Specifications see on page 2-3, Checking the pilot control pressure,
for the pressure settings.
Ensure utmost cleanliness of all measuring points, measuring ports, micro
measuring lines and pressure gauges that are connected for checking pressure
=> even the slightest traces of dirt, e.g. a grain of sand, can impair tightness and
cause leaks.

Checking pilot control pressure

Connect a pressure gauge to measuring port MP 27/5.

5 Move the control lever base (safety switch) to work position.
Actuate the joystick.
Check and make a note of the pressure value.

Fig. 27: Pilot control pressure measuring port

Setting the pressure reducing valve 28/C (PRV4)

Pressure reducing valve (PRV 4) 33/C on the pilot oil supply unit ensures the fixed
setting of the pilot control pressure by means of spacer washers.

Fig. 28: Pressure reducing valve

3-27 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Pressure check of variable displacement pumps P1and P2

Functions: drive to the left, auxiliary hydraulics, boom swivel, boom 2, stick
Function: drive to the right, bucket, boom, stick 2

Checking the primary pressure limiting valve 1 (PPLV 1) for pumps P1 and P2
1 2 Connect the pressure gauge to measuring port MP 1 29/1 for P1 or MP 2 29/2 for P2.
Retract the stick ram (or extend the boom ram) as far as it will go at
maximum engine revs.

Check and make a note of the pressure value.

Checking pressure drop

Retract the stick ram (or extend the boom ram) as far as it will go at maximum engine
Swiftly reduce engine revs from maximum to minimum -> pressure drop.
Fig. 29: Measuring ports P1 and P2
Check and make a note of the pressure value.
Pressure drop should not exceed the specified value by more than 10 %.
Adjustment of the primary pressure limiting valve 1 (PPLV 1) for pumps P1 and P2
Adjust the pressure at the primary pressure limiting valve (PPLV 1) 30/A on the main
valve block:
Slacken locknut 30/1 of the pressure limiting valve.
Unscrew pressure limiting valve 30/2 until you can read off a pressure drop on the
pressure gauge.
The valve seat may be stuck and must be slackened first.
Adjust the pressure limiting valve and tighten locknut 30/1.
Check the primary pressure limiting valve 30/A and the pressure drop again once
adjustment is over.

P1 check also with: rod side boom function, forwards/reverse driving to the left
P2 check also with: base side stick function, base/rod side bucket, forwards/reverse
Fig. 30: Primary pressure limiting valves P1 and P2 driving to the right

1 2 Checking the auxiliary hydraulics pressure

Factory indications for auxiliary hydraulics secondary valves are possibly invalid
since the valves must be adapted to the attachment.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 3-28


Pressure check of gear pumps P3 and P4

Functions: stabiliser blade, upper carriage rotation, 3rd control circuit option, triple
articulation boom option

Checking the primary pressure limiting valve 2 (PPLV 2) for pump P3

Connect a pressure gauge to measuring port MP 3 31/3.
Extend the stabiliser blade ram as far as it will go at maximum engine revs.

3 4
Check and make a note of the pressure value.
Checking pressure drop
Extend the stabiliser blade ram as far as it will go at maximum engine revs.
Swiftly reduce engine revs from maximum to minimum -> pressure drop.
Fig. 31: Measuring port P3 Check and make a note of the pressure value.
Pressure drop should not exceed the specified value by more than 10 %.

Adjusting the primary pressure limiting valve 2 (PPLV 2) for pump P3

Adjust the pressure at the primary pressure limiting valve (PPLV 2) 32/B on the main
valve block.
Slacken the locknut of the pressure limiting valve.
B Unscrew the pressure limiting valve until you can read off a pressure drop on the
pressure gauge.
The valve seat may be stuck and must be slackened first.
Adjust the pressure limiting valve and tighten the locknut.
Check the primary pressure limiting valve 32/B and the pressure drop again once
adjustment is over.

Checking the primary pressure limiting valve 2 (PPLV 2) for pump P4

Connect a pressure gauge to measuring port MP 4 31/4.
Fig. 32: Primary pressure limiting valves P3 and P4 Extend the stabiliser blade ram as far as it will go at maximum engine revs.
Check and make a note of the pressure value.
Pressure is limited to 145 bar (2103 psi) by pressure cutoff valve see chapter 5.10
Pressure cutoff valve on page 5-27.
Also check with the retract stabiliser blade, boom swivel and upper carriage
rotation functions.

Secondary pressure limiting valve of the gear motor

Check (idling speed)

1 Connect a pressure gauge to measuring port MP 3.
Place the bucket or the boom against the ground or the stabiliser blade, or rotate
against hydraulic resistance.
Check and make a note of the pressure value.

Adjusting the secondary pressure limiting valve of the gear motor

Fig. 33: Secondary pressure limiting valve

3-29 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Adjust the pressure at the secondary pressure limiting valve on the gear motor.
Slacken the locknut of pressure limiting valve 33/1.
Unscrew the pressure limiting valve until you can read off a pressure drop on the
pressure gauge.
The valve seat may be stuck and must be slackened first.
Adjust the pressure limiting valve and tighten the locknut.
Check the secondary pressure limiting valve again once adjustment is over.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 3-30


Measuring ports: overview

3 4

1 2 5

Fig. 34: Measurement ports Fig. 35: Measurement ports

Pos. Description
1 Pump 1 measuring port MP 1
2 Pump 2 measuring port MP 2
3 Pump 3 measuring port MP 3
4 Pump 4 measuring port MP 4
5 Pilot control pressure measuring port MP 5

Primary pressure limiting valves

Pos. Description
1 Primary pressure limiting valve pump 1 and pump 2 PPLV 1
2 Primary pressure limiting valve pump 3 and pump 4 PPLV 2
3 Pressure reducing valve PRV 4

3-31 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

3.12 Test report

Pilot control
Specified values
Pressure limiting 1st measure- 2nd measure-
Function Movement Symbol Measuring port Engine
valve Pressure in bar (psi) ment ment
Pressure reducing
Rated 32.5-0/+4
Joystick ANY valve PRV 4 (pilot Measuring port 5
value (471-0/+58)
oil supply unit)
Pump 1
Specified values
Pressure limiting 1st measure- 2nd measure-
Function Movement Symbol Measuring port Engine
valve Pressure in bar (psi) ment ment
max. 3003 (435144)
Min. 2703 (391644)
Boom 1
max. 3003 (435144)
2703 (391644)

Primary pressure limiting valve

max. 3003 (435144)

Measuring port MP 1
EXTEND (main valve block)
Min. 2703 (391644)
3003 (435144)

Min. 2703 (391644)
max. 3003 (435144)
Min. 2703 (391644)
max. 3003 (435144)
Right-hand side Min. 2703 (391644)
drive max. 3003 (435144)
Min. 2703 (391644)


3.12 Test report

Pump 2
Specified values
Pressure limiting 1st measure- 2nd measure-
Function Movement Symbol Measuring port Engine
valve Pressure in bar (psi) ment ment
max. 3003 (435144)
EXTEND Primary pressure
Measuring port Min. 2703 (391644)
Stick limiting valve
MP 2 (pump) max. 3003 (435144)
Min. 2703 (391644)
max. 3003 (435144)
Left-hand side Min. 2703 (391644)
drive max. 3003 (435144)

Primary pressure limiting valve

Min. 2703 (391644)
max. 3003 (435144)

Measuring port MP 2
Boom 2 UP
Min. 2703 (391644)
3003 (435144)


Min. 2703 (391644)
Swivel boom
max. 3003 (435144)
Min. 2703 (391644)
max. 3003 (435144)
Auxiliary hydrau- Min. 2703 (391644)
lics max. 3003 (435144)
2703 (391644)
SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Pump 3
Pressure limiting 1st measure- 2nd measure-
Function Movement Symbol Measuring port Specified values
valve ment ment
SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

3.12 Test report

max. 245-0/+3 (3553-0/+44)
UP Primary pressure
Measuring port Min. 220-0/+3 (3191-0/+44)
Stabiliser blade limiting valve
MP 3 (pump) max. 245-0/+3 (3553-0/+44)
Min. 220-0/+3 (3191-0/+44)
max. 245-0/+3 (3553-0/+44)

Primary pressure limiting valve

3rd control cir- Min. 220-0/+3 (3191-0/+44)

Measuring port MP 3
cuit (option) max. 245-0/+3 (3553-0/+44)

Min. 220-0/+3 (3191-0/+44)

max. 245-0/+3 (3553-0/+44)
Triple articula- Min. 220-0/+3 (3191-0/+44)
tion boom max. 245-0/+3 (3553-0/+44)
(option) DOWN
Min. 220-0/+3 (3191-0/+44)
LEFT Secondary Rated
215+3 (311844)
Upper carriage pressure limiting value
Gear motor
rotation valve SPLV 4 Rated
RIGHT 215+3 (311844)
(gear motor) value



3.13 Hydraulic system

Specific safety instructions
Release the pressure in all lines carrying hydraulic oil prior to any maintenance and
repair work. To do this:
Lower all hydraulically controlled attachments to the ground
Move all control levers of the hydraulic control valves several times.
Fold the control lever base up.
Hydraulic oil escaping under high pressure can penetrate the skin and cause serious
injuries. Therefore always consult a doctor immediately, even in the case of minor
wounds otherwise serious infections could set in.
If the hydraulic oil in the sight glass is cloudy, this indicates that water or air has
penetrated the hydraulic system. This can cause damage to the hydraulic pump.
Oil or fuel flowing out of high pressure lines can cause fire or malfunctions, and severe
injuries or damage to property. Interrupt work immediately if slack nuts or damaged
hoses and lines are detected.
Contact your Wacker Neuson dealer immediately.
Replace the hose or line if one of the problems mentioned below is detected.
Damaged or leaky hydraulic seals.
Worn or torn shells or uncovered reinforcement branches.
Expanded shells in several positions.
Entangled or crushed movable parts.
Foreign bodies jammed or stuck in protective layers.

Dirty hydraulic oil, lack of oil or wrong hydraulic oil
Danger of severe damage to the hydraulic system!
Take care to avoid dirt when working.
Always fill in hydraulic oil by means of a strainer or the reflux filter.
Only use authorised oils of the same type see Fluids and lubricants on
page 3-1.
Always fill up hydraulic oil before the level gets too low see Filling up
hydraulic oil on page 3-37.
If the hydraulic system is filled with biodegradable oil, then only use the
same biodegradable oil for filling up observe the sticker on the hydraulic
oil tank.
Contact customer service if the hydraulic system filter is dirty and contains
metal chippings. Otherwise, follow-on damage can result.

Collect drained hydraulic oil and biodegradable oil in a suitable container. Dispose of
drained oil and used filters by an ecologically safe method. Always contact the relevant
authorities or commercial establishments in charge of oil disposal before disposing of
biodegradable oil.

Checking the hydraulic oil level

3-35 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Do not fill up oil if the oil level is above the FULL mark, otherwise the hydraulic
system can be damaged and escaping oil can cause serious injuries.
Check the hydraulic oil level each time the machine is put into operation or
once a day.

If the attachment is not positioned as shown:

Start the engine and let it run at idling speed
Retract the bucket and boom rams, lower the boom and the bucket teeth to the
Fig. 36: Parking the excavator Switch off the engine again.

Checking the hydraulic oil level

Proceed as follows:
Park the machine on level ground.
Switch off the engine.
FULL Fold the control lever base up.
LOW Open the engine cover.
B Sight glass A is located on hydraulic oil tank B.
Check the oil level on sight glass A.
The oil level must be at the FULL level.
A gauge element in sight glass A indicates the oil level.
If the oil level is lower,
Fig. 37: Oil level indicator on the hydraulic oil tank
Fill up hydraulic oil.

The oil level varies according to the machine's operating temperature:

Machine condition Temperature Oil level

Before putting into Between 10 and 30 C (50 and 86 F) LOW mark
Normal operation Between 50 and 90 C (122 and 194 F) FULL mark

Measure the oil level of the hydraulic system only after the machine reaches its
operating temperature.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 3-36


Filling up hydraulic oil Do not fill up the hydraulic oil unless the engine is switched off. Otherwise, hydraulic oil will
overflow at the filler opening on the hydraulic tank.
Fill up as follows:
Park the machine on level ground.
Retract all hydraulic rams.
Switch off the engine.
Fold the control lever base up.
Clean the area around filler opening C with a cloth.
Open filler opening C.
Fill up hydraulic oil.
Check the hydraulic oil level on sight glass B.
Fill up if necessary and check again.
Close filler opening C.
Fig. 38: Hydraulic oil filler inlet

3-37 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Changing hydraulic oil

Only change the hydraulic oil if it is warm (about 50 C/122 F). Retract all
hydraulic rams before changing the oil.

Open the breather filter to release pressure.

Open drain plug 39/B and let the oil drain into a container.
Check the hydraulic oil tank for dirt and clean if necessary.
Replace the filter according to the maintenance specifications.
Screw the drain plug back in correctly.
Fill in clean hydraulic oil through the strainer see Filling up hydraulic oil on page 3-37.
Close the hydraulic oil tank correctly.
Fig. 39: Hydraulic oil drain plug
Let the machine run at idling speed without load for some minutes.

Monitoring the hydraulic oil reflux filter

The red telltale X on the indicating instrument monitors the reflux filter.
The filter element must be replaced by an authorised workshop:
If telltale X comes on when the hydraulic oil is at operating temperature.
at the latest after 1500 service hours (once every year).
In cold weather telltale X can come on immediately when the engine is started. This is
caused by increased oil viscosity. In this case:
Set engine speed so that telltale X goes out.

Fig. 40: Reflux filter telltale

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 3-38


Checking hydraulic pressure lines Specific safety instructions

Caution when checking hydraulic lines, especially when searching for leaks.
Hydraulic oil escaping under high pressure can penetrate the skin and cause
serious injuries.
Danger of personal injury!
Always consult a doctor immediately, even if the wound seems insignificant
otherwise serious infections could set in.
Always observe the following instructions:
Retighten leaking screwed fittings and hose connections only when the
system is not under pressure; i.e. release the pressure before working
on pressurised lines.
Never weld or solder damaged or leaking pressure lines and screw
connections. Replace damaged parts with new ones.
Never search for leaks with your bare hands, but wear protective gloves.
Use paper or wood to check for minor leaks. Never use an unprotected
light or naked flame.
Have damaged flexible lines replaced by authorised workshops only.

Leaks and damaged pressure lines must be immediately repaired or replaced by an

authorised workshop or after-sales staff. This not only increases the operating safety of
your machine but also helps to protect the environment.
Replace hydraulic hoses every 6 years from the date of manufacture, even if they do
not seem to be damaged.
In this respect, we recommend that you observe all the relevant safety regulations for
hydraulic lines, as well as the safety regulations regarding accident prevention and
occupational health and safety in your country. Also observe DIN 20066, part 5.
1 Q/00 The date of manufacture (month or quarter and year) is indicated on the flexible line.
The indication 1 Q/00 means manufactured in the 1st quarter of 2000.

3-39 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


3.14 Travelling drive

Immediately after switching off the engine, the engine's components and the
oil are very hot. This can cause burns. If the inside of the drive gear is under
pressure, the oil or the plug can be squeezed out.
Danger of injury and scalding!
Wait until the engine has cooled down before taking up work.
Slowly open the plug to reduce the pressure inside.

The Q8 T55 SAE 85W-90 gearbox oil is no longer produced!
Therefore the Q8 T55 80W-90 gearbox oil is used from 10/2006 onwards!
Do not mix both oils under no circumstances!

Checking the oil level and filling up oil

Park the machine on firm and horizontal ground.
Place the machine so that filler plug A is at the top.
Switch off the engine.
B Let the engine cool down.
Fold the control lever base up.
Unscrew screws A and B with a suitable tool.
Fig. 41: Checking the oil level A small quantity of oil must flow out of opening B.
If the oil does not flow out of opening B, fill up oil:
Fill in oil through opening A,
until a small quantity of oil flows out of opening B.
Screw screws A and B back in again.
Move the machine a few metres.
Check the oil level again.
If the oil level is not correct:
Repeat the procedure.
Draining oil
B Park the machine on firm and horizontal ground.
Place the machine so that filler plug B is at the bottom.
Switch off the engine.
A Let the engine cool down.
Fold the control lever base up.
Unscrew screws A and B with a suitable tool.
Fig. 42: Draining oil The oil now flows out of opening A.
Use a suitable container to collect the oil as it drains.

Collect the oil with a suitable container and dispose of it in an environmentally friendly

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 3-40


3.15 Chains
Chain wear can vary according to work and ground conditions.
We recommend checking chain wear and tension once a day.
Park the machine on firm and level ground to check and carry out maintenance.

Checking chain tension

Working under the machine with the chains off the ground and only supported
by the attachment is extremely dangerous.
Caution, danger!
Firmly support the machine with chocks or suitable brackets.

Check chain tension as follows:

The rubber chain has a mark B as shown in Fig. 43.
Place the excavator so that mark B of the rubber chain is between the drive pinion C
and the chain tension roller D.

There is no mark on the steel chains (options). Positioning the steel chains is not
No specific position is required for the steel chains (option).

Fig. 43: Rubber chain mark

Park the machine on firm and level ground.

Raise the excavator with the boom and the stick.
Slowly and carefully actuate the control levers.
Switch off the engine.
Remove the key and carry it with you.
Fold the control lever base up.
Fig. 44: Raising the excavator Use suitable auxiliary means to support the machine.

Standard play between the sliding block's shoulder and the contact area of the second
support roller of the drive pinion is 25 30 mm (1.0 1.2).
Set the tension as follows if it is not in accordance with the rated value.

25 30 mm
(1.0 1.2)

Fig. 45: Measuring distance

3-41 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Setting the chains

The lubricating valve can be squeezed out due to the high grease pressure in
the hydraulic ram.
Danger of personal injury!
Do not slacken and unscrew the lubricating valve by more than one turn.
Slacken no other component except the lubricating valve.
Keep your face away from the lubricating valve connection.
Contact your Wacker Neuson dealer if this does not reduce the tension of the
rubber sliding block.

Excessive tension of the chains causes severe damage to the ram and the
Tighten the chains only up to the prescribed measuring distance.

Tightening the chains

Inject grease with the pump through lubricating valve A.
Check the tension is correct by starting the engine, letting it run at idling speed and
slowly moving the machine forwards and reverse and switching it off again.
Check the tension of the track chains again.
If it is not correct:
Adjust again.
Should the track chain still be slack after injecting more grease, replace the chain or the
seal in the ram. Contact a Wacker Neuson dealer in this case.
Fig. 46: Tightening the chains Reducing tension
Draining grease in a way different from the one described below is very dangerous.
Also bear in mind the safety instructions on this page.
Slowly open the lubricating valve A by 1 turn to allow the grease to flow out.
Place a suitable container underneath to collect the grease.
The grease flows out of the groove of the lubricating valve.
Retighten the lubricating valve A.
A Check the tension is correct by starting the engine, letting it run at idling speed and
slowly moving the machine forwards and reverse and switching it off again.
Fig. 47: Draining grease Check the tension of the track chains again.
If it is not correct:
Adjust again.

Use a suitable container to collect the grease as it flows out and dispose of it in an
environmentally friendly manner.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 3-42


3.16 Lubrication work

Apply multipurpose lithium grease with an MoS additive to all lubrication points indicated.

Stabiliser blade
Apply grease to lubrication points A on the stabiliser blade ram.
Apply grease to lubrication points B on the stabiliser blade.

Fig. 48: Lubrication points on the stabiliser blade

Lubrication points on the swivelling console

Apply grease to lubrication points C of the swivelling console.

Fig. 49: Lubrication points on the swivelling console

3-43 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Boom lubrication points

Apply grease to lubrication points D on the boom.

Fig. 50: Boom lubrication points

Lubrication points on the stick

Apply grease to lubrication points E on the stick.

Fig. 51: Lubrication points on the stick

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 3-44


Lubrication strip
Apply grease to the lubrication strip as follows:
Lubrication point A for live ring ball bearing
Grease: BP Energrease MP-MG2
Lubrication point B for the offset ram

A Important!
Apply grease to lubrication points A and B once a day.

A portable lamp can be connected to the lubrication strip's 12 V connection C.

Fig. 52: Lubrication strip on the chassis

Maintenance of attachments
Correct maintenance and service is absolutely necessary for smooth and
continuous operation, and for an increased service life of the attachments. Please
observe the lubrication and maintenance instructions in the Operator's Manuals of
the attachments.

3-45 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


3.17 Electric system

Specific safety instructions
The battery contains sulphuric acid. This acid must not be allowed to come into contact
with the skin, the eyes, clothing or the machine.
Therefore when recharging or working near the battery:
Always wear goggles and protective clothing with long sleeves.
If acid is spilt:
Thoroughly rinse all affected surfaces immediately with plenty of water.
Thoroughly wash any part of the body touched by the sulphuric acid immediately with
plenty of water and seek medical attention at once.
Especially when charging batteries, as well as during normal operation of batteries, an
oxyhydrogen mixture is formed in the battery cells danger of explosion.
Do not attempt to jump-start the machine if the battery is frozen or if the acid level is
low. The battery can rupture or explode.
Replace the battery immediately.
Avoid naked flames and sparks and do not smoke in the vicinity of open battery cells
otherwise the gas produced during normal battery operation can ignite.
Use only 12 V power sources. Higher voltages will damage the electric components.
When connecting the battery leads, make sure the poles +/ are not inverted, otherwise
sensitive electric components will be damaged.
Do not interrupt voltage-carrying circuits at the battery terminals because of the danger
of sparking.
Never place tools or other conductive articles on the battery danger of short circuit.
Disconnect the negative () battery terminal from the battery before starting repair work
on the electric system.
Dispose of used batteries properly.

Service and maintenance work at regular intervals

Before driving the machine

Check every time before driving the machine:
Is the light system OK?
Is the signalling and warning system OK?
Every week
Check once a week:
Electric fuses see Fuse box in instrument panel on page 2-5
Cable and earth connections
Battery charge condition see Battery on page 3-48
Condition of battery terminals

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 3-46


Instructions concerning specific Cables, bulbs and fuses

components Always observe the following instructions:
Defective components of the electric system must always be replaced by an authorised
expert. Bulbs and fuses may be changed by unqualified persons.
When carrying out maintenance work on the electric system, pay particular attention to
ensuring good contact in leads and fuses.
Blown fuses indicate overloading or short circuits. The electric system must therefore
be checked before installing the new fuse.
Only use fuses with the specified load capacity (amperage) see Fuse box in
instrument panel on page 2-5.

Always disconnect and remove the battery before carrying out welding work on the
machine, and short-circuit the terminal cables of the machine to avoid damage to
the electronic components.

Alternator Always observe the following instructions:

Only test run the engine with the battery connected.
When connecting the battery, make sure the poles (+/) are not inverted.
Always disconnect the battery before carrying out welding work or connecting a quick
battery charger.
Replace defective charge telltales immediately see Telltale (red) alternator charge
function on page 1-12.

3-47 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Battery acid is highly caustic.
Danger of caustic injury!
Therefore when recharging and/or working near the battery:
Always wear goggles and protective clothing with long sleeves.
If acid is spilt:
Thoroughly rinse all affected surfaces immediately with plenty of water.
Thoroughly wash any part of the body touched by the sulphuric acid
immediately with plenty of water and seek medical attention at once.
Especially when charging batteries, as well as during normal operation of
batteries, an oxyhydrogen mixture is formed in the battery cells
Danger of explosion!
Avoid naked lights and sparks in the vicinity of the battery and do not
Do not attempt to jump-start the machine if the battery is frozen or if the
acid level is low. The battery can rupture or explode.
Replace the battery immediately.
Always disconnect the negative terminal () from the battery before starting
repair work on the electric system.

Battery 53/A is located in the chassis underneath the cab behind the gear motor. The
- + battery is maintenance-free. However have the battery checked at regular intervals to
make sure the electrolyte level is between the MIN and MAX marks.
Checking the battery requires it to be removed and must be carried out by an authorised
Always follow the specific battery safety instructions.
Fig. 53: Battery Do not disconnect the battery while the engine is running.

Jump-starting the engine

Connect the plus lead of the starting aid with plus lead B on the battery master switch of
A the machine requiring jump-start.
Connect the earthing lead of the starting aid to a bare part of the chassis of the machine
with the flat battery.
Charge the flat battery for a few minutes.
+ Start the engine.
Remove the earthing lead of the starting aid from the chassis.
Fig. 54: Battery master switch Remove the plus lead of the starting aid from the main switch.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 3-48


3.18 Cab
Check cab bearings B for damage.

B Important!
Check the cab fastening screws for tightness, retighten with a suitable tool if
necessary see chapter Anziehdrehmomente fr hochfeste
Schraubverbindungen on page 2-8.
Fig. 55: Cab bearing

Replacing the cab filter Tilt the cab to replace the filter see Tilting the cab on page 1-16.
The heater is located at the rear half of the cab.

Replacing the filter:

Slacken the heater cover.
The cab filter can be accessed fig. 56.
Remove the cab filter.
Insert a new cab filter.
Fit the heater cover back on again.

Fig. 56: Cab filter

3-49 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


3.19 General maintenance work

Cleaning Cleaning the machine is divided into 3 separate areas:
Inside the cab
Exterior of the machine
Engine compartment
The wrong choice of cleaning equipment and agents can impair the operating safety of the
machine on the one hand, and on the other undermine the health of the persons in charge
of cleaning the machine. It is therefore essential to observe the following instructions.

General instructions for all areas of the machine

When using washing solvents

Ensure adequate room ventilation.
Wear suitable protective clothing.
Do not use flammable liquids, such as petrol or diesel.
When using compressed air
Work carefully.
Wear goggles and protective clothing.
Do not aim the compressed air at the skin or at other people.
Do not use compressed air for cleaning your clothing.

When using a high-pressure cleaner or steam jet

Electric components and damping material must be covered and not directly exposed
to the jet.
Cover the vent filter on the hydraulic oil tank and the filler caps for fuel, hydraulic oil etc.
Protect the following components from moisture:
Electric components such as the alternator etc.
Control devices and seals
Air intake filters etc.

When using volatile and easily flammable anticorrosion agents and sprays:
Ensure adequate room ventilation.
Do not use unprotected lights or naked flames.
Do not smoke.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 3-50


Inside the cab

Never use high-pressure cleaners, steam jets or high-pressure water to clean
inside the cab. Water under high pressure can
penetrate into the electric system and cause short circuits and
damage seals and disable the controls.

We recommend using the following aids to clean the cab:

Vacuum cleaner
Damp cloth
Bristle brush
Water with mild soap solution
Cleaning the seat belt:
Clean the seat belt (which remains fitted in the machine) only with a mild soap solution;
do not use chemical agents as they can destroy the fabric.
Exterior of the machine The following articles are generally suitable:
High-pressure cleaner
Steam jet
Engine compartment
Clean the engine at engine standstill only
Danger of personal injury!
Switch off the engine before cleaning.

When cleaning the engine with a water or steam jet
The engine must be cold
and do not point the jet directly at electric sensors such as the oil pressure
The humidity penetrating any such sensors causes them to fail and leads to
engine damage.

Screw connections and attachments

All screw connections must be checked regularly for tightness, even if they are not listed in
the maintenance schedules.
Engine fastening screws
Fastening screws on the hydraulic system
Line, bucket teeth and pin fastenings on the attachment
Retighten loose connections immediately. Contact an authorised workshop if necessary.
All mechanical pivot points on the machine (e.g. door hinges, joints) and fittings (e.g. door
arresters) must be lubricated regularly, even if they are not listed in the lubrication plan.

3-51 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Engine 4TNV98-VNS (up to serial no. AD07187 American Tier 2)


4 Engine
4.1 Engine 4TNV98-VNS (up to serial no. AD07187 American Tier 2)

Fuel injection pump

Oil filler neck

Fuel filter
Air intake

Engine oil filter

Oil dipstick

Oil drain plug

Oil pressure switch

Exhaust manifold

4-1 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Engine 4TNV98-VNS (up to serial no. AD07187 American Tier 2)

Tightening bracket


Coolant thermostat

Fan blade

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-2

Engine 4TNV98-VNS (up to serial no. AD07187 American Tier 2)

4.2 Fuel system

Fuel injection

with stop cock

Fuel filter

Water separator
with stop cock
Feed line

Fuel pump

4-3 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Engine 4TNV98-VNS (up to serial no. AD07187 American Tier 2)

4.3 Removing the valve cover

The injection lines on this engine run through the valve cover. Therefore, remove
the valve cover with extreme care.

Remove as follows:

Unscrew all fuel injection lines from the valve cover.

Slightly fold the injection lines away from the engine.
Carefully remove the rubber grommets from the valve cover with a screw driver.
Unscrew the valve cover.

Fig. 1: Removing the valve cover

4.4 Checking and adjusting valve clearance

Standard setting of valve clearance is possible:
On a cold engine.
Checking valve clearance Remove the valve cover.
Turn the engine until the respective cylinder reaches the top dead centre of the
compression cycle.
Valve overlapping.

Check the valve cap for abnormal wear.

normal abnormal

Fig. 2: Valve cap wear

Check valve clearance 3/A with a feeler gauge.

Valve clearance: 0.15 0.25 mm (0.006 0.01)

Repeat the procedure for each cylinder.

Place the valve cover gasket

Mount the valve cover

Fig. 3: Checking valve clearance

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-4

Engine 4TNV98-VNS (up to serial no. AD07187 American Tier 2)

Setting zero play of the valve bridge

Remove the valve cover.

C Slacken locknut 4/C and unscrew set screw 4/B by one revolution.
Press the valve bridge against valve 4/D by hand until it makes contact.
Turn the set screw clockwise at the same time until it touches the valve.
Tighten locknut 4/C.

Fig. 4: Setting valve clearance

Setting valve clearance

Turn the engine until the respective cylinder reaches the top dead centre of the
E compression cycle.
Valve overlapping.

Slacken locknut 5/E.

Set valve clearance by turning set screw 5/F.
Valve clearance: 0.15 0.25 mm (0.006 0.01)
Tighten the locknut.
Check the setting again with the feeler gauge.

Repeat the procedure for each cylinder.

Fig. 5: Setting valve clearance
Place the valve cover gasket

Mount the valve cover

4-5 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Engine 4TNV98-VNS (up to serial no. AD07187 American Tier 2)

4.5 Tightening order for cylinder head bolts

Order for removing the cylinder-head bolts.

Flywheel Fan

Oil the threads and the contact surfaces of the cylinder-head bolts before mounting them.

Mount the cylinder-head bolts.

Tightening moments:
1st pass 49 58.8 Nm (36.1 43.4 ft. lbs.)
2nd pass 103.1 112.9 Nm (76 83.3 ft. lbs.)

Bear in the mind the order for tightening the cylinder-head bolts.
See figure

Flywheel Fan

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-6

Engine 4TNV98-VNS (up to serial no. AD07187 American Tier 2)

4.6 Checking the injection nozzles

Pressure check
Remove the injection line and the injection nozzle.
Connect the injection nozzle with the high pressure line of the nozzle tester.
Slowly increase pressure until the nozzle ejects fuel and read the pressure off the
pressure gauge.
If the injection pressure is too low, replace the spacer in the nozzle by a thicker one. If
the pressure is too high, replace the spacer by a thinner one.
Injection pressure: 216 226 bar (3133 3278 psi)
Fig. 6: Nozzle tester
Spacer thickness of 0.1 mm (0.004) corresponds to modification by 19 bar (276 psi).
Check the nozzle for drips after it has ejected fuel.
Create a pressure of about 20 bar (290 psi) below injection pressure and check
whether fuel drips from the nozzle.
Lower nozzle screw fitting
Upper nozzle screw fitting
Spacers Pressure spring centring Nozzle needle

Compression Compression Nozzle body

4.7 Checking the nozzle jet

Remove the injection lines and the injection nozzles.
Connect the injection nozzle with the high pressure line of the nozzle tester.
Quickly create pressure until the nozzle ejects fuel (ejection 3 4 times).
Hold a white sheet of paper about 30 cm (12) away from the nozzle and let the nozzle
eject fuel.
The nozzle jet must create a shape on the paper as shown in fig. 8/left.

Normal atomisation

optimal --------------variation--------------
Fig. 8: Shape of nozzle jet

Bad atomisation
Fig. 7: Nozzle jet

4-7 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Engine 4TNV98-VNS (up to serial no. AD07187 American Tier 2)

4.8 Injection time

Checking injection time
Preparatory work:
Remove the injection lines from the fuel injection pump.
Remove plug 9/1 from the piston.
Mount the sleeve (no. 1000158805) and the extension (no. 1000158806) onto the dial
gauge (no. 1000158807) and fasten them with a clamp (no. 1000083308).
1 Mount the dial gauge into the bore of the piston as shown in Fig. 9.

Remove the rubber cover from the flywheel housing.
Turn the crankshaft (ring gear on flywheel) until the piston in the fuel injection pump
reaches the lowest point (pay no attention to the position of the cylinders).
Set the measuring equipment to 0.
Use suitable equipment (at the ring gear) to turn the flywheel to the top until the piston
Fig. 9: Measuring equipment of the fuel injection pump reaches a stroke of 2.5 mm (0.1).
Read the degrees before top dead centre by means of the indentations on the flywheel.
Indentations 1/4 and 2/3 stand for the top dead centre of the respective cylinders.
Scaling: 10/15/20 before top dead centre
Rated value: 14.5 + 1 before top dead centre (~ second indentation)

Fig. 10: Top dead centre indentation and 10 before top

dead centre

Setting injection time

Variations outside the tolerance range can be corrected by turning the fuel injection
Mark the initial position on the pump and wheel case housing before setting the fuel
injection pump see Fig. 11.
Remove all injection lines on the fuel injection pump and slacken the 4 flange screws by
about a revolution (do not unscrew completely).
Rotate the pump in the required direction, and tighten one of the screws before you
check the setting.
Rotated towards the engine: later injection time
Label for setting
Rotated away from the engine: earlier injection time
Bend each of the injection lines before you mount them so they are not subject to
tension once they are mounted.
Fig. 11: Mark on housing
Check injection time again.
Adhesive label number 1000158808

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-8

Engine 4TNV98-VNS (up to serial no. AD07187 American Tier 2)

Replacement of fuel injection pump

Mark on pump housing Mark the initial position on the pump and wheel case housing before removing the fuel
injection pump see fig. 12.
Remove gear casing cover 13/1 of the fuel injection pump.
Mark the position of the gear of the fuel injection pump 14/A with respect to gear 14/B
see fig. 14.
Completely slacken lock nut 14/2 of the drive pinion.
Example: +1 Example: +0.25

Fig. 12: Correction of injection angle

Remove the fuel injection pump.

Read off the injection angle on the pump.
Read off the injection angle on the new pump.
Read off the imprint on the engine side of the fuel injection pump.

Fig. 13: Gear casing cover

Difference of Angle of new pump Angle of old pump gives you the mounting angle
2 of the new fuel injection pump see fig. 12.
Positive value: later injection time (towards the engine)
A Negative value: earlier injection time (away from the engine)

Mount the injection pump:

Check the marked position of the drive pinion of the fuel injection pump (fig. 14).
B Screw on and tighten nut 14/2.
Fig. 14: Gear casing Check injection time.
Mount gear casing cover 13/1 of the fuel injection pump.

Do not slacken screws 15/3 of the drive pinion of the fuel injection pump. These
A screws specify the precision setting of the fuel injection pump set by the

3 B
Fig. 15: Gear casing

4-9 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Engine 4TNV98-VNS (up to serial no. AD07187 American Tier 2)

4.9 Adjusting engine revs

Maximum engine revs are sealed in the factory and may not be modified.

Adjust engine revs without load.

Run the diesel engine until it reaches operating temperature.
Check idling speed A and maximum revs B with all attachment functions in neutral.
Idling speed 1100 25 rpm
Max. revs: 2290 25 rpm
Correct the idling speed with set screw 16/A if it is not correct.

Fig. 16: Adjusting engine revs

4.10 Compression
Remove the injection lines and the injection nozzles.
Set the fuel injection pump to zero delivery (remove the plug for the cutoff solenoid).
Turn the engine.
Mount the compression gauge on the cylinder you want to measure.
Turn the engine with the starter and read the pressure off the pressure gauge.
Specified value: 33.3 35.3 bar (483 512 psi) at 250 rpm
Threshold value: 26.5 28.5 bar (384 413 psi) at 250 rpm
Fig. 17: Compression

4.11 Checking the coolant thermostat

Remove the thermostat.

Housing cover




Thermal switch

Fig. 18: Coolant thermostat

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-10

Engine 4TNV98-VNS (up to serial no. AD07187 American Tier 2)

Warm up the thermostat in a container with water.

Temperature gauge
Check whether the thermostat opens at the specified temperature (check with a
Thermostat temperature gauge).
Thermostat opening temperature: 69.5 72.5 C (157.1 162.5 F)

4.12 Checking the thermal switch

Remove the thermal switch.
Temperature gauge
Warm up the thermal switch in a container with antifreeze or oil.
Measure the resistance of the thermal switch as shown by means of an ohmmeter.
The switch must allow the coolant to pass at a temperature of 107 113 C (224.6
235.4 F).

Test prods

Fig. 19: Checking the thermal switch

4.13 Oil pressure switch

Remove the cable connection from the oil pressure switch (in the area of the cutoff
Measurement Start the engine, check for correct idling speed.
Measure the resistance of the oil pressure switch as shown by means of an ohmmeter.
Oil pressure switch OK: infinite resistance
The oil pressure switch is defective if the oil can pass.

Fig. 20: Oil pressure switch

4-11 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Engine 4TNV98-VNS (up to serial no. AD07187 American Tier 2)

4.14 Checking the coolant circuit

Leakage check
Fill up the radiator completely.
Mount an adapter on the radiator as shown.
Increase the pressure in the cooling system by means of a hand pump to about 1 bar
(15 psi).
Check the lines and the connections for leaks if the pressure drops at the pressure
Fig. 21: Checking the radiator for leaks

Checking the radiator cap

Remove the radiator cap and mount it onto the adapter as shown.
Increase the pressure to about 1 bar/15 psi (stamped onto the radiator cap) with the
hand pump.
The radiator cap must open.
Radiator cap

Fig. 22: Checking the radiator cap

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-12

EGR valve Coolant hose (EGR intake

Coolant hose (EGR
exhaust valve)

Exhaust silencer Oil filler neck

Engine 4TNV98-ZVNS from serial no. AH00611

Cold starter
Exhaust gas
recirculation (EGR
Air intake (incl.
Engine 4TNV98-ZVNS from serial no. AH00611

Engine 4TNV98-ZVNS from serial no. AH00611

Fuel injection pump

Revs sensor
Fuel injection pump regu- Fuel filter
(incl. water separator)
Engine oil filter

Oil dipstick

Oil pressure switch Oil drain plug

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Engine 4TNV98-ZVNS from serial no. AH00611


Tightening bracket


Coolant thermostat

Fan wheel

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-14

Engine 4TNV98-ZVNS from serial no. AH00611

4.16 Fuel system

Fuel radiator

Fuel filter with water


Water separator with stop
Feed line

Fuel pump

4-15 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Engine 4TNV98-ZVNS from serial no. AH00611

4.17 Removing the valve cover

The injection lines on this engine run through the valve cover. Therefore, remove
the valve cover with extreme care.

Allow the engine to cool down for at least 30 minutes before removing (engine oil
temperature < 80 C/< 176 F), then drain the coolant in an environmentally friendly way.
Remove as follows:

Unscrew all fuel injection lines from the valve cover.

Slightly fold the injection lines away from the engine.
Carefully remove the rubber grommets from the valve cover with a screw driver.
Fig. 23: Removing the valve cover Unscrew the valve cover.

4.18 Checking and adjusting valve clearance

Standard setting of valve clearance is possible:
On a cold engine.
Checking valve clearance Remove the valve cover.
Turn the engine until the respective cylinder reaches the top dead centre of the
compression cycle.
Valve overlapping.

Check the valve cap for abnormal wear.

normal abnormal

Fig. 24: Valve cap wear

Check valve clearance 25/A with a feeler gauge.

Valve clearance: 0.15 0.25 mm (0.006 0.01)

Repeat the procedure for each cylinder.

Place the valve cover gasket

Mount the valve cover

Fig. 25: Checking valve clearance

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-16

Engine 4TNV98-ZVNS from serial no. AH00611

Setting zero play of the valve bridge

Remove the valve cover.
C Slacken locknut 26/C and unscrew set screw 26/B by one revolution.
Press the valve bridge against valve 26/D by hand until it makes contact.
Turn the set screw clockwise at the same time until it touches the valve.
Tighten locknut 26/C.

Fig. 26: Setting valve clearance

Setting valve clearance

Turn the engine until the respective cylinder reaches the top dead centre of the
E compression cycle.
Valve overlapping.

Slacken locknut 27/E.

Set valve clearance by turning set screw 27/F.
Valve clearance: 0.15 0.25 mm (0.001 0.01)
Tighten the locknut.
Check the setting again with the feeler gauge.

Repeat the procedure for each cylinder.

Fig. 27: Setting valve clearance
Place the valve cover gasket

Mount the valve cover

4-17 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Engine 4TNV98-ZVNS from serial no. AH00611

4.19 Tightening order for cylinder head bolts

Order for removing the cylinder-head bolts

Flywheel Fan

Oil the threads and the contact surfaces of the cylinder-head bolts before mounting them.

Bear in the mind the order for tightening the cylinder-head bolts.
See figure

Flywheel Fan

Mount the cylinder-head bolts.

Tightening moments:
1st pass 51.5 56.5 Nm (38 41.7 ft. lbs.)
2nd pass 103.1 112.9 Nm (76 83.3 ft. lbs.)

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-18

Engine 4TNV98-ZVNS from serial no. AH00611

4.20 Checking the injection nozzles

Pressure check
Remove the injection line and the injection nozzle.
Connect the injection nozzle with the high pressure line of the nozzle tester.
Slowly increase pressure until the nozzle ejects fuel and read the pressure off the
pressure gauge.
If the injection pressure is too low, replace the spacer in the nozzle by a thicker one. If
the pressure is too high, replace the spacer by a thinner one.
Injection pressure: 216 226 bar (3133 3278 psi)
Fig. 28: Nozzle tester
Spacer thickness of 0.1 mm (0.004) corresponds to modification by 19 bar (276 psi).
Check the nozzle for drips after it has ejected fuel.
Create a pressure of about 20 bar (290 psi) below injection pressure and check
whether fuel drips from the nozzle.
Upper nozzle screw Lower nozzle screw fit-
fitting Spacers Pressure spring centring Nozzle needle ting

Compression Compression Nozzle body

4.21 Checking the nozzle jet

Remove the injection lines and the injection nozzles.
Connect the injection nozzle with the high pressure line of the nozzle tester.
Quickly create pressure until the nozzle ejects fuel (ejection 3 4 times).
Hold a white sheet of paper about 30 cm (12) away from the nozzle and let the nozzle
eject fuel.
The nozzle jet must create a shape on the paper as shown in fig. 30/left.

Normal atomisation

optimal --------------variation--------------
Fig. 30: Shape of nozzle jet

Bad atomisation
Fig. 29: Nozzle jet

4-19 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Engine 4TNV98-ZVNS from serial no. AH00611

4.22 Injection time

Checking injection time
Oil can escape.
Take measures to collect the oil.

Preparatory work:
Clean the surface of the injection pump.
Remove the injection lines from the fuel injection pump.
Remove plug 31/1 from the piston.
Mount the sleeve (no. 1000158805) and the extension (no. 1000158806) onto the dial
1 gauge (no. 1000158807) and fasten them with a clamp (no. 1000083308).
Mount the dial gauge into the bore of the piston as shown in Fig. 31.

Remove the rubber cover from the flywheel housing.
Turn the crankshaft (ring gear on flywheel) until the piston in the fuel injection pump
reaches the lowest point (pay no attention to the position of the cylinders).
Set the measuring equipment to 0.
Fig. 31: Measuring equipment
Use suitable equipment (at the ring gear) to turn the flywheel to the top until the piston
of the fuel injection pump reaches a stroke of 2.5 mm (0.1).

Read the degrees before top dead centre by means of the indentations on the flywheel.
Indentations 1/4 and 2/3 stand for the top dead centre of the respective cylinders.
Scaling: 10/15/20 before top dead centre

Fig. 32: Top dead centre indentation and 10 before top

dead centre
Rated value: 12.5 + 1 before top dead centre (~ second indentation) -> up to serial
no. AD07209
From serial no. AH00646 -> calculation according to Yanmar manual:
Value on injection pump (in this case: 6.8 see Fig. 32) x 2 + FIR

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-20

Engine 4TNV98-ZVNS from serial no. AH00611

Setting injection time

Variations outside the tolerance range can be corrected by turning the fuel injection
Mark the initial position on the pump and wheel case housing before setting the fuel
injection pump see Fig. 33.
Remove all injection lines on the fuel injection pump and slacken the 4 flange screws by
Label for setting
about a revolution (do not unscrew completely).
Rotate the pump in the required direction, and tighten one of the screws before you
check the setting.
Rotated towards the engine: later injection time
Rotated away from the engine: earlier injection time
Bend each of the injection lines before you mount them so they are not subject to
tension once they are mounted.
Fig. 33: Mark on housing
Check injection time again.
Adhesive label number 1000158808

4-21 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Engine 4TNV98-ZVNS from serial no. AH00611

Replacement of fuel injection pump

Mark on pump housing Remove the injection lines from the fuel injection pump.
Mark the initial position on the pump and wheel case housing before removing the fuel
injection pump see fig. 34.
Remove gear casing cover 35/1 of the fuel injection pump.
Check the position of the gear of the fuel injection pump 36/A with respect to the
position of gear 36/B see fig. 36 (gears have marks).
Example: +1 Example: +0.25 Completely slacken lock nut 36/2 of the drive pinion.
Fig. 34: Correction of injection angle
Adhesive label number 1000158808
Remove the fuel injection pump.
Read off the injection angle on the pump.
Read off the injection angle on the new pump.
Read off the imprint on the engine side of the fuel injection pump.

Fig. 35: Imprint on gear casing cover

Tightening torque: 23 28 Nm (17 21 ft. lbs.)

Mounting angle of the new fuel injection pump see fig. 34.
Positive value: later injection time (towards the engine)
Negative value: earlier injection time (away from the engine)
A Install the fuel injection pump.
Make the marks on the gears coincide, fig. 36.
Screw on and tighten nut 36/2 (tightening torque: 23 28 Nm/17 21 ft. lbs.).
B Check injection time.
Fig. 36: Gear casing
Mount gear casing cover 35/1 of the fuel injection pump.
Tightening torque: 113 123 Nm (83 91 ft. lbs.)
If a front housing cover is installed, the drive wheel of the injection pump is adapted to
the running wheel by means of marks A,B,C (see Fig. 36):
1...Injection pump drive wheel 2...Camshaft drive wheel
3...Auxiliary drive wheel (option) 4...Crankshaft drive wheel
5...Direction of rotation 6...Fuel pump drive wheel (4TNV only)
7...Running wheel

Do not slacken screws 37/3 of the drive pinion of the fuel injection pump. These
A screws specify the precision setting of the fuel injection pump set by the

3 B
Fig. 37: Gear casing

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-22

Engine 4TNV98-ZVNS from serial no. AH00611

4.23 Compression
Remove the injection lines and the injection nozzles.
Set the fuel injection pump to zero delivery (remove the plug for the cutoff solenoid).
Turn the engine.
Mount the compression gauge on the cylinder you want to measure.
Turn the engine with the starter and read the pressure off the pressure gauge.
Specified value: 33.3 35.3 bar (483 512 psi) at 250 rpm
Threshold value: 26.5 28.5 bar (384 413 psi) at 250 rpm

Fig. 38: Compression

4.24 Checking the coolant thermostat

Remove the thermostat.

Housing cover




Thermal switch

Fig. 39: Coolant thermostat

Warm up the thermostat in a container with water.

Temperature gauge
Check whether the thermostat opens at the specified temperature (check with a
Thermostat temperature gauge).
Thermostat opening temperature: 69.5 72.5 C (157.1 162.5 F)

4-23 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Engine 4TNV98-ZVNS from serial no. AH00611

4.25 Checking the thermal switch

Remove the thermal switch.
Temperature gauge
Warm up the thermal switch in a container with antifreeze or oil.
Measure the resistance of the thermal switch as shown by means of an ohmmeter.
The switch must allow the coolant to pass at a temperature of 107 113 C (224.6
235.4 F).

Test prods

Fig. 40: Checking the thermal switch

4.26 Oil pressure switch

Remove the cable connection from the oil pressure switch (in the area of the cutoff
Measurement Start the engine, check for correct idling speed.
Measure the resistance of the oil pressure switch as shown by means of an ohmmeter.
Oil pressure switch OK: infinite resistance
The oil pressure switch is defective if the oil can pass.

Fig. 41: Oil pressure switch

4.27 Checking the coolant circuit

Leakage check
Fill up the radiator completely.
Mount an adapter on the radiator as shown.
Increase the pressure in the cooling system by means of a hand pump to about 1 bar
(15 psi).
Check the lines and the connections for leaks if the pressure drops at the pressure
Fig. 42: Checking the radiator for leaks

Checking the radiator cap

Remove the radiator cap and mount it onto the adapter as shown.
Increase the pressure to about 1 bar/15 psi (stamped onto the radiator cap) with the
hand pump.
The radiator cap must open.
Radiator cap

Fig. 43: Checking the radiator cap

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-24

Engine 4TNV98-ZVNS from serial no. AH00611

4.28 Engine trouble

Problem Possible causes

No fuel
Air in fuel system
Wrong SAE grade of engine lubrication oil
Fuel grade does not comply with specifications
Defective or flat battery
Loose or oxidised cable connections in starter circuit
Defective starter, or pinion does not engage
Engine does not start or is not easy to start
Wrong valve clearance
Defective fuel injector
Defective starting relay
Defective glow plug
Close the injection pump
Cutoff solenoid does not attract
High pressure created immediately in the hydraulic system
Fuel grade does not comply with specifications
Wrong valve clearance
Engine starts, but does not run smoothly or faultless Injection line leaks
Defective fuel injector
Air in fuel system
Oil level too low
Damaged water pump
Oil level too high
Dirty air filter
Engine overheats. Temperature warning system responds Dirty cooler fins
Defective fan, torn or loose V-belt
Defective thermostat
Resistance in cooling system too high, flow capacity too low
Defective fuel injector
Oil level too high
Fuel grade does not comply with specifications
Dirty air filter
Insufficient engine output Wrong valve clearance
Air in fuel system
Injection line leaks
Defective fuel injector
Injection line leaks
Engine does not run on all cylinders
Defective fuel injector

4-25 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Engine 4TNV98-ZVNS from serial no. AH00611

Problem Possible causes

Oil level too low
Defective engine oil pump
Insufficient or no engine oil pressure Machine inclination too high
Clogged engine oil intake filter
Wrong SAE grade of engine lubrication oil
Oil level too high
Engine oil consumption too high
Machine inclination too high
Oil level too high
Blue Machine inclination too high
Engine oil combustion (defective cylinder-head gasket)
Engine starting temperature too low
Fuel grade does not comply with specifications
Defective fuel injector
Engine smoke Wrong valve clearance
Coolant combustion (defective cylinder-head gasket)
Exteme misalignment of injection time
Dirty air filter
Wrong valve clearance
Defective fuel injector (drips)
Wrong fuel injection pump setting

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-26

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

4.29 Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

The Electronic Engine Control Unit (E-ECU) replaces the mechanical engine control used
so far.

Features The electronic engine control unit controls the engine revs, injection pump (flow rate),
intake-air preheating, starting relay, cold start device (CSD) and exhaust gas recirculation
(EGR) electronically as a function of engine load and temperature.

The following figure shows how the electronic engine control unit works:

CSD Cold Start Device Fuel injection pump CSD

Proportional solenoid
ECU Electronic Control Unit

EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation OFF

Engine speed ON
E-ECU Start
Ignition lock

Preheating system

Manual throttle
Starter Engine

4-27 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

4.30 Engine error codes

The ECU saves all important engine data. Error messages can be read out by means of a
cable and software (diagnosis kit: 1000184395).

In the case of specific errors:

Engine revs and output are reduced.
The engine is switched off.
The engine no longer starts.






P7 8

6 19

5 20
DP2 DP23
DP1 DP24

Example for flashing codes:

Example A 5 5x short
5x short

Ignition ON

1x long 3x short
1x long 3x short
Example B 1 3

Ignition ON

Example C 5 and 1 3 5x short 1x long 3x short 5x short

Ignition ON

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-28

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Engine diagnosis codes Page

Flash- Error
ing Component Troubleshooting diagno-
code sis
Loose connector Tighten the connector
Proportional injection pump
Check and replace the defective 4-34
7 solenoid (control rack) (Rack Wiring error
position sensor failure)
Defective sensor Contact an authorised workshop
Wiring error
Check and replace the defective
Sensor voltage: component
Manual throttle lever 4-38
5 4.6 V or more, or 0.2 V or less
(Accelerator sensor failure)
Replace the manual throttle lever
Defective manual throttle lever sensor
ECU internal 4-41
( ECU internal)
4-1 Internal ECU error Contact your dealer
ECU failure 4-44
(ECU failure)
ECU overheated 4-44
2-5 ECU temperature too high Allow to cool down
(ECU overheat alarm)
Wiring harness error
Coolant temperature sensor Check and replace the defective
Sensor voltage: component 4-45
4 (Coolant temperature sensor
4.8 V or more, or 0.2 V or less
Defective coolant temperature sensor Replace the sensor
Overheated engine Let the engine cool down
Not enough coolant Fill up coolant
Coolant temperature too high
3-6 (Coolant temperature high Check the engine cooling system 4-47
alarm) Defective engine cooling system and replace the defective
component if necessary
Defective coolant temperature sensor Replace the sensor
Wiring harness error
Check and replace the defective
5 V sensor Sensor voltage: less than 4.5 V or more than component 4-49
(Sensor 5 V failure) 5.5 V
Internal ECU error Contact an authorised workshop
Old battery Replace the battery
Oxidised battery terminals Clean the battery terminals
Power supply Defective alternator Replace the alternator 4-52
(Power supply voltage abnormal)
Wiring harness error
Check and replace the defective
Battery voltage: more than 10 V or more than component
16 V

4-29 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Loose connector Tighten the connector

Defective starter Replace the starter
Revs sensor Defective fuel injection Contact an authorised workshop 4-54
(Speed sensor failure)
Battery voltage too low Charge the battery
Check and replace the defective
Wiring harness error
Loose connector Tighten the connector
Backup revs sensor (alternator) Check and replace the defective 4-59
1-1 Defective wiring harness
(Backup speed sensor failure) component
Internal ECU error Contact an authorised workshop
Check and replace the defective
Wiring harness error
Overspeed 4-60
9 Reduce engine revs and brake the
(Overspeed) Engine runs at overspeed
Internal ECU error Contact an authorised workshop
Loose connector Tighten the connector

Proportional solenoid relay of Defective relay Contact an authorised workshop

1-7 injection pump (control rack) Internal ECU error Contact an authorised workshop 4-61
(Rack actuator relay failure)
Check and replace the defective
Wiring harness error
Loose connector Tighten the connector
Check and replace the defective
Preheating relay Wiring harness error
1-5 component 4-65
(Air heater relay failure)
Defective relay Replace the start relay
Internal ECU error Contact an authorised workshop
Loose connector Tighten the connector
Check and replace the defective
Cold start device Wiring harness error
1-4 component 4-69
(CSD solenoid valve failure)
Defective solenoid valve of cold start device Contact an authorised workshop
Internal ECU error Contact an authorised workshop
Loose connector Tighten the connector
Check and replace the defective
Exhaust gas recirculation valve Wiring harness error
1-3 component 4-72
( EGR valve failure)
Defective EGR valve stepping motor Contact an authorised workshop
Internal ECU error Contact an authorised workshop
Loose connector Tighten the connector
Check and replace the defective
Oil pressure switch Wiring harness error
2-1 component 4-76
(Oil pressure switch failure)
Defective oil pressure switch Replace oil pressure switch
Internal ECU error Contact an authorised workshop

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-30

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Loose connector Tighten the connector

Check and replace the defective
Oil pressure loss Wiring harness error
3-1 component 4-76
(Oil pressure descend error)
Defective oil pressure switch Replace oil pressure switch
Internal ECU error Contact an authorised workshop
Loose connector Tighten the connector
Check and replace the defective
Wiring harness error
Proportional injection pump sole- Defective regulator Contact an authorised workshop
8 noid (control rack) 4-80
(Rack actuator failure) Internal ECU error Contact an authorised workshop
Stuck regulator Contact an authorised workshop
Reduce engine revs and brake the
Engine runs at overspeed
Loose connector Tighten the connector
Check and replace the defective
Main relay Wiring harness error
1-6 component 4-84
(Main relay failure)
Defective main relay Replace main relay
Internal ECU error Contact an authorised workshop
Battery voltage too low Charge the battery

CAN (Controller Area Network) Loose connector Tighten the connector

1-2 connection Check and replace the defective 4-88
(CAN communication failure) Wiring harness error
Internal ECU error Contact an authorised workshop
( ) Text in brackets appears in the diagnosis tool display.

4-31 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

4.31 Error diagnosis

E-ECU connector assignment

Connector on wiring harness side Connectors on ECU side

Number Description Code Number Description Code

E01 4-A D-phase stepping motor STPM-D E06 4-F Automatic idling speed setting APP-IP6
E07 4-G Ignition lock IGNSW E08 4-H Engine start recognition STARTSW
E10 4-K Backup revs sensor RENRPM E11 3-A C-phase stepping motor STPM-C
E12 3-B Telltale failure FAIL-LMP E14 3-D Oil pressure APP-IP2

E16 3-F RET E17 3-G Automatic idling speed pressure APP-IP4
Coolant temperature
E18 3-H Speed input (-) NRPM-GND E19 3-J Speed input (+) NRPM
E20 3-K Start relay APP-OP1 E21 2-A B-phase stepping motor STPM-B
E23 2-C Preheating telltale PREHT-LMP E24 2-D Drop mode APP-IP1
E28 2-H GND sensor GND-A E30 2-K CAN terminal resistor RECAN

E31 1-A STPM-A E33 1-C Proportional solenoid relay of RACK-RLY

A-phase stepping motor
injection pump (control rack)
E34 1-D Main relay MAIN-RLY E35 1-E Manual throttle sensor APS

E36 1-F Proportional injection pump RPS E38 1-H AVCC

5 V sensor
solenoid (control rack)

E41 4-L CSD-CL E42 4-M Proportional injection pump RACKSOL

CSD solenoid coil
solenoid (control rack)
E43 3-L 12 V sensor AVB E44 3-M Preheating relay AIRHT-RLY
E45 2-L Power GND GND E47 1-L GND CSD GND-P
E48 1-M 12 V power VB

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-32

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Important information on the ECU maintenance wiring harness

Error diagnosis within the scope stated in this document includes measuring voltages with
the maintenance wiring harness. Therefore, disconnect the E-ECU and the machine wiring
harness before carrying out error diagnosis, and connect the maintenance wiring harness
between the E-ECU and the machine wiring harness.
The ECU maintenance wiring harness can be ordered stating no. 1000188305.
See below for details on the error diagnosis for the specific areas.
Use a multimeter to measure the voltage in accordance with the following list.

Maintenance wiring harness: Pin assignment list

Connection between E-ECU wiring har- Machine wir-

ness and machine wiring harness. ing harness

Measure the voltage between the

specified terminals by means of a

4-33 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Flash code 7 proportional injection pump solenoid (control rack)

Related DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Codes)

P1202/4 Proportional solenoid position sensor error (voltage too low)

P1203/3 Proportional solenoid position sensor error (voltage too high)

Initial diagnosis with the diagnosis tool

DTC in the error history display Check the error con-

A. Check the error dis-

Error is dis-
[Check items]:
B. Check the detected Proportional solenoid position sensor voltage (D/A value) Signal data (SD)
value to assess the SD=0 (OV) or equivalent => signal line disconnected?
cause of the error.
SD=5000 (5.0 V) or equivalent => sensor GND line disconnected?

Error diagnosis

1. Check input voltage of

NG 2. Check the wiring
proportional solenoid Replace the wiring harness.
position sensor (wiring harness for continu-
harness + E-ECU). ity.


3. Carry out propor- NG

tional solenoid posi- Replace the injection pump.
tion control (with
diagnosis tool).

OK Replace the E-ECU.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-34

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Wiring diagram

Check points


Main relay K1
Fuse F11

Proportional injection pump solenoid

Proportional solenoid position sensor

Connector on proportional solenoid Connector on wiring harness side

*E-ECU connector assignment see E-ECU connector assignment on page 4-32.

4-35 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Diagnosis description 1. Check the input voltage of the proportional injection pump solenoid (wiring
harness + E-ECU).
Switch off ignition and disconnect connector of proportional solenoid from injection
pump. Do not disconnect the E-ECU connector from the E-ECU.
Switch on ignition to switch on E-ECU voltage.
Measure the voltage between sensor terminals E43 and E28 by means of a multimeter.
Clamp Normal value

Sensor connectors E43 E28 Equivalent to the battery voltage

NG Check the wiring harness for continuity. -> Next: [2. Check the wiring harness for continuity:]

With the diagnosis tool Diagnosis test: active control, check whether Position control for proportional injection
OK pump solenoid can be carried out. -> Next: [3. Check the execution of the position control of the proportional
injection pump solenoid:]

2. Check the wiring harness for continuity:

Disconnect the connector from the proportional injection pump solenoid, and the E-
ECU from the wiring harness.
Check the wiring harness for continuity by means of a multimeter.
Clamp Continuity Status

Sensor signal line E36 Yes OK: normal

[between E-ECU and sensor connector] No NG: open wiring harness

Sensor GND line E28 Yes OK: normal

[between E-ECU and sensor connector] No NG: open wiring harness

12 V sensor line E43 Yes OK: normal

[between E-ECU and sensor connector] No NG: open wiring harness

No OK: normal
Between E36 and other terminal/GND and
between E43 and other terminal/GND Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited to GND

Yes OK: normal

Between E28 and GND/E45/E47
No NG: open wiring harness

No OK: normal
Between E28 and other terminals
Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited with other cable

Check whether the wiring harness is damaged, or whether the wiring is correct.
Replace the wiring harness.

With the diagnosis tool Diagnosis test: active control, check whether Position control for proportional injection
OK pump solenoid can be carried out. -> Next: [3. Check the execution of the position control of the proportional
injection pump solenoid:]

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-36

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

3. Check the execution of the position control of the proportional injection pump
Connect all connectors (sensors, E-ECU).
Connect the diagnosis tool, switch on ignition and log in to the diagnosis tool.
With the diagnosis tool Diagnosis test: active control, carry out the position control for
the proportional injection pump solenoid. Place the control rack in any position within
the admissible setting range.
Then check whether the proportional injection pump solenoid has moved to the control
rack position that has been set.

NG Replace the injection pump.

OK Replace the E-ECU.

4-37 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Flash code 5 manual throttle

Related DTC

P1125/1 Manual throttle sensor error (manual throttle in closed position)

P1126/0 Manual throttle sensor error (manual throttle in open position)

P1225/1 Manual throttle backup sensor error (manual throttle in closed position)

P1226/0 Manual throttle backup sensor error (manual throttle in open position)

Initial diagnosis with the diagnosis tool

DTC in the error history display Check the error

A. Check the error dis-

Error is dis-

B. Check the
detected value to
assess the cause of
the error.

Error diagnosis

NG Replace the manual throttle.

1. Continuity check
(manual throttle


2. Continuity check
NG 3. Continuity check Replace the wiring harness.
(manual throttle + wir- (wiring harness)
ing harness)


4. Movement check NG Replace the E-ECU or

(with diagnosis tool) manual throttle.

Replace the E-ECU.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-38

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Wiring diagram

Check points

Manual throttle sensor (standard)

*E-ECU connector assignment see E-ECU connector assignment on page 4-32.

4-39 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Work description 1. Check the wiring harness for continuity:

Disconnect the manual throttle sensor and the E-ECU from the wiring harness.
Check the wiring harness for continuity by means of a multimeter.
Clamp Continuity Status

Sensor signal line E35 Yes OK: normal

[between E-ECU and sensor connector] No NG: open wiring harness

Sensor GND line E28 Yes OK: normal

[between E-ECU and sensor connector] No NG: open wiring harness

5 V sensor line E38 Yes OK: normal

[between E-ECU and sensor connector] No NG: open wiring harness

No OK: normal
Between E35 and other terminal/GND and
between E38 and other terminal/GND Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited to GND
Yes OK: normal
Between E28 and GND/E45/E47
No NG: open wiring harness
No OK: normal
Between E28 and other terminals NG: wiring harness short-circuited with other

Check whether the wiring harness is damaged, or whether the wiring is correct.
Replace the wiring harness.

OK Check output voltage of manual throttle sensor. -> Next: [4. Check manual throttle sensor output voltage:]

2. Check manual throttle sensor output voltage:

Connect the maintenance wiring harness between the E-ECU and the machine wiring
harness (see [Important information on the maintenance wiring harness] 4-33 for
details). Connect all connectors (sensors, E-ECU).
Measure the voltage between sensor terminals E35 and E28 by means of a multimeter.
Voltage Status Action

Replace the wiring harness.

E35 0.2 [V] NG
Replace the manual throttle sensor.

0.2 [V] < E35 < 3.8 [V] OK (normal range) Replace the E-ECU.

Replace the wiring harness.

3.8 V E35 NG
Replace the manual throttle sensor.

Check whether the wiring harness is damaged, or whether the wiring is correct.
Replace the wiring harness.

OK Replace the E-ECU.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-40

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Flash code 4-1 ECU internal

Related DTC

P0601/12 EEPROM error (read/write error)

P1601/2 EEPROM error (check sum)

P0605/12 ROM error flashes (check sum A)

P1605/2 ROM error flashes (check sum B)

DTC P1606/2 ROM error flashes (check sum C)

P1610/12 Error A with sub-CPU

P1611/12 Error B with sub-CPU

P1612/12 Error C with sub-CPU

P1620/12 Map format error

Initial diagnosis with the diagnosis tool

DTC in the error history display Check the error con-

A. Check the error dis-

Error is dis-

[Check items]: error code

Error diagnosis

Switch ignition ON/

1. Carry out the same

DTC in the error history display Check the error
steps as in the initial
diagnosis above. conditions.


Overwrite the E-ECU soft-

ware or replace the E-

4-41 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Work description 1. Work with the diagnosis tool:

Switch off ignition.
Connect the diagnosis tool and check whether errors have been detected on the error

No Check the error history display, confirm errors if an error history is displayed.
Switch ignition ON/OFF. -> Next: [1. Work with the diagnosis tool:]

Yes Overwrite the E-ECU software.

Replace the E-ECU.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-42

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Flash code 4-1 ECU temperature sensor and 2-5 ECU temperature rise alarm

Related DTC

P0668/4 ECU temperature sensor error (voltage too low)

DTC P0669/3 ECU temperature sensor error (voltage too high)

P1644/2 Intermittent error with ECU temperature sensor

Initial diagnosis with the diagnosis tool

DTC in the error history display Check the error

A. Check the error dis-

Error is dis-

[Check items]: ECU temperature

B. Check the ECU temperature remains constant at 30 C => ECU possibly defective.
detected value to
ECU temperature equivalent to ambient temperature => normal
assess the cause of
the error.

Error diagnosis

Repeat Switch ignition ON/OFF.

1. Carry out the

DTC in the error history display Check the error
same steps as in the
initial diagnosis conditions.

Replace the E-

4-43 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Work description 1. Work with the diagnosis tool:

Check the error display.
Switch ignition off and on again.
Connect the diagnosis tool and check whether errors have been detected on the error

No Check the error history display, confirm errors if an error history is displayed.
Yes Check the detected value by means of the diagnosis tool. -> Next: [ Check the detected value]

Check the detected value.

Check the value indicated in the E-ECU temperature with the Diagnosis test
diagnosis tool function.

Displayed value Status Action

Constant at 30 C/86 F NG Replace the E-ECU.

Ambient temperature OK Replace the E-ECU.

NG Replace the E-ECU.

Switch ignition ON/OFF again and carry out [ Check the error display] [Check the detected value].
Replace the E-ECU.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-44

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Flash code 4 coolant temperature sensor and 3-6 coolant temperature rise alarm

Related DTC

P0117/4 Coolant temperature sensor error (voltage too low)

DTC P0118/3 Coolant temperature sensor error (voltage too high)

P0119/2 Intermittent coolant temperature sensor error

Initial diagnosis with the diagnosis tool

DTC in the error history display Check the error

A. Check the error dis-

Error is dis-
[Check items]: engine coolant temperature Signal Data (SD)
B. Check the SD 200 (0.2 V) => short-circuited to GND?
detected value to 200 (0.2 V) < SD < 4800 (4.8 V) => normal
assess the cause 4800 (4.8 V) SD => disconnected?
of the error.

Error diagnosis

1. Check the sensor NG Replace the sensor.

resistance value
(sensor only).

2. Check the sen- NG 3. Check the wiring NG Replace the wiring har-
sor resistance harness for continu-
value (sensor + ity.
wiring harness):

OK Replace the E-ECU.


4. Check the output NG Replace the E-ECU or

voltage of the cool- sensor.
ant temperature sen-
Replace the E-ECU.

4-45 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Sensor drawing

Wiring diagram

Check points

Coolant temperature sensor (high accuracy)

Connector on wiring harness

*E-ECU connector assignment see E-ECU connector assignment on page 4-32.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-46

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Work description 1. Check the sensor resistance value (sensor only)

Disconnect the wiring harness from the coolant temperature sensor.
Measure the resistance between the terminals A and B of the coolant temperature
sensor by means of a multimeter.
Check whether the measured resistance value is within the normal range. See the
following table <Parameters of coolant temperature sensor>.
Parameters of coolant temperature sensor
Ratio between coolant temperature and sensor resistance:
Resistance (k)
Temperature (C/F)
High accuracy
-30 / -22 25.4
-20/- 4 15.04
-10/14 9.16
0 / 32 5.74
10 / 50 3.7
20 / 68 2.45
30 / 86 1.66
40 / 104 1.15
50 / 122 0.811
60 / 140 0.584
70 / 158 0.428
80 / 176 0.318
90 / 194 0.24
100 / 212 0.1836
110 / 230 0.1417
120 / 248 0.1108

NG Replace the coolant temperature sensor.

OK Check the sensor resistance with the sensor and the wiring harness connected. -> Next: [2. Check the sensor
resistance value (sensor + wiring harness):]

2. Check the sensor resistance value (sensor + wiring harness):

Connect the coolant temperature sensor and the wiring harness, and disconnect E-
ECU from the wiring harness.
Measure the resistance between the E-ECU connector terminals E16 and E28 on the
wiring harness side by means of a multimeter.
Check whether the measured resistance value is within the normal range. See the
previous table <Parameters of coolant temperature sensor>.

NG Check the wiring harness for continuity. -> Next: [3. Check the wiring harness for continuity:]

OK Check the output voltage of the coolant temperature sensor. -> Next: [4. Check the output voltage of the coolant
temperature sensor:]

4-47 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

3. Check the wiring harness for continuity:

Disconnect the coolant temperature sensor and E-ECU from the wiring harness.
Check the wiring harness for continuity by means of a multimeter.
Clamp Continuity Status

Sensor signal line E16 Yes OK: normal

[E-ECU between sensor connector] No NG: open wiring harness

Sensor GND line E28 Yes OK: normal

[between E-ECU and sensor connector] No NG: open wiring harness

No OK: normal
Between E16 and other terminal/GND
Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited to GND

Yes OK: normal

E28 GND/E45/E47
No NG: open wiring harness

No OK: normal
Between E28 and other terminals
Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited with other cable

Check whether the wiring harness is damaged, or whether the wiring is correct.
Replace the wiring harness.

OK Check the output voltage of the coolant temperature sensor. -> Next: [4. Check the output voltage of the coolant
temperature sensor:]

4. Check the output voltage of the coolant temperature sensor.

Connect the maintenance wiring harness between the E-ECU and the machine wiring
harness (see [Important information on the maintenance wiring harness] 4-33 for
details). Connect all connectors (sensors, E-ECU).
Measure the voltage between sensor terminals E16 and E28 (E35 and E28) by means
of a multimeter.

Voltage Status Action

Replace the wiring harness.

E16 0.2 [V] NG
Replace the coolant temperature sensor.

0.2 [V] < E16 < 4.8 [V] OK (normal range) Replace the E-ECU.

Replace the wiring harness.

4.8 V E16 NG
Replace the coolant temperature sensor.

Check whether the wiring harness is damaged, or whether the wiring is correct.
Replace the wiring harness.

OK Replace the E-ECU.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-48

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Flash code 2-4 sensor 5 V

Related DTC

P0642/4 SENSOR 5 V error (voltage too low)

DTC P0643/3 SENSOR 5 V error (voltage too high)

P1644/2 Intermittent SENSOR 5 V error

Initial diagnosis with the diagnosis tool

DTC in the error history display Check the error con-

A. Check the error dis-

Error is dis-
[Check items]: SENSOR 5 V voltage
B. Check the
SENSOR 5V voltage 4.5 V => short-circuited to GND?
detected value to 4.5 V < SENSOR 5 V voltage < 5.5 V => normal
assess the cause of 5.5 V SENSOR 5 V voltage => short-circuited with power supply?
the error.

Error diagnosis

NG Replace the sensor.

1. Check the manual
throttle sensor.
*See [Manual throttle sensor] for the check procedure.


2. Check output
voltage (sensor NG 3. Check the wiring NG Replace the wiring harness.
not connected) harness for continu-


4. Check the output NG Replace the E-ECU.

voltage (with the sen-
sor connected):

Replace the E-ECU.

4-49 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Work description 1. Check the manual throttle sensor.

For details, see [Manual throttle sensor] (see page 4-38).
2. Check output voltage (sensor not connected)
Disconnect the manual throttle sensor from the wiring harness. Do not disconnect the
E-ECU connector from the E-ECU.
Switch on ignition to switch on E-ECU voltage.
Measure the voltage between the wiring-harness side connector terminals E38 and
GND of the manual throttle sensor by means of a multimeter.

Clamp Normal value

Sensor connectors E38 GND 5V

NG Check the wiring harness for continuity. -> Next: [3. Check the wiring harness for continuity:]

OK With the manual throttle sensor connected, check the output voltage. -> Next: [4. Check the output voltage (with the
sensor connected):]

3. Check the wiring harness for continuity:

Disconnect the manual throttle sensor and the E-ECU from the wiring harness.
Check the wiring harness for continuity by means of a multimeter.
Clamp Continuity Status

No OK: normal
Between E38 and E28/E45/E47/GND
Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited to GND

No OK: normal
Between E38 and E43/E48
Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited with power supply
Sensor GND line E28 Yes OK: normal

Between E-ECU and sensor connector No NG: open wiring harness

Yes OK: normal

Between E28 and GND/E45/E47
No NG: open wiring harness

No OK: normal
Between E38/E28 and other terminals
Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited with other cable

Check whether the wiring harness is damaged, or whether the wiring is correct.
Replace the wiring harness.

OK With the manual throttle sensor connected, check the output voltage. -> Next: [4. Check the output voltage (with the
sensor connected):]

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-50

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

4. Check the output voltage (with the sensor connected):

Connect the maintenance wiring harness between the E-ECU and the machine wiring
harness (see [Important information on the maintenance wiring harness] 4-33 for
details). Connect all connectors (sensors, E-ECU).
Measure the voltage between sensor terminals E38 and E28 by means of a multimeter.
Voltage Status Action

Replace the wiring harness.

E38 4.5 [V] NG
Replace the manual throttle sensor.

4.5 [V] < E38 < 5.5 [V] OK (normal range) Replace the E-ECU.

Replace the wiring harness.

5.5 V E38 NG
Replace the manual throttle sensor.

Check whether the wiring harness is damaged, or whether the wiring is correct.
Replace the wiring harness.

OK Replace the E-ECU.

4-51 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Flash code 2-3 power supply voltage

(1) P0562/1: power supply voltage error (voltage too low)

DTC P0562/1 Power supply voltage error (voltage too low)

DTC detection conditions

1 Prerequisite; 2 Detection condition(s); 3 Flash code in error display Check points

1. Engine runs. Battery

2. E-ECU supply voltage below 10 [V] Alternator

3. 2 flash pulses followed by 3 flash pulses. Wiring harness


[Operation is resumed]: The system lets the engine run without any restrictions after the error has been
Error mode

Operation restric-

Recovery conditions Yes: This error is automatically reset if a normal supply voltage (10 to 16 [V]) is applied.


Possible error cause/condition

Bad battery condition.
Wrong battery connection.
Alternator defect.
Wiring harness disconnected or short-circuited.
Defect in internal E-ECU circuit.

Diagnosis description
Check the error display.
1) Initial diagnosis with the diagnosis tool
Check the battery voltage.

Switch off ignition to stop the engine.

Check battery voltage with a multimeter.
Inspect the charging system of the engine.
2) Engine
inspection Switch on ignition after a short time to check whether a DTC has
been detected.
*Refer to the Service Manual (Engine) for a description of the engine
inspection and how to carry it out.

Check whether the battery connections are OK

3) Error diagnosis
and whether the cable insulation is undamaged.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-52

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

(2) P0563/0: power supply voltage error (voltage too high)

DTC P0563/0 Power Supply Voltage Error (High Voltage)

DTC detection conditions

1 Prerequisite; 2 Detection condition(s); 3 Flash code in error display Check points

1. Engine runs. Battery

2. E-ECU supply voltage over 16 [V] Alternator

3. 2 flash pulses followed by 3 flash pulses. Wiring harness


[Operation is resumed]: The system lets the engine run without any restrictions after the error has been
Error mode

Operation restric-

Recovery conditions Yes: This error is automatically reset if a normal supply voltage (10 to 16 [V]) is applied.


Possible error cause/condition

An incompatible battery (such as a 24 V battery) has possibly been used.
Wrong battery connection.
Alternator defect.
Wiring harness disconnected or short-circuited.
Defect in internal E-ECU circuit.

Diagnosis description
Check the error display.
1) Initial diagnosis with the diagnosis tool
Check the battery voltage.

Switch off ignition to stop the engine.

Check battery voltage with a multimeter.
Inspect the charging system of the engine.
2) Engine
inspection Switch on ignition after a short time to check whether a DTC has
been detected.
*Refer to the Service Manual (Engine) for a description of the engine
inspection and how to carry it out.

Check whether the battery connections are OK

3) Error diagnosis
and whether the cable insulation is undamaged.

4-53 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Flash code 6 revs sensor

Related DTC

DTC P0340/4 Revs sensor error

Initial diagnosis with the diagnosis tool

DTC in the error history display Check the error con-

A. Check the error dis-

Error is dis-

B. Check the [Check items]: actual revs [value]

detected value to
assess the cause Value = 0 => disconnected? Sensor error?
of the error.

Error diagnosis

1. Check the sensor NG Replace the sensor.

resistance value
(sensor only).


2. Check the sen- NG 3. Check the wiring NG Replace the wiring harness.
sor resistance harness for continu-
value (sensor + ity.
wiring harness):


4. Check the wir- NG Replace the wiring harness.

ing harness for
wrong connec-

OK Replace the E-ECU.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-54

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Wiring diagram

Check points

Connector on sensor

Connector on wiring harness

*E-ECU connector assignment see E-ECU connector assignment on page 4-32.

4-55 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Work description 1. Check the sensor resistance value (sensor only)

Disconnect the revs sensor from the wiring harness.
Measure the resistance between the revs sensor terminals A and B by means of a
Coil resistance value of standard Yanmar revs sensor.

Clamp Specification

Sensor A B 500 100 k

NG Replace the revs sensor.

OK With the revs sensor and the wiring harness connected, check the resistance between sensor terminals A and B. -
> Next: [2. Check the sensor resistance value (sensor + wiring harness):]

2. Check the sensor resistance value (sensor + wiring harness):

Connect the revs sensor and the wiring harness, and disconnect the E-ECU from the
wiring harness.
Measure the resistance between the E-ECU connector terminals E19 and E18 on the
wiring harness side by means of a multimeter.
*See above, Coil resistance value of standard Yanmar revs sensors.

NG Replace the wiring harness.

OK Check the wiring harness for continuity. -> Next: [3. Check the wiring harness for continuity:]

3. Check the wiring harness for continuity:

Disconnect the revs sensor and the E-ECU from the wiring harness.
Check the wiring harness for continuity by means of a multimeter.
Clamp Continuity Status

Sensor signal line (+) E 19 Yes OK: normal

[between E-ECU and sensor connector] No NG: open wiring harness

Sensor signal line (-) E 18 Yes OK: normal

[between E-ECU and sensor connector] No NG: open wiring harness

Between E 19 and GND/E45/E47 No OK: normal

(between E 18 and GND/E45/E47) Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited to GND

Check whether the wiring harness is damaged, or whether the wiring is correct.
Replace the wiring harness.

OK Replace the E-ECU.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-56

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Flash code 1-1 backup revs sensor

Related DTC

DTC P1340/4 Backup revs sensor error

Initial diagnosis with the diagnosis tool

DTC in the error history display Check the error con-

A. Check the error dis-

Error is dis-

B. Check the
[Check items]: backup revs sensor Value
detected value to
assess the cause Value = 0 => disconnected? Sensor error?
of the error.

Error diagnosis

NG Replace the battery or

1. Check battery voltage check the alternator.


2. Check the wiring Replace the wiring harness.
harness for continu-

OK Check the alternator or replace the


4-57 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Wiring diagram

Check points



Ignition lock in ON
or START position


Revs sensor

Backup revs sensor (option)

(alternator) Connector on wiring harness

*E-ECU connector assignment see E-ECU connector assignment on page 4-32.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-58

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Work description 1. Battery voltage check:

Set the manual throttle lever to the Iowest position and start the engine.
Check battery voltage with a multimeter.
Clamp Specification

Battery voltage (in normal condition) 10 to 16 [V]

Check the alternator.

Replace the battery.

OK Check the wiring harness for continuity. -> Next: [2. Check the wiring harness for continuity:]

2. Check the wiring harness for continuity:

Disconnect the connector from the backup revs sensor, and the E-ECU from the wiring
Check the wiring harness for continuity by means of a multimeter.
Clamp Continuity Status

Alternator terminal P (E10) Yes OK: normal

[between E-ECU and alternator] No NG: open wiring harness

Alternator terminal IG Yes OK: normal

[between ignition lock and alternator] No NG: open wiring harness

Alternator terminal B Yes OK: normal

[between battery and alternator] No NG: open wiring harness

No OK: normal
Between E10 and GND/E45/E47
Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited to GND

Check whether the wiring harness is damaged, or whether the wiring is correct.
Replace the wiring harness.

Check the alternator.

Replace the E-ECU.

4-59 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Flash code 9 overspeed error

(1) P0219/0: overspeed error

DTC P0219/0 Overspeed error

DTC detection conditions

1 Prerequisite; 2 Detection condition(s); 3 Flash code in error display Check points
1. Engine runs. Wiring harness

2. Sensor signal at or above the upper limit (high idling speed +600[min-1]) Revs sensor
Proportional injection pump
3. 2 flash pulses followed by 3 flash pulses. solenoid

Error mode [Immediate stop]: The engine stops running.
Operation restric- Yes: The proportional solenoid relay of the injection pump is switched off and the control rack position is
tions? forced to the engine stop position.
Recovery conditions No.

Possible error cause/condition

Wiring defect in wiring harness
The wiring of the proportional injection pump solenoid is possibly short-circuited to
Revs sensor signal pulse created incorrectly
Incorrect wiring of revs sensor
Engine overspeed due to consumer
Control error of injection pump
The wiring of the proportional injection pump solenoid is possibly short-circuited to
Defect in internal E-ECU circuit.
Diagnosis description
1) Initial diagnosis with the diagnosis tool Check the error display.

Switch off ignition to stop the engine.

Inspect the engine and the machine.
2) Engine Switch on ignition after a short time to check whether a DTC has
inspection been detected.
*Refer to the Service Manual (Engine) for a description of the engine
inspection and how to carry it out.

3) Error diag- Check the proportional injection pump solenoid.

nosis *See 4-57 for more details on the diagnosis method and procedure

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-60

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Flash code 1-7 proportional solenoid relay of the injection pump (control rack)

Related DTC

P1222/4 Error A on proportional solenoid relay of the injection pump

DTC P1223/3 Error B on proportional solenoid relay of the injection pump

P1224/2 Intermittent error A on proportional solenoid relay of the injection pump

Initial diagnosis with the diagnosis tool

DTC in the error history display Check the error con-

A. Check the error dis-

Error is dis-

B. Check the [Check item]: Proportional solenoid relay of injection pump

detected value to Contact status -> ON => normal?
assess the cause
of the error. Contact status -> OFF => abnormal?

Error diagnosis

1. Check the relay NG Replace the relay.

coil resistance
(relay only).

2. Check the relay

coil resistance NG 3. Check the wiring NG Replace the wiring harness.
(relay + wiring harness for continu-
harness). ity.


4. Check the relay NG Replace the E-ECU or

for movement the wiring harness.
(with the diagno-
sis tool)
Replace the E-ECU.

4-61 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Wiring diagram

Check points

Relay-side connector

Proportional solenoid relay
K42 of injection pump Main relay K1

Fuse F11
Fuse F2 50 A


Fuse F3 10 A

Connector on wiring harness

Proportional injection
pump solenoid to coil

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-62

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Work description 1. Check the relay coil resistance value (relay only):
Disconnect the proportional solenoid relay of the injection pump from the wiring
Measure the resistance between terminals C and D on the relay side by means of a

Measurement conditions
Measured value Status
Tester (+) side Tester (-) side
Terminal C Terminal D Existing (*)
OK if both are normal
Terminal D Terminal C Infinite (*)
Terminal C Terminal D
Infinite (*) NG: internal relay circuit error
Terminal D Terminal C
*A series-connected diode integrated in reverse direction requires using the checking method mentioned above and causes the measured
value to vary depending on the multimeter used.

NG Replace the proportional solenoid relay of the injection pump.

OK With the proportional solenoid relay of the injection pump and the wiring harness connected, check the relay coil
resistance. -> Next: [2. Check the relay coil resistance value (relay + wiring harness side):]

2. Check the relay coil resistance value (relay + wiring harness side):
Connect the proportional solenoid relay of the injection pump onto the wiring harness.
Disconnect the E-ECU from the wiring harness.
Measure the resistance between E-ECU connectors E07 and E33 by means of a

Measurement conditions
Measured value Status
Tester (+) side Tester (-) side
E07 E33 Existing (*)
OK: normal
E33 E07 Infinite (*)
E07 E33
Infinite (*) NG: wiring harness error
E33 E07
*A series-connected diode integrated in reverse direction requires using the checking method mentioned above and causes the measured
value to vary depending on the multimeter used.

NG Check the wiring harness for continuity. -> Next: [3. Check the wiring harness for continuity:]

OK Check the movement of the proportional solenoid relay of the injection pump with the diagnosis tool. -> Next:
[4. Check the relay for movement:]

4-63 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

3. Check the wiring harness for continuity:

Disconnect the proportional solenoid relay of the injection pump and the E-ECU from
the wiring harness.
Check the wiring harness for continuity by means of a multimeter.
Clamp Continuity Status

Relay coil (output side) E33 Yes OK: normal

[between E-ECU and sensor connector] No NG: open wiring harness

Relay coil (input side) E07 Yes OK: normal

[between E-ECU and sensor connector] No NG: open wiring harness

No OK: normal
Between E33 and GND/E28/E45/E47
Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited to GND

No OK: normal
Between E33 and E43/E48
Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited with power supply

Check whether the wiring harness is damaged, or whether the wiring is correct.
Replace the wiring harness.

OK Check the movement of the proportional solenoid relay of the injection pump with the diagnosis tool. -> Next:
[4. Check the relay for movement:]

4. Check the relay for movement:

Connect the maintenance wiring harness between the E-ECU and the machine wiring
harness (see [Important information on the maintenance wiring harness] 4-33 for
details). Connect all connectors (proportional solenoid relay of injection pump, E-ECU).
Connect the diagnosis tool, switch on ignition and log in to the diagnosis tool.
Activate the proportional solenoid relay of the injection pump by means of the diagnosis
tool Diagnosis test: active control, and measure the voltage between terminals E33
and E45.

ON/OFF setting status Voltage Status

1.75 [V] and below OK: normal

Over 1.75 [V] NG: wiring harness short-circuited with power supply or E-ECU error

2.5 [V] and above OK: normal

Under 2.5 [V] NG: wiring harness short-circuited to GND or E-ECU error

Check whether the wiring harness is damaged, or whether the wiring is correct.
Replace the wiring harness.

OK Replace the E-ECU.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-64

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Flash code 1-5 preheating relay

Related DTC

P1232/4 Error A of preheating relay

DTC P1233/3 Error B of preheating relay

P1234/2 Intermittent error B of preheating relay

Initial diagnosis with the diagnosis tool

DTC in the error history display Check the error

A. Check the error dis-

Error is displayed.

B. Check the [Check items]: air heater relay 1

detected value to Contact status -> ON => normal?
assess the cause
of the error. Contact status -> OFF => abnormal?

Error diagnosis

1. Check the re- NG Replace the relay.

lay coil resist-
ance (relay only).

2. Check the relay NG NG

3. Check the wiring Replace the wiring harness.
coil resistance
harness for continu-
(relay + wiring

4. Check the relay NG Replace the E-ECU or

for movement the wiring harness.
(with the diagno-
sis tool)
Replace the E-ECU.

4-65 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Wiring diagram

Check points


Air heating relay

Fuse F1 50 A

Air heater

*E-ECU connector assignment see E-ECU connector assignment on page 4-32.

Work description 1. Check the relay coil resistance value (relay only):
Disconnect the preheating relay from the wiring harness.
Measure the resistance between terminals C and D on the relay side by means of a
Total resistance value of Yanmar preheating relay.

Clamp Specification

Relay coil side C D (40 A relay) 103 10 % (at 20 C/68 F)

Relay coil side C D (70 A relay) 103 10 % (at 20 C/68 F)

Relay coil side C D (90 A relay) 80 (at 20 C/68 F)

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-66

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

NG Replace the preheating relay.

OK With the preheating relay and the wiring harness connected, check the relay coil resistance. -> Next: [2. Check the
relay coil resistance value (relay + wiring harness side):]

2. Check the relay coil resistance value (relay + wiring harness side):
Connect the preheating relay onto the wiring harness.
Disconnect the E-ECU from the wiring harness.
Measure the resistance between E-ECU connectors E44 and B00 with a multimeter.
*See above, Coil resistance value of standard Yanmar preheating relay.

NG Check the wiring harness for continuity. -> Next: [3. Check the wiring harness for continuity:]

OK Check the movement of the preheating relay with the diagnosis tool. -> Next: [4. Check the relay for movement:]

3. Check the wiring harness for continuity:

Disconnect the preheating relay and the E-ECU from the wiring harness.
Check the wiring harness for continuity by means of a multimeter.
Clamp Continuity Status

Relay coil (input side) E44 Yes OK: normal

[between E-ECU and sensor connector] No NG: open wiring harness

Relay coil (output side) B00 Yes OK: normal

[between E-ECU and sensor connector] No NG: open wiring harness

No OK: normal
Between E33 and GND/E28/E45/E47
Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited to GND
No OK: normal
Between E44 and E43/E48
Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited with power supply

Check whether the wiring harness is damaged, or whether the wiring is correct.
Replace the wiring harness.

OK Check the movement of the proportional solenoid relay of the injection pump with the diagnosis tool. -> Next: [4.
Check the relay for movement:]

4-67 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

4. Check the relay for movement:

Connect the maintenance wiring harness between the E-ECU and the machine wiring
harness (see [Important information on the maintenance wiring harness] 4-33 for
details). Connect all connectors (preheating relay, E-ECU).
Connect the diagnosis tool, switch on ignition and log in to the diagnosis tool.
Activate the preheating relay by means of the diagnosis tool Diagnosis test: active
control, and measure the voltage between terminals E44 and E45.

ON/OFF setting status Voltage Status

2.5 [V] and above OK: normal

Under 2.5 [V] NG: wiring harness short-circuited to GND or E-ECU error

1.75 [V] and below OK: normal

Over 1.75 [V] NG: wiring harness short-circuited with power supply or E-ECU error

Check whether the wiring harness is damaged, or whether the wiring is correct.
Replace the wiring harness.

OK Replace the E-ECU.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-68

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Flash code 1-4 CSD (cold start device) solenoid coil

Related DTC

P1242/4 Error A at CSD solenoid valve

DTC P1243/3 Error B at CSD solenoid valve

P1244/2 Intermittent CSD solenoid valve error

Initial diagnosis with the diagnosis tool

DTC in the error history display Check the error

A. Check the error dis-

Error is dis-

[Check items]: CSD solenoid valve

B. Check the
detected value to Contact status -> ON => normal?
assess the cause Contact status -> OFF => abnormal?
of the error.

Error diagnosis

1. Check the
resistance value of NG Replace the relay.
the CSD solenoid
valve coil (sole-
noid valve only):

2. Check the resist- NG

ance value of the CSD NG 3. Check the wiring Replace the wiring harness.
solenoid valve coil harness for continu-
(solenoid valve + wir- ity.
ing harness).

4. Check the CSD sole- NG Replace the E-ECU or

noid valve for move- the wiring harness.
ment (with the
diagnosis tool)
Replace the E-ECU.

4-69 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Wiring diagram

Check points

Injection pump
CSD solenoid valve

Connector on wiring har-

*E-ECU connector assignment see E-ECU connector assignment on page 4-32.

Work description 1. Check the resistance value of the CSD solenoid valve coil (solenoid valve only):
Disconnect the CSD solenoid valve connector from the wiring harness.
Measure the resistance between terminals C and D on the side of the CSD solenoid
valve by means of a multimeter.
Coil resistance of the CSD solenoid valve

Clamp Specification

CSD solenoid valve side C D (400W) 8 (at 23 C/73.4 F)

NG Replace the solenoid valve.

With the CSD solenoid valve connector and the wiring harness connected, check the coil resistance of the CSD
OK solenoid valve. -> Next: [2. Check the resistance value of the CSD solenoid valve coil (solenoid valve + wiring

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-70

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

2. Check the resistance value of the CSD solenoid valve coil (solenoid valve +
wiring harness)
Connect the CSD solenoid valve and the wiring harness.
Disconnect the E-ECU from the wiring harness.
Measure the resistance between E-ECU connectors E41 and B00 by means of a
*See Coil resistance of standard Yanmar CSD solenoid valve above

NG Check the wiring harness for continuity. -> Next: [3. Check the wiring harness for continuity:]

OK Check the movement of the CSD solenoid valve by means of the diagnosis tool. -> Next: [4. Check the CSD
solenoid valve for movement:]

3. Check the wiring harness for continuity:

Disconnect the CSD solenoid valve connector and the E-ECU from the wiring harness.
Check the wiring harness for continuity by means of a multimeter.
Clamp Continuity Status
CSD solenoid valve (input side) E41 Yes OK: normal
[between E-ECU and sensor connector] No NG: open wiring harness
No OK: normal
Between E41 and GND/E28/E45/E47
Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited to GND
No OK: normal
Between E41 and E43/E48
Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited with power supply

Check whether the wiring harness is damaged, or whether the wiring is correct.
Replace the wiring harness.

OK Check the movement of the CSD solenoid valve by means of the diagnosis tool. -> Next: [4. Check the CSD
solenoid valve for movement:]

4. Check the CSD solenoid valve for movement:

Connect the maintenance wiring harness between the E-ECU and the machine wiring
harness (see [Important information on the maintenance wiring harness] 4-33 for
details). Connect all connectors (CSD solenoid valve connector, E-ECU).
Connect the diagnosis tool, switch on ignition and log in to the diagnosis tool.
Activate the preheating relay by means of the diagnosis tool Diagnosis test: active
control, and measure the voltage between terminals E41 and E45.
ON/OFF setting status Voltage Status
2.5 [V] and above OK: normal
Under 2.5 [V] NG: wiring harness short-circuited to GND or E-ECU error
1.75 [V] and below OK: normal
Over 1.75 [V] NG: wiring harness short-circuited with power supply or E-ECU error

Check whether the wiring harness is damaged, or whether the wiring is correct.
Replace the wiring harness.
OK Replace the E-ECU.

4-71 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Flash code 1-3 EGR (exhaust gas recirculation) valve

Related DTC

P1402/4 Error A at EGR valve (stepping motor A-phase)

P1403/3 Error B at EGR valve (stepping motor A-phase)
P1412/4 Error A at EGR valve (stepping motor B-phase)
P1413/3 Error B at EGR valve (stepping motor B-phase)
P1422/4 Error A at EGR valve (stepping motor C-phase)
P1423/3 Error B at EGR valve (stepping motor C-phase)
P1432/4 Error A at EGR valve (stepping motor D-phase)
P1433/3 Error B at EGR valve (stepping motor D-phase)

Initial diagnosis with the diagnosis tool

DTC in the error history display Check the error con-

A. Check the error dis-

B. Check the
[Check items]: stepping motor A-phase (B-phase, C-phase, D-phase)
detected value to
assess the cause Contact status -> ON => normal?
of the error. Contact status -> OFF => abnormal?

Error diagnosis

1. Check the NG
resistance of the Replace the sensor.
EGR stepping
motor coil (EGR

2. Check the resist- NG 3. Check the wiring

NG Replace the wiring harness.
ance of the EGR
stepping motor coil harness for continu-
(EGR valve + wiring ity.
OK Replace the E-ECU.

4. Check the EGR NG Replace the E-ECU or

for movement the wiring harness.
(with the diagno-
sis tool).
Replace the E-ECU.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-72

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Wiring diagram

Check points


Connector on EGR side Main relay K1



Connector on wiring harness

*E-ECU connector assignment see E-ECU connector assignment on page 4-32.

4-73 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Work description 1. Check the resistance of the EGR stepping motor coil (EGR only):
Disconnect the EGR valve from the wiring harness.
Measure the resistance between the coil terminals 4-5, (1-2, 5-6, 2-3) on the EGR side
by means of a multimeter.
Resistance value of standard Yanmar EGR stepping motor coil

Clamp Specification

Coil terminal 4 5 (A-phase)

Coil terminal 1 2 (B-phase)

15 2
Coil terminal 5 6 (C-phase)

Coil terminal 2 3 (D-phase)

NG Replace the EGR valve.

OK With the EGR valve and the wiring harness connected, check the EGR stepping motor coil resistance. -> Next: [2.
Check the resistance of the EGR stepping motor coil (relay + wiring harness side):]

2. Check the resistance of the EGR stepping motor coil (relay + wiring harness
Connect the EGR valve with the wiring harness.
Disconnect the E-ECU from the wiring harness.
Measure the coil resistance at the E-ECU connector by means of a multimeter.
*See Resistance of standard Yanmar EGR stepping motor coil above.

Stepping motor ECU connector terminal number

A-phase E31-E48

B-phase E21-E48

C-phase E11-E48

D-phase E01-E48

NG Check the wiring harness for continuity. -> Next: [3. Check the wiring harness for continuity:]

OK Check the EGR for movement by means of the diagnosis tool. -> Next: [4. Check the EGR for movement:]

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-74

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

3. Check the wiring harness for continuity:

Disconnect the EGR valve and the E-ECU from the wiring harness.
Check the wiring harness for continuity by means of a multimeter.
Clamp Continuity Status
Motor coil (output side) E31 (E21/E11/E01) Yes OK: normal
[between E-ECU and EGR connector] No NG: open wiring harness
Motor coil (input side) E48 Yes OK: normal
[between E-ECU and EGR connector] No NG: open wiring harness
Between E31 (E21/E11/E01) and No OK: normal
GND/E28/E45/E47 Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited to GND
Between E31 (E21/E11/E01) and No OK: normal
E43/E48 Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited with power supply

Check whether the wiring harness is damaged, or whether the wiring is correct.
Replace the wiring harness.
OK Check the EGR for movement by means of the diagnosis tool. -> Next: [4. Check the EGR for movement:]

4. Check the EGR for movement:

Connect the maintenance wiring harness between the E-ECU and the machine wiring
harness (see [Important information on the maintenance wiring harness] 4-33 for
details). Connect all connectors (EGR valve, E-ECU).
Connect the diagnosis tool, switch on ignition and log in to the diagnosis tool.
Activate each stepping motor of the EGR valve by means of the diagnosis tool
Diagnosis test: active control, and measure the voltage between stepping motor coil
terminals E31 E45, (E21 E45, E11 E45, E01 E45).

ON/OFF setting status Voltage Status

1.75 [V] and below OK: normal

Over 1.75 [V] NG: wiring harness short-circuited with power supply or E-ECU error

2.5 [V] and above OK: normal

Under 2.5 [V] NG: wiring harness short-circuited to GND or E-ECU error

Check whether the wiring harness is damaged, or whether the wiring is correct.
Replace the wiring harness.
OK Replace the E-ECU.

4-75 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Flash code 2-1 oil pressure switch and 3-1 oil pressure drop error

Related DTC

P1192/4 Oil pressure switch error

P1198/1 Abnormal oil pressure drop

Initial diagnosis with the diagnosis tool

DTC in the error history display Check the error con-

A. Check the error dis-

Error is dis-

[Check items]: oil pressure switch terminal ON/OFF status

B. Check the Oil pressure switch
detected value to
assess the cause Before engine start: ON => normal
of the error. : OFF => disconnected?

Error diagnosis

1. Continuity check (oil NG Replace the separate oil pres-

pressure switch only) sure switches.


2. Continuity NG 3. Continuity check (wir-

NG Replace the wiring harness.
check (oil pres- ing harness)
sure switch + wir-
ing harness)

Replace the wiring harness or

4. Check oil pres- NG the separate oil pressure
sure switch for switches.

Replace the E-ECU.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-76

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Wiring diagram

Check points


Ignition lock
Fuse F3 10 A

(see instrument panel 37)
Automatic idling speed setting S87

switch S86
Automatic idling speed setting pressure

Oil pressure

*E-ECU connector assignment see E-ECU connector assignment on page 4-32.

4-77 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Work description 1. Continuity check (oil pressure switch only)

Disconnect the wiring harness from the separate oil pressure switches.
Check the continuity between the oil pressure switch terminal and the chassis by
means of a multimeter and the following table.

Terminal name Continuity

Pos. Status
(terminal no.) [between terminal and chassis]
Yes OK: normal
Oil pressure switch APP-IP2 (E14)
No NG: internal circuit error

NG Replace the oil pressure switch.

OK Check the continuity with the oil pressure switch and the wiring harness connected. -> Next: [2. Continuity check
(oil pressure switch + wiring harness):]

2. Continuity check (oil pressure switch + wiring harness)

Connect the oil pressure switch and the wiring harness, and disconnect the E-ECU
from the wiring harness.
Check the continuity between the ECU connector terminal on the wiring harness and
the chassis by means of a multimeter. Refer to the text above for the contact to be
checked [1. Continuity check (oil pressure switch only):].

NG Check the wiring harness for continuity. -> Next: [3. Check the wiring harness for continuity:]

OK Use the diagnosis tool Diagnosis test to check whether the movement of the oil pressure switch is correctly
detected. -> Next: [4. Check the oil pressure switch for movement:]

3. Check the wiring harness for continuity:

Disconnect the oil pressure switch and the E-ECU from the wiring harness.
Check the wiring harness for continuity by means of a multimeter.
Clamp Continuity Status
Switch signal line E14 (*) Yes OK: normal
[between E-ECU and switch connector] No NG: open wiring harness
Between E14 (*) and E38/E43/E48 No OK: normal
(power supply line) Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited with power supply
Between E14 (*) and E28/E45/E47 No OK: normal
(GND line)/GND Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited to GND
*An oil pressure switch is used as an example in this table. Use the same procedure to check the coolant temperature switch (E17) for

Check whether the wiring harness is damaged, or whether the wiring is correct.
Replace the wiring harness.

OK Use the diagnosis tool Diagnosis test to check whether the movement of the oil pressure switch is correctly
detected. -> Next: [4. Check the oil pressure switch for movement:]

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-78

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

4. Check the oil pressure switch for movement:

Connect all connectors (oil pressure switch, E-ECU).
Connect the diagnosis tool, switch on ignition and log in to the diagnosis tool.
Monitor the separate components displayed with the diagnosis tool Diagnosis test:
digital input etc.. Check ON/OFF display of the oil pressure switch under the
circumstances indicated.

Pos. Check conditions ON/OFF display Status

ON OK: normal
Before engine start
OFF NG: wiring harness error or internal circuit error
Oil pressure switch
OFF OK: normal
With the engine running
ON NG: wiring harness error or internal circuit error

Check whether the wiring harness is damaged, or whether the wiring is correct.
NG Replace the wiring harness.
Replace the oil pressure switch.
OK Replace the E-ECU.

4-79 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Flash code 8 proportional injection pump solenoid (control rack)

Related DTC

P1212/4 Proportional injection pump solenoid error (voltage too low)

DTC P1213/3 Proportional injection pump solenoid error (voltage too high)

P1211/7 Proportional injection pump solenoid, mechanical error

Initial diagnosis with the diagnosis tool

DTC in the error history display Check the error con-

A. Check the error dis-

Error is dis-

[Check items]: error code

Error diagnosis

1. Check the NG
resistance of the Replace the sensor.
proportional sole-
noid coil (sole-
noid only).

2. Check the resist- NG 3. Check the wiring

NG Replace the wiring harness.
ance of the propor- harness for continu-
tional solenoid coil ity.
(solenoid + wiring
Replace the E-ECU or the
4. Check the pro- NG injection pump.
portional solenoid
for movement.

Replace the E-ECU.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-80

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Wiring diagram
Check points

solenoid relay of
injection pump Main relay K1

Fuse F11
Fuse F2 50 A

Ignition ON

Fuse F3 10 A

Connectors on solenoid side

Connector on wiring harness side

Proportional injection
pump solenoid

Proportional sole-
noid position sensor

*E-ECU connector assignment see E-ECU connector assignment on page 4-32.

4-81 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Work description 1. Check the coil resistance of the proportional injection pump solenoid (solenoid
Disconnect the wiring harness from the proportional injection pump solenoid.
Measure the resistance between terminals A and B of the proportional injection pump
solenoid by means of a multimeter.
Coil resistance value of standard Yanmar proportional injection pump solenoid.

Clamp Specification
Coils A B 1 10 %

NG Replace the injection pump.

With the proportional injection pump solenoid and the wiring harness connected, check the resistance between
OK solenoid terminals A and B. -> Next: [2. Check the coil resistance of the proportional injection pump solenoid (relay
+ solenoid):]

2. Check the coil resistance of the proportional injection pump solenoid (solenoid +
wiring harness):
Connect the proportional injection pump solenoid and the wiring harness, and
disconnect the E-ECU and the proportional injection pump solenoid from the wiring
Measure the resistance between the E-ECU connector terminal E42 on the wiring
harness side and the relay contact of the proportional injection pump solenoid E18 on
the output side by means of a multimeter.
*See above, Coil resistance value of standard Yanmar revs sensors.

NG Check the wiring harness for continuity. -> Next: [3. Check the wiring harness for continuity:]

OK Check the solenoid for movement by means of the diagnosis tool. -> Next: [4. Check the proportional injection
pump solenoid for movement:]

3. Check the wiring harness for continuity:

Disconnect the proportional injection pump solenoid and the E-ECU from the wiring
Check the wiring harness for continuity by means of a multimeter.
Clamp Continuity Status
Solenoid coil line (output side) E42 Yes OK: normal
[between E-ECU and sensor connector] No NG: open wiring harness
Between solenoid coil (input) and Yes OK: normal
relay contact of proportional injection pump solenoid (output) No NG: open wiring harness
Between relay contact of proportional injection pump Yes OK: normal
solenoid (output)
and main relay contact (output) No NG: open wiring harness

Check whether the wiring harness is damaged, or whether the wiring is correct.
Replace the wiring harness.
OK Replace the E-ECU.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-82

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

4. Check the proportional injection pump solenoid for movement:

Connect all connectors (proportional injection pump solenoid, E-ECU).
Connect the diagnosis tool, switch on ignition and log in to the diagnosis tool.
With the diagnosis tool Diagnosis test: active control, carry out the position control for
the proportional solenoid. Place the control rack in any position within the settings.
Then check whether the proportional injection pump solenoid has moved to the control
rack position that has been set.

NG Check the wiring harness for continuity. -> Next: [3. Check the wiring harness for continuity:]

OK Check the solenoid for movement by means of the diagnosis tool. -> Next: [4. Check the proportional injection
pump solenoid for movement:]

4-83 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Flash code 1-6 main relay

Related DTC

DTC P0686/4 Main relay error

Initial diagnosis with the diagnosis tool

DTC in the error history display Check the error con-

A. Check the error dis-

Error is dis-
Ignition OFF

[Check items]: log onto the diagnosis tool

Cannot log in -> normal
B. Log onto diagno-
sis tool. Can log in -> main relay contact stuck?
Main relay coil output short-circuited to GND?

Error diagnosis

1. Check the relay NG Replace the relay.

contact for continu-


2. Check the relay NG

coil resistance Replace the relay.
(relay only).


3. Check the relay OK 4. Check the wiring

NG Replace the wiring harness.
coil resistance harness for continu-
(relay + wiring har- ity.

NG OK Replace the E-ECU.

Replace the wiring harness.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-84

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Wiring diagram

Check points

Relay-side connector


Lock-up relay K1

Fuse F11
Fuse F2 5 A

Ignition ON

Connector on wiring harness

Fuse F3 10 A

*E-ECU connector assignment see E-ECU connector assignment on page 4-32.

4-85 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Work description 1. Check the relay coil resistance value (relay only):
Disconnect the E-ECU main relay from the wiring harness.
Check the continuity between terminals A and B on the relay side by means of a

NG Replace the E-ECU main relay.

OK Check the resistance of the E-ECU main relay coil. -> Next: [2. Check the resistance value of the relay coil (relay

2. Check the relay coil resistance value (relay only):

Disconnect the E-ECU main relay from the wiring harness.
Measure the resistance between terminals C and D on the relay side by means of a

Measurement conditions
Measured value Status
Tester (+) side Tester (-) side
Terminal C Terminal D Existing (*)
OK if both are normal
Terminal D Terminal C Infinite (*)
Terminal C Terminal D
Infinite (*) NG: internal relay circuit error
Terminal D Terminal C
*A series-connected diode integrated in reverse direction requires using the checking method mentioned above and causes the measured
value to vary depending on the multimeter used.

NG Replace the E-ECU main relay.

OK With the E-ECU main relay and the wiring harness connected, check the relay coil resistance. -> Next: [3. Check
the resistance value of the relay coil (relay + wiring harness side):

3. Check the resistance value of the relay coil (relay + wiring harness side):
Connect the E-ECU main relay onto the wiring harness.
Disconnect the E-ECU from the wiring harness.
Measure the resistance between the battery cable (+) and the E-ECU connector E34
on the wiring harness side.

Measurement conditions
Measured value Status
Tester (+) side Tester (-) side
Battery (+) line E34 Existing (*)
OK: normal
E34 Battery (+) line Infinite (*)
Battery (+) line E34
Infinite (*) NG: wiring harness error
E34 Battery (+) line
*A series-connected diode integrated in reverse direction requires using the checking method mentioned above and causes the measured
value to vary depending on the multimeter used.

NG Replace the wiring harness.

OK Check the wiring harness for continuity. -> Next: [4. Check the wiring harness for continuity:]

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-86

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

4. Check the wiring harness for continuity:

Disconnect the E-ECU main relay and the E-ECU from the wiring harness.
Check the wiring harness for continuity by means of a multimeter.
Clamp Continuity Status
Between relay coil (output side) E34 No OK: normal
and GND/E28/E45/E47 Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited to GND
Between relay contact (output side) No OK: normal
E48 and E43/battery (+) Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited with power supply

Check whether the wiring harness is damaged, or whether the wiring is correct.
Replace the wiring harness.
Connect all connectors (E-ECU main relay, E-ECU) and check again whether all errors have been detected with
OK the diagnosis tool Error code: error display.
Replace the E-ECU.

4-87 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Flash code 1-2 CAN (Controller Area Network) communication

Related DTC

DTC U0001/12 CAN communication error

Initial diagnosis with the diagnosis tool

DTC in the error history display Check the error con-

A. Check the error dis-

Error is dis-
[Check Items]: battery voltage
12 [V] or equivalent battery voltage < 16 [V]
-> open CAN wiring?
B. Check the
detected value to 10.5 [V] battery voltage <12 [V] or equivalent
assess the cause -> Battery voltage drop?
of the error. Another ECU deactivated?

Error diagnosis

1. Check battery NG
voltage (diagnosis Charge or replace battery.


2. Check the wiring Replace the wiring harness.
harness for continuity.

OK Check other ECUs for movement or

replace the E-ECU.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-88

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

Work description 1. Battery voltage check:

With the engine running, connect the diagnosis tool and log in to the diagnosis tool.
Check the battery voltage with the diagnosis tool Diagnosis test: pulse/analog etc..
Voltage Status Action
Approx.12 [V] battery voltage < 16 [V] Check the wiring harness for continuity.
(normal range)
Charge or replace the battery.
10.5 [V] battery voltage < approx.12 [V] NG
Check the movement of other E-ECUs.

Charge or replace the battery.

Check the movement of other E-ECUs.
OK Check the wiring harness for continuity. -> Next: [2. Check the wiring harness for continuity:]

2. Check the wiring harness for continuity:

Check the wiring harness for continuity by means of a multimeter.
Clamp Continuity Status
CAN wiring (high side) E40 Yes OK: normal
(between E-ECU and sensor connector) No NG: open wiring harness
CAN wiring (low side) E39 Yes OK: normal
(between E-ECU and sensor connector) No NG: open wiring harness
Between E39/E40 and No OK: normal
GND/E28/E45/E47 Yes NG: wiring harness short-circuited to GND

Check whether the wiring harness is damaged, or whether the wiring is correct.
Replace the wiring harness.
Check the other E-ECUs for movement.
Replace the E-ECU.

4-89 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electronic engine control (E-ECU)

4.32 Automatic revs setting

How it works

3 4 1

The required engine revs are transmitted to the E-ECU 3 by means of the electronic
manual throttle lever 1. The ECU enables the proportional solenoid 2 (on the diesel
engine) which controls engine revs together with the ECU 3. The automatic revs setting
can be enabled by means of switch 4 (48) with optical monitoring in the cab.

Automatic revs setting enabled

If automatic revs setting is enabled and no work operation is carried out with the machine
for about 4 seconds, the diesel engine is set to idling speed by means of the proportional
solenoid and the ECU. As soon as a work operation is carried out, the engine is
immediately reset to the revs that have been set previously.

Automatic revs setting not enabled

Engine speed is not reduced automatically. It reacts purely electronically by means of the
manual throttle lever.
Automatically lowering revs significantly reduces fuel consumption and noise.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 4-90

1-2 SERV-HB 8003 DE - Ausgabe 2.0 *
Hydraulic system
Hydraulic system
Hydraulic system

5 Hydraulic system
5.1 Hydraulic pump AP2D36LV3RS6-874-P
Double variable displacement pump + twin gear pump

1 2 3 4 5

6 7

11 10 9 8

Variable displacement Gear pump unit

Pos. Description
1 Type label
2 Bleed screw
3 Leak oil port
4 Port P1
5 Control initiation set screw
6 Control port P3
7 Control port P4
8 Control port P4
9 Control port P3
10 Port P2
11 Bleed screw

5-1 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9

Pos. Description
1 Port P4
2 Port P3
3 Measuring port P2 (not used)
4 Measuring port P1 (not used)
5 Plug for shuttle valve1
6 Plug for nozzle2
7 Suction port P4
8 Suction port P3
9 Suction ports P1 + P2
1. The lubricating oil is taken from the next highest high pressure by means of the shuttle valve behind port 2.
2. The lubricating oil quantity is limited by the nozzle behind plug 5.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-2

Hydraulic system

Pump unit: exploded view

Pos. Description
1 Gear pump
2 End plate
3 Pump cover
1 4 Control spool
5 Spring
6 Drive unit
7 Cradle
8 Plug
9 Plug
2 10 O-ring
11 Bleeder valve
3 12 Plug
13 Nozzle
14 Shuttle valve (for lubrication)
15 Pump housing
16 Shaft

10 11

8 12



5-3 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system

Pilot oil supply unit

0 0
26 26



02 "6

7+ 7+

Legend Description
Pilot valve supply BV
Y13 solenoid valve for safety valve WK2
Y3 2nd speed range solenoid valve WK1
Gear motor brake release supply PV
Drive counterbalancing system supply A
Accumulator SP
Drives/2nd speed range supply PR
Pressure reducing valve DMV
Pump 1 port P1
Pump 2 port P2
Pump 4 port P4
Tank line T
Pressure limiting valve DB
Non-return valve RV

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-4

Hydraulic system

Excavator 8003 only: port P4 is connected onto

1 5 port P3 (see indent).


3 8

4 9


11 12


9 4

Pos. Description Port

1 Port P2 P2
2 Drive counterbalancing system supply A
3 Accumulator SP
4 2nd speed range solenoid valve Y3
5 Port P4 P4
6 Pressure reducing valve DMV
7 Tank line T
8 Pressure limiting valve DB
9 Solenoid valve for safety valve Y13
10 Port P1 P1
11 Pilot valve supply BV
12 Drives/2nd speed range supply PR
13 Gear motor brake release supply PV

5-5 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system

5.2 Main valve block


Rotating the upper BR3 AR3

Stabiliser blade BR2 AR2

T6 PR5


A8 B8
Bucket pc2
A7 B7
Right-hand side
A6 B6

P2 P3

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-6

Hydraulic system

Rotating the upper

Stabiliser blade


B5 Stick

B4 Boom summation

B3 Swivel boom

B2 P4 A2

Left-hand side
B1 A1 PT


5-7 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system

Legend Pilot control lines

Port Legend Controlled via

Pa1, Pb1 Left-hand side drive control Drive pedal (left)
Pa2, Pb2 Auxiliary hydraulics control Auxiliary hydraulics pedal
Pa3, Pb3 Boom swivel control Auxiliary hydraulics pedal
Pa4, Pb4 Boom 2 control Joystick (right)
Pa5, Pb5 Stick 1 control Joystick (left)
Pa6, Pb6 Right-hand side drive control Drive pedal (right)
Pa7, Pb7 Bucket control Joystick (right)
Pa8, Pb8 Boom 1 control Joystick (right)
Pa9, Pb9 Stick 2 control Joystick (left)
Pra2,Prb2 Stabiliser blade control Stabiliser blade pedal
Pra3, Prb3 Upper carriage rotation control Joystick (left)
Pra4, Prb4 3rd control circuit (control) see 3rd control circuit OPTION, page 7-29
Pra5, Prb5 Triple articulation boom control see Triple articulation boom option, page 7-30
pc1 Stick ram load retaining valve Joystick (left)
pc2 Boom ram load retaining valve Joystick (right)

Main control lines

Port Legend
A1, B1 Drive unit (left) via swivel joint
A2, B2 Auxiliary hydraulics
A3, B3 Offset ram
A5, B5 Stick ram
A6, B6 Drive unit (right) via swivel joint
A7, B7 Bucket ram
A8, B8 Boom ram
AR2, BR2 Stabiliser blade ram
AR3, BR3 Gear motor
AR4, BR4 3rd control circuit option
AR5, BR5 Triple articulation boom option

Pump/tank lines

Port Legend
P1 Pump 1 port
P2 Pump 2 port
P3 Pump 3 port
P4 Pump 4 port
PR5 Pumps P3 and P4 input
PA Pilot oil supply unit port
PP Optional port for automatic revs control
PT Optional drive alarm port
T1 Tank line via oil cooler and filter in tank
T2 Tank line via non-return valve and filter in tank
T3 Plug (tank line)
T4 Plug (tank line)
T6 Plug (tank line)
DR1 Tank line
dr1, dr2 Tank lines for boom summation
pcc Tank line

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-8

Hydraulic system

Main valve block diagram

Triple articulation
boom option
!2 3rd control
circuit option
!2Upper carriage
0RB Stabiliser blade
4 02 P3+P4 input
4 $2


Stick Stick 2
0B 0B

0B 0A

PC Boom
0A " !
Boom 2
" 0B
Swivel boom " "
! ! Bucket
" "
Auxiliary hydraulics
! ! Right-hand
0B 0B
" 0A
Left-hand side !
0B 4 Straight-
0A ahead

0 04 00 0( 0 0
Input P2 Input P1

5-9 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system

Pressure limiting valves

1 2


6 7


11 12

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-10

Hydraulic system

Pos. Description
1 Stabiliser blade anticavitation valve
2 Secondary pressure limiting valve (stabiliser blade base side)
3 P3 + P4 primary pressure limiting valves
4 Secondary pressure limiting valve (boom rod side)
5 Secondary pressure limiting valve (boom base side)
6 Secondary pressure limiting valve (bucket base side)
7 Bucket rod side secondary pressure limiting valve
8 P1 + P2 primary pressure limiting valve
9 Secondary pressure limiting valve (stick rod side)
10 Secondary pressure limiting valve (stick base side)
11 Auxiliary hydraulics (optional secondary pressure limiting valve)
12 Auxiliary hydraulics (optional secondary pressure limiting valve)

5-11 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system
Pump assignment Hydraulic supply by pump 1
Right-hand side drive section
Stick section 2
Boom section 1
Bucket section
Drive counterbalancing system section
Hydraulic supply by pump 2
Left-hand side drive section
Boom section 2
Stick section 1
Auxiliary hydraulics section
Swivel boom section
Drive counterbalancing system section
Supplied by pumps 3 and 4
Stabiliser blade section
Swivel unit section
3rd control circuit section (option)
Triple articulation boom section (option)

Pumps 3 and 4

Pump 2

Pump 1

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-12

Hydraulic system

5.3 Drive counterbalancing system

Without drive counterbalancing system
Actuating the boom as you drive causes the machine to leave its track.
(P1, P2 each supply a drive, and the boom function is also governed by P1 or P2).
With drive counterbalancing system
If the boom is actuated as you drive straight ahead, the machine stays in its track, but drive
speed does not remain constant.
The drive counterbalancing system is only enabled if both drive valves are enabled.
The drive counterbalancing system is enabled by means of an increased banking-up
pressure if both piston valves for driving and a boom function are activated.
P1 takes over all boom functions.

Pump assignment for drive counterbalancing

Hydraulic supply by pump 1
Bucket section
Boom section
Boom (2) summation section
Stick section
Stick (2) summation section
Swivel boom section
Auxiliary hydraulics section
Hydraulic supply by pump 2
Right-hand side drive section
Left-hand side drive section
Supplied by pumps 3 and 4
Upper carriage rotation section
Stabiliser blade section
3rd control circuit option
Triple articulation boom option

5-13 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system

Drive counterbalancing diagram Switched state


4 $2


Stick 1 " Stick 2
0B 0B

0B 0A
PC Boom 1
0A " !
Boom 2
" 0B
" "
Swivel boom Bucket
! !
" "
Auxiliary hydraulics
! ! Right-hand sid
0B 0B
" 0A
Left-hand side drive
0B 4
0A Drive counterbalancing

0 04 00 0( 0 0
Input P2 Input P1

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-14

Hydraulic system

5.4 Boom raise summation

Both P1 & P2 pumps are used to raise the boom at higher speed.

Raising the boom

Moving the joystick also controls a second segment (boom 2).
Pump P2 supplies the boom 2 segment with oil.
The summation time (the time the boom 2 segment is switched) is specified by the
piston spring in the boom 2 segment.

Lower the boom

see Lowering the boom: on page 5-16

Boom 1
Boom 2
" !
" 0B

5-15 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system

5.5 Boom check valve (load retaining valve)

Boom ram base side
A pilot-operated load retaining valve is used to prevent spool leakage, which allows the
ram to retain its home position.

Raising the boom:

The oil opens the check valve and flows to the base side of the boom ram.

Lowering the boom:

The load on the check valve is reduced by means of the pilot control line and a piston
(reflux to tank). This allows the base side oil to flow back via the check valve.

Boom line 2 PC Boom base
! side
" 0B
Joystick Joystick
0 0
control control

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-16

Hydraulic system

5.6 Stick ram summation

Both P1 & P2 pumps are used to fold the stick at higher speed.

Retracting the stick ram

Moving the joystick also controls a second segment (stick 2).
Pump P2 supplies the stick 2 segment with oil.
Switched state

Stick line 2
Rod side stick

0B 0B

0B 0A
Joystick 0A 0A Joystick
control control

5-17 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system

5.7 Stick check valve (load retaining valve)

Rod side stick ram
A pilot-operated load retaining valve is used to prevent spool leakage, which allows the
ram to retain its home position.

Rectracting the stick:

The oil opens the check valve and flows to the rod side of the stick ram.

Extending the stick:

The load on the check valve is reduced by means of the pilot control line and a piston
(reflux to tank). This allows the base side oil to flow back via the check valve.

Switched state

PC Stick 2

0B 0B

0B 0A
Stick 1 0A 0A

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-18

Hydraulic system

5.8 Pilot valves

Joystick Pilot valve for bucket, boom, stick and upper carriage rotation
Consists of a lever and four pressure reducing valves.

Numbering for right-hand side joystick.

Left-hand side joystick: 3-1-2-4.

2 4 3 1

Set of tappets
E Article no.: 1000021259


Pressure (bar) Joystick characteristic



Pos. Description Pos. Description (left-hand side joystick) Description (right-hand side joystick)
A Control lever 1 Stick extension control Boom ram extension control
B Rubber collar 2 Left-hand side rotation control Bucket ram extension control
C Linkage 3 Stick retraction control Boom ram retraction control
D Universal joint 4 Right-hand side rotation control Bucket ram retraction control
E Guide plate P Supply from pilot oil supply unit Supply from pilot oil supply unit
F Tappet T Tank line Tank line

5-19 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system

Joystick up to model: AD05131 Joystick from model: AD05132

Pilot control filter V is inserted in the pump line instead of the GE

screw fitting.

Check the pilot control filter screen for dirt and clean or
replace if necessary. Coarse dirt causes joystick and drive
valve malfunctions and can even destroy the filter insert.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-20

Hydraulic system

Pilot valve (driving) Pedal with hydraulic damping

Consists of two pedals and four pressure reducing valves.

3 7



Characteristic curve for

drive pilot valve
Pressure (bar)



3 Pilot valve piston stroke (mm)
g g g

g  g
Joystick position

Pos. Description
1 Left-hand side drive segment control
2 Left-hand side drive segment control
3 Right-hand side drive segment control
4 Right-hand side drive segment control
P Pilot control pressure
T Tank line
V Pilot control filter

5-21 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system


Pos. Description
1 Bellows
2 Shift unit (kit)
3 Plate (kit)
4 Tappet
5 Non-return valve (also bleeds the pedal)
6 Damping

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-22

Hydraulic system

Pilot valve for auxiliary hydraulics Pilot control unit with pedals for remote control of directional valves
Consists of a pedal and two pressure reducing valves.

1 2

0$  1P

0  1P

E 3

Characteristic curve for

Pressure (bar) drive pilot valve
Set of tappets part


Pilot valve piston stroke (mm)



Joystick position

Pos. Description Pos. Description

A Pedal 1 Auxiliary hydraulics control/offset ram extension control
B Pedal fixture 2 Auxiliary hydraulics control/offset ram retraction control
C Protective caps 3 Tank line
D Mounting plate 4 Supply from pilot oil supply unit
E Tappet
F Spring

5-23 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system

Pilot valve for stabiliser blade Pilot control unit with pedals for remote control of directional valves
Consists of a pedal and two pressure reducing valves.

1 2

0$  1P
B 4 Characteristic curve for
Pressure (bar) drive pilot valve
0  1P



E Pilot valve piston stroke (mm)

g g g

g  g
Pedal position (degrees)

F Set of tappets part


1 2

Set pedal slack to minimum with screws B bearing in mind that the pedal does not
actuate the valve pistons when it is in home position.

Pos. Description Pos. Description

A Pedal 1 Stabiliser blade ram extension control
B Pedal fixture 2 Stabiliser blade ram retraction control
C Protective caps 3 Tank line
D Mounting plate 4 Supply from pilot oil supply unit
E Tappet
F Springs

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-24

Hydraulic system

5.9 Valves
7/2 directional valve (changeover Switches from auxiliary hydraulics (valve de-energised) to boom swivel and vice versa
valve) (valve energised).
Electric control via push button on left-hand side joystick.

3 2

8 7

4 5 6

2 8

3 7

4 5 6

Pos. Description
1 Solenoid
2 Main valve block for auxiliary hydraulics segment
3 Main valve block for auxiliary hydraulics segment
4 Pilot valve for auxiliary hydraulics
5 Pilot valve for auxiliary hydraulics
6 Tank line
7 Shuttle valve block/main valve block, offset ram retraction control
8 Shuttle valve block/main valve block, offset ram extension control

5-25 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system

4/3 directional valve Used for electric auxiliary hydraulics and 3rd control circuit.

Valve is located in pilot control branch and is controlled via tip switches on left-hand side

2 3

1 6 5 4


Pos. Description
1 Solenoid 1
2 Main valve block for auxiliary hydraulics segment
3 Main valve block for auxiliary hydraulics segment
4 Solenoid 2
5 Supply from pilot oil supply unit
6 Tank line

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-26

Hydraulic system

5.10 Pressure cutoff valve

The high slewing torque during swivel unit start-up causes pump P4 to be switched direct
to the tank to reduce engine droop.
Further rotation reduces the pressure to under 140 bar (2031 psi) and the second P4
pump is automatically switched on for a higher upper carriage rotation speed.



In the engine compartment over the hydraulic pump unit

Pressure cutoff valve

0 0 0 0

Diesel engine


Pump unit

Des. Port
P3 Pump P3 input
P4 Pump P4 input
A Pumps P3+P4 output
T Tank line
M3/M4 Pumps P3/P4 measuring port

5-27 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system

Offset ram check valve The function of this valve is to clamp the offset ram hydraulically.
The base and rod sides of the offset ram are under constant pressure.
This prevents the cylinder from slackening.
Applying pressure to one side of the cylinder supports this side with additional pressure
from the other side as the valve opens, in order to override the clamping pressure.
The valve is located direct on the offset ram and can only be accessed by tilting the cab.

V1 V2

3 3

C1 C2

C1 C2

V1 V2

Pos. Description
1 Counterbalance valve
2 Offset ram
3 Pressure setting screw

Des. Port
C1 Offset ram base side
C2 Offset ram rod side
V1 Base side offset ram main valve block
V2 Rod side offset ram main valve block

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-28

Hydraulic system

Shuttle valve block Actuating upper carriage rotation, boom swivel and stick retraction must release the gear
motor's brake.
High forces act on the brake and destroy it if it is not released during these operations.




B1 C1 D1 E1

Pos. Description
A Right-hand side rotation control (from the joystick)
A1 Right-hand side rotation control (to the main valve block)
B Left-hand side rotation control (from the joystick)
B1 Left-hand side rotation control (to the main valve block)
C Offset ram extension control (from the joystick)
C1 Offset ram extension control (to the main valve block)
D Offset ram retraction control (from the joystick)
D1 Offset ram retraction control (to the main valve block)
E Stick ram extension control (from the joystick)
E1 Stick ram extension control (to the main valve block)
F Gear motor brake release control

5-29 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system

Changeover valve for SAE/ISO controls (option)

The directional valve is located on the left in the base plate of the chassis.

Fig. 1: Directional valve position

Switching from ISO to SAE controls and vice versa with the directional valve.
1 5
Position Function
1 ISO controls
6 2 SAE controls
Tighten wing nut J after changing control mode.
3 7
4 8 Changing the directional valve over modifies the controls (control levers)
Danger of accidents!
Make sure you know which control mode has been selected before starting
Always secure wing nut J on the changeover lever of the directional valve.


Fig. 2: Directional valve

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-30

Hydraulic system


0A 0A

0B 0B


0B 0B

0A 0B
Joystick (right) 0B Joystick (left)
0A 0A
0B 0B


Pos. Description
1 Joystick (right) port 1
2 Main valve block, boom ram retraction control
3 Joystick (right) port 3
4 Main valve block, boom ram extension control
5 Main valve block, stick ram extension control
6 Joystick (left) port 1
7 Main valve block, stick ram retraction control
8 Joystick (left) port 3

5-31 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system

5.11 Travelling drive up to serial no. AC 02956

The travelling drive has two speed ranges.

Hydraulic motor on left


96BAR 3

9 4

7 6 7

Pos. Description
1 Brake cylinder
2 Leak oil port (-> swivel joint 8a)
3 2nd speed range port (-> swivel joint 1a)
4 2nd speed range directional valve
5 Brake release valve
6 Drive port (-> swivel joint 4a) forwards hydraulic motor (left)
7 Drive port (-> swivel joint 6a) reverse hydraulic motor (left)
6 Drive port (-> swivel joint 7a) forwards hydraulic motor (right)
7 Drive port (-> swivel joint 5a) reverse hydraulic motor (right)
8 Pressure limiting valve
9 Pressure limiting valve (cracking pressure at 12 l)

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-32

Hydraulic system

Function Driving:
The shuttle valve actuates the brake cylinder and releases the brake if high pressure is
applied to one of the drive ports. The brake piston is slowly actuated at the same time.
Brake piston control causes high pressure to be applied to the motor, which starts turning.

The oil flows from both ports to the tank upon releasing the joystick. The brake piston
slowly returns to home position by means of the throttle orifices. The slow drop of the
brake piston prevents the hydraulic motor from coming to an abrupt standstill. With the
brake piston in neutral position, the ports are no longer connected to the motor, which can
no longer turn. The brake release pressure is reduced via both throttles shortly afterwards.

2nd speed range function Speed range 1

2nd speed range switch: switched off
The directional valve for the 2nd speed range remains in home position (position as shown
in diagram), and the hydraulic motor's swash plate is in maximum capacity position.
The motor runs at low speed.
Speed range 2
2nd speed range switch: switched on
The directional valve for the 2nd speed range is enabled, and the hydraulic motor's swash
plate is in minimum capacity position.
The motor runs at high speed.

5-33 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system

5.12 Auto2Speed drive from serial no. AC 02957

The travelling drive now has an automatic powershift gearbox. The travelling drive is
basically in 2nd speed if the switch for 2nd speed range is switched on (high speed). 1st
speed is automatically engaged if more power is required.

7 2' Hydraulic motor on left


6 1 4

Pos. Description
1 Drive port (-> swivel joint 4a) forwards hydraulic motor (left)
2 Drive port (-> swivel joint 6a) reverse hydraulic motor (left)
1 Drive port (-> swivel joint 7a) forwards hydraulic motor (right)
2 Drive port (-> swivel joint 5a) reverse hydraulic motor (right)
3 2nd speed range port (-> swivel joint 1a)
4 Leak oil port (-> swivel joint 8a)
5 5/2 directional valve (2nd speed range)
6 Brake release valve
7 Brake cylinder
8 Pressure limiting valve (4a)
9 Pressure limiting valve (6a) (cracking pressure 296 bar/4293 psi) at 12 l

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-34

Hydraulic system

Function Driving:
If high pressure is applied to one of the drive ports, the brake release piston is actuated
first and passes high pressure on to the brake cylinder, which releases the brake. The
throttle slowly actuates the brake piston at the same time. Brake piston control causes
high pressure to be applied to the motor, which starts turning.

The oil flows from both ports to the tank upon releasing the joystick. The brake release
piston slowly returns to its base position via the brake piston throttle. The slow drop of the
brake piston prevents the hydraulic motor from coming to an abrupt standstill. With the
brake piston in neutral position, the ports are no longer connected to the motor, which can
no longer turn. The brake release pressure is reduced via both throttles shortly afterwards.

2nd speed range function Speed range 1

2nd speed range switch: switched off
The directional valve for the 2nd speed range remains in home position (position as shown
in diagram), and the hydraulic motor's swash plate is in maximum capacity position.
The motor runs at low speed.

Speed range 2
2nd speed range switch: switched on
The directional valve for the 2nd speed range is enabled, and the hydraulic motor's swash
plate is in minimum capacity position.
The motor runs at high speed.
If the pressure rises in the travelling drive, the directional valve for the 2nd speed range is
forced back to home position and and hydraulic motor's swash plate returns to maximum
The motor now runs at low speed.
The directional valve returns to 2nd speed range as soon as the pressure in the travelling
drive drops again.
The motor runs at high speed again.

Switch operating point of the directional valve: 180 bar (2611 psi)

5-35 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system

Pos. Description
1 Circlip
2 Plug
3 Thrust washer
4 Cover with fittings
5 O-ring
6 Sun gear
7 Gear reduction
8 Circlip
9 Planetary gears
10 Gear housing
11 Circlip
12 Bearing
13 Circlip
14 Lifetime seal
15 Centering
16 Hydraulic motor

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-36

Hydraulic system

5.13 Swivel unit

Hydraulically controlled swash-plate piston motor with maintenance-free swivel gearbox
and mechanical motor brake.


1 2

9 3
0' $"

X 4

! - "
7 6 5 5

7 6


Pos. Description
1 Brake release valve
2 Brake piston
3 Leak oil port (-> tank)
4 Shock anticavitation valves
5 Left-hand side rotation port (-> main valve block)
6 Anticavitation line port (-> main valve block/tank)
7 Right-hand side rotation port (-> main valve block)
8 ASB valve
9 PG brake release port (-> pilot oil supply unit)
10 SH pilot control pressure port (-> shuttle valve block)
The shock anticavitation valves are dampened for smooth braking.

5-37 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system

Parking brake function Opening the brake

The shuttle valve block directs the pilot control pressure to the SH input if upper carriage
rotation, boom swivel or stick retraction is carried out. The pilot control pressure at the SH
input causes the piston in the brake release valve to shift to active state (brake release).
This directs the pilot control pressure at the PG input to the brake cylinder and releases
the brake.

Movement: upper carriage rotation, boom swivel or stick retraction

Pilot control pressure is present at the SH input.
The piston of the brake release valve moves to work position.
Pilot control pressure is directed to the brake piston.
Brake is released.

Closing the brake

The shuttle valve block causes the pilot control pressure to drop and the SH input is
unpressurised upon termination of upper carriage rotation, boom swivel or stick retraction.
The piston in the brake release valve switches to home position (brake) if there is no
pressure at the SH input. The pressure in the brake cylinder escapes via the brake release
valve to the leak oil system. This enables the brake with some delay (depending on oil
viscosity and brake valve leakage).

End of movement: upper carriage rotation, boom swivel or stick retraction

The pilot control pressure at the SH input drops.
The piston of the brake release valve moves to home position.
No more pilot control pressure on the brake piston.
The oil in the brake piston flows to the tank via a throttle orifice.
The brake is enabled.

Time for releasing the brake: 5 sec 1.5 at 50 C (122 F) oil temperature

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-38

Hydraulic system

Anti Swing Back (ASB) valve Once the upper carriage rotation function is over, counterpressure is created in the gear
motor which causes the upper carriage to swivel back slightly. The Anti Swing Back valve
reduces this pressure and prevents the upper carriage from swivelling back.

During rotation, check valve 1 (see fig. 3) moves to its corresponding position and
interrupts the flow from Pv1 to the tank line Cv.
Rotation to the
2 D1
D3 D3 Pressure can be built up for rotation.


D2 Tank line

1 Rotation to the

Fig. 3: ASB valve function during rotation

Braking the upper carriage creates brake pressure at Pv2, which in turn moves the
check valve (see fig. 4) to its corresponding position and interrupts the connection from
Pv2 to the tank line Cv.
Brake pressure can be built up.



Fig. 4: ASB valve function during braking

If the upper carriage starts swinging back after braking, a pressure is created on the
opposite side. The oil flows from Pv1 to the tank (Cv) via throttle orifices D1 and D2. At
the same time, the pressure on the opposite side is released via throttle orifice D3, and
the check valve moves in the direction of the arrow (fig. 5).
0V The pressure peak is directed to the tank as the upper carriage stops.


Fig. 5: ASB valve function

The pressure lines are connected with each other if the check valve is in centre position
(fig. 6). However this connection is blocked by means of the shuttle valve 2. Oil still is
directed to the tank.




Fig. 6: ASB valve function

If there is no pressure on Pv2, check valve 1 interrupts the connection between Pv1
and Cv.
Damping is over.




Fig. 7: ASB valve function

5-39 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system

Pos. Description
1 Pinion shaft
2 Bearing seal ring
3 Bearing
4 Gear housing
5 Plug
6 Sealing ring
7 Bearing
8 Spacer washer
9 Round nut
10 Complete drive
11 O-ring
12 Gear reduction
13 Sun gear
14 Ring gear
15 Gear reduction
16 Sun gear
17 Circlip
18 Hydraulic motor
19 Screw

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-40

Hydraulic system

5-41 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system

Pos. Description 28 Brake piston

1 Valve 29 O-ring
2 Spring 30 O-ring
3 O-ring 31 Spacer washer
4 Plug 32 O-ring
5 O-ring 33 Washer
6 Plug 34 Steel washer
7 O-ring 35 Circlip
8 Plug 36 Plate
9 Screw 37 Spring
10 Spiral ring 38 Plate
11 O-ring 39 Cylinder block
12 O-ring 40 Pin
13 O-ring 41 Bush
14 Valve set 42 Plate
15 O-ring 43 Piston
16 Spiral ring 44 Plate
17 Spiral ring 45 Motor shaft
18 O-ring 46 Bearing
19 Pin 47 Plug
20 Nozzle 48 O-ring
21 Bearing 49 Engine housing
22 Control disc 50 Screw
23 Motor head 51 Brake release valve block
24 Pin 52 O-ring
25 O-ring 53 Nozzle
26 Brake piston spring 54 O-ring
27 Spring 55 Plug

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-42

Hydraulic system

5.14 Swivel joint

8-port swivel joint

Pos. Description
1 High speed
2 Blade (base side)
3 Blade (rod side)
4 Drive (upper right)
5 Drive (upper left)
6 Drive (lower right)
7 Drive (lower left)
8 Leak oil

5-43 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system

5.15 Breather filter

The breather filter is in charge of:
Air intake and outlet for pressure compensation in the hydraulic oil tank (varying oil
level) prevents the oil tank from inflating.
Pre-tension of the oil tank to the specified overpressure -> supports the variable
displacement pump's suction.
Filtering the intake air.
The breather filter is located under the tank cover, between the hydraulic filler inlet and the
fuel filler inlet.

Replace the breather filter according to the instructions in the maintenance plan see
Maintenance plan (overview) on page 3-5.

The breather filter must be replaced at 1000 h under all circumstances.

Fig. 8: Breather filter position

Pos. Description
1 Filter fabric
2 Bleeder valve

Fig. 9: Breather filter

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-44

Hydraulic system

5.16 Troubleshooting in the hydraulic system

Problem Possible causes

Defective safety switch on control lever base
Wrong setting of safety switch on control lever base
Defective solenoid valve on pilot oil supply unit
Hydraulic system without function Contaminated solenoid valve on pilot oil supply unit
Hydraulic oil level too low
Defective valve fuses
Defective/interrupted plug and socket connection towards solenoid valve
Quickhitch couplings not connected correctly
Hydraulic hammer does not work correctly. Hydraulic oil quantity too high/too low
Hydraulic oil pressure too high/too low
Defective switch for 2nd speed range
Defective solenoid valve on pilot oil supply unit
Contaminated solenoid valve on pilot oil supply unit
Excavator runs in 1st speed only.
Defective valve fuses
Defective/interrupted plug and socket connection towards solenoid valve
Counterpressure in travelling drive does not drop below control pressure

5-45 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Triple articulation boom Stabiliser Bucket ram
Drive (left) up to Offset ram Stick ram
blade ram
serial no.: Boom ram
Travelling drive
Starting serial no.:
3rd control circuit AC02957 Gear motor
Auxiliary hydraulics


SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

5.17 Hydraulics diagram A4

Stick 2
Stick 1
Boom 2 Boom 1

Swivel Bucket

Auxiliary Right-
hand side
Left-hand Straight-


side drive

Left-hand side


Joystick Joystick (left)

Swivel/auxiliary hydraulics

4 bar 2 bar

Drive fitted with auto2speed hydraulic motors from
0.4 bar serial no. AC02957.

Hydraulic system
Hydraulic system

5.18 Hydraulics diagram (legend)

Pos. Description
1 Diesel engine
2 Variable displacement pump + gear pump
3 Pilot oil supply unit
4 Left-hand side joystick pilot valve
5 Right-hand side joystick pilot valve
6 Main valve block
7 Left-hand side drive pilot valve
8 Pilot valve for drive (right)
9 Stabiliser blade pilot valve
10 Boom swivel pilot valve
11 Changeover valve: boom swivel/auxiliary hydraulics
12 Oil cooler
13 Oil filter
14 Shuttle valve block
15 Swivel unit
16 Travelling drive (left)
17 Travelling drive (right)
18 Offset ram
19 Stick ram
20 Boom ram
21 Bucket ram
22 Stabiliser blade ram
23 Hose burst valve
24 Pilot control filter
25 Throttle non-return valve
26 Breather filter
27 Counterbalance valve
28 Pressure cutoff valve
29 Swivel joint
30 Pilot control throttle non-return valve
31 Measurement ports

Pressure accu- Spring-loaded so- Pressure limiting Fixed displacement Variable displace- Fixed displace- Double variable displace-
lenoid valve valve motor ment motor ment pump ment pump

Tank line Measur- Stop cock Non-return valve Throttle ori- Oil cooler Filter Double-acting ram
ing port fice

5-47 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system

Hydraulic system
5.19 Hydraulics diagram

Triple articulation boom option Stabiliser Boom ramBucket Travelling drive

Offset Stick ram blade ram ram (right)
Drive (left) up to serial no.: ram Starting serial no.:
AC02956 AC02957

Swivel unit
3rd control circuit


Stick 2
Boom 2

Bucket Left-hand Right-
side drive hand side
Auxiliary hydraulics Travelling drive (right)

Travelling drive (left) Straight-

ahead driv-
Bucket Boom Auxiliary

Joystick Joystick
(right) (left)

2 bar
4 bar

Drive fitted with auto2speed hydraulic motors
from serial no. AC02957!

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-48

Hydraulic system

5.20 Options diagram 1

Proportional controls (auxiliary hydraulics) SAE valve Safe load indicator DE

unpressu- Offset
rised ram Boom

Stick Boom

Joystick (left)

Left-hand side Right-hand side


joystick pilot joystick pilot

3rd control circuit (proportional)


Safe load indicator FR Grab

Boom Stick
Bucket ram


Joystick (left)

The grab is controlled by the

bucket pilot valve.

5-49 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Hydraulic system
5.21 Options diagram 2
3rd control circuit (proportional) + proportional controls (aux- Vario
Auxiliary hydraulics Offset iliary hydraulics) Option
ram Vario ram

unpressu- 3rd control circuit




Joystick (right)
Joystick (left)

Swivel 3rd control circuit shock cartridge


Triple articulation boom Articulated boom ram The 3rd control circuit option is controlled by the right-hand
side joystick if the articulated boom ram option is installed.
The auxiliary hydraulics are automatically controlled by the

Auxiliary hydraulics shock car-

Articu- tridge
lated Option
Triple articulation
boom/offset ram

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 5-50

Hydraulic system

5.22 Main valve block diagram


Main control lines

Port Legend
0RA A1, B1 Travelling drive (left)
"2 A2, B2 Auxiliary hydraulics
!2 A3, B3 Offset ram
0RB A4, B4 Boom ram summation
A5, B5 Stick ram
!2 A6, B6 Drive (right)
0RB A7, B7 Bucket ram
0RA A8, B8 Boom ram
"2 A9, B9 Stick ram summation
!2 AR2, BR2 Stabiliser blade ram
0RA AR3, BR3 Gear motor
4 02 AR4, BR4 3rd control circuit (optional)
4 $2 AR5, BR5 Triple articulation boom (option)
Pilot control lines
PC Port Legend Controlled via
Pa1, Pb1 Left-hand side drive control Drive pedal (left)
Pa2, Pb2 Auxiliary hydraulics control Auxiliary hydraulics pedal
0B Pa3, Pb3 Boom swivel control Auxiliary hydraulics pedal
0A Pa4, Pb4 Boom summation control Joystick (right)
DR Pa5, Pb5 Stick control Joystick (left)
PC Pa6, Pb6 Right-hand side drive control Drive pedal (right)
0A " ! Pa7, Pb7 Bucket control Joystick (right)
" 0B Pa8, Pb8 Boom control Joystick (right)
0A Pa9, Pb9 Stick summation control Joystick (left)
" " Pra2,Prb2 Stabiliser blade control Stabiliser blade pedal
! ! Pra3, Prb3 Upper carriage rotation control Joystick (left)
- see 3rd control circuit option,
0A Pra4, Prb4 3rd control circuit control (option)
0A page 7-28
" "
see Triple articulation boom
Pra5, Prb5 Triple articulation boom control (option)
! ! Pump/tank lines option, page 7-29
0B 0B
0A Port Legend
" 0A
P1 Pump 1 port
0B 4 P2 Pump 2 port
0A PR5 Pump 3 + 4 port
PA Pilot oil supply unit port
T1 Tank line via non-return valve and filter in tank
T2 Tank line via oil cooler and filter in tank
0 04 00 0( 0 0 DR1, DR2 Tank lines for boom summation
5-51 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *
Electric system
Electric system

Electric system

6 Electric system
6.1 Ohm's Law (current, voltage, resistance); power
It describes the interrelation between current, voltage and resistance.

Current I Ampere (A)

Voltage U Volt (V)
Resistance R Ohm (W)

Mnemonic: U
Power P Watt (W)

P = U x I = R x I = U/R

6.2 Measuring equipment, measuring methods

Multifunction measuring device
Measurements of values (U, R, I, f)
Continuity test
Diode test
Calculate the measuring range using known data (P, U, R, I) and set before measuring.
Observe AC/DC basic setting
AC = alternating current/voltage;
DC = direct current/voltage
Test device with acoustic and optical signal output
Continuity test in de-energised machine electric system and of wiring harnesses

6-1 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electric system

Measuring methods multifunction measuring device

Measuring current (ignition switched on):
Black cable in COM socket (earth),
red cable in A socket or mA socket; connect in series to consumer.
Measuring voltage (ignition switched on):
Black cable in COM socket (earth),
red cable in V socket;
connect in parallel to consumer.
Measuring resistance (ignition switched off):
Black cable in COM socket (earth),
red cable in socket;
connect in parallel to consumer (see measuring voltage).

Test lamp
The test lamp is used to test lines and functions with the ignition switched on.
Line test (testing voltage):
Connect test lamp between test point (live cable) and machine earth or between test point
(earth line) and a live cable.
Functional check (testing current):
Connect test lamp between a connection on the consumer to be tested and the connection

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electric system

6.3 Cable colour coding

Colour Code
Black blk
Brown brn
Red red
Orange org
Yellow yel
Green grn
Blue blu
Violet vio
Grey gry
White wht
Pink pnk

6.4 Relays
Use, mode of function Relays are used for switching electric loads (high currents) whereby the control power of
the relay coil is relatively low. Relays can therefore be controlled by microelectronics or
microswitches (e.g. touchpad keyboards, sensors). The switch contacts can be make-
contact, break-contact or changeover switches. These undertake the actual switching

Zero-centre relay
86 30 86 = Start of coil (control line)
85 = End of coil (earth)
30 = Input (load line)
87 = Make-contact switch output (load line)
85 87 87a 87 a= Break-contact switch output (load line)

Fig. 1: Terminal description on relay

6-3 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electric system

6.5 Electric units

Alternator 12 V 55 A
Starter 12 V 2.3 kW (3.1 hp)
Battery 12 V 88 Ah
Socket E.g. for cigarette lighter; 15 A max.

6.6 Fuse box on the instrument panel up to serial no. AD07187

Fuse no. Rated current (A) Protected circuit

F3 10 A Indicators, engine relay
F4 10 A Boom working light
F5 15 A Cab working lights
F6 10 A Valves, horn
F7 15 A Heating, air conditioning
F8 10 A Wiper, interior light
F9 10 A Rotating beacon, radio, drive interlock
F10 15 A Socket, cigarette lighter
F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10

Fig. 2: Fuse box

6.7 Main fuse box with relays up to serial no. AD07187

The main fuse box is located under the cab.
K9 K5 F1 .

F2 Fuse no. Rated current (A) Protected circuit

F1 40 A Start, preheat, cutoff solenoid
F2 50 A Fuel-filling pump, main fuse, ignition lock

Relay no.

Fig. 3: Relay box under the cab K9 Cutoff solenoid switching relay
K5 Preheating high current relay

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electric system

6.8 Relays up to serial no. AD07187

The relays are located in the relay box under the cab.

Switching relay no. Protected circuit

K6 Preheating timer (telltale only); black plug
K7 Starting relay
K8 Cutoff solenoid timer; white plug
V1 Cutoff solenoid recovery diode



Fig. 4: Relays

6.9 Fuse box on the instrument panel from serial no. AH00611

Rated current
Fuse no. Protected circuit
F3 10 A Displays, E-ECU
F4 10 A Boom working light
F5 15 A Cab working lights
F6 10 A Valves, horn
F7 15 A Heating, air conditioning
F8 10 A Wiper, interior light
F9 10 A Rotating beacon, radio
F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F10 15 A Socket, cigarette lighter

Fig. 5: Fuse box

6-5 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electric system

6.10 Main fuse box with relays from serial no. AH00611
Main fuse box X is located under the cab at the front right.

Rated current
Fuse no. Protected circuit
F1 40 A Start, preheat
F2 50 A Fuel-filling pump, main fuse, ignition lock
F11 10 A E-ECU, engine relay

Relay no.
K1 Engine electronics main relay
K2 Fuel-filling pump relay
Fig. 6: Main fuse box under the cab
K5 Preheating high current relay

K2 K5 K7 Start high current relay

K42 Fuel injection pump relay
F1 V1 Blocking diode

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electric system

6.11 ECU from serial no. AH00611

The ECU is located above the main fuse box, under the cab.

Fig. 7: ECU

6.12 Socket
The socket A is located above the lubrication strip B.

Fig. 8: Lubrication strip on the chassis

6-7 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electric system

6.13 Joystick tip switches

Joystick (left)

2 3
Pos. Description
1 Changeover or boom swivel and auxiliary hydraulics (S27)
2 Tip switch for additional control circuit (S30)
3 Tip switch for additional control circuit (S31)

1 1

Fig. 9: Left-hand side joystick (standard and option)

Joystick (right)

2 3
Pos. Description
1 Horn (S55)
Not assigned
Tip switch for additional control circuit (triple articulation boom option)
Automatic idling speed (S48)
tip switch for additional control circuit (triple articulation boom option)
1 1

Fig. 10: Right-hand side joystick (standard and option)

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electric system

6.14 Instrument panel overview

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Pos. Description
1 Instrument panel (X10)
2 Temperature indicator diesel engine (X13)
3 Cigarette lighter (E15)
4 Preheating start switch (S1)
Fuse box ( see Fuse box on the instrument panel up to serial
no. AD07187 on page 6-4)
6 Switch panel
7 Radio option (A1)

6-9 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electric system

6.15 Switches: overview

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Pos. Description
8 High speed switch (S21)
9 Switch wiper/washer system (S20)
10 Switch boom working light (S16)
11 Switch cab working lights option (S17)
12 Rotating beacon (option) switch (S18)
13 Automatic revs setting switch (S87)
14 Switch ventilation (S15)
15 Air conditioning (option) switch (S51)
16 Safe load indicator (option) switch (S42)
17 Not assigned
18 Proportional controls (option) switch

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electric system

6.16 Alternator
The alternator charges the battery and supplies direct current to electric consumers.

Pos. Description
1 Connection B (battery)
Connection P starting relay
2 Connection IG telltale (12 V)
Connection L telltale (earth)

1 2
Fig. 11: Alternator

6.17 Starter

2 Pos. Description
1 Connection S starting relay
2 Connection B battery

Fig. 12: Alternator

6-11 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electric system

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Wiring harnesses: overview

Electric system
Wiring diagrams include all options.
6-13 6.18 Wiring diagram A4 up to serial no. AD07187 (legend)

Electric system
No. Description Section Loc. No. Description Section Loc. No. Description Section Loc. No.
A1 Radio E14 Optio H30 Spare telltale C3 S41 Safe load indicator pressure switch E8 Optio Y16
n n
K5 Preheating high current relay E4
B1 Fuel indicator F6 S42 Safe load indicator switch A7 Optio Y17
K6 Preheating time lag relay D5 n
B2 Horn D/E10
K7 Start high current relay E2 S48 Automatic idling speed tip switch C9 Optio Y31
B6 Engine oil temperature sensor E6 n
K8 Cutoff solenoid time lag relay D3
B11 Loudspeaker E15 Optio S51 Air conditioning switch A11 Optio
n K9 Cutoff solenoid switching relay E3 n
B12 Loudspeaker E15 Optio M1 Starter F2 S52 Air conditioning pressure switch E12 Optio
n n
M2 Wiper motor F13 Optio
B14 Warning buzzer C2 n S54 Air conditioning thermostat D12 Optio
E7 Rear roof lights F14 Optio M4 Fan C12 Optio
n n S55 Horn tip switch C10
E9 Front roof light F13 Optio M5 Washer pump F8 Optio V1 Recovery diode E4
n n
X1 13 pole connection engine/chassis D4-6
E10 Front roof light Optio M7 Fuel-filling pump F1 Optio
n n X2 11 pole connection engine/chassis D7-9
E11 Boom light F8/9 M9 Fuel pump F3 X3 2 pole main connection D0
E14 Interior light E/F13 P1 Hour meter B1 X4 9 pole connection drive interlock C/D3
E15 Cigarette lighter A14 P2 Fuel level indication B1 X5 7 pole connection armrest/chassis D11/12
F1 Main fuse: starter, preheating E2 P3 Engine oil temperature gauge A3 X6 5 pole connection armrest switch C11/12
F2 Main fuse + fuel-filling pump E1 R1 Glow plug F4 X7 6 pole connection joystick (right) C11
F3 Indicators, engine relay A4 S1 Preheating start switch A1 X8 6 pole connection joystick (left) D11
F4 Boom working light A7 S2 Engine oil pressure switch F5 X10 15 pole connection instrument panel B/C1
F5 Cab working lights A8 S3 Engine temperature switch E5 X11 2 pole connection Vario indicator B6
F6 Valves, horn A9 S4 Air filter pressure switch F6 X12 9 pole connection cab C13/14
F7 Fan, air conditioning A10 S5 Hydraulic oil pressure switch F7 X13 5 pole connection engine temperature A3
F8 Wiper, interior light A12 S8 Battery master switch F1 X14 2 pole connection automatic revs setting D3
F9 Rotating beacon, radio, drive interlock A13 S15 Ventilation switch A10 X15 1 pole connection drive alarm D1
F10 Socket, cigarette lighter A14 S16 Boom working light switch A7 X16 3 pole connection drive alarm E2
G1 Alternator F3 S17 Cab working light switch A8 Optio X19 1 pole connection socket F7
G2 Battery F1 XE11 2 pole connection boom working light E9
S18 Rotating beacon switch A13 Optio
H2 Preheating telltale B1 n XS41 2 pole connection safe load indicator E8
SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

H3 Engine temperature telltale B1 S20 Wiper/washer switch A20 Optio Y1 Cutoff solenoid F4
H4 Engine oil pressure telltale B1 Y3 High-speed solenoid valve F9
S21 High speed switch A9
H5 Alternator charge function telltale B1 Y13 Solenoid valve for safety valve F13
S21.1 High-speed tip switch (prepared) E9 Optio
H6 Air filter telltale B1 n Y14 Solenoid valve automatic idling speed set- F9 Optio
ting n
H7 Hydraulic oil filter telltale B1 S27 Additional hydraulics/swivel tip switch D10
Y15 Solenoid valve auxiliary hydraulics/swivel F10
H9 Safe load indicator telltale C3 Optio S28 Safety switch C28
S30 Additional control circuit tip switch D9 Optio
H28 Rotating beacon F13 Optio n
S31 Additional control circuit tip switch D9 Optio
H33 Spare telltale B1 n
Electric system
6.19 Wiring diagram A4 up to serial no. AD07187
SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 6-14
6-15 6.20 Wiring diagram A4 from serial no. AH00611 (legend)

Electric system
No. Description Section Loc. No. Description Section Loc. No. Description Section Loc.
A1 Radio (2) E12 Optio M4 Fan (2) D6 Optio Y3 Normal speed solenoid valve (2) E2
n n
Y13 Pilot control safety valve (2) E4-5
B1 Fuel level indicator (1) E13 M5 Front washer pump (2) E9 Optio
n Y15 Auxiliary hydraulics/boom swivel changeover (2) E5
B2 Horn (2) D4 solenoid valve
M7 Fuel-filling pump (1) E1 Optio
B6 Engine temperature sensor (1) E9 n Y25 Quickhitch lock solenoid valve (2) E3 Optio
B11 Loudspeaker (2) E12 Optio M9 Fuel pump (1) E3
n Y31 Electro-magnetic clutch compressor (2) E7 Optio
N5 Diesel engine electronics (1)C-E/6-7 n
B12 Loudspeaker (2) E12 Optio
n R1 Glow plug (1) E4 Y60 Fuel injection pump (1) C10 Optio
B19 Quickhitch warning buzzer (2) C3 R12 Engine speed potentiometer (1) A9
Y61 Cold start valve (1) C11
B20 Engine revs (1) C/D11 S1 Preheating start switch (1) A1
Y76 Exhaust gas recirculation (1) D5
E7 Rear working lights (2) E8 Optio S2 Engine oil pressure switch (1) E8
S3 Engine temperature switch (1) E11
E9 Front working light (2) E8 Optio
n S4 Air filter pressure switch (1) B5
E11 Boom working light (2) E1 S5 Hydraulic oil pressure switch (1) E12
E14 Interior light (2) E10 S8 Battery master switch (1) D0
E15 Cigarette lighter (2) B13 S15 Heating switch (2) B6
F1 Main fuse: starter, preheating (1) D2 S16 Working light switch (2) B1
F2 Main fuse (1) D0 S17 Working light switch (2) B8 Optio
F3 Displays, E-ECU (1) A3
S18 Rotating beacon switch (2) B11 Optio
F4 Boom working light (2) A1 n
F5 Roof working lights (2) A8 S20 Wiper/washer switch (2) B9 Optio
F6 Valves, horn (2) A2
S21 1st/2nd speed switch (2) B2
F7 Fan, air conditioning (2) A6
S27 Changeover valve tip switch (2) D5
F8 Wiper, interior light (2) A9
S28 Left-hand side safety switch (2) D4-5
F9 Rotating beacon, radio (2) A11
S40 Quickhitch lock switch (2) B3 Optio
F10 Socket, cigarette lighter (2) A13 n
F11 E-ECU, engine relay (1) C2 S41 Safe load indicator pressure switch (1) E13 Optio
G1 Alternator (1) E4
S42 Safe load indicator switch (1) A13 Optio
G2 Battery (1) E0 n
H28 Rotating beacon (2) E11 Optio S51 Air conditioning switch (2) B7 Optio
SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

n n
K1 Engine electronics main relay (1) C4 S52 Air conditioning pressure switch (2) D7 Optio
K2 Fuel-filling pump relay (1) D1
S54 Air conditioning temperature switch (2) C7 Optio
K5 Preheating high current relay (1) D4 n
K7 Start high current relay (1) D2 S55 Horn tip switch (2) D6
K42 Fuel injection pump relay (1) C5 S79 Fuel-filling pump switch (1) C1
M1 Starter (1) E2 S86 Automatic revs setting pressure switch (1) E5
M2 Front wiper motor (2) E10 Optio S87 Automatic revs setting switch (1) A10
Electric system
6.21 Wiring diagram A4 (1) from serial no. AH00611
SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 6-16
Electric system
6.22 Wiring diagram A4 (2) from serial no. AH00611
6-17 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *
6.23 Engine chassis A4 wiring harness 1000116497 up to serial no. AD07187 (legend)
SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

No. Up to To Colour mm No. Up to To Colour mm

1 G1/B alternator M1 starter red 10 38 GND X16/2 drive alarm connection blk 1
2 G1/B alternator F1 main fuse red 6 38A B1 fuel level indicator X16/2 drive alarm connection blk 1
3 M1 starter F2 main fuse red 6 39 B1 fuel level indicator S5 preheating start switch blk 1
4 F1 main fuse K5/30 preheating relay red 4 40 S5 preheating start switch X2/1 engine/chassis connection org/wht 1
5 K5/30 preheating relay K9/30 cutoff solenoid relay red 4 41 X16/1 drive alarm connection X1/1 engine/chassis connection blu 1
6 F1 main fuse K7/A start high current relay red 4 44 S21.1 high-speed tip switch (prepared) X2/2 engine/chassis connection gry 1
7 F2 main fuse X3/A main connection red 6 45 S21.1 high-speed tip switch (prepared) B2 horn gry 1
8 F2 main fuse M7 fuel-filling pump red 4 46 B2 horn X5/5 armrest/chassis connection org 1
9 GND M7 fuel-filling pump blk 4 47 X19 socket X2/4 engine/chassis connection red/blk 1.5
10 K7/B start high current relay M1 starter wht/red 4 48 X19 socket GND blk 1.5
11 K5/87 preheating relay R1 glow plug brn 6 49 M5 washer pump X2/5 engine/chassis connection blk/wht 1
12 K9/87 cutoff solenoid switching relay Y1/1 cutoff solenoid wht 4 50 M5 washer pump GND blk 1
13 M9/1 fuel pump Y1/2 cutoff solenoid blu 1 51 XS41/1 safe load indicator X2/6 engine/chassis connection vio/blu 1
14 GND Y1/3 cutoff solenoid blk 2.5 52 XS41/2 safe load indicator GND blk 1
15 K8 cutoff solenoid time lag relay X1/2 engine/chassis connection blu 1 53 XE11/1 boom working light X2/7 engine/chassis connection grn/yel 1
16 K8 cutoff solenoid time lag relay V1 blocking diode blu 1 54 XE11/2 boom working light GND blk 1
16 A V1 blocking diode K7/1 start high current relay blu 1 55 S21.1/1 high-speed tip switch (prepared) X2/8 engine/chassis connection brn/blk 1
17 M9/1 fuel pump X1/2 engine/chassis connection blu 1 56 Y3 high-speed solenoid valve X2/8 engine/chassis connection brn/blk 1
18 G1/2 alternator X1/1 engine/chassis connection blu 1 57 Y3 high-speed solenoid valve GND blk 1
19 K6 preheating time lag relay X1/3 engine/chassis connection brn 1 58 Y13 solenoid valve for safety valve X5/4 armrest/chassis connection brn/wht 1
20 K6 preheating time lag relay K5/86 preheating relay brn 1 60 GND Y13 solenoid valve for safety valve blk 1
21 K6 preheating time lag relay X1/4 engine/chassis connection wht/blk 1 61 GND M9/2 fuel pump blk 1
22 K6 preheating time lag relay K7/3 start high current relay wht/blk 1 62 Y15/1 auxiliary hydraulics/swivel solenoid valve X5/1 armrest/chassis connection blu/yel 1
23 K6 preheating time lag relay X1/5 engine/chassis connection gry/red 1 63 Y15/2 auxiliary hydraulics/swivel solenoid valve GND blk 1
24 K8 cutoff solenoid time lag relay K9/86 cutoff solenoid switching relay blu/blk 1 64 Y16/1 electr. auxiliary hydraulics solenoid valve X5/2 armrest/chassis connection gry/yel 1
25 K8 cutoff solenoid time lag relay K9/85 cutoff solenoid switching relay pnk/blk 1 65 Y16/2 electr. auxiliary hydraulics solenoid valve GND blk 1
26 K7/6 start high current relay G1/3 alternator blk/blu 1 66 Y17/1 electr. auxiliary hydraulics solenoid valve X5/3 armrest/chassis connection gry/grn 1
27 GND K5/85 preheating relay blk 1 67 Y17/2 electr. auxiliary hydraulics solenoid valve GND blk 1
28 K5/85 preheating relay K6 preheating time lag relay blk 1 68 S52 air conditioning pressure switch X5/7 armrest/chassis connection yel/red 1
29 K6 preheating time lag relay K8 cutoff solenoid time lag relay blk 1 69 S52 air conditioning pressure switch X2/11 engine/chassis connection yel/red 1
30 K8 cutoff solenoid time lag relay V1 blocking diode blk 1 70 X2/11 engine/chassis connection Y31 air conditioning solenoid valve yel/red 1
30A V1 blocking diode K7/5 start high current relay blk 1 71 Y14/1 changeover valve solenoid valve X2/9 engine/chassis connection brn/grn 1
31 G1/1 alternator X1/6 engine/chassis connection pnk 1 72 Y14/2 changeover valve solenoid valve GND blk 1
32 S2 engine oil pressure switch X1/7 engine/chassis connection wht/grn 1 73 GND X5/6 armrest/chassis connection blk 1
33 S3 engine temperature switch X1/8 engine/chassis connection blk/grn 1 79 X15 drive alarm connection X16/3 drive alarm connection gry/blk 1
34 S3 engine temperature switch X1/9 engine/chassis connection grn/wht 1 80 GND X3/B main connection blk 6
35 S4 air filter pressure switch X1/10 engine/chassis connection gry/blu 1
36 S4 air filter pressure switch GND blk 1

Electric system
37 B1 fuel level indicator X1/11 engine/chassis connection vio/blk 1
6-19 6.24 Engine chassis A4 wiring harness 1000116497 up to serial no. AD07187

Electric system
Main fuses
Changeover Auxiliary Electr. AH Electr. AH Cutoff
hydraulics/ Preheat- Cutoff Start- solenoid Preheat
& &
ing sole- ing
Horn Socket + +
! !
9 9 9 9 Drive High-speed Air condition- +
        alarm switch ing pressure + +
(prepared) " 8 
$ ;     


    8 3            


; $ 




; ; 

Safe load indicator



Wiring harness connec- High-speed Safety valve

valve Boom working light

tion 9 9

  $ %
$ %
$ % $ % Water temperature switch
 ;   Washer pump 3


" !

  Fuel pump pump
    - - -



SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *



Wiring harness connec-  


Hydraulic oil

Drive alarm Fuel level indica-   


pressure tor    
3 8 "
Air condi-
Air filter pres- tioning Preheating sys-
Engine oil Cutoff solenoid
sure switch tem
3 9 2 pressure 9
6.25 Engine chassis A4 wiring harness 1000173970 from serial no. AH00611 (legend)
SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

No. Up to To Colour mm No. Up to To Colour mm

1 G1/B alternator M1 starter red 10 50 G-ECU B6 engine temperature sensor blk/wht 1
2 Battery F1 main fuse red 6 51 G-ECU Y60/6 fuel injection pump blk/wht 0.75
3 Battery F2 main fuse red 6 52 N5/38 diesel engine electronics X1/6 engine/chassis connection red/wht 0.5
4 F1 main fuse F11 E-ECU, engine relay fuse red 2.5 53 N5/35 diesel engine electronics X1/7 engine/chassis connection org/blk 0.5
5 F1 main fuse K5/30 preheating relay red 4 54 N5/16 diesel engine electronics B6 engine temperature sensor grn/blk 0.5
6 F1 main fuse K7/30 start high current relay red 4 55 N5/33 diesel engine electronics K42/85 fuel injection pump blk/red 0.5
7 F2 main fuse X3/A cab connection red 6 56 N5/1 diesel engine electronics Y76/1 exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) wht 0.5
8 F2 main fuse K2/30 fuel-filling pump red 4 57 N5/11 diesel engine electronics Y76/6 exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) yel/red 0.5
10 K7/87 start high current relay M1 starter wht/red 4 58 N5/21 diesel engine electronics Y76/3 exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) blu/yel 0.5
11 K5/87 preheating relay R1 glow plug brn 6 59 N5/31 diesel engine electronics Y76/4 exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) brn/blk 0.5
12 K2/87 fuel-filling pump M7 fuel-filling pump wht 4 60 CANL (low) N5/39 diesel engine electronics brn/red 0.5
17 K7/86 start high current relay X1/1 engine/chassis connection wht/blk 1 61 CANL (low) X20/3 brn/red 1
18 K7/86 start high current relay N5/8 diesel engine electronics wht/blk 0.5 62 CANL (low) X21/1 brn/red 1
19 K7/85 start high current relay N5/20 diesel engine electronics blk/red 0.5 63 X22/1 X22/2 wht/blu 1
21 K42/86 fuel injection pump X1/2 engine/chassis connection blu 1 64 X21/2 N5/39 diesel engine electronics wht/blu 0.5
22 K42/86 fuel injection pump V1 blocking diode blu 1 65 N5/40 diesel engine electronics X20/2 wht/red 0.5
23 G1/2 alternator V1 blocking diode blu 1 66 N5/44 diesel engine electronics K5/86 preheating relay brn 1
24 M9 fuel feed pump X1/2 engine/chassis connection blu 1 67 N5/23 diesel engine electronics X1/8 gry/red 0.5
25 M9 fuel feed pump S4 air filter pressure switch blu 1 68 N5/17 diesel engine electronics S86 automatic revs setting pressure yel/blk 0.5
26 X20/1 S4 air filter pressure switch blu 1 switch
30 F11 E-ECU, engine relay fuse K1/30 engine electronics main relay red 1 69 N5/6 diesel engine electronics X1/9 engine/chassis connection gry/yel 0.5
31 K1/86 engine electronics main relay K1/30 engine electronics main relay red 1 70 S2 engine oil pressure switch N5/14 diesel engine electronics wht/grn 0.5
32 N5/34 diesel engine electronics K1/85 engine electronics main relay blk/blu 0.5 71 S2 engine oil pressure switch X1/10 engine/chassis connection wht/grn 1
33 N5/48 diesel engine electronics K1/87 engine electronics main relay red/blk 1 73 N5/12 diesel engine electronics X1/11 armrest/chassis connection gry/blu 0.5
34 K42/30 fuel injection pump K1/87 engine electronics main relay red/blk 1 74 S3 engine temperature switch X1/12 grn/blk 1
35 K42/30 fuel injection pump Y76/2 exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) red/blk 1 75 S4 air filter pressure switch X1/13 gry/blu 1
36 K42/30 fuel injection pump Y76/5 exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) red/blk 1 129 Y31 air conditioning X1/14 red/yel 1
37 K42/87 fuel injection pump Y60/1 fuel injection pump blu/blk 0.75 146 S79.1 fuel-filling pump switch X1/15 red/blk 1
38 N5/7 diesel engine electronics X1/3 engine/chassis connection blu/grn 0.5 147 S79/2 fuel-filling pump switch K2/86 fuel-filling pump relay vio 1
39 N5/24 diesel engine electronics X1/3 engine/chassis connection blu/grn 0.5 149 S79.1 fuel-filling pump switch K2/87 fuel-filling pump relay vio/wht 1
40 G1/2 alternator X1/4 engine/chassis connection pnk 1 149A S79.1 fuel-filling pump switch S79/1 fuel-filling pump switch vio/wht 1
41 G1/3 alternator N5/10 diesel engine electronics hblu/wht 0.5 150 K2/85 fuel-filling pump relay K5/85 fuel-filling pump relay blk 1
42 N5/42 diesel engine electronics Y60/2 fuel injection pump org/blk 0.75 151 GND K5/85 fuel-filling pump relay blk 1
43 N5/36 diesel engine electronics Y60/4 fuel injection pump wht/blk 0.5 152 GND3 N5/45 diesel engine electronics blk 1
44 N5/43 diesel engine electronics Y60/5 fuel injection pump wht/red 0.75 153 GND3 N5/47 diesel engine electronics blk 1
45 N5/19 diesel engine electronics B20 revs sensor pnk/blk 0.5 154 GND S86 automatic revs setting pressure blk 1
46 N5/18 diesel engine electronics B20 revs sensor pnk/wht 0.5 switch
47 N5/41 diesel engine electronics Y61 cold start device (CSD) yel/red 1 155 GND M9 fuel feed pump blk 1

Electric system
48 G-ECU N5/28 diesel engine electronics blk/wht 0.5 156 GND X20/4 blk 1
49 G-ECU X1/5 engine/chassis connection blk/wht 1 157 GND M7 fuel-filling pump blk 4
158 GND X3/B blk 2.5
6-21 6.26 Engine chassis A4 wiring harness 1000173970 from serial no. AH00611

Electric system
Fuse: ECU,
Main fuses engine relais Fuel-filling
Fuel-filling Start- pump switch
Block- Fuel pump ing Preheat
ing injection Main
pump relay

ECU engine Coolant tem-

tempera- peratur: sen-
ture sensor sor + switch
Air condi-

Glow plug Air filter pres-

sure switch Engine oil


Automatic revs set-

ting pressure

CSD cold
start device

Revs sen-

Fuel injec-
EGR exhaust tion pump
Fuel-filling pump gas recircula-
switch Fuel pump

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *
6.27 Wiring harness 1000125106 switches A4 (legend)
SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

No. Up to To Colour No. Up to To Colour

7 X3/A main connection S1/1 preheating start switch red 6 95 F5 cab working light fuse S17/1 cab working light switch grn 1
7A S1/1 preheating start switch F10 socket and cigarette lighter fuse red 4 96 S17/1 cab working light switch S17/2 cab working light switch grn 1
15 X1/2 engine/chassis connection X4/9 drive interlock connection blu 1 97 S17/1 cab working light switch S17/10 cab working light switch grn 1
15A X4.1/9 drive interlock connection X4.1/5 drive interlock connection blu 1 98 F8 wiper and interior light fuse X12/7 cab connection blu 1
19 X1/3 engine/chassis connection S1/8 preheating start switch brn 1 98A X12/7 cab connection X12/8 cab connection blu 1
19A S1/3 preheating start switch S1/6 preheating start switch brn 1 99 S17/1 cab working light switch X12/5 cab connection grn/red 1
21 X1/4 engine/chassis connection X4/8 drive interlock connection wht/blk 1 101 S17/3 cab working light switch X12/9 cab connection grn/blu 1
21A X4.1/4 drive interlock connection X4.1/8 drive interlock connection wht/blk 1 102 F9 rotating beacon, radio and drive interlock fuse S18/5 rotating beacon switch red 1
23 X1/5 engine/chassis connection X10/10 instrument panel connection gry/red 1 103 S18/1 rotating beacon switch X12/2 cab connection vio 1
31 X1/6 engine/chassis connection X10/8 instrument panel connection pnk 1 105 F7 fan and air conditioning fuse S15/2 ventilation switch yel 1
32 X1/7 engine/chassis connection X10/8 instrument panel connection wht/grn 1 106 S15/1 ventilation switch S15/2 ventilation switch yel 1
33 X1/8 engine/chassis connection X10/9 instrument panel connection blk/grn 1 107 S15/1 ventilation switch S15/10 ventilation switch yel 1
34 X1/9 engine/chassis connection X13 engine temperature connection grn/wht 1 108 S51/10 air conditioning switch S15/10 ventilation switch yel 1
35 X1/10 engine/chassis connection X10/3 instrument panel connection gry/blu 1 109 S15/3 ventilation switch S51/1 air conditioning switch yel/blk 1
37 X1/11 engine/chassis connection X10/4 instrument panel connection vio/blk 1 110 S42/1 safe load indicator switch B14/3 warning buzzer connection vio/blu 1
40 X2/1 engine/chassis connection X10/6 instrument panel connection org/wht 1 111 X10/13 instrument panel connection B14/3 warning buzzer connection vio/blu 1
41 X1/1 engine/chassis connection F3 indicators and engine relay fuse blu 1 112 F3 indicators and engine relay fuse X13 engine temperature connection blu 1
42 X1/1 engine/chassis connection X4/5 drive interlock connection blu 1 113 X10/1 instrument panel connection X13 engine temperature connection blu 1
42A X4/7 drive interlock connection X4/5 drive interlock connection blu 1 114 F3 indicators and engine relay fuse X14/1 automatic revs setting connection blu 1
43 X4/5 drive interlock connection F9 rotating beacon, radio and drive interlock fuse red 1 115 S18/10 rotating beacon switch X14/1 automatic revs setting connection blu 1
44 X2/2 engine/chassis connection F6 valves and horn fuse gry 1 116 S18/10 rotating beacon switch S42/10 safe load indicator switch vio/blu 1
47 X2/4 engine/chassis connection F10 socket and cigarette lighter fuse red/blk 1.5 117 S16/B boom working light switch E15 cigarette lighter grn/yel 1
49 X2/5 engine/chassis connection S20/3 wiper/washer system switch blk/wht 1 118 X13 engine temperature connection E15 cigarette lighter grn/yel 1
51 X2/6 engine/chassis connection S42/5 safe load indicator switch vio/blu 1 119 X13 engine temperature connection X10/2 instrument panel connection grn/yel 1
53 X2/7 engine/chassis connection S16/1 boom working light switch grn/yel 1 120 F10 socket, cigarette lighter E15 cigarette lighter red/blk 1.5
55 X2/8 engine/chassis connection S21/1 high-speed switch brn/blk 1 121 F9 rotating beacon, radio and drive interlock fuse X12/8 cab connection red 1
58A X4.1/1 drive interlock connection X4.1/6 drive interlock connection brn/wht 1 122 X11/1 Vario instrument panel connection X2/3 engine/chassis connection brn/blu 1
59 X4/1 drive interlock connection X6/5 armrest switch connection gry 1 123 X10/5 instrument panel connection X11/2 Vario instrument panel connection blk 1
71 X2/9 engine/chassis connection X6/1 armrest switch connection brn/grn 1 124 X13 engine temperature connection X11/2 Vario instrument panel connection blk 1
76 F6 valves and horn fuse X4/6 drive interlock connection gry 1 125 X13 engine temperature connection X13 engine temperature connection blk 1
78 X4/3 drive interlock connection X12/3 cab connection blk 1 126 X14/2 automatic revs setting connection X13 engine temperature connection blk 1
82 S51/5 air conditioning switch X6/2 armrest switch connection yel/red 1 127 X14/2 automatic revs setting connection S21/9 high-speed switch blk 1
83 S15/3 ventilation switch X6/3 armrest switch connection yel/blk 1 128 S20/9 wiper/washer system switch S21/9 high-speed switch blk 1
84 S15/6 ventilation switch X6/4 armrest switch connection yel/blu 1 129 S20/9 wiper/washer system switch S16/9 boom working light switch blk 1
86 X4/4 drive interlock connection S1/7 preheating start switch wht/blk 1 130 S17/9 cab working light switch S16/9 boom working light switch blk 1
87 F6 valves and horn fuse S21/5 high-speed switch gry 1 131 S17/9 cab working light switch S18/9 rotating beacon switch blk 1
88 S21/10 high-speed switch S21/5 high-speed switch gry 1 132 S15/9 ventilation switch S18/9 rotating beacon switch blk 1
89 F8 wiper and interior light fuse S20/2 wiper/washer system switch blu 1 133 S15/9 ventilation switch S51/9 air conditioning switch blk 1

Electric system
90 S20/10 wiper/washer system switch S20/2 wiper/washer system switch blu 1 134 S42/9 safe load indicator switch S51/9 air conditioning switch blk 1
91 X12/4 cab connection S20/6 wiper/washer system switch blu/wht 1 135 S42/9 safe load indicator switch X3/B main connection blk 1
92 S20/7 wiper/washer system switch S20/6 wiper/washer system switch blu/wht 1
93 S20/5 wiper/washer system switch X12/1 cab connection blu/red 1
94 F4 boom working light fuse S16/5 boom working light switch grn 1
94A S16/10 boom working light switch S16/5 boom working light switch grn 1
6-23 6.28 Wiring harness 1000125106 switches A4

Electric system
Boom working
Air condition- Rotating beacon light switch High speed
ing switch switch switch
Cab working light Wiper/washer
Safe load indica- switch
Ventila- switch
tor switch

S42 S51 S15 S18 S17 S16 S20 S21

 110 X   109 X   107 106 106

105   103 X   95 96 96 97   53 117 X   X 89 90   55 X 
 X X   X X   84 X   X X   101 X   X X   49 X   X X  Preheating start
 51 X   82 X   X 83
  102 X   X 99   94 94A X   93 91 92   87 88 X 
 X X   X X   X X   X X   X X   X X   92 X   X X 
        Automatic revs S1 Instrument panel
134 116  133
134 108  133
 131 97
130 94A  129
128 90  127
128 88
setting connection Cigarette lighter Engine temperature connec- connection



E15 X13




126 117 126 125 112 119
120 136
118 125 124
34 113 118 

 !  8 



  8 ! 

  ! 8 

  !  122
  !  123
8  Warning 124


 8 ! 

" X11
X 41 Indicators, controls, engine and cutoff solenoid holding Vario instru-
!& !
X 112
 ment panel con-

X 94 Boom working light

"& "
138 X

X 95 Cab working lights

#& #

X 76 Valves
X 32   40 53 

 84 71   98A
93   59 76 
$& $
X 44

 X 31   44 55  82   98 103   43 42A 
7 136
 37 23   122 71  137
 59 83 
78  X4  78 X 105 Heating, air conditioning
SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

21   47
 121 91   86 21  %& %
139 X

Main connec- Drive interlock Wiper, interior light
 35 19   49 X 
tion X6  101 99   42 42A 15 
connection && &

  51 X 
34 15 
Armrest switch
 33 41 42 
connection X12  58 58  X 43
Rotating beacon, radio, drive interlock
X2 Cab con-
  '& '
X 102

X1 Engine/chas- nection X4.1  7A 120 Socket, cigarette lighter

Engine/chas- sis connection  21A 21A  (& ( X 47

sis connection  15A 15A 

6.29 Wiring harness 1000109629: cab roof
SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

" " Radio


Loudspeaker 8   8
8   8

 8  ! 8
! 8 8 8

Cab connection

Front roof light 
Interior light    8
Rear roof lights    

Rotating beacon


'.$ '.$


BLK BRN No. Up to To Colour mm
1 X12 (1) 9 pole plug and socket connector cab M2 wiper motor grn/yel 0.75
2 X12 (2) 9 pole plug and socket connector cab H28 rotating beacon vio 1
3 X12 (3) 9 pole plug and socket connector cab GND1 blk 1
4 X12 (4) 9 pole plug and socket connector cab M2 wiper motor brn 0.75
5 X12 (5) 9 pole plug and socket connector cab E9 front roof light grn/red 1
6 X12 (6) 9 pole plug and socket connector cab M2 wiper motor blu 0.75
7 X12 (7) 9 pole plug and socket connector cab E14 interior light blu 1
8 X12 (8) 9 pole plug and socket connector cab A1.1/4 radio red 1
8A A1.1/4 radio A1.1/7 radio red 1
9 X12 (9) 9 pole plug and socket connector cab E7 rear roof lights grn/blu 1

Electric system
10 A1/6 radio B11 loudspeaker wht 0.5
11 A1/5 radio B11 loudspeaker wht/blk 0.5
12 A1/4 radio B12 loudspeaker wht 0.5
13 A1/3 radio B12 loudspeaker wht/blk 0.5
14 GND1 GND2 blk 1.5
15 GND1 A1.1/8 radio blk 1
16 GND1 M2 wiper motor blk 0.75
6-25 6.30 Wiring harness 1000109628: armrest

Electric system
Heater fan



Air conditioning
Safety switch



Armrest switch connection







Joystick (left)


Armrest/chassis connec-

Joystick (right) connection





No. Up to To Colour mm No. Up to To Colour mm

46 X5/5 armrest/chassis connection X7/85 joystick (right) connection org 1 75 M4/2 fan X8/4 joystick (left) connection blk 1
58 X5/4 armrest/chassis connection S28 safety switch brn/wht 1 76 X6/5 armrest switch connection S28 safety switch gry 1
62 X5/1 armrest/chassis connection X8/2 joystick (left) connection blu/yel 1 77 S28 safety switch X8/1 joystick (left) connection gry 1
64 X5/2 armrest/chassis connection X8/3 joystick (left) connection gry/yel 1 81 X6/5 armrest switch connection X7/1 joystick (right) connection gry 1
SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

66 X5/3 armrest/chassis connection X8/6 joystick (left) connection gry/grn 1 82 X6/2 armrest switch connection S54 air conditioning thermostat yel/red 1
68 X5/7 armrest/chassis connection S54 air conditioning thermostat yel/red 1 83 X6/3 armrest switch connection M4/1 fan yel/blk 1
71 X6/1 armrest switch connection X7/2 joystick (right) connection brn/grn 1 84 X6/4 armrest switch connection M4/3 fan yel/blu 1
73 X5/6 armrest/chassis connection X7/4 joystick (right) connection blk 1 85 X8/5 joystick (left) connection X7/3 joystick (right) connection gry/blk 1
74 X5/6 armrest/chassis connection M4/2 fan blk 1
6.31 Wiring harness 1000116138: boom working light
SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *



No. Up to To Colour mm
53 XE11/1 boom working light E1 boom working light grn/yel 1
54 XE11/2 boom working light E1 boom working light blk 1

Electric system
Electric system

Electric system

Wiring harnesses: overview

Wiring diagrams include all options.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 6-28

Electric system

6.32 Wiring diagram A3 up to serial no. AD07187 (legend)

No. Description Section Loc. No. Description Section Loc. No. Description Section Loc.
A1 Radio E14 Option M5 Washer pump F8 Option X13 5 pole connection engine temperature A3
B1 Fuel indicator F6 M7 Fuel-filling pump F1 Option X14 2 pole connection automatic revs setting D3
B2 Horn D/E10 M9 Fuel pump F3 X15 1 pole connection drive alarm D1
B6 Engine oil temperature sensor E6 P1 Hour meter B1 X16 3 pole connection drive alarm E2
B11 Loudspeaker E15 Option P2 Fuel level indication B1 X19 1 pole connection socket F7
B12 Loudspeaker E15 Option P3 Engine oil temperature gauge A3 XE11 2 pole connection boom working light E9
B14 Warning buzzer C2 R1 Glow plug F4 XS41 2 pole connection safe load indicator E8
E7 Rear roof lights F14 Option S1 Preheating start switch A1 Y1 Cutoff solenoid F4
E9 Front roof light F13 Option S2 Engine oil pressure switch F5 Y3 High-speed solenoid valve F9
E10 Front roof light Option S3 Engine temperature switch E5 Y13 Solenoid valve for safety valve F13
E11 Boom light F8/9 S4 Air filter pressure switch F6 Y14 Solenoid valve automatic idling speed set- F9 Option
E14 Interior light E/F13 S5 Hydraulic oil pressure switch F7 ting
E15 Cigarette lighter A14 S8 Battery master switch F1 Y15 Solenoid valve auxiliary hydraulics/swivel F10
F1 Main fuse: starter, preheating E2 S15 Ventilation switch A10 Y16 Solenoid valve additional control circuit F10 Option
F2 Main fuse + fuel-filling pump E1 S16 Boom working light switch A7 Y17 Solenoid valve additional control circuit F11 Option
F3 Indicators, engine relay A4 S17 Cab working light switch A8 Option Y31 Solenoid valve air conditioning F12 Option
F4 Boom working light A7 S18 Rotating beacon switch A13 Option
F5 Cab working lights A8 S20 Wiper/washer switch A20 Option
F6 Valves, horn A9 S21 High speed switch A9
F7 Fan, air conditioning A10 S21.1 High-speed tip switch (prepared) E9 Option
F8 Wiper, interior light A12 S27 Additional hydraulics/swivel tip switch D10
F9 Rotating beacon, radio, drive interlock A13 S28 Safety switch C28
F10 Socket, cigarette lighter A14 S30 Additional control circuit tip switch D9 Option
G1 Alternator F3 S31 Additional control circuit tip switch D9 Option
G2 Battery F1 S41 Safe load indicator pressure switch E8 Option
H2 Preheating telltale B1 S42 Safe load indicator switch A7 Option
H3 Engine temperature telltale B1 S48 Automatic idling speed tip switch C9 Option
H4 Engine oil pressure telltale B1 S51 Air conditioning switch A11 Option
H5 Alternator charge function telltale B1 S52 Air conditioning pressure switch E12 Option
H6 Air filter telltale B1 S54 Air conditioning thermostat D12 Option
H7 Hydraulic oil filter telltale B1 S55 Horn tip switch C10
H9 Safe load indicator telltale C3 Option V1 Recovery diode E4
H28 Rotating beacon F13 Option X1 13 pole connection engine/chassis D4-6
H33 Spare telltale B1 X2 11 pole connection engine/chassis D7-9
H30 Spare telltale C3 X3 2 pole main connection D0
K5 Preheating high current relay E4 X4 9 pole connection drive interlock C/D3
K6 Preheating time lag relay D5 X5 7 pole connection armrest/chassis D11/12
K7 Start high current relay E2 X6 5 pole connection armrest switch C11/12
K8 Cutoff solenoid time lag relay D3 X7 6 pole connection joystick (right) C11
K9 Cutoff solenoid switching relay E3 X8 6 pole connection joystick (left) D11
M1 Starter F2 X10 15 pole connection instrument panel B/C1
M2 Wiper motor F13 Option X11 2 pole connection Vario indicator B6 Wiring diagram (legend)
M4 Fan C12 Option X12 9 pole connection cab C13/14

6-29 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electric system
6.33 Wiring diagram A3 up to serial no. AD07187

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 6-30

Electric system

6.34 Wiring diagram A4 from serial no. AH00611 (legend)

No. Description Section Loc. No. Description Section Loc. No. Description Section Loc.
A1 Radio (2) E12 Opti K7 Start high current relay (1) D2 S42 Safe load indicator switch (1) A13 Opti
on K42 Fuel injection pump relay (1) C5 on
B1 Fuel level indicator (1) E13 M1 Starter (1) E2 S51 Air conditioning switch (2) B7 Opti
B2 Horn (2) D4 M2 Front wiper motor (2) E10 Opti on
B6 Engine temperature sensor (1) E9 on S52 Air conditioning pressure switch (2) D7 Opti
B11 Loudspeaker (2) E12 Opti M4 Fan (2) D6 Opti on
on on S54 Air conditioning temperature switch (2) C7 Opti
B12 Loudspeaker (2) E12 Opti M5 Front washer pump (2) E9 Opti on
on on S55 Horn tip switch (2) D6
B19 Quickhitch warning buzzer (2) C3 M7 Fuel-filling pump (1) E1 Opti S79 Fuel-filling pump switch (1) C1
B20 Engine revs (1) C/D11 on S86 Automatic revs setting pressure (1) E5
E7 Rear working lights (2) E8 Opti M9 Fuel pump (1) E3 switch
on N5 Diesel engine electronics (1)C-E/6-7 S87 Automatic revs setting switch (1) A10
E9 Front working light (2) E8 Opti R1 Glow plug (1) E4 Y3 Normal speed solenoid valve (2) E2
on R12 Engine speed potentiometer (1) A9 Y13 Pilot control safety valve (2) E4-5
E11 Boom working light (2) E1 S1 Preheating start switch (1) A1 Y15 Auxiliary hydraulics/boom swivel (2) E5
E14 Interior light (2) E10 S2 Engine oil pressure switch (1) E8 changeover solenoid valve
E15 Cigarette lighter (2) B13 S3 Engine temperature switch (1) E11 Y25 Quickhitch lock solenoid valve (2) E3 Opti
F1 Main fuse: starter, preheating (1) D2 S4 Air filter pressure switch (1) B5 on
F2 Main fuse (1) D0 S5 Hydraulic oil pressure switch (1) E12 Y31 Electro-magnetic clutch (2) E7 Opti
F3 Displays, E-ECU (1) A3 S8 Battery master switch (1) D0 compressor on
F4 Boom working light (2) A1 S15 Heating switch (2) B6 Y60 Fuel injection pump (1) C10 Opti
F5 Roof working lights (2) A8 S16 Working light switch (2) B1 on
F6 Valves, horn (2) A2 S17 Working light switch (2) B8 Opti Y61 Cold start valve (1) C11
F7 Fan, air conditioning (2) A6 on Y76 Exhaust gas recirculation (1) D5
F8 Wiper, interior light (2) A9 S18 Rotating beacon switch (2) B11 Opti
F9 Rotating beacon, radio (2) A11 on
F10 Socket, cigarette lighter (2) A13 S20 Wiper/washer switch (2) B9 Opti
F11 E-ECU, engine relay (1) C2 on
G1 Alternator (1) E4 S21 1st/2nd speed switch (2) B2
G2 Battery (1) E0 S27 Changeover valve tip switch (2) D5
H28 Rotating beacon (2) E11 Opti S28 Left-hand side safety switch (2) D4-5
on S40 Quickhitch lock switch (2) B3 Opti
K1 Engine electronics main relay (1) C4 on
Wiring diagram (legend)
K2 Fuel-filling pump relay (1) D1 S41 Safe load indicator pressure switch (1) E13 Opti
K5 Preheating high current relay (1) D4 on

6-31 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electric system
6.35 Wiring diagram A4 (1) from serial no. AH00611

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 6-32

Electric system

6.36 Wiring diagram A4 (2) from serial no. AH00611

6-33 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electric system
6.37 Engine chassis A3 wiring harness 1000109624 up to serial no. AD07187 (legend)

Colou Colou Colou

No. Up to To mm No. Up to To mm No. Up to To mm
r r r
1 G1/B alternator M1 starter red 10 37 B1 fuel level indicator X1/11 engine/chassis connection vio/blk 1 66 Y17/1 electr. auxiliary hydraulics X5/3 armrest/chassis connection gry/grn 1
2 G1/B alternator F1 main fuse red 6 38 GND X16/2 drive alarm connection blk 1 solenoid valve
3 M1 starter F2 main fuse red 6 38A B1 fuel level indicator X16/2 drive alarm connection blk 1 67 Y17/2 electr. auxiliary hydraulics GND blk 1
4 F1 main fuse K5/30 preheating relay red 4 39 B1 fuel level indicator S5 preheating start switch blk 1 solenoid valve
5 K5/30 preheating relay K9/30 cutoff solenoid relay red 4 40 S5 preheating start switch X2/1 engine/chassis connection org/ 1 68 S52 air conditioning pressure switch X5/7 armrest/chassis connection yel/red 1
6 F1 main fuse K7/A start high current relay red 4 wht 69 S52 air conditioning pressure switch X2/11 engine/chassis connection yel/red 1
7 F2 main fuse X3/A main connection red 6 41 X16/1 drive alarm connection X1/1 engine/chassis connection blu 1 70 X2/11 engine/chassis connection Y31 air conditioning solenoid valve yel/red 1
8 F2 main fuse M7 fuel-filling pump red 4 44 S21.1 high-speed tip switch X2/2 engine/chassis connection gry 1 71 Y14/1 changeover valve solenoid X2/9 engine/chassis connection brn/grn 1
9 GND M7 fuel-filling pump blk 4 (prepared) valve
10 K7/B start high current relay M1 starter wht/ 4 45 S21.1 high-speed tip switch B2 horn gry 1 72 Y14/2 changeover valve solenoid GND blk 1
red (prepared) valve
11 K5/87 preheating relay R1 glow plug brn 6 46 B2 horn X5/5 armrest/chassis connection org 1 73 GND X5/6 armrest/chassis connection blk 1
12 K9/87 cutoff solenoid switching relay Y1/1 cutoff solenoid wht 4 47 X19 socket X2/4 engine/chassis connection red/blk 1.5 79 X15 drive alarm connection X16/3 drive alarm connection gry/blk 1
13 M9/1 fuel pump Y1/2 cutoff solenoid blu 1 48 X19 socket GND blk 1.5 80 GND X3/B main connection blk 6
14 GND Y1/3 cutoff solenoid blk 2.5 49 M5 washer pump X2/5 engine/chassis connection blk/wht 1
15 K8 cutoff solenoid time lag relay X1/2 engine/chassis connection blu 1 50 M5 washer pump GND blk 1
16 K8 cutoff solenoid time lag relay V1 blocking diode blu 1 51 XS41/1 safe load indicator X2/6 engine/chassis connection vio/blu 1
16 A V1 blocking diode K7/1 start high current relay blu 1 52 XS41/2 safe load indicator GND blk 1
17 M9/1 fuel pump X1/2 engine/chassis connection blu 1 53 XE11/1 boom working light X2/7 engine/chassis connection grn/yel 1
18 G1/2 alternator X1/1 engine/chassis connection blu 1 54 XE11/2 boom working light GND blk 1
19 K6 preheating time lag relay X1/3 engine/chassis connection brn 1 55 S21.1/1 high-speed tip switch X2/8 engine/chassis connection brn/blk 1
20 K6 preheating time lag relay K5/86 preheating relay brn 1 (prepared)
21 K6 preheating time lag relay X1/4 engine/chassis connection wht/blk 1 56 Y3 high-speed solenoid valve X2/8 engine/chassis connection brn/blk 1
22 K6 preheating time lag relay K7/3 start high current relay wht/blk 1 57 Y3 high-speed solenoid valve GND blk 1
23 K6 preheating time lag relay X1/5 engine/chassis connection gry/red 1 58 Y13 solenoid valve for safety valve X5/4 armrest/chassis connection brn/ 1
24 K8 cutoff solenoid time lag relay K9/86 cutoff solenoid switching blu/blk 1 wht
relay 60 GND Y13 solenoid valve for safety valve blk 1
25 K8 cutoff solenoid time lag relay K9/85 cutoff solenoid switching pnk/blk 1 61 GND M9/2 fuel pump blk 1
relay 62 Y15/1 auxiliary hydraulics/swivel X5/1 armrest/chassis connection blu/yel 1
26 K7/6 start high current relay G1/3 alternator blk/blu 1 solenoid valve
27 GND K5/85 preheating relay blk 1 63 Y15/2 auxiliary hydraulics/swivel GND blk 1
28 K5/85 preheating relay K6 preheating time lag relay blk 1 solenoid valve
29 K6 preheating time lag relay K8 cutoff solenoid time lag relay
blk 1 64 Y16/1 electr. auxiliary hydraulics X5/2 armrest/chassis connection gry/yel 1
30 K8 cutoff solenoid time lag relay V1 blocking diode blk 1 solenoid valve
30A V1 blocking diode K7/5 start high current relay blk 1 65 Y16/2 electr. auxiliary hydraulics GND blk 1
31 G1/1 alternator X1/6 engine/chassis connection pnk 1 solenoid valve
32 S2 engine oil pressure switch X1/7 engine/chassis connection wht/ 1
33 S3 engine temperature switch X1/8 engine/chassis connection blk/grn 1
34 S3 engine temperature switch X1/9 engine/chassis connection grn/ 1
35 S4 air filter pressure switch X1/10 engine/chassis connection gry/blu 1
36 S4 air filter pressure switch GND blk 1

Engine chassis wiring harness 1000109624 (legend)

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 6-34

Electric system

6.38 Engine chassis A3 wiring harness 1000109624 up to serial no. AD07187

Main fuses
Changeover valve Auxiliary hydrau- Electr. AH Electr. AH Cutoff Preheat
Cutoff Starting solenoid & &
lics/swivel ! !
9 9 9 9 Preheating solenoid relay + +
Horn Socket +
        + +
Drive High-speed Air condition- " 8 


$ ; 
ing pressure $

(prepared) Blocking     

    8 3            


; $ 




; ; 

Safe load indicator



Wiring harness connection High-speed Safety valve

     valve 9 9 Boom working light
Water temperature switch
$ % $ %
$ % $ %
Washer pump
 ;   3


" !

  Fuel pump pump
  - - -





Wiring harness connection 



Hydraulic oil

Drive alarm Fuel level indica-  

pressure   Air condi-  
3 8 tor"
tioning valve
Air filter pres- Cutoff solenoid
Preheating sys-Engine oil pres-
sure switch 3 9 tem 2 sure 9

6-35 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electric system
6.39 Engine chassis A3 wiring harness 1000173970 from serial no. AH00611 (legend)

No No No
Up to To Colour mm Up to To Colour mm Up to To Colour mm
. . .
1 G1/B alternator M1 starter red 10 34 S3 engine temperature switch X1/9 engine/chassis connection grn/wht 1 66 Y17/1 electr. auxiliary hydraulics X5/3 armrest/chassis connection gry/grn 1
2 G1/B alternator F1 main fuse red 6 35 S4 air filter pressure switch X1/10 engine/chassis connection gry/blu 1 solenoid valve
3 M1 starter F2 main fuse red 6 36 S4 air filter pressure switch GND blk 1 67 Y17/2 electr. auxiliary hydraulics GND blk 1
4 F1 main fuse K5/30 preheating relay red 4 37 B1 fuel level indicator X1/11 engine/chassis connection vio/blk 1 solenoid valve
5 K5/30 preheating relay K9/30 cutoff solenoid relay red 4 38 GND X16/2 drive alarm connection blk 1 68 S52 air conditioning pressure switch X5/7 armrest/chassis connection yel/red 1
6 F1 main fuse K7/A start high current relay red 4 38 B1 fuel level indicator X16/2 drive alarm connection blk 1 69 S52 air conditioning pressure switch X2/11 engine/chassis connection yel/red 1
7 F2 main fuse X3/A main connection red 6 A 70 X2/11 engine/chassis connection Y31 air conditioning solenoid valve yel/red 1
8 F2 main fuse M7 fuel-filling pump red 4 39 B1 fuel level indicator S5 preheating start switch blk 1 71 Y14/1 changeover valve solenoid valve X2/9 engine/chassis connection brn/grn 1
9 GND M7 fuel-filling pump blk 4 40 S5 preheating start switch X2/1 engine/chassis connection org/wht 1 72 Y14/2 changeover valve solenoid valve GND blk 1
10 K7/B start high current relay M1 starter wht/red 4 41 X16/1 drive alarm connection X1/1 engine/chassis connection blu 1 73 GND X5/6 armrest/chassis connection blk 1
11 K5/87 preheating relay R1 glow plug brn 6 44 S21.1 high-speed tip switch (prepared) X2/2 engine/chassis connection gry 1 79 X15 drive alarm connection X16/3 drive alarm connection gry/blk 1
12 K9/87 cutoff solenoid switching relay Y1/1 cutoff solenoid wht 4 45 S21.1 high-speed tip switch (prepared) B2 horn gry 1 80 GND X3/B main connection blk 6
13 M9/1 fuel pump Y1/2 cutoff solenoid blu 1 46 B2 horn X5/5 armrest/chassis connection org 1
14 GND Y1/3 cutoff solenoid blk 2.5 47 X19 socket X2/4 engine/chassis connection red/blk 1.5
15 K8 cutoff solenoid time lag relay X1/2 engine/chassis connection blu 1 48 X19 socket GND blk 1.5
16 K8 cutoff solenoid time lag relay V1 blocking diode blu 1 49 M5 washer pump X2/5 engine/chassis connection blk/wht 1
16 V1 blocking diode K7/1 start high current relay blu 1 50 M5 washer pump GND blk 1
A 51 XS41/1 safe load indicator X2/6 engine/chassis connection vio/blu 1
17 M9/1 fuel pump X1/2 engine/chassis connection blu 1 52 XS41/2 safe load indicator GND blk 1
18 G1/2 alternator X1/1 engine/chassis connection blu 1 53 XE11/1 boom working light X2/7 engine/chassis connection grn/yel 1
19 K6 preheating time lag relay X1/3 engine/chassis connection brn 1 54 XE11/2 boom working light GND blk 1
20 K6 preheating time lag relay K5/86 preheating relay brn 1 55 S21.1/1 high-speed tip switch X2/8 engine/chassis connection brn/blk 1
21 K6 preheating time lag relay X1/4 engine/chassis connection wht/blk 1 (prepared)
22 K6 preheating time lag relay K7/3 start high current relay wht/blk 1 56 Y3 high-speed solenoid valve X2/8 engine/chassis connection brn/blk 1
23 K6 preheating time lag relay X1/5 engine/chassis connection gry/red 1 57 Y3 high-speed solenoid valve GND blk 1
24 K8 cutoff solenoid time lag relay K9/86 cutoff solenoid switching blu/blk 1 58 Y13 solenoid valve for safety valve X5/4 armrest/chassis connection brn/wht 1
relay 60 GND Y13 solenoid valve for safety valve blk 1
25 K8 cutoff solenoid time lag relay K9/85 cutoff solenoid switching pnk/blk 1 61 GND M9/2 fuel pump blk 1
relay 62 Y15/1 auxiliary hydraulics/swivel X5/1 armrest/chassis connection blu/yel 1
26 K7/6 start high current relay G1/3 alternator blk/blu 1 solenoid valve
27 GND K5/85 preheating relay blk 1 63 Y15/2 auxiliary hydraulics/swivel GND blk 1
28 K5/85 preheating relay K6 preheating time lag relay blk 1 solenoid valve
29 K6 preheating time lag relay K8 cutoff solenoid time lag relay blk 1 64 Y16/1 electr. auxiliary hydraulics X5/2 armrest/chassis connection gry/yel 1
30 K8 cutoff solenoid time lag relay V1 blocking diode blk 1 solenoid valve
30 V1 blocking diode K7/5 start high current relay blk 1 65 Y16/2 electr. auxiliary hydraulics GND blk 1
A solenoid valve
31 G1/1 alternator X1/6 engine/chassis connection pnk 1
32 S2 engine oil pressure switch X1/7 engine/chassis connection wht/grn 1
33 S3 engine temperature switch X1/8 engine/chassis connection blk/grn 1

Engine chassis wiring harness 1000173970 (legend)

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 6-36

Electric system

6.40 Engine chassis A3 wiring harness 1000173970 from serial no. AH00611

Main fuses Fuse: ECU, engine

relais Fuel-filling pump
Fuel-filling pump Starting switch
relay Preheat
Blocking Fuel injection Main relay
diode pump relay

ECU engine tem- Coolant temperatur:

perature sensor sensor + switch
Air condition-

Glow plug
Air filter pres- Engine oil pres-
sure switch sure switch


Automatic revs
setting pressure

CSD cold start


Revs sensor

Fuel injection
Fuel-filling pump switch EGR exhaust gas pump
Fuel pump

Fuel-filling pump

6-37 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electric system
6.41 Wiring harness 1000125106 switches A3 (legend)
Colou Colou Colou
No. From Up to No. From Up to No. From Up to
r r r
7 X3/A main connection S1/1 preheating start switch red 6 87 F6 valves and horn fuse S21/5 high-speed switch gry 1 122 X11/1 Vario instrument panel X2/3 engine/chassis connection brn/blu 1
7A S1/1 preheating start switch F10 socket and cigarette lighter red 4 88 S21/10 high-speed switch S21/5 high-speed switch gry 1 connection
fuse 89 F8 wiper and interior light fuse S20/2 wiper/washer system blu 1 123 X10/5 instrument panel connection X11/2 Vario instrument panel blk 1
15 X1/2 engine/chassis connection X4/9 drive interlock connection blu 1 switch connection
15A X4.1/9 drive interlock connection X4.1/5 drive interlock connection blu 1 90 S20/10 wiper/washer system S20/2 wiper/washer system blu 1 124 X13 engine temperature X11/2 Vario instrument panel blk 1
19 X1/3 engine/chassis connection S1/8 preheating start switch brn 1 switch switch connection connection
19A S1/3 preheating start switch S1/6 preheating start switch brn 1 91 X12/4 cab connection S20/6 wiper/washer system blu/wht 1 125 X13 engine temperature X13 engine temperature blk 1
21 X1/4 engine/chassis connection X4/8 drive interlock connection wht/blk 1 switch connection connection
21A X4.1/4 drive interlock connection X4.1/8 drive interlock connection wht/blk 1 92 S20/7 wiper/washer system switch S20/6 wiper/washer system blu/wht 1 126 X14/2 automatic revs setting X13 engine temperature blk 1
23 X1/5 engine/chassis connection X10/10 instrument panel gry/red 1 switch connection connection
connection 93 S20/5 wiper/washer system switch X12/1 cab connection blu/red 1 127 X14/2 automatic revs setting S21/9 high-speed switch blk 1
31 X1/6 engine/chassis connection X10/8 instrument panel pnk 1 94 F4 boom working light fuse S16/5 boom working light switch grn 1 connection
connection 94A S16/10 boom working light switch S16/5 boom working light switch grn 1 128 S20/9 wiper/washer system switch S21/9 high-speed switch blk 1
32 X1/7 engine/chassis connection X10/8 instrument panel wht/ 1 95 F5 cab working light fuse S17/1 cab working light switch grn 1 129 S20/9 wiper/washer system switch S16/9 boom working light switch blk 1
connection grn 96 S17/1 cab working light switch S17/2 cab working light switch grn 1 130 S17/9 cab working light switch S16/9 boom working light switch blk 1
33 X1/8 engine/chassis connection X10/9 instrument panel blk/grn 1 97 S17/1 cab working light switch S17/10 cab working light switch grn 1 131 S17/9 cab working light switch S18/9 rotating beacon switch blk 1
connection 98 F8 wiper and interior light fuse X12/7 cab connection blu 1 132 S15/9 ventilation switch S18/9 rotating beacon switch blk 1
34 X1/9 engine/chassis connection X13 engine temperature grn/ 1 98A X12/7 cab connection X12/8 cab connection blu 1 133 S15/9 ventilation switch S51/9 air conditioning switch blk 1
connection wht 99 S17/1 cab working light switch X12/5 cab connection grn/red 1 134 S42/9 safe load indicator switch S51/9 air conditioning switch blk 1
35 X1/10 engine/chassis connection X10/3 instrument panel gry/blu 1 101 S17/3 cab working light switch X12/9 cab connection grn/blu 1 135 S42/9 safe load indicator switch X3/B main connection blk 1
connection 102 F9 rotating beacon, radio and drive S18/5 rotating beacon switch red 1 136 E15 cigarette lighter X3/B main connection blk 1.5
37 X1/11 engine/chassis connection X10/4 instrument panel vio/blk 1 interlock fuse 137 X12/3 cab connection X3/B main connection blk 1.5
connection 103 S18/1 rotating beacon switch X12/2 cab connection vio 1 138 S1/5 preheating start switch F4 boom working light fuse blu 2.5
40 X2/1 engine/chassis connection X10/6 instrument panel org/ 1 105 F7 fan and air conditioning fuse S15/2 ventilation switch yel 1 139 S1/6 preheating start switch F7 fan and air conditioning fuse blu 2.5
connection wht 106 S15/1 ventilation switch S15/2 ventilation switch yel 1
41 X1/1 engine/chassis connection F3 indicators and engine relay blu 1 107 S15/1 ventilation switch S15/10 ventilation switch yel 1
fuse 108 S51/10 air conditioning switch S15/10 ventilation switch yel 1
42 X1/1 engine/chassis connection X4/5 drive interlock connection blu 1 109 S15/3 ventilation switch S51/1 air conditioning switch yel/blk 1
42A X4/7 drive interlock connection X4/5 drive interlock connection blu 1 110 S42/1 safe load indicator switch B14/3 warning buzzer connectionvio/blu 1
43 X4/5 drive interlock connection F9 rotating beacon, radio and red 1 111 X10/13 instrument panel B14/3 warning buzzer connectionvio/blu 1
drive interlock fuse connection
44 X2/2 engine/chassis connection F6 valves and horn fuse gry 1 112 F3 indicators and engine relay fuseX13 engine temperature blu 1
47 X2/4 engine/chassis connection F10 socket and cigarette lighter red/blk 1.5 connection
fuse 113 X10/1 instrument panel connection X13 engine temperature blu 1
49 X2/5 engine/chassis connection S20/3 wiper/washer system blk/wht 1 connection
switch 114 F3 indicators and engine relay fuseX14/1 automatic revs setting blu 1
51 X2/6 engine/chassis connection S42/5 safe load indicator switch vio/blu 1 connection
53 X2/7 engine/chassis connection S16/1 boom working light switch grn/yel 1 115 S18/10 rotating beacon switch X14/1 automatic revs setting blu 1
55 X2/8 engine/chassis connection S21/1 high-speed switch brn/blk 1 connection
58A X4.1/1 drive interlock connection X4.1/6 drive interlock connection brn/ 1 116 S18/10 rotating beacon switch S42/10 safe load indicator switch vio/blu 1
wht 117 S16/B boom working light switch E15 cigarette lighter grn/yel 1
59 X4/1 drive interlock connection X6/5 armrest switch connection gry 1 118 X13 engine temperature E15 cigarette lighter grn/yel 1
71 X2/9 engine/chassis connection X6/1 armrest switch connection brn/grn 1 connection
76 F6 valves and horn fuse X4/6 drive interlock connection gry 1 119 X13 engine temperature X10/2 instrument panel grn/yel 1
78 X4/3 drive interlock connection X12/3 cab connection blk 1 connection connection
82 S51/5 air conditioning switch X6/2 armrest switch connection yel/red 1 120 F10 socket, cigarette lighter E15 cigarette lighter red/blk 1.5
83 S15/3 ventilation switch X6/3 armrest switch connection yel/blk 1 121 F9 rotating beacon, radio and drive X12/8 cab connection red 1
84 S15/6 ventilation switch X6/4 armrest switch connection yel/blu 1 interlock fuse Wiring harness 1000109630 switches (leg-
86 X4/4 drive interlock connection S1/7 preheating start switch wht/blk 1

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 6-38

Electric system

6.42 Wiring harness 1000125106 switches A3

Air condition- Rotating beacon Boom working light High speed switch
ing switch switch switch
Safe load indicator Ventilation Cab working light Wiper/washer
switch switch switch switch

S42 S51 S15 S18 S17 S16 S20 S21

 110 X   109 X   107 106 106

105   103 X   95 96 96 97   53 117 X   X 89 90   55 X 
 X X   X X   84 X   X X   101 X   X X   49 X   X X 
 51 X   82 X   X 83
  102 X   X 99   94 94A X   93 91 92   87 88 X  Preheating start
 X X   X X   X X   X X   X X   X X   92 X   X X 



 133 107



 131 97  129
 129 90  127
134 116 134 108 132 108 132 116 130 130 94A 128 128 88 Automatic revs set- Cigarette lighter Engine temperature con- Instrument panel
ting connection 


E15 X13




126 117 126 125 112 119
120 136
118 125 124
34 113 118 

 !  8 



  8 ! 

  ! 8 

  !  122
  !  123


 8 ! 

" X11
Vario instrument
X 41 Indicators, controls, engine
!& !  Warning panel connection
X 112
114 and cutoff solenoid holding
X 94
"& "
138 X

Boom working light

X 95
Cab working lights
#& #

X 76
 X 32   40 53 
 84 71   98A 93   59 76 
$& $
X 44
98A 87
 X 31   44 55  135  98 103   43 42A 
136 82 
 37 23   122 71   59 83 
78  X4  78 X 105 Heating, air conditioning
21   47
 121 91   86 21  %& %
139 X

 35 19   49 X  Main connec- X6  101 99   42 42A 15  Drive interlock X 89
Wiper, interior light
 34 15   51 X  tion connection
&& &
X 98

 33 41 42  Armrest switch con- X12  58 58 

X 43
121 Rotating beacon, radio, drive interlock
X2   '& '
X 102

X1 Cab con- X4.1  7A 120

Engine/chassis nection Socket, cigarette lighter
Engine/chassis connection  21A 21A  (& ( X 47

connection  15A 15A 

6-39 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electric system
6.43 Wiring harness 1000109629: cab roof A3
" " Radio

Loudspeaker 8   8
8   8

 8  ! 8
! 8 8 8

Cab connection

Front roof light

Interior light
Rear roof lights    

Rotating beacon


'.$ '.$

GRNYEL8 No. Up to To mm
BLU8 1 X12 (1) 9 pole plug and socket M2 wiper motor grn/yel 0.75
GRNYEL BLU connector cab
BRN8 2 X12 (2) 9 pole plug and socket H28 rotating beacon vio 1
L connector cab
BLK'.$ 3 X12 (3) 9 pole plug and socket GND1 blk 1
Wiper connector cab
BLK BRN 4 X12 (4) 9 pole plug and socket M2 wiper motor brn 0.75
connector cab
5 X12 (5) 9 pole plug and socket E9 front roof light grn/ 1
connector cab red
6 X12 (6) 9 pole plug and socket M2 wiper motor blu 0.75
connector cab
7 X12 (7) 9 pole plug and socket E14 interior light blu 1
connector cab
8 X12 (8) 9 pole plug and socket A1.1/4 radio red 1
connector cab
8A A1.1/4 radio A1.1/7 radio red 1
9 X12 (9) 9 pole plug and socket E7 rear roof lights grn/blu 1
connector cab
10 A1/6 radio B11 loudspeaker wht 0.5
11 A1/5 radio B11 loudspeaker wht/blk 0.5
12 A1/4 radio B12 loudspeaker wht 0.5
13 A1/3 radio B12 loudspeaker wht/blk 0.5
14 GND1 GND2 blk 1.5
15 GND1 A1.1/8 radio blk 1
16 GND1 M2 wiper motor blk 0.75

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 6-40

Electric system

6.44 Wiring harness 1000109628: armrest A3

Heater fan



Air conditioning
Safety switch



Armrest switch connection



Joystick (left)






Armrest/chassis connection

Joystick (right) connection





No No
Up to To Colour mm Up to To Colour mm
. .
46 X5/5 armrest/chassis connection X7/85 joystick (right) connection org 1 75 M4/2 fan X8/4 joystick (left) connection blk 1
58 X5/4 armrest/chassis connection S28 safety switch brn/wht 1 76 X6/5 armrest switch connection S28 safety switch gry 1
62 X5/1 armrest/chassis connection X8/2 joystick (left) connection blu/yel 1 77 S28 safety switch X8/1 joystick (left) connection gry 1
64 X5/2 armrest/chassis connection X8/3 joystick (left) connection gry/yel 1 81 X6/5 armrest switch connection X7/1 joystick (right) connection gry 1
66 X5/3 armrest/chassis connection X8/6 joystick (left) connection gry/grn 1 82 X6/2 armrest switch connection S54 air conditioning thermostat yel/red 1
68 X5/7 armrest/chassis connection S54 air conditioning thermostat yel/red 1 83 X6/3 armrest switch connection M4/1 fan yel/blk 1
71 X6/1 armrest switch connection X7/2 joystick (right) connection brn/grn 1 84 X6/4 armrest switch connection M4/3 fan yel/blu 1
73 X5/6 armrest/chassis connection X7/4 joystick (right) connection blk 1 85 X8/5 joystick (left) connection X7/3 joystick (right) connection gry/blk 1
74 X5/6 armrest/chassis connection M4/2 fan blk 1

6-41 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *

Electric system
6.45 Wiring harness 1000116138: boom working light A3



No Col-
Up to To mm
. our
53 XE11/1 boom working light E1 boom working light grn/yel 1
54 XE11/2 boom working light E1 boom working light blk 1

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 6-42

Electric system

6-43 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


7 Options
Article numbers for options and retrofit kits: please refer to the 8003 spare parts list
7.1 Air conditioning
Specific safety instructions
Avoid contact with the heat exchanger or the condenser and the supply lines.
Lines and hoses carrying refrigerating agents or coolants can be pressurised
and hot.
Danger of burns!
Always observe the following instructions:
Always empty the system before carrying out maintenance work on the
cooling circuit.
Avoid contact with parts carrying coolant.
Carry out maintenance work with the fan at a standstill only.
Have maintenance and repair work carried out by specialised staff only.

Make sure the cooling system does not come into contact with chlorine, choric
substances, oil, grease or humidity. Use drain and fill systems for R134a only.

The air conditioning system runs best by taking in outside air see Summer/
winter operation on page 1-18.

Air conditioning Model 8003
Refrigerating agent R134a ~ 1000 g (2.2 lb)
Control pressure high pressure on 192 bar (27629 psi)
Control pressure high pressure off 252 bar (36329 psi)
Control pressure low pressure on 2.4 bar (34.8 psi)
Control pressure low pressure on 1.20.3 bar (17.44 psi)
Thermostat switch-on temperature + 2.2 C (+36 F)
Thermostat switch-off temperature - 1.1 C (+30 F)

7-1 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Installation overview


Air conditioning unit

Diesel engine

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 7-2


Components Heater/air conditioning unit

The heating/air conditioning unit consists of:
Evaporator: this is where the liquid refrigerating agent evaporates, the air taken in by
the fan is cooled.
Expansion valve: installed in the evaporator and controls the quantity of liquid
refrigerating agent injected.
Ice guard: a fixed-setting thermostat with sensors placed between the evaporator fins
prevents them from icing up due to freezing condensation water. The thermostat
switches the evaporator's refrigerating agent supply off at 1.1 0.8 C (30 34 F)
and on again at +2.2 0.8 C (36 34 F) as required.
Heat exchanger
Twin radial fan: can be controlled in steps and is overload-protected by means of a
temperature microfuse.

1 2 3 4

Pos. Description
1 Thermostat cable
2 Fan cable
3 Expansion valve
4 Service cover
5 Intake/outlet direction

7-3 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


The compressor takes in the gaseous refrigerating agent from the evaporator, compresses
it and presses the refrigerating agent into the condenser. The diesel engine drives the
compressor via a V-belt and an electro-magnetic clutch.

The condenser condenses the compressed refrigerating agent, i.e. it is delivered to the
condenser in gaseous state and emerges at the lowest position of the condenser in liquid

Fig. 1: Compressor

Dehumidifier with pressure switch

The dehumidifier consists of a collector with integrated dryer, a sight glass and a pressure
The dehumidifier serves as an expansion receptacle and tank for the refrigerating agent. It
can bind a small quantity of water chemically, thereby withdrawing it from the circuit.
A sight glass on the dehumidifier enables to check the level of the circuit.

The cooling system is not working properly if gas bubbles appear in the sight
glass. Replace the dehumidifier if the sight glass is cloudy or shows traces of

Always keep the dehumidifier closed otherwise the dryer is saturated by the
Fig. 2: Dehumidifier with pressure switch
humidity in the air and is no longer serviceable.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 7-4


Filling up the air conditioning system

Always have the air conditioning system filled up by an authorised workshop with
specialised staff.
Only use refrigerating agent R134a according to DIN 8960 see Betriebs- und
Schmierstoffe on page 3-1.
Fill up the system in accordance with the Operator's Manual of the manufacturer
of the fill station.
Fill up the system with enough refrigerating agent. Make sure no bubbles appear
in the sight glass.

Start evacuation 20
minutes min. < 20 mbar
(0.29 psi)

Interrupt evacuation
Check or rectify the
Check whether the Pressure connections
vacuum is stable. Wait at gauge rises

System is tight

Evacuate for a further 25

minutes min.

Fill in gaseous
refrigerating agent to a
pressure of 3 bar (44 psi)

Check for leaks gauge rises
System is tight

Fill in required quantity of

refrigerating agent

7-5 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *



Important information for maintenance and repair work:
There may be residual pressure in the system even if it is empty. Release this
pressure with extreme care as you remove the connections.
When working on the cooling circuit, close all openings tightly to prevent
humidity from penetrating into the system.
Do not open the cooling circuit outdoors in humid weather or rain.

Checking the compressor oil

Check the oil level if:
a system component has been replaced.
the system leaks oil.
the maintenance interval is due see Maintenance plan (overview) on page 3-5.
Proceed as follows:
Let the compressor run at idling speed with the diesel engine for 10 minutes.
Open the oil filler opening.
Push the oil dipstick into the oil filler opening.
Article number for oil dipstick: 1000136739
Fig. 3: Oil filler inlet for the air conditioning compressor Withdraw the oil dipstick from the compressor and read off the oil level at the grooves
on the oil dipstick.
The oil level must reach 5 7 grooves.
Fill in oil of the same grade if the oil level is lower see Fluids and lubricants on page 3-

Fresh/recirculated air filter

Tilt the cab to replace the filter see chapter 1.13 Tilting the cab on page 1-16.
The air conditioning system is located at the rear half of the cab.

Replacing the filter:

Remove the cover between the air conditioning unit and the front air duct.
You can now access the cab filter.
Remove the cab filter.
Insert a new cab filter.
Fit the cover between the air conditioning unit and the front air duct back on again.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 7-6



Problem Possible causes Troubleshooting

Check the fuse's seat, insert correctly if

necessary. Replace a defective fuse. Trouble
Defective or loose fuse occurring again within short time indicates
there is a short circuit or obstruction in the
system. Check the fan for obstruction or a
Fan does not work. defect and rectify the cause.
Line interruption Check the line for loose contacts or ruptures.
Defective fan motor Replace the fan.
Defective fan switch Check or replace the switch.

Fan cannot be switched off. Short circuit in cable or fan switch Eliminate the short circuit. Install a new cable
and/or switch if necessary.

Contaminated contacts. Clean the pins. Proceed with extreme care to

avoid short circuits.
Reduced fan output.
Heavily contaminated heat exchanger. Clean carefully and avoid damage that could
cause leaks.
Flow temperature too low Wait for the engine to warm up.
Defective thermostat Replace the thermostat.
No or insufficient heating output Heat exchanger fins contaminated Check and/or clean the heat exchanger.

Folded or pinched line Eliminate the cause for the error and reroute
the hoses.

Loose hose connection Check the seat of the flexible lines and
tighten the clamps.
Coolant leaks from the unit
Damaged hose Mount and connect a new hose.
Damaged heat exchanger Replace the heat exchanger.
Loose or torn V-belt Adjust V-belt tension, replace the V-belt.
Interruption in the compressor's solenoid
coil Check the current to the clutch.
Compressor does not work.
V-belt pulley does not turn even though
Check and/or replace the compressor.
electro-magnetic clutch is applied.
Compressor clutch slips. Repair the clutch or replace the compressor.
Expansion valve is blocked or stuck in open
Condenser overflow. Replace the expansion valve.
Thermostat sensor in wrong position Place the sensor in new position.
Iced condenser.
Defective expansion valve or thermostat Replace the expansion valve or thermostat.

Interruption of refrigerating agent line Check all lines for external damage or
Loss of refrigerating agent chafing.
System leak Evacuate, fill up, check for leaks and repair.

7-7 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Problem Possible causes Troubleshooting

Fan duct obstructed. Check air intake and outlet for obstruction.
Eliminate the cause for trouble.
Refrigerating agent level too low Fill up refrigerating agent.

Insufficient cooling output Humidity in system Empty the air conditioning system, replace
the dehumidifier, evacuate and fill up.
Dehumidifier saturated or clogged Replace the dehumidifier.

Condenser fins contaminated Clean the fins. Important: no use of high-

pressure cleaners.
Line interruption Check, repair and/or replace the lines.
System cools with interruptions.
Defective fan motor Replace the fan.
Loose or excessively worn V-belt. Retighten or replace the V-belt.
Loose compressor bracket or worn inside
Repair the bracket, replace the compressor.
parts of the compressor.
System runs very loudly Excessive wear of fan motor Replace the fan
System too full. Suck off refrigerating agent.
Not enough refrigerating agent in the system Check for leaks, fill up the system.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 7-8


7.2 Air-suspension seat

Connections The air compressor of the air-suspension seat requires a 12 Volt power supply.

Tension is picked off the connector on the right-hand side joystick X7.

No. Up to To
81 X7/1 joystick (right) connection Seat + 12 V
73 X7/4 joystick (right) connection Seat earth

7.3 Counterweight
Counterweight Model 8003
Weight 400 kg (882 lb)
Additional tail end lateral projection over chains 65 mm (2.6)

Bear in mind the lift capacity table when using a counterweight.

7.4 Long stick

Long stick Model 8003
Length 2150 mm (85)

Bear in mind the lift capacity table when using a counterweight.

7-9 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


7.5 Control circuit (pipework) connections for grab

Connect and disconnect the grab couplings as follows:
Removing the coupling:
Park the machine on firm and horizontal ground.
Extend bucket ram 4/A to the middle.
Switch off the engine.
Release the pressure on the bucket ram by moving the right-hand side control lever to
A the left and right.
Fold the control lever base up.
Turn lock sleeve 4/C towards lock ball 4/B.
Pull lock sleeve C upwards.
The coupling opens.

Connecting the coupling:

Connect the coupling onto the bucket ram connection making sure it is straight.
Wait until you hear a hissing sound of the connection.
B Fully connect the coupling on the connection.
Turn back the lock again (away from lock ball B).
Flat-seal couplings (can be coupled under residual pressure)

ISO designation Thread

Fig. 4: Grab couplings Plug 12.5 1/2 BSP
Sleeve 12.5 1/2 BSP
Couplings according to ISO 16028

7.6 3rd control circuit connections

Follow the instructions in the Operator's Manual of the attachment manufacturer
for connecting the 3rd control circuit to attachments.

Standard connections:

Port Bush
Standard Bulkhead coupling 1/2
Quick coupler option Quick coupler 12.5 1/2

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 7-10


7.7 Auxiliary hydraulics connections

Port Function
S 3rd control circuit (option)
T Auxiliary hydraulics
U Hammer reflux line
V Auxiliary hydraulics
W 3rd control circuit (option)

Follow the instructions given in the Operator's Manuals of the attachments as you
connect them.

Stick (left-hand side) Stick (right-hand side)

Fig. 5: Auxiliary hydraulics connections

Quickhitch couplings
Connect and disconnect the quickhitch couplings as follows:
Removing the hose from the coupling:
Park the machine on firm and horizontal ground.
Extend stick ram A halfway through.
Switch off the engine.
Switch on ignition.
Release the load only after you have switched on ignition and waited 2 seconds
(otherwise if actuated too early, the characteristic curve is shifted and the load is not
Release the pressure on the auxiliary hydraulics or the 3rd control circuit by pressing
the auxiliary hydraulics pedal or moving the left or right-hand side proportional joystick
C to the left and right.
Raise the control lever base and turn lock sleeve C towards lock ball B straight away
(otherwise pressure is created again).
Fig. 6: Quickhitch couplings Pull lock sleeve C upwards.
The coupling opens.

7-11 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Connecting the hose onto the coupling:

Park the machine on firm and horizontal ground.
Extend stick ram A halfway through.
Switch off the engine.
Switch on ignition.
Release the load only after you have switched on ignition and waited about 2
seconds (otherwise if actuated too early, the characteristic curve is shifted and the
load is not released).
Release the pressure on the auxiliary hydraulics or the 3rd control circuit by pressing
the auxiliary hydraulics pedal or moving the left or right-hand side proportional joystick
to the left and right.
Fold the control lever base up.
Remove dirt from the coupling (extends the service life of the coupling).
Then firmly insert the coupling into the port of the stick ram straight away.
Turn back the lock again (away from lock ball B).

Please refer to the Operator's and maintenance manual of the attachment
manufacturer for using and carrying out maintenance on attachments such as
hammers, grabs etc.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 7-12


7.8 Wacker Neuson Vario

Lower the excavator arm to the ground when using the Wacker Neuson Vario feature,
Danger of accidents
Support the machine with the excavator arm when using the Vario feature.

Using the Wacker Neuson Vario feature The following steps must be followed under all circumstances when changing the eccentric
Brace excavator arm 6/A on the ground with the boom ram.
To unlock the Wacker Neuson Vario feature, press and hold both front switches on the left-hand
side 6/B and right-hand side 6/C joystick.
A Press and hold both buttons B and C about 5 seconds without moving the joysticks to
The Neuson Vario feature has four lock positions at offset positions of 90 each (0/360,
90, 180, 270).
D Press the left-hand side joystick D to the left or right for a 90 rotation, press and hold
buttons B and C as you do so.
Both buttons B and C can be released once the excavator has moved.
B C The Wacker Neuson Vario feature automatically engages after a 90 rotation.
Fig. 7: Using the Wacker Neuson Vario feature If repositioning beyond 90 is required with the Wacker Neuson Vario feature, press buttons B
and C beyond the 90 lock position.
As soon as buttons B and C are released, the Wacker Neuson Vario feature engages in the
next possible lock position.

Always check whether the lock position is engaged.

For improved driving features on slopes, reposition the centre of gravity towards the slope
with the Wacker Neuson Vario feature.

7-13 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Vario diagram

B8 B
! "



A T 02
Fig. 8: Wacker Neuson Vario valve

Description Description
B8 Boom rod side port
B Lock ram rod side port
A Lock ram base side port
T Tank line port
PR Pilot control pressure port
E Solenoid valve
F Solenoid valve
G Lock ram

Function Opening the lock

Brace the excavator arm on the ground with the boom ->
Pressure is applied to boom ram rod side port B8.
Press buttons B and C on the joysticks on either side.
Solenoid valves E and F are enabled -> pressure from B8 to B.
Pressure is applied to lock ram rod side port.
Lock ram base side port is switched to tank.
The lock opens.

Release buttons B and C.
Solenoid valves return to initial position -> pressure is interrupted.
Pilot control pressure is applied to lock ram base side port A.
Lock ram rod side port B is switched to tank.
Keep on rotating the upper carriage.
Lock ram engages in the next possible lock position.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 7-14


Wacker Neuson Vario warning device

Do not bypass the warning device or make it inoperative. Working with the
excavator is only allowed with a fully functional warning light.
Caution, danger!
This safety feature must be checked by an authorised workshop every time
maintenance is carried out.
The warning light features a functional check. The warning light comes on
briefly every time the machine is started. Always make sure the warning
light is fully functional.

Depending on the position of the Vario feature, stability is higher or lower with respect to a
standard excavator. Observe the lift capacity table and the warning ranges in Fig. 9.
Warning ranges

Crosswise excavation Lengthwise excavation
Upper carriage not in proper range with
Reduced stability respect to Vario feature, no modification of
stability (hydraulically limited).

Warning range A Warning range B Warning range A

Fig. 9: Warning range danger of tilting! danger of tilting!

A Danger!
The machine can tilt if the boom is not lowered and swivelled out of the danger
area as soon as the alarm is given (warning sound, warning light A), or if the
alarm is ignored.
Danger of accidents!
Brake the upper carriage and rotate it in the other direction.

The warning device is set to 73 % of the static tilt load in an unfavourable position of the
upper carriage. As soon as the load is exceeded and work is carried in an unfavourable
position of the upper carriage (warning range), or if the upper carriage is rotated into the
warning range, the warning sounds briefly and warning light A comes on.
Fig. 10: Warning light


7-15 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *




 + +
! ! 
! !   
BL  !
 " ! ! "



6 "
 !  !


! !

No. From Via Up to
1 X14 supply port K15 Vario switching relay blu
2 X14 supply port B13 proximity switch Y19 Vario solenoid valve blk
2A Y19 Vario solenoid valve Y19.1 Vario solenoid valve blk
2B X14 supply port H32 Vario telltale blk
3 B13 proximity switch K14 Vario time lag relay yel
3A K14 Vario time lag relay K15 Vario switching relay yel
4 B13 Vario proximity switch K14 Vario time lag relay K15 Vario switching relay vio
4A K15 Vario switching relay X2/6 pressure switch connec- vio
4b K14 Vario time lag relay B16 Vario buzzer vio
6 X6/1 armrest connection Y19 Vario solenoid valve brn
6A Y19 Vario solenoid valve Y19.1 Vario solenoid valve brn
7 H32 Vario telltale K15 Vario switching relay gry
7A S1 start switch K15 Vario switching relay gry
8 K14 Vario time lag relay B16 Vario buzzer

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 7-16


7.9 Fuel-filling pump

Up to serial number AD07187
B Refuel with the fuel-filling pump 11/A as follows:
Place the machine on level ground.
Switch off the engine.
Open the engine cover.
Insert the hose of fuel-filling pump A into the container with the fuel see Stationary
fuel pumps on page 3-11.
Press button B to switch on fuel-filling pump 11/A.
The fuel tank is full as soon as telltale 12/C comes on.
Press button B to switch off fuel-filling pump A.

Fig. 11: Fuel-filling pump Important!

Switch off the fuel-filling pump as soon as telltale C comes on, otherwise the fuel
C tank may overflow and can be damaged.
Bear in mind the fuel tank's maximum capacity.

Fig. 12: Fuel-filling pump telltale

The float switch screwed into the fuel tank triggers the telltale.

Fig. 13: Float switch

From serial number AH00611

Refuel with the fuel-filling pump 14/A as follows:
Place the machine on level ground.
Switch off the engine.
Open the engine cover.
Insert the hose of fuel-filling pump A into the container with the fuel see Stationary
fuel pumps on page 3-11.

Fig. 14: Fuel-filling pump

Press button B to switch on fuel-filling pump 14/A.
As soon as the fuel tank is full, the fuel-filling pump is automatically switched off by
means of float switch 13 screwed into the fuel tank.
Press button B to switch off fuel-filling pump A.

7-17 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Connections up to serial no. AD07187 The electric connection for the fuel-filling pump is already installed.

The telltale has its own wiring harness, connected to the engine/chassis wiring harness by
means of plug X16.

Strand no. From Up to Colour mm2

1 X16/1 X18/1 blu 2.5
2 X16/1 X17 blu 1
3 X16/2 X18/1 blk 2.5
4 X16/2 S60 blk 1
5 X17 S60 vio 1

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 7-18


7.10 Central lubrication system

Grease-based central lubrication system with 12 lubrication points

The electric pump for the central lubrication system is installed over the hydraulic pump.

The electric pump presses the grease through the lubrication line towards the distributing
block on the boom.
From the distributing block, the grease passes on to the lubrication points.

Fig. 15: Central lubrication system pump





Pos. Description
1 Earth (brown)
2 + Intermediate lubrication tip switch connection (orange)
3 + Ignition (black)
4 Error telltale (red)
5 + Lubrication telltale (green)

7-19 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *



1 4 5 3 2

Pos. Description
1 Push button on motor housing
2 Red LED
3 Green LED
4 Cycle time potentiometer
5 Break time potentiometer
The green LED comes on for about 1.5 sec once ignition is switched on to indicate

Pressing the push button on the pump's motor housing switches on the pump and starts
the lubrication cycle. The pump drive motor is switched off and cycle time begins once
lubrication time is over.
All further lubrications start automatically according to the cycle time set.
Lubrication time is stopped and saved if ignition or lubrication is switched off during cycle
time. The data is read from the memory upon switching ignition on again, and lubrication is
resumed where it was interrupted.

Pressing the push button on the motor housing or on the instrument panel starts
intermediate lubrication at any given time if ignition is switched on.

Status LEDs
Fig. 16: Central lubrication system push button

Display Meaning
Green LED 1.5 sec Ignition on (operational readiness)
Steady green light Comes on during lubrication
Grease level error
Steady red light
Remains lit until grease tank is refilled
Blinking red light Overpressure error

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 7-20


Adjusting breaks and lubrication times

Adjust breaks and lubrication times with potentiometers.

Lubrication time 1 Break 0.5 h to 8 h

min to 16 min


Repair in case of clogging Clogging indication

Overpressure beyond service pressure means the system is clogged and is indicated as
Grease escapes by the pressure limiting valve
Blinking red LED on the pump housing
Causes for clogging in the system
Crushed or clogged lubrication line
Bearing overfilled or clogged with lubricant
Inadequate lubricant for central lubrication systems
Clogged distributor output
Clogged distributor

Detecting clogging
Unscrew the main line off the main distributor.
Actuate the pump with the push button and check whether the lubricant is delivered
Screw the main line onto the main distributor.
Unscrew the lines one after another and actuate the pump every time.

Repairing a clogged distributor

Remove the distributor from the system.
Unscrew the screw plugs of the piston bore.
Move the piston back and forth (do not remove).
Screw the screw plugs back in again.

You can remove the piston of a defective distributor and check it for scratches or damage.
If there are traces of hardened grease on the piston or the bores, remove the grease with
compressed air or by washing the piston.

Traces of hardened grease are a sign that the grease is not suitable for central
lubrication systems.

7-21 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Problem Possible causes Troubleshooting

Defective integrated electronic controls Replace the controls and the cap
Pump does not work Electric line interrupted Replace the electric line
Defective pump Replace the pump
Air inclusions in piston Bleed the pump
Pump works but does not supply grease Level too low Fill up the tank
Defective pump element Replace the pump element
Pump does not work See Pump does not work
Breaks too long or lubrication time too short Shorten breaks or increase lubrication time
No grease rims on all lubrication points
System clogged See Grease escapes by the pressure
limiting valve
Burst or leaky supply lines to secondary
Replace the lines
No grease rims on some lubrication points distributor
Leaky screw connections Retighten or replace the screw connections
Burst or leaky lubrication line to lubrication
Replace the line
No grease rim on one lubrication point point
Leaky screw connections Retighten or replace the screw connections
High system pressure Check system bearings

Low ambient temperatures No damage (intermediate lubrication once or

Reduced pump revs
twice if necessary)
System pressure too high Detect and eliminate clogging
System pressure too high Detect and eliminate clogging

Grease escapes by the pressure limiting Clogged distributor Replace the distributor
valve Clogged system Repair clogged/stuck bearings
Defective valve spring Replace the pressure limiting valve

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 7-22


7.11 Service valve

Function The service valve replaces the conventional oil drain plug by a quick coupler for draining
the engine oil more easily.

Park the machine on level ground.

B Let the engine run until it reaches its operating temperature (oil temperature about 80
C C/176 F).
Switch off the engine.
Place a container under the opening to collect the oil as it drains.
Unscrew cap A of oil drain valve B.
Screw in the drain coupling with a sufficiently long hose D, making sure the end of the
hose is in oil drip tray E.
A Oil drain valve B opens and the engine oil drains.
Fig. 17: Drain coupling with hose

Completely drain the oil.

Unscrew drain coupling C.
Screw on cap A of the oil drain valve.
Fill in engine oil see chapter Filling up engine oil on page 3-15.
Start the engine and let it run briefly at low revs.
D Switch off the engine.
E Wait a moment until all the oil has run into the oil sump.
Check the oil level again.
Fill up if necessary and check again.
Fig. 18: Drain coupling with hose
Completely remove all oil spills from the engine.

7-23 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


7.12 Safe load indicator D (safety valve for boom)



Pos. Description
1 Boom segment pilot control port
2 Joystick connection
3 Boom pressure line port
4 Hose burst valve
5 Pressure switch
6 Leak oil strip port

Function The valve is mounted direct on the base-side port of the boom ram.
Extend ram function:
Ram can be extended as usual (always free flow towards the ram)
The built-in non-return valve safely holds the load in rest position.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 7-24


Retract ram function:

Pilot control pressure moves valve (CT2) to work position (free oil reflux from the base
The valve moves back to home position if the pilot control pressure drops.
In addition, a safety valve (CT1) protects the hydraulic ram from overload.

The valve settings are sealed.



% &7




7-25 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


7.13 Safe load indicator F (safety valves for boom and stick)




Pos. Description
1 Boom segment pilot control port
2 Stick segment pilot control connection
3 Joystick connection
4 Joystick connection
5 Stick pressure line port
6 Leak oil strip port
7 Pressure switch
8 Hose burst valve
9 Boom pressure line port

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 7-26


Function One valve is mounted direct on the base-side port of the boom ram, the other valve is
mounted on the rod-side port of the stick ram.

Extend boom ram function:

Ram can be extended as usual (always free flow towards the ram)

The built-in non-return valve safely holds the load in rest position.

Retract boom ram function:

Pilot control pressure moves valve (CT2) to work position (free oil reflux from the base
The valve moves back to home position if the pilot control pressure drops.
Retract stick ram function:
Ram can be retracted as usual (always free flow from the ram)
The built-in non-return valve safely holds the load in rest position.

Extend stick ram function:

Pilot control pressure moves valve (CT2) to work position (free oil flow to the base
The valve moves back to home position if the pilot control pressure drops.
In addition, a safety valve (CT1) protects the hydraulic ram from overload.

The valve settings are sealed.

7-27 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *




! !
% &7

&7 &7
&7 &7
4 4

0B 0B
&7 &7


SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 7-28


7.14 3rd control circuit

Function The 3rd control circuit allows you to operate a range of attachments with up to 3 hydraulic

The 3rd control circuit is actuated electrically by means of tip switches (S30, S31) on
the joystick on the left. The solenoid valve Y16 is moved to the corresponding position.

If the machine is equipped with the triple articulation boom option, the 3rd control
circuit is operated by means of the joystick on the right.
If the machine is equipped with the electric auxiliary hydraulics option, the 3rd
control circuit is operated by means of the hammer pedal.
Fig. 19: 3rd control circuit


%5 $5





Port Legend Controlled via

Pra4 3rd control circuit (control)
Prb4 3rd control circuit (control)
AR4 3rd control circuit (connection)
BR4 3rd control circuit (connection)
P3/P4 High-pressure supply Pump 3 and pump 4
PR5 High pressure supply Pump 3 and pump 4
PR Pilot control pressure Pilot oil supply unit

7-29 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


7.15 Triple articulation boom

Function The triple articulation boom increases the machine's reach and flexibility.
3E The triple articulation boom and slewing is controlled by means of the hammer pedal.

Solenoid valve Y15 (20/1) is switched via the tip switch function (S27) on the left-hand
3UE side joystick.

Hammer pedal The auxiliary hydraulics is operated electrically via the left-hand side joystick.
The 3rd control circuit option is operated electrically via the right-hand side joystick.

Fig. 20: Triple articulation boom control






33 33 7

Port Legend Controlled via

Triple articulation boom extension
Pra5 Hammer pedal
Triple articulation boom retraction
Prb5 Hammer pedal
Pa3 Offset ram retraction control Hammer pedal
Pb3 Offset ram extension control Hammer pedal
P3/P4 High-pressure supply Pump 3 and pump 4
Triple articulation boom ram (base
AR5 Pump 3 and pump 4
Triple articulation boom ram (rod
BR5 Pump 3 and pump 4
PR Pilot control pressure Pilot oil supply unit

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 7-30


7.16 Electric auxiliary hydraulics

Function The auxiliary hydraulics segment is not controlled via the hammer pedal, but electrically
via the tip switch function (S30, S31) on the joystick on the left.

Pressing the tip switch on the joystick activates the solenoid valve Y15 (fig. 21) see 4/
3 directional valve on page 5-26.

Port Legend
Pa2 Auxiliary hydraulics control
Pb2 Auxiliary hydraulics control
Fig. 21: Solenoid valve Y15
A2 Auxiliary hydraulics connection
B2 Auxiliary hydraulics connection
P1 Pump P1 connection
P2 Pump P2 port
PA Pilot control pressure circulation
PR Pilot control pressure supply

$ % 77 '5

3 3$


7-31 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


7.17 Auxiliary hydraulics shock cartridge

Overpressure protection for consumers in secondary circuit
$ % 77 '5 237,21 e.g. hydraulic hammer

3 3$
The attachment manufacturer (e.g. hammer, offset bucket ...) is in charge of
Fig. 22: Auxiliary hydraulics shock cartridges
overpressure protection for his attachments. Wacker Neuson Linz GmbH shall
not be liable for damage to attachments.

The secondary circuit is also protected by the primary pressure limiting valve if the spool
valve is enabled. There is no protection if the spool valve is not enabled see Pressure
limiting valves on page 5-10.

Ensuring protection with the spool valve disabled requires two secondary pressure limiting
valves instead of the plugs.

Adjusting the secondary pressure limiting valves:

The pressure limiting valves must be set at 350 bar (5076 psi).

Please observe the following should the pressure limiting valves be set to less than 350
bar (5076 psi):
Have the pressure setting carried out by a specialist.
The pump's high flow rate, and the fact that the pressure peaks are now reduced by the
secondary pressure limiting valve cartridges at the auxiliary hydraulics section, can
cause the hydraulic oil to overheat.
Reset the pressure setting to the initial 350 bar (5076 psi) when changing attachment.

Shock cartridges 23/A are screwed into the auxiliary hydraulics segment of the main valve
block see Pressure limiting valves on page 5-10.


Fig. 23: Position of secondary pressure limiting valve for

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 7-32


7.18 3rd control circuit shock cartridge

Overpressure protection for consumers in secondary circuit
7 %5 $5
e.g. demolition tongs

3UD 3UE The attachment manufacturer is responsible for overpressure protection of his
attachments. Wacker Neuson Linz GmbH shall not be liable for damage to
Fig. 24: Auxiliary hydraulics shock cartridges attachments.

The secondary circuit is also protected by the primary pressure limiting valve if the spool
valve is enabled. There is no protection if the spool valve is not enabled see Pressure
limiting valves on page 5-10.

Ensuring protection with the spool valve disabled requires two secondary pressure limiting
valves instead of the plugs.

Adjusting the secondary pressure limiting valves:

The pressure limiting valves must be set at 350 bar (5076 psi).

Please observe the following should the pressure limiting valves be set to less than 350
bar (5076 psi):
Have the pressure setting carried out by a specialist.
The pump's high flow rate, and the fact that the pressure peaks are now reduced by the
secondary pressure limiting valve cartridges at the auxiliary hydraulics section, can
cause the hydraulic oil to overheat.
Reset the pressure setting to the initial 350 bar (5076 psi) when changing attachment.
Shock cartridges 25/A are screwed into the auxiliary hydraulics segment of the main valve
block see Pressure limiting valves on page 5-10.

Fig. 25: 3rd control circuit shock cartridges

7-33 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


7.19 Drive interlock (antitheft protection)


2 Pos. Description
1 Transponder receiver surface
1 2 Red LED

Fig. 26: Drive interlock

Disabling the drive interlock Approach the transponder to 2 cm (0.79) to the transponder receiver surface.
The red LED goes out.
Insert the ignition key into the ignition lock within 30 seconds and turn it at least to
position 1.
The drive interlock remains disabled.

Enabling the drive interlock Remove or turn the ignition key to position 0.
The drive interlock is enabled after 30 seconds.
The blinking red LED indicates the drive interlock is enabled.
Programming Coding transponder keys
The so-called main or master key is required for coding a new or uncoded key, or a key
with different coding, for the drive interlock.
Disable the drive interlock with the master key and in addition, keep it close to the
transponder receiver surface for 30 45 seconds see Disabling the drive interlock on
page 7-34.
The LED changes to a steady green light.
The system is in programming mode now (coding mode).
Remove the master key from the transponder receiver surface.
The LED changes to a rapidly blinking green light.
Hold the key to be programmed against the transponder receiver surface.
The key is coded once the diode comes on slowly three times.
Hold further keys next to the transponder receiver surface to code them as mentioned
The drive interlock is enabled as soon as there is no key contact for 30 seconds.
Blinking red light

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 7-34


Deleting programming/coding
Disable the drive interlock with the master key and in addition, keep it close to the
transponder receiver surface for 30 45 seconds see Disabling the drive interlock on
page 7-34.
The LED changes to a steady green light.
The system is in programming mode now (coding mode).
Hold the master key against the transponder receiver surface for a further 30 seconds
The LED changes to a steady red light.
The system is in delete mode now (coding mode).
Remove the master key
The LED changes to a rapidly blinking red light.
You have 30 seconds to hold the master key again to the transponder receiver surface
to confirm deletion.
The system is deleted once the diode comes on slowly three times.

Deletion deletes all normal transponders and the master!
Reason: once a key is lost, you can no longer delete it.
Therefore, the entire system is deleted for safety reasons and can be
completely recoded with the remaining (or newly ordered) keys.

Configuration of the deleted system

Once deletion is over, the system recognises any TREBE transponder key, i.e. the system
can be disabled with any key.
The first transponder key to be recoded for the system is automatically the new master and
can be used for coding the normal transponder keys see Programming on page 7-34.

The following applies both to the coding and programming mode: the system
leaves the coding and programming modes and is disabled as soon as the ignition
key is inserted in the ignition lock and turned to the first position.

7-35 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


7.20 Quickhitch

The attachment must always be safely locked onto the quickhitch
Danger of accidents!
Before starting work, make sure the attachment is securely locked onto the
L quickhitch by means of the lock mechanism. You must be able to see the
lock on either side of the mounting bore of the attachment.

Re-equip as follows:
Approach the machine to the attachment.
Hitch coupling bar M onto coupling claws L of the quickhitch to pick up the bucket.
Engage lock mechanism N in mounting bores O.
Place the bucket on level ground.

Fig. 27: Bucket with quickhitch

Lock as follows:
S Switch off the engine.
Insert tube P (included in scope of delivery) in clamping sleeve Q.
Press the tube downwards.
The lock pin must be in position R.
Insert the spring plug in fixture T to lock the quickhitch.

Always make sure the spring plug is inserted correctly.

Unlock as follows:
Switch off the engine.
Remove the spring plug from fixture T.
Insert tube P (included in scope of delivery) in clamping sleeve Q.
Press the tube upwards.
The lock pin must be in position S.

Fig. 28: Bucket with quickhitch

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 7-36


7.21 Proportional controls

Function This control mode offers proportional operation of the auxiliary hydraulics circuit depending
on the position of switch B on the joystick.
You can also modify the properties of the characterisitic curve. Precision work, for instance
with the offset bucket, does not require the full throughput of the auxiliary hydraulics.
Therefore we recommend setting the controls to the low characteristic curve 1 (slow
movements) see chapter Adjusting control response on page 7-38.
The slide switch is not pressed fully in this position and you can move the machine more
smoothly (flat characteristic curve).

If you require the full throughput then characteristic curve 2 will be the choice to make
(slide switch pressed as far as it will go).

Always use button B ( see chapter Hammer operation on page 7-38) on the
joystick for hammer operation.
Do not operate the hammer with characteristic curve 1 too often since the
slide switch described above does not ensure full throughput, causing
power loss and system overheating.


Connections Hose designation

H T line
I P line
J Auxiliary hydraulics (left)
K Auxiliary hydraulics (right)

7-37 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Auxiliary hydraulics controls

Move slide switch A to the left or right.

Ensures proportional control of the auxiliary hydraulic circuit.

Hammer operation

Switching on hammer operation

Press button B on the control lever.

Adjusting control response

Characteristic curve 1 (slow movements)

Switch off ignition, hold slide switch A to the left and switch on ignition at the same time.
Then wait 2 seconds and release the slide switch. The status display acknowledges by
A flashing once.
Characteristic curve 2 (fast movements):
Switch off ignition, hold slide switch A to the right and switch on ignition at the same
time. Then wait 2 seconds and release the slide switch. The status display
acknowledges by flashing twice.

Characteristic curve status display

Displays the characteristic curve that has been selected for the control valve.

Characteristic curve 1 (slow movements)

Telltale 1 in the status display flashes once after switching on ignition.

Characteristic curve 2 (fast movements = max. throughput)

Telltale 1 in the status display flashes twice after switching on ignition.

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 7-38


Wiring harness

X10 Connector 1 control unit

X11 Connector 2 control unit
F14 Blade-type fuse
X12 Joystick (left)
X13 Joystick (right)
X14 Power supply
X15 Plug for telltales
S45 Pressure switch (automatic revs setting only)
Y16 Plug 1 proportional circuit 1
Y17 Connector 2 proportional circuit 1
Y18 Plug 1 (3rd control circuit only)
Y19 Plug 2 (3rd control circuit only)
M8 Motor for automatic revs setting

Control unit

Pos. Connections
1 Plug X10
1 2 Plug X11

7-39 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


Control valve plug assignment X10 digital/analog inputs

1 TX Serial interface
2 SW2 Hammer operation
3 SW4 Power
4 A_POT2 Joystick signal channel 2
5 A_POT1 Joystick signal channel 1
6 U-analog Analogous supply +5V
7 R_POT1 GND joystick
8 R_POT2 GND potentiometer
9 A_POT3 Potentiometer signal
10 SW3 Auto
11 SW1 Pressure switch
12 RX Serial interface

X11 supply outputs

1 M_ECU Earth
2 MVH1 + channel 1
3 MVH2 + channel 2
4 MVL1A Pulse modulation channel 1/magnet 1
5 LSW2 Telltale
6 LSW3 Telltale
7 MVL2A Pulse modulation channel 2/magnet 1
8 MVL2B Pulse modulation channel 2/magnet 2
9 MVL1B Pulse modulation M channel 1/magnet 2
10 MOT2 Engine
11 MOT1 Engine
12 U_ECU +12 V supply

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 7-40


Safety features Microcontroller ... diagnoses errors supplied by the output stage.
Monitor...disables the output stage if the microcontroller breaks down.
Output stage...controls the status of the supply lines from the pressure regulating
Watchdog...disables the microcontroller in case the microcontroller breaks down.
Switch for valve supply...disables the power supply to the valves if a critical error is

Measures to be taken in case of

System breakdowns can never be excluded, therefore:

Disconnect the electronic controls from the power supply before carrying out repair
work or maintenance on the hydraulic system.
Stay clear of areas and parts with danger of crushing.
Stay clear of in-between moving hydraulic components and fixed obstacles. DANGER
The operator of the machine or hydraulic system must be aware of possible machine or
system errors.

Diagnosis display The control valve status is displayed to the user by means of a flashing code. The
following errors are identified by the number of flash pulses:

No. Pin no. Description Error Troubleshooting
0 - - No error - -
Check voltage, home
1 B5 Channel 1 input (left) Defective input voltage position: 2.5 V deflected: -
0.7 V 4.3 V
2 A4, A9 Channel 1 output; Y16/Y17 Overload or overheating (output stage) Check magnet on valve -
Short circuit on earth or operating
3 A4, A9 Channel 1 output; Y16/Y17 Check wiring x
Check voltage, home
4 B4 Channel 2 input (right) Defective input voltage position: 2.5 V deflected: -
0.7 V 4.3 V
5 A7, A8 Channel 2 output; Y18/Y19 Overload or overheating (output stage) Check magnet on valve -
Short circuit on earth or operating
6 A7, A8 Channel 2 output; Y18/Y19 Check wiring x
7 - System start - x
8 A10, A11 Motor output Overheating (output stage) Check motor x
9 - - EEProm data error - x
10 B6 +5V joystick Defective 5V supply - x
The system switches off automatically if a critical error is detected. Activating the control
unit is only possible by repeatedly switching on the supply voltage.
Only the error occurring last is issued if several errors occur at the same time. We
therefore recommend troubleshooting one error after another until the diagnosis telltale no
longer flashes.
In order to obtain a detailed status of the output stage for channels no. 1 and 2, the
hammer operation input must be activated during system start. The system flashes only
briefly if there are no errors.

7-41 SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 *


In case of an error, the error code is issued in the following order of the pulse modulation
Channel 1/Magnet 1 > Pause > Channel 1/Magnet 2 > Pause > Channel 2/Magnet 1 >
Pause > Channel 2/Magnet 2

An error code (number of flash pulses) is assigned to each of the pulse modulation

Error code Error

1 No error
2 overload, overtemp
3 open load
4 Short circuit on earth
The error code ends at the last output stage by displaying an error.

A: channel 2/magnet 1 has an open load interruption. The following flash sequence is
then issued:
1 > Pause > 1 > Pause > 3.
Cause of error: interruption of coil from solenoid valve (Y19), wiring
interrupted, contact error on plug (Y16; X11)

B: channel 1/magnet 1 has an Overtemp error and channel 2 has a Short circuit to
earth error, the following flash sequence is issued:
2 > Pause > 1 > Pause > 1 > Pause > 4.
Cause of error:
Channel 1: output stage overload; short circuit of coil from solenoid valve, short circuit
of valve wiring (not to earth or operating voltage)
Channel 2: wiring, earth contact in valve

SERV-HB 8003 EN Edition 2.0 * 7-42

Wacker Neuson Linz GmbH
Haidfeldstrae 37
A-4060 Linz / Leonding
Telefon +43 (0) 732 / 90590-0
Fax +43 (0) 732 / 90590-200
E-Mail: [email protected]

Kramer-Werke GmbH
Wacker Neuson Strae 1
D-88630 Pfullendorf
Tel. +49 (0 7552 9288-0
Fax +49 (0) 7552 9288-49-0
E-Mail: [email protected]

Wacker Neuson Rhymney Ltd.

Crown Business Park
Dukestown, Tredegar
Gwent South Wales NP22 4EF
United Kingdom
Phone +44 (0) 1495 723083
Fax +44 (0) 1495 713941
E-Mail: [email protected]

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