WintracManual PDF
WintracManual PDF
WintracManual PDF
User Guide
TK 54890-8-MS (Rev. 1, 04/11)
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 .............................................................................................................................................................1
Welcome to WinTrac Software ..........................................................................................................................1
Main WinTrac Window ......................................................................................................................................1
Using the WinTrac Toolbar ...............................................................................................................................2
Chapter 2 .............................................................................................................................................................4
Installing your WinTrac 5 Software ..................................................................................................................4
Installing WinTrac 5 from CD ............................................................................................................................4
Installing WinTrac 5 on a Network ....................................................................................................................4
Installing WinTrac 5 over an Existing Version...................................................................................................5
Customer Support .............................................................................................................................................5
Chapter 3 .............................................................................................................................................................6
Personalizing your WinTrac Software ..............................................................................................................6
Changing WinTrac settings ...............................................................................................................................6
WinTrac features...............................................................................................................................................7
General ..........................................................................................................................................................7
Communications ............................................................................................................................................7
Display Units ..................................................................................................................................................8
Printer ............................................................................................................................................................8
Chapter 4 .............................................................................................................................................................9
Communicating with your Thermo King Units ................................................................................................9
Searching for Thermo King Devices .................................................................................................................9
Changing Device Settings ...............................................................................................................................11
Downloading Device Data ...............................................................................................................................11
DRS Settings ...................................................................................................................................................13
Accutrac Settings ............................................................................................................................................17
DMS Settings ..................................................................................................................................................21
DAS Settings ...................................................................................................................................................25
SR-2/SR-3, HMI Settings (ServiceWatch & CargoWatch) ..............................................................................27
Multi-Temp Settings (mp-IV TCI) .................................................................................................................34
MPD Settings ..................................................................................................................................................37
MPA+, MPA Settings .......................................................................................................................................39
MPCR Settings ................................................................................................................................................41
TranScan Settings ...........................................................................................................................................43
VPRS Settings.................................................................................................................................................45
Support SR-3 platform D000 (all basic support) ..........................................................................................46
Support SR-3 platform D005 ........................................................................................................................46
Conditions made for SR-3 (new feature support) ...........................................................................................46
Initial WinTrac setup to access USB Flash Drive............................................................................................47
Configuration of USB Flash Drive using WinTrac ...........................................................................................48
Upload and manage flash load files on USB Flash Drive using WinTrac .......................................................52
Upload and manage OptiSet Plus files on USB Flash Drive using WinTrac ..................................................52
Translation of OptiSet Plus interchange XML file contents into Datapac commands in .osp file format. .......53
Chapter 5 ...........................................................................................................................................................54
Managing your WinTrac Data files ..................................................................................................................54
WinTrac File Management System .................................................................................................................54
Opening a WinTrac file ...................................................................................................................................56
Creating new folders for WinTrac files ............................................................................................................57
Renaming a file or folder .................................................................................................................................57
Importing files into WinTrac 5 .........................................................................................................................58
File naming convention for imported files .......................................................................................................58
Moving a file or folder ......................................................................................................................................59
Deleting a file or folder ....................................................................................................................................59
Table of Contents
Chapter 6 .......................................................................................................................................................... 60
Viewing your Data Graphically ....................................................................................................................... 60
Main Slider ...................................................................................................................................................... 60
Zooming the Graph Window ........................................................................................................................... 61
Re-scaling a WinTrac graph ........................................................................................................................... 62
Time of Data ................................................................................................................................................... 63
Symbol Identification ....................................................................................................................................... 63
Viewing Data from Multi-Temperature Units................................................................................................... 63
Viewing Data from DAS Loggers with attached controllers ............................................................................ 64
Panning through and expanding the Displayed Data...................................................................................... 64
Changing the Display Settings ........................................................................................................................ 64
Chapter 7 .......................................................................................................................................................... 65
Viewing your Data in Tabular Format ............................................................................................................ 65
To view the data in tabular format .................................................................................................................. 65
To filter the Tabular data ................................................................................................................................ 66
To Save the Tabular data ............................................................................................................................... 66
To Search the Tabular data ............................................................................................................................ 67
To Print the Tabular data ................................................................................................................................ 68
Tracing through the data................................................................................................................................. 69
Personalizing the Tabular Display .................................................................................................................. 69
Chapter 8 .......................................................................................................................................................... 70
Personalizing the Display ............................................................................................................................... 70
To view the Display Settings ........................................................................................................................... 70
To view a sensor............................................................................................................................................. 71
To change the color of a sensor ..................................................................................................................... 71
To rename a sensor label ............................................................................................................................... 71
To Define an Average Sensor ........................................................................................................................ 72
To Re-Scale a Graph ...................................................................................................................................... 72
To Re-Arrange the columns in the Tabular Data Window .............................................................................. 73
Chapter 9 .......................................................................................................................................................... 74
Advanced WinTrac Features ........................................................................................................................... 74
Exception Reporting ....................................................................................................................................... 74
Running a typical Exception Report ................................................................................................................ 74
Accessing the Tools Menu in WinTrac 5 ........................................................................................................ 76
User-Access level in WinTrac 5 software ....................................................................................................... 77
Flash loading your TK Device ......................................................................................................................... 78
Calibrating Sensors ........................................................................................................................................ 79
Ice-bath Calibration ..................................................................................................................................... 79
Graded-Sensor Calibration .......................................................................................................................... 80
Restarting your Thermo King Device .............................................................................................................. 81
Warm Restart .............................................................................................................................................. 81
Cold Restart................................................................................................................................................. 81
Setting up DAS Logging Modes ...................................................................................................................... 82
Using OptiSet Feature of TK Controllers ........................................................................................................ 83
Sending/Uploading OptiSet Configuration to a Controller ........................................................................... 83
Retrieving the current OptiSet Configuration from a Controller ................................................................... 83
Using OptiSet Plus Feature of TK Controllers ............................................................................................ 83
Sending/Uploading OptiSet Plus Configuration to a Controller ................................................................... 83
Retrieving the current OptiSet Configuration from a Controller ................................................................... 83
Using Service Modification feature on Thermo King Units ............................................................................. 84
Using pass-through mode on DAS ................................................................................................................. 84
Configure iBox ................................................................................................................................................ 85
iBox Third Party Communications .................................................................................................................. 86
Table of Contents
Chapter 10 .........................................................................................................................................................87
Troubleshooting your WinTrac Software .......................................................................................................87
Logging WinTrac Activity.................................................................................................................................87
Windows XP Service Pack 2 Database Issues ...............................................................................................87
Unspecified Database Error ......................................................................................................................... 87
Installer Issues ................................................................................................................................................88
Failure Code -106: ....................................................................................................................................... 88
Microsoft Office applications do not run after installing WinTrac ................................................................. 88
Microsoft Office Installation Dialogs ................................................................................................................88
Printer Issues ..................................................................................................................................................88
Not enough memory when printing to Postscript Printer.............................................................................. 88
Communications Issues ..................................................................................................................................89
Failed to communicate with TK units ........................................................................................................... 89
Unable to open COM port ............................................................................................................................ 89
COM Port missing ........................................................................................................................................ 89
Disabling the Infra Red port on IBM Laptops ............................................................................................... 89
Computer shutting down with a Blue Screen ............................................................................................... 89
Graphics Issues ..............................................................................................................................................89
Including a screenshot of WinTrac in a Word document ............................................................................. 89
Attaching WinTrac files to Notes and E-mails .................................................................................................90
Chapter 11 .........................................................................................................................................................91
License Agreement ..........................................................................................................................................91
Chapter 1 Welcome to WinTrac Software
Chapter 1
This manual introduces you to the main features of WinTrac software, showing you how to do the most
common tasks quickly and easily. This manual also contains tips and hints on using WinTrac software as
efficiently as possible.
In fact, WinTrac 5 makes the task of managing Thermo King data seem like childs play!
This section gives you a quick overview on how to use WinTrac software, and introduces you to the main
features of WinTrac. A guide to installing your WinTrac 5 software is contained at the end of this section.
The main toolbar allows common WinTrac tasks to be performed at the touch of a button. The menu bar
contains the same WinTrac functions as the main toolbar.
Chapter 1 Welcome to WinTrac Software
File Management button: Used to open existing WinTrac 5 data files, or import old files into WinTrac File
Management System. WinTrac can open older WinTrac 4, 3, 2 and 1 files. This button also allows you to open
and convert existing TracPac, PC-PAC, and MultiPac files for Thermo King units.
You can create separate folders for each of your units, organising by Trailer, Customer, etc. Files can be
moved, copied, and deleted from the File Management Window.
Seek Device button: This button is used to communicate with your Thermo King Data loggers and
Refrigeration units, and HP Palmtop PCs. WinTrac 5 currently supports DAS, DMS, DRS, AccuTRAC,
CargoWatch, ServiceWatch and TranScan data loggers, MPIV, MPV, MPVI, MPCR and MPIV Multi-Temp
controllers, MPA, MPA+, TTMT and MPD controllers.
WinTrac Settings button: Displays the WinTrac settings window. This window allows you to customise the
WinTrac software for languages, temperature units, communications settings, etc. Your settings are retained
the next time WinTrac software is used.
Graphics Print button: Obtains a graphic printout of currently selected data. The graphics print routine
provides a hardcopy of the current data in the graphics window.
Tabular Data View button: Displays the currently selected graphical data in text form, arranging all the data in
columns that can be moved, hidden, etc. The data in text form can be sent to your printer from the Tabular
Data View, and also saved to an ASCII file for importing into other Windows applications.
Chapter 1 Welcome to WinTrac Software
Display Properties button: Launches the Display Properties Window. You can choose to display or hide
sensors, change sensor labels and colours, etc. Your display settings are retained the next time WinTrac
software is used.
Zoom-in button: Zooms into the currently selected region of data. You can select a region of data by using the
thumbs at the top of the graphical display, or by simply clicking on the Graphical display and dragging until
you have selected the region you want.
Zoom-out button: Zooms out to the previously selected view of your data. You can repeatedly click on the
Zoom-out button until you have reached the original view when the file as opened.
Chapter 2 Installing your WinTrac 5 Software
Chapter 2
To install from CD, place your CD copy of WinTrac 5 into your CD-ROM drive and run D:\SETUP.EXE (where
D: is your CD-ROM drive). Simply follow the instructions on-screen to install WinTrac 5 on your system.
Note: You should close down all running applications before installing WinTrac 5 software. This includes
Microsoft Office Toolbar, which may be running in the background.
It is possible to install WinTrac 5 such that the database and data files are stored in a shared directory on a
Install WinTrac 5 on each client PC that will need access to the WinTrac files.
Make a directory on the server which will contain the database and files (e.g. X:\WinTrac). Ensure that users
have read, write and delete access to this directory.
Copy all files and subdirectories from the WinTrac\TemplateDB directory on a client PC to the shared
On each client, configure WinTrac 5 to use the central database as described in Chapter 2.
Note that each user running WinTrac 5 will need full read, write, create and delete access to the shared
directory on the server.
Chapter 2 Installing your WinTrac 5 Software
If you install WinTrac 5 in the same location as your earlier version, the setup program will detect that a
WinTrac database is already present. It will then ask you if you want to overwrite your database with a new,
empty database:
Customer Support
If problems occur, contact Thermo King directly at:
Chapter 3 Personalizing your WinTrac Software
Chapter 3
WinTrac Settings window appears. You may choose between the various options on the different tabs. Click
the OK button to apply your new settings. To cancel any changes you have made, click the Cancel button.
Chapter 3 Personalizing your WinTrac Software
WinTrac features:
WinTrac software allows you to select a working language for the software. Choose from English, French,
German, Italian, or Spanish. All WinTrac screens, messages and printouts will reflect the language of your
WinTrac software keeps diagnostic log files as it works. You can have WinTrac automatically delete these
after a few weeks or months in order to conserve space.
USB Adapter Harness 204-1109 is available for PCs with no serial port.
The default COM port for communications may be selected from the settings window.
When you enable this option and click the Seek Device button on the main WinTrac toolbar, WinTrac
will continually check the serial port for the presence of a valid Thermo King device. On detecting a
Thermo King data logger, WinTrac will automatically download all new data from the device and store
this data to the appropriate file. The PC can be left unattended in this mode.
By default WinTrac will operate with the database created on installation of the package. However this tab
allows you to target an alternative database located on a different drive or directory.
This tab also provides you with the option to store the unprocessed data downloaded from TK data loggers. By
default WinTrac will store the unprocessed data after it has been processed and stored to the appropriate
WinTrac file. Retaining the unprocessed data from your TK units may be useful for diagnostic purposes. This
data is stored in \download directory as *.wtd files.
Chapter 3 Personalizing your WinTrac Software
Display Units
This tab allows you to choose Celsius or Fahrenheit as the temperature units, and PSI, Bar or kPa as the
pressure units used throughout your WinTrac software. The defaults are: PSI and Celsius.
This tab allows you to set the font size in printouts of temperature data in tabular reports.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Chapter 4
2. A Communications progress window appears. This window indicates the type of device detected and
the progress of the communications.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
3. On detecting a Thermo King device on the current COM port, WinTrac displays the Settings Window
for the device. A typical settings window is shown below.
The settings window allows you to view the current parameters of the Thermo King unit, change the settings if
required, and download any logged data from the device. These features are explained in detail for all of the
currently supported Thermo King units later in this chapter.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
When updating settings on Thermo King, after clicking the Update Unit button WinTrac presents you with a
list of the changes you wish to make, and asks you to confirm these changes before updating the controller.
If the new settings are correct, click the OK button to update the settings on the unit. If you wish to cancel the
changes click the Cancel button.
Note: You cannot change the Settings on your TK Device when WinTrac has been set to Read-Only
a) Simply click on the Download data button located at the bottom of the Settings Window.
b) A Status window appears, informing you of the progress of the downloading task.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
The Memory Usage status bar, located on the General Info tab, indicates how much of the data on your data
logger is new, i.e. recorded since last downloaded. WinTrac normally only downloads new data from your TK
data logger, resulting in quicker downloads!
You can choose to download the full contents of your data logger by selecting the Full Download option on
the Download Type Drop-down, located on the Download Tab of the Properties Window.
Note that some TK Devices support Trip-based downloads. This option will be available on the list of
Download Types located on the Download tab of the Properties Window. Simply select Trip-based downloads
and you will be given a list of Trips to choose from. You can choose a single trip or multiple trips before
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
DRS Settings
The DRS Settings window gives you access to the operating parameters of the DRS data logger. You can
view the Logger ID, Logger Clock, Sensor labels, Logging Interval, and many other parameters on the DRS.
A full list of parameters accessible from the DRS Settings window is provided below, along with a brief
description of each parameter.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Some DRS parameters are located on the Advanced DRS Settings window. This window is accessed by
clicking on the More button, located on the Advanced tab of the DRS Settings Window.
Parameter Access
Logger ID Read/Write
Password Read/Write
Logger ID
The Logger ID is an 8 character field, used to identify the DRS unit. The Logger ID is normally set to the
Registration Number of the Trailer, for easy identification.
Company Name
Company Name is a 10 character field, used to store the name of the Company operating the DRS unit.
DRS data loggers may be protected with a password so that unauthorised users cannot get access to the DRS
from WinTrac software. If password protection is enabled, you must know the password in order to
communicate with the DRS data logger. The Password is a 10 character field. WinTrac remembers the
Password for each DRS logger, so you only need to verify the Password once.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Sensor Labels
The DRS stores labels as 3 characters for the 2 probes and 2 switches on the DRS unit. These labels appear
on DRS printouts, and on the display of the DRS. WinTrac also use these labels when displaying sensor
information for a particular DRS data logger.
Logging Interval
The DRS logs the readings for each probe and switch each Logging Interval. The logging interval may be set
1 min 20 mins
5 mins 30 mins
10 mins 45 mins
15 mins 1 hr
Logging Range
The DRS data logger normally logs a range of 60C. You can select one of four logging ranges to suit your
normal range of operation:
-45C to +15C
-35C to +25C
-30C to +30C
-15C to +45C
Logging Type
Logging Type determines the type of log performed by your DRS data logger at the end of each logging
interval. The four possible types are: Minimum, Mean, Maximum, and Instantaneous.
Minimum stores the minimum value measured over the logging interval.
Mean stores the average value measured over the logging interval.
Maximum stores the maximum value measured over the logging interval.
Instantaneous stores the current measured value at the end of the logging interval.
You can choose the temperature units used when displaying probe readings on the DRS display. You can
choose between degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Printout Options
There are several printout options available on your DRS data logger when using a hand-held printer. You can
set the type of printout type using WinTrac software. The printout options are:
Note that older DRS units will not support all printout options, just DD/MM/YY and Delivery.
Switch-State Labels
The DRS data logger stores 4 character labels for the two possible switch states of DRS switch inputs. These
labels are used on the DRS display, and also in WinTrac software when displaying switch information.
Software Revision
WinTrac displays the software revision of the DRS unit currently connected to your PC.
Serial Number
WinTrac displays the serial number of your DRS. You should note this serial number as it uniquely identifies
your DRS unit.
In Service Date
When you communicate with a DRS data logger for the first time using WinTrac software, your DRS data
logger is initialised, and the In Service Date is set on your DRS. This date indicates when the DRS went into
service, and may be useful for warranty purposes.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Accutrac Settings
The Accutrac Settings window gives you access to the operating parameters of the Accuracy data logger. You
can view the Logger ID, Logger Clock, Sensor labels, Logging Interval, and many other parameters on the
Accutrac. A full list of parameters accessible from the Accutrac Settings window is provided below, along with
a brief description of each parameter.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Some Accutrac parameters are located on the Advanced Accutrac Settings window. This window is accessed
by clicking on the More button, located on the Advanced tab of the Accutrac Settings Window.
Parameter Access
Logger ID Read/Write
Password Read/Write
Logger ID
The Logger ID is an 8 character field, used to identify the Accutrac unit. The Logger ID is normally set to the ID
Number of the Truck, for easy identification.
Company Name
Company Name is a 10 character field, used to store the name of the Company operating the Accutrac unit.
Accuracy data loggers may be protected with a password so that unauthorised users cannot get access to the
Accutrac from WinTrac software. If password protection is enabled, you must know the password in order to
communicate with the Accuracy data logger. The Password is a 10 character field. WinTrac remembers the
Password for each Accutrac logger, so you only need to verify the Password once.
WinTrac allows you to view the current Date and Time of the Accutrac unit. It is important that the Accutrac
clock is set to the correct Date and Time since this will affect the validity of the data stored in the logger. You
can change the Date and Time using WinTrac software, if it is incorrect.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Sensor Labels
The Accutrac stores labels as 8 characters for the 4 probes on the unit. These labels appear on Accutrac
printouts. WinTrac also uses these labels when displaying sensor information for a particular Accuracy data
Logging Interval
The Accutrac logs the readings for each probe and switch each Logging Interval. The logging interval may be
set to:
1 min 20 mins
5 mins 30 mins
10 mins 45 mins
15 mins 1 hr
Logging Type
Logging Type determines the type of log performed by your Accuracy data logger at the end of each logging
interval. The four possible types are: Minimum, Mean, Maximum, and Instantaneous.
Minimum stores the minimum value measured over the logging interval.
Mean stores the average value measured over the logging interval.
Maximum stores the maximum value measured over the logging interval.
Instantaneous stores the current measured value at the end of the logging interval.
You can choose the temperature units used when displaying probe readings on the Accutrac display. You can
choose between degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit.
Printout Type
There are several printout options available on your Accuracy data logger when using the printer. You can set
the type of printout type using WinTrac software. The printout options are:
Printout Format
You can choose the format of the Date on your Accuracy printouts and Accuracy display screen. You can
choose either DDMM or MMDD format to suit your needs.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Switch-State Labels
The Accuracy data logger stores 4 character labels for the two possible switch states of Accuracy switch
inputs. These labels are used on the Accuracy display, and also in WinTrac software when displaying switch
information. These labels are Read-Only on Accuracy devices.
Language Setup
You can choose to set up your Accuracy to use one of the following languages:
Software Revision
WinTrac displays the software revision of the Accuracy unit currently connected to your PC.
Serial Number
WinTrac displays the serial number of your Accuracy. You should note this serial number as it uniquely
identifies your Accuracy unit.
In Service Date
When you communicate with an Accuracy data logger for the first time using WinTrac software, your Accuracy
data logger is initialised, and the In Service Date is set on your Accuracy. This date indicates when the
Accuracy went into service, and may be useful for warranty purposes.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
DMS Settings
The DMS Settings window gives you access to the operating parameters of the DMS data logger. You can
view/alter the Logger ID, Logger Clock, Sensor labels, Logging Interval, and many other parameters on the
DMS. In addition, you may also send a Text Header or Start-of-Trip [SOT] Header to the DMS data logger. A
full list of parameters accessible from the DMS Settings window is provided below.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Some DMS parameters are located on the Advanced DMS Settings window. This window is accessed by
clicking on the More button, located on the Advanced tab of the DMS Settings Window.
Parameter Access
Logger ID Read/Write
Hourmeters Read/Write
Logger ID
The Logger ID is a 10 character string, used to identify the DMS unit. The Logger ID is normally set to the
Registration Number of the Trailer, for easy identification.
WinTrac allows you to view the current Date and Time of the DMS data logger. It is important that the DMS
clock is set to the correct Date and Time since this will affect the validity of the data stored in the logger. You
can change the Date and Time using WinTrac software, if it is incorrect.
Text Header
You can send a Text Header to your DMS logger using WinTrac software. A Text Header consists of a series
of text fields containing useful information about a particular Trip. Once you send a header, WinTrac will
remember your settings and will automatically fill in the fields for you the next time you choose to send a Text
Header to your DMS.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
You can send a Start-of-Trip Header to your DMS Loggers using WinTrac software. Simply select the SOT
option on the Header Tab, and click on the Send SOT Header button.
Sensor Labels
The DMS unit stores the sensor labels with the maximum length of 15 characters for each label. WinTrac uses
these labels when displaying sensor information for a particular DMS data logger.
Sensor Alarms
Each Sensor on the DMS data logger has an out-of-range alarm associated with it. An out-of-range alarm will
be recorded by the DMS data logger, as well as causing the DMS display to flash. You can enable or disable
this alarm capability. You may also define upper and lower temperature thresholds for the out-of-range alarm.
To access the alarm settings for the DMS sensors, Click on the Change Settings button located on the
Sensors tab of the DMS properties window.
Logging Interval
The DMS logs the readings for each probe each Logging Interval. The logging interval may be set to 2 mins,5
mins, 10 mins, 15 mins, 30 mins, 1 hour, 2 hours, or 4 hours.
Logging Mode
The DMS data logger can be set to store the readings of the first two sensors (Return Air and Discharge Air),
or all six sensors (including the four spare sensors). The Setpoint sensor input is always logged by the DMS
data logger.
Display Options
You can choose to enable or disable the DMS display from WinTrac software. You can also choose the
temperature units (either C or F) used on your DM S display.
Printout Options
There are several printout options available on your DMS data logger when using a hand-held printer. You can
choose to enable or disable print completely, as well as enable or disable a chart printout, and exception
Timer Information
The DMS data logger has three timers with user-settable intervals. The three timers are Pull-down out-of-
range timer, Defrost timeout timer, and Defrost recovery timer. You can set the interval of these timers using
WinTrac software. Timer information is contained on the Advanced DMS Settings window.
Satellite Port
Some DMS units are equipped with a secondary serial port for communications, often referred to as the
Satellite Port. You can configure this satellite port to either DataPac, Qualcomm, or remote.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Your DMS data logger stores the readings for eight hourmeters in data logger memory. These Hourmeters
Defrost Meter
Heat Meter
High-speed Meter
Cool Meter
You can reset an individual Hourmeter by clicking on the Reset button located on the Hourmeter tab of the
Advanced DMS Settings window.
Software Revision
WinTrac displays the software revision of the DMS unit currently connected to your PC.
Sensor Readings
WinTrac displays the current readings of the Sensors on your DMS, including the four digital inputs. By clicking
on the Continuous Refresh checkbox, WinTrac will update the sensor readings every second.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
DAS Settings
The DAS Settings window gives you access to the operating parameters of the DAS data logger. You can
view/alter the Logger ID, Clock, Sensor labels, Logging Interval, and many other parameters on the DAS. In
addition, you may also send a Text Header or Start-of-Trip [SOT] Header to the DAS data logger. A full list of
parameters accessible from the DAS Settings window is provided below.
Parameter Access
Trailer/Container ID Read/Write
Unit ID Read/Write
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Trailer/Container ID
The ID is a 10 character string, used to identify the Thermo King unit. The ID is normally set to the Registration
Number of the Trailer or Container, for easy identification.
Unit ID
The Unit ID is a 10 character text field, normally used to store the Unit Serial ID number.
WinTrac allows you to view the current Date and Time of the DAS data logger. It is important that the DAS
clock is set to the correct Date and Time since this will affect the validity of the data stored in the logger. You
can change the Date and Time using WinTrac software, if it is incorrect.
Text Header
You can send a Text Header to your DAS logger using WinTrac software. A Text Header consists of a series
of text fields containing useful information about a particular Trip. Once you send a header, WinTrac will
remember your settings and will automatically fill in the fields for you the next time you choose to send a Text
Header to your DAS.
You can send a Start-of-Trip Header to your DAS Loggers using WinTrac software. Simply select the SOT
option on the Header Tab, and click on the Send SOT Header button.
Sensor Acronym
The DAS unit stores the sensor acronyms with a maximum length of 5 characters for each label. WinTrac
uses these acronyms when displaying sensor information for a particular DAS data logger. Simply click on the
acronym in the Sensors grid and edit it. Click on Update Unit in order to send your changes to the DAS data
Sensor Logging
The DAS data logger allows you to select various logging options for each sensor displayed in the Sensor grid.
Simply click on the Logging setting to change it.. Click on Update Unit in order to send your changes to the
DAS data logger
Logging Interval
The DAS logs the readings for each probe each Logging Interval. The logging interval may be set to 2 mins, 5
mins, 10 mins, 15 mins, 30 mins, 1 hour, 2 hours, or 4 hours.
Printer Options
There are several printout options available on your DAS data logger when using a hand-held printer. You can
choose the temperature units (C or F), as well as the Date format (dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy).
Software Revision
WinTrac displays the software revision of the DAS unit currently connected to your PC.
Sensor Readings
WinTrac displays the current readings of the Sensors on your DAS, including the three digital inputs. By
clicking on the Continuous Refresh checkbox, WinTrac will update the sensor readings every second. If your
DAS data logger is connected to a Thermo King controller, you can also see the controller sensors on the
Sensors tab of the Settings window.
Tip: For more information on the functionality of these parameters and detailed procedures regarding the
Engineering tab, refer to the Thermo King Das (Data Acquisition System) Diagnostic Manual TK 50565.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
TSD Display
The SR-2/SR-3 and HMI Settings windows give you access to the operating parameters of the controller and
HMI data loggers. You can view/alter the Truck/Trailer ID, Clock, Sensor labels, Logging Interval, and many
other parameters. In addition, you may also send a Text Header or Start-of-Trip [SOT] Header to the device. A
full list of parameters accessible from the Settings window is provided below.
Parameter Access
Truck/Trailer ID Read/Write
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Unit S/N
The ID is a 10 character string, used to identify the Thermo King unit. The ID is normally set to the Registration
Number of the Trailer or Container, for easy identification.
Truck/Trailer ID
The Unit ID is a 10 character text field, normally used to store the Unit Serial ID number.
WinTrac allows you to view the current Date and Time of the HMI data logger. It is important that the HMI
clock is set to the correct Date and Time since this will affect the validity of the data stored in the logger. You
can change the Date and Time using WinTrac software, if it is incorrect. The SR-2/SR-3 clock cannot be set
as its value is copied from the attached HMI clock.
Text Header
You can send a Text Header to your SR-2/SR-3 logger using WinTrac software. A Text Header consists of a
series of text fields containing useful information about a particular Trip. Once you send a header, WinTrac will
remember your settings and will automatically fill in the fields for you the next time you choose to send a Text
Header to your SR-2/SR-3.
You can send a Start-of-Trip Header to your SR-2/SR-3 Loggers using WinTrac software. Simply select the
SOT option on the Header Tab, and click on the Send SOT Header button.
Sensor Acronym
The SR-2/SR-3/SR-3/SR-3 unit stores the sensor acronyms with a maximum length of 5 characters for each
label. WinTrac uses these acronyms when displaying sensor information for a particular SR-2/SR-3 data
Sensor Logging
The SR-2/SR-3 data logger allows you to select various logging options for each sensor displayed in the
Sensor grid. Simply click on the Logging setting to change it.. Click on Update Unit in order to send your
changes to the SR-2/SR-3 data logger
Logging Interval
The SR-2/SR-3 logs the readings for each probe each Logging Interval. The logging interval may be set to 2
mins, 5 mins, 10 mins, 15 mins, 30 mins, 1 hour, 2 hours, or 4 hours.
Software Revision
WinTrac displays the software revision of the SR-2/SR-3 unit currently connected to your PC.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Sensor Readings
WinTrac displays the current readings of the Sensors on your SR-2/SR-3, including the three digital inputs.
By clicking on the Continuous Refresh checkbox, WinTrac will update the sensor readings every second. If
your SR-2/SR-3 data logger is connected to a Thermo King controller, you can also see the controller sensors
on the Sensors tab of the Settings window.
Tip: Refreshing just the sensor block of interest in engineering mode will allow you a faster refresh rate.
While continuously refreshing sensor readings as above, by clicking on Save data, you will be given an
option to record device data to a file suitable for analysis in Microsoft Excel or similar programs. This feature is
only recommended for use on the ServiceWatch port as the CargoWatch may not report all alarms correctly.
WinTrac displays the current alarms on your SR-2/SR-3, their description, alarm number and active status.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
MPIV, MPV, MPVI Settings
The MPIV Settings window gives you access to the operating parameters of the MPIV controller. You can
view/alter the Trailer ID, Unit Clock, Logging Interval, and many other parameters on the TK controller. In
addition, you may also send a Text Header or Start of Trip [SOT] Header to your Thermo King controller. A full
list of parameters accessible from the MPIV Settings window is provided below. Note that the operation of
WinTrac 5 software with the MPV, and MPVI controllers is the same as for the MPIV series of controllers.
Parameter Access
Trailer ID Read/Write
Unit ID Read/Write
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Trailer ID
The Trailer ID is a 10 character text field, used to identify the Controller. The Trailer ID is normally set to the
Registration Number of the Trailer, for easy identification.
Unit ID
The Unit ID is a 10 character text field, normally used to store the Unit Serial ID number.
WinTrac allows you to view the current Date and Time of the controller. It is important that the controller clock
is set to the correct Date and Time since this will affect the data stored on the controller. You can change the
Date and Time using WinTrac software, if it is incorrect.
Text Header
You can send a Text Header to your controller using WinTrac software. A Trip Header consists of a series of
text fields containing useful information about a particular Trip. Once you send a header, WinTrac will
remember your settings and will automatically fill in the fields for you the next time you choose to send a Text
Header to your controller.
You can send a Start-of-Trip Header to your controller using WinTrac software. Simply select the SOT option
on the Header Tab, and click on the Send SOT Header button.
Logging Interval
The controller logs the readings for each probe each Logging Interval. The logging interval for the controller
actually changes if the unit is turned off. The range of logging intervals (for unit on and off) are:
2 minutes 1 hour
5 minutes 1 hour
10 minutes 1 hour
15 minutes 4 hours
30 minutes 4 hours
1 hour 12 hours
2 hours 12 hours
4 hours 12 hours
The default logging interval would normally be 15 mins when your Thermo King unit is ON, resulting in a
logging interval of 4 hours when your Thermo King unit is switched off.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Logging Mode
Most TK controllers store 6 sensors and setpoint sensor by default. Some versions of TK controllers can be
configured to store just two sensors (return air and discharge air) and the setpoint. If your controller can
change from 6 sensor logging to 2 sensor logging, you can use WinTrac to change this setting.
Satellite Port
MPIV/MPV controllers are equipped with a secondary serial port for communications, often referred to as the
Satellite Port. You can configure this satellite port to either DataPac, Qualcomm, or remote.
Software Revision
WinTrac displays the software revision of the controller currently connected to your PC. The software revision
is displayed on all screens and printouts of data downloaded from the controller.
Sensor Readings
WinTrac displays the current readings of the Temperature Sensors on your controller. By clicking on the
Continuous Refresh checkbox, WinTrac will update the sensor readings every second.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
The Multi-Temp Settings window gives you access to the operating parameters of the Multi-Temp controller.
You can view/alter the Trailer ID, Unit Clock, Logging Interval, and many other parameters on the TK
controller. In addition, you may also send a Text Header or Start of Trip [SOT] Header to your Thermo King
controller. A full list of parameters accessible from the Multi-Temp Settings window is provided below.
Parameter Access
Trailer ID Read/Write
Unit ID Read/Write
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Trailer ID
The Trailer ID is a 10 character text field, used to identify the Multi-Temp Controller. The Trailer ID is normally
set to the Registration Number of the Trailer, for easy identification.
Unit ID
The Unit ID is a 10 character text field, normally used to store the Unit Serial ID number.
WinTrac allows you to view the current Date and Time of the Multi-Temp controller. It is important that the
Multi-Temp controller clock is set to the correct Date and Time since this will affect the data stored on the
controller. You can change the Date and Time using WinTrac software, if it is inaccurate.
Text Header
You can send a Text Header to your Multi-Temp controller using WinTrac software. A Text Header consists of
a series of text fields containing useful information about a particular Trip. Once you send a header, WinTrac
will remember your settings and will automatically fill in the fields for you the next time you choose to send a
Text Header to your controller.
You can send a Start-of-Trip Header to your controller using WinTrac software. Simply select the SOT option
on the Header Tab, and click on the Send SOT Header button.
Logging Interval
The Multi-Temp controller logs the readings for each probe each Logging Interval. The logging interval for the
Multi-Temp controller actually changes if the unit is turned off. The range of logging intervals (for unit on and
off) are:
2 minutes 1 hour
5 minutes 1 hour
10 minutes 1 hour
15 minutes 4 hours
30 minutes 4 hours
1 hour 12 hours
2 hours 12 hours
4 hours 12 hours
The default logging interval would normally be 15 mins when your Thermo King unit is ON, resulting in a
logging interval of 4 hours when your Thermo King unit is switched off.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Satellite Port
Multi-Temp controllers are equipped with a secondary serial port for communications, often referred to as the
Satellite Port. You can configure this satellite port to either DataPac, Qualcomm, or remote.
Software Revision
WinTrac displays the software revision of the Multi-Temp controller currently connected to your PC. The
software revision is displayed on all screens and printouts of data downloaded from a Multi-Temp controller.
Sensor Readings
WinTrac displays the current readings of the Temperature Sensors on your Multi-Temp controller.By clicking
on the Continuous Refresh checkbox, WinTrac will update the sensor readings every second.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
MPD Settings
The MPD Settings window gives you access to the operating parameters of the MPD controller. You can
view/alter the Logger ID, Clock, Sensor labels, Logging Interval, and many other parameters on the MPD. In
addition, you may also send a Text Header or Start-of-Trip [SOT] Header to the MPD controller. A full list of
parameters accessible from the MPD Settings window is provided below.
Parameter Access
Container ID Read/Write
Unit ID Read/Write
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Container ID
The ID is an 11 character string, used to identify the Thermo King unit. The ID is normally set to the
Registration Number of the Container, for easy identification.
Unit ID
The Unit ID is a 10 character text field, normally used to store the Unit Serial ID number.
WinTrac allows you to view the current Date and Time of the MPD controller. It is important that the clock is
set to the correct Date and Time (normally GMT) since this will affect the validity of the data stored in the data
logger. You can change the Date and Time using WinTrac software, if it is incorrect.
Text Header
You can send a Text Header to your MPD Controller using WinTrac software. A Text Header consists of a
series of text fields containing useful information about a particular Trip. Once you send a header, WinTrac will
remember your settings and will automatically fill in the fields for you the next time you choose to send a Text
Header to your MPD.
You can send a Start-of-Trip Header to your MPD controller using WinTrac software. Simply select the SOT
option on the Header Tab, and click on the Send SOT Header button.
Sensor Logging
The MPD controller allows you to select various logging options for each sensor displayed in the Sensor grid.
Simply click on the Logging setting to change it.. Click on Update Unit in order to send your changes to the
Logging Interval
The MPD logs the readings for each probe each Logging Interval. The logging interval may be set to 15 mins,
30 mins, 1 hour, or 2 hours.
Software Revision
WinTrac displays the software revision of the MPD controller currently connected to your PC.
Sensor Readings
WinTrac displays the current readings of the Sensors on your MPD. By clicking on the Continuous Refresh
checkbox, WinTrac will update the sensor readings every second.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
The MPA+ Settings window gives you access to the operating parameters of the MPA+ controller. You can
view/alter the Logger ID, Clock, Logging Interval, and many other parameters on the MPA+. In addition, you
may also send a Text Header or Start-of-Trip [SOT] Header to the MPA+ controller. A full list of parameters
accessible from the MPA+ Settings window is provided below. Note that the operation of WinTrac 5 software
with the MPA controller is quite similar to the MPA+ with the exception that some of the MPA+ parameters
may not be present on the MPA..
Parameter Access
* = MPA+ only
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Container ID
The ID is an 11 character string, used to identify the Thermo King unit. The ID is normally set to the
Registration Number of the Container, for easy identification.
Unit ID
The Unit ID is a 10 character text field, normally used to store the Unit Serial ID number.
WinTrac allows you to view the current Date and Time of the MPA+ controller. It is important that the clock is
set to the correct Date and Time (normally GMT) since this will affect the validity of the data stored in the data
logger. You can change the Date and Time using WinTrac software, if it is incorrect.
Text Header
You can send a Text Header to your MPA(+) Controller using WinTrac software. A Text Header consists of a
series of text fields containing useful information about a particular Trip. Once you send a header, WinTrac will
remember your settings and will automatically fill in the fields for you the next time you choose to send a Text
Header to your MPA(+).
You can send a Start-of-Trip Header to your controller using WinTrac software. Simply select the SOT option
on the Header Tab, and click on the Send SOT Header button.
Logging Interval
The MPA(+) logs the readings for each probe each Logging Interval. The logging interval may be set to 30
mins or 1 hour.
Logging Mode
MPA(+) controllers can be configured to store just two sensors (return air and discharge air) and the setpoint,
or six sensors including coil temperature. If your controller can change from 6 sensor logging to 2 sensor
logging, you can use WinTrac to change this setting.
Software Revision
WinTrac displays the software revision of the MPA(+) controller currently connected to your PC.
Sensor Readings
WinTrac displays the current readings of the Sensors on your MPA(+). By clicking on the Continuous
Refresh checkbox, WinTrac will update the sensor readings every second.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
MPCR Settings
The MPCR Settings window gives you access to the operating parameters of the MPCR controller. You can
view/alter the Trailer ID, Unit Clock, Logging Interval, and many other parameters on the TK controller. In
addition, you may also send a Text Header or Start of Trip [SOT] Header to your Thermo King controller. A full
list of parameters accessible from the MPCR Settings window is provided below.
Parameter Access
Trailer ID Read/Write
Unit ID Read/Write
Trailer ID
The Trailer ID is a 10 character text field, used to identify the Controller. The Trailer ID is normally set to the
Registration Number of the Trailer, for easy identification.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Unit ID
The Unit ID is a 10 character text field, normally used to store the Unit Serial ID number.
WinTrac allows you to view the current Date and Time of the controller. It is important that the controller clock
is set to the correct Date and Time since this will affect the data stored on the controller. You can change the
Date and Time using WinTrac software, if it is incorrect.
Text Header
You can send a Text Header to your controller using WinTrac software. A Trip Header consists of a series of
text fields containing useful information about a particular Trip. Once you send a header, WinTrac will
remember your settings and will automatically fill in the fields for you the next time you choose to send a Text
Header to your controller.
You can send a Start-of-Trip Header to your controller using WinTrac software. Simply select the SOT option
on the Header Tab, and click on the Send SOT Header button.
Logging Interval
The controller logs the readings for each probe each Logging Interval. The range of logging intervals for the
controller are:
Logging Interval
2 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
1 hour
2 hours
4 hours
Software Revision
WinTrac displays the software revision of the controller currently connected to your PC. The software revision
is displayed on all screens and printouts of data downloaded from the controller.
Sensor Readings
WinTrac displays the current readings of the Sensors on your controller, including inputs such as battery
voltage, shunt current, oil pressure and engine speed. By clicking on the Continuous Refresh checkbox,
WinTrac will update the sensor readings every second.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
TranScan Settings
The TranScan Settings window gives you access to the operating parameters of the TranScan range of data
loggers. You can view the Vehicle ID, Logger Clock, Sensor labels, Logging Interval, and many other
parameters on the TranScan. A list of parameters accessible from the TranScan Settings window is provided
below, along with a brief description of each parameter.
Please refer to the relevant TranScan User Reference Manual for more details on parameters supported by
each TranScan model.
Parameter Access
Vehicle ID Read/Write
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Vehicle ID
The Vehicle ID is a 7 character field, used to identify the TranScan unit. The Vehicle ID is normally set to the
ID Number of the Truck, for easy identification.
Company Name
Company Name is a 14 character field, used to store the name of the Company operating the TranScan unit.
WinTrac allows you to view the current Date and Time of the TranScan unit. It is important that the TranScan
clock is set to the correct Date and Time since this will affect the validity of the data stored in the logger. You
can change the Date and Time using WinTrac software, if it is incorrect.
Sensor Labels
The TranScan stores labels as 7 characters for each probe on the unit. These labels appear on TranScan
printouts. WinTrac also uses these labels when displaying sensor information for a particular TranScan data
Logging Interval
The TranScan logs the readings for each probe and switch each Logging Interval. The logging interval may be
set to:
1 min 20 mins
5 mins 30 mins
10 mins 45 mins
15 mins 1 hr
Software Revision
WinTrac displays the software revision of the TranScan unit currently connected to your PC.
Serial Number
WinTrac displays the serial number of your TranScan. You should note this serial number as it uniquely
identifies your TranScan unit.
Note: More advanced parameters are available on the Advanced tab of the TranScan Properties
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
VPRS Settings
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
NOTE: USB Flash Drive was not originally released on units built in Europe.
b. Download data
d. Service modification
NOTE: USB Flash Drive was an option available on units built in the United States starting with D005
d. Translation of OptiSet Plus interchange XML file contents into Datapac commands in .osp file format
and vice-versa.
b. User may store other files on the USB Flash Drive other than Thermo King related files but this would
potentially affect download capacity on the USB Flash Drive.
c. All the downloaded data logger files will be in the .wtd raw file format.
e. An OptiSet Plus file that needs to be uploaded must have .osp file extension.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
2. Once WinTrac is set to normal / technician or engineering user mode. Then Ctrl + Shift + T key
sequence shall need to be pressed in order to access USB Flash Drive support related menu options.
Screen shot of the Tools menu with USB Flash Drive support options is shown below:
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
3. Insertion of USB Flash Drive into PC:
a. At the time of invoking WinTrac, on startup / loading, WinTrac shall check if there is a USB Flash
Drive plugged into any of the existing USB ports on the PC.
i. If there is already a USB Flash Drive plugged into the PC, then based on the mandatory
WinTrac user mode it shall enable the option of Configure and Manage USB Flash Drive
.. in Tools menu.
ii. If there is no USB Flash Drive plugged into the PC, then based on the user mode,
WinTrac shall disable or gray out the option of Configure and Manage USB Flash Drive
in Tools menu.
b. In case the USB Flash Drive is inserted into the PC after invoking WinTrac application, then
based on the user mode, WinTrac shall check for the existence of the USB Flash Drive at any of
the available USB ports, when the user presses Ctrl + Shift + T key sequence. Accordingly, it shall
then enable the Configure and Manage USB Flash Drive option.
2. Once the user selects the above option, WinTrac queries the PC / laptop and identifies the USB Flash
Drive and stores the USB Flash Drive_ID internally. WinTrac shall access the Device instance id
standard USB identifier which is unique for every USB Flash Drive
Once detected, WinTrac shall first check the USB Flash Drive for the presence of any already existing
TKConfig.ini file and the mandatory folder structure.
In case none of the above are present in the USB Flash Drive and the USB Flash Drive has not been
previously configured, then WinTrac shall display a message Do you want to configure USB Flash
Drive? (Options provided: Yes and No).
WinTrac shall display a new form with the following fields listed below for the user to input. These are
mandatory fields that the user shall need to input to be able to proceed. This information shall be used
to write into the TKConfig.ini configuration file that WinTrac shall create in the USB Flash Drive.
Company Name
Author Name
The other information that WinTrac shall write into the TKConfig.ini are:
Creation Date
WinTrac shall retrieve the USB Flash Drive serial number from the connected USB Flash Drive and
shall also enter the Creation date to be the current PC system date.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Example [Creation] section in TKConfig.ini file:
Company=Thermo King
Serial Number=123456
Creation Date=10/31/2009
The TKConfig.ini file shall be placed in the root directory of the USB Flash Drive. The file
properties shall be set to hidden and read-only.
Once the TKConfig.ini file is created, WinTrac shall add the 16bit CRC value at the end of the
TKConfig.ini file in the CRC section to enable the controller to verify if the TKConfig.ini file is
valid or corrupt when the USB Flash Drive is plugged into the controller.
Creation of the folder structure and appending appropriate information in TKConfig.ini file:
Once the first section, [Creation] of the TKConfig.ini file data has been retrieved by the
inputs from the user and the USB Flash Drive specific data, WinTrac shall then prompt
the user to select the specific folders that (s)he wants to create in the USB Flash Drive.
WinTrac shall provide a form with specific folder structure list against which there shall be
checkboxes which the user shall need to select or de-select based on their need. The
sample window form is as shown below:
Once the user shall press OK, WinTrac shall check for the selections made on the above
screen. If no selections have been made, WinTrac shall display the message No selections
have been made. Please choose at least one to proceed. (Options provided: OK)
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
In case of all options selected, WinTrac shall create the following folders and subfolders in the
USB Flash Drive:
After the appropriate directory and subdirectory structure has been created in USB
Flash Drive, WinTrac shall append this information in the TKConfig.ini file that it had
earlier created.
WinTrac shall abort the process notifying the user with the following
message The USB Flash Drive has not been configured. (Option
provided: OK)
b. In case a valid TKConfig.ini file and valid folder structures are already present in
the USB Flash Drive, then WinTrac shall display the following message to the
user The USB Flash Drive has previously been configured. Do you want to
continue? (Options provided: Yes and No)
WinTrac shall display the previous configuration values for the user to
view. In the same window as it displays the previous configuration, the
following message shall be prompted; Are you sure you want to
reconfigure the USB Flash Drive?(Options provided: Yes and No)
If user selects Yes:
If any of the user selected directories are missing in the USB Flash Drive,
then WinTrac shall recreate them appropriately.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
If user selects No:
WinTrac shall abort the process notifying the user with the following
message The USB Flash Drive has not been re-configured. (Option
provided: OK)
4. WinTrac detects multiple USB Flash Drive devices plugged into PC / laptop:
In case WinTrac detects multiple USB Flash Drive plugged in the PC / laptop it shall display
the following message to the user; Multiple USB Flash Drive devices detected. Please
make sure that only one USB Flash Drive device is connected to the PC and retry.
Once the user remedies the scenario by making sure only one USB Flash Drive is connected,
the user shall need to restart the operation by selecting Tools > Configure and Manage USB
Flash Drive > Configure new USB Flash Drive.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Upload and manage flash load files on USB Flash Drive using WinTrac:
The USB Flash Drive shall already need to be configured using WinTrac prior to being able to upload
and manage flash load files on the USB Flash Drive. The USB Flash Drive shall need to contain valid
TKConfig.ini file and valid flash load and other folder structures.
1. User shall browse to Tools > Configure and Manage USB Flash Drive > Upload and manage flash
load files.
2. Once the user makes the above selection, WinTrac shall then check the connected USB Flash
Drive for a valid TKConfig.ini file and appropriate valid directory structures. It checks if theUSB
Flash Drive is configured or not.
i. WinTrac shall prompt the user with Open window dialog box to enable
the user to select the flash files that the user wants to copy.
ii. User shall then browse to the location on the hard disk to select the flash
files. WinTrac shall then place a copy of the file into the appropriate folder
in the USB Flash Drive.
iii. User shall also be allowed to manage and deleted any already present
files in the appropriate folders present in the USB Flash Drive.
iv. WinTrac shall only allow the access to the flash files sub-directories that
have been enabled in TKConfig.ini file.
Upload and manage OptiSet Plus files on USB Flash Drive using WinTrac:
The USB Flash Drive shall already need to be configured using WinTrac prior to being able to upload
and manage OptiSet Plus files on the USB Flash Drive. The USB Flash Drive shall need to contain
valid TKConfig.ini file and valid OptiSet Plus folder structures.
1. User shall browse to Tools > Configure and Manage USB Flash Drive > Upload / Manage OptiSet
Plus files.
2. Once the user makes the above selection, WinTrac shall then check the connected USB Flash
Drive for a valid TKConfig.ini file and appropriate valid OptiSet Plus subdirectory structures. It
checks if the USB Flash Drive is configured or not.
WinTrac then navigates through the OptiSet Plus subdirectories and interrogates all files
in the OptiSet Plus subdirectory.
WinTrac shall then prompt the user with the Open windows file management dialog for
the user to select the appropriate OptiSet plus files from USB Flash Drive to be
transferred onto some preferred location on the PC.
A copy of these OptiSet Plus files shall be placed to enable accessing the files using
OptiSet Plus tool at a later point of time.
Once the copy of the OptiSet plus files have been placed in the user specified location,
WinTrac shall display the message OptiSet plus file(s) have been successfully
transferred. Do you want to delete the files existing on the USB Flash Drive?
(Options provided: Yes and No)
If yes, WinTrac shall delete all the OptiSet Plus files from the USB Flash Drive and if no,
then it shall leave all the OptiSet plus files as-is in the USB Flash Drive.
Chapter 4 Communicating with your Thermo King Units
Translation of OptiSet Plus interchange XML file contents into Datapac commands in
.osp file format and vice-versa.
WinTrac 5.0 supports the OptiSet Plus Upload and Retrieve with the help USB Flash Drive through
.osp files that will be created by WinTrac from valid OptiSet Plus xml files.
OptiSet Plus Upload: The user is prompted to select an OptiSet Configuration Upload xml
file and the corresponding .osp file will be created by WinTrac in the OPTISETPLUS folder
of the configured USB Flash Drive. This .osp file will contain the Serial Datapac
commands that will send the required commands to interface the host device and the
Thermo King Unit for transferring
I. Customer Configuration
OptiSet Plus Download: During OptiSet Plus download, the Thermo King Unit will place a
valid .osp file in the OptiSet Plus folder of the USB Flash Drive. This file can be changed
by WinTrac into a valid OptiSet Plus retrieved XML file.
Chapter 5 Managing your WinTrac Data files
Chapter 5
2. The WinTrac file management Window appears. You can perform all of your file management tasks
from this window, including importing existing files into WinTrac, moving files, creating new folders for
your files, etc. Some of these features are described in this section.
The File Management Window contains a toolbar, allowing you to perform many of the common file
management tasks at the touch of a button.
Chapter 5 Managing your WinTrac Data files
The New Folder button allows you to create a new folder for storing your WinTrac data files.
The Open Folder button expands a Folder, showing you the full contents of the folder.
The Cut button removes a file from its present location, and copies it to the Clipboard. You can then paste this
file into another location within the WinTrac File System.
The Paste button copies a file from the Clipboard into the WinTrac file management system. Click on the
folder where you wish to place the file before pasting it from the clipboard.
The Delete button deletes the currently selected file or folder from the WinTrac File System. Care should be
taken when using this button since you can delete entire folders (including all files) from the WinTrac File
The Refresh button refreshes the File Management Window. You can refresh the File Management Window
after you have performed some file management tasks, to see any changes that have occurred.
Chapter 5 Managing your WinTrac Data files
Tip: Double click the file in the left pane of the file management window to open the file.
2. The WinTrac file management Window appears. The view on the left contains all the folders and files
in your WinTrac file management system. The pane on the right contains more detailed information on
the file(s) you have selected. Once you have selected the file you wish to open, click the OK button.
WinTrac will open the file and display the file data in the graphics window.
Chapter 5 Managing your WinTrac Data files
Tip: Access this feature quickly from the pop-up menu. Click the right mouse button on a file or folder to
display the pop-up menu.
2. A new folder appears in your WinTrac database. You can rename this folder by typing in a new name
and pressing Return.
1. Click the entry in the database window with the right mouse button.
Chapter 5 Managing your WinTrac Data files
2. Click on the Import button. You can browse your system to select the file you want to import. It is
possible to import existing TracPac files, PC-PAC files, MultiPac files, WinTrac 1,2,3 or 4 files. When
you import a file, WinTrac copies the data into WinTrac 5 database, and creates a WinTrac 5 file.
Note: If you wish to just view a file, but not create a new WinTrac file, then select the Browse button
instead of Import. Using Browse you can view TracPac, PC-PAC, Multi-Pac and WinTrac files without
importing them into your WinTrac database.
WinTrac extracts the last five suitable characters (i.e. discards spaces, dots, etc...) of the Trailer/Container ID.
These characters form the first five characters of the new filename. These characters are immediately
followed by two dashes and a file index digit.
e.g. TRUCK--1.WTF.
In the WinTrac file management window the file is identified using the complete Trailer/Container ID (or
Logger ID).
Chapter 5 Managing your WinTrac Data files
Tip: Alternatively drag the folder or file to its new location using the mouse.
1. Select the file (or folder) you wish to move by clicking on it.
2. Click the Cut button. This removes the file from its current location and store it in memory.
3. Click on the Folder where you wish to place the file. Then click on the Paste button. The file will then
Tip: Access this feature quickly from the pop-up menu. Click the right mouse button on a file or folder to
display the pop-up menu.
1. Select the file (or folder) you wish to delete by clicking on it.
Press the Delete button. This deletes the file (or folder) from its current location. Care should be taken when
using this feature since you can delete entire folders (including all files) using the Delete button!
Chapter 6 Viewing your Data Graphically
Chapter 6
Main Slider
The main Slider is the quickest way to select a range of data in the main graphing window.
The chronological scale, located above the graphical display, shows you the chronological extent of the file.
The horizontal black line on the scale indicates the location of data. The Slider is used to select a range of
data. To move the Slider, click on the horizontal bar of the Slider, hold the mouse button depressed and drag
the Slider to the desired location.
The Slider can be resized to display a new date interval. Use the left mouse button to drag the left or right
edges of the slider to customise the slider width.
Chapter 6 Viewing your Data Graphically
2. Hold the mouse button depressed and drag the mouse left or right to select the interval to be zoomed.
The interval to be zoomed appears high-lighted. The date and time extents (i.e. From, To) of the
interval appear in the status bar.
Note: You can perform multiple Zoom In operations in succession. The extents of each zoom are
recorded to enable you zoom to previous.
1. Position the mouse pointer within the selected region. The mouse pointer changes to a magnifying
glass. Click the left mouse button to activate the zoom. Alternatively you can click on the Zoom In
2. To cancel the zoom, click on the graph window outside the high-lighted region.
WinTrac provides you with alternative ways to zoom your data. If you click the Zoom In button without
selecting a zoom interval then WinTrac will automatically zoom the current display by a factor of two.
Tip: Reducing the width of the main Slider initially can reduce the number of zoom operations.
1. Using the left button, click on the Thumbs at the top of the graph window.
2. Hold the mouse button depressed and drag the thumbs to select the required data interval.
3. Click inside the selected area (or use the Zoom In button).
To zoom to the previous level, click the Zoom Out button.
Chapter 6 Viewing your Data Graphically
Note: You can also re-scale graphs using the Display Properties window.
1. Position the mouse pointer over the scale. The mouse pointer will change to indicate that you can re-
scale the graph. The action of the scale varies depending on the position of the mouse pointer.
To change the Upper Limit positions the mouse pointer in the upper section of the
scale. This locks the scales Lower Limit and allows you to adjust the Upper Limit.
To change the Lower Limit positions the mouse pointer in the lower section of the
scale. This locks the scales Upper Limit and allows you to adjust the Lower Limit.
To move the position of the graph, position the mouse pointer in the middle section of
the scale. This locks the scales range but and allows you to adjust the extents of the
2. Click the left mouse button, hold the button depressed and drag the scale.
It is also possible to re-scale a WinTrac graph using the Display Properties window. Using the Display
Properties window is covered in Chapter 7.
Chapter 6 Viewing your Data Graphically
Time of Data
To determine the exact date and time occurrence of a record or event simply position the cross-like cursor on
the data - the date and time corresponding to the location of the cursor is displayed in the status bar.
Symbol Identification
WinTrac marks certain important events/occurrences using symbols. To identify a symbol simply position the
mouse pointer over it.
Note: If symbols overlap then the text explanation is listed in order of symbol occurrence.
Chapter 6 Viewing your Data Graphically
Chapter 7 Viewing your Data in Tabular Format
Chapter 7
Tip: Double click the graph window to launch the tabular data window and highlight the corresponding
Alternatively you can position the mouse pointer in the graph window and double click the left mouse button.
This launches the tabular data window and highlights the record in the tabular data window which corresponds
to the mouse pointer location on the graph.
2. The tabular data window displays the text equivalent of the graphed data.
Chapter 7 Viewing your Data in Tabular Format
Filter Description
The data displayed in the tabular data window can be written to a file in ASCII format. This file format can be
imported into any standard spreadsheet package.
1. Click the Save button located at the bottom of the tabular data window.
3. Click OK to continue.
Chapter 7 Viewing your Data in Tabular Format
Chapter 7 Viewing your Data in Tabular Format
5. Choose your printer settings (portrait or landscape, etc..) and click OK to continue.
You can also print a selection of the data displayed in this window. To print a selection;
2. Click the left mouse button, hold the button depressed and drag the mouse vertically to high-light the
rows to print.
Chapter 7 Viewing your Data in Tabular Format
3. WinTrac immediately highlights the corresponding record on the graph by positioning the vertical
dotted line in the graphical display window.
Note: The Trace feature can also be driven from the graphical window. When Trace Mode is active, drag
the vertical line on the graphical display using the thumb. The highlighted record in the tabular data window is
automatically updated.
Use the following keyboard keys to move through the records in the tabular data window: Up and Down arrows
keys and Page Up and Page Down keys.
Chapter 8
The Display Settings window displays the graphical display settings on the first tab and the Tabular Data
display settings on the second tab.
To view a sensor
1. Select the sensor by clicking in the appropriate cell in the column entitled Visible.
Note: To view a sensor in the Tabular Data window, you must select this sensor in the Tabular Data
2. Choose the new sensor color using the left mouse button.
Note: You can also rename the sensor label from the Tabular Data settings window.
Chapter 8 Personalizing the Display
Note: You can also define the Average Sensor from the Tabular Data settings window.
3. Choose the sensors you wish to average from the drop-down selection boxes.
5. Click Apply on the Display Properties window to update the display with the new Average Sensor
To Re-Scale a Graph
1. Select the graph to be resized from the drop-down selection box.
Tip: Using the elastic scales is the most efficient way to resize the graph scale.
2. Use the Up and Down spin buttons to adjust the minimum and maximum values of the graph scale or
use the check boxes and manually enter the values.
3. Click the Apply button to update the graph with the new scale settings.
Chapter 8 Personalizing the Display
2. Use the Up and Down buttons to re-order the column in the table.
Chapter 9 Advanced WinTrac Features
Chapter 9
Exception Reporting
The Exception Reporting features of WinTrac software allow you to search a file (or a group of files) for a set
of pre-defined exceptions such as unit alarms, temperatures outside a certain range, etc. You can define
these queries yourself, and even store them so that you can use them again.
WinTrac will search all the files you have selected for any occurrence of the exceptions that you have defined.
WinTrac will then report back all the occurrences in each file. You can even launch a file that contains an
exception and WinTrac will show you exactly where the exception occurred.
You can print out the exception reporting in the form of a summary report. The exception reporting features
can save you from having to check each file individually for any alarms or other exceptions, freeing up more of
your valuable time!
Note: WinTrac only allows you to run a report on similar types of WinTrac files, e.g. MPIV-type files,
DAS-type files, SR-2/SR-3 type files, etc. This restriction is necessary because various TK devices log
different information and alarms, so queries must be defined for a particular type of TK device.
4. Select the type of TK device that want to use as the filter for your exception report. Any other files that
you accidentally select that do not belong to this type are automatically excluded from the exception
Chapter 9 Advanced WinTrac Features
6. You can now build the queries you wish to use, or load any previously defined queries that you may
have saved already. To make a new query, click the Make Query button. Select the query type and fill
in the details of the query. Click the Add query button. The query appears in the query list.
7. You can save this query by clicking on the Save Query button
8. You can load a previously saved query by clicking on the Load Query button.
9. Next, you can select the date range that you want to use for the queries you have added to your query
10. Once you are happy with your query setup, just click on the Run Query Set button to run the queries
on the files you have selected. If you want to change any part of the query set you have defined,
simply click on the <Back button until you reach the part you want to change.
WinTrac provides a list of files that match any of the exceptions that you searched for. You can open any of
the files by selecting the file and clicking the View button. Alternatively, just double-click on the file. WinTrac
will open the file and go to the location where the exception occurred. You dont even have to search for the
exception yourself.
You can print a summary of the Exception Report Results by clicking on the Print button
Chapter 9 Advanced WinTrac Features
Tools Menu
NOTE: If the Tools Menu does not appear, the user access level may be set to Read Only Access (level 1). If
this is the case, the user access level must be changed to Standard User (level 7). Changing the User Access
level is described in the next section. You can hide the 'Tools' menu again by pressing 'Ctrl' + 'Shift' + 'T' keys
Chapter 9 Advanced WinTrac Features
User has full access to the TK Devices. User also gains access to a special Tools menu allowing access to
features such as Sensor Calibration, Flash load, and operating mode setup. These features are only available
on certain TK devices such as DAS data logger. This is the normal dealer level and the default installation
Technician Access
User has all the access granted to Default Users, and in addition will see more information in downloaded
loggers data which can be used for maintenance and diagnostics. Technician Access can be selected from
the Tools Menu.
Chapter 9 Advanced WinTrac Features
You can access the Flash load feature of WinTrac from the Tools menu.
2. A warning message will appear advising you to download any logged data from your TK unit before
attempting a Flash load.
Note that flash load files must be installed by user prior to flash loading. They will normally be located in the
\flash load folder of the main WinTrac 5 folder.
4. WinTrac will search for a suitable device to flash load, and ask you to confirm the flash load task by
indicating the Device ID and software revision before you proceed.
5. WinTrac will proceed with the flash loading process. If the device needs to be restarted after flash
loading, WinTrac will handle this automatically.
Chapter 9 Advanced WinTrac Features
6. WinTrac informs you that flash loading has completed successfully.
If the flash loading process fails, WinTrac will prompt you to re-try. You should check all power and
communications connections before re-trying as this may have led to the flash load failure.
If Flash load re-try still fails, try powering down your device and powering it up again before retrying. This may
help WinTrac to find the device when starting the flash load process.
Calibrating Sensors
You can calibrate the Sensors on your DMS or DAS data loggers using WinTrac software. Sensor calibration
on DMS loggers is normally performed using ice-bath calibration, but you can choose either ice-bath
calibration or sensor-grade calibration for your DAS data logger.
Ice-bath Calibration
1. Place the sensor you wish to calibrate in an ice-bath, until the temperature reads 0C (32F).
2. Select the Calibrate sensors option under the Tools menu. The sensor calibration window
3. Select the sensor you wish to calibrate, select ice-bath calibration and click on the Calibrate button.
WinTrac will calibrate the sensor and inform you when calibration is complete. If the Sensor reading is
too far from 0C (32F), then WinTrac will inform y ou that the chosen sensor is out of range. This also
prevents the accidental calibration of a different sensor.
Chapter 9 Advanced WinTrac Features
Graded-Sensor Calibration
1. Select the Calibrate sensors option under the Tools menu. The sensor calibration window
2. Select the Sensor you wish to calibrate. WinTrac reads the current sensor settings (including sensor
grade) from your DAS.
3. Select graded-sensor calibration and choose the required sensor grade (it should be stamped on the
4. Click on the Calibrate button. WinTrac will calibrate the sensor and inform you when calibration is
Chapter 9 Advanced WinTrac Features
Warm Restart
A Warm restart reboots your controller or data logger. You will not lose any logged data or any unit settings. A
Warm restart has the same effect as powering off your TK device and switching it back on again.
Cold Restart
A Cold restart will reset all settings back to default. Any logged data on your data logger or controller will
2. Select the type of Restart you want to perform. WinTrac will search for a TK device and ask you to
confirm your actions before restarting the device.
Chapter 9 Advanced WinTrac Features
Once countdown mode has expired, DAS enters conservative mode. In this mode, the DAS remains in sleep
mode and only powers-up each logging interval. The DAS then performs a log and goes back into sleep mode.
You can adjust the duration of conservative mode by setting the number of logs performed in conservative
mode from the logging modes window.
1. Select Setup logging modes... from the Tools menu. The DAS Operating Modes window appears.
2. You can configure the number of hours for Countdown mode, and the number of logs for Conservative
3. Click on the Update Unit button when you want to send your changes to the DAS data logger.
WinTrac will ask you to confirm your changes before sending them to the DAS.
Chapter 9 Advanced WinTrac Features
OptiSet configuration can be accomplished using the new OptiSet Setup Guide" program provided on the
WinTrac 5 CD-ROM in the "OptiSet" folder. The "OptiSet Setup Guide" program can also be downloaded
from The Thermo King Internet site on the World Wide Web. This program steps the user through the
configuration of various Temperature "ranges". Within each of these ranges, the user can pre-determine and
set all the various unit modes and run options. There are up to ten ranges available (0-9) that can be pre-set
by the user. Once these ranges are setup, the program displays a "Create Upload File" button in the bottom
left corner of the "Range Setup" screen. Clicking on this button will create the actual upload file. Users have
the option of naming and saving this upload file anywhere on their PC with this option. It is this upload file that
WinTrac 5 will use to update the controller on a Thermo King unit.
After you have created a .CSV format file using the "OptiSet Setup Guide" program, you can use WinTrac to
upload the file into the controller. To accomplish this, you will be using the new "Send OptiSet Configuration..."
option from the "Tools" menu in WinTrac. The "Tools" menu item is a secure function. If you need to perform
an upload and do not have the "Tools" menu option showing, please read the Section entitled Accessing the
Tools menu in WinTrac 5. WinTrac will ask you for the name of the configuration file you wish to send to the
controller. Once the upload file is identified, WinTrac checks the unit connections and if they are valid will
send the OptiSet configuration data to the controller and reset it with the new ranges and run selections. Once
OptiSet has been loaded, simply changing the "SETPOINT" temperature on the unit keypad enables all of the
unit run selections for that temperature.
You can also retrieve the current OptiSet configuration from your controller, and save it on your PC in the form
of an .OPT file. This .OPT file can opened using the Thermo King "OptiSet Setup Guide" program. Simply
select the "Retrieve OptiSet Configuration..." option from the "Tools" menu and follow the on-screen
instructions. WinTrac creates a file suitable for opening in the "OptiSet Setup Guide" program. This function
is useful for validating and saving a units current OptiSet configuration prior to making changes.
OptiSet Plus provides custom temperature control based on particular commodities. The set of temperature
control parameters for a given commodity is called a temperature profile. See the documentation on Thermo
King's separate OptiSet Plus PC application for information on creating temperature profiles. The OptiSet Plus
PC application produces a file called an interchange file that can be uploaded into the Thermo King
Temperature Refrigeration Unit with WinTrac.
To send an interchange file use the "Send OptiSet Plus Configuration..." option from the "Tools" menu.
WinTrac will ask you for the name of the interchange file to send to the refrigeration unit. WinTrac will check to
ensure that the interchange file being uploaded is suitable for the target system.
You can retrieve the current OptiSet Plus configuration from your controller, and save it on your PC in a file
that can be opened using the OptiSet Plus PC application. Simply select the "Retrieve OptiSet Plus
Configuration..." option from the "Tools" menu and follow the on-screen instructions. This function is useful for
validating and saving a unit's current OptiSet Plus configuration prior to making changes.
Chapter 9 Advanced WinTrac Features
A .CSV format file containing the desired settings can be uploaded into the unit. To accomplish this, select the
"Service Modification..." option from the "Tools" menu in WinTrac. The "Tools" menu item is a secure
function. If you need to perform a modification and do not have the "Tools" menu option showing, please read
the Section entitled Accessing the Tools menu in WinTrac 5. WinTrac will ask you for the name of the
modification file you wish to send to the unit. Once the file is selected, WinTrac checks the connections to the
unit and if they are valid will send the modification data to the unit and check the changes were accepted.
Select "Enter pass-through mode..." from the "Tools" menu. WinTrac will set-up pass-through mode and
confirm when pass-through is complete. You can then communicate directly with the attached controller and
perform any of the normal WinTrac functions on the controller.
When you are finished, you should always exit pass-through mode by selecting "Exit pass-through mode" from
the "Tools" menu.
NOTE: If you do not EXIT pass-through mode properly, the DAS and controller will eventually time out from
pass-through after 15 minutes and reset, however, all communications are suspended during this 15 minute
time out period and data may be lost. Proper EXIT of the pass-through mode allows normal DAS/controller
communications to resume immediately.
Chapter 9 Advanced WinTrac Features
Configure iBox
WinTrac can be used to configure your iBox settings. By selecting Configure iBox from the tools menu with
an iBox connected, you will be able to change various settings on the iBox, including the countdown timer and
protocol selection.
Chapter 9 Advanced WinTrac Features
NOTE: Make sure the communication cable is connected to the 3rd Party RS232 port before attempting these
Chapter 10 Troubleshooting your WinTrac Software
Chapter 10
A DOS prompt window should open up in the background. Leave it open and repeat the process in WinTrac
that causes the problem. If needed, you can exit and restart WinTrac; the logging part continues independent
of whether WinTrac is running or not. When finished, you can close the DOS prompt window, and a log file will
have been created in your Program Files\Thermo King\WinTrac 5\Logs directory with a filename beginning
with wtdbmon- followed by the days date, and an identifying number. Email this file to your TK Dealer along
with details of the problem.
1. Browse to the folder containing the database, right click and select Properties. In the properties
dialog, there should be a "Security" tab that allows you to change file permissions.
2. In Windows XP SP2 this "Security" tab might be missing. If it is present, you can skip on to step 4.
3. Open the My Computer folder. Click on the menu option "Tools" and select "Folder Options". The tab
"View" will have an option at the bottom that says "Use simple file sharing (Recommended)". Deselect
that feature and click "Ok". The security tab should now be available.
4. In the security tab, grant the current user full access to the database file, directory and subdirectories.
You may receive this error if you have corrupted a database by moving data incorrectly between two
databases. If you copy WinTrac Raw Download files (.wtd) files from one database to another, you may
receive this error. To fix this, delete or move the .wtd files from your current databases \Download directory.
Chapter 10 Troubleshooting your WinTrac Software
Installer Issues
"Setup has detected that uninstall shield is in use. Please close uninstall shield and restart setup.
Error 432."
This error will occur on some Windows systems when you try to install if you do not have full administrative
privileges. Log in to an account with administrative privileges before running the installer. You may need to
contact your system administrator to alter administrative privileges.
Installation media is corrupt. Your CD has been damaged, or is dirty. Try cleaning your CD and your CD drive.
This can happen if the Microsoft Office toolbar is left running during the installation. Re-installing WinTrac
should fix this. Note: Re-installing Microsoft Office will not fix this problem.
Microsoft Office will only install features at a later point from similar media, say: if you have Microsoft 2000
Premium, you need to use the Premium CD's, if you have Microsoft 2000 Pro, you need the Pro CD's. It will
not allow you to install the missing features from a different release.
To work around this problem, either similar CDs to those originally used to install office must be used, or
Microsoft Office could be uninstalled.
Printer Issues
If your printer supports PCL, try printing as PCL (non-postscript), add more memory to printer, or try printing at
a lower resolution (e.g. select 300dpi on a 600dpi printer).
Chapter 10 Troubleshooting your WinTrac Software
Communications Issues
Failed to communicate with TK units - check power and connections. This means that WinTrac software was
unable to establish a communications link with your TK unit. The most common reason for this is that you
have selected the wrong COM port, or the cable connecting your TK unit to your PC is not connected properly.
This means that another software application is already using the COM port that you have selected. This is
especially common on Portables, as COM port is usually taken by the Infra Red port or a pointing device, e.g.
Mouse. Select an alternative COM port, or shut down the software using the COM port that you cannot
When using a USB / Serial connection in Windows XP, the COM port is dynamic and will often change,
particularly after a laptop goes to sleep. To fix this, reboot your laptop. Then follow these steps to identify
which COM port your USB adapter is using.
1. Click Start. Move your mouse over My Computer and right click.
3. Select Device Manager on the left. On the right, double click Ports (COM and LPT)
5. Open WinTrac. Choose Global settings from the View menu. Click the Communications tab and
select the COM port that matches your USB adapter.
Customers using IBM ThinkPad laptops should ensure that the Infra Red port is disabled. The Infra Red port is
disabled using the ThinkPad Features software application found in the ThinkPad program folder.
Customers using a USB / Serial connection with out of date drivers may experience this error. Downloading
the latest drivers from the manufacturers website should resolve this problem.
Graphics Issues
To capture the WinTrac screenshot, press <Alt> and <Print Screen> keys simultaneously. This will place a
copy of the WinTrac window into your Windows Clipboard. In the Word application select Paste from the Edit
menu. A copy of WinTrac screen will be pasted into your document. You can use this technique with other
Windows applications, e.g. PowerPoint.
Chapter 10 Troubleshooting your WinTrac Software
1. Note the full file name and path of the file that you wish to attach. The full name and path of a file is
displayed in the right-hand pane of the File Management Window in WinTrac.
2. From Notes, choose the menu option Attach (or insert file from other e-mail apps)
3. Using the file name and path, locate the file to be attached. E.g. in Windows XP, if using the default
database location, the directory will be C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
Data\Thermo King\WinTracDB\Files. Within WinTrac, you can select Browse to Files from the
File menu to open a windows explorer window at that directory.
4. If you want to send a Raw Download file, you will find these files in the \Download directory under
your WinTrac database. E.g. in Windows XP, if using the default database location, you will find the
raw download files in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Thermo
Chapter 11 License Agreement
Chapter 11
License Agreement
Thank you for purchasing Thermo King WinTrac Software. It is important that you read this notice before
using this Software. If you choose not to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement, promptly
return the complete package.
This Software was developed for Thermo King Corporation and Thermo King holds an exclusive license for
the transport temperature control industry, with the right to sublicense. Thermo King is willing to let you use
this Software under the following terms and conditions listed below. Nothing contained herein shall be
deemed to convey any title or ownership interest in the Software to you.
Thermo King Corporation grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use WinTrac Software under
the following conditions:
You use the Software with a single-user system at your normal place of business.
You will not transfer, lease, or otherwise rent the Software to another party.
You will not merge, modify, or reverse-engineer the licensed Software.
You acknowledge that the Software includes proprietary information of Thermo King and the developer and
you will utilize your best efforts to protect the Software and the information it contains.
You have the right to load the contents of the installation media into a computer and you may copy the
Software solely for back-up or archival purposes.
WinTrac software is made available to you on an AS IS, WHERE IS basis, without any warranty of any kind,
expressed or implied.
Thermo King shall have no responsibility of any kind for:
the correctness of the Software.
your ability to use the Software or consequences of using the Software.
problems arising from defects in the Software.
claims of third parties arising from use by you.
any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages whatsoever. Accordingly, you shall indemnify and
hold Thermo King, its subcontractors, developers, or suppliers of any tier, harmless from any loss, liability or
expense arising out of your use of the Software.
This license agreement is in effect as long as you use the Software in your normal business. Thermo King
may terminate this agreement at any time if you are in breach of any term or condition set forth herein. You
may terminate your obligation of confidentiality by discontinuing use of the Software, erasing the Software from
your computer and returning the Software to Thermo King.
Chapter 11 License Agreement