Astm D 256
Astm D 256
Astm D 256
the notch. (See Note 4.) 1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the
NOTE 1The machines with their pendulum-type hammers have been safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
standardized in that they must comply with certain requirements, responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
including a fixed height of hammer fall that results in a substantially fixed priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
velocity of the hammer at the moment of impact. However, hammers of bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
different initial energies (produced by varying their effective weights) are
recommended for use with specimens of different impact resistance. NOTE 5These test methods resemble ISO 180:1993 in regard to title
Moreover, manufacturers of the equipment are permitted to use different only. The contents are significantly different.
lengths and constructions of pendulums with possible differences in
pendulum rigidities resulting. (See Section 5.) Be aware that other 2. Referenced Documents
differences in machine design may exist. The specimens are standard- 2.1 ASTM Standards: 2
ized in that they are required to have one fixed length, one fixed depth, D 618 Practice for Conditioning Plastics for Testing
and one particular design of milled notch. The width of the specimens is D 883 Terminology Relating to Plastics
permitted to vary between limits.
NOTE 2Results generated using pendulums that utilize a load cell to
D 3641 Practice for Injection Molding Test Specimens of
record the impact force and thus impact energy, may not be equivalent to Thermoplastic Molding and Extrusion Materials
results that are generated using manually or digitally encoded testers that D 4066 Classification System for Nylon Injection and Ex-
measure the energy remaining in the pendulum after impact. trusion Materials (PA)
NOTE 3The notch in the Izod specimen serves to concentrate the D 5947 Test Methods for Physical Dimensions of Solid
stress, minimize plastic deformation, and direct the fracture to the part of Plastics Specimens
the specimen behind the notch. Scatter in energy-to-break is thus reduced. E 691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to
However, because of differences in the elastic and viscoelastic properties
of plastics, response to a given notch varies among materials. A measure
Determine the Precision of a Test Method
of a plastics notch sensitivity may be obtained with Test Method D by 2.2 ISO Standard:
comparing the energies to break specimens having different radii at the ISO 180:1993 PlasticsDetermination of Izod Impact
base of the notch.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20 on contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Plastics and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.10 on Mechanical Standards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page on
Properties. the ASTM website.
Current edition approved March 15, 2006. Published March 2006. Originally
approved in 1926. Last previous edition approved in 2005 as D 256 - 05a.
3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions For definitions related to plastics see
Terminology D 883.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.2.1 cantilevera projecting beam clamped at only one
3.2.2 notch sensitivitya measure of the variation of impact
energy as a function of notch radius.
4. Types of Tests
4.1 Four similar methods are presented in these test meth-
ods. (See Note 6.) All test methods use the same testing
machine and specimen dimensions. There is no known means
for correlating the results from the different test methods.
NOTE 6Test Method B for Charpy has been removed and is being
revised under a new standard.
4.1.1 In Test Method A, the specimen is held as a vertical
FIG. 1 Relationship of Vise, Specimen, and Striking Edge to Each
cantilever beam and is broken by a single swing of the
Other for Izod Test Methods A and C
pendulum. The line of initial contact is at a fixed distance from
the specimen clamp and from the centerline of the notch and on
the same face as the notch. the energy-to-break materials with high values of b is highly
4.1.2 Test Method C is similar to Test Method A, except for dependent on notch radius. The parameter b cannot be used in
the addition of a procedure for determining the energy ex- design calculations but may serve as a guide to the designer
pended in tossing a portion of the specimen. The value reported and in selection of materials.
is called the estimated net Izod impact resistance. Test 4.2 Test Method E is similar to Test Method A, except that
Method C is preferred over Test Method A for materials that the specimen is reversed in the vise of the machine 180 to the
have an Izod impact resistance of less than 27 J/m [0.5 usual striking position, such that the striker of the apparatus
ftlbf/in.] under notch. (See Appendix X4 for optional units.) impacts the specimen on the face opposite the notch. (See Fig.
The differences between Test Methods A and C become 1, Fig. 2.) Test Method E is used to give an indication of the
unimportant for materials that have an Izod impact resistance unnotched impact resistance of plastics; however, results ob-
higher than this value. tained by the reversed notch method may not always agree with
4.1.3 Test Method D provides a measure of the notch those obtained on a completely unnotched specimen. (See
sensitivity of a material. The stress-concentration at the notch 28.1.)4,5
increases with decreasing notch radius. For a given system, greater stress concentration 5. Significance and Use
results in higher localized rates-of-strain. Since the effect of 5.1 Before proceeding with these test methods, reference
strain-rate on energy-to-break varies among materials, a mea- should be made to the specification of the material being tested.
sure of this effect may be obtained by testing specimens with Any test specimen preparation, conditioning, dimensions, and
different notch radii. In the Izod-type test it has been demon- testing parameters covered in the materials specification shall
strated that the function, energy-to-break versus notch radius, take precedence over those mentioned in these test methods. If
is reasonably linear from a radius of 0.03 to 2.5 mm [0.001 to there is no material specification, then the default conditions
0.100 in.], provided that all specimens have the same type of apply.
break. (See 5.8 and 22.1.) 5.2 The pendulum impact test indicates the energy to break For the purpose of this test, the slope, b (see 22.1), standard test specimens of specified size under stipulated
of the line between radii of 0.25 and 1.0 mm [0.010 and 0.040 parameters of specimen mounting, notching, and pendulum
in.] is used, unless tests with the 1.0-mm radius give non- velocity-at-impact.
break results. In that case, 0.25 and 0.50-mm [0.010 and 5.3 The energy lost by the pendulum during the breakage of
0.020-in.] radii may be used. The effect of notch radius on the the specimen is the sum of the following:
impact energy to break a specimen under the conditions of this 5.3.1 Energy to initiate fracture of the specimen;
test is measured by the value b. Materials with low values of b, 5.3.2 Energy to propagate the fracture across the specimen;
whether high or low energy-to-break with the standard notch,
are relatively insensitive to differences in notch radius; while
Supporting data giving results of the interlaboratory tests are available from
ASTM Headquarters. Request RR: D20-1021.
3 5
Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St., Supporting data giving results of the interlaboratory tests are available from
4th Floor, New York, NY 10036. ASTM Headquarters. Request RR: D20-1026.
5.3.8 Energy to indent or deform plastically the specimen at as one of the four categories listed as follows:
the line of impact; and C= Complete BreakA break where the specimen
5.3.9 Energy to overcome the friction caused by the rubbing separates into two or more pieces.
H= Hinge BreakAn incomplete break, such that one
of the striker (or other part of the pendulum) over the face of part of the specimen cannot support itself above
the bent specimen. the horizontal when the other part is held vertically
(less than 90 included angle).
5.4 For relatively brittle materials, for which fracture propa- P= Partial BreakAn incomplete break that does not
gation energy is small in comparison with the fracture initiation meet the definition for a hinge break but has frac-
energy, the indicated impact energy absorbed is, for all tured at least 90 % of the distance between the
vertex of the notch and the opposite side.
practical purposes, the sum of factors 5.3.1 and 5.3.3. The toss NB = Non-BreakAn incomplete break where the frac-
correction (see 5.3.3) may represent a very large fraction of the ture extends less than 90 % of the distance be-
total energy absorbed when testing relatively dense and brittle tween the vertex of the notch and the opposite
materials. Test Method C shall be used for materials that have
an Izod impact resistance of less than 27 J/m [0.5 ftlbf/in.]. For tough materials, the pendulum may not have the energy
(See Appendix X4 for optional units.) The toss correction necessary to complete the breaking of the extreme fibers and
obtained in Test Method C is only an approximation of the toss toss the broken piece or pieces. Results obtained from non-
error, since the rotational and rectilinear velocities may not be break specimens shall be considered a departure from stan-
the same during the re-toss of the specimen as for the original dard and shall not be reported as a standard result. Impact
toss, and because stored stresses in the specimen may have resistance cannot be directly compared for any two materials
been released as kinetic energy during the specimen fracture. that experience different types of failure as defined in the test
5.5 For tough, ductile, fiber filled, or cloth-laminated mate- method by this code. Averages reported must likewise be
rials, the fracture propagation energy (see 5.3.2) may be large derived from specimens contained within a single failure
compared to the fracture initiation energy (see 5.3.1). When category. This letter code shall suffix the reported impact
testing these materials, factors (see 5.3.2, 5.3.5, and 5.3.9) can identifying the types of failure associated with the reported
become quite significant, even when the specimen is accurately value. If more than one type of failure is observed for a sample
machined and positioned and the machine is in good condition material, then the report will indicate the average impact
The opposing anvil or presser foot shall be flat and conforming 7.1.1 Studies have shown that, for some materials, the
to Test Methods D 5947. location of the notch on the specimen and the length of the
impacted end may have a slight effect on the measured impact
7. Test Specimens resistance. Therefore, unless otherwise specified, care must be
7.1 The test specimens shall conform to the dimensions and taken to ensure that the specimen conforms to the dimensions
geometry of Fig. 6, except as modified in accordance with 7.2, shown in Fig. 6 and that it is positioned as shown in Fig. 1 or
7.3, 7.4, and 7.5. To ensure the correct contour and conditions Fig. 2.
of the specified notch, all specimens shall be notched as 7.2 Molded specimens shall have a width between 3.0 and
directed in Section 8. 12.7 mm [0.118 and 0.500 in.]. Use the specimen width as
mm in.
A 10.16 6 0.05 0.400 6 0.002
B 31.8 6 1.0 1.25 6 0.04
C 63.5 6 2.0 2.50 6 0.08
D 0.25R 6 0.05 0.010R 6 0.002
E 12.70 6 0.20 0.500 6 0.008
FIG. 6 Dimensions of Izod-Type Test Specimen
specified in the material specification or as agreed upon specimen width shall be the investigators, with due reference
between the supplier and the customer. All specimens having to the specification for that material.
one dimension less than 12.7 mm [0.500 in.] shall have the 7.2.3 Material specification should be consulted for pre-
notch cut on the shorter side. Otherwise, all compression- ferred molding conditions. The type of mold and molding
molded specimens shall be notched on the side parallel to the machine used and the flow behavior in the mold cavity will
direction of application of molding pressure. (See Fig. 6.) influence the impact resistance obtained. A specimen taken
NOTE 13While subsection 7.5 requires perpendicular pairs of plane from one end of a molded plaque may give different results
parallel surfaces, the common practice has been to accept the non-parallel than a specimen taken from the other end. Cooperating
drafted surfaces formed when directly injection molding specimens for laboratories should therefore agree on standard molds con-
Izod testing. Users must be aware that employing a trapezoidal section forming to the material specification. Practice D 3641 can be
rather than a rectangular section may lead to data shifts and scatter. used as a guide for general molding tolerances, but refer to the
Unequal stress, created by clamping in the fracture region and dynamic
twisting, caused by uneven striking of the specimen are prone to occur
material specification for specific molding conditions.
when the faces of the specimen are not parallel. Interlaboratory compari- 7.2.4 The impact resistance of a plastic material may be
sons must clearly spell out the specimen preparation conditions. different if the notch is perpendicular to, rather than parallel to,
7.2.1 Extreme care must be used in handling specimens less the direction of molding. The same is true for specimens cut
than 6.35 mm [0.250 in.] wide. Such specimens must be with or across the grain of an anisotropic sheet or plate.
accurately positioned and supported to prevent twist or lateral 7.3 For sheet materials, the specimens shall be cut from the
buckling during the test. Some materials, furthermore, are very sheet in both the lengthwise and crosswise directions unless
sensitive to clamping pressure (see Note 11). otherwise specified. The width of the specimen shall be the
7.2.2 A critical investigation of the mechanics of impact thickness of the sheet if the sheet thickness is between 3.0 and
testing has shown that tests made upon specimens under 6.35 12.7 mm [0.118 and 0.500 in.]. Sheet material thicker than 12.7
mm [0.250 in.] wide absorb more energy due to crushing, mm shall be machined down to 12.7 mm. Specimens with a
bending, and twisting than do wider specimens. Therefore, 12.7-mm square cross section may be tested either edgewise or
specimens 6.35 mm [0.250 in.] or over in width are recom- flatwise as cut from the sheet. When specimens are tested
mended. The responsibility for determining the minimum flatwise, the notch shall be made on the machined surface if the
because of the smoother cut on the specimen. The cutting edge monochromatic light.
shall be carefully ground and honed to ensure sharpness and 8.6 The specimen notch produced by each cutter will be
freedom from nicks and burrs. Tools with no rake and a work examined, at a minimum, after every 500 notches. The notch in
relief angle of 15 to 20 have been found satisfactory.
NOTE 15For some thermoplastics, cutter speeds from 53 to 150 6
Supporting data are available from ASTM Headquarters. Request RR: D20-
m/min [175 to 490 ft/min] at a feed speed of 89 to 160 mm/min [3.5 to 6.3 1066.
(Mandatory Information)
A2.1 The procedure for the calculation of the windage and L = distance from fulcrum to center of gravity of
friction correction in this annex is based on the equations pendulum, m [ft],
developed by derivation in Appendix X3. This procedure can hM = maximum height of center of gravity of pendulum
be used as a substitute for the graphical procedure described in at start of test, m [ft], and
Annex A1 and is applicable to small electronic calculator and bmax = maximum angle pendulum will travel with one
computer analysis. swing of the pendulum.
A2.2 Calculate L, the distance from the axis of support to A2.7 Measure specimen breaking energy, Es, J [ftlbf].
the center of percussion as indicated in 6.3. (It is assumed here
that the center of percussion is approximately the same as the A2.8 Calculate b for specimen measurement Es as:
center of gravity.) b 5 cos21 $1 2 [~hM/L!~1 2 E s/EM!#%
where: where:
EA = energy correction for windage of pendulum plus Is = impact resistance of specimen, J/m [ftlbf/in.] of width,
friction in dial, J [ftlbf], and
EM = full-scale reading for pendulum used, J [ftlbf], t = width of specimen or width of notch, m [in.].
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.2 Apparatus:
X1.2.1 Optical Device with minimum magnification of
603, Filar glass scale and camera attachment.
X1.2.2 Transparent Template, (will be developed in this
X1.2.3 Ruler.
X1.2.4 Compass.
X1.2.5 Plastic 454590 Drafting Set Squares (Tri-
X1.3 A transparent template must be developed for each
magnification and for each microscope used. It is preferable
that each laboratory standardize on one microscope and one
magnification. It is not necessary for each laboratory to use the
same magnification because each microscope and camera
combination has somewhat different blowup ratios.
X1.3.1 Set the magnification of the optical device at a
suitable magnification with a minimum magnification of 603.
X1.3.2 Place the Filar glass slide on the microscope plat-
form. Focus the microscope so the most distinct image of the
Filar scale is visible.
X1.3.3 Take a photograph of the Filar scale (see Fig. X1.1).
X1.3.4 Create a template similar to that shown in Fig. X1.2.
X1.3.4.1 Find the approximate center of the piece of paper. NOTE 11003 reference.
X1.3.4.2 Draw a set of perpendicular coordinates through NOTE 20.1 mm major scale; 0.01 mm minor scale.
the center point. FIG. X1.1 Filar Scale
X1.3.4.3 Draw a family of concentric circles that are spaced
according to the dimensions of the Filar scale.
X1.3.4.4 This is accomplished by first setting a mechanical adjusting knobs until the specimens notch is centered and near
compass at a distance of 0.1 mm [0.004 in.] as referenced by the bottom of the viewing area. Take a picture of the notch.
the magnified photograph of the Filar eyepiece. Subsequent X1.4.1 Determination of Notching Radius (see Fig. X1.4):
circles shall be spaced 0.02 mm apart [0.001 in.], as rings with X1.4.1.1 Place the picture on a sheet of paper. Position the
the outer ring being 0.4 mm [0.016 in.] from the center. picture so that bottom of the notch in the picture faces
X1.3.5 Photocopy the paper with the concentric circles to downwards and is about 64 mm [2.5 in.] from the bottom of the
make a transparent template of the concentric circles. paper. Tape the picture down to the paper.
X1.3.6 Construct Fig. X1.3 by taking a second piece of
X1.4.1.2 Draw two lines along the sides of the notch
paper and find its approximate center and mark this point.
projecting down to a point where they intersect below Notch
Draw one line through this center point. Label this line zero
Point I (see Fig. X1.4).
degree (0). Draw a second line perpendicular to the first line
X1.4.1.3 Open the compass to about 51 mm [2 in.]. Using
through this center point. Label this line 90. From the center
Point I as a reference, draw two arcs intersecting both sides of
draw a line that is 44 degrees relative to the 0. Label the line
the notch (see Fig. X1.4). These intersections are called 1a and
44. Draw another line at 46. Label the line 46.
X1.4 Place a microscope glass slide on the microscope X1.4.1.4 Close the compass to about 38 mm [1.5 in.]. Using
platform. Place the notched specimen on top of the slide. Focus Point 1a as the reference point draw an arc (2a) above the
the microscope. Move the specimen around using the platform notch, draw a second arc (2b) that intersects with arc 2a at
X2.1 This calibration procedure applies specifically to the X2.9 Insert and clamp the bar described in X2.8 in a
Izod impact machine. However, much of this procedure can be vertical position in the center of the vise so that the notch in the
applied to the Charpy impact machine as well. bar is slightly below the top edge of the vise. Place a thin film
of oil on the striking edge of the pendulum with an oiled tissue
X2.2 Locate the impact machine on a sturdy base. It shall and let the striking edge rest gently against the bar. The striking
not walk on the base and the base shall not vibrate appre- edge should make contact across the entire width of the bar. If
ciably. Loss of energy from vibrations will give high readings. only partial contact is made, examine the vise and pendulum
It is recommended that the impact tester be bolted to a base for the cause. If the cause is apparent, make the appropriate
having a mass of at least 23 kg if it is used at capacities higher correction. If no cause is apparent, remove the striker and shim
than 2.7 J [2 ftlbf]. up or grind its back face to realign the striking edge with the
surface of the bar.
X2.3 Check the level of the machine in both directions in
the plane of the base with spirit levels mounted in the base, by X2.10 Check the oil line on the face of the bar for
a machinists level if a satisfactory reference surface is horizontal setting of striking edge within tan1 0.002 with a
available, or with a plumb bob. The machine should be made machinists square.
level to within tan1 0.001 in the plane of swing and to within
tan1 0.002 in the plane perpendicular to the swing. X2.11 Without taking the bar of X2.8 from the vise of the
machine, scratch a thin line at the top edge of the vise on the
X2.4 With a straightedge and a feeler gauge or a depth face opposite the striking face of the bar. Remove the bar from
gauge, check the height of the movable vise jaw relative to the the vise and transfer this line to the striking face, using a
fixed vise jaw. It must match the height of the fixed vise jaw machinists square. The distance from the striking oil line to
within 0.08 mm [0.003 in.]. the top edge of the vise should be 22 6 0.05 mm [0.87 6 0.002
in.]. Correct with shims or grinding, as necessary, at the bottom
X2.5 Contact the machine manufacturer for a procedure to of the vise.
ensure the striker radius is in tolerance (0.80 6 0.20 mm) (see
6.3). X2.12 When the pendulum is hanging free in its lowest
position, the energy reading must be within 0.2 % of full scale.
X2.6 Check the transverse location of the center of the
pendulum striking edge that shall be within 0.40 mm [0.016 X2.13 Insert the bar of X2.8 into the vise and clamp it
in.] of the center of the vise. Readjust the shaft bearings or tightly in a vertical position. When the striking edge is held in
relocate the vise, or straighten the pendulum shaft as necessary contact with the bar, the energy reading must be within 0.2 %
to attain the proper relationship between the two centers. of full scale.
X2.7 Check the pendulum arm for straightness within 1.2 X2.14 Swing the pendulum to a horizontal position and
mm [0.05 in.] with a straightedge or by sighting down the support it by the striking edge in this position with a vertical
shaft. Allowing the pendulum to slam against the catch bar. Allow the other end of this bar to rest at the center of a load
sometimes bends the arm especially when high-capacity pan on a balanced scale. Subtract the weight of the bar from the
weights are on the pendulum. total weight to find the effective weight of the pendulum. The
effective pendulum weight should be within 0.4 % of the
X2.8 Insert vertically and center with a locating jig and required weight for that pendulum capacity. If weight must be
clamp in the vise a notched machined metal bar 12.7-mm added or removed, take care to balance the added or removed
[0.500-in.] square, having opposite sides parallel within 0.025 weight without affecting the center of percussion relative to the
mm [0.001 in.] and a length of 60 mm [2.4 in.]. Check the bar striking edge. It is not advisable to add weight to the opposite
for vertical alignment within tan1 0.005 in both directions side of the bearing axis from the striking edge to decrease the
with a small machinists level. Shim up the vise, if necessary, effective weight of the pendulum since the distributed mass can
to correct for errors in the plane of pendulum swing, using care lead to large energy losses from vibration of the pendulum.
to preserve solid support for the vise. For errors in the plane
perpendicular to the plane of pendulum swing, machine the X2.15 Calculate the effective length of the pendulum arm,
inside face of the clamp-type locating jig for correct alignment or the distance to the center of percussion from the axis of
if this type of jig is used. If a blade-type jig is used, use shims rotation, by the procedure in Note 9. The effective length must
or grind the base of the vise to bring the top surface level. be within the tolerance stated in 6.6.
depth of the plastic material remaining in the specimen under exceed the specified tolerance.
the notch shall be 10.16 6 0.05 mm [0.400 6 0.002 in.]. Use
a jig to position the specimen correctly in the vise. When the X2.23 The top edges of the fixed and moveable jaws of the
specimen is clamped in place, the center of the notch should be vise shall have a radius of 0.25 6 0.12 mm [0.010 6 0.005 in.].
within 0.12 mm [0.005 in.] of being in line with the top of the Depending upon whether Test Method A, C, D, or E is used, a
fixed surface of the vise and the specimen should be centered stress concentration may be produced as the specimen breaks.
midway within 0.40 mm [0.016 in.] between the sides of the Consequently, the top edge of the fixed and moveable jaw
clamping faces. The notched face should be the striking face of needs to be carefully examined.
the specimen for the Izod test. Under no circumstances during
X2.24 If a brittle unfilled or granular-filled plastic bar such
the breaking of the specimen should the top of the specimen
as a general-purpose wood-flour-filled phenolic material is
touch the pendulum except at the striking edge.
available, notch and break a set of bars in accordance with
X2.18 If a clamping-type locating jig is used, examine the these test methods. Examine the surface of the break of each
clamping screw in the locating jig. If the thread has a loose fit bar in the vise. If the break is flat and smooth across the top
the specimen may not be correctly positioned and may tend to surface of the vise, the condition of the machine is excellent.
creep as the screw is tightened. A burred or bent point on the Considerable information regarding the condition of an impact
screw may also have the same effect. machine can be obtained by examining the broken sections of
specimens. No weights should be added to the pendulum for
X2.19 If a pointer and dial mechanism is used to indicate the preceding tests.
the energy, the pointer friction should be adjusted so that the
pointer will just maintain its position anywhere on the scale. X2.25 The machine should not be used to indicate more
The striking pin of the pointer should be securely fastened to than 85 % of the energy capacity of the pendulum. Extra
the pointer. Friction washers with glazed surfaces should be weight added to the pendulum will increase available energy of
replaced with new washers. Friction washers should be on the machine. This weight must be added so as to maintain the
either side of the pointer collar. A heavy metal washer should center of percussion within the tolerance stated in 6.4. Correct
back the last friction washer installed. Pressure on this metal effective weight for any range can be calculated as follows:
washer is produced by a thin-bent, spring washer and locknuts. W 5 Ep/h
If the spring washer is placed next to the fiber friction washer
the pointer will tend to vibrate during impact.
X2.20 The free-swing reading of the pendulum (without W = effective pendulum weight, N [lbf] (see X2.14),
specimen) from the latched height should be less than 2.5 % of Ep = potential or available energy of the machine, J [ftlbf],
pendulum capacity on the first swing. If the reading is higher and
than this, then the friction in the indicating mechanism is h = vertical distance of fall of the pendulum striking edge,
excessive or the bearings are dirty. To clean the bearings, dip m [ft] (see X2.16).
them in grease solvent and spin-dry in an air jet. Clean the Each 4.5 N [1 lbf] of added effective weight increases the
bearings until they spin freely, or replace them. Oil very lightly capacity of the machine by 2.7 J [2 ftlbf].
with instrument oil before replacing. A reproducible method of NOTE X2.1If the pendulum is designed for use with add-on weight, it
starting the pendulum from the proper height must be devised. is recommended that it be obtained through the equipment manufacturer.
X3.4 The maximum energy of the pendulum is the potential X3.12 Nomenclature:
energy at the start of the test, EM, or
EM 5 hMWpg (X3.4) b = intercept of total correction energy straight line,
EA = energy correction, including both pendulum wind-
X3.5 The potential energy gained by the pendulum, Ep, is
age plus dial friction, J,
related to the absorption of energy of a specimen, Es, by the EB = energy correction for pendulum windage only, J,
following equation: EM = maximum energy of the pendulum (at the start of
EM 2 E s 5 E p (X3.5) test), J,
Ep = potential energy gain of pendulum from the pendu-
X3.6 Combining Eq X3.3-X3.5 gives the following: lum rest position, J,
~EM 2 Es!/EM 5 L/hM ~1 2 cos b! (X3.6) Es = uncorrected breaking energy of specimen, J,
ETC = total energy correction for a given breaking energy,
X3.7 Solving Eq X3.6 for b gives the following: Es, J,
b 5 cos1$1 2 [~hM/L!~1 2 Es/EM!#% (X3.7) g = acceleration of gravity, m/s2,
h = distance center of gravity of pendulum rises verti-
X3.8 From Fig. X3.2, the total energy correction ETC is cally from the rest position of the pendulum, m,
given as: hM = maximum height of the center of gravity of the
ETC 5 mb 1 b (X3.8) pendulum, m,
m = slope of total correction energy straight line,
X3.9 But at the zero point of the pendulum potential L = distance from fulcrum to center of gravity of pen-
energy: dulum, m,
EB/2 5 m~0! 1 b (X3.9)
Wp = weight of pendulum, as determined in X2.14, kg,
or: b = angle of pendulum position from the pendulum rest
b 5 EB/2 (X3.10) position.
X4.1 Joules per metre (J/m) cannot be converted directly X4.2.1 Example 1:
into kJ/m2. Note that the optional units of kJ/m2[ftlbf/in.2] may 1 ftlbf/39.37 in. = 1.356 J/m
also be required; therefore, the cross-sectional area under the 1 ftlbf/in. = (39.37)(1.356) J/m
1 ftlbf/in. = 53.4 J/m
notch must be reported. 1 ftlbf/in. = 0.0534 kJ/m
X4.2.2 Example 2:
X4.2 The following examples are approximations:
1 ftlbf/1550 in.2 = 1.356 J/m2
1 ftlbf/in.2 = (1550)(1.356) J/m2
1 ftlbf/in.2 = 2101 J/m2
1 ftlbf/in.2 = 2.1 kJ/m2
Committee D20 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue, D 256 - 05a,
that may impact the use of this standard. (March 15, 2006)
(1) Revised 6.10, 10.3, and 10.3.4. (2) Editorially corrected Fig. 6.
Committee D20 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue, D 256 - 05,
that may impact the use of this standard. (November 1, 2005)
(1) Revised 5.2, 5.3.7, 6.1, 6.10, 6.11, 10.3.1, 10.7, and Note (2) Editorially corrected 1.1 and the titles of Table 1 and Table
21. 2.
Committee D20 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue, D 256 - 04,
that may impact the use of this standard. (January 1, 2005.)
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in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website