Minutes of SC Meeting 01-02-2017

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Minutes of the meeting of Screening Committee held on

01/02/2017 for probation clearance of Skilled Work

of Snow Hydrology Division, CWC, Shimla
Meeting of Screening Committee constituted by Director, M&A Directorate, CWC, Shimla
vide letter no. MAS/ACP/163/79-82 dated 24/01/2017 held on 01/02/2017 at 14:30 Hrs. in
the chamber of Director, M&A, CWC, Shimla (HP).
The Screening Committee comprises of following members:-
1 Shri Anant Kumar Gupta, Director, M&A Dte., CWC, Shimla Chairman
2 Shri Prem Kishore Rawat, Executive Engineer, Snow Hydrology Division, Member
. CWC, Shimla Secretary
3 Shri H.P. Chaurasia, Asstt. Executive Engineer, Snow Hydrology Division, Member
. CWC, Shimla
4 Shri D.R. Sharma, Sub Divisional Engineer, Snow Hydrology Sub Member
. Division, CWC, Shimla

Agenda Item No. 1: Probation clearance of Skilled Work Assistant

Shri Yuv Raj, Shri Vinod Kumar, Shri Kapil Choudhary and Shri Surender Singh Samant were
appointed as Skilled Work Assistant and joined CWC in year 2013. They were on probation
for a period of two years. Their probation clearance was due from year 2015 as given
S. Name S/Shri Designatio Reference to Date of Joining Date of
No n Letter of Confirmation
. Appointment
1 Yuv Raj Skilled SHD/103/2013/823 05-06-2013 06-06-2015
Work -831 dated (A.N.) (F.N.)
Assistant 01/06/2013
2 Vinod Kumar Skilled SHD/103/2013/159 22-11-2013 22-11-2015
Work 9-1608 dated (F.N.) (A.N.)
Assistant 12/11/2013
3 Kapil Skilled SHD/103/2013/160 22-11-2013 23-11-2015
Choudhary Work 9-1618 dated (A.N.) (F.N.)
Assistant 12/11/2013
4 Surender Skilled SHD/103/2013/158 27-11-2013 27-11-2015
Singh Work 9-1598 dated (F.N.) (F.N.)
Samant Assistant 12/11/2013

Screening Committee examined the Check List Proforma, Bio-Data, Service Books,
vigilance clearances and Assessment reports for the Year 2013-14, 2014-15 & 2015-16 of
following Skilled Work Assistant and found that they are meeting eligibility criteria for
clearance of their probation.

Therefore, Screening Committee, recommended the name of Shri Yuv Raj, Shri
Vinod Kumar, Shri Kapil Choudhary and Shri Surender Singh Samant for probation
clearance with effect from the dates shown against their names in Table above.
Signature of Screening Committee as on 01/02/2017 at Shimla (H.P.)

(D.R. Sharma) (H.P. Chaurasia) (Prem Kishore

Sub Divisional Engineer Asstt. Executive Engineer, Executive
SHSD, CWC, Shimla Snow Hydrology Division, CWC, Snow Hydrology
Division, CWC,
Shimla Shimla

(Anant Kumar Gupta)

Director, M&A Dte., CWC, Shimla

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