WAsP 7 Help Facility
WAsP 7 Help Facility
WAsP 7 Help Facility
Mortensen, Niels Gylling; Heathfield, D.N.; Landberg, Lars; Rathmann, Ole Steen; Troen, Ib; Lundtang
Petersen, Erik
Publication date:
Document Version
Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record
Link to publication
Citation (APA):
Mortensen, N. G., Heathfield, D. N., Landberg, L., Rathmann, O., Troen, I., & Lundtang Petersen, E. (2001).
Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program: WAsP 7 Help Facility. Roskilde: Ris National Laboratory.
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In 1987 the Wind Energy and Atmospheric Physics Department at Ris National Laboratory introduced
WAsP a powerful tool for wind data analysis, wind atlas generation, wind climate estimation and
siting of wind turbines. Over the years, the program has become the industry standard for wind
resource assessment and siting of wind turbines and wind farms and it has been employed in more
than 70 countries all over the world.
A new release of this indispensable tool for everybody working with wind energy is now available
WAsP for Windows 95, 98, NT 4 and 2000. The program has been developed by the same team who
worked out the Danish Windatlas, the European Wind Atlas and previous versions of the WAsP
The algorithms at the heart of the WAsP software have been tested and applied for more than 15
years in many different parts of the world. As time has passed, most of our efforts have been devoted
to refining the WAsP algorithms and supporting the existing software. Meanwhile, user interface
design standards have moved on. Many users (and prospective users) have indicated their desire for a
new, modern, user interface. WAsP 7 is intended to meet these demands.
WAsP is 100% 32-bit Windows software, which runs under Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0
and Windows 2000. It conforms to standard windows software user-interface conventions, making it
easy to learn and easy to use.
We recommend that you work through the Quick Start Tutorial to see for yourself what WAsP 7 is all
about. If you're already using the existing DOS versions of WAsP, you might read on here before
entering the tutorial.
With the release of WAsP 7, we also plan to handle feedback and support in a much more systematic
and dynamic way than before. The main focal point for these efforts will be the WAsP home page.
Among other things, we plan to maintain a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), a list of Known
Issues, a list of User Requested Features as well as information on our own ideas for the future
development of WAsP. Last, but not least, there will be a Download Page where you can download the
latest version of the software and help file. Users who do not have access to the Internet may receive
free updates on disk.
As it says in the License Agreement and Copyright Statement, the WAsP software is provided 'as is'
and 'does not represent a commitment on the part of Ris National Laboratory' etc. However, we are
of course aware that the programs may contain errors, programming bugs and inconsistencies
especially with the introduction of this major upgrade. Therefore, we guarantee that we will do our
best to check, maintain and correct the programs in the WAsP package, and that we'll make available
or distribute corrected versions to registered users of the software.
We wish you the best of luck with your wind projects and hope WAsP 7 can help you reach your goals.
The WAsP team at Ris
What is WAsP?
WAsP is a PC-program for the vertical and horizontal extrapolation of wind climate statistics. It
contains several models to describe the wind flow over different terrains and close to sheltering
obstacles. WAsP consists of five main calculation blocks:
Analysis of raw data. This option enables an analysis of any time-series of wind measurements to
provide a statistical summary of the observed, site-specific wind climate. This part is implemented in a
separate tool, the Observed Wind Climate (OWC) Wizard.
Generation of wind atlas data. Analyzed wind data can be converted into wind atlas data sets. In a
wind atlas data set the wind observations have been 'cleaned' with respect to site-specific conditions.
The wind atlas data sets are site-independent and the wind distributions have been reduced to some
standard conditions.
Wind climate estimation. Using a wind atlas data set calculated by WAsP or one obtained from
another source e.g. the European Wind Atlas the program can estimate the wind climate at any
specific point by performing the inverse calculation as is used to generate a wind atlas. By introducing
descriptions of the terrain around the predicted site, the models can predict the actual, expected wind
climate at this site.
Estimation of wind power potential. The total energy content of the mean wind is also calculated
by WAsP. Furthermore, an estimate of the actual, annual mean energy production of a wind turbine
can be obtained by providing WAsP with the power curve of the wind turbine in question.
Calculation of wind farm production. Given the thrust coefficient curve of the wind turbine and the
wind farm layout, WAsP can finally estimate the wake losses for each turbine in the farm and thereby
the net annual energy production of each wind turbine and of the entire farm, i.e. the gross
production minus the wake losses.
The program thus contains analysis and application parts, which may be summarised as follows:
time-series of wind speed and direction > wind statistics
wind statistics + site description > wind atlas data sets
wind atlas data sets + site description > estimated wind climate
estimated wind climate + power curve > estimated power production
Wind farm production
estimated power productions + wind turbine / farm characteristics > gross and net annual
energy production of each turbine and of entire wind farm
The WAsP models and the wind atlas methodology are described in more detail in the European Wind
WAsP 7 installation
This brief guide describes the installation procedure for WAsP, version 7.2. Great care has been taken
to ensure that the installation will run successfully, but as with all Windows software installations,
there is a risk that running it could upset the normal functioning of your system. It is strongly
recommended that you exercise some caution in choosing when to run the installation program.
Please contact the WAsP team at Ris before installing if you need any specific advice.
To use the full range of features in a software product from Ris, you must have a valid product
licence. The installation is therefore divided into two separate steps:
Association. A recent download of this entire home page is provided for your perusal on the WAsP
distribution disk, in the folder \Windpower. The pages exist in English, German, French, Spanish and
Danish, and may be read with Internet Explorer 4 or Netscape 4, or later. To start reading, Open the
file index.htm in either of the five folders English, Deutsch, Francais, Espanol or Dansk. The actual
home page can of course also be accessed over the Internet.
This comprehensive source of information is brought to you by courtesy of the Danish Wind Turbine
Manufacturers Association. Please observe the copyright statements and other conditions for use
given in the pages.
Software requirements
Before installing WAsP, you should check the following points carefully.
Windows 95 version
If you're running Windows 95, check the Windows version. Invoke Settings in the Start menu, then
Control Panel and in the control panel choose 'System'. In the General page under the heading
'System', you will find the actual version of Windows 95. The version number, e.g. 4.00.950, should
be followed by an 'A' or a 'B', meaning that Service Pack 1 or 2 has been installed.
If this is not the case, you should get Windows 95 Service Pack 1 from the Microsoft Download Center.
The download is free of charge. Be sure to get the right International Language Update if you are not
using the standard English version of Windows 95.
Internet Explorer version
If you're running Windows 95 or NT 4.0, make sure that you have Internet Explorer 4 or later
installed. If not, you may install an English version from the WAsP CD: Run Ie5setup.exe in the
directory \IE5 (or Ie4setup.exe in the directory \IE4) and follow the instructions. A 'minimal'
installation is sufficient and we further recommend not to install the Active Desktop.
If you have an International Language version of Windows 95 and Internet Explorer, you should get
the corresponding update at Microsofts Download Center and not install it from the WAsP CD. Internet
Explorer 4 or 5 may update some of your system files and is required for full functionality of the WAsP
licence manager and help facility.
If you're running Windows 98 you don't need to install Internet Explorer.
Minimum software requirements
The minimum requirements for installing and running WAsP successfully are thus Windows 95A and
Internet Explorer 4.
You should also read the 'License Agreement for the use of WAsP' before installing the program.
Installing the WAsP software
First, close all active programs on the PC. Then, if you're upgrading from an earlier WAsP version:
Except for Windows 98, ensure IE is installed (at least version 4.0)
Install the WAsP 7 programs from this CD
WAsP can be installed from the CD by invoking Wasp7Setup.exe and MapEditorInstall.exe. Invoke
these files using Run in the Start menu. And, as with any other power tool: 'read, understand and
follow the instructions' in this case those given by the installation programs. Agree to the default
values and folders suggested by the installation programs unless you are absolutely confident with
what you are doing.
WAsP, some utility programs and sample data files will be installed in the folder \Program Files\Wasp
and several sub-folders. They will also appear in the Start menu, in a 'WAsP' folder under the
Programs menu item. This folder should contain seven installed items:
For fast and easy access to the WAsP software, you can also make short-cuts to the programs on your
Windows desktop, e.g.
You apply for a product licence unlock code by sending us your machine ID number.
We send you your product licence unlock code.
You enter the product licence unlock code to install the licence.
The unlock code and user name information is sent to you by Ris and must be entered exactly as it is
written by Ris; including spaces, special characters and punctuation marks use copy and paste to
transfer this information. When the user name and license unlock code have been entered correctly,
WAsP can be executed.
The User Name can be displayed any time in the WAsP Help menu under the menu point WAsP on
this computer...
This information window further contains the version numbers of the installed components.
Running WAsP
We suggest you start by reading through the 'Introduction' section of the WAsP help facility. If you are
already using the existing DOS versions of WAsP, you might read on in the 'Notes for users of
previous versions' section. Next, we recommend that you work through the Quick Start Tutorial to
see for yourself what WAsP is all about.
The documentation and User's Guide to the WAsP program are contained in the WAsP help facility.
Here you should be able to find most of the information required to run WAsP.
If you have problems using the WAsP software please send an e-mail to the WAsP support staff. If you
do not have e-mail, you may send a fax to the number given here.
You should also check the list of known issues at the WAsP home page and/or the list of Frequently
Asked Questions, which will be introduced and maintained at the same Web address.
Keeping your installation up to date
The latest version of the WAsP program may be downloaded from the WAsP download page in the
form of an update file to the main installation on the CD-ROM. Note, that it will only run on the PC
computer where the original WAsP installation was made. Updates of other WAsP files and programs
may be available as well (WAsP Help Facility, RIX etc.).
Great care is taken to ensure that WAsP installations and updates will run successfully, but as with all
Windows software installations, there is a risk that running it could upset the normal functioning of
your system. It is recommended that you exercise some caution in choosing when to update your
WAsP installation. Please contact the WAsP team before updating if you need any specific advice.
The latest version of Internet Explorer is available from Microsoft's Download Center. You may also
visit Microsoft's Windows Update site to download and install the latest Windows updates for your
A more detailed list of fixes and changes in WAsP 7.2 (relative to version 7.0 released in Feb 2000) is
given below (last update 2001-08-21):
Added executable binary version of Licence Manager (in case of problems with HTML version)
Licence manager HTML pages now run OK under Internet Explorer 4 as well as under IE5.
Can run the application without a licence installed now, but no calculations ... (!!)
Embedded Help
Workspace hierarchy tree members can now appear without type names
Default discretization bin width's set to 1/1000 of the raw data units
Fixed erroneous rounding by the OWC wizard of some values to integers (min and max speed)
OWC Window display now deals correctly with bin width not equal to one
OWC Wizard deals more elegantly if number of valid selected entries is zero
Roughness description
Bad problem with reading roughness rose files from DOS WAsP now fixed
Roughness descriptions using the "comma and gaps for missing data" format now read in
Cut and paste from wind farm window lists now has correct tabbing
Can import wind farm from a text file list of position pairs (such as could be produced from
Excel easily)
Correct naming of new or imported site locations for wind farms from rsf- and text-files
Air density setting facility withdrawn from the wind farm wake modeling. In case of an old
wind farm file containing a non-standard air density specification, this specification is cancelled
and the user is informed that this option is not supported. The effect of non-standard air
density must be taken into account by using an air-density specific turbine power curve.
Wake modeling calculation now has progress monitor and can be interrupted
Wind farm now correctly saves specific height setting and restores it.
An algorithmic inaccuracy occurring for wind distributions with high Weibull A-parameters,
sometimes resulting in small negative wake losses, has been fixed.
The wake effect module algorithm has been revised to give full consistency with the WAsP
kernel. Two different methods can be used to calculate the all-directions AEP :
In the wake effect module the difference between these methods has been dealt with by
"harmonizing" the latter, and no warning nor error message is issued in case the difference is
"large". In a later version of WAsP a switch will be introduced to enable the user to choose
between the two options for the WAsP kernel (wake-effect-free production) and the wake
effect calculation in common.
Other objects
All problems with blank extra lines in trb and pow files now fixed
Obstacles are now inserted to the bottom of the list, not the top
Computational/algorithmic core
Fixes the 'Cairo' bug: A wind atlas can now be produced without a specified map, i.e. a flat
terrain with a constant (default) roughness length of 0.03 m is assumed.
Fixes the 'Fulla' bug (no more mysterious DOS windows popping up!)
Fixed bugs regarding memory allocation in connection with non-default azimuthal resolutions.
Increased working memory sizes to fix 'Too large map file' errors
In the AEP (Annual Energy Production) calculation algorithm, a minor inaccuracy, resulting in a
slight overestimation in case of very "high" Weibull distributions, has been fixed.
WAsP 7.2 may now treat very detailed orography description in a map, i.e. densely spaced
height contour lines within the calculational domain around a site being treated. Such
conditions have in previous versions caused the calculation to break down when analyzing an
observed wind climate (i.e. creating a regional wind climate *.lib), or when calculating wind
resources at a site (in connection with single turbines, wind farms or wind resource grids).
Fortunately, this annoying limitation has now been removed.
Known issues
With the release of WAsP 7, the Park model has been included in the WAsP program through the wind
farm member. In some respects, the wind farm model acts as a separate model and it also has its
own settings and dump file.
It is important to note the following:
WAsP uses an air density of 1.225 kgm-3 when calculating power density. Similarly, power
production is calculated for this standard air density if one of the sample power curves is used.
Only if the power curve is specified for the actual site air density, or an existing power curve
has been scaled to the site air density (this is only recommended for some turbines though),
will the wind turbine power production calculated by WAsP correspond to this air density.
When invoking Edit in map editor from the map's right-click menu, any changes to the map
are not automatically used in WAsP; the map must be saved from the map editor and reloaded
into WAsP for the changes to take place.
You should also check the list of known issues at the WAsP home page.
License Agreement
This License Agreement is made by and between Ris National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark
(hereinafter referred to as Licensor) and the Licensee.
The WAsP program is password-protected. By installing the software and entering a unique user name
and product unlock code, the Licensee is agreeing to become bound by the terms of this License
The WAsP program and associated software has been developed by Licensor and the copyright in this
software and its associated documentation is owned by Ris National Laboratory. These rights cover
every part and further developments of the program, associated software and written documentation.
The WAsP software is hereinafter referred to as the Licensed Software.
Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-transferable and non-exclusive single-user license to use the
Licensed Software on any one computer which is under the Licensee's control and to make two copies
for back-up purposes only in support of the permitted use. The copies must reproduce and include the
Licensor's copyright notice.
Licensee agrees not to disclose, provide or otherwise make available the Licensed Software to any
third party.
The WAsP program, User's Guide and associated software are distributed by Ris National Laboratory.
Orders must be sent to this organisation and all questions, correspondence etc. should be addressed
to Ris National Laboratory. All users will be filed by Ris and additional information, updates of the
software etc. will be distributed according to these files.
Limited warranty
The Licensed Software is provided to Licensee 'as is' and without any warranty. Licensor warrants the
disk(s) on which the software is furnished to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under
normal use for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of delivery.
Limited liability
In no event shall Licensor be liable for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings, or other
incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the software, even if
Licensor has been advised of the possibility of such damage, or for any claim by any other party.
Licensee shall indemnify and hold harmless Licensor for any alleged liability.
Applicable law
This License Agreement shall be governed by Danish law.
Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be settled by the Maritime and
Commercial Court of Copenhagen.
The WAsP program was originally developed, designed and implemented by Ib Troen, Niels G.
Mortensen and Erik L. Petersen from Ris National Laboratory, with financial support from the
Commission of the European Communities (DGXII).
The present Windows-version was developed by a team consisting of Lars Landberg, Niels G.
Mortensen and Ole Rathmann from the Wind Energy Department at Ris, Sofus S. Mortensen from
Lambda Soft (DK) and Duncan N. Heathfield from World in a Box Limited (UK).
The ruggedness index concept was developed and tested by Anthony J. Bowen from the University of
Canterbury, New Zealand.
Artistic drawings by Sren Rasmussen.
The help facility can be invoked and used in two different ways: as context-sensitive help or as a
stand-alone application/document.
The help facility is far from static, but is being developed continuously. New versions will be made
available at the WAsP home page and you'll receive a notification when this happens if you have
informed us about your e-mail address.
Context-sensitive help
Pressing the F1-key on your keyboard invokes context-sensitive help for the active window or dialog.
This works in the WAsP program as well as for the Observed Wind Climate Wizard. The WAsP map
editor has its own help facility.
From the WAsP program you are guided directly to the User's Guide of the help facility; to a point
from which you should be able to find the answer you're looking for. Use the Contents tab to
navigate the help facility via the table of contents, or use the related topics controls present on most
F1-help entry pages.
As an example, the obstacle window entry page has the following two controls:
You can also use the Index tab to navigate via the keywords of the index or you can use the full-text
search facility by choosing Search.
The help facility can be browsed in several ways: you may use the Contents tab to navigate the help
facility via the table of contents, or you may use the Index tab to navigate via the keywords of the
index. Finally, you may use the full-text search facility by choosing Search.
In the different topics of the help facility you may find links to other topics and to Web pages; these
can be invoked directly with the left-hand button of the mouse. Links to e-mail addresses will start
your e-mail application when invoked.
Topics and entire books can be printed when choosing the Print menu point.
Note also, that the terminology used in WAsP has been changed slightly: we have tried to avoid any
sloppy uses of the terms 'energy' and 'power' as well as some related terms.
Major changes in the second release (June 1999) compared to the first general release (March 1999)
are described here.
We also aim at providing more sample data and example projects with the WAsP package.
Bibliographical reference
Title: Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program: WAsP 7 Help Facility
Authors: Niels G. Mortensen, Duncan N. Heathfield*, Lars Landberg, Ole Rathmann, Ib Troen
and Erik L. Petersen
Ris National Laboratory and *World in a Box Ltd
ISBN: 87-550-2941-8
Department: Wind Energy Department, Ris National Laboratory
Date: September 2001
Topics: 291
Tables: 11
Illustrations: 229
References: 26
Abstract: The Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program (WAsP) is a PC-program for horizontal
and vertical extrapolation of wind data. The program contains a complete set of models to calculate
the effects on the wind of sheltering obstacles, surface roughness changes and terrain height
variations. The analysis part consists of a transformation of an observed wind climate (speed and
direction distributions) to a wind atlas data set. The wind atlas data set can subsequently be applied
for estimation of the wind climate and wind power potential, as well as for siting of specific wind
turbines. The WAsP 7 Help Facility includes a Quick Start Tutorial, a User's Guide and a Technical
Reference. It further includes descriptions of the Observed Wind Climate Wizard, the WAsP map editor
tool, the Air Density Calculator, the RIX program for calculating the ruggedness index of a site in
complex terrain and the DXF Translator.
Please refer to: Mortensen, N.G., D.N. Heathfield, L. Landberg, O. Rathmann, I. Troen and E.L.
Petersen (2001). Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program: WAsP 7 Help Facility. Ris National
Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark. 291 topics. ISBN 87-550-2941-8.
This section of the WAsP help facility is intended to provide a very brief introduction to the essential
features and uses of WAsP.
A concise explanation of the most basic techniques is followed by a simple step-by-step example.
New users will get an idea of what WAsP is for and how to use it. Existing users of older versions of
WAsP will be introduced to the new ways of working.
The Quick Start Tutorial starts here.
Just the basics...
This section is not intended to be a complete guide to using WAsP. Instead, you are introduced to just
enough of the basics to let you work through the simple step-by-step example.
Read through the following sections in order
WAsP workspaces
Working with the workspace hierarchy
Saving the workspace members
Two white window 'panes' have appeared on the left-hand side of the main window: the workspace
hierarchy and the library. The library pane simply makes it faster to find files. It is explained
elsewhere in the documentation. For now, ignore the library pane and concentrate on the workspace
hierarchy, which is the most important area of the program.
Now read about Working with the workspace hierarchy.
Click with the right hand mouse button on the workspace icon.
A small 'pop-up' menu appears. Select Insert new.
Another menu appears. Select Project.
Every member of the hierarchy has a right-click menu. Most members' right-click menus include
insertion sub-menus.
Select Insert from file from the first projects pop-up menu
Select Map from the insertion sub-menu
A file-choice dialog box appears. Select the file called 'Waspdale.map'
You may have to navigate to the folder containing the sample data, which was created when you
installed WAsP. The map is now a member of the hierarchy, as a child of the first project.
To view the map:
The map window appears in the right-hand side of the main window.
Most members in the hierarchy have an associated window in addition to the simple icon, which is
displayed in the hierarchy itself.
All members of the hierarchy (except the hierarchy root) can be inserted, moved around or deleted.
You can re-organise the existing hierarchy members by dragging them around with the mouse. To
move the map so that it is a child of the workspace root, simply drag the map icon onto the
workspace icon.
The map and the project are now both children of the workspace root. There are constraints on where
different types of hierarchy member can be placed in the hierarchy, but most types of member
(including maps) are allowed to be children of the workspace root.
You have already learned the most important techniques for working with WAsP!
It is largely a matter of manipulating the members of the workspace hierarchy using the mouse.
Learning to use WAsP is now simply a question of getting to know the various members of the
workspace hierarchy and understanding how to use them.
Now read about Saving the workspace and members.
Saving the workspace and members
Each member of the workspace has an associated data file. When you work with a hierarchy member
in WAsP, you are dealing with a copy of the data and you can make changes to anything. The changes
to the data are not written to the file unless you save them.
You can save changes to most individual hierarchy members by using their right-click menu:
Every WAsP workspace and every WAsP project is stored in its own folder on your computer. So, when
you first save a project or workspace you need to provide the name of a new folder rather than a file
name. A special dialog box appears to help you do this:
When you press OK, a new folder with that name is automatically created, and a new workspace file
with the same name is placed into the folder. You are now invited to save the project too.
To save the project:
You can save whole branches of the workspace hierarchy in a single operation. For example, if you
save a project, any changes to any of the children of the project are automatically saved too. (That's
why, in the example above, you were invited to save the project, even though you had only asked to
save the workspace.
At any time, you can save the whole workspace by clicking on the Save workspace icon in the
main toolbar. Any new files, which you create in the context of a project or a workspace, are (by
default) saved to the project or workspace folder.
Now you should be ready for a step-by-step example...
The example works through a complete wind turbine siting operation, starting with some measured
wind data and ending up with a prediction of the power yield from erecting a turbine at a specific site.
You can find the data used for the example in the folder containing the sample data, which was
created when you installed WAsP, e.g. '\WAsP Workspaces\Samples\Sample data'.
At the bottom of each page is a Proceed... link, which will take you to the next page in the example.
The situation
The company Friends of Wind Energy, Waspdale Ltd. has asked you to provide a prediction of the
power yield from locating a wind turbine in Waspdale. They propose to erect a single 600-kW wind
turbine at the summit of Waspdale hill (they have modest energy requirements).
No wind measurements have been taken at the turbine site itself, but data have been collected from a
meteorological station at nearby Waspdale airport. A map of Waspdale is shown below.
Working with WAsP to provide a prediction
From engineering data, you know how much power will be generated by the turbine at a given wind
speed. If the plan was to erect the turbine at exactly the same place where the meteorological data
had been collected, then it would be a really simple task to work out how much power to expect.
However, just from looking at the map it is obvious that the proposed turbine site is completely
different from the meteorological station at the airport: the properties of the meteorological station
itself will affect the wind data recorded there. In addition, the properties of the turbine site will have
an effect on the way that the wind behaves near the turbine. It is also unlikely that the hub height of
the turbine would be the same as the height of the anemometer.
What you need is a way to take the wind climate recorded at the meteorological station, and use it to
predict the wind climate at the turbine site. That's what WAsP does.
Using WAsP, you can analyze the recorded data, correcting for the recording site effects to produce a
site-independent characterisation of the local wind climate. This site-independent characterisation of
the local wind climate is called a wind atlas or regional wind climate. You can also use WAsP to apply
site effects to wind atlas data to produce a site-specific interpretation of the local wind climate.
Providing a prediction in the Waspdale case will therefore be a two-stage process. First, the data from
the meteorological station need to be analysed to produce a wind atlas, and then the resulting wind
atlas needs to be applied to the proposed turbine site to estimate the wind power.
Setting up a met. station
To begin, you need to open a new workspace in WAsP. A new, 'Untitled' project is automatically
inserted in this workspace. Save the workspace and project, calling them both 'Waspdale'. Return to
the GUI essentials if you don't know how to do this.
Now insert a new wind atlas as a child of the project. The wind atlas will be generated from a
meteorological station. Insert a new met. station hierarchy member as a child of the wind atlas.
The workspace should now look like this:
Provide names for the wind atlas and met. station by saving them. To do this, simply save the whole
workspace: you will be prompted for the file names for the newly created hierarchy members. Call the
wind atlas 'Waspdale' and call the met. station 'Airport'.
WAsP now requires:
Adding wind observations
You now need to insert some wind data to the hierarchy.
Select the met. station and use Insert from file to insert an Observed wind climate member. You
will be asked to provide the name of a file to use. Navigate to the folder containing the sample data,
which was created when you installed WAsP, and select the file called 'Waspdale.tab'.
You can read more about how to create observed wind climate files from raw data measurements
elsewhere in the documentation.
The workspace should now look like this:
Describing the site
Now WAsP needs to know about the site where the data were collected. First, introduce a map as a
child of the project. You should use the project's Insert from file method and select the file called
'Waspdale.map'. Now you need to locate the met. station in the map.
To locate the met. station:
At the met. station site, several buildings and shelterbelts of trees were found in the vicinity of the
anemometer mast. WAsP needs to know about these.
Insert a list describing the obstacles, use the Insert from file method of the met. station to add an
Obstacle list. When the choose file dialog box appears, select the file 'Airport.obs'.
The atlas calculation
WAsP is now ready to calculate the wind atlas for Waspdale, but before proceeding, pause to examine
the members of the hierarchy which are contributing to the analysis. The map, the observed wind
climate and the obstacle list all contain data and can be viewed. Each has a command called View on
its right-click menu, which will open the window associated with the member. Open each one and
have a look. To see where the met. station is in the map, select the Highlight location in map
command from the met. station's right-click menu, or click on the little anemometer icon in the map's
Now get WAsP to generate the wind atlas. From the met. station's right-click menu, select the
Calculate atlas command. When the calculation is finished, the small red ring which surrounded the
met. station icon has gone. This indicates that the calculations for the met. station are up to date.
To see the results of the calculation, select the View command from the Wind atlas' right-click menu.
The wind atlas is displayed. This is a site-independent characterization of the wind climate for the
Waspdale area; you may also think of it as the regional wind climate of Waspdale.
Setting up a turbine site
Now that the project contains a wind atlas with site-independent wind climate data, we can apply
those data to the proposed turbine site. WAsP will adjust the data for the situation found at the
turbine site, and will produce a prediction of the wind climate for the site itself.
You need to add a turbine site hierarchy member to the workspace. Insert a new turbine site as a
child of the project. The workspace now looks like this:
WAsP has automatically added a new hierarchy member called a predicted wind climate as a child of
the turbine site. This member will be used to contain all of the predictions, which WAsP generates for
the turbine site. It cannot be separated from its turbine site parent.
Save the workspace. You will be prompted to provide a name for the turbine site. Call it 'Hilltop', since
the plan is to erect the turbine on a hill.
WAsP now requires:
There are no obstacles near the hilltop, so there is no need to add an obstacle list to this site.
Locating the turbine site
First, locate the turbine site in the map. Because the map and the turbine site are in the same project,
WAsP automatically knows that the site lies in the area covered by the map. All that you need to do is
provide the co-ordinates.
This could be done by following the same procedure as used for siting the met. station (type the coordinates into the site dialog box). However, since the location of the turbine site has not been exactly
decided, we do not need to be so precise at this stage. We can use a different method.
From the turbine site's right-click menu, select Locate in map. The map window will appear, and the
turbine site will be highlighted in the middle of the map area. If the turbine site disappears as you are
working with it, check that the turbine site button in the toolbar is in the down position, like this:
It is now possible to drag the turbine site in the map to the location you want. Put it on top of the hill
in the west of the area, like this:
If you want to adjust the location of the site to an exactly specified position, then use the site dialog
box, which can be reached at any time from the right-click menu of the turbine site icon in the
workspace hierarchy. You can also call up the dialog box by right-clicking on the flag icon in the map.
Assigning the power curve
In order to predict how much power will be produced by the turbine, WAsP needs to know the power
production characteristics of the turbine. You provide this information to WAsP by associating a power
curve hierarchy member with the turbine site. From the turbine site's right-click menu, select Insert
from file, and then choose 'Vestas V47 (660 kW).pow' when prompted.
The hierarchy should now look like this:
It is not yet possible to view the predicted wind climate, but you can open the power curve window
and view the generating characteristics of the turbine.
Predicting the wind climate
WAsP is now ready to predict the wind climate for the turbine site. From the turbine site's right-click
menu, select Calculate wind climate. As with the met. station, the small red ring surrounding the
turbine site icon disappears as soon as the calculation is performed.
You can now open the predicted wind climate window to view the results:
The numbers shown above might differ slightly from those returned to you, because the location of
the sites might not be exactly the same. WAsP has estimated that about 2.5 GWh per year would be
generated by erecting a turbine on the hilltop. This number is referred to as the Annual Energy
Production (AEP) in the predicted wind climate (PWC) window.
You can now return to the Friends of Wind Energy, Waspdale Ltd. and make your report!
There's a lot more to learn...
There's still a lot more to learn about the user interface of WAsP, but as you have seen, you don't
need to know about that in order to get work done. For first-time WAsP users, it's important to
understand more about what WAsP is actually doing behind the scenes. WAsP results are not useful
unless the models' limitations are understood. Before using WAsP for any real world applications, it's
important to study the material, which explains WAsP modelling in more detail.
The Modelling with WAsP book of this help facility offers brief explanations to many aspects of the
wind atlas methodology. For more comprehensive descriptions you should consult the Ris readings
on wind power meteorology, in particular the European Wind Atlas. Details on specific topics may also
be found in the publications in the References section.
Some practical information for the novel WAsP user may be found in these related topics:
Sample data and workspaces
In addition to the sample data used for the Quick Start Tutorial, three sample workspaces are installed
in the folder '\WAsP Workspaces\Samples' during the installation: 'WAsPdale', 'Wind farmer' and
'Resource grid'. You may Open any of these workspaces and study how typical WAsP applications are
set up in the workspace hierarchy.
A collection of sample wind turbine power curves are installed in the folder '\Program
Files\WAsP\Power curves'. These are also available directly from the WAsP Library.
Sample workspace #1: WAsPdale
The 'WAsPdale' workspace is an example of the classic WAsP session: analysing the wind data from a
met. station to obtain the regional wind climate (wind atlas) and then using the same wind atlas data
set to predict the wind climate and power production at a nearby turbine site:
Note, that both the met. station and the turbine site are located in the same map; this is typical, but
not necessary. The regional wind climate is assumed to be the same at both sites.
Sample wokspace #2: Wind farmer
The 'Wind farmer' workspace is an example of another typical application: an existing wind atlas data
set is used to predict the power production of several wind farms (or different layouts) in a given
Note, that the wind atlas, map and power curve are common to both wind farms.
Sample workspace #3: Resource grid
The 'Resource grid' workspace is an example of how to investigate the variation in the wind resource
over an area: an existing wind atlas data set is used to predict the wind climate and power production
of several wind turbine sites in a given area:
Again, the wind atlas, map and power curve are common to all the modelled wind turbine sites. The
turbine sites are arranged in a regular grid and the resource grid can be used to establish a wind
speed or power production map of the area suitable for micro-siting of the actual turbine sites in a
wind farm.
The toolbars can be moved around or closed. WAsP will remember the way that you organise the
toolbars between runs.
WAsP workspaces
In WAsP, all work is performed within the context of a workspace. Workspaces can be created, saved
and re-opened. When you start WAsP, you need to re-open or create a workspace before you can do
any work.
A workspace contains one or more projects and may contain members (data files) that are common to
several projects or members that are not used in any project.
Workspace files and workspace folders
Workspaces are saved as files, which have the extension 'wwk'. Workspaces files do not contain any
actual data of their own, but are used simply to record the relationships between other data files.
When a new WAsP workspace is first saved to file, it is saved into a newly-created folder with the
same name as the workspace itself. This makes it easier to organise any newly-created files, which
will be included in the workspace.
For example, if you create and save a new workspace called 'A brilliant example' at the root of drive
'C' on your computer, the resulting arrangement will look like this in Windows Explorer:
It's not possible to rename a workspace using a 'Save as...' operation. Once a workspace has been
created, it can only be saved using the original name.
Working with workspaces
The File menu can be used to create, open, save and close workspaces:
The menu also includes a list of the most recently used workspaces.
There is a workspace toolbar, which offers the main workspace functions:
The name in the workspace name box automatically appears at the end of the location shown in the
workspace path box because a new folder will be created to contain the new file.
First, check that the path is correct. You can change the path by clicking on the change path button
and selecting a directory. In the example above, the root of drive 'C' has been selected as the location
for the new workspace.
Next, provide a name for the workspace. The workspace location will be automatically synchronised
with the name of the workspace. In the example above, a new folder called 'Sparkling' will be created
in the root of drive 'C' and a new workspace file called 'Sparkling.wwk' will be inserted into the folder.
Opening an existing workspace
To open a workspace, simply use Open workspace from the File menu and select the workspace file
(*.wwk) itself using the standard file dialog box. Remember that the workspace file will be found in a
folder with the same name.
At the top of the hierarchy is the workspace root. Members can be parents and children of one
another. Two members which share the same parent are called siblings, or peers. The workspace root
cannot have a parent, but all other members always have a parent.
The organisation of the members in the hierarchy forms associations between the members. The
members and their associations together represent a description of the situation, which is being
modelled. Work in WAsP is done by adding, removing, moving and manipulating hierarchy members
to change the modelled situation.
The hierarchy enforces rules governing the possible parent-child associations between different types
of hierarchy member. Some types of member can never be children of some other types of member,
and some types of member cannot have children at all.
several projects at the same time. Workspaces are not designed to be portable between machines,
but projects are especially designed with that in mind. If you want to share a project file with a
colleague, or move it to another computer, then you should use the project's Export facility. This will
create a new folder, copy all of the required data into that folder and all of the project's members will
then point to files within the new folder. This folder can be copied, e-mailed, zipped or whatever, and
then re-opening the project WPR file contained in that folder will open the project successfully on the
other computer.
When WAsP works with hierarchy members, nothing is written to the members' original file contents
until the changes are explicitly saved. This is because WAsP works with copies of the data files or, for
some hierarchy members, simply holds all the information in memory.
When a member is removed from the hierarchy, the corresponding file is not deleted from the file
system. If you move or delete a file referenced by a workspace between WAsP sessions, then it will be
missing when you next open the workspace.
Different members, different rles
Some members preserve information about the arrangement of their children. When these members
are re-opened, they automatically re-open all of their children into the workspace too. The workspace
root itself is one such member, so when a workspace is re-opened, all of the members which were in
the workspace the last time it was saved will be re-opened and their relationships restored. Projects,
met. stations and turbine sites also preserve information about their children between runs.
Other members are largely responsible for holding data, and do not preserve information about the
organisation of the hierarchy. These hierarchy members have windows which can be opened in the
right hand side of the main window, allowing their data to be viewed and, in some cases,
Introducing the hierarchy members
There are several types of hierarchy member, which can appear in the workspace. The list below
provides a brief introduction to them. They are explained in more detail elsewhere.
Workspace root
There is always one (and only one) root in each workspace. It sits at the top of the hierarchy and has
no parent. The workspace root can have members of any type as its children. When a previously
saved workspace is opened, all of the children of the workspace are also re-opened.
Projects are used to manage related groups of hierarchy members. Projects offer several facilities,
which make it easy to perform operations that are relevant to all of the members of the project.
Projects are always children of the workspace root. When a previously saved project is opened, all of
the children of the project are also re-opened, so entire projects can be saved and used in other
WAsP uses maps to get information about the orography and roughness characteristics of the
landscape in which the modelling is being done. Maps can appear in various places in the workspace
hierarchy, but typically each project will have one map.
Wind atlas
Wind atlases are the central items in the hierarchy. A WAsP wind atlas contains data describing a siteindependent characterisation of the wind climate for an area. The WAsP models are devoted to
analysing wind data collected from met. stations to produce wind atlases and applying the atlas to
estimate the wind climate (and power production) for turbine sites.
A wind atlas is illustrated using a closed book icon if the atlas is simply a static data file. An open book
icon is used if the wind atlas is associated with a met. station which might re-calculate the atlas.
Met. station
A meteorological station (met. station for short) is used to calculate a wind atlas. It represents a data
collection site located somewhere in an associated map. A met. station does not have any data except
its location in the map. It is associated with a wind climate which has been observed at the station. It
may be associated with a list of obstacles surrounding the station and a description of the roughness
lengths of the surrounding area.
When a met. station is re-opened, all of the children of the met. station are also re-opened. This
makes it possible to save a met. station and its associated child members as a complete branch of the
hierarchy and re-use it in other workspaces or projects.
Observed wind climate
A summary of the wind data recorded at a met. station is called an observed wind climate (or OWC for
Turbine site
A turbine site is used to estimate the power production which would result from locating a turbine
somewhere in an associated map. Every turbine site always has a predicted wind climate. A turbine
site does not have any data except its location in the map and the hub height of the turbine. A turbine
site may be associated with a list of obstacles surrounding the station and a description of the
roughness lengths of the surrounding area.
When a turbine site is re-opened, all of the children of the turbine site are also re-opened. This makes
it possible to save a turbine site and its associated child members as a complete branch of the
hierarchy and re-use it in other workspaces or projects.
Predicted wind climate
A predicted wind climate contains output calculated by a turbine site. It corresponds to an observed
wind climate in that it is a site-specific description of the wind climate, but also contains extra
information about power density and annual energy production.
Wind farm
Wind farms are collections of 'lightweight' turbine sites which are calculated in a batch. The output is
less detailed than a turbine site, and they are less flexible, but they offer a convenient way to work
with several sites together.
Resource grid
Resource grids are also collections of 'light-weight' turbine sites calculated in a batch, but here the
sites are arranged in a regular grid covering an area. The extension of the grid and the grid cell size
may be chosen to map the wind climate or wind resource anywhere in the map and with as much
detail as is required.
Power curve
A power curve describes the way that a turbine's power output changes with wind speed. It can be
associated with one or many turbine sites or wind farms.
Obstacle list
Met. stations and (less commonly) turbine sites can have obstacles in their surroundings. An obstacle
list is a description of some sheltering obstacles which can be associated with a site.
Roughness description
An alternative to providing roughness information in a map is to provide a site-specific description.
Turbine sites and met. stations can both be associated with roughness descriptions.
User corrections
A set of user corrections can be associated with a met. station or turbine site. It provides a way of
informing WAsP about some site-specific adjustments which cannot be described using the other
hierarchy members.
Modelling with the hierarchy members
WAsP modelling involves:
In the workspace hierarchy, these calculation jobs are performed by met. stations, turbine sites, wind
farms and resource grids.
Met. stations are used to calculate wind atlases
A wind atlas is calculated by adjusting a summary of recorded wind data to remove the influencing
effects of the collection site itself. To calculate a wind atlas, a met. station uses the following hierarchy
(optionally) a description of the surface roughness for the area surrounding the site
In summary,
to produce
Met. stations are always children of the atlases which they are calculating, and so the output is
'moved up' the hierarchy into the parent atlas, thus:
a wind atlas
(optionally) a description of the surface roughness for the area surrounding the site
(optionally and rarely) a set of user corrections to apply to the wind atlas
If no power curve is used, then the output will be simply a predicted wind climate which describes
wind directions, speed and energy.
In summary,
to produce
Turbine sites are always parents of the predicted wind climates which they are calculating, and so the
output is 'moved down' the hierarchy into the child predicted wind climate, thus:
Wind farms are used to calculate power production for several sites
Wind farms calculate summary wind climate data for each of several turbine sites by adjusting the
data from a wind atlas for the influencing effects of the turbine sites itself. To calculate the summary
data, a wind farm uses the following hierarchy members:
a wind atlas
In summary,
Resource grids are used to calculate power production for a grid of sites
Resource grids calculate summary wind climate data for each of several sites by adjusting the data
from a wind atlas for the influencing effects of the sites itself. To calculate the summary data, a
resource grid uses the following hierarchy members:
a wind atlas
a power curve describing the generating characteristics for the resource grid
In summary,
Wind farms and resource grids appear less often in the help
It is obvious that (in terms of the hierarchy interactions) the wind farm and resource grid calculations
are a simpler subset of the turbine site calculations. To simplify the documentation, they are often
ignored when explaining general modelling issues. The explanations focus on the met. stations and
the turbine sites. It's generally safe to assume that wind farms and resource grids can be treated as
turbine sites which have no children in the hierarchy.
Patterns of association
The organisation of the members in the hierarchy forms associations between the members.
The associations are only important to members that perform calculations: met. stations, turbine sites
and wind farms. In order to perform their calculations, these members need to work out which other
members to use. The calculating members seek to assemble a correct set of other members.
Simple associations
The simplest kind of association is the parent-child association. A calculating member can simply have
all of the necessary members as its children.
For a met. station's calculation, the associated members could be organised thus:
Note, that the met. station is a child of the wind atlas which it is calculating. This is always the case,
since output from met. stations 'moves up' the hierarchy.
For a turbine site's calculations, the associated members could be organised thus:
Note, that the turbine site is a parent of the predicted wind climate which it is calculating. This is
always the case, since output from turbine sites 'moves down' the hierarchy. Notice also that the wind
atlas being used is just a static data file (the closed book icon is displayed). If the wind atlas was
dynamically calculated from a turbine site, the workspace could look like this:
The arrangement illustrated above would work perfectly well, but it is rather inelegant. The same map
appears twice in the project. If a new turbine site was added to the project, then the wind atlas would
need to be added to that turbine site too. It's possible to take advantage of more complex
associations to simplify the hierarchy and to make it easier to add new sites to the project.
More complex associations
Members are associated if they have a parent-child association, but members can also explore further
up the hierarchy in search of associations. Any ancestor (parent's parent, etc.) can be treated as
associated, as can peers of any ancestor. This system allows a modelling situation with many
relationships to be expressed concisely.
Working with the example given above, the hierarchy could be re-organised so that the wind atlas and
the turbine site are peers, like this:
Modelling output is moving up the hierarchy because the met. station is writing results to the atlas,
along the hierarchy because the atlas and the turbine site are peers, and down the hierarchy because
the turbine site is writing results to the predicted wind climate, thus:
This pattern allows more turbine sites to be added to the project without needing to replicate the
atlas, as follows:
In the hierarchy illustrated above, the same map appears in three places. By making the map a peer
of the turbine sites and wind atlas, it can be shared by the turbine sites and the met. station. The
same power curve also appears twice. It, too, can be made a peer of the two turbine sites and can
then be used by both of them, thus:
It is not possible for sites to share site-specific information, such as obstacle lists and observed wind
climates which by definition are unique to the site itself.
If a member is associated with more than one member of the same type, then the nearest relative is
the one used. This allows a group of peers to use the same member, but one or more of them can use
a different member. For example, several turbine sites could be using the same power curve but one
of them could use a different type, as shown in the hierarchy illustrated below:
The first three turbine sites will all use the 'M450_150' power curve, but the 'Yet another' turbine site
will use the 'M350_175' power curve.
Legitimate parent-child associations
The table below specifies the how parent-child associations can be formed between different types of
hierarchy members. There's no need to remember or refer to this table when using the software,
because the hierarchy members themselves automatically enforce these rules.
Object type
Valid parents
Workspace root
Any (0..n)
Atlas (0..n)
Wind farm (0..n)
Resource grid (0..n)
Turbine site (0..n)
Map (0..1)
Atlas (0..1)
Power curve (0..1)
Wind farm
Map (0..1)
Atlas (0..1)
Power curve (0..1)
Resource grid
Turbine site
Wind farm
Wind farm
Resource grid
Turbine site
Met. station
Wind farm
Resource grid
Turbine site
Met. station
Met. station
Turbine site
User corrections
Turbine site
Met. station
Roughness description
Turbine site
Met. station
Obstacle list
Turbine site
Met. station
Power curve
Wind farm
Resource grid
Turbine site
The number of sectors in an observed wind climate is determined when it is first generated from raw
data using the OWC Wizard.
Hierarchy members' methods
The member's menus
Each hierarchy member has menu of commands, or methods. This menu is headed 'Member' and
appears as a sub-menu of the main menu. It further appears as a pop-up menu if a member is clicked
with the right mouse button, or when the F2 key is pressed while one of the hierarchy members is
This menu is the most important tool for working with WAsP. Depending on which hierarchy member
is selected, the contents of the menu presented will be different. Some members do not offer all of
these methods, and some offer extra methods in addition to those shown. The illustration below
shows a basic member's menu (for a wind atlas) and a more complex one (for a project).
The buttons (from left to right) correspond to the menu items Insert from file, Insert new,
Remove and Properties.
Viewing a member's interface window
Any member which has its own user interface window will have a method called View at the top of its
menu. Clicking this will bring up the window in the window area on the right-hand side of the main
window. It's possible to have several windows open at once and to leave them open while doing other
Inserting members
To insert a member to the workspace hierarchy
Select the hierarchy member which will be the parent of the member to be inserted
From the parent member's menu, select either Insert from file or Insert new. A secondary
menu will appear, listing the types of hierarchy member which are legitimate children of the
parent member. The 'from file' insertion menu looks like this (for a met. station).
Select the type of member to insert. If the Insert from file menu was used, then a file
selection dialog box will appear. Select the file you wish to use to create the hierarchy
member. If the Insert new menu was used, then the new member will be created
The new member will be added to the hierarchy as a child of the parent member.
If the member has unsaved changes, you will be asked whether you wish to save the changes before
removing the member.
Removing a member from the workspace hierarchy does not cause the corresponding file to be
deleted from the file system.
Saving members
All hierarchy members can be saved. If the member has children, then all the children (and the
children's children) as also saved at the same time. So, when the workspace root is saved, every
member in the whole workspace is saved.
Simple save
To save a member's data, simply select it and from its hierarchy member menu, choose Save. If
the member has not been saved before, you will be asked to provide a name for the file.
Save as...
If the file has been saved before and you wish to save it with a new name, you can use the Save
as method. You will be asked to provide a new name for the file. This method is not available for
workspaces and projects.
The old file will not be deleted from the file system, but remember that if you make changes to or
delete other members which are referenced by the old file, then WAsP may be unable to re-open the
old file again successfully.
What happens when a member is saved?
For members whose files contain mostly data (like an obstacle list), the original source file is replaced
with the working copy that WAsP has been using since the member was last saved.
For members whose files mostly contain information about the organisation of other members in the
hierarchy (such as project files), the original file is overwritten with data describing the current
arrangement of members in the hierarchy. When those members are re-opened in the hierarchy, their
children will also be re-opened, so inserting a met. station member from file might also insert an
obstacle list and an observed wind climate.
Members' properties
Many hierarchy members have a Properties method.
If this method is invoked, a dialog is displayed which shows some of the properties of the member,
particularly relating to how it relates to the underlying file system. Here is an example for a wind atlas
hierarchy member.
There's no information here which you actually need in order to do WAsP modelling, but it can
sometimes be useful if the relationship between the hierarchy member and the files on the system is
If the name of the saving file name or the working temporary file name is longer than can be
displayed in the label provided, then the whole name will appear as a pop-up 'tip' if the mouse pointer
is allowed to linger over the label for a moment.
Refreshing the workspace hierarchy display
If a problem is encountered, then it's possible to force WAsP to refresh the workspace hierarchy
display. To do this, select the workspace hierarchy and press the F5 key on the keyboard.
Alternatively, select the Refresh view method of the workspace root hierarchy member.
Function keys
A few keyboard function keys and key combinations are recognised by WAsP:
This might indeed be the best arrangement, but projects have some extra facilities not offered by
workspaces and in consequence it's often best simply to include all of the members involved in a piece
of modelling work within projects.
About projects
Projects provide a structure to work with related hierarchy members. Projects are used to contain
any modelling work which describes the same place or the same basic situation. As a general guide, a
project should be used to group together things which would all be described in the same report.
Unlike workspaces, which can have jumbled collections of unrelated child hierarchy members,
hierarchy members organised into projects must be arranged according to the rules governing parentchild associations. All of the children of a project share the same model parameter values. Projects
also offer useful methods for performing operations on all of the project's children and managing their
Like workspaces, project files do not contain any actual data of their own, but are used simply to
record the relationships between other data files.
About projects
Projects provide a structure to work with related hierarchy members. Projects are used to contain
any modelling work which describes the same place or the same basic situation. As a general guide, a
project should be used to group together things which would all be described in the same report.
Unlike workspaces, which can have jumbled collections of unrelated child hierarchy members,
hierarchy members organised into projects must be arranged according to the rules governing parentchild associations. All of the children of a project share the same model parameter values. Projects
also offer useful methods for performing operations on all of the project's children and managing their
Like workspaces, project files do not contain any actual data of their own, but are used simply to
record the relationships between other data files.
Although the project's folder is located as a sub-folder of the workspace's folder, the project is entirely
independent of the workspace. The project can be opened into other workspaces, or moved around on
the file system. You can even merge the contents of the project and workspace folders.
The workspace does, of course, have a pointer to the project, so moving or deleting the project from
the file system will make it impossible for it to be automatically re-opened in the workspace. This
dependency is one-way: the project has no pointer to its parent workspace.
It is not possible to rename a project using a 'Save as...' operation, but WAsP does provide a project
export method to help you copy and share projects.
The project's folder on the file system looks like this (in Windows Explorer):
After invoking the Copy external members into folder method on the 'Gathering' project, the file
system view looks like this:
The behaviour of the WAsP models can be adjusted by making alterations to model parameters. The
parameters are used whenever a calculation is performed, such as when a met. station calculates a
wind atlas.
A unique parameter set is associated with each WAsP project. All members which are children of the
project will make use of the same parameters. It's possible to have a workspace which contains two
projects (say, for example, one from Iran and another from Europe) and for the calculations
performed within each project to use completely different parameter values.
Editing project parameters
To edit a project's parameters, select the Edit parameters method from the project's methods. The
parameter editor dialog box will appear.
To change a parameter value, select the parameter from the list and either double-click on it, or press
the Enter key. A small box will appear, allowing you to enter a new value.
Do not edit a parameter without first checking that you understand what it means, and reading the
documentation describing the values which can be legitimately used. If an invalid value is submitted,
it will be rejected but the message which appears might not be very helpful. WAsP will try to restore
the previous or default value.
To restore all of the parameters to their default values, click on the restore defaults button.
The window has three data display areas: the grid, the rose and the graph.
The grid shows the mean wind speed and mean power density of the wind for the different roughness
lengths and standard heights. The rose displays the sector-wise frequencies of wind direction. The
graph shows the frequency distribution of wind speeds, and the Weibull-A and Weibull-k parameters
for the sector.
For each combination of a roughness length and a standard height, there is a wind rose. For each
sector in each rose, there is a wind speed distribution graph.
To display the rose for a particular combination of roughness length and standard height, click on the
corresponding cell in the grid. It is also possible to navigate around in the grid using the direction keys
on the keyboard.
To read numbers from the rose, allow the mouse pointer to linger for a moment over one of the
sectors. A label will appear, giving the directional frequency for that sector.
When first displayed, the graph shows the curve for all sectors (non-directional). To display the graph
for one sector only, click with the mouse on one of the sectors in the rose. The rose sector will be
highlighted and the graph will be adjusted to display the data for that sector. Hitting the spacebar on
the keyboard will move the selection around the rose. To return to the non-directional display, click on
the rose anywhere outside the area marked with rings.
To read off a particular value from the graph, move the mouse pointer over the graph area. A 'readoff' line will appear, labelled with the precise frequency for the wind speed.
Exporting output
It is not possible to print the wind atlas contents directly, but the rose and graph graphics and the
grid's contents can be copied to the Windows system clipboard. They can then be pasted into other
Windows applications and printed.
To copy the rose or graph, click on one with the mouse and then use Ctrl-C or press the F11 key on
the keyboard. To copy the grid contents, click on the grid and then press the F11 key on the
About met. stations
Meteorological stations (met. stations) are used to calculate wind atlases. A met. station has no
data of its own except the co-ordinates of its location in the map and a list of its children.
The illustration below shows the area surrounding the met. mast at the imaginary 'Waspdale' airport.
It's clear that the data collected at the mast will be influenced by the buildings, hills and trees.
Fortunately, such influences are systematic and (thanks to WAsP) predictable.
Met. stations calculate a wind atlas by adjusting the data found in an observed wind climate to remove
the influencing effects of the collection site itself. The site effects are represented by a map, and
(optionally) by an obstacle list, a site-specific roughness description and some user corrections to the
wind data collection.
Met. stations calculate a wind atlas by adjusting the data found in an observed wind climate to remove
the influencing effects of the collection site itself. The site effects are represented by a map, and
(optionally) by an obstacle list, a site-specific roughness description and some user corrections to the
wind data collection.
Calculation status
Four types of hierarchy member can perform calculations: met. stations, turbine sites, resource grids
and wind farms. These calculating members are sensitive to changes in the hierarchy which affect
them. They also search up and down the hierarchy to look for the other members with which they
collaborate to do modelling work.
Ready to calculate?
Calculating members have a method called Calculate which is only available if the hierarchy is
correctly set up to allow the calculation to proceed. If a calculating member is not ready to be
calculated, then a different method is available, called Explain why cannot be calculated. If this
method is invoked, then a brief explanation of what more needs to be done is presented.
Detection of changes in influencing information
It's possible to tell a calculating member whether its wind atlas is due for recalculation. If the member
'thinks' that it ought to do a recalculation, then it has a method called Mark as calculated which will
override its status. Conversely, if it thinks that it is up-to-date, then a method called Mark as
uncalculated is available.
The met. station control dialog
The met. station has a control dialog which can be used to specify the precise co-ordinates of the met.
station in an associated map and to force a re-calculation of the associated wind atlas.
The dialog is displayed if a met. station's Edit location method is invoked, or if the met. station's icon
in the map is clicked with the right-hand mouse button.
The x and y co-ordinates of the met. station can be typed in, allowing more precise positioning than
by dragging in the map.
The calculation button is not visible if the met. station is not ready to perform a calculation. The
calculation status display shows information which can be deduced.
Met. stations in the map window
If a met. station is associated with a map hierarchy member, and has valid co-ordinates, then it can
be displayed in the map, where it is indicated by an icon marker.
Hide or show the locations of met. stations in the map display by clicking on the toolbar button
marked with the met. station icon.
To select and identify a met. station, click on the marker in the map with the left mouse button. The
name of the site and the exact ground co-ordinates are shown in a pop-up label.
Dragging the met. station into position on the map
To display the met. station in the map, select the met. station's Highlight location in map method.
If the map is not showing, it will be opened. The met. station's icon will be highlighted. If the met.
station has never been located in the map, the select the method called Locate in map. The map
window is opened and the met. station is automatically positioned at the centre of the mapped area.
It's now possible to change the location of the met. station by dragging it in the map using the lefthand mouse button. A label appears giving the exact co-ordinates as you drag the met. station.
Depending on the zoom level, it might be difficult to position the met. station precisely. If this is a
problem, simply right-click on the icon in the map and the met. station control dialog will appear,
allowing you to edit the co-ordinates.
Preparing to calculate an atlas
To calculate a wind atlas, a met. station must:
Starting from scratch, here's how to prepare to calculate a wind atlas with a met. station.
if the wind atlas window is open, the data display will be immediately refreshed to display the
new data
the met. station icon will change to indicate that the wind atlas is not due for re-calculation
any turbine sites associated with the newly-recalculated wind atlas will change status to
indicate that their predicted wind climates are due for recalculation
On the left is a wind rose, showing the relative frequencies of wind direction for each sector. The
graph to the right shows a histogram of the frequencies of wind speeds at the collection site. The
Weibull-A and Weibull-k parameters for the distribution are pre-calculated and displayed. The derived
Weibull curve is overlaid onto the histogram.
When first displayed, the graph shows a histogram of wind speed frequencies for all sectors (nondirectional). To display the graph for one sector only, click with the mouse on one of the sectors in the
rose. The rose sector will be highlighted and the graph will be adjusted to display the data for that
sector. Hitting the spacebar on the keyboard will move the selection around the rose. To return to the
non-directional display, click on the rose anywhere outside the area marked with rings.
Exporting output
It is not possible to print the observed wind climate contents directly, but the rose and graph graphics
can be copied to the Windows system clipboard. They can then be pasted into other Windows
applications and printed.
To copy the rose or graph, click on one with the mouse and then use Ctrl-C or press the F11 key on
the keyboard.
About maps
Maps are used to describe the orography and surface roughness of the area surrounding sites
(turbine sites and met. stations).
WAsP uses vector maps, in which terrain surface elevation is represented by height contours and
roughness lengths by roughness change lines. The format of the corresponding map file is described in
the Technical Reference section.
It is not possible to create and edit maps from within the WAsP program; this must be done with the
map editor which can be invoked from the Tools menu.
About maps
Maps are used to describe the orography and surface roughness of the area surrounding sites
(turbine sites and met. stations).
WAsP uses vector maps, in which terrain surface elevation is represented by height contours and
roughness lengths by roughness change lines. The format of the corresponding map file is described in
the Technical Reference section.
It is not possible to create and edit maps from within the WAsP program; this must be done with the
map editor which can be invoked from the Tools menu.
or met. stations
You can explore the map and change the map display using the mouse and the toolbar.
Navigating around the map
The map image can be dragged around inside the display window using the mouse. Click and hold
down the left mouse button. The mouse pointer icon changes to a paper-sliding hand. By moving the
mouse around, the map is moved just as a piece of paper on a desk would be moved.
It's possible to zoom the map display. To zoom in, double-click on the map with the left mouse
button. The mouse pointer position will be at the centre of the new display. After a zoom, only part of
the total map may be visible in the display window. The whole map has actually been drawn, though,
so it can still be navigated by dragging around as described above. It is not a good idea to zoom in
too many times, because a zoomed map requires a great deal of memory. Depending on your
computer's configuration, you will notice the map re-draw takes much longer after 4 or 5 zooms.
To zoom out, double-click on the map with the right mouse button. If you zoom out so that the map is
smaller than the display window, you may wish to make the window smaller. Click on the toolbar
button marked
To restore the map to the original view, click on the toolbar button marked
Hide or show the roughness change lines and elevation lines by clicking on the toolbar buttons marked
. Hide or show the locations of met. stations and turbine sites by clicking on the toolbar
buttons marked
The colours used for drawing the map can be adjusted from the main options window.
Getting precise spatial information from the map
The map displays a ground scale to give a general idea of the map's meaning. If the scale appears in
an inconvenient place, it can be dragged around in the map by using the left mouse button.
To see the current co-ordinates of the mouse pointer in terms of the map co-ordinate system, simply
press or hold down the right mouse button.
To choose a marker, press the button marked with three dots next to the one you wish to change.
Another dialog will appear, displaying a list of markers.
WAsP will accept map files in BNA format, which is output from Golden Software's DIDGER
program, a cheap and simple digitising package.
WAsP is supplied with a utility program called MapEdit, which is a lightweight map editor
program. The MapEdit tool will accept vector maps in several formats and provides extensive
tools for adjusting, checking, digitising and maintaining map files. Scanned maps (*.bmp) can
be digitised from within the map editor.
WAsP also includes an earlier version of WAsP for DOS, which includes facilities for digitising
and editing map files. The map file format has not changed between the versions, so it is
possible to use the old program as a map creator and editor tool.
We may provide a more satisfactory solution to this issue in a later release. What we provide will be
largely determined by user feedback, so please do send an e-mail explaining your preferences.
Using existing map data
Digital map data may already exist for the site or region in question. If such data exist, they must be
converted or transformed into a map format that WAsP can use, i.e. digital height contours where the
elevations and coordinates are in metres in a Cartesian coordinate system.
WAsP includes a DXF Translator which can extract a WAsP map-file from an AutoCAD DXF-file.
This Drawing eXchange Format has become a common format for exchange of line drawings
between different programs, and several suppliers of digital maps use DXF-files as a means of
storing and exchanging map data. Also, the height contours of a map can be exported to a
DXF-file if AutoCAD is used to digitise the map.
Digital elevation models cannot be used directly by WAsP, but must be transformed to height
contour or vector maps. A digital elevation model (DEM) consists of the spot heights of nodes
in a (usually) regular grid and some commercial programs can perform this transformation.
The exported output may be a 3-D dxf-file (Surfer) which must be converted to a WAsP map
file. The GRD2MAP program, which is part of the WAsP Utility Programs, can transform a
Surfer *.grd file (DEM) directly to a WAsP *.map file.
The layout of the obstacles is illustrated in a map, with obstacles coloured according to their porosity.
There is a key to the porosity colour scale and a ground distance scale.
If the mouse pointer is moved slowly over an obstacle, then a label will appear, displaying the ID
number, height and porosity of that obstacle. Moving the mouse pointer slowly over another part of
the map will reveal the ground co-ordinates of the mouse pointer position.
The actual data describing the obstacles are displayed in an editable grid in which each row contains
the data describing one obstacle. Clicking on a row in the grid will cause the corresponding obstacle to
be highlighted in the map. The grid's column titles are very abbreviated. Allowing the mouse pointer
to linger over the grid will cause a label to appear, revealing the full title of the column.
Adjusting the layout
The window can be re-sized. If the area illustrated by the map is tall and narrow, it may be more
convenient to display the grid to the right of the map. It's possible to move the grid by clicking on the
Move the grid button
on the toolbar. Clicking again on the same button moves the grid back.
If the porosity scale appears in an inappropriate place, it can be dragged to a new location using the
right mouse button. The ground distance scale cannot be dragged from its original position.
Click the Add new obstacle button on the toolbar. A new obstacle is added to the top of the list
with ID number 1. The new obstacle is created with made-up data which ensure that the new obstacle
is at further away than existing obstacles. A row is added to the top of the grid. Edit the grid to set
the data describing the new obstacle.
Removing an obstacle from the list
Select the obstacle to be removed by clicking on the obstacle in the map or by selecting the row in
the grid containing data for that obstacle. Remove the selected obstacle by clicking on the Remove
currently selected obstacle button on the toolbar, or by pressing the Delete key on the keyboard.
Editing obstacle data
Select the grid cell containing the datum to be edited and either press the Enter key on the keyboard
or double-click on the cell with the mouse. A box appears on the grid which allows the number to be
Type the new value into the box and either press Enter or click elsewhere on the window to close the
editor box. The map view of the obstacles is immediately redrawn to reflect the changes.
Exporting output
It is not possible to print the obstacle list directly, but the map graphic and the grid's contents can be
copied to the Windows system clipboard. They can then be pasted into other Windows applications
and printed.
To copy the sketch map, click on it with the mouse and then press the F11 key on the keyboard. To
copy the grid contents, click on the grid and then press the F11 key on the keyboard.
Preparing an obstacle list
Sheltering obstacles may be identified and their characteristics obtained from a detailed map, aerial
photograph and/or during a site visit. If the site is a met. station, only obstacles which were present
at the time of the wind data collection should be described.
The obstacle information may be compiled on a separate sheet like the Obstacle Description Form,
which is then used to establish the obstacle list file. The format of the obstacle list file is described in
the Technical Reference section.
In the field
The bearings from the site to two corners of an obstacle are taken using a compass. The distances to
the same corners are estimated by 'walking' the distances or using an odometer or range-finder. The
dimensions and porosity of the obstacle must be estimated; a measuring tape may come in handy at
this stage. Photographs are taken from the site for every 30 of azimuth, starting from north (0).
In office
If a detailed map or aerial photograph is available, the obstacle information may be obtained or
checked in the office. The obstacle list for the site is generated by entering the information in the grid
of the obstacle list window or by generating an obstacle list file (*.obs, ASCII text file) using a text
editor any 'old' obstacle list file may be used as template.
A roughness colour key and a distance scale are displayed on the map. They can be dragged around
using the left mouse button if in an inconvenient position. It is possible to display the roughness map
using a logarithmic ground scale (where changes close to the site are greatly emphasised in the
display). To switch the display to logarithmic mode, right-click on the distance scale and select from
the small pop-up menu which appears.
To discover the exact value for an area, move the mouse pointer slowly over the sketch map. A label
will appear which indicates which sector is selected, the centre bearing of that sector, the distance
(radius) from the site of the current mouse position, and the roughness length in the area under the
mouse pointer:
To select a sector, click on it in the map. The data for the selected zone are shown in the grid to the
right of the map. Each row in the grid contains the band index, the roughness length of the band and
the distance from the site to the start of the band.
Generating a roughness description from a map
If a met. station or turbine site is located in a map which contains roughness information (roughness
change lines), then there is no need to use a roughness description member for that site. Still, it's
sometimes useful or interesting to get an insight into how WAsP is interpreting the map data for that
site. It's possible to get WAsP to generate a roughness description for the site from the map
roughness information.
To do this,
Select the sector to be edited by clicking on it in the map area. The sector will be highlighted in
the map, and the grid's contents will be changed to contain the bands for that sector.
Select the sector to be edited by clicking on it in the map area. The sector will be highlighted in
the map, and the grid's contents will be changed to contain the bands for that sector.
Select the band to be removed by clicking on the corresponding row in the grid.
Either click on the Remove roughness band button on the grid's toolbar
Delete key on the keyboard. The selected band will be removed.
, or press the
Select the grid cell containing the datum to be edited and either press the Enter key on the keyboard
or double-click on the cell with the mouse. A box appears on the grid which allows the number to be
Type the new value into the box and either press Enter or click elsewhere on the window to close the
editor box. The map view is immediately redrawn to reflect the changes.
Exporting output
It is not possible to print the roughness description contents directly, but the map graphic and the
grid's contents can be copied to the Windows system clipboard. They can then be pasted into other
Windows applications and printed.
To copy the map, click on it with the mouse and then press the F11 key on the keyboard. To copy the
grid contents, click on the grid and then press the F11 key on the keyboard.
Preparing a roughness description from field data
Preparing a site-specific roughness description from field data and observations is described here.
Roughness description and user correction files
Roughness descriptions are stored in *.rrd files and user corrections are stored in *.ucf files. Earlier
DOS versions of WAsP stored both data sets together in a single file with the extension *.rds.
WAsP provides backward-compatibility by allowing you to open *.rds files as roughness descriptions or
user corrections, and allowing you to work with roughness descriptions as *.rrd files with no user
corrections information.
When creating a roughness description hierarchy member from file, you can choose to open an *.rds
file. The roughness data will be read in from the file, but any user corrections data will not be used.
Similarly, you can choose to open an *.rds file when creating a user corrections hierarchy member
from file, and any roughness data found in the file will be ignored. It follows that if you want to use an
*.rds file containing both user corrections data and roughness description data, then you need to open
the same file twice: once when creating a user corrections member from file, and once when creating
a roughness description from file.
If you create a new roughness description you can still use it with an earlier version of WAsP. The
roughness description's menu contains a method called Save in DOS WAsP format (*.rds). If you
select this method, then an *.rds file will be generated from the roughness description. It will be
saved to the same path as the existing *.rrd file and have the same filename: only the *.rds
extension will be different. No user corrections data will be written to the file.
The workspace will now point to this *.rds file, so if you make changes to the roughness description
and save them, then they will be saved to the *.rds file and will still be there when you next open the
workspace. The *.rrd file which you converted will remain unaltered and unused, unless you wish to
revert to using *.rrd format. To do this, select the method called Save in WAsP 6 format (*.rrd).
This will swap the two files around again, and any changes will now be written to the *.rrd file.
About user corrections
User corrections are used when some source of site-specific, systematic error is known, but cannot
be included in the obstacle list or roughness description. They can be applied to sites (met. stations
and turbine sites).
For example, the shadowing effect of a wind vane mounted close to an anemometer used at a met.
station might be known to reduce the measured speed in a certain sector by 5%. It would (of course)
be inappropriate to represent the vane as an obstacle; instead WAsP can adjust the calculations for
the affected site using data provided in user corrections.
User corrections include an wind speed factor adjustment and a direction turning adjustment. The
turning adjustment is very rarely used, because such adjustments are usually applied to all
observations and directions: they can be applied when summarising the raw data from the instrument
(see the OWC Wizard).
Select the grid cell containing the datum to be edited and either press the Enter- key on the keyboard
or double-click on the cell with the mouse. A box appears on the grid which allows the number to be
edited. Type the new value into the box and either press Enter or click elsewhere on the window to
close the editor box.
Roughness description and user correction files
Roughness descriptions are stored in *.rrd files and user corrections are stored in *.ucf files. Earlier
DOS versions of WAsP stored both data sets together in a single file with the extension *.rds.
WAsP provides backward-compatibility by allowing you to open *.rds files as roughness descriptions or
user corrections, and allowing you to work with roughness descriptions as *.rrd files with no user
corrections information.
When creating a roughness description hierarchy member from file, you can choose to open an *.rds
file. The roughness data will be read in from the file, but any user corrections data will not be used.
Similarly, you can choose to open an *.rds file when creating a user corrections hierarchy member
from file, and any roughness data found in the file will be ignored. It follows that if you want to use an
*.rds file containing both user corrections data and roughness description data, then you need to open
the same file twice: once when creating a user corrections member from file, and once when creating
a roughness description from file.
If you create a new roughness description you can still use it with an earlier version of WAsP. The
roughness description's menu contains a method called Save in DOS WAsP format (*.rds). If you
select this method, then an *.rds file will be generated from the roughness description. It will be
saved to the same path as the existing *.rrd file and have the same filename: only the *.rds
extension will be different. No user corrections data will be written to the file.
The workspace will now point to this *.rds file, so if you make changes to the roughness description
and save them, then they will be saved to the *.rds file and will still be there when you next open the
workspace. The *.rrd file which you converted will remain unaltered and unused, unless you wish to
revert to using *.rrd format. To do this, select the method called Save in WAsP 6 format (*.rrd).
This will swap the two files around again, and any changes will now be written to the *.rrd file.
About turbine sites
Turbine sites are used to calculate a predicted wind climate for a particular point. A turbine site has
no data of its own except the co-ordinates of its location and a list of its children.
A turbine site calculates a predicted wind climate by taking a wind atlas which describes the general
wind climate of an area and applying it to a particular location, adjusting for the effects of the features
of the site itself. The site has an (x, y)-location in space and two z locations: the elevation of the site
and the height above ground level for which the prediction is generated.
Each power curve has a default height. That's the usual height for the type of turbine which is
described by the power curve. It's not necessary to use this height: a predicted wind climate can be
generated for any height over 1 metre, regardless of which power curve is being used.
It's possible to calculate a predicted wind climate for a point without specifying a particular turbine
power curve. That's the equivalent of erecting a turbine mast but not fitting a turbine to it. The
predicted wind climate in that case will of course not contain any predictions describing the likely
power yield of the turbine, but a prediction containing data for the wind directions, frequencies,
speeds and energy will be produced.
In fact, it's quite appropriate to think of a turbine site as simply a point in 3-D space where a turbine
could be erected. WAsP can calculate a prediction of the wind climate for that point. You can take
things further by specifying a particular turbine type (by choosing a power curve to use). WAsP will
then generate a prediction of the power yield for the combination of the point and the turbine type in
addition the basic data in the predicted wind climate.
In fact, it's quite appropriate to think of a turbine site as simply a point in 3-D space where a turbine
could be erected. WAsP can calculate a prediction of the wind climate for that point. You can take
things further by specifying a particular turbine type (by choosing a power curve to use). WAsP will
then generate a prediction of the power yield for the combination of the point and the turbine type in
addition the basic data in the predicted wind climate.
Calculation status
Four types of hierarchy member can perform calculations: met. stations, turbine sites, resource grids
and wind farms. These calculating members are sensitive to changes in the hierarchy which affect
them. They also search up and down the hierarchy to look for the other members with which they
collaborate to do modelling work.
Ready to calculate?
Calculating members have a method called Calculate which is only available if the hierarchy is
correctly set up to allow the calculation to proceed. If a calculating member is not ready to be
calculated, then a different method is available, called Explain why cannot be calculated. If this
method is invoked, then a brief explanation of what more needs to be done is presented.
Detection of changes in influencing information
It's possible to tell a calculating member whether its wind atlas is due for recalculation. If the member
'thinks' that it ought to do a recalculation, then it has a method called Mark as calculated which will
override its status. Conversely, if it thinks that it is up-to-date, then a method called Mark as
uncalculated is available.
The turbine site control dialog
The turbine site has a control dialog which can be used to specify the precise location of the site and
to force a re-calculation of the associated predicted wind climate.
The dialog is displayed if a turbine site's Edit location method is invoked, or if the turbine site's icon
in the map is clicked with the right-hand mouse button.
The x and y co-ordinates of the turbine site can be typed in, allowing more precise positioning than by
dragging in the map. The height of the calculation can also be entered. If you type a value here, it will
immediately override any default value which has been used because a power curve has been
associated with the site.
The calculation button is not visible if the turbine site is not ready to perform a calculation.
Turbine sites in the map window
If a turbine site is associated with a map hierarchy member, and has valid co-ordinates, then it can be
displayed in the map, where it is indicated an icon marker.
Hide or show the locations of turbine site in the map display by clicking on the toolbar button
marked with the turbine site icon.
To select and identify a turbine site, click on the marker in the map with the left mouse button. The
name of the site and the exact ground co-ordinates are shown in a pop-up label.
Dragging the turbine site into position on the map
To display the turbine site in the map, select the turbine site's Highlight location in map method. If
the map is not showing, it will be opened. The turbine site's icon will be highlighted. If the turbine site
has never been located in the map, then select the method called Locate in map. The map window is
opened and the turbine site is automatically positioned at the centre of the mapped area.
It's now possible to change the location of the turbine site by dragging it in the map using the lefthand mouse button. A label appears giving the co-ordinates as you drag the turbine site. Depending
on the zoom level, it might be difficult to position the turbine site precisely. If this is a problem, simply
right-click on the icon in the map and the turbine site control dialog will appear, allowing you to edit
the co-ordinates.
Preparing to calculate a predicted wind climate
To calculate a predicted wind climate, a turbine site must:
Starting from scratch, here's how to prepare to calculate a predicted wind climate with a turbine site.
if the predicted wind climate window is open, the data display will be immediately refreshed to
display the new data,
the turbine site icon will change to indicate that the predicted wind climate is not due for recalculation.
Select a data display by clicking the appropriate button on the display control bar.
Using the 'rose and graph' displays
The three rose and graph displays are functionally similar, although they of course display different
To see the actual values used to construct the rose, move the mouse pointer slowly over a rose
Each sector has a corresponding curve, and there is also a curve for all sectors (non-directional). To
select a sector, click on it in the rose display. Hitting the spacebar on the keyboard will move the
selection around the rose. To select all sectors, click on the rose anywhere outside the area marked
with rings.
When a sector is selected, the graph will be changed to reflect the data for that sector. Moving the
mouse pointer over the graph will reveal a 'read-off' line, labelled with the precise frequency/value
datum for the point on the curve. The graph area is also used to display the Weibull A and k
parameters for the sector. The sector graphs further show a greyed curve which is the actual curve
scaled (arbitrarily) to the y-axis maximum.
The grid display shows the details of the model's output. Various output data values are given for each
To see less abbreviated column titles, move the mouse pointer slowly over the grid. A label will
appear, showing the fill title of the column. The window can be resized to allow more room to display
the grid.
The last two columns of the grid show the sector-wise contributions to the total energy and the total
power production, i.e. taking the frequency of occurrence of the wind into account. The power
production given in the summary results box above the grid is calculated from the Weibull A- and kparameters of the total wind distribution. Therefore, the sum of the sector-wise productions may not
be exactly the same as the total; however, in most cases the difference should be small.
You can use the Ctrl-C key combination to copy the list of model results to the system clipboard.
Exporting output
It is not possible to print the predicted wind climate contents directly, but the summary results box,
the rose and graph graphics and the grid's contents can be copied to the Windows system clipboard.
They can then be pasted into other Windows applications and printed.
To copy the summary results box, simply click on it. All three summary data will be automatically
selected. Use either CTRL-C or press the F11-key on the keyboard to copy these data to the
To copy the rose or graph, click on one with the mouse and then press the F11-key on the keyboard.
To copy the grid contents, click on the grid and then press the F11-key on the keyboard. When the
grid contents are copied, the contents of the summary data are also placed in the clipboard.
About power curves
Power curves are used to describe wind turbines. They can be associated with turbine sites, wind
farms and resource grids. WAsP can also read wind turbine data in the Park format.
Power curves contain information about how turbines transform wind energy into electrical power, and
the hub height usual for the turbine when deployed. The power curve file may also contain the rotor
diameter and values of the thrust coefficient, Ct.
The formats of the power curve and other wind turbine data files are described in the Technical
Reference section.
Power curves and power production estimation is described in more detail here.
To obtain a precise data reading, move the mouse over the graph. A read-off line appears and follows
the mouse position. If the wind speed for the current mouse pointer position is one of the original data
points from the file, a small ball appears where the curve and the read-off line meet.
In addition, the power curve window may show the rotor diameter and a graph of the thrust
coefficient against wind speed, if this information is available.
The power curve or thrust coefficient graphs are selected by clicking on the left-hand or right-hand yaxis, respectively. Precise data readings of thrust coefficient values are obtained by moving the mouse
over the graph, as described above.
About wind farms
Wind farms provide a convenient way to calculate power yield predictions for several turbine sites
A wind farm consists of a set of turbine sites which differ from each other only in their map location.
They must all lie within the same map, but can be arranged in any pattern. You can also set the wind
farm to model the reduction in power yield for each turbine caused by interference from its
neighbours; these reductions are called the wake losses.
Each site in a wind farm is like a simpler version of a normal turbine site. All the sites have the same
height above ground. If a power curve is associated with the wind farm, then that curve is used for all
of the sites in the farm. A wind farm site cannot have an associated obstacle list, nor a site-specific
roughness description. A site does not have an associated predicted wind climate hierarchy member,
but instead just a few key summary data are generated for each site. If you need a lot of detail about
each site, then you need actually to have several turbine sites in the same project.
Wind farm sites are simpler than turbine sites, but are also easier to manage as a group. A wind farm
presents data about the total power or energy yield for a set of sites. You can also adjust the
calculation height for all of the sites in a wind farm simultaneously. You need to create each site in the
wind farm individually, but this is still much quicker than creating several normal turbine sites. Wake
losses can only be modelled using a wind farm: if you set up several separate turbine sites, then there
is no way to model interference between them, no matter how close they are.
of the sites in the farm. A wind farm site cannot have an associated obstacle list, nor a site-specific
roughness description. A site does not have an associated predicted wind climate hierarchy member,
but instead just a few key summary data are generated for each site. If you need a lot of detail about
each site, then you need actually to have several turbine sites in the same project.
Wind farm sites are simpler than turbine sites, but are also easier to manage as a group. A wind farm
presents data about the total power or energy yield for a set of sites. You can also adjust the
calculation height for all of the sites in a wind farm simultaneously. You need to create each site in the
wind farm individually, but this is still much quicker than creating several normal turbine sites. Wake
losses can only be modelled using a wind farm: if you set up several separate turbine sites, then there
is no way to model interference between them, no matter how close they are.
Calculation status
Four types of hierarchy member can perform calculations: met. stations, turbine sites, resource grids
and wind farms. These calculating members are sensitive to changes in the hierarchy which affect
them. They also search up and down the hierarchy to look for the other members with which they
collaborate to do modelling work.
Ready to calculate?
Calculating members have a method called Calculate which is only available if the hierarchy is
correctly set up to allow the calculation to proceed. If a calculating member is not ready to be
calculated, then a different method is available, called Explain why cannot be calculated. If this
method is invoked, then a brief explanation of what more needs to be done is presented.
Detection of changes in influencing information
It's possible to tell a calculating member whether its wind atlas is due for recalculation. If the member
'thinks' that it ought to do a recalculation, then it has a method called Mark as calculated which will
override its status. Conversely, if it thinks that it is up-to-date, then a method called Mark as
uncalculated is available.
The wind farm window
The wind farm window is a tabbed dialog box with four views:
The first view displays general & summary information about the wind farm.
The status of the calculation is indicated. If you have made a change to the configuration of the wind
farm, or changed something else which might affect the results, the status display will change to
indicate that the results may need to be recalculated. Press the calculate button to recalculate the
wind farm results.
The results summary shows the annual energy production (AEP) of the farm. If wake losses are
modelled, then this figure will be the total of all sites after wake loss adjustments have been made to
the turbine yields. The line below shows the range in yields between individual turbines in the wind
farm. These two data are gross figures: if wake losses are modelled, the losses are not applied to
these data displaying the range.
The wake modelling section allows you to switch on or off the wake effects model. If wake effects
modelling is switched on, then an extra line of results information is available, showing the sum of all
wake losses for all the turbine sites in the wind farm. Pressing the wake modelling configuration
button will bring up the wake model settings dialog window. This box lets you control how the wake
modelling is performed.
The turbine settings section shows the height at which the calculations are performed (the hub height
for all of the sites in the farm). The height can be changed by adjusting the number shown. It is not
possible for different sites to have different heights. This section also indicates which turbine type is
being used in the modelling. Pressing the turbine details button will simply launch the power curve
window for the associated hierarchy member. Note, that a thrust coefficient curve must be specified in
order for WAsP to calculate the wake effects.
The picture below illustrates some of the points discussed.
The second view provided by the window simply shows a list of all the sites in the wind farm, with
some summary information about each one: site label, x-and y-coordinates of the site, gross power
yield, net power yield, wake loss and mean wind speed. If the wake loss model is used, then the wake
losses are shown as a percentage of the gross power yield.
The sites can be sorted according to their label, coordinates, gross AEP, net AEP, wake loss or mean
wind speed by clicking on the corresponding column heading button.
If a site in the list is selected, then right-clicking on it will bring up a menu of possible actions. This
menu allows you to rename sites, remove existing sites and insert new sites:
Clicking on 'Edit site location' will present another small dialog which lets you edit the turbine site's
You can use the Ctrl-C key combination to copy the list of site results (with a header of summary
data) to the system clipboard.
The third view a plan view of the sites in the farm
The third view shows a plan of the layout of the turbines in the wind farm.
By default, a simple icon is used to show the location of each site. The layout grid against which the
sites are displayed has a resolution of 500 metres and is aligned with the map reference system. If
you move the mouse slowly over the grid, the current position co-ordinates will appear. You can select
a different icon to use for wind farm sites by changing the setting in the options window. Use the grid
zoom control to change the size of the displayed area.
If you click on a turbine site icon, it will become the currently selected site (click near the bottom of
the icon, since this is the actual site location, not the hub). When a site is selected, you can move it
by dragging. If you hold down the Ctrl key while doing this, the site is copied instead of moved so a
new turbine site is inserted into the farm. If you right-click on a selected site, then a menu appears
which is similar to that accessible from the list view.
If results have been calculated, then it is possible to change the display to show roses describing the
data. To do this, use the display option buttons.
The picture below shows the wake loss roses, which is the most complicated view. You can change the
size of the roses using the rose scale control. You can change the colours used to display the roses in
the options window.
The yellow segments show the net power production, and the red segments show the power
production lost to wake interference. The total shape of the segment illustrates the gross power and is
indeed exactly what is shown if you select the power production roses button.
You can use the Ctrl-C key combination to copy a picture of the plan view display to the system
The fourth view detailed results for a single site
If a site is selected, either in the plan view or the list view, then it is possible to use the fourth tab to
display detailed results for a single site.
The display shows the results sector-by-sector and some sector-independent data too. If you want to
investigate the predictions more closely (e.g. by exploring the corrections used), then you should
create a separate turbine site hierarchy member and use that.
You can use the Ctrl-C key combination to copy these data to the system clipboard.
Wake modelling configuration
Pressing the wake modelling configuration button in the wind farm window will bring up the wake
model settings dialog window. This box lets you control how the wake modelling is performed.
Calculation settings
The number of steps per sector defines how many degrees the program steps between each wake
calculation. It should be chosen such that the direction step becomes lower than about 5-8 degrees;
the default value is five sub-sectors, corresponding to a step of 6.
Wake model dump file
The dump file is a text file where the wind farm results are listed in some detail for each sector and for
all sectors: Weibull A and k, frequency of occurrence, gross and net power production and efficiency of
the turbines. It also gives the wind farm efficiency in per cent for all wind speeds and directions as
well as the overall 'wind farm power curve', i.e. the power production of the entire farm as a function
of the wind speed.
Wake decay constants
You can also specify which wake decay constant(s) to use in the wake modelling:
The same button on the map toolbar is used to control the display of normal turbine sites and wind
farm sites. By default, the same icon is used as a wind farm site marker as a turbine site marker, but
you can change the marker which is used. In the map display, there is no indication that the sites are
members of the same wind farm.
To select a wind farm site, click on it with the left mouse button. It will be high-lighted and if you wait
a moment, then a label will appear which displays the name of the wind farm, the name of the site
and the exact co-ordinates of the site.
When selected, the site can be moved by dragging it with the left mouse button held down. It is also
possible to copy the site by pressing and holding down the Ctrl-key and then dragging the highlighted
site with the left mouse button. When you drop the site into a new location, a new site is
automatically created and added to the wind farm. The original site remains unmoved. Doing this
several times is a really quick way to set up a wind farm.
If a site is highlighted, then clicking on it with the right mouse button will cause the wind farm window
to be displayed, with the highlighted site selected.
Preparing to calculate a wind farm
To be calculated, a wind farm must at least
The power curve must be specified in order to calculate power production, the thrust coefficient curve
must be specified in order to calculate wind farm wake effects and wind farm efficiency. Here's what a
typical work space would look like:
The actual wind farm layout can now be done from scratch, in the map or from file.
Setting up a wind farm from scratch
Starting from scratch, here's how to set up the turbines in a wind farm:
Right-click on the wind farm and choose to View the wind farm window
Right-click in the blank area of the 'List view' window to invoke the menu
Choose Insert turbine site to create the first site
In the 'List view' window, right-click the newly-created site
Choose either Show site in map or Edit site location
In the map window, drag the highlighted site to a likely location, or
Enter the turbine site coordinates in the 'Turbine site location' window
Add more wind turbine sites following points 8-12
It should now be possible to calculate the farm by pressing the 'Calculate all sites' button in the
'General' view of the wind farm window.
Wind farms can be set up in the map or the layout can be imported from a list of wind turbine
Setting up a wind farm from the map
If a wind farm includes at least one site, then you can quickly and easily add more by working in the
map. How to set up the first turbine is explained here.
Highlight one of the existing sites in the map by clicking on the marker with the left mouse
Press and hold down the Ctrl-key on the keyboard.
Click on the highlighted site with the left mouse button and drag the highlighted marker to a
new location.
Drop the marker.
A new site is added immediately to the wind farm.
Sites can be moved by dragging the highlighted site to a new position in the map, or by right-clicking
a highlighted site and entering the new map coordinates of the site.
Setting up a wind farm from file
If the layout of the wind farm is already given by the coordinates of the wind turbine positions, this
layout can be imported directly from file:
When imported, sites can be moved by dragging the highlighted site to a new position in the map, or
by right-clicking a highlighted site and entering the new map coordinates of the site.
Calculating a wind farm
If the wind farm is ready to be calculated, then the calculation can be performed by either
if the wind farm window is open, then the data grid will be immediately refreshed to display
the new data,
the wind farm icon will change to indicate that it is not due for re-calculation.
mean wind speed
mean power density
annual energy production (if a power curve is associated)
Weibull-A value
Weibull-k value
When a resource grid is saved, not all of the calculated data are saved to file. Mean wind speed data
are never saved. If power data were calculated, then energy data are not saved. If power data were
not calculated, then they are not saved.
mean wind speed
mean power density
annual energy production (if a power curve is associated)
Weibull-A value
Weibull-k value
When a resource grid is saved, not all of the calculated data are saved to file. Mean wind speed data
are never saved. If power data were calculated, then energy data are not saved. If power data were
not calculated, then they are not saved.
Calculation status
Four types of hierarchy member can perform calculations: met. stations, turbine sites, resource grids
and wind farms. These calculating members are sensitive to changes in the hierarchy which affect
them. They also search up and down the hierarchy to look for the other members with which they
collaborate to do modelling work.
Ready to calculate?
Calculating members have a method called Calculate which is only available if the hierarchy is
correctly set up to allow the calculation to proceed. If a calculating member is not ready to be
calculated, then a different method is available, called Explain why cannot be calculated. If this
method is invoked, then a brief explanation of what more needs to be done is presented.
Detection of changes in influencing information
It's possible to tell a calculating member whether its wind atlas is due for recalculation. If the member
'thinks' that it ought to do a recalculation, then it has a method called Mark as calculated which will
override its status. Conversely, if it thinks that it is up-to-date, then a method called Mark as
uncalculated is available.
The resource grid window
The resource grid window displays the calculated data for the points in the grid, and provides a
toolbar to let you work with the grid.
If the grid has data to display, then you can choose which data to view by selecting a variable from
the variable selector. The data grid will be updated to show the data for the selected variable. If no
variable is selected or if no data are available, then a simple array of points markers is shown to
illustrate the structure of the grid.
There is no scale, but if you allow the mouse pointer to linger for a moment over the coloured grid,
then a label will appear which provides details of the current location and the data value for that point.
Whichever variable is selected, and whatever the data values are, the data are always displayed using
a simple linear colour scale in which the range of colours is scaled from the minimum value found to
the maximum value found. The WAsP options window allows you to change the colours used.
The toolbar has three buttons.
If the resource grid is located within the area covered by an associated map, then pressing this
button will show the map with the resource grid displayed as a colour underlay.
This button lets you configure the grid. Pressing this button displays the resource grid
configuration dialog.
This is the calculate button. Pressing it will cause the whole grid to be recalculated.
If the grid cannot be calculated then the calculate button icon is changed to this. Pressing the
button will cause a message to be displayed which explains why the resource grid cannot be
The buttons on the toolbar correspond to methods of the resource grid's menu.
Configuring a resource grid
To configure the resource grid, either press the configure button on the toolbar of the resource grid
window, or choose to configure from the menu of methods. A window like the one shown below will
The grid is configured by providing several data values. The four data on the left are used to locate
the grid in the map and the three on the right are used to define the structure of the grid. Since these
data are inter-dependent, WAsP automatically completes the values for some of the data as you work.
For example, if you simply provide values for Min-X and Min-Y and then go directly on to specify the
resolution and rows and columns, then WAsP will calculate the Max-X and Max-Y.
WAsP immediately determines whether the grid lies completely within the area of any associated map
and displays the number of calculation points contained in the grid which you have specified.
This dialog can also be used to set the height for the calculation. If a power curve is associated with
the grid, then the default height for that power curve is used automatically. You can simply override
such a value by editing the box shown here. If you subsequently rearrange the hierarchy so as to
associate a different power curve with the resource grid, then WAsP will ask whether you want to use
the current height or replace it with the default height for the newly-associated power curve.
Resource grids in the map window
To display the resource grid in the map window, press the display in map button on the resource grid
window toolbar, or select the appropriate method from the menu of methods. The map will be shown
and the resource grid will be illustrated as an 'underlay' to the contour and roughness change lines.
In the resource grid configuration dialog, specify the size and resolution of the grid
Specify a height for the resource grid calculations
if the resource grid window is open and a variable is selected for display, the data grid will be
immediately refreshed to display the new data,
the resource grid icon will change to indicate that it is not due for re-calculation.
, etc.
Library folders cannot contain other library
Each library folder contains a list of files. Only files which can be opened in the WAsP workspace
hierarchy are shown. Each file is shown with the icon of the type of hierarchy member which
corresponds to the file type. The files' extensions are also shown.
Each library folder is associated with one or more folders on the computer's file system and presents a
list of files that are found in that file system folder(s). Library folders can list all of the WAsP files
found, can list only one type of WAsP file or can list several WAsP files. They do not list files found in
sub-folders on the file system folder.
The library is not visible unless a workspace is open.
Files can be dragged from the library to become children of an existing member in the
workspace hierarchy.
Files can be opened into the root of the workspace by double-clicking on them in the library.
Files can be opened into the root of the workspace by selecting Open member in workspace
from the file's right-click popup menu.
Type a Name for the library folder. This is only used to identify the folder in the library pane.
Select one or more Path's to a folder on the computer's file system. The library folder will list
the files from this/these file system folder/s.
From the File types pane, select one or more types of files to be listed in the library folder.
You can set the library folder to list all types of WAsP files, just one type or several types. The
type is chosen by left-clicking on them; if choosing more than one you must hold down the
If the library is not currently selected, then both the toolbar and the menu will be disabled. Different
menu options and toolbar buttons become enabled and disabled depending on whether the library
root, a library folder or a file is selected.
About GUI options
You can change the way that the WAsP user interface behaves by setting options in the options
window. These options do not affect the way calculations are performed, but are limited to the display
and file management.
The options window can be displayed by selecting Options from the Tools menu of the main window.
With the options window, you can:
There is a button marked Defaults, which is always available. Pressing this button will return all
settings to their default values.
When displaying resource grids, WAsP interpolates between the min and max colours which you
If you change a colour, the affected displays will not be immediately adjusted. The next time that they
are redrawn, the new colour will be used.
The roughness description colour scale is not editable.
Changing map markers
Here you can choose which marker WAsP should use when indicating the location of met. stations,
turbine sites and wind farm sites in the map.
To choose a marker, press the button marked with three dots next to the one you wish to change.
Another dialog will appear, displaying a list of markers.
When you open or save a file, WAsP remembers where you found or placed it. Next time you
open or save a file of the same type, WAsP will automatically offer you the same directory as
you last used. By default, WAsP remembers a separate directory for each type of file, but you
can tell WAsP to remember the same directory for all file types. Which setting is best will
depend on the way that you work and the way that you organise your files.
When WAsP starts, no workspace is open. If you wish, you can tell WAsP to open the
workspace which you were last using.
When you first run WAsP, the program is associated with several different types of files, so
that Windows knows to use WAsP to work with files of those types. It's possible that these
settings can be disrupted. Check this box to restore the WAsP file associations. The
associations will be restored the next time that you start the WAsP program.
The names 'observed wind climate' and 'predicted wind climate' are rather long, and tend to
make it difficult to see things in the workspace hierarchy. If you tell WAsP to use abbreviations
instead, then 'OWC' and 'PWC' will be used when identifying hierarchy members. This setting
will only be effected when you next start WAsP.
If you still think the workspace hierarchy is 'too wide', you can tell WAsP to show only icons
and member names in the hierarchy tree.
WAsP tools
The Tools menu is used to launch utility programs from within WAsP. The following tools are
In addition, the following DOS utility programs are included on the CD-ROM and installed in the main
WAsP directory:
Other software and hardware may also be useful in working with WAsP.
This section of the help facility describes the topographical concepts used in WAsP modelling, as well
as the different models of WAsP: the roughness model, the flow model, the shelter model and the
wind farm model.
In general terms, accurate predictions using the WAsP program may be obtained (Bowen and
Mortensen, 1996) provided:
the reference site (meteorological station) and predicted site (wind turbine site or met. station)
are subject to the same overall weather regime,
the prevailing weather conditions are close to being neutrally stable,
the reference wind data are reliable,
the surrounding terrain (of both sites) is sufficiently gentle and smooth to ensure mostly
attached flows, and
the topographical model inputs are adequate and reliable.
Time-series of wind data or climatological (statistical) summaries may be obtained from synoptic
stations, from stations established for the collection of climatic data or from other sources. In the
selection of wind data a number of goals should be aimed at which can be summarised as follows:
Sufficient time period. At least one year, but preferably several years.
Well exposed anemometer, far from buildings and other obstacles. This requirement is often
the most difficult to satisfy.
Accurate description of anemometric conditions and data of 10-min or hourly averages
collected for e.g. each 3-hour period throughout the 24-hour day.
Using raw data as the initial data source is generally preferable, since this allows detection of errors in
the data which may be undetectable in data summaries. The raw data must be processed by the OWC
Wizard in order to obtain a statistical summary table that can be employed by WAsP.
The data characteristics that are important for the processing of a time-series of wind speed and
direction can conveniently be collected by filling in a WAsP Data Description Form. Ask the data
supplier to fill in this form if you do not collect the data yourself.
Inspection and quality control
Data should be carefully inspected even though they are assumed to be quality-controlled by the
supplying organisation. The most important checks after receipt of the data are: visual inspection of
the time series of wind speed and direction and inspection of the frequency table (histogram). By
inspection, it is possible to detect data deficiencies such as:
The cure for these data deficiencies is often quite simple (European Wind Atlas, 1989). The
abnormally high wind speeds can be removed manually. Abnormal occurrences of wind speeds and
directions should be checked against known climatology. The patterns caused by data discretisation
can be eliminated by WAsP, given the discretisation bin widths.
In general, there is no simple procedure for filling in missing data.
Data discretisation
An important consideration is the question of whether the wind data have already been truncated
severely. If, for example, a 'raw' data set is given in integral ms-1 due to prior processing (which is
common practice for some meteorological stations) use of the OWC Wizard with the default setting for
the wind speed bins of 1 ms-1 will cause errors, since the speed value u = n (n integer) will add to the
nth bin, which is subsequently represented by its midpoint value um = n + 0.5.
To avoid this shifting of the wind speed and direction distributions, it is possible to specify the
discretisation bin widthsapparent in the raw data. WAsP will then automatically correct for this effect
when calculating the distributions. Note, that discretisation errors will be apparent in the 'OWC Wizard
- Finished' window.
If a table/histogram has already been compiled on the basis of a discretised time-series and the series
is not readily available for re-processing, the bin limits of the TAB-file could be adjusted using a text
editor. The corrected file is subsequently used as input to WAsP.
Example 1
If wind speeds are given in integral metres per second (1, 2, 3, ...) and wind directions in 36 classes
(10, 20, 30, ..., 360) the discretisation bin widths are 1.0 ms-1 and 10, i.e. 1.0 and 10.0. Note, that
scaling of the raw data is not required.
Example 2
If wind speeds are given in integral knots (1, 2, 3, ...) and wind directions in 32 classes or points (1,
2, 3, ..., 32) the discretisation bin widths are 1.0 knot and 1 point, i.e. 1.0 and 1.0. Note, that in this
case the wind speeds would also have to be multiplied by 0.5144 [ms-1/knot] and wind directions by
11.25 [/point]; since WAsP accepts SI-units only.
Anemometric conditions
Most wind speed measurements are made using cup anemometers. The accuracy and reliability of
such wind data are influenced by the factors and conditions listed below.
Tower shadow
Boom and clamp effects
Anemometer design
distance constant (l0)
mech. and elec. construction
Turbulent biases
u-bias, proportional to (sU/U)2 (overspeeding)
v-bias, proportional to (sV/U)2 (DP-error)
w-bias, proportional to (sW/U)2 (angular response)
stress-bias, proportional to <uw>/U2
Calibration procedure
wind tunnel calibration
atmospheric (in-situ)
Anemometer condition
long-term stability of output
maintenance schedule
Environmental conditions
sea spray, salt, dust, insects, ...
icing of instrument
Anemometer siting
A standard WAsP analysis is concerned mainly with the siting of the anemometer through the
descriptions and modelling of the surrounding topography. However, all of the factors listed above
should be evaluated to obtain the highest accuracy in the wind speed and direction data and thereby
in the production estimates.
Estimation of the wind resource ranges from overall estimates of the mean energy content of the wind
over a large area called regional assessment to the prediction of the average yearly energy
production of a specific wind turbine at a specific location called siting. The information necessary
for siting generally needs to be much more detailed than in the case of regional assessment. However,
both applications make use of the general concepts of topography analysis and regional wind
In order for WAsP to calculate the effects of topography on the wind at a given place ("the site") it is
necessary to describe systematically the characteristics of the surroundings. The site may be a
projected wind turbine site or a met. station or wind mast.
For a given situation, there are three main effects of topography on the wind: roughness, orographic
and shelter effects. In nature these effects are not entirely independent. The program takes this into
account, but allows the user to specify the close-by sheltering obstacles, the roughness of the
surrounding terrain, and the orography independently. How these terrain characteristics are obtained
and entered to WAsP is explained in the following.
For a given site, there may not be any near-by obstacles present and therefore no shelter effects.
Similarly, the site may be situated in entirely flat terrain in which case there will be no effects of the
orography. However, the surface will always influence the wind through the roughness of the terrain.
So, even for the simplest of sites you must evaluate and specify the terrain surface roughness. If you
do not specify the roughness explicitly, WAsP will assume a default roughness length of 0.03 m.
The collective effect of the terrain surface and obstacles, leading to an overall retardation of the wind
near the ground, is referred to as the roughness of the terrain. However, not all the topographical
elements contribute to the roughness. Vegetation and houses are examples of roughness elements,
whereas long smooth hills, for example, are not, because they do not themselves cause an increase in
the turbulence of the flow.
Orographic elements such as hills, valleys, cliffs, escarpments and ridges exert an additional influence
on the wind. Near the summit or crest of these features the wind will accelerate while near the foot
and in valleys it will decelerate.
Close to an obstacle such as a building the wind is strongly influenced by the presence of the obstacle.
The effect extends vertically to approximately three times the height of the obstacle, and downstream
to 30 to 40 times the height. If the point of interest is inside this zone, it is necessary to take the
sheltering effects into account, whereas if the point is outside the zone the building should be treated
as a roughness element.
The buildings and rows of trees shelter the met. mast in the center of the drawing.
Practical considerations
When it comes to describing a site in practice it is recommended that the following material is
a recently revised topographical map on a scale of 1:25,000 or 1:50,000 with height contour
a topographical map or sketch showing the distribution of areas with different roughness, e.g.
forests, shelter belts (windbreaks), lakes, oceans, towns etc. If this is not at hand, a
roughness rose (i.e. a sector-wise description of the roughness in e.g. 12 sectors) should be
a map or sketch showing sheltering obstacles close to the point of interest.
Photographs of the surroundings of the site and/or aerial photographs may come in handy if a visit to
the site(s) is not feasible. In general, however, a visit to the site(s) is strongly recommended.
A list of tools you might find useful for site visits is given here. A number of WAsP forms have also
been developed as an aid in collecting the relevant data and site information.
The roughness of a terrain
The roughness of a particular surface area is determined by the size and distribution of the roughness
elements it contains; for land surfaces these are typically vegetation, built-up areas and the soil
surface. In the European Wind Atlas (Troen and Petersen, 1989) the different terrains have been
divided into four types, each characterised by its roughness elements. Each terrain type is referred to
as a roughness class. A description and illustration of these four roughness classes is given in the
figures below which furthermore give the relation between roughness length and roughness class, the
former being the commonly used length scale to characterise the roughness of a terrain.
Example of terrain corresponding to roughness class 0: water areas. This class comprises the sea,
fjords, and lakes. The roughness length is z0 = 0.0002 m.
Example of terrain corresponding to roughness class 1: open areas with few windbreaks. The terrain
appears to be very open and is flat or gently undulating. Single farms and stands of trees and bushes
can be found. The roughness length is z0 = 0.03 m.
Example of terrain corresponding to roughness class 2: farm land with wind-breaks, the mean
separation of which exceeds 1000 m, and some scattered built-up areas. The terrain is characterised
by large open areas between the many windbreaks, giving the landscape an open appearance. The
terrain may be flat or undulating. There are many trees and buildings. The roughness length is z0 =
0.10 m.
Example of terrain corresponding to roughness class 3: urban districts, forests, and farm land with
many windbreaks. The farm land is characterised by the many closely spaced windbreaks, the average
separation being a few hundred metres. Forest and urban areas also belong to this class. The
roughness length is z0 = 0.40 m.
The roughness length
The roughness of a terrain is commonly parameterised by a length scale called the roughness length,
z0. Formally, z0 is the height where the mean wind speed becomes zero, if the wind profile has a
logarithmic variation with height. This usually occurs during moderate and strong wind conditions.
A simple empirical relation between the roughness elements and the roughness length has been given
by Lettau (1969). A roughness element is characterised by its height h and the cross-section facing
the wind S. Further, for a number of roughness elements distributed evenly over an area, the density
can be described by the average horizontal area, AH, available to each element. Then
z0 = 0.5 (h S) / AH
This relation gives reasonable estimates of z0 when AH is much larger than S. It tends to overestimate
z0 when AH is of the order of S; this is because, when the roughness elements are close together, the
flow is 'lifted' over them. Then only a fraction of S and h contributes to the roughness. Furthermore,
the lifting of the flow requires measuring the height above ground from somewhere between the top
of the roughness elements and half the height of the elements. This height is referred to as a
displacement length. The displacement length must often be taken into account on sites with forests,
cities, and tall vegetation. Finally, the equation assumes that the porosity is approximately zero, i.e.
the roughness elements are solid. For porous roughness elements, z0 from the equation above must
be reduced by a fraction equal to the porosity. An example of the use of this equation is given here.
Table of roughness lengths
The table below indicates the relation between roughness length, terrain surface characteristics and
roughness class given in the European Wind Atlas. The table may serve as a guideline for assigning
roughness length values.
z0 [m]
Roughness Class
3 (0.40 m)
shelter belts
mown grass
2 (0.10 m)
1 (0.03 m)
0 (0.0002 m)
Note, however, that on input the roughness of water must be given as 0 (zero), in order for WAsP to
distinguish between water areas and very smooth land surfaces.
Specifying terrain roughness
There are two different ways of describing the roughness characteristics of the terrain surrounding a
in the form of a digital map of roughness-change lines, i.e. lines separating areas of equal
roughness (length). The roughness map describes the distribution of areas of equal roughness
length from which WAsP is able to interpret the roughness conditions at any site within the
in the form of a site-specific roughness description, also referred to as a roughness rose. In
this case the roughness conditions at one site are described sector by sector as seen from the
site, i.e. the description contains the distance to and magnitude of the roughness changes that
occur in each sector.
In the first case, WAsP calculates its own roughness rose from the roughness map, in the second case
WAsP uses the rose specified by the user directly. The input to the model accounting for roughness is
thus in both cases a roughness rose.
The roughness map offers the greatest flexibility, because the site can be chosen at random within the
area covered by the map. The roughness rose, on the other hand, generally offers higher accuracy in
the roughness description of single sites.
The surface will always influence the wind through the roughness of the terrain. Even for the simplest
of sites you must evaluate and specify the terrain surface roughness. If you do not specify the
roughness explicitly, WAsP will assume a default roughness length of 0.03 m in all sectors.
Areas of different roughness are apparent on most topographical maps. Examples are: water areas
(the sea, fjords, lakes), sand surfaces, bare soil, moor, open farmland, farmland with many shelter
belts, forests, villages, and cities.
The landscape can be classified into areas of similar roughness on basis of the information contained
in the map, as well as any other information available, e.g. aerial photographs. This classification may
be thought of as dividing the landscape into a number of terrain types or roughness classes often in
more detail than the classes mentioned above. When the classification has been done, a roughness
length z0 can be assigned to each class; one possible relation between roughness class and roughness
length was given here.
Areas of different roughness are apparent on most topographical maps. Examples are: water areas
(the sea, fjords, lakes), sand surfaces, bare soil, moor, open farmland, farmland with many shelter
belts, forests, villages, and cities.
The landscape can be classified into areas of similar roughness on basis of the information contained
in the map, as well as any other information available, e.g. aerial photographs. This classification may
be thought of as dividing the landscape into a number of terrain types or roughness classes often in
more detail than the classes mentioned above. When the classification has been done, a roughness
length z0 can be assigned to each class; one possible relation between roughness class and roughness
length was given here.
Roughness-change lines
The lines separating areas of different roughness are referred to as roughness-change lines. Whereas
the familiar height contour lines are assigned one value only, i.e. the elevation above mean sea level,
roughness-change lines are assigned two values: the roughness lengths z01 and z02 found on either
side of the line.
Furthermore, the starting point and end point of each roughness-change line must be specified.
Tracing the line from the starting point to the end point, the left- and right-hand sides of the line are
unambiguously defined and the roughness lengths can be referred to as the left-hand z0l and righthand z0r roughness lengths, respectively.
The characteristics of roughness-change lines are apparent from this sketch map:
Each line has a starting point and an end point, and two roughness length values are assigned to it.
Water surfaces must be assigned a roughness length of 0 m (zero metres).
Roughness map characteristics
Great care must be exercised when drawing and digitising the roughness-change lines, in order to
ensure a consistent roughness map. As with height contours, roughness-change lines should never
cross each other; if they do, ambiguity in the roughness lengths will result, thereby creating wrong
Like height contour data, the roughness data are stored in a map file, containing the values and
coordinates of the roughness lines. The order of the coordinates in the file defines the start and end
points of the lines. Height contour lines and roughness-change lines may be present in the same map
file or may be stored in different files. Evidently, the coordinate systems must be the same in both
Certain features in the landscape, first of all coast lines, represent both a height contour and a
roughness-change line. Consequently, three types of lines may be present in the map file:
Contour line only, i.e. a line through points that are at the same height above sea level. The
elevation (z) is given in metres.
Roughness line only, i.e. a line separating areas of different roughness lengths. This type of
line is described by two parameters: the roughness length on the left-hand side z0l and the
roughness length on the right-hand side z0r of the line. The roughness lengths are given in
Combined roughness and contour line, i.e. a line that is both a contour line and roughness line
(e.g. a coastline). These lines have three parameters: the roughness length on the left-hand
side z0l, the roughness length on the right-hand side z0r, and the elevation of the line z all of
which are given in metres.
The roughness-change line descriptions close (within a km or so) to the prospected site(s) should be
as detailed and accurate as possible. Conversely, both the detail and accuracy may be relaxed
somewhat far away from the site(s).
It is very important that the roughness map provides a coherent and consistent picture of the different
roughness areas. The digitisation should be done carefully and the roughness map should be checked
thoroughly with the WAsP Map Editor.
Accuracy and detail of the map
The roughness classification should preferably extend to at least 5 km from any site likely to be
investigated. If extensive water surfaces occur in the area, it may even be extended to 10 km or
more. Topographical maps on scales of 1:25,000 or 1:50,000 are well suited for roughness length
classification and preparation of the roughness map.
The roughness-change line descriptions close to the prospected site(s) should be as detailed and
accurate as possible. Conversely, both the detail and accuracy may be relaxed somewhat far away
from the site(s).
In general, the roughness roses for the sites are conveniently calculated by WAsP using the roughness
map as input. However, sometimes, either due to the lack of a proper topographical map or because
only one (simple) site description is needed, the roughness rose may be entered directly.
The specification of a roughness rose for a given site is like the roughness map a matter of
assigning proper roughness lengths to the various surface types around the site. The classification is
done sector by sector like this:
The roughness classification may be compiled on a separate sheet like the Roughness Classification
Form' provided here.
In general, the roughness roses for the sites are conveniently calculated by WAsP using the roughness
map as input. However, sometimes, either due to the lack of a proper topographical map or because
only one (simple) site description is needed, the roughness rose may be entered directly.
The specification of a roughness rose for a given site is like the roughness map a matter of
assigning proper roughness lengths to the various surface types around the site. The classification is
done sector by sector like this:
The roughness classification may be compiled on a separate sheet like the Roughness Classification
Form' provided here.
Preparing a roughness rose
Dividing the horizon in e.g. twelve 30-degree sectors, the classification is done sector by sector after
the following principles:
The classification shall extend to at least 5 km from the site. If there are extensive water surfaces
(z0 = 0) further away it may even be extended to 10 km or more.
In case there are several roughness changes in one sector, the following rule may be applied: Let X1
be the distance from the site to the first change of roughness, X2 the distance from the site to the
next, and Xn the distance to roughness change number n. Then,
Xn >= 2 Xn-1 for n = 2,3,... and n =< 10
This guideline should be adhered to in order to avoid an abundance of roughness changes, but it may
be deviated from in cases where clear roughness boundaries are found, e.g. at a coastline. A
maximum of ten roughness changes can be specified in each sector.
In case the terrain between two lines of roughness change is not uniform a resulting roughness, z0R,
must be estimated. Dividing the sector segment into quarters of approximately equal roughness, this
table gives the overall roughness length of the segment as a function of the number of quarters of
each roughness class in the segment.
This division has to be done keeping in mind that areas close to the site will exert the strongest
influence on the wind speed at the site. By using the principle of this figure, high weights are assigned
to close-by areas when each of the areas I, II, III and IV are given the same weight. Hence, if area I,
II, III and IV are of class 0, 1, 2 and 3, respectively, the resulting roughness derived from this table is
~ 0.04 m.
The roughness classification may be compiled on a separate sheet like the Roughness Classification
Form' provided here.
Limitations of the roughness model
The roughness model can handle up to 10 changes of roughness in each of up to 36 sectors. The
default value is seven roughness changes in each sector.
Effect of terrain orography
The effects of height variations in the terrain on the wind profile can most clearly be demonstrated by
the results from the international field experiments at the Askervein hill on the Isle of South Uist in
the Hebrides (Taylor and Teunissen, 1987; Salmon et al., 1987). The figure below shows a
perspective plot of the Askervein hill. The line along which measurements of wind speed and direction
were recorded is indicated by the meteorological towers.
Relative speed-up ratios for flow over the Askervein hill at 10 m above ground level. Measurements
are indicated by dots and results from the orographic model by squares. Results from two other
numerical models are shown by a full and dashed line, respectively.
The data in the figure are obtained for a wind direction almost perpendicular to the orientation of the
ridge. Also shown are the results from three numerical models: the BZ-model (Troen, 1990) used in
WAsP and two other models (Beljaars et al., 1987). Some noteworthy characteristics from the figure
the speed-up at the crest is 80 per cent as compared with the undisturbed upstream mean
wind speed
the negative speed-up (speed-down) in the front and lee of the hill is 20 to 40 per cent as
compared with the undisturbed upstream mean wind speed
It is evident that hills exert a profound influence on the flow, and this has to be taken into account as
carefully as possible. But one should be aware that all the height changes in the terrain influence the
flow: a 5% height increase can have a 5% impact on the mean wind speed possibly at hub height
resulting in a 15% increase of the available power.
The figure below shows wind profiles recorded simultaneously upstream and on top of the Askervein
hill. Note that the upstream profile is logarithmic with height whereas the hill-top profile has a knee at
the height l, the height of maximum relative speed-up. The profile is almost constant with height
above the knee until it matches with the upstream profile at the height 2L where L is a characteristic
length of the hill, typically the half-width as shown above.
It employs a high-resolution, zooming, polar grid. This is coupled with a map analysis routine
in order to calculate the potential flow perturbation profile at the central point of the model.
It integrates the roughness conditions of the terrain surface into the spectral or scale
decomposition. The 'inner-layer' structure is calculated using a balance condition between
surface stress, advection and the pressure gradient.
It uses an atmospheric boundary layer thickness of approx. 1 km to force the large scale (say,
more than a few kilometres) flow around high-elevation areas.
Still closer, the drawing in the lower left-hand corner covers an area of about 1 sq. km. Finally, the
centre of the grid is shown in the lower right-hand corner of the figure; this covers approximately 200
by 200 sq. m. The grid resolution at the centre of the model is 4 m.
Specifying orography
In general, it is necessary to take the effect on the flow from the height variations around the site into
account. In principle, the necessary input to the model is the height of the terrain at each grid point,
but a much more convenient representation of the terrain heights is the contour lines (lines
representing equal elevation) given on standard topographical maps. The model was designed,
therefore, to directly accept arbitrarily chosen contour lines as input and it integrates the estimation of
grid-point values and the numerical integrations into one process.
The zooming grid consists of 100 radial stations and the resulting resolution near the centre is
approximately 2 m for a model with R = 10 km, and approximately 10 m for R = 50 km, etc.
Therefore, resolution is limited in practice only by the accuracy and density of the contour data from
the topographical maps.
WAsP employs a zooming polar grid where resolution is very high close to the centre of the
model (the site) and gets progressively lower towards the edge of the model.
The grid of the model is also 'zooming' in the sense that the scale of the grid is adjusted so it
contains the entire domain described in the digital map.
The relation between domain size defined here as the distance from the model centre to the point
farthest away in the map and the grid cell size at the centre of the model is illustrated in the table
below. The radial grid size is enlarged by 6 per cent from one cell to the next.
The zooming polar grid inherent in the BZ-model, indicates that the contour line description close
(within a km or so) to the prospected site(s) should be as detailed and accurate as possible, and
conversely that detail and accuracy may be relaxed somewhat far away from the site(s). The map
should preferably extend to at least 10 km from any (calculation) site.
Accuracy and detail of the map
The zooming grid inherent in the BZ-model indicates that the height contour line descriptions close to
the prospected site(s) should be as detailed and accurate as possible and conversely that both
detail and accuracy may be relaxed somewhat far away from the site(s).
Special attention must be given to the site itself especially if this is right on top of a hill or a ridge.
Preferably, the 'closest' contour line should enclose the very site and in this way define the hilltop
precisely. If this is not the case, one should supplement the map contours with a height contour just
enclosing the site and with the same elevation as this.
An adequate height contour map should cover an area of at least 10 by 10 km, with a height contour
interval of less than about 20 m. The extreme points of the terrain, hill tops and crests, should be
specified as well. Contours may be 'thinned' to obtain a manageable map/map file (Mortensen and
Petersen, 1997).
Limitations of the flow model
In general, accurate predictions using the WAsP BZ flow model may be obtained (Bowen and
Mortensen, 1996) provided:
the met. station and wind turbine site are subject to the same overall weather regime, i.e. that
meso-scale effects are not significant,
the prevailing weather conditions are close to being neutrally stable, and
the surrounding terrain (of both sites) is sufficiently gentle and smooth to ensure mostly
attached flows.
The latter requirement in particular has a significant impact on the accuracy of WAsP predictions in
complex terrain.
The ruggedness index of a site
One objective measure of the steepness or ruggedness of the terrain around a site is the so-called
ruggedness index or RIX, defined as the percentage fraction of the terrain steeper than some critical
slope, say 0.3 (Wood, 1995). This index was proposed as a coarse measure of the extent of flow
separation and thereby the extent to which the terrain violates the requirements of linearized flow
models such as the BZ-model. The recommended operational envelope of the WAsP flow model thus
corresponds to small (~ 0%) RIX values.
Based on the limited experience available, landscapes may be characterised by the following RIX
values: flat and hilly 0%, more complex about 10% or less, mountainous from about 10 to 50% or
more. The RIX values of a specific met. station, turbine site or wind farm in complex or mountainous
terrain can (and should) be calculated using the RIX calculator.
An orographic performance indicator
The ruggedness index has also been used to develop an orographic performance indicator for WAsPpredictions in complex terrain (Bowen and Mortensen, 1996; Mortensen and Petersen, 1997) where
the indicator is defined as the difference in the percentage fractions between the predicted and the
reference site. This indicator may provide the sign and approximate magnitude of the prediction error
for situations where one or both of the sites are situated in terrain well outside the recommended
operational envelope. The use of this performance indicator is described in more detail here.
Shelter behind obstacles
Shelter is defined as the relative decrease in wind speed caused by an obstacle in the terrain. Whether
an obstacle provides shelter at the specific site depends upon:
The reduction of wind speed due to shelter from an infinitely long two-dimensional obstacle of zero
porosity is shown below. The figure is based on the expressions given by Perera (1981).
The shelter decreases with diminishing length and increasing porosity of the obstacle. In the shaded
area the sheltering is very dependent on the detailed geometry of the obstacle. In addition, wind
speed is usually increased close to and above the obstacle similar to the speed-up effects over hills.
Porosity of obstacles
As a general rule, the porosity can be set equal to zero for buildings and ~ 0.5 for trees. A row of
similar buildings with a separation between them of one third the length of a building will have a
porosity of about 0.33. For windbreaks the characteristics listed in the table below may be applied.
The porosity of trees changes with foliation, i.e. the time of year and like the roughness length, the
porosity should be considered a climatological parameter.
Windbreak appearance
Porosity P
Solid (wall)
Very dense
< 0.35
0.35 - 0.50
> 0.50
The porosity is the ratio, expressed in the table above as a fraction, of the area of the windbreaks
'pores', to its total area.
'Shelter' from wind turbines
The wind turbines in a wind farm also 'shelter' each other, leading to a reduction in the overall power
production. The shelter model should never be used to model the 'shelter' or wake effects from a
wind turbine or wind farm.
Specifying obstacles
Obstacles are considered by WAsP as 'boxes' with a rectangular cross-section and footprint. Each
obstacle must be specified by its position relative to the site, its dimensions and must be assigned a
porosity. The figure below defines the quantities that specify a single obstacle and that must be input
to WAsP; the '*' marks the position of the site.
Obstacles are thus specified relative to a specific site and are not linked directly to the topographic
Angles are measured from 0 (north) to 360 clockwise, corresponding to bearings taken with a
compass. Distances are measured in metres.
Preparing an obstacle list
Sheltering obstacles may be identified and their characteristics obtained from a detailed map, aerial
photograph and/or during a site visit. If the site is a met. station, only obstacles which were present
at the time of the wind data collection should be described.
The obstacle information may be compiled on a separate sheet like the Obstacle Description Form,
which is then used to establish the obstacle list file. The format of the obstacle list file is described in
the Technical Reference section.
In the field
The bearings from the site to two corners of an obstacle are taken using a compass. The distances to
the same corners are estimated by 'walking' the distances or using an odometer or range-finder. The
dimensions and porosity of the obstacle must be estimated; a measuring tape may come in handy at
this stage. Photographs are taken from the site for every 30 of azimuth, starting from north (0).
In office
If a detailed map or aerial photograph is available, the obstacle information may be obtained or
checked in the office. The obstacle list for the site is generated by entering the information in the grid
of the obstacle list window or by generating an obstacle list file (*.obs, ASCII text file) using a text
editor any 'old' obstacle list file may be used as template.
Obstacle or roughness element?
The figure shown here may serve as a guideline when deciding whether to include obstacles in the
terrain as sheltering obstacles or as roughness elements:
if the point of interest (anemometer or wind turbine hub) is closer than about 50 obstacle
heights to the obstacle and closer than about three obstacle heights to the ground, the object
should probably be included as an obstacle. In this case the obstacle should not at the same
time be considered as a roughness element.
if the point of interest is further away than about 50 obstacle heights or higher than about
three obstacle height, the object should most likely be included in the roughness description.
Since most anemometers are mounted at a standard height of 10 m a.g.l. and often quite close to
buildings, the shelter effect is potentially very serious in the analysis of wind data. On the other hand,
a wind turbine with a hub height of 30-50 m a.g.l. and sited well away from buildings will rarely
experience shelter effects at all.
This information is given in a wind turbine data file; a number of sample power curves are included in
the 'Power curves' folder of the main WAsP directory.
The hub height
Given the change of wind speed with height above ground level, the hub height of the wind turbine in
question must be known accurately. This height is usually set automatically by inserting a power curve
member to WAsP, but it can also bet set or changed in the turbine site control dialog.
In general, the hub height is simply the nominal hub height given by the wind turbine manufacturer.
This is the height provided in the wind turbine data files.
However, in certain situations the precise meaning of "height above the ground'' is not evident. As an
example, consider a wind turbine on a low hill: if the height of the hill is very small compared to the
hub height and the sides slope steeply, the hill can be considered as a foundation for the turbine
which adds to the hub height. But if the lateral and vertical dimensions of the hill are increased, the
situation changes and the relevant height becomes the height above the hill top.
Another example is shown below where a wind turbine is erected close to an escarpment. For winds
coming from the sea one might be tempted to use the height from the water surface to the hub. But
this is quite wrong because the wind has been influenced by the cliff long before it hits land, and the
relevant height is therefore the height above ground.
When the wind speed is less than the cut-in wind speed, the turbine will not be able to produce power.
When the wind speed exceeds the cut-in speed, the power output P(u) increases with increasing wind
speed to a maximum value, the rated power; thereafter the output is almost constant. At wind speeds
higher than the cut-out speed the wind turbine is stopped to prevent structural failures.
Preparing a power curve
Before inserting a power curve in the hierarchy, a file containing the power curve data of the wind
turbine in question should be prepared. The file corresponding to the sample power curve shown here
is shown below.
WAsP can read different wind turbine data files; the formats of these are described in the Technical
Reference section. An old power curve file may serve as a template when making a new one.
Power curve and thrust coefficient data may be obtained from the manufacturer of the wind turbine. A
number of sample power curves are included on the WAsP CD.
Estimating mean power
The procedures and equations used by WAsP for calculating the mean power production of a wind
turbine are given here:
Once the power curve P(u) is measured for a wind turbine, the mean power production can be
estimated provided the probability density function of the wind speed at hub height is determined
either by measurements or a siting procedure:
If the probability density function Pr(u) has been determined through the siting procedure, it is given
as a Weibull function in which case the expression of the mean power production becomes:
As a general rule, this integral cannot be computed analytically and numerical methods must be used.
Actual power curves are rather smooth and can be well approximated by a piece-wise linear function
with a few nodes. Using this approximation, the power can be written as:
which allows for an analytical solution of Eq. (2) (Petersen et al., 1981), viz.
where i = ui/A. The function Gk() is 1/k times the incomplete gamma function of the two arguments
1/k and k.
In some situations a discontinuity can be found in the power curve. In case of a jump in power from Pi
to Pi+1 at ui = ui+1, the contribution to the sum from this interval becomes:
By using Eqs. (4) and (5) the mean power can be theoretically calculated for any power curve simply
by dividing it into a sufficient number of linear sections. In practice, the method will only be useful if
the power curve can be approximated by a small number of linear sections.
Influence of air density
The power curve for any given wind turbine depends on air density, which changes with temperature
and air pressure (elevation). The power curve is usually referred to a standard air density of 1.225 kg
m-3, corresponding to conditions of standard sea level pressure of 1013.25 hPa and an air temperature
of 15C. This is also the fixed air density value used in this version of WAsP when calculating the
power density.
A power curve applied to a site where the average air density is different from the standard value is
commonly assumed to be proportional to the ratio of the site air density to the standard value. This
may be acceptable in some cases due to the rather limited range of air densities encountered.
However, for wind turbines where the power output is used for control, as is the case for most pitchregulated turbines, the correct calculation of mean power output is more involved. The correct
solution in this case is to obtain a power curve from the manufacturer which has been calculated for
the site-specific air density.
A table of air density as a function of elevation and mean temperature at the same elevation is given
here. An Air Density Calculator is further provided in the Tools menu.
Sample power curves
A number of sample power curves are included in the 'Power curves' folder of the main WAsP
directory; these were supplied by the manufacturers of the turbines.
These power curves are usually referenced to standard atmospheric conditions, i.e. an air pressure of
1013.25 hPa and an air temperature of 15C.
Note, that any given wind turbine model may have more than one power curve; for example the
turbine may be optimised for some specific requirements of a project or some specific characteristics
of the site; in particular it may be given for the site-specific air density. It is therefore advisable to
contact the manufacturer directly before doing the final calculations of a project.
To calculate the power production of a wind farm, taking the turbine wake losses into account, you
need the predicted wind climates for the sites and the following turbine characteristics:
The wind turbine hub height [m] and rotor diameter [m]
The power curve [ms-1 and kW]
The thrust coefficient curve [ms-1 and dimensionless]
This information is given in a wind turbine data file; a number of sample power curves are included in
the 'Power curves' folder of the main WAsP directory.
The wind farm model
The wind farm model is based on a mathematical model of the wake behind a wind turbine, developed
by N.O. Jensen (1984). This model uses momentum-deficit theory to predict the flow field in a very
simple way: the wake is assumed to expand linearly behind the rotor. Thus the only variables are the
initial velocity deficit at the start of the wake and the wake decay constant, which is the rate of
expansion (break-down) of the wake.
Because the model is two-dimensional, only turbines of the same hub height can be calculated, and
the terrain must be relatively homogeneous in order to prevent large speed-up effects etc.
The flow field used by the model to calculate wind turbine output is shown below.
where (1-Ct) = (Ur/U)2, V is the wind speed in the wake, U is the undisturbed wind speed, Ct the
thrust coefficient, D the rotor diameter, X the axial (downwind) distance from the rotor to the point of
calculation, and k is the wake decay constant.
The thrust coefficient
The thrust coefficient curve may be difficult to find in standard technical data; we have tried to supply
it with as many sample wind turbine data files as possible. It can be computed by a rotor simulation
program, estimated from data for similar wind turbines, or measured directly as tower bending
moment. The thrust coefficient Ct is defined as:
where FT is the thrust force, rho is the density of the air, R is the radius of the rotor, and U is the
undisturbed wind speed.
Limitations of the wake model
The distance between neighbouring turbines in the farm should be larger than about four diameters.
For very large arrays (the model can handle several 100's of turbines) there might be a larger
reduction in power production than computed, due to the influence of the turbines on the general
roughness description for the site.
The model is not able to properly handle speed-up and slow-down effects, which may be important for
wind farms in complex and mountainous terrain. The wakes are supposed to follow the terrain surface
of the landscape.
User-specified corrections
In addition to the wind speed and direction corrections calculated by the WAsP models it is further
possible for the user to specify sector-wise corrections to the wind speed and direction. Such userspecified corrections can be applied to met. stations and turbine sites.
Using other models
The corrections might come from e.g. wind tunnel measurements of the shelter effects, from another
shelter model or from another complex terrain flow model. In this way, it is possible to use wind atlas
modelling and the WAsP hierarchy together with your own experimental or modelling results.
In this case, it may not be convenient to enter the corrections sector by sector in the user corrections
window; your model or application could also write a user corrections file directly. The format of this
file is described here.
Local effects
It is also possible to enter strictly 'local' influences on the wind measurements in the user corrections
window. The word local is used here to characterise effects that cannot easily be classed with either
roughness, shelter or orography. Such effects may be known to the user by experience or experiment.
If, for example, the shadowing effect of a wind vane mounted close to the anemometer is known to
reduce the measured wind speed in a certain sector by about 5%, this amount of reduction can be
specified in a 'User corrections' member to this met. station as
Note the magnitude of the correction factor: 0.95 because the measured speed is 5% too low. In
principle, the wind direction can be corrected in a similar way; however, since direction corrections are
often applied to all directions/wind observations, this correction is most often applied directly to the
meteorological data when summarising the raw data from the instrument (see the OWC Wizard).
Digital elevation models
A digital elevation model (DEM) consists of the spot heights of nodes in a (usually) regular grid. Digital
elevation models cannot be used directly by WAsP, but must be transformed to height contour or
vector maps. Some commercial programs, e.g. Surfer, can perform this transformation. The exported
output is a 3-D dxf-file which must be converted to a WAsP map file. The GRD2MAP program, which is
part of the WAsP Utility Programs, can transform a Surfer *.grd file (DEM) directly to a WAsP *.map
Investigations in the mountains of Northern Portugal (Mortensen and Petersen, 1997) indicate that the
prediction errors are large when maps are based on grids with large grid cell sizes (> 75 m), and
decrease with decreasing grid cell size for the finer grids (< 75 m). With a grid cell size of about 50 m
or less the prediction errors were found to be identical to the errors obtained with an original, 20-m
contour, digitised map. A combination of a 2 by 2 km hand-digitised map around the site with any of
the nine maps used (based on DEM's of 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200 and 250 m grid size) gave
results that were as accurate as using the original digitised map. Thus, if a digital elevation model is
available only, the grid size should be less than about 50 m. Furthermore, the grid cell size seems not
to be critical if the terrain within 1 km of the site is digitised in detail.
Physical variable
h, min, s
Coordinate (metric)
Coordinate (geographical)
degrees (decimal)
Direction, bearing
degrees (decimal)
Power (output)
Power density
Power production
The following prefixes may be used with some of the units above:
The WAsP file descriptions contain information about the units used in each file.
Coordinate systems
Three different coordinate systems are used when working with WAsP: geographical coordinates, map
coordinates and site-specific coordinates.
Geographical coordinates
Geographical coordinates consist of latitude and longitude and are measured in degrees. Latitude
North and longitude East are considered positive, latitude South and longitude West negative. The
latitude is used to tell WAsP 'where on earth' the wind measurements were taken so the program can
take the earth's rotation into account when generating the wind atlas data set. Consequently, the
latitude and longitude are used only in the observed wind climate file and when processing a timeseries of wind data using the Observed Wind Climate Wizard.
Cartesian map coordinates
Map coordinates consist of x- and y-values in a Cartesian coordinate system and must be given in
metres. Any system can be used as long as it is Cartesian and given in metres the Universal
Transverse Mercator (UTM) system printed on many maps is an excellent choice. Note though, that
this system changes from one UTM zone to the next, so the entire map should be specified in
coordinates corresponding to one UTM zone only. The elevation of height contour lines must also be
given in metres, usually above mean sea level [m a.s.l.]. If the map coordinates or elevations are not
given in metres these must be transformed to metres. A transformation based on two fixed points and
a linear height transformation can be specified directly in the header of the map file. The WAsP map
editor also contains several options for transforming maps.
Site-specific polar coordinates
Site-specific coordinates are used only when specifying obstacles relative to the site. The position of
an obstacle is specified by two angles (measured from North through 360 clockwise) and two
distances, see the obstacle list file. Distances are measured in metres.
About project parameters
The behaviour of the WAsP models can be adjusted by making alterations to model parameters. The
parameters are used whenever a calculation is performed, such as when a met. station calculates a
wind atlas.
A unique parameter set is associated with each WAsP project. All members which are children of the
project will make use of the same parameters. It's possible to have a workspace which contains two
projects (say, for example, one from Iran and another from Europe) and for the calculations
performed within each project to use completely different parameter values.
WAsP parameters
The project-specific parameters can be viewed and edited in the WAsP Project's methods by invoking
Edit parameters. The default value and allowable range for each parameter are given below.
Standard conditions for wind atlas data sets
Parameters #1-12 determine the 'standard conditions' used when calculating and storing wind atlas
data sets (*.lib files): the number of standard heights and their values, the number of standard
roughnesses (or 'roughness classes') and their values. Parameters #2-6 and #8-12 must increase
2 Standard height #1
3 Standard height #2
4 Standard height #3
5 Standard height #4
6 Standard height #5
A height lower than 10 is recommended if you wish to predict wind conditions at heights lower than 10
m a.g.l. Likewise, a roughness between 0 and 0.03 m is recommended if large parts of the terrain
have a roughness length of, say, 0.003 m.
Other parameters and constants
Parameters #13-30 determine various other constants and parameters used in the WAsP modelling;
click on the parameter number in the table below to obtain a brief description. The 'Old #' column
gives the parameter number in the old WAsP 4/5 for DOS, i.e. in the text file wasp.par.
Old #
Width of the coastal zone. During onshore winds this is the zone where the transition in thermal
stability from over-sea to over-land conditions takes place. Default value is 10,000 m.
Parameter #14 (formerly #3)
The height above ground where differences between stable and unstable profiles are smallest, usually
identified as the height where the daily variation of wind speed changes from a maximum during
daytime to night-time maxima (for z >= P14). Default is 100 m. This parameter is not used if P23 > 0
Parameter #15 (formerly #4)
The rms-value of stability-induced relative amplitude of wind speed near the ground, usually close to
the rms-value of the daily course of the wind speed near ground (at 10 m say). Default value is 0.12.
This parameter is not used if P23 > 0 (default).
Parameter #16 (formerly #5)
The relative increase of the wind speed at z = P14 due to stability effects relative to a logarithmic
profile. Default is 0.11. This parameter is not used if P23 > 0 (default).
Parameter #17 (formerly #6)
Softness of inversion in BZ model. Can take values between 0 and 1. Default is 1.0. See note 1.
Depth of daily variation over water. Default is 50 m. This parameter is not used if P23 > 0 (default).
Parameter #23 (formerly #54)
Factor in height of minimum stability induced variance. Default is 2.0E-3. See note 2.
Parameter #24 (formerly #56)
Rms heat flux over land. Default is 100 [Wm-2]. See note 2.
Parameter #25 (formerly #57)
Offset heat flux over land. Default is -40 [Wm-2]. See note 2.
Parameter #27 (formerly #59)
Maximum interpolation radius for the complex terrain model, in metres. Default value is 20,000
meters. The fraction of the flow model radius added to the radius when modelling is 0.5.
Note 1
The BZ model in WAsP is based on neutral stratification. The purpose of including an inversion height
(parameter #17) and a strength parameter (#18) is to enable an (admittedly extremely simple)
modelling of the climatological effect of the stably stratified atmosphere above the boundary layer.
Horizontal scales larger than the inversion height are "squeezed"' to make the calculated velocity
perturbations more horizontal and attenuate vertical motion. The softness parameter (#18) governs
the strength of this effect from maximum squeezing ( = 0) to minimum ( = 1) where the inversion
has no effect at all.
Note 2
The background for these parameters is explained in more detail in Chapter 8 of the European Wind
Atlas (Troen and Petersen, 1989).
WAsP file formats
WAsP uses several different types of disk files that you should be aware of, or even familiar with.
These files are used to store information required by WAsP during execution. Some of the files are
generated by storing the information entered during a session, while others must be prepared
Each member of the hierarchy has an associated file; to avoid confusion and enhance systematics
WAsP assumes a default file name extension for each of these files:
Hierarchy member
WAsP workspace
WAsP project
Meteorological station
Terrain map
Obstacle list
Roughness description
User corrections
Wind atlas
Wind turbine
trb, wtg
Wind farm
rsf, txt
Resource grid
With these default file name extensions, the files will be recognised by e.g. Windows Explorer as WAsP
files. However, you may also specify the name completely and thereby override the default choice.
Short descriptions of these files and their formats are given in the following.
All WAsP files are ASCII text files so they can in principle be edited, viewed, changed, printed and
saved using any ASCII text editor, e.g. Notepad or WordPad.
The WAsP workspace file
The WAsP workspace file contains information on (pointers to) the hierarchy members associated with
a WAsP workspace.
Data are stored in an ASCII (text) file with the default file name extension 'wwk'. This file is created
and maintained entirely by the WAsP program and the format is therefore not of interest here.
The wind speed and direction distributions may be given for a maximum of 5 reference roughnesses
(roughness classes), 5 heights and 36 sectors.
The following window shows part of a wind atlas file, opened in the Notepad text editor. Only the first
seven sectors are shown.
The general format of the file is shown below. Numbers in the same line of the file must be separated
by blank space(s) or a comma.
The speed distributions may be described by a maximum of 50 wind speed bins and 36 sectors. The
wind speed bins need not have the same width; however, the sectors are considered of equal angular
width. Note, that the frequencies of occurrence of wind speed are given in per mille [], i.e. they will
add up to 1000 for each sector.
Special considerations
The location/position of the observed wind climate must be given in geographical coordinates, i.e. as
latitude and longitude in decimal degrees. Conventionally, latitude N and longitude E are considered
positive; latitude S and longitude W negative. Latitude can thus take values between -90 and +90
and longitude values between -180 and +180.
The following window shows part of an observed wind climate file, opened in the Notepad text editor.
In general, terrain map files contain digital height contour lines and/or roughness change lines. Three
types of lines are recognised by WAsP:
The map file must be provided in either of the following two formats:
WAsP terrain map file (*.map). This is the format used by all previous versions of WAsP and
the format you obtain if you use WAsP 4 for digitising the information of paper map sheets.
The output of the DXF translator is also written in this format.
Atlas terrain map file (*.bna). This is a format recognised by several GIS and other programs
and the format you obtain if you use Didger for digitisation.
Roughness change line: roughness lengths to the left (z0l) and right (z0r) side of
the line, respectively, and number of points:
Roughness and contour line: roughness lengths to the left and right of the line,
respectively, elevation and number of points:
z0lz0r Z n
... where [] embrace optional numbers and n is > 0
The pattern given in line 5 (a, b or c) and 6 is repeated as many times as there are height
contours/roughness change lines in the file. Each line in the map must be described by a minimum of
two points.
Coordinates and transformation
The '+'-sign in column one of the first line of the file indicates that coordinates in the file are
Cartesian. Earlier versions of WAsP (4.X and 5.X) can also read maps given in polar coordinates.
Line 2 and 3 specify a simple coordinate transformation from user coordinates (the numbers given in
the file, from line 6 and onwards) to metric coordinates. If the user coordinates given in the file are
metric and absolute (like the UTM system provided on many maps), line 2-3 may be replaced by a
single line containing non-numeric input.
The following window shows part of a map file, opened in the Notepad text editor. In this case there is
no transformation of coordinates (line 2-3) or the elevation values (line 4): the coordinates and
elevations are given in [m].
The pattern given in line 1 to n+1 is thus repeated as many times as there are height contours and/or
roughness change lines in the file. For WAsP to make use of the bna-file, it is important to adhere to
the following conventions regarding the Primary and Secondary ID's:
The Primary ID must contain the elevation of the line, e.g. "125.0". If the line has no elevation, an
empty string "" must be present.
The Secondary ID must contain the roughnesses of the line, e.g. "0.0 0.03", where the first value
corresponds to the left-hand roughness length and the second value to the right-hand roughness
length. The roughness length values must be separated by a comma. If the line is not a roughness
change line, an empty string "" must be present.
The type/length must be a signed integer. The absolute value of this indicates the number of
coordinate pairs (points) to follow, the sign indicates the type of line: an area/polygon (positive
integer), a curve/polyline (negative integer) or a point (the value 1).
Following the {type/length} are the actual (X, Y)-coordinates that specify the object. These can be
integers or real numbers and are stored one pair per line, separated by a comma.
The coordinates in the bna-file must be in metres and must be specified relative to a Cartesian
coordinate system. The elevation and roughness length values must also be in metres.
Sample header lines
The number of points (134) and the type (- for polyline) are automatically added by Didger. The
dialog boxes for creating points and polygons are identical to the one shown above.
The obstacle list file
The obstacle list file contains the position, size and porosity of any sheltering obstacles close to the
Data are stored in an ASCII (text) file with the default file name extension 'obs'. The obs-file can be
established by entering the information in a WAsP session and subsequently storing the file or it can
be prepared using a text editor.
The general format of the file is shown below. Numbers in the same line of the file must be separated
by blank space(s) or a comma.
The pattern given in line 2 is repeated as many times as there are obstacles in the file. The obstacle
list may contain a maximum of 50 obstacle specifications.
The position of an obstacle is specified in a local, polar coordinate system. Angles (bearings measured
with a compass) are given clockwise from north, distance is the length of the radial from the site to
the corner of the obstacle (measured with a measuring tape or a range finder). Obstacles are thus
specified relative to the specific site and are not linked directly to the terrain map.
The following window shows an obstacle list file, opened with the Notepad text editor. Eight obstacles
are specified in the file airport.obs.
Distances and roughness lengths written in a similar way as in lines 6-7 are repeated as many times
as the number of roughness changes specified in line 4. With no roughness changes in any sector, line
5 would be the last line of the file. A maximum of 10 roughness changes in each sector is allowed.
The development of the RRD-file is described in more detail here.
Special considerations
The roughness rose can be displayed and edited from within WAsP. Changes to the roughnesses and
roughness change distances can also be entered directly in the file using a text editor.
The following window shows part of a roughness description file, opened in the Notepad text editor.
Number of sectors
The format of each line in the file is shown below. Numbers in the same line of the file are/must be
separated by blank space(s) or a comma.
of line 2
Number of sectors
of line
The following window shows part of a predicted wind climate file, opened in the Notepad text editor.
Only the first 6 columns of numbers in each line are shown.
Wind turbine data files contain those characteristics of a wind turbine that are used to calculate the
power production and, possibly, the park effects in a wind farm:
The wind turbine hub height [m] and rotor diameter [m]
The power curve [ms-1 and kW]
The thrust coefficient curve [ms-1 and dimensionless]
The wind turbine data must be provided in either of the two following formats:
WAsP power curve file (*.pow). This is the format used by all previous versions of WAsP.
Park wind turbine data file (*.trb). This is the format used by all previous versions of Park.
For historical reasons, these two formats use slightly different conventions, see the topics below. A
new and more flexible wind turbine data file format will be introduced gradually (*.wtg).
The power curve file
The power curve file contains the wind turbine power output and, optionally, the thrust coefficient as a
function of hub-height wind speed.
Data are stored in an ASCII (text) file with the default file name extension 'pow'. The power curve file
must be prepared using a text editor. The WAsP package contains a number of power curves obtained
from the Danish manufacturers.
The general format of the file is shown below. Numbers in the same line of the file must be separated
by blank space(s) or a comma.
The power curve may be described by a maximum of 100 points and power production is calculated
for the entire interval of wind speeds given in the file.
Special considerations
The two numbers given in line 3 are simply the conversion factors from the units of wind speed and
power output used in the file to [ms-1] and [W], respectively. Thus, if power output is given in [kW],
the factor for power should be 1000.
The factor for power output can in some cases be used to estimate power production at an air density
different from the standard value (1.225 kgm-3 at 1013.25 hPa and 288 K) by multiplying this factor
with the ratio of the two air densities. If the average air temperature is 20C and the site elevation is
400 m above sea level (and power output is given in kW at standard conditions) the factor could be
changed to 938.8. In general, however, it is advisable to obtain a site-specific power curve from the
wind turbine manufacturer.
The following window shows the power curve file for a Vestas V47 660-kW wind turbine, opened in the
Notepad text editor.
The power and thrust coefficient curves may be described by a maximum of 100 points each and
power production is calculated for the entire interval of wind speeds given in the file.
Special considerations
Note, that the rotor is characterised by its radius, not its diameter. Also, the power output values
must be given in kW and the first point must specify a power output of 0 kW, see below. The thrust
coefficient should not exceed 1, if it does it will be truncated to 1.
The following window shows part of the Park wind turbine data file for a Vestas V47 660-kW wind
turbine, opened in the Notepad text editor. Note, that there must be at least one value of 0 kW in the
beginning of the power curve.
Wind farm files contain the coordinates, height above ground level, estimated overall wind climate and
estimated power density or power production for each of a number of sites in a wind farm. They
further contain the wind rose and sector-wise wind speed distributions for each site. One format also
contains information on the status of the wind farm calculations and the settings and constants chosen
by the user for the wake modelling.
The wind farm data must be provided in either of the two following formats:
WAsP wind farm file (*.wwf). This is the format used by the present version of WAsP.
WAsP random resource file (*.rsf). This is the format used by all previous versions of WAsP.
The present version of WAsP will use the wind farm file format as the default file format, but it is
possible to export a random resource file as well.
Importing the wind farm layout from other programs
If the layout of the wind farm is already given as site coordinates (x, y) in a document or spreadsheet,
you can import the positions as a free-format coordinate pairs file. However, once the wind farm
results have been calculated, they must be stored in one of the two formats described above.
The wind farm file
This file format relies on the Extensible Mark-up Language (XML) for a general and flexible file
structure. Data are stored in an ASCII (text) file with the default file name extension 'wwf'. The wwffile may be generated by saving the results of a wind farm calculation. The general structure and
contents of a wind farm data file is illustrated below, by showing one such file opened in the XML
Calculation status
The wwf-file contains information on the status of the wind farm calculations and the settings and
constants chosen by the user for the wake modelling. Both the structure and the actual values are
shown in the example below.
Each site is documented by a site summary as well as the predicted wind climate and estimated power
production for the site. Wind climate estimates are further given for each of a number of sectors.
The format of each line in the file is shown below. Note, that the format is fixed in the sense that each
number will occur within the fields (columns) specified.
Special considerations
Existing wind farm layouts can be employed by inserting an existing random resource file to your
The window below shows part of a random resource file, opened in the Notepad text editor. Only the
first 12 columns of site ID's and numbers in each line are shown.
Free-format coordinates
Data are stored in an ASCII (text) file with the default file name extension 'txt'. The txt-file may be
generated using a text editor, spreadsheet, or other software. The file simply specifies the wind farm
layout by the x- and y-coordinates of the wind turbine sites and contains no information on the wind
climate or power production. The general format of the file is shown below.
Special considerations
This file contains only the coordinates of the turbines and not any results. If the layout is imported via
a *.txt-file, the wind farm should subsequently be saved as a *.wwf file.
The window below shows part of a free-format coordinate pairs file, opened in the Notepad text editor.
The coordinates are separated by space(s).
Xmin is the X-coordinate of the lower left corner of the grid [m]
Ymin is the Y-coordinate of the lower left corner of the grid [m]
{cell size} is the regular resource grid cell size [m]
The format of each line in the file is shown below. Note, that the format is fixed in the sense that each
number will occur within the fields specified.
... ...
216-228 As columns 73-85, but for sector #12
The following window shows part of a resource grid file, opened in the Notepad text editor. Only the
first 12 columns of numbers in each line are shown.
Distances and roughness lengths written in a similar way as in lines 7-8 are repeated as many times
as the number of roughness changes specified in line 5. With no roughness changes in any sector, line
6 would be the last line of the file. A maximum of 10 roughness changes in each sector can be
The development of the new rrd- and ucf-files is described in more detail here.
Introducing the OWC Wizard
When calculating a wind atlas from site data, WAsP does not use the time-series of meteorological
data. Instead, WAsP needs a tabular summary of the frequency of occurrence of wind speed versus
wind direction. This tabular summary is contained in an observed wind climate file (OWC or *.tab file).
The OWC Wizard is a utility program which produces OWC files from raw wind speed and direction
measurements. The time-series of wind speed and direction data are transformed into a table which
describes a time-independent summary of the conditions found at the measuring site.
Data adjustments
As well as simply summarising the time-series data, the Wizard also makes it possible to adjust the
raw data before compiling the summary. You can specify which of the raw data to omit from the
summary, you can apply linear adjustments to the data values and you can specify the discretisation
bin widths apparent in the raw data.
Multiple files, different formats
The OWC summary can be generated from one or more raw data files. Each raw data file which is
included can have a different format, and can be collected with a different instrument.
Using the Wizard
The Wizard has been designed to be a quick but flexible way of producing OWC files from raw data.
The process consists of navigating forward through a series of dialog boxes which sequentially collect
the information required before producing the OWC file and saving it.
If the raw data are quite straightforward, then it's only necessary to make one or a few selections: the
rest of the time the default values can be immediately accepted.
The dialogs contain some instructions, and there is help available for each dialog (pressing the F1
key). The places where some input is required or possible are highlighted in white boxes.
If you tick one or more of the little boxes to the right of the white boxes where you enter the values,
the present value(s) will be used as the default value(s) for subsequent OWC Wizard sessions.
The raw meteorological data
The raw meteorological data must be provided as files which contain readings for wind speed and wind
direction. The observed wind climate can be produced from one or more raw data files. The data files
can contain readings other than speed and direction, but they will of course be ignored when reading
the file. If more than one data file is used, then each can have a different format.
The accuracy and reliability of your wind atlas data sets and wind resource assessments strongly
depend on the quality of the raw meteorological data! Read more about wind data analysis here.
Legitimate formats
The current version of the Wizard does not read binary files, but providing that your files are not
binary, the Wizard can read a variety of different data configurations.
It is recommended to use 'dummy values' for missing observations, e.g. '99.99' for wind speed and
'999' for wind direction.
Example Importing data from Excel
The picture below shows the standard sample file RawData.dat when viewed in Excel.
If the raw data can be viewed like this in Excel, then the OWC Wizard can read them.
Each row contains a reading. The first column contains the date/time of the reading and the second
and third columns contain the wind speed and direction respectively.
Other data arrangements are possible. The first column is not needed, and other columns could be
included containing other data. The file could have a header section too, as shown in the picture
The anemometer height is the height of the anemometer above ground level; it's usually abbreviated
m a.g.l. Entering a correct anemometer height is essential to make the subsequent WAsP calculations
meaningful. If at all possible, check (or measure directly)the actual anemometer height during a site
The site longitude and latitude cannot be left as zero since the site latitude is used by the WAsP
models. Also, this information is included in the output file and may be very helpful to others working
with the file later.
Note, that the location of the anemometer site must be provided here as its geographical coordinates,
i.e. as the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees. Conventionally, latitude N and longitude E are
considered positive; latitude S and longitude W negative. Latitude can thus take values between -90
and +90 and longitude values between -180 and +180.
The site description will be displayed when the OWC is imported and displayed in the main WAsP
program hierarchy.
Managing the data sets
The Wizard can accept one or more data files to use when generating the OWC summary file. If no
data files have been added, then it is impossible to proceed from this dialog.
Clicking the Add button will launch a series of dialogs which manage the addition of one data file.
When the data file has been added, this dialog will re-appear. While waiting for the next input, the
Wizard shows a list of the data sets prepared so far and a brief summary of these data files.
If you choose to Cancel, then all of the data sets which have been added will be lost. If you choose to
proceed to the next stage, then it is possible to return back to this dialog and add another data set
Selecting the data file
Click the button marked '...' to select the raw data file.
When a file is selected, the Wizard displays the first few lines of the file contents in the background. If
you choose View file, the file will be opened by NotePad or WordPad.
You can read more about the raw meteorological data file format.
Explaining the data structure
The Wizard needs to know how to interpret the contents of the file which is being added. The grid
shown in the bottom half of the dialog provides a preview of how the data will be interpreted. The text
area in the top left of the dialog shows the header information which is found in the file (and will of
course be discarded for the analysis).
The Wizard makes an estimate of the number of header rows in the file and the number of data
elements in each row. If a file has already been imported, then the Wizard simply applies the same
explanation as was used for the last set. If the imported file is tab-delimited, then the Wizard's own
estimate may be unsuccessful. The data preview areas will show the right numbers, but in completely
the wrong arrangement.
The Wizard's estimate can be corrected by adjusting the figures for Header rows in file and Data
elements per row.
Adjust the figures in the boxes for Direction column and Speed column until the preview grid
displays a correct interpretation of the data file (as in the picture above).
If you choose View file, the file will be opened by the NotePad or WordPad text editor.
If you choose Preview, the data will be shown in several graphs: the time traces of wind direction
and wind speed, and as a polar scatter plot of the observations.
Specifying which rows to use
It may be that the data file contains data from a period which should be excluded from the analysis
for some reason. It is possible to specify a subset of the entire data set to be imported. By default,
the Wizard assumes that all of the data should be included, but by changing the values for First
reading and Last reading, a subset can be defined.
In the picture above, the first 8760 readings in the file have been excluded. The illustration on the left
simply provides a quick visual check of the subset relative to the whole data set.
If you choose Preview, the data will be shown in several graphs: the time traces of wind direction
and wind speed, and as a polar scatter plot of the observations.
Define adjustments to data readings
The contents of each data set are affected by the device used to collect the data. It's also possible
that the wind speed and direction data are not recorded in standard SI units in the data file. The
Wizard allows corrections to be made to all data values in the file.
In the window above, we have set the calm threshold to 0.3 ms-1 rather than 0 (zero).
Wind speed correction
A linear correction to the wind speed data can be made by adjusting the figures for Speed offset and
Speed multiplier in the boxes provided. The correction is made according to the usual form y = ax +
b, where the offset value is b and the multiplier value is a. The result of the correction is previewed as
a line of text which calculates how a reading with a value of '5' would be interpreted.
This feature can be used to convert other units of wind speed to metres per second, e.g.:
multiplier (a)
offset (b)
It is also possible to provide a calm threshold. Any reading with a wind speed equal to or below this
threshold value will be treated as zero (calm).
Wind direction correction
A linear correction to the wind direction data can be made by adjusting the figures for Direction
offset and Direction multiplier in the boxes provided. The result of the correction is previewed as a
line of text which calculates how a reading with a value of '10' would be interpreted.
Data discretisation
Pressing the Discretisation... button allows information about the discretisation in the raw data to be
provided to the Wizard. All wind data are inherently discretised (even though the discretisation bin
widths may be small) and it is recommended to enter the actual bin widths (data resolution) apparent
in the data.
If you choose Preview, the data will be shown in several graphs: the time traces of wind direction
and wind speed, and as a polar scatter plot of the observations. If the data have been severely
discretised, you will see clear 'patterns' in the preview graphs.
Defining the wind data limits
Some data files contain readings with out-of-range values which indicate an error condition in the
reading apparatus or is used as a flag for missing observations. This dialog allows upper and lower
limits to be set for wind speed and direction data. Any data values outside these ranges will not be
included in the OWC summary.
The picture below shows a data set with occasional very high readings. These readings have been
excluded by the (default) value for the upper direction limit of 360 degrees and the (default) value for
the upper speed limit of 90 ms-1. Note, that the data window is given in engineering units.
Hint: if the graph does not look right, then go back to the dialog where the speed and direction
columns were selected and check that the right columns have been used.
The wind speed and direction limits are shown in the graphs above by coloured, horizontal lines.
If you choose Preview, the data will be shown in several graphs: the time traces of wind direction
and wind speed, and as a polar scatter plot of the observations.
Displaying the data set
If you choose Preview in any of the OWC Wizard windows, the wind data will be shown in several
graphs: the time traces of wind direction and wind speed, and as a polar scatter plot of the
By moving the cursor over the time series display it is possible to read off the values of wind speed
and direction. The display window can be shifted in time (Pan backwards and Pan forwards) by
pressing the arrows in the bottom of the time series display.
You can zoom in on part of the displayed time series by pressing the left-hand button on the mouse
and drag the pointer to select a new window. To zoom out one level press the arrow in the Displayed
series area. By choosing View all in the bottom of the window the entire time series is shown.
Reviewing the data set
When the Wizard has gathered all of the information about the data set, it presents a summary review
of the data.
This is the last opportunity to make changes to the settings for this data set before it is added to the
OWC summary data. Pressing the Next button will import the data set and it will be impossible to
remove it without clearing all of the data so far imported to the OWC.
Appending data files
Clicking the Add button will launch a series of dialogs which manage the addition of one more data
file. When the data file has been added, this dialog will re-appear. While waiting for the next input,
the Wizard shows a list of the data sets prepared so far and a brief summary of these data files.
If you choose to Cancel, then all of the data sets which have been added will be lost. If you choose to
proceed to the next stage, then it is possible to return back to this dialog and add another data set
Choosing the output settings
When you have finished adding data sets, the Wizard is almost ready to write the summary to the
OWC (TAB) file. Two more settings are required:
the number of sectors in the analysis (default value is 12, max. is 36)
the centre angle of the first sector (default value is 0 / 360)
By checking the boxes to the right of the fields where you enter the values, it is possible to save the
values currently showing, so that in the future they will be automatically used as default values by the
Wizard. Pressing the Advanced button brings up the Advanced settings dialog.
All that remains is to save the output file.
Saving the OWC file
The last piece of information required by the Wizard is the name of the output file to which to save the
When the file is saved, the Wizard has finished its job. But...
Stop don't Finish the wizard yet!
Before you Finish the Wizard, check carefully the displayed mean values of wind speed and power
density. The differences between the means calculated directly from the data series and the means
calculated from the fitted Weibull distributions should be small (say, a few per cent). If this is not the
case, the fitted Weibull distributions are not accurate representations of your data and you must
process the time series all over again. The most likely cause for large discrepancies is if you have not
specified the discretisation values of the data.
If you started the Wizard from within the main WAsP program by choosing to insert a new OWC in the
hierarchy, then WAsP will insert the newly created OWC at the place you have requested. The name of
the file will of course be used as the description of the new OWC member. You can open the OWC
window immediately to see the what the Wizard has produced.
Data discretisation
Pressing the Discretisation... button from the Define adjustments to data readings window causes
the Data discretisation dialog to be displayed.
Using this dialog, it is possible to specify the discretisation bins apparent in the raw data. The Wizard
will then automatically correct for the effect of such bins when fitting the Weibull distribution and
calculating the data summary.
The discretisation bin widths must be given in raw data units and the default values are 1/1000'th of
the raw data units. A value of exactly 0 (zero) is not allowed since wind data are always given as
discrete numbers. Data discretisation is described in more detail here.
In most cases as is also the case in our sample data the wind speed discretisation bin width is 0.1
ms-1 and the wind direction discretisation bin width is 1 degree:
It is advisable to always enter the actual discretisation bin widths apparent in the data, even though
the default values in this case would lead to the same end result as using the actual values.
Advanced settings for the OWC
Pressing the Advanced button from the Output data settings dialog brings up the advanced settings
This dialog is used to set
the upper speed limit for the first speed bin (default value is 1 ms-1)
the speed bin width for the summary table (default value is 1 ms-1)
A maximum of 50 wind speed bins in each sector will be used for the wind speed distributions.
The WAsP map editor
With the WAsP map editor utility you can retrieve, edit, check, reformat, transform and store WAsP
map files. It is also possible to digitise scanned maps on screen using the mouse. This utility has
taken over many of the tasks that were previously carried out in the EDIT mode of the MAPDATA
menu in WAsP 4 and 5.
A brief description of the things you can do with the map editor is given below. More information is
available in the help facility of the MapEdit program, see below.
Map file input and import
Map transformations
You can browse the MapEdit help facility right now by pressing this button:
% rix configuration file
% sets up default values
radius = 3500
threshold = 0.3
sectors = 12
subsectors = 6
verbose = no
display_sectors = yes
skip_flat_center = yes
With this configuration, the program then takes the terrain within 3500 m of the site into account, the
threshold slope is 0.3, and indices are calculated for 12 sectors based on six profiles in each sector.
The number of sectors and azimuthal resolution correspond to the default values used by WAsP in
calculating the orographic corrections. The radius 3500 m and threshold slope 0.3 are the values used
by Bowen and Mortensen (1996, 1997).
Command-line options
The program can be invoked with one or more options in the command line:
sets the size (radius) of the terrain for which the RIX is calculated. The default value is
3500 m.
sets the threshold slope for calculation of the RIX value. The default value is 0.3.
sets the number of sectors for which the RIX values are calculated and displayed. The
default value is 12.
sets the number of subsectors (terrain profiles) used for the RIX calculations. The default
value is 6.
specifies an output (text) file containing the results. Results are shown on screen as default.
Options which do not take an argument can be negated by putting an 'n' between the hyphen and the
option letter(s).
Using the RIX program
The ruggedness index is described in some detail by Bowen and Mortensen (1996, 1997) and
Mortensen and Petersen (1997). The main conclusions of these studies are:
If the RIX is ~0% the slopes of the terrain are less steep than 0.3 and the flow is likely to be
attached, i.e. follow the terrain surface. This situation is generally within the performance envelope of
If the RIX is >0% parts of the terrain are steeper than 0.3 and flow separation may occur in some
sectors. This situation is generally outside the performance envelope of WAsP and prediction errors
may be expected. Large RIX values will lead to large errors in the flow modelling. The accuracy of
prediction, however, will depend on the relation between the two sites:
If the predictor (meteorological station) and predicted (wind turbine) sites are equally rugged,
i.e. have approximately the same RIX value, the modelling errors are significant but similar in
magnitude. The overall prediction should still be accurate as the two errors would tend to
cancel each other out. Such a situation obviously occurs for the self prediction at any category
of site. However, it may also occur for two neighbouring sites in rugged terrain which have
similar orography and orientation. This represents an important application involving the
prediction of the wind speeds and energy at adjacent sites along a steep ridge in a wind farm.
If the predictor site is rugged and the predicted site less rugged, i.e. the RIX value of the
reference site is larger than that of the predicted site, the modelling errors are significant and
unequal. The overall prediction will be underestimated with a significant negative error.
If the predictor site is smooth or less rugged than the complex predicted site, i.e. the RIX
value of the reference site is smaller than that of the predicted site, the modelling errors are
significant and unequal. The overall prediction will be overestimated with a significant positive
The references given in the text above may be found in the References section.
AutoCAD's DXF-file format (Drawing eXchange Format) has become a common format for exchange of
line drawings between different programs, and several suppliers of digital maps use DXF-files as a
means of storing and exchanging map data. Also, the height contours of a map can be exported to a
DXF-file if AutoCAD is used to digitise the map.
WAsP 4 and 5 are already capable of importing and exporting map files in the ASCII DXF-format by
simply specifying DXF as the file name extension. However, WAsP 4/5 can only process a subset of
this format and the number of points and curves are limited. Therefore, an improved DXF- to MAP-file
translator has been added to the WAsP Utility Programs and to WAsP for Windows.
The DXF2MAP program
The program transforms an ASCII DXF-file into a WAsP map file that can be imported directly by
WAsP. The program is a DOS utility and must be invoked in an MS-DOS Prompt window, by typing its
name at the prompt, with the name of the DXF-file as command line argument:
DXF2MAP filespec [options]
where filespec = [drive] [path] filename[.ext] specifies the DXF-file. The default ext is dxf. If neither
filespec nor options are given the program will run interactively. A summary of command line
arguments is shown if the program is started with a question mark 'DXF2MAP -?'.
The output file is a WAsP map file in ASCII format with the same filespec as the input file, but with
the extension MAP. Existing files with the same specification(s) will be overwritten. Finally, the
program displays a brief summary of the map file just established:
Command-line options
The program can be invoked with one or more options in the command line:
convert the contour line heights from feet to metres, i.e. the contour line values of the
DXF-file are multiplied by 0.3048 to get a metric map file.
elevation or height contour value stored in 'layer name' rather than 'primary zcoordinate' or 'height of object', which are the defaults.
vertical contour line interval in metres, i.e. only contours which are multiples of the
specified interval value are extracted.
elevation range for extracted contours, i.e. only contours with height values between #1
and #2 are extracted to the map file.
contours defined by pairs of coordinated points, i.e. with the AutoCAD LINE command.
WAsP is a complete software package for wind data analysis, map editing, wind atlas generation, wind
resource assessment and siting of wind turbines. Working with wind resource assessment and WAsP in
practice, however, requires other software as well. In addition to a general-purpose office package
containing a word-processor, a spreadsheet and a database, the software mentioned below may come
in handy if you use WAsP on a regular basis.
Text editor
In order to create, view and edit the contents of text files you need a text editor. You can use
Notepad to create or edit text files that do not require formatting and are smaller than 64K. Notepad
opens and saves text in ASCII (text-only) format only. To create or edit files that require formatting or
are larger than 64K, use WordPad. Both of these text editors are part of your Windows distribution.
File compression software
Some data and WAsP files in particular the time-series wind data, the terrain map and the resource
grid files can get rather large in size. Software for file compression and archiving is therefore
important, especially if you transfer the files over the Internet or mail them on floppy disks. The
WinZip package runs on Windows 95/98/NT4; an evaluation version is available from
Digitising software
The creation of a new map by digitisation of paper maps is not possible any more from within the
WAsP program. Three possible workarounds are described here. We recommend the Didger program
from Golden Software for digitisation of maps. The BNA output format from this simple and cheap
digitising package can be imported directly by WAsP and the new map editor utility. More information
about this program is available from Golden Software. A demo version of the software is available
Graphics and plotting software (2D)
The graphic displays of WAsP data, e.g. of the wind rose, speed distributions or the power curve, can
be copied to the Windows clipboard and pasted into your printouts and reports. For even better quality
graphics and publication-ready figures, however, you will need dedicated plotting and graphics
software: the plotting routines of a spreadsheet program or, better yet, a scientific graphics software
package like Grapher from Golden Software. A demo version of this software is available here.
Graphics and plotting software (3D)
Many WAsP input data and results are spatial data: the contour and roughness maps, the wind farm
layout and the wind resources over an area are important examples. It is of vital importance to be
able to display these data and results in the best possible way, so it may be worthwhile to consider a
plotting and graphics package specifically designed to illustrate spatial data. The Surfer package from
Golden Software can make both 2D maps and 3D renderings of your WAsP data. A demo version of
the software is available here.
WAsP Utility Programs
The WAsP Utility Programs is a collection of DOS (16/32-bit) and Windows (W95/98/NT4) programs
to calculate, analyze, convert, transform, translate, plot, and print WAsP-related data. A brief
description of the main features of each utility program is given here. Note, that a few utilities have
been included in the present WAsP package.
Site visits to met. stations and wind turbine / wind farm sites are a valuable, and often absolutely
necessary, part of wind resource assessment and siting work. For this, you need a 'real' toolbox...
In the field
For site visits you will at least need the following:
Topographical maps (1:25,000 to 1:100,000). Maps should preferably show the topography
at the time of the collection of the met. data, or be as new as possible if you explore the wind
resource for wind turbine site assessments. The contour line interval should be 20 m or
Compass (360-degree). A good-quality, hand-held compass where the divisions are to the
nearest degree. A sighting-type model is preferred for taking accurate bearings to nearby
GPS receiver (Global Positioning System). A battery-operated, hand-help GPS receiver should
be preferred. Remember to use the datum setting corresponding to the map datum.
Camera for taking photographs of the surroundings of the met. station and/or WTG
position(s). Take sector-wise photographs from the site for each of twelve 30-degree sectors,
as well as of the mast set-up and instruments.
Measuring tape. A measuring tape of about 25 m or more, to measure the distances to
nearby obstacles and, preferably, the actual height of the wind measuring equipment
(however, never enter a mast or tower without the proper safety equipment!)
Summaries of wind measurements. Summaries of the wind speed and direction data from
the met. station. Also, graphical presentations of the same: wind rose plot, wind speed
histograms for each sector, etc. Similar information for predicted wind climates.
WAsP forms and checklist. A number of sample forms are provided with the WAsP program.
These may be used to record characteristics of the wind data, anemometer or wind turbine
site, near-by obstacles and surrounding roughness.
Pocket calculator, notebook, pencil and eraser.
In addition, the following items may come in very handy, though they are not absolutely essential:
Odometer or range-finder
Aerial photographs or satellite imagery
In office
In addition to your PC and a high-quality printer, you may consider:
Digitising tablet (A3 or larger) for digitising the height contour and roughness change lines
from standard paper map sheets. The tablet will require software to run it, e.g. Didger from
Golden Software.
Scanner (flat-bed, A4 or larger) for scanning of background map images to be employed by
the MapEdit program.
the same mental model of the WAsP system, while gradually starting to explore and make use of the
new features.
A tried-and-tested wind resource calculation engine
Perhaps the most important feature of the new WAsP is an old feature! The WAsP calculation engine is
the standard for wind resource calculations, and represents years of experience, refinement and
testing. Some enhancements to the core calculation routines have been made for the new WAsP, but
you can rest assured that the same algorithms that have made previous versions of the program so
successful are working away at the heart of the new program.
Getting started...
We recommend that you work through the new version of Getting Started the Quick Start Tutorial
to see for yourself what the new WAsP is all about. We hope that you come to like the new way of
WAsP'ing even though it may take a little while before you are 'up-to-speed' again.
We have tried to provide the same or better functionality in the new version of WAsP. However,
there might be some specific features you miss, or features of the old DOS versions you have come to
like (!?). If this is the case we have some good news for you.
You can help us make a better WAsP!
Existing users of WAsP have a wealth of experience in wind resource assessment and siting using the
old WAsP programs. We therefore invite you to provide us with your feedback. Which old features do
you miss the most? Which files have you got which you can only use with the old version? Which new
features would you like to have built into WAsP? Your suggestions will like our own ideas, the
frequently asked questions and known issues be recorded by the WAsP team and displayed on the
WAsP home page.
Reporting problems
If you have any problems using the WAsP software, please send an e-mail to [email protected].
If you do not have e-mail, you may send a fax to the number given here.
Don't hesitate
Don't hesitate to send some feedback, even if you are not sure whether it is a bug, a suggestion or
just a question. Information about any user difficulty is really valuable, even if they are not caused by
program errors. Some users are shy making of bug reports because they wrongly assume that the
error it is somehow 'their fault', because they don't fully understand the program. Please, don't
hesitate to report a problem to us.
Check the bugs list and FAQ
A list of known issues will be maintained at www.wasp.dk. You may also want to check the list of
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) which will be maintained at the same address.
Check that you have the latest version
The latest version of the WAsP program can be downloaded from www.wasp.dk in the form of an
update file to the main installation on the CD-ROM.
Provide the version number
Let us know which version of WAsP you are using (please provide the full version number). Please also
mention which operating system you are running.
Making suggestions
The future development of WAsP could depend on you! Even though we have many ideas ourselves
for the future development of the WAsP program, its user interface and built-in models, we welcome
very much your suggestions and requests for new features.
Which features to include and how to implement them depend strongly on the response we get from
the WAsP users. Please e-mail or fax your comments and suggestions to the addresses given here.
Beginning with the release of WAsP 6 we will maintain a list of the WAsP team's own ideas and the
suggestions already received from the users at the WAsP home page.
from irregularly spaced spot heights. The Surfer program can further be employed to edit the map
contents, e.g. the map limits and contour interval. The height contours of the map can be exported as
a 3-D DXF-file from Surfer's Map menu (Contour Map/Export Contours). This DXF-file can be
converted into a WAsP MAP-file by the WAsP Utility Program dxf2map.exe.
Gridded height data can also be transformed directly into a WAsP MAP-file using the WAsP Utility
Program grd2map.exe. This program reads Surfer ASCII GRD-files and writes WAsP MAP-files. The
vertical contour interval and elevation range for extracted contours may be specified by the user.
Latitude/longitude to UTM
UTM to latitude/longitude
UTM to UTM (zone 32 and 33 only)
Un-scaling a WAsP ASCII map file to absolute coordinates
Conversion of WAsP *.map file to *.bln and *.xyz files as well
WAsP Engineering
WAsP Engineering is a computer program for the estimation of extreme wind speeds, wind shears,
wind profiles and turbulence in complex terrain. Version 1.0 was launched in July 2001 at the
European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition in Copenhagen.
The purpose of WAsP Engineering is to support the estimation of loads on wind turbines and other civil
engineering structures situated in complex terrain. The wind properties that are treated are:
Extreme wind speeds, e.g. the 50-year wind. If a wind turbine is well situated on a hill the
mean wind speed and thereby the power production can be increased significantly compared to
that over flat terrain. Unfortunately, the 50-year wind will increase correspondingly, maybe
calling for increased strength of the blades or other parts of the turbine.
Wind shears and wind profiles. Strong mean wind shears (large differences in the mean
wind speed over the rotor) give large fluctuating loads and consequently fatigue on the wind
turbine blades, because the blades move through areas of varying wind speed.
Turbulence. Turbulence (gusts of all sizes and shapes) causes dynamic loads on various civil
engineering structures, including wind turbines. The strength of the turbulence varies from
place to place. Over land the turbulence is more intense than over the sea. Also the hills affect
the structure of turbulence. We model various terrain dependent properties of turbulence.
A report on the prototype (which is not the same as the test release) of the program finalised May
2000 may be downloaded here.
Please visit the of WAsP Engineering home page for more information.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
+45 46 77 59 70
A data bank of European wind climate: it contains comprehensive wind statistics from more
than 200 stations covering the entire EC (1989), plus colour maps of the wind resources of
each EC country.
A handbook for regional wind resource assessment and the local siting of wind turbines,
including computational procedures for the effects of shelter, roughness and orography on
power production.
The basis for reliable estimates of the wind resources in the EC countries (1989), whether on
a regional scale or at a specific site.
An overview map of the European wind resource based on the Atlas is given here.
Contents | Translations | Application | Data disk | From the Foreword | Reviews | Map
Contents of the Atlas
The Atlas is divided into three parts, each intended for readers with different areas of interest from
laymen to professional meteorologists:
Part 1: The Wind Resource provides an overall view of the wind climate and magnitude and
distribution of wind resources in the European Community countries. This part of the Atlas is intended
to be useful to politicians, planners and laymen in general. The descriptions, figures, tables and colour
maps permit a first, rapid identification of regions with favourable wind resources.
Contents of Part 1: The wind climate of Europe Wind resource maps.
Part 2: Determining the Wind Resource gives explanations and information needed for the purpose of
regional wind resource assessments and the local siting of wind turbines. In addition, it contains
descriptions, raw statistics, and wind atlas statistics for 220 meteorological stations in the EC. It also
includes methods for calculating the influence on the wind resource of various features in the
landscape such as coastlines, forests, hills, and buildings.
Contents of Part 2: General concepts The roughness of a terrain Shelter behind obstacles The
effect of height variations in the terrain Regional wind energy potential Use of the wind resource
maps Siting Selection of wind climatology for a site Roughness classification Calculation of
statistics for a site Calculation of shelter Orography Power production Determination of mean
power production Power density function Power duration curve Optimisation of power production
Station statistics and climatologies Station description Raw data summary Regional climatology
and mean values Windclimatological fingerprints Station statistics and climatologies Radiosonde
Part 3: The Models and the Analysis explains in detail the meteorological background for the Wind
Atlas. It describes how the analysis was performed from the data and station information, and
discusses the physical and statistical basis for the Wind Atlas models. The validity of the models and
the analysis is demonstrated through a number of comparisons between measured and modelled wind
Contents of Part 3: The physical basis Surface-layer similarity laws The geostrophic drag law and
the geostrophic wind The stability model The roughness change model The shelter model The
orographic model The statistical basis The Wind Atlas analysis model The Wind Atlas application
model Meteorological data and station description Radiosonde statistics Limitations of data and
models Verification of the Wind Atlas methodology Station intercomparisons Validation against
high meteorological masts References List of symbols Auxiliary tables Selection criteria and
questionnaire The data disk.
Non-English translations
The text of the Atlas has been translated into French, German, Italian, and Spanish. These
translations contain the entire text of the Atlas as well as the statistical tables of the French, German,
Italian, and Spanish stations, respectively. One non-English edition may be supplied free of charge
when purchasing the English reference edition.
Application of the Atlas
The Atlas is the meteorological basis for estimating the wind climate and wind energy resources of any
particular site in the EC. The application of the Atlas as a siting handbook is explained in detail in the
To facilitate resource calculations and specific siting of wind turbines, the Wind Atlas is furnished with
a disk containing all the regional statistics. The disk files can be used directly with the "Wind Atlas
Analysis and Application Program" (WAsP), which was especially developed for the production of the
Wind Atlas and for use in practical siting. The WAsP program is not included in the Atlas, but can be
obtained from Ris National Laboratory.
Data disk
The observed and model-derived wind statistics from the 220 meteorological stations are furnished on
a data disk together with the Atlas for use with a PC or compatible computer. The data consists of
the observed and modelled wind rose and wind speed distributions for each station.
From the Foreword
"The European Wind Atlas is a major outcome of the European Communities' overall effort to promote
the market for electricity production from the wind resource in Europe and to develop the technologies
and systems associated with it.
This Atlas completes the information previously published in several national wind atlases, and it will
doubtless become an essential tool for all planners of wind energy applications in the Community. The
data in this new European Atlas are far more comprehensive than those given in previous works.
Moreover, this Atlas provides for the first time a coherent overview of all the EC countries, including
the large regions with complex terrain. The latter was a major achievement because reliable computer
codes had to be developed especially for this task...
I trust that all those interested in the future development of wind energy utilisation in Europe will
appreciate this vast work and benefit from the comprehensive information it provides in their future
activities." Dr. W. Palz, Commission of the European Communities (DGXII)
The reviewers wrote
"This book is a welcome attempt to quantify the meteorological aspects of the wind power available
within the parts of Europe belonging to the European Community. The economic viability of generating
electricity from the wind is very dependent on not only the mean wind speed but also the distribution
of the wind speed at a location. This book addresses this with an examination of 10 years' data from
220 meteorological stations across Europe." K.L. Simms, Weather (1)
"The European Wind Atlas ... uses high quality surface wind observations as its primary data source.
The key factor in the development of the atlas has been to transform the measured winds at specific
sites into regionally representative values and climatologies. It is this step which sets this work apart
from most other wind energy resource studies and has led to a consistent and reliable atlas...
Notwithstanding the weight, I strongly recommend the Atlas to all interested in wind energy and wind
climatologies and, for other readers of Boundary-Layer Meteorology, I commend this as an example of
the successful, well documented analysis of a complex micro-meteorological issue." P. Taylor,
Boundary-Layer Meteorology (2)
"While wind energy research in the United States starved from lack of funding during the last decade,
progress continued in Europe. Denmark established a reputation for designing and manufacturing the
world's finest modern wind turbines. The publication of the European Wind Atlas by the Ris
Laboratory now confirms Denmark as a world leader in wind resource assessment as well... As the
twentyfirst century approaches and the environmental wounds of fossil fuel consumption become
more severe, wind and solar energy alternatives will certainly become more attractive. The European
Wind Atlas is an important contribution toward the utilization of a major renewable energy resource. It
is an essential reference for scientists and engineers involved with wind energy work in Europe as well
as for serious students of Europe's climate. It can also serve world-wide as a guide for sophisticated
wind energy resource assessment." B. Martner, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (3)
(1) Weather is published by the Royal Meteorological Society. (2) Reprinted by permission of Kluwer
Academic Publishers. (3) Reprinted by permission of the American Meteorological Society.
European Wind Atlas (1989), see Europe.
Mortensen, N.G. and L. Landberg (1993). Wind Energy in selected townships of Greenland:
Qasigiannguit, Sisimiut and Narsaq. In Danish. Prepared for Nukissiorfiit/Greenland Power Company.
Ris-I-718(DA). Ris National Laboratory, Roskilde. 37 pp.
European Wind Atlas (1989), see Europe.
Watson, R. and L. Landberg (1999). The Irish Wind Atlas. University College Dublin, Dublin. In
European Wind Atlas (1989), see Europe.
Hjstrup, J. (1989). Wind Atlas for Jordan. Ris National Laboratory, Ministry of Energy and Mineral
Resources, Jordan Electrical Authority, and Jordan Meteorological Department. 86 pp.
European Wind Atlas (1989), see Europe.
The Netherlands
European Wind Atlas (1989), see Europe.
European Wind Atlas (1989), see Europe.
Rathmann, O. (1998). Wind atlas analysis for 12 meteorological stations on the Kola Peninsula. Ris-I1285(EN). Ris National Laboratory, Roskilde. 36 pp.
Starkov, A.N., L. Landberg, P.P. Bezroukikh and M.M. Borisenko (2000). Russian Wind Atlas. ISBN 57542-0067-6. Russian-Danish Institute for Energy Efficiency, Moscow; Ris National Laboratory,
Roskilde. 551 pp.
South Africa
Diab, R. (1995). Wind Atlas of South Africa. Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs, Pretoria, 136
European Wind Atlas (1989), see Europe.
Krieg, R. (1992). Vindatlas fr Sverige (Wind Atlas for Sweden). In Swedish. Slutrapport p projekt
506 269-2 p uppdrag av NUTEK. SMHI, Norrkping. 26 pp.
Krieg, R. (1999). Verifiering af berknad vind-energiproduktion (Verification of estimated wind power
productions). In Swedish. SMHI rapport Nr. 28, SMHI, Norrkping. 25 pp + appendices.
United Kingdom
European Wind Atlas (1989), see Europe.
United States of America
Artig, R. (1999). Minnesota Wind Resource Assessment Program. March 1999 report. Minnesota
Department of Public Service, St. Paul. 157 pp.
Frank, H.P. and L. Landberg (1997). Modelling the wind climate of Ireland. Boundary-Layer Meteorol.
85, 359-378.
Landberg, L. (1997). The mast on the house. In proceedings from BWEA 19, Edinburgh, 16-18 July,
ed. R Hunter, 167-172.
Mortensen, N.G. and E.L. Petersen (1998). Influence of topographical input data on the accuracy of
wind flow modeling in complex terrain. Proceedings of the 1997 European Wind Energy Conference
and Exhibition, Dublin, Ireland, October 6-9, 317-320.
Walmsley, J.L., I. Troen, D.P. Lalas and P.J. Mason (1990). Surface-layer flow in complex terrain:
Comparison of models and full-scale observations. Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 52, 259-281.
Wind atlases
Mortensen, N.G. and Usama Said Said (1996). Wind Atlas for the Gulf of Suez. Measurements and
modeling 1991-95. ISBN 87-550-2143-3. Ris National Laboratory, Roskilde, and New and Renewable
Energy Authority, Cairo. 114 pp.
Mortensen, N.G., P. Nielsen, L. Landberg, O. Rathmann and M. Nielsen (1999). A detailed and verified
wind resource atlas for Denmark. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Wind
Engineering, Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-24 June. 2013-2018.
Troen, I. and E.L. Petersen (1989). European Wind Atlas. ISBN 87-550-1482-8. Ris National
Laboratory, Roskilde. 656 pp.
Petersen, E.L., I. Troen, S. Frandsen and K. Hedegaard (1981). Windatlas for Denmark. A rational
method for wind energy siting, Ris-R-428, Ris National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark. 229 pp.
Short term prediction
Landberg, L., and S.J. Watson (1994). Short-term prediction of local wind conditions. Boundary-Layer
Meteorol. 70, 171-195.
Landberg, L. (1999). Short-term prediction of the power production from wind farms. J. Wind Eng.
Ind. Aerodyn. 80, 207-220.
On the Web
For general information about wind power, as well as links to other web sites related to wind power, a
good place to start is www.windpower.org, the award-winning home page of the Danish Wind Turbine
Manufacturers Association. A recent download of this entire home page is provided on the WAsP
distribution disk.
Wind atlases, wind data and wind characteristics
For information on the wind climate of a particular country or region, you might check the list of wind
atlases given here. The national or state meteorological service may also be able to help you; the
national weather services are organised in the World Meteorological Organisation. For information on
the detailed wind and turbulence characteristics of a given site or type of site, you might check the
Database on Wind Characteristics.
Topographical and elevation data
The topographical information needed by WAsP consists of a roughness map and a height contour
map. These digital maps are usually constructed by digitisation of ordinary, large-scale topographical
(paper) maps. However, elevation and/or land-use information may already be available in digital
form, in which case this information may be converted into WAsP-compatible maps. The national or
state survey and cadastre should be able to help you find out whether such data exist.
World coast lines
The coastline is a very important elevation and roughness-change line; you can download the
geographical coordinates of coastlines around the world using the Coastline Extractor. You can also
download the coordinates of lakes, rivers and political boundaries from this site. An example of a map
based on these data is given here.
World elevation data
Global elevation and land-cover data are also available over the Internet, e.g. from the Distributed
Active Archive Center of the USGS EROS Data Center. The 'Global 30 Arc-Second Elevation Data Set'
contains spot heights of node points in a grid with 30 arc-second resolution (926 m or smaller). These
data are not detailed enough for WAsP flow modelling, but may be used for overview maps of a region
or country; an example of such a map is given here.
Wind turbine and rotor blade manufacturers
For specific information on the characteristics of a particular wind turbine, you should contact the
manufacturer directly. A list of major Danish wind turbine and rotor blade manufacturers is given
Contact details
E-mail address
Nordex A/S
Norwin A/S
LM Glasfiber A/S
The WAsP library contains wind turbine power curves from all manufacturers mentioned above. More
power curves are available in the WAsP 4 package which is included on the CD-ROM.
The publications cited in this help facility are listed below.
Beljaars, A.C.M, J.L. Walmsley and P.A. Taylor (1987). A mixed spectral finite-difference model for
neutrally stratified boundary-layer flow over roughness changes and topography. Boundary-Layer
Meteorol. 38, 273-303.
Beyer, H.G., T. Pahlke, W. Schmidt, H.-P. Waldl and U. de Witt (1994). Wake effects in a linear wind
farm. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 51, 303-318.
Bowen, A.J. and N.G. Mortensen (1996). Exploring the limits of WAsP: the Wind Atlas Analysis and
Application Program. Proceedings of the 1996 European Union Wind Energy Conference, Gteborg,
Sweden, May 20-24, 584-587.
Bowen, A.J. and N.G. Mortensen (1999). WAsP prediction errors due to site orography. Ris-R995(EN). Ris National Laboratory, Roskilde. In preparation.
Charnock, H. (1955). Wind stress on a water surface. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc. 81, 639-640.
Jackson, P.S. and J.C.R. Hunt (1975). Turbulent wind flow over a low hill. Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc.
101, 929-955.
Jensen, N.O. (1984). A Note on Wind Generator Interaction. Ris-M-2411, Ris National Laboratory,
Roskilde. 16 p.
Jensen, N.O, E.L. Petersen and I. Troen (1984). Extrapolation of mean wind statistics with special
regard to wind energy applications. World Meteorological Organization, WCP-86. 85 pp.
Katic, I. (1986). Wind conditions in wind farms (Vindforhold i mlleparker). In Danish. Ris-M-2582.
Ris National Laboratory, Roskilde. 38 p.
Katic, I., J. Hjstrup, and N.O. Jensen (1986). A Simple Model for Cluster Efficiency. Proceedings of
EWEC'86 European Wind Energy Association, Conference and Exhibition, Rome, 7-9 October 1986.
Eds. W. Palz and E. Sesto. Published by A. Raguzzi, Rome, Vol. I, 407-410.
Lettau, H. (1969). Note on aerodynamic roughness-parameter estimation on the basis of roughnesselement distribution. J. Appl. Met. 8, 828-832.
Mortensen, N.G. and E.L. Petersen (1997). Influence of topographical input data on the accuracy of
wind flow modelling in complex terrain. Proceedings of the 1997 European Wind Energy Conference,
Dublin, Ireland, October 6-9, 317-320.
Perera, M.D. (1981). Shelter behind two-dimensional solid and porous fences. J. Wind Engin. and
Industrial Aerodyn. 8, 93-104.
Petersen, E.L., I. Troen, S. Frandsen and K. Hedegaard (1981). Windatlas for Denmark. A rational
method for wind energy siting. Ris-R-428. Ris National Laboratory, Denmark. 229 pp. Ris-R-428,
229 pp.
Petersen, E.L and I. Troen (1986a). Estimation of wind resources. In: Wind Energy in Denmark.
Research and technological development. Ed. Fl. ster. Published by the Danish Ministry of Energy,
Petersen, E.L. and I. Troen (1986b). The European Wind Atlas. Proceedings of the European Wind
Energy Association Conference and Exhibition, Rome, October 7-9, 1986, 191-200.
Rathmann, O., N.G. Mortensen, L. Landberg and A. Bowen (1996). Assessing the accuracy of WAsP in
non-simple terrain. Wind Energy Conversion 1996. Proceedings of the 18th British Wind Energy
Association Conference, Exeter, England, 25-27 September 1996, 413-418.
Rutkis, J. (1971). Tables on relative relief in middle and western Europe. University of Uppsala,
Department of Physical Geography, UNGI Rapport 9. 21 pp.
Salmon J.R., A.J. Bowen, A.M. Hoff, R. Johnson, R.E. Mickle, P.A. Taylor, G. Tetzlaff and J.L. Walmsley
(1987). The Askervein Hill Project: Mean wind variations at fixed height above ground. BoundaryLayer Meteorol. 43, 247-271.
Taylor, P.A., J.L. Walmsley and J.R. Salmon (1983). A simple model of neutrally stratified boundarylayer flow over real terrain incorporating wavenumber-dependent scaling. Boundary-Layer Meteorol.
26, 169-189.
Taylor, P.A. and H.W. Teunissen (1987). The Askervein Hill Project: Overview and background data.
Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 39, 15-39.
Taylor, P.A. and J.R. Salmon (1993). A model for the correction of surface wind data for sheltering by
upwind obstacles. J. Appl. Met. 32, 1683-1694.
Troen, I. (1990). A high resolution spectral model for flow in complex terrain. Ninth Symposium on
Turbulence and Diffusion, Roskilde, April 30 - May 3, 1990, 417-420.
Troen, I. and E.L. Petersen (1989). European Wind Atlas. ISBN 87-550-1482-8. Ris National
Laboratory, Roskilde. 656 p.
William-Olsson, W. (1974). A map of the relative relief of the western half of Europe, 1:4,000,000.
Esselte Map Service, Stockholm.
Wood, N. (1995) The onset of separation in neutral, turbulent flow over hills. Boundary-Layer
Meteorology 76, 137-164.
WAsP forms
A number of sample forms are provided in the 'Forms' folder of the main WAsP directory. These forms
may be used to record characteristics of the wind speed and direction data, the anemometer or wind
turbine site, the meteorological station, the near-by obstacles, the surrounding roughness and for
exchange of data storing units/cards on a met. station. The forms provided are:
The Roughness Description Form is used for the site-specific roughness description or roughness rose.
However, most often the roughnesses are specified in the form of roughness change lines in a map; to
establish these a copy of the topographical map is most useful.
The Data Storing Unit Exchange Form was developed specifically for Aanderaa systems, but can easily
be adapted to other systems/dataloggers.
Note, that both the met. station and the turbine site are located in the same map; this is typical, but
not necessary. The regional wind climate is assumed to be the same at both sites.
Sample wokspace #2: Wind farmer
The 'Wind farmer' workspace is an example of another typical application: an existing wind atlas data
set is used to predict the power production of several wind farms (or different layouts) in a given
Note, that the wind atlas, map and power curve are common to both wind farms.
Sample workspace #3: Resource grid
The 'Resource grid' workspace is an example of how to investigate the variation in the wind resource
over an area: an existing wind atlas data set is used to predict the wind climate and power production
of several wind turbine sites in a given area:
Again, the wind atlas, map and power curve are common to all the modelled wind turbine sites. The
turbine sites are arranged in a regular grid and the resource grid can be used to establish a wind
speed or power production map of the area suitable for micro-siting of the actual turbine sites in a
wind farm.
assumed. Power curves are often referenced to 'standard conditions' corresponding to sea level
pressure and 15C.
The air density for a specific elevation and mean annual air temperature may be calculated with the
WAsP air density calculator.
Surfer 7 Demo (s7demo.exe, 10.5 MB): Creates contour and 3-D wireframe maps. For
Windows 95, 98, Me, NT 4 and 2000.
Grapher 3 Demo (g3demo.exe, 11.6 MB): Creates (x,y) graphs. For Windows 95, 98, Me, NT
4 and 2000.
MapViewer 4 Demo (mapvdemo.exe, 13.6 MB): Creates thematic maps. For Windows 95,
98, Me, NT 4 and 2000.
Didger 2 Demo (d2demo.exe, 10.4 MB): Creates digital images from paper images. For
Windows 95, 98, Me, NT 4 and 2000. Tutorial included in the demo!
The demos may also be downloaded free of charge from Golden Software's download page. To view
the entire Golden Software site, please visit www.goldensoftware.com.
To install a demo, click the Start button, then choose Run. Type the path and file name for the
appropriate EXE file, or use the browse button to locate the EXE file. Press OK and setup will begin.
Copyright Golden Software, Inc.
The so-called wind-climatological fingerprint was first introduced in the European Wind Atlas. The
purpose of this graphical presentation of wind data given at the end of each national section in the
Atlas is to give a compact and informative overview of the wind data used for the Atlas. Windclimatological fingerprints have been used in many wind atlases and reports; therefore we present the
explanation to the various graphs here.
The first line states the name of the meteorological station and the period over which the data were
collected. This is followed by the height above ground level where measurements were taken, the
mean value, the standard deviation and the mean value of the cube of the measured wind speeds.
The graphical presentation consists of five graphs, described in the following.
Values read from the graph must be multiplied by the scale factor given to the right. The continuous
curves are obtained by interpolation using a periodic cubic spline. The speed data are also contained
in the tables on the station description pages.
The mean days
The average daily variation of the measured wind speed for the months of January and July is shown
in the top right graph. The average hourly variation of wind speed is shown in full lines for January
and July and for the cube of wind speed dashed lines are used. Data from all months of January (July)
associated with the same time of day are averaged. Results obtained for each of the indicated
standard hours are plotted using an interpolating smooth curve (periodic cubic spline). The mean
ordinate for each curve is identical to the ordinate on the corresponding mean year curve (top left
graph) at the January (July) points. The unit on the ordinate is ms-1 for mean speeds and m3s-3 for the
mean of the cube of speed.
Values read from the graph must be multiplied by the scale factor given to the left. Mean days for
each calendar month are calculated and define for each calendar month a mean or reference day
which is used as reference in calculating the spectrum below. The speed values are contained in the
tables in the station descriptions.
The wind rose
The relative frequencies of winds coming from each of twelve sectors are shown in the middle left
graph as the radial extent of the circle segments spanning the sectors (thick lines). The contribution
from each sector to the total mean speed and to the total mean cube of speed are given as the
narrower segments and the central segments respectively.
For each quantity the normalisation is such that the largest segment extends to the outer dotted
circle. The corresponding value for each of the three quantities is given in the small box in per cent
(numbers given to the nearest integer). The inner dotted circle corresponds to half of this value.
The spectrum
The contribution to the total variance of wind speed for a range of periods is shown by the full curve in
the middle right graph. The vertical scale is arbitrarily adjusted to centre the curve. The abscissa gives
the periods on a logarithmic scale. The curve is calculated from the total time series by first
subtracting the monthly mean day values from each day data, hour by hour. The monthly mean days
for all twelve months were calculated as described for January and July above. The mean days are in
this context considered deterministic in contrast to the calculated time series of deviations which form
the stochastic part. This is followed by a Fourier transform of the deviations and the spectral
estimates are squared and block averaged over bands of equal relative bandwidth corresponding to
the widths of the steps in the curve.
The full vertical bar on the left side gives the contribution to the standard deviation of wind speed in
the whole set of data from periods which fit into one year. This is calculated as the standard deviation
of the mean year (top left). The adjacent dashed bar gives similarly the mean year contribution to the
standard deviation of the cube of wind speed. Units are per cent of the total standard deviation of the
data. Similarly the bars on the right give the contributions to the standard deviations of speed and
cube of speed by periods which fit into one day, i.e. 24, 12, 8 and 6 hours in the present case of basic
3-hourly data.
The numbers listed at the top left inside the graph are the contribution to the total standard deviation
in per cent by the random variations contained in the variance spectrum, divided into the part with
periods longer than one year, periods between one year and one day, and periods smaller than one
day (the sum of squares of the contributions of the three random parts together with the contributions
from the deterministic mean year and mean day adds to unity). The numbers in the small box below
the graph give the relative standard deviation for speed and cube of speed for the mean January day
(first two numbers) and the mean July day (last two numbers).
The numbers to the right give the root mean square of the calendar year deviations in per cent for
speed (lower number) and cube of speed (upper number). The vertical scale is linear from -1 to +1,
and shifts at +1 to a coarser linear scale which is adjusted to accommodate the largest deviations.