Sci20 Unitd 1 4

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Figure D1.32: A field study could possibly take place at the shore of a lake such as this one.

Now that you have a sense of the roles different organisms play and how these roles interact in trophic levels and food webs,
its time to investigate these interactions in a local aquatic ecosystem.
Any successful field study requires careful planning. You will be working in teams to complete this investigation titled
A Field Study of a Local Ecosystem. With the help of your teacher or supervisor, the first thing you must do is locate a local
pond, lake, or slow-moving stream where you can safely conduct your field study.
After choosing a location, you will need to read through the entire investigation to become familiar with the abiotic and
biotic factors that you will be studying and identifying. A useful strategy is to utilize the expertise of a local expert, such as a
teacher, a fish and wildlife officer, or a local naturalist, as you prepare for this investigation.
Note: You wont have to take the textbook with you as you go on the field study because this entire lesson is available
as a handout on the Science 20 Textbook CD.

It is critical to choose a safe locationthere must not be deep or

fast-flowing water. The type of organisms you will identify are best
found in shallow waters along the shore of a small pond or lake. It is
also important that you do not work aloneit is dangerous to work
by yourself in a remote location close to water. You will also find the
investigation more rewarding if you have partners to help interpret
the identification guides and to share in the whole experience.
Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water, or clean them with
antiseptic wipes, before eating or drinking any snacks you might have
brought with you on the field trip. This is particularly important after
completing a study of the aquatic portion of your ecosystem.

Chapter 1: The Biosphere of Life


Science 20 2006 Alberta Education ( Third-party copyright credits are listed on the attached copyright credit page.

1.4 Conducting a Field Study

Science 20 2006 Alberta Education ( Third-party copyright credits are listed on the attached copyright credit page.

A Field Study of a Local Ecosystem
You will conduct a field study that allows you to collect
quantitative and qualitative data for the biotic and abiotic
factors in an ecosystem. This data will allow you to
describe the ecosystems general structure. By learning
about the make-up of an ecosystem, you will have a better
understanding of the many factors that influence the
survival of organisms within it.


Part A: Preparation of the Site


map of the area to be studied
2 stakes for the base line
2 stakes for each transect
40-m length of rope for the base line
20-m length of rope for each transect


step 4: Each transect should be 20-m long, beginning at
the pond and extending away from the pond. Use
the two stakes for each transect to secure the
end points. An easy way to set out a transect is
to stretch a 20-m length of rope from the waters
edge to the base line and, then, continuing into
the terrestrial part of the ecosystem. The rope
represents the transect along which you will be
taking measurements.

Part B: Collecting Data from the Terrestrial Section

of the Transect
Base line
step 1: Establish a base line using the 40-m length of rope
with two stakes to mark the endpoints. The base
line should run parallel to a boundary, such as a
shore line.
step 2: Mark these two end points on the map of your
area. If you do not have a map, you may need to
create a reasonably accurate sketch.
step 3: Your class will gather information along a series
of transects. Evenly space the transects along
the 40-m length of rope that formed the base
line. There should be one transect for each group
completing the field study.
transect: a straight line perpendicular
to the base line along which
ecological measurements are taken

field journal (notebook)

soil thermometer
transect stakes
pH paper
distilled water bottle
glass vial
water thermometer
magnifying glass
appropriate clothing (e.g., rain gear, rubber boots)
Guide to the Common Native Trees and Shrubs of Alberta

Procedure and Data Collection

1. Carefully examine the terrestrial portion of the transect
that you and your partners have been assigned. Walk
along the line that represents your transect. As you walk,
describe the area you have been assigned in terms of
elevation, type of terrain, and exposure to sunlight.

Science Skills
Performing and Recording
Analyzing and Interpreting
Communication and Teamwork


Unit D: Changes in Living Systems

Science 20 2006 Alberta Education ( Third-party copyright credits are listed on the attached copyright credit page.

2. Randomly select two locations somewhere along the terrestrial portion of your transect. Measure and record the
positions of these two locations in your field journal. Use your materials to complete the following data table.


Location 1

Location 2


amount of cloud cover (%)

air temperature 1 cm above ground
soil temperature 10 cm below surface
exposure (direct sunlight or shade)
soil pH
soil characteristics (clay versus sandy, presence of organic matter)
wind speed (use anemometer)

Biotic Factors
overhead layer
Plant Growth Layers
canopy layer

understory layer

Figure D1.33: A canal built by beavers connecting

two ponds is evidence of animals in the area.

3. Walk along the rope marking your transect, and note the plants that appear within one metre on either side of the
transect. Identify two plants from each of the layers described in the Abiotic Factors diagram. For each plant
identified, record its name, the abundance, and the layer in the following table. Add as many rows as necessary.

(Use the Guide to the Common Native Trees and
Shrubs of Alberta to assist with identification.)

Abundance of This Plant Along

Your Transect

Layer Reached by This Plant

(as a percentage of the total plants)

(Refer to the Biotic Factors diagram.)

4. Are the plants in your plot competing for sunlight? Identify other factors where the plants would compete.

Chapter 1: The Biosphere of Life


Science 20 2006 Alberta Education ( Third-party copyright credits are listed on the attached copyright credit page.

5. Take a small sample of the soilabout 20 mLand carefully place it in a clean vial. This soil sample will be analyzed
back at your school when you return from the field trip. Be sure not to touch the sample with your fingers because you
will be assessing the types of fungi in the soilfungi on your fingers would contaminate the sample.
6. Complete this table to describe the animal signs within one metre on either side of your transect.

Animal Signs

Description of Specific Animal Signs

(point-form summary or sketch)

feeding signs (animal remains, carcasses, etc.)
habitat signs (nests, burrows, etc.)
scratch marks on trees from claws or teeth

7. Identify any animals you saw while making observations along your transect.

Part C: Collecting Data from the Aquatic End of the Transect


collection jars
wax pencil
enamel trays

field journal (notebook)

plastic vials
hand net
appropriate clothing (e.g., rain gear, rubber boots)
An Identification Guide to Alberta Aquatic Plants
Aquatic Invertebrates Identification Key to River Invertebrates

Procedure and Data Collection

8. Carefully examine the aquatic end of your transect. Describe this area in
terms of water flow (water moving or stagnant?), vegetation near the waters
edge, the type of soil that forms the water/shore boundary, and other
features that generally describe the aquatic section of the transect.
9. Use your materials to complete this data table.



air temperature 1 cm above water surface

water temperature 1 cm below water surface
water temperature 10 cm below surface
amount of cloud cover (%)
exposure (direct sunlight or shade)
soil pH
characteristics of bottom (clay versus sandy
versus gravel, presence of organic matter)


Unit D: Changes in Living Systems

Figure D1.34: Students observe and record

temperature data.

Name of

Figure D1.35: Canada waterweed (Elodea) is eaten by waterfowl. This plant

is an efficient oxygenator of water.

10. Complete the table that describes the aquatic plants

found in the aquatic end of your transect. Use
An Identification Guide to Alberta Aquatic Plants to
assist with identification. Add as many rows to this table
as necessary.

Point-Form Description
or Sketch

Once you have identified these organisms, return

them to the pond.

Name of Plant

Percentage of Plant Relative

to Total Number of Plants

Figure D1.36: This dragonfly nymph is a predator that feeds on other insects
living in the water.

11. Are the plants at the aquatic end of the transect

competing for sunlight? Identify other factors that plants
compete for.
12. Use a collection jar to take a small water sample from
the surface. Place a lid on the jar and carefully examine
the water sample for evidence of invertebrate and
microscopic organisms. Pour some of the jars contents
into an enamel tray, and use the magnifying glass to
identify as many organisms as possible. Use the Aquatic
Invertebrates Identification Key to River Invertebrates to
assist in identification. Record your findings in this table.
Add as many rows as necessary.

13. Use a collection jar to take a small sample of water

and sediment from near the ponds bottom. A good
collecting technique is to place the jar upside down
in the water until it is positioned just above the
sediments surface. Slowly turn the jar. As air trapped
in the jar is slowly released, the top surface of the
sediment will be forced into the jar. Place a lid on
the jar, and carefully examine the water sample for
evidence of invertebrate and microscopic organisms.
Pour some of the jars contents into an enamel
tray. Use the magnifying glass to identify as many
organisms as possible. Use the Aquatic Invertebrates
Identification Key to River Invertebrates to assist in
identification. Record your findings in the table that
follows. Add as many rows as necessary.

Chapter 1: The Biosphere of Life


Science 20 2006 Alberta Education ( Third-party copyright credits are listed on the attached copyright credit page.



Biotic Factors

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Organisms Found Near

Sediment Bottom
Name of Organism

Description or Sketch

Figure D1.37: Freshwater snails can be found in many Alberta lakes,

streams, and rivers.

Once you have identified these organisms, return them to the pond.
14. Identify any other animals (birds, mammals, amphibians) you observed in the aquatic end of your transect.

Part D: Cleaning the Site and Preparing to Leave

Local ponds are often used by many classes to complete a field study, so it is important to leave the area as clean and
undisturbed as possible. This means you should make sure the transect string is rolled up, the litter is collected, and you
have not left anything behind.

Part E: Back at the Classroom

This will be completed back at your school.

Analysis of Terrestrial Data

15. Summarize all the findings from your field study by creating an energy pyramid to describe the trophic levels for all
the organisms you discovered in the terrestrial section of your transect.
16. Summarize the findings from your field study by creating a food web for the organisms in the terrestrial section of
your transect. You may need to conduct some research to determine an organisms energy source and trophic level.
17. Consider the many types of plants that you identified while studying the terrestrial part of your transect. You will
have noticed that some plants thrive in open spaces, while others prefer locations with denser vegetation. Describe
the differences in the vegetation observed in open spaces and areas with the types of plants observed in areas
with denser plant growth. List the differences in biotic and abiotic factors that you observed in these two spaces.
Comment on why it appears that some plants can grow in both open areas or in more densely populated spaces,
while other plants are only observed to grow in one area.

Analysis of Aquatic Data

18. Summarize your field study findings by creating an energy pyramid to describe the
trophic levels for all the organisms you discovered in your transects aquatic section.
19. Summarize the findings from your field study by creating a food web for organisms
in the aquatic section of your transect. You may need to conduct some research to
determine an organisms energy source and trophic level.

20. Find another group of students in your class who collected data from a transect in
a location with abiotic factors that differed from your transect. For example, your
transect may have been in an area exposed to direct sunlight; other students may
have had a transect in a shady area. Compare your energy pyramids and food webs
with those of the other students.
a. Identify similarities and differences.

Figure D1.38: Many aquatic

invertebrates are quite largesome
are up to 70 mm in length.

b. Explain the role that the differing abiotic factors may have played in causing the different results.
21. Now that you have compared your work with that of another group, what changes would you make if you did this
investigation again?


Unit D: Changes in Living Systems

A field study is a wonderful first-hand opportunity to experience the intricate workings of an ecosystem. By using a base line
and a system of transects, you and your classmates had an opportunity to sample a number of different locations of an aquatic
ecosystem and the land that surrounds it. These experiences will provide a value context for the recycling of important
inorganic compounds that you will be studying in Lesson 1.5.

1.4 Questions
1. Concisely describe how a base line and transects can be used to allow a group of people to collect data from an ecosystem.
2. List the abiotic factors you observed and measured along your transect.
Applying Concepts
3. One approach to a field study is to let each group of students choose a location to collect data. This seems simpler
than setting up a base line and a transect. Explain why the system of the base line and transect yields data that is more
representative and accurate of the whole ecosystem than any other method.

Chapter 1: The Biosphere of Life


Science 20 2006 Alberta Education ( Third-party copyright credits are listed on the attached copyright credit page.

1.4 Summary

Photo Credits and Acknowledgements

All photographs, illustrations, and text contained in this book have been created by or for Alberta Education, unless noted herein or
elsewhere in this Science 20 textbook.
Alberta Education wishes to thank the following rights holders for granting permission to incorporate their works into this textbook.
Every effort has been made to identify and acknowledge the appropriate rights holder for each third-party work. Please notify Alberta
Education of any errors or omissions so that corrective action may be taken.
Legend: t = top, m = middle, b = bottom, l = left, r = right
437 (r) David Walker, Micscape (l) Robert H. Mohlenbrock @
USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database/USDA NRCS. 1995. Northeast
wetland flora: Field office guide to plant species. Northeast National
Technical Center, Chester, PA.

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