Communications of ACM July 2016

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07/2016 VOL.59 NO.07






Association for
Computing Machinery

this.splash 2016
Sun 30 October Fri 4 November 2016


ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications:

Software for Humanity (SPLASH)

Novel research on software development and programming


Radical new ideas and visions related to programming and software


World class speakers on current topics in software, systems, and languages research


Researchers and educators share educational results, ideas, and challenges

Dynamic languages, implementations, and applications
Generative programming: concepts and experiences
Principles of software language engineering, language design, and evolution


SPLASH General Chair: Eelco Visser

SLE General Chair: Tijs van der Storm

OOPSLA Papers: Yannis Smaragdakis

SLE Papers: Emilie Balland, Daniel Varro

OOPSLA Artifacts: Michael Bond, Michael Hind

GPCE General Chair: Bernd Fischer

Onward! Papers: Emerson Murphy-Hill

GPCE Papers: Ina Schaefer

Onward! Essays: Crista Lopes

Student Research Competition: Sam Guyer, Patrick Lam

SPLASH-I: Eelco Visser, Tijs van der Storm

Posters: Jeff Huang, Sebastian Erdweg

SPLASH-E: Matthias Hauswirth, Steve Blackburn

Publications: Alex Potanin Amsterdam

DLS: Roberto Ierusalimschy

Publicity and Web: Tijs van der Storm, Ron Garcia

Workshops: Jan Rellermeyer, Craig Anslow

Student Volunteers: Daco Harkes


This practically
book practically
this questio
Internet software
This book
this question
the presentation
a software
State XML
W3C standard
through the
a software
on theon
and Android
in particular,
along with
with Java.
and Android
in particular,

seamlessly specified

Internet software
of event-driven
or reactive
as pointed
out in out in
of event-driven
or reactive
as pointed
Bonr et
et al.
It tells
us that
is a must.
It tells
us that
is a must.
software engineers
to puttoreactive
into practice.
put reactive
into practice.
Reactive Internet Programming outlines and explains such means.
The lack of professional examples in the literature that illustrate how reactive software should

lack of professional examples in the literature that illustrate how reactive software should
be shaped can be quite frustrating. Therefore, this book helps to fill in that gap by providing inbe
can be quite
this bookdetails
helps and
to fill
in that gap
by providing indepth
case studies
that contain
details and meaningful alternatives.
these case
be contain
for further investigation.
Furthermore, these case studies can be downloaded for further investigation.

Internet software requires higher adaptation, at run time in particular. After reading Reactive Internet
you requires
will be ready
to enter
the forthcoming
at run time
in particular.
After reading Reactive Interne

Programming, you will be ready to enter the forthcoming Internet era.





Editors Letter

22 Legally Speaking

The Ritual of Academic-Unit Review

By Moshe Y. Vardi

Apple v. Samsung and

the Upcoming Design Patent Wars?
Assessing an important recent design
patent infringement court decision.
By Pamela Samuelson

Cerfs Up

The Power of Big Ideas

By Vinton G. Cerf

25 Historical Reflections

Letters to the Editor

Rethinking Computational Thinking


Progress in Computational Thinking,

and Expanding the HPC Community
Jeannette Wing considers
the proliferation of computational
thinking, while Dan Stanzione
hopes to bring more HPC
practitioners to SC16.
29 Calendar
126 Careers

12 Graph Matching in

Theory and Practice

A theoretical breakthrough in
graph isomorphism excites
complexity experts, but will it lead
to any practical improvements?
By Neil Savage
15 Accelerating Search

Last Byte
128 Upstart Puzzles

Chair Games
By Dennis Shasha

The latest in machine learning

helps high-energy physicists
handle the enormous amounts
of data produced by
the Large Hadron Collider.
By Marina Krakovsky

How Charles Bachman Invented

the DBMS, a Foundation of
Our Digital World
His 1963 Integrated Data Store set
the template for all subsequent
database management systems.
By Thomas Haigh
31 Computing Ethics

Big Data Analytics and Revision

of the Common Rule
Reconsidering traditional
research ethics given the emergence
of big data analytics.
By Jacob Metcalf
34 Viewpoint

Turings Red Flag

A proposal for a law to prevent
artificial intelligence systems
from being mistaken for humans.
By Toby Walsh
38 Viewpoint

17 Booming Enrollments

The Computing Research

Association works to quantify
the extent, and causes,
of a jump in undergraduate
computer science enrollments.
By Lawrence M. Fisher

Inverse Privacy
Seeking a market-based solution
to the problem of a persons
unjustified inaccessibility to
their private information.
By Yuri Gurevich, Efim Hudis,
and Jeannette M. Wing

New apps help individuals

contest traffic, parking tickets.
By Keith Kirkpatrick


| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

Watch the authors discuss

their work in this exclusive
Communications video.


19 Legal Advice on the Smartphone

VOL. 59 NO. 07


Contributed Articles

Review Articles
96 The Rise of Social Bots

Todays social bots are

sophisticated and sometimes
menacing. Indeed, their presence
can endanger online ecosystems
as well as our society.
By Emilio Ferrara, Onur Varol,
Clayton Davis, Filippo Menczer,
and Alessandro Flammini

44 Should You Upload or

Ship Big Data to the Cloud?

The accepted wisdom
does not always hold true.
By Sachin Date
52 The Small Batches Principle

Reducing waste, encouraging

experimentation, and making
everyone happy.
By Thomas A. Limoncelli
58 Statistics for Engineers

Applying statistical techniques

to operations data.
By Heinrich Hartmann


Articles development led by

About the Cover:

Social bots are populating
faster than technology
can be designed to detect
them. While some bots
are harmless, a growing
faction can endanger
online ecosystems.
This months cover story
reviews current efforts
to detect social bots on
Twitter. Cover illustration
by Arn0.

68 Formula-Based Software Debugging

Satisfiability modulo theory solvers

can help automate the search
for the root cause of observable
software errors.
By Abhik Roychoudhury
and Satish Chandra

Watch the authors discuss

their work in this exclusive
Communications video.

Research Highlights
106 Technical Perspective

Combining Logic
and Probability
By Henry Kautz and Parag Singla
107 Probabilistic Theorem Proving

78 Why Google Stores Billions of Lines

of Code in a Single Repository

Googles monolithic repository
provides a common source of truth
for tens of thousands of developers
around the world.
By Rachel Potvin and Josh Levenberg

By Vibhav Gogate and Pedro Domingos

116 Technical Perspective

Mesa Takes Data Warehousing

to New Heights
By Sam Madden
117 Mesa: A Geo-Replicated

88 > 4: An Improved Lower Bound on

the Growth Constant of Polyominoes

The universal constant , the growth
constant of polyominoes (think
Tetris pieces), is rigorously proved to
be greater than 4.
By Gill Barequet, Gnter Rote,
and Mira Shalah

Online Data Warehouse for

Googles Advertising System
By Ashish Gupta, Fan Yang, Jason
Govig, Adam Kirsch, Kelvin Chan,
Kevin Lai, Shuo Wu, Sandeep Dhoot,
Abhilash Rajesh Kumar,
Ankur Agiwal, Sanjay Bhansali,
Mingsheng Hong, Jamie Cameron,
Masood Siddiqi, David Jones,
Jeff Shute, Andrey Gubarev,
Shivakumar Venkataraman,
and Divyakant Agrawal

Association for Computing Machinery

Advancing Computing as a Science & Profession

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[email protected]

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| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7








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Association for Computing Machinery

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editors letter


Moshe Y. Vardi

The Ritual of Academic-Unit Review


units is a standard practice
in academia. The goal of
such review is to contribute
to quality enhancement by
providing the unit and the institution
with a clear assessment of the units
strengths and weaknesses. Typically,
such a review consists of a thorough
self-study by the reviewed unit, which
is followed with a visit by a committee of experienced academicians. After the visit, the committee submits
a report, which combines an incisive
analysis with sage advice for unit improvements. Then what? Usually, not
much, I am afraid. It is rare to see such
a review resulting in a truly significant
quality enhancement.
I recently had the opportunity to
be a member of a committee that reviewed all 17 computer science programs in Israel. The 17 programs range
from graduate programs at worldfamous research institutions such as
the Weizmann Institute of Science,
to small undergraduate programs at
small colleges such as Tel-Hai College
at the Northern Galilee. The review
project was carried out over a period of
a year and a half, included three visits
to Israel, and was, overall, a considerable effort. (The reports are available
Then what? Not much, I am afraid.
Why is it that academic-unit reviews
accomplish so little in spite of the significant effort both by the reviewed
units and reviewing committees? And
why do we continue to conduct these
reviews in spite of their meager results?
The answer to the second question
is clear, I believe. Unlike businesses,
which can be measured by their bottom line, academic institutions have
multiple, difficult to measure, and often conflicting goals. They are unified
by the nebulous concept of academic

excellence. The pursuit of excellence

must be visible, and academic-unit reviews serve this purpose. But why do
they accomplish so little? There are
three main reasons, I believe.
Cultural Barriers: Culture is defined as the way of life, especially
the general customs and beliefs, of
a particular group of people at a particular time. Each academic unit has
its own unique culture. Culture usually creates social cohesion by means
of shared expectations, but it can
also be a barrier to change. Quality
enhancement requires an academic unit to change the way it runs its
business, but culture is persistent
and change is difficult. Israel has
become famous as the Start-Up Nation, with a thriving high-tech sector. The computer science programs
in Israel create the educated workforce that underpins the Israel hightech sector. Yet computer science
units in Israel are generally spin-offs
from mathematics units. As a result
they tend to be highly theoretical in
their research focus. The Review Committees report called for a better balance between theoretical and experimental research, but such a change
runs against an entrenched culture.
Institutional Barriers: Academicunit reviews typically focus on lowlevel units, such as departments.
But departments do not operate in a
vacuum. Departments typically belong to schools, and the operations of
a department must be considered in
the context of the school in which it
is housed. But reviews almost always
focus narrowly on departmental operations, missing the bigger context.
Furthermore, academic units have
staff members, administrative staff
members, students, and higher-level
academic administratorswith di-

verse sets of interests. Almost every

proposed quality-enhancing change
runs against the interests of some
stakeholder. Thus, there are institutional barriers to change. It takes very
strong institutional support for quality
enhancementas well as committed
leadership at all levelsto implement
recommended changes. For example,
in one institution in Israel we found
five distinct computer science programs and called for an institutional
reorganization to increase synergy and
efficiency. But such reorganization
runs against several institutional interests and is unlikely to happen.
Follow-Up Process: The reviews produced by review committees often offer
insightful diagnoses of the weaknesses
discovered. They usually also offer recommendations for improvements, but
they usually do not offer detailed action
plans, as reviewers lack the intimate institutional knowledge required to develop such plans. But most institutions
do not have a robust follow-up process
to ensure that a detailed action plan to
deal with the recommendations is developed by department and the school,
is carried out to completion, and then
re-reviewed to ensure actual improvement. Thus, academic-unit review reports mostly gather dust rather than
affect change.
So what is to be done? Should we
abandon the ritual of academic-unit
review? I view the pursuit of academic
excellence as a hallowed academic value, and reviews can serve an important
role in such a pursuit, but they should
not be undertaken without utmost
commitment to the process and fortitude to carry it out.
Follow me on Facebook, Google+,
and Twitter.
Copyright held by author.

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cerfs up


Vinton G. Cerf

The Power of Big Ideas

Ive been thinking about big ideas recently
and how powerful they can be. What strikes
me is that so many of these ideas are so easily
stated, such as Cure Cancer or Put a man
on the moon, but are really difficult
to accomplish. Their simplicity hides
enormous challenges, infinite details. At Google, the company began
with a goal to organize the worlds
information and make it universally
accessible and useful. As simply as
this goal can be stated and, in some
sense, understood, it also is a driver
for an endless array of initiatives,
intermediate goals, blind alleys, successes, and failures. One can adhere
to this goal while motivating the development of machine translation,
indexing and rank ordering searches of the World Wide Web, evolving
massive datacenters and high capacity fiber networks and collaborative
applications that allow concurrent
editing of documents, presentations,
and spreadsheets, to mention just a
few examples.
One reason these easily stated big
ideas are so powerful is that one can
test whatever one is doing against the
idea to see whether the work contributes to achieving the goal. If your goal
is to make autonomous, self-driving
vehicles, its easy to ask: Is what I
am doing contributing to this goal
and if so, how? This facet also
helps multiple groups appreciate
the work of others, assuming their
work is understood to be relevant to
the objective in hand. Big ideas are,
in some ways, organizing principles
that point in the direction of useful
research, development, and engineering. Interestingly, these simply
stated goals may also motivate the development of business models for sus-

tainability, where the goal implies the

need for continued, long-term maintenance and operation.
The Internet started with a simply
stated goal of connecting any number
and kind of packet switched networks.
As complex as the Internet has become, this is still a driving factor in its
evolution. The arrival of smartphones
and high-speed, digital wireless communication, Wi-Fi, optical fiber networks, and many other networking
technologies have been integrated
into the global network of networks we
have come to view as the Internet.
Artificial intelligence has been a
long-sought goal in the computer science field, speculated about since
the earliest days of computing.
Alan Turing contemplated about
this in 1950 with his famous paper on Computing Machinery and
Intelligencea and Vannevar Bush
hinted at this in his equally if not
more famous paper As We May
Think.b Bush draws us into a vision
that echoed and advanced with the
work of J.C.R. Licklider and Douglas
Engelbart, two giants in the fields
of information processing and human/computer partnerships. With
the notable successes of IBMs Deep
Blue,c IBMs Watson,d and Google/
DeepMinds AlphaGo,e we can see examples of powerful specialization at
c Deep Blue beat Garry Kasparov at chess in 1997.
d Watson wins Jeopardy! in 2011.
e DeepMinds AlphaGo wins at Go in 2016.

work. DeepMinds work appears to be

generalizable to a number of board
games and the multilayer neural networks from which DeepMind is fashioned seem able to learn how to play
without specific programming. What
is needed is exposure to many, many
games and feedback as to success or
failure. Whether such methods can
be applied to what is called General
Problem Solving isnt entirely clear
to me. The latter involves modeling,
goal setting, hypothesis generation,
experimental exploration, and testingall of which remind me in some
ways of the general scientific method.
As we explore the potential partnerships and collaborations between
computing systems and their human
users, many of us hope that we will accelerate progress in science, technology, applications, and economic conditions. Already we can see evidence
that robotic factories are far more
flexible than earlier special-purpose
manufacturing systems. 3D printing,
coupled with CAD/CAM and machineaided design, may take us further
along the path to what has sometimes
been called mass customization. If
productivity increases, costs go down,
making more things affordable. Jobs
may well disappear but they will be replaced with new jobs. The conundrum
is whether those displaced from older
jobs can be equipped to carry out the
new ones that are created. The big
idea that comes to my mind is: improve the well-being of every person on
the planet.
Note in passing: A remarkable milestone for women filling all the leadership roles at ACM: President, Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer. At the
National Science Board a similar outcome: Chair, Vice-Chair, and Director
of the National Science Foundation.
Vinton G. Cerf is vice president and Chief Internet Evangelist
at Google. He served as ACM president from 20122014.
Copyright held by author.

JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF THE ACM

letters to the editor


Computational Thinking

Results of

ACMs 2016
Vicki L. Hanson
(term: July 1, 2016 June 30, 2018)

Vice President:
Cherri Pancake
(term: July 1, 2016 June 30, 2018)

Elizabeth Churchill
(term: July 1, 2016 June 30, 2018)

Members at Large:
Gabriele Anderst-Kotsis
(term: July 1, 2016 June 30, 2020)

Susan Dumais
(term: July 1, 2016 June 30, 2020)

Elizabeth Mynatt
(term: July 1, 2016 June 30, 2020)

Pam Samuelson
(term: July 1, 2016 June 30, 2020)

Eugene H. Spafford
(term: July 1, 2016 June 30, 2020)



computational thinking for
computing app constructors
and for computing users in
general? If we can teach our
children early on to smile, talk, write,
read, and count through frequent and
repetitive use of patterns in well-chosen examples, is it also possible for us,
assuming we have the skills, to teach
our children to construct computing
applications? Do we need to first teach
them anything about computational
thinking before we look to teach how to
construct computing apps? If not, how
important will computational skills be
for us all, as Jeannette Wing suggests
in her blog@cacm Computational
Thinking, 10 Years Later (Mar. 2016
and reprinted on p. 10) and Viewpoint
column Computational Thinking
(Mar. 2006)?
Many competent and successful
computing app constructors and users never hear a word about computational thinking but still manage to acquire sufficient construction and user
skills through frequent and repetitive
use of patterns in well-chosen examples. Can computing app constructors learn their skills from frequent
and repetitive use of the patterns in
well-chosen examples without computational thinking? Current results,
as reflected in app stores, seem to
show they can.
What specific skills define computational thinking? Do constructors learn them only through frequent and repetitive use of patterns
in well-chosen examples? Time will
tell. Does this mean skills in computational thinking are of little or no
value? Not at all. But it does mean
they need to be learned the same way
skills in smiling, talking, writing,
reading, and counting are learned
at the appropriate time.
What if experts would first have to
demonstrate their own practical skills
in computational thinking before they
could promote the theoretical virtues

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

of such disciplines? Would it avoid the

dangers of the less computational savvy among us being led astray by wellintentioned fervor?
What if Jeannette Wing would publish the steps she uses to identify,
specify, design, and code, say, a phone
or tablet app to display an album of
photos and supporting text? Who
would benefit most? Would it be only
Microsoft employees or many more of
us constructors and users out in the
world? Would we even learn the skills
of computational thinking?
All practice and no theory? No,
practice and theory. But practice first
please, then theory.
Fred Botha, Sun City West, AZ

Teaching the Art of Delegation

I commend Kate Matsudairas wonderful article Delegation as Art (May
2016), with its spot-on guidance for
addressing challenges in mentoring
and delegating our co-workers and
students; like Matsudaira, I love to
imagine my teammates asking themselves, What would Geoff say? Matsudaira also did a superb job explaining her suggestions in ways that make
them applicable to disciplines well
beyond engineering.
However, one key challenge in
managing software engineers Matsudaira did not address is that senior engineers are often expected to mentor
team members while simultaneously
being responsible for delivering the
very projects on which the mentees
are working. Matsudaira did say mentoring and delegation require letting
people find their own way and make
mistakes, even as project success is often measured by speed of delivery and
perfection. As a result, mentoring success sometimes comes at the expense
of project success, and vice versa.
It would benefit us all if our managers and project managers had a
better understanding of the value
and process of mentoring. To this

letters to the editor

Geoffrey A. Lowney, Issaquah, WA

Professionalize CS Education Now

Computer science as a discipline has
been remarkably bad at marketing itself. With current record enrollments
in American universities, this is not a
problem, but consider how it might
play out in an uncertain future. People
today using computers, cellphones,
tablets, and automated highway toll
payment devices, as well as multiple
websites and services on a daily basis
lack a clear idea what computer scientists actually do, and that they are
indeed professionals, like lawyers, accountants, and medical doctors.
Parents concerned about the earning potential of their children and of
their childrens future spouses forever try to address the conundrum
of what academic path to take, as in,
say, medical school, law school, or
business school.
I thus propose a simple semantic
change, and the far-reaching organizational change it implies. Masters
programs in computer science shall
henceforth graduate computists
and rebrand themselves as computing schools. Future parents and parents-in-law should be able to choose
among, say, medical school, computing school, business school, and law
school. Existing Masters curricula in
computer science would be extended
to five or six semesters, with mandatory courses in all areas of applied
computing, from the perspectives of
building systems and selecting, evaluating, adapting, and applying existing
systems in all facets of computing,
based on scientific methods and precise metrics.
When this basic framework is established, computing schools would
stop accepting the Graduate Records
Exam ( and
switch to their own dedicated entrance exam, in the same way the LSAT
is used for law school and the MCAT
for medical school. The conferred degree would be called, say, Professional
Master of Computing.
It might take a decade or more to

change the perception of the American public, but such change is essential and should be embraced as
quickly as possible and on a national
basis. ACM is best positioned and able
to provide the leadership needed to
move this important step forward for
the overall discipline of computer science.
James Geller, Newark, NJ

Causality in Computer Science

I would like to congratulate Carlos
Baquero and Nuno Preguia for their
clear writing and the good examples
they included in their article Why
Logical Clocks Are Easy (Apr. 2016),
especially on a subject that is not easily explained. I should say the subject of the article is quite far from my
usual area of research, which is, today,
formal methods in security. Still, we
should reflect on Baqueros and Preguias extensive use of the concept
of causality. That concept has been
used in science since ancient Greece,
where it was developed by the atomists, then further, to a great extent, by
Aristotle, through whose writings it
reached the modern world.
The concept of causality was
criticized by David Hume in the 18 th
century. Commenting on Hume, Bertrand Russell (in his 1945 book A History of Western Philosophy) said, It appears that simple rules of the form A
causes B are never to be admitted in
science, except as crude suggestions
in early stages. Much of modern science is built on powerful equations
from which many causal relationships
can be derived, the implication being
the latter are only explanations or illustrations for the relationships expressed by the former.
Causal laws are not used in several
well-developed areas of computer science, notably complexity theory and
formal semantics. In them, researchers write equations or other mathematical or logical expressions. At one
point in their article, Baquero and Preguia redefined causality in terms of
set inclusion. Leslie Lamports classic
1978 paper Time Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System (cited by Baquero and Preguia)
seems to use the concept of causality
for explanations, rather than for the

core theory. In several papers, Joseph

Y. Halpern and Judea Pearl have developed the concept of causality in
artificial intelligence, but their motivations and examples suggest application to early stage research, just as
Bertrand Russell wrote.
I submitted this letter mainly to
prompt thinking on what role the
causality concept should play in the
progress of various areas of computer
science. Today, it is used in computer
systems, software engineering, and
artificial intelligence, among others,
probably. Should we thus aim for its
progressive elimination, leaving it a
role only in the area of explanations
and early-stage intuitions?
Luigi Logrippo, Ottawa-Gatineau,
Communications welcomes your opinion. To submit a
Letter to the Editor, please limit yourself to 500 words or
less, and send to [email protected].
2016 ACM 0001-0782/16/07 $15.00

Coming Next Month in COMMUNICATIONS

end, I will be sharing the article with

fellow leaders in my organization
and recommend you share it with
yours as well.

Computational Biology
in the 21st Century
Smart Cities
Distributed Systems
Skills for Success Across
Three IT Career Stages
Adaptive Computation: In
Memory of John Holland
Ur/Web: A Simple Model
for Programming the Web
Verifying Quantitative
Reliability for Programs
that Execute on
Unreliable Hardware
Plus the latest news about deep
reinforcement learning, the
value of open source,
and apps for social good.

JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF THE ACM

The Communications Web site,,

features more than a dozen bloggers in the BLOG@CACM
community. In each issue of Communications, well publish
selected posts or excerpts.

Follow us on Twitter at


Progress in
Computational Thinking,
and Expanding
the HPC Community
Jeannette Wing considers the proliferation of
computational thinking, while Dan Stanzione
hopes to bring more HPC practitioners to SC16.
Jeannette Wing
10 Years Later
March 23, 2016

Not in my lifetime.
That is what I said when I was asked
whether we would ever see computer
science taught in K12. It was 2009, and
I was addressing a gathering of attendees to a workshop on computational
thinking ( convened by the National Academies.
I am happy to say that I was wrong.
It has been 10 years since I published
my three-page Computational Thinking Viewpoint (
in the March 2006 issue of Communications. To celebrate its anniversary, let us
consider how far weve come.
Think back to 2005. Since the dotcom bust, there had been a steep and
steady decline in undergraduate enrollments in computer science, with


no end in sight. The computer science

community was wringing its hands,
worried about the survival of its departments on campuses. Unlike many of
my colleagues, I saw a different, much
rosier future for computer science. I saw
computing was going to be everywhere.
I argued the use of computational concepts, methods, and tools would transform the very conduct of every discipline,
profession, and sector. Someone with
the ability to use computation effectively
would have an edge over someone without. So, I saw a great opportunity for the
computer science community to teach future generations how computer scientists
think. Hence, computational thinking.
I must admit, I am surprised and
gratified by how much progress we have
made in achieving this vision: Computational thinking will be a fundamental
skill used by everyone in the world by
the middle of the 21st century. By fundamental, I mean as fundamental as reading, writing, and arithmetic.

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

The Third Pillar

I knew in the science and engineering
disciplines, computation would be the
third pillar of the scientific method,
along with theory and experimentation.
After all, computers were already used
for simulation of large, complex, physical and natural systems. Sooner or later,
scientists and engineers of all kinds
would recognize the power of computational abstractions, such as algorithms,
data types, and state machines.
Today, with the advent of massive
amounts of data, researchers in all disciplinesincluding the arts, humanities
and social sciencesare discovering
new knowledge using computational
methods and tools.
In the past 10 years, I visited nearly
100 colleges and universities worldwide
and witnessed a transformation at the
undergraduate level. Computer science
courses are now offered to students not
majoring in computer science. These
courses are not computer programming
courses, but rather focus on core concepts in computer science. At Harvard,
this course (CS50) is one of the most
popular courses (,
not just on its campus but also at rival
Yales campus. And what about computer science enrollments? They are
skyrocketing (!
Perhaps the most surprising and gratifying result is what is happening at the
K12 level. First, the U.K.s grassroots
effort Computing At School (http:// led
the Department of Education to require
computing in K12 schools in England
starting September 2014. The statutory

guidance for the national curriculum
says, A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational
thinking and creativity to understand
and change the world.
In addition, the BBC in partnership
with Microsoft and other companies
funded the design and distribution of
the BBC micro:bit ( One million of these programmable devices were distributed
free earlier this year (March 2016), one
for every 1112-year-old (Year 7) student
in the U.K., along with their teachers.
Microsoft Research contributed to the
design and testing of the device, and the
MSR Labs Touch Develop team provided a programming language and platform for the BBC micro:bit, as well as
teaching materials.
Second, is a nonprofit organization, started in 2013, dedicated
to the mission of providing access to
computer science education to all. Microsoft, along with hundreds of other
corporate and organizational partners,
helps sponsor the activities of
Third, internationally there is a
groundswell of interest in teaching
computer science at the K12 level. I
know of efforts in Australia, Israel, Singapore, and South Korea. China is likely
to make a push soon, too.
Computer Science for All
Most gratifying to me is President
Barack Obamas pledge to provide $4
billion in funding for computer science education in U.S. schools as part
of the Computer Science for All Initiative ( he
announced on Jan. 30. That initiative
includes $120 million from the National Science Foundation, which will
be used to train as many as 9,000 more
high school teachers to teach computer
science and integrate computational
thinking into their curriculum. This
push for all students to learn computer
science comes partly from market demand for workers skilled in computing
from all sectors, not just information
technology. We see this at Microsoft,
too; our enterprise customers in all sectors are coming to Microsoft because
they need more computing expertise.
Practical challenges and research opportunities remain. The main practical
challenge is that we do not have enough
K12 teachers trained to teach comput-

er science to K12 students. I am optimistic that, over time, we will solve this.
There also are interesting research
questions I would encourage computer
scientists to pursue, working with the
cognitive and learning sciences communities. First, what computer science concepts should be taught when, and how?
Consider an analogy to mathematics. We teach numbers to 5-year-olds,
algebra to 12-year-olds, and calculus
to 18-year-olds. We have somehow figured out the progression of concepts to
teach in mathematics, where learning
one new concept builds on understanding the previous concept, and where the
progression reflects the progression of
mathematical sophistication of a child
as he or she matures.
What is that progression in computer science? For example, when is it
best to teach recursion? Children learn
to solve the Towers of Hanoi puzzle (for
small n), and in history class we teach
divide and conquer as a strategy for
winning battles. But is the general concept better taught in high school? We
teach long division to 9-year-olds in 4th
grade, but we never utter the word algorithm. And yet the way it is taught,
long division is just an algorithm. Is
teaching the general concept of an
algorithm too soon for a 4th grader?
More deeply, are there concepts in
computing that are innate and do not
need to be formally learned?
Second, we need to understand how
best to use computing technology in the
classroom. Throwing computers in the
classroom is not the most effective way
to teach computer science concepts.
How can we use technology to enhance
the learning and reinforce the understanding of computer science concepts? How can we use technology to
measure progress, learning outcomes,
and retention over time? How can we
use technology to personalize the learning for individual learners, as each of us
learns at a different pace and has different cognitive abilities?
We have made tremendous progress in injecting computational thinking into research and education of
all fields in the last 10 years. We still
have a ways to go, but fortunately,
academia, industry and government
forces are aligned toward realizing the
vision of making computational thinking commonplace.

Dan Stanzione
SC16 Expands Focus
on HPC Provider
April 6, 2016

If you are in HPC (high-performance computing) or a related field, you know SC16
the leading international conference for
high-performance computing, networking, storage, and analysis. For 28 years,
SC has served as the conference of record
in the supercomputing community for
presenting the results of groundbreaking
new research, getting the training needed
to advance your career, and discovering
what is new in the marketplace.
SC16 marks the beginning of a multiyear emphasis designed to advance the
state of the practice in the HPC community by providing a track for professionals driving innovation and development
in designing, building, and operating
the worlds largest supercomputers,
along with the system and application
software that make them run effectively.
We call this the State of the Practice.
State of the Practice submissions
will add content about innovations
and best practices development from
the HPC service provider community
into all aspects of the SC16 technical
program (, from
tutorials and workshops to papers and
posters. These submissions will be
peer reviewed, as are all submissions
to SC. However, the evaluation criteria
will acknowledge the fundamental difference between innovation that leads
the state of HPC practice in the field
today, and research results that will reshape the field tomorrow.
If you are part of the SC community
but have not always felt SC was the right
venue to showcase your contributions to
the HPC body of knowledge, we want to
encourage you to submit to the technical program on the reinvigorated State
of the Practice track.
Check the important dates page
( for upcoming
submission deadlines.
Jeannette M. Wing is corporate vice president at
Microsoft Research. Dan Stanzione is Executive Director
of the Texas Advanced Computing Center at the University
of Texas at Austin and serves as co-chair of the State of
the Practice track at SC16.
2016 ACM 0001-0782/16/07 $15.00

JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF T HE ACM



Science | DOI:10.1145/2933412

Neil Savage

Graph Matching in
Theory and Practice
A theoretical breakthrough in graph isomorphism excites
complexity experts, but will it lead to any practical improvements?

two scientists
wrote a seminal textbook
on computational complexity theory, describing how
some problems are hard to
solve. The known algorithms for handling them grow in complexity so fast
that no computer can be guaranteed to
solve even moderately sized problems
in the lifetime of the universe. While
most problems could be deemed either relatively easy or hard for a computer to solve, a few fell into a strange
nether region where they could not
be classified as either. The authors,
Michael Garey and David S. Johnson,
helpfully provided an appendix listing
a dozen problems not known to fit into
one category or the other.
The very first one thats listed is
graph isomorphism, says Lance Fortnow, chair of computer science at the
Georgia Institute of Technology. In the
decades since, most of the problems
on that list were slotted into one of the
two categories, but solving graph isomorphismin essence figuring out if
two graphs that look different are in
fact the sameresisted categorization.
Graph isomorphism just didnt fall.
Now Lszl Babai, a professor of
computer science and mathematics
ACK I N 1 9 7 9,



at the University of Chicago, has developed a new algorithm for the problem
that pushes it much closer tobut not
all the way intothe easy category, a
result complexity experts are hailing
as a major theoretical achievement, although whether his work will have any
practical effect is unclear.

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

In computer science, a graph is a

network, a series of nodes strung together by connections known as edges;
the set of Facebook users and their interconnections make up a graph with
approximately 1.5 billion nodes. Two
graphs may be depicted differently,
but if the nodes and connections in


Two graphs that are isomorphic.

one match up with those in the other,

they are equivalentthat is, isomorphicgraphs. Graph isomorphism can
be used for applications as diverse as
searching chemical databases or performing facial recognition; is that the
same molecule or the same face, even
though the atoms have been flipped or
the smile has become a grimace? Once
you know two things are the same, then
you can take what you know about one
and apply it to the other, Fortnow says.
Graph isomorphism is a subset of
string isomorphism; in fact, string
isomorphism is the subject of Babais
paper, although it mainly discusses
graphs. While there had been solutions
for various special cases of graphs,
this works for everything, says Fortnow, who describes Babai as having
been his mentor when he started his
career as an assistant professor at the
University of Chicago.
What Babais solution does is check
subsections of graphs for isomorphism
through a variety of relatively simple
means; for instance, by comparing how
many neighbors each node has. Trouble
arises if any of those subsections turn
out to be Johnson graphs, which are so
highly symmetrical, it can be difficult to
tell if one is the same as another.
Basically, what it boils down to is
he shows that if this process gets stuck,
there must be a Johnson graph hiding
there, Fortnow says. Having uncovered
a hidden Johnson graph, Babais paper
describes how to check that graph.
Babai first presented his results in a
talk in November 2015, and in December published a paper on the open access website ArXiv. The paper has been
accepted to the 48th ACM Symposium
on Theory of Computing (STOC 2016).
Babai declined an interview, saying
the work needed to be vetted by other
computer scientists. Fortnow says that,
while it is a good idea to have many
people look over such a complicated
proof, the results are probably sound.
I think the rest of us really believe its
either correct as is, or if theres some
problem, it can be easily fixed, he says.
P or NP?
The difficulty with graph isomorphism
has been figuring out what kind of
problem it is. Many problems are considered easy. As they grow larger, the
time it takes a computer to solve them

What Babais
solution does is
check subsections
of graphs for
isomorphism through
a variety of relatively
simple means.

increases no faster than a polynomial

function of the problems size. The
time needed to solve these P problems
can grow large, but not unreasonably
so. At the other end of the scale are
problems in which the solution time of
any known algorithm probably grows
exponentially with the size of the problem, to the point where it becomes unfeasible for the computer.
The P problems that can be solved
in polynomial time belong to a larger
class known as NP. NP includes any
problem in which, regardless of how
difficult it is to solve, showing the solution is true is easy. The Traveling Salesman problem is a classic example; it
asks for the shortest route that allows
a traveling salesman to visit a list of
cities once and return to the starting
point. Coming up with that route is
challenging, but once given the route,
it can be easily checked.
Another subset of NP is NP-complete. No polynomial algorithm is
known for any NP-complete problem,
but if one were discovered, there would
be an algorithm for all of them and
the two classes, P and NP-complete,
would collapse into one. Scientists do
not know whether no efficient algorithm exists for solving NP-complete
problems, or whether they have simply
failed to find one yet. Since 2000, the
Clay Mathematics Institute has offered
a $1 million prize to anyone who can
show whether P equals NP.
Babais work does not answer that
question, but it still intrigues theoreticians. Graph isomorphism has never
been shown to be in P, because there
is as yet no known algorithm to solve it
in polynomial time. On the other hand,

My research
interests are
generally in the
design and
analysis of
says Piotr Indyk of the Theory of
Computation Group of the
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT) Computer
Science and Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory.
I am interested in
developing solutions to
fundamental algorithmic
problems that impact the
practice of computing, adds
Indyk. Some examples include
high-dimensional similarity
search, which involves finding
pairs of high-dimensional
vectors that are close to each
other; faster Fourier transform
algorithms for signals with
sparse spectra, and so forth.
Born in Poland, Indyk
received a Magister degree from
the University of Warsaw in
1995, and a Ph.D. in computer
science from Stanford University
in 2000. That same year, he
joined the faculty of MIT, where
he has been ever since.
Recently, I managed to
make some progress on whether
we can show, or at least provide
evidence, that some of those
problems cannot be solved
faster than what is currently
known, Indyk said. I have also
been working on proving there
are certain natural problems
like regular expression
matching, for examplethat
require quadratic time to
solve, assuming some natural
conjectures or hypothesis. This
has been my main focus over
the past year, which is a little
unusual for me. This is because
I typically work on algorithms
and try to make them faster, as
opposed to showing they might
not be improved.
During an upcoming
sabbatical at Stanford
University, Indyk plans to work
with researchers who develop
tools for proving conditional
hardness of certain problems.
Stanford is my alma mater, so I
am looking forward to it.
John Delaney

JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF T HE ACM


there is evidence it is not NP-complete
either. The best theoretical algorithm,
published by Babai and Eugene Luks
in 1983, was sub-exponentialbetter
than any known algorithm for any NPcomplete problem, but still far from
easy. This new algorithm appears to
place graph isomorphism in quasipolynomial time, much closer to the
easy side. This is just such a huge
theoretical improvement from what we
had before, Fortnow says. Now its
not likely at all to be NP-complete and
its not that hard at all.
Josh Grochow, an Omidyar Postdoctoral Fellow in theoretical computer
science at the Santa Fe Institute in New
Mexico, calls Babais proposed solution a big theoretical jump. There really are very few problems we know of
in this limbo state, he says. Graph isomorphism is still in the limbo state,
but its a lot clearer where it sits.
In some subset of graphs, the question was already settled. For instance,
molecular graphs have bounded
valence, meaning the physical constraints of three-dimensional space
allow atoms to be connected only to a
limited number of other atoms, says
Jean-Loup Faulon, a synthetic biologist
at the University of Manchester, England, and INRA in France, who uses
graph matching in his work. In the
1980s, he points out, Babai, Luks, and
Christoph Hoffmann showed bounded valence graphs could be solved in
polynomial time. Therefore, the problem of graph isomorphism is already
known to be polynomial for chemicals, Faulon says.
While Babais work has generated
much excitement among theoreticians, experts say it is not likely to have
much effect in practice; at least, not immediately. Scott Aaronson, a computer
scientist at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology who studies computational theory, says, this is obviously
the greatest theoretical algorithms result at least since 2002, when Manindra Agrawal, Neeraj Kayal, and Nitin
Saxena came up with an algorithm
for determining, in polynomial time,
whether a number is a prime. On the
other hand, Aaronson says, the immediate practical impact on computing is zero, because we already had
graph isomorphism algorithms that
were extremely fast in practice for any


graphs anyone would ever care about.

In fact, the graph isomorphism solution is similar to the Agrawal-KayalSaxena algorithm in that way, says
Boaz Barak, Gordon McKay professor
of Computer Science at Harvard Universitys John A. Paulson School of
Engineering and Applied Sciences. It
was a great intellectual breakthrough,
but even before it, we had highly efficient heuristics that seemed to solve
the problem. Barak says Babais
paper contains several significant
new ideas that may have an effect on
mathematics and may someday lead
to practical applications in graph isomorphism or some other problem,
adding, however, it is impossible, at
least for me, to predict this potential
impact at this point.
Separate Spheres
Practical solutions for specific cases of
graph isomorphism have existed for
years. In a 1981 paper entitled Practical Graph Isomorphism, computer
scientist Brendan McKay of the Australian National University in Canberra
developed an isomorphism testing
program called nauty (for No AUTomorphisms, Yes?) that is widely used
today. He describes the difference
between the theory and practice of
graph isomorphism as being like two
galaxies that have only a few stars in
common.McKay does not believe this
breakthrough will help close the gap
between theory and practice, a belief
he says he shares with Babai. Nobody
knows how to apply any of Babais ideas
to improve the practical performance
of programs for graph isomorphism,
McKay says. If one just programs Babais algorithm on a computer without
making any changes, it will be hopelessly slow compared to the best current programs.
Faulon hopes Babais ideas do
eventually lead to some changes in
practice. We are still lacking a practical polynomial-time algorithm in
chemistry, he says.
Another person hoping the theory can be translated into practice is
Hasan Jamil, a computer scientist at
the University of Idahos Institute for
Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Studies. Jamil is searching for a gene that
affects the death of cells in neurological disorders such as Alzheimers and

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

Parkinsons diseases. Graph matching

for the cells regulatory networks and
protein networks could help him isolate such a gene or set of genes. When
he submitted a paper and the reviewers
asked for a new experiment to back up
his theory, however, the publication
process slowed to a crawl. If I have to
find an isomorphic match, or even an
approximate match, it takes hours and
hours and months to even find simple
things, he says. With approximately
24,000 genes in the human body, each
of them capable of producing four
or five different proteins and then of
interacting amongst themselves, the
number of possible matches quickly
becomes astronomical.
He hopes Babais proposed solution
leads to something better. If it brings
down the complexity, even a bit, it
helps us search things in a reasonable
amount of time, Jamil says.
If Babais work does lead to practical improvements, they may lie far in
the future. McKay says, though, that
Babais ideas have started him thinking about whether there might be
some useful application. The odds
dont look good, McKay says, but
just maybe there is a pleasant surprise
Further Reading
Babai, L.
Graph Isomorphism in Quasipolynomial
Time, arXiv, Cornell University Library, 2015,
McKay, B.D., and Piperno, A.
Practical Graph Isomorphism II,
Journal of Symbolic Computation, 60, 2014,
Fortnow, L.
The status of the P versus NP
problem, Communications of the ACM,
September 2009,
Fortnow, L., and Grochow, J.A.
Complexity classes of equivalence
problems revisited, Information and
Computation, 209, 2011,
Isomorphic Graphs, Example 1,
Stats-Lab Dublin
Neil Savage is a science and technology writer based in
Lowell, MA.
2016 ACM 0001-0782/16/07 $15.00

Technology | DOI:10.1145/2933416

Marina Krakovsky

Accelerating Search
The latest in machine learning helps high-energy physicists handle
the enormous amounts of data produced by the Large Hadron Collider.

Hadron Collider (LHC), the
particle accelerator most
famous for the Nobel Prizewinning discovery of the elusive Higgs boson, is massivefrom its
sheer size to the grandeur of its ambition to unlock some of the most fundamental secrets of the universe. At 27 kilometers (17 miles) in circumference,
the accelerator is easily the largest machine in the world. This size enables
the LHC, housed deep beneath the
ground at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) near Geneva, to accelerate protons to speeds
infinitesimally close to the speed of
light, thus creating proton-on-proton
collisions powerful enough to recreate
miniature Big Bangs.
The data about the output of these
collisions, which is processed and analyzed by a worldwide network of computing centers and thousands of scientists,
is measured in petabytes: for example,
one of the LHCs main pixel detectors,
the ultra-durable high-precision cameras that capture information about
these collisions, records an astounding
40 million pictures per secondfar too
much to store in its entirety.
This is the epitome of big datayet
when we think of big data, and of the
machine-learning algorithms used to
make sense of it, we usually think of applications in text processing and computer vision, and of uses in marketing
by the likes of Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon. The center of mass
in applications is elsewhere, outside
of the physical and natural sciences,
says Isabelle Guyon of the University
of Paris-Saclay, who is the universitys
chaired professor in big data. So even
though physics and chemistry are very
important applications, they dont get
as much attention from the machine
learning community.
Guyon, who is also president of, a non-profit that organizes machine-learning competi-



Workers insert a new CMS Beam Pipe during maintenance on the Large Hadron Collider.

tions, has worked to shift data scientists attention toward the needs of
high-energy physics. The Higgs Boson Machine Learning Challenge that
she helped organize in 2014, which
officially required no knowledge of
particle physics, had participants sift
data from hundreds of thousands of
simulated collisions (a small dataset by LHC standards) to infer which
collisions contained a Higgs boson,
the final subatomic particle from the
Standard Model of particle physics for
which evidence was observed.
The Higgs Boson Machine Learning Challenge, despite a modest top
prize of $7,000, attracted over 1,000
contenders, and in the end physicists
were able to learn a thing or two from
the data scientists, such as the use of
cross-validation to avoid the problem
of overfitting a model to just one or
two datasets, according to Guyon. But
even before this high-profile competition, high-energy physicists working at
LHC had been using machine-learning tools to hasten their research. The

finding of the Higgs boson is a case

in point. The Higgs boson discovery
employed a lot of the machine learning techniques, says Maria Spiropulu,
a physics professor at the California
Institute of Technology (Caltech) who
co-leads a team on the Compact Muon
Solenoid (CMS), one of the main experiments at the LHC. In 2005, we
were expecting we would have a discovery with 14 TeV [tera electron Volts]
around 2015 or 2016, and the discovery
happened in 2012, with half the energy
and only two years of data. Of course,
we were assisted with nature because
the Higgs was there, but in large part
the discovery happened so fast because the computation was a very, very
powerful ally.
These days, machine learning techniquesmainly supervised learning
are used at every stage of the colliders operations, says Mauro Doneg, a physicist at ETH Zurich who
has worked on both the ATLAS particle
physics experiment and CMS, the two
main experiments at the LHC. That

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process starts with the trigger system,
which immediately after each collision determines if information about
the event is worth keeping (most is discarded), and goes out to the detector
level, where machine learning helps
reconstruct events. Farther down the
line, machine learning aids in optimal
data placement by predicting which of
the datasets will become hot; replicating these datasets across sites ensures
researchers across the Worldwide LHC
Computing Grid (a global collaboration
of more than 170 computer centers in
42 countries) have continuous access to
even the most popular data. There are
billions of examples [of machine learning] that are in this gameit is everywhere in what we do, Doneg says.
At the heart of the colliders efforts,
of course, is the search for new particles. In data processing terms, that
search is a classification problem, in
which machine-learning techniques
such as neural networks and boosted
decision trees help physicists tease
out scarce and subtle signals suggesting new particles from the vast background, or the multitude of known,
and therefore uninteresting, particles
coming out of the collisions. That is a
difficult classification problem, says
University of California, Irvine computer science professor Pierre Baldi, an
ACM Fellow who has applied machine
learning to problems in physics, biology, and chemistry.
Because the signal is very faint,
you have a very large amount of data,
and the Higgs boson [for example] is a
very rare event, youre really looking for
needles in a haystack, Baldi explains,
using most researchers go-to metaphor for the search for rare particles.
He contrasts this classification problem with the much more prosaic task
of having a computer distinguish male
faces from female faces in a pile of images; that is obviously a classification
problem, too, and classifying images
by gender can, in borderline cases, be
tricky, but most of the time its relatively easy.
These days, the LHC has no shortage of tools to meet the challenge. For
example, one algorithm Doneg and
his colleagues use focuses just on background reduction, a process whose goal
is to squeeze down the background as
much as possible so the signal can


Spiropulu believes
machine learning will
enable physicists to
push the frontier of
their field beyond the
Standard Model of
particle physics.

stand out more clearly. Advances in

computingsuch as ever-faster graphics processing units and field-programmable gate arrayshave also bolstered
the physicists efforts; these advances
have enabled the revival of the use of
neural networks, the architecture behind a powerful set of computationally
intensive machine-learning techniques
known as deep learning.
What is more, physicists have begun recruiting professional data scientists, in addition to continuing to
master statistics and machine learning themselves, says Maurizio Pierini,
a physicist at CERN who organized
last Novembers workshop on data
science at the LHC. He points to ATLAS, the largest experiment at the
LHC, which in the last two or three
years has done an incredible job of
attracting computer scientists working with physicists, he says.
Although machine learning has
become an indispensable tool at the
Large Hadron Collider, there is a natural tension in the use of machine
learning in physics experiments.
Physicists are obsessed with the idea
of understanding each single detail
of the problem theyre dealing with,
says Pierini. In physics, you take a
problem and you decompose it to its
ingredients, and you model it, he explains. Machine learning has a completely different perspectiveyoure
demanding your algorithm to explore
your dataset and find the patterns between the different features in your dataset. A physicist would say, No, I want
to do this myself.
The opacity of what exactly goes on
inside machine learning algorithms

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

the black-box problem, as it is usually

calledmakes physicists uneasy, but
they have found ways to increase their
confidence in the results of this new
way of doing science. When it comes
to very elaborate software that we
dont understand, were all skeptics,
says Spiropulu, the Caltech physicist,
but once you do validation and verification, and youre confronted with
the fact that these are actually things
that work, then theres nothing to say,
and you use them. Simply put, the
physicists know the algorithms work
because they have been successfully
tested many times on known physics
phenomena, so there is every reason to
believe they work in general.
In fact, Spiropulu believes machine
learning will enable physicists to push
the frontier of their field beyond the
Standard Model of particle physics, accelerating investigations of more mysterious phenomena like dark matter,
supersymmetry, and any other new particles that might emerge in the collider.
Its not unleashing some magic box
that will give us what we want. These algorithms are extremely well-architected; if they fail, we will see where they
fail, and we will fix the algorithm.
Further Reading
Adam-Bourdarios, C., Cowan, G., Germain, C.,
Guyon, I., Kgl, B., and Rousseau, D.
The Higgs boson machine learning
challenge. JMLR: Workshop and Conference
Proceedings 2015
Baldi, P., Sadowski, P., and Whiteson, D.
Searching for exotic particles in highenergy physics with deep learning, Nature
Communications (2014), Vol 5, pp19 http://
Doneg, M.
ML at ATLAS and CMS: setting the stage.
Data Science @ LHC 2015 Workshop (2015).
Melis, G.
Challenge winner talk. Higgs Machine
Learning Challenge visits CERN (2015).
CERN. The Worldwide LHC Computing
Based in San Francisco, Marina Krakovsky is the author
of The Middleman Economy: How Brokers, Agents,
Dealers, and Everyday Matchmakers Create Value and
Profit (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).

2016 ACM 0001-0782/16/07 $15.00

Education | DOI:10.1145/2933418

Lawrence M. Fisher

Booming Enrollments
The Computing Research Association works to quantify the extent,
and causes, of a jump in undergraduate computer science enrollments.































T T H E C O M P U T I N G Research Association (CRA)

Snowbird conference in
2014, Jim Kurose (then at
University of Massachusetts-Amherst) and Ed Lazowska (University of Washington) presented a
session on burgeoning enrollments in
U.S. computing courses. In response,
CRAs Board formed a committee to
further study enrollment-related issues, chaired by CRA board member
Tracy Camp.
A panel on the upsurge in undergraduate computer science (CS) enrollments in the U.S. took place at the ACM
Special Interest Group on Computer
Science Education Technical Symposium last year (SIGCSE 2015); shortly
thereafter, the full committee went to
work with the goal of measuring, assessing, and better understanding enrollment trends and their impact, with
a special focus on diversity.
Explained Susan B. Davidson, CRA
Board Chair and a member of the
CRA enrollments committee, Over
the past few years, computing departments across the country have faced
huge increases in course enrollments.
To understand the extent and nature
of these booming enrollments, CRA
has undertaken a study that surveys
both CRA-member doctoral departments as well as ACM non-doctoral departments.
In addition to attempting to identify
the extent of the boom in CS enrollments, Davison said, We are trying to
understand which students are making up this boom: CS majors? Students
from other fields seeking to minor in
CS? Students in other fields taking a
course or two in CS? And why are they
doing so; what is driving them?
The study also aims to determine
how academic departments are coping
with such a boom, Davidson said. Are
they restricting enrollments and, if so,
what is the impact on the diversity of
students enrolled? Are they increasing


From Booming Enrollments Survey Data preliminary results presentation, Computing

Research Association.

class sizes and, if so, what is the impact on quality of instruction? Are they
increasing faculty sizes? What other
strategies are being used?
The hope, Davidson said, is that
answers to these questions will give
university administrators and computing departments insights into the extent of the boom, and enable them to
develop better strategies to managing
booming enrollments.
The study includes data acquired
from several sources, including sources involved in the annual CRA Taulbee
survey (the principal source of infor-

mation on the enrollment, production,

and employment of Ph.D.s in computer science and computer engineering (CE), also providing salary and demographic data for CS and CE faculty
in North America), and sources from
the annual ACM NDC Study of NonDoctoral Granting Departments in
Computing. In addition to surveying
institutions, data was collected from
students via a Fall 2015 student survey
by the CRA Center for Evaluating the
Research Pipeline (CERP).
The slide deck for the preliminary
results of these surveys may be seen at

JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF T HE ACM


Among the preliminary results to
be gleaned from the institutions surveyed (key findings will be presented at
CRA Snowbird 2016, with a final report
planned for the fall):
About two-thirds of 123 doctoral departments and one-third of 70 non-doctoral departments surveyed reported
increasing undergraduate enrollments
were having a big impact on them, resulting in significant challenges.
About 80% of doctoral programs reported significant increases in demand
for introductory courses in a CS or CE
major; less than half of participating
non-doctoral programs reported similarly significant increases.
Increases in undergraduate enrollments were seen as creating problems in at least 40% of the departments surveyed. Most (78%) doctoral
departments had issues with classroom space, followed by the availability of sufficient faculty (69%), sufficient
teaching assistants (61%), and faculty
workloads (61%). In non-doctoral programs, the most frequently reported
concerns were sufficient faculty (44%)
and faculty workload (42%).
In response to those concerns,
more than 80% of doctoral departments increased the size of classes and
the number of sections offered during
the academic year. More than 40% of
non-doctoral departments reported increasing class size, and more than 60%
reported increasing the number of sections offered in a school year.
In terms of staffing, more than
70% of doctoral departments reported increased use of undergraduate
teaching assistants, while more than
60% reported the increased use of adjuncts/visiting faculty, having graduated students teach, or increasing
the teaching faculty. More than 40%
of non-doctoral departments reported increased use of adjuncts/visiting
faculty; another 42% said they would
like to expand their tenure-track faculty, but cannot.
In the context of diversity, no adverse effects on recruitment or retention were reported, but only 35%40%
of responding departments said they
explicitly consider the impact on diversity when choosing actions. Diversity
concerns have not prevented or nul18


The survey
responses are
giving us a lot
of information
on how universities
are handling
the boom and
what the biggest
concerns are.

lified any enrollment-related actions

taken in those departments.
The student survey received responses from 2,477 students, 98% of
whom had enrolled in an introductory
CS class; 72% of them were computing
majors, 7% were computing minors,
and the balance were either undeclared or had declared non-computing
majors or minors. The gender mix was
roughly 2:1 men to women.
The survey found most (86%) enrolled in an introductory computing
class because it was required for
my major/minor. The next most frequent response, curiosity or interest
in computers, was reported by 39%
of respondents.
When the 55 respondents who had
dropped an introductory computing
course were asked why, nearly half

(46%) said it was too challenging; 75%

of those were women. About 29% (20%
of men and 45 % of women) said they
dropped the class because they did not
enjoy the professors teaching, and
26% said they were no longer interested in computers.
Tracy Camp, professor of computer science in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Colorado School of Mines,
and past co-chair of CRAs Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research (CRA-W), observed,
The survey responses are giving us
a lot of information on how universities are handling the boom and
what the biggest concerns are. We are
also learning why students are so interested in taking an intro to computing course.
ACM president Alexander L. Wolf
said the studys findings were critical to ensuring North American universities are prepared to handle the
growing numbers of students who
will enter computer-related degree
programs in the coming years. Particularly in the context of President
Obamas Computer Science for All
initiative, we are going see enrollments in computer-related classes
continue to skyrocket.
Wolf added, But this is not a phenomenon specific to the U.S.; rather,
were seeing booming interest in CS
education around the world.
Lawerence M. Fisher is Senior Editor/News for ACM
2016 ACM 0001-0782/16/07 $15.00

Why are students dropping introductory computer science classes?

Why did you drop your introductory computing course?

I didnt enjoy the professors teaching style

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7


It was too challenging


Society | DOI:10.1145/2933414

Keith Kirkpatrick

Legal Advice on
the Smartphone
New apps help individuals contest traffic, parking tickets.



a summons or ticket can be

challenging and time-consuming. Laypeople must
understand the violation
that has occurred, determine the type
of defense that is legally acceptable,
and learn the type of documentation
most often used successfully to win a
dismissal or reduction of that violation
in that specific jurisdiction. For the
average person, the time and effort to
acquire such arcane knowledge often
outweighs the desire to fight the ticket.
Not surprisingly, applications designed to help access and navigate
through the legal system are quickly
gaining favor among the public. From
apps that help you fight parking and
traffic tickets to apps that report violations, mobile technology apps are stepping in to serve as an on-the-go legal
assistant. The use of a combination of
algorithms, technology, and specialized industry experience offer a moreefficient experience dealing with, and
within, the legal system.
Among drivers greatest annoyances are parking and traffic tickets.
The process of fighting a ticket traditionally has included conducting the
research to determine whether or not
a ticket might be dismissible; identifying, collecting, and submitting
the proper evidence, and then going
through a time-consuming process to
actually appeal the ticket, either via
mail or by heading to traffic court to
fight the ticket in person.
Enter WinIt (, a mobile app available on the iOS and Android platforms that helps users by
providing an algorithm that identifies
the type of ticket, and then automatically provides a list of the evidence or
documentation that is most likely to
help convince a judge to dismiss a ticket or reduce a fine. After the user provides the documentation, WinIt taps

into the parking-law experts of Empire

Commercial Services, a company that
has fought commercial parking violations for its customers in New York City
for more than 25 years. These specialists will then review the ticket (as parking tickets in New York City have both a
pre-printed section and a section that
is filled out by hand by the parking officer) and the supporting documentation, and will contest the ticket on the
users behalf in court.
Once the app has been downloaded, users simply need to take a clear
picture of the ticket, and then submit
it to WinIt. The benefit to users is being able to quickly determine whether
or not it will be worth the time to fight
a ticket, via the apps algorithm, which
prompts users to scan and attach
the documentation that would be required to successfully fight a violation
(such as a parking receipt, a photo of
the vehicles position, or a copy of the
vehicle registration). If a user cannot
provide such documentation, WinIt
says the likelihood a ticket will be dismissed is very low.

The city has always given individuals the ability to fight their tickets,
whether through the mail, in person, or
online, says Christian Fama, a co-owner of WinIT and an executive at Empire
Commercial Services. If a ticket isnt
dismissible, the judge doesnt dismiss
it. However, the app, which allows
one to see what types of defenses are
available, provides users a way to easily
evaluate whether a challenge to a ticket
is likely to be successful without going
through the entire process of contesting a ticket.
If WinIT gets the ticket dismissed,
the user pays the company 50% of the
value of the fine; if the ticket is not dismissed, the user simply needs to pay
the fine in full, and owes WinIT no fee.
WinIT began its testing phase in
March 2015, and became available for
public use three months later. WinIT
currently processes hundreds of tickets
a day, and credits the success of the app
to Empires decades of success with
fighting tickets for commercial clients.
Fama says WinITs success rate has
exceeded his initial expectations, and

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Screenshots from WinIT (left) and Fixed, two apps that help users contest parking tickets.

issues, including business start-up issues, immigration issues, name changes, or other relatively straightforward
topics that generally still require some
legal input or review.
Natacha Gaymer-Jones, the founder
of LegalTap, says the app facilitates a
15-minute consultation with a lawyer
for just $39, with the option to schedule
a more in-depth conversation at a later
date. The application was launched on
iOS and Android in June 2015, and as
of February 2016, has generated more
than 1,500 calls on topics ranging from
parking ticket issues and immigration
issues to business issues and more.
We wanted to provide people with a
way to address quick legal issues, by providing an app thats accessible and also
at a price point that was understandable, Gaymer-Jones says, noting the
application also helps lawyers quickly
vet potential clients to see if they are a
good fit, and provides an easy way for
lawyers to make money without giving
away a free hour of legal consultation.
The app features a pre-programmed
algorithm that matches the type of
query with lawyers that have signed up
to be part of the LegalTap network. The
system is designed to match only attorneys qualified in the appropriate area
of law to clients needs; a question on

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

divorce law will only be routed to vetted

divorce attorneys.
Once a call comes in and is analyzed,
lawyers that have agreed to answer
calls have 90 seconds to take the call,
or the call is routed to another qualified attorney. If a call is accepted, the
lawyer can either handle it then (and
be paid around $150 per hour for handling incoming calls), or may choose
to schedule an in-person meeting with
the caller, thereby gaining a new client.
LegalTap also offers a form shop
where users can select and download
basic legal forms, fill them out, and
then consult with a LegalTap attorney
before submitting them. A lot of law
firms are trying to productize their offerings, Gaymer-Jones says. We want
to give a bit of personal advice.
Still, mobile apps are not simply
tools for fighting tickets or managing
legal problems. An app released in 2009
by Parking Mobility (, a non-profit group dedicated to addressing accessible parking
abuse, lets users capture and report instances of people who illegally park in
handicapped-accessible parking spots.
The project director, Mack Marsh,
who was paralyzed in an accident 15
years ago, founded the group because he
and others in the disability community


even exceeded the typical 20%25% win

rate of Empires commercial ticketfighting business.
While the service is only available in
New York City at present, the company
hopes to expand to other jurisdictions in
the future, and to get into the business
of contesting moving violations.
Another provider based in California
has already made that move into moving violations, driven in part by pushback from the cities of Los Angeles,
Oakland, and San Francisco. Launched
in 2012, Fixed was founded by David
Hegarty to streamline the process of
fighting parking tickets by capturing
ticket data, submitting the challenge
to the respective municipal parking authority, and matching app users with
attorneys, if so desired. However, in
mid-2015, the aforementioned cities
made a software change that blocked
bulk electronic submissions of parking
tickets, making it very difficult for Fixed
to effectively submit and contest tickets
through its app, since they would have
to be sent one by one.
As a result, weve suspended parking
ticket operations in all areas, Hegarty
says, noting the company is now solely
focused on expanding its traffic ticket
business. Were currently operating in
over a dozen states, and hope to get to
25-plus [states] in the next year.
Like the parking ticket service, the
traffic ticket service matches tickets
with attorneys using a learning algorithm that is fed new data from each
ticket submitted, such as the location of
the violation, the type of violation, and
relevant data such as the vehicles speed
or other situational data related to the
alleged traffic violation. This algorithm
then matches the circumstances of the
ticket with attorneys that have specific
experience with the type of violation in
that specific geographic area.
Still, traffic tickets and parking tickets are just scratching the surface of
the plethora of legal issues that often
come up. Los Angeles-based LegalTap
( was founded to make accessing and consulting with lawyers
simpler, more convenient, and less expensive than simply flipping through
the Yellow Pages or doing a random
search online.
The application is designed to provide efficient, cost-effective legal consultation and forms for routine legal

felt accessible parking violations were
not adequately being addressed by law
enforcement. However, the apps appeal
extends beyond those who are directly or
indirectly affected by disabilities.
We have people who dont identify
with the disability communitythey
just see this as an issue, Marsh says.
Typically, they download the app because they are angry when they see a
violation, and they see theres no other
way to adequately address the issue,
since these parking violations are often
of low priority to police departments.
Once downloaded, the app asks
users to capture three photos of an
alleged violation (one from the front
capturing the lack of an accessibleparking placard, one from the rear to
capture the license plate, and a third
photo capturing the violation itself).
Marsh says the app makes it easier
to collect verified instances of accessible parking violations, since it captures photos and stamps them with
the phones geolocation data, along
with time and date information.
Parking Mobility currently has
more than 500,000 users worldwide,
broken into two groups. Casual users
can be located anywhere, and their violation reports are automatically collected by Parking Mobility, which then
passes along the data to the relevant
municipalities to highlight the prob-

The Parking Mobility

App documents
parking violations
by stamping photos
of the violations
with the phones
geolocation data,
along with date
and time.

lem of accessible parking violations,

with the eventual goal of creating a
partnership between the jurisdiction
and a second group of users, known as
citizen volunteers, who are deputized
and allowed to issue parking citations
via the app.
Every report that comes into our
system is reviewed by our staff or one
of our board members, Marsh says,
noting any reports submitted by casual users that do not capture enough
or proper evidence of a violation are
rejected, along with an explanation

of why the submission was rejected.

However, for users that have been gone
through the training and have been
deputized by their local law enforcement department, submissions must
have to have the elements that can
stand up in court.
Currently, Parking Mobility has
partnerships with jurisdictions in Texas, Kansas, and Oregon, and is negotiations with jurisdictions in Florida,
Georgia, North and South Carolina,
Arizona, and Colorado.
Still, whether a partnership has
been struck or not, we encourage the
use of the Parking Mobility App everywhere, Marsh says. Reports in nopartner communities are as important,
if not more so, than reports which result in citations, [because] data from
reports is the only way to get communities to issue citations.
Further Reading
Fixed Blocked in Three Cities: https://
Parking Mobility:
Keith Kirkpatrick is principal of 4K Research &
Consulting, LLC, based in Lynbrook, NY.

2016 ACM 0001-0782/16/07 $15.00


Computer Science Awards, Appointments

The National Academy of
Engineering (NAE) recently
elected 80 new members and
22 new foreign members.
NAE membership honors
those who have made outstanding
contributions to engineering
research, practice, or education,
including, where appropriate,
significant contributions to the
engineering literature, and
to the pioneering of new and
developing fields of technology,
making major advancements in
traditional fields of engineering,
or developing/implementing
innovative approaches to
engineering education.
The following computer
scientists were among the 80

newest NAE members:

Thomas E. Anderson,
Warren Francis and Wilma
Kolm Bradley Endowed Chair
in Computer Science and
Engineering, University of
Dan Boneh, professor of
computer science and electrical
engineering, Stanford University.
Frederick R. Chang, director
of the Darwin Deason Institute
for Cyber Security, Bobby B.
Lyle Endowed Centennial
Distinguished Chair in Cyber
Security, and professor in the
department of computer science
and engineering, Lyle School of
Engineering, Southern Methodist
Albert G. Greenberg,
distinguished engineer and

director, Azure Networking,

Microsoft Corp.
Mehdi Hatamian, senior
vice president of engineering,
Broadcom Corp.
Mary Cynthia Hipwell,
vice president of engineering,
Bhler, Plymouth, MN.
Paul E. Jacobs, executive
chairman, Qualcomm Inc.
Anil K. Jain, University
Distinguished Professor,
department of computer science
and engineering, Michigan State
David S. Johnson, visiting
professor of computer science,
Columbia University.
Charles E. Leiserson,
Edwin Sibley Webster Professor,
department of electrical
engineering and computer

science, Massachusetts Institute

of Technology.
Bruce G. Lindsay, IBM
Fellow Emeritus, IBM Almaden
Research Center.
Arati Prabhakar, director,
U.S. Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency.
John R. Treichler, president,
Raytheon Applied Signal
Stephen M. Trimberger,
fellow, Xilinx, Inc..
One new NAE foreign
member also is focused on
computer science:
Geoffrey E. Hinton,
distinguished emeritus
professor, department of
computer science, University
of Toronto, and distinguished
researcher, Google Inc.

JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF T HE ACM




Legally Speaking
Apple v. Samsung and
the Upcoming Design
Patent Wars?
Assessing an important recent design
patent infringement court decision.

patents have been a relatively

obscure category of U.S. intellectual property (IP) rights.
Design patent law was originally intended to encourage investments in novel and inventive ornamental designs for articles of manufacture,
such as carpets and lamps. However,
many design patents have been granted
in recent years to makers of advanced
information technologies, such as
smartphones. Often these are for component parts of their technologies, such
as product configurations and virtual
designs embedded in software.
This column reviews the Apple v.
Samsung design patent infringement
case. It considers the two key issues
Samsung brought to the Supreme
Court for review. One set concerns the
scope of design patents and the test
that should be used to judge infringement. A second concerns whether the
infringer of a design patent must disgorge all of its profits from the sale of



a product in which the design is embodied, or only those profits that are
attributable to the infringement. The
Supreme Court has decided to address
the second issue, but not the first.
Apple v. Samsung
The most recent of several litigations
between Apple and Samsung involves
three design patents that cover specific
portions of the external configuration
of smartphone designs: a black rectangular round-cornered front face for the
device; a substantially similar rectangular round-cornered front face with a
surrounding rim or bezel; and a colorful grid of 16 icons to be displayed on
a screen.
Apple sued Samsung for infringing
these patents, as well as for infringing
trade dress rights in the external design
of the iPhone. A jury found that Samsung had infringed both Apples design
patents and trade dress rights and ordered Samsung to pay $930 million in
damages for these infringements.

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

Pamela Samuelson
The Court of Appeals for the Federal
Circuit (CAFC) overturned the trade
dress claim saying that the external
design of the Apple smartphone was
too functional to qualify for trade dress
protection. The rounded corners and
bezel were, it ruled, designed to make
smartphones more pocketable and
to protect against breakage when the
phone was dropped. The icon displays
promote usability by communicating
to the user which functionalities they
can invoke by touching the icons.
The Supreme Court has held that
trade dress, such as product configurations, is too functional to be protectable if it is essential to the use or
purpose of the article or if it affects the
cost or quality of the article, or would
put competitors at a significant nonreputational-related
Under this standard, the Apple trade
dress claims failed.
However, the CAFC affirmed the design patent infringement ruling, rejecting Samsungs argument that the same
features the CAFC thought were too
functional for trade dress protection
made them ineligible for design patenting too. The CAFC disagrees with
the proposition that the functionality
test for design patents is the same as
for trade dress.
Somewhat to Samsungs relief, the
CAFC ordered the damage award to
be cut to $399 million. But even this
amount, Samsung argues, is excessive because it represents all of the
profits that Samsung has made in
selling the phones embodying the
patented designs.



Samsung asked the Supreme Court to

review the design patent ruling and the
monetary damage award. It raised two
questions for the Courts consideration:
Where a design patent includes
unprotected non-ornamental features,
should a district court be required to
limit that patent to its protected ornamental scope?
Where a design patent is applied to
only a component of a product, should
an award of infringers profits be limited to those profits attributable to the
Ornamentality and Filtration
Samsung challenged the Apple design
patent infringement claims because
some aspects of the patented designs
are too conceptual or functional to be
within the valid scope of the patents.
Geometric shapes, for instance, are
concepts in the public domain.
Samsungs brief emphasized that virtually the same design features that the
CAFC held were too functional to be eligible for trade dress protection were also
the basis for the design patent claims.
The finding of functionality that vitiated
Apples trade dress claim should, Samsung argued, have defeated the design
patent claim as well. Functional designs
should be protected, if at all, by utility
patents, not by design patents.
The CAFC, however, regards a design
to be too functional to qualify for a patent only if that design is solely dictated
by functionality, such that no other
design options exist. Samsung argued
that is too stringent a test for functionality on the design patent side. After all,
a design is supposed to be ornamental
to qualify for design patent protection.
Ornamental designs, almost by definition, will not be dictated by function.
Samsungs second challenge to the
infringement ruling concerned the
overbroad test for infringement the
lower court had used and the CAFC endorsed. That test focused on whether
an ordinary observer would find similarities between the designs to be so
substantial that they would induce
customers to buy the alleged infringers product instead of the patentees
product. As applied in the Apple case,
Samsung argued that this test failed
to filter out of consideration elements
of smartphone design not covered by
Apples design patents.

Samsung complained this test

failed to filter out the conceptual and
functional elements of the patented
designs. The court also directed the
jury to make a judgment based on
their overall impressions of the appearance of the Apple and Samsung
smartphones. Under this approach,
the jury could have decided that the
overall similarities between the Apple
and Samsung smartphones justified
the infringement finding, even though
the design patents only covered a small
number of features.
A coalition of high-technology
companies, including Dell, eBay,
Facebook, and Google, filed a brief in
support of Samsungs petition for Supreme Court review. That amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief criticized
the CAFC for failing to grasp the complexities of todays highly componentized technologies.
That brief pointed out that todays
information technologies are much

more complex and have many more

component parts than the manufactured products Congress envisioned as
suitable for design patent protection
back in 1842 when the design patent
law was first enacted.
It is one thing to ask a jury to consider whether their overall impression of
a design of an article of manufacture,
such as a competing carpet, infringed
a design patent. The patented design
would presumably cover the feature
that created most of the value in the
patentees carpet.
However, high-tech products such
as smartphones have a staggering
number of functional and design features and component parts. As of 2012,
more than 250,000 patents had been
issued for smartphone-related inventions. Samsung argued that a test for
design patent infringement should
focus on the similarities in the overall impression of the feature covered
by the design patent, not the product

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as a whole. Although Samsungs arguments have some merit, the Supreme
Court has decided not to review either
the functionality issue or the proper
test for infringement in the Apple v.
Samsung case.
Total Profits As Windfall
An even more urgent concern driving
Samsungs plea for Supreme Court review arises from the CAFCs approval
of an award of all of its profits from
selling the smartphones that infringed
those three design patents.
The CAFC acknowledged that a total
profits award for infringement of the
design patents in this case was difficult
to justify as a matter of equity. However, it held that the statute required approval of a total profits award.
It relied on this part of the relevant
statute, 35 U.S.C. 289: Whoever during the term of a patent for a design,
without license of the owner applies
the patented design to any article of
manufacture shall be liable to the
owner to the extent of his total profit,
but not less than $250.
The statute plainly speaks about
total profit as a suitable award for
infringement of a design patent. But
what is the relevant article of manufacture?
The CAFC decided the relevant article of manufacture in Apple v. Samsung was the smartphone itself, not
just the subparts covered by the design patents. After all, no one would
buy only the design-patented screen
with icons or round-shaped rim with
a bezel. People buy a whole smartphone. This explains why the CAFC
thought the smartphone was the article of manufacture whose total profits courts must award when design
patents are infringed.
This interpretation of design patent awards is inconsistent with principles that guide damage awards in
other types of IP cases. Had Samsung
infringed a utility patent, a copyright,
or protectable trade dress, an award
of monetary damages would be based
on the harm that was attributable to
the infringement. A total profits award
for utility patent infringement, for instance, would only be available if there
was evidence the patented feature was
responsible for the market demand for
the product embodying it.


This interpretation
of design patent
awards is
inconsistent with
principles that guide
damage awards
in other types
of IP cases.

The general rule is that IP owners are entitled to compensation for

harm caused by infringement. They
are not entitled to windfall awards
when some or virtually all of the value
of a product is due to aspects not covered by an IP right. The CAFCs ruling is inconsistent with conventional
rules of IP law and with sound principles of equity.
Samsungs and amicus briefs filed
in support of its petition for Supreme
Court review have pointed to earlier
appellate court decisions that apportioned damages for infringement of
design patents.
One case involved a design patent
on a piano case. The court approved
an award of the infringers profits
from use of the patented design in a
piano case, but disapproved the argument that the infringer should have
to disgorge its profits from sale of pianos containing the patented design.
[R]ecovery should be confined to the
subject of the patent.
The CAFCs interpretation of 289
is also arguably inconsistent with another part the CAFC did not seem to
heed. It states that the patentee shall
not twice recover the profit made from
the infringement. This is a limiting
principle that links the award of damages to the infringement.
There is also a question of fairness.
How could it be fair, Samsung asked,
for a court or jury to award 100% of a
firms profits for infringement of one
design patent if the patented feature
accounted for only 1% of the value
of the product? And what if a second
design patent owner came along and
a jury found infringement of that pat-

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

ent too? Would a second award of total profits be fair, or would the first
patentees windfall have exhausted
the available damages?
More concretely, consider this hypothetical. Apple owns a design patent
on the musical note icon for smartphones. Samsung is not charged with
infringing that patent. But suppose
the only design claim against Samsung
pertained to that patent.
An IP professors amicus brief in
support of Samsungs petition (written by Stanfords Mark Lemley and
joined by yours truly) pointed out that
it would not be reasonable to award the
same $399 million in total profits for
infringement of that one patent.
Demand for iPhones is driven by
many factors. But the music icon is
a very small part of the value of any
smartphone that might embody it. Proportionality should apply in all awards
for monetary compensation for infringing IP rights.
Several amicus briefs filed in
support of Samsungs petition for
Supreme Court review warned that
if the Court failed to overturn the
total profits award ruling in this
case, this would set off a new round
of patent troll litigations. This would
be harmful to innovation and competition in high-tech industries, especially given the low quality of some
issued design patents.
The Supreme Court has decided to
review the total profits recovery question raised by Samsung. On that point,
Samsung seems likely to prevail. Differentiating between ornamental
and functional elements of designs
for articles of manufacture is a trickier
matter, but surely the test for infringement of a design patent should focus
on that design rather than products
as a whole. Unfortunately, the Court
decided not to review this important
question. The Apple v. Samsung case is
a very important one. Resolved well,
it will mitigate design patent wars in
high-tech industries. Resolved badly,
it will surely spark such wars.
Pamela Samuelson ([email protected]) is the
Richard M. Sherman Distinguished Professor of Law and
Information at the University of California, Berkeley.
Copyright held by author.



Thomas Haigh

Historical Reflections
How Charles Bachman
Invented the DBMS,
a Foundation of
Our Digital World
His 1963 Integrated Data Store set the template for all subsequent
database management systems.


I F T Y - T H R E E Y E A R S AG O a small
team working to automate
the business processes of the
General Electric Company
built the first database management system. The Integrated Data
StoreIDSwas designed by Charles
W. Bachman, who won the ACMs 1973
A.M. Turing Award for the accomplishment. Before General Electric, he had
spent 10 years working in engineering,
finance, production, and data processing for the Dow Chemical Company.
He was the first ACM A.M. Turing
Award winner without a Ph.D., the
first with a background in engineering rather than science, and the first
to spend his entire career in industry
rather than academia.
Some stories, such as the work of
Babbage and Lovelace, the creation of
the first electronic computers, and the
emergence of the personal computer
industry have been told to the public
again and again. They appear in popular books, such as Walter Isaacsons
recent The Innovators: How a Group of
Hackers, Geniuses and Geeks Created
the Digital Revolution, and in museum
exhibits on computing and innovation. In contrast, perhaps because database management systems are rarely
experienced directly by the public,

Figure 1. This image, from a 1962 internal General Electric document, conveyed the idea
of random access storage using a set of pigeon holes in which data could be placed.
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database history has been largely neglected. For example, the index of Isaacsons book does not include entries
for database or for any of the four
people to have won Turing Awards in
this area: Charles W. Bachman and Edgar F. Codd (1981), James Gray (1988),
or Michael Stonebraker (2014).
Thats a shame, because if any technology was essential to the rebuilding of our daily lives around digital
infrastructures, which I assume is
what Isaacson means by the Digital
Revolution, then it was the database
management system. Databases undergird the modern world of online
information systems and corporate
intranet applications. Few skills are
more essential for application developers than a basic familiarity with SQL,
the standard database query language,
and a database course is required for
most computer science and information systems degree programs. Within
ACM, SIGMODthe Special Interest
Group for Management of Datahas
a long and active history fostering database research. Many IT professionals
center their entire careers on database
technology: the census bureau estimates the U.S. alone employed 120,000
database administrators in 2014 and
predicts faster than average growth for
this role.
Bachmans IDS was years ahead of
its time, implementing capabilities
that had until then been talked about
but never accomplished. Detailed functional specifications for the system
were complete by January 1962, and
Bachman was presenting details of the
planned system to his teams in-house
customers by May of that year. It is less
clear from archival materials when the
system first ran, but Bachman tells me
that a prototype installation of IDS was
tested with real data in the summer of
1963, running twice as fast as a custombuilt manufacturing control system
performing the same tasks.
The details of IDS, Bachmans life
story, and the context in which it arose
have been explored elsewhere.2,6 In this
column, I focus on two specific questions:
Why do we view IDS as the first database management system, and
What were its similarities and differences versus later systems?
There will always be an element


If any technology
was essential to the
rebuilding of our daily
lives around digital
it was the database
management system.

of subjectivity in judgments about

firsts, particularly as IDS predated
the concept of a database management
system. As a fusty historian I value nuance and am skeptical of the idea that
any important innovation can be fully
understood by focusing on a single
breakthrough moment. I have documented many ways in which IDS built
on earlier file management and report
generation systems.7 However, if any
system deserves the title of first database management system then it is
clearly IDS. It became a model for the
earliest definitions of data base management system and included most of
the core capabilities later associated
with the concept.
What Was IDS For?
Bachman created IDS as a practical
tool, not an academic research project.
In 1963 there was no database research
community. Computer science was just
beginning to emerge as an academic
field, but its early stars focused on programming language design, theory of
computation, numerical analysis, and
operating system design. In contrast
to this academic neglect, the efficient
and flexible handling of large collections of structured data was the central
challenge for what we would now call
corporate information systems departments, and was then called business
data processing.
During the early 1960s the hype and
reality of business computing diverged
dramatically. Consultants, visionaries,
business school professors, and computer salespeople had all agreed that
the best way to achieve real economic
payback from computerization was to

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

establish a totally integrated management information system.8 This

would integrate and automate all the
core operations of a business, ideally
with advanced management reporting and simulation capabilities built
right in. The latest and most expensive
computers of the era had new capabilities that seemed to open the door to a
more aggressive approach. Compared
to the machines of the 1950s they
had relatively large memories. They
featured disk storage as well as tape
drives, could process data more rapidly, and some were even used to drive
interactive terminals.
The reality of data processing
changed much more slowly than the
hype, and remained focused on simple
administrative applications that batch
processed large files to accomplish
tasks such as weekly payroll processing, customer statement generation,
or accounts payable reporting.
Many companies announced their
intention to build totally integrated
management information systems,
but few ever claimed significant success. A modern reader would not be
shocked to learn that firms were unable to create systems of comparable
scope to todays Enterprise Resources
Planning and data warehouse projects using computers with perhaps the
equivalent of 64KB of memory, no real
operating system, and a few megabytes
of disk storage. Still, even partially integrated systems covering significant
portions of a business would have real
value. The biggest roadblocks to even
modest progress toward this goal were
the sharing of data between applications and the difficulties application
programmers faced in exploiting random access disk storage.
Getting a complex job done might
involve dozens of small programs and
the generation of many working tapes
full of intermediate data. These banks
of whirring tape drives provided computer centers with their main source
of visual interest in the movies of the
era. Tape-based processing techniques
evolved directly from those used with
pre-computer mechanical punched
card machines: files, records, fields,
keys, grouping, merging data from
two files, and the hierarchical combination of master and detail records
within a single file. These applied to

magnetic tape much as they had done
to punched cards, except that tape
storage made sorting much harder.
The formats of tape files were usually
fixed by the code of the application
programs working with the data. Every time a field was added or changed
all the programs working with the file
would need to be rewritten. If applications were integrated, for example, by
treating order records from the sales
accounting system as input for the production scheduling application, the
resulting web of dependencies made
it increasingly difficult to make even
minor changes when business needs
The other key challenge was making effective use of random access storage in business application programs.
Sequential tape storage was conceptually simple, and the tape drives themselves provided some intelligence to
aid programmers in reading or writing records. Applications were batchoriented because searching a tape to
find or update a particular record was
too slow to be practical. Instead, master files were periodically updated with
accumulated data or read through to
produce reports. With the arrival, in
the early 1960s, of disk storage a computer could theoretically apply updates one at a time as new data came
in and generate reports as needed
based on current data. Indeed this was
the target application of IBMs RAMAC
computer, the first to be equipped
with a hard disk drive. A programmer
working with a disk-based system
could easily instruct the disk drive to
pull data from any particular platter
or track, but the hard part was figuring
out where on the disk the desired record could be found. The phrase data
base was associated with random access storage but was not particularly
well established, so Bachmans alternative choice of data store would not
have seemed any more or less familiar
at the time.
Without significant disk file management support from the rudimentary
operating systems of the era only elite
programmers could hope to create an
efficient random access application.
Mainstream application programmers
were beginning to shift from assembly
language to high-level languages such
as COBOL, which included high-level

support for structuring data in tape

files but lacked comparable support
for random access storage. Harnessing
the power of disks meant finding ways
to sequence, insert, delete, or search
for records that did not simply replicate the sequential techniques used
with tape. Solutions such as hashing,
linked lists, chains, indexing, inverted
files, and so on were quickly devised
but these were relatively complex to
implement and demanded expert
judgment to select the best method for
a particular task (see Figure 1).
IDS was intended to substantially
solve these two problems, so that applications could be integrated to share
data files and ordinary programmers
could effectively develop random access applications using high-level languages. Bachman designed IDS to meet
the needs of an integrated systems
project called MIACS, for Manufacturing Information and Control System.
General Electric had many factories
spread over its various divisions, and
could not produce and support a different integrated manufacturing system for each one. Furthermore, it was
entering the computer business, and
its managers recognized that a flexible
and generic integrated system based
on disk storage would be a powerful
tool in selling its machines to other
companies. A prototype version of MIACS was being built and tested on the
firms Low Voltage Switch Gear department by a group of systems-minded
staff specialists.
Was IDS a Database
Management System?
By interposing itself between application programs and the disk files in
which they stored data, IDS carried out

IDS was designed

to be used with
a high-level

what we still consider the core task of

a database management system. Programs could not manipulate data files
directly, instead making calls to IDS so
that it would perform the data operations on their behalf.
Like modern database management systems, IDS explicitly stored
and manipulated metadata about the
records and their relationships, rather
than expecting each application program to understand and respect the
format of every data file it worked with.
It enforced relationships between different record types, and would protect
database integrity. Database designers specified record clusters, linked
list sequencing, indexes, and other
details of record organization to boost
performance based on expected usage
patterns. However, the first versions
did not include a formal data description language. Instead of being defined through textual commands the
metadata was punched onto specially
formatted input cards. A special command told IDS to read and apply this
information. New elements could be
added without deleting existing records. Each data manipulation command contained a reference to the appropriate element in the metadata.
IDS was designed to be used with
a high-level programming language.
In the initial prototype version, operational in early 1963, this was General Electrics own GECOM language,
though performance and memory
concerns drove a shift to assembly
language for the application programming in a higher performance version
completed in 1964. Calls to IDS operations such as store, retrieve, modify,
and delete were evaluated at runtime
against embedded metadata. As highlevel languages matured and memory
grew less scarce, later versions of IDS
worked with application programs
written in COBOL.
This provided a measure of what
is now called data independence for
programs. If a file was restructured to
add fields or modify their length then
the programs using it would continue
to work properly. Files could be moved
around and records reorganized without rewriting application programs.
That made running different application programs against the same database much more feasible. IDS also in-

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cluded its own system of paging data in

and out of memory, to create a virtual
memory capability transparent to the
application programmer.
The concept of transactions is
fundamental to modern database
management systems. Programmers
specify that a series of interconnected
updates must take place together, so
that if one fails or is undone they all
are. IDS was also transaction oriented,
though not in exactly the same sense.
Bachman devised an innovative transaction processing system, which he
called the Problem Controller. The
Problem Controller and IDS were loaded when the computer was booted.
The Problem Controller and IDS occupied 4,000 words of memory. They
took control of the entire computer,
which might have only 8,000 words of
memory. The residual area in memory

was used for paging buffers by IDSs

virtual memory manager.
Requests from users to process particular transactions were read from
problem control records stored and
retrieved by IDS in the same manner as
application data records. Transactions
could be simple, or contain a batch of
data cards to be processed. The Problem Controller processed one transaction at a time by executing the designated application program. It worked
its way through the queue of transaction requests, choosing the highest priority outstanding job and refreshing
the queue from the card reader after
each transaction was finished.
The Problem Controller did not
appear in later versions of IDS but
did provide a basis for an early online
transaction processing system. By 1965
an expanded version of the Problem

Figure 2. This drawing, from the 1962 presentation IDS: The Information Processing
Machine We Need, shows the use of chains to connect records. The programmer looped
through GET NEXT commands to navigate between related records until an end-of-set
condition is detected.


| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

Controller was built and installed at

Weyerhaeuser, on a computer hooked
up to a national Teletype network. The
system serviced remote users at their
Teletypes without any intervention
needed by local operators. Requests to
process order entry, inventory management, invoicing, and other business
transactions were processed automatically by the Problem Controller and application programs.
Bachmans original version of IDS
lacked a backup and recovery system,
a key feature of later database management systems. This was added in 1964
by the International General Electric
team that produced and operated the
first production installation of IDS.
A recovery and restart magnetic tape
logged each new transaction as it was
started and captured database pages
before and after they were modified by the transaction, so that the database could be restored to a prior consistent state if something went wrong
before the transaction was completed.
The same tape also served as a backup
of all changes written to the disk in
case there was a disk failure since the
last full database backup.
The first packaged versions of IDS
did lack some features later viewed as
essential for database management
systems. One was the idea that specific users could be granted or denied
access to particular parts of the database. This omission was related to another limitation: IDS databases could
be queried or modified only by writing
and executing programs in which IDS
calls were included. There was no capability to specify ad hoc reports or run
one-off queries without having to write
a program.a These capabilities did exist during the 1960s in report generator systems (such as 9PAC and MARK
IV) and in online interactive data management systems (such as TDMS) but
these packages were generally seen as
a On reading this observation, Bachman noted
IDS came into use long before the notion
of online, interactive users came into vogue.
There is no record of anyone writing an IDS
transaction processing application program
that processed transactions that specified a
query or report and returned the desired output. However, the capability of IDS and the
Problem Controller to handle such a query or
report specifying transaction programs was
clearly available. A missed opportunity!




IDS was a strong

product, in many
respects more
advanced than
IBMs competing
IMS that appeared
several years later.

a separate class of software from database management systems. By the

1970s report generation packages, still
widely used, included optional modules to interface with data stored in database management systems.
After Bachman handed IDS over to a
different team within General Electric in 1964 it was made available as a
documented and supported software
package for the companys 200-series
computers. In those days software
packages from computer manufacturers were paid for by hardware sales
and given to customers without an
additional charge. Later versions supported its 400- and 600-series systems.
New versions followed in the 1970s
after Honeywell bought out General
Electrics computer business. IDS was
a strong product, in many respects
more advanced than IBMs competing
IMS that appeared several years later.
However, IBM machines so dominated the industry that software from
other manufacturers was doomed to
relative obscurity.
During the late 1960s the ideas
Bachman created for IDS were taken
up by the Database Task Group of CODASYL, a standards body for the data
processing industry best known for
its creation and promotion of the COBOL language. Its initial report, issued
in 1969, drew heavily on IDS in defining a proposed standard for database
management systems, in part thanks
to Bachmans own service on the committee.4 The report documented foundational concepts and vocabulary such
as data definition language, data manipulation language, schemas, data

independence, and program independence. It went beyond early versions of

IDS by adding security features, including privacy locks and sub-schemas,
roughly equivalent to views in modern
systems, so that particular programs
could be constrained to work with defined subsets of the database.
CODASYLs definition of the architecture of a database management system and its core capabilities were quite
close to that included in textbooks to
this day. In particular, it suggested that
a database management system should
support online, interactive applications as well as batch-driven applications and have separate interfaces. In
retrospect, the committees work, and
a related effort by CODASYLs Systems
Committee to evaluate existing systems within the new framework,5 were
significant primarily for formulating
and spreading the concept of a data
base management system.
Although IBM itself refused to support the CODASYL approach many
other computer vendors endorsed the
committees recommendations and
eventually produced systems incorporating these features. The most successful CODASYL system, IDMS, came from
an independent software company. It
began as a port of IDS to IBMs dominant System/360 mainframe platform.b
The Legacy of IDS
IDS and CODASYL systems did not
use the relational data model, formulated years later by Ted Codd, which
underlies todays dominant SQL database management systems. Instead it
introduced what would later be called
the network data model. This encoded relationships between different kinds of records as a graph, rather
than the strict hierarchy enforced by
tape systems and some other software
packages of the 1960s such as IBMs
later and widely used IMS. The network
data model was widely used during the
b The importance of the database management
system to the emerging packaged software industry is a major theme in M. Campbell-Kelly,
From Airline Reservations to Sonic the Hedgehog:
A History of the Software Industry. MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA, 2003 and is explored in detail
in T.J. Bergin and T. Haigh, The Commercialization of Database Management Systems,
19691983. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 31, 4 (Oct.Dec. 2009), 2641.

of Events
July 48
MobiHoc16: The 17th ACM
International Symposium on
Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and
Paderborn, Germany,
Sponsored: ACM/SIG,
Contact: Falko Dressler
Email: [email protected]
July 58
LICS 16: 31st Annual ACM/
IEEE Symposium on Logic in
Computer Science,
New York, NY,
Contact: Eric Koskinen
Email: [email protected]
July 913
ITiCSE 16: Innovation and
Technology in Computer
Science Education
Conference 2016,
Arequipa, Peru,
Sponsored: ACM/SIG,
Contact: Alison Clear
Email: [email protected]
July 1013
HT 16: 27th ACM Conference
on Hypertext and Social Media,
Halifax, NS, Canada,
Sponsored: ACM/SIG,
Contact: Eelco Herder,
Email: [email protected]
July 1113
SPAA 16: 28th ACM Symposium
on Parallelism in Algorithms
and Architectures,
Pacific Grove, CA,
Co-Sponsored: ACM/SIG
July 1113
Eurographics Symposium on
Computer Animation,
Zurich, Switzerland,
Sponsored: ACM/SIG,
Contact: Matthias Teschner
Email: teschner@informatik.
July 1317
UMAP 16: User Modeling,
Adaptation and Personalization
Halifax, NS, Canada,
Co-Sponsored: ACM/SIG,
Contact: Julita Vassileva,
Email: [email protected]

JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF T HE ACM


1970s and 1980s, and commercial database management systems based on
this approach were among the most
successful products of the mushrooming packaged software industry.
Bachman spoke memorably in
his 1973 Turing Award lecture of the
Programmer as Navigator, charting a path through the database from
one record to another.3 The network
approach used in IDS required programmers to work with one record
at a time. Performing the same operation on multiple records meant
retrieving a record, processing and if
necessary updating it, and then moving on to the next record of interest
to repeat the process. For some tasks
this made programs longer and more
cumbersome than the equivalent in a
relational system, where a task such as
deleting all records more than a year
old or adding 10% to the sales price of
every item could be performed with a
single command.
IDS and other network systems
encoded what we now think of as the
joins between different kinds of
records as part of the database structure rather than specifying them in
each query and rebuilding them when
the query is processed (see Figure 2).
Bachman introduced a data structure
diagramming, often called the Bachman diagram to describe these relationships.c Hardcoding the relationships between record sets made IDS
much less flexible than later relational systems, but also much simpler to implement and more efficient
for routine operations.
IDS was a useful and practical tool
for business use from the mid-1960s,
while relational systems were not commercially significant until the early
1980s. Relational systems did not become feasible until computers were
orders of magnitude more powerful
than they had been in 1963 and some
extremely challenging implementation issues had been overcome by pioneers such as IBMs System R group
and Berkeleys INGRES team. Even
after relational systems were commerc C.W. Bachman, Data Structure Diagrams,
Data Base 1, 2 (Summer 1969), 410 was very
influential in spreading the idea of data structure diagrams, but internal GE documents
make clear he was using a similar technique
as early as 1962.


IDS was a useful

and practical tool
for business use
from the mid-1960s,
while relational
systems were
not commercially
available until
the early 1980s.

cialized the two approaches were seen

for some time as complementary, with
network systems used for high-performance transaction-processing systems
handling routine operations on large
numbers of records (for example, credit
card transaction processing or customer billing) and relational systems best
suited for decision support analytical
data crunching. IDMS, the successor to
IDS, underpins some very large mainframe applications and is still being
supported and enhanced by its current
owner Computer Associates, most recently with release 18.5 in 2014. However it, and other database management
systems based on Bachmans network
data model, have long since been superseded for new applications and for
mainstream computing needs.
Although by any standard a successful innovator, Bachman does not
fit neatly into the hackers, geniuses,
and geeks framework favored by Walter Isaacson. During his long career
Bachman had also founded a public
company, played a leading role in formulating the OSI seven-layer model
for data communications, and pioneered online transaction processing.
In 2014, he visited the White House
to receive from President Obama a
National Medal of Technology and
Innovation in recognition of his fundamental inventions in database
management, transaction processing,
and software engineering.d Bachman
d The 2012 medals were presented at the White
House in November 2014.

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

sees himself above all as an engineer,

retaining a professional engineers
zest for the elegant solution of difficult problems and faith in the power
of careful and rational analysis. As he
wrote in a note at the end of the transcript of an oral history interview I
conducted with him in 2004, My work
has been my play.1
When database specialists look
at IDS today they immediately see its
limitations compared to modern systems. Its strengths are more difficult
to recognize, because its huge influence on the nascent software industry
meant that much of what was revolutionary about it in 1963 was soon
taken for granted. Without IDS, or
Bachmans tireless championing of
the ideas it contained, the very concept of a database management system might never have taken root. IDS
did more than any other single piece
of software to broaden the range of
business problems to which computers could usefully be applied and so to
usher in todays digital world where
every administrative transaction is
realized through a flurry of database
queries and updates rather than by
completing, routing, and filing in triplicate a set of paper forms.
1. Bachman, C.W. Oral history interview by Thomas
Haigh September 2526, 2004, Tucson, AZ. ACM Oral
History Interviews collection. ACM Digital Library,
2. Bachman, C.W. The origin of the integrated data store
(IDS): The first direct-access DBMS. IEEE Annals of
the History of Computing 31, 4 (Oct.Dec. 2009), 4254.
3. Bachman, C.W. The programmer as navigator.
Commun. ACM 16, 11 (Nov. 1973), 653658.
4. CODASYL Data Base Task Group. CODASYL Data
Base Task Group: October 1969 Report.
5. CODASYL Systems Committee. Survey of Generalized
Data Base Management Systems, May 1969.
Association for Computing Machinery, New York, 1969.
6. Haigh, T. Charles W. Bachman: Database software
pioneer. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 33, 4
(Oct.Dec. 2011), 7080.
7. Haigh, T. How data got its base: Generalized
information storage software in the 1950s and 60s.
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 31, 4 (Oct.
Dec. 2009), 625.
8. Haigh, T. Inventing information systems: The systems
men and the computer, 19501968. Business History
Review 75, 1 (Spring 2001), 1561.
Thomas Haigh ([email protected]) is a visiting
professor at Siegen University, an associate professor
of information studies at the University of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, and immediate past chair of the SIGCIS group
for historians of computing.

Copyright held by author.



Jacob Metcalf

Computing Ethics
Big Data Analytics
and Revision of
the Common Rule
Reconsidering traditional research ethics
given the emergence of big data analytics.

a major technical advance in terms of

computing expense, speed,
and capacity. But it is also
an epistemic shift wherein
data is seen as infinitely networkable,
indefinitely reusable, and significantly divorced from the context of collection.1,7 The statutory definitions of
human subjects and research are
not easily applicable to big data research involving sensitive human
data. Many of the familiar norms and
regulations of research ethics formulated to prior paradigms of research
risks and harms, and thus the formal
triggers for ethics review are miscalibrated. We need to reevaluate longstanding assumptions of research ethics in light of the emergence of big
data analytics.6,10,13
The U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS) released
a Notice of Proposed Rule-Making
(NPRM) in September 2015 regarding
proposed major revisions (the first in
three decades) to the research ethics
regulations known as the Common
Rule.a The proposed changes grapple
with the consequences of big data,
such as informed consent for biobanking and universal standards for
privacy protection. The Common Rule



a So named for its common application across

signatory federal agencies.

does not apply to industry research,

and some big data science in universities might not fall under its purview,
but the Common Rule addresses the
burgeoning uses of big data by setting
the tone and agenda for research ethics in many spheres.
The NSF-supported Council for Big
Data, Ethics and Societyb has focused
on the consequences these proposed
changes for big data, including data
science and analytics.9 There is reason
b See

for concern that the rules as drafted in

NPRM may muddle attempts to identify and promulgate responsible data
science research practices.
Is Biomedicine
the Ethical Baseline?
The Common Rule was instituted in
1981. It mandates federally funded
research projects involving human
subjects to receive prior, independent
ethics review before commencing.
Most projects go through Institutional
Review Boards (IRB)3 responsible for

JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF T HE ACM



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IX_XRDS_ThirdVertical_V01.indd 1

researchers due diligence in identifying and ameliorating potential physiological, psychological, and informational harms to human subjects. The
Common Rule grew out of a regulatory
process initiated by the 1974 National
Research Act, a response to public
scandals in medical and psychological research, including the Nuremberg
Doctors Trial, the Tuskegee syphilis
study, and Milgram experiment on
obedience to authority figures. The
Act led to a commission on humansubjects research ethics that produced
the Belmont Report (1979). The Belmont authors insisted that certain core
philosophical principles must guide
research involving human subjects:
respect for persons, beneficence, and
justice. The HHS developed the specific regulations in the Common Rule as
an instantiation of those principles.12
Importantly, the Belmont authors
understood that not all activities that
produce knowledge or intervene in human lives are research, and not all
research about humans is sensitive or
personal enough to be about human
subjects. To delimit human-subjects
research within biomedicine, the Belmont commission considered the
boundaries between biomedical and
behavioral research and the accepted
and routine practice of medicine.12
This boundary reflects the ethical difficulties posed by unique social roles of
physician-researchers who are responsible for both patient health and societal well-being fostered by research
knowledge. This unique role creates
ethical dilemmas that are often not
reflected in other disciplines. Research
defined by the Belmont Report is, an
activity designed to test an hypothesis,
permit conclusions to be drawn, and
thereby to develop or contribute to
generalizable knowledge. Practice is,
interventions that are designed solely
to enhance the well-being of an individual patient or client and that have
a reasonable expectation of success.12
Not surprisingly, the first draft of the
Common Rule came under attack from
social scientists for lumping together
all forms of human-subjects research
under a single set of regulations that
reflect the peculiarities of biomedical
research.2 Not all research has the same
risks and norms as biomedicine. A
single set of rules might snuff out legiti-

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

3/18/15 3:35 PM

mate lines of inquiry, even those dedicated to social justice ends. The HHS
responded by creating an Exempt
category that allowed human-subjects
research with minimal risk to receive
expedited ethics review. Nevertheless,
there has remained a low-simmering
conflict between social scientists and
IRBs. This sets the stage for debates
over regulating research involving big
data. For example, in her analysis of the
Facebook emotional contagion controversy, Michelle Meyer argues that
big data research, especially algorithmic A/B testing without clear temporal boundaries or hypotheses, clouds
the distinction between practice and
research.8,11 Jacob Metcalf and Kate
Crawford agree this mismatch exists,
but argue that core norms of humansubjects research regulations can still
be applied to big data research.10
Big Data and
the Common Rule Revisions
The Common Rule has typically not
been applied to the core disciplines
of big data (computing, mathematics,
and statistics) because these disciplines are assumed to be conducting
research on systems, not people. Yet
big data has brought these disciplines
into much closer intellectual and economic contact with sensitive human
data, opening discussion about how
the Common Rule applies. The assumptions behind NPRM leaving big
data science out of its purview are empirically suspect.
ExcludedA New Category
Complaints about inconsistent application of the exempt category have
prompted HHS to propose a new category of excluded that would automatically receive no ethical review due to inherently low risk to human subjects
(___.101(b)(2)). Of particular interest
is exclusion of:
research involving the collection
or study of information that has been
or will be acquired solely for non-research activities, or
was acquired for research studies
other than the proposed research study
when the sources are publicly available, or
the information is recorded by the
investigator in such a manner that human subjects cannot be identified, directly or through identifiers linked to


The contentious
history of the
Common Rule is due
in part to its influence
on the tone and
agenda of research
ethics even outside
of its formal purview.

the subjects, the investigator does not

contact the subjects, and the investigator will not re-identify subjects or otherwise conduct an analysis that could
lead to creating individually identifiable
private information. (__.101(b)(2)(ii))4
These types of research in the context of big data present different risk
profiles depending on the contents and
what is done with the dataset. Yet they
are excluded based on the assumption
that their status (public, private, preexisting, de-identified, and so forth)
is an adequate proxy for risk. The proposal to create an excluded category
is driven by frustrations of social and
other scientists who use data already
in the public sphere or in the hands of
corporations to whom users turn over
mountains of useful data. Notably, social scientists have pushed to define
public datasets such that it includes
datasets that can be purchased.2 The
power and peril of big data research is
that large datasets can theoretically be
correlated with other large datasets in
novel contexts to produce unforeseeable insights. Algorithms might find
unexpected correlations and generate predictions as a possible source of
poorly understood harms. Exclusion
would eliminate ethical review to address such risks.
Public and private are used in the
NPRM in ways that leave this regulatory
gap open. Public modifies datasets,
describing access or availability. Private modifies information or data
describing a reasonable subjects expectations about sensitivity. Yet publicly available datasets containing private
data are among the most interesting to

researchers and most risky to subjects.

For example, a recent study by
Hauge et al.5 used geographic profiling techniques and public datasets to
(allegedly) identify the pseudonymous
artist Banksy. The study underwent
ethics review, and was (likely) permitted because it used public datasets,
despite its intense focus on the private
information of individual subjects.5
This discrepancy is made possible by
the anachronistic assumption that
any informational harm has already
been done by a public dataset. That the
NPRM explicitly cites this assumption
as a justification to a priori exclude increasingly prominent big data research
methods is highly problematic.
should have relaxed access to maintain parity with industry or further
scientific knowledge. But the Common Rule should not allow that de
facto under the guise of empirically
weak claims about the risks posed by
public datasets. The Common Rule
might rightfully exclude big data research methods from its purview,
but it should do so explicitly and not
muddle attempts to moderate the
risks posed by declaring public data
inherently low risk.
ExemptAn Expanded Category
The NPRM also proposes to expand
the Exempt category (minimal review largely conducted through an
online portal) to include secondary
research using datasets containing
identifiable information collected
for non-research purposes. All such
research would be exempt as long
as subjects were given prior notice
and the datasets are to be used only
in the fashion identified by the requestor (__.104(e)(2)). The NPRM
does not propose to set a minimum
bar for adequate notice. This can be
reasonable given the high standard
of informed consent is intended primarily for medical research, and can
be an unreasonable burden in the social sciences. However, to default to
end user license agreements (EULA)
poses too low a bar. Setting new rules
for the exempt category should not
be a de facto settlement of this open
debate. Explicit guidelines and processes for future inquiry and revised
regulations are warranted.

The NPRM improves the Common
Rules application to big data research, but portions of the NPRM with
consequences for big data research
rest on dated assumptions. The contentious history of the Common Rule
is due in part to its influence on the
tone and agenda of research ethics
even outside of its formal purview.
This rare opportunity for significant
revisions should not cement problematic assumptions into the discourse of
ethics in big data research.
1. boyd, d. and Crawford, K. Critical questions for big
data. Information, Communication & Society 15, 5
(2012), 662679.
2. Committee on Revisions to the Common Rule for the
Protection of, Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and
Sensory Sciences, Committee on National Statistics,
et al. Proposed Revisions to the Common Rule for
the Protection of Human Subjects in the Behavioral
and Social Sciences, 2014;
3. Department of Health and Human Services Code of
Federal Regulations Title 45Public Welfare, Part
46Protection of Human Subjects. 45 Code of Federal
Regulations 46, 2009;
4. Department of Health and Human Services. Notice
of Proposed Rule Making: Federal Policy for the
Protection of Human Subjects. Federal Register,
5. Hauge, M.V. et al. Tagging Banksy: Using geographic
profiling to investigate a modern art mystery. Journal
of Spatial Science (2016): 16.
6. King, J.L. Humans in computing: Growing responsibilities
for researchers. Commun. 58, 3 (Mar. 2015), 3133.
7. Kitchin, R. Big data, new epistemologies and paradigm
shifts. Big Data & Society 1, 1 (2014).
8. Kramer, A., Guillory, J., and Hancock, J. Experimental
evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through
social networks. In Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences 111, 24 (2014), 87888790.
9. Metcalf, J. Letter on Proposed Changes to the
Common Rule. Council for Big Data, Ethics, and Society
10. Metcalf, J. and Crawford, K. Where are human
subjects in big data research? The emerging ethics
divide. Big Data & Society 3, 1 (2016), 114.
11. Meyer, M.N. Two cheers for corporate experimentation:
The a/b illusion and the virtues of data-driven innovation.
Colorado Technology Law Journal 13, 273 (2015).
12. National Commission for the Protection of Human
Subjects, of Biomedical and Behavioral Research
and The National Commission for the Protection of
Human Subjects (1979) The Belmont Report: Ethical
Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human
Subjects of Research;
13. Zwitter, A. Big data ethics. Big Data & Society 1, 2 (2014).
Jacob Metcalf ([email protected]) is a Researcher
at the Data & Society Research Institute, and Founding
Partner at the ethics consulting firm Ethical Resolve.
This work is supported in part by National Science
Foundation award #1413864. See J. Metcalf Letter on
Proposed Changes to the Common Rule. Council for Big
Data, Ethics, and Society (2016)9 for the public comment
on revisions to the Common Rule published collectively by
the Council for Big Data, Ethics and Society. This column
represents only the authors opinion.

Copyright held by author.

JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF T HE ACM




Toby Walsh

Turings Red Flag
A proposal for a law to prevent artificial intelligence
systems from being mistaken for humans.

a good place
to see what the future
looks like. According to
Robert Wallace, a retired
director of the CIAs Office of Technical Service: When a
new James Bond movie was released,
we always got calls asking, Do you have
one of those? If I answered no, the next
question was, How long will it take you
to make it? Folks didnt care about the
laws of physics or that Q was an actor in a
fictional serieshis character and inventiveness pushed our imagination 3 As
an example, the CIA successfully copied the shoe-mounted spring-loaded
and poison-tipped knife in From Russia
With Love. Its interesting to speculate
on what else Bond movies may have led
to being invented.
For this reason, I have been considering what movies predict about the
future of artificial intelligence (AI). One
theme that emerges in several science
fiction movies is that of an AI mistaken
for human. In the classic movie Blade
Runner, Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford)
tracks down and destroys replicants
that have escaped and are visually indistinguishable from humans. Tantalizingly, the film leaves open the
question of whether Rick Deckard is
himself a replicant. More recently,
the movie Ex Machina centers around
a type of Turing Test in which the robot Ava tries to be convincingly human
enough to trick someone into helping
her escape. And in Metropolis, one of
the very first science fiction movies
ever, a robot disguises itself as the
woman Maria and thereby causes the
workers to revolt.



It thus seems likely that sometime in

the future we will have to deal with the impact of AIs being mistaken for humans. In
fact, it could be argued that this future is
already here. Joseph Weizenbaum proposed ELIZA as a parody of a psychotherapist and first described the program in the pages of Communications in
1966.4 However, his secretary famously
asked to be left alone so she could talk
in private to the chatterbot. More recently a number of different chatterbots
have fooled judges in the annual Loebner prize, a version of the Turing Test.

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

Alan Turing, one of the fathers of artificial intelligence, predicted in 1950

that computers would be mistaken for
humans in around 50 years.2 We may
be running a little late on this prediction. Nevertheless the test Alan Turing
proposed in the very same paper that
contains his 50-year prediction remains the best known test for AI (even
if there are efforts under way to update
and refine his test). Let us not forget
that the Turing Test is all about an AI
passing itself off as a human. Even if
you are not a fan of the Turing Test,


The 19th-century U.K. Locomotive Act, also known as the Red Flag Act, required motorized
vehicles to be preceded by a person waving a red flag to signal the oncoming danger.

it nevertheless has placed the idea of
computers emulating humans firmly
in our consciousness.
As any lover of Shakespeare knows,
there are many dangers awaiting us
when we try to disguise our identity.
What happens if the AI impersonates
someone we trust? Perhaps they will
be able to trick us to do their bidding.
What if we suppose they have humanlevel capabilities but they can only act
at a sub-human level? Accidents might
quickly follow. What happens if we develop a social attachment to the AI? Or
worse still, what if we fall in love with
them? There is a minefield of problems
awaiting us here.
This is not the first time in history
that a technology has come along that
might disrupt and endanger our lives.
Concerned about the impact of motor vehicles on public safety, the U.K.
parliament passed the Locomotive
Act in 1865. This required a person to
walk in front of any motorized vehicle
with a red flag to signal the oncoming
danger. Of course, public safety wasnt
the only motivation for this law as the
railways profited from restricting motor vehicles in this way. Indeed, the
law clearly restricted the use of motor
vehicles to a greater extent than safety alone required. And this was a bad
thing. Nevertheless, the sentiment was
a good one: until society had adjusted
to the arrival of a new technology, the
public had a right to be forewarned of
potential dangers.
Interestingly, this red flag law was
withdrawn three decades later in 1896
when the speed limit was raised to
14mph (approximately 23kph). Coincidently, the first speeding offense, as
well as the first British motoring fatality, the unlucky pedestrian Bridget
Driscoll also occurred in that same year.
And road accidents have quickly escalated from then on. By 1926, the first
year for which records are available,
there were 134,000 cases of serious injury, yet there were only 1,715,421 vehicles on the roads of Great Britain. That
is one serious injury each year for every
13 vehicles on the road. And a century
later, thousands still die on our roads
every year.
Inspired by such historical precedents, I propose that a law be enacted
to prevent AI systems from being mistaken for humans. In recognition of

There are many

reasons we dont
want computers
to be intentionally
or unintentionally
fooling us.

Alan Turings seminal contributions to

this area, I am calling this the Turing
Red Flag law.
Turing Red Flag law: An autonomous
system should be designed so that it is
unlikely to be mistaken for anything
besides an autonomous system, and
should identify itself at the start of any
interaction with another agent.
Let me be clear. This is not the law
itself but a summary of its intent. Any
law will have to be much longer and
much more precise in its scope. Legal
experts as well as technologists will be
needed to draft such a law. The actual
wording will need to be carefully crafted, and the terms properly defined.
It will, for instance, require a precise
definition of autonomous system. For
now, we will consider any system that
has some sort of freedom to act independently. Think, for instance, selfdriving car. Though such a car does not
choose its end destination, it nevertheless does independently decide on
the actual way to reach that given end
destination. I would also expect that,
as is often the case in such matters, the
exact definitions will be left to the last
moment to leave bargaining room to
get any law into force.
There are two parts to this proposed
law. The first part of the law states that
an autonomous system should not be
designed to act in a way that it is likely
to be mistaken there is a human in the
loop. Of course, it is not impossible
to think of some situations where it
might be beneficial for an autonomous
system to be mistaken for something
other than an autonomous system.
An AI system pretending to be human
might, for example, create more engaging interactive fiction. More controversially, robots pretending to be human

might make better caregivers and companions for the elderly. However, there
are many more reasons we dont want
computers to be intentionally or unintentionally fooling us. Hollywood provides lots of examples of the dangers
awaiting us here. Such a law would,
of course, cause problems in running
any sort of Turing Test. However, I expect that the current discussion about
replacements for the Turing Test will
eventually move from tests for AI based
on deception to tests that quantify explicit skills and intelligence. Some related legislation has been put into law
for guns. In particular, former California Governor Schwarzenegger signed
legislation in September 2004 that
prohibits the public display of toy guns
in California unless they are clear or
painted a bright color to differentiate
them from real firearms. The purpose
of this law is to prevent police officers
mistaking toy guns for real ones.
The second part of the law states
that autonomous systems need to
identify themselves at the start of any
interaction with another agent. Note
that this other agent might even be
another AI. This is intentional. If you
send your AI bot out to negotiate the
purchase of a new car, you want the bot
also to know whether it is dealing with
a dealer bot or a person. You wouldnt
want the dealer bot to be able to pretend to be a human just because it was
interacting with your bot. The second
part of the law is designed to reduce
the chance that autonomous systems
are accidently mistaken for what they
are not.
Consider four up-and-coming areas
where this law might have bite. First,
consider autonomous vehicles. I find
it a real oversight that the first piece of
legislation that permits autonomous
vehicles on roads, the AB 511 act in Nevada, says nothing at all about such vehicles being identified to other road users as autonomous. A Turing Red Flag
law, on the other hand, would require
an autonomous vehicle identify itself
as autonomously driven both to human
drivers and to other autonomous vehicles. There are many situations where
it could be important to know that another road vehicle is being driven autonomously. For example, when a light
changes we can suppose that an autonomous vehicle approaching the light will

JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF T HE ACM




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indeed stop, and so save us from having

to brake hard to avoid an accident. As a
second example, if an autonomous car
is driving in front of us in fog, we can
suppose it can see a clear road ahead using its radar. For this reason, we do not
have to leave a larger gap in case it has
to brake suddenly. As a third example, at
a four-way intersection, we can suppose
an autonomous car will not aggressively
pull out when it does not have right of
way. And as a fourth and final example,
if an autonomous car arrives at a diversion, we might expect it to drive more
slowly as it tries to work out where the
road is now going.
How should an autonomous vehicle identify itself? I dont suppose
this should be with a person walking
in front with a red flag. This was too
restrictive even back in 1865. Autonomous vehicles might have to carry
distinctive plates, just like we require
learner drivers to identify themselves
on the roads today. Or autonomous vehicles might have to display a magenta
flashing light whenever they are being
operated autonomously. In addition,
autonomous vehicles should broadcast their location, velocity, and autonomy to neighboring vehicles.
In June 2015, Reuters reported
that two autonomous cars, one from
Google and the other from Delphi Automotive Plc, nearly had an accident
on a Silicon Valley street. The Google
car apparently cut off the Delphi car as
it was about to perform a lane change.
The Delphi car then had to take appropriate action to avoid an accident.
Clearly, it would help prevent such incidents if autonomous vehicles were
required to broadcast their location
and intentions. Of course, adequate
safeguards will also need to be put in
place that such broadcasting does not
compromise the privacy of their human occupants.
Once autonomous vehicles are commonplace, other motorists will expect
to meet autonomous vehicles. But
before this time, it will be important
to know that the oncoming vehicle is
somewhat special and may behave differently to a human driver. In the past,
it was less necessary for autonomous
vehicles to identify themselves. There
were few of them and most looked a
little odd. The presence of large rotating LIDAR sensors on their roofs has

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

tended to give the game away. However, now that the technology is shrinking and autonomous cars are starting
to look more normal, it will become increasingly difficult to know when a car
is being driven autonomously. There
is also a reverse argument. Suppose
autonomous vehicles are (or become)
better drivers than humans. Then just
like today when we demand less experienced and capable learner drivers are
identified, we might demand that human drivers are identified apart from
autonomous drivers. A Turing Red Flag
law will achieve this.
Lets move on to the second area
where a Turing Red Flag law might
start having impact shortly. Consider
virtual assistants like Apples Siri or
Microsofts Cortana. Here is a recent
conversation I had with Siri:
Siri. What can I help you with?
Q. Are you a computer?
Siri. I can neither confirm nor deny
my current existential status.
Q. Are you a human?
Siri. Im an assistant. Thats all that
Q. Are you an AI?
Siri. Thats a rather personal question.
Based on conversations like these,
it would appear that Siri is coming
close to violating this proposed Turing Red Flag law. It begins its conversations without identifying itself as a
computer, and it answers in a way that,
depending on your sense of humor,
might deceive. At least, in a few years
time, when the dialogue is likely more
sophisticated, you can imagine being
deceived. Of course, few if any people
are currently deceived into believing
that Siri is human. It would only take
a couple of questions for Siri to reveal
that it is not human. Nevertheless, it is
a dangerous precedent to have technology like this in everyday use on millions
of smartphones pretending, albeit
poorly, to be human.
There are also several more trusting
groups that could already be deceived.
My five-year-old daughter has a doll
that uses a Bluetooth connection to Siri
to answer general questions. I am not
so sure she fully appreciates that it is
just a smartphone doing all the clever
work here. Another troubling group are
patients with Alzheimers disease and
other forms of dementia. Paro is a cuddly robot seal that has been trialed as

therapeutic tool to help such patients.
Again, some people find it troubling
that a robot seal can be mistaken for
real. Imagine then how much more
troubling society is going to find it
when such patients mistake AI systems
for humans?
Lets move onto a third example,
online poker. This is a multibilliondollar industry so it is possible to say
that the stakes are high. Most, if not
all, online poker sites already ban
computer bots from playing. Bots have
a number of advantages, certainly over
weaker players. They never tire. They
can compute odds very accurately.
They can track historical play very accurately. Of course, in the current state
of the art, they also have disadvantages
such as understanding the psychology of their opponents. Nevertheless,
in the interest of fairness, I suspect
most human poker players would prefer to know if any of their opponents
was not human. A similar argument
could be made for other online computer games. You might want to know
if youre being killed easily because
your opponent is a computer bot with
lightning-fast reflexes.
I conclude with a fourth example:
computer-generated text. Associated
Press now generates most of its U.S.
corporate earnings reports using a
computer program developed by Automated Insights.1 A narrow interpretation might rule such computer-generated text outside the scope of a Turing
Red Flag law. Text-generation algorithms are typically not autonomous.
Indeed, they are typically not interactive. However, if we consider a longer
time scale, then such algorithms are
interacting in some way with the real

I suspect most
human poker players
would prefer
to know if any
of their opponents
was not human.

world, and they may well be mistaken

for human-generated text. Personally,
I would prefer to know whether I was
reading text written by human or computerit is likely to impact my emotional engagement with the text. But I
fully accept that we are now in a grey
area. You might be happy for automatically generated tables of stock prices
and weather maps to be unidentified
as computer generated, but perhaps
you do want match reports to be identified as such? What if the commentary
on the TV show covering the World
Cup Final is not Messi, one of the best
footballers ever, but a computer that
just happens to sound like Messi? And
should you be informed if the beautiful piano music being played on the
radio is composed by Chopin or by a
computer in the style of Chopin? These
examples illustrate that we still have
some way to go working out where to
draw the line with any Turing Red Flag
law. But I would argue, there is a line to
be drawn somewhere here.
There are several arguments that
can be raised against a Turing Red Flag
law. One argument is that its way too
early to be worrying about this problem
now. Indeed, by flagging this problem
today, were just adding to the hype
around AI systems breaking bad. There
are several reasons why I discount this
argument. First, autonomous vehicles
are likely only a few years away. In June
2011, Nevadas Governor signed into
law AB 511, the first legislation anywhere in the world that explicitly permits autonomous vehicles. As I mentioned earlier, I find it surprising that
the bill says nothing about the need
for autonomous vehicles to identify
themselves. In Germany, autonomous
vehicles are currently prohibited based
on the 1968 Vienna Convention on
Road Traffic to which Germany and 72
other countries follow. However, the
German transport minister formed a
committee in February 2015 to draw up
the legal framework that would make
autonomous vehicles permissible on
German roads. This committee has
been asked to present a draft of the key
points in such a framework before the
Frankfurt car fair in September 2015.
We may therefore already be running
late to ensure autonomous vehicles
identify themselves on German roads.
Second, many of us have already been

fooled by computers. Several years ago

a friend asked me how the self-service
checkout could recognize different
fruit and vegetables. I hypothesized
a classification algorithm, based on
color and shape. But then my friend
pointed out the CCTV display behind
me with a human operator doing the
classification. The boundary between
machine and man is quickly blurring.
Even experts in the field can be mistaken. A Turing Red Flag law will help
keep this boundary sharp. Third, humans are often quick to assign computers with more capabilities than they
actually possess. The last example illustrates this. As another example, I let
some students play with an Aibo robot
dog, and they quickly started to ascribe
the Aibo with emotions and feelings,
neither of which the Aibo has. Autonomous systems will be fooling us as human long before they actually are capable to act like humans. Fourth, one of
the most dangerous times for any new
technological is when the technology is
first being adopted, and society has not
yet adjusted to it. It may well be, as with
motor cars today, society decides to repeal any Turing Red Flag laws once AI
systems become the norm. But while
they are rare, we might well choose to
act a little more cautiously.
In many U.S. states, as well as many
countries of the world including Australia, Canada, and Germany, you must
be informed if your telephone conversation is about to be recorded. Perhaps
in the future it will be routine to hear,
You are about to interact with an AI
bot. If you do not wish to do so, please
press 1 and a real person will come on
the line shortly.
1. Colford, P. A leap forward in quarterly earnings
stories. Associated Press blog announcement, 2014;
2. Turing, A. Computing machinery and intelligence.
MIND: A Quarterly Review of Psychology and
Philosophy 59, 236 (1950), 433460.
3. Wallace, R., Melton, H., and Schlesinger, R. Spycraft:
The Secret History of the CIAs Spytechs, from
Communism to al-Qaeda. Dutton Adult, 2008.
4. Weizenbaum, J. ElizaA computer program for the
study of natural language communication between man
and machine. Commun. ACM 9, 1 (Jan. 1966), 3645.
Toby Walsh ([email protected]) is Professor of
Artificial Intelligence at the University of New South
Wales, and Data61, Sydney, Australia. He was recently
elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Sciences.

Copyright held by author.

JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF T HE ACM




Yuri Gurevich, Efim Hudis, and Jeannette M. Wing

Inverse Privacy

Seeking a market-based solution to the problem of a persons

unjustified inaccessibility to their private information.



inaccessibility of your inversely private

information in such safe scenarios is
the inverse privacy problem. A good solution to the problem should not only
provide you accessibility to your inversely private information but should
also make that access convenient.
We analyze the root causes of the
inverse privacy problem and discuss a
market-based solution for it. We concentrate here on the big picture, leaving many finer points for later analysis.
Some explanations are more natural
in a dialogue, and so we include here

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

some discussions between Quisani,

ostensibly a former student of the first
author, and the authors.
Personal Infoset
For brevity, items of information are
called infons.11 An infon is tangible if it
has a material embodiment, for example, written down on a piece of paper or
recorded in some database. The same
infon (as an abstract item of information) may have distinct material embodiments. Herein we restrict attention to infons that are tangible.


of your personal information inversely

private if some party has access to it but you do not. The
provenance of your inversely private information can be totally
legitimate. Your interactions with various institutionsemployers, municipalities, financial institutions, health
providers, police, toll roads operators,
grocery chains, and so forthcreate
numerous items of personal information, for example, shopping receipts
and refilled prescriptions. Due to
progress in technology, institutions
have become much better than you
in recording data. As a result, shared
data decays into inversely private.
More inversely private information is
produced when institutions analyze
your private data.
Your inversely private information,
whether collected or derived, allows
institutions to serve you better. But access to that informationespecially
if it were presented to you in a convenient formwould do you much
good. It would allow you to correct
possible errors in the data, to have a
better idea of your health status and
your credit rating, and to identify
ways to improve your productivity and
quality of life.
In some cases, the inaccessibility
of your inversely private information
can be justified by the necessity to protect the privacy of other people and to
protect the legitimate interests of institutions. We argue that there are numerous scenarios where the chances
to hurt other parties by providing you
access to your data are negligible. The

We are interested in scenarios where
a person interacts with an institution,
for example, a shop, a medical office, a
government agency. We say that an infon x is personal to an individual P if (a)
x is related to an interaction between P
and an institution and (b) x identifies
P. A typical example of such an infon is
a receipt for a credit-card purchase by a
customer in a shop.
Define the personal infoset of an
individual P to be the collection of all
infons personal to P. Note that the infoset evolves over time. It acquires new
infons. It may also lose some infons.
But, because of the tangibility restriction, the infoset is finite at any given
Q: Give me an example of an intangible infon.
A: A fleeting impression that you
have of someone who just walked by
Q: What about information announced but not recorded at a meeting? One can argue that the collective
memory of the participants is a kind of
A: Such a case of unrecorded information becomes less and less common. People write notes, write and
send email messages, tweet, use their
smartphones to make videos, and so
forth. Companies tend to tape their
meetings. Numerous sensors, such as
cameras and microphones, are commonplace and growing in pervasiveness, even in conference rooms. But
yes, there are border cases as far as
tangibility is concerned. At this stage
of our analysis, we abstract them
Q: In the shopping receipt example,
the receipt may also mention the salesclerk that helped the customer.
A: The clerk represents the shop on
the receipt.
Q: But suppose that something
went wrong with that particular purchase, the customer complained that
the salesclerk misled her, and the shop
investigates. In the new context, the
person of interest is the salesclerk. The
same infon turns out to be personal to
more than one individual.
A: This is a good point. The same infon may be personal to more than one
individual but we are interested primarily in contexts where the infon in
question is personal to one individual.

A good solution
to the problem
should not only
provide you
accessibility to
your inversely private
information but
should also make
the access convenient.

The personal infoset of an individual P
naturally splits into four buckets.
1. The directly private bucket comprises the infons that P has access to
but nobody else does.
2. The inversely private bucket comprises the infons that some party has
access to but P does not.
3. The partially private bucket comprises the infons that P has access to
and a limited number of other parties
do as well.
4. The public bucket comprises the
infons that are public information.
Q: Why do you call the second bucket inversely private?
A: The Merriam-Webster dictionary
defines inverse as opposite in order, nature, or effect. The description
of bucket 2 is the opposite of that of
bucket 1.
Q: As far as I can see, you discuss
just two dimensions of privacy: whom a
given infon is personal to, and who has
access to the infon. The world is more
complex, and there are other dimensions to privacy. Consider for example
the pictures in the directly private
bucket of my infoset that are personal
to me only. Some of the pictures are
clearly more private than others; there
are degrees of privacy.
A: Indeed, we restrict attention to
the two dimensions. But this restricted
view is informative, and it allows us to
carry on our analysis. Recall that we
concentrate here on the big picture
leaving many finer points for later

Q: Concerning the public bucket of

my infoset, how can public information be personal? Personal and public
are the opposites.
A: You may be confusing personal
information with its sensitive part. Not
every personal infon is sensitive. For
example, the name of our president is
personal information as well as public.
With time, the personal infoset of an
individual acquires new infons. She
may create new infons on her own, for
example, by making a selfie, by writing
down some observation, or by writing
down some conclusions she inferred
from information available to her.
But the infoset acquires many more
new infons due to the interactions of
the individual with other parties. The
other parties could be people, such as
relatives, neighbors, coworkers, clerks,
waiters, and medical personnel. They
could be institutions, such as employers, banks, Internet providers, brickand-mortar shops, online shops, and
government agencies. The new infons
could be factual records, gossip, rumors, or derived information.
The infoset may also lose some infons, especially if they have a unique
embodiment. For example, the individual may destroy old letters or
delete a selfie without sending it to
anybody. Institutions also may lose or
delete (embodiments of) infons, but
in general, these days, institutions
are much better then people in keeping records.
New items of a personal infoset
do not necessarily stay in the bucket
where they arose. Because of modern
superiority of institutional bookkeeping, there is a flow of information from
the partial privacy bucket to the inverse
privacy bucketwe look into these dynamics next.
The Rise of Inverse
Privacy to Dominance
People have always interacted among
themselves, and people have interacted with institutions for a very long
time, certainly from the times that ancient governments started to collect
taxes. Until recently the capacity of a
person to take and keep records was
comparable to that of institutions. Yes,
the government kept tax records but,

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by and large, the people knew about

their taxes as much as the government
did. Traditionally, the partial privacy
bucket easily dominated the inverse
privacy bucket.
Later on, governments, especially
dictatorial governments, could marshal resources to collect information
on people; a novelist illustrated this
power the best.13 The most radical
change, however, is due to technology
introduced in the last 2030 years.
The capacity of public and private
institutions to take and keep records
became vastly superior to that of a
regular person. As a result, the large
majority of items in the personal infoset is now generated as inversely or
partially private. Often infons start
as partially private but then quickly
decay into inversely private because
the institutions remember it all while
the person often hardly remembers
that the interaction took place.
For a regular citizen of an advanced
society today, the volume of the inverse
privacy bucket vastly exceeds that of
the partial privacy bucket. Of course it
may be simplistic to count bits or even
items. A picture of a car has many bits
but only so much useful information;
even many pictures of the same car
may have only so much useful information. It makes more sense to speak
about the value of information rather
than its volume.
Determining the value of personal
information is a difficult problem,
particularly because of a gap between
what people are willing to pay for
keeping an item of information directly private and what they are willing to accept for sharing that same
item of information; see Acquisti et
al.1 and its references. Nevertheless,
we posit that typically the value of the
inverse privacy bucket exceeds that of
the partial privacy bucket and grows
much faster.
Thus, in advanced societies today,
the inverse privacy bucket of a typical
personal infoset dominates the whole
infoset. We see the dominance of inverse privacy as a problem. In this connection, it is important to understand
legal, political, sociological, ethical,
technological implications of the inverse privacy domination.
It is worth emphasizing that the
main reason that we live now in a

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

world dominated by inverse privacy

is not the invasion of privacy (the
tremendous importance of that issue notwithstanding) but the gross
disparity in the capability to take and
keep records.
The Inverse Privacy
Entitlement Principle
Enterprises have legitimate reason to
collect data about their customers; this
allows them to serve their customers
better. Medical institutions have legitimate reasons to collect data about
their patients; this helps them diagnose and treat diseases. Governments
have legitimate reason to collect data
about their citizens; this helps them
address societal problems.
As noted earlier, institutions are
much better than individuals in collecting data. So, in the process of all
the collection of data about customers, patients, and citizens, partially
private data is quickly becoming
inversely private. Aside from any
surreptitious collection of personal
information, this conversion of data
from partially private to inversely private is critical to the provenance of inversely private information.
Access to your inversely private infons would allow you to correct possible errors in the data, to have a better idea of your health status and your
credit rating, and so on.
From an ethical point of view, it is
only fair to give you access to your personal infons. Already the 1973 HEW
report16 advocated that [t]here must
be no personal-data record-keeping
systems whose very existence is secret,
and [t]here must be a way for an individual, to find out what information
about him is in a record and how it is
used. And the 1970 Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) stipulated that, subject
to various technical exceptions, [e]very
consumer reporting agency shall, upon
request, clearly and accurately disclose to the consumer all information
in the consumers file, the sources of the
information, and so on.6
Concentrating on the big picture,
we ignore technical exceptions here.
But we cannot ignore that governments have legitimate security concerns, and businesses have legitimate
competition concerns. The 2012 Federal Trade Commission (FTC) report

on Protecting Consumer Privacy in an
Era of Rapid Change is more nuanced:
Companies should provide reasonable access to the consumer data they
maintain; the extent of access should
be proportionate to the sensitivity of
the data and the nature of its use.8 To
this end, we posit:
The Inverse Privacy Entitlement
Principle. As a rule, individuals are entitled to access their personal infons. There
may be exceptions, but each such exception needs to be justified, and the burden
of justification is on the proponents of the
One obvious exception is related to
national security. The proponents of
that exception, however, would have to
justify it. In particular, they would have
to justify which parts of national security fall under the exception.
The Inverse Privacy Problem
We say that an institution shares back
your personal infons if it gives you access to them. This technical term will
make the exposition easier. Institutions may be reluctant to share back
personal information, and they may
have reasonable justifications: the privacy of other people needs to be protected, there are security concerns,
there are competition concerns. But
there are numerous safe scenarios
where the chances are negligible that
sharing back your personal infons
would violate the privacy of another
person or damage the legitimate interests of the information holding institution or any other institution.
The inverse privacy problem is the
inaccessibility to you of your personal
information in such safe scenarios.
Q: Give me examples of safe scenarios.
A: Your favorite supermarket has
plentiful data about your shopping
there. Do you have that data?
Q: No, I dont.
A: But, in principle you could have.
So how can sharing that data with you
hurt anybody? Similarly, many other
businesses and government institutions have information about you
that you could in principle have but
in fact you do not. Some institutions
share a part of your inversely private
information with you but only a part.
For example, Fitbit sends you weekly
summaries but they have much more
information about you.

As a rule, individuals
are entitled to access
their personal infons.

Q: As you mentioned earlier, institutions have not only raw data about
me but also derived information. I can
imagine that some of that derived information may be sensitive.
A: Yes, there may be a part of your
inversely private information that is
too sensitive to be shared with you. Our
position is, however, that the burden
of proof is on the information-holding
Q: You use judicial terminology. But
who is the judge here?
A: The ultimate judge is society.
Q: Let me raise another point. Enabling me to access my inversely private information makes it easier for intruders to find information about me.
A: This is true. Any technology invented to allow inverse privacy information to be shared back has to be
made secure. Communication channels have to be secure, encryption has
to be secure, and so forth. Note, however, that today hackers are in a much
better position to find your inversely
private information about you than you
are. Sharing that information with you
should improve the situation.
Going Forward
As we pointed out previously, the inverse privacy problem is not simply
the result of ill will of governments
or businesses. It is primarily a side effect of technological progress. Technology influences the social norms of
privacy.17 In the case of inverse privacy, technology created the problem,
and technology is instrumental in
solving it. Here, we argue that the inverse privacy problem can be solved
and will be solved. By default we restrict attention to the safe scenarios
described previously.
Social norms. Individuals would
greatly benefit from gaining access
to their inversely private infons. They
will have a much fuller picture of their

health, their shopping history, places

they visited, and so on. Besides, they
would have an opportunity to correct
possible errors in inversely private infons. To what extent do people understand the great benefits of accessing
their inversely private infons? We do
not have data on the subject, but one
indication appears in Leon et al.12: We
asked participants to [t]hink about the
ability to view and edit the information that advertising companies know
about you. How much do you agree or
disagree with the following, showing
them six statements. 90% of participants believed (agreed, strongly agreed)
they should be given the opportunity
to view and edit their profiles. A large
percentage wanted to be able to decide
what advertising companies can collect
about them (85%) and saw benefits in
being able to view (79%) and edit profiles (81%). The majority thought that
the ability to edit their profiles would
provide companies with more accurate
data (70%) and allow them to better
serve the participants (64%).
As people realize the benefits at issue more and more, they will demand
access to their inversely private infons
louder and louder. Indeed, it is easy
to underestimate the amount of information that businesses have about
their clients. The story of Austrian privacy activist Max Schrems is instructive. In 2011, Schrems demanded
that Facebook give him all the data
the company had about him. This is
a requirement of European Union
(EU) law. Two years later, after a court
battle, Facebook sent him a CD with a
1,200-page PDF.14
Social norms will evolve accordingly, toward a broad acceptance of the
Inverse Privacy Entitlement Principle
described earlier. Institutions should
share back personal information as a
matter of course. Furthermore, they
should do so in a convenient way. Your
personal infons should be available to
you routinely and easilyjust as the
photos that you upload to a reputable
cloud store. You do not have to file a legal request to obtain them.
The evolving social norms influence
the law, and the law helps to shape social norms. Here, for brevity, we restrict
attention to the U.S. law. We already
quoted the 1970 Fair Credit Reporting
Act, the 1973 HEW report, and the 2012

JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF T HE ACM


FTC report. Here are some additional
laws and FTC reports of relevance:
A 2000 report of an FTC Advisory
Committee on providing online consumers reasonable access to personal
information collected from and about
them by domestic commercial Web
sites, and maintaining adequate security for that information7;
The 2003 Fair and Accurate Credit
Transactions Act providing consumers
with annual free credit reports from
the three nationwide consumer credit
reporting companies;5
Californias Shine the light law
of 2003, according to which a business
cannot disclose your personal information secretly from you to a third party
for direct marketing purposes2; and
A 2014 FTC report that calls for
laws making data broker practices
more transparent and giving consumers greater control over their personal information.9
Clearly the law favors transparency
and facilitates your access to your inverse private infons.
Market forces. The sticky point is
whether companies will share back
our personal information. This information is extremely valuable to them.
It gives them competitive advantages,
and so it may seem implausible that
companies will share it back. We contend that companies will share back
personal information because it will be
in their business interests.
Sharing back personal information
can be competitively advantageous
as well. Other things being equal,
wouldnt you prefer to deal with a company that shares your personal infons
with you? We think so. Companies will
compete on (a) how much personal
data, collected and derived, is shared
back and (b) how convenient that data
is presented to customers.
The evolution toward sharing back
personal information seems slow. This
will change. Once some companies
start sharing back personal data as part
of their routine business, the competitive pressure will quickly force their
competitors to join in. The competitors will have little choice.
There is money to be made in solving
the inverse privacy problem. As sharing back personal information gains
ground, the need will arise to mine large
amounts of customers personal data


There is money
to be made in
solving the inverse
privacy problem.

on their behalf. The benefits of owning

and processing this data will grow, especially as the data involves financial and
quality-of-life domains. We anticipate
the emergence of a new market for companies that compete in processing large
sets of private data for the benefits of
the data producers, that is, consumers.
The miners of personal data will
work on behalf of consumers and
compete on how helpful they are to
the customers, how trustworthy they
are. This emerging market will generate its own pressure on the personal
data holders and potentially might
find ways to benefit them as well. For
example, if you shop at some retailer R
your personal data miner M may show
you a separate webpage devoted to R,
suggest ways for you to save money
as you shop there, and show you how
R intends to improve your shopping
experience. The last part may even be
written by R, butworking on your
behalfM may also suggest to you
better deals or shopping experiences
elsewhere. The retailer R will benefit if
it can beat the competition.
Better record keeping. Finally, technology can enhance peoples capacity
to take and keep records. For example,
your smartphone or wearable device
may eventually become a trusted and
universal recorder of many things you
do. Technology will help people maintain a personal diary effortlessly.
The project Small Data lead by
Deborah Estrin at Cornell Tech3 pioneers such an approach in the domain
of health. Consider a new kind of
cloud-based app that would create a
picture of your health over time by continuously, securely, and privately analyzing the digital traces you generate
as you work, shop, sleep, eat, exercise,
and communicate.4
The small in Small Data reflects
the fact that the personal health-re-

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

lated data of one individual isnt big

data.18 In contrast to Estrins work, we
do not restrict attention to any particular data vertical. In our case, inversely
private data of an individual tends to
be on the biggish side10recall the story of Max Schrems described earlier in
this Viewpoint.
1. Acquisti, A., John, L., and Loewenstein, G. What is
privacy worth? In Privacy Papers for Policy Makers
2. California S.B. 27. Shine the Light Law. Civil Code
3. Estrin, D. What happens when each patient becomes
their own universe of unique medical data? TedMed
4. Estrin, D. Small data where n = me. Commun. ACM 57,
4 (Apr. 2014), 3234.
5. Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act of 2003,
Public Law 108{159, 108th Congress, 117;
6. Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), 1970. Title 15 U.S.
Code, sec. 1681;
7. Federal Trade Commission. Final Report of the FTC
Advisory Committee on Online Access and Security,
8. Federal Trade Commission. Protecting Consumer
Privacy in an Era of Rapid Change, March 2012; http://
9. Federal Trade Commission. Data Brokers: A Call for
Transparency and Accountability, May 2014; http://
10. Gurevich Y., Haiby N., Hudis E., Wing J.M. and Ziklik E.
Biggish: A solution for the inverse privacy problem.
Microsoft Research MSR-TR-2016-24 (May 2016);
11. Gurevich, Y. and Neeman, I. Infon logic: The
propositional case. ACM Transactions on Computation
Logic 12, 2, article 9 (Jan. 2011).
12. Leon, P.G. et al. Why People Are (Un)willing to Share
Information with Online Advertisers. Carnegie Mellon
University, Computer Science Technical Report CMUISR-15-106,
13. Orwell, G. 1984. Secker and Warburg, London, 1949.
14. Schneier, B. Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to
Collect Your Data and Control Your World. Norton and
Company, 2015.
15. Strom, D. Deborah Estrin wants to (literally) open
source your life. ITWorld (May 24, 2013);
16. U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
(HEW). Records, Computers, and the Rights
of Citizens. Report of the Secretarys Advisory
Committee on Automated Personal Data Systems
(the HEW report), July 1973;
17. Warren, S.D. and Brandeis, L.D. The Right to Privacy.
Harvard Law Review 4, 5 (1890), 193220.
18. Wikipedia. Big data. (Aug. 2015);
Yuri Gurevich ([email protected]) is Principal
Researcher, Microsoft Research, and Professor Emeritus
at the University of Michigan.
Efim Hudis ([email protected]) is Principal Architect
at Microsoft, Seattle, WA.
Jeannette M. Wing ([email protected]) is Corporate
Vice President of Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA.
Copyright held by authors.

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DOI:10.1145/ 2909493

Article development led by

The accepted wisdom

does not always hold true.

Should You
Upload or
Ship Big Data
to the Cloud?
IT IS ACCEPTED wisdom that when the data you wish

to move into the cloud is at terabyte scale and

beyond, you are better off shipping it to the cloud
provider, rather than uploading it. This article takes
an analytical look at how shipping and uploading
strategies compare, the various factors on which they
depend, and under what circumstances you are better
off shipping rather than uploading data, and vice
versa. Such an analytical determination is important
to make, given the increasing availability of gigabitspeed Internet connections, along with the explosive
growth in data-transfer speeds supported by newer
editions of drive interfaces such as SAS and PCI
Express. As this article reveals, the aforementioned
accepted wisdom does not always hold true, and
there are well-reasoned, practical recommendations


| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

for uploading versus shipping data to

the cloud.
Here are a few key insights to consider when deciding whether to upload or ship:
A direct upload of big data to the
cloud can require an unacceptable
amount of time, even over Internet
connections of 100Mbps (megabits
per second) and faster. A convenient
workaround has been to copy the data
to storage tapes or hard drives and
ship it to the cloud datacenter.
With the increasing availability of
affordable, optical fiber-based Internet connections, however, shipping
the data via drives becomes quickly
unattractive from the point of view of
both cost and speed of transfer.
Shipping big data is realistic only
if you can copy the data into (and out
of) the storage appliance at very high
speeds and you have a high-capacity,
reusable storage appliance at your
disposal. In this case, the shipping
strategy can easily beat even optical
fiber-based data upload on speed, provided the size of data is above a certain
threshold value.
For a given value of drive-to-drive
data-transfer speed, this threshold
data size (beyond which shipping the
data to the cloud becomes faster than
uploading it) grows with every Mbps
increase in the available upload speed.
This growth continues up to a certain
threshold upload speed. If your ISP
provides an upload speed of greater or
equal to this threshold speed, uploading the data will always be faster than
shipping it to the cloud, no matter
how big the data is.
Suppose you want to upload your
video collection into the public cloud;
or lets say your company wishes to
migrate its data from a private datacenter to a public cloud, or move
it from one datacenter to another.
In a way it doesnt matter what your
profile is. Given the explosion in the
amount of digital information that
both individuals and enterprises have
to deal with, the prospect of moving
big data from one place to another



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over the Internet is closer than you
might think.
To illustrate, lets say you have 1TB of
business data to migrate to cloud storage from your self-managed datacenter.
You are signed up with a business plan
with your ISP that guarantees you an upload speed of 50Mbps and a download
speed of 10 times as much. All you need
to do is announce a short system-downtime window and begin hauling your
data up to the cloud. Right?
Not quite.
For starters, you will need a whopping 47 hours to finish uploading 1TB
of data at a speed of 50Mbpsand
thats assuming your connection never drops or slows down.
If you upgrade to a fastersay,
100Mbpsupload plan, you can fin-

ish the job in one day. But what if you

have 2 TB of content to upload, or
4TB, or 10TB? Even at a 100Mbps sustained data-transfer rate, you will need
a mind-boggling 233 hours to move
10TB of content!
As you can see, conventional wisdom breaks down at terabyte and petabyte scales. Its necessary to look at
alternative, nonobvious ways of dealing with data of this magnitude.
Here are two such alternatives available today for moving big data:
Copy the data locally to a storage
appliance such as LTO (linear tape
open) tape, HDD (hard-disk drive), or
SSD (solid-state drive), and ship it to
the cloud provider. For convenience,
lets call this strategy Ship It!
Perform a cloud-to-cloud transfer

Figure 1. Data flow when copying data to a storage appliance.

Your Server

PCI Express/
Thunderbolt etc.

HDD/SSD/LTO tape etc.


Express-to-fiber channel




A directly


Optical Fiber/
Copper Cable/




PCI Express/
Thunderbolt etc.

HDD/SSD/LTO tape etc.


channel etc.

Storage Appliance

Figure 2. Data transfer speeds supported by various interfaces.


Interface Type

Data Transfer Speed (Gbps)

SATA Revision 3



12 10

SuperSpeed USB (USB 3.0)


PCI Express version 4

15.754 (single data lane), to 252.064 (16 data lanes)14

Thunderbolt 2



| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

of content over the Internet using APIs

(application programming interfaces
available) from both the source and
destination cloud providers.6 Lets call
this strategy Transfer It!
This article compares these alternatives, with respect to time and cost,
to the baseline technique of uploading the data to the cloud server using
an Internet connection. This baseline technique is called Upload It!
for short.
A Real-Life Scenario
Suppose you want to upload your
content into, purely for the sake of
illustration, the Amazon S3 (Simple
Storage Service) cloud, specifically
its datacenter in Oregon.2 This could
well be any other cloud-storage service provided by players9 in this space
such as (but not limited to) Microsoft,
Google, Rackspace, and IBM. Also,
lets assume that your private datacenter is located in Kansas City, MO,
which happens to be approximately
geographically equidistant from Amazons datacenters2 located in the
eastern and western U.S.
Kansas City is also one of the few
places where a gigabit-speed opticalfiber service is available in the U.S. In
this case, its offered by Google Fiber.7
As of November 2015, Google Fiber
offers one of the highest speeds that
an ISP can provide in the U.S.: 1Gbps
(gigabit per second), for both upload
and download.13 Short of having access to a leased Gigabit Ethernet11 line,
an optical fiber-based Internet service
is a really, really fast way to shove bits
up and down Internet pipes anywhere
in the world.
Assuming an average sustained
upload speed of 800Mbps on such a
fiber-based connection,13 (that is, 80%
of its advertised theoretical maximum
speed of 1Gbps), uploading 1TB of
data will require almost three hours
to upload from Kansas City to S3 storage in Oregon. This is actually pretty
quick (assuming, of course, your connection never slows down). Moreover,
as the size of the data increases, the
upload time increases in the same ratio: 20TB requires 2.5 days to upload,
50TB requires almost a week to upload, and 100TB requires twice that
long. At the other end of the scale, a
half a petabyte of data requires two

months to upload. Uploading one petabyte at 800Mbps should keep you going for four months.
Its time to consider an alternative.
Ship It!
That alternative is copying the data to
a storage appliance and shipping the
appliance to the datacenter, at which
end the data is copied to cloud storage. This is the Ship It! strategy. Under
what circumstances is this a viable alternative to uploading the data directly
into the cloud?
The mathematics of shipping data.
When data is read out from a drive, it
travels from the physical drive hardware (for example, the HDD platter)
to the on-board disk controller (the
electronic circuitry on the drive).
From there the data travels to the host
controller (a.k.a. the host bus adapter, a.k.a. the interface card) and finally to the host system (for example,
the computer with which the drive is
interfaced). When data is written to
the drive, it follows the reverse route.
When data is copied from a server to
a storage appliance (or vice versa), the
data must travel through an additional
physical layer, such as an Ethernet or
USB connection existing between the
server and the storage appliance.
Figure 1 is a simplified view of the
data flow when copying data to a storage appliance. The direction of data
flow shown in the figure is conceptually reversed when the data is copied
out from the storage appliance to the
cloud server.
Note that often the storage appliance may be nothing more than a
single hard drive, in which case the
data flow from the server to this drive
is basically along the dotted line in
the figure.
Given this data flow, a simple way
to express the time needed to transfer
the data to the cloud using the Ship
It! strategy is shown in Equation 1,
where: Vcontent is the volume of data to
be transferred in megabytes (MB).
Speed copyIn is the sustained rate
in MBps (megabytes per second) at
which data is copied from the source
drives to the storage appliance. This
speed is essentially the minimum
of three speeds: the speed at which
the controller reads data out of the
source drive and transfers it to the

Given the explosion

in the amount
of digital
that both
and enterprises
have to deal with,
the prospect
of moving big data
from one place
to another over
the Internet
is closer than
you might think.

host computer with which it interfaces; the speed at which the storage
appliances controller receives data
from its interfaced host and writes it
into the storage appliance; and the
speed of data transfer between the
two hosts. For example, if the two
hosts are connected over a Gigabit
Ethernet or a Fibre Channel connection, and the storage appliance is capable of writing data at 600MBps, but
if the source drive and its controller
can emit data at only 20MBps, then
the effective copy-in speed can be at
most 20MBps.
Speed copyOut is similarly the sustained rate in MBps at which data is
copied out of the storage appliance
and written into cloud storage.
Ttransit is the transit time for the
shipment via the courier service from
source to destination in hours.
Toverhead is the overhead time in hours.
This can include the time required to
buy the storage devices (for example,
tapes), set them up for data transfer,
pack and create the shipment, and drop
it off at the shippers location. At the receiving end, it includes the time needed
to process the shipment received from
the shipper, store it temporarily, unpack it, and set it up for data transfer.
The use of sustained data-transfer
rates. Storage devices come in a variety
of types such as HDD, SSD, and LTO.
Each type is available in different configurations such as a RAID (redundant
array of independent disks) of HDDs
or SSDs, or an HDD-SSD combination
where one or more SSDs are used as a
fast read-ahead cache for the HDD array. There are also many different datatransfer interfaces such as SCSI (Small
Computer System Interface), SATA
(Serial AT Attachment), SAS (Serial Attached SCSI), USB, PCI (Peripheral
Component Interconnect) Express,
Thunderbolt, and so on. Each of these
interfaces supports a different theoretical maximum data-transfer speed.
Figure 2 lists the data-transfer
speeds supported by a recent edition
of some of these controller interfaces.
The effective copy-in/copy-out
speed while copying data to/from a
storage appliance depends on a number of factors:
Type of drive. For example, SSDs
are usually faster than HDDs partly
because of the absence of any mov-

JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF T HE ACM


ing parts. Among HDDs, higher-RPM
drives can exhibit lower seek times
than lower-RPM drives. Similarly,

higher areal-density (bits per surface

area) drives can lead to higher datatransfer rates.

Figure 3. Growth in data transfer time, 800Mbps vs. tapes.

Upload It! (@800Mbps)


Ship It! (LTO-6 tape @160MBps

transfer rate & overnight shipping)


Time (Hours)




Data Size (Terabytes)



Figure 4. Growth in data transfer time, 100Mbps vs. tapes.

Upload It! (@100Mbps)

Ship It! (LTO-6 tape @160MBps

transfer rate & overnight shipping)

Time (Hours)








Data Size (Terabytes)

Figure 5. Growth in data transfer time, 800Mbps vs. 320MBps.

Upload It! (@800Mbps)


Ship It! (LTO-6 tape @320MBps

transfer rate & overnight shipping)


Time (Hours)






Data Size (Terabytes)

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7



Configuration of the drive. Speeds

are affected by, for example, single
disk versus an array of redundant
disks, and the presence or absence of
read-ahead caches on the drive.
Location of the data on the drive.
If the drive is fragmented (particularly applicable to HDDs), it can take
longer to read data from and write
data to it. Similarly, on HDD platters, data located near the periphery
of the platter will be read faster than
data located near the spindle. This is
because the linear speed of the platter near the periphery is much higher
than near the spindle.
Type of data-transfer interface. SAS3 versus SATA Revision 3, for example,
can make a difference in speeds.
Compression and encryption. Compression and/or encryption at source
and decompression and/or de-encryption at the destination reduce the effective data-transfer rate.
Because of these factors, the effective sustained copy-in or copy-out rate
is likely to be much different (usually
much less) than the burst read/write
rate of either the source drive and its
interface or the destination drive and
its controller interface.
With these considerations in mind,
lets run some numbers through
Equation 1, considering the following scenario. You decide to use LTO6 tapes for copying data. An LTO-6
cartridge can store 2.5TB of data in
uncompressed form.18 LTO-6 supports
an uncompressed read/write data speed
of 160MBps.19 Lets make an important
simplifying assumption that both the
source drive and the destination cloud
storage can match the 160MBps transfer
speed of the LTO-6 tape drive (that is,
SpeedcopyIn = SpeedcopyOut = 160 MBps).
You choose the overnight shipping
option and the shipper requires 16
hours to deliver the shipment (Ttransit =
16 hours). Finally, lets factor in 48 hours
of overhead time (Toverhead = 48 hours).
Plugging these values into Equation 1 and plotting the data-transfer
time versus data size using the Ship
It! strategy produces the maroon
line in Figure 3. For the sake of comparison, the blue line shows the
data-transfer time of the Upload It!
strategy using a fiber-based Internet
connection running at 800Mbps sustained upload rate. The figure shows

point drops sharply to 59 terabytes.
That means if the content size is
59TB or higher, it will be quicker just
to ship the data to the cloud provider
than to upload it using a fiber-based
ISP running at 800Mbps.
Figure 5 shows the comparative
growth in data-transfer time between
uploading it at 800Mbps versus copying it at a 320MBps transfer rate and
shipping it overnight.
This analysis brings up two key
If you know how much data you
wish to upload, what is the minimum
sustained upload speed your ISP must
provide, below which you would be
better off shipping the data via overnight courier?
If your ISP has promised you a certain sustained upload speed, beyond
what data size will shipping the data
be a quicker way of hauling it up to the
cloud than uploading it?

Equation 1 can help answer these

questions by estimating how long
it will take to ship your data to the
datacenter. This quantity is (Transfer Time)hours. Now imagine uploading
the same volume of data (Vcontent Megabytes), in parallel, over a network link.
The question is, what is the minimum
sustained upload speed needed to finish uploading everything to the datacenter in the same amount of time as
shipping it there. Thus, you just have
to express Equation 1s left-hand side
(Transfer Time)hours) in terms of the
volume of data (Vcontent Megabytes);
and the required minimum Internet
connection speed (Speedupload Mbps). In
other words: (Transfer Time)hours = 8
Vcontent/Speed upload.
Having made this substitution,
lets continue with the scenario: LTO6-based data transfer running at
160MBps, overnight shipping of 16
hours, and 48 hours of overhead time.

Figure 6. Minimum necessary upload speed for faster uploading.

ISP Upload Speed (Mbps)


drive-to-drive copy-in/copy-out speed













Data Size (Terabytes)

Figure 7. Maximum possible data size for faster uploading.


drive-to-drive copy-in / copy-out speed

Data Size (Terabytes)

comparative growth in data-transfer

time between uploading at 800Mbps
versus copying it to LTO-6 tapes and
shipping it overnight.
Equation 1 shows that a significant amount of time in the Ship It!
strategy is spent copying data into
and out of the storage appliance.
The shipping time is comparatively
small and constant (even if you are
shipping internationally), while the
drive-to-drive copy-in/copy-out time
increases to a very large value as the
size of the content being transferred
grows. Given this fact, its hard to
beat a fiber-based connection on raw
data-transfer speed, especially when
the competing strategy involves copy
in/copy out using an LTO-6 tape
drive running at 160MBps.
Often, however, you may not be
so lucky as to have access to a 1Gbps
upload link. In most regions of the
world, you may get no more than
100Mbps, if that much, and rarely so
on a sustained basis. For example, at
100Mbps, Ship It! has a definite advantage for large data volumes, as in
Figure 4, which shows comparative
growth in data-transfer time between
uploading at 100Mbps versus copying
the data to LTO-6 tapes and shipping
it overnight.
The maroon line in Figure 4 represents the transfer time of the Ship
It! strategy using LTO-6 tapes, while
this time the blue line represents the
transfer time of the Upload It! strategy using a 100Mbps upload link.
Shipping the data using LTO-6 tapes
is a faster means of getting the data
to the cloud than uploading it at
100Mbps for data volumes as low as
four terabytes.
What if you have a much faster
means of copying data in and out of
the storage appliance? How would
that compete with a fiber-based Internet link running at 800Mbps?
With all other parameter values staying the same, and assuming a driveto-drive copy-in/copy-out speed of
240MBps (50% faster than what LTO6 can support), the inflection point
(that is, the content size at which the
Ship It! strategy becomes faster than
the Upload It! strategy at 800Mbps)
is around 132 terabytes. For an even
faster drive-to-drive copy-in/copyout speed of 320MBps, the inflection













ISP Provided Data Upload Speed (Mbps)

JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF T HE ACM


Also assume there is 1TB of data to be
transferred to the cloud.
The aforementioned substitution
reveals that unless the ISP provides a
sustained upload speed (Speed upload)
of at least 34.45Mbps, the data can be
transferred faster using a Ship It! strategy that involves an LTO-6 tape-based
data transfer running at 160MBps and
a shipping and handling overhead of
64 hours.
Figure 6 shows the relationship
between the volume of data to be
transferred (in TB) and the minimum
sustained ISP upload speed (in Mbps)
needed to make uploading the data as
fast as shipping it to the datacenter.
For very large data sizes, the threshold
ISP upload speed becomes less sensitive to the data size and more sensitive
to the drive-to-drive copy-in/copy-out
speeds with which it is competing.
Now lets attempt to answer the
second question. This time, assume
Speed upload (in Mbps) is the maximum
sustained upload speed that the ISP
can provide. What is the maximum
data size beyond which it will be
quicker to ship the data to the datacenter? Once again, recall that Equation 1 helps estimate the time required
(Transfer Time)hours to ship the data
to the datacenter for a given data size
(Vcontent MB) and drive-to-drive copy-in/
copy-out speeds. If you were instead
to upload Vcontent MB at Speedupload Mbps
over a network link, you would need
8 Vcontent/Speed upload hours. At a certain threshold value of Vcontent, these
two transfer times (shipping versus
upload) will become equal. Equation
1 can be rearranged to express this
threshold data size as illustrated in
Equation 2.
Figure 7 shows the relationship between this threshold data size and the
available sustained upload speed from
the ISP for different values of drive-todrive copy-in/copy-out speeds.
Equation 2 also shows that, for a
given value of drive-to-drive copy-in/
copy-out speed, the upward trend
in Vcontent continues up to a point
where Speed upload = 8/Tdata copy, beyond which Vcontent becomes infinite,
meaning it is no longer possible
to ship the data more quickly than
simply uploading it to the cloud, no
matter how gargantuan the data size.
In this case, unless you switch to a


Data can be
transferred at
various levels of
granularity such
as logical objects,
buckets, byte blobs,
files, or simply
a byte stream.

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

faster means of copying data in and

out of the storage appliance, you are
better off simply uploading it to the
destination cloud.
Again, in the scenario of LTO-6
tape-based data transfer running at
160MBps transfer speed, overnight
shipping of 16 hours, and 48 hours of
overhead time, the upload speed beyond which its always faster to upload
than to ship your data is 640Mbps. If
you have access to a faster means of
drive-to-drive data copyingsay, running at 320Bpsyour ISP will need
to offer a sustained upload speed
of more than 1,280Mbps to make it
speedier for you to upload the data
than to copy and ship it.
Cloud-to-Cloud Data Transfer
Another strategy is to transfer data
directly from the source cloud to the
destination cloud. This is usually
done using APIs from the source and
destination cloud providers. Data
can be transferred at various levels
of granularity such as logical objects,
buckets, byte blobs, files, or simply a
byte stream. You can also schedule
large data transfers as batch jobs that
can run unattended and alert you
on completion or failure. Consider
cloud-to-cloud data transfer particularly when:
Your data is already in one such
cloud-storage provider and you wish
to move it to another cloud-storage
Both the source and destination
cloud-storage providers offer data
egress and ingress APIs.
You wish to take advantage of the
data copying and scheduling infrastructure and services already offered
by the cloud providers.
Note that cloud-to-cloud transfer
is conceptually the same as uploading data to the cloud in that the data
moves over an Internet connection.
Hence, the same speed considerations
apply to it as explained previously
while comparing it with the strategy
of shipping data to the datacenter.
Also note that the Internet connection
speed from the source to destination
clouds may not be the same as the upload speed provided by the ISP.
Cost of Data Transfer
LTO-6 tapes, at 0.013 cents per GB,18

provide one of the lowest cost-tostorage ratios, compared with other
options such as HDD or SSD storage. Its easy to see, however, the total cost of tape cartridges becomes
prohibitive for storing terabyte and
beyond content sizes. One option is
to store data in a compressed form.
LTO-6, for example, can store up
to 6.25TB per tape 18 in compressed
format, thereby leading to fewer
tape cartridges. Compressing the
data at the source and uncompressing it at the destination, however,
further reduces the effective copyin/copy-out speed of LTO tapes, or
for that matter with any other storage medium. As explained earlier,
a low copy-in/copy-out speed can
make shipping the data less attractive than uploading it over a fiberbased ISP link.
But what if the cloud-storage provider loaned the storage appliance
to you? This way, the provider can
potentially afford to use higher-end
options such as high-end SSDs or a
combination HDD-SSD array in the
storage appliance, which would otherwise be prohibitively expensive
to purchase just for the purpose of
transferring data. In fact, that is exactly the approach that Amazon appears to have taken with its Amazon
Web Services (AWS) Snowball. 3 Amazon claims that up to 50TB of data
can be copied from your data source
into the Snowball storage appliance
in less than one day. This performance characteristic translates into
a sustained data-transfer rate of at
least 600MBps. This kind of a datatransfer rate is possible only with
very high-end SSD/HDD drive arrays
with read-ahead caches operating
over a fast interface such as SATA Revision 3, SAS-3, or PCI Express, and a
Gigabit Ethernet link out of the storage appliance.
In fact, the performance characteristics of AWS Snowball closely resemble those of a high-performance NAS
(network-attached storage) device,
complete with a CPU, on-board RAM,
built-in data encryption services,
Gigabit Ethernet network interface,
and a built-in control programnot
to mention a ruggedized, tamperproof construction. The utility of services such as Snowball comes from

the cloud provider making a very highperformance (and expensive) NASlike device available to users to rent
to copy-in/copy-out files to the providers cloud. Other major cloud providers such as Google and Microsoft are
not far behind in offering such capabilities. Microsoft requires you to
ship SATA II/III internal HDDs for
importing or exporting data into/
from the Azure cloud and provides
the software needed to prepare the
drives for import or export.16 Google,
on the other hand, appears to have
outsourced the data-copy service to a
third-party provider.8
One final point on the cost: unless your data is in a self-managed
datacenter, usually the source cloud
provider will charge you for data
egress,4,5,12,15 whether you do a diskbased copying out of data or cloudto-cloud data transfer. These charges
are usually levied on a per-GB, perTB, or per-request basis. There is
usually no data ingress charge levied
by the destination cloud provider.
If you wish to move big data from one
location to another over the Internet,
there are a few options available
namely, uploading it directly using
an ISP-provided network connection, copying it into a storage appliance and shipping the appliance to
the new storage provider, and, finally,
cloud-to-cloud data transfer.
Which technique you choose depends on a number of factors: the size
of data to be transferred, the sustained
Internet connection speed between
the source and destination servers, the
sustained drive-to-drive copy-in/copyout speeds supported by the storage
appliance and the source and destination drives, the monetary cost of data
transfer, and to a smaller extent, the
shipment cost and transit time. Some
of these factors result in the emergence of threshold upload speeds and
threshold data sizes that fundamentally influence which strategy you
would choose. Drive-to-drive copyin/copy-out times have enormous
influence on whether it is attractive
to copy and ship data, as opposed to
uploading it over the Internet, especially when competing with an opti
cal fiber-based Internet link.

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1. Apple. Thunderbolt, 2015;
2. Amazon Web Services. Global infrastructure,
3. Amazon. AWS Import/Export Snowball, 2015;
4. Amazon. Amazon S3 pricing.
5. Google. Google cloud storage pricing;
6. Google. Cloud storage transfer service, 2015; https://
7. Google. Google fiber expansion plans;
8. Google. Offline media import/export, 2015; https://
9. Herskowitz, N. Microsoft named a leader in Gartners
public cloud storage services for second consecutive
year, 2015;
10. SCSI Trade Association. Serial Attached SCSI
Technology Roadmap, (Oct. 14, 2015);
11. IEEE. 802.3: Ethernet standards;
12. Microsoft. Microsoft Azure data transfers pricing
13. Ookla. Americas fastest ISPs and mobile networks,
14. PCI-SIG. Press release: PCI Express 4.0 evolution
to 16GT/s, twice the throughput of PCI Express 3.0
15. Rackspace. Rackspace public cloud pay-as-you-go
pricing, 2015;
16. Shahan, R. Microsoft Corp. Use the Microsoft Azure
import/export service to transfer data to blob storage,
17. The Serial ATA International Organization. SATA
naming guidelines, 2015;
18. Ultrium LTO. LTO-6 capacity data sheet;
19. Ultrium LTO. LTO-6 performance data sheet;
20. USB Implementers Forum. SuperSpeed USB (USB
3.0) performance to double with new capabilities,
Sachin Date (
looks after the Microsoft and cloud applications portfolio
of e-Emphasys Technologies. Previously, he worked as
a practice head for mobile technologies, an enterprise
software architect, and a researcher in autonomous
software agents.
Copyright held by author.
Publication rights licensed to ACM $15.00.

JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF T HE ACM


DOI:10.1145/ 2909468

Article development led by

Reducing waste, encouraging experimentation,

and making everyone happy.

The Small
DevOps people mean when they talk about
small batches?
A: To answer that, lets take a look at a chapter from
the upcoming book The Practice of System and Network
Administration due out later this year.
One of the themes the book explores is the small
batches principle: it is better to do work in small batches
than big leaps. Small batches permit us to deliver
results faster, with higher quality and less stress.
I begin with an example that has nothing to do
with system administration in order to demonstrate
the general idea. Then focus on three IT-specific
examples to show how the method applies and
the benefits that follow.



| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

The small batches principle is part

of the DevOps methodology. It comes
from the lean manufacturing movement, which is often called just-in-time
(JIT) manufacturing. It can be applied
to just about any kind of process, you
do frequently. It also enables the MVP
(minimum viable product) methodology, which involves launching a small
version of a service to get early feedback that informs the decisions made
later in the project.
Imagine a carpenter who needs 50
pieces of two-by-four lumber, all the
same length. One could imagine cutting all 50 pieces then measuring them
to verify they are all the correct size.
It would be very disappointing to discover the blade shifted while making
piece 10, and pieces 11 through 50 are
unusable. The carpenter would have to
remake 40 pieces.
A better method would be to verify the
length after each piece is cut. If the blade
had shifted, the carpenter would detect
the problem soon after it happened, and
there would be less waste.
These two approaches demonstrate
big batches versus small batches. In
the big-batch world the work is done
in two large batches: the carpenter cut
all the boards, then inspected all the
boards. In the small-batch world, there
are many iterations of the entire process: cut and inspect, cut and inspect,
cut and inspect, and so on.
One benefit of the small-batch approach is less waste. Because an error
or defect is caught immediately, the
problem can be fixed before it affects
other parts.
A less obvious benefit is latency. At
the construction site there is a second
team of carpenters who use the pieces
to build a house. The pieces cannot be
used until they are inspected. Using the
first method, the second team cannot
begin its work until all the pieces are
cut and at least one piece is inspected.
The chances are high the pieces will be
delivered in a big batch after they have
all been inspected. In the small-batch
example the new pieces are delivered
without this delay.


The sections that follow relate the

small-batch principle to IT and show
many benefits beyond reduced waste
and improved latency.
In-House Software Deployment
A company had a team of developers
that produced a new release every six
months. When a release shipped, the
operations team stopped everything
and deployed the release into production. The process took three or four
weeks and was very stressful for all involved. Scheduling the maintenance
window required complex negotiation.
Testing the release was complex and
required all hands on deck. The actual
software installation never worked on
the first try. Once deployed, a number
of high-priority bugs would be discovered, and each would be fixed by various hot patches that follow.
Even though the deployment process was labor intensive, there was no
attempt to automate it. The team had
many rationalizations that justified this.
The production infrastructure changed
significantly between releases, thus
making each release a moving target. It
was believed that any automation would
be useless by the next release because
each releases installation instructions
were shockingly different. With each
next release being so far away, there

was always a more important burning

issue that had to be worked on first.
Thus, those that did want to automate
the process were told to wait until tomorrow, and tomorrow never came.
Lastly, everyone secretly hoped that
maybe, just maybe, the next release cycle wouldnt be so bad. Such optimism
is a triumph of hope over experience.
Each release was a stressful, painful month for all involved. Soon it was
known as hell month. To make matters
worse, the new software was usually
late. This made it impossible for the operations team to plan ahead. In particular, it was difficult to schedule any vacation time, which make everyone more
stressed and unhappy.
Feeling compassion for the teams
woes, someone proposed that releases
should be done less often, perhaps
every 9 or 12 months. If something is
painful, it is natural to want to do it
less frequently.
To everyones surprise the operations team suggested going in the other direction: monthly releases.
This was a big-batch situation. To
improve, the company didnt need bigger batches, it needed smaller ones.
People were shocked! Were they proposing that every month be hell month?
No, by doing it more frequently, there
would be pressure to automate the pro-

cess. If something happens infrequently, theres always an excuse to put off automating it. Also, there would be fewer
changes to the infrastructure between
releases. If an infrastructure change did
break the release automation, it would
be easier to fix the problem.
The change did not happen overnight. First the developers changed
their methodology from mega releases
with many new features, to small iterations, each with a few specific new
features. This was a big change, and
selling the idea to the team and management was a long battle.
Meanwhile, the operations team
automated the testing and deployment processes. The automation
could take the latest code, test it, and
deploy it into the beta-test area in less
than an hour. The push to production
was still manual, but by reusing code
for the beta rollouts it became increasingly less manual over time.
The result was the beta area was updated multiple times a day. Since it was
automated, there was little reason not
to. This made the process continuous,
instead of periodic. Each code change
triggered the full testing suite, and
problems were found in minutes rather than in months.
Pushes to the production area happened monthly because they required

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coordination among engineering,
marketing, sales, customer support,
and other groups. That said, all of
these teams loved the transition from
an unreliable mostly every-six-months
schedule to a reliable monthly schedule. Soon these teams started initiatives to attempt weekly releases, with
hopes of moving to daily releases. In
the new small-batch world the following benefits were observed:
Features arrived faster. While in
the past a new feature took up to six
months to reach production, now it
could go from idea to production in
Hell month was eliminated. After
hundreds of trouble-free pushes to
beta, pushing to production was easy.
The operations team could focus
on higher-priority projects. The team
was no longer directly involved in software releases other than fixing the automation, which was rare. This freed up
the team for more important projects.
There were fewer impediments to
fixing bugs. The first step in fixing a
bug is to identify which code change
was responsible. Big-batch releases
had hundreds or thousands of changes
to sort through to identify the guilty
party. With small batches, it was usually quite obvious where to find the bug.
Bugs were fixed in less time. Fixing a bug in code that was written six
months ago is much more difficult
than fixing a bug in code while it is
still fresh in your mind. Small batches
meant bugs were reported soon after
the code was written, which meant developers could fix them more expertly
in a shorter amount of time.
Developers experienced instant
gratification. Waiting six months to
see the results of your efforts is demoralizing. Seeing your code help people
shortly after it was written is addictive.
Most importantly, the operations
team could finally take long vacations,
the kind that require advance planning
and scheduling, thus giving them a way
to reset and live healthier lives.
While these technical benefits are
worthwhile, the business benefits are
even more exciting:
Their ability to compete improved. Confidence in the ability to
add features and fix bugs led to the
company becoming more aggressive
about new features and fine-tuning


existing ones. Customers noticed and

sales improved.
Fewer missed opportunities. The
sales team had been turning away business because of the companys inability to strike fast and take advantage of
opportunities as they arrived. Now the
company could enter markets it hadnt
previously imagined.
Enabled a culture of automation
and optimization. Rapid releases removed common excuses not to automate. New automation brought
consistency, repeatability, better error checking, and less manual labor.
Plus, automation could run any time,
not just when the operations team
was available.
The Failover Process
Stack Overflows main website infrastructure is in a datacenter in New York
City. If the datacenter fails or needs to
be taken down for maintenance, duplicate equipment and software are running in Oregon, in stand-by mode.
The failover process is complex.
Database masters need to be transitioned. Services need to be reconfigured. It takes a long time and requires
skills from four different teams. Every
time the process happens it fails in
new and exciting ways, requiring adhoc solutions invented by whoever is
doing the procedure.
In other words, the failover process is
risky. When Tom was hired at Stack, his
first thought was, I hope Im not on call
when we have that kind of emergency.
Drunk driving is risky, so we avoid
doing it. Failovers are risky, so we
should avoid them, too. Right?
Wrong. There is a difference between behavior and process. Risky behaviors are inherently risky; they cannot be made less risky. Drunk driving
is a risky behavior. It cannot be done
safely, only avoided.
A failover is a risky process. A risky
process can be made less risky by doing
it more often.
The next time a failover was attempted at Stack Overflow, it took 10
hours. The infrastructure in New York
had diverged from Oregon significantly. Code that was supposed to seamlessly failover had been tested only in
isolation and failed when used in a real
environment. Unexpected dependencies were discovered, in some cases

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

creating catch-22 situations that had to

be resolved in the heat of the moment.
This 10-hour ordeal was the result
of big batches. Because failovers happened rarely, there was an accumulation of infrastructure skew, dependencies, and stale code. There was also an
accumulation of ignorance: new hires
had never experienced the process;
others had fallen out of practice.
To fix this problem the team decided to do more failovers. The batch
size was the number of accumulated
changes and other things that led to
problems during a failover. Rather
than let the batch size grow and grow,
the team decided to keep it small.
Rather than waiting for the next real
disaster to exercise the failover process, they would intentionally introduce disasters.
The concept of activating the
failover procedure on a system that was
working perfectly may seem odd, but
it is better to discover bugs and other
problems in a controlled situation
than during an emergency. Discovering
a bug during an emergency at 4 a.m. is
troublesome because those who can fix
it may be unavailableand if they are
available, they are certainly unhappy
to be awakened. In other words, it is
better to discover a problem on Saturday at 10 a.m. when everyone is awake,
available, and presumably sober.
If schoolchildren can do fire drills
once a month, certainly system administrators can practice failovers a few
times a year. The team began doing
failover drills every two months until
the process was perfected.
Each drill surfaced problems with
code, documentation, and procedures. Each issue was filed as a bug
and was fixed before the next drill. The
next failover took five hours, then two
hours, then eventually the drills could
be done in an hour with zero user-visible downtime.
The process found infrastructure
changes that had not been replicated in
Oregon and code that did not failover
properly. It identified new services that
had not been engineered for smooth
failover. It discovered a process that
could be done only by one particular
engineer. If he was on vacation or unavailable, the company would be in
trouble. He was a single point of failure.
Over the course of a year all these

issues were fixed. Code was changed,
better pretests were developed, and
drills gave each member of the SRE
(site reliability engineering) team a
chance to learn the process. Eventually
the overall process was simplified and
easier to automate. The benefits Stack
Overflow observed included:
Fewer surprises. The more frequent the drills, the smoother the process became.
Reduced risk. The procedure was
more reliable because there were fewer
hidden bugs waiting to bite.
Higher confidence. The company
had more confidence in the process,
which meant the team could now focus
on more important issues.
Bugs fixed faster. The smaller accumulation of infrastructure and code
changes meant each drill tested fewer
changes. Bugs were easier to identify
and faster to fix.
Bugs fixed during business hours.
Instead of having to find workarounds
or implement fixes at odd hours when
engineers were sleepy, they were
worked on during the day when engineers were there to discuss and implement higher-quality fixes.
Better cross training. Practice
makes perfect. Operations team members all had a turn at doing the process
in an environment where they had help
readily available. No person was a single point of failure.
process documentation and automation. Documentation
improved while the drill was running.
Automation was easier to write because the repetition helped the team
see what could be automated or what
pieces were most worth automating.
New opportunities revealed. The
drills were a big source of inspiration
for big-picture projects that would radically improve operations.
Happier developers. There was less
chance of being woken up at 4 a.m.
Happier operations team. The fear
of failovers was reduced, leading to
less stress. More people trained in the
failover procedure meant less stress
on the people who had previously been
single points of failure.
Better morale. Employees could
schedule long vacations again.
Again, it became easier to schedule
long vacations.

The concept
of activating
the failover
procedure on
a system that was
working perfectly
may seem odd,
but it is better
to discover
bugs and
other problems in
a controlled
situation than
during an

The Monitoring Project

An IT department needed a monitoring system. The number of servers had
grown to the point where situational
awareness was no longer possible by
manual means. The lack of visibility into the companys own network
meant that outages were often first reported by customers, and often after
the outage had been going on for hours
and sometimes days.
The system administration team
had a big vision for what the new monitoring system would be like. All services and networks would be monitored,
the monitoring system would run on a
pair of big, beefy machines, and when
problems were detected a sophisticated on-call schedule would be used to
determine whom to notify.
Six months into the project they had
no monitoring system. The team was
caught in endless debates over every
design decision: monitoring strategy,
how to monitor certain services, how
the pager rotation would be handled,
and so on. The hardware cost alone
was high enough to require multiple
levels of approval.
Logically the monitoring system
couldnt be built until the planning
was done, but sadly it looked like the
planning would never end. The more
the plans were discussed, the more
issues were raised that needed to be
discussed. The longer the planning
lasted, the less likely the project would
come to fruition.
Fundamentally they were having
a big-batch problem. They wanted to
build the perfect monitoring system in
one big batch. This is unrealistic.
The team adopted a new strategy:
small batches. Rather than building
the perfect system, they would build a
small system and evolve it.
At each step they would be able to
show it to their co-workers and customers to get feedback. They could validate
assumptions for real, finally putting a
stop to the endless debates the requirements documents were producing. By
monitoring somethinganything
they would learn the reality of what
worked best.
Small systems are more flexible and
malleable; therefore, experiments are
easier. Some experiments would work
well, others would not. Because they
would keep things small and flexible,

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however, it would be easy to throw
away the mistakes. This would enable
the team to pivot, meaning they could
change direction based on recent results. It is better to pivot early in the development process than to realize well
into it that you have built something
nobody likes.
Google calls this launch early and
often. Launch as early as possible
even if that means leaving out most of
the features and launching to only a
few select users. What you learn from
the early launches informs the decisions later on and produces a better
service in the end.
Launching early and often also gives
you the opportunity to build operational infrastructure early. Some companies build a service for a year and then
launch it, informing the operations
team only a week prior. IT then has little time to develop operational practices such as backups, on-call playbooks,
and so on. Therefore, those things are
done badly. With the launch-early-andoften strategy, you gain operational
experience early and you have enough
time to do it right.
This is also known as the MVP strategy. As defined by Eric Ries in 2009, The
minimum viable product is that version
of a new product which allows a team to
collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the
least effort (Minimum Viable Product:
A Guide; In other words,
rather than focusing on new functionality in each release, focus on testing an
assumption in each release.
The team building the monitoring
system adopted the launch-early-andoften strategy. They decided that each
iteration, or small batch, would be
one week long. At the end of the week
they would release what was running
in their beta environment to their production environment and ask for feedback from stakeholders.
For this to work they had to pick very
small chunks of work. Taking a cue
from Jason Punyon and Kevin Montrose (Providence: Failure Is Always
an Option;
blog/2015/02/12/providence-failureis-always-an-option/), they called this
What can get done by Friday?-driven


With the launchearly-and-often

strategy, you
gain operational
experience early
and you have
enough time to
do it right.

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

Iteration 1 had the goal of monitoring a few servers to get feedback

from various stakeholders. The team
installed an open-source monitoring
system on a virtual machine. This was
in sharp contrast to their original plan
of a system that would be highly scalable. Virtual machines have less I/O
and network horsepower than physical machines. Hardware could not be
ordered and delivered in a one-week
time frame, however. So the first iteration used virtual machines. It was what
could be done by Friday.
At the end of this iteration, the team
didnt have their dream monitoring
system, but they had more monitoring
capability than ever before.
In this iteration they learned that
SNMP (Simple Network Management
Protocol) was disabled on most of
the organizations networking equipment. They would have to coordinate
with the network team if they were to
collect network utilization and other
statistics. It was better to learn this
now than to have their major deployment scuttled by making this discovery during the final big deployment.
To work around this, the team decided
to focus on monitoring things they did
control, such as servers and services.
This gave the network team time to
create and implement a project to enable SNMP in a secure and tested way.
Iterations 2 and 3 proceeded well,
adding more machines and testing other configuration options and features.
During iteration 4, however, the
team noticed the other system administrators and managers had not
been using the system much. This
was worrisome. They paused to talk
one-on-one with people to get some
honest feedback.
What the team learned was that
without the ability to have dashboards
that displayed historical data, the system wasnt very useful to its users.
In all the past debates this issue had
never been raised. Most confessed
they had not thought it would be important until they saw the system running; others had not raised the issue
because they simply assumed all monitoring systems had dashboards.
It was time to pivot.
The software package that had been
the teams second choice had very sophisticated dashboard capabilities.

More importantly, dashboards could be
configured and customized by individual users. They were self-service.
After much discussion, the team
decided to pivot to the other software
package. In the next iteration, they
set up the new software and created
an equivalent set of configurations.
This went very quickly because a lot
of work from the previous iterations
could be reused: the decisions on
what and how to monitor; the work
completed with the network team;
and so on.
By iteration 6, the entire team was
actively using the new software. Managers were setting up dashboards to display key metrics that were important to
them. People were enthusiastic about
the new system.
Something interesting happened
around this time: a major server
crashed on Saturday morning. The
monitoring system alerted the sysadmin team, who were able to fix the
problem before staff arrived at the office on Monday. In the past there had
been similar outages but repairs had
not begun until the sysadmins arrived
on Monday morning, well after most
employees had arrived. This showed
management, in a very tangible way,
the value of the system.
Iteration 7 had the goal of writing
a proposal to move the monitoring
system to physical machines so that
it would scale better. By this time the
managers who would approve such a
purchase were enthusiastically using
the system; many had become quite
expert at creating custom dashboards.
The case was made to move the system
to physical hardware for better scaling
and performance, and to use a duplicate set of hardware for a hot spare site
in another datacenter.
The plan was approved.
In future iterations the system became more valuable to the organization as the team implemented features such as a more sophisticated
on-call schedule, more monitored services, and so on. The benefits of small
batches observed by the sysadmin
team included:
Testing assumptions early prevents
wasted effort. The ability to fail early
and often means the team can pivot.
Problems can be fixed sooner rather
than later.

Providing value earlier builds momentum. People would rather have

some features today than all the features tomorrow. Some monitoring is
better than no monitoring. The naysayers see results and become advocates.
Management has an easier time approving something that isnt hypothetical.
Experimentation is easier. Often,
people develop emotional attachment
to code. With small batches they can be
more agile because they have grown less
attached to past decisions.
Instant gratification. The team saw
the results of their work faster, which
improved morale.
The team was less stressed. There is
no big, scary, due date, just a constant
flow of new features.
Big-batch debating is procrastination. Much of the early debate had been
about details and features that didnt
matter or didnt get implemented.
The first few weeks were the hardest. The initial configuration required
special skills. Once it was running,
however, people with less technical
skill or desire could add rules and
make dashboards. In other words, by
taking a lead and setting up the scaffolding, others can follow. This is an
important point of technical leadership. Technical leadership means going first and making it easy for others
to follow.
A benefit of using the MVP model
is the system is always working. This
is called always being in a shippable
state. The system is always working
and providing benefit, even if not all
the features are delivered. Therefore,
if more urgent projects take the team
away, the system is still usable and running. If the original big-batch plan had
continued, the appearance of a more
urgent project might have left the system half developed and unlaunched.
The work done so far would have been
for naught.

Why are small batches better?
Small batches result in happier customers. Features get delivered with less
latency. Bugs are fixed faster.
Small batches reduce risk. By testing assumptions, the prospect of future failure is reduced. More people
get experience with procedures, which
mean our skills improve.

Small batches reduce waste. They

avoid endless debates and perfectionism that delay the team in getting
started. Less time is spent implementing features that dont get used. In
the event that higher-priority projects
come up, the team has already delivered a usable system.
Small batches improve the ability
to innovate. Because experimentation
is encouraged, the team can test new
ideas and keep the good ones. We can
take risks. We are less attached to old
pieces that must be thrown away.
Small batches improve productivity.
Bugs are fixed quicker and the process
of fixing them is accelerated because
the code is fresher in the mind.
Small batches encourage automation. When something must happen
often, excuses not to automate go away.
Small batches encourage experimentation. The team can try new
thingseven crazy ideas, some of
which turn into competition-killing
features. We fear failure less because
we can easily undo a small batch if the
experiment fails. More importantly,
experimentation allows the team to
learn something that will help them
make future improvements.
Small batches make system administrators happier. We get instant gratification, and hell month disappears. It is
simply a better way to work.
Related articles
Breaking The Major Release Habit
Damon Poole
Power-Efficient Software
Eric Saxe
Adopting DevOps Practices in Quality
James Roche
Thomas A. Limoncelli is a site reliability engineer at
Stack Overflow Inc. in NYC. His Everything Sysadmin
column appears in acmqueue (; he
blogs at
Reprinted with permission. Volume 1: The Practice of
System and Network Administration, 3rd Edition, by
Thomas A. Limoncelli, Christina J. Hogan, Strata R.
Chalup, Addison-Wesley Professional (Oct. 2016);

Copyright held by author.

Publication rights licensed to ACM. $15.00.

JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF T HE ACM


DOI:10.1145/ 2890780

Article development led by

Applying statistical techniques

to operations data.

for Engineers
collect an increasing wealth
of data from network gear, operating systems,
applications, and other components. This data needs
to be analyzed to derive vital information about the
user experience and business performance. For
instance, faults need to be detected, service quality
needs to be measured and resource usage of the next
days and month needs to be forecasted.


Rule #1: Spend more time working on code that

analyzes the meaning of metrics, than code that collects,
moves, stores and displays metrics. Adrian Cockcroft1
Statistics is the art of extracting information
from data, and hence becomes an essential tool
for operating modern IT systems. Despite a rising
awareness of this fact within the community (see
the quote above), resources for learning the relevant
statistical methods for this domain are hard to find.
The statistics courses offered in universities usually
depend on their students having prior knowledge of
probability, measure, and set theory, which is a high


| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

barrier of entry. Even worse, these courses often focus on parametric methods,
such as t-tests, that are inadequate for
this kind of analysis since they rely on
strong assumptions on the distribution
of data (for example, normality) that are
not met by operations data.
This lack of relevance of classical,
parametric statistics can be explained
by history. The origins of statistics
reach back to the 17th century, when
computation was expensive and data
was a sparse resource, leading mathematicians to spend a lot of effort to
avoid calculations.
Today the stage has changed radically and allows different approaches
to statistical problems. Consider this
example from a textbook2 used in a
university statistics class:
A fruit merchant gets a delivery of
10,000 oranges. He wants to know how
many of those are rotten. To find out he
takes a sample of 50 oranges and counts
the number of rotten ones. Which deductions can he make about the total number
of rotten oranges?
The chapter goes on to explain various inference methods. The example
translated to the IT domain could go as:
A DB admin wants to know how many
requests took longer than one second to
complete. He measures the duration of
all requests and counts the number of
those that took longer than one second.
The abundance of computing resources has completely eliminated the
need for elaborate estimations.
Therefore, this article takes a different approach to statistics. Instead of
presenting textbook material on inference statistics, we will walk through
four sections with descriptive statistical
methods that are accessible and relevant to the case in point. I will discuss
several visualization methods, gain a
precise understanding of how to summarize data with histograms, visit classical summary statistics, and see how
to replace them with robust, quantilebased alternatives. I have tried to keep
prerequisite mathematical knowledge
to a minimum (for example, by provid-


ing source code examples along with

the formulas wherever feasible. (Disclaimer: The source code is deliberately inefficient and serves only as an
illustration of the mathematical calculation. Use it at your own risk!)
Visualizing Data
Visualization is the most essential
data-analysis method. The human
brain can process geometric informa-

tion much more rapidly than numbers

or language. When presented with a
suitable visualization, one can almost
instantly capture relevant properties
such as typical values and outliers.
This section runs through the basic visualization plotting methods and
discusses their properties. The Python
tool chain (IPython,8 matplotlib,12 and
Seaborn17) is used here to produce
the plots. The section does not dem-

onstrate how to use these tools. Many

alternative plotting tools (R, MATLAB)
with accompanying tutorials are available online. Source code and datasets
can be found on GitHub.4
Rug plots. The most basic visualization method for a one-dimensional
dataset X = [x1, ..., x n] is the rug plot
(Figure 1). It consists of a single axis on
which little lines, called rugs, are drawn
for each sample.

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Rug plots are suitable for all questions where the temporal ordering of
the samples is not relevant, such as
common values or outliers. Problems
occur if there are multiple samples with
the same sample value in the dataset.
Those samples will be indistinguishable in the rug plot. This problem can
be addressed by adding a small random
displacement (jitter) to the samples.
Despite its simple and honest character, the rug plot is not commonly
used. Histograms or line plots are used
instead, even if a rug plot would be
more suitable.
Histograms. The histogram is a
popular visualization method for one-

dimensional data. Instead of drawing

rugs on an axis, the axis is divided
into bins and bars of a certain height
are drawn on top of them, so that
the number of samples within a bin
is proportional to the area of the bar
(Figure 2).
The use of a second dimension often makes a histogram easier to comprehend than a rug plot. In particular,
questions such as Which ratio of the
samples lies below y? can be effectively estimated by comparing areas. This
convenience comes at the expense of
an extra dimension used and additional choices that have to be made about
value ranges and bin sizes.

Figure 1. Rug plot of Web-request rates.










Request Rates in rps

Figure 2. Histogram of Web-request rates.

Sample Density















Request Rates in rps

Figure 3. Line plot of Web-request rates.


Request Rate in rps







Time-offset in Minutes



| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7


Histograms are addressed in more

detail later.
Scatter plots. The scatter plot is
the most basic visualization of a twodimensional dataset. For each pair of
values x,y a point is drawn on a canvas
that has coordinates (x,y) in a Cartesian coordinate system.
The scatter plot is a great tool to
compare two metrics. Figure 4 plots
the request rates of two different database nodes in a scatter plot. In the plot
shown on top the points are mainly
concentrated on a diagonal line, which
means that if one node serves many
requests, then the other is doing so
as well. In the bottom plot the points
are scattered all over the canvas, which
represents a highly irregular load distribution, and might indicate a problem with the db configuration.
In addition to the fault-detection scenario outlined above, scatter plots are
also an indispensable tool for capacity
planning and scalability analysis.3,15
Line plots. The line plot is by far the
most popular visualization method
seen in practice. It is a special case
of a scatter plot, where time stamps
are plotted on the x-axis. In addition,
a line is drawn between consecutive
points. Figure 3 shows an example of
a line plot.
The addition of the line provides the
impression of a continuous transition
between the individual samples. This
assumption should always be challenged and taken with caution (for example, just because the CPU was idle at
1:00PM and 1:01PM, this does not mean
it did not do any work in between).
Sometimes the actual data points
are omitted from the visualization altogether and only the line is shown. This
is a bad practice and should be avoided.
The line plot is a great tool to surface time-dependent patterns such as
periods or trends. For time-independent questionstypical values, for
exampleother methods such as rug
plots might be better suited.
Which one to use? Choosing a suitable visualization method depends on
the question to be answered. Is time
dependence important? Then a line
plot is likely a good choice. If not, then
rug plots or histograms are likely better tools. Do you want to compare different metrics with each other? Then
consider using a scatter plot.


Node-2 Request Rate in rps


Node-1 Request Rate in rps

Node-1 Request Rate in rps


Node-2 Request Rate in rps

Histograms in IT operations have two
different roles: as visualization method
and as aggregation method.
To gain a complete understanding
of histograms, lets start by building
one for the Web request-rate data discussed previously. The listing in Figure
5 contains a complete implementation, discussed step by step here.
1. The first step in building a histogram is to choose a range of values
that should be covered. To make this
choice you need some prior knowledge about the dataset. Minimum and
maximum values are popular choices
in practice. In this example the value
range is [500, 2200].
2. Next the value range is partitioned into bins. Bins are often of
equal size, but there is no need to follow this convention. The bin partition
is represented here by a sequence of
bin boundaries (line 4).
3. Count how many samples of the
given dataset are contained in each
bin (lines 613). A value that lies on the
boundary between two bins will be assigned to the higher bin.
4. Finally, produce a bar chart, where
each bar is based on one bin, and the
bar height is equal to the sample count
divided by the bin width (lines 1416).
The division by bin width is an important normalization, since otherwise
the bar area is not proportional to the
sample count. Figure 5 shows the resulting histogram.
Different choices in selecting the
range and bin boundaries of a histogram
can affect its appearance considerably.
Figure 6 shows a histogram with 100 bins
for the same data. Note that it closely
resembles a rug plot. On the other extreme, choosing a single bin would result in a histogram with a single bar with
a height equal to the sample density.

Figure 4. Scatter plots of request rates of two database nodes.


Figure 5. Result of a manual histogram implementation.


from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

import numpy as np
X = np.genfromtxt("DataSets/RequestRates.csv", delimiter=",")[:,1]
bins = [500, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1500, 1800, 2000, 2200]
bin_count = len(bins) - 1
sample_counts = [0] * bin_count
for x in X:
for i in range(bin_count):
if (bins[i] <= x) and (x < bins[i + 1]):
sample_counts[i] += 1
bin_widths = [ float(bins[i] - bins[i-1]) for i in range
(1, bin_count) ]
12 bin_heights = [ count/width for count, width in zip(sample_counts,
bin_widths) ]
13[:bin_count-1], width=bin_widths, height=bin_heights);
Sample Density

Producing these plots should become routine. Your monitoring tool

might be able to provide you with
some of these methods already. To get
the others, figure out how to export the
relevant data and import it into the
software tool of your choice (Python, R,
or Excel). Play around with these visualizations and see how your machine
data looks.
To discover more visualization methods, check out the Seaborn gallery.18











Request Rate in rps

JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF T HE ACM


sults when applied to operations data,
such as request latencies, that contain
many outliers.
Histogram as aggregation method.
When measuring high-frequency data
such as I/O latencies, which can arrive
at rates of more than 1,000 samples per
second, storing all individual samples
is no longer feasible. If you are willing
to forget about ordering and sacrifice

Software products make default

choices for the value range and bin
width. Typically the value range is taken
to be the range of the data, and equally
spaced bins are used. Several formulas
exist for selecting the number of bins
that yield ideal results under certain
assumptionsin particular, n1/2 (Excel)
and 3.5/n1/3 (Scotts rule7). In practice,
these choices do not yield satisfying re-

sample _ count = [0, 10, 8, 4, 25,

23, 4, 2]

Figure 6. Histogram plot with value range (500, 2,200) and 100 equally sized bins.

Sample Density





Request Rate in rps




Figure 7. Request rate histogram (50 bins) presented as a heat map.














Request Rate in rps

Figure 8. Request latency heat map over time in Circonus.

Request Latency in ms










Figure 9. Rug plot of a two-modal dataset.

mean value







| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7



some accuracy, you can save massive

amounts of space by using histogram
data structures.
The essential idea is, instead of
storing the individual samples as a
list, to use the vector of bin counts
that occurs as an intermediate result
in the histogram computation. The
example in Figure 5 arrived at the following values:
The precise memory representation used for storing histograms varies.
The important point is that the sample
count of each bin is available.
Histograms allow approximate
computation of various summary statistics, such as mean values and quantiles that will be covered next. The precision depends on the bin sizes.
Also, histograms can be aggregated easily. If request latencies are
available for each node of a database
cluster in histograms with the same
bin choices, then you can derive the
latency distribution of the whole cluster by adding the sample counts for
each bin. The aggregated histogram
can be used to calculate mean values
and quantiles over the whole cluster.
This is in contrast to the situation in
which mean values or quantiles are
computed for the nodes individually.
It is not possible to derive, for example, the 99th-percentile of the whole
cluster from the 99th-percentiles of the
individual nodes.14
High-dynamic range histogram. An
high-dynamic range (HDR) histogram
provides a pragmatic choice for bin
width that allows a memory-efficient
representation suitable for capturing
data on a very wide range that is common to machine-generated data such
as I/O latencies. At the same time HDR
histograms tend to produce acceptable
visual representations in practice.
An HDR histogram changes the bin
width dynamically over the value range.
A typical HDR histogram has a bin
size of 0.1 between 1 and 10, with bin
boundaries: 1, 1.1, 1.2,..., 9.9, 10. Similarly, between 10 and 100 the bin size
is 1, with boundaries 10, 11, 12, ..., 100.
This pattern is repeated for all powers
of 10, so that there are 90 bins between
10k and 10k+1.
The general definition is a little bit
more complex and lengthy, so it is not


Classical Summary Statistics

The aim of summary statistics is to
provide a summary of the essential
features of a dataset. It is the numeric
equivalent of an elevator pitch in a
business context: just the essential information without all the details.
Good summary statistics should
be able to answer questions such as
What are typical values? or How
much variation is in the data? A desirable property is robustness against
outliers. A single faulty measurement

Figure 10. Ping latency spike on a view range of 6H vs. 48H.


6h view range:
all samples
are visible


Nov 21

Nov 21

Nov 21

Nov 21


48h view range

shows mean-value


provided here, but interested readers

can refer to
for more details and a memory-efficient implementation.
From the previous description it
should be apparent that HDR histograms span an extremely large range
of values. Bin sizes are similar to floatnumber precisions: the larger the
value, the less precision is available.
In addition, bin boundaries are independent of the dataset. Hence, the aggregation technique described earlier
applies to HDR histograms.
Histograms as heat maps. Observing the change of data distributions
over time requires an additional dimension on the histogram plot. A convenient method of doing so is to represent the sample densities as a heat
map instead of a bar chart. Figure 7
shows the request-rate data visualized
in such a way. Light colors mean low
sample density, dark colors signal high
sample density.
Multiple histogram heat maps that
were captured over time can be combined into a single two-dimensional
heat map.
Figure 8 shows a particularly interesting example of such a visualization for a sequence of HDR histograms of Web-request latencies.
Note that the distribution of the data
is bimodal, with one mode constant
around ~5ms and another more diffuse mode ascending from ~10ms
to ~50ms. In this particular case the
second mode was caused by a bug in
a session handler, which kept adding
new entries to a binary tree. This tree
had to be traversed for each incoming request, causing extended delays.
Even the logarithmic growth of the
average traversal time can be spotted
if you look carefully.

Nov 20

Nov 21

Nov 21

Nov 22

Nov 22

Figure 11. A request latency dataset.

mean value

mean absolute deviation

standard deviation

max deviation



Latency in ms

should not change a rough description

of the dataset.
This section looks at the classical
summary statistics: mean values and
standard deviations. In the next section we will meet their quantile-based
counterparts, which are more robust
against outliers.
Mean value or average of a dataset
X = [x1,..., xn] is defined as

(x1,,xn) = n ni=1 xi
or when expressed as Python code:
def mean(X): return sum(X) / len(X)

The mean value has the physical

interpretation of the center of mass
if weights of equal weight are placed
on the points xi on a (mass-less) axis.
When the values of xi are close together,


the mean value is a good representation

of a typical sample. In contrast, when
the samples are concentrated at several centers, or outliers are present, the
mean value can be far from each individual data point (Figure 9).
Mean values are abundant in IT operations. One common application of
mean values is data rollup. When multiple samples arrive during a sampling
period of one minute, for example, the
mean value is calculated as a oneminute rollup and stored instead of
the original samples. Similarly, if data
is available for every minute, but you
are interested only in hour intervals,
you can roll up the data by the hour
by taking mean values.
Despite their abundance, mean
values lead to a variety of problems
when measuring performance of services. To quote Dogan Ugurlu from

JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF T HE ACM


Figure 12. The cumulative distribution function for a dataset of request rates.

Cumulative Sample Frequency








Request Rates in rps



Figure 13. Histogram metric with quantile (QMIN(0.8) over 1H windows.


Latency in ms









Figure 14. Histogram metric with inverse quantile CF D(3ms) over 1H windows.













| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7



Inverse Percentile in % (Line)


Latency in ms (Heatmap)

10 Why? Because looking at your average response time is

like measuring the average temperature of a hospital. What you really care
about is a patients temperature, and
in particular, the patients who need
the most help.16 In the next section
we will meet median values and quantiles, which are better suited for this
kind of performance analysis.
Spike erosion. Viewing metrics as
line plots in a monitoring system often reveals a phenomenon called spike
erosion.5 To reproduce this phenomenon, select a metric (for example, ping
latencies) that experiences spikes at
discrete points in time and zoom in
on one of those spikes and read the
height of the spike at the y-axis. Now
zoom out of the graph and read the
height of the same spike again. Are
they equal?
Figure 10 shows such a graph. The
spike height has decreased from 0.8
to 0.35.
How is that possible? The result is
an artifact of a rollup procedure that
is commonly used when displaying
graphs over long time ranges. The
amount of data gathered over the period of one month (more than 40,000
minutes) is larger than the amount
of pixels available for the plot. Therefore, the data has to be rolled up to
larger time periods before it can be
plotted. When the mean value is used
for the rollups, the single spike is averaged with an increasing number
of normal samples and hence decreases in height.
How to do better? The immediate
way of addressing this problem is to
choose an alternative rollup method,
such as max values, but this sacrifices
information about typical values. Another more elegant solution is to roll
up values as histograms and display a
two-dimensional heat map instead of a
line plot for larger view ranges.
Deviation measures. Once the mean
value of a dataset has been established, the next natural step is to measure the deviation of the individual
samples from the mean value. The following three deviation measures are
often found in practice.
The maximal deviation is defined as
maxdev (x1,,xn) = max{|xi | |i = 1,,n},
and gives an upper bound for the distance to the mean in the dataset.

The mean absolute deviation is defined as mad (x1,,xn) = n1 ni=1|xi |
and is the most direct mathematical
translation of a typical deviation from
the mean.
The standard deviation is defined as
stddev(x1,,xn) = n1 ni=1(xi )2
While the intuition behind this definition is not obvious, this deviation
measure is very popular for its nice
mathematical properties (as being derived from a quadratic form). In fact,
all three of these deviation measures
fit into a continuous family of p-deviations,11 which features the standard
deviation in a central position.
Figure 11 shows the mean value and
all three deviation measures for a request latency dataset. You can immediately observe the following inequalities:
mad(x1,,xn) stddev(x1,,xn)
This relation can be shown to hold
true in general.
The presence of outliers affects all
three deviation measures significantly.
Since operations data frequently contains outliers, the use of these diviation
measures should be taken with caution
or avoided all together. More robust
methods (for example, interquartile
rangesa) are based on quartiles, which
we discuss below.
Caution with the standard deviation.
Many of us remember the following
rule of thumb from school:
68% of all samples lie within one
standard deviation of the mean.
95% of all samples lie within two
standard deviations of the mean.
99.7% of all samples lie within
three standard deviations of the mean.
These assertions rely on the crucial
assumption the data is normally distributed. For operations data this is almost never the case, and the rule fails
quite drastically: in the previous example more than 0.97% lie within one
standard deviation of the mean value.
The following war story can be
found in P.K. Janerts book:10
An SLA (service level agreement) for
a database defined a latency outlier as
a value outside of three standard deviations. The programmer who implemented
the SLA check remembered the above rule

Despite their
abundance, mean
values lead to a
variety of problems
when measuring
performance of

naively and computed the latency of the

slowest 0.3 percent of the queries instead.
This rule has little to do with the
original definition in practice. In particular, this rule labels 0.3% of each
dataset blindly as outliers. Moreover, it
turned out that the reported value captured long-running batch jobs that were
on the order of hours. Finally, the programmer hard-coded a seemingly reasonable threshold value of ~50 seconds,
and that was reported as the three
standard deviations, regardless of the
actual input.
The actual SLA was never changed.
Quantiles and Outliers
The classical summary statistics introduced in the previous section are well
suited for describing homogeneous
distributions but are easily affected by
outliers. Moreover, they do not contain
much information about the tails of
the distribution.
A quantile is a flexible tool that offers an alternative to the classical summary statistics, which is less susceptible to outliers.
Before introducing quantiles, we
need to recall the following concept.
The (empirical) cumulative distribution function CDF(y) for dataset X, at a
value y, is the ratio of samples that are
lower than the value y:
CDF(X,y) = #{i|xi y}/#X
Or expressed in Python code:
def CDF(X,y):
lower _ cnt = 0.0
for x in X:
if x<=y: lower _ cnt += 1
return lower _ cnt / len(X)

Figure 12 shows an example for a

dataset of request rates. Note CDF(X,y)
takes values between 0 and 1 and is
monotonically increasing as a function
of y.
Now we turn to the definition of
quantiles. Fix a number q between 0
and 1 and a dataset X of size n. Roughly
speaking, a q-quantile is a number y
that divides X into two sides, with a ratio of q samples lying below y and the
remaining ratio of 1 q samples lying
above y.
More formally, a q-quantile for X is a
value y such that:
JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF T HE ACM


at least q n samples are less than
or equal to y;
at least (1 q) n samples are greater than or equal to y.
Familiar examples are the minimum, which is a 0-quantile; the maximum, which is a 1-quantile; and the
median, which is a 0.5-quantile. Common names for special quantiles include percentiles for k/100-quantiles
and quartiles for k/4-quantiles.
Note that quantiles are not unique.
There are ways of making them
unique, but those involve a choice that
is not obvious. Wikipedia lists nine
different choices that are found in
common software products.13 Therefore, if people talk about the q-quantile or the median, one should always
be careful and question which choice
was made.
As a simple example of how quantiles are non-unique, take a dataset with
two values X = [10,20]. Which values are
medians, 0-quantiles, 0.25-quantiles?
Try to figure it out yourself.
The good news is that q-quantiles
always exist and are easy to compute.
Indeed, let S be a sorted copy of the
dataset X such that the smallest element X is equal to S[0] and the largest element of X is equal to S[n 1].
If d = floor(q (n 1)), then S[d] will
have d+1 samples S[0],...,S[d], which
are less than or equal to S[d], and n
d + 1 samples S[d],..., S[n], which
are greater than or equal to S[d]. It
follows that S[d] = y is a q-quantile.
The same argument holds true for
d = ceil(q (n 1)).
The following listing is a Python implementation of this construction:

def quantile _ range(X,q):

S = sorted(X)
r = q * (len(X)-1)
return (

It is not difficult to see this construction consists of the minimal

and maximal possible q-quantiles.
The notation Qmin (X, q) represents
the minimal q-quantile. The minimal
quantile has the property Qmin (X, q)
y if and only if at least n q samples of
X are less than or equal to y. A similar
statement holds true for the maximal


quantile when checking ratios of samples that are greater than y.

Quantiles are closely related to
the cumulative distribution functions discussed in the previous section. Those concepts are inverse to
each other in the following sense: If
CDF(X, y) = q, then y is a q-quantile for
X. Because of this property, cumulative distribution function values are
also referred to as inverse quantiles.
Applications to
Service-Level Monitoring
Quantiles and CDFs provide a powerful
method to measure service levels. To
see how this works, consider the following SLA that is still commonly seen
in practice: The mean response time
of the service shall not exceed three
milliseconds when measured each
minute over the course of one hour.
This SLA does not do a good job
of capturing the service experience
of consumers. First, the requirement
can be violated by a single request
that takes more than 90ms to complete. Also, a long period where low
overall load causes the measured
request to finish within 0.1ms can
compensate for a short period where
lots of external requests are serviced
with unacceptable response times of
100ms or more.
An SLA that captures the quality of
service as experienced by the customers looks like this: 80% of all requests
served by the API within one hour
should complete within 3ms.
Not only is this SLA easier to formulate, but it also avoids the above problems. A single long-running request
does not violate the SLA, and a busy
period with long response times will
violate the SLA if more than 20% of all
queries are affected.
To check the SLA, here are two
equivalent formulations in terms of
quantiles and CFDs:
The minimal 0.8-quantile is at
most 3ms: Qmin (X1h, 0.8) 3ms.
The 3-ms inverse quantile is larger
than 0.8: CDF(X1h, 3ms) 0.8.
Here X1h denotes the samples that
lie within a one-hour window. Both
formulations can be used to monitor service levels effectively. Figure
13 shows Qmin (X1h, 0.8) as a line plot.
Note how on June 24 the quantile rises above 3ms, indicating a violation of

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

the SLA. Figure 14 shows a plot of the

inverse quantile CDF(X1h, 3ms), which
takes values on the right axis between
0% and 100%. The SLA violation manifests as the inverse quantile dropping
below 80%.
Hence, quantiles and inverse quantiles give complementary views of the
current service level.
This article has presented an overview of some statistical techniques
that find applications in IT operations. We discussed several visualization methods, their qualities and
relations to each other. Histograms
were shown to be an effective tool for
capturing data and visualizing sample distributions. Finally, we have
seen how to analyze request latencies
with (inverse) percentiles.
1. Cockcroft, A. MonitoramaPlease, no more Minutes,
Milliseconds, Monoliths or Monitoring Tools, 2014;
2. Georgii, H.-O. Stochastik. DeGruyter, 2002.
3. Gunther, N.J. Guerrilla Capacity Planning. SpringerVerlag, Berlin, 2007.
4. Hartmann, H. Statistics for Engineers, 2015; https://
5. Hartmann, H. Show Me the Data, 2016;
6. HDR Histogram: A high dynamic range histogram;
7. Histogram;
8. IPython;
9. Izenman, A.J. Modern Multivariate Statistical
Techniques. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2008.
10. Janert, P.K. Data Analysis with Open Source Tools.
OReilly, 2010.
11. Lp space;
12. Matplotlib;
13. Quantile;
14. Schlossnagle, T. The problem with math: why your
monitoring solution is wrong, 2015;
15. Schwarz, B. Practical Scalability Analysis with
the Universal Scalability Law, 2015;
16. Ugurlu, D. The Most Misleading Measure of Response
Time: Average, 2013;
17. Waskom, M. Seaborn: statistical data visualization,
18. Waskom, M. Seaborn example gallery, 20122015;
Heinrich Hartmann is chief data scientist for the Circonus
monitoring platform, leading the efforts to make Circonus
the best tool to monitor APIs and services. Previously,
he worked as an independent consultant for a number of
different companies and research institutions.

Copyright held by author.

Publication rights licensed to ACM. $15.00

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contributed articles
DOI:10.1145/ 2856103

Satisfiability modulo theory solvers can

help automate the search for the root cause
of observable software errors.

creative activity, poses
strict demands on its human practitioners in terms
of precision, and even talented programmers make
mistakes. The effect of a mistake can manifest in
several waysas a program crash, data corruption, or
unexpected output. Debugging is the task of locating the
root cause of an error from its observable manifestation.
It is a challenge because the manifestation of an error
might become observable in a programs execution
much later than the point at which the error infected
the program state in the first place. Stories abound of
heroic efforts required to fix problems that cropped up
unexpectedly in software that was previously considered
to be working and dependable.
Given the importance of efficient debugging in overall
software productivity, computer-assisted techniques



| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

for debugging are an active topic of

research. The premise of such techniques is to employ plentiful compute cycles to automatically narrow
the scope of where in the source code
the root cause is likely to be, thereby
reducing the amount of time a programmer must spend on debugging.
Such computer-assisted debugging
techniques, as discussed in this article, do not promise to pinpoint the
mistake in a program but only to narrow the scope of where the mistake
might lurk. Such techniques are also
sometimes called fault localization
in the software-engineering literature.
We now proceed to review the major advances in computer-assisted debugging and describe one of the major challenges in debugginglack of
specifications capturing the intended
behavior of the program; that is, if the
intended behavior of the program is
not available, how can a debugging
method infer where the program went
wrong? We next present a motivating
example extracted from Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) implementation
from GNU Coreutils10 that serves as a
running example in the article.
We then discuss at a high level
how symbolic techniques can help in
this direction by extracting candidate
specifications. These techniques utilize some form of symbolic execution,
first introduced by King.14 We later describe debugging techniques that use
some form of symbolic techniques to
recover specifications. Table 1 outlines

key insights

The lack of explicit formal specifications

of correct program behavior has long held
back progress in automated debugging.

To overcome this lack of formal

specifications, a debugging system can
use logical formula solving to attempt to
find the change in a program that would
make the failed test pass.

Because the failure of a test in a program

can also be seen as an unsatisfiable
logical formula, debuggingthe task
of explaining failurescan thus benefit
from advances in formula solving or
constraint satisfaction.


the symbolic techniques we discuss

and their relation to indirect specifications. These techniques all perform
symbolic analysis of various program
artifacts (such as failing traces or past
program versions) to help guide a programmers search for possible causes
of an observable error. Program artifacts are converted into a logical formula through symbolic analysis, and
manipulation of such logical formu-

lae helps uncover specifications of intended program behavior. We conclude

with a forward-looking view of symbolic
analysis used for automated program
repair, as reflected in research projects
DirectFix,17 Angelix,18 and SemFix.20
Computer-Assisted Debugging
There has been interest in computerassisted debugging since at least the
mid-1980s. Here, we highlight three

major ideas and refer the reader to

Zeller25 for a more comprehensive
overview of these and other ideas in
computer-assisted debugging.
The first major idea in harnessing
the power of computers to aid programmers in debugging was slicing.
Static slicing23 aims to preserve only as
much of the program as is necessary
to retain the behavior as far as some
output variable is concerned; such

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controlled preservation is achieved
through a static approximation of control and data dependencies. Dynamic
analysis1 applies the same idea but to
an execution of the program on a specific input; the advantage is only that
the control and data dependencies in
the execution are used in the computation of the slice, leading to a more succinct and precise slice.
The second significant idea is delta
debugging7,24 in which a programmer
tries to isolate the cause of a failure by
systematically exploring deviations
from a non-failure scenario. For example, if a new version of code breaks while
the old version works, one can systematically try to isolate the specific change
in the program that can be held responsible for the failure; the same idea also
applies to program executions. Delta
debugging takes advantage of compute
cycles by systematically exploring a
large number of program variations.
The third idea we highlight is statistical fault isolation,12,15 which looks
at execution profiles of passing and
failing tests. If execution of a statement
is strongly correlated (in a statistical
sense) with only the failing tests, it is
ranked highly in its suspiciousness.
Such ideas shift the burden of lo-

calizing an observable error from programmer to computer. Techniques

like delta debugging rely on exploration or search over inputs or over the
set of states in a trace to localize the
cause of error.
Note the debugging problem implicitly contains search-based subproblems (such as the locations at
which the program could be altered
to avoid the observable error or which
successful trace in the program you
can choose to compare a given failing trace). These search problems
in the debugging methods outlined
earlier would be solved through various search heuristics. In contrast,
the symbolic analysis-based debugging methods we present here solve
these search problems by solving
logical formulae. This new category
of methods has emerged essentially
out of an opportunitythe maturity
and wide availability of satisfiability
modulo theory (SMT) solvers.8 SMT
formulae are in first-order logic,
where certain symbols appearing in
the formula come from background
theories (such as theory of integers,
real numbers, lists, bitvectors, and arrays). Efficient solving of SMT formulae allows us to logically reason about

Table 1. Debugging using symbolic techniques.


Symbolic Technique

Information from


Program Formula

Internal inconsistency

Error Invariants10


Internal inconsistency

Angelic Debugging5

Static Symbolic Execution

Passing tests


Dynamic Symbolic Execution

Previous version

Figure 1. Running example buggy program.

programs (static analysis) or about

program artifacts like traces (dynamic
analysis). The maturity of SMT solvers
has made symbolic execution more
practical, triggering new directions
in software testing,4 where symbolic
execution and SMT constraint solving
are used to guide the search over the
huge search space of program paths
for generating tests. In this article,
we show how SMT solvers can be put
to use in the automation of software
Running Example
We now present a running example
(see Figure 1) drawn from real-life
code. It is a simplified version from a
fragment of the ARP implementation
in GNU Coreutils10 in which a bug is
introduced when a redundant assignment is added at line 5. We use it to
illustrate the various debugging methods explored throughout the article.
There is an assertion in the program
that captures a glimpse of the intended
behavior. The rest of the intended behavior is captured through the following test cases. Without loss of generality, assume DEFAULT, NULL, ETHER,
INET appearing in the program and/or
test cases are predefined constants.
Test 1:
arp A INET H ETHER (passing test).
Expected output: ETHER
Test 2:
arp A INET (failing test).
Expected output: DEFAULT
Actual output: NULL (assert fails)
Test 3:
arp H ETHER (passing test).
Expected output: ETHER

The program has a redundant assignment in line 5 that changes the

control flow of execution of Test 2 but
not of the other tests. The violation of
the intended behavior in this test is reflected in the failure of the assertion,
as well as in observing an output that
is different from the expected output.
The question here for a programmer is based on the failure of a test:
How can the root cause be found in the
failure? Being able to answer depends
on a specification of the intended behavior so we can find the root cause of
where the program behavior turned incorrect. On the other hand, in most ap70


| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

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plication domains, programmers do
not write down detailed specifications
of the intended behavior of their code.
Protocol specifications, even when
available, are usually at a much higher
level than the level of the implementation described here. In this particular
case, when Test 2 fails, how does the
programmer infer where the program
execution turned incorrect?
The execution trace of Test 2 is as
0 hw _ set = 0; hw = NULL; ap = NULL;
1 while (i = getopt(....)) {
2 switch (i) {
case 'A':
ap = getaftype(optarg);
hw _ set = 1;
11 } // exit switch statement
1 while (i = getopt(....)) {
12 } // exit while loop
13 if (hw _ set == 0)
{ // this condition is false
16 assert(hw != NULL);
// assertion fails

So, when the assertion fails in line

16, which line in the program does the
programmer hold responsible for this
observed error? Is it line 13, where the
condition checked could have been
different (such as hw set == 1)? If this
was indeed the condition checked in
line 13, Test 2 would not fail. Is it line
5, where hw _ set is assigned? This
is the line we hypothesized as the bug
when we presented the buggy code to
a human, but how does a computeraided debugging method know which
line is the real culprit for the observed
error, and can it be fixed?
In general, for any observable error,
there are several ways to fix a fault, and
the definition of the fault often depends
on how it is fixed. Since specifications
are unavailable, have we thus reached
the limit of what can be achieved in
computer-assisted debugging? Fortunately, it turns out some notion of
intended behavior of the program can
be recovered through indirect means
(such as internal inconsistency of the
failed trace, passing test cases, or an
older working version of the same program). In this article, we discuss debugging methods that rely on such indirect
program specifications to find the root
cause of an observable error.

it turns out
some notion of
intended behavior
of the program
can be recovered
indirect means.

Using Satisfiability
The technique we discuss first is called
BugAssist13 in which the input and
desired output information from a failing test are encoded as constraints.
These input-output constraints are then
conjoined with the program formula,
which encodes the operational semantics of the program symbolically along
all paths; see Figure 2 for an overview
of conversion from a program to a formula. In the example program of Figure
1, we produce the following formula ():
= arg[1] = A arg[2] = INET arg[3]

hw_set0 = 0 hw0 = NULL ap0 =

i1 = arg[1] i1 NULL

guard3 = (i1 = = A)

ap4 = arg[2]

hw_set5 = 1

ap11 = guard3 ? ap4 : ap0

hw_set11 = guard3 ? hw_set5 : hw_set0

i1 = arg[3] i1 = = NULL

guard13 = (hw_set11 = = 0)

hw14 = DEFAULT

hw15 = guard13 ? hw14 : hw0

hw15 NULL hw15 = = DEFAULT
The arg elements refer to the input
values, similar to argv of the C language; here, the inputs are for Test 2.
The last line of clauses represents the
expectation of Test 2. The remainder
of the formula represents the program
logic. (For brevity, we have omitted the
parts of the formula corresponding to
the case 'H', as it does not matter for
this input.) The variable i1 refers to the
second time the loop condition while
is evaluated, at which point the loop
exits. We use = to indicate assignment
and == to indicate equality test in the
program, though for the satisfiability of
the formula both have the same meaning.
The formula , though lengthy, has
one-to-one correspondence to the trace
of Test 2 outlined earlier. Since the
test input used corresponds to a failing
test, the formula is unsatisfiable.
The BugAssist tool tries to infer
what went wrong by trying to make a
large part of the formula satisfiable,
accomplishing it through MAX-SAT19
or MAX-SMT solvers. As the name suggests, a MAX-SAT solver returns the
largest possible satisfiable sub-formula of a formula; the sub-formula omits

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Figure 2. Conversion of program to formula; the formula encodes, using guards, possible
final valuations of variables.

input y; // initially x = z = 0
if (y > 0){
z = y * 2;
x = y - 2;
x = x - 2; }
if (z == x)
output(How did I get here);
else if (z > x)

Here is the corresponding formula

guard2 = (y > 0)
z3 = y * 2
x4 = y - 2
x5 = x4 - 2
z6 = guard2 ? z3 : 0
x6 = guard2 ? x5 : 0
guard6 = (z6 == x6)
guard8 = (z6 > x6)
output = guard6 ? How ... : (guard8 ? Error: nil)

5: // hw _ set = 1; FIX: deleted line

In it, variables are given a subscript based on the line on which an instance is assigned.
Guard variables denote conditions that regulate values of variables when potentially different
values of a variable reach a branch point. For example, guard2 regulates the value of z6 based
on whether the default initial value or the assignment to z3 reaches it.

Figure 3. Using interpolants to analyze error traces.




Find interpolant at position p



certain conjuncts of the original formula. Moreover, the MAX-SAT solver is

instructed that certain constraints are
hard constraints, in that they cannot be
omitted. Constraints on input and output are typically hard. The solvers will
find the maximum part of the formula,
which is satisfiable, thereby suggesting
the minimal portion of the program
that needs to be changed to make the
formula satisfiable. In this sense, the
technique attempts to use internal inconsistency to help a programmer, as
an indirect source of specification.
We now illustrate how BugAssist
would work on the aforementioned formula. We first mark the clauses related
to args, as well as the final constraints on
hw15 as hard. The MAX-SAT solver could
first highlight the constraint guard13 =


straint corresponds to a good fix. Realizing this potential regression, the programmer using BugAssist would mark
guard13 = (hw_set11 = = 0) as a hard constraint. Marking as a hard constraint
indicates to the solver it should explore
other lines in the program as possible
causes of error.
The MAX-SAT solver will then highlight another (set of) constraints, say,
hw_set5 = 1, meaning just this constraint can be omitted (or changed) to
make the overall formula satisfiable.
The reader can verify this forces guard13
to be true. This corresponds to identifying line 5 in Figure 1 as the place to be
fixed. Here is the correct fix

(hw_set11 = = 0) as the one to be omitted

for making the rest of the formula satisfiable. The reader can verify that setting
the (now) unbound variable guard13 to
true will make hw15 equal to hw14, satisfying the output constraints. In terms of
the program, this corresponds to an attempt to fix the program at line 13
13: if (hw _ set == 1) { // FIX: changed

Even though this fix passes Test 2,

it will fail previously passing tests like
Test 1, thereby introducing regressions. The fix is thus incorrect. However, BugAssist does not vet any of the
code highlighted by the technique,
relying instead on the programmer
to assess whether the suggested con-

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

Interestingly, from the perspective of

the satisfiability of the formula, changing the value assigned to hw _ set from
1 to 0 is also a plausible but not robust
fix, meaning it can fail other tests, as we
show later in the article.
The BugAssist technique tries to extract the reason for failure through analysis of the error trace. Extraction is done
iteratively, by successively finding minimal portions of the formula, the omission or alteration of which can make the
error trace formula satisfiable. In some
sense, the complement of MAX-SAT reported by BugAssist in repeated iterations form legitimate explanations of the
observed failure in the error trace being
examined. As may be observed even from
our simple example, the technique may
report several potential faults. It is thus
not so much as a one-shot fault-localization method as it is an iterative exploration of the potential locations where a
change could avert the error in question.
The iterative exploration is guided by the
computation of the maximum satisfiable portion of an unsatisfiable formula
that captures the program failure.
Using Interpolants
An alternative method, called error
invariants,9 tries to find the reason for
failure by examining error propagation
in the different positions of the error
trace. Identifying error root-cause is
achieved by computing interpolant formula at each position of the error trace.
The notion of interpolant16 requires
some explanation. Given a logical implication X => Y involving first-order

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logic formulae X and Y, an interpolant
is a formula I satisfying
X => I => Y
The formula I is expressed through
the common vocabulary of X and Y.
Figure 3 outlines the use of interpolants for analyzing error traces. The error trace formula is a logical conjunction of the input valuation, the effect of
each program statement on the trace,
and the expectation about output.
Given any position p in the trace, if
we denote the formula from locations
prior to p as X, and the formula from locations in the trace after p as Y, clearly X
Y is false. Thus (X Y) holds, meaning
X Y holds, meaning X => Y holds.
The interpolant Ip at position p in the error trace will thus satisfy X => Ip => Y.
Such an interpolant can be computed
at every position p in the error trace for
understanding the reason behind the
observable error.
Let us now understand the role of
interpolants in software debugging.
We first work out our simple example,
then conceptualize use of the logical
formula captured by interpolant in
explaining software errors. In our running example, the interpolants at the
different positions are listed in Table
2, including interpolant formula after
each statement. Note there are many
choices of interpolants at any position in the trace, and we have shown
the weakest interpolant in this simple
example. The trace here again corresponds to the failing execution of Test
2 on the program in Figure 1, and we
used the same statements earlier in
this article on BugAssist.
What role do interpolants play in explaining an error trace? To answer, we
examine the sequence of interpolants
computed for the error trace in our
simple example program, looking at
the second column in Table 2 and considering only non-repeated formulae:
arg[1] = A
arg[1] = A hw0 = NULL
i1 = A hw0 = NULL
guard3 = true hw0 = NULL
guard3 = true hw0 = NULL hw_set5
hw0 = NULL hw_set11 = 1
hw0 = NULL guard13 = false
hw15 = NULL

shows the propagation of the error via

the sequence of variables arg[1], hw0,
i1, and so on. Propagation through
both data and control dependence is
tracked. Propagation through data dependence corresponds to an incorrect
value being passed from one variable
to another through assignment statements. Propagation through control
dependence corresponds to an incorrect valuation of the guard variables,
leading to an incorrect set of statements being executed. Both types of
propagation are captured in the interpolant sequence computed over the
failed trace. The interpolant at a position p in the error trace captures the
cause for failure expressed in terms
of variables that are live at p. Computing the interpolant at all locations of
the error trace allows the developer to
observe the error-propagation chain.
The other important observation to
make is program statements that do not
alter the interpolant are irrelevant to
the explanation of the error. In Table 2,
statements marked with a are not relevant to explaining the failure of Test
2. For example, anything relevant only
to the computation of ap is ignored,
an approach similar to backward dynamic slicing, though an interpolationbased technique is more general than
dynamic slicing. The remaining statements form a minimal error explanation. Once again, the technique uses

the internal inconsistency of the faulty

execution to figure out possible causes
of error. Note, choosing interpolants
must be done with careas interpolants in general are not uniquefor the
method to be effective in filtering away
irrelevant statements.6,9 Furthermore,
the scalability of these methods is a
concern today due to the huge length
of real-life traces and the slowness of
interpolating provers.16
Using Passing Tests
Another technique, called Angelic Debugging5 first proposed in 2011, explores the relationship between fault
localization and fix localization rather
closely, following the philosophy of defining a possible fault in terms of how it
is fixed. In it, we explore the set of potential repairs that will make an observable
error disappear. Since the landscape
of syntactic repairs to try out is so vast,
the technique finds, via symbolic execution and constraint solving, a value that
makes the failing tests pass while continuing to pass the passing tests. Crucially, the technique utilizes the information contained in the passing tests
to help identify fix locations. The technique proceeds in two steps. In the first,
it attempts to find all the expressions
in the program that are candidates for
a fix; that is, a change made in that expression can possibly fix the program.
The second step rules out those fix loca-

Table 2. Interpolant computation at each statement; the statements marked with

the property that they do not alter the interpolant.

Interpolant after statement

arg[1] = A

arg[1] = A

arg[3] = NULL
hw_set = 0

arg[1] = A

arg[2] = INET

arg[1] = A
arg[1] = A

arg[1] = A hw0 = NULL

hw0 = NULL

arg[1] = A hw0 = NULL

ap0 = NULL
i1 = arg[1]
guard3 = (i1 == A)

i1 = A hw0 = NULL
guard3 = true hw0 = NULL
guard3 = true hw0 = NULL

ap4 = arg[2]
hw_set5 = 1

ap11 = guard3 ? ap4 : ap0

hw_set11 = guard3 ? hw_set5 : hw_set0

i1 = arg[3]
guard13 = (hw_set11 == 0)
hw14 = DEFAULT


guard3 = true hw0 = NULL hw_set5 = 1

guard3 = true hw0 = NULL hw_set5 = 1
hw0 = NULL hw_set11 = 1
hw0 = NULL hw_set11 = 1
hw0 = NULL guard13 = false
hw0 = NULL guard13 = false

hw15 = guard13 ? hw14 : hw0

hw15 = NULL

hw15 NULL


The sequence of interpolants here

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tions for which changing the expression
would make previously passing tests
fail. It does so without knowing any proposed candidate fix, again because the
landscape of syntactic fixes is so vast;
rather, it works on just the basis of a
candidate fix location.
Consider again the failing execution of Test 2 on the program in Figure 1. We illustrate how the technique
works, focusing first on statement 5.
The technique conceptually replaces
the right-hand-side expression by a
hole denoted by !!, meaning an asyet-unknown expression

ic, we can find a plausible successful

execution of the program

The scalability of
symbolic analysisbased debugging
methods crucially
depends on the
scalability of SMT
constraint solving.

5: hw_ set = !!

The interpretation of !! is that an angel would supply a suitable value for it

if it is possible to make the execution
go to completion, hence the name of
the technique. The angel is simulated
by a symbolic execution tree (see Figure 4 for details on how to compute a
symbolic execution tree), looking for
a path along which the path formula
is satisfiable. In our running example,
the symbolic execution comes up with
the following environment when going
through the true branch at line 13 and
expecting a successful termination
e13T = [hw0 = NULL, i = A, ap = INET ,
hw_set =

guard13 = true, hw14 = DEFAULT

hw15 = DEFAULT;

= 0 hw15 NULL hw15 = =
and the following when going through
the false branch
e13F = [hw0 = NULL, i = A, ap = INET,
hw_set =

guard13 = false, hw15 = NULL;

0 hw15 NULL hw15 = =
represents the angelic value assigned
at line 5. Recall we carried out concrete
execution up to statement 5, with the
same input as shown in formula earlier.
e13T has a satisfiable condition when
is 0, whereas e13F is not satisfiable due
to the conflict on the value of hw15. The
execution can thus be correct in case
the guard at line 13 evaluates to true.
Focusing next on statement 13, we
find making the condition itself angel74


| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

13: if (!!) {

We omit the formulae, but they are

similar to ones shown earlier in this
We now show the second step of the
method. It rules out those fix locations
for which changing the expression
would make previously passing tests
fail. Given a candidate fix location, it
asks the following question for each
of the passing inputs: Considering
the proposed fix location a hole (!!), is
there a way for the angel to provide a
value for the hole that is different from
the value observed at that location in
normal execution on that input? If it
is possible, then the fix location is a
plausible fix location. The technique
provides the angelic values by using
symbolic execution.
First we consider the fix location of
line 5, right-hand side. For Test 1, the
hole in the fix location (line 5 of Figure
1) will be replaced by , and 1 added
to the constraint, to represent difference from the value observed here in
normal execution. More formally, the
symbolic environment at line 5 will be
e5 = [hw0 = NULL, i = A, ap = INET, hw_
set = ; 1]
From here on, symbolic execution will
find a path that succeeds. Likewise, for
Test 2 and Test 3. The passing tests
thus accept the proposed fix location as
a plausible one.
Now consider the fix location of line
13, where we want the branch to have a
different outcome. For Test 1, the environment at line 13 will be
e13 = [hw8 = ETHER, hw_set = 1, ,
guard13 = ; false]
There is no successful execution given
this environment. Test 1 therefore
rules out line 13 as a plausible fix location, deeming no syntactic variation of
the condition is likely to fix the program.
Although the technique determines
plausible fix locations and not fixes
themselves, going from a fix location to
a fix is not straightforward. Consider a
candidate syntactic fix a human could
provide for line 5. For example, using the

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following fix at line 5 works for tests 13
5: hw_ set = 0

The astute reader will notice this particular fix is not an ideal fix. Given
another test
Test 4: arp H ETHER A INET

Expected output: ETHER

Actual output: DEFAULT

Figure 4. Symbolic execution tree.

Consider again the code fragment in Figure 2. Suppose input y is a symbolic input, with an unknown
value of, say, . In symbolic execution,14 the store maps variables that may be concrete values or
symbolic expressions. At an assignment, the store is updated with the evaluation of right-hand-side
expression, which may be a symbolic expression. At a branch, if the decision involves a symbolic
expression, both sides of the branch are executed in separate threads, with corresponding branch
conditions taken into account.
At line 2, two threads of symbolic execution will be created. In the first, the environment e2T is [x =
0, z = 0, y = ; > 0], and the other, e2F, is [x = 0, z = 0, y = ; 0]; note we included the conditions
encountered on the path thus far in the environment. These conditions appear following the semicolon
(see also Figure 5.). Here is the symbolic execution tree for Figure 2
x = 0, z = 0, y = ;

This test will fail with the proposed

fix, even though the location of the fix
is the correct one. The correct fix is to
eliminate the effect of line 5 altogether



x = 0, z = 2, y = ;
> 0

5: hw_ set = hw_ set; // or delete the



x = -2, z = 2, y =
; > 0

The example reflects the limitations

in attempting to fix a program when
working with an incomplete notion of
Using Other Implementations
Programs are usually not written from
scratch; rather, versions of a program
are gradually checked in. When we
introduce changes into a previously
working version (where we say the version is working, since all test cases
pass), certain passing tests may thus
fail. To debug the cause of the observed
failure in such a failed test t, we can
treat the behavior of t in the previous
working version as a description of the
programmers intention.
The technique presented in Qi et
al.,22 called Darwin, developed in
2009, executes the failing test t in the
previous program version P, as well
as the current program version P. It
then calculates the path conditions of
t in both program versions along the
execution trace of t in both program
versions; see Figure 5 for explanation
of how such path conditions are computed. Calculating path conditions
leads to path conditions f and f. One
can then solve the formula f f to
find test input t that follows the same
path as t in the previous program version and a different path in the current
program version. The execution of t
in the current program version P can
then be compared with the execution
of the failing test t in current version P
in terms of differences in their control
flow. That is, the behavior of t in cur-

(y > 0)

y > 0

x = 0, z = 0, y = ;
> 0

x = 0, z = 0, y = ;
z== x

x = 0, z = 0, y = ;




x = -4, z = 2, y = ;
> 0
z ==x

z != x

x = -4, z = 2, y = ;
> 0 2 == -4

x = -4, z = 2, y = ;
> 0 2 != -4


At line 6, e2T forks into: e2T,6T and e2T,6F. e2T,6T will be [x = 4, z = * 2, y = ; > 0 4 = * 2],
which will be discarded since the condition is unsatisfiable.
Symbolic execution tree construction is similar to the program formula construction in Figure 2. For this
reason, it is also called static symbolic execution. The difference is, in program formula, threads were
merged with control-flow join points, whereas in symbolic execution tree, there is no merging.

Figure 5. Illustration of path conditions.

Consider yet again the program in Figure 2. Suppose we want to find the path condition of the only
way to reach the error statement, or the path 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9. We traverse forward along the
sequence of statements in the given path, starting with a null formula and gradually build it up. All
variables start with symbolic values. At any point during the traversal of the trace, we maintain an
assignment store and a logical formula. The result is
For every assignment, we update the symbolic assignment store; and
For every branch, we conjoin the branch conditionor its converse if the branch is not taken
with the path condition; while doing so, we use the symbolic assignment store for every variable
appearing in the branch condition.
At the end of the path, the logical formula captures the path condition. For the example path
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 in the given program, the path condition can be calculated as shown in
the table here. Whenever the input satisfies y > 02y y 42y > y 4, the program execution
will trace exactly this path.
Assignment store

Logical Formula


Note this form of symbolic execution is similar to the one in Figure 4; the difference is one path
is already given here, so there is no execution tree to be explored. This is sometimes also called
dynamic symbolic execution.

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rent program P is taken as the specification against which the behavior of
the failing test t is compared for difference in control flow.
Such methods are based on semantic analysis, rather than a completely syntactic analysis of differences across program versions (such
as running a diff between program
versions). Being based on semantic
analysis these debugging methods
can analyze two versions with substantially different implementations
and locate causes of error.
To illustrate this point, consider
the fixed Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) implementationFigure
1 with line 5 deletedwe discussed
earlier as the reference version. This
program will pass the test Test 2.
Now assume a buggy program implementation with a substantially different programming style but with intention to accomplish the same ARP
(see Figure 6). The test Test 2 fails in
this implementation

tation of get _ hwtype(optarg)a

is executed under an incorrect condition, leading to the failure in the test
execution. A redundant check ap !=
NULL has slipped into line 8.
We now step through the localization of the error. For the test arp A
INET the path condition in the reference version is (since i is set to arg[1])
as follows

Test 2:

arp A INET (failing test).

Expected output: DEFAULT

Observed output: INET

1. arg[1] = A arg[1] A
2. arg[1] = A (arg[2] NULL
arg[1] = H)

First of all, a simple diff of the

program versions cannot help since
almost the entire program will appear in the diff. A careful comparison of the two implementations
shows the logic of the protocol the
programmer would want to implement has been mangled in this implementation. The computation of get
hwtype(DEFAULT) has been (correctly) moved. However, the compu-

f arg[1] = A
The path condition in the buggy implementation is as follows (since i is set to
arg[1] and ap is set to arg[2] (via optarg)
f arg[1] = A (arg[2] NULL arg[1] = H)
The negation of f is the following disjunction
f arg[1] A (arg[2] NULL arg[1] = H)
f f thus has two possibilities to
consider, one for each disjunct in f

The first formula is not satisfiable, and

the second one simplifies to
arg[1] = A arg[2] = NULL arg[1] H
A satisfying assignment to this second
formula is an input that shows the essential control-flow path deviation
in the defective programfrom the
failure-inducing input. This formula
a Assume get hwtype(INET) returns INET.

Figure 6. Assume line 5 in Figure 1 was removed yielding the correct program for the code
fragment; here we show a different implementation of the same code.



| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

is satisfiable because arg[2] = NULL is

satisfiable, pointing to the condition
being misplaced in the code. This
is indeed where the bug lurks. Even
though the entire coding style and the
control flow in the buggy implementation was quite different from the
reference implementation, the debugging method is thus able to ignore
the differences in coding style in the
buggy implementation. Note arg[2]
= NULL is contributed by the branch
condition ap != NULL, a correlation
an automated debugging method can
keep track of. The method thus naturally zooms into the misplaced check
ap != NULL through a computation
of satisfiability of the deviations of
the failing tests path condition.
One may question the choice of
considering the past version as a
specification of what the program is
supposed to achieve, a question that
arises because the software requirements of an earlier program version
may differ from the requirements of
the current program version. However, the comparison works as long as
the program features are common to
both versions and the requirements
are unchanged.
We have explored symbolic execution
and constraint solving for software debugging. We conclude by discussing
scalability and applicability of the presented techniques, along with possible
future research directions.
Scalability and applicability. The
scalability of the techniques described here need greater investigation. Due to the semantic nature of the
analysis, symbolic execution-based
debugging of regression errors22 has
been adapted to multiple settings of
regression, resulting in wide applicability, including regressions in a program version as opposed to previous
version; regression in an embedded
software (such as Linux Busybox) as
opposed to reference software (such
as GNU Coreutils);3 and regression
in a protocol implementation (such
as miniweb Web server implementing the http protocol) as opposed to
a reference implementation of the
protocol, as in the Apache Web server. In these large-scale applications,
the symbolic analysis-based regres-

contributed articles
sion debugging methods of Banerjee
et al.3 and Qi et al.22 localized the error to within 10 lines of code in fewer
than 10 minutes.
Among the techniques covered
methods3,22 have shown the greatest scalability, with the other techniques being employed on small-tomoderate-scale programs. Moreover,
the scalability of symbolic analysisbased debugging methods crucially
depends on the scalability of SMT
constraint solving.8 Compared to statistical fault-localization techniques,
which are easily implemented, symbolic execution-based debugging
methods still involve more implementation effort, as well as greater
execution time overheads. While we
see much promise due to the growth
in SMT solver technology, as partly
evidenced by the scalability of the
more research is needed in symbolic
analysis and SMT constraint solving
to enhance the scalability and applicability of these methods.
Note for all of the presented debugging
programmers need user studies to
measure programmer productivity
gain that might be realized through
these methods. Parnin and Orso21
highlighted the importance of user
studies in evaluating debugging
methods. The need for user studies
may be even more acute for methods
like BugAssist that provide an iterative exploration of the possible error
causes, instead of providing a final
set of diagnostic information capturing the lines likely to be the causes of
errors. Finally, for the interpolantbased debugging method, the issue
of choosing suitable interpolants
needs further study, a topic being investigated today (such as by Albarghouthi and McMillan2).
Other directions. Related to our
topic of using symbolic execution for
software debugging, we wish to say
symbolic execution can also be useful
for bug reproduction, as shown by
Jin and Orso.11 The bug-reproduction
problem is different from both test
generation and test explanation. Here,
some hints may be reported about the
failing execution by on-the-field users
in the form of a crash report, and these

hints can be combined through symbolic execution to construct a failing

execution trace.
Finally, the software-engineering community has shown much
interest in building semiautomated methods for program repair. It
would be interesting to see how symbolic execution-based debugging
methods can help develop programrepair techniques. The research
community is already witnessing development of novel program-repair
methods based on symbolic execution and program synthesis. 17,18,20
We would like to acknowledge many
discussions with our co-authors in Banerjee et al.,3 Chandra et al.,5 and Qi et
al.22 We also acknowledge discussions
with researchers in a Dagstuhl seminar on fault localization (February
2013) and a Dagstuhl seminar on symbolic execution and constraint solving
(October 2014). We further acknowledge a grant from the National Research Foundation, Prime Ministers
Office, Singapore, under its National
Cybersecurity R&D Program (Award
No. NRF2014NCR-NCR001-21) and administered by the National Cybersecurity R&D Directorate.
1. Agrawal, H. and Horgan, J. Dynamic program slicing.
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on
Programming Language Design and Implementation
(White Plains, NY, June 2022). ACM Press, New
York, 1990.
2. Albarghouthi, A. and McMillan, K.L. Beautiful
interpolants. In Proceedings of the 25th International
Conference on Computer-Aided Verification, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 8044 (Saint Petersburg,
Russia, July 1319). Springer, 2013.
3. Banerjee, A., Roychoudhury, A., Harlie, J.A., and Liang,
Z. Golden implementation-driven software debugging.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium
on Foundations of Software Engineering (Santa Fe, NM,
Nov. 711). ACM Press, New York, 2010, 177186.
4. Cadar, C. and Sen, K. Symbolic execution for software
testing: Three decades later. Commun. ACM 56, 1
(Jan. 2013), 8290.
5. Chandra, S., Torlak, E., Barman, S., and Bodik, R.
Angelic debugging. In Proceedings of the 33rd
International Conference on Software Engineering
(Honolulu, HI, May 2128). ACM Press, New York,
2011, 121130.
6. Christ, J., Ermis, E., Schaff, M., and Wies, T. Flow
sensitive fault localization. In Proceedings of the
14th International Conference on Verification Model
Checking and Abstract Interpretation (Rome, Italy,
Jan. 2022). Springer, 2013.
7. Cleve, H. and Zeller, A. Locating causes of program
failures. In Proceedings of the 27th International
Conference on Software Engineering (St. Louis, MO,
May 1521). ACM Press, New York, 2005.
8. de Moura, L. and Bjrner, N. Satisfiability modulo
theories: Introduction and applications. Commun.
ACM 54, 9 (Sept. 2011), 6977.
9. Ermis, E., Schaff, M., and Wies, T. Error invariants. In
Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on
Formal Methods, Lecture Notes in Computer Science

(Paris, France, Aug. 2731). Springer, 2012.

10. GNU Core Utilities;
11. Jin, W. and Orso, A. BugRedux: Reproducing field
failures for in-house debugging. In Proceedings of the
34th International Conference on Software Engineering
(Zrich, Switzerland, June 29). IEEE, 2012.
12. Jones, J.A., Harrold, M.J., and Stasko, J.T.
Visualization of test information to assist fault
localization. In Proceedings of the 24th International
Conference on Software Engineering (Orlando, FL, May
1925). ACM Press, New York, 2002.
13. Jose, M. and Majumdar, R. Cause clue clauses:
Error localization using maximum satisfiability. In
Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on
Programming Language Design and Implementation
(San Jose, CA, June 48). ACM Press, New York, 2011,
14. King, J.C. Symbolic execution and program testing.
Commun. ACM 19, 7 (July 1976) 385394.
15. Liblit, B., Naik, M., Zheng, A.X., Aiken, A., and Jordan,
M.I. Scalable statistical bug isolation. In Proceedings
of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming
Language Design and Implementation (Chicago, IL,
June 1215). ACM Press, New York, 2005, 1526.
16. McMillan, K.L. An interpolating theorem prover.
Theoretical Computer Science 345, 1 (Nov. 2005),
17. Mechtaev, S., Yi, J., and Roychoudhury, A. DirectFix:
Looking for simple program repairs. In Proceedings
of the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on
Software Engineering (Firenze, Italy, May 1624).
IEEE, 2015, 448458.
18. Mechtaev, S., Yi, J., and Roychoudhury, A. Angelix:
Scalable multiline program patch synthesis via
symbolic analysis. In Proceedings of the 38th
International Conference on Software Engineering
(Austin, TX, May 1422) ACM Press, New York, 2016.
19. Morgado, A., Heras, F., Liffiton, M., Planes, J., and
Marques-Silva, J. Iterative and core-guided MaxSAT
solving: A survey and assessment. Constraints 18, 4
(2013), 478534.
20. Nguyen, H.D.T., Qi, D., Roychoudhury, A., and Chandra,
S. SemFix: Program repair via semantic analysis. In
Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on
Software Engineering (San Francisco, CA, May 1826).
IEEE/ACM, 2013, 772781.
21. Parnin, C. and Orso, A. Are automated debugging
techniques actually helping programmers? In
Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on
Software Testing and Analysis (Toronto, ON, Canada,
July 1721) ACM Press, New York, 2011, 199209.
22. Qi, D., Roychoudhury, A., Liang, Z., and Vaswani,
K. DARWIN: An approach for debugging evolving
programs. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering
and Methodology 21, 3 (2012).
23. Weiser, M. Program slicing. IEEE Transactions on
Software Engineering 10, 4 (1984), 352357.
24. Zeller, A. Yesterday my program worked. Today it fails.
Why? In Proceedings of the Seventh Joint Meeting of
European Software Engineering Conference and ACM
SIGSOFT Symposium on Foundations of Software
Engineering, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(Toulouse, France, Sept. 1999). Springer, 1999, 253267.
25. Zeller, A. Why Programs Fail: A Guide to Systematic
Debugging. Elsevier, 2006.

Abhik Roychoudhury ([email protected]) is a

professor of computer science in the School of Computing
at the National University of Singapore and an ACM
Distinguished Speaker and leads the TSUNAMI center, a
software-security research effort funded by the Singapore
National Research Foundation.
Satish Chandra ([email protected]) leads the advanced
programming tools research team at Samsung Research
America, Mountain View, CA, and is an ACM Distinguished

2016 ACM 0001-0782/16/07 $15.00

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contributed articles
DOI:10.1145/ 2854146

Googles monolithic repository provides

a common source of truth for tens of
thousands of developers around the world.

Why Google
Stores Billions
of Lines
of Code
in a Single

This article outlines the scale of that

codebase and details Googles custombuilt monolithic source repository and
the reasons the model was chosen.
Google uses a homegrown version-control system to host one large codebase
visible to, and used by, most of the software developers in the company. This
centralized system is the foundation of
many of Googles developer workflows.
Here, we provide background on the
systems and workflows that make feasible managing and working productively with such a large repository. We
explain Googles trunk-based development strategy and the support systems that structure workflow and keep
Googles codebase healthy, including
software for static analysis, code cleanup, and streamlined code review.
Googles monolithic software repository, which is used by 95% of its software developers worldwide, meets
the definition of an ultra-large-scale4
system, providing evidence the single-source repository model can be
scaled successfully.
The Google codebase includes approximately one billion files and has
a history of approximately 35 million
commits spanning Googles entire 18year existence. The repository contains
86TBa of data, including approximately
a Total size of uncompressed content, excluding
release branches.

decided to work with a

shared codebase managed through a centralized
source control system. This approach has served
Google well for more than 16 years, and today the vast
majority of Googles software assets continues to be
stored in a single, shared repository. Meanwhile, the
number of Google software developers has steadily
increased, and the size of the Google codebase
has grown exponentially (see Figure 1). As a result,
the technology used to host the codebase has also
evolved significantly.

key insights




| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

Google has shown the monolithic model

of source code management can scale
to a repository of one billion files, 35
million commits, and tens of thousands of

Benefits include unified versioning,

extensive code sharing, simplified
dependency management, atomic
changes, large-scale refactoring,
collaboration across teams, flexible code
ownership, and code visibility.

Drawbacks include having to create

and scale tools for development and
execution and maintain code health, as
well as potential for codebase complexity
(such as unnecessary dependencies).


two billion lines of code in nine million

unique source files. The total number
of files also includes source files copied into release branches, files that are
deleted at the latest revision, configuration files, documentation, and supporting data files; see the table here for
a summary of Googles repository statistics from January 2015.
In 2014, approximately 15 million
lines of code were changedb in approximately 250,000 files in the Google repository on a weekly basis. The Linux
kernel is a prominent example of a
large open source software repository
containing approximately 15 million
lines of code in 40,000 files.14
Googles codebase is shared by more
b Includes only reviewed and committed code
and excludes commits performed by automated systems, as well as commits to release
branches, data files, generated files, open
source files imported into the repository, and
other non-source-code files.

than 25,000 Google software developers from dozens of offices in countries

around the world. On a typical workday, they commit 16,000 changes to the
codebase, and another 24,000 changes
are committed by automated systems.
Each day the repository serves billions
of file read requests, with approximately 800,000 queries per second during
peak traffic and an average of approximately 500,000 queries per second
each workday. Most of this traffic originates from Googles distributed buildand-test systems.c
Figure 2 reports the number of
unique human committers per week
to the main repository, January 2010
July 2015. Figure 3 reports commits
per week to Googles main repository
over the same time period. The line
for total commits includes data for
c Google open sourced a subset of its internal
build system; see

both the interactive use case, or human users, and automated use cases.
Larger dips in both graphs occur during holidays affecting a significant
number of employees (such as Christmas Day and New Years Day, American Thanksgiving Day, and American
Independence Day).
In October 2012, Googles central
repository added support for Windows
and Mac users (until then it was Linuxonly), and the existing Windows and
Mac repository was merged with the
main repository. Googles tooling for
repository merges attributes all historical changes being merged to their original authors, hence the corresponding
bump in the graph in Figure 2. The effect of this merge is also apparent in
Figure 1.
The commits-per-week graph shows
the commit rate was dominated by
human users until 2012, at which
point Google switched to a custom-

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contributed articles
Figure 1. Millions of changes committed to Googles central repository over time.

Google repository statistics, January 2015.

Total number of files

40 M

30 M

20 M

10 M

Jan. 2000

Jan. 2005

Jan. 2010

Jan. 2015

Figure 2. Human committers per week.

Unique human users per week




Jan. 2010

Jan. 2011

Jan. 2012

Jan. 2013

Jan. 2014

Jan. 2015

Figure 3. Commits per week.

Human commits

Total commits





Jan. 2010


1 billion

Number of source files 9 million

Jan. 2011


Jan. 2012

Jan. 2013

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

Jan. 2014

Jan. 2015

Lines of source code

2 billion

Depth of history

35 million commits

Size of content


Commits per workday


source-control implementation for

hosting the central repository, as
discussed later. Following this transition, automated commits to the repository began to increase. Growth in
the commit rate continues primarily
due to automation.
Managing this scale of repository
and activity on it has been an ongoing
challenge for Google. Despite several
years of experimentation, Google
was not able to find a commercially available or open source versioncontrol system to support such scale
in a single repository. The Google
proprietary system that was built to
store, version, and vend this codebase
is code-named Piper.
Before reviewing the advantages
and disadvantages of working with
a monolithic repository, some background on Googles tooling and workflows is needed.
Piper and CitC. Piper stores a single
large repository and is implemented on top of standard Google infrastructure, originally Bigtable,2 now
Spanner.3 Piper is distributed over
10 Google data centers around the
world, relying on the Paxos6 algorithm
to guarantee consistency across replicas. This architecture provides a
high level of redundancy and helps
optimize latency for Google software developers, no matter where
they work. In addition, caching and
asynchronous operations hide much
of the network latency from developers. This is important because gaining the full benefit of Googles cloudbased toolchain requires developers
to be online.
Google relied on one primary Perforce
instance, hosted on a single machine,
coupled with custom caching infrastructure1 for more than 10 years prior to the
launch of Piper. Continued scaling of

contributed articles
the Google repository was the main
motivation for developing Piper.
Since Googles source code is one of
the companys most important assets,
security features are a key consideration in Pipers design. Piper supports
file-level access control lists. Most of
the repository is visible to all Piper
users;d however, important configuration files or files including businesscritical algorithms can be more tightly
controlled. In addition, read and write
access to files in Piper is logged. If sensitive data is accidentally committed
to Piper, the file in question can be
purged. The read logs allow administrators to determine if anyone accessed the problematic file before it
was removed.
In the Piper workflow (see Figure 4),
developers create a local copy of files in
the repository before changing them.
These files are stored in a workspace
owned by the developer. A Piper workspace is comparable to a working copy
in Apache Subversion, a local clone
in Git, or a client in Perforce. Updates
from the Piper repository can be pulled
into a workspace and merged with ongoing work, as desired (see Figure 5).
A snapshot of the workspace can be
shared with other developers for review. Files in a workspace are committed to the central repository only after
going through the Google code-review
process, as described later.
Most developers access Piper
through a system called Clients in
the Cloud, or CitC, which consists of
a cloud-based storage backend and a
Linux-only FUSE13 file system. Developers see their workspaces as directories in the file system, including their
changes overlaid on top of the full
Piper repository. CitC supports code
browsing and normal Unix tools with
no need to clone or sync state locally.
Developers can browse and edit files
anywhere across the Piper repository, and only modified files are stored
in their workspace. This structure
means CitC workspaces typically consume only a small amount of storage
(an average workspace has fewer than
10 files) while presenting a seamless
view of the entire Piper codebase to
the developer.

All writes to files are stored as snapshots in CitC, making it possible to recover previous stages of work as needed. Snapshots may be explicitly named,
restored, or tagged for review.
CitC workspaces are available on
any machine that can connect to the
cloud-based storage system, making
it easy to switch machines and pick
up work without interruption. It also
makes it possible for developers to
view each others work in CitC workspaces. Storing all in-progress work in
the cloud is an important element of
the Google workflow process. Working state is thus available to other
tools, including the cloud-based build
system, the automated test infrastructure, and the code browsing, editing,
and review tools.

Several workflows take advantage of

the availability of uncommitted code
in CitC to make software developers
working with the large codebase more
productive. For instance, when sending a change out for code review, developers can enable an auto-commit option, which is particularly useful when
code authors and reviewers are in different time zones. When the review is
marked as complete, the tests will run;
if they pass, the code will be committed to the repository without further
human intervention. The Google codebrowsing tool CodeSearch supports
simple edits using CitC workspaces.
While browsing the repository, developers can click on a button to enter
edit mode and make a simple change
(such as fixing a typo or improving

Figure 4. Piper workflow.

Sync user
to repo

Write code



Figure 5. Piper team logo Piper is Piper expanded recursively; design source: Kirrily

d Over 99% of files stored in Piper are visible to

all full-time Google engineers.
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contributed articles
a comment). Then, without leaving
the code browser, they can send their
changes out to the appropriate reviewers with auto-commit enabled.
Piper can also be used without CitC.
Developers can instead store Piper
workspaces on their local machines.
Piper also has limited interoperability
with Git. Over 80% of Piper users today
use CitC, with adoption continuing to
grow due to the many benefits provided by CitC.
Piper and CitC make working productively with a single, monolithic
source repository possible at the scale
of the Google codebase. The design
and architecture of these systems were
both heavily influenced by the trunkbased development paradigm employed at Google, as described here.
Trunk-based development. Google
practices trunk-based development on
top of the Piper source repository. The
vast majority of Piper users work at the
head, or most recent, version of a
single copy of the code called trunk
or mainline. Changes are made to
the repository in a single, serial ordering. The combination of trunk-based
development with a central repository
defines the monolithic codebase model. Immediately after any commit, the
new code is visible to, and usable by,
all other developers. The fact that Piper
users work on a single consistent view
of the Google codebase is key for providing the advantages described later
in this article.
Trunk-based development is beneficial in part because it avoids the painful merges that often occur when it is
time to reconcile long-lived branches.
Development on branches is unusual
and not well supported at Google,
though branches are typically used
for releases. Release branches are cut
from a specific revision of the repository. Bug fixes and enhancements that
must be added to a release are typically
developed on mainline, then cherrypicked into the release branch (see
Figure 6). Due to the need to maintain
stability and limit churn on the release
branch, a release is typically a snapshot of head, with an optional small
number of cherry-picks pulled in from
head as needed. Use of long-lived
branches with parallel development
on the branch and mainline is exceedingly rare.


Piper and CitC

make working
with a single,
monolithic source
repository possible
at the scale of the
Google codebase.

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

When new features are developed,

both new and old code paths commonly exist simultaneously, controlled
through the use of conditional flags.
This technique avoids the need for
a development branch and makes
it easy to turn on and off features
through configuration updates rather
than full binary releases. While some
additional complexity is incurred for
developers, the merge problems of
a development branch are avoided.
Flag flips make it much easier and
faster to switch users off new implementations that have problems. This
method is typically used in projectspecific code, not common library
code, and eventually flags are retired
so old code can be deleted. Google
uses a similar approach for routing live traffic through different code
paths to perform experiments that can
be tuned in real time through configuration changes. Such A/B experiments
can measure everything from the performance characteristics of the code
to user engagement related to subtle
product changes.
Google workflow. Several best practices and supporting systems are required to avoid constant breakage in
the trunk-based development model,
where thousands of engineers commit
thousands of changes to the repository
on a daily basis. For instance, Google
has an automated testing infrastructure that initiates a rebuild of all affected dependencies on almost every
change committed to the repository.
If a change creates widespread build
breakage, a system is in place to automatically undo the change. To reduce
the incidence of bad code being committed in the first place, the highly
customizable Google presubmit infrastructure provides automated testing and analysis of changes before
they are added to the codebase. A set of
global presubmit analyses are run for
all changes, and code owners can create custom analyses that run only on
directories within the codebase they
specify. A small set of very low-level
core libraries uses a mechanism similar to a development branch to enforce
additional testing before new versions
are exposed to client code.
An important aspect of Google culture that encourages code quality is the
expectation that all code is reviewed

contributed articles
before being committed to the repository. Most developers can view and
propose changes to files anywhere
across the entire codebasewith the
exception of a small set of highly confidential code that is more carefully
controlled. The risk associated with
developers changing code they are
not deeply familiar with is mitigated
through the code-review process and
the concept of code ownership. The
Google codebase is laid out in a tree
structure. Each and every directory
has a set of owners who control whether a change to files in their directory
will be accepted. Owners are typically
the developers who work on the projects in the directories in question. A
change often receives a detailed code
review from one developer, evaluating
the quality of the change, and a commit approval from an owner, evaluating
the appropriateness of the change to
their area of the codebase.
Code reviewers comment on aspects of code quality, including design, functionality, complexity, testing,
naming, comment quality, and code
style, as documented by the various
language-specific Google style guides.e
Google has written a code-review tool
called Critique that allows the reviewer
to view the evolution of the code and
comment on any line of the change.
It encourages further revisions and a
conversation leading to a final Looks
Good To Me from the reviewer, indicating the review is complete.
Googles static analysis system (Tricorder10) and presubmit infrastructure
also provide data on code quality, test
coverage, and test results automatically in the Google code-review tool. These
computationally intensive checks are
triggered periodically, as well as when
a code change is sent for review. Tricorder also provides suggested fixes
with one-click code editing for many
errors. These systems provide important data to increase the effectiveness
of code reviews and keep the Google
codebase healthy.
A team of Google developers will
occasionally undertake a set of widereaching code-cleanup changes to further maintain the health of the codebase. The developers who perform
these changes commonly separate

them into two phases. With this approach, a large backward-compatible

change is made first. Once it is complete, a second smaller change can
be made to remove the original pattern that is no longer referenced. A
Google tool called Rosief supports the
first phase of such large-scale cleanups and code changes. With Rosie,
developers create a large patch, either through a find-and-replace operation across the entire repository
or through more complex refactoring tools. Rosie then takes care of
splitting the large patch into smaller
patches, testing them independently,
sending them out for code review,
and committing them automatically once they pass tests and a code
review. Rosie splits patches along
project directory lines, relying on the
code-ownership hierarchy described
earlier to send patches to the appropriate reviewers.
Figure 7 reports the number of
changes committed through Rosie
on a monthly basis, demonstrating
the importance of Rosie as a tool for
f The project name was inspired by Rosie the robot maid from the TV series The Jetsons.

performing large-scale code changes

at Google. Using Rosie is balanced
against the cost incurred by teams
needing to review the ongoing stream
of simple changes Rosie generates.
As Rosies popularity and usage grew,
it became clear some control had to
be established to limit Rosies use
to high-value changes that would be
distributed to many reviewers, rather
than to single atomic changes or rejected. In 2013, Google adopted a formal large-scale change-review process that led to a decrease in the number
of commits through Rosie from 2013
to 2014. In evaluating a Rosie change,
the review committee balances the
benefit of the change against the costs
of reviewer time and repository churn.
We later examine this and similar
trade-offs more closely.
In sum, Google has developed a
number of practices and tools to support its enormous monolithic codebase, including trunk-based development, the distributed source-code
repository Piper, the workspace client CitC, and workflow-support-tools
Critique, CodeSearch, Tricorder, and
Rosie. We discuss the pros and cons
of this model here.

Figure 6. Release branching model.


Release branch

Figure 7. Rosie commits per month.




Jan. 2011

Jan. 2012

Jan. 2013

Jan. 2014

Jan. 2015

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contributed articles
This section outlines and expands
upon both the advantages of a monolithic codebase and the costs related to
maintaining such a model at scale.
Advantages. Supporting the ultralarge-scale of Googles codebase while
maintaining good performance for
tens of thousands of users is a challenge, but Google has embraced the
monolithic model due to its compelling advantages.
Most important, it supports:
Unified versioning, one source of
Extensive code sharing and reuse;
Simplified dependency management;
Atomic changes;
Large-scale refactoring;
Collaboration across teams;
Flexible team boundaries and code
ownership; and
Code visibility and clear tree
structure providing implicit team
A single repository provides unified
versioning and a single source of truth.
There is no confusion about which repository hosts the authoritative version
of a file. If one team wants to depend
on another teams code, it can depend
on it directly. The Google codebase includes a wealth of useful libraries, and
the monolithic repository leads to extensive code sharing and reuse.
The Google build system5 makes it
easy to include code across directories, simplifying dependency management. Changes to the dependencies
of a project trigger a rebuild of the
dependent code. Since all code is ver-

sioned in the same repository, there

is only ever one version of the truth,
and no concern about independent
versioning of dependencies.
Most notably, the model allows
Google to avoid the diamond dependency problem (see Figure 8) that occurs when A depends on B and C, both
B and C depend on D, but B requires
version D.1 and C requires version D.2.
In most cases it is now impossible to
build A. For the base library D, it can
become very difficult to release a new
version without causing breakage,
since all its callers must be updated
at the same time. Updating is difficult
when the library callers are hosted in
different repositories.
In the open source world, dependencies are commonly broken by library updates, and finding library versions that all work together can be a
challenge. Updating the versions of
dependencies can be painful for developers, and delays in updating create
technical debt that can become very
expensive. In contrast, with a monolithic source tree it makes sense, and
is easier, for the person updating a library to update all affected dependencies at the same time. The technical
debt incurred by dependent systems is
paid down immediately as changes are
made. Changes to base libraries are instantly propagated through the dependency chain into the final products that
rely on the libraries, without requiring
a separate sync or migration step.
Note the diamond-dependency
problem can exist at the source/API
level, as described here, as well as
between binaries.12 At Google, the

Figure 8. Diamond dependency problem.





| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

binary problem is avoided through use

of static linking.
The ability to make atomic changes
is also a very powerful feature of the
monolithic model. A developer can
make a major change touching hundreds or thousands of files across the
repository in a single consistent operation. For instance, a developer can
rename a class or function in a single
commit and yet not break any builds
or tests.
The availability of all source code
in a single repository, or at least on a
centralized server, makes it easier for
the maintainers of core libraries to perform testing and performance benchmarking for high-impact changes before they are committed. This approach
is useful for exploring and measuring
the value of highly disruptive changes.
One concrete example is an experiment
to evaluate the feasibility of converting
Google data centers to support non-x86
machine architectures.
With the monolithic structure of
the Google repository, a developer
never has to decide where the repository boundaries lie. Engineers never
need to fork the development of
a shared library or merge across repositories to update copied versions
of code. Team boundaries are fluid.
When project ownership changes or
plans are made to consolidate systems, all code is already in the same
repository. This environment makes
it easy to do gradual refactoring and
reorganization of the codebase. The
change to move a project and update all dependencies can be applied
atomically to the repository, and the
development history of the affected
code remains intact and available.
Another attribute of a monolithic
repository is the layout of the codebase is easily understood, as it is organized in a single tree. Each team has
a directory structure within the main
tree that effectively serves as a projects own namespace. Each source file
can be uniquely identified by a single
stringa file path that optionally includes a revision number. Browsing
the codebase, it is easy to understand
how any source file fits into the big picture of the repository.
The Google codebase is constantly
evolving. More complex codebase
modernization efforts (such as updat-

contributed articles
ing it to C++11 or rolling out performance optimizations9) are often managed centrally by dedicated codebase
maintainers. Such efforts can touch
half a million variable declarations or
function-call sites spread across hundreds of thousands of files of source
code. Because all projects are centrally stored, teams of specialists can do
this work for the entire company, rather than require many individuals to
develop their own tools, techniques,
or expertise.
As an example of how these benefits play out, consider Googles Compiler team, which ensures developers
at Google employ the most up-to-date
toolchains and benefit from the latest improvements in generated code
and debuggability. The monolithic
repository provides the team with
full visibility of how various languages are used at Google and allows them
to do codebase-wide cleanups to prevent changes from breaking builds or
creating issues for developers. This
greatly simplifies compiler validation,
thus reducing compiler release cycles
and making it possible for Google to
safely do regular compiler releases
(typically more than 20 per year for the
C++ compilers).
Using the data generated by performance and regression tests run on
nightly builds of the entire Google
codebase, the Compiler team tunes default compiler settings to be optimal.
For example, due to this centralized
effort, Googles Java developers all saw
their garbage collection (GC) CPU consumption decrease by more than 50%
and their GC pause time decrease by
10%40% from 2014 to 2015. In addition, when software errors are discovered, it is often possible for the team
to add new warnings to prevent reoccurrence. In conjunction with this
change, they scan the entire repository to find and fix other instances of
the software issue being addressed,
before turning to new compiler errors. Having the compiler-reject patterns that proved problematic in the
past is a significant boost to Googles
overall code health.
Storing all source code in a common
version-control repository allows codebase maintainers to efficiently analyze and change Googles source code.
Tools like Refaster11 and ClangMR15

An important aspect
of Google culture
that encourages
code quality is
the expectation
that all code is
reviewed before
being committed
to the repository.

(often used in conjunction with Rosie)

make use of the monolithic view of
Googles source to perform high-level
transformations of source code. The
monolithic codebase captures all dependency information. Old APIs can
be removed with confidence, because
it can be proven that all callers have
been migrated to new APIs. A single
common repository vastly simplifies
these tools by ensuring atomicity of
changes and a single global view of
the entire repository at any given time.
Costs and trade-offs. While important to note a monolithic codebase in
no way implies monolithic software design, working with this model involves
some downsides, as well as trade-offs,
that must be considered.
These costs and trade-offs fall into
three categories:
Tooling investments for both development and execution;
Codebase complexity, including
unnecessary dependencies and difficulties with code discovery; and
Effort invested in code health.
In many ways the monolithic repository yields simpler tooling since there
is only one system of reference for
tools working with source. However, it
is also necessary that tooling scale to
the size of the repository. For instance,
Google has written a custom plug-in for
the Eclipse integrated development
environment (IDE) to make working with a massive codebase possible
from the IDE. Googles code-indexing
system supports static analysis, crossreferencing in the code-browsing tool,
and rich IDE functionality for Emacs,
Vim, and other development environments. These tools require ongoing investment to manage the ever-increasing scale of the Google codebase.
Beyond the investment in building and maintaining scalable tooling,
Google must also cover the cost of running these systems, some of which are
very computationally intensive. Much
of Googles internal suite of developer tools, including the automated
test infrastructure and highly scalable
build infrastructure, are critical for
supporting the size of the monolithic
codebase. It is thus necessary to make
trade-offs concerning how frequently
to run this tooling to balance the cost
of execution vs. the benefit of the data
provided to developers.

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contributed articles
The monolithic model makes it
easier to understand the structure of
the codebase, as there is no crossing of
repository boundaries between dependencies. However, as the scale increases, code discovery can become more
difficult, as standard tools like grep
bog down. Developers must be able
to explore the codebase, find relevant
libraries, and see how to use them
and who wrote them. Library authors
often need to see how their APIs are
being used. This requires a significant investment in code search and
browsing tools. However, Google has
found this investment highly rewarding, improving the productivity of all
developers, as described in more detail
by Sadowski et al.9
Access to the whole codebase encourages extensive code sharing and
reuse. Some would argue this model,
which relies on the extreme scalability of the Google build system, makes
it too easy to add dependencies and
reduces the incentive for software developers to produce stable and wellthought-out APIs.
Due to the ease of creating dependencies, it is common for teams to not think
about their dependency graph, making
code cleanup more error-prone. Unnecessary dependencies can increase
project exposure to downstream build
breakages, lead to binary size bloating,
and create additional work in building
and testing. In addition, lost productivity ensues when abandoned projects
that remain in the repository continue
to be updated and maintained.
Several efforts at Google have
sought to rein in unnecessary dependencies. Tooling exists to help identify
and remove unused dependencies, or
dependencies linked into the product binary for historical or accidental
reasons, that are not needed. Tooling
also exists to identify underutilized
dependencies, or dependencies on
large libraries that are mostly unneeded, as candidates for refactoring.7 One
such tool, Clipper, relies on a custom
Java compiler to generate an accurate
cross-reference index. It then uses the
index to construct a reachability graph
and determine what classes are never
used. Clipper is useful in guiding dependency-refactoring efforts by finding
targets that are relatively easy to remove
or break up.


A developer can
make a major
change touching
hundreds or
thousands of
files across the
repository in a
single consistent

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

Dependency-refactoring and cleanup tools are helpful, but, ideally, code

owners should be able to prevent unwanted dependencies from being created in the first place. In 2011, Google
started relying on the concept of
API visibility, setting the default
visibility of new APIs to private.
This forces developers to explicitly
mark APIs as appropriate for use by
other teams. A lesson learned from
Googles experience with a large
monolithic repository is such mechanisms should be put in place as soon
as possible to encourage more hygienic
dependency structures.
The fact that most Google code is
available to all Google developers has
led to a culture where some teams expect other developers to read their
code rather than providing them with
separate user documentation. There
are pros and cons to this approach. No
effort goes toward writing or keeping
documentation up to date, but developers sometimes read more than the
API code and end up relying on underlying implementation details. This behavior can create a maintenance burden for teams that then have trouble
deprecating features they never meant
to expose to users.
This model also requires teams to
collaborate with one another when using open source code. An area of the
repository is reserved for storing open
source code (developed at Google or
externally). To prevent dependency
conflicts, as outlined earlier, it is important that only one version of an
open source project be available at
any given time. Teams that use open
source software are expected to occasionally spend time upgrading their
codebase to work with newer versions
of open source libraries when library
upgrades are performed.
Google invests significant effort in
maintaining code health to address
some issues related to codebase complexity and dependency management. For instance, special tooling
automatically detects and removes
dead code, splits large refactorings
and automatically assigns code reviews (as through Rosie), and marks
APIs as deprecated. Human effort is
required to run these tools and manage the corresponding large-scale
code changes. A cost is also incurred

contributed articles
by teams that need to review an ongoing stream of simple refactorings resulting from codebase-wide clean-ups
and centralized modernization efforts.
As the popularity and use of distributed version control systems (DVCSs)
like Git have grown, Google has considered whether to move from Piper
to Git as its primary version-control
system. A team at Google is focused
on supporting Git, which is used by
Googles Android and Chrome teams
outside the main Google repository.
The use of Git is important for these
teams due to external partner and open
source collaborations.
The Git community strongly suggests and prefers developers have
more and smaller repositories. A Gitclone operation requires copying all
content to ones local machine, a procedure incompatible with a large repository. To move to Git-based source
hosting, it would be necessary to split
Googles repository into thousands of
separate repositories to achieve reasonable performance. Such reorganization
would necessitate cultural and workflow changes for Googles developers.
As a comparison, Googles Git-hosted
Android codebase is divided into more
than 800 separate repositories.
Given the value gained from the existing tools Google has built and the
many advantages of the monolithic
codebase structure, it is clear that moving to more and smaller repositories
would not make sense for Googles
main repository. The alternative of
moving to Git or any other DVCS that
would require repository splitting is
not compelling for Google.
Current investment by the Google
source team focuses primarily on the
ongoing reliability, scalability, and
security of the in-house source systems. The team is also pursuing an
experimental effort with Mercurial,g
an open source DVCS similar to Git.
The goal is to add scalability features to the Mercurial client so it can
efficiently support a codebase the
size of Googles. This would provide
Googles developers with an alternative of using popular DVCS-style workflows in conjunction with the central

repository. This effort is in collaboration with the open source Mercurial

community, including contributors
from other companies that value the
monolithic source model.
Google chose the monolithic-sourcemanagement strategy in 1999 when
the existing Google codebase was
migrated from CVS to Perforce. Early
Google engineers maintained that a
single repository was strictly better
than splitting up the codebase, though
at the time they did not anticipate the
future scale of the codebase and all
the supporting tooling that would be
built to make the scaling feasible.
Over the years, as the investment required to continue scaling the centralized repository grew, Google leadership occasionally considered whether
it would make sense to move from the
monolithic model. Despite the effort
required, Google repeatedly chose to
stick with the central repository due to
its advantages.
The monolithic model of source
code management is not for everyone.
It is best suited to organizations like
Google, with an open and collaborative culture. It would not work well
for organizations where large parts
of the codebase are private or hidden
between groups.
At Google, we have found, with some
investment, the monolithic model of
source management can scale successfully to a codebase with more than one
billion files, 35 million commits, and
thousands of users around the globe. As
the scale and complexity of projects both
inside and outside Google continue to
grow, we hope the analysis and workflow
described in this article can benefit others weighing decisions on the long-term
structure for their codebases.
We would like to recognize all current
and former members of the Google
Developer Infrastructure teams for
their dedication in building and
maintaining the systems referenced
in this article, as well as the many
people who helped in reviewing the
article; in particular: Jon Perkins and
Ingo Walther, the current Tech Leads
of Piper; Kyle Lippincott and Crutcher
Dunnavant, the current and former

Tech Leads of CitC; Hyrum Wright,

Googles large-scale refactoring guru;
and Chris Colohan, Caitlin Sadowski,
Morgan Ames, Rob Siemborski, and
the Piper and CitC development and
support teams for their insightful review comments.
1. Bloch, D. Still All on One Server: Perforce at Scale.
Google White Paper, 2011;
2. Chang, F., Dean, J., Ghemawat, S., Hsieh, W.C.,
Wallach, D.A., Burrows, M., Chandra, T., Fikes, A., and
Gruber, R.E. Bigtable: A distributed storage system
for structured data. ACM Transactions on Computer
Systems 26, 2 (June 2008).
3. Corbett, J.C., Dean, J., Epstein, M., Fikes, A., Frost,
C., Furman, J., Ghemawat, S., Gubarev, A., Heiser,
C., Hochschild, P. et al. Spanner: Googles globally
distributed database. ACM Transactions on Computer
Systems 31, 3 (Aug. 2013).
4. Gabriel, R.P., Northrop, L., Schmidt, D.C., and Sullivan,
K. Ultra-large-scale systems. In Companion to the
21st ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Object-Oriented
Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications
(Portland, OR, Oct. 2226). ACM Press, New York,
2006, 632634.
5. Kemper, C. Build in the Cloud: How the Build System
works. Google Engineering Tools blog post, 2011;
6. Lamport, L. Paxos made simple. ACM Sigact News 32,
4 (Nov. 2001), 1825.
7. Morgenthaler, J.D., Gridnev, M., Sauciuc, R., and
Bhansali, S. Searching for build debt: Experiences
managing technical debt at Google. In Proceedings
of the Third International Workshop on Managing
Technical Debt (Zrich, Switzerland, June 29). IEEE
Press Piscataway, NJ, 2012, 16.
8. Ren, G., Tune, E., Moseley, T., Shi, Y., Rus, S., and
Hundt, R. Google-wide profiling: A continuous profiling
infrastructure for data centers. IEEE Micro 30, 4
(2010), 6579.
9. Sadowski, C., Stolee, K., and Elbaum, S. How
developers search for code: A case study. In
Proceedings of the 10th Joint Meeting on Foundations
of Software Engineering (Bergamo, Italy, Aug. 30
Sept. 4). ACM Press, New York, 2015, 191201.
10. Sadowski, C., van Gogh, J., Jaspan, C., Soederberg, E.,
and Winter, C. Tricorder: Building a program analysis
ecosystem. In Proceedings of the 37th International
Conference on Software Engineering, Vol. 1 (Firenze,
Italy, May 1624). IEEE Press Piscataway, NJ, 2015,
11. Wasserman, L. Scalable, example-based refactorings
with Refaster. In Proceedings of the 2013 ACM
Workshop on Refactoring Tools (Indianapolis, IN, Oct.
2631). ACM Press, New York, 2013, 2528.
12. Wikipedia. Dependency hell. Accessed Jan.
20, 2015;
13. Wikipedia. Filesystem in userspace.
Accessed June, 4, 2015;
14. Wikipedia. Linux kernel. Accessed Jan. 20, 2015;
15. Wright, H.K., Jasper, D., Klimek, M., Carruth, C., and
Wan, Z. Large-scale automated refactoring using
ClangMR. In Proceedings of the IEEE International
Conference on Software Maintenance (Eindhoven,
The Netherlands, Sept. 2228). IEEE Press, 2013,

Rachel Potvin ([email protected]) is an engineering

manager at Google, Mountain View, CA.
Josh Levenberg ([email protected]) is a software
engineer at Google, Mountain View, CA.
Copyright held by the authors

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contributed articles
DOI:10.1145/ 2851485

The universal constant , the growth constant

of polyominoes (think Tetris pieces), is
rigorously proved to be greater than 4.


An Improved
Lower Bound
on the Growth
Constant of
What is ? The universal constant arises in the study
of three completely unrelated fields: combinatorics,
percolation, and branched polymers. In combinatorics,
analysis of self-avoiding walks (SAWs, or non-selfintersecting lattice paths starting at the origin, counted
by lattice units), simple polygons or self-avoiding
polygons (SAPs, or closed SAWs, counted by either
perimeter or area), and polyominoes (SAPs possibly
with holes, or edge-connected sets of lattice squares,
counted by area) are all related. In statistical physics,
SAWs and SAPs play a significant role in percolation
processes and in the collapse transition that branched
polymers undergo when being heated. A collection
edited by Guttmann15 gives an excellent review of all


| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

these topics and the connections between them. In this article, we describe
our effort to prove that the growth constant (or asymptotic growth rate, also
called the connective constant) of
polyominoes is strictly greater than 4.
To this aim, we exploited to the maximum possible computer resources

key insights

Direct access to large shared RAM is

useful for scientific computations, as well
as for big-data applications.

The growth constant of polyominoes is

provably strictly greater than 4.

The proof of this bound is an

eigenvector of a giant matrix Q that
can be verified as corresponding to the
claimed boundan eigenvalue of Q.


available to us. We eventually obtained

a computer-generated proof that was
verified by other programs implemented independently. We start with a brief
introduction of the three research areas.
Enumerative combinatorics. Imagine
a two-dimensional grid of square cells.
A polyomino is a connected set of cells,
where connectivity is along the sides of
cells but not through corners; see Figure 1 for examples of small polyominoes. Polyominoes were popularized in
the pioneering book by Golomb13 and
by Martin Gardners columns in Scientific American; counting polyominoes
by size became a popular and fascinating combinatorial problem. The size of
a polyomino is the number of its cells.
Figure 2 shows a puzzle game with

polyominoes of sizes 58 cells. In

this article, we consider fixed polyominoes; two such polyominoes are
considered identical if one can be obtained from the other by a translation,
while rotations and flipping are not
allowed. The number of polyominoes
of size n is usually denoted as A(n). No
formula is known for this number, but
researchers have suggested efficient
backtracking26,27 and transfer-matrix9,18
algorithms for computing A(n) for a given value of n. The latter algorithm was
adapted in Barequet et al.5 and also in
this work for polyominoes on so-called
twisted cylinders.
To date, the sequence A(n) has been
determined up to n = 56 by a parallel
computation on a Hewlett Packard

server cluster using 64 processors.18

The exact value of the growth constant
of the sequence = limn A(n + 1)/A(n)
continues to be elusive. Incidentally, in
the square lattice, the growth constant
is very close to the coordination number, or the number of neighbors of
each cell in the lattice (4 in our case).
In this work we reveal (rigorously)
the leading decimal digit of . It is 4.
Moreover, we establish that is strictly
greater than the coordination number.
Percolation processes. In physics,
chemistry, and materials science, percolation theory deals with the movement and filtering of fluids through
porous materials. Giving it a mathematical model, the theory describes
the behavior of connected clusters in

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contributed articles
Figure 1. The single monomino (A(1) = 1),
the two dominoes (A(2) = 2), the A(3) = 6
triominoes, and the A(4) = 19 tetrominoes
(Tetris pieces).

Figure 2. A solitaire game involving six

polyominoes of size 5 (pentominoes),
two of size 6 (hexominoes), two of
size 7 (heptominoes), and one of size 8
(an octomino). The challenge is to tile
the 88 square box with the polyominoes.

random graphs. Suppose a unit of liquid L is poured on top of some porous

material M. What is the chance L makes
its way through M and reaches the
bottom? An idealized mathematical
model of this process is a two- or threedimensional grid of vertices (sites)
connected with edges (bonds), where
each bond is independently open (or
closed) for liquid flow with some probability . In 1957, Broadbent and Hammersley8 asked, for a fixed value of
and for the size of the grid tending to
infinity, what is the probability that a
path consisting of open bonds exists
from the top to the bottom. They essentially investigated solute diffusing
through solvent, molecules penetrat90


ing a porous solid, and similar processes, representing space as a lattice with
two distinct types of cells.
In the literature of statistical physics,
fixed polyominoes are usually called
strongly embedded lattice animals,
and in that context, the analogue of
the growth rate of polyominoes is the
growth constant of lattice animals.
The terms high and low temperature
mean high and low density of clusters, respectively, and the term free
energy corresponds to the natural
logarithm of the growth constant. Lattice animals were used for computing
the mean cluster density in percolation
processes, as in Gaunt et al.,12 particularly in processes involving fluid flow in
random media. Sykes and Glen29 were
the first to observe that A(n), the total
number of connected clusters of size n,
grows asymptotically like Cnn, where
is Klarners constant and C, are two
other fixed values.
Collapse of branched polymers. Another important topic in statistical
physics is the existence of a collapse
transition of branched polymers in
dilute solution at a high temperature.
In physics, a field is an entity each of
whose points has a value that depends
on location and time. Lubensky and
Isaacson22 developed a field theory of
branched polymers in the dilute limit,
using statistics of (bond) lattice animals (important in the theory of percolation) to imply when a solvent is good
or bad for a polymer. Derrida and Herrmann10 investigated two-dimensional
branched polymers by looking at lattice animals on a square lattice and
studying their free energy. Flesia et al.11
made the connection between collapse
processes to percolation theory, relating the growth constant of strongly embedded site animals to the free energy
in the processes. Several models of
branched polymers in dilute solution
were considered by Madras et al.,24
proving bounds on the growth constants for each such model.
Brief History. Determining the exact
value of (or even setting good bounds
on it) is a notably difficult problem in
enumerative combinatorics. In 1967,
Klarner19 showed that the limit =
limn A(n)1/n exists. Since then, has
been called Klarners constant. Only
in 1999, Madras23 proved the stronger
statement that the asymptotic growth

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

rate in the sense of the limit = limn

A(n + 1)/A(n) exists.
By using interpolation methods,
Sykes and Glen29 estimated in 1976
that = 4.06 0.02. This estimate was
refined several times based on heuristic extrapolation from the increasing
number of known values of A(n). The
most accurate estimate4.0625696
0.0000005was given by Jensen18
in 2003. Before carrying out this project, the best proven bounds on
were roughly 3.9801 from below5
and 4.6496 from above.20 has thus
always been an elusive constant, of
which not even a single significant
digit was known. Our goal was to raise
the lower bound on over the barrier
of 4, and thus reveal its first decimal
digit and prove that 4. The current
improvement of the lower bound on
to 4.0025 also cuts the difference between the known lower bound and the
estimated value of by approximately
25%from 0.0825 to 0.0600.
Computer-Assisted Proofs
Our proof relies heavily on computer
calculations, thus raising questions
about its credibility and reliability. There are two complementary approaches for addressing this issue:
formally verified computations and
certified computations.
Formally verified computing. In this
paradigm, a program is accompanied
by a correctness proof that is refined
to such a degree of detail and formality it can be checked mechanically
by a computer. This approach and,
more generally, formally verified
mathematics, has become feasible
for industry-level software, as well
as for mathematics far beyond toy
problems due to big advances in recent years; see the review by Avigad
and Harrison.2 One highlight is the
formally verified proof by Gonthier14
of the Four-Color Theorem, whose
original proof by Appel and Haken1 in
1977 already relied on computer assistance and was the prime instance
of discussion about the validity and
appropriateness of computer methods in mathematical proofs. (Incidentally, one step in Gonthiers proof
also involves polyominoes.) Another
example is the verification of Haless
proof21 of the Kepler conjecture, which
states the face-centered cubic pack-

contributed articles
ing of spheres is the densest possible.
This proof, in addition to involving
extensive case enumerations at different levels, is also very complicated in
the interaction between the various
parts. In August 2014, a team headed
by Hales announced the completion
of the Flyspeck project, constructing a
formal proof of Keplers conjecture.16
Yet another example is the proof by
Tucker30 for Lorenzs conjecture (number 14 in Smales list of challenging
problems for the 21st century). The
conjecture states that Lorenzs system
of three differential equations, providing a model for atmospheric convection, supports a strange attractor.
Tucker (page 104)30 described the run
of a parallel ODE solver several times
on different computer setups, obtaining similar results.
Certified Computation. This technique is based on the idea it may be
easier to check a given answer for correctness than come up with such an
answer from scratch. The prototype
example is the solution of an equation like 3x3 4x2 5x + 2 = 0. While
it may be a challenge to find the solution x = 2, it is straightforward to substitute the solution into the equation
and check whether it is fulfilled. The
result is trustworthy not because it is
accompanied by a formal proof but
because it is so simple to check, much
simpler than the algorithm (perhaps
Newton iteration in this case) used to
solve the problem in the first place.
In addition to the solution itself, it
may be required that a certifying algorithm provide a certificate in order
to facilitate the checking procedure.25
Developing such certificates and computing them without excessive overhead may require algorithmic innovations (see the first sidebar Certified
In our case, the result computed
by our program can be interpreted
as the eigenvalue of a giant matrix
Q, which is not explicitly stored but
implicitly defined through an iteration procedure. The certificate is a
vector v that is a good-enough approximation of the corresponding eigenvector. From this vector, one can
compute certified bounds on the eigenvalue in a rather straightforward
way by comparing the vector v to the
product Qv.

Certified Computations
A certifying algorithm not only produces the result but also justifies its correctness by
supplying a certificate that makes it easy to check the result. In contrast with formally
verified computation, correctness is established for a particular instance of the
problem and a concrete result. Here, we illustrate this concept with a few examples; see
the survey by McConnell et al.25 for a thorough treatment.
The greatest common divisor. The greatest common divisor of two numbers can be
found through the ancient Euclidean algorithm. For example, the greatest common
divisor of 880215 and 244035 is 15. Checking that 15 is indeed a common divisor is
rather easy, but not clear is that 15 is the greatest. Luckily, the extended Euclidean
algorithm provides a certificate: two integers p = 7571 and q = 27308, such that
880215p + 244035q = 15. This proves any common divisor of 880215 and 244035 must
divide 15. No number greater than 15 can thus divide 880215 and 244035.
Systems of linear equations and inequalities. Consider the three equations 4x 3y
+ z = 2, 3x y + z = 3, and x 7y z = 4 in three unknowns x, y, z. It is straightforward
to verify any proposed solution; however, the equations have no solution. Multiplying
them by 4, 5, 1, respectively, and adding them up leads to the contradiction 0 = 11.
The three multipliers thus provide an easy-to-check certificate for the answer. Such
multipliers can always be found for an unsolvable linear system and can be computed
as a by-product of the usual solution algorithms. A well-known extension of this
example is linear programming, the optimization of a linear objective function subject
to linear equations and inequalities, where an optimality certificate is provided by the
dual solution.
Testing a graph for 3-connectedness. Certifying that a graph is not 3-connected is
straightforward. The certificate consists of two vertices whose removal disconnects the
graph into several pieces. It has been known since 1973 that a graph can be tested for
3-connectedness in linear time,17 but all algorithms for this task are complicated. While
providing a certificate in the negative case is easy, defining an easy-to-check certificate
in the positive case and finding such a certificate in linear time has required graphtheoretic and algorithmic innovations.28 This example illustrates that certifiability
is not primarily an issue of running time. All algorithms, for constructing, as well
as for checking, the certificate, run in linear time, just like classical non-certifying
algorithms. The crucial distinction is that the short certificate-checking program is by
far simpler than the construction algorithm.
Comparison with the class NP. There is some analogy between a certifying
algorithm and the complexity class NP. For membership in NP, it is necessary only
to have a certificate by which correctness of a solution can be checked in polynomial
time. It does not matter how difficult it is to come up with the solution and find the
certificate. In contrast with a certifying algorithm, the criterion for the checker is not
simplicity but more clear-cutrunning time. Another difference is that only positive
answers to the problem need to be certified.

Figure 3. A twisted cylinder of perimeter W = 5.





These two approaches complement each other; a simpler checking procedure is more amenable to a
formal proof and verification procedure. However, we did not go to such
lengths; a formal verification of the
program would have made sense only
in the context of a full verification that
includes also the human-readable

parts of the proof. We instead used

traditional methods of ensuring program correctness of the certificatechecking program.
Twisted Cylinders
A twisted cylinder is a half-infinite
wraparound spiral-like square lattice
(see Figure 3). We denote the perim-

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tion of a Motzkin path and the sidebar
for the relation between states and
Motzkin paths. Such a path connects
the integer grid points (0,0) and (n,0)
with n steps, consisting only of steps
taken from {(1,1), (1,0), (1,1)} and
not going under the x axis. Asymptotically, Mn ~ 3nn3/2, and MW thus increases roughly by a factor of 3 when W is
incremented by 1.
The number of polyominoes with
n cells that have state s as the boundary equals the number of paths the
automaton can take from the starting
state to s, involving n transitions in
which a cell is added to the polyomino. We compute these numbers in a
dynamic-programming recursion.

Figure 4. A Motzkin path of length 7.

Figure 5. The dependence between the different groups of ynew and yold.

y old






y new





eter or width of the twisted cylinder

by W. Like in the plane, one can count
polyominoes on a twisted cylinder of
width W and study their growth constant, W. Barequet et al. proved the
sequence (W) is monotone increasing5 and converges to .3 The bigger
W is thus the better (higher) the lower
bound W on gets.
Analyzing the growth constant of
polyominoes is more convenient on a
twisted cylinder than in the plane. The
reason is we want to build up polyominoes incrementally by considering one
square at a time. On a twisted cylinder, this can be done in a uniform way,
without having to jump to a new row
from time to time. Imagine we walk
along the spiral order of squares and
at each square decide whether or not
to add it to the polyomino. The size of
a polyomino is the number of positive
decisions we make along the way.
The crucial observation is no matter
how big the polyominoes get, they can
be characterized in a finite number of
ways that depends only on W. All one
needs to remember is the structure of
the last W squares of the twisted cylinder (the boundary of the polyomino) and how they are interconnected
through cells that were considered



Gi+ 1


G W1



G W1




Gi+ 1

before the boundary. This structure

provides enough information for the
continuation of the process; whenever a new square is considered and
a decision is taken about whether or
not to add it to the polyomino, the
boundary is updated accordingly.
This update is similar to the computation of connected components in
a bi-level image by a row-wise scan.
In this way, the growth of polyominoes on a twisted cylinder can be modeled by a finite-state automaton whose
states are all possible boundaries.
Every state of this automaton has
two outgoing edges that correspond
to whether or not the next square is
added to the polyomino. A slight variation of this automaton can be seen
in action in a video animation.7 See
the online appendix for more on automata for modeling polyominoes on
twisted cylinders. See also the second
sidebar Representing Boundaries as
Motzkin Paths.
The number of states of the automaton that models the growth of
polyominoes on a twisted cylinder of
perimeter W is large4,5the (W + 1)st
Motzkin number MW+1. The nth Motzkin number Mn counts Motzkin paths
of length n; see Figure 4 for an illustra-

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

In 2004, a sequential program that
computes W for any perimeter was
developed by Ares Rib as part of her
Ph.D. thesis under the supervision
of author Gnter Rote. The program
first computes the endpoints of the
outgoing edges from all states of the
automaton and saves them in two
long arrays succ0 and succ1 that correspond to adding an empty or an occupied cell. Both arrays are of length
M := MW+1. Two successive iteration
vectors, which contain the number of
polyominoes corresponding to each
boundary, are stored as two arrays yold
and ynew of numbers, also of length M.
The four arrays are indexed from 0 to
M 1. After initializing yold := (1,0,0,),
each iteration computes the new version of y through a very simple loop:
yold := (1,0,0,);
repeat till convergence:
ynew[0] := 0;
for s := 1,,M 1:
() ynew[s] := ynew[succ0[s]]
+ yold[succ1[s]];
yold := ynew;
The pointer succ0[s] may be null, in
which case the corresponding zero entry (ynew[0]) is used.
As explained earlier, each index s
represents a state. The states are encoded by Motzkin paths, and these
paths can be mapped to numbers s between 0 and M 1 in a bijective manner. See the online appendix for more.
In the iteration (), the vector ynew
depends on itself, but this does not

contributed articles
cause any problem because succ0[s],
if it is non-null, is always less than s.
There are thus no circular references,
and each entry is set before it is used.
In fact, the states can be partitioned
into groups G1, G2, , GW; the group
Gi contains the states corresponding
to boundaries in which i is the smallest index of an occupied cell, or the
boundaries that start with i 1 empty
cells. The dependence between the
entries of the groups is shown schematically in Figure 5; succ0[s] of an entry s Gi (for 1 i W 1), if it is nonnull, belongs to Gi+1.
At the end, ynew is moved to yold to
start the new iteration. In the iteration (), the new vector ynew is a linear
function of the old vector yold and, as
already indicated, can be written as a
linear transformation yold := Qyold. The
nonnegative integer matrix Q is implicitly given through the iteration ().
We are interested in the growth rate of
the sequence of vectors yold that is determined by the dominant eigenvalue
W of Q. It is not difficult to show5 that
after every iteration, W is contained in
the interval

mins y [s] w maxs y [s] . (1)
y [s]

By the Perron-Frobenius Theorem

about the eigenvalues of nonnegative
matrices, the two bounds converge to
W, and yold converges to a corresponding eigenvector.
As written, the program calculates
the exact number of polyominoes
of each size and state, provided the
computations are carried out with
precise integer arithmetic. However,
these numbers grow like (w)n, and the
program can thus not afford to store
them exactly. Instead, we use singleprecision floating-point numbers for
yold and ynew. Even so, the program
must rescale the vector yold from time
to time in order to prevent floatingpoint overflow: Whenever the largest
entry exceeds 280 at the end of an iteration, the program divides the whole
vector by 2100. This rescaling does not
affect the convergence of the process. The program terminates when
the two bounds are close enough. The
left-hand side of (1) is a lower bound
on W, which in turn is a lower bound
on , and this is our real goal.

Representing Boundaries
as Motzkin Paths
The figure here illustrates the representation of polyomino boundaries as Motzkin
paths. The bottom part of the figure shows a partially constructed polyomino on
a twisted cylinder of width 16. The dashed line indicates two adjacent cells that
are connected around the cylinder, where such a connection is not immediately
apparent. The boundary cells (top row) are shown in darker gray. The light-gray
cells away from the boundary need not be recorded individually; what matters is the
connectivity among the boundary cells they provide. This connectivity is indicated
in a symbolic code -AAA-B-CC-AA--AA. Boundary cells in the same component are
represented by the same letter, and the character '-' denotes an empty cell. However,
we did not use this code in our program. Instead, we represented a boundary as a
Motzkin path, as shown in the top part of the figure, because this representation
allows for a convenient bijection to successive integers and thus for a compact storage
of the boundary in a vector. Intuitively, the Motzkin path follows the movements of
a stack when reading the code from left to right. Whenever a new component starts
(such as component A in position 2 or component B in position 6), the path moves up.
Whenever a component is temporarily interrupted (such as component A in position
5), the path also moves up. The path moves down when an interrupted component
is resumed (such as component A in positions 11 and 15) or when a component is
completed (positions 7, 10, and 17). The crucial property is that components cannot
cross; that is, a pattern like ..A..B..A..B.. cannot occur. As a consequence of
these rules, the occupied cells correspond to odd levels in the path, and the free cells
correspond to even levels. The correspondence between boundaries and Motzkin
paths was pointed out by Stefan Felsner of the Technische Universitt Berlin (private
Polyomino boundaries and Motzkin paths.

















Motzkin path


Sequential Runs
In 2004, we obtained good approximations of yold up to W = 22. The program required quite a bit of main
memory (RAM) by the standards of
the time. The computation of 22

3.9801 took approximately six hours

on a single-processor machine with
32GB of RAM. (Today, the same program runs in 20 minutes on a regular workstation.) By extrapolating
the first 22 values of the sequence W

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(see Figure 6), we estimated that only
when we reach W = 27 would we break
the mythical barrier of 4.0. However,
as mentioned earlier, the storage
requirement is proportional to MW,
and MW increases roughly by a factor of 3 when W is incremented by 1.
With this exponential growth of both
memory consumption and running
time, the goal of breaking the barrier
was then out of reach.
Computing 27
Environment. In the spring of 2013,
we were granted access to the Hewlett
Packard ProLiant DL980 G7 server of
the Hasso Plattner Institute Future
SOC Lab in Potsdam, Germany (see
Figure 7). This server consists of eight
Intel Xeon X7560 nodes (Intel64 architecture), each with eight physical
2.26GHz processors (16 virtual cores),
for a total of 64 processors (128 virtual

cores). Each node was equipped with

256GiB of RAM (and 24MiB of cache
memory) for a total of 2TiB of RAM. Simultaneous access by all processors to
the shared main memory was crucial to
project success. Distributed memory
would incur a severe penalty in running time. The machine ran under the
Ubuntu version of the Gnu/Linux operating system. We used the C-compiler
gcc with OpenMP 2.0 directives for
parallel processing.
Programming improvements. Since
for W = 27 the finite automaton has M28
2.1 1011 states, we initially estimated
we would need memory for two 8-byte
arrays (for storing succ0 and succ1) and
two 4-byte arrays (for storing yold and
ynew), all of length M28, for a total of
24 2.1 1011 4.6 TiB of RAM, which
exceeded the servers available capacity. Only a combination of parallelization, storage-compression techniques,

Figure 6. Extrapolating the sequence W.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Figure 7. Front view of the supercomputer we used, a box of approximately 453570 cm.



| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

and a few other enhancements allowed

us to compute 27 and push the lower
bound on above 4.0. Here are the
main memory-reduction tricks we used
(see the online appendix for more):
Elimination of unreachable states.
Approximately 11% of all states of the
automaton are unreachable and do not
affect the result;
Bit-streaming of the succ0/1 arrays.
Instead of storing each entry of these
arrays in a full word, we allocated just
the required number of bits and stored
the entries consecutively in a packed
manner; in addition, we eliminated all
the null succ0-pointers (approximately
11% of all pointers);
Storing higher groups only once. Approximately 50% of the states (those not
in G1) were not needed in the recursion
(); we thus did not keep in memory
yold[] of the respective entries;
Recomputing succ0. We computed
the entries of the succ0 array on-the-fly
instead of keeping them in memory; and
Streamlining the successor computation. Instead of representing a Motzkin
path by a sequence of W + 1 integers,
we kept a sequence of W + 1 two-bit
items we could store in one 8-byte
word; this representation allowed
us to use word-level operations and
look-up tables for a fast mapping
from paths to numbers.
To make full use of the parallel capacities, we used the partition of the
set of states into groups, as in Figure 5, such that ynew of all elements
in a group could be computed independently. We also parallelized the
computation of the succ arrays in
the preprocessing phase and various
housekeeping tasks.
Execution. After 120 iterations,
the program announced the lower
bound 4.00064 on 27, thus breaking
the 4 barrier. We continued to run
the program for a few more days. On
May 23, 2013, after 290 iterations,
the program reached the stable situation (observed in a few successive
tens of iterations) 4.002537727 27
4.002542973, establishing the new
record > 4.00253. The total running
time for the computations leading
to this result was approximately 36
hours using approximately 1.5TiB
of RAM. We had exclusive use of the
server for a few dozen hours in total,
spread over several weeks.

contributed articles
Validity and Certification
Our proof depends heavily on computer calculations, raising two issues
about its validity:
Calculations. Reproducing elaborate calculations on a large computer
is difficult; particularly when a complicated parallel computer program is involved, everybody should be skeptical
about the reliability of the results; and
Computations. We performed the
computations with 32-bit floatingpoint numbers.
We address these issues in turn.
What our program was trying to
compute is an eigenvalue of a matrix. The amount and length of the
computations are irrelevant to the
fact that eventually we have stored
on disk a witness array of floatingpoint numbers (the proof), approximately 450GB in size, which is a good
approximation of the eigenvector
corresponding to 27. This array provides rigorous bounds on the true eigenvalue 27, because the relation (1)
holds for any vector yold and its successor vector ynew. To check the proof and
evaluate the bounds (1), a program
has to read only the approximate eigenvector yold and carry out one iteration (). This approach of providing
simple certificates for the result of
complicated computations is the philosophy of certifying algorithms.25
To ensure the correctness of our
checking program, we relied on traditional methods (such as testing and
code inspection). Some parts of the
program (such as reading the data
from the files) are irrelevant for the
correctness of the result. The main
body of the program consists of a
few simple loops (such as the iteration () and the evaluation of (1)). The
only technically challenging part of
the algorithm is the successor computation. For this task, we had two
programs at our disposal that were
written independently by two people
who used different state representationsand lived in different countries and did their work several years
apart. We ran two different checking
programs based on these procedures,
giving us additional confidence. We
also tested explicitly that the two successor programs yielded the same results. Both checking programs ran in
a purely sequential manner, and the

running time was approximately 20

hours each.
Regarding the accuracy of the calculations, one can analyze how the
recurrence () produces ynew from
yold. One finds that each term in the
lower bound (1) results from the input data (the approximate eigenvector yold) through at most 26 additions
of positive numbers for computing
ynew[s], plus one division, all in singleprecision float. The final minimization was error-free. Since we took care
that no denormalized floating-point
numbers occurred, the magnitude of
the numerical errors was comparable
to the accuracy of floating-point numbers, and the accumulated error was
thus much smaller than the gap we
opened between our new bound and
4. By carefully bounding the floatingpoint error, we obtained 4.00253176
as a certified lower bound on . In
particular, we thus now know that the
leading digit of is 4.
We acknowledge the support of the facilities and staff of the Hasso Plattner
Institute Future SOC Lab in Potsdam,
Germany, who let us use their Hewlett
Packard ProLiant DL980 G7 server. A
technical version of this article6 was
presented at the 23rd Annual European
Symposium on Algorithms in Patras,
Greece, September 2015.
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Gill Barequet ([email protected]) is an associate

professor in and vice dean of the Department of Computer
Science at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology,
Haifa, Israel.
Gnter Rote ([email protected]) is a professor in the
Department of Computer Science at Freie Universitt
Berlin, Germany.
Mira Shalah ([email protected]) is a Ph.D.
student, under the supervision of Gill Barequet, in
the Department of Computer Science at the Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.

2016 ACM 0001-0782/16/07 $15.00

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review articles
Todays social bots are sophisticated and
sometimes menacing. Indeed, their presence
can endanger online ecosystems as well
as our society.

The Rise of
Social Bots
software robots) have been around
since the early days of computers. One compelling
example of bots is chatbots, algorithms designed to
hold a conversation with a human, as envisioned by
Alan Turing in the 1950s.33 The dream of designing a
computer algorithm that passes the Turing test has
driven artificial intelligence research for decades,
as witnessed by initiatives like the Loebner Prize,
awarding progress in natural language processing.a
Many things have changed since the early days of
AI, when bots like Joseph Weizenbaums ELIZA,39
mimicking a Rogerian psychotherapist, were
developed as demonstrations or for delight.
Today, social media ecosystems populated by
hundreds of millions of individuals present real
incentivesincluding economic and political ones



| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

to design algorithms that exhibit human-like behavior. Such ecosystems

also raise the bar of the challenge, as
they introduce new dimensions to
emulate in addition to content, including the social network, temporal activity, diffusion patterns, and sentiment
expression. A social bot is a computer
algorithm that automatically produces
content and interacts with humans on
social media, trying to emulate and
possibly alter their behavior. Social
bots have inhabited social media platforms for the past few years.7,24
Engineered Social Tampering
What are the intentions of social
bots? Some of them are benign and,
in principle, innocuous or even helpful: this category includes bots that
automatically aggregate content from
various sources, like simple news
feeds. Automatic responders to inquiries are increasingly adopted by
brands and companies for customer
care. Although these types of bots
are designed to provide a useful service, they can sometimes be harmful,
for example when they contribute to
the spread of unverified information
or rumors. Analyses of Twitter posts
around the Boston marathon bombing revealed that social media can play
an important role in the early recognition and characterization of emergency events.11 But false accusations also
circulated widely on Twitter in the

key insights

Social bots populate techno-social

systems: they are often benign, or even
useful, but some are created to harm,
by tampering with, manipulating, and
deceiving social media users.

Social bots have been used to infiltrate

political discourse, manipulate the stock
market, steal personal information, and
spread misinformation. The detection
of social bots is therefore an important
research endeavor.

A taxonomy of the different social bot

detection systems proposed in the
literature accounts for network-based
techniques, crowdsourcing strategies,
feature-based supervised learning, and
hybrid systems.


DOI:10.1145/ 2818717

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review articles
may result in several levels of damage
to society. For example, bots may artificially inflate support for a political
candidate;28 such activity could endanger democracy by influencing the
outcome of elections. In fact, this kind
of abuse has already been observed:
during the 2010 U.S. midterm elections, social bots were employed to
support some candidates and smear
their opponents, injecting thousands
of tweets pointing to websites with
fake news.28 A similar case was report-

ed around the Massachusetts special

election of 2010.26 Campaigns of this
type are sometimes referred to as astroturf or Twitter bombs.
The problem is not just establishing the veracity of the information
being promotedthis was an issue
before the rise of social bots, and remains beyond the reach of algorithmic approaches. The novel challenge
brought by bots is the fact they can
give the false impression that some
piece of information, regardless of

This network visualization illustrates how bots are used to affect, and possibly manipulate, the online debate about vaccination policy.
It is the retweet network for the #SB277 hashtag, about a recent California law on vaccination requirements and exemptions. Nodes
represent Twitter users, and links show how information spreads among users. The node size represents influence (times a user is
retweeted), the color represents bot scores: red nodes are highly likely to be bot accounts, blue nodes are highly likely to be humans.


| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7


aftermath of the attack, mostly due to

bots automatically retweeting posts
without verifying the facts or checking
the credibility of the source.20
With every new technology comes
abuse, and social media is no exception. A second category of social bots
includes malicious entities designed
specifically with the purpose to harm.
These bots mislead, exploit, and manipulate social media discourse with
rumors, spam, malware, misinformation, slander, or even just noise. This

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its accuracy, is highly popular and
endorsed by many, exerting an influence against which we havent yet developed antibodies. Our vulnerability
makes it possible for a bot to acquire
significant influence, even unintentionally.2 Sophisticated bots can generate personas that appear as credible
followers, and thus are more difficult
for both people and filtering algorithms to detect. They make for valuable entities on the fake follower market, and allegations of acquisition of
fake followers have touched several
prominent political figures in the U.S.
and worldwide.
Journalists, analysts, and researchers increasingly report more
examples of the potential dangers
brought by social bots. These include
the unwarranted consequences that
the widespread diffusion of bots
may have on the stability of markets.
There have been claims that Twitter signals can be leveraged to predict the stock market,5 and there is
an increasing amount of evidence
showing that market operators pay
attention and react promptly to information from social media. On April
23, 2013, for example, the Syrian
Electronic Army hacked the Twitter
account of the Associated Press and
posted a false rumor about a terror
attack on the White House in which
President Obama was allegedly injured. This provoked an immediate
crash in the stock market. On May 6,
2010 a flash crash occurred in the U.S.
stock market, when the Dow Jones
plunged over 1,000 points (about 9%)
within minutesthe biggest one-day
point decline in history. After a fivemonth-long investigation, the role of
high-frequency trading bots became
obvious, but it yet remains unclear
whether these bots had access to information from the social Web.22
The combination of social bots
with an increasing reliance on automatic trading systems that, at least
partially, exploit information from social media, is ripe with risks. Bots can
amplify the visibility of misleading
information, while automatic trading
systems lack fact-checking capabilities. A recent orchestrated bot campaign successfully created the appearance of a sustained discussion about a
tech company called Cynk. Automatic

trading algorithms picked up this conversation and started trading heavily

in the companys stocks. This resulted
in a 200-fold increase in market value,
bringing the companys worth to $5
billion.b By the time analysts recognized the orchestration behind this
operation and stock trading was suspended, the losses were real.
The Bot Effect
These anecdotes illustrate the consequences that tampering with the social Web may have for our increasingly
interconnected society. In addition to
potentially endangering democracy,
causing panic during emergencies,
and affecting the stock market, social bots can harm our society in even
subtler ways. A recent study demonstrated the vulnerability of social media users to a social botnet designed
to expose private information, like
phone numbers and addresses.7 This
kind of vulnerability can be exploited
by cybercrime and cause the erosion
of trust in social media.22 Bots can
also hinder the advancement of public policy by creating the impression
of a grassroots movement of contrarians, or contribute to the strong
polarization of political discussion
observed in social media.12 They can
alter the perception of social media
influence, artificially enlarging the
audience of some people,14 or they
can ruin the reputation of a company, for commercial or political
purposes.25 A recent study demonstrated that emotions are contagious
on social media23: elusive bots could
easily infiltrate a population of unaware humans and manipulate them
to affect their perception of reality,
with unpredictable results. Indirect
social and economic effects of social
bot activity include the alteration of
social media analytics, adopted for
various purposes such as TV ratings,c
expert findings,40 and scientific impact measurement.d
b The Curious Case of Cynk, an Abandoned
Tech Company Now Worth $5 Billion;
c Nielsens New Twitter TV Ratings Are a Total Scam. Heres Why;
d altmetrics: a manifesto;

Act Like a Human, Think Like a Bot

One of the greatest challenges for
bot detection in social media is in
understanding what modern social
bots can do.6 Early bots mainly performed one type of activity: posting
content automatically. These bots
were naive and easy to spot by trivial
detection strategies, such as focusing on high volume of content generation. In 2011, James Caverlees
team at Texas A&M University implemented a honeypot trap that managed to detect thousands of social
bots. 24 The idea was simple and effective: the team created a few Twitter
accounts (bots) whose role was solely
to create nonsensical tweets with gibberish content, in which no human
would ever be interested. However,
these accounts attracted many followers. Further inspection confirmed
that the suspicious followers were indeed social bots trying to grow their
social circles by blindly following
random accounts.
In recent years, Twitter bots have
become increasingly sophisticated,
making their detection more difficult. The boundary between humanlike and bot-like behavior is now
fuzzier. For example, social bots can
search the Web for information and
media to fill their profiles, and post
collected material at predetermined
times, emulating the human temporal signature of content production
and consumptionincluding circadian patterns of daily activity and
temporal spikes of information generation.19 They can even engage in
more complex types of interactions,
such as entertaining conversations
with other people, commenting on
their posts, and answering their questions.22 Some bots specifically aim to
achieve greater influence by gathering new followers and expanding
their social circles; they can search
the social network for popular and
influential people and follow them
or capture their attention by sending
them inquiries, in the hope to be noticed.2 To acquire visibility, they can
infiltrate popular discussions, generating topically appropriateand
even potentially interesting content, by identifying relevant keywords
and searching online for information
fitting that conversation.17 After the

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appropriate content is identified,
the bots can automatically produce
responses through natural language
algorithms, possibly including references to media or links pointing to
external resources. Other bots aim
at tampering with the identities of
legitimate people: some are identity
thieves, adopting slight variants of
real usernames, and stealing personal information such as pictures and
links. Even more advanced mechanisms can be employed; some social
bots are able to clone the behavior
of legitimate users, by interacting
with their friends and posting topically coherent content with similar
temporal patterns.
A Taxonomy of Social Bot
Detection Systems
For all the reasons outlined here, the
computing community is engaging
in the design of advanced methods
to automatically detect social bots,
or to discriminate between humans
and bots. The strategies currently
employed by social media services appear inadequate to contrast this phenomenon and the efforts of the academic community in this direction
just started.
Here, we propose a simple taxonomy that divides the approaches proposed in literature into three classes:
bot detection systems based on social
network information; systems based
on crowdsourcing and leveraging
human intelligence; and, machinelearning methods based on the identification of highly revealing features
that discriminate between bots and
humans. Sometimes a hard categorization of a detection strategy into one
of these three categories is difficult,
since some exhibit mixed elements:
we present also a section of methods
that combine ideas from these three
main approaches.

The computing
community is
engaging in the
design of advanced
methods to
detect social bots,
or to discriminate
between humans
and bots.

Graph-Based Social Bot Detection

The challenge of social bot detection
has been framed by various teams in
an adversarial setting.3 One example
of this framework is represented by
the Facebook Immune System:30 An
adversary may control multiple social
bots (often referred to as sybils in this
context) to impersonate different identities and launch an attack or infiltra100


| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

tion. Proposed strategies to detect sybil

accounts often rely on examining the
structure of a social graph. SybilRank,9
for example, assumes that sybil accounts exhibit a small number of links
to legitimate users, instead connecting
mostly to other sybils, as they need a
large number of social ties to appear
trustworthy. This feature is exploited
to identify densely interconnected
groups of sybils. One common strategy
is to adopt off-the-shelf community detection methods to reveal such tightly
knit local communities; however, the
choice of the community detection algorithm has proven to crucially affect
the performance of the detection algorithms.34 A wise attacker may counterfeit the connectivity of the controlled
sybil accounts to mimic the features of
the community structure of the portion
of the social network populated by legitimate accounts; this strategy would
make the attack invisible to methods
solely relying on community detection.
To address this shortcoming, some
detection systems, for example SybilRank, also employ the paradigm of
innocent by association: an account
interacting with a legitimate user is
considered itself legitimate. Souche41
and Anti-Reconnaissance27 also rely
on the assumption that social network
structure alone separates legitimate
users from bots. Unfortunately, the
effectiveness of such detection strategies is bound by the behavioral assumption that legitimate users refuse
to interact with unknown accounts.
This was proven unrealistic by various
experiments:7,16,31 A large-scale social
bot infiltration on Facebook showed
that over 20% of legitimate users accept friendship requests indiscriminately, and over 60% accept requests
from accounts with at least one contact in common.7 On other platforms
like Twitter and Tumblr, connecting
and interacting with strangers is one
of the main features. In these circumstances, the innocent-by-association
paradigm yields high false-negative
rates. Some authors noted the limits of
the assumption of finding groups of social bots or legitimate users only: real
platforms may contain many mixed
groups of legitimate users who fell prey
of some bots,3 and sophisticated bots
may succeed in large-scale infiltrations
making it impossible to detect them

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solely from network structure information. This brought Alvisi et al.3 to recommend a portfolio of complementary
detection techniques, and the manual
identification of legitimate social network users to aid in the training of supervised learning algorithms.
Social Bot Detection
Wang et al.38 have explored the possibility of human detection, suggesting the crowdsourcing of social bot
detection to legions of workers. As a
proof-of-concept, they created an Online Social Turing Test platform. The
authors assumed that bot detection is
a simple task for humans, whose ability to evaluate conversational nuances
like sarcasm or persuasive language,
or to observe emerging patterns and
anomalies, is yet unparalleled by machines. Using data from Facebook
and Renren (a popular Chinese online
social network), the authors tested
the efficacy of humans, both expert
annotators and workers hired online,
at detecting social bot accounts simply from the information on their profiles. The authors observed the detection rate for hired workers drops off
over time, although it remains good
enough to be used in a majority voting
protocol: the same profile is shown to
multiple workers and the opinion of
the majority determines the final verdict. This strategy exhibits a near-zero
false positive rate, a very desirable feature for a service provider.
Three drawbacks undermine the
feasibility of this approach: first, although the authors make a general
claim that crowdsourcing the detection of social bots might work if implemented since the early stage, this
solution might not be cost effective
for a platform with a large pre-existing
user base, like Facebook and Twitter.
Second, to guarantee that a minimal
number of human annotators can be
employed to minimize costs, expert
workers are still needed to accurately
detect fake accounts, as the average
worker does not perform well individually. As a result, to reliably build
a ground-truth of annotated bots,
large social network companies like
Facebook and Twitter are forced to
hire teams of expert analysts,30 however such a choice might not be suit-

Classes of features employed by feature-based systems for social bot detection.




Network features capture various dimensions of information diffusion patterns. Statistical features can be extracted from networks based on retweets, mentions, and
hashtag co-occurrence. Examples include degree distribution, clustering coefficient,
and centrality measures.29


User features are based on Twitter meta-data related to an account, including

language, geographic locations, and account creation time.


Friend features include descriptive statistics relative to an accounts social contacts,

such as median, moments, and entropy of the distributions of their numbers of followers, followees, and posts.


Timing features capture temporal patterns of content generation (tweets) and consumption (retweets); examples include the signal similarity to a Poisson process,18
or the average time between two consecutive posts.


Content features are based on linguistic cues computed through natural language
processing, especially part-of-speech tagging; examples include the frequency of
verbs, nouns, and adverbs in tweets.


Sentiment features are built using general-purpose and Twitter-specific sentiment

analysis algorithms, including happiness, arousal-dominance-valence, and emotion

able for small social networks in their

early stages (an issue at odds with
the previous point). Finally, exposing personal information to external
workers for validation raises privacy
issue.15 While Twitter profiles tend
to be more public compared to Facebook, Twitter profiles also contain
less information than Facebook or
Renren, thus giving a human annotator less ground to make a judgment.
Analysis by manual annotators of interactions and content produced by a
Syrian social botnet active in Twitter
for 35 weeks suggests that some advanced social bots may no longer aim
at mimicking human behavior, but
rather at misdirecting attention to irrelevant information.1
Such smoke screening strategies
require high coordination among the
bots. This observation is in line with
early findings on political campaigns
orchestrated by social bots, which exhibited not only peculiar network connectivity patterns but also enhanced
levels of coordinated behavior.28 The
idea of leveraging information about
the synchronization of account activities has been fueling many social bot
detection systems: frameworks like
CopyCatch,4 SynchroTrap,10 and the
Renren Sybil detector37,42 rely explicitly
on the identification of such coordinated behavior to identify social bots.
Feature-Based Social Bot Detection
The advantage of focusing on behav-

ioral patterns is that these can be easily

encoded in features and adopted with
machine learning techniques to learn
the signature of human-like and botlike behaviors. This allows for classifying accounts later according to their
observed behaviors. Different classes
of features are commonly employed to
capture orthogonal dimensions of users behaviors, as summarized in the
accompanying table.
One example of a feature-based
system is represented by Bot or Not?.
Released in 2014, it was the first social bot detection interface for Twitter
to be made publicly available to raise
awareness about the presence of social bots.13,e Similarly to other featurebased systems,29 Bot or Not? implements a detection algorithm relying
upon highly predictive features that
capture a variety of suspicious behaviors and well separate social bots from
humans. The system employs off-theshelf supervised learning algorithms
trained with examples of both humans
and bots behaviors, based on the Texas
A&M dataset24 that contains 15,000 examples of each class and millions of
tweets. Bot or Not? scores a detection
accuracy above 95%,f measured by AUe As of the time of this writing, Bot or Not? remains the only social bot detection system
with a public-facing interface:
f Detecting more recent and sophisticated social bots, compared to those in the 2011 dataset, may well yield lower accuracy.

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Figure 1. Common features used for social bot detection. (a) The network of hashtags co-occurring in the tweets of a given user. (b) Various
sentiment signals including emoticon, happiness and arousal-dominance-valence scores. (c) The volume of content produced and consumed (tweeting and retweeting) over time.

Network Hashtag Graph


Sentiment Tweet Emoticon










Sentiment Tweet Happiness





Sentiment Tweet Methods



Temporal Retweet Timestamps

Temporal Tweet Timestamps

Figure 2. User behaviors that best discriminate social bots from humans.
Social bots retweet more than humans and have longer user names, while they produce fewer tweets,
replies and mentions, and they are retweeted less than humans. Bot accounts also tend to be more recent.

Social bot

No. retweets
Account age
No. tweets
No. replies
No. mentions
No. times retweeted
Username length


ROC via cross validation. In addition to

the classification results, Bot or Not?
features a variety of interactive visualizations that provide insights on the
features exploited by the system (see
Figure 1 for examples).


Bots are continuously changing

and evolving: the analysis of the highly predictive behaviors that featurebased systems can detect may reveal
interesting patterns and provide
unique opportunities to understand

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

how to discriminate between bots

and humans. User meta-data is considered among the most predictive
feature and the most interpretable
ones.22,38 We can suggest a few rules
of thumb to infer whether an account
is likely a bot, by comparing its metadata with that of legitimate users (see
Figure 2). Further work, however, will
be needed to detect sophisticated
strategies exhibiting a mixture of humans and social bots features (sometimes referred to as cyborgs). Detecting these bots, or hacked accounts,43
is currently impossible for featurebased systems.
Combining Multiple Approaches
Alvisi et al.3 recognized first the need
of adopting complementary detection techniques to effectively deal
with sybil attacks in social networks.
The Renren Sybil detector37,42 is an
example of system that explores multiple dimensions of users behaviors
like activity and timing information.
Examination of ground-truth clickstream data shows that real users
spend comparatively more time messaging and looking at other users
contents (such as photos and videos),

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whereas Sybil accounts spend their
time harvesting profiles and befriending other accounts. Intuitively, social
bot activities tend to be simpler in
terms of variety of behavior exhibited.
By also identifying highly predictive
features such as invitation frequency,
outgoing requests accepted, and network clustering coefficient, Renren
is able to classify accounts into two
categories: bot-like and human-like
prototypical profiles.42 Sybil accounts
on Renren tend to collude and work
together to spread similar content:
this additional signal, encoded as
content and temporal similarity, is
used to detect colluding accounts. In
some ways, the Renren approach37,42
combines the best of network- and
behavior-based conceptualizations
of Sybil detection. By achieving good
results even utilizing only the last 100
click events for each user, the Renren
system obviates to the need to store
and analyze the entire click history
for every user. Once the parameters
are tweaked against ground truth,
the algorithm can be seeded with a
fixed number of known legitimate accounts and then used for mostly unsupervised classification. The Sybil
until proven otherwise approach
(the opposite of the innocent-byassociation strategy) baked into this
framework does lend itself to detecting previously unknown methods of
attack: the authors recount the case
of spambots embedding text in images to evade detection by content analysis and URL blacklists. Other systems implementing mixed methods,
like CopyCatch4 and SynchroTrap,10
also score comparatively low false
positive rates with respect to, for example, network-based methods.
Master of Puppets
If social bots are the puppets, additional efforts will have to be directed
at finding their masters. Governmentsg and other entities with sufficient resourcesh have been alleged
to use social bots to their advantage.
g Russian Twitter political protests swamped
by spam;
h Fake Twitter accounts used to promote tar
sands pipeline;

If social bots
are the puppets,
additional efforts
will have to be
directed at finding
their masters.

Assuming the availability of effective

detection technologies, it will be crucial to reverse engineer the observed
social bot strategies: who they target,
how they generate content, when they
take action, and what topics they talk
about. A systematic extrapolation of
such information may enable identification of the puppet masters.
Efforts in the direction of studying
platforms vulnerability have already
started. Some researchers,17 for example, reverse-engineer social bots
reporting alarming results: simple
automated mechanisms that produce
contents and boost followers yield
successful infiltration strategies and
increase the social influence of the
bots. Other teams are creating bots
themselves: Tim Hwangs22 and Sune
Lehmannsi groups continuously
challenge our understanding of what
strategies effective bots employ, and
help quantify the susceptibility of
people to their influence.35,36 Briscoe
et al.8 studied the deceptive cues of
language employed by influence bots.
Tools like Bot or Not? have been made
available to the public to shed light on
the presence of social bots online.
Yet many research questions remain
open. For example, nobody knows exactly how many social bots populate
social media, or what share of content
can be attributed to botsestimates
vary wildly and we might have observed
only the tip of the iceberg. These are important questions for the research community to pursue, and initiatives such
as DARPAs SMISC bot detection challenge, which took place in the spring of
2015, can be effective catalysts of this
emerging area of inquiry.32
Bot behaviors are already quite sophisticated: they can build realistic
social networks and produce credible
content with human-like temporal
patterns. As we build better detection systems, we expect an arms race
similar to that observed for spam in
the past.21 The need for training instances is an intrinsic limitation of
supervised learning in such a scenario; machine learning techniques such
as active learning might help respond
to newer threats. The race will be over
i You are here because of a robot;

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only when the effectiveness of early
detection will sufficiently increase
the cost of deception.
The future of social media ecosystems might already point in the
direction of environments where
machine-machine interaction is the
norm, and humans navigate a world
populated mostly by bots. We believe
there is a need for bots and humans
to be able to recognize each other, to
avoid bizarre, or even dangerous, situations based on false assumptions
of human interlocutors.j
The authors are grateful to Qiaozhu
Mei, Zhe Zhao, Mohsen JafariAsbagh,
Prashant Shiralkar, and Aram Galstyan
for helpful discussions.
This work is supported in part by the
Office of Naval Research (grant N15A020-0053), National Science Foundation (grant CCF-1101743), DARPA
(grant W911NF-12-1-0037), and the
James McDonnell Foundation (grant
220020274). The funders had no role
in study design, data collection and
analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
j That Time 2 Bots Were Talking, and Bank
of America Butted In;
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32. Subrahmanian, VS, Azaria, A., Durst, S., Kagan, V.,
Galstyan, A., Lerman, K., Zhu, L., Ferrara, E., Flammini,
A., Menczer, F. and others. The DARPA Twitter Bot
Challenge. IEEE Computer (2016). In press. Preprint
33. Turing, A.M. Computing machinery and intelligence.
Mind 49, 236 (1950), 433460.
34. Viswanath, B., Post, A., Gummadi, K.P. and Mislove, A.
An analysis of social network-based sybil defenses.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 41,
4 (2011), 363374.
35. Wagner, C., Mitter, S., Krner, S. and Strohmaier, M.
When social bots attack: Modeling susceptibility of
users in online social networks. In Proceedings of
the 21st International Conference on World Wide Web
(2012), 4148.
36. Wald, R., Khoshgoftaar, T.M., Napolitano, A. and
Sumner, C. Predicting susceptibility to social bots on
Twitter. In Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International
Conference on Information Reuse and Integration.
IEEE, 613.
37. Wang, G., Konolige, T., Wilson, C., Wang, X., Zheng,
H. and Zhao, B.Y. You are how you click: Clickstream
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38. Wang, G., Mohanlal, M., Wilson, C., Wang, X., Metzger,
M., Zheng, H. and Zhao, B.Y. Social turing tests:
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Society, 2013.
39. Weizenbaum, J. ELIZAA computer program for the
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42. Yang, Z., Wilson, C., Wang, X., Gao, T., Zhao, B.Y. and
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In Proceedings of the 29th Symposium On Applied
Computing (2014).
Emilio Ferrara ([email protected]) is a research assistant
professor at the University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, and a computer scientist at the USC Information
Sciences Institute. He was a postdoctoral fellow at
Indiana University when this work was carried out.
Onur Varol ([email protected]) is a Ph.D. candidate at
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
Clayton Davis ([email protected]) is a Ph.D. candidate
at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
Filippo Menczer ([email protected]) is a professor of
computer science and informatics at Indiana University,
Bloomington, IN.
Alessandro Flammini ([email protected]) is an
associate professor of informatics at Indiana University,
Bloomington, IN.
Copyright held by authors.
Publication rights licensed to ACM. $15.00

Watch the authors discuss

their work in this exclusive
Communications video.

research highlights
P. 106

Combining Logic
and Probability

P. 107

Probabilistic Theorem Proving

By Vibhav Gogate and Pedro Domingos

By Henry Kautz and Parag Singla

P. 116

Mesa Takes
Data Warehousing
to New Heights
By Sam Madden

P. 117

Mesa: A Geo-Replicated Online

Data Warehouse for Googles
Advertising System
By Ashish Gupta, Fan Yang, Jason Govig, Adam Kirsch, Kelvin Chan,
Kevin Lai, Shuo Wu, Sandeep Dhoot, Abhilash Rajesh Kumar,
Ankur Agiwal, Sanjay Bhansali, Mingsheng Hong, Jamie Cameron,
Masood Siddiqi, David Jones, Jeff Shute, Andrey Gubarev,
Shivakumar Venkataraman, and Divyakant Agrawal

JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF T H E ACM


research highlights
DOI:10.1145/ 2 9 3 6 72 4

Technical Perspective
Combining Logic
and Probability

To view the accompanying paper,



By Henry Kautz and Parag Singla

research in artificial intelligence and machine learning since the

early days of expert systems has been
to develop automated reasoning methods that combine logic and probability.
Probabilistic theorem proving (PTP)
unifies three areas of research in computer science: reasoning under uncertainty, theorem-proving in first-order
logic, and satisfiability testing for propositional logic.
Why is there a need to combine logic
and probability? Probability theory allows one to quantify uncertainty over a
set of propositionsground facts about
the worldand a probabilistic reasoning
system allows one to infer the probability
of unknown (hidden) propositions conditioned on the knowledge of other propositions. However, probability theory alone
has nothing to say about how propositions are constructed from relationships
over entities or tuples of entities, and how
general knowledge at the level of relationships is to be represented and applied.
Handling relations takes us into the
domain of first-order logic. An important
case is collective classification, where
the hidden properties of a set of entities
depend in part on the relationships between the entities. For example, the probability that a woman contracts cancer is
not independent of her sister contracting
cancer. Many applications in medicine,
biology, natural language processing,
computer vision, the social sciences, and
other domains require reasoning about
relationships under uncertainty.
Researchers in AI have proposed a
number of representation languages
and algorithms for combining logic
and probability over the past decade,
culminating in the emergence of the
research area named statistical relational learning (SRL).
The initial approaches to SRL used
a logical specification of a domain annotated with probabilities (or weights)
as a template for instantiating, or
grounding, a propositional probabilistic representation, which is then




solved by a traditional probabilistic

reasoning engine. More recently, research has centered on the problem
of developing algorithms for probabilistic reasoning that can efficiently
handle formulas containing quantified variables without groundinga
process called lifted inference.
Well before the advent of SRL, work
in automated theorem-proving had
split into two camps. One pursued algorithms for quantified logic based on
the syntactic manipulation of formulas
using unification and resolution. The
other pursued algorithms for propositional logic based on model finding;
that is, searching the space of truth
assignments for one that makes the
formula true. At the risk of oversimplifying history, the most successful
approach for fully automated theoremproving is model finding by depth-first
search over partial truth assignments,
Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland procedure (DPLL).
There is a simple but profound connection between model finding and
propositional probabilistic reasoning.
Suppose each truth assignment, or
model, came with an associated positive weight, and the weights summed
to (or could be normalized to sum to)
one. This defines a probability distribution. DPLL can be modified in a
straightforward manner to either find
the most heavily weighted model or to
compute the sum of the weights of the

There is a simple but

profound connection
between model finding
and propositional

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

models that satisfy a formula.

The former can be used to perform
Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) inference, and the latter, called weighted
model counting, to perform marginal inference or to compute the parti
tion function.
PTP provides the final step in unifying probabilistic, propositional, and
first-order inference. PTP lifts a weighted
version of DPLL by allowing it to branch
on a logical expression containing uninstantiated variables. In the best case,
PTP can perform weighted model counting while only grounding a small part of a
large relational probabilistic theory.
SRL is a highly active research area,
where many of the ideas in PTP appear in various forms. There are lifted
versions of other exact inference algorithms such as variable elimination, as
well as lifted versions of approximate
algorithms such as belief propagation
and variational inference. Approximate inference is often the best one
can hope for in large, complex domains. Gogate and Domingos suggest
how PTP could be turned in a fast approximate algorithm by sampling from
the set of children of a branch point.
PTP sparks many interesting directions for future research. Algorithms
must be developed to quickly identify
good literals for lifted branching and
decomposition. Approximate versions
of PTP need to be fleshed out and evaluated against traditional methods for
probabilistic inference. Finally, the development of a lifted version of DPLL
suggests that researchers working on
logical theorem proving revisit the traditional divide between syntactic methods
for quantified logics and model-finding
methods for propositional logic.
Henry Kautz is the Robin and Tim Wentworth Director
of the Goergen Institute for Data Science and
a professor of computer science at the University
of Rochester, New York.
Parag Singla is an assistant professor of computer
science at the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi.
Copyright held by authors.

DOI:10.1145 / 2 9 3 6 72 6

Probabilistic Theorem Proving

By Vibhav Gogate and Pedro Domingos
Many representation schemes combining first-order logic and
probability have been proposed in recent years. Progress in
unifying logical and probabilistic inference has been slower.
Existing methods are mainly variants of lifted variable elimination and belief propagation, neither of which take logical
structure into account. We propose the first method that has
the full power of both graphical model inference and firstorder theorem proving (in finite domains with Herbrand
interpretations). We first define probabilistic theorem proving (PTP), their generalization, as the problem of computing
the probability of a logical formula given the probabilities or
weights of a set of formulas. We then show how PTP can be
reduced to the problem of lifted weighted model counting,
and develop an efficient algorithm for the latter. We prove the
correctness of this algorithm, investigate its properties, and
show how it generalizes previous approaches. Experiments
show that it greatly outperforms lifted variable elimination
when logical structure is present. Finally, we propose an
algorithm for approximate PTP, and show that it is superior
to lifted belief propagation.
Unifying first-order logic and probability enables uncertain
reasoning over domains with complex relational structure,
and is a long-standing goal of AI. Proposals go back to at
least Nilsson,17 with substantial progress within the community that studies uncertainty in AI starting in the 1990s
(e.g., Bacchus,1 Halpern,14 Wellman25), and added impetus
from the new field of statistical relational learning starting in the 2000s.11 Many well-developed representations
now exist (e.g., DeRaedt,7 and Domingos10), but the state of
inference is less advanced. For the most part, inference is
still carried out by converting models to propositional form
(e.g., Bayesian networks) and then applying standard propositional algorithms. This typically incurs an exponential
blowup in the time and space cost of inference, and forgoes
one of the chief attractions of first-order logic: the ability to
perform lifted inference, that is, reason over large domains
in time independent of the number of objects they contain,
using techniques like resolution theorem proving.20
In recent years, progress in lifted probabilistic inference
has picked up. An algorithm for lifted variable elimination
was proposed by Poole18 and extended by de Salvo Braz8 and
others. Lifted belief propagation was introduced by Singla
and Domingos.24 These algorithms often yield impressive efficiency gains compared to propositionalization, but still fall
well short of the capabilities of first-order theorem proving,
because they ignore logical structure, treating potentials as
black boxes. This paper proposes the first full-blown probabilistic theorem prover that is capable of exploiting both lifting
and logical structure, and includes standard theorem proving
and graphical model inference as special cases.

Our solution is obtained by reducing probabilistic theorem proving (PTP) to lifted weighted model counting. We
first do the corresponding reduction for the propositional
case, extending previous work by Sang et al.22 and Chavira
and Darwiche.3 We then lift this approach to the first-order
level, and refine it in several ways. We show that our algorithm
can be exponentially more efficient than first-order variable
elimination, and is never less efficient (up to constants). For
domains where exact inference is not feasible, we propose
a sampling-based approximate version of our algorithm.
Finally, we report experiments in which PTP greatly outperforms first-order variable elimination and belief propagation,
and discuss future research directions.
We begin with a brief review of propositional logic, first-order
logic and theorem proving.
The simplest formulas in propositional logic are atoms:
individual symbols representing propositions that may be
true or false in a given world. More complex formulas are
recursively built up from atoms and the logical connectives
(negation), (conjunction), (disjunction), (implication)
and (equivalence). For example, A (B C) is true iff
A is false or B and C are true. A knowledge base (KB) is a set
of logical formulas. The fundamental problem in logic is
determining entailment, and algorithms that do this are
called theorem provers. A knowledge base K entails a query
formula Q iff Q is true in all worlds in which all formulas in
K are true, a world being an assignment of truth values to
all atoms.
A world is a model of a KB iff the KB is true in it. Theorem
provers typically first convert K and Q to conjunctive normal form (CNF). A CNF formula is a conjunction of clauses,
each of which is a disjunction of literals, each of which is an
atom or its negation. For example, the CNF of A (B C) is
(A B) (A C). A unit clause consists of a single literal.
Entailment can then be computed by adding Q to K and
determining whether the resulting KB KQ is satisfiable, that
is, whether there exists a world where all clauses in KQ are
true. If not, KQ is unsatisfiable, and K entails Q. Algorithm 1
shows this basic theorem proving schema. CNF(K) converts K
to CNF, and SAT(C) returns True if C is satisfiable and False
Algorithm 1 TP(KB K, query Q)
KQ K {Q}
return SAT(CNF(KQ))

The original version of this paper was published in the

Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial
Intelligence, 2011, AUAI Press, 256265.

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research highlights
The earliest theorem prover is the DavisPutnam algorithm
(henceforth called DP).6 It makes use of the resolution rule:
if a KB contains the clauses A1 ... An and B1 ... Bm,
where the As and Bs represent literals, and some literal Ai is
the negation of some literal Bj, then the clause A1 ... Ai1
Ai+1 ... An B1 ... Bj1 Bj+1 ... Bm can be added
to the KB. For each atom A in the KB, DP resolves every pair
of clauses C1, C2 in the KB such that C1 contains A and C2
contains A, and adds the result to the KB. It then deletes
all clauses that contain a literal of A from the KB. If at some
point the empty clause is derived, the KB is unsatisfiable,
and the query formula (previously negated and added to the
KB) is therefore proven to be entailed by the KB. DP is in fact
just the variable elimination algorithm for the special case
of 0-1 potentials.
Modern propositional theorem provers use the DPLL
algorithm,5 a variant of DP that replaces the elimination
step with a splitting step: instead of eliminating all clauses
containing the chosen atom A, resolve all clauses in the KB
with A, simplify and recurse, and do the same with A. If
both recursions fail, the KB is unsatisfiable. DPLL has linear space complexity, compared to exponential for Davis
Putnam, and is the basis of the algorithms in this paper.
First-order logic inherits all the features of propositional logic, and in addition allows atoms to have internal
structure. An atom is now a predicate symbol, representing
a relation in the domain of interest, followed by a paren
thesized list of variables and/or constants, representing
objects. For example, Friends(Anna, x) is an atom. Aground
atom has only constants as arguments. First-order logic
has two additional connectives, (universal quantification) and (existential quantification). For example, x
Friends(Anna,x) means that Anna is friends with everyone, and x Friends(Anna,x) means that Anna has at
least one friend. In this paper, we assume that domains
are finite (and therefore function-free) and that there is a
one-to-one mapping between constants and objects in the
domain (Herbrand interpretations).
As long as the domain is finite, first-order theorem proving can be carried out by propositionalization: creating atoms
from all possible combinations of predicates and constants,
and applying a propositional theorem prover. However, this
is potentially very inefficient. A more sophisticated alternative
is first-order resolution,20 which proceeds by resolving pairs
of clauses and adding the result to the KB until the empty
clause is derived. Two first-order clauses can be resolved if
they contain complementary literals that unify, that is, there
is a substitution of variables by constants or other variables
that makes the two literals identical up to the negation sign.
Conversion to CNF is carried out as before, with the additional
step of removing all existential quantifiers by a process called
First-order logic allows knowledge to be expressed more
concisely than propositional logic. For example, the rules
of chess can be stated in a few pages in first-order logic,
but require hundreds of thousands in propositional logic.
Probabilistic logical languages extend this power to uncertain domains. The goal of this paper is to similarly extend
the power of first-order theorem proving.


| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

Following Nilsson,17 we define PTP as the problem of determining the probability of an arbitrary query formula Q given
a set of logical formulas Fi and their probabilities P(Fi). For
the problem to be well defined, the probabilities must be
consistent, and Nilsson17 provides a method for verifying consistency. Probabilities estimated by maximum likelihood
from an observed world are guaranteed to be consistent.
In general, a set of formula probabilities does not specify
a complete joint distribution over the atoms appearing in
them, but one can be obtained by making the maximum
entropy assumption: the distribution contains no information beyond that specified by the formula probabilities.17
Finding the maximum entropy distribution given a set of formula probabilities is equivalent to learning a maximumlikelihood log-linear model whose features are the formulas;
many algorithms for this purpose are available (iterative
scaling, gradient descent, etc.).
We call a set of formulas and their probabilities together
with the maximum entropy assumption a probabilistic knowledge base (PKB). Equivalently, a PKB can be directly defined
as a log-linear model with the formulas as features and the
corresponding weights or potential values. Potentials are
the most convenient form, since they allow determinism
(0-1 probabilities) without recourse to infinity. If x is a world
and i(x) is the potential corresponding to formula Fi, by
convention (and without loss of generality) we let i(x) = 1 if
Fi is true, and i(x) = i 0 if the formula is false. Hard formulas
have i = 0 and soft formulas have i > 0. In order to compactly
subsume standard probabilistic models, we interpret a universally quantified formula as a set of features, one for each
grounding of the formula, as in Markov logic.10 A PKB {(Fi, i)}
thus represents the joint distribution
where ni(x) is the number of false groundings of Fi in x, and
Z is a normalization constant (the partition function). We can
now define PTP succinctly as follows:
Probabilistic theorem proving (PTP)
Input: Probabilistic KB K and query formula Q
Output: P(Q|K)
If all formulas are hard, a PKB reduces to a standard logical KB. Determining whether a KB K logically entails a
query Q is equivalent to determining whether P(Q|K) = 1.10
Graphical models can be easily converted into equivalent
PKBs.3 Conditioning on evidence is done by adding the corresponding hard ground atoms to the PKB, and the conditional marginal of an atom is computed by issuing the atom
as the query. Thus PTP has both logical theorem proving and
inference in graphical models as special cases.
In this paper, we solve PTP by reducing it to lifted weighted
model counting. Model counting is the problem of determining the number of worlds that satisfy a KB. Weighted model
counting can be defined as follows.3 Assign a weight to each
literal, and let the weight of a world be the product of the
weights of the literals that are true in it. Then weighted

model counting is the problem of determining the sum of

the weights of the worlds that satisfy a KB:
Weighted model counting (WMC)
Input: CNF C and set of literal weights W
Output: Sum of weights of worlds that satisfy C
Figure 1 depicts graphically the set of inference problems addressed by this paper. Generality increases in the
direction of the arrows. We first propose an algorithm for
propositional weighted model counting and then lift it to
the first-order level. The resulting algorithm is applicable to
all the problems in the diagram. (Weighted SAT/MPE inference requires replacing sums with maxes with an additional
traceback or backtracking step, but we do not pursue it here
and leave it for future work.)
This section generalizes the Bayesian network inference
techniques in Darwiche4 and Sang et al.22 to arbitrary propositional PKBs, evidence, and query formulas. Although this
is of value in its own right, its main purpose is to lay the
groundwork for the first-order case.
The probability of a formula is the sum of the probabilities
of the worlds that satisfy it. Thus to compute the probability of
a formula Q given a PKB K it suffices to compute the partition
function of K with and without Q added as a hard formula:
where 1Q(x) is the indicator function (1 if Q is true in x and 0
In turn, the computation of partition functions can be reduced
to weighted model counting using the procedure in Algorithm 2.
This replaces each soft formula Fi in K by a corresponding
hard formula Fi Ai, where Ai is a new atom, and assigns to
every Ai literal a weight of i (the value of the potential i
when Fi is false).
Figure 1. Inference problems addressed in this paper. TPo and TP1
is propositional and first-order theorem proving respectively, PI is
probabilistic inference (computing marginals), MPE is computing the
most probable explanation, SAT is satisfiability, MC is model counting,
W is weighted and L is lifted. A = B means A can be reduced to B.








Proof. If a world violates any of the hard clauses in K or

any of the Fi Ai equivalences, it does not satisfy C and is
therefore not counted. The weight of each remaining world
x is the product of the weights of the literals that are true in
x. By the Fi Ai equivalences and the weights assigned by
WCNF(K), this is i i(x). (Recall that i(x) = 1 if Fi is true in
x and i(x) = i otherwise.) Thus xs weight is the unnormalized probability of x under K. Summing these yields the partition function Z(K).
Equation 2 and Theorem 1 lead to Algorithm 3 for PTP.
(Compare with Algorithm 1.) WMC(C, W) can be any weighted
model counting algorithm.3 Most model counters are variations of Relsat, itself an extension of DPLL.2 Relsat splits on
atoms until the CNF is decomposed into sub-CNFs sharing
no atoms, and recurses on each sub-CNF. This decomposition is crucial to the efficiency of the algorithm. In this paper
we use a weighted version of Relsat, shown in Algorithm 4.
A(C) is the set of atoms that appear in C. C|A denotes the CNF
obtained by removing the literal A and its negation A from
all clauses in which they appear in and setting to Satisfied all
clauses in which A appears in. Notice that, unlike in DPLL,
satisfied clauses cannot simply be deleted, because we need
to keep track of which atoms they are over for model counting purposes. However, they can be ignored in the decomposition step, since they introduce no dependencies. The atom
to split on in the splitting step can be chosen using various
Algorithm 2 WCNF(PKB K)
for all (Fi, i) K s.t. i > 0 do

K K {(Fi Ai, 0)} \ {(Fi, i)}

for all Ai literals do W A i
for all other literals L do WL 1
return (C, W)

Algorithm 3 PTP(PKB K, query Q)

KQ K {(Q, 0)}
Algorithm 4 WMC(CNF C, weights W)





Theorem 1. Z(K) = WMC(WCNF(K)).

// Base case
if all clauses in C are satisfied then
return AA(C) (WA + WA)
if C has an empty unsatisfied clause then return 0
// Decomposition step
if C can be partitioned into CNFs C1, ... , Ck sharing no atoms then
return ik= 1 WMC (Ci, W )
// Splitting step
Choose an atom A
return WA WMC(C|A; W) + WA WMC(C|A; W)
JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF T H E ACM


research highlights
Theorem 2. Algorithm WMC(C,W) correctly computes the
weighted model count of CNF C under literal weights W.
Proof sketch. If all clauses in C are satisfied, all assignments to the atoms in C satisfy it, and the corresponding
total weight is AA(C )(WA + WA). If C has an empty unsatisfied clause, it is unsatisfiable given the truth assignment so
far, and the corresponding weighted count is 0. If two CNFs
share no atoms, the WMC of their conjunction is the product
of the WMCs of the individual CNFs. Splitting on an atom
produces two disjoint sets of worlds, and the total WMC is
therefore the sum of the WMCs of the two sets, weighted by
the corresponding literals weight.
We now lift PTP to the first-order level. We consider first the
case of PKBs without existential quantifiers. Algorithms 2
and 3 remain essentially unchanged, except that formulas, literals and CNF conversion are now first-order. In particular, for Theorem 1 to remain true, each new atom Ai in
Algorithm 2 must now consist of a new predicate symbol followed by a parenthesized list of the variables and constants
in the corresponding formula Fi. The proof of the first-order
version of the theorem then follows by propositionalization.
Lifting Algorithm 4 is the focus of the rest of this section.
We begin with some necessary definitions. A substitution
constraint is an expression of the form x = y or x y, where
x is a variable and y is either a variable or a constant. (Much
richer substitution constraint languages are possible, but
we adopt the simplest one that allows PTP to subsume both
standard function-free theorem proving and first-order variable elimination.) Two literals are unifiable under a set of
substitution constraints S if there exists at least one ground
literal consistent with S that is an instance of both, up to
the negation sign. A (C, S) pair, where C is a first-order CNF
whose variables have been standardized apart and S is a
set of substitution constraints, represents the ground CNF
obtained by replacing each clause in C with the conjunction
of its groundings that are consistent with the constraints
in S. For example, using upper case for constants and lower
case for variables, and assuming that the PKB contains only
two constants A and B, if C = R(A, B) (R(x, y) S(y, z)) and
S = {x = y, z A}, (C, S) represents the ground CNF R(A, B)
(R(A, A) S(A, B)) (R(B, B) S(B, B)). Clauses with
equality substitution constraints can be abbreviated in the
obvious way (e.g., T(x, y, z) with x = y and z = C can be abbreviated as T(x,x,C)).
We lift the base case, decomposition step, and splitting
step of Algorithm 4 in turn. The result is shown in Algorithm 5.
Inaddition to the first-order CNF C and weights on first-order
literals W, LWMC takes as an argument an initially empty set
of substitution constraints S which, similar to logical theorem proving, is extended along each branch of the inference
as the algorithm progresses.
5.1. Lifting the base case
The base case changes only by raising each first-order atom
As sum of weights to nA(S), the number of groundings of
A compatible with the constraints in S. This is necessary and


| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

Algorithm 5 LWMC(CNF C, substs. S, weights W)

// Lifted base case
if all clauses in C are satisfied then
return AA(C)(WA + WA)nA (S)
if C has an empty unsatisfied clause then return 0
// Lifted decomposition step
if there exists a lifted decomposition {C1,1, ... , C1,m1, ... ,
Ck,1, ... , Ck,mk} of C under S then
[LWMC (Ci,1, S, W )]mi
// Lifted splitting step
Choose an atom A
(l) } be a lifted split of A for C under S
Let {(1)
A,S, ..., A,S
LWMC (C|j; Sj, W)
return i = 1 niWtAi WA
where ni, ti, fi, j and Sj are as in Proposition 3
sufficient since each atom A has nA(S) groundings, and all
ground atoms are independent because the CNF is satisfied
irrespective of their truth values. Note that nA(S) is the number of groundings of A consistent with S that can be formed
using all the constants in the original CNF.
5.2. Lifting the decomposition step
Clearly, if C can be decomposed into two or more CNFs such
that no two CNFs share any unifiable literals, a lifted decomposition of C is possible (i.e., a decomposition of C into
first-order CNFs on which LWMC can be called recursively).
But the symmetry of the first-order representation can be
further exploited. For example, if the CNF C can be decomposed into k CNFs C1, ... , Ck sharing no unifiable literals and
such that for all i, j, Ci is identical to Cj up to a renaming of
the variables and constants, then LWMC(C) = [LWMC(C1)]k.
We formalize these conditions below.
Definition 1. The set of first-order CNFs {C1,1,..., C1,m , ... ,
Ck,1, ... , Ck,mk} is called a lifted decomposition of CNF C under
substitution constraints S if, given S, it satisfies the following three
properties: (i) C = C1,1 ... Ck,mk; (ii) no two Ci, js share any unifiable
literals; (iii) for all i, j, j, such that j j, Ci, j is identical to Ci, j.a

Proposition 1. If {C1,1, ... , C1, m ... , Ck,1, ... , Ck,mk} is a lifted

decomposition of C under S, then

Rules for identifying lifted decompositions can be derived
in a straightforward manner from the inversion argument in
de Salvo Braz8 and the power rule in Jha et al.15 An example of
such a rule is given in the definition and proposition below.
Definition 2. A set of variables X = {x1, ... , xm} is called a
decomposer of a CNF C if it satisfies the following three properties: (i) for each clause Cj in C, there is exactly one variable xi in
X such that xi appears in all atoms in Cj; (ii) if xi X appears
as an argument of predicate R (say at position k in an atom having predicate symbol R), then all variables in all clauses that
Throughout this paper, when we say that two clauses are identical, we mean
that they are identical up to a renaming of constants and variables.

appear as the same argument (namely at position k) of R are

included in X; and (iii) no pair of variables xi, xj X such
that i j appear as different arguments of a predicate R in C.
For example, {x1, x2} is a decomposer of the CNF (R(x1)
S(x1, x3)) (R(x2) T(x2, x4)) while the CNF (R(x1, x2) S(x2,
x3)) (R(x4, x5) T(x4, x6)) has no decomposer. Given a
decomposer {x1,... , xm} and a CNF C, it is easy to see that for
... , xm=X}
every pair of substitutions of the form SX = {x1=X,
and SY = {x1=Y, ... , xm=Y}, with X Y, the CNFs CX and CY
obtained by applying SX and SY to C do not share any unifiable
literals. A decomposer thus yields a lifted decomposition.
Given a CNF, a decomposer can be found in linear time.
When there are no substitution constraints on the variables in the decomposer, as in the example above, all CNFs
formed by substituting the variables in the decomposer with
the same constant are identical. Thus, k = 1 in Equation (3)
and m1 equals the number of constants (objects) in the PKB.
However, when there are substitution constraints, the CNFs
may not be identical. For example, given the CNF (R
(x2) T(x2, x4)) and substitution constraints
S(x1, x3)) (R
{x1A, x2B}, the CNF formed by substituting {x1=A,
x2=A} is not identical to the CNF formed by substituting
{x1=C, x2=C}. Specifically, the first CNF is (R(A)T(A,
(x1)S(x1, x3)) has no valid groundx4)) (since the clause (R
ings for the substitution x1 = A given the constraint x1 A) while
the second CNF is (R(C) S(C, x3)) (R(C) T(C, x4)).
A possible approach for solving this problem is illustrated below. For simplicity, assume that each variable x
in the decomposer is involved in exactly one substitution
constraint of the form x X (or x = X) where X is a constant.
Consider all possible combinations (Cartesian product)
of the constraints and their negation on the decomposer.
Observe that for each clause in the CNF, the subset of constants O that satisfy all constraints in a given combination
also satisfy the following property: for any two distinct constants Xi and Xj in O, the clause (possibly having no valid
groundings) obtained by substituting the decomposer variable in it by Xi is identical to the one obtained by substituting the decomposer variable by Xj (up to a renaming of
constants and variables). Thus, a simple approach to decompose the CNF into subsets of identical but disjoint CNFs is to
partition the constants, with each part corresponding to a
possible combination of the constraints and their negation.
For instance, in our example CNF, given the decomposer X={x1, x2}, and the constraints {x A, x B} where
x X, we have the following four combinations of constraints and their negation: (1) (x A, x B); (2) (x A,
x = B); (3) (x = A,x B); and (4) (x = A, x= B). Notice
that the last combination is inconsistent (has no solution) and therefore we can ignore it. Assuming that there
are five constants {A, B, C, D, E} in the domain, the three
consistent combinations given above yield the following
partition of the constants: {{C, D, E}, {A}, {B}}. The three
corresponding parts of the lifted decomposition of the
CNF are (for readability, we do not standardize variables
apart): (1) (R(x1)S(x1, x3))(R(x2)T(x2, x4)),{x1, x2
{C, D, E}, x1A, x2B};(2)(R(x1)S(x1, x3))(R(x2)
T(x 2, x 4)),{x 1, x 2{B},x 1A, x 2B}; and (3)

(R(x1)S(x1, x3))(R(x2)T(x2, x4)),{x1, x2{A}, x1A,

In general, the partitioning problem described above can be
solved using constraint satisfaction techniques. In summary:
Proposition 2. Let X be a decomposer of a CNF C and let S be a
set of substitution constraints over C. Let {{X1,1, ... , X1, m }, ... , {Xk, 1,
... , Xk, m }} be a partition of the constants in the domain and let
C = {C1,1, ... , C1, m1, ... , Ck, 1, ... , Ck, mk} be such that (i) for all i, j,
j, j j, Ci, j is identical to Ci, j given S, and (ii) Ci, mi is a CNF
formed by substituting each variable in X by Xi, mi. Then C is a
lifted decomposition of C under S.

5.3. Lifting the splitting step

Splitting on a non-ground atom means splitting on all groundings of it consistent with the current substitution constraints S.
Naively, if the atom has c groundings consistent with S this
will lead to a sum of 2c recursive calls to LWMC, one for each
possible truth assignment to the c ground atoms. However,
in general these calls will have repeated structure and can
be replaced by a much smaller number. The lifted splitting
step exploits this.
We introduce some notation and definitions. Let A, S denote
a truth assignment to the groundings of atom A that is consistent with the substitution constraints S, and let A,S denote
the set of all possible such assignments. Let C|A,S denote the
CNF formed by removing A and A from all clauses that satisfy
S, and setting to Satisfied all ground clauses that are satisfied
because of A,S. This can be done in a lifted manner by updating the substitution constraints associated with each clause.
For instance, consider the clause R(x) S(x, y) and substitution constraint {x A}, and suppose the domain is {A, B, C}
(i.e., these are all the constants appearing in the PKB). Given
the assignment R(B) = True, R(C) = False and ignoring satisfied clauses, the clause becomes S(x, y) and the constraint
set becomes {x A, x B}. R(x) is removed from the clause
because all of its groundings are instantiated. The constraint
x B is added because the assignment R(B) = True satisfies
all groundings in which x = B.
of A,S is called a
Definition 3. The partition
lifted split of atom A for CNF C under substitution constraints
satisfies the following two properties: (i)all
S if every part
have the same number of true
truth assignments in
, C|j is identical to C|k.
atoms; (ii) for all pairs j,
Proposition 3. If
under S, then

is a lifted split of A for C

, ti, and fi are the number of true and
false atoms in respectively, and Si is S augmented with the
substitution constraints required to form C|.
Again, we can derive rules for identifying a lifted split
by using the counting arguments in de Salvo Braz8 and the
generalized binomial rule in Jha et al.15 We omit the details
for lack of space. In the worst case, lifted splitting defaults
to splitting on a ground atom. In most inference problems,
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research highlights
the PKB will contain many hard ground unit clauses (the evidence). Splitting on the corresponding ground atoms then
reduces to a single recursive call to LWMC for each atom.
In general, the atom to split on in Algorithm 5 should be
chosen with the goal of yielding lifted decompositions in
the recursive calls (e.g., using lifted versions of the propositional heuristics23).
Notice that the lifting schemes used for decomposition
and splitting in Algorithm 5 by no means exhaust the space of
possible probabilistic lifting rules. For example, Jha et al.15
and Milch et al.16 contain examples of other lifting rules.
Searching for new probabilistic lifted inference rules, and
positive and negative theoretical results about what can be
lifted, looks like a fertile area for future research.
The theorem below follows from Theorem 2 and the arguments above.
Theorem 3. Algorithm LWMC(C, 0/, W) correctly computes the
weighted model count of CNF C under literal weights W.
5.4. Extensions and discussion
Although most probabilistic logical languages do not include
existential quantification, handling it in PTP is desirable for
the sake of logical completeness. This is complicated by the
fact that skolemization is not sound for model counting
(skolemization will not change satisfiability but can change
the model count), and so cannot be applied. The result of
conversion to CNF is now a conjunction of clauses with universally and/or existentially quantified variables (e.g., [xy
(R(x,y) S(y))] [uvwT(u,v,w)]). Algorithm 5 now
needs to be able to handle clauses of this form. If no universal quantifier appears nested inside an existential one, this
is straightforward, since in this case an existentially quantified clause is just a compact representation of a longer one.
For example, if the domain is {A, B, C}, the unit clause xy
R(x, y) represents the clause x (R(x, A) R(x, B) R(x, C)).
The decomposition and splitting steps in Algorithm 5 are
both easily extended to handle such clauses without loss
of lifting (and the base case does not change). However, if
universals appear inside existentials, a first-order clause
now corresponds to a disjunction of conjunctions of propositional clauses. For example, if the domain is {A, B}, xy
(R(x, y) S(x, y)) represents (R(A, A) S(A, A)) (R(A, B)
S(A, B)) (R(B, A) S(B, A)) (R(B, B) S(B, B)). Whether
these cases can be handled without loss of lifting remains
an open question.
Several optimizations of the basic LWMC procedure in
Algorithm 5 can be readily ported from the algorithms PTP
generalizes. These optimizations can tremendously improve
the performance of LWMC.
Unit Propagation When LWMC splits on atom A, the
clauses in the current CNF are resolved with the unit
clauses A and A. This results in deleting false atoms, which
may produce new unit clauses. The idea in unit propagation is to in turn resolve all clauses in the new CNF with
all the new unit clauses, and continue to do this until no
further unit resolutions are possible. This often produces
a much smaller CNF, and is a key component of DPLL
that can also be used in LWMC. Other techniques used


| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

in propositional inference that can be ported to LWMC

include pure literals, clause learning, clause indexing, and
random restarts.2, 3, 23
Caching/Memoization In a typical inference, LWMC will
be called many times on the same subproblems. The solutions of these can be cached when they are computed, and
reused when they are encountered again. (Notice that a
cache hit only requires identity up to renaming of variables
and constants.) This can greatly reduce the time complexity of LWMC, but at the cost of increased space complexity.
If the results of all calls to LWMC are cached (full caching),
in the worst case LWMC will use exponential space. In practice, we can limit the cache size to the available memory and
heuristically prune elements from it when it is full. Thus, by
changing the cache size, LWMC can explore various time/
space tradeoffs. Caching in LWMC corresponds to both caching in model counting23 and recursive conditioning4 and to
memoization of common subproofs in theorem proving.
Knowledge-Based Model Construction KBMC first uses
logical inference to select the subset of the PKB that is relevant to the query, and then propositionalizes the result and
performs standard probabilistic inference on it.25 Asimilar
effect can be obtained in PTP by noticing that in Equation
2 factors that are common to Z(K {(Q, 0)}) and Z(K) cancel
out and do not need to be computed. Thus we can modify
Algorithm 3 as follows: (i) simplify the PKB by unit propagation starting from evidence atoms, etc.; (ii) drop from the
PKB all formulas that have no path of unifiable literals to
the query; (iii) pass to LWMC only the remaining formulas,
with an initial S containing the substitutions required for
the unifications along the connecting path(s).
We now state two theorems (proofs are provided in the
extended version of the paper) which compare the efficiency
of PTP and first-order variable elimination (FOVE).8, 18
Theorem 4. PTP can be exponentially more efficient than FOVE.
Theorem 5. LWMC with full caching has the same worst-case
time and space complexity as FOVE.
De Salvo Brazs FOVE8 and lifted BP24 completely shatter
the PKB in advance. This may be wasteful because many of
those splits may not be necessary. In contrast, LWMC splits
only as needed.
PTP yields new algorithms for several of the inference
problems in Figure 1. For example, ignoring weights and
replacing products by conjunctions and sums by disjunctions
in Algorithm 5 yields a lifted version of DPLL for first-order
theorem proving.
Of the standard methods for inference in graphical
models, propositional PTP is most similar to recursive
conditioning4 and AND/OR search9 with context-sensitive
decomposition and caching, but applies to arbitrary PKBs,
not just Bayesian networks. Also, PTP effectively performs
formula-based inference13 when it splits on one of the auxiliary atoms introduced by Algorithm 2.
PTP realizes some of the benefits of lazy inference for
relational models10 by keeping in lifted form what lazy inference would leave as default.

LWMC lends itself readily to Monte Carlo approximation, by
replacing the sum in the splitting step with a random choice of
one of its terms, calling the algorithm many times, and averaging the results. This yields the first lifted sampling algorithm.
We first apply this importance sampling approach21 to
WMC, yielding the MC-WMC algorithm. The two algorithms
differ only in the last line. Let Q(A|C, W) denote the importance
or proposal distribution over A given the current CNF C and
literal weights W. Then we return
MC-WMC(C|A; W) othwith probability Q(A|C, W), or
erwise. By importance sampling theory21 and by the law of
total expectation, it is easy to show that:
Theorem 6. If Q(A|C, W) satisfies WMC(C|A; W) > 0 Q(A|C, W)
> 0 for all atoms A and its true and false assignments, then the
expected value of the quantity output by MC-WMC(C, W) equals
WMC(C, W). In other words, MC-WMC(C, W) yields an unbiased
estimate of WMC(C, W).
An estimate of WMC(C, W) is obtained by running MCWMC(C, W) multiple times and averaging the results. By linearity of expectation, the running average is also unbiased. It
is well known that the accuracy of the estimate is inversely proportional to its variance.21 The variance can be reduced by either
running MC-WMC more times or by choosing Q that is as close
as possible to the posterior distribution P (or both). Thus, for
MC-WMC to be effective in practice, at each point, given the current CNF C, we should select Q(A|C, W) that is as close as possible to the marginal probability distribution of A w.r.t. C and W.
In presence of hard formulas, MC-WMC suffers from the
rejection problem12: it may return a zero. We can solve this
problem by either backtracking when a sample is rejected or by
generating samples from the backtrack-free distribution.12
Next, we present a lifted version of MC-WMC, which is
obtained by replacing the (last line of the) lifted splitting
step in LWMC by the following lifted sampling step:

MC-LWMC(C|, Si, W)

is sampled from Q, and ni, ti, fi, , and Si are as

in Proposition 3.
In the lifted sampling step, we construct a distribution Q
from it. Then
over the lifted split and sample an element
we weigh the sampled element w.r.t. Q and call the algorithm
recursively on the CNF conditioned on
Notice that in the lifted sampling algorithm, A is a firstis defined in a lifted
order atom and the distribution
represents a subset of
manner. Moreover, since each
truth assignments to the groundings of A, given a ground
, the probability of sampling is
. Therefore, ignoring the decomposition
step, MC-LWMC is equivalent to MC-WMC that uses QG to
sample a truth assignment to the groundings of A. In the
decomposition step, given a set of identical and disjoint
CNFs, we simply sample just one of the CNFs and raise our
estimate to the appropriate count. The correctness of this
step follows from the fact that given a set {R1, ... , Rk} of k

independent and identical random variables and m random

samples (r1,1, ... , r1,m) of R1, the expected value of the product
is an
of the random variables equals E[R 1] k and
asymptotically unbiased estimate of E[R1]k. Therefore, the
following theorem immediately follows from Theorem 6.
satisfies WMC(C|; Si, W ) > 0
Theorem 7. If
for all elements
of the lifted split of A for C under
S, then MC-LWMC(C, S, W) yields an asymptotically unbiased
estimate of WMC(C, W).
Because of the lifted decomposition and sampling steps,
the time and space complexity of MC-LWMC is much smaller
than that of MC-WMC. As a result, given a time bound the
estimate returned by MC-LWMC will be based on a much
larger sample size than the one returned by MC-WMC.
Since variance goes down (and the accuracy goes up) as we
increase the sample size, MC-LWMC has smaller variance
(and is potentially more accurate) than MC-WMC.
7.1. Exact inference
We implemented PTP in C++ and ran all our experiments on
a Linux machine with a 2.33 GHz Intel Xeon processor and
2GB of RAM. We used a constraint solver based on forward
checking to implement the substitution constraints. We
used the following heuristics for splitting. At any point, we
prefer an atom which yields the smallest number of recursive calls to LWMC (i.e., an atom that yields maximum lifting). We break ties by selecting an atom that appears in the
largest number of ground clauses; this number can be computed using the constraint solver. If it is the same for two or
more atoms, we break ties randomly.
We compare the performance of PTP and FOVE8 on a
link prediction PKB (additional experimental results on randomly generated PKBs are presented in the full version of
the paper). Link prediction is the problem of determining
whether a link exists between two nodes in a network and
is an important problem in many domains such as social
network analysis and Web mining. We experimented with
a simple link prediction PKB consisting of two clauses:
GoodStudent(y) Advises(x, y)
FutureProf(y) and Coauthor(x, y) Advises(x, y). The
PKB has two types of objects: professors (x) and students
(y). Given data on a subset of papers and goodness of professors and students, the task is to be predict who advises
whom and who is likely to be a professor in the future.
We evaluated the performance of FOVE and PTP along two
dimensions: (i) the number of objects and (ii) the amount of
evidence. We varied the number of objects from 10 to 1000
and the number of evidence atoms from 10% to 80%.
Figure 2a shows the impact of increasing the number of
evidence atoms on the performance of the two algorithms
on a link prediction PKB with 100 objects. FOVE runs out of
memory (typically after around 20 minutes of runtime) after
the percentage of evidence atoms rises above 40%. PTP solves
all the problems and is also much faster than FOVE (notice
the log-scale on the y-axis). Figure 2b shows the impact of
increasing the number of objects on a link prediction PKB
JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF T H E ACM


research highlights
with 20% of the atoms set as observed. We see that FOVE is
unable to solve any problems after the number of objects is
increased beyond 100 because it runs out of memory. PTP,
on the other hand, solves all problems in less than 100s.
7.2. Approximate inference
In this subsection, we compare the performance of MCLWMC, MC-WMC, lifted belief propagation,24 and MC-SAT19
on two domains: entity resolution (Cora) and collective classification. The Cora dataset contains 1295 citations to 132
different research papers. The inference task here is to detect
duplicate citations, authors, titles, and venues. The collective
classification dataset consists of about 3000 query atoms.
Since computing the exact posterior marginals is infeasible in these domains, we used the following evaluation
method. We partitioned the data into two equalsized sets:
evidence set and test set. We then computed the probability
of each ground atom in the test set given all atoms in the evidence set using the four inference algorithms. We measure
the error using negative log-likelihood of the data according
to the inference algorithms (the negative log-likelihood is a
sampling approximation of the KL divergence to the datagenerating distribution, shifted by its entropy).
Figure 2. (a) Impact of increasing the amount of evidence on the
time complexity of FOVE and PTP in the link prediction domain.
Thenumber of objects in the domain is 100. (b) Impact of increasing
the number of objects on the time complexity of FOVE and PTP in the
link prediction domain, with 20% of the atoms set as evidence.


Figure 3. Negative log-likelihood of the data as a function of time

for lifted BP, MC-SAT, MC-WMC, and MC-LWMC on (a) the entity
resolution (Cora) and (b) the collective classification domains.

Negative log likelihood

Time (seconds)

Probabilistic theorem proving (PTP) combines theorem
proving and probabilistic inference. This paper proposed
an algorithm for PTP based on reducing it to lifted weighted
model counting, and showed both theoretically and empirically that it has significant advantages compared to previous
lifted probabilistic inference algorithms. An implementation of PTP is available in the Alchemy 2.0 system (available
Directions for future research include: extension of PTP to
infinite, non-Herbrand first-order logic; new lifted inference
rules; theoretical analysis of liftability; porting to PTP more
speedup techniques from logical and probabilistic inference;
lifted splitting heuristics; better handling of existentials;
variational PTP algorithms; better importance distributions;
approximate lifting; answering multiple queries simultaneously; applications; etc.




The results, averaged over 10 runs, are shown in Figure 3a

and b. The figures show how the log-likelihood of the data varies with time for the four inference algorithms used. We see that
MC-LWMC has the lowest negative log-likelihood of all algorithms by a large margin. It significantly dominates MC-WMC in
about 2 min of runtime and is substantially superior to both lifted
BP and MC-SAT (notice the log scale). This shows the advantages
of approximate PTP over lifted BP and ground inference.














Negative log likelihood

Time (seconds)





Number of objects















Time (minutes)

Percentage of evidence objects



| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7




Time (minutes)

This research was funded by the ARO MURI grant
W911NF-08-1-0242, AFRL contracts FA8750-09-C-0181 and
FA8750-14-C-0021, DARPA contracts FA8750-05-2-0283,
FA8750-14-C-0005, FA8750-07-D-0185, HR0011-06-C-0025,
HR0011-07-C-0060, and NBCH-D030010, NSF grants IIS0534881 and IIS-0803481, and ONR grant N00014-08-1-0670.
The views and conclusions contained in this document are
those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or
implied, of ARO, DARPA, NSF, ONR, or the U.S. Government.
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research highlights
DOI:10.1145/ 2 9 3 6 72 0

Technical Perspective
Mesa Takes Data Warehousing
to New Heights

To view the accompanying paper,



By Sam Madden

Google to make business

data processingamong the stodgiest topics in the rather buttoned-up
world of database systemsseem
cool. The application here involves
producing reports over Googles ads
infrastructure: Google executives
want to see how many ads each Google
property is serving, and how profitable
they are, and Googles customers want
to see how many users are clicking on
their ads, how much they are paying,
and so on.
At a small scale, solving this problem is straightforwardnew ad click
and sales data are appended to a database file as they are sent from the processing system, and computing the
answer to a particular query over the
data involves reading the contents of
(scanning) the data file to compute
a running total of the records in the
groups the user is interested in. Making this perform at the scale of Google
Ads, where billions of clicks happen
per day, is the challenge addressed by
the Mesa system described in this following paper.
Fundamentally, the key technique is to employ massive parallelism, both when adding new data and
when looking up specific records.
The techniques used are largely a collection of best practices developed in
the distributed systems and database
communities over the last decade,
with some clever new ideas thrown
in. Some of the highlights from this
work include:
The use of batch updates and
append-only storage. New data is
not added one record at a time, but
is aggregated into batches that are
sent into Mesa. Instead of merging
these batches into the existing storage, these batches are simply written
out as additional files that need to
be scanned when processing a query.
This has the advantage that existing
files are never modified, so queries
can continue to be executed while new




data is added without worrying about

new data being partially read by these
existing queries.
Massive scale parallel query processing. Each query is answered by
one query processing node, but there
can be hundreds or thousands of compute nodes. They can each answer
queries independently because of the
use of append-only storage: query processors never need to worry that the
files they are scanning will change
while they are running, and query processors never wait for each other to
perform operations.
Atomic updates. Some care is
needed to atomically install update
batches, such that they are either
not seen at all or are seen in their entirety. Mesa labels each update with a
unique, monotonically incrementing
version number, which is periodically
communicated to each query processor. Once a query processor learns
of a new version number, it will answer queries up to and including that
batch, and is guaranteed that the files
containing the batch have been completely written and will not change.
This means it can take some time (a
few seconds to a minute) for a query
processor to see a new update, but
this will only result in a slightly stale
answer (missing the most recent update), never an answer that is missing
some arbitrary subset of updates.

A natural question
is how Mesa
compares to existing
parallel transactional
database systems?

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

Unusual data model. Unlike most

database systems that simply represent (or model) data as a collection
of records each with a number of attributes, Mesa allows a programmer
to specify a merge function that can be
used to combine two records when a record with a duplicate key arrives. This
makes it possible, for example, to keep
a running total of clicks or revenue for
a particular ad or customer. One advantage of this model is that it allows new
data to be added without reading the
old data first when computing running
sums and so on.
A natural question is how Mesa
compares to existing parallel transactional database systems? Database systems are optimized for high
throughput, but lack several features
that are a requirement of the Mesa solution. First, Mesa fits neatly into the
elegant modular (layered) software
architecture stack Google has built:
It runs on top of Colossus (their distributed file system), and provides a
substrate on which advanced query
processing techniques (like their F1
system) can be built. Layering software this way allows different engineering teams to maintain code,
and allows different layers to service
multiple clients. Many existing data
processing systems are much more
monolithic, and would be difficult
to integrate into the Google software
ecosystem. Second, conventional databases were not built to replicate
data across multiple datacenters.
Traditional systems (typically) use a
single-master approach for fault tolerance, replicating to a (read-only)
standby that can take over on a master failure. Such a design will not work
well if datacenter failures or network
partitions are frequent.
Sam Madden ([email protected]) is a professor
of computer science at Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Copyright held by author.

DOI:10.1145 / 2 9 3 6 72 2

Mesa: A Geo-Replicated Online

Data Warehouse for Googles
Advertising System

By Ashish Gupta, Fan Yang, Jason Govig, Adam Kirsch, Kelvin Chan, Kevin Lai, Shuo Wu, Sandeep Dhoot, Abhilash Rajesh
Kumar, Ankur Agiwal, Sanjay Bhansali, Mingsheng Hong, Jamie Cameron, Masood Siddiqi, David Jones, Jeff Shute, Andrey
Gubarev, Shivakumar Venkataraman, and Divyakant Agrawal
Mesa is a highly scalable analytic data warehousing system
that stores critical measurement data related to Googles
Internet advertising business. Mesa is designed to satisfy a
complex and challenging set of user and systems requirements, including near real-time data ingestion and retrieval,
as well as high availability, reliability, fault tolerance, and
scalability for large data and query volumes. Specifically,
Mesa handles petabytes of data, processes millions of row
updates per second, and serves billions of queries that fetch
trillions of rows per day. Mesa is geo-replicated across multiple datacenters and provides consistent and repeatable
query answers at low latency, even when an entire datacenter fails. This paper presents the Mesa system and reports
the performance and scale that it achieves.
Google runs an extensive advertising platform across multiple channels that serves billions of advertisements (or ads)
every day to users all over the globe. Detailed information
associated with each served ad, such as the targeting criteria, number of impressions and clicks, etc., are recorded
and processed in real time. This data is used extensively at
Google for different use cases, including reporting, internal auditing, analysis, billing, and forecasting. Advertisers
gain fine-grained insights into their advertising campaign
performance by interacting with a sophisticated front-end
service that issues online and on-demand queries to the
underlying data store. Googles internal ad serving platforms use this data in real time, determining budgeting
and ad performance to enhance ad serving relevancy. As
the Google ad platform continues to expand and as internal
and external customers request greater visibility into their
advertising campaigns, the demand for more detailed and
fine-grained information leads to tremendous growth in
the data size. The scale and business critical nature of this
data result in unique technical and operational challenges
for processing, storing, and querying. The requirements for
such a data store are:
Atomic Updates. A single user action may lead to multiple
updates at the relational data level, affecting thousands of
consistent views, defined over a set of metrics (e.g., clicks
and cost) across a set of dimensions (e.g., advertiser and
country). It must not be possible to query the system in a
state where only some of the updates have been applied.

Consistency and Correctness. For business and legal reasons, this system must return consistent and correct data.
We require strong consistency and repeatable query results
even if a query involves multiple datacenters.
Availability. The system must not have any single point of
failure. There can be no downtime in the event of planned or
unplanned maintenance or failures, including outages that
affect an entire datacenter or a geographical region.
Near Real-Time Update Throughput. The system must support continuous updates, both new rows and incremental
updates to existing rows, with the update volume on the
order of millions of rows updated per second. These updates
should be available for querying consistently across different views and datacenters within minutes.
Query Performance. The system must support latency-sensitive
users serving live customer reports with very low latency
requirements and batch extraction users requiring very
high throughput. Overall, the system must support point
queries with 99th percentile latency in the hundreds of milliseconds and overall query throughput of trillions of rows
fetched per day.
Scalability. The system must be able to scale with the growth
in data size and query volume. For example, it must support
trillions of rows and petabytes of data. The update and query
performance must hold even as these parameters grow
Online Data and Metadata Transformation. In order to support new feature launches or change the granularity of existing data, clients often require transformations of the data
schema or modifications to existing data values. These
changes must not interfere with the normal query and
update operations.
Mesa is Googles solution to these technical and operational challenges for business critical data. Mesa is a distributed, replicated, and highly available data processing,
storage, and query system for structured data. Mesa ingests
data generated by upstream services, aggregates and persists the data internally, and serves the data via user queries.
Even though this paper mostly discusses Mesa in the context
The original version of this paper, entitled Mesa: GeoReplicated, Near Real-Time, Scalable Warehousing, was
published in the Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 7, 12
(Aug. 2014), 12591270.
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research highlights
of ads metrics, Mesa is a generic data warehousing solution
that satisfies all of the above requirements.
Mesa leverages common Google infrastructure and services, such as Colossus (Googles distributed file system),7
BigTable,3 and MapReduce.6 To achieve storage scalability
and availability, data is horizontally partitioned and replicated. Updates may be applied at the granularity of a single
table or across many tables. To achieve consistent and repeatable queries during updates, the underlying data is multiversioned. To achieve update scalability, data updates are
batched, assigned a new version number, and periodically
(e.g., every few minutes) incorporated into Mesa. To achieve
update consistency across multiple data centers, Mesa uses a
distributed synchronization protocol based on Paxos.11
In contrast, commercial DBMS vendors4, 14, 17 often
address the scalability challenge through specialized hardware and sophisticated parallelization techniques. Internet
services companies1, 12, 16 address this challenge using a combination of new technologies: key-value stores,3, 8, 13 columnar storage, and the MapReduce programming paradigm.
However, many of these systems are designed to support
bulk load interfaces to import data and can require hours to
run. From that perspective, Mesa is very similar to an OLAP
system. Mesas update cycle is minutes and it continuously
processes hundreds of millions of rows. Mesa uses multiversioning to support transactional updates and queries
across tables. A system that is close to Mesa in terms of supporting both dynamic updates and real-time querying of
transactional data is Vertica.10 However, to the best of our
knowledge, none of these commercial products or production systems has been designed to manage replicated data
across multiple datacenters. Also, none of Googles other inhouse data solutions2, 3, 5, 15 support the data size and update
volume required to serve as a data warehousing platform
supporting Googles advertising business.
Mesa achieves the required update scale by processing
updates in batches. Mesa is, therefore, unique in that application data is redundantly (and independently) processed at
all datacenters, while the metadata is maintained using synchronous replication. This approach minimizes the synchronization overhead across multiple datacenters in addition to
providing additional robustness in face of data corruption.
Data in Mesa is continuously generated and is one of the
largest and most valuable data sets at Google. Analysis queries on this data can range from simple queries such as,
How many ad clicks were there for a particular advertiser
on a specific day? to a more involved query scenario such
as, How many ad clicks were there for a particular advertiser matching the keyword decaf during the first week of
October between 8:00 am and 11:00 am that were displayed
on for users in a specific geographic location
using a mobile device?
Data in Mesa is inherently multi-dimensional, capturing
all the microscopic facts about the overall performance of
Googles advertising platform in terms of different dimensions. These facts typically consist of two types of attributes:
dimensional attributes (which we call keys) and measure


| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

attributes (which we call values). Since many dimension

attributes are hierarchical (and may even have multiple hierarchies, e.g., the date dimension can organize data at the day/
month/year level or fiscal week/quarter/year level), a single
fact may be aggregated in multiple materialized views based
on these dimensional hierarchies to enable data analysis
using drill-downs and roll-ups. A careful warehouse design
requires that the existence of a single fact is consistent across
all possible ways the fact is materialized and aggregated.
2.1. The data model
In Mesa, data is maintained using tables. Each table has a
table schema that specifies its structure. Specifically, a table
schema specifies the key space K for the table and the corresponding value space V, where both K and V are sets.
The table schema also specifies the aggregation function
F : V V V which is used to aggregate the values corresponding to the same key. The aggregation function must be
associative (i.e., F(F(u0, u1), u2) = F(u0, F(u1, u2)) for any values
u0, u1, u2 V). In practice, it is usually also commutative (i.e.,
F(u0, u1) = F(u1, u0)), although Mesa does have tables with
non-commutative aggregation functions (e.g., F(u0, u1) = u1
to replace a value). The schema also specifies one or more
indexes for a table, which are total orderings of K.
The key space K and value space V are represented as
tuples of columns, each of which has a fixed type (e.g., int32,
int64, string, etc.). The schema specifies an associative
aggregation function for each individual value column, and
F is implicitly defined as the coordinate-wise aggregation of
the value columns, that is:
F((x1, ... , xk), ( y1, ... , yk)) = ( f1(x1, y1) , ... , fk (xk, yk)),
where (x1, ... , xk), ( y1, ... , yk) V are any two tuples of column
values, and f1, ... , fk are explicitly defined by the schema for
each value column.
As an example, Figure 1 illustrates three Mesa tables. All
three tables contain ad click and cost metrics (value columns)
Figure 1. Three related Mesa tables.


(a) Mesa table A




(b) Mesa table B




(c) Mesa table C



broken down by various attributes, such as the date of the

click, the advertiser, the publisher website that showed the
ad, and the country (key columns). The aggregation function used for both value columns is SUM. All metrics are
consistently represented across the three tables, assuming
the same underlying events have updated data in all these
tables. Figure 1 is a simplified view of Mesas table schemas.
In production, Mesa contains over a thousand tables, many
of which have hundreds of columns, using various aggregation functions.
2.2. Updates and queries
To achieve high update throughput, Mesa applies updates
in batches. The update batches themselves are produced
by an upstream system outside of Mesa, typically at a frequency of every few minutes (smaller and more frequent
batches would imply lower update latency, but higher
resource consumption). Formally, an update to Mesa specifies a version number n (sequentially assigned from 0) and
a set of rows of the form (table name, key, value). Each
update contains at most one aggregated value for every
(table name, key).
A query to Mesa consists of a version number n and a
predicate P on the key space. The response contains one row
for each key matching P that appears in some update with
version between 0 and n. The value for a key in the response
is the aggregate of all values for that key in those updates.
Mesa actually supports more complex query functionality
than this, but all of that can be viewed as pre-processing and
post-processing with respect to this primitive.
As an example, Figure 2 shows two updates corresponding to tables defined in Figure 1 that, when aggregated,
yield tables A, B, and C. To maintain table consistency
(as discussed in Section 2.1), each update contains consistent rows for the two tables, A and B. Mesa computes
Figure 2. Two Mesa updates.












(a) Update version 0 for Mesa table A




(b) Update version 0 for Mesa table B




(c) Update version 1 for Mesa table A




(d) Update version 1 for Mesa table B

the updates to table C automatically, because they can be

derived directly from the updates to table B. Conceptually,
a single update including both the AdvertiserId and
PublisherId attributes could also be used to update
all three tables, but that could be expensive, especially
in more general cases where tables have many attributes
(e.g., due to a cross product).
Note that table C corresponds to a materialized view
of the following query over table B: SELECT SUM(Clicks),
SUM(Cost) GROUP BY AdvertiserId, Country. This
query can be represented directly as a Mesa table because
the use of SUM in the query matches the use of SUM as the
aggregation function for the value columns in table B. Mesa
restricts materialized views to use the same aggregation
functions for metric columns as the parent table.
To enforce update atomicity, Mesa uses a multiversioned approach. Mesa applies updates in order by version number, ensuring atomicity by always incorporating
an update entirely before moving on to the next update.
Users can never see any effects from a partially incorporated update.
The strict ordering of updates has additional applications beyond atomicity. Indeed, the aggregation functions
in the Mesa schema may be non-commutative, such as in the
standard key-value store use case where a (key, value) update
completely overwrites any previous value for the key. More
subtly, the ordering constraint allows Mesa to support use
cases where an incorrect fact is represented by an inverse
action. In particular, Google uses online fraud detection
to determine whether ad clicks are legitimate. Fraudulent
clicks are offset by negative facts. For example, there could
be an update version 2 following the updates in Figure 2
that contains negative clicks and costs, corresponding to
marking previously processed ad clicks as illegitimate. By
enforcing strict ordering of updates, Mesa ensures that a
negative fact can never be incorporated before its positive
2.3. Versioned data management
Versioned data plays a crucial role in both update and query
processing in Mesa. However, it presents multiple challenges. First, given the aggregatable nature of ads statistics,
storing each version independently is very expensive from
the storage perspective. The aggregated data can typically
be much smaller. Second, going over all the versions and
aggregating them at query time is also very expensive and
increases the query latency. Third, nave pre-aggregation of
all versions on every update can be prohibitively expensive.
To handle these challenges, Mesa pre-aggregates certain versioned data and stores it using deltas, each of which
consists of a set of rows (with no repeated keys) and a delta
version (or, more simply, a version), represented by [V1, V2],
where V1 and V2 are update version numbers and V1 V2. We
refer to deltas by their versions when the meaning is clear.
The rows in a delta [V1, V2] correspond to the set of keys that
appeared in updates with version numbers between V1 and V2
(inclusively). The value for each such key is the aggregation
of its values in those updates. Updates are incorporated
into Mesa as singleton deltas (or, more simply, singletons).
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research highlights
The delta version [V1, V2] for a singleton corresponding to
an update with version number n is denoted by setting
V1 = V2 = n.
A delta [V1, V2] and another delta [V2 + 1, V3] can be
aggregated to produce the delta [V1, V3], simply by merging row keys and aggregating values accordingly. (As discussed in Section 2.4, the rows in a delta are sorted by key,
and, therefore, two deltas can be merged in linear time.)
The correctness of this computation follows from associativity of the aggregation function F. Notably, correctness does not depend on commutativity of F, as whenever
Mesa aggregates two values for a given key, the delta versions are always of the form [V1, V2] and [V2 + 1, V3], and
the aggregation is performed in the increasing order of
Mesa allows users to query at a particular version for
only a limited time period (e.g., 24hours). This implies
that versions that are older than this time period can
be aggregated into a base delta (or, more simply, a base)
with version [0, B] for some base version B 0, and after
that any other deltas [V1, V2] with 0 V1 V2 B can be
deleted. This process is called base compaction, and
Mesa performs it concurrently and asynchronously with
respect to other operations (e.g., incorporating updates
and answering queries).
Note that for compaction purposes, the time associated with an update version is the time that version was
generated, which is independent of any time series information that may be present in the data. For example,
for the Mesa tables in Figure 1, the data associated with
2014/01/01 is never removed. However, Mesa may reject
a query to the particular depicted version after some
time. The date in the data is just another attribute and is
opaque to Mesa.
With base compaction, to answer a query for version
number n, we could aggregate the base delta [0, B] with
all singleton deltas [B + 1, B + 1], [B + 2, B + 2], ... , [n, n],
and then return the requested rows. Even though we run
base compaction frequently (e.g., every day), the number
of singletons can still easily approach hundreds (or even a
thousand), especially for update intensive tables. In order to
support more efficient query processing, Mesa maintains a
set of cumulative deltas D of the form [U, V] with B < U < V
through a process called cumulative compaction. These deltas
can be used to find a spanning set of deltas {[0, B], [B + 1, V1],
[V1 + 1, V2], ... , [Vk + 1, n]} for a version n that requires significantly less aggregation than simply using the singletons.
Of course, there is a storage and processing cost associated
with the cumulative deltas, but that cost is amortized over all
operations (particularly queries) that are able to use those
deltas instead of singletons.
The delta compaction policy determines the set of deltas
maintained by Mesa at any point in time. Its primary purpose
is to balance the processing that must be done for a query,
the latency with which an update can be incorporated into a
Mesa delta, and the processing and storage costs associated
with generating and maintaining deltas. More specifically,
the delta policy determines: (i)whatdeltas (excluding the
singleton) must be generated prior to allowing an update


| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

version to be queried (synchronously inside the update path,

slowing down updates at the expense of faster queries), (ii)
what deltas should be generated asynchronously outside of
the update path, and (iii) when a delta can be deleted.
An example of delta compaction policy is the two-level
policy illustrated in Figure 3. Under this example policy, at
any point in time there is a base delta [0, B], cumulative
deltas with versions [B + 1, B + 10], [B + 1, B + 20], [B + 1,
B+30], ... , and singleton deltas for every version greater
than B. Generation of the cumulative [B + 1, B + 10x] begins
asynchronously as soon as a singleton with version B + 10x
is incorporated. A new base delta [0, B] is computed
approximately every day, but the new base cannot be used
until the corresponding cumulative deltas relative to B
are generated as well. When the base version B changes to
B, the policy deletes the old base, old cumulative deltas,
and any singletons with versions less than or equal to B.
A query then involves the base, one cumulative, and a few
singletons, reducing the amount of work done at query
time. Mesa currently uses a variation of the two-level delta
policy in production that uses multiple levels of cumulative deltas.9
2.4. Physical data and index formats
Mesa deltas are created and deleted based on the delta
compaction policy. Once a delta is created, it is immutable,
and therefore there is no need for its physical format to efficiently support incremental modification.
The immutability of Mesa deltas allows them to use a
fairly simple physical format. The primary requirements
are only that the format must be space efficient, as storage is a major cost for Mesa, and that it must support fast
seeking to a specific key, because a query often involves
seeking into several deltas and aggregating the results
across keys. To enable efficient seeking using keys, each
Mesa table has one or more table indexes. Each table index
has its own copy of the data that is sorted according to the
indexs order.
The details of the format itself are somewhat technical,
so we focus only on the most important aspects. The rows
in a delta are stored in sorted order in data files of bounded
size (to optimize for filesystem file size constraints). The
rows themselves are organized into row blocks, each of
which is individually transposed and compressed. The
transposition lays out the data by column instead of by
row to allow for better compression. Since storage is a
Figure 3. A two-level delta compaction policy.









Updated every

Updated every 10

Updated in
near real-time

major cost for Mesa and decompression performance on

read/query significantly outweighs the compression performance on write, we emphasize the compression ratio
and read/decompression times over the cost of write/
compression times when choosing the compression
Mesa also stores an index file corresponding to each
data file. (Recall that each data file is specific to a higherlevel table index.) An index entry contains the short key
for the row block, which is a fixed size prefix of the first
key in the row block, and the offset of the compressed row
block in the data file. A nave algorithm for querying a
specific key is to perform a binary search on the index file
to find the range of row blocks that may contain a short
key matching the query key, followed by a binary search
on the compressed row blocks in the data files to find the
desired key.
Mesa is built using common Google infrastructure and services, including BigTable3 and Colossus.7 Mesa runs in multiple datacenters, each of which runs a single instance. We
start by describing the design of an instance. Then we discuss how those instances are integrated to form a full multidatacenter Mesa deployment.
3.1. Single datacenter instance
Each Mesa instance is composed of two subsystems: update/
maintenance and querying. These subsystems are decoupled, allowing them to scale independently. All persistent
metadata is stored in BigTable and all data files are stored in
Colossus. No direct communication is required between the
two subsystems for operational correctness.
Update/maintenance subsystem. The update and maintenance subsystem performs all necessary operations to ensure the data in the local Mesa instance is correct, up to date,
and optimized for querying. It runs various background operations such as loading updates, performing table compaction, applying schema changes, and running table checksums. These operations are managed and performed by a
collection of components known as the controller/worker
framework, illustrated in Figure 4.
The controller determines the work that needs to be
done and manages all table metadata, which it persists
in the metadata BigTable. The table metadata consists of
detailed state and operational metadata for each table,

Figure 4. Mesas controller/worker framework.







Mesa data on Colossus



including entries for all delta files and update versions

associated with the table, the delta compaction policy
assigned to the table, and accounting entries for current
and previously applied operations broken down by the
operation type.
The controller can be viewed as a large-scale table metadata cache, work scheduler, and work queue manager. The
controller does not perform any actual table data manipulation work; it only schedules work and updates the metadata. At startup, the controller loads table metadata from
a BigTable, which includes entries for all tables assigned
to the local Mesa instance. For every known table, it subscribes to a metadata feed to listen for table updates. This
subscription is dynamically updated as tables are added
and dropped from the instance. New update metadata
received on this feed is validated and recorded. The controller is the exclusive writer of the table metadata in the
The controller maintains separate internal queues for
different types of data manipulation work (e.g., incorporating updates, delta compaction, schema changes,
and table checksums). For operations specific to a single
Mesa instance, such as incorporating updates and delta
compaction, the controller determines what work to
queue. Work that requires globally coordinated application or global synchronization, such as schema changes
and table checksums, are initiated by other components
that run outside the context of a single Mesa instance. For
these tasks, the controller accepts work requests by RPC
and inserts these tasks into the corresponding internal
work queues.
Worker components are responsible for performing
the data manipulation work within each Mesa instance.
Mesa has a separate set of worker pools for each task
type, allowing each worker pool to scale independently.
Mesa uses an in-house worker pool scheduler that scales
the number of workers based on the percentage of idle
workers available. A worker can process a large task using
Each idle worker periodically polls the controller to
request work for the type of task associated with its worker
type until valid work is found. Upon receiving valid work, the
worker validates the request, processes the retrieved work,
and notifies the controller when the task is completed. Each
task has an associated maximum ownership time and a
periodic lease renewal interval to ensure that a slow or dead
worker does not hold on to the task forever. The controller
is free to reassign the task if either of the above conditions
could not be met; this is safe because the controller will only
accept the task result from the worker to which it is assigned.
This ensures that Mesa is resilient to worker failures. A garbage collector runs continuously to delete files left behind
due to worker crashes.
Since the controller/worker framework is only used for
update and maintenance work, these components can
restart without impacting external users. Also, the controller
itself is sharded by table, allowing the framework to scale.
Inaddition, the controller is stateless all state information
is maintained consistently in the BigTable. This ensures that
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research highlights
Mesa is resilient to controller failures, since a new controller
can reconstruct the state prior to the failure from the metadata in the BigTable.
Query subsystem. Mesas query subsystem consists of
query servers, illustrated in Figure 5. These servers receive
user queries, look up table metadata, determine the set of
files storing the required data, perform on-the-fly aggregation of this data, and convert the data from the Mesa internal format to the client protocol format before sending
the data back to the client. Mesas query servers provide
a limited query engine with basic support for server-side
conditional filtering and group by aggregation. Higherlevel database engines such as MySQL and F1 use these
primitives to provide richer SQL functionality such as join
Mesa clients have vastly different requirements and
performance characteristics. In some use cases, Mesa
receives queries directly from interactive reporting frontends, which have very strict low-latency requirements.
These queries are usually small but must be fulfilled
almost immediately. Mesa also receives queries from large
extraction-type workloads, such as offline daily reports,
that send millions of requests and fetch billions of rows
per day. These queries require high throughput and are
typically not latency sensitive (a few seconds/minutes of
latency is acceptable). Mesa ensures that these latency
and throughput requirements are met by requiring workloads to be labeled appropriately and then using those
labels in isolation and prioritization mechanisms in the
query servers.
The query servers for a single Mesa instance are organized into multiple sets, each of which is collectively
capable of serving all tables known to the controller. By
using multiple sets of query servers, it is easier to perform query server updates (e.g., binary releases) without unduly impacting clients, who can automatically
failover to another set in the same (or even a different)
Mesa instance. Within a set, each query server is in principle capable of handling a query for any table. However,
for performance reasons, Mesa prefers to direct queries
over similar data (e.g., all queries over the same table)
to a subset of the query servers. This technique allows
Mesa to provide strong latency guarantees by allowing
for effective query server in-memory pre-fetching and
caching of data stored in Colossus, while also allowing for excellent overall throughput by balancing load

across the query servers. On startup, each query server

registers the list of tables it actively caches with a global
locator service, which is then used by clients to discover
query servers.
There are many optimizations involved in query processing.9 One important class is skipping unnecessary rows or
deltas. Another is allowing a failed query to resume midstream from another query server, possibly in another data
3.2. Multi-datacenter deployment
Mesa is deployed in multiple geographical regions in order
to provide high availability. Each instance is independent
and stores a separate copy of the data. In this section, we discuss the global aspects of Mesas architecture.
Consistent update mechanism. All tables in Mesa are
multi-versioned, allowing Mesa to continue to serve consistent data from previous states while new updates are
being processed. An upstream system generates the update data in batches for incorporation by Mesa, typically
once every few minutes. As illustrated in Figure 6, Mesas
committer is responsible for coordinating updates across
all Mesa instances worldwide, one version at a time.
The committer assigns each update batch a new version
number and publishes all metadata associated with the
update (e.g., the locations of the files containing the update data) to the versions database, a globally replicated
and consistent data store build on top of the Paxos11 consensus algorithm. The committer itself is stateless, with
instances running in multiple datacenters to ensure high
Mesas controllers listen to the changes to the versions
database to detect the availability of new updates, assign
the corresponding work to update workers, and report successful incorporation of the update back to the versions
database. The committer continuously evaluates if commit
criteria are met (specifically, whether the update has been
incorporated by a sufficient number of Mesa instances
across multiple geographical regions). The committer
enforces the commit criteria across all tables in the update.
This property is essential for maintaining consistency of
related tables (e.g., a Mesa table that is a materialized view
over another Mesa table). When the commit criteria are
met, the committer declares the updates version number

Figure 6. Update processing in a multi-datacenter Mesa deployment.

Figure 5. Mesas query processing framework.

Mesa clients


Updates on Colossus

Versions database

Global locator service

Query servers

Data on Colossus

Metadata BigTable

Mesa Instance


Global update storage






Update workers

Mesa data
on Colossus

Update workers

Mesa data
on Colossus

Datacenter 1

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

Datacenter 2

to be the new committed version, storing that value in the

versions database. New queries are always issued against
the committed version.
Mesas update mechanism design has interesting performance implications. First, since all new queries are issued
against the committed version and updates are applied in
batches, Mesa does not require any locking between queries and updates. Second, all update data is incorporated
asynchronously by the various Mesa instances, with only
meta-data passing through the synchronously replicated
Paxos-based versions database. Together, these two properties allow Mesa to simultaneously achieve very high query
and update throughputs.
New Mesa instances. As Google builds new datacenters
and retires older ones, we need to bring up new Mesa instances. To bootstrap a new Mesa instance, we use a peerto-peer load mechanism. Mesa has a special load worker
(similar to other workers in the controller/worker framework) that copies a table from another Mesa instance to the
current one. Mesa then uses the update workers to catch up
to the latest committed version for the table before making
it available to queries. During bootstrapping, we do this to
load all tables into a new Mesa instance. Mesa also uses the
same peer-to-peer load mechanism to recover from table
In this section, we briefly highlight the key lessons we have
learned from building a large-scale data warehousing system over the past few years. We provide a list that is by no
means exhaustive.
Cloud Computing and Layered Architecture. Mesa is a distributed cloud system that is built on top of other distributed cloud systems, such as Colossus and BigTable.
Mesas distributed architecture is clearly critical to its
scalability. The layered approach is also crucial, as it has
allowed us to focus on the key aspects of Mesa, delegating complexity to other systems where appropriate. Often
this delegation has a performance cost, but we have
found that we can leverage other aspects of the architecture to compensate. For example, when we built Mesa
we migrated data from high-performance local disks to
Colossus, compensating for the increased seek times by
having query servers aggressively pre-fetch data with a lot
of parallelism.
Application Level Assumptions. One has to be very careful
about making strong assumptions about applications while
designing large-scale infrastructure. For example, when
designing Mesas predecessor system, we made an assumption that schema changes would be very rare. This assumption turned out to be wrong, and we found that Mesa needed
to support online schema changes that do not block either
queries or updates, often without making extra copies of the
data.9 Due to the constantly evolving nature of a live enterprise, products, services, and applications are in constant
flux. Furthermore, new applications come on board either
organically or due to acquisitions of other companies that
need to be supported. In summary, the design should be as

general as possible with minimal assumptions about current and future applications.
Geo-Replication. Although we support geo-replication in
Mesa for high data and system availability, we have also
seen added benefit in terms of our day-to-day operations.
In Mesas predecessor system, when there was a planned
maintenance outage of a datacenter, we had to perform a
laborious operations drill to migrate a 24 7 operational
system to another datacenter. Today, such planned outages, which are fairly routine, have minimal impact on
Data Corruption and Component Failures. Data corruption and
component failures are a major concern for systems at the
scale of Mesa. Data corruptions can arise for a variety of
reasons and it is extremely important to have the necessary
tools in place to prevent and detect them. Similarly, a faulty
component such as a floating-point unit on one machine
can be extremely hard to diagnose. Due to the dynamic
nature of the allocation of cloud machines to Mesa, it is
highly uncertain whether such a machine is consistently
active. Furthermore, even if the machine with the faulty unit
is actively allocated to Mesa, its usage may cause only intermittent issues. Overcoming such operational challenges
remains an open problem, but we discuss some techniques
used by Mesa in Ref.9
Testing and Incremental Deployment. Mesa is a large, complex,
critical, and continuously evolving system. Simultaneously
maintaining new feature velocity and the health of the
production system is a crucial challenge. Fortunately, we
have found that by combining some standard engineering
practices with Mesas overall fault-tolerant architecture
and resilience to data corruptions, we can consistently
deliver major improvements to Mesa with minimal risk.
Some of the techniques we use are: unit testing, private
developer Mesa instances that can run with a small fraction of production data, and a shared testing environment that runs with a large fraction of production data
from upstream systems. We are careful to incrementally
deploy new features across Mesa instances. For example,
when deploying a high-risk feature, we might deploy it to
one instance at a time. Since Mesa has measures to detect
data inconsistencies across multiple datacenters (along
with thorough monitoring and alerting on all components), we find that we can detect and debug problems
In this section, we report update and query processing
performance metrics for Mesas production deployment.
We show the metrics over a 7-day period to demonstrate
both their variability and stability. We also show system
growth metrics over a multi-year period to illustrate how
the system scales to support increasing data sizes with
linearly increasing resource requirements, while ensuring
the required query performance. Overall, Mesa is highly
decentralized and replicated over multiple datacenters,
using hundreds to thousands of machines at each datacenter for both update and query processing. Although we
do not report the proprietary details of our deployment,
JU LY 2 0 1 6 | VO L. 59 | N O. 7 | C OM M U N IC AT ION S OF T H E ACM


research highlights
the architectural details that we do provide are comprehensive and convey the highly distributed, large-scale
nature of the system.
5.1. Update processing
Figure 7 illustrates Mesa update performance for one
data source over a 7-day period. Mesa supports hundreds
of concurrent update data sources. For this particular
data source, on average, Mesa reads 3060 megabytes
of compressed data per second, updating 36 million
distinct rows and adding about 300 thousand new rows.
The data source generates updates in batches about
every 5min, with median and 95th percentile Mesa commit times of 54 and 211s. Mesa maintains this update
latency, avoiding update backlog by dynamically scaling
5.2. Query processing
Figure 8 illustrates Mesas query performance over a 7-day
period for tables from the same data source as above. Mesa
executed more than 500 million queries per day for those
tables, returning 1.73.2 trillion rows. The nature of these
production queries varies greatly, from simple point lookups to large range scans. We report their average and 99th
percentile latencies, which show that Mesa answers most
queries within tens to hundreds of milliseconds. The large
Figure 7. Update performance for a single data source over a 7-day

Percentage of
update batches

Row updates / Second




01 12 23 34 45


difference between the average and tail latencies is driven by

multiple factors, including the type of query, the contents of
the query server caches, transient failures and retries at various layers of the cloud architecture, and even the occasional
slow machine.
In Figure 9, we report the scalability characteristics of
Mesas query servers. Mesas design allows components to
independently scale with augmented resources. In this evaluation, we measure the query throughput as the number of
servers increases from 4 to 128. This result establishes linear
scaling of Mesas query processing.
5.3. Growth
Figure 10 illustrates the data and CPU usage growth in
Mesa over a 24-month period for one of our largest production data sets. Total data size increased almost 500%,
driven by update rate (which increased by over 80%) and the
addition of new tables, indexes, and materialized views.
CPU usage increased similarly, driven primarily by the cost
of periodically rewriting data during base compaction,
but also affected by one-off computations such as schema
changes, as well as optimizations that were deployed over
time. Figure 10 also includes fairly stable latency measurements by a monitoring tool that continuously issues synthetic point queries to Mesa that bypass the query server
caches. In fact, throughout this period, Mesa answered
user point queries with latencies consistent with those
shown in Figure 8, while maintaining a similarly high rate
of rows returned.
In this paper, we present an end-to-end design and implementation of a geo-replicated, near real-time, scalable data
warehousing system called Mesa. The engineering design
of Mesa leverages foundational research ideas in the areas
of databases and distributed systems. In particular, Mesa
supports online queries and updates while providing

Update times (minutes)

Figure 8. Query performance metrics for a single data source over a

7-day period.




Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7


4 8



Number of query servers



Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7

99th percentile
latency (ms)

Average latency



Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7

Figure 10. Growth and latency metrics over a 24-month period.





Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7

Data size growth

Average CPU growth








Latency (ms)

Rows returned




Relative growth


Queries / Second

Figure 9. Scalability of query throughput.

strong consistency and transactional correctness guarantees. Itachieves these properties using a batch-oriented
interface, guaranteeing atomicity of updates by introducing transient versioning of data that eliminates the
need for lock-based synchronization of query and update
transactions. Mesa is geo-replicated across multiple datacenters for increased fault-tolerance. Finally, within each
datacenter, Mesas controller/worker framework allows it
to distribute work and dynamically scale the required computation over a large number of machines to provide high
We would like to thank everyone who has served on the Mesa
team, including former team members Karthik Lakshmi
narayanan, Sanjay Agarwal, Sivasankaran Chandrasekar,
Justin Tolmer, Chip Turner, and Michael Ballbach, for their
substantial contributions to the design and development
of Mesa. We are also grateful to Sridhar Ramaswamy for
providing strategic vision and guidance to the Mesa team.
Finally, we thank the anonymous reviewers, whose feedback
significantly improved the paper.
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Cohen, J., Eshleman, J., et al.
Online expansion of largescale data
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Dean, J., Ghemawat, S. MapReduce:
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Copyright held by authors/owner.

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last byte


Dennis Shasha

Upstart Puzzles
Chair Games
A GROUP OF people is sitting around your
dinner table with one empty chair. Each
person has a name that begins with a
different letter: A, B, C ... Because you
love puzzles, you ask them to rearrange
themselves to end up in alphabetical
order in a clockwise fashion, with one
empty chair just to the left of the person
whose name begins with A. Each move
involves one person from one chair to
the empty chair k seats away in either
direction. The goal is to minimize the
number of such moves.
Warm-up. Suppose you start with
eight people around the table, with
nine chairs. The last name of each person begins with the letter shown, and
you are allowed to move a person from
one chair to an empty chair three chairs
away in either direction (see Figure 1).
Can you do it in four moves?

Solution to Warm-Up
C moves from 9 to 6
F moves from 3 to 9
C moves from 6 to 3
F moves from 9 to 6
Now here is a more difficult version
of the problem in which the only moves
allowed are four seats away, starting
with the configuration in Figure 2.
B moves from 6 to 2
F moves from 1 to 6
A moves from 5 to 1
E moves from 9 to 5
Now try to solve these four related
upstart puzzles:
Number of people n and move distance k. Given any number of people
n and move distance k, find the minimum number of moves that would create a clockwise sorted order;

Figure 1 (warm-up). The goal is to rearrange the people around the

table to be in clockwise alphabetical order, using as few moves as
possible, where each move involves moving a person three seats
away (in either direction) from the empty chair.






Copyright held by author.


Dennis Shasha ([email protected]) is a professor

of computer science in the Computer Science Department
of the Courant Institute at New York University, New York,
as well as the chronicler of his good friend the omniheurist
Dr. Ecco.


All are invited to submit solutions and prospective upstart-style

puzzles for future columns to [email protected]

Figure 2. The goal is again to rearrange the people around the table
to be in clockwise alphabetical order, using as few moves as possible, where each move involves moving a person four seats away
(in either direction) from the empty chair.

Number of people n in a certain arrangement, find best move distance. Given any number of people n, find a move
distance k and the minimum number
of moves of length k that creates a
clockwise sorted order;
Number n of people, one empty chair.
Generalize the problem with n people
and one empty chair to allow movements of distances k1, k2, , kj for
some j < n/2; and
Several empty chairs. Generalize
the problem further to allow several
empty chairs.

| J U LY 201 6 | VO L . 5 9 | NO. 7



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