2011 Jeremy Lewis Subacromial Impingement Syndrome
2011 Jeremy Lewis Subacromial Impingement Syndrome
2011 Jeremy Lewis Subacromial Impingement Syndrome
Therapy Department, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, 2Physiotherapy Department, St Georges Hospital,
Musculoskeletal Service, Central London Community Healthcare, 4St Georges University of London, London,
Background: Subacromial impingement syndrome is considered by many to be the most common of the
musculoskeletal conditions affecting the shoulder. It is based on a hypothesis that acromial irritation leads
to external abrasion of the bursa and rotator cuff.
Objectives: The aim of this paper is to review the evidence for the acromial irritation theory and in doing so
challenge the rationale for subacromial decompression.
Major findings: There is a body of evidence that suggests there is a lack of concordance regarding (i) the
area of tendon pathology and acromial irritation, (ii) the shape of the acromion and symptoms, (iii) the
proposal that irritation leads to the development of tendinitis and bursitis, and (iv) imaging changes and
symptoms and the development of the condition. In addition, there is no certainty that the benefit derived
from the surgery is due to the removal of the acromion as research suggests that a bursectomy in isolation
may confer equivalent benefit. It is also possible that the benefit of surgery is due to placebo or simply
enforces a sustained period of relative rest which may allow the involved tissues to achieve relative
homeostasis. It is possible that pathology originates in the tendon and as such surgery does not address
the primary pathoaetiology. This view is strengthened by the findings of studies that have demonstrated no
increased clinical benefit from surgery when compared with exercise. Additionally, exercise therapy is
associated with a substantially reduced economic burden and less sick leave.
Conclusion: As there is little evidence for an acromial impingement model, a more appropriate name may
be subacromial pain syndrome. Moreover, surgery should only be considered after an appropriate period
of appropriately structured rehabilitation.
Keywords: Shoulder, Subacromial impingement syndrome, Subacromial bursa, Acromioplasty, Subacromial decompression, Rotator cuff tendinopathy,
Shoulder posture
The shoulder complex has a range of movement that
exceeds any other joint in the body and its main
function is to position the hand to affect functional
activities ranging from the performance of high
powered explosive activities, such as throwing baseballs, to positioning the hand, often within the field of
vision, to perform highly complex prehensile tasks.
The shoulder is also used to place the hand so that
the upper limb may be used for weight bearing.
Musculoskeletal pathology involving the shoulder is
common, has the potential to adversely affect upper
limb function and is associated with substantial
morbidity that increases with age.13 Of the wide
spectrum of musculoskeletal disorders affecting the
Correspondence to: Dr J S Lewis, Therapy Department, Chelsea and
Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, 369 Fulham Road, London
SW10 9NH, UK. Email: [email protected]
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The aim of this paper is to review the evidence for the
acromial irritation theory and in doing so challenge
the rationale for the surgical removal of the inferior
aspect of the anterior acromion to remove the source
of symptoms.
Objective Findings
Area of pathology
If 95% of rotator cuff failure is caused by mechanical
irritation by the under surface of the acromion or
coracoacromial ligament,5 then this should result in
abrasion to the superior (bursal side) surface of the
rotator cuff, especially the supraspinatus. Published
research disputes this. Payne et al.19 reported that 39
(91%) partial thickness tears in 43 athletes were on
the inferior (articular or joint) side of the supraspinatus tendon with only 4 (9%) on the superior or
bursal side. In this series, 100% of those with nontraumatic shoulder pain had articular side tears.
Fukuda et al.20 reported that in a study of 249
cadavera, 13% (n533) demonstrated partial thickness
tears. Of the partial thickness tears 82% were either
joint side or intra-tendinous (n527) and only 28%
(n56) were isolated to the upper bursal/acromial side.
Ozaki et al.21 examined 200 shoulders from 100
cadavera and reported that a partial thickness tear
was observed in 69 specimens and that the majority
involved the deeper articular side of the tendon. They
argued that the prevalence of tears increased with age
and occurred due to intrinsic degeneration and not
external (acromial) irritation. In a study of 306
rotator cuff specimens (from 153 cadavera) the
prevalence of partial thickness tears was 32%, with
histological and scanning electron microscopy sections demonstrating that the majority were either
intra-substance or occurred on the articular side of
the supraspinatus tendon, near the insertion.22 This
study did not find a correlation between anatomical
bony variations and tendon failure and argued that
mechanical abrasion may not play an important part
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Acromial shape
Based on a study of 140 shoulders in 71 cadavers,
Bigliani et al.14 argued that three distinct shapes of
the acromion existed. These morphological variations
included a Type I (flat), Type II (curved) and Type III
or hooked acromion. If the acromion is responsible
for 95% of rotator cuff pathology and is the causative
mechanism of pathology in impingement syndrome,
then a definitive relationship between acromial shape,
pathology and symptoms should exist with a Type II
or III more likely to predispose pathology. However,
research evidence has failed to demonstrate this.
In a study of 59 people without shoulder pain the
association between acromial morphology, age and
rotator cuff tears was investigated.41 For people over
the age of 50 years, a 40% prevalence of asymptomatic full thickness rotator cuff tears was identified in
this investigation. Based on the substantial number of
people with curved and hooked acromia who were
entirely asymptomatic, Worland et al.41 concluded
that, Surgeons should interpret radiologically hooked or curved acromions as well as rotator cuff tears
diagnosed with ultrasound or other modalities with
caution. In a study of 55 people who underwent
arthroscopic subacromial decompression (anterolateral edge of the acromion resected together with
release and resection of the coracoacromial ligament
from the acromion), the association between preoperative pain, clinical signs (Hawkins test, Neer
sign, Copeland impingement test) and satisfaction
with the severity of rotator cuff and acromial lesions
was investigated. At the 6 month follow-up no
significant correlation between pain and satisfaction and the severity of structural pathology was
identified.42 Confirming this, after a study of 523
people undergoing arthroscopic or open shoulder
surgery, Gill et al.43 reported no significant association between acromial shape and rotator cuff pathology in people over 50 years of age (n5192). A
highly significant correlation between age and rotator
cuff pathology existed and the researchers argued that
a Type III hooked acromial represents a degenerative
process rather than a morphological variation as
described by Bigliani.14,44 Although a relationship
between rotator cuff tears and acromial degeneration
appears to exist, this should be seen as an association,
rather than the acromion being implicated in (i.e. the
cause of) rotator cuff pathology.
An alternative explanation for the observed acromial spurs is possible. Edelson and Taitz45 observed
degenerative spur formation on the acromial insertion
of the coracoacromial ligament but not on the
coracoid side in 18% of 200 scapulae. When compared
with shoulder adduction, increasing ranges of shoulder elevation increase subacromial pressure.46,47 The
coracoacromial ligament is more trapezoid in shape
with a smaller area of insertion on the acromial side
than the coracoid side. It is therefore possible that
superiorly directed pressure from below the ligament
will lead to relatively more tension on the acromial
insertion of the ligament than on the coracoid side due
to the smaller surface area of insertion on the former.
This potential increased stress on the bone may lead to
osteophyte formation. Supporting this hypothesis,
Chambler et al.47 demonstrated in vivo (n55) that
tension in the coracoacromial ligament increased as
the arm was abducted. In an additional study48
analysis of acromial bone spurs (n515) suggested that
the development of the spurs was a secondary
phenomenon. These studies suggest that tension in
the coracoacromial ligament is the probable mechanism of acromial bone spur formation and that
acromial Type II (curved) and Type III (hooked) as
described by Bigliani14,44 may not be inherited, but
may result from increased strain in the ligament
disproportionally affecting the acromial side.
Chronic strain in the coracoacromial ligament may
result from changes in the rotator cuff tendons that
may involve increased tendon volume, as well as from
failure of the rotator cuff to stop superior translation
of the humeral head during arm elevation.4953
Evidence for chronic strain exists, with free nerve
endings and neovascularity observed in coracoacromial ligament samples from people undergoing
subacromial decompression.54 This suggests that the
ligament may be a potential source of symptoms. The
coracoacromial ligament limits superior translation
of the humeral head5557 and as acromioplasty has
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been associated with increased anterosuperior translation of the humeral head,52,5759 the procedure itself
may be an iatrogenic cause of ligament strain.
Ligaments are structures that stabilize joint movement and if disrupted they are replaced in an attempt
to recreate stability. Examples of this include patellar
tendon and hamstrings tendon grafts for anterior
cruciate knee ligament failure.60 It is therefore
surprising that the coracoacromial ligament, which
provides a stabilization role by preventing superior
translation of the humeral head,61 has been extensively sacrificed to retard or stop the subacromial
impingement, due to the belief that it is of relative
structural unimportance, when there is no conclusive
evidence to support the existence of primary external
impingement from this structure. It would be hard to
imagine that a surgeon would suggest, or a patient
would agree to, having the anterior cruciate ligament
removed to treat knee pain.
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Implicit within the three-stage impingement model
presented by Neer4,5 is the association between the
mechanical abrasion caused by the acromion and the
ensuing microtrauma within the tendon leading to
tendon inflammation (tendinitis). The issue of tendon
inflammation is controversial. Although histological
studies have demonstrated substantial differences
between normal tendon and pathological tendon,
the evidence for the presence of cells classically
associated with inflammation is not robust. No
infiltration of neutrophils, lymphocytes or plasma
cells were identified in specimens taken from 12
subjects with rotator cuff disease during surgery.79
Similarly, no inflammatory cells were identified in
bursal specimens (n58) also taken during surgery for
rotator cuff tendinopathy.80 In another small study,
people with constant shoulder pain were more likely
to have lymphocyte infiltration in bursal tissue in
comparison to people with pain only on movement
who did not exhibit evidence of bursal inflammatory
cells.81 There is distinct need for robust evidence from
appropriately designed research to better understand
if inflammation is part of the continuum of pathoaetiology of tendon and bursal pathology.33 Without
this research an argument that acromial irritation and
the ensuring microtrauma leads to bursal and tendon
inflammation remains unsubstantiated.
Clinical diagnosis
A diagnosis of subacromial impingement syndrome is
initially made on the basis of clinical tests. Neer5
introduced the Neer impingement sign and others
have proposed other tests to confirm or exclude
impingement under the acromion.109,110 The clinical
tests are often supported by imaging investigations.
However, the ability for clinical tests and imaging
investigations to enable a clinician to confirm a
diagnosis of subacromial impingement syndrome is
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Shalabi et al.50 performed an MRI investigation of the
Achilles tendon (n544 from 22 people, 30 symptomatic and 14 asymptomatic tendons) immediately
before and within 30 minutes of an intense bout of
concentric (bilateral heel raises) and/or eccentric (6 sets
of 15 repetitions) gastrosoleus exercises. They reported
a 12% increase in tendon volume in the eccentrically
loaded symptomatic Achilles tendons and a 17%
increase in the concentrically loaded (mixed symptomatic and asymptomatic) Achilles tendons. There was
a 20% increase in tendon volume in the concentrically
loaded asymptomatic Achilles tendons. Rats subject to
a tendon overload programme have also demonstrated
an increase in rotator cuff cross-sectional area.37
Increased rotator cuff tendon volume as a result of
unaccustomed activity or activity at an intensity that
surpasses the physiological limit of the tendon (which
will be highly variable between and within individuals)
may lead to increased upward pressure on the acromion and coracoacromial ligament. This increased
strain in the ligament is a possible aetiological mechanism for acromial spur formation and as such the
acromial osteophyte may not be the primary problem
but secondary to the increased tendon volume. If the
increased volume and resulting ligamentous strain
occurs at a subclinical level from bursts of activity or
sport a spur may develop over time but may remain
asymptomatic over a lifetime and explain the poor
correlation between acromial shape and symptoms.4143
Overuse tendinopathies involving the lateral epicondyle, patellar, adductor and Achilles tendons may
occur without impingement from external structures
such as adjacent bony surfaces, and this may also be the
case for the rotator cuff. It is possible that the external
irritation accentuates the tendon failure 3739,124 but it is
unlikely that it is the primary cause. The failure is
likely to be due to a combination of factors including:
relative overload, genetics, nutritional and life style
variables,32 and the rotator cuff tendon failure may
be seen as a continuum of pathology.33 The initial
symptomatic stage of the continuum of pathology has
been termed a reactive tendon,33,125 which may be
characterized by increased tenocyte numbers.126 Increased expression of the large negatively charged
proteoglycan aggrecan is observed in painful overuse
tendinopathy.127,128 Due to its negative charge aggrecan attracts and retains water, which explains the
swelling observed in acute Achilles tendinopathy.50
The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, ibuprofen,
appears to inhibit the synthesis of aggrecan129 and
may be an appropriate treatment at this stage.
Additionally, glucocorticoids have been shown to
inhibit tenocyte proliferation,130 which may explain
the benefit ascribed to corticosteroid injections for the
shoulder in some people.98 However as stated, the
long term efficacy and potential detrimental effects of
corticosteroid injections for the shoulder require ongoing investigation.
The other pathological stages associated with rotator cuff tendinopathy (disrepair and degeneration)33
may have an associated element of reactivity. When
reactivity is present tendon thickening and swelling
is possible. If this pathoaetiology is accurate and if
the pathology is correctly explained by intrinsic
tendon failure as a consequence of relative overload
then it simply may be the swollen tendon pushing up
and not the acromion pushing down that is the cause
of the problem. If this hypothesis is correct, then an
acromioplasty will not treat the primary problem (i.e.
intrinsic tendon failure) or provide appropriate initial
management for the condition. If relative rest and
appropriate reloading strategies are principal factors in
tendon rehabilitation it is possible that a major benefit
of an acromioplasty is enforced relative rest.104,105 If
this is correct, the associate expense, potential risks and
lack of appropriately targeted treatment question its
utility as a first line treatment option.
Subacromial impingement syndrome is considered by
many to be the most common of the musculoskeletal
conditions affecting the shoulder. It is based on a
hypothesis that acromial irritation leads to external
abrasion of the bursa and rotator cuff. Subacromial
decompressive surgery aims to remove the source of
this irritation. There is however a body of evidence that
suggests there is a lack of concordance regarding (i) the
area of tendon pathology and acromial irritation, (ii)
the shape of the acromion and symptoms, (iii) the
proposal that the irritation leads to the development of
tendinitis and bursitis, and (iv) imaging changes and
symptoms and the development of the condition. In
addition, there is no certainty that any benefit derived
from the surgery is due to the removal of the acromion
as research suggests that a bursectomy in isolation may
confer equivalent benefit. It is also possible that the
benefit of surgery is that it simply enforces a sustained
period of relative rest which may allow the involved
tissues to achieve relative homeostasis. It is possible
that pathology originates in the tendon and as such
surgery does not address the primary problem. This
view is strengthened by the findings of studies that have
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Published by Maney Publishing (c) W. S. Maney & Son Limited
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