IDoc Userexits

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COM ABAP Tips and Tricks Database

Inbound & Outbound IDoc user exits

Contributed by Kevin Wilson
Monday, 09 April 2007
Last Updated Monday, 09 April 2007

A comprehensive list of IDoc user exits split into inbound and outbound interfaces.
IDoc Inbound User Exits1. ACC_BILLING
Accounting: Post invoice (OAG: LOAD RECEIVABLE)
- ACBAPI01 EXIT_SAPLACC4_001 Accounting: Customer enhancement to BAPI interfaces2.
FI/CO: HR posting GL (AcctngEmplyeeExenses)
- ACBAPI01 EXIT_SAPLACC4_001 Accounting: Customer enhancement to BAPI interfaces3.
FI/CO: HR posting AP (AcctngEmplyeePaybles)
- ACBAPI01 EXIT_SAPLACC4_001 Accounting: Customer enhancement to BAPI interfaces4.
FI/CO: HR posting AR (AcctngEmplyeeRcvbles)
- ACBAPI01 EXIT_SAPLACC4_001 Accounting: Customer enhancement to BAPI interfaces5. ACC_GL_POSTING
Accounting: General G/L account posting
- ACBAPI01 EXIT_SAPLACC4_001 Accounting: Customer enhancement to BAPI interfaces6.
Accounting: Post goods movement (OAG: POST JOURNAL)
- ACBAPI01 EXIT_SAPLACC4_001 Accounting: Customer enhancement to BAPI interfaces7.
Accounting: Post invoice receipt (OAG: LOAD PAYABLE)
- ACBAPI01 EXIT_SAPLACC4_001 Accounting: Customer enhancement to BAPI interfaces8. ACLPAY Accounting:
Inbound invoice
- ACCID001 EXIT_SAPLACC1_031 IDoc ACLPAY: Userexit for creditor in accounting document
- ACCID001 EXIT_SAPLACC1_032 IDoc ACLPAY: Userexit for GL posting in accounting document
- ACCID001 EXIT_SAPLACC1_033 IDoc ACLPAY: Userexit for taxes in accounting document9. ACLREC
Accounting: Billing document
- ACCID001 EXIT_SAPLACC1_011 IDoc ACLREC: Userexit for debitor in accounting document
- ACCID001 EXIT_SAPLACC1_012 IDoc ACLREC: Userexit for GL posting in accounting document
- ACCID001 EXIT_SAPLACC1_013 IDoc ACLREC: Userexit for taxes10. ACPJMM
Posting in accounting from materials management
- ACCID001 EXIT_SAPLACC1_021 IDoc ACPJOU: Userexit for GL posting in accounting document11. ARTMAS
Create and change of material master (Retail)
- MGV00003 EXIT_SAPL1001_003 Enhancement for article master: IDoc inbound12. BLAOCH
Purchasing contract change
- MM06E002 EXIT_SAPLEINN_001 Customer enhancements for Idocs: contracts
- MM06E002 EXIT_SAPLEINN_002 Customer enhancements for Idocs: contracts
- MM06E002 EXIT_SAPLEINN_003 Customer enhancements for Idocs: contracts13. BLAORD
Purchasing contracts
- MM06E002 EXIT_SAPLEINN_001 Customer enhancements for Idocs: contracts
- MM06E002 EXIT_SAPLEINN_002 Customer enhancements for Idocs: contracts
- MM06E002 EXIT_SAPLEINN_003 Customer enhancements for Idocs: contracts14. BLAREL
Release order documentation for distributed contracts
- MM06E001 EXIT_SAPLEINM_004 Customer enhancements for release documentation inbound15. COND_A
Conditions: master data for price determination
- VKOI0001 EXIT_SAPLVKOI_001 Interchange of Conditions: Inbound Processing Modifications E1KOMG Segment

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- VKOI0001 EXIT_SAPLVKOI_002 Interchange of Conditions: Inbound Processing Customer Segments16. CREMAS

Distribute vendor master
- VSV00001 EXIT_SAPLKD02_001 Inbound: Read and process vendor segments17. DEBMAS
Customer master
- VSV00001 EXIT_SAPLVV02_001 Inbound: Read and update additional customer master segments18. DELINS
Delivery schedule/JIT schedule
- VED40001 EXIT_SAPLVED4_001 Modify Warnings in Table XVBFS
- VED40001 EXIT_SAPLVED4_002 Copying Data to Screens for Incoming EDI Docs
- VED40001 EXIT_SAPLVED4_003 Customer-Specific Changes in the Workflow Parameters
- VED40001 EXIT_SAPLVED4_004 Determination of mail receiver during inbound processing19. DESADV
Delivery: Shipping notification
- LMELA010 EXIT_SAPLEINM_010 Customer enhancement shipping notification inbound: line item
- MM06E001 EXIT_SAPLEINM_006 Customer enhancements for shipping notification inbound
- V55K0001 EXIT_SAPLV55K_001 Delivery (inbound): Take data
- V55K0002 EXIT_SAPLV55K_002 Delivery (inbound): Prepare processing
- V55K0003 EXIT_SAPLV55K_003 Delivery (inbound): Evaluate result
- V55K0011 EXIT_SAPLV55K_011 Shipping notification (inbound): Take data
- V55K0012 EXIT_SAPLV55K_012 Shipping notification (inbound): Prepare processing
- V55K0013 EXIT_SAPLV55K_013 Shipping notification (inbound): Evaluate result20. DOCMAS
Master document
- CVDS0001 EXIT_SAPLCVALE_001 Userexit for ALEDVS (DOCMAS inbound)21. DOLMAS
Document-object links
- CVDS0001 EXIT_SAPLCVALE_003 Userexit for ALEDVS (DOLMAS inbound)22. EDLNOT
EDL delivery notes
- VED40001 EXIT_SAPLVED4_001 Modify Warnings in Table XVBFS
- VED40001 EXIT_SAPLVED4_002 Copying Data to screens for Incoming EDI Docs
- VED40001 EXIT_SAPLVED4_003 Customer-Specific Changes in the Workflow Parameters
- VED40001 EXIT_SAPLVED4_004 Determination of mail receiver during inbound processing23. FIDCC1
Send entire FI documents (user exit 003/4)
- F050S001 EXIT_SAPLF050_002 IDoc inbound: read user-defined IDoc segment
- F050S002 EXIT_SAPLF050_004 FIDCC1 IDoc inbound: Change IDoc / do not process
- F050S005 EXIT_SAPLF050_008 IDoc inbound: change fields in ACC structures (FI document)
- F050S005 EXIT_SAPLF050_009 IDoc inbound: change fields in parked documents24. FIDCC2
Send entire FI documents (user exit 005/6)
- F050S001 EXIT_SAPLF050_002 IDoc inbound: read user-defined IDoc segment
- F050S003 EXIT_SAPLF050_006 FIDCC2 IDoc inbound: Change IDoc / do not process
- F050S005 EXIT_SAPLF050_008 IDoc inbound: change fields in ACC structures (FI document)
- F050S005 EXIT_SAPLF050_009 IDoc inbound: change fields in parked documents25. FIDCMT
Sending single items for FI-GL
- F050S001 EXIT_SAPLF050_002 IDoc inbound: read user-defined IDoc segment
- F050S005 EXIT_SAPLF050_008 IDoc inbound: change fields in ACC structures (FI document)26. FINSTA
Bank Statement
- FEDI0005 EXIT_SAPLIEDP_201 FI-EDI: inbound - bank statement/ Lockbox - Final processing
- FEDI0005 EXIT_SAPLIEDP_202 FI-EDI: inbound - bank statement/ Lockbox - Processing of segments27. FIROLL
General ledger rollup for FI-GL (delta f. line items FIDCMT)
- F050S001 EXIT_SAPLF050_002 IDoc inbound: read user-defined IDoc segment28. GSVERF
Cred. memo procedure
- VED50001 EXIT_SAPLVED5_001 User Exit for Condition Value Tolerances in the Self- Billing Procedure
- VED50001 EXIT_SAPLVED5_005 Customer-Specific Changes in Workflow Parameters
- VED50001 EXIT_SAPLVED5_006 Copying Data to Screens for Incoming EDI Docs29. HRMD_A
HR: Master data and organizational data (appl. system)

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- RHALE001 EXIT_SAPLRHA0_002 HR-CA: ALE inbound processing: Export parameter

- RHALE001 EXIT_SAPLRHAL_002 HR-CA: ALE inbound processing: Change info type data
- RHALE001 EXIT_SAPLRHAL_004 HR-CA: ALE inbound processing: conversion segment/ info type30. INFREC
Purchasing info record
- MMAL0004 EXIT_SAPLMEAI_004 ALE source list distribution: inbound processing userdefined data
- MMAL0004 EXIT_SAPLMEAI_003 ALE purchasing info record distribution: inbound processing segments31.
Invoice / Billing document
- FEDI0001 EXIT_SAPLIEDI_001 FI-EDI: Invoice receipt - Determine G/L account per invoice line
- FEDI0001 EXIT_SAPLIEDI_002 FI-EDI: Invoice receipt - Determine add. acct assignm. per line item
- FEDI0001 EXIT_SAPLIEDI_003 FI-EDI: Invoice receipt - Fill the screen field 'Allocation'
- FEDI0001 EXIT_SAPLIEDI_004 FI-EDI: Invoice receipt - Determine the segment text
- FEDI0001 EXIT_SAPLIEDI_005 FI-EDI: Invoice receipt - Determine the name of the BDC session
- FEDI0001 EXIT_SAPLIEDI_011 MM-EDI: Invoice receipt - Determine purchase order item
- FEDI0001 EXIT_SAPLIEDI_101 FI-EDI: Invoice receipt INVOIC01 - additional assignment
- FEDI0001 EXIT_SAPLIEDI_102 FI-EDI: Invoice receipt INVOIC01 - add data
- FEDI0001 EXIT_SAPLIEDI_111 MM-EDI: Invoice receipt INVOIC01 - additional assignment
- FEDI0001 EXIT_SAPLIEDI_112 MM-EDI: Invoice receipt INVOIC01 - add data
- MRMH0002 EXIT_SAPLMRMH_011 Logistics Invoice Verification:inboud EDI message, company code
- MRMH0002 EXIT_SAPLMRMH_012 Logistics Invoice Verification:inboud EDI message, control flags
- MRMH0002 EXIT_SAPLMRMH_013 Logistics Invoice Verification:inboud EDI message, assignment
- MRMH0002 EXIT_SAPLMRMH_014 Logistics Invoice Verification:inboud EDI message, segments
- MRMH0002 EXIT_SAPLMRMH_015 Logistics Invoice Verification:inbound EDI message, before posting32. LIKOND
Listing conditions
- WSOR0001 EXIT_SAPLWSOI_001 Enhancement for assortments: inbound IDoc33. MATMAS
Material Master
- MGV00001 EXIT_SAPLMV02_002 Enhancement for material master IDoc: Update34. MRESCR
Create reservation
- SAPLMEWB EXIT_SAPLMEWB_001 Customer exit for processing of reservations via BAPIs35. ORDCHG
Purchase order/order change
- MM06E001 EXIT_SAPLEINM_012 MM EDI ORDERS/ ORDCHG: enhancement configuration
- MM06E001 EXIT_SAPLEINM_013 MM EDI ORDERS/ ORDCHG: enhancement configuration
- VEDB0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDB_001 SD EDI incoming change orders: read additional data from IDoc
- VEDB0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDB_002 SD EDI incoming change orders: additional data for dynpros
- VEDB0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDB_003 SD EDI incoming change orders: further activities after calling
- VEDB0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDB_004 SD EDI incoming change orders: closing activities per
- VEDB0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDB_005 SD EDI incoming change orders: closing activities by order block
- VEDB0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDB_006 SD EDI incoming change orders: setting order type
- VEDB0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDB_007 SD EDI incoming change orders: additional checks of IDoc
- VEDB0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDB_008 SD EDI incoming change orders: error handling
- VEDB0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDB_009 SD EDI incoming change orders: additional checks of IDoc segments
- VEDB0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDB_010 SD EDI incoming change orders: manipulation of status ecords
- VEDB0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDB_012 SD EDI incoming change orders: change internal table36. ORDERS
Purchase order / order
- MCP20008 EXIT_SAPLMCP2_008 User exit: Processing of purchase order header
- MCP20008 EXIT_SAPLMCP2_009 User exit: Processing of purchase order item37. ORDERS
Purchase order / order
- MM06E001 EXIT_SAPLEINM_012 MM EDI ORDERS/ ORDCHG: enhancement configuration
- MM06E001 EXIT_SAPLEINM_013 MM EDI ORDERS/ ORDCHG: enhancement configuration
- VEDA0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDA_001 SD EDI incoming orders: read additional data from IDoc
- VEDA0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDA_002 SD EDI incoming orders: additional data for dynpros
- VEDA0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDA_003 SD EDI incoming orders: further activities after calling
- VEDA0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDA_004 SD EDI incoming orders: closing activities per order
- VEDA0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDA_005 SD EDI incoming orders: closing activities by order block
- VEDA0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDA_006 SD EDI incoming orders: setting order type
- VEDA0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDA_007 SD EDI incoming orders: number of ordering party
- VEDA0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDA_008 SD EDI incoming orders: error handling

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- VEDA0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDA_009 SD EDI incoming orders: additional checks of IDoc segments

- VEDA0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDA_010 SD EDI incoming orders: manipulation of status records
- VEDA0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDA_011 SD EDI incoming orders: change internal table
- WVFB0001 EXIT_SAPLWVFB_002 Customer exists for store order PO confirmationdata seg.38. ORDRSP
Purchase order / order confirmation
- MM06E001 EXIT_SAPLEINM_005 Customer enhancements for order confirmation inbound
- MM06E001 EXIT_SAPLEINM_007 Customer enhancements inbound confirmation: reading
- MM06E001 EXIT_SAPLEINM_008 Customer enhancements inbound confirmation: final
- WVMI0001 EXIT_SAPLWVMI_003 ORDRSP VMI inbound, modification before creating purchase order39.
Create purchase order
- SAPLMEWP EXIT_SAPLMEWP_002 Customer exit for processing of purchase orders via BAPIs40. PREQCR
Create purchase requisition
- SAPLMEWQ EXIT_SAPLMEWQ_001 Customer exit for processing of requisitions via BAPIs41. PROACT
Stock and sales data
- WVMI0001 EXIT_SAPLWVMI_002 IDoc PROACT inbound: prior to processing42. REMADV
Payment advice
- FEDI0002 EXIT_SAPLIEDP_101 FI-EDI: Incoming pmnt advice - Extended allocatn of IDOC -> applicatn data
- FEDI0002 EXIT_SAPLIEDP_102 FI-EDI: Incoming pmnt adivce - Closing allocatn of IDOC -> applicatn data43.
- VEDQ0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_001 SD EDI inbound inquiry: read additional data from IDoc
- VEDQ0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_002 SD EDI inbound inquiry: additional data for dynpros
- VEDQ0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_003 SD EDI inbound inquiry: further activities after calling
- VEDQ0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_004 SD EDI inbound inquiry: closing activities per inquiry
- VEDQ0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_005 SD EDI inbound inquiry: closing activities by inquiry block
- VEDQ0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_006 SD EDI inbound inquiry: setting inquiry type
- VEDQ0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_007 SD EDI inbound inquiry: number of sold-to party
- VEDQ0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_008 SD EDI inbound inquiry: error handling
- VEDQ0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_009 SD EDI inbound inquiry: additional checks of IDoc segments
- VEDQ0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_010 SD EDI inbound inquiry: manipulation of status records
- VEDQ0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_011 SD EDI inbound inquiry: change internal table44. SBINV
Credit memo procedure with invoice creation
- VED50001 EXIT_SAPLVED5_002 User Exit for messages in the Self-Billing Procedure SBINV
- VED50001 EXIT_SAPLVED5_003 User Exit for Tolerances in the Self- Billing Procedure SBINV
- VED50001 EXIT_SAPLVED5_004 Customer-Function for changing invoice data SBINV
- VED50001 EXIT_SAPLVED5_005 Customer-Specific Changes in Workflow Parameters
- VED50001 EXIT_SAPLVED5_006 Copying Data to Screens for Incoming EDI Docs45. SDPACK
Packing confirmation
- VMDE0001 EXIT_SAPLVMDE_001 Shipping Interface: Error Handling - Inbound IDoc
- VMDE0004 EXIT_SAPLVMDE_004 Shipping Interface: Message SDPACK (Packing, Inbound)46. SDPICK
Picking confirmation
- VMDE0001 EXIT_SAPLVMDE_001 Shipping Interface: Error Handling - Inbound IDoc
- VMDE0003 EXIT_SAPLVMDE_003 Shipping Interface: Message SDPICK (Picking, Receipt)47.
Confirmation (Inbound Delivery)
- V50B0001 EXIT_SAPLV50I_002 User exit for BAPI Verification of Inbound Deliveries48.
BAPI Function Module for Duplication of Outbound Deliveries
- V50B0001 EXIT_SAPLV50I_001 User exit for BAPI Duplication of Inbound Deliveries49.
Confirmation (Customer Delivery)
- V50B0001 EXIT_SAPLV50I_004 User exit for BAPI Verification of Outbound Deliveries50.

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BAPI Function Module for Duplication of Outbound Deliveries
- V50B0001 EXIT_SAPLV50I_003 User exit for BAPI Duplication of Outbound Deliveries51. SHPCON
Delivery: Shipping confirmation
- V55K0001 EXIT_SAPLV55K_001 Delivery (inbound): Take data
- V55K0002 EXIT_SAPLV55K_002 Delivery (inbound): Prepare processing
- V55K0003 EXIT_SAPLV55K_003 Delivery (inbound): Evaluate result
- V55K0011 EXIT_SAPLV55K_011 Shipping notification (inbound): Take data
- V55K0012 EXIT_SAPLV55K_012 Shipping notification (inbound): Prepare processing
- V55K0013 EXIT_SAPLV55K_013 Shipping notification (inbound): Evaluate result52. SHPMNT
Shipping outbound
- V55K0020 EXIT_SAPLV55K_020 IDoc SHPMNT: Modification Control/ Data before processing
- V55K0021 EXIT_SAPLV55K_021 Processing of segments IDoc SHPMNT
- V55K0022 EXIT_SAPLV55K_022 Update of user defined tables for inbound IDoc SHPMNT53. SRCLST
Source List
- MMAL0002 EXIT_SAPLMEAI_001 ALE source list distribution: inbound processing segments
- MMAL0002 EXIT_SAPLMEAI_002 ALE source list distribution: inbound processing user defined data54. SRVMAS
Master data service master
- BASI0001 EXIT_SAPLBASI_001 Userexit IDoc inbound service master: segment
- BASI0001 EXIT_SAPLBASI_002 Userexit IDoc inbound service master: database55. TPSSHT
Shipping planning system: Transfer planned shipments
- V56I0010 EXIT_SAPLV56I_010 IDoc TPSSHT01: Input of planned shipments: Modification of IDoc segments
- V56I0010 EXIT_SAPLV56I_011 IDoc TPSSHT01: Input of planned shipments: modification of transport tab, processing
- V56I0010 EXIT_SAPLV56I_012 IDoc TPSSHT01: Input of planned shipments: update of own tables56. WHSCON
Delivery: Stock confirmation
- V55K0001 EXIT_SAPLV55K_001 Delivery (inbound): Take data
- V55K0002 EXIT_SAPLV55K_002 Delivery (inbound): Prepare processing
- V55K0003 EXIT_SAPLV55K_003 Delivery (inbound): Evaluate result
- V55K0011 EXIT_SAPLV55K_011 Shipping notification (inbound): Take data
- V55K0012 EXIT_SAPLV55K_012 Shipping notification (inbound): Prepare processing
- V55K0013 EXIT_SAPLV55K_013 Shipping notification (inbound): Evaluate result57. WMBBIN
Block Storage Bins
- MWMIDI01 EXIT_SAPLLIDI_001 Customer enhancement for error handling of inbound IDoc
- MWMIDI04 EXIT_SAPLLIDI_004 Customer enhancement for IDoc WMBBID0158. WMCATO
Reversal/Reversal request for transfer order
- MWMIDI01 EXIT_SAPLLIDI_001 Customer enhancement for error handling of inbound IDoc
- MWMIDI03 EXIT_SAPLLIDI_003 Customer enhancement for IDoc WMCAI0159. WMINVE
Inventory count input
- MWMIDO07 EXIT_SAPLLMDE_001 Customer enhancement for error handling of inbound IDoc
- MWMIDO09 EXIT_SAPLLMDE_003 Customer enhancement for message WMINVE
- MWMIDO07 EXIT_SAPLLMDE_001 Customer enhancement for error handling of inbound IDoc60. WMMBXY
IDoc Report goods movements in IM
- MWMIDO08 EXIT_SAPLLMDE_002 Customer enhancement for message WMMBXY (goods movement) inbound61.
Move storage unit
- MWMIDI01 EXIT_SAPLLIDI_001 Customer enhancement for error handling of inbound IDoc
- MWMIDI06 EXIT_SAPLLIDI_006 Customer enhancement for IDoc WMSUID0162. WMTOCO
Transfer order
- MWMIDI01 EXIT_SAPLLIDI_001 Customer enhancement for error handling of inbound IDoc
- MWMIDI02 EXIT_SAPLLIDI_002 Customer enhancement for IDoc WMTCID0163. WMTORD
Transfer order

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- MWMIDO07 EXIT_SAPLLMDE_001 Customer enhancement for error handling of inbound IDoc

- MWMIDO10 EXIT_SAPLLMDE_004 Customer enhancement for message WMTORD (Create TO) inbound
- MWMIDO11 EXIT_SAPLLMDE_005 Customer enhancement for message WMTORD (Create TO) inbound64.
Create/Cancel transfer order
- MWMIDI01 EXIT_SAPLLIDI_001 Customer enhancement for error handling of inbound IDoc
- MWMIDI05 EXIT_SAPLLIDI_005 Customer enhancement for IDoc WMTRID0165. WPUBON
POS interface: Upload sales documents (compressed)
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_104 IDoc WPUBON01: prior to inbound processing
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_105 Check, whether transaction of IDoc WPUBON01 is compressable
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_106 IDoc WPUBON01: processing user segment
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_109 IDoc WPUBON01: after to inbound processing66. WPUFIB
POS interface: Upload Fin.Acc. interface SRS/POS
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_130 IDoc WPUFIB01: prior to update
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_131 IDoc WPUFIB01: processing user67. WPUFIB
POS interface: Upload Fin.Acc. interface SRS/POS
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_132 IDoc WPUFIB01: prior to inbound processing
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_139 IDoc WPUFIB01: after to inbound processing68. WPUKSR
POS upload cashier data
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_120 IDoc WPUKSR01: prior to update
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_122 IDoc WPUKSR01: processing user segment
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_123 IDoc WPUKSR01: prior to inbound processing
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_129 IDoc WPUKSR01: after to inbound processing
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_152 IDoc WPUTAB01: prior to inbound processing
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_159 IDoc WPUTAB01: after to inbound processing69. WPUUMS
POS interface: Upload sales data (compressed)
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_110 IDoc WPUUMS01: prior to update
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_112 IDoc WPUUMS01: prior to inbound processing
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_113 IDoc WPUUMS01: processing user segment
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_119 IDoc WPUUMS01: after to inbound processing70. WPUWBW
POS interface: Upload goods movements
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_140 IDoc WPUWBW01: prior to update
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_141 IDoc WPUWBW01: processing user segment
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_142 IDoc WPUWBW01: prior to inbound processing
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_149 IDoc WPUWBW01: after to inbound processing71. WVINVE
Store physical inventory / sales price revaluation
- WVFI0001 EXIT_SAPLWVFI_001 Inbound IDoc store phys. inv.: override Customizing
- WVFI0002 EXIT_SAPLWVFI_002 Inbound IDoc store phys. inv.: process customer segment
IDoc Outbound User Exits72. ACCONF
Confirmation of IDoc processing from the application
- ACCID002 EXIT_SAPLACC2_040 IDOC ACCONF: Confirmation of processing in application73. ACLPAY
Accounting: Inbound invoice
- ACCID002 EXIT_SAPLACC2_030 IDoc ACLPAY: Userexit for header in accounting document (outbound)
- ACCID002 EXIT_SAPLACC2_031 IDoc ACLPAY: Userexit for creditor line (outbound) in accounting document
- ACCID002 EXIT_SAPLACC2_032 IDoc ACLPAY: Userexit for general line (outbound) in accounting document
- ACCID002 EXIT_SAPLACC2_033 IDoc ACLPAY: Userexit for tax line (outbound) in accounting document74.
Posting in accounting from materials management
- ACCID002 EXIT_SAPLACC2_020 IDoc ACPJOU: Userexit Userexit for GL posting header in accounting document
- ACCID002 EXIT_SAPLACC2_021 IDoc ACPJOU: Userexit Userexit for GL posting line in accounting document75.
Create and change of material master (Retail)
- MGV00003 EXIT_SAPLMV01_003 Enhancement for article master IDoc: Create76. BLAORD

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Purchasing contracts
- MM06E001 EXIT_SAPLEINM_016 ALE distribution of contracts outbound enhancement for IDocs
- MM06E001 EXIT_SAPLEINM_017 ALE distribution of contracts outbound enhancement for IDocs77. BLAREL
Purchasing contracts
- MM06E001 EXIT_SAPLEINM_003 Customer enhancements of data segment for outbound release
documentation78. COND_A
Conditions: master data for price determination
- VKOE0001 EXIT_SAPLVKOE_001 Condition Transmission: Derivation of Filter Object E1KOMG
- VKOE0001 EXIT_SAPLVKOE_002 Condition Transmission: Customer segments79. CREMAS
Distribute vendor master
- VSV00001 EXIT_SAPLKD01_001 Outbound: Create vendor segments80. DEBMAS
Customer master
- VSV00001 EXIT_SAPLVV01_001 Outbound: Create additional customer master segments81. DELPKB
- MPKD0001 EXIT_SAPLMPKD_001 User exit for control record KANBAN, outbound
- MPKD0001 EXIT_SAPLMPKD_002 User exit for EDI 82. DIRDEB
Preauthorized withdrawal
- FEDI0003 EXIT_SAPLIEDP_003 FI-EDI outgoing payments: Save PEXR segments (customer directory)83.
Master document
- CVDS0001 EXIT_SAPLCVALE_002 Userexit for ALEDVS (DOCMAS outbound)
- CVDS0001 EXIT_SAPLCVALE_005 Userexit for filter (ALE outbound)84. DOLMAS
Document-object links
- CVDS0001 EXIT_SAPLCVALE_004 Userexit for ALEDVS (DOLMAS outbound)
- CVDS0001 EXIT_SAPLCVALE_005 Userexit for filter (ALE outbound)85. FIDCC1
Send entire FI documents (user exit 003/4)
- F050S001 EXIT_SAPLF050_001 IDoc outbound: fill user-defined IDoc segment
- F050S002 EXIT_SAPLF050_003 FIDCC1 IDoc outbound: Change data / do not send
- F050S004 EXIT_SAPLF050_007 IDoc outbound: change complete IDoc / do not send86. FIDCC2
Send entire FI documents (user exit 005/6)
- F050S001 EXIT_SAPLF050_001 IDoc outbound: fill user-defined IDoc segment
- F050S003 EXIT_SAPLF050_005 FIDCC2 IDoc outbound: Change data / do not send
- F050S004 EXIT_SAPLF050_007 IDoc outbound: change complete IDoc / do not send
- F050S001 EXIT_SAPLF050_001 IDoc outbound: fill user-defined IDoc segment87. FIDCMT
Sending single items for FI-GL
- F050S004 EXIT_SAPLF050_007 IDoc outbound: change complete IDoc / do not send88. FIPAYM
Payment data
- FIPAYM01 EXIT_SAPLF11A_001 USER-EXIT: message type FIPAYM, header data, outbound
- FIPAYM01 EXIT_SAPLF11A_002 USER-EXIT: message type FIPAYM, reference data, outbound
- FIPAYM01 EXIT_SAPLF11A_003 USER-EXIT: message type FIPAYM, bank data, outbound
- FIPAYM01 EXIT_SAPLF11A_004 USER-EXIT: message type FIPAYM, GL data, outbound
- FIPAYM01 EXIT_SAPLF11A_005 USER-EXIT: message type FIPAYM, partner data, outbound89. FIROLL
General ledger rollup for FI-GL (delta f. line items FIDCMT)
- F050S001 EXIT_SAPLF050_001 IDoc outbound: fill user-defined IDoc segment90. GSVERF
Cred. memo procedure
- MRMN0001 EXIT_SAPLMRMN_001 Outbound IDoc for ERS/consignment settlement91. HRMD_A
HR: Master data and organizational data (appl. system)
- RHALE001 EXIT_SAPLRHA0_001 HR-CA: ALE outbound processing: Enhancement for receiver
- RHALE001 EXIT_SAPLRHAL_001 HR-CA: ALE outbound processing: Change IDoc

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- RHALE001 EXIT_SAPLRHAL_003 HR-CA: ALE outbound processing: conversion info type / segment92. INFREC
Purchasing info record
- MMAL0003 EXIT_SAPLMEAO_002 ALE purchasing info record distribution: outbound processing93. INVOIC
Invoice / Billing document
- LVEDF001 EXIT_SAPLVEDF_001 User_Exit controll data IDoc_Output_Invoic
- LVEDF001 EXIT_SAPLVEDF_002 User_Exit customer enhancement of segments outbound invoice
- LVEDF001 EXIT_SAPLVEDF_003 User_Exit to avoid reading package data
- LVEDF001 EXIT_SAPLVEDF_004 EDI Invoice: customer enhancement for reading additional data94. KANBAN
- MPKD0001 EXIT_SAPLMPKD_001 User exit for control record KANBAN, outbound
- MPKD0001 EXIT_SAPLMPKD_002 User exit for EDI95. LIKOND
Listing conditions
- WSOR0001 EXIT_SAPLWSOE_001 Enhancement for assortments: outbound IDoc96. MATMAS
Material Master
- MGV00001 EXIT_SAPLMV01_002 Enhancement for material master IDoc: Create97. ORDCHG
Purchase order/order change
- MM06E001 EXIT_SAPLEINM_001 Customer enhancements for control record: purchasing document, outbound
- MM06E001 EXIT_SAPLEINM_002 Customer enhancements to data segments, purchasing document, outbound
- MM06E001 EXIT_SAPLEINM_011 Final customer enhancement EDI purchase order outbound98. ORDERS
Purchase order / order
- MM06E001 EXIT_SAPLEINM_001 Customer enhancements for control record: purchasing document, outbound
- MM06E001 EXIT_SAPLEINM_002 Customer enhancements to data segments, purchasing document, outbound
- MM06E001 EXIT_SAPLEINM_011 Final customer enhancement EDI purchase order outbound99. ORDRSP
Purchase order / order confirmation
- MM06E001 EXIT_SAPLEINM_009 MM EDI ORDRSP: customer enhancements tolerances (quantities/ date/price)
- MM06E001 EXIT_SAPLEINM_014 MM EDI ORDRSP:enhancement price tolerances
- MM06E001 EXIT_SAPLEINM_015 MM EDI ORDRSP: enhancement change of vendor material
- SDEDI001 EXIT_SAPLVEDC_001 Customer enhancement for control record of order confirmation
- SDEDI001 EXIT_SAPLVEDC_002 Customer enhancement for data records of order confirmation
- SDEDI001 EXIT_SAPLVEDC_003 SD EDI ORDRSP: customer enhancement
- SDEDI001 EXIT_SAPLVEDC_004 SD EDI ORDRSP:customer enhancement for reading additional data
- SDEDI001 EXIT_SAPLVEDC_005 SD EDI ORDRSP: customer enhancement for configuration
- SDEDI001 EXIT_SAPLVEDC_006 SD EDI ORDRSP: customer enhancement for configuration structures
- SDEDI001 EXIT_SAPLVEDC_007 SD EDI ORDRSP: customer enhancement for header conditions
- SDEDI001 EXIT_SAPLVEDC_008 SD EDI ORDRSP: customer enhancement for item conditions
- WVFB0001 EXIT_SAPLWVFB_001 Customer exists for store order PO confirmation control seg.
- WVFB0001 EXIT_SAPLWVFB_003 Customer exists for store order PO confirmation data seg.100. PAYEXT
Extended payment order
- FEDI0003 EXIT_SAPLIEDP_002 FI-EDI outgoing payments: Save PEXR segments (external payments)
- FEDI0004 EXIT_SAPLIEDP_901 FI-EDI outgoing payments: New partner house bank
- FEDI0004 EXIT_SAPLIEDP_902 FI-EDI outgoing payments: End of IDoc payment (VBLNR)
- FEDI0004 EXIT_SAPLIEDP_903 FI-EDI outgoing payments: End of partner house bank101. PICKSD
Picking data confirmation to customer delivery
- VMDE0002 EXIT_SAPLVMDE_002 Shipping Interface: Message PICKSD (Picking, Outbound)102. PRDCAT
Product Catalog
- WPCI0001 EXIT_SAPLWPCI_001 User exit for Product cat. IDoc outbound103. PRDPOS
Product catalog item
- WPCI0001 EXIT_SAPLWPCI_001 User exit for Product cat. IDoc outbound104. PRICAT
Price list / catalog
- VPRE0001 EXIT_SAPLVPRE_001 PRICAT outbound processing (MAMT AUSP MAW1)
- VPRE0001 EXIT_SAPLVPRE_002 PRICAT outbound processing (control record)
- VPRE0001 EXIT_SAPLVPRE_003 PRICAT outbound processing (IDoc segments)105. PROACT

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Stock and sales data

- WVMI0001 EXIT_SAPLWVMI_001 IDoc PROACT outbound: final action prior to sending106. REMADV
Payment advice
- FEDI0003 EXIT_SAPLIEDP_001 FI-EDI: Outgoing pmnt advice - Create extension of segments/ new segments107.
- VEDE0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDE_001 Customer enhancement for control record of outbound quotation
- VEDE0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDE_003 SD EDI REQOTE: customer enhancement
- VEDE0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDE_002 Customer enhancement for data records of outbound quotation
- VEDE0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDE_004 SD EDI REQOTE: customer enhancement for reading additional data
- VEDE0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDE_005 SD EDI REQOTE: customer enhancement for configuration
- VEDE0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDE_006 SD EDI REQOTE: customer enhancement for configuration structures
- VEDE0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDE_007 SD EDI REQOTE: customer enhancement for header conditions
- VEDE0001 EXIT_SAPLVEDE_008 SD EDI REQOTE: customer enhancement for item conditions108. SRCLST
Source List
- MMAL0001 EXIT_SAPLMEAO_001 ALE source list distribution: outbound processing109. SRVMAS
Master data service master
- BASO0001 EXIT_SAPLBASO_001 Enhancement: service master, check standard service catalog
- BASO0001 EXIT_SAPLBASO_002 Userexit IDoc service master: receiver determination110. SYPART
Partner profiles
- SIDOC002 EXIT_SAPLEDI6_001 CA-EDI, Partner-IDoc: Exit after segment E1EDPP1
- SIDOC002 EXIT_SAPLEDI6_002 CA-EDI, Partner-IDoc: Exit after segment E1ADRM0
- SIDOC002 EXIT_SAPLEDI6_003 CA-EDI, Partner-IDoc: Final exit before sending
- SIDOC002 EXIT_SAPLEDI6_004 CA-EDI, Partner-IDoc: Exit after segment E1ADRP0
- SIDOC002 EXIT_SAPLEDI6_005 CA-EDI, Partner-IDoc: Exit after segment E1ADRE0
- SIDOC002 EXIT_SAPLEDI6_007 CA-EDI, Partner-IDoc: Exit after segment E1EDP13
- SIDOC002 EXIT_SAPLEDI6_008 CA-EDI, Partner-IDoc: Exit after segment E1EDP21111. TPSDLS
Shipping planning system: Transfer delivery
- V56I0001 EXIT_SAPLV56I_001 IDoc TPSDLS: Modification of delivery header group
- V56I0002 EXIT_SAPLV56I_002 IDoc TPSDLS: Modification of delivery item group
- V56I0003 EXIT_SAPLV56I_003 IDoc TPSDLS: Modification of package data group
- V56I0004 EXIT_SAPLV56I_004 IDoc TPSDLS: Modification of entire IDoc
- V56I0005 EXIT_SAPLV56I_005 IDoc TPSDLS: Modif. of delivery items relevant to shipment
- V56I0006 EXIT_SAPLV56I_006 IDOC TPSDLS: User-defined determ. for location substitution
- V56I0020 EXIT_SAPLV56I_020 IDoc control record modification in interface SD-TPS112. WBBDLD
Assortment list: Material data
- WBBE0001 EXIT_SAPLWBBI_001 Modification of replenishment list IDoc113. WMCATO
Reversal/Reversal request for transfer order
- MWMIDO02 EXIT_SAPLLIDO_002 Customer enhancement for IDoc WMCAID01114. WMINVE
Inventory count input
- MWMIDO04 EXIT_SAPLLIDO_004 Customer enhancement for IDoc WMIVID01115. WMRREF
Release reference number
- MWMIDO03 EXIT_SAPLLIDO_003 Customer enhancement for IDoc WMRRID01116. WMTORD
Transfer order
- MWMIDO01 EXIT_SAPLLIDO_001 Customer enhancement for IDoc WMTOID01117. WP_EAN
POS interface: Upload / Download EAN assignments
- WPDA0001 EXIT_SAPLWPDA_003 POS interface: Modification of IDoc data for EAN references118. WP_PER
POS interface: Upload / Download person data
- WPDA0001 EXIT_SAPLWPDA_008 POS interface: Modification of IDoc data for person related data
- WPDA0001 EXIT_SAPLWPDA_013 POS interface: Add. Change pt. Analysis for WP_PER119. WP_PLU
POS interface: Upload / Download material master

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- WPDA0001 EXIT_SAPLWPDA_002 POS interface: Modification of IDoc data for material master
- WPDA0001 EXIT_SAPLWPDA_009 POS interface: Add. Change pt. Analysis for WP_PLU120. WPDCUR
POS interface: Download exchange rates
- WPDA0001 EXIT_SAPLWPDA_006 POS interface: Modification of IDoc data for exchange rates121. WPDNAC
POS interface: Download products
- WPDA0001 EXIT_SAPLWPDA_005 POS interface: Modification of IDoc data for follow-on items
- WPDA0001 EXIT_SAPLWPDA_011 POS interface: Add. Change pt. Analysis for WPDNAC122. WPDSET
POS interface: Download set assignments
- WPDA0001 EXIT_SAPLWPDA_004 POS interface: modification of IDoc data for set assignments123. WPDSET
POS interface: Download set assignments
WPDA0001 EXIT_SAPLWPDA_010 POS interface: Add. Change pt. Analysis for WPDSET
POS interface: Download tax rates
- WPDA0001 EXIT_SAPLWPDA_007 POS interface: modification of IDoc data for taxes125. WPDWGR
POS interface: Download material group master
- WPDA0001 EXIT_SAPLWPDA_001 POS interface: Modification of IDoc data for material groups
- WPDA0001 EXIT_SAPLWPDA_012 POS interface: Add. Change pt. Analysis for WPDWGR126. WPUBON
POS interface: Upload sales documents (compressed)
- WPUE0002 EXIT_SAPLWPUE_102 IDoc WPUBON01: prior to update127. WTADDI
- WTAD0001 EXIT_SAPLWTIP_001 Enhancements to Additionals IDoc128. WTADDI_CVB1
Additionals w/o 06
- WTAD0001 EXIT_SAPLWTIP_001 Enhancements to Additionals IDocGeneral IDoc User Exits
- ALE00001 EXIT_RBDPROSE_001 Old: exit for converting preproduction system to production
- ALE00001 EXIT_SAPLBD11_001 User exit for the IDOC version changer
- BDMO0001 EXIT_SAPLBDMO_001 Old: Enhancement to the ALE distribution reference model
- KKCD0001 EXIT_SAPFKCIM_001 SAP-EIS: User exit for data compression of sender records (used for IDoc
- KKCD0001 EXIT_SAPFKCIM_002 SAP-EIS: User exit for data summ. Of summarized records befo (used for IDoc

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