006-Sample Method Statement Structure New Works

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Reference No: MS 0554

The purpose of this Method Statement covers folloing activities of Steel Structure erection for
!elium ST"01"0#$
Pre"assem%l&' Steel Structure (oundation )hec*' (oundation Preparation
+rection of steel structure , ladders , grating
-olts Tightening . /lignment
(ire Proofing
)rane' Manlift' Trailer' (or*lift' )hain -loc*s and Miscellaneous !and Tools$
(olloing are the steps involved for the e0ecution of a%ove"mentioned tas*s$
The steel structure mem%ers shall %e pre assem%led on ground in managea%le section for ease
of erection$
Prior to assem%l& dimensional chec*s . %olts hole si1es shall %e measured$
Steel Structure Foundation !ec"
The )oncrete (oundations shall %e completed and handed over to the steel erection group ith
a release note and reference to permanent %enchmar*$
+ach (oundation ill %e mar*ed ith centerline and level$ Top surface shall %e chipped to the
re2uired level %& machine,manual chiseling$
Foundation Preparation
/fter foundation acceptance' the thic*ness of shim pac*ing shall %e calculated to achieve
%ottom level of the steel structure %ase plate as mentioned on draings$
The shim plate , pac*ing shall %e of steel material according to the /STM"/"34$ To maintain
the surface level underneath the shim pac*ing plates' approved mortar ill %e used$ The si1e
and num%ers of shim pac*ers shall depend on each si1e of foundation$ The pac*ing plates shall
%e installed in such a manner that the& are full& em%edded , surrounded %& grout material$
The level of all shim plates shall %e chec*ed %& using surve& level , ater level$
/ Surve& Report shall %e attached ith release note$
Necessar& curing ill %e done for all stages of grouting in accordance ith 56 specification ,
manufacturer7s recommendations$
Erection # $i%tin& 'or"
8nl& e0perienced or*force ill %e emplo&ed in the construction of steel or*s$
/ 50"ton h&draulic mo%ile crane ill %e used for erection of steel structure$
Prior to erection the lifting point' erection point and path shall %e discussed ith supervisor$
The pre"assem%led mem%ers and other loose pieces shall %e erected on concrete foundations %&
crane$ The steel structure elevation and straightness shall %e maintained as per draings$
o Se2uence of installation for steel structure ill %e li*e that pre"assem%led / shaped
column assem%l& ill %e installed first folloed %& installation of ne0t / shape
column assem%l&$
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Reference No: MS 0554
o To / assem%lies ith then %e :oined %& %eams and relevant %racings$
(irst assem%l& of to / columns assem%l& ill %e aligned and ill %e used as alignment guide
for ne0t columns$
6uide ropes shall %e tied to steel structure frames during erection for safel& guiding the lifted
/ccess for erection shall %e provided either %& using engine driven man lift and , or
Scaffolding platforms$ The scaffolding or* shall %e inspected %efore use and appropriatel&
Temporar& supports in the form of temporar& %racing or gu& ropes shall %e installed$ These are
re2uired to meet loading imposed during erection or re2uired at the end of or*da& to ensure
safe and sta%le condition until final foundation %olt tightening$ /d:acent ne foundations ,
temporar& arrangements of concrete %loc*s or li*e ise shall %e used as anchors , dead man$
5ualified elders shall carr& out an& elding re2uired for light steel structure mem%er , items$
/n approved elding procedure shall %e folloed for this purpose ;<f re2uired=$
The final %olt tightening' structure leveling and alignment shall %e done according to the
applica%le draings' standards and specifications$
+0perienced riggers ill %e emplo&ed for steel structure erection or* and e0perienced
scaffolders ill onl& do the scaffolding or*$
-efore releasing the steel structure frame from crane hoo*' a visual chec* ill %e done for
ade2uate tightening of %olts up to #5> nuts . %olts shall %e tighten %& hand prior to release the
crane hoo*$
/cceptance criteria shall %e as per approved (ield 5ualit& )ontrol Plan for Steel Structure$
<nstallation of floors' platforms' ladders and handrails shall %e done according to the draings
and pro:ect specification$ <nspection shall %e done according to the (ield 5ualit& )ontrol Plan
for steel structure$
(elease %or )routin&
(inal %olt installation . tor2uing shall %e done folloed %& inspection as per 5)P$ ?pon
acceptance the foundation shall %e released for grouting$ )ivil group according to specification
shall do the grouting or*$
/pplica%le chec*list shall %e as per 5)P$
Fire proo%in&
(ire proofing of structure ill %e done as pro:ect specifications and as per approved method
statement for (ire proofing of steel structure$
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Reference No: MS 0554
Permit (equirements
Acti*ity Permit
Scaffolding <nstallation ,
)old @or*
+rection of Steel Structure !ot @or* 8pen (lame , Normal
@elding of Nuts , @ashers !ot @or* 8pen (lame
(ire Proofing !ot @or* Aehicle +ntr&
Transportation of Structure Aehicle +ntr&
Structure Reference Braings
o !+,00,43,)<,BR,)P,001 4C31D000B@E99 001 F6eneral /rrangements structure 01"
o 010,00,43,/R,BR,TB,13# Standard Braing (ire Proofing
Do% Safet& /nal&sis DS/"0554
Prepared + Submitted ,y (e*ie-ed ,y Appro*ed ,y
A"!tar En&ineerin& Ser*ices T./ 0atar )as
Name . Signature: Name . Signature: Name . Signature:
Bate: Bate: Bate:
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Reference No: MS 0554

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