This method statement outlines the procedures for erecting steel structures, including pre-assembly of steel members, foundation preparation, erection of the steel frame using a crane, bolting and alignment, and fireproofing. The key steps are:
1) Pre-assembling steel members on the ground and checking dimensions before erection.
2) Preparing foundations by leveling and installing shim plates embedded in grout.
3) Erecting the pre-assembled steel members using a crane and temporarily bracing sections until bolting is complete.
4) Installing floors, platforms, and handrails and inspecting according to quality plans.
This method statement outlines the procedures for erecting steel structures, including pre-assembly of steel members, foundation preparation, erection of the steel frame using a crane, bolting and alignment, and fireproofing. The key steps are:
1) Pre-assembling steel members on the ground and checking dimensions before erection.
2) Preparing foundations by leveling and installing shim plates embedded in grout.
3) Erecting the pre-assembled steel members using a crane and temporarily bracing sections until bolting is complete.
4) Installing floors, platforms, and handrails and inspecting according to quality plans.
This method statement outlines the procedures for erecting steel structures, including pre-assembly of steel members, foundation preparation, erection of the steel frame using a crane, bolting and alignment, and fireproofing. The key steps are:
1) Pre-assembling steel members on the ground and checking dimensions before erection.
2) Preparing foundations by leveling and installing shim plates embedded in grout.
3) Erecting the pre-assembled steel members using a crane and temporarily bracing sections until bolting is complete.
4) Installing floors, platforms, and handrails and inspecting according to quality plans.
This method statement outlines the procedures for erecting steel structures, including pre-assembly of steel members, foundation preparation, erection of the steel frame using a crane, bolting and alignment, and fireproofing. The key steps are:
1) Pre-assembling steel members on the ground and checking dimensions before erection.
2) Preparing foundations by leveling and installing shim plates embedded in grout.
3) Erecting the pre-assembled steel members using a crane and temporarily bracing sections until bolting is complete.
4) Installing floors, platforms, and handrails and inspecting according to quality plans.
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Reference No: MS 0554
METHOD STATEMENT Purpose: The purpose of this Method Statement covers folloing activities of Steel Structure erection for !elium ST"01"0#$ Pre"assem%l&' Steel Structure (oundation )hec*' (oundation Preparation +rection of steel structure , ladders , grating -olts Tightening . /lignment (ire Proofing Equipment: )rane' Manlift' Trailer' (or*lift' )hain -loc*s and Miscellaneous !and Tools$ Procedure: (olloing are the steps involved for the e0ecution of a%ove"mentioned tas*s$ Pre-Assembly The steel structure mem%ers shall %e pre assem%led on ground in managea%le section for ease of erection$ Prior to assem%l& dimensional chec*s . %olts hole si1es shall %e measured$ Steel Structure Foundation !ec" The )oncrete (oundations shall %e completed and handed over to the steel erection group ith a release note and reference to permanent %enchmar*$ +ach (oundation ill %e mar*ed ith centerline and level$ Top surface shall %e chipped to the re2uired level %& machine,manual chiseling$ Foundation Preparation /fter foundation acceptance' the thic*ness of shim pac*ing shall %e calculated to achieve %ottom level of the steel structure %ase plate as mentioned on draings$ The shim plate , pac*ing shall %e of steel material according to the /STM"/"34$ To maintain the surface level underneath the shim pac*ing plates' approved mortar ill %e used$ The si1e and num%ers of shim pac*ers shall depend on each si1e of foundation$ The pac*ing plates shall %e installed in such a manner that the& are full& em%edded , surrounded %& grout material$ The level of all shim plates shall %e chec*ed %& using surve& level , ater level$ / Surve& Report shall %e attached ith release note$ Necessar& curing ill %e done for all stages of grouting in accordance ith 56 specification , manufacturer7s recommendations$ Erection # $i%tin& 'or" 8nl& e0perienced or*force ill %e emplo&ed in the construction of steel or*s$ / 50"ton h&draulic mo%ile crane ill %e used for erection of steel structure$ Prior to erection the lifting point' erection point and path shall %e discussed ith supervisor$ The pre"assem%led mem%ers and other loose pieces shall %e erected on concrete foundations %& crane$ The steel structure elevation and straightness shall %e maintained as per draings$ o Se2uence of installation for steel structure ill %e li*e that pre"assem%led / shaped column assem%l& ill %e installed first folloed %& installation of ne0t / shape column assem%l&$ Page 9 of 4 Reference No: MS 0554 o To / assem%lies ith then %e :oined %& %eams and relevant %racings$ (irst assem%l& of to / columns assem%l& ill %e aligned and ill %e used as alignment guide for ne0t columns$ 6uide ropes shall %e tied to steel structure frames during erection for safel& guiding the lifted piece$ /ccess for erection shall %e provided either %& using engine driven man lift and , or Scaffolding platforms$ The scaffolding or* shall %e inspected %efore use and appropriatel& tagged$ Temporar& supports in the form of temporar& %racing or gu& ropes shall %e installed$ These are re2uired to meet loading imposed during erection or re2uired at the end of or*da& to ensure safe and sta%le condition until final foundation %olt tightening$ /d:acent ne foundations , temporar& arrangements of concrete %loc*s or li*e ise shall %e used as anchors , dead man$ 5ualified elders shall carr& out an& elding re2uired for light steel structure mem%er , items$ /n approved elding procedure shall %e folloed for this purpose ;<f re2uired=$ The final %olt tightening' structure leveling and alignment shall %e done according to the applica%le draings' standards and specifications$ +0perienced riggers ill %e emplo&ed for steel structure erection or* and e0perienced scaffolders ill onl& do the scaffolding or*$ -efore releasing the steel structure frame from crane hoo*' a visual chec* ill %e done for ade2uate tightening of %olts up to #5> nuts . %olts shall %e tighten %& hand prior to release the crane hoo*$ /cceptance criteria shall %e as per approved (ield 5ualit& )ontrol Plan for Steel Structure$ <nstallation of floors' platforms' ladders and handrails shall %e done according to the draings and pro:ect specification$ <nspection shall %e done according to the (ield 5ualit& )ontrol Plan for steel structure$ (elease %or )routin& (inal %olt installation . tor2uing shall %e done folloed %& inspection as per 5)P$ ?pon acceptance the foundation shall %e released for grouting$ )ivil group according to specification shall do the grouting or*$ /pplica%le chec*list shall %e as per 5)P$ Fire proo%in& (ire proofing of structure ill %e done as pro:ect specifications and as per approved method statement for (ire proofing of steel structure$ Page 3 of 4 Reference No: MS 0554 Permit (equirements Acti*ity Permit Scaffolding <nstallation , Removal )old @or* +rection of Steel Structure !ot @or* 8pen (lame , Normal @elding of Nuts , @ashers !ot @or* 8pen (lame (ire Proofing !ot @or* Aehicle +ntr& Transportation of Structure Aehicle +ntr& Attac!ments Structure Reference Braings o !+,00,43,)<,BR,)P,001 4C31D000B@E99 001 F6eneral /rrangements structure 01" 0#G o 010,00,43,/R,BR,TB,13# Standard Braing (ire Proofing Do% Safet& /nal&sis DS/"0554 Prepared + Submitted ,y (e*ie-ed ,y Appro*ed ,y A"!tar En&ineerin& Ser*ices T./ 0atar )as Name . Signature: Name . Signature: Name . Signature: Bate: Bate: Bate: Page 4 of 4 Reference No: MS 0554