Newton's Equation Solved Wrong For 350 Years U Tube
Newton's Equation Solved Wrong For 350 Years U Tube
Newton's Equation Solved Wrong For 350 Years U Tube
Read my Lips: I Joe Nahhas (lucid) will end Alfred Nobel Mafia of Physics and physicists’ stupidity.
There is one and only one Mechanics
Real time universal mechanics
Real time mechanics is the natural law of past present and future of mechanics.
For 400 years Newton's - Kepler's were formulated and solved wrong.
The new real time solution of Newton's Kepler's equations deletes modern physics which is
based on relativistic quantum string time travel mechanics and matches experiments with
unprecedented accuracy to change physics and the history of physics in its entirety.
Modern Physics is based on relativistic quantum string time travel mechanics. Time is caveman
and modern man scale of convenience and is not Alfred Nobel dimension for time travel
regardless of what all Alfred Nobel time travel "Physicists" have to say about it. Time travel is
not physics and accepting time travel as physics in classrooms and using it in scientific
calculations by Physicists changed physics to stupidity and scientists to at least palm readers
and stupidity can only lead to more stupidity and more stupidity in fraud.
This is the proof of 110 years of Alfred Nobel Prize winner Physicists stupidity and fraud. I am
not saying that Alfred Nobel physics is stupid or fraud; I can prove it stupid and fraud and this
document is Modern Physics death certificate
For 350 years Newton and all others miss formulated 400 years old Kepler's
mechanics observations and Laws wrong and gave equations that have been solved
wrong for 350 years and introduced Alternative physics based proofs made for looting
money because after over a century of time traveling physics and physicists the only
proof of time travel is that physicists have no proof of time travel and the collective
value of Modern Physics is the value of 110 years of Nobel prize winner physics of
stupidity because Modern Physics is stupidity itself. The correct and new formulation
and solution of Newton's - Kepler's equations exposed 400 years of wrong physics
and physicists and exposed 110 years of Nobel prize winner modern relativistic
quantum and strings mechanics as stupidity itself. The new solutions of Newton's -
Kepler's equations erases 400 years of physics and re-write physics and the history of
physics in its entirety; annexes quantum mechanics to classical Newton's - Kepler's
equations mechanics and deletes relativity theory in its entirety. The name is Joe
Nahhas and I am handing Alfred Nobel prize winner physicists their physics back.
Real time Universal Mechanics annexing all mechanics to classical mechanics and
deleting relativity.
All there is in the universe is objects of mass m at a location r = r (x, y, z) = (length,
width, height). The state of any object in the Universe is
S = m r (x, y, z)
State = mass x location; this is real time mechanical law of the Universe
Real time: We can not see or measure something that did not happen. We
can only see and measure something that had happened. What we
measure in not what happened. We measure in present time an event that
happened in past time. That is we measure past events in present time
Present time = present time
Present time = past time + [present time - past time]
Present time = past time + relativistic time delays
Real time = event time + real time relativistic delays
Real time physics = event time physics + real time relativistic delays
What one sees is relativistic = what happened in an absolute event +
relativistic delays
What happened in an event is absolute = real time physics - real time
relativistic effects.
Observer time = traveller time + time delays
Real time = absolute time + time delays
Real time = Event time + time delays
Gone with one (Ein) stone (stein) 401 years of wrong physics and wrong physicists
Real space r = r0 ℮ ỉ ω t in real time physics Γ = t ℮ ỉ ω t; ω T = arc tan (v/c)
By Professor Joe Nahhas founder of real time physics July 4th 1973
[email protected]
Real time: We can not see or measure something that did not happen.
We can only see or measure something that had happened.
What we measure is not what happened.
We measure in present time an event that happened in past time.
That is we measure past events in present time
Present time = present time
Present time = past time + [present time - past time]
Present time = past time + time delay (difference)
Real time physics = event time physics + real time delay physics
Naming Γ as real time and t as event time
Γ = t + (Γ - t) = t [1 + (Γ – t)/t] = t (Γ/t)
If an event happens on Planet Mercury and the event is seen from the Sun
at event time t, then this same event would be seen from Earth in real
time as time Γ = t + Δ Γ
Γ = t + (Γ - t)
Page 1
Γ = t (Γ/t)
ỉωt ỉωt
Γ = te ; Γ/t = e ; ω t = arc tan (v/c)
Γ = t e ; θ = arc tan (v/c)
Γ = t [cosine ω t + ỉ sine ω t]
Γ = Γ (x) + ỉ Γ (y) = t cosine ω t + ỉ t sine ω t
And v = [v* (m) +/- vº (m)] (Mercury) – [v (e) +/- vº] (Earth)
= (47.9 – 0.002) km/sec – (29.8 km/sec – 0.465km/sec) = 18.565 km/sec
And c = light velocity = 300,000 km/sec
In ½ period and in arc per second
Or W" = (15) Δ Γ (x) = (7.5) t sine ² [(1/2) arc tan (v/c)] arc seconds
And [v* (Orbital speed of Earth) - v° (Spin speed of Earth)] = 29.8 - 0.465
Or, [v* (Orbital speed of Earth) - v° (Spin speed of Earth)] = 29.335 km/sec
And v = 35.1 – 29.335 = 5.765 km/sec
With c = 300,000 km/sec
It published literature both numbers, 4.37 arc sec per century for ½ cycle
and 8.74 arc sec per century for full cycle are given without an explanation
Page 4
If Planet Mercury is at a distance r (m) from the Sun and rotating around
the Sun with orbital speed v (m) and making an angle θ (m) from fixed
point A, then planet Mercury angular velocity around the Sun:
Is θ’ (m) = v (m)/ r (m)
If Planet mercury, m, orbital speed is to be measured from the Sun, S, then planet
mercury orbital speed is θ’ (m) = v (m)/ r (m)
If Planet mercury, m, orbital speed is to be measured from the Earth, e, then planet
mercury orbital speed is θ’ (m) = [v (m) + V (e)]/ r (m)
Page 5
Real time mechanics = absolute time mechanics + time delays mechanics
Then, θ’ = [v (m) + v (e)]/r (m) = v (m)/r (m) + v (e)/r (m)
And not v (m)/ r (m)
The angular speed delay is: d θ' = v (e)/r (m)
Taking into account Earth rotation vº (e) then
With v (m) = 49.7 km/sec and v (e) = 29.8 km/sec
And taking into account Earth rotation vº (e) then
Then the angular speed delay is
W = d θ' = [v* (e) +/- v º/r] = [(29.8 km/sec) – 0.465km/sec]/ (58.2 x 106km)
W = (29.335km/sec)/ (58.2 x 106km) radian/second
In arc second per century multiplying by [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T)]
W (arc – sec /century) = [v* (e) +/- v º (e) /r (m)] X [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T)]
W (arc – sec /century) = [v* (m) +/- v º (m) /r (e)] X [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T)]
X [r (e) - r (m)]/r (m)
W (arc – sec/century) = [(29.335km/sec)/ (58.2 x 106km)]
X [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T)]
= 43.1 arc second per century
This angular speed delay is a real time angular delay due to motion. Physicists call
the 43.0 seconds of an arc delay is caused by time travel and it is presented as the
first experimental proof of general relativity theory.
Page 6
For planet Venus
T (Venus) = 224.7days
For planet Venus
W"(v) = [v (e)/ r (v)] [36528/T (v)] (180/π) (3600) = 9.0"/century
The Angular velocity delay/ Planet Venus is v (e)/r (v) = [v* (e) +/- v° (e)]/r (Venus)
With T (v) = 224.7, v (e) = [29.8 km/sec - 0.465 km/sec]; r (v) = 108.2 x 10 9 m
W"(m) = [v (e)/ r (v)] [36528/T (v)] (180/π) (3600) = 9.0"/century
W"(v) = [(29.8 – 0.465)/ 108.2 x 10 6] [36526/224.7] (180/π) (3600) = 9.09"/century
The number 43.0"/centuy is taught and advertised as the First experimental proofs of
space –time confusions of modern physics and dearest to Einstein's general relativity theory.
Page 8
Another way is: To T²/a³ = 4 π²/ G (M + m)
That is Kepler's measurements data are centered from the sun and
Newton's data are centered at the center of mass and this would explain
this mistake like this:
And θ' (2) - θ' (1) ≈ - θ' (1) (m/2M) = - [2 π/T] [m/2M) = - π m/MT radians/T
F = m γ + 2m'v +m" r
F = m [(r"-rθ'²) r (1) + (2r'θ' + r θ") θ (1)] + 2m'[r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)] +
(m" r) r (1)
The conclusion is
With ω = 2 π f = 2 π /T angular frequency in event time
And ω (real time) = ω (event time) + Δ ω
Δ ω = ω (real time) - ω (event time)
= 2 π f [v* (e) +/- vº (e)] / [v* (m) +/- vº (m)]
= 2 π f Z; Z = [v* (e) +/- vº (e)] / [v* (m) +/- vº (m)] = red shift
And ω = 2 π f (1 + Z)
The Advance of Planet Mercury Perihelion is 2 π f Z = 2 π Z/ T
Δ ω = (2 π/T) [v* (e) +/- vº (e)] / [v* (m) +/- vº (m)]
In arc seconds per century: Multiply by: (180/π) [36526/T (days)] (3600)
And Δ ω = [2 π / T (seconds)] [v*(e) +/- vº (e)] / [v* (m) +/- vº (m)] x
(180/π) [36526/T (days)] (3600);
T (seconds) = T days x 24x 3600
Δ ω = [2 π / T days x 24x 3600] [v*(e) +/- vº (e)] / [v* (m) +/- vº (m)] x
(180/π) [36526/T (days)] (3600)
Δ ω = [15 x 36526 / T² (days)] [v*(e) +/- vº (e)] / [v* (m) +/- vº (m)]
Δ ω (sec) = [36526 / T² (days)] [v*(e) +/- vº (e)] / [v* (m) +/- vº (m)]
Page 11
We went to the Lab and found the force F between two objects to be
F = - G mM/r²
Where G = Universal constant = 6.673 x 10-11; m = primary mass = planet
M = secondary mass = Sun
And we solved the equation using Newton’s law F = m γ
The solution came out to be an elliptic motion
When applied to planetary motion Newton’s solution in event time came
out to be; r (θ, t) = [a (1-ε²)/ (1+ ε cosine θ)]
With Sun-Planet distance r and Sun is at the focus of the ellipse and θ is
the angle of rotation.
When astronomers turned their telescopes to the skies they did not see an
ellipse but an optical illusion of a rotating ellipse. They found a rotating
ellipse with axial rotation rate of 43.0 seconds of an arc per century or
Planet Mercury appears that to rotate one extra time every 3,013,953.488
without explanation. Although this rate of Mercury’s apparent axial rotation
rate is tiny and insignificant to science like all of relativity theory and
quantum mechanics. Einstein and all other 100,000 living physicists and
100,000 dead physicists accepted Einstein time travel solution
Page 12
Location r = r r (1)
Velocity v = r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)
Acceleration γ = (r" - rθ'²) r (1) + (2r'θ' + r θ") θ (1)
F = m a + 2 m ' v + m" r
F = - GmM/r²
Page 13
Or, Newton's Kepler's equation: F = - GmM/r²
With m = constant, then m can be taken out from both equations (1) and (2)
With [d² r/dt² - r θ'²] = -GM/r² Newton's Gravitational Equation (1)
And d (r²θ')/d t = 0 Kepler's force law (2)
Let r =1/u
With d r/ d t = -u'/u²
= - (1/u²) (θ') d u/d θ
= (- θ'/u²) d u/d θ
And d r/ d t = - h d u/d θ
Now d (m²r²θ')/d t = 0
Or 2mm'r²θ' + 2m²rr'θ' + m²r²θ" = 0
Dividing by m²r²θ' to get 2(m'/m) + 2(r'/r) + (θ"/θ') = 0
This is the equation for axial rotations rate of planetary and binary stars or
any two body problem.
With m = constant
If k = Gm M α; h = 2π a b/T
Then δ θ' = - 2 θ' (0, 0)] sine² [{√ [1 - (GMαT²/4π²a²b²)]} θ + ω t]
Page 21
And r ≈ r (0, 0) e ỉ [(θ - φ) + ω t]
With φ = m/ 2M θ
Taking θ = 2π
Then φ = π m/ M radians
And φ = π m/ (M) [180/π] [36526/T] [3600] arc second/100 years
Either one of the three formulas works and gives 43 seconds of an arc for
planet Mercury.
(2): d (m²r²θ')/d t = 0
Then m²r²θ' = constant; if m is taken as constant then r²θ' = h
And (1): d² r/dt² - r θ'² = [-GmM/r²] e k/r
Let m r =1/u
Then d r/d t = -u'/u²
= - (1/u²) (θ') d u/d θ
Page 22
= (- θ'/u²) d u/d θ
= - h d u/d θ
What is the accumulated value of 2 π f per century for planet mercury seen
from Earth?
The angular frequency is ω = 2 π f
How I would see ω of planet mercury turning around the sun from earth?
The answer is there will be a frequency change of
W = 2 π f [v*(e) - vº (e)]/v* (m); radians per second
Where v*(e) = Earth orbital velocity around the Sun = 29.8 km/sec
And vº = Earth spin speed = 0.465 km/sec
And v* (m) = Mercury orbital velocity around the Sun = 47.9 km/sec
With f = 1/T; f = frequency; T = Period = 88 days
Page 23
If W is wanted in degrees multiply by: 180/π
If W is wanted in degree per century multiply by (180/π) x (36526 days/ T)
If W is wanted in arc second per century multiply by
(180/π) x (36526 days/ T) x 3600
W = [360 x 3600 x (36526/T (days)] [1/ 24 x 3600 x T (days)] [v*(e) - vº (e)]/v* (m)]
For Mercury
With m [d² r/dt² - θ'²r] = - Gm M/r² - Gm Mk/r³ Visual Gravitational law (1)
And d (r²θ')/d t = 0 Kepler's Areal Velocity Equation (2)
Gives an axial rotation rate of
W = 15 x (36526/T² (days)] [v*(e) +/- vº (e)]/ [v* (m) +/- vº(m)]
For Mercury
W = 15 x [36526/ (88)²] [(29.8 – 0.465)/47.9] = 43.0 arc second per century
(m α/ M r)
Nuclear Gravity (-GmM/r²) e
And φ = mθ/2(m + M)
With θ = 2π, then φ = 2πm/2(m + M) = π m/ (m + M) radians/second
And φ = 43.03426909''/century
Page 25
1- Newton’s action at a distance historical mistake
Action at a distance historical mistake is Earth and its atmosphere and not
Earth and distant stars are exerting forces on each other
F = - GmM/r²; The Unit of [G] = [1/ [(2/5) (4π/3) ρT²]; ρ = air density
=1.2045kg/m³; and T = Earth rotation period = 23.9333x3600
T = T (0) sine ω t
T ≈ T (0) √ [1-(v/c) ²]; v/c << 1
E = m (0) c²; v = 0
W (arc – sec /century) = [v* (e) +/- v º (e) /r (m)] X [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T)]
W (arc – sec /century) = [v* (m) +/- v º (m) /r (e)] X [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T)]
X [r (e) - r (m)]/r (m)
Page 28
If Planet mercury, m, orbital speed is to be measured from the Sun, S, then planet
mercury orbital speed is θ’ (m) = v (m)/ r (m)
If Planet mercury, m, orbital speed is to be measured from the Earth, e, then planet
mercury orbital speed is θ’ (m) = [v (m) + V (e)]/ r (m)
For planet Mercury
W (arc – sec/century) = [(29.335km/sec)/ (58.2 x 106km)]
X [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T)]
= 43.0 arc second per century
With vº (m) = 3m/sec; T = 88 days
W (arc – sec/century) = [(47.9km/sec)/ (149.6 x 106km)]
X [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T)] (149.6 – 58.2)/58.2
= 43.0 arc second per century
11 - Johann Georg Van Soldner real time motion and light bending historical mistake
With (2): d (r²θ')/d t = 0
Then r²θ' = constant = h
Differentiate with respect to time
Sun Light
θ ς
Or, θ” (θ, t) = - 2 ì ω (r) [h/ r² (θ, 0)] [cosine 2 ω (r) t + ί sine 2 ω (r) t]
The real part or along the line of sight
Is Real θ” (θ, t) = 2 ω (r) [h/ r² (θ, 0)] sine 2 ω (r) t] (t/t)
Or, Real θ” (θ, t) = 2 t ω (r) [h/ t r² (θ, 0)] sine 2 (r) ω t]
Or, Real θ” (θ, t) / [h/ t r² (θ, 0)] = 2 t ω (r) sine 2 ω (r) t
At t = T; light aberration angle in real time is confused for light bending.
With ω T = arc tan (v/c)
Then ψ = visual illusion angle = θ” (θ, T) / [h/ T r² (θ, 0)]
Or, ψ =2 T ω (r) sine 2 ω (r) T
Johann Georg Van Soldner 1801 historical mistake
Is: ψ = [2 arc tan (v/c)] sine [2 arc tan (v/c)]
With (v/c) << 1; 2 arc tan (v/c) ≈ 2 (v/c)
And sine 2 arc tan (v/c) ≈ sine 2 (v/c) ≈ 2 (v/c)
And ψ = [2 arc tan (v/c)] sine [2 arc tan (v/c)]
≈ [2 (v/c)] [2 (v/c)]
Or ψ ≈ 4 (v/c) ² radians
Or, ψ ≈ 4 (v/c) ² x (180/π) degrees
Or, ψ ≈ 4 (v/c) ² x (180/π) x 3600 seconds
With v² = GM/R
Then ψ ≈ 4 GM/R c² x (180/π) x 3600 seconds
Einstein with the help of others rigged eternity to come up with 4 (v/c) ² and
not 2 (v/c) ² to justify experimental illusions or 2[2(v/c) ²]
Page 32
[λ +ỉω ]t
Real time is r = r (0) ℮ (r) (r)
Then scientists added that also (1/3) of energy that we found might have
2/3 missing too.
Fe = - Q q / 4 π ε0 r²
Fm = - GmM/r²; The Unit of [G] = [1/ [(2/5) (4π/3) ρT²] = (15/8π ρT²)
And ρ = air density =1.2045kg/m³; and T = Earth rotation period = 24 x3600
Then G = 6.6747 x 10-11
Fe = - Q q / 4 π ε0 r²
With r = r0 e
And r² = r²0 e
-2 ί ω t
Fe = - [Q q / 4 π ε0 r²0] e
-2 ί ω t
F e = F0 e
Fe = F0 [cosine 2ωt - ί sine 2ωt]
And ∂ U /∂ r = - Fe = Q q / 4 π ε0 r²
And U = [Q q / 4 π ε0 r] = [Q q / 4 π ε0 r0] (cosine 2ωt - ί sine 2ωt)
Page 35
S = r e ỉ ω t or λ (S) = λ (r) e ỉ ω t
Measurements are defined at t = T; ω T = arc tan (v/c)
Δ λ = - λ (r) (v/c) ²]
Δ λ = - λ (r) (v/c) ² /2 Up
Δ λ / λ = - (v/c) ²
Δ υ/υ = 4.93x10-15
There is no gravitational red shift
Page 35
Abstract: Interplanetary time delays around the moving sun derived from
three dimensional time-dependent Newton - Kepler's equations solution
gives a solar round trip time delay rate of:
ΔΓ= 16πGM/c³ [1 + (v°/v)] ² = ΔΓ0 [1 + (v°/v)] ²
ΔΓ0 = 16πGM/c³= 247.597μs
Page 36
ε = [a (planet 1) - a (planet 2)]/ [a (planet 1) + a (planet 2)] =0.2075
Γ0 = 16 πGM/c³= 247.5974607μs=universal constant
ΔΓ = 250μs Mars-Earth.
These data compared to Shapiro's time delay from NASA 1977 Vikings 6, 7
Earth - Mars Telecommunications mission are more accurate because the
actual value is 250μs and the value published by Doctor Irwin Shapiro of
Harvard is 247.597μs
Although this formula works the correct formula is
Δ θ = -4π [(v° + v*)/c] ² Sun-Photon; and with v° ≠ 0
Numerical example: What you have is like this: Assume you have 100
protons each ways 2 grams and total mass is 200. But you did not know
that. You only know that you have 200 grams of radioactive material and
used the Geiger counter because unless you count it you will never know
how much protons you had. At the beginning you can only know the total
mass you lose five protons and you counted 95 protons two grams each
and a loss of 10 grams.
You are saying
I had 200 grams now I have a count of 95 protons two grams each
Then an energy loss of ten grams had happened
10 divided by 95 = 0.105 grams per proton mass loss
So each proton is 2 grams and a loss of energy of 0.105
Then there must be a Neutron that ways 2.105
With t/T = 1/ 726.2390 seconds or little over 1/12 minutes 1979 data
And m (p) = 1836.12 m (e)
The assumption that there is a Neutron inside the nucleus is not only
wrong but silly to say the least.
T = t + [T- t]
T = t [T/t]
T/t = e ; θ = arc tan (v/c) this is the magic sock equation for
T = t e = t [cosine θ + ỉ sine θ]
T = T (x) + ỉ T (y) = t [cosine θ + ỉ sine θ]
Page 39
With (v/c) = 1/n = 1/1.0003 = n = index of refraction of air
Δ Γ = - 2 t sine² {1/2[arc tan (1/1.0003)]}
Δ Γ/t = - 2 sine² {1/2[arc tan (1/1.0003)]}
Δ Γ/t = - 0.292787177
N = N (0) e Δ Γ/t = - 2 sine² {1/2[arc tan (v/c)]}
- 2 sine² {1/2[arc tan (v/c)]}
N = N (0) e
Δ Γ/t = - 0.292787177
N = N (0) e
= - 0.292787177
N = N (0) e
Time dilations tricks are scatter decay experiments. I taught in colleges for few
years and I can explain it and it is called Scatter decay and not time dilations.
In an MIT 1962 video that is sold and distributed around the world two
gentlemen had a bucket with a photo sensor inside it registering flashes
between two elevations at a mountain top and at sea level
This fictitious method of proving the μ - Mesons was continued to give the
μ - Meson a life time. To give this science fiction elementary particles
A Water Tank with 200 liters of water and 40 CdCl2 or a mixture of tri ethyl
* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *
signal 1 captured 25 μ seconds later signal 2 captures
Signal 1 and two differ by a small size captured on oscilloscope screens
Water has a refractive index of 4/3 and try ethyl benzene has a refractive
index of 1.44
There was a time window of 25 micro seconds shots were taken and when a #
1 signal appeared in this 25 micro-seconds window the second window
showed another signal appearing within 0- 5 microseconds
If all the mixture was Tri ethyl benzene because the literature says it is a
mixture and it say it is tri ethyl benzene
Δ T = - 2 x 25 {[sine² arc tan (1/1.44)]/2} = 4.46575 μ s time delays
Page 44
And v* = 14000km/hr = 3.88888888889 km/s; ε = 0
T = 0.5 days and v° = 0.465km/s
GPS time delays are given by this formula per day in seconds of an arc
W" (cal) = (-720x3600/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²]} [(v° +/- v*)/c] ²
Page 45
Chapter four
1 – As Camelopardalis
2 – DI Herculis
3 – V1143 Cygni
4 – V 541 Cygni
5 - AI Hydra
6 - V 731 Cephei
7 - SW Canis Majoris
8 - NV Canis Majoris
9 - GG Orion
10- CM Draconis
11 – PSR 1913 + 16
12 – PSR 0737 – 3039
Location r = r r (1)
Velocity v = r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)
Acceleration γ = (r" - rθ'²) r (1) + (2r'θ' + r θ") θ (1)
F = - GmM/r²
Or, Newton's Kepler's equation: F = - GmM/r²
And d (r²θ')/d t = 0
And r²θ' = h
Page 47
What astronomers saw was not an ellipse but a rotating ellipse like the
ellipse below wth rotating angle ψ
Page 48
Astronomy re - written
Primary → v°(p) ↑ v* (p)↑ v° (p) ↑v* (p)↓ v° (p) ↓ v* (p) ↑ v° (p) ↓V* (p) ↓
Secondary ↓
v°(s) ↑ v* (s)↑ Spin=[↑,↑] [↑,↑][↓,↑] [↓,↑][↑,↑] [↓,↑][↓,↑]
Spin results v°(p) + v°(s) v°(p) + v°(s) - v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) + v*(s) -v*(p) + v*(s) v* (p) + v*(s) -v* (p) + v* (s)
Examples AS CAM
v° (s) ↑v* (s)↓ [↑,↑][↑,↓] [↑,↑][↓,↓] [↓,↑][↑,↓] [↓,↑][↓,↓]
Spin results v°(p) + v°(s) v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) - v*(s) -v*(p) - v*(s) v*(p) - v*(s) -v* (p) - v* (s)
v° (p) ↓ v*(s) ↑ [↑,↓][↑,↑] [↑,↓][↓,↑] [↓,↓][↑,↑] [↓,↓][↓,↑]
Spin results v°(p) - v°(s) v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) + v*(s) -v*(p) + v*(s) v*(p) + v*(s) -v* (p) + v* (s)
Examples AS CAM
v° (s) ↓V*(s) ↓ [↑,↓][↑,↓] [↑,↓][↓,↓] [↓,↓][↑,↓] [↓,↓][↓,↓]
Spin results v°(p) - v°(s) v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) - v*(s) -v*(p) - v*(s) v*(p) - v*(s) -v* (p) - v* (s)
Examples AS CAM
W° (calculated) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1- ε²)]/ (1- ε) ²]} [(v° + v*)/c] ²
degrees/100 years
Spin: v° = 40 + 30=70km/sec
And v* (e) = v* Earth = 29.8 km/sec
And vº (e) = 0.465 km/sec
Then v* + v °= v* (m) + v* (M) + v* (e) + vº (m) + v° (M) + vº (e)
= 110.178 + 145.435 + 70 + 29.8 – 0.465 = 355 m/sec
[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ² = 1.43; T = 3.431days
With v* = 114.85
W° (cal) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} sine² [Inverse tan
= (-720x36526/10.55) (3.33181) (114.85/300,000)²
= 1.22° degrees/ century
Observed: 1.24° degree/century +/- 0.05°
Anyone got this? This is Einstein's and 100,000 relativity education death
Real time physics solution of r (θ, t) = [a (1-ε²)/ (1+ ε cosine θ)] e [λ(r) + ỉ
ω (r)] t
That gave an apsidal rate better than anything said or published in all of
physics of:
W° (Cal) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²]} [(v° + v*)/c] ²
degrees/100 years
The origin of relativity theory stupidity comes from Earth Orbit light
Orbit light aberrations can be found like this
Γ = t (Γ/t)
Γ= t e ỉ θ; Γ/ t = e ỉθ
; θ = arc tan (v/c); Γ= t e ỉθ
Then they later came and used Venus as reference for measuring and used
full cycle because Venus look like a morning star and can be seen better
The common practice of 1/2 period is well established and it makes apsidal
motion double its value:
In 1984 DR Guinan and DR Maloney said it was 0 .65° and now 2010 it is
1.3° and in 2004 they said it is 1.04°.
Martynov in 1979 showed it 1.24° and in 2008 he said it is it is 1.3°
A range of 0.65° to 1.3° is Double
And reported periods of U = 46,700 years Petrova Manual to U = 27692.3
Martynov 2008. Where all of this came from?
Page 53
It all came from this equation and sometimes 1/2 the period
Δ Γ = - 2 x 15 x 365 26 x 23.933333 x 3600 sine ² arc tan [(v - v*)/c] arc
V* (p) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a] = 96.84 km/sec
V* (s) = √ [Gm²/ (m + M) a] = 110.34km/sec
With v = [V* (p) + V* (s)]/2 = [96.84 + 110.34]/2 =103.5887398km/sec
And v + v* = 103.5887398 + 29.8 = 133.3887398
And v - v * = 73.7887398
With 1- v° + v* = 157.51648km/sec - 10 km/sec = 147.51648km/sec
And 2- v° + v* = 157.51648km/sec - 8.5 km/sec = 149.01648km/sec
And 3- v° + v* = 157.51648km/sec - 7 km/sec = 150.51648km/sec
Page 55
1-Geminez and Margrave, 1985
[0.00071°/cycle] = [1 century = 36526days/7.641days] = 3.393987698°/century
Relativity: W° = 0.97°/century
1-ε = 0.77; (1-ε²/4) = 0.986775; [√ (1-ε²)] / (1-ε) ² = 1.6414
G=6.673x10^-11; M (0) = 1.98892x19^30kg; R (0) = 0.696x10^9m
Then a = [R (m) / r (m)] = 19.24062059 x 10 ^ 9 m
W° (observed) = 2.9°0/century
With σ = √ {∑ [v* - v* (cm)] ²/2}
= √ {[88.11 -84.46822]²/2 + [81.11439578 - 84.46822]²/2}
= √ {[3.64178]²/2 + [3.35382422]²/2} = 3.5 km/sec
Then W° (ob) = 2.9°0/century; observed is W° = 2.9°/per century
And Einstein's 100,000 space-timers 6.8° / century
U = 360°/0.2048333818°/year;
U = 1757. 5 years
References: Go to Smithsonian/NASA website SAO/NASA and type:
Absolute dimensions NV CMa; Kaluzny, J; Pych, W; Rucinski, S. M;
Thompson, I.B
Page 60
SW Canis Majoris Binary stars
Primary → v°(p) ↑ v* (p)↑ v° (p) ↑v* (p)↓ v° (p) ↓ v* (p) ↑ v° (p) ↓V* (p) ↓
Secondary ↓
v°(s) ↑ v* (s)↑ Spin=[↑,↑] [↑,↑][↓,↑] [↓,↑][↑,↑] [↓,↑][↓,↑]
Spin results v°(p) + v°(s) v°(p) + v°(s) - v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) + v*(s) -v*(p) + v*(s) v* (p) + v*(s) -v* (p) + v* (s)
Examples Sw Canis Majoris
v° (s) ↑v* (s)↓ [↑,↑][↑,↓] [↑,↑][↓,↓] [↓,↑][↑,↓] [↓,↑][↓,↓]
Spin results v°(p) + v°(s) v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) - v*(s) -v*(p) - v*(s) v*(p) - v*(s) -v* (p) - v* (s)
v° (p) ↓ v*(s) ↑ [↑,↓][↑,↑] [↑,↓][↓,↑] [↓,↓][↑,↑] [↓,↓][↓,↑]
Spin results v°(p) - v°(s) v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) + v*(s) -v*(p) + v*(s) v*(p) + v*(s) -v* (p) + v* (s)
v° (s) ↓V*(s) ↓ [↑,↓][↑,↓] [↑,↓][↓,↓] [↓,↓][↑,↓] [↓,↓][↓,↓]
Spin results v°(p) - v°(s) v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) - v*(s) -v*(p) - v*(s) v*(p) - v*(s) -v* (p) - v* (s)
Examples SW Canis majoris
SW CMa apsidal motion solution:
Data: T=10.09 days; r (m) = 0.0942; m = 2.22 M (0); R (m) = 3.01R (0); ε =
And r (M) = N/A M = 2.03 M (0) R (M) =2.46 R (0); m + M = 4.25 M (0)
And [v° (m), v° (M)] = [30+/-2, 27+/-3]
K (1) = 80.5; K (2) = 87.8
And, v* + v° = 218.7574713km/sec
Apsidal motion is given by this formula:
W° (ob) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²]} [(v° + v*)/c] ²
degrees/100 years
Primary → v°(p) ↑ v* (p)↑ v° (p) ↑v* (p)↓ v° (p) ↓ v* (p) ↑ v° (p) ↓V* (p) ↓
Secondary ↓
v°(s) ↑ v* (s)↑ Spin=[↑,↑][↑,↑]=orbit [↑,↑][↓,↑] [↓,↑][↑,↑] [↓,↑][↓,↑]
Spin results v°(p) + v°(s) v°(p) + v°(s) - v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) + v*(s) -v*(p) + v*(s) v* (p) + v*(s) -v* (p) + v* (s)
Examples GG Orion
v° (s) ↑v* (s)↓ [↑,↑][↑,↓] [↑,↑][↓,↓] [↓,↑][↑,↓] [↓,↑][↓,↓]
Spin results v°(p) + v°(s) v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) - v*(s) -v*(p) - v*(s) v*(p) - v*(s) -v* (p) - v* (s)
v° (p) ↓ v*(s) ↑ [↑,↓][↑,↑] [↑,↓][↓,↑] [↓,↓][↑,↑] [↓,↓][↓,↑]
Spin results v°(p) - v°(s) v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) + v*(s) -v*(p) + v*(s) v*(p) + v*(s) -v* (p) + v* (s)
v° (s) ↓V*(s) ↓ [↑,↓][↑,↓] [↑,↓][↓,↓] [↓,↓][↑,↓] [↓,↓][↓,↓]
Spin results v°(p) - v°(s) v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) - v*(s) -v*(p) - v*(s) v*(p) - v*(s) -v* (p) - v* (s)
Examples GG Orion
Page 62
Data: T=6.6314948; m = 2.342 M (0); M = 0.2338 M (0); R (1) = 1.852 R (0);
R (2) =1.830
ε = 0.2218; 1 - ε = 0.7782; r (1) = 0.0746; r (2) =.988 r (1); m + M = 4.68
M (0)
And [v° (p); v° (s)] = [16 +/- 1; 16 +/- 1]; [v° (p); v° (s)] = [25 +/- 3;
24 +/- 3];
U = 10700 +/- 4500 years
(1-ε²/4) = 0.9877; [√ (1-ε²)] / (1-ε) ² = 1.57
G=6.673x10^-11; M (0) = 1.98892x19^30kg; R (0) = 0.696x10^9m
With v* (p) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 95.6 km/sec
And v* (s) = √ [Gm²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 95.735 km/sec
U [years] = 360/[0.0345°/year]
With v* (p) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 72.436 km/sec
And v* (s) = √ [Gm²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 78.153 km/sec
U [years] = 360/[0.06731598944°/year]
U (observed) = 5400+/-3200years
Einstein's and space-timers U = 360/ [0.00191x365.26] = 516 years
Can it get any better?
It is not just about dumping relativity it is dumping relativity and Alfred
Nobel institution with it.